#miroku x oc
ebonyslasher · 2 years
A Natural Heat
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Series: Inuyasha
Topic: Masturbation
Pairing: OC x Various
Summary: Yejide has had a rough time without having her special session(s) at her beloved hot springs. Thankfully, she now has the opportunity to relieve herself again. But maybe, in her haste, she should have paid attention to her surroundings...
18+ under the cut
It's been a rough fucking day. First, Yejide slipped on the dirtiest rock in existence and landed face first into a pile of mud. Ruining her shoes and messing up her pretty face. It rained all day, which messed with her carefully laid out hairstyle. Constant arguing with Inuyasha on where they needed to go next. By Kami, Yejide was ready to kill someone in the next few minutes.
Turns out the one day was actually a week of rain. They couldn't travel much because of it. In total, the group probably trekked two miles from where they started. It was torture for everyone involved. Even Miroku stopped trying to touch on Sango! Yejide prayed to Kami everyday that the rain would stop so they could travel and relax! She was extremely pent up without her hot springs . Especially her 'personal' sessions.
It's been a while since she's had a fun time. Or even time to relax. Finding a hot spring would be amazing. But...since she argued so much with Inuyasha, there was no way he was going to find one for her. And with the horrible weather, Yejide wouldn't feel comfortable going. She was just going to have to stick this one out. It's only one day anyway.
Thankfully after the seventh day of Earth's sorrow, happiness shined through the clouds and blessed the people of Japan. Especially Yejide, who could finally have her special session at last.
"Inuyasha, where's the nearest spring???"
"Keh.....I'll go find one. Wait here."
"Awesome! I'm heading over. Sango, you coming?"
After a few minutes, Inuyasha bounced back and said the best news he's ever given in his mean ass life. There was a hot spring not too far from here.
"Of course!"
"Ahhhhhhhh.....this hits the spot." Yejide said, sliding down into the water.
"Yeahhh, a thousand times over..." Sango agreed .
She was alone.
Yejide and Sango sat lounged against the rocks that surrounded the spring. The warmth filled up their bodies, dispersing the essence of relaxation into the water.
They were so relaxed that they didn't speak a word after their initial comments. All they did was lay there, simply existing.
Some time later, Sango sits up and looks up at the sky. It was starting to get dark.
"Yejide, maybe it's time to go back. My hands are getting pruny." Ugh, she hated when this happens.
Yejide, still in a relaxation trance, turns her head to look at Sango. This was her chance. Her chance to be alone.
"Yeah...but I want to stay here just a few minutes longer. I'm so relaxed I can't move. You go ahead, I'll be right behind you."
"Yejide, you sure? I think we should go back together."
"Yeah yeah I'm sure! I've been training remember? If anyone approaches me, I'll purify their ass! Anyway, I can put up a masking barrier."
Sango looked at Yejide apprehensively. She had gotten much better with her powers. But with a year of being used to protecting her, it was hard for Sango to walk away. However, giving Yejide a little space wouldn't be too risky. Besides, Yejide really had a rough week.
"Alright. But if you're not back at camp in 10 minutes, I'm coming back with Kirara."
Starting to rub herself, she moans. Yejide tries to stifle it out of reflex. But then thankfully remembers the sound barrier she put up earlier.
Yejide continues and starts melting- as evidenced by the pull of clear, viscous fluid that trailed with her fingers. It felt so good to finally touch herself. She gives her vagina a slow slide, starting from her clit down to her lovely hole The tip of her two fingers probes her moist opening. Backing out, they part. Then she quickly caresses back up the sides of her labia. Coming together at the top to hit at her impatient jewel. She brings her fingers down a little more to include her lonely urethral opening; giving her another bump of bliss. Yejide spreads her juices everywhere, making her skin glisten. Closing her legs slightly, she could even feel it between her ass cheeks.
She kept going at it, starting to abuse her engorged clit. As she kept up her ferocious beating, she was nearing her finale. Yejide unconsciously lifted her lower body from the blanket as she got closer. Closer. CLOSER.
Inuyasha, as ungraceful as can be, trips over himself when he catches her in the act. "Inuyasha, what the hell are you doing here?!"
He turned around, face as red as his outfit. He was embarrassed, horny, and flabbergasted. The latter at her asking that dumb ass question.
"Wha- you can't just stay here by yourself without protection. Especially doing something like that!"
That in question was having a pretty pussy, pretty body, and such a pretty face. She'd be his prey if he wasn't there to protect her.
As white as he was, Yejide did not notice him in up in the tree. Which was two trees away from her area of pleasure. He smelt her essence the moment she pattered into the forest. Sesshoumaru was aware of her affinity to hot springs. Yet, here she was dipping into a different type of heat.
He had no intention of revealing himself. And he did not want to think about why he wanted to watch. There was something about how wet she was that caught his attention. The shine from your wetness popped out her beautiful skin color more. It almost made him growl in pleasure. He wanted to stay until her gorgeous release. Then he would make a decision. Reveal himself or come get you later?
He watched the scene, transfixed, for about 2 minutes before saying something. Those two minutes featured him processing that this absolute dream in front of him was real. It was really Yejide being sinfully sexy. Her healthy legs spread open, beautiful fingers rubbing dark brown lips he wished to kiss. His dick stood out and peaked out of his lower pelt.
Startled, she started to try to explain but could get anything out. Her speech was a jumbled mess. Koga dropped to his knees once he stood in front of her. Head firmly planted on the ground.
" Yejide allow me to show you how a real man pleases his mate. You will never want for anyone else ever again."
He bring his face up to her legs, respreading them. The first lick he gave made her howl.
Miroku is a perverted but pensive monk. However, he is also not one to waste time. Not when she looked like that. "Well well, lady Yejide, I never took you as the type to do this"
"Miroku, you perv!" She tried to throw her bag at him but he expertly dodges it.
Yejide. Cute and sexy Yejide. The one he wanted his hands on for a long time. He was going to take the opportunity that lay pent up in front of him seriously.
"It would be unbecoming of a monk to not help those in need. Desperate need." The monks' sultry voice hit Yejide right inside her. He takes his staff and rubs it on her labia. Yejide jerks, torn between being disgusted but turned on. Miroku disrobes, showing a chiseled physique and an equally hard dick. "Let me help you. Allow me."
Initially worried for her best friend, now she stood surprised. Although they talked about sex, she never thought she would see her dear friend pleasuring herself. Alone. Vulnerable. She was worried and definitely wanted to talk with her about the importance of safety, horny brain be damned. But the sight was starting to affect her too. Her vagina tingled and a familiar phantom pressure was felt at her opening.
She started to rub herself through her clothes. Feeling herself getting wetter in the process. She watched Yejide open her big juicy lips wide and started massaging clit. Fuck that was a sexy sight. Sango couldn't take it anymore. She needed more.
"Yejide...may I join you again?"
I may write a more detailed version and post on AO3.
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Relationship: Miroku x OC
Piece commissioned on Amino.
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It had been a year since Kat met and became friends with Inuyasha and the rest after a confusing event that took a while to clarify.
The way they met had been most confusing. Who would have thought that their favorite video game could somehow open a portal in the screen of their TV and send them to the feudal era? They certainly hadn't. That game was a gift, and it was a Christmas Eve tradition for them, a game they played every Christmas Eve without a fail, such a thing had never occurred before.
After setting up the game and pressing play, suddenly the loading screen had gone dark and something akin to a black hole opened in their TV. It was horrifying, the sucking strength of the portal had the house shaking and things falling off shelves and hitting the walls.
They had no chance at resisting, sucked in before they could even grab onto something to keep themself tethered.
The next thing they knew, they were waking up in a flower field on a warm spring day, something which had further confused and filled them with a sense of dead considering that even though it was weird that they were outside, to begin with, it should have been winter then, not spring.
They had never thought that such a thing was possible before then, that there was a way to… What? Slip into another dimension? Transmigrate into a game?
As if that hadn't been weird enough, it didn’t take long for them to realize that they were now an Anime character within the game they loved most, which involved monsters and ghosts, with priestesses and monks with powers to exorcize and tame them, something they never thought possible.
It was difficult to believe at first, especially when they were attacked by a demon not long after they arrived. That was how they had met Inuyasha. He had been in the area and had arrived and saved them just as they thought they were about to die.
Inuyasha had taken them to meet up with the rest. Sango, Miroku, Shippo, Kirara, and last Kagome, the girl who was in a similar situation as them who had fallen into a well in her family-owned temple and found herself chased by a centipede-like monster because of a jewel trapped in her body that she had never known was there before then and had never believed in the existence of no matter how much her grandpa had rambled about it until she had found herself thrust in the past and targeted for it.
It was weird at first for Kat, having their world and everything they knew about it flipped like that, scary too, especially when Inuyasha had sniffed the air then turned and glared at them, hiding Kagome behind him, and angrily pointing out that they smelled like Naraku, the character Kat knew to be the main antagonist in the game. 
If Kat didn't think they were going to die before, they certainly did then. And then a weird thing happened as panic and fear began building within them as Inuyasha began unsheathing the Tetsusaiga and stepping threateningly towards them. A red barrier had burst from Kat, surrounding them within its safety and startling them and the gang, forcing Inuyasha to jump back in hide Kagome behind him once again as he sniffed the air in confusion. 
Apparently, that had been a shikigami, something Kagome had as well. The fact that they shared something with Kagome had probably been the only thing that had kept Inuyasha from running them through with his Tetsusaiga. 
Despite Kat's confusion as to whether that world was real or merely a video game at the time, they became friends with the others quickly, especially with Kagome who could understand their blight, having been in a similar situation herself.
Having such good friends made it all the easier to get acclimated to their new situation. The power they had discovered they possessed with the help of another shikigami user and honed with the help of their new friends made it even easier with part of their life, even though they hadn't taken it seriously initially, treating it all like a video game.
Then they had met Naraku and found out about their ancestor who worked for him when they one day found themself in said ancestor’s body, that Naraku knew about the game, that he was someone, who like Kat, was trapped in it, and that it was Naraku’s fault that they were there now. After that, Kat couldn't treat their situation as a game anymore, choosing to believe Naraku and Kagome that it was real.
It hadn't taken long for Kat to become a core part of the team, treasured like any other. 
They were out with Miroku that day, exorcizing a monster in a nearby village while hunting down rumors about the Shikon jewel. That village was tangled in a rumor involving the cursed and elusive jewel, so Miroku and Kat went to check while Kagome, Inuyasha, and the others went to investigate another jewel-related rumor in another village.
Miroku was an interesting character, to say the least. He was a monk, but he had no qualms about stealing and scamming warlords for lodging, food, and a fun night with princesses and courtesans. A true lecher who wasn't ashamed to stroke anyone whom he bumped into and found attractive.
Kat wasn't an exception to that and was on the receiving end of his hand stroking their behind a lot when they had first met. It had mellowed out over time, though, something they appreciated.
They would be troubled if even punching him with their gauntlet didn't stop him from doing it. Apparently, he wasn't desperate enough to feel someone's ass to do it under the threat of being smashed to bits. 
That didn’t mean that Kat hated him. They certainly cared for him, maybe more than they would like to admit at the moment, even to themselves. 
They weren't sure yet, so they said nothing. It didn't feel like their current situation encouraged it, and Kat had to admit, that part of why they had said nothing is because they weren't sure how Miroku would feel about it.
He hadn’t said anything either, and if Miroku was one thing, kind to everyone as he might be, he was a lecherous man. Even if he showed an interest in somebody, it didn’t mean love. Kat knew that much. They had seen it so many times over the course of knowing the man; it was something they were used to by now, as much as they were used to him scamming lords for lodging and food.
That was why, when later that night Miroku stopped them at a big house claiming to the servants of the house that it was haunted and needed to be exorcized, Kat wasn't surprised in the slightest. 
They were led into the house and to a guest room that connected to the moon viewing platform by the gullible servant and brought more food and alcohol than they could eat and drink. 
As the servant left them and went back to their work, Kat turned to Miroku with a smirk on their face. "A fox demon? Really?" They snorted. It had to be bullshit. That village wasn't known to attract that type of significant demon. Weasel and raccoon demons were most likely in places like that. They were minor demons that even humans could deal with if they knew they were there.
"Yes, it's a very dangerous fox demon," Miroku stated matter-of-factly, pretending not to notice Kat's doubting tone.
"Yeah, right," Kat huffed with a roll of their eyes, leaning back against the pillar and popping a dumpling into their mouth, clearly not convinced.
Miroku didn't bother saying anything and enjoyed the meal and drinks they were offered, keeping an eye out to the moon viewing platform as if waiting for something to happen.
Kat glanced in that direction but couldn't see anything there and assumed Miroku was just pretending to make it seem like there was something there to mess with them.
Kat ignored him and stepped out onto the moon viewing platform with their tray, wanting to enjoy their meal while admiring the full moon and the starry sky.
The moon was high up and the sky was full of stars that night, making for a beautiful scene. But despite being so beautiful, something about it all felt off, but Kat ignored it, shrugging the feeling off and taking a sip of their drink.
They stood on the moon viewing platform for a while, merely admiring the scenery while enjoying the meal provided by their host. A shadow came over them and they thought Miroku came to join them on the moon viewing platform, just as they were about to turn around and say something to him, they were pushed down to the ground and the sound of the staff jingling and smacking against something sharp reached their ear.
Kat looked up through the pain of being tackled to the ground and saw Miroku guarding against the sharp claws of an enormous fox demon with his staff. 
"Kat, are you alright?" Miroku grunted with the effort to keep the fox demon at bay. He finally knocked the demon away and got down on one knee to check on Kat.
"I'm okay," Kat groaned, rubbing their temple and shaking their head as if to knock out the dizziness. "I was startled more than anything," They said, getting up with Miroku's help. 
"Sorry about that. I should have warned you before smacking into you like that," Miroku said, looking apologetic. "I didn't have the time to warn you, what with how suddenly it appeared behind you."
"It's okay," Kat assured. "I didn't believe you when you said there was something here and let my guard down."
"Let's continue that conversation later," Miroku said and turned to face the fox once again, standing between Kat and the fox, his staff raised. 
Kat watched in awe and Miroku turned to look at them with a smirk. "Observing my talents, are you?"
Kat flushed and snorted to hide their embarrassment. "Say that after you actually kill the thing," 
Miroku grinned and turned back to the monster. He did quick work of it, the people of the house barging into the moon-viewing deck a moment later after hearing the commotion.
"This is the reason behind the misfortune this good household has been suffering," Miroku explained, pointing to the fading monster at his feet.
Grateful, the lord of the house allowed Miroku and Kat to stay the night and rewarded them handsomely, offering to allow them to stay even longer. The latter offer Miroku and Kat had to give a polite refusal to.
The sun rose and with it, Miroku and Kat walked away from the house, pulling along a cart full of rewards. 
"Are you sure we should have accepted these?" Kat asked, eyeing the variety of things filling the cart she was pulling.
"Of course," Miroku stated simply. "These rewards were offered to us by the Lord. It would have been impolite to refuse."
"Ah," Kat hummed, not sounding particularly convinced by his reasoning. They were sure the reason he accepted the items had absolutely nothing to do with politeness and all to do with the fact that he wanted them. They knew full well about Miroku's pick-pocketing and robbing storehouses habits.
They arrived at a store before long and Miroku sold all the items they'd received for money, lightening their load for the journey. 
Kat breathed a sigh of relief they didn't have to drag a cart behind them anymore, especially while passing through villages where they might sometimes come across bandits. 
After selling their rewards, they came across a villager being harassed by a few soldiers on their way. 
They rushed in to help and Miroku made quick work of the soldiers while Kat looked after the villager, who seemed to have hurt his leg while trying to get away from the soldiers.
When he turned to ask how the villager was doing, the words got stuck in his throat as he found the villager flirting with Kat, who laughed awkwardly at the interaction.
Miroku's eye twitched and he glared at the villager, his grip tight around his staff. He marched to the pair and forced himself between them, his back to Kat and glaring down at the villager. 
The villager swallowed heavily, his eyes swimming with fear, the realization that he had made a mistake by flirting with the monk's companion sinking in, and before the monk could say anything, he was running off, a long trail of apologies trailing behind him.
Miroku was frozen in place, his brows furrowed and lips still parted from where he had gotten ready to verbally rip into the villager. With the target of his ire gone, he deflated pretty quickly and sighed. "Are you okay?" He asked, turning to face Kat with concern painted on his face.
"Yeah," Kat replied, rubbing their neck awkwardly. "I was just feeling awkward. He wasn't particularly good at flirting."
Miroku's eyebrow twitched again. "That makes it sound like you wouldn't have minded him flirting with you if he had been good at it. What, do you not care that he was flirting with you?"
"Who cares if he was flirting with me? It doesn't mean anything." Kat shrugged. "He wouldn't be the first, nor the last."
"Doesn't it bother you that people you don't know are flirting with you?" Miroku tried again.
"Only when they're bad at it," Kat replied. "Regardless, it isn't like I take them seriously anyway."
Miroku tried to say something again but Kat cut him off, their brow raised with confusion. "I don't understand why you're so bothered by this," Kat said. "It's not like you're unfamiliar with flirting yourself, being that you'd flirt with a rock if it had a pair of breasts and an ass for you to caress."
Miroku almost stumbled over his own feet. "That's…" He started.
"What you usually do to others isn't any different from what that villager was doing with me," Kat pointed out. "Only difference is that he kept it at verbal flirting, while you actually..." Kat mimed an up and down slow rubbing motion, staring at him as if staring into the depth of his soul with a raised brow. 
Miroku shut up at that, but Kat could tell that he was displeased by their reply. They didn't know why, though; it was the truth.
The truth of Kat's statement wasn't really what bothered Miroku, though.
The rumor about the presence of a Shikon jewel in the village was false, and Miroku and Kat had to spend the night at an old temple. Good thing they had gotten those rewards after all, or they wouldn't have been able to buy food and such, something that would have made spending the night at the temple harder.
Kat stared up at the moon from the entryway, their head feeling fuzzy after an entire day of running about and dealing with bandits and monsters. They were beyond just exhausted, their bones feeling like jelly.
Miroku joined Kat in the entryway and handed them a meat bun.
Kat looked down at the offering and accepted the food with murmured thanks that sounded more like a croak than words.
Miroku left them to eat the bun in peace while he went about setting up two trays filled with the dishes and alcohol he had bought when they had stopped at a restaurant a couple of hours before.
Thankfully, Kat had the presence of mind to bring a couple of heated sleeping bags with them despite their rush when they had last visited home, so they didn't have to worry about the cold and sleeping on the floor.
They wolfed the meat bun down before going about pulling the sleeping bags out of their travel back and laying them on the floor, setting a battery-operated lamp in between.
By the time they were done, Miroku had the trays laid out and motioned for Kat to join him on the moon viewing deck.
The way the moonlight illuminated his features had the air in Kat's lungs escaping in a breathy exhale. They staggered for a moment before they joined him on the deck, taking a seat next to him as Miroku pushed their tray in front of them.
"I wonder how Kagome and the others are doing," Miroku sighed around a sip of sake.
"I'm sure they are fine," Kat replied, picking up a piece of chicken with their chopsticks. "They're all strong and work together really well."
"That's true. They've always been reliable." Miroku agreed, leaning back onto one arm and gazing at the sky and breathing in the clean air.
Kat stared at him, noticing the way the stars reflected in his eyes and made his already bright eyes appear all the brighter, even in the darkness of the night.
His eyes reminded Kat of the North Star Polaris, and they found themself thinking that his eyes were so bright, they could easily use them as a guide the way they could the stars, that no matter how lost, they could find their way to him.
A weird thought it might be, but it was there in the back of their mind. Kat shook the thought away and returned to their meal.
Kat thought of all the times they had spent together ever since Kat found themself transported to this place, and felt at peace. It certainly was a peaceful night, not something they got often with their hunt for Naraku and the Shikon jewel, nor with the demons hunting them for their shards of the cursed jewel.
"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" Kat mumbled to themself, gazing at Miroku with a révérence they could barely hide.
Miroku turned to look at Kat with a soft smile highlighted by the soft glow of the moon. "It is," He murmured back.
Kat knew for sure that he didn’t know what their words meant, Natsume Soseki didn’t yet exist during this time after all, but they blushed regardless, hiding a smile behind their cup of tea.
Miroku raised a brow at their reaction, wondering what that was about, but assumed that it was about some future knowledge he wasn’t privy to and let it go, it wouldn't be the first time that Kat or Kagome used some lingo from the future or knowledge he didn't know around him. He was used to it by this point anyway.
Besides, whatever those words meant, they got a beautiful blush and a tender smile out of Kat, and that was enough for him, even if he didn’t know why they were blushing or smiling.
The silence was companionable, calming and as comfortable as their friendship has been.
"You’ve made me the happiest I’ve ever been." Miroku suddenly said, breaking the silence and startling Kat. “I want you to know that.” He added, looking at Kat with a fondness that had them swallowing heavily and looking away.
“You make me the happiest I’ve ever been, too,” Kat mumbled back, rubbing the back of their neck awkwardly, a flush high on their cheek. They cleared their throat and stuffed their mouth with a dumpling, chewing quickly and swallowing, as if doing so would help them swallow their awkwardness with the bite. “Where did that come from, anyway?” They asked, wiping the filling from around their mouth.
“We live in a dangerous world where no one knows what will happen from one day to the next,” Miroku shrugged, taking another swig of his sake. “I felt like you should know,”
Kat hummed in understanding.
It was true, in the world they lived in, there was no end to danger, especially while chasing Naraku. They’ve had close calls with death’s cold embrace more times than any of them liked, but it was something they had to do if they wanted revenge and to stop Naraku from getting all the Shikon jewel shards and plunging the world into darkness.
Now, it was up to their group to stop Naraku from fulfilling his ambitions and save the world from his tyranny. Many have already died because of him, Miroku’s grandfather and father, and most of Sango’s family among his victims.
There was also the whole Kikyo and Inuyasha thing.
Kat shuddered at the thought of all the horrible things Naraku had done. And to think a relative of theirs was Naraku’s minion…
Kat still sometimes has a hard time coping with the fact that at first, they’d had some chemistry with Naraku and enjoyed bantering with him. Of course, that quickly ended when he started hurting their group and others. Kat had never grown to hate someone as much as they hated Naraku. They understand that he was in a similar predicament, having been trapped and doomed to repeat a life of being defeated over and over and a body he had no control over.
But he managed to escape that somehow and drag Kat into that world. Kat is unsure, but they doubted he had to do the things he was doing, believing that he was free of whatever was controlling him now, yet he still chose the path of evil.
So it was up to Kat and their friends to stop him once and for all, and they would do everything in their power to put an end to the terror and death he was behind.
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avionvadion · 3 months
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For Chapter 45: The Illusion of Choice for Forest Deep!
57 pages... OOF. It's bigger than the previous chapter, I think.
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moonnueart · 6 months
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i want to pick him up and carry him around
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otomesakura20 · 9 months
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InuHaru Sessrin Mirsan Riktow and Setsui kiss me under the mistletoe
Merry Christmas everyone! ❄️🎄🤶🏻🎅🏻🦌Hope you have a great day! I‘ve gone ahead and made a big mirror/window set for this year‘s Christmas project. Since the girls aren’t quite there on a romantic bases with their love interests yet I gave them a sweet cheek kiss.❤️
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moonnue · 1 year
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MirKat barbie meme
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katerinu · 1 year
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There's this art of MirSan where they're sharing sake under the moon and I've always loved it so much I wanted to make my own version with my OC!
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hekateisconfused · 2 months
BECAUSE-- the whole game-- Miroku's like- "ohh nyoooooo I'm too weak I can barely pick up my spear.... Momo pwease hold the bricks for me I'm not that stronggggg-" (that was an interaction.... And then Momo threw the bricks on him-- it was very funny--)
I wanted Miroku's Yaksha entrance to be something powerful (which it was) and Momotarou just go-- "Okay. That was really hot. Also now I know for certain your faking being weak when you make me do things-"--
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kirins-stuff · 4 months
The latest chapter is now up on Ao3
N.B. This is actually chapter 37 but Tumblr won't allow me to edit the link text any more. I'll fix it if I find a way.
Title: Bend and Don’t Break
Rating: PG-13/T
Summary: Fifty years have passed since the Avatar’s disappearance. Fifty years since the war between nations came to a bitter end. A new world has risen from the ashes of tragedy. Yet the embers of war threaten to rekindle. Faced with a precarious future, a simple Water Tribe girl seeks to restore balance to the world. (InuKag, AtLA AU)
Content warnings: Canon-level violence (Inuyasha), major character death, swearing, body horror, psychological horror, torture, sexual intimidation, physical abuse of minors, psychological abuse of minors,  mentions of death and injury to minors, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, bigotry and prejudice
Pairings: Inuyasha x Kagome, Onigumo/Naraku > Kikyou (unrequited), Akitoki Hojo > Kagome (unrequited), past Inu no Taishou x Izayoi, male OC x male OC, female OC x female OC
Genres: Fantasy, Action/Adventure, Drama, Romance
Chapter preview:
A soft titter drifted down from the canopy. Miroku drew in another breath. His grip tightened on Kagome's tunic. His stare was fixed on the shadows.
"Show yourself."
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findroleplay · 5 months
Hello! Searching for a few RP partners (also thank you for running this kind of blog!!) Literacy: Preferably mostly literate (I can handle a few grammatical errors, but please nothing shorthanded, carelessly written, etc.)
Fandom: Marvel (specifically Loki, preferably Avengers era), Harry Potter, Twilight, Naruto, InuYasha
Pair: M x M (my OC is trans, just as a heads up!)
Character(s): Marvel: Loki, Thor, Tony | HP: Draco, Weasley twins, Cedric | Twilight: Emmett, Jacob, Embry, Paul, Jared | Naruto: Sasuke, Itachi, Kiba, Neji, Gaara, Kankuro, Kakashi | InuYasha: InuYasha, Sesshomaru, Miroku, Koga, Naraku
Ship(s): OC x Canon
Triggers: Pretty much open to anything - we can discuss more when we talk (:
Genres: Action, adventure, romance, angst, dead dove, potential NSFW/smut (again, discuss more when we talk)
Plot ideas: Depends on which fandom and pairing, honestly. I have most of my character points written on a blog for each universe which I can send to whoever my partner(s) are
Where: Preferably either in reblogs or Tumblr messages; might be easier to keep clean/semi-clean RPs as reblogs and anything explicit in private messages
Other: I tend to prefer long/para roleplaying; plotline and character development is essential to me because it's what drives the RP. Please like this post if you're interested and I will message you if I think we'd be a good match 😊
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mytheoristavenue · 1 year
I just had a rlly cute idea for a Miroku x Oc/Reader ship but the thought of breaking up him and Sango makes me feel morally wrong 😔
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casliveblog · 1 year
Custom Toonami Block Week 132 Rundown
Spy X Family: So Loid is basically Lupin the Third but with murder and takes himself way too seriously, even has the fucking skin masks that he can seemingly pull out of his ass. In order to secure peace for a totally fictional country that doesn’t have any parallels to any real historical countries and definitely isn’t Germany, Loid must kill an old dude that only comes out of his house to say hi to children which seems kinda sus in itself but okay. Like a good portion of the plot is just funneling Loid down a pipeline of aggressively domesticating him in a way he’s not ready for and I’m fine with that it just walks an odd line of serious and silly. Taking the last name “Forger” (which even before I saw the show I thought was a really cool symbolic name because the family is both a forgery and something being forged) he adopts Anya, a girl with main character hair who can read thought bubbles but is still as stupid as you’d expect a six year old to be (I’m not sure if she’s actually six or if she just read Loid’s mind and heard he needed a six year old and said that and is actually younger but the wiki says six so I’ll go with that). The two have Dragon Maid-esque style hijinks of trying to understand each other while hinting at tragic backstories until Anya broadcasts their location to the Spy equivalent of an enemy gang which just happens to be the guys Loid was working for on his last job so he’s able to use his previous knowledge of them to blackmail them into fucking off. I feel like for as careful as Loid is he kinda underreacts to his cover being blown and not knowing how or why it happened like to his credit they do change apartments but like he still has no idea why these guys were able to jump him and kidnap Anya and the fact that he can’t find a fault to rectify does not seem to bug him as much as it should for someone as clearly neurotic as he is but like I said, serious/comedic mix. Anya is able to genuinely pass the entrance exam to weirdo dude’s academy without cheating with her powers and instead cheating in the way her dad told her to so… that’s a moral win I guess? Anyway as anyone who even glanced at the promo art can tell, the next step requires a mother/father interview and like… is that legal? Like can you specifically require a two parent family for schooling, what if the mom died last year or some shit? I know this is pseudo-50’s pseudo-Germany but like that seems ridiculous to require a mom, I get obtaining a mom for the mission because having a two parent family is good for the cover and looks less suspicious but having the school actively require it seems really weird.
Inuyasha: This is the episode I always felt was lifted from some teenage girl’s fanfiction because it feels like someone’s OC romancing Sesshomaru. Princess Sara (also weirdly out of place name for Feudal Japan) fell in love with Sesshomaru because I mean look at the fuckin guy. And basically pulls a Naraku on her deathbed to become a demon to get the Tessaiga for Sesshomaru even though he stopped caring about that like three seasons ago. But she sets up Inuyasha for one of those filler ‘steal your sword by doing something stupid you don’t catch on to’ plots that are weirdly common. But yeah she traps Miroku and Sango and Kilala in ice and passes it off as a demon curse that can only be lifted by turning a giant stone screw with the Tessaiga as a screwdriver which I have no idea if this shrine already existed and she just used it as the perfect chance to yoink Inuyasha’s sword or if her demonic powers somehow allowed her to fucking create the shrine but Shippo of all people figures out it’s a trap just before Inuyasha turns the screw but for some reason they wait to tell Inuyasha until right before he’s about to finish and Sara gets the Tessaiga and also Sesshomaru shows up so yeah here we go.
Yu Yu Hakusho: Yusuke continues chasing Sensui’s truck on a fucking bicycle and properly freaks everyone on the evil team out that that’s even a thing he can do. Meanwhile Genkai heals Botan who was injured protecting Seaman and Shizuru who was injured failing to tell everyone Sensui’s plan so it’s nice to just kinda have a healer on the team, wonder why she didn’t bust that shit out during the Dark Tournament, just like top everybody off between rounds. Seaman’s like ‘wait a minute why aren’t you guys assholes?’ and Kurama’s like ‘you can’t believe everything you see on Twitter bro’. Long story short he joins the group and agrees to show them Sensui’s hideout. Meanwhile Sniper picks off Yusuke’s bike and crashing down the road rips Yusuke’s shirt off which is convenient given Sniper’s territory ability lets him put targets on Yusuke’s skin which is a lot easier to see when he’s shirtless. But yeah this is basically Vander Decken’s ability from One Piece, Sniper can throw anything and they’ll hone in on the targets on Yusuke and he’s already a pretty damn good sniper given it’s his name so Yusuke has to smack shit away before it hits him. Since Sniper can use rocks, hardened blades of grass or pull a Dio and just start chucking knives this is a problem. Idk why he doesn’t get further away since he was on a motorcycle and implies his power has no range limit but he’s still hidden so Yusuke’s right fucked with this one.
Jujutsu Kaisen: Yuji Ittadori is your average every day freakishly strong to a borderline supernatural level kid. He belongs to his school’s Occult Club which if Mob Psycho has taught me anything is just a place for assholes to sit around but he likes it because it leaves him enough time to go visit his dying grandfather in the hospital and unfortunately his grandpa finally gets his chance to give his ‘with great power comes great responsibility’ speech and die on his own terms. (Honestly yeah Yuji’s backstory so far is more Spider-Man than Deku, the actual character designed after Spider-man). Before he can come to grips with his own mortality staring him in the face, Wolf Sasuke comes up to him and is like ‘have you seen this penis-shaped box?’ and he’s like ‘yeah that’s my friend’s penis-shaped box, they’re gonna do penis things with it tonight’ and apparently that’s bad because bad shit wards off bad shit by being badder shit except if the badder shit is too old it weakens and actually ATTRACTS bad shit which seems like a terrible system. But yeah Wolf Sasuke wants the mummy penis back which is apparently just a mummy finger and Yuji gets to save it just in time, affirming his resolve to take his new Spider-Man origin seriously and not ignore death as a possibility or see it as an inherent evil but see that people don’t die violently and pointlessly which is decently nuanced so that’s cool. Honestly it’s kinda surprising how fast Yuji takes to ‘curses are real, I have no evidence but your friends are gonna die’ like it’s good for us to not have to go through some kind of proof thing with him denying the supernatural but the man does not seem to have a skeptical bone in his body and instantly bum-rushes it, kinda reminds me of a combination of Ichigo and Soma which is an odd combo. Anyway anyone who’s seen Bleach knows where this is going, the professional is knocked out of commission and the new guy has to take down the evil mooks by awakening his new power so Yuji eats the mummy penis and becomes Hollow Yuji except he’s not gonna take shit from his Superpowered Evil Side and is like ‘hey bro, let’s not murder everyone or I’mma stop you’ and he’s like ‘wait you can do that?’ and he’s like apparently’ so yeah now we have your standard Superpowered Evil Side deal going on but I do have to say it’s neat to see it as a result of a choice instead of something the character is born with or a result of their convoluted family history, feel like this episode blew by so I am excited for more of this one.
Chainsaw Man: Denji is a kid living in an absurdly comical level of poverty that I’m not sure is even survivable without anime protagonist level resilience due to a debt incurred by his father which is totally not a metaphor for global warming or some shit (it’s probably not exactly that but it brings to mind similar wide-scale generational debts). Still he has a little chainsaw dog named Pochita to get him through and a thoroughly fucked up roof over his head (like he mentions a water bill but it’s literally a shed I don’t see that thing having running water). Like the lengths he’d have to go to actually live like this are kind of absurd like he’s never even dug a Big Mac out of the trash or something because he seems to exist solely on slices of bread yet still is relatively solidly built (like scrawny but he has enough protein to form muscles apparently) but this also means he has the kind of Book 1 Harry Potter low standards and idealism that make him endearing to anyone more fortunate… which is basically everyone. As a kid he lived out the first part of Suitengu from Speed Grapher’s backstory except instead of becoming a child prostitute and a mercenary soldier, he saves a little saw dog with his blood and uses it to fight bigger, less-sawy, less dog-like versions of it. Like he uses Pochita basically how you would a regular chainsaw so idk what the real difference is except maybe Pochita’s a stronger saw that doesn’t take gas or jam so I guess that’s cool but it’s basically the same problem as Saiga’s powers in Speed Grapher like it’s a magical solution that’s only moderately more useful than the mundane item it replaces, though I love Speed Grapher so the comparisons are probably a good thing at this point. Anyway because this is an opening story the Yakuza that Denji owes money to set him up and throw him to the Zombie Devil which idk how that works exactly because like they take a car all the way here and talk about making a deal with the zombie devil but by the time the fight starts all of them are full zombie and seem to have been the whole time so idk if we just Shaun of the Dead’d this and Denji’s just kinda dumb or if this contract makes no sense. Anyway they kill Denji… like he’s straight up in five pieces like Exodia and his brain activity has fully stopped but his blood revives Pochita like the first time they met and being the good little saw doggo he is he puts Denji back together and instead of possessing him like Devils seem to be able to do, he gives him his heart so Denji can just come back to life which idk what kind of Jojo Soul Bullshit that entails but Pochita is a good boy so I’mma not complain unless it turns out at the end that Denji really is dead and the Denji the series is about is really just Pochita making an imprint of Denji’s brain to act as he had but that’d be sad. So yeah Denji gets a new lease on life and has chainsaws for arms and zombies right in front of him so he gets down to business, resolving to show Pochita what he can do with a clean slate and trying to fulfill his ridiculously low standards of happiness. So Makima rocks up and is like ‘yo, pet or death’ and Denji’s like ‘okay I have a weird boner right now when I hear you ASMR talk about food so I’mma say pet sure’. It’s pretty neat like obviously this isn’t 100% blind because Chainsaw Man has been absolutely everywhere for the past few months but outside of horny waifu debates I don’t know much about the show and it’s interesting to see just how wide-eyed and endearing Denji is like people in-universe talk about him the same way they talk about Shinji from Evangelion like he’s just someone that does whatever to get by but for Denji he doesn’t really have much choice but will probably also have all kinds of options for fucked up sexual relationships like Shinji did.
Ranking of Kings: So we’ve kind of got generic fantasy world going on though the style is obviously something different from most anime and it makes the movement of things look pretty neat. Plot’s pretty simple all things considered, Prince Bojji is a deaf mute and a gentle child and everyone’s just kinda like ‘oh fuck we’re fucked if he becomes king’ especially since both his parents are literal giants, also his dad’s second wife is that pointy-noised lady the internet was going crazy over for a bit so that has some Skitty/Wailord implications about how they had kids. Anyway Bojji sneaks out and gets robbed by this Shadow dude named Kage and to Kage’s surprise he keeps coming out to get robbed every day because dude’s just so happy to have someone that makes an effort to communicate with him and understand his Pokemon sounds. Eventually Kage follows him back home and sees him crying behind closed doors but putting on a smile to everyone else showing just how emotionally resilient the kid is. Kage almost gets murdered by one of the guards because apparently being a shadow person is bad and the kingdom is kinda racist in addition to ablest. But yeah Bojji gets to fight with his pointy-nosed half-brother who’s basically the Sasuke to his Naruto except turns out Bojji is really good at dodging shit he just hits like a wet paper towel because he’s too nice to slug anyone down but is great at avoiding getting hit.
Vinland Saga: VIKINGS! There’s just a fuckton of Vikings and what I assume is at least semi-accurate history given we have our buddy Leif Erickson (Yinger Hinger Durgen) telling the promised story of Vinland which sounds more and more like an Afterlife the more people talk about it. Baby Thorfinn is smack dab in the middle of an Attack on Titan style multi-episode origin story, I am kind of a sucker for these since it’s more immersive than flashing back you get to see shit get fucked up in real time and that’s neat. A lot of this episode’s just soaking up the Vikining aesthetic in Iceland and getting the gist of how people settled in Iceland after escaping Norway and we pal around with Thorfinn and his dad Thors and and hot totally not doomed sister and mom. Thorfinn understandably wants to know why people settled into the freezing pit of the devil’s asshole but refuses to accept his ancestors weren’t chads that just took down everyone that wanted to bully them… people with ancestral ties to Norway are just kinda like that sometimes idk. Anyway Thors finds a dying slave in the snow and the slave’s owner is just like ‘hey gimme’ and even though the guy’s prolly gonna die before this dude can do anything to him, Thors still pays a metaphorical arm and a leg to buy him out of his slavery so he can die free while he and Thorfinn talk ominously about what happens if someone comes looking for them as escapees as well.
Well that was a lot of fun, never had this many new shows all on the block at once, I may shake it up a bit and not do every show every week if I run low on time and try to alternate some of them a bit because going through the early story beats of so many shows can be a little slow, might be more fun to have them at different levels of plot progression but yeah, excited to see what comes of these shows.
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avionvadion · 2 months
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Some doodles of after the festival! Sess keeps Irene for three nights and tells her to wait for him, since he has to leave for a while, before dropping her off at the village. (Tada, they're married) He hands her over to Kohaku and Rin, saying Irene isn't feeling well, and the two help Irene back to her house at the edge of the village. She is praying nothing is suspicious and none of her friends will see her, but... unfortunately... MirSan were visiting Inuyasha, and Inuyasha caught Irene's scent so he goes outside and they SEE her.
Inuyasha doesn't suspect anything (and he refuses to) but Miroku clocks what happened so fast and Irene is lowkey dying inside because she doesn't know what to tell them or how to tell them and of course Miroku would figure it out, damn him.
(Changing a few things up for the Sora arc, btw.)
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Inuyasha OCs
Sesshomaru x Kagura kids
Total: 7 children
Got the courage from @quennie93
1. Megumi 
Age: 24
Gender: Female
The eldest child and daughter of the entire royal Tashio family of the Western Land. Basically, daddy little girl but someone else took the throne. She is very independent and strong-willed despite being very stubborn like her parents. Inherited her mother’s black hair and confident attitude. Though she has inherited her father golden eyes and his daiyoukai powers in which she masters it at an age. Even though she may be the oldest for entire siblings, she still like act a little kid sometimes. She is well trained with her swordsmanship just like her father and quite the expert with knife-wielding which self-taught by her own mother who passes it on to her. Overall Megumi is very protective of her siblings and her brothers especially Maru.
2. Rose
Age: 23
Gender: Female
   Rose is the second daughter and child of the family whereas she seems very cold-hearted and distance. Though on the inside she nothing more than a big old teddy bear as she helps out with the nearby orphanage in the village. She cares for the orphan youkai and hanyou who parents either died or abandon them on the steps of the orphanages. Rose cherish each of the children's as if they were her own. While she was not visiting the orphanage, she would be teaching one of her younger brothers, Tatsuya the history of their early ancestors. Since he’s the heir of the royal heir. She and Tatsuya are extremely where they are each other best friends. Though Rose loves all her siblings equally and played no favorites.
3. Kanna and Iris
Age: 21
Gender: Females
Kanna and Iris are the first twins in the Taisho family whereas they pulled most pranks on their sisters and mother. Despite being twins, the two sisters are very different whereas Kanna is quite outgoing and sociable with other royal children from different lands. While Iris is quiet and very distance but she wasn’t shy at all. Nope, she just doesn’t see the whole point of socializing other princesses and princes that most of them are spoiled little snobs. That somewhat true and not true at all but Iris likes her quietness and alone time. Nevertheless, the two sisters always love to horrors pranks on Rose the most since she gets scared the easiest. Overall it gives off and good laughs and memories to cherish once they reach their adulthood. Not to mention they’re very overprotective of their brother.
4. Tatsuya
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Tatsuya is the fourth child of the Taisho family but the first son. On the day he was born, Sesshomaru was ecstatic and blessed to receive a son. Being the first son which lead Tatsuya to inherit the throne of the Western Land. Puts a lot of pressure on him but was willing to pass on the family tradition that is taught his parent and sister Rose. He and his older sister are extremely close where it seems whenever they get into argument...Tatsuya always the first one to apologize. Since being taught by his father to be a gentleman even though his father is a big old tsundere. He also one of the sons to inherit his mother wind sorceress powers. Being half wind demon and a daiyoukai, Tatsuya nearly resembles a male version of Kagura which told by many.  Even though he’s the heir of the Western Land, Tatsuya never brags about it since the entire kingdom was basically given to him on the day he was born. Sometimes he questions whether to be the Lord or not of his family land.
5. Kaze and Sesshomaru II (Maru)
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Kaze and Sesshomaru II are the second set of twins but also the youngest sons of the entire Taisho family. Both of them maybe twins are the two boys are fraternal twins. You see, Kaze always appear to resemble Naraku except for the demons marking inherited from his father. Many of the guards and some of the family intended to despite the eldest twin just for resembling the dead but also the most murderous demon that ever lived. Well, let’s just that his parents aren’t too thrilled of what some may say about their son. Well, Kaze doesn’t mind at all since he told parents that if yokais and other royal family judge him by his appearance alone then they’re not worthy of their times or anyone else's. Kaze doesn’t how he resemble Naraku since deep down in his heart that he is not him and never will be him. Since he is Kaze and will always be Kaze to his family and himself
Now to the youngest child and youngest son of the Taisho family. Sesshomaru II or more basically Maru as a short nickname. Everyone calls him by that nickname including his own father just so the young son doesn’t get confused. Surprising this young boy looks almost identical to his own father by both body features and facial recognition. Some of the guests that visit the royal often confuse the young boy as being his father.  Well, the one things that everyone knows about Maru is that he’s extremely innocent and very polite. Maru never cusses nor talk ill about anyone even those that disrespected him from face to face. The young son even made friends with Tatsuya long-term rivals but Maru is naturally obedience, patience, caring, kind-hearted, and a bit naive but. He is also the full definition of Daddy’s little boy. As a young infant Maru always looked up toward his father as a role model. He has a loving relationship with his father and also with his mother, whom both parents cherish Maru with their life.
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otomesakura20 · 7 months
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Flowers for my love InuHaru, MiroSan, SessRin, RikTow, Setsui
Happy Valentine’s Day!💕❤️
Valentine’s Day project for this year!
I’ve got to say there is no doubt that every day is Valentine’s Day with Inuyasha and Harumi. Not only that but I was told Inuyasha and Harumi actually wear the color scheme for Valentine’s Day which I didn’t notice at first. Red and Pink is one of my favorite color scheme’s though for sure now even more that it’s linked with my favorite couple.🥰
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hq92 · 4 years
Since InuYasha is trending again, I guess maybe it would be all right to share some of my fan fiction with you. If anyone is actually interested? ( I doubt any of you actually are lol) Most of these feature original characters, which I get that many people aren’t interested in, but here it is anyway.
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11734551/1/The-Road-to-Resolution ‘The Road to Resolution’ Longest thing I have ever written, and I apologize that it may be a bit confusing to follow at some points. In 2007, a friend and I started an InuYasha forum RP featuring our OCs. Later, in 2015, I felt that I should finish the adventure I started with my friend, so I decided to write a fic depicting the end of their story. I think it’s still pretty understandable though, I’ve done my best to fill in the blanks when I felt like something was coming up that needed a bit extra explaining. Romance, Drama, Action and strong Family Themes. Also many flaws of an amateur writer lol 163,076 words.
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11753561/1/Pride ‘Pride’ A short three part story that tells the events leading up to the marriage between Sesshomaru and my OC named Kohana. Takes place roughly three years before The Road to Resolution. Some angst, but mostly fluff once shit gets solved. 7938 words.
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13504629/1/Creation ‘Creation’ Takes place after The Road to Resolution, a brief tale of some unforeseen consequences due to the final battle against the Shikon Jewel. I will warn you that it deals with some heavy themes and is the least happy thing I’ve written. 1509 words. Maybe I’m sharing these to satisfy my own ego, but honestly, if even one of you gets some enjoyment out of what I’ve written then I’ll be pleased by that. Also I encourage you to share the fan fiction you’ve written, let’s cheer each other on and share our creativity!
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