#mira the star-bearer
yugiohcardsdaily · 7 months
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Mira the Star-Bearer
"3 Level 1 monsters If this face-up card would be destroyed, you can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card instead. Level 4 or lower monsters you control cannot be destroyed by card effects."
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4aceclover · 3 months
We will stand together
Shadow house fanfiction
Rum pov
I woke up to the bell ringing apparently there was a special announcement that was going on for the living dolls and shadows so everyone had to wake up a bit earlier than expected but rather than leaving at the posting normally do and I mistress asked me to leave with her by this point I knew she didn't like talking to other people and so I was given permission to speak for her if she still couldn't
"everyone you need to listen up, a mysterious figure was spotted roaming the Halls last night if any of you know what this matters about report to the star bearers immediately" mistress Barbara proclaimed was shocked, I got nervous and clung to my Mistresses arm I can tell the way she held on to me that she was a little worried
as all the shadows were leaving Barbie told the living dolls to stay so we can get cleaning and as everyone was cleaning up I overheard something I probably shouldn't have
"hey Miss Sunshine you wouldn't happen to know about this new incident would you"
*Sunshine… wait she's talking to Emilico*
"If I find out you're a part of this new problem it will not end well" Barbie told her before walking away to go join the other star bearers
Emilico looks nervous as she walked my direction I tried to get away only to bump into one of the Bell twins… the one who's supposed to be mistress Isabel's twin sister
"what do you think you're doing you're supposed to be helping me clean come on" she said quite rudely and she tried to drag me back to our team
"sorry Isa" I said under my breath Emilico heard me and so did she
"what did you say" she once again said but this time pretty loudly as everyone looked closer at me I was getting nervous
"Isa it's a nickname short for Isabel right that's your mistress isn't she" Emilico said standing up for me
"my name is Belle and besides how can you tell which one of us is our Mistresses doll" she said as her other twin came over to her and that's when I noticed a difference
"well you two might be twins but it's the older one who stands up for the younger one right, the younger ones always clinging on to the other one, plus the way you guys look at us… Isa looks at us with a lot of disdain kind of cold while, Mira tends to look at us with more gentle distracted eyes" I described using rummy to speak like I normally do and everyone looked at me surprised
"you can identify as by just the way we're looking at you"
"yeah I mean I remember that you both look at us differently you act cold but you're nice at least that's what I hope" I said before anyone can make more commotion Emilico grab my hand and drag me over to her team
"are you okay we heard everything" another living doll called out to us Rosemary
"I'm okay how about you Rum"
I wanted to answer but I was too nervous after all that commotion so I just stood behind her telling her how I felt
"she said she's okay she's just nervous"
"honestly that's really cute that you're willing to speak for her Emilico" Lou said as she looked at us with such kind eyes
"well yes it is cute you still need to learn to be more confident and speak out loud more after all you're mistress doesn't talk all that much correct if you're going to be her face and her voice you need to speak up if she doesn't talk that much that's fine but if there's a time where you know she needs to be confident then be confident otherwise you're not doing your job correctly" Mia said with a kind of stern cold voice honestly she's a little scary
"I'll try my best to be honest I wish I was a little more like you and Sarah you too are able to mimic each other so well" I said looking down as I tried to help with cleaning my own team didn't even try to come back for me after all
"yeah but you're good too Rum you might not mimic mistress Shirley but you mirror her or more accurately she mirrors you right" Emilico said with the same smile on her face as she tried to encourage me
"that's true no other Shadow master living doll pair does that it might help you stand out a little more" Lou said that she was helping me rearrange the books
"even mistress MaryRose thinks that's impressive and we support you no matter what rum" Rosemary said smiling the only one who didn't seem like they were having a good time was mia
"mirroring each other is fine but please be careful when it comes to the rules I don't want the star bearers hurting you like they did before, you're lucky they're allowing you to speak for your mistress but maybe you should talk to her about this mirroring thing that's already bad that you two are breaking the rules by switching accessories" she told me still sounding a little annoyed
"but to be honest I'd much prefer to have you on our team than you being stuck with the Bell twins" she said that she gave me a head Pat smiling being so kind to me
We continued chatting while we were cleaning and I noticed someone was watching us but I couldn't figure out who it was. Soon we were done with cleaning and I decided to go back to my room a bit early only to run into someone
"oh rum are you okay after everything that happened with the Bell twins" I recognize that voice it was Shawn
"yeah I'm fine… just a little nervous after everything that happened I can only imagine how angry Barbie must be" I said looking down scared
"don't worry about her if she says anything I'll protect you" he said was such a confident smile that I am envied a little
"thank you, tell Ricky I said hi" I said as I walked away smiling
I finally made it back to my room and collapsed into bed I was flustered out of my mind from everything that happened it was only when I removed my hands they notice a black bow tied around my finger
"what the mistress Shirley is that you" I asked as I looked at the bow and she retransformed mind you she wasn't wearing her normal clothes but she didn't seem to care
"you have some good friends I'm so happy I got to see them and hear what you thought of them with my own heart" she said giggling as she brought me up to her room
ever since the debut I learned what her real personality was like, she's very lively and mischievous one of the ways she shows this mischievousness is by pretending to be just as shy as me that way I'm the one speaking for her it's one of her ways of breaking the rules of the shadows house without making it obvious
"I got to say Shirley you're the best living doll I've ever had" she said that she spun me around hugging me using my real name
"mistress I know that's my name at least the name I had before entering the house but you can't call me that outside our rooms" I said worried ever since she broke my brainwashing she's been treating me more like an actual person than a doll and I'm fine with that but I know it will cause trouble
"I know I know but maybe we should start focusing on something really important like my name if we ever managed to get out of here I'm going to meet my own name right something that's similar to yours but it's my own identity" she said walking across the room her spewing out of her like crazy
"careful you're making more so than what the house thinks you're making" I warned her pointing up to her ceiling
"oops you're right my bad" she said smiling well I think she was smiling her tone definitely sounded gitty
She continued to just be a source of energy she was just as silly as emilico she was just having a lot of fun spinning practicing dancing helping me clean and making sure all of her soot has put in a special bag that no one besides myself could get access to
"you're so shy and timid yet you're so cute that's the personality I need to adopt when we're outside my room" she said switching from one topic to another she really likes to talk but at the same time doesn't like to talk to strangers
"I was thinking about something" I tried to get her attention back on focus
"about the whole mirroring thing about how we should mirror each other instead of acting like a shadow and an actual living doll right" she said finishing my sentence
I smiled at her knowing that she knew what I was going to say
Her soot power not only allows her to communicate with me through our hearts but for her to read my mind and hear things that I can hear she can see anything I see and hear anything I heard I really did act like her face because of this power and when she uses it on me my hand goes completely black allowing me to do essentially everything she can as a shadow
"do you think it's a good idea" I asked nervously has she pats my head and holds me close
"it was an idea that came from your dear friend Emilico right, I say let's give it a try" she said was such a gentle tone is she cupped my cheek I noticed that whenever she touches my face no soot ever comes off her fingers which is interesting considering everything else another Shadow touches they expel soot so it's weird that she doesn't do that
"Let's do our best" she said as she looked at me I still couldn't figure out how she felt so all I could do a smile as I agreed we swapped our bows right before we reached for the door handle and all I could think about was how to make her smile
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Afterwards we finally left our room and we met up with rosemary and Mary Rose they went on and on about how a shadow needs to develop a hobby to improve their life and just based off of my mistress was saying in her head she was not keen on this
*man they're trying to force us to do more stuff by developing a stupid hobby whatever* she said as I acted the way she did because of how shy she acted we grabbed on to Emily Co and Kate's hands whatever hand didn't have our bow on our finger we grabbed with and we would always talk with the finger that had our bow tied to it something she picked up after watching me talk with my finger
"Shirley wishes to know if we have our own independent hobbies can we teach them to the other children" I said it loud speaking in third person to let them know that this is what my mistress was thinking when in reality I was actually thinking it
"I'm not sure no one's ever asked a question like that"
"No one's ever proposed an idea like that"
Sarah and Mary Rose said at the same time
They decided to ask the star bearers later and for now me and Ricky I mean Patrick were allowed to go developing our hobbies because the other three members of our class had a special lesson with Susanna
*now that's something I'm curious about what's the special lesson maybe Emilico can tell us later for now let's see what these silly hobbies have in store*
"if I remember correctly there's the library, the music room the conservatory in the dance room how about we go to the conservatory first" I said kind of excited to see other types of flowers
*that's my darling Rum, you and that amazing memory of yours* she said with a kind of teasing tone in her head
We saw that Patrick had also gone there and I couldn't hold back how excited I was to see so many pretty flowers
"you're right Patrick these do smell quite lovely" I said out loud speaking my own thoughts
"you two like flowers" a shy voice came from the shadows as I turned to her I realized I knew her
"I know you, you're Maggie you're part of Shirley's team" I said once again speaking in third person as mistress Shirley mirrored exactly what I was doing
"yes that's true Margaret is a part of Shirley's team. Shirley's and Patrick's living dolls is honestly so lucky your friends with Kate's doll right" she said looking at us was such a tender face
"we are but why would Margaret say we're lucky" Patrick piped up Ricky doing exactly what his master was doing
"because Margaret was thinking you are on the same Tina as John and Shirley's living doll because of how close you are with Kate's living doll might get transferred over to her team to be honest those twins have such cruel hearts I hope they just disappear" Margaret said with a coldness to her voice
Mistress noticed how nervous I was getting, I felt her squeeze my hand a bit tighter
"what kind of flowers can we grow here" I asked still quite curious
"I heard that children who like flowers grow up with pure hearts" I heard Margaret say under her breath and she guided us to a place where shadows can grow flowers
"thank you but I want you to know rum is the one who likes flowers I'm interested but not in the same way she is so please if anyone's going to grow any flowers here it'll be her please teach her well Margaret" I said out loud without even realizing it
"was that you talking or surely" Patrick asked me only for my mistress to put up her finger with the blue bow showing how even though she was the one thinking it she wanted to let them know that I wanted this not her but she didn't want to come off as mean so she said it in a way that I would say it
"oh I didn't know living dolls could enjoy things like this that makes Margaret happy please teach your mistress all you know and I'll help you myself" Margaret said and she kept my hands and I could tell just by the way Maggie's reacting that she's happy
"Patrick agrees let's work together to grow beautiful flowers" he said smiling at us
Just before we walked away Margaret handed us a gift
"the flowers you both liked were peonies and Margaret noticed that surely was also looking at lavender so please take them the peonies Margaret grew them herself" she said so shyly we thanked her and left walking with Patrick before Mr Shirley stopped me
*Rum, please look at me* I heard her say but the somber tone in her voice
*please don't push yourself too hard I know you're doing this because we have to follow the rules without making it obvious we're breaking them as much as we can but if you want these hobbies you can have them please just tell me I don't want you to think that I'm using you as my living doll you're my best friend and I don't want to hurt you okay* she said in her head and I could sense that she was a little sad
And that's when I realized the doting dressing me up in her clothes breaking my brainwashing it's not just because she knows that I'm human but because she genuinely wants me to live a good life here even if it's as a living doll
I couldn't say anything back all I could do was smile as we continue to walk but she knew what I was thinking
*I'll try as long as you promise me to tell me when you're tired and you don't want to do something I'm always going to be here for you, you're like the pretty lily flowers that I saw in the garden with Emilico during the debut* those were my truthful thoughts
As we continue to walk an image in my head appeared as I realized it was the first time I finally figured out how my mistress was feeling this whole time she had been smiling for me but it wasn't her smile
But this time it was for the first time ever I saw her smile
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A smile that made me realize that no matter what happens in our lives she'll stand by me we'll stand together or a great pair but we're more than that we're a team and no one's going to break us apart
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rosenongrata · 4 months
Behind the Stars – The Great Rift
⋯ ✩ A/N: This will probably be updated periodically as I work on them and their universe over time. If you ever have any questions, feel free to drop them in my inbox! Note: This alphabetical list encompasses characters from both Starfield and Liberation. These stories, while in the same universe, take place in different periods.
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🌌 — Via Lactea – "Ama-gi; the All-Mother" (Milky Way) 🌌 — Andromeda – "Medea" (Messier 31)
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💫 — Andromeda – "Andy" – The Chained Maiden 💫 — Antlia – "Lia" – Air Pump 💫 — Apus – Bird of Paradise 💫 — Aquarius – "Aqua" – Water-Bearer 💫 — Aquila – Eagle 💫 — Ara – Altar 💫 — Aries – "Ari" – Ram 💫 — Auriga – Charioteer 💫 — Boötes – "Tess" – Herdsman 💫 — Caelum – "Cae" – Chisel 💫 — Camelopardalis – "Cam" – Giraffe 💫 — Cancer – "Ann" – Crab 💫 — Canes Venatici – "Cane" – Hunting Dogs 💫 — Canis Major – "Cani" – Greater Dog 💫 — Canis Minor – "Can" – Lesser Dog 💫 — Capricornus – "Cap" – Sea-Goat 💫 — Carina – Ship Keel (also a part of Argo Navis) 💫 — Cassiopeia – "Cassie" – The Seated Queen 💫 — Centaurus – "Cen" – Centaur 💫 — Cepheus – "Ceph" – The King 💫 — Cetus – Sea Monster/Whale 💫 — Chamaeleon – "Leon" – Chameleon 💫 — Circinus – "Cici" – Technical Compasses 💫 — Columba – Dove 💫 — Coma Berenices – "Berenices" – Berenice's Hair 💫 — Corona Australis – "Aussie" – Southern Crown 💫 — Corona Borealis – "Borea" – Northern Crown 💫 — Corvus – Crow 💫 — Crater – Cup 💫 — Crux – Southern Cross 💫 — Cygnus – "Cyg" – Swan (also the Northern Cross) 💫 — Delphinus – "Dede" – Dolphin 💫 — Dorado – Dolphinfish 💫 — Draco – Dragon 💫 — Equuleus – "Equi" – Pony 💫 — Eridanus – River of Eridanus 💫 — Fornax – Chemical Furnace 💫 — Gemini – The Twins 💫 — Grus – Crane 💫 — Hercules – Heracles from Greek Myth 💫 — Horologium – Pendulum Clock 💫 — Hydra – Sea Serpent 💫 — Hydrus – Lesser Water Snake 💫 — Indus – "Indy" – The Indigenous* 💫 — Lacerta – Lizard 💫 — Leo – Lion 💫 — Leo Minor – "Lee" – Lesser Lion 💫 — Lepus – "Lep" – Hare 💫 — Libra – Balancing Scales 💫 — Lupus – Wolf 💫 — Lynx – Lynx 💫 — Lyra – Lyre/Harp 💫 — Mensa – Table Mountain 💫 — Microscopium – "Micky" – Microscope 💫 — Monoceros – "Ceros" – Unicorn 💫 — Musca – Fly 💫 — Norma – Spirit Level 💫 — Octans – Octant 💫 — Ophiuchus – "Ophi" – Serpent-Bearer 💫 — Orion – Orion from Greek Myth 💫 — Pavo – Peacock 💫 — Pegasus – Pegasus 💫 — Perseus – Perseus from Greek Myth 💫 — Phoenix – Phoenix 💫 — Pictor – Easel 💫 — Pisces – Fishes 💫 — Piscis Austrinus – "Pisci" – Southern Fish 💫 — Puppis – Ship Stern Deck (also a part of Argo Navis) 💫 — Pyxis – "Pyx" – Mariner's Compass 💫 — Reticulum – "Ret" – Eyepiece Graticule 💫 — Sagitta – Arrow 💫 — Sagittarius – "Sag/Saj" – Archer 💫 — Scorpius – "Scorpio" – Scorpion 💫 — Sculptor – "Scully" – Sculptor 💫 — Scutum – Shield 💫 — Serpens – Snake 💫 — Sextans – Sextant 💫 — Taurus – Bull 💫 — Telescopium – "Tele" – Telescope 💫 — Triangulum – "Tria" – Triangle 💫 — Triangulum Australe – "Trin" – Southern Triangle 💫 — Tucana – Toucan 💫 — Ursa Major – "Ursa" – Greater Bear 💫 — Ursa Minor – "Cub" – Lesser Bear 💫 — Vela – Ship Sails (also a part of Argo Navis) 💫 — Virgo – The Maiden 💫 — Volans – Flying Fish 💫 — Vulpecula – "Vixen" – Fox
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✨ — Beta Andromedae – "Mirach" ✨ — Delta Antliae – "Delt" ✨ — BPS CS22892-0052 Aquarii – "Sneden" (a part of The Elysians) ✨ — Theta Aurigae – "Mahasim" ✨ — Alpha Canis Majoris – "Sirius" ✨ — Alpha Cassiopeiae – "Schedar; Daria" ✨ — Gamma Cassiopeiae – "Navi; Tsih" ✨ — Alpha Centauri – "Rigil Kentaurus" ✨ — Beta Centauri – "Hadar" (goes by Malachy in other worlds) ✨ — BPM 37093 / V886 Centauri – "Lucy" ✨ — Centaurus X-3 / Krzeminski Centauri – "Krze" ✨ — Alpha Cephei – "Alderamin" ✨ — BPS CS31082-0001 Ceti – "Cayrel" (a part of The Elysians) ✨ — Omicron Ceti – "Mira(e)" ✨ — Alpha Corvi – "Alchiba" ✨ — Gamma Corvi – "Gienah; Dextra" ✨ — Epsilon Cygni – "Gienah" ✨ — ZTF J203349.8+322901.1 Cygni – "Janus" ✨ — Alpha Delphini – "Sualocin" ✨ — Zeta Delphini A – "Zeke" ✨ — Zeta Delphini B – "Delphi" ✨ — Alpha Draconis – "Thuban" ✨ — Beta Draconis – "Rastaban" ✨ — Gamma Draconis – "Eltanin" ✨ — Alpha Hydrae – "Alphard" ✨ — Gliese-Jahreiß "431931" – "GJ" ✨ — Alpha Leporis – "Arneb" ✨ — Beta Leporis – "Nihal" ✨ — HD 140283 Librae– "Methuselah" (also known as The Progenitor; a part of The Elysians) ✨ — Eta Ophiuchi – "Sabik" ✨ — Gamma Orionis – "Bellatrix" ✨ — Lambda Orionis – "Meissa" ✨ — V1005 Orionis – "Vee"
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💫 — Ashlesha – "Ash" – Naga 💫 — Baihu – White Tiger 💫 — False Cross – "Eris" 💫 — Diamond Cross – "Dia"
0 notes
magpiejay1234 · 6 months
Here's the very, very long list of ZEXAL animé related Xyz Monsters with Xyz related effects that have the pre-ARC-V card text format:
Submersible Carrier Aero Shark
Mira the Star-Bearer
Shining Elf
Black Ray Lancer
Baby Tiragon
Digvorzhak, King of Heavy Industry
Tin Archduke
Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon
Photon Strike Bounzer
Photon Papilloperative
Melomelody the Brass Djinn
Muzurhythm the String Djinn
Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
Temptempo the Percussion Djinn
Chronomaly Crystal Chrononaut
Superdimensional Robot Galaxy Destroyer
One-Eyed Skill Gainer
Heroic Champion - Gandiva
Heroic Champion - Kusanagi
ZW - Leo Arms
CXyz Dark Fairy Cheer Girl
Gauntlet Launcher
Fairy Cheer Girl
Ice Beast Zerofyne
Shark Caesar
Googly-Eyes Drum Dragon
Starliege Lord Galaxion
Ice Princess Zereort
Battlin' Boxer Cheat Commissioner
CXyz Mechquipped Djinn Angeneral
CXyz Battleship Cherry Blosssom
CXyz Comics Hero Legend Arthur
CXyz Skypalace Babylon
CXyz Coach Lord Ultimatrainer
CXyz Simon the Great Moral Leader
Mechquipped Angineer
Unformed Void
Comics Hero King Arthur
Night Papilloperative
Norito the Moral Leader
Photon Alexandra Queen
Battlecruiser Dianthus
Gorgonic Guardian
Manga related:
Zubaba General
Honourable mentions:
Lavalval Ignis
Constellar Hyades
Constellar Omega
Queen Dragon Djinn
Harpie's Pet Phantasmal Dragon
Giant Soldier of Steel
Infernal Flame Vixen
Cairngorgon, Antiluminescent Knight
Most of these will be reprinted eventually, but I won't update this list, it is already too long. This is just to give people an idea.
I also won't go over the ones without Xyz related effects, because they are not urgent.
0 notes
leafvy · 4 years
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𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
here’s a list of short names to coincide with my long names list :)
[ disclaimer: my sincere apologies if there are any spelling/meaning/origin mistakes in any of my name lists, i am by no means a professional in this area, i just like creating lists to help aid storytellers. i do try my best to find each name’s corresponding origin/meaning/spelling but i am a human who is prone to make the odd mistake. p.s, i take requests! ]
Ada - German - First born female
Ali - Arabic - High, elevated, champion
Amy - French/Latin - Beloved
Anne - Latin/Hebrew - Favour, grace
Aria - Hebrew/Italian - Air, song, melody
Aura - Latin/Greek - Wind
Ava - Latin - Bird-like
Aya - German/Japanese/Hebrew - Sword, colourful, beautiful, bird
Ayn - Hebrew/Finnish/Russian - God has favoured me, grace, eye
Bay - English/French - Auburn-haired
Bea - Latin - Bringer of happiness
Beau - French - Beautiful, handsome
Belle - French - Beautiful
Bia - Latin/Italian - White, fair
Bindi - Noongar - Butterfly
Blair - Scottish - Plain, meadow, field
Blanche - French - White
Blythe - English - Joyous, kind, cheerful
Bree - Irish - Exalted one, strength
Briar - English - Bush of wild roses
Brook - English - Small stream
Bryn - Welsh - Hill
Buffy - Hebrew - Diminutive of Elizabeth, my god is an oath
Cara - Latin - Dear friend
Chloe - Greek - Blooming, fertility
Cia - Greek/Hebrew - Light,
Clair - French - Bright, clear
Coco - Portuguese/Spanish - Diminutive of Socorro, help, relief
Cora - Greek - Maiden, girl, daughter
Cove - English - Small coastal inlet
Dara - Hebrew/Irish - Pearl of wisdom, gift, compassion
Dawn - English - Sunrise
Doe - English - Female deer
Dot - Greek - Diminutive of Dorothy, gift of god
Dove - English - A bird
Eden - Hebrew - Delight
Edie - English - Prosperous in war
Ella - Greek/Norman/Hebrew/German/Spanish - Beautiful, fairy maiden, goddess
Elle - French - She
Elm - English - Elm tree
Elsa - Scandinavian - Joyful, Noble, god is my oath
Emi - Japanese - Blessed, favour, beautiful
Emma - Germanic - Whole, universal
Erin - Irish - Peace, from the island to the west
Esmé - French/Persian - Esteemed, beloved, emerald
Etta - Latin - Of noble birth
Eva - Hebrew - Giver of life
Eve - Hebrew - Giver of life
Faith - Latin - Confidence, trust, belief
Faye - French - Fairy
Fern - English - Green shade-loving plant
Fiona - Gaelic/Scottish - White, fair
Fleur - French - Flower
Flo - Latin - Flowering, flourishing
Gia - Italian - God’s gracious gift
Grace - Latin - Gracious
Greta - Greek/German/Persian - Pearl
Gwen - Welsh - White, holy
Hope - English - Desire of fulfillment
Ida - Scandinavian - Labour, work
Isla - Scottish/Gaelic/Spanish - Island
Ivy - English - Fidelity
Jade - Spanish - Stone of the colic, precious gemstone
Jae - Korean - Ability, talent
Jane - English - God is gracious
Jessie - Hebrew - He sees
Jill - Latin/English - Child of the God’s, youthful
Joan - Hebrew - God is gracious
Joy - English - Happiness, joyful
June - Latin - Born in June
Juno - Latin - Queen of heaven
Kai - Hawaiian/Japanese - Sea, ocean, shell, restoration, recovery
Kat - English/Greek - Clean, pure
Kate - English/Latin/Greek - Clean, pure
Kim - English/Korean/Chinese/Vietnamese - Gift of God, gold
Kira - Russian/Japanese/Persian/Greek - Mistress, ruler, leader of the people, beloved, light
Kyla - Hebrew/English/Scottish - Narrow channel
Lacy - English/Latin/French - Lace, cheerful, unbridled
Lake - English - Body of water
Lana - Slavic/Gaelic - Little rock, light
Lark - English - Songbird
Lea - Hebrew/English - Delicate, weary, meadow
Leda - Greek - Woman
Leigh - English - Delicate, meadow
Lia - Greek - Bearer of good news
Lily - English/Latin/Greek - Pure, passion, flower
Lisa - Hebrew - God’s promise
Liv - Norse - Shelter, protection, life
Lois - Greek - Superior
Lucy - English/Latin - Light
Lula - German/English - Famous warrior
Luna - Italian/Spanish/Latin - Moon
Lux - Latin - Light
Luz - Portuguese/Spanish - Light
Lyla - Arabic - Night
Mae - French/Latin - Month of May
Maeve - Irish/Gaelic - Intoxicating
Mara - Hebrew - Bitter, strength
Mary - Aramaic/Latin/Hebrew/Greek - Bitter, beloved, rebellious, marine, drop of the sea
Maude - German/French/Hebrew - Powerful battler
May - English - Month of May
Meg - Greek - Pearl
Mia - Scandinavian - Of the sea, bitter
Mila - Slavic - Gracious, dear
Mina - German - Love
Mira - Latin/Slavic - Wonder, wonderful, peace
Moon - English - The moon
Mya - Greek/Arabic/German/Persian - Sea of bitterness
Nelly - Greek - Light
Nia - Gaelic/Swahili - Lustrous, goal, purpose, resolve, brilliance
Nina - Spanish/Hebrew/Russian/Babylonian - Enclosure of fish, little girl
Noa - Hebrew - Motion
Nora - Irish/Latin/Arabic - Honour, light
Nova - Latin - New
Nya - Swahili/Gaelic - Purpose
Opal - Sanskrit - Gem
Ora - Latin - Pray
Paige - Latin/Greek - Assistant
Paris - Latin/Greek - Pouch, wallet
Pearl - Latin/English - Smooth round bead formed by a mollusk
Pia - Latin - Pious, reverent
Pixie - Celtic/Swedish/Cornish - Fairy
Quinn - Irish/Gaelic - Counsel
Rae - Hebrew - Ewe, female sheep
Rain - English - Rain
Reese - Welsh - Ardent, fiery
Remi - French - Oarsman
Ren - Japanese - Water lily, lotus
Rita - Spanish - Pearl
Rose - Latin - Flower
Ruby - Latin - Red gemstone
Rue - English/Greek - Regret, herb
Ruth - Hebrew - Friend
Sadie - Hebrew - Princess
Sage - Latin - Wise
Shae - Gaelic/Irish - Admirable, full of majesty
Sky - Norse - Cloud, scholar
Sloan - Irish/Gaelic - Warrior
Sue - Hebrew - Lily
Suzy - Hebrew - Lily
Tara - Sanskrit - Star
Tate - English/Norse - Cheerful
Taya - Japanese - Young
Tess - English/Greek - To harvest, to reap
Teva - Hebrew - Nature
Thea - Greek - Goddess
Tia - Spanish - Aunt
Uma - Hebrew/Sanskrit - Nation
Una - Irish - The personification of truth, beauty and unity
Velma - German - Determined protector
Vera - Slavic - Faith
Wren - English - Small bird
Zara - Arabic - Radiance
Zelda - German - Grey fighting maid
Zia - Arabic - Light
Zoe - Greek - Life
Zuri - Swahili - Beautiful
Ace - Latin - One; unity
Amir - Arabic/Persian/Hebrew - Prince, chief, immortal
Araz - Arabic - Provisions, commodities
Arik - Norse - Eternal ruler
Arlo - English - Fortified hill
Arris - Greek -Best
Asa - Hebrew/Japanese - Healer, physician, born in the morning
Ash - English - Ash tree
Atlas - Greek - To carry
Axel - Hebrew - Father is peace
Bane - Slavic - Glorious defender
Bear - French/German - As strong and brave as a Bear
Beau - French - Beautiful
Beck - Norse - Small stream
Blaire - Scottish/Gaelic - Plain, field
Blake - English - Fair-haired, dark
Bodhi - Sanskrit - Awakening, enlightenment
Bolt - English - Bar, arrow
Bran - Scottish/Irish/Gaelic - Bramble, thicket of wild gorse
Brock - English/Celtic - Badger-like
Brody - Scottish - Broad eye, broad island
Bron - English - Son of a dark man
Buck - English - Male deer
Cade - English - Round, barrel
Cain - Hebrew - Something produced, spear
Cash - English/Latin - Hollow
Chase - English/French - To catch, to seize, hunter, huntsman
Clark - English - Scribe, secretary
Cody - English - Helpful, pillow
Cole - English - Swarthy, coal-black, charcoal
Colt - English - Young horse
Crew - Latin - Chariot
Dane - English - From Denmark
Dax - French - Leader
Dean - English - Valley
Drake - English - Dragon, snake
Duke - English - Leader, son of Marmaduke
Eden - Hebrew - Place of pleasure, delight
Eli - Hebrew - Ascent
Evan - Welsh - Youth, young warrior
Ezra - Hebrew - Help, helper
Felix - Latin - Happy, lucky
Fig - English - Fruit
Finn - Norse/Irish - Finn, Sámi, white, fair
Fox - English - Cunning, sly
Gage - French - One who is defiant
Gale - English/Greek - Jovial, tranquil
Grant - English/Gaelic - Tall, big
Grey - English - Grey-haired
Guy - French - Guide, leader
Heath - English - Someone who lives by a moor or heath
Hugh - English/French/Germanic - Mind, spirit
Ian - Scottish - The Lord is gracious
Ike -Hebrew - Laughter
Iker - Basque - Visitation
Jack - English - God is gracious, supplanter
Jax - English - God is gracious
Jay - Latin - Bird in the crow family
Jeb - Hebrew - Beloved friend
Jed - Hebrew - Beloved of God
Jet -English - Black, airplane
Jody - English/Hebrew - Jehovah increases
Jon - Hebrew - God is gracious
Joss - German - One of the Goths
Jovi - Latin - Father of the sky
Judd - English - To flow down
Jude - Greek - Praised
Kade - Scottish - From the wetlands
Kai - Hawaiian/Japanese - Sea, ocean, shell, restoration, recovery
Kiam - Unknown - Unknown
King - English - Monarch
Kit - Greek - Bearing Christ
Knox - Scottish/English - Hillock, round-topped hill
Koa - Hawaiian - Warrior, brave one
Kye - Welsh/Scandinavian/Gaelic/Greek - Keeper of the keys, earth, narrow, straight
Kylo - Latin - Sky
Lane - English - Small roadway or path
Lars - Latin/Scandinavian - From Laurentum, crowned with laurel
Leif - Scandinavian - Heir, descendent, beloved
Leo - Latin/Greek - Lion
Leon - Latin/Greek/French - Lion, son of a Lion
Levi - Hebrew - Joining, attached
Luka - Italy/Slavic - A person from Lucania
Luke - Latin - The bright one, the one born at dawn
Max - Latin - The greatest
Milo - German - Soldier, merciful
Nash - English - By the ash tree
Neo - Latin - New, gift
Nico - Greek - People of victory
Noah - Hebrew - To comfort
Oak - English - Oak tree
Otis - German/English - Wealth, son of Otto
Pax - Latin - Peaceful
Piet - Dutch - Rock
Pike - English - A person who lives on a sharp hill
Poe - English - Peacock
Quana - Native American - Aromatic
Ray - English/German - Counsel, mighty protection, guards wisely
Reed - English - Red-haired
Remi - French - Oarsman
Ren - Japanese - Water lily, lotus
Rhett - English/Dutch - Advice
Roan - Gaelic - Little red-head
Rory - Irish - Red-haired King
Ross - Gaelic - Promontory, headland
Roth - English/German - Red, wood, renown
Roy - Gaelic - Red
Rudy - German - Famous Wolf
Ryan - Irish - Little King, illustrious
Saint - English - Holy person
Saul - Hebrew - Ask, question
Sid - French/English - Wide meadow
Slade - English - Valley
Tate - Norse - Cheerful
Teo - Spanish - God
Tim - English - One who honours God
Toby - English - God is good
Torin - Gaelic - Chief
Troy - Irish - Descendent of a foot-soldier
Tye - English - Someone who lived near a pasture
West - English - Western stream
Wolf - German - Travelling Wolf
Zane - Hebrew - God is gracious
Zeke - Hebrew - God strengthens
Zen - Japanese - Peace
Zev - Hebrew - Wolf
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hauntedziosportrait · 3 years
The Relativity and Connections between Jamaasian Lore and Mirabai
WARNING! ⚠️ Very religious themes. I apologise if I have any incorrect or outdated information, it's very risky writing about something surrounding a certain religion when in fact.. I'm an atheist.
The lore of Jamaa has always been a really tricky and fairly eerie topic to cover. It has themes from all sorts of different cultures and despite the main tale being retold, changed and edited one thousand times, the information we receive is clear about who the certain deities and characters are and what their roles to play give.
Today, we're looking more on the more eerie side of Animal Jam- The relationship between Mira and Zios. Surprisingly, we know more about our enemies the phantoms than we do the entities we're serving. Alot has been told about Mira, but on the other hand, not much information has been provided about Zios and his identity making him more or less a very suspicious character to take heed of. That's why there are so many theories regarding him specifically; the most we know is that...
●He is the spiritual highest point of the Jamaa heiarchy, having created Mira and setting the stars and planets in motion
●He is often depicted as a bodyless golden mask surrounded by intricate patterns and grooves
●He was the lover of Mira
●He dissappeared at some point in time and never came back.
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To jog your memory, I'm going to be basing this theory more on the Old Jamaasian Lore. Interestingly, the lore was changed to make it appealing to a younger audience, but in the old lore we get a stronger sense of emotion and alot more information about the guardian spirits of Jamaa.
Zios is practically a God. He sets several plants, stars and seas in motion. Eventually he gets lonely and gives life to a deity said to be the perfect incarnation of humble beauty; a graceful grey heron named Mira. Mira and Zios get on well together and she often tells him how talented and artistic he is.
Eventually, Zios falls for her, and creates a beautiful land for he and Mira to share; Jamaa- as a sign of his love.
Mira is ecstatic and suggests and creates the idea of giving live to mortal inhabitants to the land- us, the animals. However, Zios gets a little snappy at Mira for that. He meant for this place to share just between the two and for nobody else to interfere.
He then snaps at Mira for creating the Animals and the two fall into a fearsome and emotional argument. Mira's tears then, without her knowing, come into accidental contact with the mortal world. Since she is an omniscient deity, mixing such power with normal life would end in ruin- Thus creating the phantoms.
Here's the catch. Mira and Zios are too wrapped up in their argument to notice the phantoms attacking Jamaa. Since the phantoms were created by Mira, they would only obey her. That is why they are after Zios, to avenge Mira. Also a case why we never see the phantoms target Mira specifically.
Then, they notice the peril Jamaa is in and, still angry at eachother, select the powerful and strong remaining animals in their selective tribes as Alphas to defend.
Shortly after, Zios goes missing. We're told the phantoms took him through the phantom portal never to be seen again. However, there is alot of evidence to suggest he fell victim to the phantoms and gave in to their side, furthermore taking control of the Phantom Empire. That may be why, despite their goal being reached, they continue to harass and attack the alphas, Jamaa, and by extent, Mira.
From then, the Alphas succeed, and all is well. Zios, however, is never heard of again.
Despite their argument, Mira is eternally upset. That is why phantoms keep producing, due to her tears. Since Zios left angry at Mira, it may be an extra that she thinks Zios left hating her.
And... That is what is inferred from the old lore. The new lore consists of less knowledge about Mira and Zios, but more information about the Alphas and of course the animal heartstones.
Now, here is the thing. The tale of Jamaa is very familiar sounding to some people. Zios is often seen as omnipotent and very powerful. He's often seen as similar to several different gods in mythology..
●Zeus, the Greek god of sky and thunder (This one is self explanatory, even their names are similar: however I've seen this one cause a bit of controversy as this is comparing Zios to a technically VERY problematic god.. Also, Mira sounds alot like Hera!)
●Viracocha, the great creator deity in the pre-Inca and Inca mythology in the Andes region of South America. He's mainly mentioned in incan and mesopotamian mythology as the high creator god (and this one shares more similarities than you may think!) They both had lovers, both dissappeared after creating the world, both had similar powers (examples of heliokenesis) and they actually look REALLY similar, most likely Zios' design being based off of Viracocha's golden armor. Viracocha pictured below!
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●And the last one... Krishna. An important religious figure in Hinduism and the final reincarnation/eighth avatar of Vishnu.
And that last one is what I'm planning to talk about today!
The perhaps most important part of this theory is Mirabai. Mirabai, often called Meera or Mira, was a 16th-century Hindu mystic poet and devotee of Krishna. She was known for her elegant beauty and poetry, as well as her eternal devotation to Krishna.
Meera pictured below as well as a figure of Krishna in the distance.
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Surprsingly, we have our own Mira too. And if we're comparing Zios to Krishna, this relationship makes alot of sense. Meera was in love with Krishna, and Mira was in love with Zios. "In her last years, Meera lived in Dwarka or Vrindavan, where legends state she miraculously disappeared by merging into an idol of Krishna in 1547. While miracles are contested by scholars for the lack of historical evidence, it is widely acknowledged that Meera dedicated her life to Lord Krishna, composing songs of devotion and was one of the most important poet-saint of the Bhakti movement period." That paragraph was taken from Meera's Wikipedia entry, and relates alot to the story of Mira and Zios. Its said that Meera one day miraculously dissappeared just like Zios did and they only things she left behind were her poems, music, and of course, her devotion and husband-like considered relationship between her and Krishna.
Krishna pictured below.
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Most of Meera's poems are dedicated to God in the form of Krishna, calling him the Dark One or the Mountain Lifter. "Some Meera songs include Radha, the lover of Krishna, and her jealousy and hatred for them. All her poems have philosophical connotations, mainly centered around Krishna."
The "Dark One" and "Mountain Lifter" terms are certaintly strange. Why would somebody refer to a "Dark One" in such a loving term?
Lets not forget the example of Zios not only representing the light in most cases, but spiritually, representing the dark. There's alot of evidence to actually suggest instead of the common thought that Zios represents the Sun and Mira the Moon, it may actually be the vice versa in a yin yang sort of way. Light and Dark cannot coexist without eachother and Zios and Mira are a great example of that.
I may explain the Zios is the moon thing a different time but you're going to have to roll with me here on this one... Zios is a perfect representation of the dark. Dark gives space and life to the light, but of course light always gives life to the dark.
Also, "Mountain-Bearer"... Not much to say here. Quite literally what Zios did to create Jamaa. "In her poems, Krishna is a yogi and lover, and she herself is a yogini ready to take her place by his side into a spiritual marital bliss. Meera's style combines impassioned mood, defiance, longing, anticipation, joy and ecstasy of union, always centred on Krishna."
Let's take a look at perhaps the most well known poem by Meera... And perhaps the one that relates the most to Jamaasian Lore. I am aware Julian2 has covered this in a video before, but here im going to take a proper analysis.
My Dark One has gone to an alien land. He has left me behind, he's never returned, he's never sent me a single word. So I've stripped off my ornaments, jewels and adornments, cut my hair from my head. And put on holy garments, all on his account, seeking him in all four directions. Mira: unless she meets the Dark One, her Lord, she doesn't even want to live.
— Mira Bai, Translated by John Stratton Hawley
Alot to process here. Let's see what we can compare.
●"My Dark One has gone to an Alien Land"-  Zios= Krishna: has gone to the realm of the phantoms/alien land
●"He's left me behind, he's never returned, he's never sent me a single word"- Exactly what Zios did. Never responded to Mira and didn't speak to her again after his dissappearance.
●"So I've stripped off my ornaments, jewels and adornments, cut my hair from my head"- Julian2 suggested this may be about Peck running away but this has been outdated. This could possibly refer to the "jewels and adornments" being the Alpha stones as Mira gives them away.
●"And put on holy garments, all on his account, seeking him in all four directions."- This refers to Mira yet again giving the alphas their Alpha Stones and after that she prepares to go out and find Zios.
●"Meera: unless she meets the Dark One, her Lord, she doesn't even want to live."- Unless Mira doesn't meet her Dark One- in this case, Zios-she doesn't feel the will to live, referencing her sorrow and despair without him.
I'm not sure about you, but I'm very convinced AJHQ may have based their lore on this poem specifically.
There is another poem that can relate to the legend of Jamaa, but there's not much to infer. I'm not going to do a thorough line by line analysis, but hopefully looking back on the analysis I just did you can atleast gather some stuff.
After making me fall for you so hard, where are you going? Until the day I see you, no repose: my life, like a fish washed on shore, flails in agony. For your sake I'll make myself a yogini, I'll hurl myself to death on the saw of Kashi. Mira's Lord is the clever Mountain Lifter, and I am his, a slave to his lotus feet.
"Meera speaks of a personal relationship with Krishna as her lover, lord and mountain lifter. (Sanson Ki Mala Pe Simru Main Pi Ka Naam) is written by Meera Bai Shows her dedication towards Lord Krishna. The characteristic of her poetry is complete surrender." -Quote from Wikipedia
The song of Sanson Ki Mala Pe Simru Main Pi Ka Naam is an interesting one-referring to her "beading the name of her beloved on the garland of my breaths". Interestingly, this song refers to Krishna as a Cuckoo Bird- A little bit of a crack theory, but this may suggest Zios could actually be the same behind that mask of his?
Examples of this bird-referring lyric are this quote from that same song:
"He is a melodious bird
He is a magnificent man
This foolish girl has taken
The beloved’s heart as the Lord"
I will link the full song plus English translation below!
Intresting... Perhaps Zios IS some sort of bird!
In conclusion, Mirabai's poetry, devotion and songs have alot of connections to Jamaasian Lore! I find this interesting, but this did help us gather quite a bit of information!
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hakuryuu · 4 years
circumstance and miracle: both are powerful, determined, and kind; circ is the unselfconscious prodigy from a central wing, mira is their own best-kept secret hidden away in a far-flung wing. both are working towards the same goal for the same reasons (let the person i’m doing this for get what they want) but from very different angles
miracle and november: both are devoted, clever, and not quite honest; mira is the luck-bearer who will take any coincidence on their shoulders to see nov smile, nov is the lone rising star anxious to prove himself at whatever cost it might take. each cares deeply about the other but neither of them will have an honest conversation anymore
november and fortune: both are firey, overshadowed, and tender; nov is the so-called enemy, fortune is the insecure second son. both of them are going to great lengths to try to accomplish something that deep down doesn’t really matter to them at all
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miraefmd · 2 years
open! : famedcrowned3, august 27, on-camera
ingredients are spread out on the kitchen island as mirae considers them for a moment. practicing right now might be more conducive to giving as close to a flawless final performance as selene can get, but it’s outside of selene’s allotted practice hours, so .she turns her focus to endearing the audience through milking potential screentime instead. her parade through the gold star halls, the bearer of gifts in the form of food, hadn’t done what she’d hoped it would, but she comes back to food again, hoping beyond hope that it will have more effect this time.
“do you like cake or cupcakes?” she breaks her moment of silence to ask her baking partner. there’s only so much intrigue a lone baker has, but two working together by mirae’s invitation in the house of gold’s kitchen will be more worth the time. “cupcakes would be easier to hand out to everyone, but there’s something satisfying about decorating one big cake.”
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authorchristinerees · 7 years
5 Teen Romance Books That Should Be On Your TBR Pile
Love is in the air! Usually, contemporary romance is not 100% my thing but Valentine’s Day is this week so I am building a TBR of new and anticipated YA romance novels that readers are raving about! I am really excited to dive into these:
1. Alex and Eliza by Melissa de la Cruz
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1777. Albany, New York. As battle cries of the American Revolution echo in the distance, servants flutter about preparing for one of New York society’s biggest events: the Schuylers’ grand ball. Descended from two of the oldest and most distinguished bloodlines in New York, the Schuylers are proud to be one of their fledgling country’s founding families, and even prouder still of their three daughters—Angelica, with her razor-sharp wit; Peggy, with her dazzling looks; and Eliza, whose beauty and charm rival those of both her sisters, though she’d rather be aiding the colonists’ cause than dressing up for some silly ball. Still, Eliza can barely contain her excitement when she hears of the arrival of one Alexander Hamilton, a mysterious, rakish young colonel and General George Washington’s right-hand man. Though Alex has arrived as the bearer of bad news for the Schuylers, he can’t believe his luck—as an orphan, and a bastard one at that—to be in such esteemed company. And when Alex and Eliza meet that fateful night, so begins an epic love story that would forever change the course of American history. 
2. Windfall by Jennifer E. Smith
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Alice doesn’t believe in luck—at least, not the good kind. But she does believe in love, and for some time now, she’s been pining for her best friend, Teddy. On his eighteenth birthday—just when it seems they might be on the brink of something—she buys him a lottery ticket on a lark. To their astonishment, he wins $140 million, and in an instant, everything changes. At first, it seems like a dream come true, especially since the two of them are no strangers to misfortune. As a kid, Alice won the worst kind of lottery possible when her parents died just over a year apart from each other. And Teddy’s father abandoned his family not long after that, leaving them to grapple with his gambling debts. Through it all, Teddy and Alice have leaned on each other. But now, as they negotiate the ripple effects of Teddy’s newfound wealth, a gulf opens between them. And soon, the money starts to feel like more of a curse than a windfall. 
3. Midnight Jewel: A Glittering Court Novel by Richelle Mead
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Mira is not like the other Glittering Court girls. She is a war refugee, cast out of her home country and thrust into another, where she has learned to fight against the many injustices around her. For some, the Glittering Court offers a chance at a life they’ve only ever dreamed of, one of luxury, glamour, and leisure. But for Mira, it’s simply a means to an end. In the new world, she plans to earn off her marriage contract price, and finally be free. Mira pitches herself as an asset to one of the passengers on board the ship: the sardonic and aloof Grant Elliot, whom she’s discovered is a spy for the prestigious McGraw Agency—and her ticket to buying her freedom. His cover blown, Grant has little choice but to take her on. Mira applies herself by day, learning the etiquette and customs that will help to earn her anonymity. By night, she dons a mask and slips into the city, fighting injustice and corruption on her own terms—and impressing Grant with her extraordinary abilities and insights into a brewing rebellion. But the rebellion isn’t all they’re fighting… Neither of them can ignore the attraction burning between them—an attraction so powerful, it threatens to unravel everything Mira’s worked so hard for. With freedom finally within her grasp, can Mira risk it all for love?
(I am an absolute sucker for anything by Richelle. She hooked me in with Vampire Academy, kept me on my toes during Bloodlines, and now this?! So excited to read this.)
4. I Believe in a Thing Called Love by Maurene Goo
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Desi Lee believes anything is possible if you have a plan. That's how she became student body president. Varsity soccer star. And it's how she'll get into Stanford. But she's never had a boyfriend. In fact, she's a disaster at romance, a clumsy, stammering humiliation magnet whose botched attempts at flirting have become legendary with her friends. So when the hottest human specimen to have ever lived walks into her life one day, Desi finds guidance in the Korean dramas her father has been obsessively watching for years—where the hapless heroine always seems to end up in the arms of her true love by episode ten. It's a simple formula, and Desi is a quick study. Armed with her "K Drama Steps to True Love," Desi goes after the moody, elusive artist Luca Drakos—and boat rescues, love triangles, and staged car crashes ensue. But when the fun and games turn to true feels, Desi finds out that real love is about way more than just drama.
5. Cold Summer by Gwen Cole
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Today, he’s a high school dropout with no future. Tomorrow, he’s a soldier in World War II. Kale Jackson has spent years trying to control his time-traveling ability but hasn't had much luck. One day he lives in 1945, fighting in the war as a sharpshooter and helplessly watching soldiers—friends—die. Then the next day, he’s back in the present, where WWII has bled into his modern life in the form of PTSD, straining his relationship with his father and the few friends he has left. Every day it becomes harder to hide his battle wounds, both physical and mental, from the past. When the ex-girl-next-door, Harper, moves back to town, thoughts of what could be if only he had a normal life begin to haunt him. Harper reminds him of the person he was before the PTSD, which helps anchor him to the present. With practice, maybe Kale could remain in the present permanently and never step foot on a battlefield again. Maybe he can have the normal life he craves. But then Harper finds Kale’s name in a historical article—and he’s listed as a casualty of the war. Is Kale’s death inevitable? Does this mean that, one of these days, when Kale travels to the past, he may not come back? Kale knows now that he must learn to control his time-traveling ability to save himself and his chance at a life with Harper. Otherwise, he’ll be killed in a time where he doesn’t belong by a bullet that was never meant for him.
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Is there a contemporary teen romance you love? 
Include it below! I’d love to add it to my ever-growing TBR list.
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ygo-news · 8 years
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An unexpected old Zexal Era promo gets reprinted in Tyranno’s Rage.
SR04-JP019 チュウボーン Chewbone Level 3 EARTH Zombie-Type Flip Effect Monster ATK 300 DEF 300 (1) FLIP: Special Summon 3 “Chewbone Jr. Tokens” (Zombie-Type/EARTH/Level 1/ATK 100/DEF 300) in Defense Position to your opponent’s side of the field.
This card was last printed in V Jump Edition 5, which contained cards like Flelf, Triple Star Trion, Mira the Star Bearer and Shining Elf. This was its initial printing.
The likely reason for this card to be printed here is to provide tokens to interact with Lost World.
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yugiohcardsdaily · 2 months
Posted Cards Master List - 56.5
rest of February 2024
Intrigue Shield
Kidmodo Dragon
Knight Day Grepher
Labradorite Dragon
Malicevorous Fork
Malicevorous Knife
Malicevorous Spoon
Mariña, Princess of Sunflowers
Mecha Phantom Beast Kalgriffin
Mecha Phantom Beast Sabre Hawk
Meliae of the Trees
Mira the Star-Bearer
Mythic Tree Dragon
Mythic Water Dragon
Numbers Overlay Boost
Pot of Dichotomy
Pumprincess the Princess of Ghosts
Puralis, the Purple Pyrotile
Return of the Monarchs
Secret Sanctuary of the Spellcasters
Secret Sect Druid Dru
Secret Sect Druid Wid
Sinister Yorishiro
Soul Drain Dragon
Survival of the Fittest
Swarm of Crows
Swords at Dawn
Terrene Toothed Tsuchinoko
Vivid Knight
Yellow-Bellied Oni
Black Brachios
Chirubimé, Princess of Autumn Leaves
Dark Artist
Deep-Space Cruiser IX
Dododo Buster
Downerd Magician
Duston Roller
Fairy Knight Ingunar
Gorgonic Cerberus
Gorgonic Gargoyle
Gorgonic Ghoul
Gorgonic Golem
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klicktopia · 7 years
David Arquette Offers to Be Gronk's WWE Manager
Demolition had Mr. Fuji. Undertaker had Paul Bearer.  And now Gronk could have David Arquette!!!  With Rob Gronkowski killin' it in the WWE with his pal Mojo Rawley, Arquette says the NFL star has big things ahead of him if decides to…
from TMZ.com http://ift.tt/2oGY43p via mira oil
0 notes
satyendriya-blog1 · 7 years
The Flag Bearers of Odisha Across the World
Not just being yet another city crowded with temples and known for droughts and cyclones, Bhubaneswar also has some extraordinarily talented people who have redefined the perception of all towards the state and realise the true beauty of temple architecture, the graceful Odissi and an indigenous variety of folk dances, its poignant music, its rich paintings and surprising sand art and sculpting! Not to forget some very out-of-the-box thoughts portrayed in films, acting and even in business and commerce that has become as essential to us as a gulp of water.
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It may even take tremendous amount of parchments to enlist all of these game-changers down in a list, but here are some of the faces who could see the world in a way that was never seen before. Films: Nandita Das: From being an incomparable actress to an indomitable filmmaker, this daughter of Jatin Das (the world-renowned painter) has left her mark in the industry in a way that only few could ever think of achieving. Recognised as one of the best in her craft and awarded with many prestigious awards like Best Actress in 2002 Cairo International Film Festival for ‘Amaar Bhuvan’, Best Film & Screenplay Awards in 2008 Asian Festivals of First Films for ‘Firaaq’, she also happened to be an honorary jury of Cannes International Film Festival in 2005. Nandita Das She has been bestowed with the title ‘Knight of the Order of Arts and Letters’ - a very prestigious Civil Award, she also is  inducted into the Hall of Fame of the International Women's Forum, Washington DC, along with having an independent stamp as part of the project “Women of the World” in France, vouching her impact across the globe. Mira Nair: A name that has itself become the definition of subtlety, fearlessness and reality all merged into one, this woman has truly crossed oceans to reach the zeniths in the night sky, as true as the pole star. Mira Nair Born on 15 October 1957 in Rourkela to Amrit Nair (an Indian Administrative Officer) and Pravin Nair (an active social worker for illiterate children) she grew up with her two elder brothers right here in Bhubaneswar. She is a Padma Vibhushan and is an exceptional filmmaker, known for her films like Salaam Bombay!(nominated for Academy Awards in Best Foreign Film in 1989), The Namesake (Golden Aphrodite Award, Bulgaria for Best Film in 2007), Monsoon Wedding (Golden Lion Award, Venice Film Festival 2001), Mississippi Masala (Best Director & Critics Special Award in Venice & Sao Paulo International Film Festivals in 1991), which is just a miniscule mention to the very large verse of accomplishments she has achieved in recent times. Dance: Kelucharan Mohapatra: The very proponent of Odissi danceform across the nation, is world renowned as the ‘Indian Classical Guru’, also happened to be Padma Shri, Padma Vibhushan & Padma Vibhushan at the same time. He was born on 8th January, 1926 in Puri and breathed his last on 7th April 2004, in Bhubaneswar when he was 78 years old. Guruji-Kelucharan Notably known for his dances that took the viewers to the greatest realms of spiritual trance, he often quoted “The real dance must convey the feeling of undivided existence, that a spectator can feel that he is not different from the thing observed". He has been awarded as the ‘Kalidasa Samman’ award by the state of Madhya Pradesh. Literature: Fakir Mohan Senapati: Known  as ‘Utkala Byasa Kabi’ translated as ‘Odisha’s Supreme Poet’ is also regarded as the father of Odia Modern Literature and Odia Nationalism. Fakir Mohan_Senapati He was born in a middle class ‘khandayat’ family on 13th January 1843 in Balasore, and at a very early age had all the qualities of an accomplished novelist, having penned about the existing aberrations in the Odia society then. He also was a social reformist, philosopher and an educator, who also wrote about the various highs and lows in the social thinking of the people in his novels like ‘Chha Maana Aatha Guntha’ , ‘Prayaschita’ & ‘Mamu’  and how it could be reformed. His poem ‘Utkala Bhramanam’, that first appeared in 1892, literally meaning Tour of Odisha, in reality not a travelogue but a commentary on the state of affairs in the Odisha of that time, written in a satirical manner. He passed away at the age of 75, on 14 June 1918. He also has many colleges, schools, universities named after him as a value of respect like Fakir Mohan Senapati Autonomous College, Fakir Mohan University in Balasore. Art & Painting: Sudarsan Pattnaik: A diamond in the rough, right from his childhood even after having a troubled childhood, Sudarsan has not only made every person in Odisha proud with his legendary work in sand-art but also has cultivated this rare and once-obsolete art form amongst the masses by establishing "The Golden Sand Art Institute" which is first of its nature in India. Sudarshan Pattnaik He was born on 15th April 1977, in Puri, Odisha. In 2011 he won 1st prize and public prize at Denmark and also won double medal at Solo International sand art contest in Mervala 2012. In 2010, he won the gold medal for people choice award at 3rd Moscow World sand sculpture championship. He also won three medal in North American solo sand sculpture championship, People choice prize in Canada and Moscow. He was Awarded Padma Shri in 2014. Jatin Das: Born on December 1941, at Baripada, Mayurbhanj, Odisha is a world-renowned painter of recent times, was conferred the Padma Bhushan in January 2012, is also the father of Nandita Das, the notable actor-director. Jatin Das He has won several accolades namely Order of the Star of Italian Solidarity Italian Government in 2007,Bharat Nirman Award in 2007, Distinguished Artist honor by Rocheston Accreditation Institute in New York  and is also the settler and founder chairman of the JD Centre of Art, Bhubaneswar. He is the only artist who has taken up a project of this kind. Several of Jatin Das's works have been donated to charity in India and abroad. He led the relief efforts at a village in Orissa, affected by the super-cyclone of 1999. National Television: Ananya Nanda: Ananya Nanda Born on 29th April, 2001 this Odia girl took the entire nation on toll with her amazing singing voice and the Indian Idol Season 2 winning witness to the fact, at the mere age of 16. She also happens to be a nerd and aspires to become a scientist one day. She also loves dancing and is often looked upon for her charmingly sweet aura, who has the modesty of a rabbit and the fierceness of a lion while performing. You go, girl! Business: Riteish Aggarwal: Ritesh Okay, his story may seem to you as if you’re watching yet another inspirational blockbuster movie, but this college dropout at 21 did wonders when he became the founder of OYO Rooms, an app as essential as a breath of air. Born at Bisamkatak, Ritesh grew up in the small town of Rayagada, he used to be drawn to writing and even more passionate about computer programming. Now, OYO Rooms has been named India's largest budget hotel chain, currently launched in Malaysia. Sports: Dilip Tirkey: Dilip Tirkey Born on 25th November 1977 in Sundergarh district to Vincent Tirkey an Oraon, Adivasi and former Oriya hockey player and Regina Tirkey, was the ex-captain of Indian Hockey team, making his debut in 1995 against England, represented India in 1996 Atlanta, 2000 Sydney and 2004 Athens Olympics and had a total of 412 international caps. He has been the recipient of Padma Shree in 2004, Arjun Award in 2002 and Ekalavya Award in 1996. On 22 March 2012, he was elected unopposed to the Rajya Sabha as one of the three Biju Janata Dal (BJD) candidates to the Upper House of Indian Parliament. Padmini Rout: Padmini Rout Winner of the titles ‘International Master’ in 2015, ‘Woman Grandmaster’ in 2007, at the mere age of 23 is truly an inspiration for generations to follow. Born on 5th January 1994 from Barambagarh, started playing chess at the age of 9, because of her father's passion for the game. In 2010 she won the Indian junior (U19) girls championship and took the bronze medal at both Asian and World Junior Girls Championships. She also won the Indian Women's Championship in 2014 and 2015, became the Commonwealth women's champion. Further she also won an individual gold medal playing on the reserve board for the Indian national team at the 2014 Women's Chess Olympiad in Tromsø, Norway. Science: Lalita Prasida Sripada Srisai:
Lalita Prasida Sripada Srisai A class IX student from Damanjodi in Koraput district in Odisha won the ‘Community Impact Award’ at the prestigious Google Science Fair in California on September 21, 2015. This student of DPS Damanjodi developed a low-cost bio-absorbent based water purifier which uses waste corn cobs as key ingredient. She has won the award in 13-15 years age group. The winners of the fifth annual Google Science Fair were announced live from Google Headquarters in Mountain View, California. As part of this award, Lalita received 10,000 US dollars as prize money. Lalita will be further supported for one year by the organisation to build on her project.
Odisha Global & Auromira Entertainment salutes these wonderful minds for being an inspiration to us!
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