#miss heed x dementia
doodlesnoodles1 · 1 year
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beedeerling · 1 year
Could I request some LizardHeart? Just Ms. Heed looking satisfied and Demencia with dozens and dozens of pink kiss marks all over her
Omg, i have done this on a old account but I dont have the photo anymore, so ill redraw it
I love little asks like these, its harmless, its cute, and im more then willing to do it, helps art block to
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Not the best, but im adjusting to a stylus and new computer!! <3
More asks are absolutely welcome
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sug4r-sp1c3 · 11 months
Could you maybe do villanous x a reader who has rabbit ears please? Thanks!!
ok lets begin since i'm sleepy ITA 1 AM WHAT THE FUCK
"but sugar-sp1c3 you said your limit was 4 character-" I KNOW OKAYI' JUST FORGOT WHEN DOING THIS
Characters, Demencia/Dementia, Dr.Flug, 5.0.5(platonic?), Black hat, penumbra, Sun Blast, Miss heed(not in order lol)
Demencia / Dementia
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she woudl make fun of then
but like
"Hey bunny ears!"
i feel like she would bite them idk
i mean yes she mocks of you BUT THATS HER WAY TO SHOW LOVE TO YOU..at least i think!
she haves 2 sides
the left one where she mocks and jokes and bites of you ears
and the right side where she praises you and your eyes and- you are basically her new black hat
she would often play with them
or if you have both rabbit and human she would be like:
Dr. Flug
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his first honest reaction is that gif sorry i don't make rules
unless his with black hat bc in that case he avoids to look at your ears at all cost since the "jefecito" can notice and idk yeah
he would probably want to do some experiments
but only friendly ones!!
like testing if you can do other things
if you have extra sensitive ears
or somthn idk i have no ideas rn
he would like to caress them on his little free time
oh btw he would LOVE if you and 5.0.5 where like best buddies or you would be his second parent-like figure(i swear i am trying to make his non specified gender I SWEAR GUYS)
he just lvoes you and you ears so much
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he's a fucking bear bruh 💀
ok so thsi will be platonic like buddies or a second parental figure, or smthn like that
he loves to "talk" about your ears or ask you questions.(if you don understand them he would force flug to translate lmao)
he is very careful when he is trying to touch them since y'know..big paws
but he still tries!!
i imagine if he maked cupcakes the icing would be a drawing of an airplane, of dementia, a chameleon or a black hat idk, for you YOUR RABBIT EARS AND A HEART BECAUSE I THINK THEY ARE CUTE!!!!
he would even "ask" you to use you as inspiration for any dessert, or drawing or smthn.
i bet if he haves a rabbit plushie he gives it to you and/or puts something on the ears(ribbons, little hats, etc) he would be like "bow bow!" [siblings!]
Black Hat
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he probably threats to rip off your ears
and eat them
basically hurt you
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SHE OFTEN POSTS THINSG ON HER INSTAGRAM(with your consent ofc) LIKE "my sweetie's ears where a bit messy today! so me and sun blast fixed them just a lil bit.... loved the result! 🐇💜"
she would ask if you are sensitive to things like sound or something to try to not let a lot of hard things that can cause a hard sound when they fall or make sure Curie or Sunblast don't throw things
she oftenly tries to impulse you to not cover them! but if you like to have them covered, she would be okay with that too!
the same that flug
she would ask to make some little and non-offensive, experiments on your ears
if you don't want, its okay!
if you want, its okay too!
"look! i got you this! i bet it would make your ears fur brighter!..and curie's too"
Miss Heed
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but she would never say that out loud.
she would ask to records tiktoks or anything about them, like idk trends, popular songs or just quick vid like "watch me take care of my Sweetie S/o ears!"
if they are sensitive, during the event of when she had everybody under her control or smthn she would keep you away from them
yes she would be a bit sadistic and evil but she still cares abt you
..or she just does the same thing that she did with them..
when she's at..THAT place..she draws in a corner a lot of little ears, like if she misses you and misses your ears..
if you visit, she would beg to touch them again , to feel them..she would be crazy for it..
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Red BEFORE the "The Dreadful Dawn".
Orange AFTER "The Dreadful Dawn" and BEFORE the events of the comic and The "Heedeous Heart"
Yellow AFTER "The Dreadful Dawn" and the events of "The Heedeous Heart" and the little comic
even if you where his S/O he would mock of you and of them..
listen he knows you are his S/O but he just..feels like its the right thing or it doesn't matters
he doesn't even minds as i can think
he is just like "oh i am just joking! geez.."
Now under Penumbra's uhm..how do i say it?..NOW WITH PENUMBRA LMAO
he realized that he may have been a bit too much harsh with you..
he persuades Penumbra to localize you or visit you to apologize
if things go well..you both could try again!
and he is better.
He even tries to make you be friends with Penumbra! like he did with her
He still makes jokes but he thinks about them for a long time like
"no..that would hurt their feelings..NO ITS BAD..well- no wait..no..oh...this one may be good.."
he fears of you getting like the other ones..he tries to protect you at all cost
if you do get under Miss heed's..thing
he would be like mad but that multiplicate it for 10 and then for 100
the only thing that keeps him away from hurting heed and all her followers its his current little size and Curie
when you aren't under heeds control he makes sure you and your ears are okay..
he asks everyday if you are 100% SURE IF YOU ARE OKAY
after the Miss heed thing he is worried more than he should be but like c'mon
leave the little guy alone :(
he lost 2 of his most special people in his life just because a pink bitch
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verdita-toons · 4 years
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La Cupida y La Lagartija 💗🦎
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latestagejenga · 3 years
Only A Twinge
~ Paperhat jealousy fanfic ~
The sun had long gone down by now. The dark lord of villainy stared out at the now peaceful city outside his window, and then at clock on his phone with increasing impatience.
“Useless bag headed imbecile. How long does it take to ‘check in on’ some looney pink plastic bitch”
He thought out loud to himself, and decided to finally text him to at least make sure he wasn’t stabbed by some schizo in there
Flug Cell
<(what’s taking so long?! 👿👿👿)
(Im leaving! Now I just… gotta get out of here without anyone noticing that I stole this uniform…)>
<(you will be back here in exactly 15 minutes or your paycheck won’t be the only thing that I cut 🔪🔪🔪)
(Yes sir!)>
The hat closed his message app and turned to YouTube, the news, social media, everywhere; everywhere was just that blasted stream. But rather than just putting his phone down and ignoring it, he obsessively watched it over and over again. It filled the pit of his stomach with overwhelming nausea to see it but that was just it, no matter how deeply he explored it he couldn’t pin down what that disgust was or was it stemmed from. He’d never been of fan of loving gestures such as kisses, but other people doing it never bothered him like this, he could just look the other way. This he couldn’t take his eyes off of if he tried. There was a sense of dare he say, righteous anger at the heart of it that made him want to just - “OOOOHHH BOOOOOSS!!!”
His train of though promptly plummeted off the tracks as Dementia burst in.
“*Inhale* WHAT?! WHAT IS IT?!”
“Bag nerd just called a meeting first thing tomorrow morning, apparently pinkie pie was actually able to get a complete sentence out.”
“Ha ha… they did taze her quite a lot didn’t they? Ah the sweet screams of a crumbling hero, nothing like it.”
“Not as good as getting to broadcast her little bit of air time in front of the entire city LOL!”
Black Hat clenched his armrest as his previous thoughts re-emerged and he violently banished Dementia from his sight, she left in a delighted scurry. His eyes and his thoughts returned to the Flug on his phone. And he noticed… just how much he wanted to crush it in his hand when he saw the goggly eyed look on his face after the heroine pulled away from him. Then in the distance, he heard the front door open and shut followed by the sound of Flug lovingly greeting 505. Blackhat arose from his desk, snapped his fingers, and transported himself to the entryway in a cloud of darkness; manifesting right behind Flug’s back.
Flug froze as he felt a hand on his right shoulder. He recognized it immediately and slowly turned around expecting to be met with a nasty scowl followed by a berating, but what he saw was… something different. Not quite anger, but some contempt, and aloofness?
“I-I’m s-s-sorry fo-for being late j-jefito” he said bowing his head slightly with his eyes shut tight to avoid Black Hat’s gaze. But he felt another hand on his chin tilting his head up towards him, and he opened his eyes.
“Just don’t spend too much time there alright, you might catch the crazy. And believe me we’ve got enough of that in this lair” Black Hat said glancing at Dementia giggling uncontrollably as she caressed a homemade sock puppet.
“Anyway it’s late, we all must rejuvenate after our exciting day of evil doings.” His wicked grin had returned to him.
~ Later ~
Flug put on his pajamas and collapsed onto his bed. He decided to read a few pages from his bookshelf to decompress before sleeping. It was then that he started to notice some weird things in the room.
Before he knew it shadows enveloped the room and his boss’s face was in all all the reflective surfaces.
‘J-Jefito? I-I know y-you’re there!’
The dark tall figure was already materializing over him and gazing down with that… same look as before
‘D-do you want s-something sir?!’
He was getting tired of this silent treatment
Much to his surprise, Hat sat down next to him.
‘Doctor, I wanted just… to make something clear here.’
‘Y- yes sir?’
‘That your… loyalty… should never come into question’
‘…absolutely sir’
‘Yes… good’
And he got up to leave
As he departed from Flug’s plane he tried to think of why Flug’s answer hadn’t been satisfying for him. He was worried for his loyalty right? And he had just denied such a prospect. Was it not loyalty to his team? If not WHAT?! Was he feeling betrayed? No… betrayal you feel in your gut, this was a feeling in his heart. Something he thought wouldn’t ever bother him agian.
It was only a twinge
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What I think Will Happen In Villainous. Warning SPOILERS
* Will go into Flug’s past more, especially with his family. First time meeting Blackhat shown.
* Will go into Dementia’s origins and her obsession with Blackhat. The Mariana theory. 
* Dementia to possibly regain memories of her origins. She and 5.0.5 secretly search. Realizes she doesn’t need Blackhat’s love.
* 5.0.5′s origins shown.
* Goldheart’s plan to destroy villainy, involve removing it from people. 
* Goldheart to stop by and talk to Miss Heed about Flug. Just leaves her angry about her betrayal and deceit.
* Blackhat and the trio out to stop him.
* Shown that Goldheart isn’t too bad of a guy and genuinely cares but also has issues with his brother and his plan is flawed.
* Blackhat to end up understanding Flug and his past more.
* Flug to realize he’s wasting time trying to please Blackhat. Perhaps in the past tried to please his parents who favoured his brother who had superpowers but gave up and became a villain. Realizes he’s repeating his mistake. 
* Flug to snap and go rogue. 
* Blackhat to admit he genuinely values Flug’s work and admits he isn’t at his level with technological/modern things. Cruel to him out of fear he’d leave, realizing he doesn’t need him. 
* Happens anyway. Blackhat-”“I didn’t want to lose you alright, I admit it YOU’RE NOT WORTHLESS! Isn’t that all you wanted to hear!? Flug-…sigh yeah. But I didn’t need to hear that. I don’t need to from anyone. I never did. But I still wanted it so bad, but I deserve WAY MORE than that. Goodbye Jefecito”. 
* That peculiar eye reaction to be used. The one with the x. Seriously why would they add that if they weren’t foreshadowing something causing that. https://images.app.goo.gl/14jjgzrJ6FQg7Qa27
* Flug’s face reveal. 
* Gold Heart plan to eradicate villainy fails but Flug leaves Blackhat Inc, leaving Blackhat, just lost his biggest help and alone.
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unalive-blog · 3 years
My favorite Poly Ships
(I’m fully ready for some people to hate me-)
Sasha x Anne x Marcy (Amphibia)
Ivy x Sprig x Maddie (Amphibia)
Sylvia x Hop Pop x Grime (Amphibia)
Betty x Yakko x Max (You already know-)
Daisy x Mickey x Minnie x Donald (You already know-)
Tina x Bugs x Lola x Daffy (You already know-)
Lars x Sadie x Shep (Steven Universe)
Jenny x Buck x Sour Cream (Steven Universe)
Zill x Kayla x Jack x Jill x Spam x Vanexa (Zoophobia)
Sallie May x Striker x Barbie Wire (Helluva Boss)
Camila x Eda x Raine (The Owl House)
Katya x Viney x Emira (The Owl House)
Jerbo x Edric x Hunter (The Owl House)
Lonnie x Rogelio x Kyle (She Ra)
Izuku x Ochako x Shoto x Tsu (BNHA)
Momo x Kyouka x Denki (BNHA)
Nejire x Mirio x Tamaki (BNHA)
Shota x Toshinori x Inko (BNHA)
Luka x Marinette x Adrien x Kagami (Miraculous Ladybug)
Huntress Wizard x Finn x Fern (Adventure Time)
Miss Heed x Dementia x Penumbra (Villainous)
Bobert x Molly x Tina (TAWOG)
Micheal x Jeremy x Christine (BMC)
Enid x Red Action x Elodie x Shanon (Ok K.O. Let’s Be Hero’s!)
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fluffyobbsession · 2 years
• To Start off, no discourse please, This Blog is just For fun and Fantasy, if you are not comfortable with the contents involved, simply go elsewhere or block // however if you are and simply have a problem with something that is said or just something about the Tumblr in general please feel free to DM and we can talk about it! <3 //
• All writing as of now will be sfw, I am a minor and do not feel comfortable writing nsfw just yet, please respect that, alluding to it is fine although it will never be explicit in my writing so please don't request something that is as it will most likely be ignored in the end.
• these will be my interpretations of the characters/them as yandere so if something does not fit the way that you would see them then I am quite sorry but it's just my opinion <3
• to clarify the way that I view the term yandere as it is quite the broad term when it comes to understandings of it, is someone who is willing to kill to protect and or have someone near them, this does mean that you may specify if a yandere will be platonic or romantic on this blog! In some scenarios however I will refuse to write romance, for example if it's a child x reader type thing it will always be platonic/parental, also please specify or I won't know which one you want :') and will most likely end up choosing myself hgjgbjgbh
• the writings will be done in third person as that is what I am most comfortable with doing, and the length of my responses will depend on my motivation although they are usually quite lengthy tbh hbjgnhjbh, for example when I say third person I mean I will write like this
"characters Darling Whould have to be stealthy in that situation"/ They Whould most likely adore a darling who
• to clarify I will write head cannons and scenarios and at some point I might even open up matchups! :)
I do think that's about it for the rules although more may be added in time if I think of some!
In the meantime I'm going to now Move on To Discussing Witch Characters from witch Fandoms I am willing to write for/you may request! <3, if there is a 💗 by a character's name it will mean that you are most likely to get a lengthy response and that I know that character a bit more well than the others! Although that doesn't mean I wouldn't love to write for the others listed just that the character is a bias of mine lol.
Lord Black Hat
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Dr Flug Slys
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Dementia 💗
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505 // !! Platonic only !! //
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Miss Heed/Cecilia
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Arcane lol
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Mel medarda
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Jinx/Powder 💗
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// These will be the characters that I will begin with as these are the top two fandoms that I am in at the moment, so please feel free to request! <3 //
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doodlesnoodles1 · 1 year
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doodlesnoodles1 · 1 year
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Some old villainous requests
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doodlesnoodles1 · 3 years
It's been a long time since I've shared my art here
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