#mischief managed smut
fandomnsfw · 1 year
I Will Always See You - Fred Weasley x Reader
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Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
Prompt: nothing…I just love Fred Weasley J.K did him dirty if you ask me…my poor baby. 😭
Warnings: smut, if you squint praise kink and begging kink.
Thank you to @lets-imagine-fanfics my beta for editing this thought I'm sure as an avid Fred Weasley fan she likely had no problem! 😂
You walked down the hall, your arms wrapped around your books as you silently made your way back to the Gryffindor common room. You were thinking about your Herbology homework listing off things you needed or would have to do when your felt a gust of wind at either side of you.  
Your eyes immediately spotted the Weasley twins running so fast, the only reason you knew it was them was because of their vibrantly orange hair, you rolled your eyes and opened your mouth to shout at them but before you could, they skid to a stop and glanced behind them towards you. 
“Boys no running in the halls.” You huffed as they gave you matching smirks. 
“Oh, if it isn’t our favourite head girl.” Fred grinned mischievously as they began walking next to you. 
“Don’t think because you compliment me, Fred Weasley, that I’ll forget that you were running in the halls.” You scoff as you held your head up. 
“I’m not Fred I’m George.” He stated with a frown on his face. 
You rolled your eyes and turned to the real George looking him up and down before giving him a smirk. He flushed a little under your scrutinising gaze but said nothing to give away their game. 
“Nope, that’s definitely George.” You stated as you pat Georges flushed cheek before turning to Fred who glared down at you suspiciously. 
“And you are most definitely Fred.” You chuckled as you pat his chest as he continued to glare at you. 
You stride ahead of them with a satisfied smirk on your face as you quickly forget about your homework in favour of thinking about Fred. You’d be lying if you said the twins weren’t handsome but Fred for some reason held way more of your attention. George was sweeter, slightly more shy than Fred and he also had a mole on the side of his neck while at Fred had two scars on his face that were barely noticeable. 
Fred was always more confident and always the one to instigate their pranks and mischief. It’s another reason you had a giant crush on Fred, not that anyone knew that with how you would constantly reprimand him for ignoring the rules. 
You liked to keep to yourself for most part but you enjoyed hanging out with Harry and his friends even though you were in the Weasley twins year. You shook the thoughts of Fred to the back of your mind as you finally arrived at the portrait to the Gryffindor common room.  
You giggled at something Hermione said to Ron as you nibbled on some toast with jam on it. Harry rolled his eyes at the pair about to reprimand his friends, however he was instantly interrupted when the Weasley twins slid into the small spaces at either side of you.  
Your eyes flickered between both twins before noting they had their homemade sweaters from Molly. The only thing that wasn’t right was that Fred was wearing George’s and George was wearing Freds. You frowned a little but figured they must’ve done it by accident. 
“Fred, mum said you need to send her a letter. Said she hasn’t heard from you in a few days.” Ron muttered to George making you roll your eyes a little however instead of Fred piping up George did and suddenly you realised their game.  
“I will tonight.” George answered making you literally bang your head off of the table, narrowly avoiding your plate.  
“What on earth are you doing?” Hermione snorted making you look up at them with a glare firmly in place. 
“Ron, how can you not tell your brothers apart?” You laughed making him frown a little. 
“There literally wearing their tops.” Ron snorted making you roll your eyes. 
“That’s Fred.” You said pointing at the twin wearing the sweater with the G.   
“How?” Fred exclaimed with a deep frown on his face, making you roll your eyes once again. 
“Because I can. Why, pray tell, does it bother you so much?” You asked him seriously making him puff out his cheeks in a childish manner. 
“Even our own mum gets confused sometimes, I don’t see how you can tell better than literally anyone.” Fred stated uneasily as his two brothers nodded in agreement. 
“I’m sure someone else in this room can too.” You huffed with a small smile making them glance at one another. 
“No. Even Ang almost kissed Fred last week.” George snorted making you visibly cringe a little before giving them a sympathetic smile. 
You giggle a little as Hermione says something about Fred being a bigger arsehole making everyone burst out laughing. The rest of the day went by without anyone mentioning the fact that you could tell them apart better than anyone. 
That was until you arrived at your bedroom to find Ginny and Hermione waiting there with raised brows and inquisitive looks. You frowned at the girls, silently asking why they were in your room. 
“So which one is it?” Ginny asked with a subtle smirk on her lips. 
“What on earth are you two talking about?” You snorted as you put your books on the bedside table next to your bed. 
“Which twin do you fancy?” Hermione asked confidently making your eyes widen a little. 
“W-What makes you think I fancy Fred or George?” You stuttered, heat slowly creeping up your face until you felt like steam was coming out your ears. 
“Fred.” Ginny and Hermione say at the same time, looking father proud of themselves. 
“I do-what I mean is that I- Fine, I fancy Fred!” You had tried to get out of it but honestly, you’d been dying to tell someone since you first started crushing on him in your 3rd year. 
“Oh my Merlin, that feels amazing to get off my chest! God, I fancy the bloody pants off him! He’s so tall, handsome, funny, confident, did I say handsome? Then he’s got these eyes that are just so expressive. I can always tell when he’s about to do something that’ll get him in trouble because he gets these little creases at the corner of his gorgeous eyes, when he tries to keep the smile off his face. There was one time I accidentally saw him without hi-” 
“Too much information!” Ginny yelled making you flush bright red. 
“S-Sorry.” You whispered softly making her shake her head at you. 
“How long has this been going on?” Hermione laughed as she raised her brows at you. 
“3rd year.” You whispered avoiding all eye contact. 
“That’s since my 1st year! I’m in my 5th year!” Hermione exclaimed like it was something you didn’t already know. 
“I’m aware 4 years…god that’s so pathetic.” You sighed heavily as you flopped onto your bed face first. 
“It’s not that bad.” She tries but you just lift your head to glare at her. 
“Being a 17 year old girl who never kissed a guy let alone dated one isn’t embarrassing at all.” You laughed sarcastically as you flipped you head back down screaming into the pillow. 
“You haven’t had your first kiss?” Ginny exclaimed making you roll over onto your back, staring at the ceiling with a pout. 
“I know, even Ron has had his!” You whined loudly making the girls pout down at you sympathetically. 
“Why don’t you just ask him out?” Ginny asks with a raised brow making the sit up to look at her like she’d grown another head. 
“Have you lost the plot, Ginny? Did your crush on Harry turn your head to mush?” You asked seriously making her face turn the same colour as her hair. 
“She’s not wrong you know? You’re a beautiful, smart and kind young woman! Why shouldn’t you be the one to ask him out?” Hermione exclaimed happily making you raise a brow at her. 
“Oh yes and how is Ronald?” You deadpanned making her turn bright red too. 
“Yes, well that boy is about as slow as a sloth at times! I’m working on it.” She stated seriously holding her head high. 
“Just tell him how you feel.” Ginny says calmly as her face begins to return to her pale skin tone. 
“I’ll think about it.” You answered honestly making them roll their eyes playfully. 
You girls spent the rest of the night gossiping and giggling knowing tomorrow was a weekend and you wouldn’t have to be up for classes. You all eventually passed out on your double bed laughing at something on Hermione’s muggle phone. 
When you woke up the girls were gone and you realised, they had probably gotten dressed and gone to breakfast. You dragged yourself out of bed and began your normal morning routine until you finally stood in front of your mirror freshly washed and dried, hair in two French plaits and your makeup simple, with subtle goldish eyeshadow, a spell to make you lashes appear longer and fuller and some nude lipstick. 
You decided you’d be a little more daring with your outfit today and slid on your custom Gryffindor sports bra along with your high waisted denim skirt and your plain white Nike trainers that Hermione had bought you last year from muggle London. You threw on your oversized white knitted cardigan, you may be feeling more daring than usual but no jacket with this outfit choice didn’t feel in your comfort zone. Before adding the last touched with your rings, triple chain necklace and your Gryffindor bucket hat over your braids. The outfit was kind of sporty but in a cute way. 
 When you finally arrived, a few students were staring as you entered the hall but you ignored it as you made your way to where the others were sat. You plopped down right in the middle of the twins who were staring at your attire rather openly. You shot them both glares before you began putting food on your plate.  
“Well, hello there. Where have you been hiding those legs, darling?” George exclaimed in a flirtatious way that had you frowning at him. 
“I’m telling Angie.” You smirked at George making him go wide eyed.  
“I really thought that was gonna work.” George huffed with a childish pout on his lips.  
“Sorry, boys, you won’t catch me out.” You giggled as you looked over to Fred who was still staring silently. 
You caught his eyes, staring into them with a hint a seductiveness and mischief. You fluttered you lashes at him not saying anything as his cheek tinged with a slight pink hue. He instantly looked away as if to hide his face behind his hair, ignoring the look George gave him as he tried to jump into another conversation.  
You took it as a win. 
Once you'd all finished breakfast you wandered back to the common room and made yourself comfortable on the couches around the fire. Everyone began talking amongst themselves about different things as you began telling Ginny about something that had happened the day before the twins interrupted everyone in the group.  
“Okay, so we’ve decided we’re gonna challenge Y/N to a guess ‘which twin’ special edition!” George announced making everyone including you, roll their eyes in exasperation.  
 “Are you guys seriously still stuck on this?” You groaned making them nod in unison with each other.  
“Fine let's just get this over with.” You huffed as you stood up in front of them. 
“First round, we’re gonna wear the same thing and only have our faces visible. Second round you’ll have to tell us apart by sound and finally by touch!” Fred announced making your eyes widen at the prospect.  
“Hey, I never said I could do it without looking!” You complained making them smirk like they’d won. 
“But I’ll try.” You added through gritted teeth.  
“Hermione, film this poppycock on your muggle phone. This is gonna be bloody brilliant.” Ron snorted as Hermione nodded in agreement.  
The twins ran upstairs as quickly as they could only gone for a few minutes before they came down n black jeans and a black turtle neck. You rolled your eyes before glancing at the others as if they would help stop this madness, however, they looked at you expectantly only making you groan in frustration.  
“Ron you’re their brother you can tell them apart, right?” You snorted as he looked at you with a fearful gaze as if scared to answer.  
“Can no one?” You added glancing at Harry, Ginny and Hermione. 
They all shook their head as you glanced at the boys, immediately spotting which was Fred even though they’d switched themselves around when you had been looking at the others. You rolled your eyes and patted Freds chest with a smile on your face.  
“Fred.” You muttered making everyone gape at you including the twins.  
“Here’s a blindfold.” Hermione laughed as she waited for Fred to tie that around your eyes.  
You wouldn’t likely be able to do the last two things but you’d give it your best shot just to shut the boys up. You could feel the boys breathes brushing across your ears as they leant down to talk into your ear. 
“Can you tell who-” 
“-Is who.” They both muttered finishing each other's sentence.  
“Say my name.” You asked calmly making them chuckle at the side of you.  
“Y/N.” You couldn’t quite tell to be honest but the second the other twin spoke you knew. 
“Y/N.” Fred whispered against your ear; his voice wasn’t as deep as Georges however it sounded more soothing to your ears.  
“This is Fred.” You grinned as you gripped the front of Fred turtle neck.  
Everyone went silent so you went to take you mask off but Fred hand came up to stop you as there was the sound of moving around. You stood still and allowed them to move where they wanted before you felt someone touch your arm making you jump a little.  
“Okay, its Hermione I’m gonna guide you to one of the boys and you go from there.” She chuckled as she walked you a few feet before lifting your hand so it was on top of one of the twin's head.  
You instantly brought your hand down straight to where you knew Fred’s scar would be but it wasn’t there so you smirked to yourself but continued to drag your hand down to cup his cheek. As he nuzzled into your hand you pulled back a slapped his cheek lightly before standing back and giggling to yourself.  
“I thought I told you I’d tell Angie if you kept flirting, Georgie.” You snickered as you took off your blindfold. 
“That is amazing! How did you do it?” Ron exclaimed excitedly as he began clapping and jumping up and down.  
“I don’t know to be honest, I thought I would have failed both blindfolded challenges at least.” You giggled as you glanced at the twins who still looked beyond shocked.  
Fred looked at you curiously, his eyes narrowed a little as if he was thinking about something when suddenly he stepped up and was in front of you with his arms crossed. You gave him a soft smile that made his posture drop a little but he still remained suspicious. 
“There’s got to be some sort of tell.” Fred asked seriously making you frown. He seemed beyond upset about the fact that no matter what, you could spot him a mile away even next to his brother. 
“Fine shall I list everything?” You scoffed in annoyance but he nodded like that was obvious. 
“You have a small scar on your eyebrow, you also have a slightly rounder face. Not much but it’s there. You have a tiny scar on your nose. And you have abs. Where as George doesn-” 
“How on earth do you know that?” Ron shouted making your face turn bright red. 
“There was an incident last year at Christmas…” You mumbled shyly making Fred smirk down at you. 
“Hey! I kind of have abs!” George shouts with a pout on his face. 
“Can we move on?” You huffed softly making everyone nod in agreement. 
“Your voice is slightly softer than George. You’re also more confident when you talk.” You added your last points. 
“There’s are all points on how you can tell it’s Fred! What about me?” George scoffed making you puff out your cheeks in all hope that your face didn’t turn a deeper shade of red. 
“You have a mole on your neck.” You supplied nervously making everyone roll their lips to stop from smiling or commenting. 
“Aww I didn’t know you paid so much attention, darling.” Fred teased as he slung his arm around you, lowering himself so he was at your eye level. 
“I-I don’t.” You stuttered as you glanced at Hermione who found the whole things hilarious. 
“Doesn’t sound that way. Hmm, maybe we should go upstairs and find more differences.” Fred joked, wiggling his eyebrows at you making you turn so red you could practically feel your cheeks glowing. 
You budge Fred away and slapped his arm a few times like his mother did when he was misbehaving. He faked a pained expression as he burst out laughing as you began chasing after him with your hat, slapping him with it as the others laughed at you. 
“You, Fred Weasley, are a bloody menace.” You snapped as you went to sit on the couch next to Harry. 
“You love me really.” He chuckled as he threw himself down next to you on the couch. 
“In your dreams Weasley.” You snorted sarcastically causing him to grin from ear to ear. 
“Oh, you do plenty of things in my dreams, love.” He flirted making your eyes widen. 
“Ew. Get a room.” Ron faked gagged as Hermione nudged him and told him to shut it. 
You spent the rest of the morning hanging out with the twins. The younger kids had long since ran off claiming they had places to be and eventually so did George saying he had a date with Angie leaving you and Fred alone on the common room. 
“Let’s play truth or dare.” Fred announced making you roll your eyes. 
“There’s not enough people for that to be fun, and you know it.” You snorted as he pondered your words for a second. 
“Okay, Hermione taught me one called two truths and a lie. You say three things, two have to be the truth, the other has to be a lie. I have to guess which one.” Fred supplies making you contemplate it for a second before giving him a nod telling him you agreed.   
“Okay. I am failing herbology, I hate peas and I love your tiny little skirt.” He stated his last one making you turn a lovely shade of red, as you hit his chest playfully. 
“You like peas. So hating them is a lie. Pervert.” You huffed before thinking of yours. 
“I hate spring, I slept with a Slytherin once and I always carry sweets with me.” You almost laughed when you told the lie, but you held it in as you stared at him. He seemed to stiffen a little when you said you’d slept with a Slytherin but said nothing as he seemed to think about it. 
“The sweets one is a lie.” He guessed making you gape at him. 
You dug your hand into your pocket which had an extendable charm on him before dragging out a wrapped up sweet showing it to him with a smirk. He gasped at you before laughing a little and staring at you with inquisitive eyes. 
“So which was the lie?” He asked softly making you grin. 
“If you didn’t guess, you don’t get to know.” You chuckled humorously. 
“That’s no fair!” He complained loudly making you giggle. 
“Do you really think I’d sleep with a Slytherin?” You laughed making him shrug. 
“I don’t know who you do in your spare time.” He snorted making you flush a little as you looked away hoping that would be the end on that conversation. 
“Okay, your turn.” You muttered awkwardly as he seemed to think about it. 
“I love snow, I have purple boxers on and I had a dirty dream last night.” He smirked as he said the last one making you roll your lips to hold your smile back. 
“Pervert. The dreams a lie although that’s a guess because how would I know what colour your underwear is.” You laughed making him grin from ear to ear as he flashed you his purple boxers.  
“I told you love. You do plenty of things in my dreams.” Fred teased as he threw his arms around you on the couch, his lips hovering near your ear. 
“I have never kissed someone. I went on a date with Oliver and I fancy you.” You confidently stated a smirk on your face as his eyes widened. 
“I mean you don’t fancy me so that has to be the lie. But I also don’t believe you’ve never had your first kiss so…I don’t know.” Fred grumbled as he stared off in deep thought. 
Just then Oliver walked into the common room and Fred looked at him with wide eyes before you could stop him he shouted at Oliver. 
“Did you go on a date with Y/N?” He asked making Oliver frown as you slapped your hand over you face in embarrassment. 
“No, did ya want to go on a date, darling?” He chuckled softly his accent making it sound much smoother than you’d imagined. You let out a giggle as Fred seemed to be calculating something when suddenly his jumped up from his seat. 
“You can’t have her she’s mine.” Fred grumbled as he pulled you up from the couch and began dragging you up to the boys dorm straight into his room before shutting the door. 
His words were echoing in your head as he began pacing back and forth in front of you. I’m his? Did he mean that? Obviously your not ‘his’, you’re not even dating but for some reason you didn’t care. Just having him call you his was amazing. 
“So you’ve never dated Oliver?” He confirmed making you nod silently. 
“Which means you like me and you haven’t had your first kiss?” He questioned again but this time you made no move to nod just averted you eyes from him shyly. 
Suddenly you were pinned to his bedroom door, his left hand pressed flat against the door while the other one lifting your head so you’d look at him. You stared into gorgeous brown eyes, it was like they were hypnotising you. Your breathing hitched in your chest as you tried not to lean into his touch. 
“Answer me, love.” He demanded softly as his eyes flickered to your lips. 
“Well, I g-guess there’s no use denying it now. Yes, I like you and no I have never been kissed or anything like that.” You answered truthfully making his pupils blow up swallowing the brown colour that was there. 
“Can I claim your first kiss, pretty girl?” He whispered as he dipped down brushing his nose against yours. 
“Please.” You sighed desperately, his breath fanning against your lips. 
There were no more words exchanged as his lips pressed against yours. You gasped at the electric feeling of his lips massaging your own. He was taking it slow, but you could feel his desperation as his hand that was flat against the door clenched as if he was holding himself back.  
Your arms reached up and wrapped around his neck as you pulled him against you. His fingers left your chin and wrapped around your waist as he got as close as he could whilst tilting his head to one side to deepen the kiss. His tongue swiped against your lower lip, begging for entrance which you gave him.  
Despite it being your first kiss, you followed his movements easily as if you’d been doing this your whole life. His tongue tangling with yours as his hand dug into your denim covered hip before it cautiously slid around your love handles until his hand slid into your back pocket, squeezing your ass a little. You moaned into his mouth at the feeling causing him to pull away and look down at you with hooded eyes. 
“Can’t be making sexy little noises like that, love.” Fred groaned as his head fell against your collar bone. 
“Sorry, Freddie.” You whispered shyly as you let your hands fall from around his neck.  
“I would really like if you would be my girlfriend?” He chuckled softly as he stood up straight, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. 
“I would very much love to be your girlfriend, Fred Weasley.” You giggled as you wrapped your arms around his waist and buried your head in his chest.  
The next few weeks went by quickly and everything kind of fell into place. You and Fred spend all your spare time together, you had even stayed the night in his room one time. So, when you woke up at almost 8am you decided to sneak into Freds room hoping he wouldn’t mind a few cuddles before breakfast. 
You didn’t bother changing out of the oversized Gryffindor sweater that was Fred’s as you jogged out your room towards the boy's dorm. When you got to his door you quietly opened the door hoping not to wake him only to find Fred sat up, naked with his cock in his hand.  
You instantly flushed but instead of covering your eyes you let yourself admire him. Your eyes flittering from his eyes to his lip slowly down until you reached his hardened member. You were embarrassed but you couldn’t take your eyes away for some reason. Your thighs clenching together as you felt yourself growing wet. 
“Enjoying the view, love?” He groaned as he pumped his hand over his cock a few times.  
“Can I touch you, Freddie?” You asked bravely his eyes widening a little as you approached the bed chewing on your bottom lip. 
“Baby, you can do whatever you want to me.” He chuckled as he pulled you onto the bed kissing the spot just behind your ear.  
You had a feeling when you asked to touch him, he thought you were going to give him a simple hand job however, what Fred didn’t know about you was you had a serious oral fixation so when you pushed away from him and leant down to lick the tip of his cock he jolted in shock as he gripped the sheets beneath him.   
“You don’t have t-” 
“Do you know why I have to carry sweets around with me?” You asked softly making him frown a little as he shook his head.  
“I have an oral fixation.” You giggled making him groan a little.  
“Then be a good girl and open your mouth, baby.” Fred growled as he ran his thumb against your lower lip.  
You complied with his request swirling your tongue around the tip before taking him in your mouth. You couldn’t explain why but the feeling of his long-hardened member in your mouth caused you to groan as you tried to clench your thighs again, stroking attempting to get any kind of friction. You sucked on him like he was one of the lolly's you carried with you, savouring the slight salty taste at the head of his tip.  
He must've been doing this for a while before you got here because he seemed ready to burst already and you'd barely done anything. You slid him further down your throat until you felt your nose touching his pubic bone. He moaned your name rather desperately as he took in the sight of you deep throating his cock.  
“Fuck, I'm gonna finish, love.” He groaned as he tried to pull out your mouth but you pushed back down and began deep throating him whilst your hand reached up to massage his balls.  
He finally let out a string of curses as he came down your throat watching intensely as he watched you swallow every drop, even licking him clean once you'd pulled away.  He stared down at you in a mix of amazement and lust as he pulled you upwards until you were hovering over his chest. You barely had chance to be embarrassed when he sunk down the bed lower and pulled your panties to the side, his tongue instantly licking a stripe up your wet slit.  
You moaned in desperation as you lifted the quidditch shirt so you could see him buried in your pussy. He gazed up at you darkly as he began licking and sucking at your swollen bundle of nerves. You whimpered as his fingers dug into your ass cheeks making you grind down onto his tongue, the whole thing was embarrassing but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. 
He paused to help you tug off your panties before getting back into the same position, his tongue immediately getting to work again. 
“Come on, sweet girl, use my tongue to get you off.” He pleaded before he continuously flickered his tongue over your clit.  
“Fuck, Freddie.” You moaned loudly as you began thrusting against his tongue chasing the orgasm that was quickly building.  
He kept still as he watched you unfold above him. You grabbed his hand and began sucking on two of his fingers which had him groaning beneath you as your thrusts became untimed, your orgasm finally ripping through you. You released his fingers and screamed his name as you finally climaxed against his tongue clenching against nothing. 
Fred rolled over, flipping you on to your back, his face still between your thighs until he crawled upwards, his lips brushing against your neck leaving kisses and bites wherever his lips touched. 
“Do you want to?” He trailed off but you knew what he meant and you nodded your head as you wrapped your arms around his neck, bringing him up for a kiss. 
“Need you, Freddie.” You moaned as you thrust up grinding your wet heat over his erection.  
“So needy aren’t you, baby?” He teased darkly as he gripped your hip with one hand and used the other to guide his member to your entrance.  
He pushed his tip inside, stretching you out, as he slowly pushed more of himself inside. It didn’t overly hurt until he finally broke through your barrier but that may be to do with the fact that you had done nothing but touch yourself whenever you were alone. Your thoughts constantly consumed by Fred. 
You whimpered a little as he finally pushed all the way in. You could feel him touching every inch of you the pain faded faster than it came, causing you to grind against him wanting him to move. He groaned against your neck as he started thrusting your tight heat fluttering around him. 
“You feel so tight, princess.” He growled as he pushed himself up with his arms, staring into your eyes as you clenched around him at the sound of the new nickname he’d just called you. Such a royal and flowery title sounded so dirty but so right the way he said it. 
“Well, that’s a development isn’t it, princess.” He chuckled darkly as he gripped your left ankle flipping your leg to meet you other one in a foetal position, before he manhandled you onto your stomach before pulling your ass up so you were face down ass up. 
It shouldn’t be that hot to be manhandled. 
He began thrusting inside of you slowly but deeply as you got used to the new position. You moaned with almost every thrust of his hips, his hand slid from your hips to your ass cheeks, squeezing them harshly. The feeling of his hands on your ass had you moaning out his name loudly.  
What happened next shocked you a little but more than anything it turned you on so much. His hand came down across your ass causing you to let out a small squeak of surprise before your pussy clenched around him tightly. 
“I’m finding out all sorts of dirty little kinks you have, princess.” Fred mocked huskily as he bent over to press kisses on your spine, making you shiver; his thrusts turning torturously slow. 
“No fair, wanna know your kinks.” You pout cutely over your shoulder making him smirk a little, at least until you flutter your lashes. 
“Please.” As you muttered that tiny word, Fred’s smug face dropped into a dark lustful gaze as you felt him pulse against your walls. 
“Is that one, Freddie? Hmm like it when I beg.” You teased as you pushed back to meet his slow thrusts causing him to go so deep your saw stars. 
“Please, need you to fuck me with your big cock, Freddie. P-Please.” You moaned as you clenched around him. 
“You beg so pretty, princess.” He growled against your back as his hand slid under you wrapping around your throat. 
He lifted you both to an upright kneeling position, his hand resting loosely against your neck while his other wound down to start massaging your clit as he began fucking you harshly. The new speed causing your eyes to roll back as you threw your head back against his collar bone and turn to look at him as you felt your orgasm building up once again. 
“I’m so close, baby.” He moaned huskily into your ear before pressing a sweet kiss to your temple. 
“Gonna cum inside me, Freddie?” You moaned with a filthy grin on your face making him growl against your cheek as his hand gripped your throat harder. 
“Cum slut too, baby?” He whispered with a harsh dominance that had you gasping in a silent scream. 
His fingers sped up on your clit as his thrust grew faster and faster as you whimpered against his neck. He began leaving hickeys on your neck as his hand gripped your hip as he began ramming into you like an animal. 
“That’s it, princess, take it like a good girl.” He growled against your skin as his hands kept drawing soft but fast circles on your clit. 
“I’m cummin’, Fred.” You moaned loudly as you grind into his fingers. 
“Cum all over my cock, baby.” He whispered filthily in your ear making your orgasm rip through you, your sight became blurred and floaty as you zoned out for a second, thankfully you came back to, just in time to see Fred brows furrowed, biting his lip as he came inside you. 
You stayed for a few minutes, using each other’s bodies to prop you up as you both recovered. When he finally looked down at you, you met his eyes and smiled up at him with a soft gaze. 
“If it wasn’t obvious, that was amazing.” You giggled lazily making him chuckle. 
“Yes it was.” He agreed as he finally pulled out.  
You cleaned yourself up a little with wipes he gave you before coming back into bed with Fred and curling up together. Both of you drifting off rather quickly. 
Years later... 
You could feel Fred’s naked chest against your back, so you spun around and snuggled into his naked chest but something felt off. That wasn’t Fred.  
“George, what are you doing in mine and Fred’s bed?” You grumbled as you looked up at him with tired eyes. 
“For the love of Merlin!” Fred exclaimed from somewhere outside the bedroom.  
He came into the room with the tiny version of him tottering behind him. You smiled at the sight rolling over and picked up your little girl from the floor. 
“I thought for sure you’d not recognise me if you were half asleep.” He grumbled with a pout. 
“Even our daughter can’t tell!” He huffed making you laugh a little. 
“She’s 3.” You deadpanned as George slid his T-shirt back on. 
“We’ve been together 7 years, 4 of which we were married. Let it go, baby.” You chuckled as you stroked your daughters curly ginger hair away from her face. 
“Maybe.” He snorted as he flopped on the bed as George muttered something about coffee, leaving the room. 
“I love you, Fred Weasley.” You giggled as you bent down to peck his lips. 
“I love you too, Y/N Weasley.” He replied with a smug smirk on his face.    
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paradisdementor · 6 months
Facesitting with Floch please 👉🏻👈🏻(cunnilingus) but with the shy s/o and it’s her first time
(I’m 20 years old and I’m same anon who ask)
On it 🫡 Better late than never 😅
Best Seat in The House | Floch Forster
Heart divider by: @saradika-graphics <3
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"Just lay back love, i'll take care of everything"
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You nervously laid on your back, the smell of lavender coming from his recently washed sheets mixed with his cologne distracted you from what was about to take place.
"I just, I don't know..."
Floch's head rested on one of your inner thighs as his long and slim fingers traced the inside of the other.
"How about this" he said, before sitting up and laying down next to you
"Sit on my face."
Your eyes went wide and your face felt hotter by second. The idea of riding his face has definitely crossed your mind once or twice, but now that it was about to happen had you double guessing yourself.
"I- what? But what if-"
"DON'T you even dare say you're heavy, besides... I like weight on me"
He said as he winked at you. He took your hand and helped you position yourself on top of him, slowly making your way towards his face. You could see a small spark in his eyes as your most intimate part of your body got near his face.
"Um, is this okay?" you asked before lowering yourself a little
"THIS is perfect" he assured you before carefully moving your panties to the side.
He placed small and gentle kisses all over your pussy, before his tongue made it's way between your folds. The tip of his tongue made small circles around your clit and sucked it gently, getting a small whimper from you in response.
"F-Flotch... Mmm"
"You like that?" he asked before sucking your clit a little harder
"Yes... Yes, it feels so good."
You felt his hands travel to your ass and giving it a light squeeze, before resting them in the crevices between your upper thigh and pelvis and bringing you lower down on his face. His tongue began to explore more and more of you, hitting different spots that had your eyes rolling back. Long licks and kisses indulged you with a different feeling, something slightly similar as to what you made yourself feel while trying to release some stress, yet different in its own way.
"You taste so good sweetheart, just like I knew you would" he said in between licks.
He was now giving your pussy open mouth kisses, his licks becoming deeper and faster with every involuntary swing of your hips. Your hands found their way to his hair, gripping it to have better control and having him exactly where you wanted.
"That's it baby, ride my face" he said hungrily, his grip on your legs bringing you as close as he could to him. He thought that if he died from asphyxiation right then and there, he'd die a happy man.
"I- I think I'm close... Just... just a little more"
Your thighs began to shake, that familiar knot started to form and moans filled his room accompanied by his own muffled ones from underneath you.
"Flotch... I'm, I'm"
"I know baby, let it out, that's it..."
The moment he spoke those words, you felt the sweet release of your climax. You could hear him moaning, slurping, and kissing every inch of you he could reach from his position. His hands now ran up and down your thighs as he enjoyed every single drop of you, and at the same time, helped you come down from your orgasm.
You slowly got off, and laid down right next to him. You turned your head to face him, his cheeks were a slight shade of red, eyes sparkling and a big smile plastered on his face. He finally turned around to look at you, placing a small kiss on your forehead and holding your face in his hand
"How was it?" he asked, wanting to make sure you enjoyed it as much as he did.
"It was amazing... Thank you." You replied with a shy smile. Your head now laid on his chest as you were still trying to catch your breath.
"Can we do this again soon?" you asked nervously, as he let out a slight chuckle and kissed your head
"Of course we can, as a matter of fact"- he said before sitting up -"open wide for me..."
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🏷: @we-are-so-close @myarlert
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talia-rumlow · 2 years
My Works (Will be updated as I go)
First of all. Thank you so much for your likes, your comments and your support. I really appreciate it.
My writing is 18+, smut, and all that follows with it. Some stories are worse than others. Read on own risk. Warnings will be posted.
I usually write Marvel related stuff. But I can take requests for other things as well. Favorites are: The Night Manager, Supernatural, Criminal Minds, Bones, Buffy/Angel, 911, Chigaco Fire/PD/Med, Kingdom (I am currently in the process of watching the entire show), Wheelman.
Although I decided to take a step back from RPF, I could maybe take request for that too. But probably only One Shots. Send me a PM if you want me to write something for you.
I also post my stuff on Wattpad, AO3, My personal blog, TikTok and My Saviour is also ongoing on Instagram as a video story. (If you want to keep the thrill, and read the stories as I post them on here. I would recommend, NOT to visit my Blog, AO3 or Wattpad)
ON HOLD! (Given the recent news about Chris Hemsworth!)
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Yes! You are seeing correctly. I´m actually writing a Loki fic. And this is an epic one!
Given your place in Asgard, a secret relationship with the God of Mischief isn't exactly a good Idea. But you can't stop. It's an obsession, a sickness. You can't get enough of him! And Loki can't get enough of you!
This story will go back and forth in time.
Chapter One - Twisted Reality
Chapter Two - Queen Of Asgard
Chapter Three - Loki & Thor
Private Workout (Alvey Kulina One-Shot)
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Another story based on one of Frank Grillos roles. The 2017 NETFLIX movie Wheelman. I love that movie.
After a real heavy night out with the girls, you decide to sleep it off in your car. But when a bankrobbery goes South, and the Getaway driver "borrows" your car, the night takes a whole new turn. While you´re being chased around the city by his enemies, you start to see the thrill of the criminal side of things. But things aren´t always as black and white as you or he thinks.
Chapter One - Wheelman
Chapter Two - Heating Things Up
Chapter Three - This Is Going To Hurt
Chapter Four - Do You Always Fuck The Girls You Kidnap?
Chapter Five - I Told You To Run, YN!
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After tips from @nekoannie-chan I have decided to start to post my other stories on here as well.
My schedule:
MONDAY: My Saviour
TUESDAY: My Brother´s Best Friend
WEDNEDSDAY: Bound & Brockened
THURSDAY: Best Friends Forever
FRIDAY: Escort To The Multiverse
SATURDAY: Forbidden Fruit
SUNDAY: Strangers With Memories (Original Story)
You can read about the stories further down in this post!
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My Saviour is a Rumlow X Reader story. This story will contain Graphic Sexual Description, Graphic Description of Violence, Death, Murder, angst, trauma, Domestic Abuse and Past Abuse. Read on own risk. This is a story where I portray Brock Rumlow as a decent human being. He also has a backstory. If you don´t like Brock Rumlow yet. You will, after reading this story.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the Marvel characters, only my original ones.
Chapter One - We Don´t Treat Women Like That!
Chapter Two - Can I Tell You A Little Secret?
Chapter Three - What Someone Like Me, Does To Little Brats Like You
Chapter Four - Who Is In Charge?
Chapter Five - Good Girls Gets Rewarded
Chapter Six - The Morning After
Chapter Seven - First Day At Work
Chapter Eight - I Want To Protect You
Chapter Nine - That´s Right, You Disobeyed Me!
Chapter Ten - Pick One!
Chapter Eleven - Mine! Say It!
Chapter Twelve - I´ll Find Him!
Chapter Thirteen - Want To Play A Game?
Chapter Fourteen - Pull Over!
Chapter Fifteen - What Do You Want Me To Do?
Chapter Sixteen - Want Me To Look For It?
Chapter Seventeen - Did You Lock The Door?
Chapter Eighteen - That Girl You Like So Much!
Chapter Nineteen - It´s A Date!
Chapter Twenty - When You Call Me Brock
Chapter Twentyone - See What You Get When You Ask Nicely
Chapter Twentytwo - Come For Me, Brock!
Chapter Twentythree - Please Don´t Leave Me!
Chapter Twentyfour - I Fucking Love You!
Chapter Twentyfive - Are You Alright?
Chapter Twentysix - You Disobeyed Me, Brock!
Chapter Twentyseven - Will It Be Dangerous, This Mission?
Chapter Twentyeight - Have You Ever Used A Gun Before, YN?
Chapter Twentynine - SHIELD Is The Safest Place To Be!
Chapter Thirty - Alexander Pierce
Chapter Thirtyone - Why Is This Happening To You?
Chapter Thirtytwo - How Did You End Up Here?
Chapter Thirtythree - This One Is Not!
Chapter Thirtyfour - Please Don´t Be Mad At Me!
Chapter Thirtyfive - Who Said Anything About Winning?
Chapter Thirtysix - I Love You, YN!
Chapter Thirtyseven - Good Agents Don´t Disobey Orders, YN!
Chapter Thirtyeight - You Are Fired Though!
Chapter Thirtynine - What´s Wrong With You, Brock?
Chapter Fourty - Well Played, YN! You´re Still Dead Though!
Chapter Fourtyone - What Did You Do To deserve This Treatment?
Chapter Fourtytwo - She´s Messing With Your Mind, Brock! Be Careful!
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Yet another Rumlow as a decent human being story. Yes! I LOVE doing these. Give Rumlow some love.
After years not speaking to your brother, Jack Rollins. He invites you to spend the summer with him, in New York. When your flight gets cancelled, Jack tells you, that you can hitch a ride, with his best friend, driving home from a mission. Great, you've met Brock Rumlow one time before, and you hate his face. Cocky, self-righteous, arrogant bastard. Not your type at all. You're not looking forward to drive across the country with him. Will you survive this trip with him, or will past experiences make it impossible to get to your destination? Secrets will come out, the past will catch up with both you and Rumlow. This story will be kinda a slow burn, with sexual content, and a lot of humor.
Chapter One - What, Brock? He´s A Good Guy!
Chapter Two - The Stupid Obnoxious One!
Chapter Three - You´re Reading Porn!
Chapter Four - You´ll Never Understand Him!
Chapter Five - What Did You Dream About?
Chapter Six - Like What You See?
Chapter Seven - Arrg.. Piss off, Brock!!
Chapter Eight - What do you want me to say, Brock?
Chapter Nine - Get your fucking hands off!
Chapter Ten - Truth Or Dare
Chapter Eleven - His Best Friend´s Little Sister!
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This story is the fastest growing story I´ve EVER posted. I absolutely LOVE to write this story. And I hope you´ll enjoy reading it as well. Just remember the warnings. Read with care!
Brock Rumlow, a ruthless badass, with a fucked up dominant side! After a mission goes terribly wrong, he gets fired from his job. After picking up girls in bars for a while, he gets that he needs more. No more of these fucked up, girls that leaves the next morning. He needs something stable. Someone he can use, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. Someone he can get out his frustration on.
So he decides to buy you, at an auction!
You had no money, no place to live, nothing left. That's the only reason you decided to give yourself away. To use the only thing you had, to maybe get some food and a roof over your head. You had no idea what you were walking into!
Containing graphic descriptions of non-con elements, bdsm, different forms of torture, graphic sexual descriptions.
Chapter One - Hades
Chapter Two - Owned!
Chapter Three - Choices!
Chapter Four - Play!
Chapter Five - Rules!
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Steve and Bucky have been best friends since the 30's. Steve married you and Bucky married Nat weeks apart, and you've been best friends and double dated for years. What will happen when Nat leaves Bucky, and Bucky moves in with you and Steve? Will the friendship between the four of you last. And more importantly, will your marriage to Steve last when his amazingly handsome best friend moves in.
Chapter One - Divorce?!
Chapter Two - Nightmares!
Chapter Three - Breakfast!
Chapter Four - James.
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One of my absolute favorite stories to write. This one made me tap into the darkest places of my mind. This will be a dark story. Containing graphic sexual description, Non-Con, BDSM, rough treatment, strong language, and everything else in that area. Rating X 18+! Read on own risk!
You were new to the city of New York. Your job didn't pay enough money to make rent, so you decided to start to work at a gentlemans club. Then a friend offers you a job at an escort service. To make ends meet, you says yes! One day you are sent on a mission to the SHIELD building, to take care of two agents, returning from a mission. Will it be too much for you to handle? Or will this be just what you need to get the new start you so desperately needs?
Characters includes: Tony Stark, Captain America & The Winter Soldier!
Chapter One - Jack Rollins & Brock Rumlow
Chapter Two - Can You Fuck Her Or Not?!
Chapter Three - I Think She Likes It!
Chapter Four - Shut Her Up!
Chapter Five - She´ll Fucking Listen Now!
Chapter Six - Listen Don´t Fucking Talk
Chapter Seven - She Enjoys The Fucking Pain
Chapter Eight - How Does She Taste?
Chapter Nine - Some Sort Of Super Human!
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I´ve always been a fan of the Night Manager, so of course I had to make a fic about Jonathan Pine. This will contain a lot of feelings, past trauma, abuse, murder, Non-Con elements and sexual description.
You met Jonathan Pine 5 years ago in Cairo. One steamy night was all you had time for, before Richard Roper got hold of you. Now you've been his prisoner for 5 years. When some unforeseen events led to you and Jonathan Pine to meet again. Only this time Mr. Roper calls the shot. Your job is to Seduce Jonathan Pine, and make him talk. Make him reveal his secrets before he can put a stop to Ropers plan. Your only way out of Ropers control is to finish the job. Will you reveal his secrets? Or will he reveal yours first?
Chapter One - Cairo 5 Years Ago
Chapter Two - No Way Out!
Chapter Three - A Part Of Life
Chapter Four - Daniel!
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This story means the world to me. And it´s heartbreaking, sweet and though. It´s about events from my own life, so I´m really putting myself out there with this one. It was the events in this story that got me into writing in the first place. If it wasn´t for what happened, I wouldn´t have been where I am today. So although I got my heart ripped out of my chest and stamped on. It was worth it.
What if you find love, with the most unexpected person? What if he gave you everything you missed? Only to leave you confused! What if that heartbreak gave you the chance to do everything you ever wanted. Would you risk it all? One more time...
Chapter One - Christopher He´s Good!
Chapter Two - Redecorate The Bathroom
Chapter Three - The First Date
Comment or send me a PM if you want to be on my taglist <3
And if you got as far as to this part.. THANK YOU for reading. And I hope you´ll read my stories, once I post them.
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jayniks · 2 months
Brought The Heat Back (s.jy)
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Where you annoy your boyfriend Jake while he's on live.
WC . 0,8k
PAIRING . Idol!jake x girlfriend!reader
WARNINGS . SMUT (MDNI), blowjob (m reciving), tease, public sex if you think about it, handjob, blowjob, a bit of boobjob at the end.
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"'Jake, is it hot in there?' Actually, yes, a little," Jake stammered, licking his lips as he ran his hand through his hair, small strands of which were sticking to his forehead from the sweat. The live had started, how long ago? Half an hour? Probably more. Of course, it was summer in Korea, it would be reasonable to think that was the reason why he was sweating. However, that wasn't the reason, and Jake was trying to hide it as much as he could but he wasn't God's strongest warrior.
It all started as an innocent movie night where he brought his beloved girlfriend to his room (let's celebrate that now he doesn't have to share one!) to watch some movies before doing a live for Engene. At one point he left to look for the food he had left reheating and, when he returned to the room, he noticed that you were not in bed, but rather next to the desk. He chuckled before sitting down and turning on live to interact with his fandom while he ate. He thought you were going to eat next to him (without the camera seeing you) while he did his daily duties. Little did he know that you would end up eating just not what he thought.
After about 15 minutes interacting with his fandom you decided that you were bored, so you took advantage of a moment where he turned around to sneak unnoticed under the desk. Jake didn't panic until that moment, he was more worried that you had been noticed than what you were doing. He smiled as he read the comments, one caught his curiosity so he decided to read it, "'Jake, what's the best thing about having a room for──." He interrupted himself, dropping his smile as he felt your hands run from his knees, across his thighs, until you reached his waist, where you played with his belt without undoing it yet.
He swallowed dryly as he looked scared at the camera, realizing what he had gotten himself into. He tried to cover it up by saying that 'he had seen a spider', they were going to believe it anyway. Well, let's continue where we were. Jake continued to pretend that everything was fine while you unbuckled his belt and pulled down his pants. He lowered his hand, pretending to drop some chopsticks to try to push you away, gently hitting you on the head as if he was saying 'stop, don't do it' while smiling awkwardly at the camera.
After reading some comments that were already noticing his strange behavior, he put his hands on the table again to start his 'date time with your idol' or something like that, I don't know, sometimes he gives his lives strange names... But continuing with Jake, he only managed to carry a few bites of food when he began to cough heavily to hide the moan he had repressed in his throat after you sucked on his tip. As Jake struggles to maintain his composure, your attitude becomes more daring and you move your hands further up his thighs, massaging until you reach his pelvis, and moved down so you folded his sack while gobbling down what you could of your boyfriend's member.
He scans the comments section, takes a sip of water to compose himself before speaking, "we've been trying to learn the choreography in a different way, Niki learned it immediately and wanted to leave earlier," he broke off with a laugh, "but the manager wouldn't let him leave, so-". This time he interrupted himself as he felt the warmth of your throat enveloping him. You looked at him with eyes full of mischief, hoping that he would pay attention to you.
"Oh, Jakey, you're so sweaty today! Shouldn't you cool off instead of making us hotter?" Jake read the comment, trying to maintain his composure. He lets out a nervous laugh and runs a hand through his hair. "Haha, well, you know, it's... really hot in here," he licked his lips as he leaned back in the chair a little, spreading his legs a little to give you more access. In a breathy voice he spoke momentarily "yeah, very hot, very warm...", at the end of the sentence he coughed to keep from letting out the grunts trapped in his throat. You take advantage of his momentary distraction, bobbing your head rhythmically, causing him to bite his lower lip to suppress a moan.
Moving on in the live (as well as your actions) Jake was no longer on earth. All that was going through his mind were the same words all the time, "Jake, don't cum during live." He had hidden it quite well, after all even the members had believed it. Oh, didn't I say that? The members had joined freely through the new weverse option, let's see how long Jake can last when you decided to change the position and slid his cock between your breasts.
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itsswritten · 6 months
Pairing: Azriel x fem reader, IC (platonic) x reader
Word Count: 3.1K
Warnings: 18+, smut, P in V, lots of fluff
Summary: Who would've thought that your found family would be so captivated by your hidden wings? As they reminisce about their first glimpses of your ethereal secret, you realise just how cherished and adored you truly are.
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Wings Universe - More from this world.
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"I distinctly remember," Mor began, her voice filled with excitement, drawing not only your attention from the comforting cocoon of Azriel's arms, but also the rooms. She sat opposite you, a slight mischief twinkling in her eyes as she leaned forward.
You were all nestled in one of the many living rooms at the House of Wind. 
Under the flickering faelight, you sat beside Azriel– your mate. His large presence ever the comfort, as he enveloped you in his arms. His fingers, tracing intricate patterns through your hair, each touch sending ripples of relaxation through your body. 
If it weren't for the loudness of your friends and family, their remarks not failing to echo through the room, Azriel’s touch alone could have lulled you into a blissful slumber. 
"It was a surprise for sure," Feyre chimed in, a playful smirk dancing across her lips as she glanced over at your slightly confused expression. Sensing your distraction, Azriel reluctantly released his hold on you, joining the conversation with a gentle touch of his hand settling on the small of your back.
"My experience was quite a shock," Cassian added with a grin.
“Mine, I have to say is one I’d like to forget” Rhys grimaced as Feyre gave him an annoyed knowing look.
Amren, rolled her eyes at her family's theatrics. "You all make such a big deal out of everything," she remarked, her tone dry.
Your brows furrowed as you pieced together the fragments of the conversation, realisation dawning as Mor's words began to paint a vivid picture.
The topic of discussion? The first time they laid eyes on your beautiful wings.
Mor, Feyre and Nesta.
It was one of Feyre’s first nights out since welcoming Nyx into the world; she’d been dying for a night off. Craving the simple joys of the company of her girlfriends. Sensing her desperation for a night to let loose, you, Mor, and Nesta had taken it upon yourselves to orchestrate the perfect girls night out for your High Lady.
The night quickly unfolded into a flurry of laughter and dancing. Drinks were spilled, songs were sung. Rita’s being your chosen sanctuary for the night. You all let yourselves get lost in the music and infectious energy of the bar. Drinks were flowing freely, and the hours quickly slipped away like grains of sand in an hourglass.
It wasn’t until the sun had started to rise again that you all quickly realised you needed to get home. You’re not sure how in their drunken states, but Mor and Feyre had successfully managed to winnow you all back to River House, all collapsing in a giggling heap in the foyer.
A fit of laughter overtook the group as you stumbled and pushed, trying to untangle yourselves from one another. You managed to push yourself onto unsteady feet, only to trip over Nesta’s dress and stumble back onto Mor. With your balance faltering, a shimmer of magic danced through the air as your wings burst forth, a kaleidoscope of iridescent pink hues unfurling into the air. Your wings, delicate and light, burst with specs of fairy dust that glowed around you.
The room fell silent, the trio frozen in awe at the sight before them. Then, like a spell breaking, laughter bubbled forth, filling the space with joyous echoes. Mor's eyes sparkled with delight as she pulled you into an embrace, Feyre's lips curled into a grin, and even Nesta couldn't help but crack a smile.
"You sneaky thing," Mor teased, reaching out to brush her fingers against the delicate wings "Keeping such beauty hidden away."
“I bet Azriel loves keeping this side of you to himself,” Nesta purred, her voice laced with mischief as something provocative glinted in her eyes.
You responded with a playful stick-out of your tongue at Nesta, before turning your attention to Mor and Feyre, who were now a pair of mesmerised females, giggling like children as they reached out to touch this new part of their friend they had never seen before.
They had always known you had wings, from the type of fae you were, but you had always kept them hidden and they never dared to ask for you to reveal them.
"Hands off!" you exclaimed, your voice a blend of amusement and mock outrage as you swatted and smacked at their approaching fingers, the sound of laughter echoing through the halls.
Of course, they respectfully obeyed your wishes, but there was a warmth that filled their chests as you all stumbled arms wrapped around one another through the house, enjoying a new part of their friend that had been revealed.
Cassian's mischievous streak knew no bounds, especially when it came to playing pranks on you. He found something undeniably endearing about your reactions, and there was a certain satisfaction when he knew these teasing antics could also annoy Azriel too. 
On this particular day, you were busy in the kitchen, practising a cake recipe that Elain had shared with you. Determined to make the perfect cake for Azriel's upcoming birthday, you meticulously measured ingredients, oblivious to the looming presence of your giant friend.
Cassian's eyes twinkled with mischief as he saw his chance to play. With careful grace, he approached, holding his breath before unleashing his voice.
"BOO!" His voice boomed across the room, his figure looming over you with a triumphant grin.
Startled, you spun around in a flurry of flour, heart racing in your chest at the sudden noise. And then, in a moment of surprise, your magic wavered, and your wings unfurled in a burst of ethereal light.
The room fell silent as Cassian's eyes widened in disbelief, laughter fading into awe at the sight before him. "What in the Cauldron," he breathed, barely a whisper, his finger pointing at the delicate appendage. "What are those?"
You fluttered your wings away, annoyance evident in your voice as you retaliated with a playful toss of flour in his direction. "Cassian!" you exclaimed.
"YOU HAVE WINGS!" Cassian's excitement was palpable, his grin spreading from ear to ear.
"Of course I have wings, I'm a fairy," you retorted, arms outstretched in exasperation.
“AZRIEL…YOUR MATE HAS WINGS” he screamed knowing his vibrating voice would find his brother.
Azriel materialised from the shadows, concern evident in his eyes as he approached, brushing away the flour that had settled on your face. His expression shifted to admiration as he took in the sight of your wings shimmering behind you.
"Stop tormenting my mate, Cass," Azriel scolded gently, his protective instincts kicking in as he pulled you into a soft embrace, his lips pressing to the top of your head.
"She has wings!" Cassian exclaimed once more, disbelief colouring his tone. There was a touch of annoyance, as he realised he may have been the only one to not know this about you.
Cassian, like a moth attracted to a light, reached his giant hand out again wanting to get close to the wings that were so unlike his own.
"No touching" Azriel growled, his tone leaving no room for argument. Cassian withdrew his hand, a hint of disappointment flickering across his features as he chewed his lip in an attempt to avoid pouting.
"So does this mean... we can go flying together?" Cassian asked as the revelation came to his mind, excitement bubbling in his voice.
Your brow quirked slightly, a playful glint dancing in your eyes as a small smirk tugged at your lips. Cassian watched you carefully, anticipation written across his features, while Azriel pulled away knowingly.
You nodded slowly, a challenge evident in your gaze. "I’ll race ya," you declared, a thrill of excitement coursing through your veins.
With that, you pushed past Cassian and darted out of the room, your wings fluttering gracefully as you made your way to the nearest balcony. Without hesitation, you leaped off the edge and into the open air, the wind rushing past you as you soared into the night sky.
Cassian was quick to follow, a grin spreading across his face as he embraced the exhilarating freedom of flight. And not far behind him, Azriel joined the fray, his own wings beating with a steady rhythm as he soared through the air.
Together, you three took to the skies, weaving and darting through the night sky.
Rhys and Nyx.
“And stretch them out…That’s it my boy” Rhys spoke proudly as he watched his son in front of him stretch and extend his wings.
You had found yourself in the company of one of Rhys’ flying lessons, nestled on one of the chaise lounges on the balcony, a book in hand as you half-read, half-watched your High Lord teaching his son how to use his wings.
Nyx, though perhaps still a little too young to fly, was eager to learn. So desperate to be like his father and uncles. With Rhys' guidance, he tentatively stretched out his wings, mimicking his father's movements under the watchful gaze of the night sky.
Rhys, a picture of fatherly pride, stood by Nyx's side, his attention unwavering—until a sudden commotion from inside drew his focus for just a fleeting moment. In that brief lapse of attention, the sudden gust of wind caught Nyx and his perfectly poised wings off guard, sending him teetering towards the edge, a gasp escaping his lips.
Instinct surged through you like a bolt of lightning as your wings burst forth in a flurry of motion, carrying you across the expanse with a grace honed over centuries. With swift precision, you swooped in, catching Nyx in your embrace just as he hovered on the brink of danger.
Wide-eyed and breathless, Nyx looked up at you in awe, his innocent admiration pulling at the strings of your heart. "Pwetty," he murmured, his wonder mirrored in the glow of your own wings, illuminated by the moonlight.
You wasted no time in safely landing back onto the balcony, Rhys rushing to your side with bewilderment and shock etched on his features as a torrent of thank-yous spilled from his lips.
As Nyx pawed at your wings, you carefully fluttered them away from his reach, mindful of their delicate nature. Rhys, after the scare of what had just happened, or almost happened. Took a moment to truly appreciate the sight of your wings— beautiful and light, shimmering a pink glow that was a stark contrast to his own.
His relief was short-lived, however, as it became apparent that Feyre had witnessed the entire ordeal. With a swift scolding, she whisked Nyx from your arms, sending you a silent 'thank you' before retreating inside, cradling her son protectively.
"No flying lessons with Daddy from now on," Feyre scolded directly at her mate before she cooed at her son again. "What would we have done if Auntie Y/N hadn't been here?" she mused aloud, her words lingering in the night air.
Rhys glanced over at you, questions swirling in his head at how you had so quickly been there to rescue their son from danger. 
"They may be more delicate than your wings, but I am quicker, swifter, and more agile than you big Illyrian babies will ever be," you teased lightly, your words carrying a hint of playfulness.
"Thank the Cauldron you are," Rhys breathed with a soft smile, his eyes reflecting the depths of his gratitude. You gently patted his shoulder before ushering him inside.
“Gods you are beautiful” Azriel groaned, sweat beading down his temple as he looked at you. Your own eyes fluttering shut in pleasure as you continued to ride your mate.
You had both finally and officially accepted the mating bond, preparing Azriel’s favourite meal as a gesture of your acceptance. He had eagerly devoured the food, the golden thread connecting you both deeper and stronger than you ever thought possible.
You had felt his emotion rippling towards you that night. There was a sense of overwhelming gratitude, a deep-seated appreciation for finally having someone who understood him in ways no one else ever could. There was a feeling of relief, as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, knowing that he had found someone who truly accepted him for who he was.
But above all, there was a profound sense of belonging—a feeling of being chosen, not just as a lover, but as a partner, a confidant, a soulmate.
As the night progressed, things escalated quickly. Your bodies entwined in a passionate frenzy. Finally, after months of yearning and longing, you found yourselves in each other's arms.
You straddled him, your breasts flushed against his hard chest, in an unbreakable embrace as his hands tightly gripped your lower back, moving with you as you rode out a dance of pleasure. His large wings stretched behind him, twitching slightly as a sign of his impending release.
"You feel so perfect, angel," he purred against your neck, peppering it with soft kisses before pulling away to watch your face.
Your features were contorted in a mix of pleasure and desire, moans escaping from your lips as you steadily climbed towards climax. His rhythm became deeper and more intense, bringing you closer to the edge.
"Azriel..." you moaned out his name, throwing your head back and arching your body as ecstasy coursed through you. 
“That’s it my love, that’s it…”
Azriel’s words got stuck in this throat as he watched you reach the peak of bliss, the air around you suddenly seemed to shimmer and a soft ethereal light enveloped your beings. Azriel's eyes widened in awe at the magnificent sight before him. Glowing iridescent wings sprouted from your back, their delicate pink hues dancing in the dim light of your chamber. They fluttered gently, casting a mesmerising glow that bathed both of you in a radiant aura of magic.
Filled with wonder and awe, he was sent over the edge, his own release filling you as he held the most ethereal being in his arms. 
"So beautiful..." Azriel breathed out, almost in disbelief as he couldn't fathom how you could be any more breathtaking than you already were. 
Your wings twitched and fluttered as you rode out the waves of pleasure, the intensity of the moment slowly subsiding as you rested your forehead against Azriel's, your breaths mingling in the intimate space between you. A blush crept across your cheeks as you realised what you had just revealed to him in your most vulnerable and intimate moment. The soft glow of your wings gradually settled, the dust they had created floating gently around the room like stardust.
"Azriel... I..." you began, your voice barely a whisper, emotions swirling within you like a tempest.
But before you could find the words to express the depth of your feelings, Azriel's firm yet gentle voice cut through the air, his eyes flickering with warmth and adoration as he spoke.
"Let me say it first," he insisted, his arms tightening around you in a comforting embrace. "You are my guiding light in the darkness, my entire soul's devotion...I..- I love you."
Your wings, now settled and slightly slumped with the weight of the moment, trembled at his words, the warmth in your chest swelling with each syllable he uttered. Tears welled in your eyes, reflecting the tear that had already spilled from Azriel's.
"I love you, Azriel," you whispered, your voice thick with emotion. "I am yours forever, in this life and the next."
Your lips found one another again, bodies and souls intertwining under the soft glow of your wings.
As your friends reminisced about the first time they saw your wings, Azriel, ever the gentleman, only vaguely danced around his recollection. He shared that it had been when you accepted the mating bond for him. The vague blush that covered your cheeks was enough to dissuade further inquiry from your friends.
"Am I the only one who didn't realise you had wings?" Cassian asked incredulously, only to be met with a pillow thrown by Mor.
"You really need to brush up on your Fae race history and anatomy if you didn’t know she had wings" she teased, a mischievous twinkle in her eye.
"I can’t believe it all had to be so dramatic though," Amren remarked. "I simply asked her to show me the first week we met, and she obliged."
You smiled nervously at Amren's confession, feeling the weight of your friends' stares.
"So you're saying we could have just asked all this time?" Feyre exclaimed.
You chuckled sheepishly. "I only hide them because they’re delicate... and you guys can be, well…"
"We can be what?" Mor's gaze teased as she leaned in closer.
Instinctively, you moved closer to Azriel for protection, but he seemed to find humour in the situation.
"Clumsy... not always spatially aware," you admitted with a sheepish grin.
"Is that so?" Cassian drawled, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he glanced at Mor.
"Show us your wings then," Nesta declared bluntly, slightly frustrated that Amren had gotten one up on her by simply asking you.
"No," you replied firmly, not wanting to suddenly bend to their will.
Cassian and Mor exchanged a knowing look, a mischievous plan forming between them. Without warning, they both lunged at you, their playful attack catching you off guard.
You cried out for Azriel's help, but to your dismay, he seemed to be thoroughly entertained by the spectacle unfolding before him. Cassian's firm grip on your wrists pulled you closer to him, while Mor's embrace from behind left you feeling both trapped and ticklish.
"Not spatially aware, huh?" Mor teased, her fingers jabbing playfully at your waist, eliciting a cascade of laughter from you.
Your please for assistance only seemed to amuse Azriel further, his smirk betraying the mischief dancing in his eyes. 
“I’m sorry, my love,” he chuckled, his voice laced with mirth. “But the outcome of this is one you know I love seeing.”
Your friends playful assault only continued, your giggles filling the room. And in the midst of it all, your wings unfurled, revealing the delicate, pink membranes that had been the topic of conversation for the past hour.
They fluttered from your back, casting a glowing aura across the room and around you. They resembled delicate petals kissed by the soft hues of dawn, shimmering an iridescent pink that mesmerised anyone who laid eyes on them. 
“There she is…” Azriel murmered under his breath. A fond smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He could feel the pride filling his chest as he watched you, gazing at your beautiful wings in all their ethereal glory.
But it wasn’t just your mate gazing at your with love.
No, your family found themselves grinning ear to ear, looking at you with admiration as they watched you glow.
A glow they were forever grateful for.
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a/n: not really my best work, but just some loveliness for you all to read! It was an idea I came up with that I instantly dumped on @illyrianbitch (as I always do) and she thought it was a sweet enough idea to write, so here it isssss!! Enjoy my loves <3
Hopefully will resume series writing soon - Lottie x
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sadnymi · 1 month
I js wanted to ask if you could write a short oneshot about lazy tired sex with Mattheo after a long exhausting day? Like in the bathtub or in bed?
U don’t need to, this just has been on my mind for a long time
Thx pretty woman😋
Mattheo Riddle x reader
Warnings: smut , strong language - fluff.
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The day had been nothing short of chaotic. Interviews, Quidditch practice, and the whirlwind that followed Mattheo everywhere had drained every ounce of energy from your body. By the time you stumbled back into his dorm, both of you were running on fumes.
You barely managed to kick off your shoes before collapsing onto the bed, limbs feeling like lead. Mattheo followed suit, dropping onto the bed beside you, his usual smirk replaced by a rare, tired smile.
"Merlin, we’re a mess," he muttered, his voice a low rumble that sent a shiver down your spine.
You rolled onto your side to face him, eyelids heavy but unable to resist the pull he had over you. "Speak for yourself," you teased, though the smile tugging at your lips betrayed how worn out you truly were.
He chuckled softly, the sound warm and lazy, matching the atmosphere. "You’re right, baby. I’m an absolute disaster," he replied, his hand finding its way to your waist, pulling you closer. "But you—you're perfect, even when you’re dead tired."
His lips brushed against your forehead, and you felt the warmth of his breath against your skin. Despite the exhaustion weighing you down, the magnetic pull between you was impossible to ignore.
You felt his fingers trailing up and down your side, sending tingles across your skin. "Mattheo," you whispered, the sound barely escaping your lips, but he heard it. He always did.
"Mhm?" he hummed, his mouth now moving to your neck, pressing slow, lazy kisses that made your pulse quicken.
"I don’t think I have the energy for this," you admitted, though you didn’t make any move to stop him.
A sly smile curved his lips as he gazed at you. “That’s alright, sweetheart. Just let me take care of you,” he murmured, his voice thick with desire. Before you could respond, he was scooping you up into his arms, his strength effortlessly lifting you from the bed.
“Mattheo—” you started, but he silenced you with a quick kiss, his lips brushing against yours with a teasing softness.
“Shhh, love. You’re too tired, remember? Just let me handle everything,” he teased, his eyes glinting with mischief. As he carried you toward the bathroom, he continued in a low, sultry tone, “Can’t have my girl doing all the work, now can we? I’ll make sure you’re well taken care of.”
You felt your cheeks flush, your breath hitching as he set you down on the edge of the tub. The water was already steaming, filling the room with a soothing warmth. Mattheo’s hands were quick to undress you, his touch reverent yet teasing, as if savoring every second.
"Get in," he ordered softly, helping you slide into the water. The heat enveloped you, easing the tension in your muscles. You leaned back, watching as Mattheo undressed, his eyes never leaving yours.
When he joined you in the tub, he pulled you against his chest, his hands roaming your body with a slow, deliberate pace. "You feel so good," he murmured, his lips ghosting over your ear. "So soft, so perfect."
Your breath hitched as his hand slid between your legs, fingers grazing over you with a featherlight touch that made you shiver. "Mattheo… please," you begged, your voice barely a whisper.
His lips curled into a smirk against your neck, his fingers continuing their slow, torturous movements. "Please what, darling?" he teased, his voice dark and silky. "Use your words. Tell me what you want."
"I want you," you breathed, your body trembling with need. "Please, Mattheo… I need you."
"You get me baby," he murmured, as he finally slipped inside you, drawing out a soft moan. "Always so sweet, always so eager for me."
His pace was slow, deliberate, matching the lazy, tired rhythm of your bodies. But there was nothing lazy about the way he touched you, every movement precise, every word dripping with heat. He kept whispering praises in your ear, his voice a constant murmur of affection and desire. "You’re heaven, baby. Watching you fall apart like this… it’s fucking heaven."
You were lost in him, your exhaustion forgotten as he took you higher and higher, every touch, every kiss pushing you closer to the edge. And when you finally came, your body trembling in his arms, you heard him whisper against your skin, "That’s it, love. That’s my heaven."
As the waves of pleasure washed over you, you felt his arms tighten around you, his lips pressing a soft kiss to your temple. "You’re mine," he whispered, his voice a low growl that sent a shiver down your spine. "Always mine."
"Always," you whispered back, your hand resting on his chest.
Your body felt completely spent, your limbs heavy and your mind wrapped in a warm haze. Mattheo was gentle as he helped you out of the tub, his hands steadying you as you stood on shaky legs.
He reached for a towel, wrapping it around you, his touch soft and caring as he dried you off. The warmth of the bath lingered on your skin, but it was the warmth of his hands that you craved, the way he treated you like something precious. With each stroke of the towel, he was meticulous yet tender, drying you as if you were the most delicate thing in the world.
"Stay still for me, sweetheart," he murmured, his voice soft, the earlier edge of desire replaced with a soothing calm. You obeyed, too tired to do anything else, too content to want to.
Once you were dry, he pulled his shirt over your head, the fabric soft and smelling of him. It was oversized, falling past your thighs, enveloping you in his scent. You sighed in contentment, feeling safe, protected.
He smiled at the sight of you in his shirt, his eyes softening as he reached up to gently towel-dry your hair, his fingers brushing through the damp strands.
"You look good in my shirt," pressing a kiss to your cheek, lingering there for a moment.
With a gentleness that made your heart ache, he scooped you up again, carrying you effortlessly back to the bed. He laid you down carefully, arranging the pillows behind you before sliding in beside you.
You nestled against him, your head resting on his chest, the steady rhythm of his heartbeat lulling you into a peaceful state. his hand found its way to your hair, his fingers weaving through the strands with a slow, soothing rhythm.
He stayed like that, playing with your hair, his other arm wrapped securely around you. "You’re safe," he whispered, his voice barely audible as sleep began to claim you. "I’ve got you."
You let out a content sigh, your body relaxing completely as you felt the last remnants of tension slip away. his fingers continued their gentle movements, his touch like a lullaby, coaxing you closer to sleep.
"Sweet dreams, my love," he murmured, his lips brushing against your temple. You could feel the weight of his gaze on you, even as your eyes fluttered shut, his presence grounding you, comforting you in a way nothing else could.
And as you drifted off, the last thing you felt was the warmth of his hand in your hair, the steady rise and fall of his chest beneath you, and the quiet reassurance that he would be there when you woke up.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆
-I really hope that was at least close for what you wanted and you enjoyed it thank you so much for your request 💗
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xoluvx · 2 months
billie bossa nova; b.eilish
You better lock your phone And look at me when you're alone 
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“Hey,” the voice was soft as you entered the hotel room. She’d heard you coming, heard the key card slide into the slot, heard you jiggling the door knob. She waited patiently, legs crossed, head resting on her propped arm.
“Hi,” you hummed contently watching her. She was wearing boxer shorts, black tank top and when she opened her legs, even in the soft hotel light you could tell she wasn’t wearing anything underneath.
“You got my text,” she replied sliding her hands up her thighs until they were resting on her belly. You nodded remembering the voice note. When you’d opened it earlier, the sound of her voice sent shivers down your spine. It was quiet like she was whispering a secret. You memorized the address of the hotel looking it up on your phone, setting an alarm for the time she’d instructed you to meet there.
You understood why it had to be like this. Why you had to sneak around in expensive hotels and use pseudonyms. Why you couldn't be seen together in public, let alone touch outside confined spaces. None of that really mattered when you were with her.
“Come here,” she motioned for you to come over as she tapped her lap.
You removed the hat you were wearing, your coat and basically everything apart from your underwear. Billie watched with a glint in her eye, her stare wandering down your body as you discarded articles of clothing, a cheeky smile on your face.
When you were down to the last two items of clothing, you walked to her. You straddled her body. Her hands went to your thighs, nails digging into your skin until they were cupping your ass. You heard a small growl form and you smiled with satisfaction burying your hands in her hair.
She looked up at you and you devoured her mouth with rush. Billie hummed as your lips collided desperately. She pulled you closer as you played with her hair. A fight for dominance ensuing.
A few seconds later, your hips were swaying, tongue entering her mouth. You tugged on the hairs at base of her head pulling her back so your tongues were the only things touching. You ran your tongue along her mouth before locking lips again, your hips never faltering.
“I’m going to fuck you so hard,” Billie managed to say. The statement made your pussy pulse and your nipples hard. You weren’t going to protest.
“Fuck me,” you mumbled against her lips.
Billie held your thighs, standing from the chair with your legs wrapped around her body. She walked the few feet to the bed letting your body plop on the mattress. You smiled with exhilaration. Billie smirked. Lips red from kissing.
“Check under the pillows,” she whispered seductively, hands on her hips. Your eyes filled with mischief. She always had something up her sleeve and she always made your rendezvous memorable.
You turned your body giving her the perfect view of your ass. Billie bit her lip watching your hands slither under the pillows. The first thing you felt was a strap. You wondered which one it was this time. Your second hand felt a big bulky thing. Confusion registered on your face as you turned back to look at her. Her mouth fell open at the suggestive pose. Your body filled with ease as her hand palmed your ass before traveling up the side of your body. You pulled the two things out from under the pillows.
“Let’s make a movie,” she whispered in your ear. Her hand traveled under your body and over your pussy making you whimper in pleasure. The thought of filming your filthy acts of unholiness burned in all the right places.
“Yes,” your voice was high pitched as you agreed. Her fingers pressing on your pussy.
Then you turned to look at the dildo. The biggest she owned. Fuck. She really was going to fuck you hard tonight.
Your consent was music to Billie's ears. She got off to retrieve the camera fumbling with the buttons. It was an ancient thing. You flipped your body laying on your back waiting for her to give you attention. She trailed down your body watching you through the viewfinder. She watched the way you raised your chest in anticipation, holding your hands under the pillows, lips pouting.
Biting her lip, she imagined all the things she was going to do to you. She propped the camera on the night stand, climbing on your body holding your upper arm. She sat on you, watching your breasts bulge from your bra. Your eyes begging for more than just a touch to the arms.
Bringing her body down, she kissed you slowly. Lips sticking together when she came up for air. She kissed your jaw, down your neck, until she reached the open canvas of your chest. Her lips left burn marks on the spots she planted gentle kisses on. What happened to fucking you hard?
You pushed your hips up as a signal to get a moving, but Billie's lips were still on your chest. She brought her hands down to your torso, thumbs digging into your ribs. Her silent warning to stop. A whimper left your lips in defeat. She was taking her time.
She cupped your breasts pushing them closer. They swelled and she ran her tongue between your cleavage. Then her teeth were grazing your skin and she was biting down on your breast and her lips were sucking the area and she repeated that over and over until an unnatural colored splotch coated your skin.
Billie looked at it with satisfaction. Her fingers pulling roughly on the fabric of your bra revealing your needy nipples. You panted when the cold air struck your skin creating a layer of goosebumps, nipples hard to the touch. Billie groaned when her thumb ran over your nipple, pleased with the reaction.
She remembered the photos you'd sent her earlier that week. She loved your body. She loved the way your tits sat so perfectly, droplets of water coating your supple skin, fresh out of the shower. But she loved this more. Nothing compared to the real thing. To kneading your breast as she buried her face in them. Or how your nipples were always hard and felt so perfect between her thumb and index finger.
You whimpered as she pinched your sensitive bud. She tested the limit of how much you could handle before repeating the action on the other nipple. You grabbed her head not being able to hold back any longer. Pulling her down to your chest, she happily took your nipple in her mouth. Her tongue rotating on your skin, cheeks hollowing as she sucked and released with a pop.
Then she was sitting up again reaching for the camera.
"Take it off," she instructed tugging at your bra with one hand, the other holding the camera. You reached around fumbling with the hooks until it was off. You chucked it somewhere by the chair and Billie focused the camera on your breasts before traveling to your face. She whispered something and you smiled opening your mouth.
"Tongue out," she whispered this time and you revealed your tongue. She placed her index finger on your tongue and you closed your mouth sucking on the digit. You stared at the camera lens as she stared at the viewfinder watching you suck on her finger. Then she gave you another instruction and you opened again, this time her index and middle finger entered your mouth. She pushed down invoking a throaty moan from your part. Your lids fluttered and she groaned at your guttural response.
Keeping the camera on your face, she removed her fingers from your mouth and slipped them between your thighs, pushing your underwear to the side and her wet fingers between your folds. She entered you in a swift motion and you moaned shutting your eyes. Your mouth fell open for the entirety of the time, desperate pants filled the room as she moved her fingers in a steady rhythm.
"Are you ready?" Billie asked removing her fingers from your pussy reaching for the strap. You watched as she held it, nodding desperately. You took the camera weakly turning it to face her. She pulled her shirt over her head before pulling down her boxers. You watched through the viewfinder like she had before and watched her kneel on the bed as she put the strap on. You focused on the way her dragon tattoo peeked through the straps and how her toned torso flexed when she pulled her hair up into a ponytail.
Oh fuck, she meant business.
You panned the camera to her face and she bite her lower lip before tugging at your underwear. Sliding them down your thighs, she peppered kisses on your skin until she was sliding back up to your face. When she finally kissed your lips you moaned forgetting about the camera. It tumbled out of your limp arm as she moaned into your mouth kissing you with ferver. Billie reached for the camera taking it in her palm. She whispered something again and you eagerly obliged.
You were on your hands and knees, ass up how she liked it.
Turning your head to the side, you waited for her to touch you, to do something. The anticipation killing you as she filmed down your back, focusing on your ass in the air. Her hand came down on your ass and she watched the way it bounced. She repeated the motion again and you cried out reaching out for her body.
The top half of your body was now fully flat on the bed, your knees digging into the mattress. Billie held the camera in one hand, the other tugging at your ass. She saw the way your pussy clench with neediness and nearly drooled at the sight. With little warning, she pushed the dildo between your folds. Your pussy clenching instinctively making it harder for her to enter.
Billie soothed your skin, rubbing circles on your ass before bottoming out.
"Oh my god," your voice was high pitched, hands fisting the sheets. Mouth falling open. She slid out almost completely before repeating the motion and you cried out again.
The camera was angled so you could later see the way her fake cock slammed into you and so you could hear the way your cries mimicked the movements.
She started moving at a steady pace, your ass bouncing each time she thrusted. Her hand gripping your skin pulling you hard against her, soft grunts leaving her body. Loud moans leaving yours.
Her body fell down flushed against you, hips still rutting and you felt the dildo deeper than before. She held the camera in front of your face. Her fingers wrapped around your neck stifling your cries. She'd turned the viewfinder so she could see your face through the small screen as she fucked you from behind. You looked so pretty with your mouth open, eyes shut, sweat coating your forehead. Pleading.
She kissed your shoulder before raising her body again. Her thrusts never faltered, she continued slamming her body against yours. She angled the camera watching as your ass bounced, pussy sucking the cock. She loved the way you opened for her and screamed each time she hit your cervix.
Then she angled the camera above your bodies. It was a cheeky angle. She stuck her tongue out as she fucked harder. Biting her lip before slapping your ass. Your face was buried in the sheets, arms above your head holding on to the pillows. Loud breathing audible.
You just knew she was going to make you watch this and smirk victoriously the entire time.
When you reached back to try to touch her body, she slowed down. You were whimpering, your legs were shaking, and your hand was holding out for her torso. She slipped out carefully dropping the camera and coming down to check on you. You held her arm as she rested her chin on your shoulder, hands caressing your thighs gently.
"Are you okay?" she whispered and you nodded choking a cry.
"Yeah, yeah I'm okay," you whispered back turning your face to hers. She kissed your cheek. Ensuring you were okay, she tapped your ass getting up.
"Turn," she instructed kissing your cheek and you nodded weakly flipping on your back. Billie came down to kiss you. The kiss was tender and slow. She cupped your face as your lips connected, her breast pressed on yours, the dildo slightly rubbing on your pussy. You missed how full you’d felt a few seconds ago.
Billie searched for the camera, lips still molding with yours. When she found it, she peeled her lips off yours, adjusting the camera on the night stand again. Then she adjusted herself between your legs watching you the entire time. Your fingers flexed on her belly, as she held your thighs entering you slowly.
You felt a pleasurable sting, your body remembering how good she felt inside you. She filled you at a painfully slow rate until she was connected to your open thighs. She moved her hips a few times thrusting into you as she held your thighs, your hand still on her lower belly. You whimpered wanting more.
Ever so happy to oblige, Billie raised your legs so your feet were above her shoulders. She lowered her body listening to how you cried out with this new angle cursing her name. She was deep. She let you adjust to this new level of bliss.
Your toes curled as your fingers wrapped around her arms. She mumbled something and you nodded wrapping your hands around her neck bringing her closer. Your lips clashed and her hips started moving. She moved fast and hard. The sound of your bodies slapping filled the room and the smell of sex seeped on the walls.
She wasn’t stopping. Not even when you scratched down her neck mimicking the marks of her tattoo. Not even when you tossed your head back chanting her name. Instead she held your head with her hand, she buried her face in your neck and fucked you senseless.
You gasped for air feeling the hot pressure between your legs. It coursed through your body. It coiled in your pussy and it was ready to explode.
“Billieee,” you whined for the hundredth time. “I’m gonna-“ you cursed and tossed your head back even though she was still holding you in place fucking into you like there was no tomorrow. Like you didn’t have to get back to your lives and pretend you didn’t exist.
“Cum,” she snarled wrapping an arm around your lower body pulling you closer to her faux cock. You recited an incoherent string of words as fire shot through your body. You convulsed in her arms and Billie whispered something inaudible to the camera. She let go of your head to wipe your forehead. She slowly pulled out as your mouth hung open gasping for air. She kissed your cheek before taking the camera.
The lavender cock glistened as she showed it off slapping it on your belly before lowering herself so both her and the camera were at eye level with your pussy.
“All fucked out,” she whispered as your pussy clenched around nothing. She ran her thumb between your folds. You were soaked. Her finger slid easily and you shivered at her touch before whining.
“I’m sensitive,” you hummed trying to grab her hand.
“I just want to see this later,” Billie answered moving your hand. If this was the thing that was going to hold her over until next time you met, she was going to remember it exactly how she experienced it. She wanted to remember the way she made you cum to the point of shakes. Your pussy still throbbing.
She kissed your thigh placing the camera on your belly. You were too weak to hold it, but you did with both hands. You focused on how she peppered your thighs with kisses. Her eyes closed, ponytail messy. You reached out for her hair setting it free. It fell around her shoulders tickling your skin.
With the little strength you had, you pushed it to the side as she kissed your pussy whispering something you couldn’t really hear. She ran a stripe between your folds making your body shudder then she kissed your hips, right below your belly button, each breast, and finally blew a kiss to the camera before taking it and angling it so it shakily showed your lips sloppily connecting.
A few moments later, she was leading you to the shower. Your naked bodies relaxed in the steam forming in the room. She lathered her hands before gently running them down your limbs cleaning and massaging simultaneously. You moaned and tilted your head as she stood behind you. Billie smiled and kissed the back of your head. When you turned to return the favor, you saw the way she was looking at you.
It made your heart flutter. You felt the heat in your cheeks.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" you asked reaching for the body wash. You pumped some into your hand lathering until you saw suds. Billie furrowed her brows.
"Like what?" she shrugged turning so she was facing the water.
"I don't know," you giggled trying to play it off. Your hands ran along her shoulders and she moaned blissfully. You ran your hands down the side of her body, your thumbs following the path of her tattoo. You soothed were the strap had left some marks then your hands snaked around her body.
Billie's body tensed when she felt your body press on hers. Your head resting on her back, your hands trailing up her belly until the were cupping her breasts. You squeezed for good measure before letting go and urging her to switch with you so you could rinse off.
What was that all about? She wondered as the two of you finished your shower.
She had a new pair of boxers on and an oversized t-shirt now. You searched for your clothes in your clean pair of underwear. As you reached for the floor, Billie reached out for you. Her hand resting on your lower back.
"Same time next week?" you asked absentmindedly grabbing your clothes and placing it on the dresser. You shuffled through the pile trying to find your bottoms first, Billie's hand still on your back. She turned you quickly cupping your face.
"No, I want to see you sooner than that," she declared caressing your cheek with her thumb. She searched your eyes for any signs of denial, but you were speechless. This wasn't in the arrangement. You saw each other once a week or longer if either of you were busy and you strictly kept it at that. You'd leave once it was over and no one was ever the wiser.
"Sleep here with me tonight," she whispered still rubbing your cheek with her thumb.
"Okay," you whispered back allowing yourself to melt into her touch. Her lips touched yours upon agreement. Her arm wrapped around your lower back and you hummed contently as your bodies pressed together.
"Do you have an extra shirt for me?" you whispered against her lips and Billie nodded. She'd come prepared. Had this her plan all along? She cupped your jaw with both hands now, lips puckering not wanting to break the kiss again.
It wasn't in your agreement, but it was just one night.
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hoshifighting · 8 months
Okay... But what if Y/n tells his best friend, Wonwoo, since highschool that she wants to join as a stripper as a joke. But then Wonwoo asks her to do a sexy dance in front of him, and Y/n played along, dancing, stripping naked in front of him and rode his lap with him still wearing shorts, until Wonwoo couldn’t hold back and fucked her hard.
— Warnings: Smut, lap dance, reader jokes ab being a stripper (all respect to the profession), penetrative sex, unprotected sex, best friends, stripping. — WC: 2k
It was a typical Friday evening, and you found yourself lounging on the couch with your best friend, Wonwoo. The two of you had been inseparable since high school, forming an unlikely but unbreakable bond. Wonwoo, with his quiet demeanor, was the yin to your yang. While he navigated life with a calm and collected approach, you were the unabashed extrovert, always seeking excitement.
As the evening progressed, you couldn't resist the urge to stir the pot a bit. With a mischievous glint in your eye, you turned to Wonwoo and blurted out, "Hey, Wonwoo, you know what I've been thinking lately?"
"What's on your mind, Y/n?" Wonwoo replied, his eyes reflecting curiosity.
"I was thinking of becoming a stripper."
Wonwoo's face immediately furrowed in confusion, his eyebrows knitting together. He blinked a few times, processing the unexpected revelation. You could practically see the gears turning in his head as he struggled to comprehend your words.
"Wait, what? A stripper?" Wonwoo finally managed to articulate, his voice laced with bewilderment.
You chuckled at his reaction, fully aware of the stark contrast between your outgoing nature and Wonwoo's reserved personality. "Nah, Wonwoo, it's just a joke! Can you imagine me on a stage, dancing in front of strangers?"
His furrowed brow deepened as he tried to process the information. "You...want to be a stripper as a joke?"
Wonwoo let out a sigh of relief, his furrowed brow relaxing. "You scared me there for a moment. I couldn't picture you doing something like that."
The truth is, Wonwoo was a fucking liar.
However, deep down, Wonwoo couldn't deny the vivid image that flashed in his mind at your mention of becoming a stripper. The mental image of you dancing around a pole in skimpy clothing lingered, creating an unexpected tension in the room. He quickly brushed aside the intrusive thoughts, trying to focus on the conversation.
You noticed the subtle shift in his demeanor and couldn't help but tease him. "Oh, come on, Wonwoo. Are you sure you can't picture it? I bet I'd be the star of the show!"
Wonwoo's cheeks flushed slightly as he awkwardly coughed, attempting to dispel the lingering mental image. "No, Y/n. Let's not even entertain that idea. It's just not you."
With a sly grin, you turned to him and asked, "Wait, are you saying I'm not hot enough for that kind of job, Wonwoo?"
Wonwoo's eyes widened as he frantically shook his head. "No, no! That's not what I meant at all!"
But his reddening cheeks and ears told a different story. You couldn't help but revel in the mischief, adopting a mischievous expression. "Oh, I see. So, you do think I'm hot?"
Wonwoo stammered, trying to backtrack, "I-I didn't say that. I just meant, um, it's not something I could imagine you doing. Not because of how you look!" His eyes darted away, and he mumbled, "Well, I mean, you're... You're pretty, very pretty."
He couldn't help but attribute his discomfort to more than just the thought of you pole dancing—it was the unspoken crush he harbored on you. Each playful comment seemed to amplify his self-consciousness, making him acutely aware of the feelings he kept under wraps.
Attempting to steer the conversation away from the provocative topic, you chimed in, "You know, it's not like I genuinely want to be a stripper. But I've always thought it would be fun to dance for someone, you know? Just to let loose and have a good time."
Wonwoo's eyebrows shot up, and he couldn't help but feel a twinge of surprise at your revelation. The notion of you wanting to dance for someone, while not necessarily in a provocative way, fueled his imagination, igniting a subtle curiosity.
"Oh, really?" he responded, his voice betraying a hint of intrigue. "Dance for someone, like, just casually?"
You nodded, a playful glint in your eyes. "Yeah! I mean, not in a professional setting, but just dancing for someone special. It sounds like it could be a lot of fun, don't you think?"
Wonwoo's mind raced, grappling with the newfound information. His gaze focused on you, and with a hesitant smile. "Hey, Y/n," he began, his voice softer than usual, "you mentioned wanting to dance for someone. Would you... uh, would you mind dancing for me?"
He fidgeted with the edge of his sleeve, his cheeks tinged with a subtle blush.
Your eyebrows raised in surprise, and a playful grin formed on your lips. "Oh, really? Wonwoo, are you asking me for a dance?"
"Well, you know, you mentioned it, and I thought it might be... nice. I mean, if you're comfortable with it."
You couldn't help but find his shy request endearing. "Sure, Wonwoo. But you have to promise not to laugh at my moves. I can't promise they'll be any good."
Wonwoo chuckled nervously, "I'm sure you'll be great."
Your hands found the hem of your shirt, and with a playful grin, you tossed your clothing aside, letting it land somewhere in the living room. Wonwoo's eyes widened behind his glasses, focusing on your exposed tits, his usually composed demeanor giving way to a hint of surprise and curiosity.
His voice came out as a soft whisper, "Does this... does this make part of the dance too?"
You simply nodded, your own confidence shining through. "Of course!"
The room was filled with the sultry beat of the music as you continued to move, your hands gracefully making contact with your body. Wonwoo couldn't tear his eyes away, the subtle allure of the moment captivating his senses. The dancing became a mesmerizing display, the connection between you and Wonwoo growing hotter with each passing moment.
As the music's tempo intensified, you decided to take it a step further. With a bold move, you gracefully moved to sit on Wonwoo's lap, your dance becoming more provocative. His breath caught in his throat as your movements became a sensuous exploration, his heart pounding in his chest.
Your hips moved up and down, back and forth, and of course the bulge inside of his pants grew harder. Wonwoo, attempting to maintain a semblance of composure, let his hands find your hips. He tried to disguise the effect your movements were having on him, not wanting to make it obvious how affected he was. Your hips moved in a tantalizing rhythm against his, and Wonwoo felt a surge of lust that he struggled to conceal.
Unexpectedly, a low, sensual moan escaped your lips, hanging in the air like a shared secret. Wonwoo's ears caught the sound, and a jolt of awareness ran through him. Did he hear that right?
His hands instinctively pushed your hips down, a silent plea for you to continue. The dance resumed, and your hips moved deliciously against his. Wonwoo bit his lip, desperately trying to contain the desire that surged through him.
"Hm… Wonwoo…"
Wonwoo swallowed hard, his voice barely above a whisper, "Y/n."
In the blink of an eye, the delicate balance of composure that Wonwoo had been struggling to maintain shattered. His hand found its way to the nape of your neck, pulling you into a hungry, passionate kiss. The air crackled as your lips met, the tension between you finally finding release.
Wonwoo's free hand moved with a sense of urgency, grabbing your ass through the material of your shorts that still clung to your body. The touch was both possessive and hungry, his tongue fought yours, and your hips continued to grind on his dick.
Your hardened nipples were pressed on his chest, and he felt that, also, he felt your wetness soaking his pants through your shorts. His mouth found its way to your neck, leaving a trail of eager kisses. The soft touch of his lips sent shivers down your spine, and you couldn't help but let out a soft gasp as his kisses ventured down towards your bust. His hands, now firmly gripping your tits.
He slowly guided you to lie on the couch. The air was thick with anticipation as his hands skillfully worked on the buttons of your shorts, his touch sending a cascade of sensations through your body.
With a deliberate slowness, he slid the clothing down your legs along with your panties. In the charged atmosphere of the room, as Wonwoo lowered his head closer to your thighs, you felt a sudden surge of impatience and need. Your hands gently pressed against his shoulders, halting his descent, and you looked into his eyes with a sense of urgency.
"Please, Wonwoo," you pleaded, your voice a breathy whisper. "Hurry, I need you."
His dark eyes met yours, the intensity of the moment reflected in the depths of his gaze. Understanding the urgency in your plea, Wonwoo's movements became more purposeful. With a swift motion, he aligned himself with your pussy, his pants and underwear also thrown around. 
The hot head of his cock rubbed against your entrance. He entered slowly so he didn't hurt you, since you didn't even want to wait for him to prepare you.  "How did you get so wet?" he asked, his voice laced with a mixture of wonder and desire.
Rolling your eyes in response, you could only manage a breathless murmur, "You," the single word encapsulating the effect he had on you. 
His cock stretched your walls perfectly, loving the fullness of Wonwoo, the initial discomfort giving way to a wave of pleasure. As Wonwoo's breath danced across your skin, his nose taking in the scent of your skin, a shiver ran down your spine. 
The throbbing length of his cock being squeezed by your wet walls, until his pelvis hits yours, a relief moan leaves your lips, as Wonwoo kisses your cheeks, his hips slowly starting to thrust into you. 
Your skin slapped together as he thrusted into you harder, making your body squirm under him. Meanwhile, Wonwoo admired the scene. How can a simple dance take him to paradise? He felt like he was seeing a work of art that some divine being had forbidden him from for so long.
Your breasts bounced with each thrust, your pussy making him wetter by the second, and your moans were driving him to the brink of an orgasm. "F-fuck Wonwoo yes! Right here!"
The explicit encouragement fueled a surge of energy within him, and Wonwoo, driven crazy by you, found the strength to respond. His movements became more purposeful, with a renewed vigor, he shifted your legs, pushing your knees toward your chest, deepening his cock inside of your pussy abusing the g'spot.
As you drooled from the corners of your mouth, the sheer pleasure and desire took over. In a breathless symphony, you cried out his name, as the climax overtook you, you felt yourself clenching uncontrollably around his cock, making him moan the loudest. 
Leaving an indelible mark on the couch beneath you, his cock throbbed inside of your pussy, the white hot spurts, being spilled inside of you, while you could only mumble his name softly enough to make him melt over you.
The air hung with a sense of ease and contentment as you found yourself still catching your breath, your voice reduced to a soft murmur of his name. Wonwoo, lying atop you, he couldn't help but savor the tender sound.
"Mmm, Wonwoo," you whispered, the quiet intimacy in your voice reflecting the connection between you two.
He stayed nestled on top of you, his weight providing a comforting support as you both recovered. Wonwoo looked into your eyes, a gentleness in his expression that hadn't surfaced before. "You know," he started, a playful glint in his eyes, "I think I want you to dance for me more often."
A genuine laugh escaped your lips, pleasantly surprised by his unexpected comment. "Oh, really? You enjoyed the show that much, Wonwoo?"
He nodded, his cheeks sporting a subtle blush. "Yeah, it was...unexpected, but I liked it. A lot."
Unable to resist a bit of teasing, you reveled in the sight of a more playful and confident Wonwoo. "So, you're saying you want a private dance performance on demand?"
Wonwoo's shy demeanor returned, but this time, accompanied by a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "Maybe...just a little. It was...nice."
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kissesbyliz · 8 months
getting caught
(feat. simon "ghost" riley, johnny "soap" mactavish)
cw: smut!! mdni, actually pretty fluffy, dom!simon x sub!johnny and reader
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it was early in the morning, the sun barely present through your windows when you woke up. a soft smile stretched across your face as your drowsy eyes landed on a half awake johnny. you watched as his eyes slowly blinked themselves awake, before he leaned forward to plant a gentle kiss on your lips.
"mornin' bonnie." he greeted you, the tone of his voice low and raspy from having just woken up. on the other side of him, your other partner was still fast asleep, indicated by the slow rise and fall of his chest.
"good morning, johnny." you nuzzled into the warmth of his bare chest with a contented sigh. you basked in the comfort of the early morning, appreciating the feeling of having your boys around you that seemed to be so rare nowadays due to their careers.
...however, it seemed as though your body had other plans. warmth bloomed in your core as a tempting daydream played across your mind. fuck, the tone of his voice in the morning always managed to do things to you. your libido was always so high in the mornings, after all.
you glanced back up at johnny, something close to mischief shining in your eyes. you slowly trailed a hand underneath the plush blanket and down his body, barely grazing his length that was still covered by his boxers. you heard him gulp in response to your touch, a look of warning palpable in his blue eyes.
"would love to, princess. but si' is right there." he whispered to you, his bigger hand moving to circle around your wrist but not applying any pressure to actually stop you. you two weren't allowed to play with each other without simon's supervision, unless you two wanted to be in for a cruel punishment. you only giggled, fully groping his hardening length in your hands as he desperately tried to hold back a moan.
"better be quiet then, huh, johnny?" you teased. "technically, we're not breaking any rules if he's right there."
his mouth opened to counter your words, but any and all attempts at protest left him as your hand slid quicker against his cock. instead, his head fell back against the pillows in pleasure, and you could see the gears turning in his mind as he contemplated your words.
he swiftly peered over his side, checking to make sure that simon was still fast asleep, before letting out a defeated sigh and shifting to give you better access. his bigger hand came up to rest on the small of your back, cradling you to his body as you released him from the confines of his boxers. you slowly worked your hand up and down his length, the precum leaking from his cock aiding in your motions. his brow furrowed in pleasure, soft sighs escaping him in place of the low groans your touch would usually draw out of him.
you bit your lip at the sight of him coming so undone; the soft rays of sunshine always managed to make him look so ethereal in the mornings.
all of a sudden, a muscled arm unconsciously came up to lay across the expanse of johnny's chest. the two of you immediately froze, looking to your lover who fortunately seemed to still be fast asleep. you held back a snort at johnny's disgruntled grimace, unsatisfied from the pleasure you took in making him suffer.
you continued stroking his cock, biting your lip at the sounds of pleasure your fingers were drawing out of him. he was getting close, you noted by the increasingly quickening pants that were muffled under his hand. you twisted your hand just the way you know he likes, eager to bring him to his climax.
"you two having fun over there?" a deep voice rumbled from the other side of johnny. you squeaked in surprise, immediately retracting your hand from your lover's body. looking up, your attention was now directed at simon who was slowly getting up to prop his head on his hand, peering at the two of you. you weren't able to discern the expression he had on his face, but if you knew anything about him, you knew that it didn't mean anything good.
"well, don't stop on my account, love." he encouraged you, eyebrows raising. you gulped, not daring to move a muscle. it was a trap, you figured. he always loved to challenge you to dig yourself into a bigger hole.
"s-si' we weren't doin'--"
"wasn't askin' you," simon shot a harsh look at johnny, causing him to shut up immediately. the younger man sat up straighter as you did, anticipating simon's next words.
the blonde then heaved a heavy sigh, as though he was disappointed that he had to punish the both of you so early in the day.
"i'm gonna finish off johnny here, and you're gonna sit there and watch, princess. since you were so eager to break the rules, you're not getting anything." he declared. his words made you groan in frustration, but a sharp glare from him was all it took for you to quiet down. he sternly directed you to sit on the foot of your shared bed, and you obliged with a grimace, facing the two of them.
simon climbed behind johnny, the man obediently moving to make room for his partner's bulkier body. a big hand soon wrapped itself around johnny's cock, picking up where you left off. you held your breath as you watched simon's hand working up and down his length, every single inch of the sight only serving to further heighten your arousal.
simon muttered hushed words into johnny's ear as he stroked him. you couldn't tell exactly what he was uttering, but you knew it was nothing short of filthy, as whimpers soon spilled out of the younger man as a result. johnny's head fell back against simon's shoulder as he gratefully accepted every ounce of pleasure being drawn out of him.
the sight of your lovers being so intimate with each other made wetness pool in your underwear. your thighs clenched in attempt to sate the aching of your clit for any bit of stimulation, desperate to get in on the action.
"please, simon, wanna fuck him.." you finally whined, squirming from your place on the foot of your bed. simon barely spared you a glance, seemingly indifferent to your needy whines as he focused on jerking your partner off.
"you don't deserve it," he chuckled meanly as he nipped at johnny's neck, leaving marks.
"please si', need to cum," the man on top of him panted, his chest heaving. if the way you were getting him off before had him flustered, then now he was properly ruined, eyes screwing shut in pleasure as his hips bucked up desperately. you were definitely skilled in pleasuring your partners, but simon ultimately knew just how to make the two of you break.
"go right ahead, baby." simon encouraged into his ear, flicking his wrist faster. spurts of white painted johnny's stomach a moment later, as he came with a low groan. johnny panted heavily as he grew lax in simon's embrace, recovering from the aftermath of his orgasm.
you could only watch the exchange, feeling so, so neglected as you stared at the two of them. by now, the heat in your core was growing unbearable, and you needed something to help satiate it.
"wanna fuck her, si', please." johnny breathed as he finally eyed you blearily, head still resting on simon's shoulder. simon hummed, pondering his words as he stroked a thumb over johnny's forearm lovingly.
"that what you want?" johnny nodded eagerly, and you moved closer in anticipation. simon chuckled, nodding towards you. "go ahead then."
johnny didn't waste a second, nearly tackling you as his big arms pressed you to lay down on your plush mattress. you complied with just as much enthusiasm, ridding yourself of your clothes and spreading your thighs wide to invite him in. he fumbled a bit trying to slide inside of you, and the two of you let heavy moans as he finally pressed into you.
his motions were clumsy at first, obviously still a bit dazed from his previous orgasm. however, his pace soon resolved and sped up, hips pounding into you as he desperately worked to bring the both of you to your climax. the two of you were all moans and whimpers, hands stroking all over each other's bodies as you relished in the pleasure.
eventually, you felt that knot start to tighten in your stomach, and you looked up at him johnny with a silent look of desperation. it didn't take long for him to catch on, lowering a hand to work at your swollen clit. the added stimulation made you melt, and you cried out with a gasp as you finally came undone. johnny finished inside of you a second later. the two of you breathed heavily, staring at each other with nothing less than love in your eyes.
however, your eye soon caught back onto simon, who now had his cock in his hand, hard and ready from watching the scene unfold in front of him. the need to have both of your partners overtook your senses, and you cried out for him needily, "want you to fuck me too, simon, please.. i need it."
"never satisfied, are you, princess?" simon snorted, no real heat behind his words. his arms planted themselves on either side of your body as he hovered over you, replacing johnny who had moved away to take a much needed break.
he took a moment to admire your body, leaning down to kiss and lick at every inch of your exposed skin. his hard cock pressed up against your folds, and you couldn't help but whine at his teasing. he shushed you softly, leaning back up before finally, finally sliding in.
he was big, considerably bigger than johnny, and the sheer size of him filling you was delicious but overwhelming at the same time. your face involuntarily scrunched up in a grimace, tears threatening to well up in your eyes. at the sight, simon eased up on his motions without a second thought, bending at the waist to press loving kisses on your face.
"still good?" he murmured, and you nodded pathetically. even during your punishments, he always made sure to take the utmost care of the both of you.
you eventually adjusted to the stretch, and you were soon grinding up into him in need for more. he readily obliged you, his hips snapping into you. pleasure coursed itself through your veins as whimpers and whines spilled out of your mouth.
it didn't take long before you came with a loud cry. simon followed suit, finishing inside of you as well. a feeling of satisfaction settled in your chest as you panted, coming down from the intensity of your orgasm.
simon pulled you to his chest, laying back on the mattress. johnny took his usual place behind you, pulling the blanket to cover all of your bodies. you sighed, feeling complete with both your boys around you.
"love you two," simon hummed, a hand stroking through your hair. "though, let's not break the rules again, yeah?"
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fanaticsnail · 1 month
It won't fit
Masterlist Here
Word Count: 3,200+ (600+, 500+, 1,100+, 800+)
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Synopsis: The four commanders of the Victoria Punk were large in size, in every way. Eyes finally catching what goes on below their hemlines, you're brought to terms with the fact that it would be difficult to fit.
Warnings: MDNI, NSFW, 18+, Smut, all individual encounters with the four commanders, Kid x reader, Killer x reader, Heat x reader, Wire x reader, afab!reader, reader has breasts, size kink, size difference, no gendered terms used, first time with each of them, swearing, cumming, oral, hurt & comfort, pet names used.
Notes: Based on an ask @bitchimasnake-sss got about a size difference for Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji. I loved it, and wanted to see it for these four big boys. Everyone should check it out!
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Gazing down from your position in front of him, your eyes met with his pulsating cock. Twitching in the air, his impressive girth and length caused your heart to beat rapidly in your chest. Heat swelling your cheeks, with your jaw falling slack, all you could manage to stutter in your stupor was a small whimper. 
“It won't fit.”
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Eustass Kid
“Yes it will, don't be a baby about it,” he growled at you. Grabbing at your thighs, he moved you to lay down the bed and towards his large cock. His pale shaft contrasted his ruby-red tip beautifully, each angry vein expanding his cock with each pulsating rush of blood engorged and expanded. 
Panic shot through you as he lined up his tip with your slit, slowly dragging the cockhead over your slick pussy and tapping your clit with it briefly. 
“No, you don't understand-! It's too big, Kid! I don't think I can take it,” you managed to stutter out, your eyes wide and panicked as he stilled his motions. Immediately cocking his head in a sharp tilt, he glared down at you with his forehead lowered in a deep furrow. 
“You-... You want to stop?” He asked you lowly, each syllable pronounced so there was no misinterpretation of his question, “Say the word and we'll stop, ‘kay? I'm not gonna force ‘ya to do somethin’ you don't want.” At that, he withdrew completely, sitting back on his calves with his hand pressed on his thigh. 
“No-, I mean-, I don't-, I-,” you add, shaking your head and rising to a seated position, “...I want to try. Can we-... Can we go slow? I'm not used to taking anyone so large, and I'm a little-.”
"-Frightened of little ol' me?" Kid's eyes darted between yours, the crisp golden hue warming you with the crackle of mischief twinkling within.
"A little, yeah," you nod at him, your lip twitching into a quivering smile. Darting your eyes to the ground, clenching and unclenching your hands to stifle your nerves before meeting his gaze once more. Kid smirked at your confession, leaning down towards you and raising his hand to grip at the back of your head. 
“Although I may look and sound it sometimes,” he smiled at you, amber eyes darting between yours, “I'm not some huge asshole that doesn't take their partner into account. I can go slow. Just breathe with me, alrigh’?” 
Stooping lower, he pressed his lips to yours and slowly lined his tip up once more with your slit. Slowly rocking his hips, he stretched your pussy with his bulbous tip, prompting your eyes to snap shut and body tense in response. 
“Breathe, baby,” he whispered into your ear, pressing soft kisses to your cheek, jaw, and neck, “Just breathe. I'm gonna go slow, and you'll get used to it.” 
His cock slowly eased in with each soft motion, each small portion of his shaft you took, he would press a flurry of kisses against your skin. Neck, chest, collar, back up to the corner of your lips, all kisses in a bid to ease you into it and breathe with him. 
Not before long, Kid was whimpering and panting, his cock being squeezed by your tight pussy causing him to almost become a blubbering mess. His entire cock had your body mold to the shape of him, each twitch and pulse from it causing you to sigh and stretch to accommodate him. 
As you finally adjusted to the large stretch, Kid was already shaking with the restraint of not pistoning his cock into you repetitively. He was already so close to cumming from the feeling of it alone, he truly didn't know how long he'd last if you finally acclimatized to his entire length. 
“It's okay,” you nodded, looking up at him and cupping his face, “I'm okay. You can move now.” 
“Oh thank fuck for that,” he groaned, immediately testing the sensation by pulling out a fifth of the way and rocking it back into you. When all it was met with was a moan from you, he did it again. More of his length came out, more of it pressed back into your pussy in a hard snap of his hips. The pace was set to a heavy rhythm of deep claps of his hips meeting yours. 
“F-Fuck. Told you it'd fit.”
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Massacre Soldier Killer 
Letting out a soft exhale and shaking his head, he slowly drew your attention up to him by cradling your cheek in his scarred left palm. 
“We don't have to do anything tonight if you’re not ready,” he gently soothed you with a softness in his voice, contrasting the hardness of his pulsating cock. “I know I'm a little bigger in comparison to you. It'll make things pinch and sting a bit. I don't want to hurt you.” He moved his thumb in soothing circles against your cheek, truly meaning every word falling freely from his lips. 
Giving him a gentle shove, you push him to sit against the mattress, following your lead and reaching up to cup the backs of your thighs. Slowly crawling on top of him, he leans back and welcomes you to sit on his lap completely. 
“I want to try,” you round your eyes at him, pouting and moving your knees to circle his hips. Spread in a wide straddle, you move your pussy over his tip and slowly grind your slit on him, “Can I please try? If we take it slow?” Killer nodded, thankful that the mask shrouded his face from view due to the fact he was clamping his teeth so hard on his lips to stop the whimper from escaping. 
“W-We can try. I won't move a muscle until you're ready,” he stuttered, raising his arms to hold his hands beside his head: flat with palms up beside him. 
Leaning forward, you line yourself up with his cock and roll your hips against it. The large tip does nothing to enter your tight heat, slipping and sliding against your slick and causing Killer’s breath to hitch. Reaching one hand down to grasp his swollen cock, you hold it steady between your legs and roll your tight core against his blunt tip more intentionally. 
You wince at the sting of his pretty flushed tip entering your body, the stretch feeling immediately sore at your muscles expanding around him. Finally taking that first ridge of his tip past the largest point, you release his shaft and seek out his hands to anchor yourself against. 
True to his words, the only muscle Killer uses is widening his fingertips for you to lace yours within. All gentle, all soft, all welcoming and patient: Killer grit his teeth harder to halt the urge to bounce his thick cock up into your smaller frame. 
Slowly and surely, your walls relax around him and finally sheath him completely into your pussy. Walls fluttering around him, your clit grinds against his pubic hair and you whine at the contact. At that soft sound falling freely from your lips, Killer immediately unlaces his hands from yours and claps them around each of your ass cheeks, holding you firm and adjusting himself to the tight squeeze of your cunt clenching him in a vice-grip.
“Fuck, you’re tight,” he huffed, groanding at his cock being strangled by your heat, “You gotta relax around me, sweet thing. Just relax, alright?” He withdrew his left hand from your ass and brought it to your face, cradling your cheek within the heel of his palm. 
“I’m right here with you, okay?” he hushed you, gently thumbing over your cheek bone, “I won’t move until you’re ready.”
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“Do you,” he began, halting as he sought out your attention with his eyes, “Do you want to do something else?” He reached forward, his eyes flickering over your face and searching for understanding. His expression was captured completely in his hollowed eyes, hunching his shoulders and stooping to match your height with his own.
Heat was seven feet tall, his kindness welcome, but wholly unexpected and unfamiliar. His softness in comparison to the other three leaders of the Kid Pirates was what drew you to him: that kind hand mirroring the words pouring like honey from his fire-breathing lips. 
“We can calm things down, you know?” he offered, pressing his forehead against yours with a soft smile, “I can go ask Killer for some potatoes. We can make all different styles together. Fat-cut chips, hash browns, roast potatoes in duck fat, mashed potatoes as a creamy dip. If you’d rather we don’t do anything intimately, we could-.”
“-Can I try just a little bit of it?” you spoke over him, eyes peering dotingly down at his stiff cock, bobbing vibrantly in the air, “Just to see if I can? Not all of it, but... Just the tip?” You gulped back a dry mouthful of saliva glancing up through your eyelashes at the blue-haired commander. 
Heat’s face dusted with a vibrant shade of red, tinting his nose and tips of his ears with the hue. He swallowed the immediate “yes,” he so desperately wanted to bark out at you, focussing more on the serious tone lingering in the air. Following your gaze down at his cock and darting back up between your two orbs, he nodded slowly as he sucked in his scarred lips. 
“If you want to,” he whispered slowly, drawing you close and pressing a sweet kiss against the apple of your cheek, “Let me take you over to the bed, okay. Lie on your side for me?” 
He guided you to the large bed, each element smelling distinctively of incense, crisp linen, the stale linger of his cologne on the pillow cases, and something that felt like him. Lying on your side and offering him a sweet smile, he crawled over your body and caged you beneath his broad shoulders and muscular arms. 
“I promise I won’t put it all in,” he whispered, pressing his lips against your shoulders and gently caressing him with each featherlight kiss, “Just the tip.” You nod at him, drawing your hand up and gently smoothing over the hair covering his ears. Falling behind your body, he jolted your knee forward with one of his own, lacing a lengthy thigh between yours, and lined his cock up against your glistening slit. 
The reason he asked to position you in the first place is so you didn't become frightened by that hungry look in his eyes. That soft little ‘just the tip,’ that fell so innocently from your lips almost had him cum on the spot. He couldn’t let you know how eager he was to try it, how desperate he was to just have the smallest amount of his cock buried in your pussy. Drawing his palm down to your ass, he gently spread your cheek and exposed your entrance to him from behind. The shudder in his jaw matched the glaze of lust eclipsing his eyes. 
Testing your heat, he reached down further and flicked his digits over the slit and collected your arousal. You mewled at the soft contact, arching your back and gently rocking your ass against his hand. He chuckled in your ear, giving your shoulder blade a swift kiss. Scooping his unoccupied palm beneath the pillows under your head, he cradled your chest against his body and lined up his cockhead with your warmth. 
“Comfy?” he asked you, reaching down with the hand cradling you and collecting one of your breasts within his palm. You nodded, collecting his knuckles beneath your chin and giving it a quick kiss. Taking that as consent, he gently rocked his hips forward and eased his fat tip inside your slick cunt. His eyes rolled back at the squeeze, almost becoming lost in the moment and wanting so desperately to claim more of you with himself.
You hissed at the small sting, your walls fluttering and straining to accommodate his girth with each soft stretch. He halted at the rim of his tip disappearing into your body completely, his knob fully nestled within your body. Releasing a sigh, you flopped your head onto his arm and leaned into his embrace. Although not completely uncomfortable, the stretch of his tip felt like all you could truly take of him. His entire length would simply overwhelm you, needing a lot of practice before you were able to take the whole shaft. 
“You okay, Heat?” you asked softly over your shoulder. The grip on your breast firmed, his arm seeming to vibrate with a soft quake. “Is this bad for you? Are you uncomfortable-?”
“-I’m t-trying not to cum,” he managed to stutter out, the hand on your ass moving to your hips to hold you stationary, “I-It-... It’s been a while. I-I-I’m gonna cum-!” 
A large smile split up your face, prompting you to boldly arch your back and rock his tip inside your slippery walls. He shuddered and shook against you, his tip never truly leaving your body while the soft rocking over the sensitive head drew him to the white-hot ecstasy he was desperately attempting to withhold. 
It only took a few more rocks before he came undone within your walls. The first few drops spilled over before he rocked his hips out of you and sprayed your back with his cum. He had no time to reach down and grip it before he was panting your name into your neck and spurting his release in white flashes over your ass. His choked whines and whimpers were caught in his throat, the little apologies flinging forth with each wave of release shooting against your skin.
“F-Fuck, fuck, shit,” he cried, his cock betraying him as he burried his face into your neck, “I-I’m sorry. ‘M sorry. It-... You-... So good.” You offered him a soft giggle, pressing your lips against his arm and flurrying a burst of soft kisses over his skin. Before you had the opportunity to offer him anything in response, he rolled you onto your back and withdrew back up between your knees. 
“This fucking pussy,” he growled playfully at you, “Is too fucking good. Gonna have to punish it a little bit.” He kissed up your thighs, throwing your knees over his shoulders, and uncaring about your back stamping his release onto his duvet. Eyes holding yours for a moment, he gives you a short wink before immediately surging forward and diving into your pussy. Tongue flicking, mouth claiming, head bobbing, and nose grinding, he was going to have you cum on his face a couple of times as a playful invoke of punishment. 
And then he was going to make you some potatoes. Any way you wanted them, he was going to make them for you. 
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Wire's lips dropped to a somber pout, eyes downturning and tearing his gaze away from your own. Although he had consumed several of your orgasms with his lips, mouth and skilled tongue, he knew there was little chance his cock would be able to bury itself in your plush pussy. 
He was simply too big. Nine feet tall with a cock over one foot: achingly hard, desperately bobbing and leaking precum from his dark rose-colored tip. 
“I know. I'm sorry,” he whispered softly, gently clicking his tongue and attempting to mentally rid his body of desire. Sighing out a sorrowful exhale, Wire flopped onto his back and laced his hands behind his head with his eyes falling shut. His cock stood proud and neglected, his pretty tip twitching and begging wordlessly for stimuli. 
“Hey, look at me, honey,” your voice soothes down at him, your hands reaching for his cheeks and caressing his smooth skin and coarse facial hair. He scrunched his nose up and held his eyes closed in a tight clamp. Giggling at him, you shook your head before brushing your nose with his. 
“Fine,” you whisper, hovering your lips above his, “Be like that.” Pressing your lips against his in a chaste kiss, he barely had time to reciprocate it before he felt you withdraw from him completely. 
Slinking down his chest and over his stomach, you press soft kiss after soft kiss against his flesh. Mouthing at the skin, humming at the elevated goose flesh you leave in your wake, you map a trail down to his neatly cropped and trimmed happy trail. 
Lulling your tongue from your mouth, you lick a fat stripe up from his large vein on the underside, over each divot of elevation towards the frenulum. Mouthing delicately, romancing his cock with each open kiss, you manage to widen your lips enough to nearly encapsulate his cockhead between your lips. The corner of your mouth split the skin, stinging pain prompting you to wince at the tear. His tip was larger than the circumference of your fist, and you simply couldn't put that in your mouth without your teeth biting into it. 
“Don't-,” Wire whispered softly, his Adam's apple bobbing at the motion you were pressing against his skin, “Don't force it, sweetheart. I know it won't fit. It's okay, truly.” He reached down and cupped your cheek, drawing you up to cradle you against his chest.
“But-,” you tried to relay, cut off immediately with a harsh whisper down into your scalp. 
“-I said ‘don't’,” he pressed a soft kiss against your forehead, “It brings me pleasure to bring you pleasure. I don't need anything from you, sweetheart.” He pinched your chin between his thumb and index finger, drawing your eyes up to meet his. “I just want you.” His hand relaxed against your face, caressing your skin in slow, soothing circles. 
You hum into his hand, closing your eyes and leaning your lips lower to press a sweet kiss against his palm. He chuckles in response to such a softness from your earlier sultriness. Embracing you in silence against his chest, his cock twitched and began to reduce with his restraint. 
Looking down between you, your legs and ass barely make it to his stomach with the height difference. Lulling your head to the side, you take your lips into your mouth and gaze longingly at his cock. 
“...What if we don't put it in?” you offer, intrigue being met by his cock pulsating and slowly swelling back to life. 
“Don't start, sweetheart. It was just going down,” he grumbled at you, chuckling against your head. You rolled your head back up to meet him, pouting up at him and doeing your eyes at him innocently. 
“What if you fuck my thighs? I can grind your cock on my clit and get it all wet and messy for you?” you offer as if asking him what he wanted for lunch, completely nonchalantly, “You can cum on my stomach or ass, anywhere you want, and I'll say ‘please' and 'thank you’?” Wire growls down at you, his deep baritone vibrating against your shoulder. 
“You can't look at me like that and spurt such filthy shit, sweetheart,” he moved his body up, sitting with you on his chest and manhandling you effortlessly, “Sends me mixed messages. I want to take care of you first, dote on you and make sure you’re feeling safe and secure, and on the other hand, I want to use your thighs as my personal flesh light and fuck them until I'm satisfied.”
Without skipping a beat, you smile back up at him. 
“Use my thighs as your personal flesh light and fuck them until you're satisfied please,” you chirped happily up at him, prompting him to immediately clasp your thighs together and slot his exceptionally large cock between your wet pussy and your thighs. 
“You asked for it, sweetheart.”
Tag list: @mfreedomstuff @daydreamer-in-training @since-im-already-here @gingernut1314 @writingmysanity @sordidmusings @i-am-vita @indydonuts @feral-artistry @the-light-of-star @empirenowmp3 @racfoam @sunflowersatori @carrotsunshine @skullfacedlady @jintaka-hane
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prettyfastcars · 8 months
dangerous, tainted, and flawed | Dark!Mob!Lando
Summary: You met your husband under disturbing circumstances a couple of years ago. Your home was under attack one night, by one of your family’s rivals, and Lando – one of your father’s allies – came to help. He found you in your bedroom that night, and managed to save you but unfortunately no one else in your family survived the attack. You were distraught after that night, having lost everything, but Lando took care of you. Eventually, you two fell in love, he proposed, and you got married. Your life has been perfect ever since. Sure, you missed your family but you thanked the gods everyday for Lando. However, you didn’t know the whole truth about that night, did you? 
Themes: dark!lando, explicit language, smut, fluff, mentions of death, loss, and violence, possessive!lando
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“Baby?” He called out, “I’m home.” 
His voice echoed in the foyer. 
The house was so spacious that often you couldn’t hear him when he called out for you, and he knew that. That’s why instead of calling out again, he followed the sweet smelling scent and the soft music instead. Both came from the kitchen; the smell of warm muffins and a soft woman’s voice singing about chemtrails over a country club. 
Lando leaned against a wall quietly for a minute, smiling to himself as he watched you moving around in the high-ceilinged, farmhouse style kitchen. You didn’t know he was here yet. You were busy mumbling the lyrics of the song while chopping veggies, probably making dinner and baking muffins all at the same time. 
Cooking calmed you down, ‘It’s therapeutic’ you once told him. And he’d been married to you for not too long but he knew that this is what you did whenever you had a long day at work. You were a successful gallerist and often you had to deal with snobbish people, or ‘young money kids who had no true appreciation for art’ as you also told him. 
He let his eyes take you in. You were the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen, prettier than anything you’d ever exhibited he often told you, but the way you squirmed in embarrassment told him that you didn’t really believe it. That’s fine though, he’d spend a whole lifetime reminding you of that anyway. 
Once he was done ogling, that damn pale pink corset top of yours driving him insane as it was, he finally walked up to you and surprised you by wrapping his arms around you from behind. “There you are, baby,” He said, shoving his face into your neck and giving you as many kisses as he could. 
You giggled and tried to get away as he attacked your neck with kisses and soft bites but he tightened his grip around you. 
“Fuck, you smell so good.” He groaned, voice muffled now that he was nuzzling your neck like he always does. “I missed you so much.” 
“Lando,” You laughed, “I’m holding a knife!” You squealed, laughing and still trying to escape his ticklish kisses before any one gets hurt. “Okay you seriously need to shave, that stubble of yours hurts.” You managed to get him to stop. You placed the knife down and turned to face him as you leaned against the counter, caressing his cheeks as you cupped his face in your hands. “Too rough.” You commented, rubbing your fingers across his barely visible, but spiky stubble. 
He raised an eyebrow at you, his handsome face lighting up with mischief. “Is it?” He teased, “You weren’t complaining about it being too rough this morning.” He leaned in to whisper into your ear, purposely rubbing his cheek against yours, “Were you, baby?” 
Ah. This morning… 
You woke up feeling… funny. You opened your eyes and found that your husband wasn’t in his usual spot beside you on the bed. Instead he was busy down there, between your legs. You lifted the soft covers and found him looking up at you with nothing but desire and trouble in his eyes. 
You let out a soft moan when he held your stare while kissing your clit, and sucking on it before letting go. “Morning, baby.” He whispered, then got back to eating you out like he was starving. 
You threw the covers off and slid your fingers into his hair instead, “Lando…” You whined, the pleasure taking over you. “I’m gonna be late for work.” You mumbled, already feeling yourself getting to the edge. “I have clients waiting for me, you know? I have meetings, and…” You gasped, forgetting what the hell you were talking about in the first place once he began fucking you gently with his tongue. 
Damn his tongue and soft lips. 
Lando chuckled, a cocky look in his eyes when he pulled away and asked, “Meetings and what, baby?” 
“Don’t be a tease,” You groaned, shoving his mouth back to where you wanted him. He chuckled before working his tongue against your wet slit, his fingers slowly sliding in and out of you until you came with a soft cry. 
But he wasn’t done yet… 
Lando smirked as he looked at you, surely thinking back to this morning as well. 
You rolled your eyes at him. “You did get me late for work, you know?” You shook your head, turning back around to focus on the food that you were making. “Then there’s that anonymous collector,” You sighed. Lando wrapped his arms around you from behind again, placing his chin on your shoulder and gently swaying you side to side as you ranted a little bit. “I don’t mind them, whoever they are,” You said, “I do sell them a lot of stuff but why can’t they just show their face? It’s weird, you know, having a client without a face.” You sighed, “And then a really important meeting got cancelled. And one of the artists’ whose work is about to be exhibited soon is being a real brat.” 
Lando hummed, occasionally kissing your neck and shoulder as you complained a little more. “I’m sorry you had a tough day, baby.” He mumbled, kissing around your ear, “Want me to handle this collector for you? Or the artist?” 
You chuckled, knowing the nature of your husband’s work and his temper, “No. Please don’t.” You added, “I love my work, it’s just a bad day, that’s it.” 
“Okay,” He kissed along your exposed shoulder, “Then how about a bath? You want that? Or how about some wine?”  
You leaned into touch, “Bath for later,” You said, “The wine for now, please.” 
“Yes, my lady,” Lando let go of you with one final kiss on the side of your head.
You watched him as he left the kitchen. He took his suit jacket off and rolled the sleeves of his white shirt up to his elbows. Then before he turned to head to the wine cellar, he gave you a wink, acknowledging that he gave you a little strip show. You shook your head at him. 
Once alone in the kitchen, you smiled to yourself as you thought about how far you and Lando had come in just a few years. 
Your smile faded into a sad one as you thought about the day, or night rather, you first met him. 
The sounds of gunshots and screams woke you up. You couldn’t hear anything but the chaos outside your bedroom. Bullets, screams, orders being shouted, furniture being wrecked, glass being broken, more screams… all of it muffled as you ran into your walk-in closet and hid in the dark. 
You couldn’t stop the silent tears from streaming down your face. You knew what this meant. It was an ambush. And you also knew that a few hours ago might have been the last time you saw your family. You just hoped they made it out alive. But no one was barging into your room yet… this meant that the fight was happening downstairs. 
You cried some more as you heard more yelling, more gunshots. 
This life, this family you were born into came with situations like this. Your father told you this since you were a child. He was well-known amongst gang leaders and mob bosses, which meant he had more enemies than friends. Sometimes those two were the same people. But your father had kept you hidden for most of your life, away from all this. 
The only reason you were even home tonight was because it was your birthday. You’d begged your father to let you celebrate it at home with everyone… 
You didn’t remember passing out in that closet. You didn’t know what happened or how you were found, just that you were. And when you woke up, you were face to face with a handsome young man with pretty eyes who reassured you that you were safe. 
He said he and his family were friends of your father’s. And that he was sorry but you were the only survivor of that attack. Your family was gone, your house was gone. All was gone. 
The year which followed was the hardest of your life. Grieving, dealing with so many losses, moving on with a heavy heart, getting the help you needed, finally learning how to stand on your own feet again… you couldn’t have done it without Lando. 
He was your rock. Always there when you needed to cry, to share a laugh, to make silly jokes, on days when you wanted to spend hours in bed, on nights when you had nightmares, on days when you felt light and happy, on days when your heart broke all over again, on days when it felt like you were finally healing, he was always there. 
He was a busy man, but he made time for you. 
Falling in love with him was easy. The easiest thing you’d ever done. So when time came, and he got on one knee and asked you to marry him, saying yes was the easiest thing you’d ever done. You knew you were both young, but he was it for you. 
Becoming his wife felt like a dream. Like you were a real princess marrying her knight in shining armour, the one who saved her from every bad thing and promised to protect her fiercely forever. Except your knight wasn’t altruistic, he didn’t come on a white horse and with a sword. Yours was dangerous, tainted and flawed. He came with power, money, guns, and expensive cars. 
“It better be thoughts of me that you’re lost in and not that anonymous collector,” His voice brought you back to the present. “Otherwise I might have to hunt them down and make them disappear forever.” Lando joked as he handed you a glass of your favourite red. 
You leaned against the counter, facing him as you took a long sip. Then you said, “I was thinking about you actually.” 
That cheered him up immediately. “Yeah? Do tell then.” 
You smiled faintly. “Just thinking about how lucky I am that I have you.” You avoided his eyes after. You always did whenever you felt slightly emotional. You always tried to seem stronger than you felt in the moment. 
Lando placed his glass down and came over to wrap you in his arms immediately. Somehow, he always knew when you needed a hug. You wrapped your arms around him and let out a sigh, your heart already feeling lighter just by being in his arms. 
“I’ve got you, baby. Don’t worry.” Lando said softly, his familiar scent already making you feel better. “You’re safe here, with me.” He reassured you. Lando knew you still had a fear somewhere, about being attacked like that night. But he often also reminded you that he was the most powerful man in this city, and no harm was coming your way as long as he lived. 
He often wondered whether you realised how lucky he felt that you were his. That night, when he found you passed out on the floor in the walk-in closet, something in him shifted. He knew he had to keep you safe, always. 
“Thank you,” You murmured against his white shirt. 
Lando pulled away to look down into your eyes. Fuck, he hated it when you cried. It felt like he was being torn apart. He quickly wiped that one tear which barely escaped your eyes and said, “You never have to thank me for taking care of you.” He said with a slight frown. 
“I know,” You whispered and pulled him in for a kiss. A slow, gentle kiss that quickly turned into a heated, passionate one. His hands grabbed you by the hips and pulled you into him, so you could feel the very prominent bulge in his pants. 
It made you whimper just feeling it. “Fuck,” You mumbled against his lips, “Will I ever stop wanting you like this?” Your shaky hands reached down to undo his belt, then just as you reached for his zipper, your stomach grumbled so loudly you were sure all the guards outside could hear it too. 
You both froze at the sound of it, then burst out laughing. Lando threw his head back and laughed so carefreely that you fell a little bit more in love with him at that moment. You didn’t think that was possible, but here you were. 
“I would love to bend you over the counter right here baby,” He chuckled, “but I feel like we need to get some food in you.” He said, kissing your cheek and pulling away to look at you as you tried to hide your face in embarrassment. “Hey, look at me.” He grabbed you by the chin and lifted your head up. “Let’s eat, and I’ll fuck you later. Okay? I promise.” 
You gave him a shy smile, “Okay.” 
After a light dinner filled with more laughter and easy conversations, Lando helped you with storing away the cooled off muffins before the two of you finally got into that bath, with another bottle of wine. 
You carefully poured some more wine into your glass before leaning back into Lando’s chest. You sighed again, settling against him. This was your happy place. Scented candles, dimmed lights, warm bath, wine, and of course, the love of your life. 
But then as always, Lando could never keep his hands to himself. It always starts out with innocent touches, along your arm, kissed on your shoulders… then he gets more and more demanding. His fingers caressed your inner thighs until you were squirming against him, his kisses turned into playful bites making you whine and whimper. 
“You never behave.” You mumbled teasingly, closing your eyes and letting him caress and touch you however he wanted. 
“How can I?” He whispered against your neck, “You’re too beautiful to resist.” 
You let out a soft moan when his finger carefully slid inside you. You whispered, breathlessly, “Remember we flooded the bathroom the last time?” 
Lando groaned, pulling his hand away. “Fine, fine. I’ll behave.” He let out a sigh as though you’d asked him to give up breathing. 
You chuckled at his dramatics. 
The two of you ended up staying, soaking until the water got cold. Then went about your respective night time routines before finally getting in bed. Right as you lifted the covers up to get in, Lando grabbed you by the arm and pulled you into him. 
“Ah! Don’t even think about it. We both know you’re gonna start snoring the moment your head hits those pillows.” He pushed you down on top of the covers and tickled you until you were breathless, your satin robe coming undone in the process and exposing your naked body underneath. “Plus, I promised you something before your belly began braying, didn’t I?” 
You shoved him playfully, arguing, “It didn’t bray!” 
Lando pinned your wrists above your head and leaned in for a quick kiss. “Pretty sure the guards will ask me if we brought in a pet donkey tomorrow morning.” 
“Lando!” You laughed, trying to get out of his grasp but he was stronger than he looked. 
He ended up shutting you up with a kiss, his bare chest pressing down against yours. His skin was damp, the chains around his neck were cold, he smelled incredible. He was all you wanted. So you wrapped your legs around his waist and pulled him closer. 
He moaned into the kiss when you arched your back, pressing up against him. When he pulled away to look down at you, his stare was fiery, his pretty eyes filled with lust. 
“I love you, you know that right?” He asked. You noticed he often did. 
You nodded quickly. “I know.” You smiled up at him, “And I love you.” 
He smiled before leaning in for a quick kiss before his mouth slowly moved down your body. Kissing along your neck, biting your breasts, kissing down your stomach, your hips, your thighs. 
You lifted your upper body up onto your elbows and met his intense stare. His pretty eyes really were your weakness. Your safe place. Your comfort. Perhaps because when you woke up after that traumatic night years ago, those eyes were the first thing you saw. They’d been your favourite thing since. 
Lando held your stare as he spread your legs further apart, settling in between them. 
He pressed his lips to your inner thigh, his mouth getting closer and closer to your core, you tipped your head back, sighing quietly as you felt his breath against you. You couldn’t help but slide your fingers into his soft, slightly damp hair.
“You’re all mine.” He whispered, his tongue slowly circled your throbbing clit, parting your wet folds with ease. His shoulders parted your legs further apart as he leaned closer. He slowly brought a finger up to your clit, sliding it agonisingly slowly down your slit, parting your wet folds again. 
You trembled under his touch. “All yours,” You sighed in bliss as he slid a finger inside you, stroking your walls gently while he placed his mouth back on your clit.
“Does my face feel too rough now, baby?” He asked. And chuckled proudly when you were only able to moan in response. 
“No…” You gasped, breathless and wanting more even as he teased your clit and finger-fucked you gently. That damn stubble of his rubbed against your poor inner thighs over and over again but you moaned in pleasure despite it all. 
You squirmed and moaned and gasped under his perfect touch. He knew you and your body too well by now, and soon, you were coming undone all over his tongue, your walls clenching violently around his finger. Your fingers scratched his scalp as you tugged harder on his hair as you came.
You were still catching your breath as Lando left small kisses up your body before he hovered above you again, staring deep into your eyes. 
“Please…” You begged, wrapping your legs around his waist again. “I need you in me.” 
Lando gave you a cocky smile before kissing you once again, the taste of you on his tongue still. You didn’t mind the roughness of his stubble this time, but you growled into the kiss because you were impatient and all he did was kiss you over and over again. 
“Impatient, are we?” Lando chuckled at your little growl, not breaking the kiss as he slowly slipped inside of you, groaning into the kiss as he went.
You gasped as he filled you up, all of him stretching you out and fitting nicely inside you. You couldn’t help but moan into his mouth as he moved his hips the slightest bit, making you whine at the feeling of his cock slowly moving in and out of you. 
“Fuck baby, you feel so good…” He groaned, his grip on your body tightens, possibly leaving bruises on your hips and thighs but you didn’t care. 
You would never get bored of this you realised. Of him, his touch, his warmth, his kisses… you were so glad he was yours. 
You could feel your walls clenching around him as he sped up and pounded into you, to a point where the only thing you could focus on was the feeling of him moving against your body. Nothing else in the world mattered. Your long day at work was forgotten, nothing else existed. Just you and him. 
“So fucking good…” He whispered, pounding into you relentlessly, as he bent down to bite your lower lip. 
You moaned at how perfect his lean and muscular body felt against yours. Your legs trembled as you wrapped them tighter around his waist. His thrusts were relentless and unbearably good. You closed your eyes as you felt the pressure around your lower body; tight and hot.
Lando smirked, looking down to where his cock disappeared into you each time he thrust in. “Look at you, baby,” He whispered, “It’s like you were made just for me.” The possessiveness in his voice only made you clench around him again. 
You were unable to say anything because of how good he felt sliding in and out of you. The familiar pressure formed at your core and you whined again when his fingers found your clit while he pounded into you mercilessly.
“Come for me…” he whispered and that was all you needed to hear before you came undone all around him again. Whimpering and back arching off the bed as you came hard around his cock.
He kept pounding into you as your orgasm washed over you, your walls squeezing him violently. Your body trembling under his intense gaze. He watched you in awe, lips parted, breaths in rags, heart racing. 
He almost came as well. But then he slowed down, pulled out and stopped for a moment. He caught his breath, and held back from coming no matter how much he wanted to. He needed to make you come again, he needed to hear you moan for him again. 
“Turn around for me, baby,” He spoke, caressing your thigh as you struggled to sit up. “Come on,” He urged, “Face down, ass up. Come on, baby.” 
You did as he asked, your hips and ass up while your face was pressed against the bed. You were still catching your breath when his hand reached around and touched you in between your legs, his fingers rubbed around your clit and made you tremble and moan given how sensitive you were. 
His body bent over yours, his warm, damp chest pressing against your back as he kissed your shoulder and the back of your neck until his mouth reached your ear, “I know you’re tired, my love,” He whispered, kissing the side of your face while you caught your breath, “But I need you to come for me again. Can you do that for me, baby?” 
You nodded slowly. Lando hummed in satisfaction as he kissed along your shoulder before gripping each side of your hips, and pushing into you from behind. 
Your body was sensitive from earlier, so you whined and whimpered as he filled you up again. Your fingers gripped the covers beneath you tightly, and your mind was foggy, everything was floaty as he pounded into you. 
You reached your high quicker this time, moaning his name and coming undone just a couple of minutes later. 
You felt his thrusts becoming irregular, faster, his cock throb against your walls violently. He groaned and growled as he came, his body wrapping around you from behind. You both fell on your sides, catching your breaths and calming your hearts down. 
“You okay, pretty girl?” He asked, spooning you from behind. 
You could only nod as he kissed you on the back of your neck. 
“You did so good for me, baby.” He murmured, “Now let’s get in bed, yeah?” 
You were pretty much limp after that. So Lando cleaned you up, then himself and then got the bed ready while you just laid there with a smile on your face watching him. He ended up having to tuck you in as well, since you refused to move. 
Lando playfully groaned, “I spoil you too much.” He said, getting on his side of the bed before pulling you close to cuddle under the covers. “People warned me against spoiling my wife too much.” 
You were already half asleep at this point. Damn it, he was right about you falling asleep the moment your head hits the pillows. But still you murmured, more like slurred, “Didn’t they also tell you to shave else your wife will have burns on her inner thighs?” 
Lando chuckled, rubbing his cheek against yours purposely again, “Okay fine, I’ll shave tomorrow. Happy?” 
“Hmm,” You mumbled, already drifting off to sleep. Safe in his arms as you’ll always be. “You better,” Lando chuckled at how you desperately tried to stay awake. “Otherwise I’m gonna run away.” 
With that you were gone. Your breathing changed so Lando knew you were surely asleep. Soon you’ll start snoring softly. He leaned down and kissed your forehead. 
“Silly baby,” He whispered as he adjusted the covers so you were properly warm. “You can’t run away from me,” He whispered against your forehead as he cuddled you, wrapping his arms tighter around you. “There’s a tracking implant in your arm.” 
Then he let out a soft chuckle. “Of course, you don’t know that, do you?” He cooed, “Hmm, baby?” He kissed your forehead again. “There’s so much you don’t know.” He caressed your cheek as you began snoring softly just as he expected. 
He had always found it adorable. He continued whispering to you, knowing you couldn’t hear him. “There’s so much I have to keep from you. I hate lying to you, but it’s for your own good, baby.” 
He kept caressing your face as he spoke to himself, “Like how you mistook me for your saviour that night.” He sighed then admitted, “I was the one who attacked your father’s house. I was the rival. Then I had my men search the house after everyone was dead, and they found you unconscious and brought you to me.” He let out another sigh, pulling you closer. “You were so beautiful, baby. Even with dried up tears on your face. You were the prettiest thing I’d ever seen. And I vowed to never make you cry after that night. It was the last time, I promise.” 
He paused. Then continued, “Your dad was such a pain in my ass, baby. I’m sorry I killed him. I’m sorry I killed all of them. I’m sorry I never told you the truth. How could I? You would hate me forever.” He placed a kiss on your nose, “But look,” He murmured, “All that shit brought you to me. And aren’t we happy together?” 
He let out another chuckle and said, “Wanna know another secret, pretty girl? I’m your anonymous collector. I have a warehouse full of the pieces you exhibit.” He confessed in the darkness and the silence. “I mean, what kind of a husband would I be if I don’t support my wife’s career, huh? Everything I do is to make you happy.” He leaned in to kiss your forehead again. “I love you so much, baby. It drives me insane.” Then he chuckled and added as an inside joke to himself, “Or maybe it did drive me insane already.”
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h5eavenly · 2 months
Fallen Star┃Jake Sim
Twenty - you're pretty when you're mine. warnings: smut and angst yipeee
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“What do you think?” you ask, foolish perturbation coloring the cadences of your voice. Your teeth sinking into your bottom lip with vigor the longer Jake’s silence stretches, the slower his teeth chew on the piece of dessert you had given to him with a glimmer in your eyes, a plead for his opinion.
“It’s good.” He answers shortly.
You release your lip into a pout, shoulders slumping down with disillusionment at the lack of buoyancy in his voice, yet the bags that seem almost permeant under his eyes, evidence of his everlasting fatigue that is pasted onto his features renders you mute. Aware that your pining for his approval is merely a desire to feed your hungry heart, woven with longing.
Jake’s eyes flit to your face then, taking note of the adorable disappointment awfully out of place on your face, it has his own heart softening, his fingers brushing across the skin of your arm with susurrates of your attention.
“I mean it. It’s really good bunny.” He reassures, attempting to demolish through your sulking. And you, with a heart as fragile as glass, one that is easy to peek through just as fast it trembles, only shake your head at him.
“You don’t look like you enjoyed it though.” You mumble, your pout enriching with the sway of your feet like a kid complaining how they didn’t get a taste of their favorite candy.
Jake’s smile disperses across his lips with fondness you don’t notice, his expression melting into endearment at the way you can never keep your words lodged into your heart for too long, your thoughts lingering at the tip of your tongue, yet he always manages to prompt them to spill.
“Have I ever lied to you?” he urges with a hum, titling his head at you in strives to catch your eyes and it works right away.
“No.” you shake your head.
“Then believe me this time too.” As if to make a point he takes another bite of the red velvet cupcake and this time it’s you who breaks into a smile tinged with fondness, like glass refracting light into a rainbow.
It’s directed at his kindness, at his attentive comfort towards you despite the heavy burden of simply existing weighing him down. You don’t get enough time for gratitude to unravel through your words because in a moment of your eyes falling into each other, a brush of his fingers in between the slots of yours, Sunghoon is standing between you two, a look of horrified disgust dancing between you two.
“Can you two not in flirt in the middle of work?” he comments with a roll of his eyes, one that has the tips of your ears tinting pink.
“We’re not flirting.” You defend weakly, your own words holding little to no conviction even to your own ears as you bunglingly retract your hand.
“Alright,” Sunghoon raises his eyebrow at you, tone dripping with irony “Can you shoo? I still need to dress Jake for his photoshoot.” He trails off, your eyes fliting to the couple pieces of garment he’s holding in his arms “Some of us need to actually work you know.”
“Hey!” you deliver a light slap to his shoulder “I work really hard! Tell him Jake” you turn your head to Jake with a pout of offense clambering over your face.
“I don’t know to me it looks like you’re slacking off right now.” Jake says, a sly grin is thrown at you and your mouth falls open with an overemphasized shock.
“Wow you’re really gonna betray me like that?”
“mhm. Are you gonna cry about it, little bunny?”
“As if! Give me back my cupcake” you attempt to snatch the half-eaten cupcake out of his grasp, leaning your body over the chair he’s sitting down in and yet it’s all deemed a failure when Jake stretches his arm out and away from you, a teasing smirk dispersing across his lips, eyes gleaming with mischief as your chest brushes against his shoulders.
“Jake!” you whine with facetious annoyance “Give it back! You’re not worth my treats”
“I don’t think so.” He mocks, watching with satisfaction etched onto his face at your futile tries.
You don’t get to register his other arm sneaking around your waist with a firm grip, ensuring you don’t end up stumbling onto your feet and falling over with the way you’re leaning over him. It’s such a saccharine gesture, one that comes as silently as a fluttering breeze sighing through petals of cherry blossom. A tincture of warmth spreads across your chest and you only feel it when Sunghoon has separated you two with an annoyed groan, reiterating his need to dress Jake.
“Shoo! Now!” He chastised and you had walked away with an overly dramatic pout drawn on your lips, throwing puppy like looks over your shoulder at them.
It only earned you a middle finger from Sunghoon and a snort from Jake.
You only think about his touch protracted moments later, when you still feel the heat of his body radiating off your waist, as if his touch has seared itself upon your skin. A coat of infatuation you can’t seem to take off. It’s the sole reason your heartbeat is abidingly fast even when his touch is long gone, even when his eyes are no longer on you but instead focused on Sunghoon’s face as they discuss his look. You remain a constant in a field of overgrown affection, your fingers itch – tinged with compulsion to pluck them out, you don’t have the energy nor the time to water them and yet, you don’t. your gaze glistening with heedless wishes.
Just a little longer.
You had yearned.
Even as the day unfolds like it always does, congested with Jake’s busy photoshoots and you running around in hope of making anything flow a little smoother for him. It’s only at the very ending hours of your schedule, the night sky had settled with a frigid air circling through the streets. As you sit in the backseat of the van with Jake’s head on your shoulder, exhaling tired puffs of air, and eyes closed.
Somewhere along the ride and in between seemingly unmoving traffic, he had rested his head on your shoulder, with mumbles about how tired he is. Albeit the days that have passed by with you snuggled between his covers or him falling asleep in your bed as if it’s his own, your body still can’t grow accustomed to having him so close.
Yet you still linger in your silence, putting on a show of having it all together as you scroll through your emails, mindlessly while Jay sits opposite from you, scrolling through his own end of work.
“Do you wanna go back to my place?” He whispers right into the skin of your neck, it has your fingers pausing across the screen of your iPad with bated breath, a shiver of something akin to excitement trialing down the length of your spine with fervor.
It isn’t an aberrant question, it’s one that you have heard for more days than not, one that you memorized the action that follows right after, the taste of his lips upon yours and the cruelty of his hands across your body. Yet how come they feel so welcoming? When did his light no longer blinded you but rather pulled you in?
“Sure.” You reply after a few silent beats, clearing your throat and adjusting yourself on your seat.
Jake only hums, and you smile to yourself as the amiability of his proximity filtrates through your essence. You smile, unaware of the heedless wishes driving you into the deepest end of the ground with promise of suffocation, unaware of the way Jay eyes you two.
Your night unfurls like it always does whenever you’re close to him, although with a few different elements it all ends in the same way. Or at least that’s what you tell yourself as you’re standing in the middle of his kitchen and amidst attempts to make a warm cup of tea that Jake didn’t even ask for. You grew a proclivity to try adding any weights of comfort to him, whether that was between the walls of his own home or dreadful hours of photoshoots and interviews.
And you enjoy it really, within your days you have accepted the fact that caring for Jake comes to you with no duress, in fact it is him that had always pushed you away from doing unnecessary things for him you’re not sure if he wasn’t used to the way you looked at him with genial amiability rather than reproach.
You enjoy it until you’re forced to be faced with the reality that none of this means anything cavernous than two lonely souls stumbling upon tender succour in blurry lines and scraps of affection.
You enjoy it until nights like these have your insecurity bubbling to the surface, protruding every sense of certitude he had whispered in your ears even when he didn’t have to. It all crumbles with vast impetus only because you saw a framed picture of Soojin on one of the tables in the living room.
You’re not sure how you never noticed it before, maybe because you and Jake never really spend much time outside his bedroom walls.
but you wish you didn’t. you wish you had gone blind for a moment or rather you wish you didn’t care as much as you did, there’s so much you wish for and yet none of them can be breathed into life in the same semblance you have to tie yourself back from tripping on questions you want to ask.
Is what between you and I merely a comfortable lie?
But none of it mattered, not when your chest had tightened with prodding thoughts, like knives stabbing at your heart with reminders that you will never be good enough.
Because you were feeling so good until moments ago, floating atop the clouds as Jake had muttered to you about how he needs to shower first, you took it upon yourself to ruminate through his displayed pieces, fingers grazing the soft petals of forget me not and eyes lingering on the singular painting he had hung up on one of the walls. You had paused with a dilated gaze, stupefied by the way fate seemed to work because you didn’t need to look at the signature to know who it belonged to you.
The art style was one that you couldn’t mistake for anything else, yet your smile had fallen from your face with enormous force as you took notice of the pictures of Soojin. You had to reason with your brain that they are close, even if you hate it but perhaps it was the fact that she holds space you never will, perhaps it was that you’re not even anything remotely close to what she is to him. You will never leave evidence of your existence behind.
Perhaps it was the fact that you and Jake do not mean anything outside the walls of his bedroom.
“Bunny?” you swivel your head around with surprise on your face as if forgotten where you were “What are you doing?” Jake asks– now freshly showered- leaning on the doorframe of his kitchen, his eyes darting over your figure rapidly.
“Making you tea.” You blink yourself out of your thoughts.
“Why? You don’t have to.”
“I know,” your smile tilts up your lips with ease, warmth that’s only ever entailed with whispers of his name “I wanted to.”
It’s only moments later when the both of you are on the couch of his living room, the entire space enveloped with darkness if not the moonlight seeping in through his open window.
“You’re awfully clingy today.” You comment as his arms tighten around your waist with dripping affection, pulling you against his chest impossibly closer and rests his chin on your shoulder. You don’t give room for yourself to waver even when he buries his face in the crook of your neck. Vanilla and cinnamon engulf his being with you.
“’m not clingy.” He mumbles, halfheartedly and with no intent for them to hold any meaning over your ears, so you don’t let them, only humming as your fingers graze the length of his arm, tracing over his veins, your fingertips leaving a trail of blossoming life behind “I’m just tired.” He adds after a while, as if his exhaustion is not a see-through flimsy excuse to have you closer, his chest pressing into your back.
“Do you wanna go to bed maybe?” you ask, concern inscribed into every stroke of your voice, as warm as the tea you had just made him and it has him smiling against your neck, evoking your smile to raise melting into a giggle “What?” you ask and when he huffs out a chuckle, yours sync with his colored pink like the flush upon your cheeks.
“Nothing.” He shakes his head, hugging you tighter “I just wanna stay like this for a bit.” Your heart trashes around your chest, and you fail not to waver akin to spring air wisping through your hair in the daytime.
“We can stay like this for as long as you want.” You whisper and he hums in agreement.
As a tranquil silence settles upon the two of you, his humming continues, turning into a sweet melody that you don’t recognize evoking your curiosity from Paris to rise to the surface once again. Although it isn’t coherent singing it’s enough for your soul to perchinto a similar placid feeling akin to floating atop waters warmed by the unforgiving sun or maybe it’s simply the warmth that comes from falling in love.
“What’s that song?” you whisper, afraid to break through his tonality of serene.
“It doesn’t have a name.” he answers after a few beats of silence.
You contemplate on the urges arising to ask for more information. Your fingers itching with heedless wishes yet again, so foolishly selfish like unraveling parts of him, a heedless wish like diving into him, looking through every nook and cranny of his being, even the darkest place he wishes light never touches. You don’t really linger on why, on where this urge exactly comes from and instead your nerves take over, worried you might catch yourself too far in, so you hold your tongue instead.
Your eyes dart across the living room in rapid search for something else to talk about, as they land on the piece of art hung upon his sage colored walls and your eyes light up, reminder of the piece you share.
“That painting.” you start, and he peeks at it, looking where your eyes are glued.
“What about it?”
“It’s really pretty.” You reply, feigning ignorance as your eyes trail over the name signed on the corner.
“I bought it at one of those college expos. I don’t really care about art, but I liked this one I guess.” He explains and your lips curl up into a grin as your fingers smooth over the length of his arm.
“Why this one?”
“I guess I could see what the artist was feeling.” His voice is soft, almost getting lost in the folds of silence if not caught by your heart “and I felt the same at the time.” He continues, tone sliding even softer, abrading across the surface of your chest with warmth the same way your nails to his skin.
“What do you think the artist was feeling?” Your smile slowly melts off your face, your essence overtaken by curiosity.
The painting was darkened by colors of gray and black, leaning towards petrifying it was a figure with their head in their hands as if in the middle of an agonizing scream, a couple of hundred nails stabbed into the skin.
“Guilt.” He replies “I felt like the artist was really struggling to overcome his guilt. As if it’s a part of you that you can’t seem to shake off. A shadow that constantly follows.” He continues, tone vulnerable as if the same liability still bears his soul, as if that shadow still loiters behind him.
His answer has your chest tightening compulsorily, as your eyes flit across the splashes of paint once again the meaning comes to you the same. Unfurling from the depths of darkness you can’t help the pain of realization that settles, it floods your being with a similar laminate of guilt.
“Niki painted this.” You say, letting out a breath and Jake stills, leaning his head back to steal a look at your expression.
“Your brother did?”
“Yeah,” you answer keeping your eyes fixated on the painting, darting over every swivel of color “I never really looked at his paintings this deeply before to understand.” you let out a chuckle that lacks humor and Jake doesn’t answer but you feel his gaze on you, fits his fingers in the empty spaces between yours with a squeeze.
“He’s really talented.” He says after a few minutes with sincerity.
“He is. He’s always been amazing at everything he does.” Your gaze falls to your interlocked hands, the sight of his fingers in between yours stirs something cloyingly tender within you “I wish he didn’t have to feel that way.” You continue with a soft voice, as if unwittingly revealing the concerns haunting your mind.
“It’s not your fault. It’s not something you can take away.” Jake whispers back, his thumb brushing over your hand.
“I know.” You smile, turning your head to catch his eyes with yours and the benignity woven in them almost has you melting, the skin of your fingers craves to mesh with his.
I wish you didn’t have to feel this way.
You almost want to whisper to him, right in whatever blurry space has been built between you two.
“You’re doing everything that you could, and it's amazing.” His eyes are penetrating, filled with seas of truth that you plunge yourself into with no second’s thoughts, your heart trembles with each word, your eyes softening so marginally.
Will you
“Thank you.” your chuckle escapes you gravelly, tinting your cheeks with a blush along the way “in the past none of my partners liked how much I cared about Niki- i-it feels like no one understood” Jake listens intently, a smile twinged with incitement for your emotions to unwind, spilling with a hue of rare amenability “So thank you for saying that.”
Allow me
“I think you dated a bunch of idiots if they weren’t able to envelope your heart with the same kindness it radiates.”
A silly urge to cry takes over your being albeit no tears fill your eyes, and your lips slightly twitch upwards in a grin twined with nothing but warmth that comes from the glimmer present in his tired eyes or perhaps it’s the heat emitting from his body pressing against yours, maybe it’s in the sincerity that laces his voice so effortlessly as if peering through your veils comes as easy as breathing to him.  Whatever it is, it is in this fleeting moment that you feel no need to hide but rather strangely feeling safe enough to spill whatever substance have plagued your soul for years.
To stay
“Do you mean that?”
“That you dated a bunch of idiots? I thought that was common sense?” you roll your eyes with a chuckle, his own smile rising as you deliver a slight jab to his stomach with your elbow.
“Jerk.” His own laughter erupts with ease, stealing your heartbeat as you attempt to free yourself from his embrace, his arms tighten around you. denying you.
“Have I ever lied to you?” he whispers against the shell of your ear, and you squirm with a shake of your head “Then believe my truth this time as well.”  He continues plaiting his words with a hum, a squeeze of his arms around your middle as if he’s not the reason breathing grows harder and harder to catch. An endless chase.
By your side?
“Sometimes I feel like I barely have anything to offer maybe that’s why I end up with a bunch of idiots.” You admit after a while, hushed as if shameful of the insecurity coating your flesh “Yeonjun – my ex that cheated on me at work remember? Yeah-“you chuckle nervously, a bitter edge to your laughter as if the memory is still fresh in your mind “used to say that all the time- that there’s nothing particularly special about me.”
You’re silent for a few tantalizing minutes, your gaze turning hazy as if recollections of every painful word Yeonjun has ever muttered still surrounded you, they twirl around your mind with the same affliction.
“I wonder why do I crave to be something-“you pause with darting glances as if trying to find meaning in the gaping holes of your being until they catch his “special so bad?”
Jake’s have always known his incarnation to turn coarse, his propensity for honesty remains abiding and he never knew to sugarcoat his words, they come out harsh, sharpened like an edge of a blade. You are a paradox to his own existence, the complete opposite of him, a gentle soul with words coated in candied affection.
It’s baffling to him, how someone as extraordinary as you could feel this way.
So, he shouldn’t be surprised at the words of raising at the tip of his tongue, almost choking him with its sweetness merely because it is directed at you.
“Isn’t giving your heart away the most precious thing you could ever offer?”
“What if my heart isn’t good enough either?”
“How could it ever not be good enough when it’s yours?”
As your eyes dance around each other, his reveal nothing but pure, crude veracity. It dawns on your being so intensely you’re not sure you have even a mere moment to question the fastening beats of your heart. You’re not sure when was it exactly that your world has shrank to nothing but him. When was it exactly that chasing fleeing gazes and waiting for touches of lust upon your skin have turned into this?
“How could it not be special when every particle of your essence is you?”
You never knew comfort that comes so simple yet so vigorous with its weight, how could such a minuscule word have such a big impact on your glass heart, on your staggered breath and how could it water your hope so effortlessly?
Another seed of heedless wishes grows, venturous with desire like asking him if I gave it to you would you still think the same?
“I don’t know how you make words sound like that.”
“Like what?” he asks, even in the middle of his living room his eyes sparkle as if they hold specks of stardust, his lips twitch upwards in a smile like the glimmering moon.
You feel foolish with the transparent reverence flowing through every part of you, in the tips of your fingers and in the delicate sentiment of you. You grow sorry for the rest of the world for stealing the scintillates of the night sky, you’re in his arms and you’re awfully sorry because there’s no way for you to share.
“I don’t know how you make everything sound so magical.”
“I think you’re just soft for me bunny.”
“You wish.” You snort, your words lack meaning and more than anything power.
“Do you ever miss Yeonjun?” he murmurs after a few moments of quietness, and your surprise takes you like a storm passing by with vehemence, it has your eyebrow twitching with semblance of annoyance that you’re not sure why it filtrates through your thoughts.
You don’t expect it, maybe not when you’re on his lap and in between touches of tender affection.
“Do you miss yours?” you retort back, harsher than intended and bittered by his nonchalance.
“Sometimes.” He answers and your nails dig into his flesh lightly, not sharp enough to evoke his notice “But we ended on good terms and we’re still friendly.”
You poke your tongue in your cheek as your eyes trail over that picture of Soojin once again, you’re somewhat thankful he can’t feel the heat of your furious gaze as you glare at the unmoving picture, and yet you’re somewhat annoyed he seems unaware of your frustration the way it imbues your senses has you faltering with hesitation at an answer to give back, so you don’t. Instead, you dwindle into silence intoxicated by your rapid heartbeat and the feeling of his breath on your cheek.
It's only when your own chest starts heaving as his lips ever so slowly, softly pressing into your neck with a phantom of a kiss, almost imperceptibly. His fingers trailing under your blouse with purpose, his touch scalding hot as his fingers graze over your hipbone and your lips separate with an audible gasp.
“What?” he breathes out an amused chuckle at your response.
“I just wasn’t expecting that.”
“What were you expecting?” He whispers, his voice tinted with allure the same way his other hand travels up your jaw, denting them with his fingers as he turns your face to him, you grow breathless, stolen by how enchanting his existence remains to be.
“I-I don’t know.” You breathe out, your eyes unfocused on anything other than the soft looking skin of his lips, even when it tilts upwards in an all-familiar teasing smirk that manages to irk you each time.
The space between you grows smaller and smaller as he invariably inches forward, his exhales mingling with yours and your mouth falls open with a silent moan, his fingers – with desire emanating from them slip past the confine of your pants. Your body burns with the heat of his touch, longing colors your gaze the longer he doesn’t kiss you and his glisten with mirth as he keeps his lips atop yours, almost touching yet not close enough.
never close enough.
“For someone who pretends to be unexpectant you sure are wet.” Your face burns with a blush so deep you could only hope the dark aids in concealing it, even when Jake’s thumb is pressing onto your clothed clit and your throat bubbles with the threat of a whine.
His scorching gaze scouring over passing expression lingering on your face for not long enough, yet amply enough for his own breathing to rattle, for his own sanity to abscond, overtaken by an utter ache to have you, ache to have you falling apart it has his fingers moving on their own, with a losing battle trailing behind as he buries them in your underwear, your arousal coats his hand as it slips inside of you.
“Jake.” you fall apart as easy as the whine escaping your mouth, as easy as the groan he lets out when he slots his mouth against yours with a bruising kiss, his other hand trails down from your jaw to your throat and your heart reels.
“mhm? What is it baby?”
“I-I thought you were tired.” You mutter weakly throwing your head back on his shoulder as he works his fingers deeper into you.
“Never too tired to fuck you.”  he replies, eyes glued to the way your mouth falls open, your eyebrows scrunching up in pleasure.
Jake’s cravings seem to turn decadent whenever you’re in the picture.
It’s the same way he learns to press his cravings into your back that night, with touches and kisses that abide closer to tender love than the way he looks at you, the way you moan his name, his thumb trails over your spine with fervor, his lips press into your neck with purpose to imprint himself onto your skin, a desire for you to give him something diverting to wear beneath his blood.
“Fuck! Right there!” you moan loudly, your fingers gripping the sheets below you tightly.
“Yeah? feels good baby?” he still asks with a whisper drilling into the same spot as if you’re not falling apart with drool staining his sheets, you still nod with a whine.
“So- so good oh my god- I’m close, don’t stop!” your words are barely coherent, getting cut off by your whimpers.
“Me too baby- fuck you’re so good-“ you keen at the fallen praises from between his lips, the knot in your stomach growing impossibly tighter with the same way his grip tightens around your hips, his thrusts growing harsher, the slap of the skin sounds sinful, reverberating through the walls. A pleasurable groan escapes him at way the you squeeze around him after a particularly hard thrust.
“fuck-!" he growls fucking into you deeper, harder, faster anything to have you crying out "You’re so pretty when you’re mine.”
You’re not sure if you hear him correctly, if your mind had conjured up a couple of words to feed your delusions, convocation that they’re closer to reality than none yet your orgasm feels like it dissolves you into liquid with how hard it hits you, the sounds emitting from you are foreign to your own ears only increasing in volume when he follows with the same path, his come spilling into you.
You’re feeling hazy as he pulls out of you, the air heavy even when he kisses behind your ears with murmurs of needing to clean you up.
You have fallen silent the entire process and it’s not until the both of you had changed that he’s pulling you into bed atop his chest with a question lingering in his gaze.
“Are you okay?” he asks, voice soft with careful tenderness and you only nod your head with a smile.
“i’m just sleepy and tired.”
“My dick is that good?” You don’t need to look at him to know he’s wearing that same annoying expression he has whenever he teases you, a smirk and a glint in his eyes.
“Fuck off bro.” your hands react before your mind, grabbing one of the pillows and hitting him square in the face, the chuckle that erupts from his lips is otherworldly heavenly and your eyes soften, mind plagued with the words he had said earlier.
“Bro? What is wrong with you? I just fucked you.”
“No what is wrong with you?”
“A lot.” He answers and you arch a brow at him, biting back a smile when he rolls his eyes at you with endearment tinting his hands as he pulls you closer to him once again, your head rests atop his chest and you fall into tune with his heartbeat.
As he runs his hands through your strands, the both of you are quiet, something akin to a tranquil silence fills the room yet your mind races with everything that has happened the few couple of weeks, Jake remains unstable, days pass by with him saying a few words to you then fucking you only to fall asleep with the same silence between you, then other nights unfold similar like today, with you pulling effortless laughs from his lips, gentle kisses scattered on your skin.
you're so pretty when you're mine
Did he mean it? or did you imagine it? Have you finally gone mad?
Perhaps it’s that sole reason your hope climbs over every other feeling, perhaps is the heat seared onto your back with whispers of the words he muttered that have you slipping with a new devotion, one like foolishly wishing for your souls to intertwine.
Maybe that’s why you thought it would be okay for you to speak after a while.
A fatal fantasy -
“When we were in Paris.” You start with overflowing prudent, circling the air as you slightly tilt your head upwards with intent to steal a glance at him, his hum comes as encouragement for you to continue “you told me you want to love music the way you used to do but you never answered me when I asked you why.” Your voice is much quieter than before, and his body grows rigid in counted seconds, shorter than you could blink away your orgasm.
“I don’t want to talk about this right now.” He replies with a deepened sigh, tone monotone and you chew on your lower lip with evident nerves at the lack of emotions radiating from him.
“I’m not gonna force you.” you say, hesitating for a few seconds before speaking again “I know things have been tough.” You’re met with quietude from him, one that has the tips of his fingers ceasing atop the skin of your back as if warning you to tie your tongue into a knot, do not break through your vows that took you countless enticing stares to keep.
Your heart abides a trivial piece of glass, yearning for him cuts through like the light of dawn coming to life with increasing heartbeat and woven with feelings you refuse to plaster labels on. Perhaps deep down your soul seeks for everything to fall apart.
“I know you must feel very lonely with how things are. with your mom gone and then your undiagnosed ocd-“you don’t get to finish your sentence before Jake is flinching away from you.
“What?” He sits up on the bed with a furrowed brow and a fire lacing his gaze as it lands on you, the heat of his body abandoning you has you itching “Are you trying be my fucking psych?” his tone - albeit does not change in volume, it still has apparent venom tinting every syllable. It has your heart trembling in your chest with the fear of stepping in too far, tripping on a ticking time bomb that explodes with a bat of your eyelashes.
“No I just thought-“  with nerves aptitude in your tone, limbs. You sit up as well, your fingers trailing over his arm in searched comfort, a reminder that mere minutes ago he was still entangled with you “I’m just trying to help and I thought-“you stumble, on your words and on your quivering heart as you try to find the right words to say yet your cognitive facilities shut down at the disillusionment sneaking into his irises.
“You thought what?” He lets out a short solemn laugh yet long enough to have your temerity crumbling as if daring you to speak.
“I opened up to you earlier and I thought maybe you’d be able to do the same.” You clarify with a whisper, eyes widened with pure longing.
A heedless wish.
“So, you thought you could talk like you fucking know a thing about me.” he grumbles, annoyance evident in the way he pushes his hand through his disheveled hair, and you watch with a shaking heart as he trudges out the bed with slumped shoulders.
“What? No, I’m trying to get to know you, Jake.” You defend, albeit debilitated by the obstacles of ice materializing in his eyes, you follow with the sun in yours.
“By treating me like a fucking project?” He’s growing angrier, it’s so visible in the cruelty that drips from his voice, in the way his eyes widen with a scalding fire threating to take you both down.
“I don’t treat you like a project.”
“Oh, cut the bullshit yn!” he swivels around to face you and you still in your trail with a bated breath “You think I don’t know what the fuck you’re doing? We talk for one night and suddenly you’re talking as if you have the cure to all my problems! Like you can fix me.”
“I’m sorry if it came out that way.” You mutter, your irises shaking with sincerity he doesn’t get to witness, not when he’s overtaken by anger, not when fear trickles in just as intense “When I saw that you had Niki’s painting I just thought-I thought we would be able to relate to each other. That there are sides of us we could understand.” He scoffs at your words, shaking his head in disbelief and your chest tightens, as if callous hands have made their way inside you with abhorrence, squeezing your fragile organ.
“Relate to each other?” He speaks, low and more to himself with displeasure written all over his face “You didn’t even understand what that painting meant until I explained it to you yn how the fuck are you gonna understand anything about me?”
“I know but-“
“God yn do you ever just stop and think about the way you act? The things you say?” As if a monster that has been unleashed, the shackles covered in rust, and they crack with the lump forming in the middle of your throat with a threat for tears to burn your cheeks with scalding trails “Do you ever stop and think about how overbearing you act sometimes?” Jake cannot stop, he feels it in the way his blood burns as it runs through his veins “why can’t you fucking listen to me when I tell you to stop? Why do you need to push me past my limits?”
“I’m sorry maybe I worded it wrong but my goal this time wasn’t to push you.” your words are not getting through to him, instead something akin to hideousness he’s all too familiar crumbles inside of him.
“I feel fucking sorry for your brother he has to deal with this kind of shit from you on top of whatever lead him to make that fucking painting.” His tone is cold and low when he speaks you but they break through your bones harsher than anything he had ever said to you and they crack, extending all the way to your heart, forming scars on the surface he had so delicately soothed not long ago.
You almost want to scoff at yourself more than anyone, how could you be so stupid to think of yourself as anything more than trivial glass that stays unaware of its imminent fate?
Jake regrets his words the moment they leave his mouth, not because of the bitter taste they leave behind but rather over the broken look that seeps into your face as quick as he inhales. His anger for you flees, tumbles to the ground right next to your puddle of blood, woven with your heartbreak and caused by the bullets he aimed at you while he wavers, colored with remorse.
It only penetrates him deeper when you grow quiet, your eyes fliting everywhere as if trying to find meaning in his words somewhere other than his face, as if you didn’t look at him you’ll be able to find different facets of them, ones that aren’t directed at you with only for hurt to unfurls throughout every nook and cranny of you. but then your eyes dart up to him, this time your eye contact doesn’t transpires with desire nor hidden giggles from you. This time your expression completely crumbles with excruciating agony.
“That’s too cruel to say even to someone like me Jake.”
Your words come out choked despite the tears glimmering in your eyes none fall, and it feels like punishment that dawns on him right away, he blinks rapidly at you, too aware of the harsh words that he let slip. There’s real pain in your voice, albeit your pure ability to display your emotions carelessly, he had never seen you this hurt, not in this unadulterated form and he falls speechless.
“bunny,,” he’s not sure what to say, his mind empty but it doesn’t matter because then you’re harshly wiping at your eyes with your arm and in mere moments you’re turning away from him.
He doesn’t know how long he stands in the dimly lit corridor, but it’s long enough to feel the weight of his own words pressing him down until he feels close to suffocating, he stares at his palms and fragments of your broken heart stares back at him.
You should have known heedless wishes were meant to break rather than mend.
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@mandoscyare @danielleism @nessas-archive @pochamocharoll @thatonexcgirl
@jakesfurry @enhaslxt @missychief1404 @stargirl-gigi @ohwonzs
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paradisdementor · 6 months
Short Imagine | Armin Arlert
"Look at you, and here I thought I'd never make you bring out that dominant side. To think it only took a small kiss from Annie, remind me to thank Eren for the idea later. Now... Show me what you're all about"
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🏷: @melanieph @we-are-so-close @myarlert @princess-jaeger
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talia-rumlow · 2 years
Tom Hiddleston Characters Masterlist
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We all love a good looking Villain. Right?
Here you´ll find my collection of Tom Hiddleston Characters Fic.
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Yes! You are seeing correctly. I´m actually writing a Loki fic. And this is an epic one!
Given your place in Asgard, a secret relationship with the God of Mischief isn't exactly a good Idea. But you can't stop. It's an obsession, a sickness. You can't get enough of him! And Loki can't get enough of you!
This story will go back and forth in time.
Chapter One - Twisted Reality
Chapter Two - Queen Of Asgard
Chapter Three - Loki & Thor
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I´ve always been a fan of the Night Manager, so of course I had to make a fic about Jonathan Pine. This will contain a lot of feelings, past trauma, abuse, murder, Non-Con elements and sexual description.
You met Jonathan Pine 5 years ago in Cairo. One steamy night was all you had time for, before Richard Roper got hold of you. Now you've been his prisoner for 5 years. When some unforeseen events led to you and Jonathan Pine to meet again. Only this time Mr. Roper calls the shot. Your job is to Seduce Jonathan Pine, and make him talk. Make him reveal his secrets before he can put a stop to Ropers plan. Your only way out of Ropers control is to finish the job. Will you reveal his secrets? Or will he reveal yours first?
Chapter One - Cairo 5 Years Ago
Chapter Two - No Way Out!
Chapter Three - A Part Of Life
Chapter Four - Daniel!
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theemporium · 3 months
Smut merry daquri with Luke and number 12?
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
12. "No underwear?"
It was no surprise to anyone that the social responsibilities and duties were Luke’s least favourite part of being a hockey player.
He understood why he had to do it. He understood why management wanted to parade the players around sometimes, why they had to show face. He didn’t mind it all the time, when there were still links to hockey like coaching junior teams or meeting fans. But the fancy galas and events were a whole other story. 
He was shoved into a suit, slapped on the back and passed around a bunch of rich businessmen and businesswomen he did not know and expected to keep them happy. It wasn’t exactly the area he thrived in, not in the way Jack seemed to. 
He wanted to support the cause, he just didn’t like the superficial conversations and awkward small talk with people who thought they knew hockey better than the players on the ice. 
And yet, that wasn’t even Luke’s biggest issue at the annual Devils Charity Gala. 
No, his biggest issue was the fact he was expected to be sane and normal and so completely fine whilst you were parading around in a dress that looked downright sinful on you. 
“Hey, Moose, you good?” 
Luke blinked, turning his head to look away from where you were chatting away to Curtis and Reanne to look at his brother approaching him. “Yeah, why?” 
“Your face is all red,” Jack mused, hiding his smile behind his drink. “You’re not sick, are you?”
Luke narrowed his eyes. “Shut up.” 
Jack’s grin widened. “Maybe we should get the medics over—”
“Go bother Nico or something,” Luke grumbled as he placed his empty glass on the bar behind him, ignoring his brother’s giggling as he made his way over to you. His hands found your waist easily, his body fitting behind you perfectly. “Hey.” 
You turned back to look at him after Curtis and Reanne wandered off, smiling up at the boy. “Hey back,” you mused as you felt his arms tighten around you. “You good?”
“Mhm,” Luke hummed, his fingers skimming over the fabric of your dress. “You look really pretty.” 
“Yeah, you like the dress?” You questioned, smoothing out the lapels of his blazer. 
“Mhm,” he nodded, his cheeks burning red. “You could’ve given me a warning.”
“Where’s the fun in that? I wanted to see your genuine reaction,” you retorted, something quite like mischief shining in your eyes. “I like surprising you.” 
Luke’s lips twitched upwards, his tone lighthearted and joking. “Got any more surprises?” 
Your smirk widened. “Maybe.”
His interest piqued. “Yeah?” 
Your arms wound around his neck, sweet and innocent enough that if anyone looked over at the two of you, it just seemed like a wholesome moment between the couple. A moment to themselves, whispering sweet nothings as you leaned up close enough for your lips to brush against his jaw as you spoke. 
“Yeah,” you whispered. “Like this dress being the only thing I’m wearing.”
Luke blinked, his voice shaky. “What?”
“You heard me.”
He gulped. “No underwear?”
“No underwear,” you confirmed with a nod.
“Fuck,” Luke muttered under his breath, his hands squeezing your waist. “You…shit, babe, you can’t just say that.” 
“No?” Your smile was anything but innocent as you straightened his tie. 
“We still—” Luke could feel his face heating up. “We can’t leave yet. We still have the dinner.”
You mockingly pouted, patting his chest. “Guess you’ll have to wait.” 
Luke pressed his lips together. “You’re evil.” 
“Save the dirty talk for later, babe,” you snorted before pulling away from him. “C’mon, I promised Reanne we would sit next to her and Curtis for the meal.”
“It’s like you want to put me through hell.”
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rainydayathogwarts · 1 month
Age gap - Aaron Hotchner
Summary: Your coworkers find out you love age gaps, but don't know about the relationship with your boss and the age gap within it. warnings: mentions of sex, brief smut ish, rs with your boss takes place in like s1 - hotch and haley are already divorced here. age gap (reader 27/hotch 44) - also we're going to ignore how i keep posting these off schedule 0.7k+ wc
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You hadn't meant to attract the entire team's attention. The 'never have I ever' question had been accusingly aimed at Emily, who's been in just about every type of controversial relationship, but if you were telling the truth, you'd been in more than one relationship with a significant age gap. You tried averting your gaze away from any of your teammates' stare, hoping they wouldn't call you out on drinking. "I'm sorry, how old are you again?" Penny's question was the first, followed by:
"How big was the age gap?"
"Since when are you into older men?" and
"It was just one relationship right?"
"I won't be taking questions." You stated, but Penelope's harsh glare had you pouting, leaning back against the booth. "Okay, well you know how old I am." Having joined the team a mere year ago, you had surprised everyone with your young skin and healthy locks, a smile filled with innocence that had made them guess you were still young. Luckily, being so young and attractive had allowed the team to make fast progress on certain cases. Dealing with difficult Sheriffs on non-local cases was made relatively easier when all you had to do was smile at them and laugh at whatever inappropriate joke they made about you to get your way. Despite the team telling you that you didn't have to deal with the perverted cops, you'd shrugged it off, saying it only made everyone's live easier.
It was always worth it, especially when you went back to the hotel at night and were whisked away into Hotch's room, where he pinned you down against the bed, thrusting into you jealously while grunting into your ear that you were his. His and no stupid cops'.
Aside from that, your humour and light-hearted nature made it easier for the team to live with their traumatic jobs on a day to day life. Especially when you managed to better the SSA's mood when he was feeling particularly grumpy. "Okay how big was the age gap?" Pressed Derek with raised eyebrows. You shrugged, sipping your cold drink. "Depends which man you're talking about." Emily let out a long whistle, commenting "Looks like I've been dethroned."
Giggling, you traced the rim of your glass, licking your lips softly. "It's just a preference." You added, eyes flicking up with a glint of mischief. "Rossi, Hotch, watch out." JJ joked, making your gaze shift to the two older men on the team. You tried not to let your stare linger on Hotch, who was sat directly facing you, otherwise a clear indicator of the liking you'd taken to your boss. "Biggest age gap was older than I am." You weren't sure if your drunken words made much sense, but from the audible gasp Spencer let out, you assumed it was. "So that's what... twenty-eight years?" You hummed, looking up at the ceiling while trying to do the maths. Giving up, you shrugged your shoulders, muttering "Something like that."
At your team's impressed whistles and little jokes, you risked another glance at Aaron, who was already looking at you, a soft smile on his face. Quickly turning away from him, you asked "Why, Emily how big was your age gap?" Emily's answer barely hit your ears because you were too busy feeling for Aaron's leg under the table. When you finally felt the soft cotton of his trousers against the skin of your foot, you ran it up his leg, catching his reddening face from the corner of your eye as you maintained eye contact with Emily instead, nodding along with her.
You were sure that if Aaron focused hard enough, he would still be able to feel your hands on his thighs from when you crouched under his desk bare hours ago, licking up the underside of his dick before latching onto the tip, sucking so eagerly that he had to cover his mouth to stifle his moans. "You're coming back home with me after drinks tonight." He had told you, a hand on your waist when you were finally finished, fixing up your lipstick. "Then I can properly reward you for everything." And you couldn't wait, thighs clenching in anticipation.
Now all you had to do was sit with your friends and laugh along to their jokes, trying not to drag your boss away into a bathroom stall so that he could finally take you home, bending you over his couch with his fingers shoved down your throat so that you wouldn't wake the neighbours.
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