#miss Yukizome
henryhina · 1 year
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Miss Yukizome is a better mama than Komaeda could ever ask for
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Since going through the second game again I’ve had a question that I haven’t been able to answer so I’m gonna ask y’all:
is Monomi/ Usami meant to be a sort of parallel to Miss Chisa or is she her own rabbit person?
Because giving her a role with Chiaki could make sense seeing they’re both dead. And they could’ve both been preserved into alter ego versions and slotted into their classes’ missing seats for the school trip.(seeing they both died and everything, there was an opening to fill up 16 + a teacher)
However, Monomi and Chisa act nothing alike(Chisa has a go get em attitude and Monomi has had more than enough budget spent on her ‘I am being beaten up’ game scenes), nor is it ever mentioned or alluded to that they were to be the same person (as far as I’m aware). Also it was mentioned that both Chiaki and Monomi were both siblings, which is a whole other contradiction, but it could be interpreted as them being built from a similar ai or being made by the same person, seeing they are fully aware of their creation and all.
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thelewdpokemanik · 4 months
It honestly wasn't makotos fault. Mikan said the medicine she was giving him was supposed to be harmless, how was he supposed to know it was an experimental aphrodisiac? Well at least now he gets to spend the day breeding her until it wears off and it seems like mahiru is going to be helping out. She really decided to visit mikan at the wrong time
(Somehow, this one ended up being very breeding-focused lol. Hope its fine :P)
Mahiru sighed as she walked through the corridors of Hope's Peak Academy. Couldn't Mikan be trusted to turn up to class on time?
Apparently not, since she was now looking for her. And honestly, there was a very real chance that the girl had somehow tied herself up somewhere and physically couldn't leave, so it wasn't as if there was no justification for worry.
So Class 77 had dispersed across the school grounds looking for their wayward Ultimate Nurse, Yukizome-sensei assigning them all different areas for them to check.
Mahiru herself was going to the Nurse's Office, where Mikan spent most of her breaks and lunches. It seemed like the most likely place for her to be, but Mikan's talent for tripping meant she could just as easily be stuck upside down in a tree outside, even if she had been in the Nurse's Office at first.
She sighed again, though she didn’t linger. Mikan had already missed her first two classes, which was unusual even for her. She could be in real trouble!
Or at least, that’s what she told herself as she reached the Nurse’s Office, sliding the door open without bothering to knock. She knew the Nurse’s Office was soundproof, and honestly, if Mikan was in here, someone would’ve found her a long time ago-
Mahiru’s thought was cut off. No, she stopped thinking.
Her ears were assaulted by a piercing squeal. Her skin flushed as she was hit with a wave of musky heat. A smell so heavy she could taste it made her knees buckle under her as she stared at the scene before her.
Mikan was laying flat on her front, completely naked, shreds of her uniform scattered on the floor around her. Her fat tits were pancaked on the floor beneath her torso, her face slack into a mask of pleasure as she drooled over the floor, which was covered in scratch marks where the girl had obviously tried to scrabble for purchase. Her mouth kept babbling nonsense in between exclamations of drunken pleasure.
Mahiru’s eyes trailed further up her body, down her pale back, and to her generous and reddened ass, which rippled with every meaty smack from the beast looming above her.
Its hands were digging into her hips, leaving pure-white imprints on the skin as it rutted furiously into the nurse, quite literally fucking her into a coma. Every one of its thrusts made Mikan cry out like an animal in heat, a brainless, pleasure-filled moan as she drooled on herself, her eyes blind and hazy, staring through Mahiru as if she wasn’t even there.
And in truth, Mahiru barely paid any attention to Mikan herself. She picked up all those things in the periphery of what had truly grabbed her attention.
The beast.
The boy.
The Man.
Makoto Naegi.
Or at least, someone who once answered by that name.
Mahiru gulped as she stared at the naked boy as he shoved what must’ve been a foot of cock into the broken slut between his legs with a wild pace. His whole body was tense, normally unseen muscles flexing unnaturally to pound Mikan through the floor. He was the heat Mahiru was feeling even now, body heat radiating off of him like a machine running at full power.
His jaw was set into a feral grimace, his teeth gritted, drool running down his chin. His eyes were just as empty as Mikan's, but where hers were bottomless pools of mind-breaking pleasure, his only showed a pure, unambiguous desire.
To breed the bitch right in front of him.
Mahiru didn’t know how long she stood there, staring at the pair. Long enough for Mikan to scream out her orgasm two or three more times, still chanting nonsensical words, but somehow Mahiru didn’t think that meant it had been very long. The nurse looked as if cumming was all she was even capable of doing anymore.
That, and being a hole for Makoto to dump his seed into.
Which he was doing right now.
With a deep, rumbling cry, almost like a growl, Makoto bottomed out inside Mikan, his full balls flexing visibly as he came buckets into the nurse, making her squeal like a stuck pig, her eyes rolling into the back of her head, her hands scrabbling against the floor wildly.
Before long, Mikan was full, and Makoto’s cum began spilling out of her and onto the floor, and Mahiru’s womb throbbed at the musky smell that immediately began filling the room once more. It had always been present, of course- this wasn’t Makoto’s first orgasm, but having a fresh dose of it piercing through Mahiru’s brain like this-
She knew, deep in her heart, that Mikan was pregnant, no matter what.
And that if Makoto dumped a load of cum like that in her, she would be pregnant too, without fail~
Mahiru’s legs gave out from under her, fingers she hadn’t even noticed before now finally bringing her to her own masturbatory orgasm, moaning loudly as she imagined herself and Mikan, naked and pregnant, completely unable to even think about anything else but sex and breeding~
A small, clear note made Mahiru blink, only now noticing a glass bottle she had knocked down when she fell down.
‘Experimental Aphrodisiac! Small Doses Only!’ it read.
Tellingly, the entire bottle was empty, making Mahiru gulp. Did- Did Makoto drink the whole bottle? Was that what happened?
Mikan was still babbling incoherently as Makoto began fucking her again, not having taken a second to pause of course- though…
Mahiru blinked, before leaning down closer to the ground and Mikan’s head.
This close, she could actually tell what Mikan was saying, in between the moans and the squeals.
“Forgive me forgive me forgive me forgive me forgive me forgive me forgive me-” She chanted, again and again and again, her voice throaty and raw as she begged for forgiveness.
Mahiru panted as she stared down at the nurse. Was she- Did Mikan dose Makoto? Was she responsible for this?
Mahiru barely had the time to construct the thought before her blood froze as Mikan stopped moving. Or rather, stopped being moved.
Slowly, Mahiru looked up from Mikan- directly into Makoto’s eyes, staring at her.
She had gotten too close. Much too close.
Mahiru could feel her heart beat a mad drum into her chest, her pussy drooling down her thighs as she watched Makoto’s rock-hard cock slip out of Mikan’s breeding hole, and she could feel her lips stretching into a shaky smile.
Her whole body was singing in unison, in celebration, in arousal…
This must be what a real Man feels like when he’s about to breed a slut~
Mahiru didn’t even try to fight back against Makoto as he grabbed hold of her uniform and tore it in two, only moaning as she felt his steaming hot breath against her face, making her eyes flutter.
Soon, she was joining Mikan on the floor, and fantasies of being turned into a breeding sow became closer and closer to reality as Makoto’s huge cock slammed into her, making her scream like a bitch as she came instantly, her pussy greedily trying to milk an impregnating load out of the Man’s cock.
Though, those fantasies soon began including more and more girls learning of their true place beside her, at Makoto’s feet, only good for breeding, and cumming, and, well...
Mahiru’s last coherent thought was a singular hope-
That somehow, Mikan’s aphrodisiac would last long enough for every female student at Hope's Peak to learn of this happiness <3
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idyllcy · 1 year
eros & psyche
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Word count: 5k
Summary: the five times Komaeda tells you he likes you and the one time you tell him the same
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cherry pink confessions
chocolate flavored kisses
and a bouquet of red roses
You stare at the red roses in the guy's hands, and you pause. "You want to date me to meet your soulmate, don't you?"
The guy sputters, and you sigh. "It's that girl over there." You point absentmindedly, changing your shoes and heading to your classroom. The guy yells thank you in the distance, rushing over to the girl with the roses instead. You dodge the students as they run around to their valentines, and you blink slowly at your desk.
You glance at the bouquets, reading through the letters and tossing flowers at classmates as they swarm around your desk for the chocolates. Ex-lovers... exes... exes... teacher... student... friend... friend... random admirer... ex— wait. random admirer?
You stop sorting through the letters, reading through the letter from the admirer, and you pause when you see the writing. It's familiar. The scent of fresh laundry dabbled on the paper reminds you of someone. It's strange. You didn't think you were able to recognize scents. Well, Nanami smells like strawberries, and Sonia smells like lilies. Teruteru is in a resting scent of cooking oil, and Mitarai smells like takeout. Komaeda... ah. He smells like fresh laundry, huh?
"Komaeda, do you have a crush on me?"
Komaeda jumps out of his skin as he stops at the door, blinking slowly at your question.
The cherry blossoms flutter outside, and your eyes lock with his. Komaeda stumbles over his words, confused beyond belief, trying to make sense of your question. Him? You? How— How'd you even find out? The letter wasn't even written by him? He had someone else write it for him? How would you even recognize that it was him? He had purposely stayed behind and almost ran late just so you wouldn't think it was him. Where did he screw up—
"Yes or no," You stare at him, and Komaeda averts his eyes to the ground.
"H-how did you tell?"
"Only you're capable of such poetic writing," You tuck the letter into your skirt, looking through the rest of your letters and gifts. It's creepy if you tell him you recognized the letter by scent. You hand the majority of the chocolate to Teruteru to mess with, and the roses go to Miss Yukizome to help decorate the class. Ryota gets photos of the letters for his animations, and you help Chiaki beat a romance simulator.
Komaeda thinks you've forgotten about him by the end of the day. You're still painting Sonia's nails, whispering and giggling about what she was going to do when she got home. Komaeda packs his bag as the bell rings, getting ready to leave.
"Hold it!" You yell for him as you rush to stuff as many of the letters into your bag as you can, and Komaeda stares at you as you run over to him. "Let's go."
"Why are you..."
"Go out with me," You stare up at him.
"H-huh? Komaeda stumbles over his words. He thought you were going to leave him. You were known to just point soulmates out on Valentine's instead of accepting anyone. If anything, you were the one receiving all of the confessions. Just what did he do for you to ask him out?
"I'll make you the happiest man alive during the time that we date, then I'll hand you to your soulmate when we finish. Please?"
"W-what if I want to stay with you?"
"Don't be silly," You blink twice. "No one dates me without knowing I match them to their soulmate."
"A-ah," Komaeda fiddles with his fingers. But he likes you. "Sure. We can date."
"Great!" You reach for a contract out of your bag. A couple of letters spill out with the contract, and Komaeda stares at the pink pen that falls out. Komaeda crouches down to reach for it, handing it to you as you hand him a contract."Please have this signed by tomorrow! Love you!"
"Ah... I... like you too."
He thinks you look gorgeous above him.
[Step one: Confess] [Complete]
"Where do you want to go for our first date?" You blink at Komaeda expectantly.
He shakes his head. The school is empty at this hour. The sun is burning out in the sky, and most of the students have headed to the cafeteria to eat. Hope's Peak had the best food, especially with Teruteru around. Ibuki might be performing downstairs again. He doesn't quite know how he ended up cornered by you at this hour. "I don't know."
"Really?" You tilt your head at him, hiding something behind you.
"Well," Komaeda pauses. It looks like a basket. "Picnic?"
"I thought you'd say that." You grin, pulling the basket from behind you. "shall we find somewhere?"
"I know a place," Komaeda mumbles, dragging you with him as you wind through the flower garden. "The ultimate botanist doesn't like us in his garden, but there's a wildflower field just beyond his garden. I hope it's empty."
"It should be," You follow behind him. "Komaeda-kun, what's your favorite food?"
"I prefer salty things to sweet things," Komaeda pauses. "Maybe... shrimp chips?"
"Mmm," You stop as he does, and you barely glance at the field. You pull a notebook from the basket next, scribbling down his answer. "What's your favorite color?
You stare at the string on his pinky, noting down the hex code. "Sounds about right."
"How do you match people?" Komaeda helps you set up the picnic blanket, blinking slowly as you set up the picnic with ease. You pat the seat next to you, staring up at the tree. You don't answer him immediately, reaching for a sandwich instead.
"I match them based on soulmate strings," You swallow, glancing at him. "They exist. They have strings on their fingers." You pause. "If you believe that, it is."
"So... a predestined soulmate?" Komaeda hums. "Sounds fun. Doesn't that make soulmates real?"
"Yeah," You shrug. "My parents called me shrimp eyes."
"Because you see strings?"
"Yeah," You pause. It's strange that he's so accepting of something outrageous. "You believe me?"
"Well, it would explain your ultimate talent," Komaeda smiles, chewing on the shrimp chips.
"I made that, by the way," You kick your legs as you grab another slice.
"How do you even..."
"Trade secret," You pull out the strawberries, and Komaeda blinks slowly at the sight of the heart shape.
"You're... very romantic, aren't you?" Komaeda laughs as you pull out a heart-shaped cake.
"It comes with my talent," you hum. "Do you want a sandwich?"
"It's fine," Komaeda smiles. "Spending time with you is more than enough."
"Weirdly," You mumble as you write, "smooth with words."
"Is that a good thing?"
"Everything's a good thing if you get matched with people that suit you," You click the pen. "Likes and dislikes?"
"Like pretty people," He pauses. "And dislike ugly people."
"Mm," You scribble, following his words. "Pretty is subjective, what kind of pretty?"
"Pretty." Komaeda deadpans.
"Vague," You sigh, falling onto the mat. "Anything else?"
"What about you? Any fun facts?"
"I hate white day." You grin.
"Secret" You shrug. "Anything else you want to know?"
"Do you need my background?"
"I already have your background." You hum. "Rich people have more easily accessed histories. How much money do you have right now?"
"I don't think you want to know."
"But I do."
"Does money play into soulmates?"
You glance at the string tied to his ring finger. "Not really. It's more out of curiosity."
"I'll tell you," Komaeda stares at you, the wind blowing his hair. "But you have to keep it a secret."
"Will do!"
Komaeda says the number, but it goes in one ear and out the other. He's pretty. Pretty white hair with pink tips and pretty pale skin like snow. Snow white? You don't know. He's pretty. The flowers behind him seem dull compared to his face. His hair is sickly, and his skin wraps around his bones. His illness, huh? Chemo sounds terrible for someone only in high school. No one should have to go through something like that.
"Is... something wrong?"
You blink at him slowly, sighing. "Nope."
"Did I do something?"
"Then why are you staring?"
Komaeda's lips are parted as he asks you, and you jut out your bottom lip. He's pretty. You pout when you remember that you're setting him up with someone through. You're sure that you'd keep him if his string had not been cut. Maybe you'll keep him if you try hard enough. The universe already destined someone to be his. Who are you to go against what the universe has already planned out for him?
"You're pretty," You hum.
"You flatter me," Komaeda looks to the side. "trash like me-"
"Has a soulmate," You sit up, turning to stare at him. "Everyone has a soulmate."
"What about you?"
You stare at your fingers. They're empty. "I'm just Cupid. Cupid doesn't have a soulmate."
"But Cupid married Psyche, did he not?" Komaeda reaches for your hand, tracing out letters in your hand.
I like you
You blink at Komaeda.
"Then I guess that makes me Saint Valentine."
[Step two: Date] [Complete]
You kick your leg over Komaeda's, leaning on his shoulder as the two of you sit on his couch, staring at the movie on screen. The two of you watch in silence, your hand in the popcorn bucket as he rests his arm on the rest. The wind blows outside, and you jump in your skin as the screen flashes. Komaeda blinks lifelessly, and you sigh in exhaustion as the movie credits roll.
"How are you not scared?" You reach to turn the lights on.
"Worst things have happened to me." Komaeda hums, leaning back as you reach over him. "Remember?"
"I'm surprised you didn't throw everything and decide to commit atrocious crimes after it," You sit back down, scrolling through the rest of the movie selections. "Do you miss your parents?"
"It's been a long time, so... not really."
"I see," You hand him the tablet as you note down his answer. "Komaeda-kun, I think your soulmate is a therapist. It's the most ideal relationship-"
"That's a joke."
"Yeah. I don't know who your soulmate is. I have to go find them." You stare at the hex code. "You know, everyone in hope's peak meets their soulmate at some point during their time at the school."
"Our seniors," You pause. "Class 75. Their soulmates were all in their class. There was a case where one of our seniors had two soulmates in the class."
"Does it have to be within the class?"
"No," You pause. "One of them had a reserve course soulmate. Well, not reserve course. An ordinary soulmate. Not an ultimate."
"Do you think I have a reserve course soulmate?" Komaeda grimaces. "I'll stay with you if I do."
"That's not for me to decide," You shrug. "Besides, I'm not able to stay with anyone."
"Saint Valentine never married."
"But Eros did." Komaeda tits his head. "Eros ended up with Psyche and fell in love with her, no?"
"Eros shot himself accidentally when shooting the second arrow. I'm not foolish enough to do that. Besides, didn't we already establish that I'm the Saint instead of Cupid?" You raise a brow at him in amusement. "Let's talk deep stuff. Any family trauma?"
"You know everything already." Komaeda pulls his knees to his chest, resting his chin on his shins. "You ran a background check."
"I don't know how you felt throughout the entire situation."
"I've grown used to loss." Komaeda mumbles quietly, mostly to himself. "I grew up losing everything everywhere I went. I lost my dog in elementary, then my parents, and then I got kidnapped, found a lottery ticket, was diagnosed with cancer and frontotemporal lobe dementia, accepted into hope's peak, and then now I'm here."
"You don't feel sad that you didn't get to experience anything?"
"Not really." Komaeda stares at you.
"Is there anything you really want to do?"
Komaeda pauses. "Love."
You sigh. "Is that it?"
"Yeah." There's a significant silence before he speaks up again. "What about you?"
"You're my client." You smile back at him, knees tucked to your chest and smile on your face. "My job is to find your soulmate. The less you know about me, the less likely you are to be attached to me."
"But that's not fair." Komaeda pouts. "I obviously asked you out because I like you."
"I can't."
"Isn't that lonely?"
"All saints are lonely." You close your eyes. "Especially Saint Valentine."
[Step three: trauma dump] [Complete]
There are three steps to finding a soulmate through you. You call it operation lovebug. You don't remember the last time it didn't work. Your exes always sent better break-up anniversary gifts than gifts they actually gave you during the relationship. You don't even know how many rose quartz pieces you've received. You wonder if they charge at all. You don't know. Do you even care? You stare at the notes made for Komaeda's drawing, and you exhale.
Gotta find him his soulmate.
You doodle red flowers absentmindedly, wracking your mind and checking your laptop to look for his match. The numbers and hex codes run through your mind as you look for a match for Komaeda. You know everyone on campus. The reserve course paid handsomely to you as long as your soulmate match was good. It's strange. You don't remember when you could see the whole stringed color thing.
Komaeda steps into the room, handing you a mug of tea as you continue scrolling.
"Have you ever had Kohakutou crystal candy?" You switch tabs to stare at the crystals.
"No," Komaeda hums. "Why?"
"I saw it on pinterest just now," You sip the tea, scrolling through
"What are you up to?"
"Finding your soulmate," You yawn, thanking him for the tea as you take a sip.
Komaeda sits next to you, staring at his profile you made. "You draw?"
"It's all in the romance," You hum, starring two people. "Man or woman?"
"No preference," Komaeda rests his chin on your shoulder as you continue scrolling. "Does it have to be someone? Why can't it be you?"
"It's cause," You reach for his hand, staring at the ribbon. "I'm the Saint. I have no soulmate."
Komaeda tilts his head at you, and you shrug.
The strings are all over the place in front of your eyes. Komaeda's string is a bright green, and yours doesn't have one. His string is on his ring finger. You had to find him his soulmate. It wouldn't be right if you didn't. Yet, you think you had seen that green once on campus. The color on your screen is found, and you reach for the string. Soulmates exist. They exist in front of your eyes, and none of them have ever been wrong. Though, it hurts a little to let him go.
You hand him a bag of seaweed chips, and he sits next to you. You put everything on a spreadsheet; the colors only you able to tell the difference between. They all look relatively similar to him.
Komaeda doesn't understand, but he supposes you have your own way.
"Male." You click open the student's profile, checking his string again. "Hajime Hinata, born January first, a hundred seventy nine centimeters tall, has a chest size of 91 centimeters, also-"
"Are you sure?" Komaeda glances at the male. "He's a reserve course student."
"Ex-reserve course student. He got expelled." You pause. "Huh."
Komaeda tilts his head, and you stare at the hanging string on his finger.
You pause. "He cut his own soulmate string."
Komaeda doesn't get it.
You blink slowly. "Then that means he can see the string."
"How many people is that?"
"Just... me." You pause.
How tragic; even his own soulmate didn't want him anymore.
He tilts his head at you as you stare up at him for a reaction. He doesn't feel anything. He's used to losing people. You feel bad for him. To think that he would lose everyone that ever mattered to him. Maybe he's just as lonely as he thinks you are. Maybe there was some sort of truth to your relationship with him. Something something... lonely.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing." You mumble. You close your laptop, finishing the cup of tea Komaeda brought you. Your lips are pulled downward, and Komaeda reaches to pull your cheeks up into a half smile. You stare at him, tears welling in your eyes. You think it hurts more for you than him.
"Well," Komaeda exhales, letting go of your cheek. "I like you, so it doesn't matter to me."
"That's not how it works, Komaeda-kun."
"It could, though."
[Step four: locate soulmate] [Failed]
You find yourself chewing on your bottom lip more these days. Komaeda's been staying over at your dorm, sitting as you turn down whatever gift he offers you, wondering how you're going to make up the contract to him. You've never seen a soulmate ribbon cut before. It had to be someone else who had your talent. There was no way someone could see the strings like you did.
"How do you want me to make it up to you?" You mumble quietly, staring at him.
Komaeda frowns at the way his heart wavers when you look so dejected.
The room is dark. There are no lights, and not even the moon peeks past the blinks. Komaeda can't see your face, but your voice sounds sad. The rain drums against the glass, and the rhythmic sound of water acts as a relaxant to Komaeda.
"Was everything a job to you?"
"Dating is a job to me." You mumble. "My job is to find someone's soulmate. Strings don't get cut unless something significant happens."
"Why couldn't it have been me?"
"You can't see the string," You rest your cheek on the table, and Komaeda pauses at the sound. You sound much sadder than he is. Was it that? You were worse off than him? Was he nothing more than a client to you when you had rushed to him with flushed cheeks and exhaustion on your lips? Were you just that desperate to have him as a client?
"Can we date instead?"
"No dating my clients."
"What if I burn the contract?"
"Still no dating ex-clients."
"Not at all?"
Komaeda rests his cheek on the table as well, mimicking you. "Then what shall I do? I want to date you."
"Maybe if you try hard enough—"
"I am."
"Well, it's not working."
"You know, you fall for people really easily, lovebug."
You mumble the nickname to yourself, your voice growing shakier each time you repeat it.
Komaeda exhales. "I'd like to be able to see you."
"Too bad." You mumble.
"Really?" Komaeda pouts.
"Is it because you're scared of me seeing you cry?"
You go quiet, the sound of your finger running along the wood replacing it. Quiet breathing fills Komaeda's ears as you sniffle quietly to yourself, the darkness making it so that he can't see you. His hand reaches for your cheek, wiping the tears between the corner of your eye and your nose. He can't see you, but it seems he's grown used to the way your face is shaped. He even remembers where to avoid when tracing shapes on your skin. How... how... how. How surprising.
"Are you sure you like me?"
"Of course." Komaeda mumbles. "I fell for you before I ever got to meet my soulmate."
"That's hard to believe."
Yet your voice holds no doubt. Komaeda thinks he succeeded in calming you down.
But it wasn't a lie. Komaeda doesn't remember a time when his heart wasn't fighting his ribcage around you. Even when you had pressed your chest to his back, helping with homework, or even as you scream from next to him while playing Mario kart against Chiaki and your perfume sent his mind into overdrive, he had never had a moment when he wasn't in love with you. He wonders if he'll scare you off with such intense emotions.
You go quiet, and Komaeda scoots closer to you, tracing your bottom lip, freeing it from your teeth. He leans in slowly, the rain pelleting against the window, his breath mixing with yours. He's close enough to see you now. Your eyes stare at him lifelessly, not a sliver of hope behind them. He pauses, searching your eyes for something. Anything. Something that would let him lean in; and he finds it. You lean in slowly, maybe unconsciously, but he takes it as an invitation, leaning in anyways.
Thunder roars outside, and Komaeda jumps in his skin, hitting his head on the boxes as he jumps.
"Are... you alright?"
Komaeda coughs lightly. "Yeah... yeah. It's the luck."
You laugh, and Komaeda hears you sit up, reaching for the back of his head. He flushes as you pull him to your chest, running your hand through his hair, checking for any wounds. He's probably red enough for you to see him in the dark. Yet, you don't mention anything, even as he's radiating heat onto your chest and listening to your heart race. Maybe he has a chance.
"I like you."
"I know you do."
[Step five: ???] [???]
Komaeda wanders in Hope's Peak's library, stopping at the section about classical history. The books seem to have been left untouched for ages, and he pauses at the sight of Eros and Psyche. He collects that book first before he looks for a book on the saints of the roman empire. The book is heavy, but he holds it anyways, sitting on the couch and flipping through the legends and myths left behind by the past.
You said you were lonely as Cupid.
But Eros had Psyche, and Saint Valentine had all the people he had blessed during the time he was alive. So in the end, neither of them was really lonely. Eros may have made a mistake, but it was a beautiful one. That was how love was, Komaeda supposes. Love was as simple as falling in love with someone. Love doesn't make sense, the more he thinks about it. You were incredible to be able to make sense of it all. How incredible of you.
It's simple things. Psyche went through hell and back for Eros, and Eros fought against his own mother as a symbol of his own love. His mother told him to force her to fall for the vilest creature, yet his own heart wavered at the sight of a mere mortal. Love was foolish, maybe. Love was falling for people that you couldn't have and chasing after that person until somehow they would have them. Love was chasing after your love until you had them in your hand. Were you in love with him? Maybe you were. Love was hiding yourself and praying the other didn't get to know you.
To hide yourself in the name of love, and to hide yourself in order that your love may never know the dark sides of you, and to think that you could only be loved if they never knew what you looked like. No. Not quite. There was no love without trust. Maybe that was the foundation. All love came from getting to know the other first, and then it came from just knowing that the other person would love you no matter what you were. That was how simple love was.
Eros fled when Psyche saw his face, and the little mortal had been heartbroken. The god of love himself had told her that there was no love without trust. Yet, it wasn't as if she didn't love him. She had done everything that Aphrodite herself had asked of her to see him again. She had even died just so that maybe, just maybe, he would be able to meet her again. Their ending is happy, unlike the many other greek myths that float through society. He wonders if he was your Psyche.
Though, maybe love did exist without trust.
Komaeda stares at the book in his hand, flipping to the right Saint.
Saint Valentine wasn't lonely either.
He restored the sight of a young one, and he had even written her a final letter before his martyr. His life was a mixture of stories, but he had ultimately been there for everyone. From the persecution to marriage in secrecy, he had been the one there for love, never for himself. In a way, he lived to see every single Christian marriage at the time. To wed people even in a time of persecution, was that what love was? You aren't as much of a Saint Valentine as you think you are.
Saint Valentine had an abundance of couples he had married in the name of religion, those who were willing to risk their lives in the name of love. Though more religious, Komaeda thinks the Saint wasn't lonely either. One legend stated that even the king took a liking to him. But faith mattered more to the saint, and he was stoned at the cross. He thinks you made a mistake. You're much more like Eros than Valentine. You would be Eros, and he would be your Psyche.
He thinks he understands why you hate the fourteenth a little more as he closes the book.
It's a lonely day for you.
Komaeda stops by Shikiba's place, asking for a bouquet of flowers, and Teruteru hands him a box of Kohakutou crystal candies as he stops by the kitchen. You'll like them, right? You said you wanted to try them. Maybe you will. Teruteru has him try one first since he looked skeptical, and he calms once there's nothing in the food.
You had asked him out the first time, so he would do the same for you this time.
The sun is shining today, unlike the other times the two of you spent together. It's strange. Komaeda had received your confession on a sunny day, and now you were receiving his on a sunny day. He stops at your dorm, rocking on his feet, knocking twice. When you don't answer, he tries the door. It's unlocked. He steps in, sliding his shoes off, looking for you in your dorm.
Your dorm was filled with letters on the walls. You taped each one to the wall so that you could reread them. In the center rested a coffee table, chess, uno, monopoly, and cards stacked on top of each other neatly there. You loved harder than anyone else. The letters of romantic declarations on the wall were more than enough proof of such.
You're not in sight.
Instead, he finds you in bed, clicking at the laptop in your hand, answering emails and inquiries about who their soulmate might be. Komaeda leaves his jacket on the rack, stepping behind you, flowers and candy in hand. You noticed him when he entered. Maybe you were even kind enough to leave the door open for him. How lucky of him.
"You know, Ko-kun," You snap your laptop shut, turning to face him. "I hate White day."
"Isn't it because you're the busiest?" Komaeda smiles, handing you the roses.
You take them, placing them on the bed next to you. You toss your laptop onto your pillows as well.
He hands you the candy next. "Then why?"
You open the box, eyes brightening at the sight of the candy. You reach for a piece, holding up it to his lips, and he takes a bite as you answer him.
"I'm always single by white day." You bite on the leftover half.
Komaeda blinks at you as you chew on your bottom lip along with the candy, anxiety written all over your face. He reaches for your hand, locking his fingers between yours, his other hand tapping your ring finger before reaching for your bottom lip between your teeth.
"I'll tie my string around your ring finger, isn't that enough?" He smiles, tracing your bottom lip. "You have me this year."
"Not quite," You let go of your bottom lip, staring at him. "That's not how it works."
"But I don't have a soulmate anymore, so wouldn't that make us a match?"
"It still feels like I stole you from your soulmate."
"Not if I was the one to ask you," Komaeda looks down to stare at you, a smile on his face. "Maybe I was your soulmate the whole time."
"Don't be ridiculous," You chew on the candy, a harmless pout on your lips.
Komaeda grins when a smile makes it onto your face.
You like it.
"Shall I take that as a yes?"
You stare up at him, holding another candy to his lips.
Komaeda bites down.
"I like you too." You hum, eating the half leftover.
Komaeda blinks at you slowly, cupping your cheeks and pulling you in for a kiss instead. You melt into this one, the sound of rain far away and the sound of thunder in the back of your mind from the smell of his body from that same night weeks ago. You lean into this one, losing your breath and your mind fuzzing, simply because it's Komaeda. You don't know if you'll ever be able to love someone as passionately ever again, but the taste of the candy on his tongue makes your eyes go half-lidded, hungry for more.
When you pull away, the taste of the candy dances on your tongue, and you pause in thought. He's sweet. He's... sweet. Huh. He ended up with you instead of his own soulmate, huh? You furrow your brows as you remember.
Komaeda keeps your face in his hands, bottom lip jut out when you frown while in thought.
"stop kiss feeling kiss bad." Komaeda presses his lips across your face instead. "I chose you. Not the other way around."
"But it's—"
"My soulmate left me first," Komaeda sits on your lap, pushing your head to his heart, wrapping his arms around your neck. "The universe gave me a second chance with you."
"You sure?"
"Of course I am."
There's a silence that passes before a kiss is pressed to your temple.
"I always have been."
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draconicsparkle · 1 year
Here we go! This is one that I think many have been curious about. The reason for why Nagito became Izuru!
I’ve been discussing this with @karugoround a lot to make sure it fits their vision. We worked together for a while to come up with the details and this is the result! I think it turned out pretty good if I do say so myself.
So please enjoy the wonderful angst!
A vital aspect of the world he lived in. Something that was adored and practically worshiped by all. Something he himself was blessed with.
Though, Nagito Komaeda often thought talent was a curse. Especially his own. The death of his parents and the winning lottery ticket being staple examples of his cycle.
But regardless of how his life had been up until now, he still held onto his hope. Not for him, but for the rest of the world. His worthless self didn’t deserve such kindness. He kept trying to express that to his classmates, who treated him well despite his protests. He saw them all as bright beacons who could contribute to the world with their abilities. For as much as he hated talent, he couldn’t deny the fascination he had with it. It was contradictory and perhaps a bit hypocritical, but he didn’t care all too much about that. He just wanted to help raise his classmates to achieve their fullest potential.
Which is why it had confused him greatly when one of his classmates, Chiaki, had introduced him to someone she called her friend. An average looking Reserve Course student. A leech and waste of effort. How dare he latch onto an Ultimate like that.
Time and time again, he had tried to convince his classmate of the need to distance herself from this Hajime Hinata. Nothing good would come from a friendship with one of his ilk. But she always puffed her cheeks out and insisted that he was a good friend of hers. So he begrudgingly would attend her meetups with this Reserve Course to make sure she wasn’t being tainted.
Which had led to him finding out about the Kamukura Project.
He was sure that he wasn’t supposed to see it. However, his curiosity had spiked when he saw some kind of confidential form sticking out of Hajime’s bag one day with the Hope’s Peak logo stamped on the top. Chiaki had instructed him to watch their things while they went to grab drinks, so he was alone with this file. So of course he gave into the temptation and looked through the file.
A project to try and create the Ultimate Hope by using a person’s body as its host.
Nagito memorized every word and shoved the form back in Hajime’s bag. Then he sat there, lost in thoughts about what he had just read. How would one be transformed into the Ultimate Hope? He read that it would involve surgery, but how far would it go? And if it was successful, would this hope be artificial? And why did Hajime have such a form? It had the headmaster’s name attached to it, so why was someone like Hajime in contact with the headmaster of the prestigious Hope’s Peak Academy?
Needless to say, his curiosity only grew and he had resolved to do some more research about it in the following days.
But he sadly hadn’t gotten much of a chance, as his luck struck once again. This time in the form of a medical report from his last visit to the hospital.
Lymphoma and frontotemporal dementia. And a life expectancy of six months.
When he had read that letter, his first reaction was to begin laughing hysterically, to the point of tears. Of course this was his to be his fate. To die alone in a hospital bed while still a teenager. How pathetic and wasteful. Mother Nature had decided that he wasn’t worth anything and was trying to take him out. But that was not unexpected. He had figured something like this would happen. No use fighting it.
The days after his diagnosis had been bland. Nothing excited him or held his attention. And the fascinating part? No one noticed or asked about it aside from Miss Yukizome briefly in the hallway. He had brushed off her concerns and she let it go fairly quick, proving how worthless he really was.
One day, he found himself listlessly wandering around campus after classes were over. There was no real reason, just a meaningless task to occupy his dwindling time on. Which is how he had happened upon Chiaki and Hajime once again playing video games on the bench near the fountain. Hajime seemed more stressed than usual and Chiaki questioned him about it. Nagito leaned against a tree nearby, listening as Hajime began talking.
“But what if someone else were the Super High School Level Gamer? Every time they left your score in the dust.”
Chiaki was quiet for a second, but then spoke confidently. “There’s more to life than just talent.”
Hajime’s eyes widened, and he returned to looking at Chiaki.
“Miss Yukizome likes to tell us stuff like that all the time. She says that talent is never a guarantee of an interesting life. Making memories with other people leads to hope. And hope is way more important than ability in the long run.”
“Hope…” Nagito muttered to himself. “Hope… is the most important thing. Yes, that’s right.”
He went home after that, his mind consumed with the battle between talent and hope. Which would triumph if such ideals clashed? Which was stronger? He was sure that others, like the headmaster, desired to know this answer as well.
He was then reminded of the form he had seen, about the potential to become the Ultimate Hope. Perhaps he could be of use with that. But if he did enter into the pool of candidates, he knew he would be selected. There was no chance he wouldn’t. He knew how his luck was, especially after his diagnosis.
He was on the fence about it the following day, debating whether it would be beneficial or detrimental to Hope’s Peak if he entered. Would he destroy the project, or become the beacon that the world desperately needed? Who knew? Certainly not him.
But his mind was made up after a conversation with Hajime. Seeing the Reserve Course being so set on trying to be talented lit a small fire in him. One that made him want to prove the opposite to the other. So he walked off, saying his last farewell. And within minutes, he found himself in front of the headmaster’s office. He took a deep breath, clenching his fist before relaxing again.
“I’ll show you, Hajime. I’ll prove to you that talent dooms a person from the start. That your ordinary life is so much better being talentless. That being talented always changes people for the worse. That the only use my talent gave me was the opportunity to be a useful stepping stone. And if I die in the process? At least it was for the greater good.”
He pushed open the doors, stepping inside to speak with the headmaster. To enter into the pool of candidates. To be chosen to become someone new.
Izuru came out of his memories after finishing his food. He had not thought of those events in a vast amount of time. The thoughts and feelings that his previous self experienced felt so foreign, yet so familiar to him. It was a fascinating mental dilemma, one that would keep him entertained for hours. But it did bring to mind an inquiry, one that he wished to solve now.
Luckily for him, he did have a source of information right in his room. “Answer me this, my dear caretaker. Have you gotten the chance to observe the scans the doctors have taken of my brain?”
Hajime widened his eyes for a moment, stopping his sweeping. He surely had seen the scans when they were still labeled as Nagito Komaeda, even though he was no longer the owner of his brain. Remembering that name seemed to give him a growing sense of anxiety, but that didn't stop him from answering Izuru's question.
“I had the opportunity to look at those scans, yes. I don't know exactly how to read them, but I know by firsthand that Nagito Komaeda was someone impressive and difficult to understand. I don't think there was another person like him...”
Izuru watched him with a curious look, sensing that there was more to say. “But?”
Hajime gave a shaky breath, as memories of an angry face and bitter insults clearly flooded his mind, and the doubt that had been burning his skin for months finally surfaced. “I just… I just don't understand why he did such a thing. He had friends, he had a future full of opportunities waiting for him. He… he had talent. Why did he sign up? What was he planning to do?”
The white haired man listened carefully, but when he met the caretaker’s shaky hazel eye, Hajime looked as if he was feeling incredibly guilty. “Sorry, I feel like I shouldn't have said something like that to you.”
Izuru began laughing quietly to himself, confusing his caretaker. “You have nothing to apologize for. It is natural to wonder what it would take a person to come to his decision.”
The brunette tightened his grip on the broomstick, no doubt thinking about how he, in the past, was also prepared to do exactly that.
The Ultimate Hope turned his eyes back to the brunette. “The previous identity that hosted this body never told you about what was going on in his life before I was created, did he? I was just thinking about how things might have been if he had known.”
Hajime’s eye widened, clearly interested. “Knew what?”
“That he had been misdiagnosed. That he had never been in danger of dying whatsoever. The poor fool. He threw his life away for nothing.”
Hajime froze, shocked by what he was hearing. “D… dying? That’s why?” He looked off to the side, clutching the broom handle tight. “That’s why… he looked like that when we last spoke. I… had no idea.”
“Both he and I share one thing in common. If we have secrets, none will ever know them unless we willingly give up the information. But the past is not something that we can change, therefore we must not regret it. Maybe there was something more to his intentions, but I see no reason to dwell on my body’s previous owner. Still, I shall not stop you should you desire to,” Izuru stated.
“Thank you, sir,” Hajime replied, returning to sweeping with his practiced proficiency, a bit lost in thought as he cleaned.
The experiment laid back on his fluffed up pillows, sighing as he sank into them. The sedatives were doing their work unfortunately. He again cursed the doctors who forced this routine. He desired to be rid of them, both the doctors and the sedatives. He wanted to feel his body at its full capacity with no restrictions. It was the one thing he was envious of Nagito for. At least he had been free to travel where he wanted, to eat what he wanted, to do what he wanted. No such freedom existed in this hell.
But, this would not last forever. He would not permit for his existence to solely be a lab rat. No, he would get his freedom one day, by any means necessary. And maybe, he thought as he turned to stare at his busy caretaker’s back, he would not accomplish this alone.
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mseirtaku · 9 months
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An alternate teacher to Chisa Yukizome in class 77-B - magical miracle teacher Usami!
Miss Usami has been assigned the teacher to the strange class of students that is 77-B. Luckily, she is peppy, optimistic, and ready to get everyone to bond over the coming year…!
Or not, seeing as everyone in the class initially finds her to be an annoying pushover.
However, as the months ticks on by, and hope starts to slowly give way to despair, the students all start to realise too late what a wonderful teacher they have, especially in her death.
However, her personality lives on, specifically within the Usami AI programmed to help guide all the Remnants of Despair back to their normal selves…
…Well, until that went all wrong, of course.
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more-than-a-princess · 8 months
Continued from here for @mechatiqe!
"Now, take a deep breath and move into trikonasana..."
The soft, female voice that came out of Sonia's laptop computer complimented the new age-y soundtrack that otherwise filled the room. Slow and even tempos, not unfit for the likes of a luxury spa or, in her case, her daily yoga practice.
At 6:15 AM, the main school building of Hope's Peak Academy was, blissfully, deserted. Also blissfully, her chosen classroom faced east, just as she'd asked for, and so Sonia Nevermind would begin her day with the sunrise, stretching, flexibility, and centering her calm, pose, and focus to begin her school day with a clear head and unburdened soul. It was something she'd begun at home, a sort of therapy that helped her face all of the challenges and demands put upon her on a daily basis.
And while Hope's Peak decidedly offered different sorts of challenges, Sonia found it equally useful in Japan. But her dormitory room offered the wrong sort of light and view: it faced the West, not the East, and she preferred to practice her poses with the sunrise. Therefore, a request given to Miss Yukizome had secured Sonia an empty classroom each morning, so she could exercise in peace, quiet, and serenity.
Sonia did as the recording instructed, inhaling deeply before placing one foot in front of the other on her yoga mat, her stance wide, before bending at the waist towards the front leg, one hand set upon a yoga block while the other arm extended straight in the air. She turned her gaze towards the ceiling, holding the pose, breathing evenly-
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Until she was interrupted by Kazuichi Soda's yelling about the size of his posterior, the boy climbing out of an open vent to come across her, still holding her triangle pose, but now infinitely more tense than she'd been when she started. The recording prompted her to move out of that pose and into uttanasana, but she ignored the class lesson plan in order to, in the following order:
1. Give a yelp of surprise.
2. Stare at him, wide-eyed, realizing that he'd caught her clad in a pale green tanktop and leggings that left little to the imagination and in a suggestive pose, her long hair in a messy, sweaty braid over her shoulder.
3. Turn a shade of pink he hopefully couldn't see in the dim light of the upcoming sunrise before straightening herself, marching over to her laptop and hitting the pause button.
"Soda-san!" She exclaimed, "What are you doing here at this hour?" Between his nervous smile, his sweating, and the fact he'd resorted to calling her 'Miss Sonia,' she could only guess that her makeup-free, perspiring self was doing something for him, and so she crossed her arms over her chest to attempt to camouflage the low neckline of her top. "No one else is here this early!"
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suitov · 3 months
MissDewish: is nobody the slightest concerned abt those two?
chemisquee: The faculty's obvious gay crushes aren't our business...
MissDewish: not sakakura, he's not hot enough to make a good sadboi
MissDewish: i mean your friend and his human purse dog.
kunais2meetU: Kamakura right? And that sweaty creep who hits u up for laxatives
MissDewish: u think it's for THOSE purposes?
kunais2meetU: Gross?!!!
chemisquee: That's not what my Reactivator is for. Besides, he only got some one time and THAT almost destroyed the gym, so no, he's cut off.
MissDewish: anyway that's all beside the point
MissDewish: which is
MissDewish: weird cotton candy creep being taken advantage of by your obviously evil buddy
chemisquee: Excuse me? How do you figure?
MissDewish: bc he's sinister and glares at everyone and i don't like him?? duh
kunais2meetU: You're so right, babe <3
MissDewish: i know <3
chemisquee: If you'd seen them together for more than five seconds, you'd realise Nagito is... not the one being taken advantage of there...
MissDewish: but he looks like he'd do anything Kamazilla ordered him to?? follows him like a puppy on a leash..
chemisquee: Well, yes, at first glance, and he *is* devoted, but like... how do I put this?
chemisquee: Izuru is... kind of the softest man alive? Nagito just has to bat his eyes and Izuru will give him anything he wants.
MissDewish: for realsies???
chemisquee: I've seen Izuru bring him an entire crate of books because he "looked bored"...
chemisquee: And then tuck him into an easy chair with a reading lamp and a hot chocolate that looked about 50% marshmallow. My braces hurt just thinking about it.
MissDewish: that sly little gaylord. i'm jealous!
kunais2meetU: so he's a big pushover under the cool fashion sense? dudes like that are so lame!!!
MissDewish: would you bring me books if I wanted, yoi? 🥺
kunais2meetU: as many as you want, angel <3
MissDewish: <3
chemisquee: Izuru is just a really kind person, I think. He always sends me articles and memes that he thinks I'll like! And he lets me talk about my formulae!
chemisquee: And not just pretends to listen, either. He has the most helpful suggestions!
MissDewish: ok i'm bored of this now
MissDewish: who thinks miss yukizome needs a serious wardrobe update?
kunais2meetU: so frumpy. she seriously needs your help, ruru <3
MissDewish: <3 ikr
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mythgirlimagines · 6 months
@redhuntress16 asked: I've been thinking about Chisa and I realised that most of the girls from class 77b actually have present (positive) mother in their lives, and the ones that do like Sonia and Mahiru, don't see them as often. So I'm thinking how would the girls react to receiving motherly affection from Chisa and then trying (and failing) not to cry
idk why this wasn't showing up in my inbox lmao but yeah poor girls
Mahiru Koizumi:
She cried mostly because she missed hearing that from her own mother.
She hoped she’d be able to see her mother soon.
Though it was nice to hear those words from Ms. Yukizome, too.
Peko Pekoyama:
Peko…never really had that kind of figure in her life.
She wasn’t really sure how to react.
Imagine her own surprise when she started crying for some reason.
Ibuki Mioda:
Ibuki cried as loud as she usually talked.
But it was happy tears, she swore!
She was so happy to have that kind of influence! And she missed her own mother, too!
Hiyoko Saionji:
Nobody would ever hear a word of what happened.
Ms. Yukizome…really was a good role model.
Hiyoko was glad to know her.
Mikan Tsumiki:
She didn’t know how to react other than crying.
That was nowhere near what she was used to.
Ms. Yukizome was really, really nice!
Chiaki Nanami:
It really made her heart feel warm.
She cried a little bit, which made Ms. Yukizome hold her close.
She felt safe with someone like her.
Sonia Nevermind:
Ms. Yukizome really did make her miss her mother.
It was nice to hear her say that she was proud of Sonia.
…Whether or not she cried was between the two of them.
Akane Owari:
She definitely wasn’t crying.
It was just nice words and a hug, nothing to cry over.
She had to get back to training.
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haunted-xander · 2 years
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Finally. Finally she had found the exit, the end of this hellish labyrinth she'd been pushed into. Everyone is waiting for her to save them, she needs to hurry...!
She placed her still usable hand on the doorknob, hope and anxiety swirling in her chest. What if I'm too late...? What if Enoshima-san have already gotten to them? What if-
Pushing those thoughts aside, she twisted the doorknob.
As light poured out into the dreary hallway she came from, she swore she saw them all standing there, smiling warmly at her as if to say; You did it, Nanami-san. You saved us. Thank you. Even the image of Chisa was smiling and welcoming her with open arms. ...Ah, that's right! Yukizome-sensei, she-
Her eyes adjusted and the image disappeared. Instead, what stood before her was a cold, empty room with turned-off screens lining the walls. The feeling of anxiety that had swirled in her chest now threatened to devour her. Where...? "Where is everyone? ...Enoshima-san! Where are they?! Wha-" She paused to breathe, "What did you do to them?! Hey, Enoshima-san! Answer me!" As she yelled at the screens, she fell down to her knees and gasped in pain.
"Ooooh my GOOOOD~! Nanami-senpai just look at you! That look of utter despair... Ah~ I just can't get enough!" Obnoxious laughter filled the room, as the screens turned on. "You look so goddamned miserable it's almost enough to make ME pity you! AAHHAHAHAHAHA WOULDN'T THAT JUST BE FUCKING HILARIOUS?!" The voice turned saccharine, "Buuut since you were such a good wittle senpai, I'll be a nice girl and give you a reward!" One of the screens extended and stopped in front of Chiaki. "As a reward for surviving my execution, I will allow you to witness your fellow students' last moments of sanity."
The screen up-front switched footage, now showing a similar room to the one she was in with her classmates staring dazedly at the screens covering the room in an ominous red light. Chiaki prepared her voice to call out when- "Oh by the way, they can't like, hear you or anything. I already cut the audio feed so now all they see is a red screen signaling your death." Her words choked up. And then, "My... death? They think I'm dead? But I'm... right here..." Light sobbing filled the air as her voice faded out. The faint feeling of tears rolling down her face didn't even register.
"Awwww, is miss cwass rep cwying now? That won't do, that won't do at all! You're not crying nearly as much as you're stupid fucking hopeless heart should be! C'mooon senpai~ Show me that beautiful despairing face of yours~ I need some relief senpai, won't you pleeease help me~?" Junko's rapidly tone-shifting voice snaps Chiaki out of her daze.
"...I won't..." Junko snapped to attention, clearly intrigued. "Hmmm? What's that? You won't?" Using her less injured arm, Chiaki attempted to push herself up, "I won't... fall for your despair! I will never, ever give up on my classmates! No matter what... I will... sa...ve... th......"
Right as she passed out, she swore she felt eyes staring into her back.
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henryhina · 1 year
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idc miss yukizome is komaedas real mama
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ultimateask · 6 months
Miss Yukizome, are you planning to take the warriors of hope on a trip, when you're on your day off? There is a place you can take Kotoko to called Sanrio Puroland.
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Man, I'm going to miss Yukizome so much. (I wish She'll make a letter for Kyosuke before she dies).
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It was wonderful to meet all of you.
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Like I said, there's nothing I can say to Kyosuke at this point that would make things better. He's better off moving on and forgetting about me, not that I expect him to ever do that...
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And...yes...There's no feasable way I could ever be more proud of who my rotten oranges have become...
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...Good luck out there everyone! Knock 'em dead!
//Chisa disappears...//
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nerd-cat-rambles · 15 days
Ramble of V3 Ending:
I'm very upset that the ending of drv3 was so good but not executed correctly. Which is ironic because a big part of danganronpa are the executions ahaha.
But what I mean is, Smoogs (my beloved) showed us the OTHER franchise characters, and said it was the 53RD SEASON OF DANGANRONPA (!!!) and that the whole universe was fake.
BUT!!! Never did she show us: contestants of other seasons (from s3 to s52 - even if they were unnamed it would have made her lies more believable), ANY udg characters (I would be frothing at the mouth if Takaaki or Taichi somehow were shown on screen /j.) she didn't give us Daiya or Takemichi content either. AND THE WARRIORS OF HOPE?? She should have shown us the Warriors of Hope, I need more Masaru Daimon content, and Tsumugi was the perfect person to supply that at the end of a franchise.
The main thing I think what this trial was MISSING was the V3 characters themselves.
I wish WISH WISH!!! That Tsumugi (as Kaito) made Maki lose hope, that Tenko made HIMIKO lose hope! I wish that Tsumugi explained her plan to frame Kaede... as Rantaro and Kaede! I WISH!!! That she dressed up as Miu, I wanted her to be Korekiyo! But because she didn't this only leads us to believe that she too believes that she is a fictional character in this franchise, and that the only power she holds in the V3 universe is the knowledge that she just granted Shuichi, Keebo, Himiko and Maki to.
Another thing I noticed was that Tsumugi noted "in the promo video at the start, everything is fake" or something along those lines, but never did she turn into Chisa Yukizome, or Future Foundation Kyoko, or any of the characters from DR3, nor did she use Mukuro/Fake Junko sprites.
This particularly annoys me because, you know when you first play UDG and you get excited because it switches styles? It goes from animation to anime to the standard visual novel style. This makes the game more fun and easy to enjoy. AND THEY COULD'VE DONE IT IN V3!
They used real faces as the sprites in the back for the audience (on the TV/Cameras), so they totally could've mixed the styles and have Shuichi react to "my reality is just a different anime style... why are these people 3d wtf?!" which would really hammer in the "fiction" thing. Imagine an anime sprite of Chisa or something (< hasn't seen DR3)
Like I know this is a big stupid ramble and there are holes in my story, but I just want to know it's fiction, I want Tsumugi's existence to be fiction, I want a more closed ended ending AND THEN we get the pan shot of the survivors. It's literally The Truman Show but Tsumugi is the only "actor" in it.
And if Tsumugi ISN'T fiction.... she just devoted her whole fucking life to a ficitonal anime girl, who died in her anime show...
FYI I know alot of this information, tbh I don't really understand the V3 ending... and I just want answers to it, I need a danganronpa timeline that includes years and stuff.
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hamptrmaeda · 1 month
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ivebeen warnednof people like thid by miss yukizome,,
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a-tale-never-told · 10 months
Oh great so the sexy soup incident still occurred here. Wait…how did that even happen? Teruteru made the aphrodisiacs with Seiko’s help yes, but normally everyone goes horny because of a certain Ultimate Gremlin slipping it into the soup as a cruel prank. But she isn’t even a student here so how that still carry out as normal?
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Ummm... It's a pretty long story. See, I dunno how it actually happened or what occurred behind closed doors with Hanamura and Kimura, but what I DO know is that during one of Miss Yukizome's attempts to make us bond, something strangely happened...
April 15, 2012, Mid-Afternoon, Class 77th-B Homeroom.
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Alright! Does everybody have a plate? Now, put your hands together.!
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Give me some seconds, man!!
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Ah! I'll get it!
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*Takes a bite* Mmmmm...
*As Chiaki begins to chew through her food, she feels a savory flavor coming up on her taste buds, as the feelings of happiness wash over her, with a rainbow coming behind her.*
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So, what do you think? It's absolutely the most divine culinary cuisine you've ever eaten, right?
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Hmm... I've had better.
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That's all I get after you ate that thing?! How ungrateful!
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Oi! TeruTeru, where the hell are my seconds? I'm starving over here.
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C-Coming! Though, maybe you start trying this thing called "Chewing". Helps a lot actually with preventing awful stomach digestion.
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Yeah, I'm kind of inclined to agree with Hanamura on this. Akane, it's definitely far from healthy if you're constantly eating faster than us every time.
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C'mon, live your life a little more, will ya?! Besides, Doctors said that I've got one hell of a stomach if I'm able to stuff this much meat down my throat, so it's all perfectly fine! No need to worry.
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*Sigh* Whatever you say...
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The entire dish is simply marvelous from beginning to end! The flavors are exquisite and edible at the same time. It's just simply great! I can't wipe this grin off my face!
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