#miss ma’am why did you have to MURDER me like that?
sincerelybubbles · 4 months
it's a date || spencer reid x reader
part 2
warnings: cannon-typical violence/mentions of murder and kidnapping, slow burn, fluff!, early seasons spencer, not proof read
word count: 6.1k
You sigh and crack your knuckles, staring down at the pot simmering on the stove. You know that the sauce would be okay if you left it for a few minutes, did something else, but you remain standing, uselessly stirring it every few seconds. Truthfully, you’re bored. Your mind shifts from cooking to work tomorrow, itching to pull out your documents and scan through them one more time. But you know you shouldn’t, advise about work-life balance tugging at your attention. 
You’re debating if you should pick up a book and try to read, something light to take your mind off of the day, when a knock sounds from the front door. Your dog, Penny, a lovely golden retriever you rescued a few years ago, lets out a weak woof before slowly standing and trotting to the door. She’s old, more grey than golden, but she never fails to answer the door with you. 
You turn the stove off and move the pot off of the burner, wiping your hands as you walk, when another knock echoes through the hallway. It’s sharp, official, loud. The sound fills you with anxiety. You stand on your toes to look out of the peephole.
“Hello?” You ask through the door, not recognizing the men standing outside and seeing no package in sight. 
“Hello, Jason Gideon, FBI, could we have a word?” The older man says, voice stern but not unkind. 
You open the door without unlatching the chain, peering out through the crack. “FBI?”
Jason Gideon, the one who spoke, pulls out his badge first. The lankier man next to him follows in suit. Your eyes linger on him for a second longer than the other agent, taking in his toussled brown hair. You scan the badges for a second before shutting the door to undo the chain. 
“Sorry, you can’t be too careful, you know?”
“Oh, we know that all too well,” Gideon says good-naturedly, “it’s good to be cautious.”
He asks your name, you give it, and nods sharply, looking to his partner. “Well, like I said, I’m Jason Gideon with the Behavioral Analysis Unit, FBI, and this is my partner Doctor Spencer Reid.”
“Well, come on in, Agent Gideon and Dr. Reid,” you say, waving them both in and shutting the door. 
“Just Gideon is fine.”
Dr. Reid sends you a tight lipped smile as he walks in, adjusting his shirt and otherwise avoiding your gaze. He seems nervous. 
“Would you two like something to drink while you tell me why you’re here? Coffee, tea, water?” You ask, twisting the dishcloth between your hands as you lead them inside.
“I wouldn’t say no to some coffee,” Gideon says. You nod and turn to Dr. Reid, who is staring at you with his mouth slightly agape. 
“Oh, yeah, coffee for me too, please.”
“Of course, have a seat,” you say, waving them to the small table in your kitchen and moving to prepare their drinks. Neither of them sit.
“How well do you know your neighbors?” Gideon asks as you start the coffee. 
You shrug. “As well as anyone does these days, I guess. I wave when I drive past them, smile when they’re out front at the same time. Why, has something happened? I saw the police cars earlier, on my way home from work, but I haven’t heard anything else.”
“Yes ma’am,” Dr. Reid says, even though he looks your age, maybe even a few years older. “Your neighbor across the street was murdered last night, Mrs. Furgison, and her eight-year-old son is missing. Did you hear anything?”
You fall still, facing away from the two officers. Numb, you shake your head, “No, I didn’t. I wasn’t home last night. I was watching my niece for my sister.” You turn around to face them, leaning back against the counter. “But there are cameras outside, I’m assuming that’s why you’re here?” “Yes,” Gideon confirms with a nod. “Would you be okay if we took a look at the last few weeks of footage if you have it?”
“You want to see if he’s been visiting before last night,” you mumble, nodding. “Yes, of course.”
“Do you work in law enforcement?” Dr. Reid asks, the question erupting from him like he couldn’t hold it back. “You’re shockingly calm and seem to know what we’re going to ask before we get to it.”
“Oh, yeah,” you chuckle, waving a hand in the air and turning to pull the pot of coffee out. “BAU, of course, you’d see right through me. I’m a victim liaison. I read through this process hundreds of times a week. Sugar?”
“No, thanks,” Gideon answers as Dr. Reid blurts out, “Yes, please.”
You set the mugs on the kitchen counter along with a container of sugar.
“Help yourself, I’ll grab my laptop to get those files for you.”
When you come back, laptop in tow, Gideon and Dr. Reid are having a hushed conversation, both holding their mugs of coffee. You round the corner slowly but loudly, aware that sometimes agents can be jumpy. Gideon smiles at you while Dr. Reid looks over sharply. 
It fits, given their ages and presumably how long each have been in the field. You try to send him a reassuring smile. He reciprocates but still looks obviously awkward, fixing his hair and taking a sip of coffee.
“Would you like me to put the files on a USB? Email them somewhere? Or just,” you motion with the computer, offering it over. 
“I can take it,” Dr. Reid offers, “send the files to Garcia.”
You let him, passing him the computer easily. With your job, the government is already elbows deep in that laptop, anyway; you have nothing to hide. 
You watch as Dr. Reid begins typing away on your computer, leaning over the table and resting his forearms on the edge. 
Both of the agents are dressed professionally: button-down shirts, slacks, dress shoes. Guns ready at the hip.
“You like to cook?” Gideon asks, nodding toward your forgotten pasta on the stove. 
“Yes and no,” you admit, chuckling and turning your attention to him. “It always tastes better than takeout but it’s hard to get the motivation. Are you hungry? Can I offer you anything else?”
“Oh, that won’t be necessary, but thank you.”
“Of course. I know how overworked you lot can be.” You cross your arms and lean back against your counter. “What about you? Do you cook?”
“Not as often as I should,” he admits, smiling sadly. “Victim liaison, you said?”
“Yes, sir.”
“You seem a little young.” “Could say the same about him.” You nod at Dr. Reid who doesn’t hear you, too focused on his work. “But I guess drive and pretty much no social life can get you anywhere,” you admit with a laugh. 
“Garcia should have the files in a minute,” Dr. Reid interrupts, looking up from your laptop.
“I’ll give her a call.”
He steps out with a nod to you, walking back into the front hallway of your small home and leaving you alone with the doctor. 
He opens his mouth to say something before his eyes focus over your shoulder and his attention is stolen. “Sorry,” he says, moving past you and into your living room, toward your bookshelf. “Is that a Russian copy of Crime and Punishment?” He asks, brushing his finger over the spine of the book. 
“Oh, yeah, it is.” You follow him, staring up at your own bookshelf like you’ve never seen it before. It’s crammed full of books. There are more filling your bedroom down the hall as well. “It’s a slow read, I have to use a lexicon a lot of the time, but I sort of like the work. Translating’s a hobby of mine, I guess. When I have time. Sorry, that might be weird.”
“No, it’s not weird at all! Not to me, at least. Are you using a Dictionary-based lexicon? Can I see it? I have one that I love. I haven’t read much Russian but I have one for Greek. They’re rarely used anymore, falling out of popularity with the creation of the internet where everything is readily available to just search up, but I find them fascinating and I’ve never seen one for Russian before.”
He talks enthusiastically with his hands. His eyes shine, the interest lighting up his face. You think, before you remember the reason why he’s there, that he’s actually quite handsome. You become slightly breathless at the realization. You don’t really notice people like this often. But, towering above you, buttoned shirt pushed up to show his forearms and a self-concious smile stretching across his face, you’re a little flustered.
You take a breath, remembering that your neighbor is dead and a little boy is missing, sending Dr. Reid a small smile and motioning behind you.
“It’s in my office if you want to go look at it. I prefer it to just typing out the stuff I don’t know — mostly because I don’t have a Russian keyboard — and it’s easier to learn when you have to research it.”
“I would actually love –”
“Reid,” Gideon interrupts, ending his call, “Garcia got the files, we have to go.”
“Oh, yes, of course.”
“Thank you so much for your help,” Gideon says, walking toward you and offering his hand. “And for the coffee. So sorry to have interrupted your cooking.”
“Anytime detective,” you say, shaking his hand and smiling up at him, “always happy to help. I can give you my card if you need anything else?”
“That would be great, thank you.”
You rush to your bag to pull out one of your cards and hand it to Gideon before turning to offer Dr. Reid your hand. 
“It was nice to meet you, too, Dr. Reid.”
He takes your hand firmly. “Spencer’s fine,” he says, stumbling over his words slightly but still smiling. “Thank you for your help.”
“Anytime,” you repeat, letting them out and returning to your sad pasta. 
Your mind wonders, not to the murder or kidnapping, but to Spencer Reid. Wide brown eyes, tousled hair pushed out of his face, a sweet smile. Smart, too. Way too smart. 
You’re not exactly experienced when it comes to dating, you hadn’t lied to Gideon when you said you don’t make time for a social life, dating included, but you do know that an interest in a too-smart profiler might spell bad news. 
Still, as you portion out your meal, you can’t help but think that you’re feeling awfully motivated to return to working on Crime and Punishment. You don’t lie to yourself about the origins of this sudden spark of motivation, but you do rationalize it. What’s the harm in a fleeting crush, then? Especially if it gives you the push to finally finish one of the many projects hanging on your ever-growing list?
You suppose you might see them arround the office if they’re working in this jurisdiction, but then he’ll be gone and it’ll fade away. In the meantime, you make yourself a plate of food and settle down in your living room with the book and lexicon.
“Well, that certainly poses an interesting problem,” you hear Cheif Saunders say as you walk into the police department the next morning, arms full of files ready for sorting. 
You round the corner to escape this attention but aren’t fast enough and he calls you over by name. Cringing, you turn on your heel and are faced, once again, with Gideon and Spencer. With them are two more men and two girls, all intimidating and confident. 
All FBI, if you had to wager a bet. 
“Morning,” you say, nodding to Gideon and Spencer respectively. “Nice to see you two again.”
“You’ve met?” The tall man next to Gideon asks, pointing the question to Spencer. He grins, white teeth overtaking his dark, handsome face. He reaches his hand out to shake yours, “Morgan, nice to meet you.”
You introduce yourself, explain your position, and receive introductions from JJ, Elle, and Hotchner as well. 
“Where did you meet our friends?” Chief Saunders asks, folding his hands in front of him and setting an accusatory glare on you. “Still preening for a new job?”
“No sir,” you say, uncomfortable. The chief is often cold with you, refusing to acknowledge your knowledge or work. When he found that you were looking to transfer stations to the one a district over, he’d still thrown a fit, though. You guess he can’t ignore how well your numbers reflect on him as easily as he deflects your accomplishments to your face. 
“We stopped by to get access to her cameras, she lives across the street from the Furgison’s,” Gideon explains, watchful eyes glancing between you and the chief. 
“They proved to be surprisingly useful,” Spencer interrupts. “We now know the make, model, and color of the unsubs car as well as his general height. Garcia is still trying to make out plates, but we are able to confirm at least pieces of our profile with the information.”
“You live across the street?” The chief asks, still staring at you. You shift your weight, holding the files closer to your chest. 
“Yes, sir. In a duplex.”
“Then, fellas, I’ve found the solution to our problem. You’ll set up with our little liaison, then.”
“Sorry?” You ask, startled. 
“We have reason to believe that the unsub is returning to the crime scenes after the police have left the area and allowed the family to return. But, if we know our guy, and we think we do,” Elle says, begrudingly, “he’s smart. He’s going to notice if we’re camped out in a car. And, in a residential street, it’s much harder to hide in a building.”
“So, you’ll have the opportunity to make yourself useful,” Chief Saunders chuckles, laying a heavy hand on your shoulder and shaking you.
“Only if you’re comfortable,” Gideon adds, glancing at you with a patient expression. 
“Yes, it would be a complete invasion of your privacy, agents would be there twenty-four-seven monitoring. We would only stay in the front areas of the house, of course, but you needn’t do anything you’re not comfortable with. There are always other ways.” Agent Hotchner fixes you with a level look, voice sincere. 
“Oh, she’s comfortable, aren’t ya?” The chief says, shaking you again with a wide smile. 
“Yes, of course,” you say, nodding at the others. You mean it, you’ll do whatever you can to help out, you just wish you could’ve made the choice yourself.
“This way, you don’t have to worry about confidentiality, either. Little Miss has full access to ongoing investigations, she’ll be there for all of the briefings and such.”
You nod, discretely moving a step back so his hand falls from your shoulder. 
“Yes, I’m meant to be kept up to date with all ongoing, violent investigations where and if possible to act as a bridge between law enforcement and victims and families of victims. Especially those with children involved — I should have mentioned we would cross paths again last night, I just wasn’t thinking.”
“Yes, we’ve worked with our fair share of liaisons,” Gideon chuckles, looking over his shoulder at JJ who gives him a small smile. 
“Then it’s all set. You boys let me know when you have your profile ready.” Elle watches him walk off with a hard stare, obviously just as rubbed wrong by him as you are. 
“Lovely man, isn’t he?” You joke, trying to make the situation lighthearted. 
“We’ve interacted before. Our headquarters isn’t actually far from here, just a twenty-minute drive, we’re up in Quantico. He doesn’t get any better with time, though.” Agent Hotchner shakes his head, turning to grab a file off of the desk behind him. 
“Well, he always forgets to offer his office space to visitors so I usually keep mine available. It’s quieter and there’s a whiteboard, follow me.”
Since you started renting the small duplex by yourself, you’ve never felt awkward in your own home. Now, though, you feel odd taking up your own space. 
The majority of the Quantico team is set up in your front room with laptops, cameras, and microphones. 
“We don’t know exactly how long he usually takes to come back to scenes, only that it typically happens within the week,” Elle explains to you apologetically. 
“No problem — comes with the job, no?” You say, smiling and trying to brush it off. Elle laughs gently, nose wrinkling as she shakes her head. 
“No, not really. I wouldn’t be thrilled if these boys set up shop in my house, you’re taking this with much more grace than I would.”
You shrug, crossing your arms and tilting your head from side to side. “I won’t act like it’s normal, it is pretty weird having you guys here, but if it helps you catch this guy, why would I say no? Better me than some random civilian.” You hesitate, scrunching up your nose, “Better now than waiting for him to kill someone else.”
“Much more compassionate than I am,” Elle jokes, shaking her head and walking away as Gideon calls her name. 
The main problem, you think, is that the duplex isn’t very big. The part of the team that’ll be staying with you — Spencer, Gideon, Elle, and Morgan — have all settled in. They won’t come and go, their car is firmly parked in your garage, and they’ll keep a low profile to prevent the unsub from noticing their presence. You’re meant to come and go as normal to keep suspicion low in case he’s cased the entire neighborhood. But, with only two bedrooms, a baths, and a small office, you’re feeling slightly cramped. Whenever you turn, you feel like you’re coming toe-to-toe with someone. It’s awkward, considering you’re very used to living alone. 
Still, you’re determined to be a good host, so you set to preparing lunch for everyone. They’d insisted that you didn’t need to, but you really don’t know what else to do. You’d been given the day to help them all settle in and provide assistance wherever possible, but there isn’t much to do other than wait. 
You’re pulling out the things for sandwiches when Spencer walks in. 
“Hey, do you have an extra ethernet cable? Garcia thinks that a direct line would be better,” he asks. 
“Maybe, you’re free to check in the office if you want. If you need, you can always pull the one from my desktop,” you say, shutting the fridge and trying to balance everything in your arms in one trip.
“What’re you doing?” Spencer asks, reaching forward to grab the ham and mayo from the top of your stack. 
“Making sandwiches!”
“You really don’t have to. We can have food ordered, it’s okay.”
“I wanna make myself useful, I feel weird just standing around watching you guys work,” you say, dumping the materials on the counter. “I hope you guys like ham or turkey, it’s all I have.”
“You are being useful, though. You’ve let us set up in your home, how much more useful can you be?”
“I could provide food as well,” you say, sending him a smile. “Ham or turkey?”
Spencer looks exasperated, setting the ham and mayo down and shaking his head. Nervously, he uses both of his hands to push his hair back. “Either. Either is fine, thank you.”
You start to prepare the sandwiches, Spencer watching and still looking like he wants to say something. 
“Hey, Reid, I found one, we’re all set,” Morgan says, rounding the corner and waving the white chord in the air. “Oh, what’re you making?” He asks, stepping closer and leaning over your shoulder. 
“Sandwiches. I was asking Spence if you guys like ham and turkey but he wasn’t being helpful.”
“Well, Spence can be like that,” Morgan says, throwing Spencer a smirk over his shoulder. “But we’d appreciate anything.” “I was trying to tell her,” Spencer interrupts, “that it’s entirely unnecessary for her to make us lunch. She’s already done enough for us letting us set up here. The effort is appreciated, of course, obviously, you just shouldn’t have to. Because we’re already intruding.” He trails off as Morgan sends him a look, raising his eyebrow. 
“Well, I, for one, appreciate the offer,” Morgan says, leaning on the counter and smiling down at you. You laugh at him. 
“It’s not that I don’t appreciate it! I do,” he says, turning to you and holding one of his hands up in a placating way, “I just don’t think, it’s very kind of course, I just –”
You cut him off, taking pity, “He’s fucking with you. Relax.”
“I just can’t believe that you’re actually processing any of what you’re reading at that speed!” You say, throwing your arms up. 
“I actually am. Speed reading, when done right, doesn’t take away from comprehension at all. Plus, with my eidetic memory, I can always think back and process later if I need to,” Spencer explains. 
“Fine, you’re understanding what you’re reading in a general sense, but where’s the enjoyment in it? How can you possibly understand all the intricacies of the writing, what the author is doing, and appreciate the characters and their growth if you don’t take your time with it?” “I tend to focus my reading moreso on informational writing, so that’s not often a problem. And when I do read something fictional or with more nuance, I’m never lacking in any way when it comes to my understanding of the content, even when speed reading.”
“So you’re not actually taking the time to have fun reading is what I’m hearing.”
“Reading is inherently fun when you’re learning something, though,” he says, lips quirked in a slight smirk and a line forming between his eyebrows as he looks down at you. The look is so disarming that you find yourself deflating a little. 
You’re in your living room, a few books scattered on the coffee table between you two, debating the merits of each one. 
“I dunno,” you say, argument leaving you as you become distracted. 
“Just say I’m right! You know I am,” Spencer says with a chuckle, shaking his head and leaning toward you slightly, hands spread. 
You thought he was cute when he was shy, bumbling in your house yesterday, but after a few hours to warm up to each other, you can’t deny you really like him. 
The only thing that completely blocks the disappointment that they’ll all soon be leaving is that their UnSub will be caught when they have to leave. Your community and neighborhood will be better off for it. 
“No, I still think you’re wrong. Sure, you understand what you’re reading but I just don’t buy that you could possibly enjoy it in the same way that I am!” You’re trying your damndest to regain your confidence, shaking your head side-to-side with a wide smile to erase the vision of his own smirk, his hands, his rolled up sleeves from your mind. “I mean, nothing beats curling up with a book and taking your time with it.” “Well,” Spencer interrupts, lifting a finger, “how can you say if you’ve never tried my way?”
“Speed reading? I’ve done it, actually.” You shrug at his hesitating look, suddenly feeling vulnerable under the weight of his eyes. 
“Really? What method? What was your fastest time? What —” Morgan cuts off his questioning by walking in and calling for him. 
“Gideon wants you to take a look at something.” “Ah. Breaks over.” Spencer stands from where he was sitting on your armchair, brushing his hands off on his pants. He points at you while he walks away, “We’re not finished, though!”
“Oh?” Morgan asks when he’s gone, raising his eyebrows at you. “Unfinished business?” You scoff, moving to pick up the books you pulled out to talk to Spencer about. 
You like Morgan. He’s an easy one to like and he feels like the bigger brother you don’t have with his easy smiles. The chaos in your house hasn’t been easy, you appreciate his consistent presence to lighten the atmosphere. 
You’ve actually come to like all of them. Elle with her stories, Gideon with his dry smiles, and Spencer. Really, you just like Spencer. You’re an adult, you’re not ashamed to admit it. Just, only to yourself, lest you mess something up and make him uncomfortable. 
“You know, I can’t really say I haven’t seen him this excited before because the kid gets excited about everything but,” Morgan shrugs, pushing himself off of the wall he’s been leaning on and coming to sit next to you, “you do seem to get along well.”
“Oh, yeah, Spencer’s nice,” you say, standing to put the books away. 
“Nice,” Morgan muses, leaning back on the couch and crossing his arms. 
“He is! You all are.” You laugh when Morgan raises his eyebrows again. “I’m being serious, I would kill to work on a team like yours. You all actually work together.”
“We have to.”
“It certainly works out better when you do.”
“Yeah, your boss is a real dick. He usually walk all over you like that?” You wrinkle your nose at him as you sit down, pulling your legs under you. “More or less I guess. My personal opinion is that he’d like more men on the team and … no women,” you joke, giving him a what can you do? look, smiling sadly. 
“And you tried to transfer?”
“Stop profiling me,” you say, eyes narrowing. Morgan smiles, all teeth.
“Not profiling, just remembering him saying something like that when we talked at the station.”
“Oh,” you say, slouching back. “That’s considerably less impressive.” “Ouch.”
“Yeah, yeah, I wound you. But I did look into transferring a while back. I’ve been trying to move up for a while and keep getting blocked. But, no surprise, I got blocked again.” You raise an imaginary glass, cheers-ing with the air, “Go government!”
“That’s fucked,” Morgan says, letting out a low whistle. “So you don’t want to stay a victims liasion?”
“No, I do. But it’s not my only job right now. It’s a little complicated, but our office is too small to have a head liaison. So I really just run around filling gaps wherever I can until I’m needed to do my actual job. I’d love to do just liaison work, I really like working with the public. Feels like I’m actually helping people, you know?”
“Yeah, I know.” “Hey,” you say suddenly, not wanting to keep the mood somber (or ignore the FBI agent in your house with your silly woes while a murder investigation is underway), “you want some tea? Coffee?”
“Sure doll, I’ll take some coffee,” Morgan says, a confused smile taking over his face, “if you’re offering.”
“It’s actually pretty interesting,” Spencer is saying, flipping through files and leaning over to show Elle something. 
“Oh, I bet. Nothing better than vicious murder,” you say, dry, rolling a pen between your fingers. 
“I mean the process behind deciphering their reasoning,” Spencer says, shrugging. 
“I just don’t know how you look past it to see anything other than the violence,” you say, shuddering. 
He and Elle have taken the night shift and are giving you a rundown on profiling. You’ve worked with profilers before, but they’re small-town cops, more interested in closing cases than being scientific, or, at times, even correct. 
“How do you look past a crying mother after her daughter has been murdered to get the information you need?” Elle asks. “I’ve worked with hundreds of victims, I think I’m pretty good at it, but your records show that you’re one of the best.”
You heat at the praise, shrugging your shoulders. “I wouldn’t say I look past them. I actually try to get into their shoes to figure out what I can say to get through to them.”
“Often the victims families know more than they think. Every bit of information they can give us or the police about the victim only lead us closer to the unsub. We often rely on your job to get important information out of victims and families that we wouldn’t otherwise have. It requires tact, empathy, and extreme emotional control,” Spencer explains, setting the file down and brushing his hair back. 
“Well, thank you?”
“I think he’s trying to say what we do is similar,” Elle explains, “it’s just the opposite side of it.”
“I’m still not following — but I’m definitely not built to be a profiler, that’s for sure.”
“But you could be. You profile in your own way. We look at the bad guys, the killing patterns, stuff like that,” Spencer leans forward, enthusiastic. “You just profile less intense people. Gather information from them, figure out what they need. Get in their shoes, to use your words. You use their actions, small phrases, and what you can gather from their homes to approach them the best way, no?”
“Looking at their clothes and body language and stuff, sure.”
“We do exactly that with crime scenes. Recognize patterns. Just like you can’t imagine seeing past the violence, some of us can’t imaigne having to see past the emotion of someone dealing with fresh loss.” Elle smiles. “You’d probably make a really good profiler. You’re just a better victims advocate.”
You consider that, weighing their words. “Sure, maybe,” you admit. “I still think it’s kinda like magic, though. Your knowledge, your intuition, your teamwork. It’s cool.”
“Thank you,” Elle says kindly. 
Spencer jumps back into his explanation of the types of murder-kidnappers, musing with Elle again about their profile. Their ability to constantly return to the same evidence over and over without any hesitation is still amazing to you. Despite what Elle said, you’re sure you’d get bored. 
You’re even more sure that it would stick to you in a way that working with the victims never did. You visit crime scenes, sure, but you never do everything in your power to commit every bit of them to memory. 
As they talk, you move toward the window and move the curtains over slightly. It’s the middle of the night, the second the team has spent in your home, and you’re curious how much longer this unsub will take to be caught. 
You’ve done your best to keep to your usual schedule and luckily it’s not unusual for you to be up late. The movement behind the curtains won’t be suspicious, so you stand and peek out curiously at the home across the street. 
Penny sighs from her bed in the living room, snoring softly. She’s taken a liking to your guests who are always willing to give her attention and scraps of food. 
The Furgison house bigger than yours, a family home with a large backyard. It’s a faded blue, lightened by the sun, with a white door. Theres a dim porch light that’s been left on, throwing yellow shaddows across the street. 
You swear you see a curtain move in the window and your entire body freezes, breath stolen from your lungs. 
“Hey guys?” You say, dead quiet, as you see the curtains flutter again. Small, nearly inperceptable movement. Greys and blacks angainst more greys and blacks. 
“Yeah?” Elle asks, still reading over the file with Spencer. 
“You’re sure that nobodys gone in tonight?”
“Certain,” Elle says, moving quickly to stand next to you. “Why?”
“Curtains moved,” you say, nodding toward the house. 
“Maybe the AC was left on?” Elle suggests and you shake your head. 
“No, we would’ve noticed it before now. They have no animals, the house should be empty.”
Your heart is racing as Spencer joins you at the window. 
“You sure you saw it move?” He asks, moving to stand behind you, just out of sight at the window, a hand pressed to your back. Gentle pressure, just his fingertips, that makes you siffen even more. He moves his hand, whispering an apology. 
You wish he hadn’t. 
Your mind spins, distracted for a moment, shaking your head again. 
“Yes, I’m certain.”
“Go get Morgan and Gideon,” Spencer tells you, sharing a look with Elle. 
You follow the team out, despite their insistence that you don’t have to, holding your own handgun out and following the light Morgan casts. 
You live in a relatively sleepy neighborhood. Shared duplexes and little houses line the streets, most with little flowerbeds out front. The Furgison house is no exception: it’s a little blue house with rose bushes out front. It backs the small patch of wood that runs along the length of the highway. 
Heart racing and head light from adrenaline, you stay out front to watch for any movement inside while Morgan and Hotch creep around one side of the house, Spencer and Elle take the other side. 
“Back here,” you faintly hear Morgan say through your earpiece. “The cellar door is open. It was deadlocked last time.”
You sitffen, readjusting your grip on your gun. 
“Wasn’t it cleared, though, when we were here last?” Elle asks. 
“Yeah, but he could’ve snuck in through the woods — there’s no telling.”
“Didn’t we position police cars on the highway?” Elle again. You can imagine them all standing behind the house, guns drawn. It’s intersting to hear them communicate so efficiently, voices low. 
“We’ll worry about it later. Morgan, you take the lead, I’ll take the rear, Elle stay out here.”
For a long few seconds, you hear Morgan, Spencer, and Hotch begin to clear the basement, until you’re jolted out of the repetitive “clear!”s by Hotch yelling, “FBI, put your hands up!”
The next few minutes turn into a whirlwind as police cars arrive and Morgan drags the UnSub out of the house by his handcuffed arms. 
The Furgison boy comes out next, disheveled and passed to the paramedics in the back of an ambulance. Once you see Hotch, Spencer, and Elle are okay as well, you jump into action, going to sit with the boy and comfort him. Morgan is there, too, crouched down to talk to the kid. 
“You’re all good now,” he’s saying, reaching forward to ruffle his hair. “And my friend here is going to make sure that you see your dad as soon as possible.” Morgan gestures to you and you nod at the little boy. 
The sight of him makes your chest ache: he’s scrawny with wide brown eyes and a mop of curls on the top of his head. 
“Agent Morgan is right, your dad is going to meet us at the hospital.”
The boy doesn’t say anything, shaking under his emergency blanket. 
“I’ll ride with you in the ambulance, too, and that’ll be fun, right?” You ask, jumping up to sit next to him. Slowly and sluggish the boy rests his head on your shoulder, still shivering. You wrap an arm around him before mouthing ‘I’ve got him’ to Morgan. He gives you a small sile, waves at the boy, and goes to join his team. 
After being checked over again by the paramedics, the boy falls asleep quickly in the hospital, holding his dads hand. You’re leaving the room, shutting the door with a soft click, when you see Spencer sitting in the hallway. 
“How is he?” Spencer asks, standing up at the sight of you. 
“He’s okay, some minor bruises and scrapes, dehydrated but on an IV. They’re just happy to be back together.”
“That’s good,” Spencer says, falling quiet and looking away. 
“And, hey, you guys caught the bad guy — now you all get to go home!”
“Yeah,” Spencer says, turning to look at you again, chuckling slightly without any heart behind it. 
“Are you not excited?” You ask, raising an eyebrow. 
“It’s always nice coming back home after a trip, even one as close to home as this one is. But it’s a little bittersweet.”
“How so?”
You practically see Spencer gathering his courage, straightening his shoulders and sending you a small but genuine smile. 
“Well, we have some unfinished business, remember? And you never showed me your lexicon.”
“Well,” you say, smiling, “you’ll just have to keep in touch, then. Maybe we can get dinner?”
“Yeah. Yes, of course. Dinner.” Spencer is fully grinning now, eyes squinting with the force of it. You can’t help but mirror him, laughing a little. “Well, I do have a car to catch. I just wanted to check on him and say goodbye.”
“Well, goodbye for now Dr. Reid.”
“Goodbye,” he says, smiling at you for a second longer before turning to walk to the exit. He makes it to the doors before he hesitates, one hand on the handle. He stands there, still, for a moment before turning around and asking, “Dinner, like a date, right?”
Giddy, your smile only widens as you nod. “I would really like that, if you’re asking, yeah.”
“I’m asking.”
“Okay, then it’s a date.”
i wanted more to happen here but then i got this far and still had so much more i could write about these two aahhh
lmk if u want a pt 2 bc i kind of have ideas :) tysm for reading!!
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chososlvts · 1 year
Such a good boy
Choso is a good boy so you reward him.
tw: heavy mommykink, fem!reader, sub!choso, dom!reader, light bdsm, sucking dick.
“Oh Choso, you look so perfect tied up for me like that.”
“Please.. please momm-..” he whined desperately.
From your place in the doorway, it turned you on to have this huge man at your disposal. You knew as well as him that he could break out of his binds whenever he wanted. But he didn’t just to please you.
You stood there just watching him intently, his dick almost turning a violent shade of purple, flopping on his rock hard abs. You hadn’t let him touch himself and you were drinking his needy features in.
“Come on Choso, I want to hear you say it all.” You babbled mindlessly, entranced by his length and girth.
So you can imagine your surprise when you catch him moaning your name, “I- I need you please, touch me..”
You regained your posture quickly, “Aw.. just because you asked nicely, baby.” You cooed.
He whined loudly in reply.
You made your way over to the bed in at least 5 steps, drawing them out longer than they should be. Teasing and edging Choso.
When you finally got there though you had to hold in a gasp. It was… gorgeous, and so up close. His cock was covered in a heavy layer of thick pre-cum, glistening in the illuminated room. The tip was spouting more and more by the second, this must have been killing him.
He wasn’t even looking at you, he was face down staring at your pussy. You were quite stirred by this as you were wearing full clothing, a cute black tank top and ass shorts. You glanced back at Choso, and he was breathing hard, face glistening with sweat. His face was almost as red and angry as his cock. Your pussy fluttered.
“Hey Choso..” you breathed. He looked up at you with adoring eyes.
“Yes ma’am.” He choked.
“You’ve been such a good boy haven’t you?” You praised.
More cum leaked out of his cock, and it twitched violently.
“Mhm— I mean.. yes ma’am.” He whispered, his cock still twitching bad.
“Do you want me to touch it Choso? You want mommy to touch you?” You teased again.
“Ngh- fuck yes mommy- please pl-“ he muttered.
You felt like you could cum straight off his reactions. He wasn’t ashamed at all, and he spread his knees more apart.
“Hey Choso..” you sighed, kneeling at the edge of the bed so you could look up at him.
“Y-yes ma’am?” He answered immediately, looking away from you.
“Hey look at me love.” You said sternly.
He turned his face to look you dead in the eye, eyebrows knitted together and mouth slightly open, panting. He had wisps of his spikey hair hanging all around his head and some sticking to his forehead.
“Since you have been such a good boy I think I might untie you..” you decided.
You smiled as he groaned, spilling a little more pre-cum, eyes shut.
“Come on open those pretty eyes for me love.” You demanded as you stood to climb the bed.
He did as he was told and his low eyes followed your hands as you crawled behind his back to untie the loose knots.
You were so close to him you could hear his hard breaths every second, his body heat radiating off him.
You could tell how hard it was for him to not grab you and murder your cervix with his bulbous tip. That’s why you were going to reward him, since you were so nice to him.
“You have been such a good boy Choso, it seems you need a reward for it.” You told him slyly, focusing on the last knot.
“A reward?” He perked, his heart beating faster.
“Yes baby.” You confirmed as the last knot came undone.
His eyes still followed you as you moved off the bed to kneel down on the floor next to the edge of the bed. You beckoned him with your finger, and he shuffled so quick to his place you almost missed it.
“Someone’s eager..” you teased.
He nodded vigorously and you chuckled lightly.
You started by massaging his large thighs, thinking how your head could be easily crushed between them. Your painfully slow hand worked their way up to the spot he wanted you to touch most.
You stopped just before his large member, looking into his eyes for a reaction.
And he delivered, his head thrown back while his large chest heaved with each breath. He propped himself up on his elbows showing you his stretched, shredded abdomen.
You shook your head a bit, but went on with your work.
“Now baby, I wanna hear those pretty noises alright..” you warned before quickly grabbing onto the base of his cock and lightly squeezing.
“Ye-..yes mommy!” He yelped and his whole body twitched slightly.
You cunt throbbed at his sound.
“That’s it baby.” You cooed, adding your other hand stacked on top of the first.
He groaned loudly.
You started to move, but agonisingly slowly. Up just a little, then down.
“Faster.. heuh, faster.” He whispered, but you caught it barely.
“Did you just tell me to go faster?” You bullied, but secretly you were willing to do anything this man told you.
“No- hu-fuck, no ma’am.” He denied.
“Oh Choso, you know you can tell the truth to me..” you smiled evilly.
“Yes- oh fuuuuc- yes go faster please.” He groaned involuntary snapping his hips up.
“Go faster who?..” one of your hands ventured down and grabbed his strained balls, eliciting a good reaction.
He sucked his teeth in and yelled “Mo-mommy!”, only to whine loudly when you pumped his cock like how he wanted.
“Good boy..” his cock jerked in your hands.
As you worked his cock at a much faster pace, Choso got quite restless and sat up to look down at you.
“Your- you’re so perfect mommy. So perfect jerk- ahh~ jerking me off..” he mumbled mindlessly.
Pre-cum was pooled in your underwear by now.
You decided to take the next step and brought your mouth up to kitten lick the tip and he spasmed hard.
“Oh fuck!- yeah keep licking, please mommy keep licking.” He said his hands finding their way into your braids to hold them back.
Then you really got to it.
Your mouth swallowed him in one go, taking the whole thing.
“Arghh- fuck mmm. Your mouth… it’s so so fucking warm dont stop.” He cried.
You bobbed your head, never fully taking this cock out of your throat, not even for a breath. He was so large your hands kept at his base to satisfy the whole length.
“Yeah fuck- just like that girl. mm you’re so perfect keep going- ahh.” He moaned.
He slowly bucked his hips into your mouth and you took it out just to suck in a deep breath before going back in, not giving Choso even a second to adjust.
“Oh fuck, mommy I think I’m gonna cum. Keep going like that and I think I’m gonna cum mommy.” He muttered.
Well in that case, you thought, then you let his cock go with a pop. Causing him to shake and scrunch your hair tighter.
“Why- fuck- mommy I was so close, ngghh...” He pleaded.
Lmk if y’all want a part2 😜
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Them bullying each other is something that can be so precious actually
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What reason does any military dictatorship have for waging war boke? More power.
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He talks like a 45 y/o military draftee who has Seen Some Shit
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ROY TO THE (completely unnecessary) RESCUE!!!!
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ROY TO THE (necessary this time) RESCUEEEE
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My boy boutta send these fools to god
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i-love-oldermen · 1 year
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I hate you? Pt.3
Y/n x Spencer Reid
Warnings: Language, mention of murder
I stand there at the door. Looking straight at Spencer and he’s looking at me too. I have no idea what he could have heard. I don’t even know what to say to him right now.
Y/n: Spen-
Reid: Y/n what’s going on
Y/n: Spencer please
I put my hands on his arms but he swats them away.
Reid: Tell me what’s going on
Wes: Don’t worry about it
Y/n: Wes shut the hell up, Spencer please go away
The way he looks at me hurts, his eyes say everything he’s angry but confused. He takes a deep breath then walks away. I let go of a breath I didn’t know I was holding. I turn to Wes and shove him.
Y/n: If you ever say anything you better hope I don’t find you
I can see the fear in his eyes. He remembers how I use to be. The me that I ran away from. He knows I lied about where I came from to get into the fbi. Knowing now that I will hurt him if he says anything I walk away and enter the bullpen. There’s a lot of commotion and a women is yelling I know her voice. I see JJ who’s standing out of the crowd of people.
Y/n: Hey jj whats going on
Jj: Someone is here to see you
She walks to the crowd of people and i follow behind her. That’s when I see my mom I haven’t talked to her since I moved away. I moved away 7 years ago. She looks at me not knowing who I was at first and then it hits her. I see her sadness turn into pure anger.
Y/mom: It’s your fault she’s missing
Hotch: Who’s missing
Y/mom: The last daughter I have is gone
She starts crying more so Emily takes her to a different room. I stand there still, I don’t know what to do. My baby sister is missing. A single tear falls from my eye, i quickly wipe it away hoping no one sees me. I was wrong someone did see me.
Morgan: Hey it’s going to be okay we’ll find her
He puts a comforting hand on my shoulder and we walk towards the back room. I look at all the information on the white boards, all the pictures and everything. This person has taken a 7 year break. Why start killing now? Does he have my sister? There’s a reoccurring pattern and all the victims have similar features to me. Am I what he wants? I hear the door click close. I turn around Rossi and Hotch. This isn’t going to be good.
Hotch: Y/n you need to talk to us
Rossi: You can trust us kiddo
Y/n: I have nothing to say to you guys
Hotch: Maybe start with your file
He throws a file onto the table. I look at it thankfully it’s not the one that Wes has.
Y/n: Why
Rossi: It says you were born and raised in Virginia but your mother lives here along with most of the people in here knowing you
Hotch: So tell us the truth
Y/n: We just visted on breaks and i made friends
Hotch: Is that the truth
Y/n: Yes
Hotch: You’re off this case
Y/n: Wait hotch you can’t do this
Hotch: Yeah i can, you’re clearly unfit for this class and lying
Y/n: What am I suppose to do now
Rossi: Why don’t you go see your mother
Y/n: You let everyone else on this team work on cases ‘close to home’ why can’t I
Hotch: Go y/n or you won’t have any cases
I take a deep breath and leave the room. They’re treating me like I’m a fragile child. I worked this case before and know more about it then them. I’m about to walk into the interrogation room when Reid walks out. He looks at me and I look at him he’s clearly hurt. I want to tell him everything but then he’ll never see me the same again.
Y/n: Listen Spencer
Reid: What now y/n
Y/n: I wanna say-
Reid: I’m busy right now
Just like that he walks away. That’s it he just walks away. Refuses to listen to me. I’m not going to deal with this right now. I walk into the small room and see my mother. She looks at me a little calmed down.
Y/mom: Y/n
Y/n: Yes ma’am
Y/mom: So what do you do for the fbi, coffee girl
Y/n: No I’m a bau agent
She’s looks at me surprised. Like I was made to stay with her all the time. Like I was suppose to stay in this town for eternity.
Y/mom: So you actually did something with your life besides stay with your gang friends.
I really hope my team isn’t on the other side of the glass.
Y/n: I moved on and I think you should too
Y/mom: Easy for you since you moved away and don’t have them calling your phone
Y/n: You know I had to leave, I didn’t have a choice
Y/mom: There’s always a choice you choose to run from your problems
Y/n: I guessed I learned from the best then huh
I get up from the table. She’s watching my every move. I start walking out of the room. I walk out of the room and into the bullpen. I look everywhere that’s when I don’t see my team. So I go back to the interrogation or the room behind the glass. What do you know they’re all there. I feel like I can’t breathe.
Hotch: Y/n what’s going on
Y/n: Hotch I promise it’s not what it seems
Hotch: We’ll it seems like your been hiding things
Emily: What are you hiding y/n
She’s seems more gentle and concerned.
Y/n: Why is everyone acting like I’m a bad person
Hotch: You’ve been lying since you joined the bau
Jj: Come on y/n it’s not like you did anything like extremely bad
I say nothing and it gets quiet. I look over to Reid who refuses to even look at me, he’s just staring at the wall.
Rossi: What did your mom mean by your gang friends
Reid: Is that it were you in a gang
He looks at me like he’s put all the pieces together. That’s when I know he heard what Wes said. He knows my fingerprints are on the gun that killed my older sister.
Y/n: I think the most important thing right now is finding my sister
Hotch: Your mother went home, you should go with her
Y/n: I can work this case trust me
Reid: Trust you
The disbelief in his voices makes me turn and look him dead in the eyes.
Y/n: What Reid
Reid: You want trust when you trust no one
I look at my team it’s true I’ve never really trusted any of them. Mostly because I didn’t want to lose them.
Y/n: Fine I’ll go with my mom
That’s exactly what I do, she comes and gets me. Then I’m back at her house. The house I never wanted to come back too. I stand at the front door as she opens it.
Y/mom: Hurry and get inside
I follow behind her and walk into the living room as she goes to the kitchen. That’s when I hear glass break. I quickly draw my gun then start walking to the kitchen.
Y/n: Mom what’s going on
When she sees me with the gun she puts her hands up quick.
Y/mom: I just accidentally dropped a plate
Her eyes are squeezed shut and her voice is shaky. I put my gun away and help sweep up the mess.
Y/n: Sorry about the gun I just freaked out
Y/mom: Why don’t you take a shower to calm down, I got you some clothes that are in the bathroom
I nod my head. Walking down the hall that is filled with pictures of my childhood. I make my way to the bathroom getting undressed and in the shower. The warm water feels nice against my sore muscles. I washed my hair loving the feeling. I quickly got out putting on the shorts and t-shirt, I can’t help but stare in the mirror. I look exhausted with deep bags under my eyes that are covered by make up. I let out a deep sigh before leaving the bathroom with my dirty clothes, the phone rings and my mom answer it. I look at her. Something’s wrong. She looks scared. What’s going on?
Y/n: Mom who’s on the phone?
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bluejaysandblackbats · 8 months
The Spin Out
Fandom: Batman, DC Comics
Summary: Jason Todd returns to Gotham after three years for the final time to win enough money to pay off Sheila's debts.
Chapters: 1/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Sheila Haywood, Original Character(s), Bruce Wayne
Relationships: Jason Todd/Original Character
Additional Tags: Street Racing AU, No Capes AU, Jason Todd-centric, Hurt Jason Todd, Bad Parent Sheila Haywood, Bruce Wayne Tries to Be a Good Parent, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Communicating, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Feelings, Hurt/Comfort, Organized Crime, Jason Todd has PTSD, Jason Todd has Trust Issues, Jason Todd is Not Okay, Good Person Jason Todd, Stalker Bruce Wayne, Family Issues, Secret Identities, Secrets, Angst
Chapter One: Cigs
Jason neatly folded his clothes, watching his mother pace, smoking a cigarette. “Jason, it’s too dangerous. There has to be something-.”
“Nope. I’ll be home before the summer holiday ends,” Jason interrupted. He stood, gave her a sweet kiss on the cheek, snagged her cigarette, and sat on the foot of his bed. “I’ll take the boat out as far as Florida and drive the rest of the way to Jersey. I only need to stay long enough to get a hundred grand. Can you hold out until I get home?”He spoke with the cigarette between his lips, sharply inhaling once he finished his question.
“Jason, you’re only-.”
Lifting his mother off the ground, he set her down a few feet to his left and opened his drawer. “Mom, I’ll be fine. Do you mind if I bum a pack of cigs off you for the trip?” Jason questioned. He started smoking again after he moved in with Sheila. She reached into her back pocket and placed the pack in his palm.“If anything happens, I can always call your brother in Maine. Right?”
“Be careful. These things’ll kill you,” Sheila joked as she reached for him, pulling him into a hug. “I just got you back.” Tensing in her arms, he fought the urge to pull away. It wasn’t the first time they’d had money trouble of that proportion. Her last boyfriend cleared her bank account, and Jason had to sell his car. That stung. It took him three months to bounce back. He wanted a mother more than a peaceful life. So, he swallowed all the trouble that came with knowing her.
"Passport and fake ID… Where is it, Mom?" Jason questioned.
"Jason, why can't you stay here and do all that?" Sheila asked.
"Mom, we talked about this. They know me here. No one's gonna let me race in this town. Nobody knows who I am in Gotham, Mom. I can get in and out with fewer problems there," Jason explained as he rummaged through his drawers. Jason glanced at his mother and the guilty look on her face. “Mom, give me my ID. Please. Please. PLEASE.” He grabbed her hands, holding them to his chest. “Mom, I have three months to make one hundred grand… Or they will kill us. Do you understand that? They’re not kidding. Did you forget that gun he held to your head two weeks ago?”
Sheila pulled away from him. “Let me go with you—.”
“I wish you could, but it’d be more trouble than we can handle right now, Mom. Now, give me my ID and passport. I have an hour to get on the road, or I’ll miss my boat,” Jason replied. She frowned. “Murder, Mom. They’re gonna kill us.”
Sheila frowned, reaching into her purse for Jason’s ID and passport. “I almost named you Michael, you know. I was so sure you’d be blonde. Michael Peter Todd,” Sheila wistfully smiled as she held his hand. “Your father didn’t like that name.”
Jason tensed up and pulled away. “Mom, I have to go,” Jason whispered.
“Call me as much as you can,” Sheila whispered. Jason nodded as he zipped up his backpack. Slinging his bag on his back, Jason headed for the living room and sat next to his suitcase. “Do you have your lunch for the boat?”
“Mom, I’m alright—.”
“Jason, take your lunch. Please,” Sheila interrupted, “You’re a big guy now. You have to keep your belly full.”
“Mom, I’ll—. Yes, ma’am,” Jason whispered as he put his cigarette in the ashtray. “Thank you.” Despite his frustration, he would’ve done anything for her.
“I love you, Jason. I guess—. I’m worried about you,” Sheila whispered as she reached to fix a stray hair in Jason’s face. “You look so tired.”
Jason took his lunch out of the fridge and kissed her forehead. “Love you, Mom. I’ll be back before the end of summer,” Jason whispered, “Okay? And I’ll drive safe to the docks, Mommy. I promise.” Mommy. The word carried the same sugary sweetness he had when they first met. It was genuine. His love for her was real.
As he slipped out the front door with his bags, his breath caught in his throat. He swallowed the lump in his throat, quietly joining his friend from school in the car. “Pô! I can’t believe you’re leaving São Tomé,” his friend shouted, hanging off Jason’s jacket. “I could weep!”
Jason laughed and pushed his friend off. “Efigenia, I’ll only be gone for the summer. Efi—.”
“I want to go with you. Think of all the pretty girls that you’re robbing me of meeting,” Efigenia whined. Jason took her car keys and shook his head.
“It’s not that great. I’m working,” Jason replied.
“Still… It’s amazing that your mom’s letting you go to America by yourself,” Efigenia half-exclaimed, “And in your own apartment. I bet you’ll have all sorts of—.”
Jason’s face reddened as he shook his head. “Oh, yeah… I forgot. You wanna be a man of virtue for the rest of your life,” Efigenia teased.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Jason asked.
“Come on. Girls here are practically throwing themselves at you. And you, in all your Catholic guilt, shrink away from women like they’ve got the plague,” Efigenia explained, “Unless—.”
“If I was gay, you’d be the first to know,” Jason replied.
Efigenia glanced at him, raising her brow. “So, are you gay?” Efigenia asked.
Jason turned his head and rolled down the window. “I’m gonna have one more smoke before I go,” Jason mumbled as he lit a cigarette. “Efi, can you look after my mom while I’m gone?”
“Uh-huh… Why?” Efi asked. Jason tightened his lips around the cigarette as he blew a smoke ring out the window. Jason managed to keep his friends at arm’s length about his past and current home life. All Efigenia knew about Jason was he liked cars and motorcycles, graduated a year early, and never missed a Sunday at church. Everything else was unnecessary and messy.
He didn’t want to make any waves. Jason and Sheila had only been in São Tomé for three months. Before that, they were in Australia for a year. He went by Michael at that time. Before that, they were in Venezuela for two weeks… And Italy for another year. But Ethiopia came first. They lived and breathed Ethiopia until it nearly killed Jason. He still couldn’t talk about it, even after Sheila begged him to say something. That’s when he started smoking again, but he never spoke one word of blame to her. It wasn’t in his nature to complain about his mother.
“Jason, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to ask you if you were gay—.”
“Oh, no. That’s not—. I’m nervous about—. I haven’t been to the States in a year. I don’t—. I don’t like traveling,” Jason replied, “I feel like an open wound, and every time I travel to another country, I feel like I’m bleeding out. I’m losing everything that makes me feel… Human.” Efigenia frowned.
“You never talk about traveling with your mom. I always thought you liked it because of how fast you pick up—. You adjust so fast,” she whispered.
“I love the destinations, but sometimes I feel like there’s no endpoint. Nothing feels like home,” Jason muttered as he took a long drag from his cigarette and blew out the window. He felt nauseous. Traveling always made him feel nauseous.
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famousfilmsfan · 11 months
Criminal Case. Famousfilms edition.
Case #1. return to Slender
Chapter 1
Chief: Welcome new recruit. I’m Chief Schmidt, and welcome to the Crystal City PD, we got reports of a murder inside the neighborhood of Prepview. Go check it out with James he’ll meet you there
James is a brown haired man with black eyes.
James: Hey there, i’m James, your new partner, Jeeze what the hell happened to this guy?
The victim was a man with black hair and no…eyes. He was wearing a black suit with a yellow tie. His head was swollen and his throat was red, there was an envelope nearby that was open, and a package on the porch.
James: Hmm, okay this is anaphylaxis if I've ever seen it the victim's name is Davis Ramirez . But what's with his face..or lack of one? You think that envelope might be important? Then let's send it to the lab, and that package doesn't have any stamps, must have been hand delivered. Let's check it out
Kat: *panicked* officers thank God!
James: Wow ma’am calm down, this is a crime scene
Kat: And that’s my fiancee in that bag! What the hell happened?!
James: Oh uh, Miss you should stay put so we can question you.
Kat: What the hell happened? I got a call at work and I come to find this?!
James: Ma’am we’re doing our best to solve this, now did your fiancee have any enemies?
Kat:..none that I knew of.
James: are you sure?
Kat: yes i’m sure!
James: Hmm she isn't telling us the whole truth
The body
Janet: Hey there i’m Janet, the coroner for our precient. And let me tell you, whoever killed this guy really had it out for him.
James: How so?
Janet: Well he died of anaphylaxis due to a peanut allergy he had but there was nothing in his stomach, but there were vapers of it on his face, so he was shot in the face with it. The suddenness made him panic and didn't have time to react.
James: Great the killer didn't even touch the victim, no leads.
Janet: Actually, I got the dust on his face tested, and only one brand uses the exact formula, ‘Jonas Peanut Brittle’
James: So the killer eats peanut brittle, good to know.
(Info; The killer eats peanut brittle.)
The package
James; Okay let's inspect this package. It says it’s from Bryan Deville. What is
He tries to open it but red paint gets splattered all over him and a note is revealed.
James: Ugg, i’m gonna need to change my clothes, wait what's this? ‘Prank’d ya -Bryan’
James: Well, annoying or not this Bryan must have known the victim we should speak with him…after I changed my clothes
The envelope.
John: Hey there rookie, i’m John the forensics expert of the team. Let me tell you this envelope definitely has some surprises
James: Like what?
John; First off I found traces of peanuts in the paper, so it definitely had something to do with the murder, but there was something else. The envelope was purchased at a stationary store at the mall. So the killer had to get it there since they don’t have a website
Chat with Bryan
Bryan: Hello there officers how can I help you?
James: Well you can tell us why you decided to Prank Davis Ramirez with a paint bomb.
Bryan: Oh that, he was retiring from Fazbears so I decided to play a joke on him. Wait did he call the cops on me for a joke? That’s classic him.
James: No sir he was killed earlier today
Bryan: Oh my god. Honestly i’m not surprised
James: Whys that?
Bryan: He wasn't particularly liked in the company, he was a very…critical person, very angry, Pestered everyone about every tiny detail, he even scolded me for the brand of fake snow I used during the holidays. He said a child might eat it. Who would eat fake snow?
James; Anyone you think may have wanted him dead?
Bryan: Not really, it sucks he’s dead though.
The store
James: This place is creepy, where's the attendant? Oh, you found clues? That torn photo looks strangely out of place, and look this rack has the same type of envelope the killer must have taken it from there, let’s see if they left anything behind
The photo
It shows Davis yelling at a black cat animatronic
James: Is it me or is this guy yelling at Charlie the Cat from the Barnyard Bash?
James: Okay, I’m looking on the website it says our victim owned it…wait you want to question the animatronic in the picture? Alright if you think it’s necessary.
The rack
James: Hmm there’s a postcard here, it’s addressed to the victim. ‘Death is something you can’t escape such as death or a cheesecake that has curdled both of which always turn up sooner or later’ what the hell? This is utter nonsense. The part of death seems like a threat, let’s send this card to the lab, our profiler will get to the bottom of it.
Charlie the Cat
James: Okay we’re at the restaurant. Uh. Hello Charlie? Mr…. the cat?
Charlie: Uh, how can I help you?
James: We’ll we’re here because your owner has died.
Charlie: Died?
James: Oh crap you’re a machine, okay death is like when you loose battery but you can’t recharge it and-
Charlie: I know what death is, that’s a stereotype.
James: Oh good that was like the birds and bees talk. Anyway did you have a good relationship with your owner?
Charlie: He was alright I guess, he was here a lot but wasn’t ‘here’ you know, in his own head a lot. Mumbling to himself too, the craziest thing
James: Okay then, uh call the station if you have anything else
You both leave
James: Okay uh. That was super awkward.
The postcard
Russel: Hello there detective I’m Russel the stations profiler, and I must say the postcard is quite interesting the handwriting shows whoever wrote it definitely wanted the victim to know who it was, the bold letters and perfect lining show it’s an educated mind
James: Okay. And what is the quote?
Russel: The quote is from famous children book series. ‘Series of unfortune events’ so your killer definitely reads that good.
James: Good to know.
Info: The killer reads Lemony Snicket.
James *sighs* Okay this whole day has been a mess, a man with no face is killed on his porch, we have a distressed fiancée, a less then upset former coworker, and a robot cat. The only thing we’re missing is a clown and it will be my worst nightmare
James: Yeah your right, we do know the killer eats peanut brittle and reads children’s books, but it could be anybody and-
Chief; James, detective drop what your doing there’s been a break in at the victims home!
(Should I continue this?)
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saintsenara · 11 months
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
🕯️ was there a fic that was really hard on you to write, or took you to a place you didn't think it would take you?
i’ve found writing one year in every ten very difficult, because my brain and the concept of planning things tightly really don’t see eye-to-eye, so the need for a murder mystery to make sense means that writing this has not been the easiest task i’ve ever set for myself.
💌 share something with us about an up-and-coming work that has you excited!
do you like gender?
do you like lord voldemort?
do you like a serious think about how the harry potter series would be changed if its villain-in-chief was named mary rather than tom? do you like a series of profoundly unreliable narrators piecing the story together from the afterlife? do you like metafiction (lol)?
do you like a story with this as an extract?
She never blinked as much as I would have thought normal, even though the doctor said it probably wasn’t doing her any harm. You know how you get a tingle in your spine when someone’s watching you? You’d get that all the time with her, and you’d look up from your sewing or your cooking or your laundry to find her staring at you. And if you said ‘Mary, what are you doing’, even if you tried to sound as strict as possible, she would continue to look at you and you’d have the horrible feeling that she was rifling through your mind, flicking through your thoughts and feelings and secrets and memories. 
Then, all of a sudden, she’d look angelic, and say ‘I don’t believe I was doing anything, miss.’ 
And she’d smile and leave, and you’d stand there, feeling as though you ought to have done something differently, but not being quite sure what.
But, when you saw her later, at the dinner table, she’d have such a sweet, innocent look on her face that you’d convince yourself that you’d been in the wrong to feel creeped out by her. I always used to think I might have been jealous. I mean, I’m not a lot to look at, I know, and she was absolutely gorgeous. It quite shocked me, when I remembered what the poor girl who’d given birth to her looked like. She’d got her dying wish - that mysterious Mr Riddle must have been one hell of a looker. I used to wonder who he was quite a lot. I thought maybe he must have been an actor, because Mary looked like a film star, with her lovely alabaster skin, and her delicate bone structure, and her glossy, jet black hair. Effie thought he must have been a dancer, because Mary was so elegant that she never seemed to walk anywhere, she glided instead. Martha thought he must have been one of the dons at Oxford or Cambridge, because Mary was just so clever - she taught herself to read when she was still in nappies, you know. Mrs Dolan thought he must have been a gentleman, because Mary had these lovely manners which she definitely hadn’t learned from us.  
She never got any real interest though. Even with her good looks and her brains. People would ask to meet her at first, when they came to Wool’s looking to adopt. They were all impressed - well, you would be, I suppose, to see a five-year-old reading Dickens like it was the most natural thing in the world. They used to gush about how polite and refined she was - she’d put on this posh accent, you see, even though I knew she sounded like a fishwife when she was arguing with the other kids, and say ‘oh, please, sir’ and ‘why, thank you, ma’am’. 
They all liked her. At first.  
But then they’d move on, to Susan or Billy or Betty or Donald or Ann. Plain, stout children with common voices and common minds. They’d never say why, but I knew. It was because strange things seemed to happen around Mary. I used to think, and I know it sounds silly, but I did, I used to think that the air obeyed her. She seemed to be able to call down things from high shelves into her hands, or break tea cups without touching them, or mend them without glueing them, or make it stop raining when she wanted to go outside, or make your cheek sting as though she had slapped you hard round the face for trying to tell her off, even though she was on the other side of the desk from you and she hadn’t moved. 
By the end of 1932, just before she turned six, I was afraid she could control people’s thoughts. 
I know, I know. It sounds like I’ve lost my marbles. 
But I saw her. I saw her, with my own eyes, on Boxing Day, when she cornered Terry in the playroom while he was looking at the tin soldier he had been given for Christmas from the ‘collection for the unfortunate’ they held at St-Basil’s-in-the-Marshes. She held out her hand for the toy and said in that soft, quiet voice she had, ‘I think you’ll find that’s mine, Terry’, and he opened his mouth to resist but then his face just went blank and he placed the soldier in her hand. And Effie bustled over to chastise her - ‘Mary Riddle, I saw you do that!’ - but Mary simply looked at her, with her eyes narrowed, and said ‘I don’t think you did, miss’, and Effie just stood there, her expression suddenly vacant. 
I was on rounds that night, and I found the soldier under the settee in the matron’s parlour. Its chest had been broken open and its empty metal innards were glistening in the lamplight.
then you should watch this space!
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michellesmusing · 5 months
Risky Business - Chapter 2
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This Chapter is packed with Action!!! Taylor is getting in trouble because of her uncle as Mr. FBI Shows up to the car repair shop!! Hope you'll like it, it wasn't easy to write it and that's why I'm keeping it preciously! I rarely write action scenes like these ones!!
Did you miss The Intro and Chapter 1?
👉 HERE for Chapter 1
👉HERE for The Intro 🤣
Dark Stranger
Taylor glanced at the calendar in the mechanics shop and sighed as she realized that November was already there… A Week had passed since she had witnessed the murder committed by her uncle, and the thought of going to the cops after work crossed her mind. She couldn’t even sleep anymore since that night. The swollen bags underneath her eyes were pretty obvious and the young woman couldn’t live with this any longer.
Tony, one of the mechanics, walked toward her and asked her what they were doing with the stalled engine.
“I’ll call the customer in a few…” She wasn’t in the mood at all to call the customer and to announce to him that his short block had to be changed. She was exhausted and just couldn’t wait to go home and sleep, at least she’d try.
“Alright, here’s the estimation of the cost for this repair, let me know if he wants to order the parts or not..” Taylor nodded at the mechanics. She then spotted her uncle entering inside the shop.
“Come on, we need more work!!!” Taylor locked her blue eyes on that hideous face belonging to her uncle. She couldn’t stand his voice anymore. Everytime he was speaking, she just wanted to bang his head with a baseball bat.
“What are you looking at?” He asked her. She kept looking at him, only in the hope of provoking him.
“I’m looking at you, isn’t it obvious? Or are you blind??” He approached her and leaned over her desk. Just as he was about to catch the neck of her shirt, a customer was seen entering the shop and Thomas aborted his movement at her.
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“Keep on fucking with me and you’ll see what will happen!!” Once again Thomas threatened his niece and the young woman glanced at the female customer standing not far from her uncle.
“Hello Ma’am, you’re having an appointment?” Taylor kept on discussing with the customer and opened her work order as the woman wanted a mechanic to do an inspection of her brakes.
“Sure, no problem, please take a seat in the waiting room and one of my mechanics will gladly do an inspection…” Taylor returned back to her front desk and prepared the estimation for the customer with an engine failure.
She took a sip from her water bottle and immediately drifted her eyes on the tall man entering the shop. It was probably a businessman, thought Taylor as he was well dressed in business attire, topped with a dark trench coat. His dark hair was contrasting with his green eyes, and he was probably in his early 50’s… Taylor had kinda guessed his age by looking down at his large hands, which were obviously displaying strength and experience.
“Hi Sir, are you having an appointment?” She smiled at the man as he answered her in his deep voice.
“Nope, I’m not here for this, my car is doing just fine. I’m here to see the owner of this place!” The man gently smiled at Taylor. She couldn’t believe how tall he was, surely around 6’4” as Taylor stood up from her desk and realized how small she was next to him.
“Oh, yes, it’s my uncle! I’ll go get him, he’s in his office!” Taylor gulped and for some reason, she had a bad feeling about this man. Taylor reached for her uncle’s office and knocked on his door.
“There’s someone for you!!” She knocked again and Thomas violently opened the door.
“The fuck you want??” Taylor sighed as her uncle once again spoke to her like shit.
“There's a man for you at the entrance. Seems important!” Thomas stormed out of his office, almost pushing Taylor out of his way. The young woman followed him behind and returned to her desk…
“Yes, I’m Thomas Bradley, the owner of this place, who are you??” Taylor noticed the arrogance in her uncle’s tone of voice and knew it was a bad idea.
“I’m Special Agent Aleksander Colin from the FBI. I’m having some questions concerning Mark Thompson.”
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Taylor’s eyes were glued on the FBI agent who was displaying his FBI badge to her uncle, now she was understanding why he was all dressed in that perfect dark suit. She felt her heart pace increasing through her chest and it’s at this precise moment she knew she was in some deep shit. She knew she should’ve gone to the cops.
“Yes, of course, Mr. Thompson, a good friend of mine! Did something happen to him?” Taylor just wanted to scream out loud that her uncle was just a big fat liar. She couldn’t believe how calm he was in front of the tall FBI agent.
“I think we should discuss this matter in your office Mr. Bradley.” Taylor caught the regard of the FBI agent and she was hoping he had seen the distress in her eyes. Both men headed to Thomas’ office and Taylor suddenly felt nauseous with the presence of this man of law in the building.
She rushed to the toilet in the shop and locked the door before throwing up her lunch in the toilet bowl. Once she was done, she splashed some cold water on her face above the sink and had to talk to herself in order to calm down.
“Come on, come on Taylor. Nobody is going to arrest you, you haven’t killed anyone, it’s your uncle who did it!!” She had so much trouble breathing properly, even though it was ridiculous, Taylor knew that this FBI man wasn’t there to waste his time and he probably had a good reason to be here in the first place.
Taylor’s eyes spotted the ventilation grill on the wall, above the toilet. She narrowed her eyes and decided to climb on the toilet bowl. She could hear her uncle speaking with the FBI agent through the grill, and to her surprise, she could even see what was going on in her uncle’s office through the ventilation grill.
“I don’t know why his girlfriend said that Mark came to my shop a week ago, I haven't seen him for two weeks.” Taylor listened to her uncle speaking, once again lying to the FBI agent. It was a complete lie as Mark had indeed been in this shop a week ago.
“Any video footage I could look at?” The FBI agent wanted to check the security cameras from the building. Thomas shook his head at the FBI agent.
“That would be useless, the cams inside the place have been out of service since a while, but you can still check the outdoor footage from a week ago…” Taylor was hoping that the cams outside had recorded something that would help the FBI agent with his investigation.
5 minutes later, Taylor was still locked in the bathroom, spying on both men from the grimy toilet bowl. She wasn’t tall and was on the tip of her toes, feeling the muscles in her calves shaking.
“Can I Rewind? We’re seeing a car leaving your entrance at high speed…” Taylor couldn’t see the screen on which the men were looking at the security footage, so she didn’t know which car the FBI agent was talking about.
The video was then rewinded and Thomas sighed loudly, acting as if he was annoyed.
“That’s Taylor’s car, my niece, the one you met at the entrance… She’s got a 2006 Red Subaru WRX!” Taylor’s jaws dropped as her uncle pointed out that the Subaru seen in the footage was the one of her niece. She couldn’t even believe it, once again he betrayed her.
“Any ideas what your niece was doing at your shop while it was closed?” Of course Thomas kept pretending as he shrugged his shoulders at the FBI Agent.
“To be honest sir, I have no idea at all! I will have to ask her. She’s a bit of a thief and well, I have to keep an eye on her! I can bring her in here if you wish!” Taylor clenched her teeth at her uncle, and there’s no way she was going to be mixed into this!! She knew she had not a chance against her uncle, he was a damn hypocrite and would probably deny everything at this point.
The young woman returned back on the floor of the bathroom and rapidly walked to her desk to retrieve her smartphone and her small backpack. She didn’t warn anyone that she was leaving, and realized that the timing was perfect as she spotted her uncle coming out of his office with the FBI Special Agent.
“HEY, TAYLOR!! COME BACK HERE!!” Her uncle yelled at her, and the young woman showed him the middle finger before pushing the door of the shop. Aleksander, the FBI agent was just behind Thomas as he realized that the young woman was leaving quite in a hurry. Thomas even tried to catch her back by running after her, but the young woman had reached her car in no time and was already hitting the road with the modified Subaru WRX.
“Damn lil cunt!!!” Exclaimed Thomas through clenched teeth. Aleksander narrowed his eyes toward Thomas, a bit surprised by the language used by him to describe his niece.
“I will find her back…” Explained the FBI agent in a calm tone as he strolled toward his black Ford Police Interceptor. She was of course now on the suspects list, because her car had been seen on the footage and the fact that she was running away, was almost a way of saying that she was guilty, or that she had something to do with this. Aleksander started the car and was seen leaving the parking lot of the mechanics shop.
Aleksander grabbed the police CB Radio microphone and warned every cop in Clark County about Taylor Bradley. He actually didn’t have her whole name, but the description of the red Subaru WRX would be quite enough to at least be able to spot her
“Pay attention, a 2006 Red WRX STI Subaru, driven by a woman in her early twenties. The suspect could be armed and dangerous. The FBI is looking for her, as she’s a suspect. I repeat, a Red Subaru WRX STI’ year 2006, I have no name plate, but it’s driven by a woman with short pale blonde hair, in her early twenties, name is Taylor but unsure about last name…” Aleksander then ended the communication on the CB. He didn’t think she’d be spotted quickly but Aleksander’s CB became quite alive as a cop had spotted Taylor’s car.
“A Red WRX has been spotted near South Decatur Blvd, looks like to be in a hurry…”
Thomas’ garage was on South Decatur as well, meaning that Taylor hadn’t yet changed direction and perhaps he could catch her before she’d disappear.
“Fine, don’t try to approach her, just inform me of her direction.” Asked Aleksander to the cop on the CB radio.
“Fine, we won’t approach her… Still going down south, she’s passing by Taqueria la casa del pastor Restaurant.” It didn't take long for Aleksander to finally approach Taylor on the road, the young woman was going down Decatur Boulevard, and it was obvious that she was in a hurry. His car was obviously very hard to miss since it was a black Ford Taurus, a Police Interceptor pack, and she had probably spotted him as Taylor’s car was seen accelerating.
“Damn!! I think I will need some help here!” Aleksander asked the cop on the CB radio if he could get some help with catching Taylor.
“We can follow her from afar…” Aleksander sighed as he kept driving, he had 318 HP under the hood, compared to Taylor’s Subaru who only had 278 HP.
“I’m getting closer to her right now, don’t turn on the lights…” Aleksander didn’t want to scare her, he simply wanted to speak to her and see why she had been seen on the footage of the security cams. She was of course being suspected by now, because she had been seen and she had decided to run away in her car, which was somehow a strange behavior.
He finally arrived at a red light, and Taylor was right next to him in her car. He pushed on the electronic button to slide down the front passenger side window and spoke to Taylor, who already had her window rolled down.
“Taylor, I just want to speak with you. How about going to the FBI headquarters, so we can discuss it?” He didn’t want to scare her and tried to talk to her in a gentle tone of voice.
“I have nothing to do with this, the only one who’s responsible for all of this, is my uncle himself! Leave me alone now!!” He wasn’t surprised to see that she didn’t want to cooperate, but why? He wanted to understand everything and especially, he wanted to clear her off from his list of suspects.
“Taylor? I have a job to do, the only way for me to leave you alone is to understand what happened that night, you understand?” He caught her eyes looking up at her rearview mirror in her car, he knew at this precise moment that he wasn’t yet done with her. He had a feeling that she had some surprises in store for him.
As the red light turned green, Aleksander pressed on the pedal gas to accelerate, whereas Taylor was seen backing up away from him as the young woman had shifted in reverse and then brought the front of the car on the opposite side by pulling on the handbrake
“Dammit!!” She was now running away from him again and this time, Aleksander was starting to grow impatient with Taylor. He had to do a U turn in order to go in the same direction as her, almost impressed with her driving skills as he caught her doing one of those maneuvers that only an experienced driver would’ve done. Not someone in her 20’s like her… He began to believe that she wasn’t to be underestimated.
She was speeding between cars on Decatur Boulevard, and Aleksander had no other choice but to warn the other cops in the area about her. He certainly didn’t want her to hit someone or cause a serious accident.
“A Red 2006 Subaru WRX is seen speeding down Decatur Boulevard, toward North. Woman in her twenties named Taylor, she needs to be stopped before an accident happens.” Aleksander announced on the microphone of the CB radio in his car. He then turned on the red and blue strobes lights hidden behind his windshield. The cops in the area confirmed Aleksander they had received his instructions.
Aleksander accelerated as well, not wanting to lose sight of her car, while being cautious at not getting into an accident. She once again surprised him as she burned a red light, once again using the handbrake in order to bring the car in the opposite lane and avoiding getting hit by cars coming from the other lanes.
She was by now going down south on Decatur. Unlike her, Aleksander didn’t have a manual handbrake in his car, but an electronic one, and he just couldn’t do what she was doing with the Subaru. Looked like Taylor wasn’t impressed by his strobes lights, she was still accelerating and Aleksander almost lost eye contact with her car as she turned in another street. That’s when he realized that he was getting owned by a woman that was young enough to be his daughter…
“We’re having her, coming right at us on West El Parque Avenue.” One of the cops mentioned throughout the radio that Taylor was coming right at them.
“Alright, I’m coming right on El Parque Avenue, we’ll try to stop her, or at least slow her down!!” Aleksander wasn’t in a good mood anymore, Taylor was trying to escape him and she was refusing to even speak with him and for what reasons??
The other cops car realized that it was going to be hard to stop her as the Red Subaru sped nearby them. At least they got her license plate and could gather more info on her.
“We’re following her from behind, and we’re having much more information about her. License Plate is SUBIKID Complete name is Taylor Elizabeth Bradley, D.O.B November 21, 1999 and she lives at 6155 Oakey Boulevard. This car is registered under her name and in the state of Nevada. Not stolen!” As the cops informed him about Taylor, Aleksander almost rolled his eyes when the cop on the radio mentioned that the car wasn’t stolen, but belonged to the young woman.
“I can see this…” He said to the cop. It was quite obvious that it was her car. Especially that the transmission was manual and she was capable of driving it and controlling the car as if it was part of her. Aleksander accelerated as well and turned at high speed in the same street as Taylor, burning a bit of the tires underneath his car.
“I’m near her, almost behind her I could say!” Aleksander transmitted the information to the other cops, while he had finally reached the Subaru, but he had other plans. He’d try to stop her by blocking her car with his at a red light. He knew she’d try to burn the light again, and just like he wished, Taylor had no other choice, but to brake when Aleksander abruptly placed his car in the middle of the street at the red light.
This time she couldn’t reverse as other cars were rolling down in the opposite lanes. He knew she wasn’t stupid enough to try this.
“I’m blocking her right now, I’d need some help here. Come here as fast as you can, she needs to be trapped!!!” Aleksander was growing furious with Taylor. He didn’t want her to be involved in a car accident, and nor did he want this for himself. The other cop's car wasn’t fast enough, and it didn’t take long for Taylor to get back on the road by going down on El Parque Avenue and she then reached for South Valley View Blvd.
“Jesus Christ!! I almost got her!!” Furious, Aleksander swore at the cops on his radio.
“We’ve asked for help. Other cars are deployed in the area, we’ll stop her!” Mentioned one of the cops through the radio.
Aleksander kept on following as Taylor was driving at high speed on South Valley View Boulevard, which was a Boulevard parallel to the train's track going up north and south Las Vegas. When he saw the locomotive with its 100 wagons attached behind, he quickly understood what was Taylor’s plan.
“She's crazy!! Come on guys, Hurry up! I don’t know what she’s got under the hood, but I’m losing her. She’s still on South Valley View Boulevard.” But Taylor had other surprises in store for Aleksander as she turned abruptly on Losee road 3 minutes later.
The train could be seen coming from afar, and Aleksander fathomed what she had in mind. Not only was he after her, but there were 5 other cops cars speeding behind her as well. The train was on its way to cross Losee road and he didn’t want to believe that Taylor would be as suicidal as this. She would never have time to cross the track before the train, but there she was, accelerating again with the red Subaru, and the next thing Aleksander knew, he had to brake harshly in order to avoid getting hit by the train coming at high speed, while Taylor was already on the other side of the track.
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The cops cars were seen braking behind Aleksander’ Ford and the 51 years old man stepped out of his car and watched The red Subaru speeding away from them as she had crossed the track before the train, and we’re talking about a matter of seconds here.
He had this irritated look on his face as he had lost Taylor. His teeth were clenched behind his closed lips.
“2 more seconds, and she would be history!!” Aleksander closed his green eyes for a second, trying to think of another plan as Taylor was already far away from them.
“You gotta admit, she’s a skilled driver!” One of the cops came out of his car and commented about Taylor’s driving. Aleksander turned around and the look on his face was obviously showing that he wasn’t in the mood for this kind of joke.
“She’s a suspect and I lost her!” Aleksander placed his hands on his hips and turned around another cop.
“Give me her address again, I will stop by and see if she’s having in mind to stop at her place…” Of course Aleksander wasn’t going to park right in her driveway. He’d make sure to hide himself and catch her off guard. He had no ideas if she wanted to stop at her place though, and that it was just a risk he was taking.
One of the cops gave the exact address of her apartment to Aleksander and the FBI agent also demanded the cops to keep an eye on her.
6 Hours had passed since Aleksander had lost track of Taylor, he still went to her apartment and parked far enough, so he wouldn’t be spotted. No signs of Taylor as 8 PM clocked in. He waited 4 more hours in his car, and it was around midnight that the unique noise belonging to the Red WRX Subaru aroused him from his tiredness. He narrowed his green eyes and there she was as she stepped out of her car.
She was seen climbing to the second story of the building to her apartment. He waited until she got inside her place to step out of his car and approached her Red Subaru, where he placed a small GPS tracker underneath her car. He then went to her porch on the second floor and the window in her kitchen was half opened and he could hear her speaking over the phone to someone.
“I really need to leave Las Vegas, and like right fucking now! I can’t explain why over the phone, but because of my uncle, I’m in some deep shit!!”
He listened to her conversation with rapt attention, wondering if she’d say something that could help him with the investigation.
“I need to get my car wrapped. For christ sake, I got the FBI after me, some tall dude named Aleksander, driving a damn fucking Ford!!!” He almost chuckled when Taylor described him as a tall dude. He didn’t know if he should be flattered, but for sure, she didn’t like his Ford…
“I got money for the car wraps. I really need to change its color, every fucking cops are looking for me right now! I’m almost surprised they didn’t show up at my place. Give me at least 6 hours to reach Carson City..”
He didn’t know who she was speaking to over the phone, but she had in mind to leave for Carson City, but he would make sure it wouldn’t happen. He was tempted to believe that Taylor knew something, but that she didn’t want to share this information with him. He backed up a bit on a porch and stood tall in a dark corner and waited for the young woman to come out of her apartment. He knew that she was in a rush and wouldn’t last long inside her place, knowing well that she was exposing herself.
2 minutes later, Taylor was seen storming out of her apartment with a backpack on her back. She was locking the door of her apartment, oblivious to the fact that Aleksander was standing a few feet from her in a dark corner.
“I’m afraid to inform you that you're wrong, young lady… It’d take around 7 hours to reach Carson City..” He indeed startled her with his deep voice, and especially his tall silhouette as he came out of the dark. She was trapped at this point and couldn’t really run away from him now. She stood there, speechless and aware that she was in trouble.
“You gave me quite a hard time today on the road, Taylor! I must say that I’m impressed with your driving Skills!” She looked up at him, still speechless, as if someone had glued her lips together as he told her in all seriousness that her driving skills gave him quite a headache.
“I got nothing to do with this, you’re after the wrong person!!” She finally spoke up to him, he could tell she was tired and terrified. The look in her pale blue eyes spoke for itself.
“Then why are you running away like this?” She was on the verge to say something, but instead, she backed away from him and the next thing Aleksander knew, Taylor jumped on the small garden table next to her apartment door, reaching for the roof above her porch.
“HEY!! COME BACK HERE!” Aleksander was exhausted as well and wasn’t really in the mood to run again after her. There she was, reaching for the rooftop of the apartment building.
“FUCK YOU!!” She yelled at him while once again running away from him on the rooftop of her apartment building. Where the hell was she going, pondered Aleksander. He didn't do like her, but instead, returned back on the turf and headed in her direction toward the private backyard of the apartment building.
There was a pool behind the building, he could even hear the pool filter functionning. He couldn’t access the private property since the gate was locked.
His green eyes looked up above as he caught Taylor jumping from the roof, straight into the deep end of the pool. She had made sure to toss her backpack on the grass before jumping so as not to wet it.
“She’s crazy!” Thought Aleksander. It was just a matter of time until she’d hurt herself, or be involved in a car accident. Aleksander climbed over the gate, with the hope of retrieving her backpack, alas for him, the young woman had been faster than him. She caught her backpack in a hurry and rushed toward the gate while leaving wet footsteps behind her, opposed to where Aleksander was standing. He ran after her, but she quickly got him as she passed underneath a part of the gate that was broken.
She was smaller than him, and he wasn’t able to pass under the gate like her. There she was, slipping out of his hands, once again. Desperated, Aleksander sighed furiously, but still went after her after climbing down the gate. He ran toward her Car, but the next thing he knew, the young woman was already gone in her Subaru WRX.
He placed his large hands on his hips and shook his head in despair, once again fooled by a 24 years old woman!!
He pulled out a smartphone from his long coat and dialed a phone number.
“Bad news, I lost her again… She’s quite something!!! I got owned by a little girl!!” He chuckled over the phone as he was amused by the fact that this woman was as cunning as a fox and owned him good.
“Just like you asked me, I’ve placed the GPS tracker underneath her car… She’s headed to Carson City, unless she changes her mind. She knows I know! I have to catch her, she knows something, but she won’t spit out her piece!!” Aleksander ended the call on his smartphone and looked down at his watch as the night was getting late.
He was exhausted but he had to go after Taylor. She was a big part of his investigation by now, and couldn’t let go of her. At least he had placed the GPS tracker and would be able to track her down. She’d also need to get some rest, she was still a human being after all…
The FBI Agent headed back to his place, where he got some rest for like 4 hours and as the day rose up slowly over Vegas, the FBI agent packed himself some clothes and personal stuff in his gym bag. He opened an app on his phone to check where Taylor’s car was.
To his surprise, the young woman was in Indian Springs, a small city located 42 minutes from Vegas. He was a bit confused, wondering why she had stopped there. He wondered if her wonderful little Subie had given her some troubles. Even though the car looked to be in good shape, it was still a 2006…
“Well, perhaps, I will finally have the chance to get my hands on you!”
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alexlesuagz · 2 years
Small Snippet of a Fanfic I’m working on! I hope you enjoy!
[TW: Mention of Drugs]
Feb. 13, 2018
10 more minutes until lunch.
Vicky raps her pinky against the desk repeatedly in anticipation.
Come on, damn clock, go faster!
She grabs her paper and scribbles some more answers onto her worksheet. It’s science, a subject she gave zero shits about, so she doesn’t care whether her answers are correct.
Once she finishes, she scratches her left cheek as she glares up at the clock, now continuously tapping her foot against the floor like it’s some belated kind of morse code.
8 more minutes.
She lets out a loud exhale through her nostrils as she puts her head down on her desk, her hands running through her wavy black locks.
Out of the corner of her eye, she spots Chelsea, her best friend, giving her a small look of concern from the other side of the classroom.
Are you alright? Chelsea mouths.
Vicky nods quickly. I’m fine, she bullshits silently.
Chelsea looks back at her worksheet, and Vicky looks back up at the clock.
5 more minutes.
Fuck this. If she had to last another unbearable 5 minutes in Miss Goldfinch’s class, she was going to lose her fucking mind.
Also, it was 5 mere minutes, so why not just ditch? She thinks as her hand shoots up.
“Yes, Vicky?” Miss Goldfinch asks.
“CAN I USE THE BATHROOM?” Vicky exclaims in her best I-am-in-pain-and-I-must-piss voice.
Miss Goldfinch glances at the clock. “Vicky, dear, it’s 4 and a half more minutes until the end of lunch, can’t you just hold it in?”
Welp, that didn’t work. Time for the Trump card.
“I DON’T THINK I CAN, MISS GOLDFINCH.” Vicky says through clenched teeth.
Miss Goldfinch looks back at her and frowns. “What do you mean by that?”
Vicky walks up to Miss Goldfinch and whispers some words into her ear.
“Oh…OH…okay, then. Do you need anything?”
Vicky shakes her head rapidly.
“...Well, alright, then, go right ahead to the bathroom, and take your backpack with you if you must.”
“Thank you, ma’am!” Vicky shouts as she grabs her bag and power walks out of the classroom.
Great. Now that period 4 torture time’s basically over, now all I need to do is wait for…wait, what’s his name?
She pulls out her phone and checks her notes.
Julian Ramis “The Murderer Kid”
…Ah, yeah, him.
According to reports, the kid was arrested for murder around five years ago, which is why people tend to avoid him. However, she did not know everything that happened, and even information about the crime wasn't exactly what she wanted.
What she wanted was cannabis.
“Who’s that?” Vicky asks, pointing to the boy sitting alone at the less crowded side of the bleachers, typing on his laptop.
“Oh, him?” Chelsea asks.
“Yeah, beanie boy.” Vicky replies. “Is he a transfer or something? I haven’t really noticed him before until now.”
“Oh, no, he ain’t a transfer.” Chelsea responds, shaking her head. “That’s Julian Ramis. Apparently, dude, uh-”
Chelsea’s hesitating now.
“He what?”
“He, uh, ‘game over’-ed someone, like 5 years ago.”
Vicky could feel her eyes widen and her jaw drop. “Are you, like, serious about this?!”
“Yeah, like totes serious!” Chelsea exclaims as the two girls walk down the bleacher stairs. “Why else would he be so emo-looking?! Constantly smells of weed, too. I feel kinda bad for him, but at the same time, he’s like, really scary. Last time I tried talking to him, he immediately started getting high and mighty, calling me a ‘ginger, rat-faced bimbo!’” She shudders.
Of course, a guy who constantly smells of weed would have weed in his general vicinity, right?
Vicky rehearses her plan in her hand once again. Alright, once the bell rings, find Julian, drag him over to the gender-neutral bathroom, and force him to fork over the drugs. And if all else goes to absolute shit, then remember that one self-defense acronym!...What was that one acronym again-?
Oh yeah, ‘solarplex’, ‘instep’, ‘nose’, and ‘groin’. Alright, I’m ready.
When lunch comes around, the whole school grounds are open, so Vicky knew she had a lot of searching to do. However, considering where she had seen him the first time, she had a good idea on where he was going to be.
Sure enough, as Vicky clambers onto the bleachers, she spots Julian in the relatively uncrowded corner, eating a ham sandwich with one hand and typing on his laptop with the other.
He’s also hidden in the shade, like a true emo.
Vicky takes a deep breath in and exhales. Fuck it. Just introduce yourself and try not to get into trouble.
She walks over to Julian, who’s still too invested in his laptop to even acknowledge her.
What is he even doing, anyway? Writing fanfiction?
As quietly as possible, she looks over his shoulder to study his screen.
First of all, Chelsea was right, he does in fact smell like weed.
Second of all, what the hell is he even trying to type? “Rejected and despised by all, I walk a dark and tormented path, leading to despair…”
Julian suddenly shuts his laptop.
“You know I know you’re behind me, right?”
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mtc-4life · 2 years
Hello! I hope you're having a good day. I enjoy reading your posts about MTC and I was wondering if you could make a scenario between Jyuto and Ichijiku (cause I saw what's her relationship between jyuto on the fan wiki) where Ichijiku already knows about his past Jyuto finds out her past (is this make sense to you cause really need to polish my English right now)
。゚・ Jyuto finds out about Ichijiku’s past - Imagine ・ 。゚
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☆ Author’s notes: Omg I know I took FOREVER to write this, but I sincerely hope you like it. And your english is good, I myself am not a native speaker yet here I am writing for tumblr lol.
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- Is that all you had to report me?
- Precisely, miss.
- Don’t call me like that, sergeant Iruma. Why don’t you stop messing with your boss and take your leave? – Ichijiku glared as she replied.
- You’re really a tough one, huh – Jyuto couldn’t help but smirk at the woman’s rough reply.
- Hmph! Just get going already! When I thought there was such a thing as a little less stupid man…
- Alright, alright, ma’am – the officer walked towards the door – I won’t disturb you any longer.
Still displeased, Ichijiku stared at Jyuto as he opened the door with his red-gloved hand and finally left her in peace.
Jyuto walked around the hall that led to the Police Department’s entrance.
With each and every step, he wondered how could Ichijiku have possibly turned into such a demanding woman. To him, it didn’t seem like she had been manipulated by The Party of Words like other members.
Her hatred towards men always had seemed very intricate to her own personal beliefs. She always seemed dominated by an uncontrollable rage whenever the subject was brought up.
Jyuto was very aware men were no saints, and working in the police has only showed him the crimes many were capable of committing. Yet, he couldn’t figure out why would a woman such as Ichijiku would grow so despiteful of men without any sort of exception…
- Something certainly happened to her… - he muttered to himself as he finally left the building.
It was nine a.m. when Jyuto checked his wristwatch, which meant it was time to go to Chuuoku’s Police Department for his monthly report on the drug traffic investigations. He would once again talk to no one less than Ichijiku Kadenokoji.
The previous month had brought him deep curiosity as to why his boss had such a grudge with men, and thus, he tried to investigate a little bit into her past.
Of course, since she had a very important position in the government, it wasn’t so simple – Chuuoku had extreme censorship methods, especially involving any information regarding its leaders. Carelessly asking about her past could get the officer himself into jail.
Yet that did not mean there was no evidence at all.
Jyuto even questioned himself if looking for such scarce data was worth the effort.
He ended up doing so not simply out of curiosity, but also because a part of him that could never speak up wished to know what the current government was all about.
Who were the people behind the laws he disagreed so much with?
Why these women were so obsessed with rap battle competitions between men they alleged were so ruthless?
What could have possibly triggered the series of unexplained events that led to the installment of a dictatorship like that?
Things happened so suddenly after the war that Jyuto never understood fully what the country he lived in turned into.
If he could find out about Ichijiku’s past, even if just a little, he felt like things would finally make some sort of sense in his mind.
And so, he collected in secret documents from many police districts that mentioned any suspect delation linked to Ichijiku. In Jyuto’s mind, only something as serious as a crime against her could explain such rage.
One of these papers really caught his attention. It was a testimony made by Ichijiku herself accusing a politician of murdering a woman named Karin Shimozaki and her family. Ichijiku alleged it was due to the fact Karin knew about the corrupt scheme said politician was involved in, and since she represented a threat, he demanded a group of man to kill her.
The file had been shelved since then.
If Ichijiku’s testimony was indeed the truth about Karin’s death, then it was really concerning the police did nothing about it. Why would they ignore a murder accusation like that? Jyuto thought it was very suspect…
He pondered about this new discovery as he drove to his destination.
- As you can see, we have cleared out this drug dealing point in Yokohama for good.
- Great. How about the yakuza? – Ichijiku looked up for a second after reading the documents Jyuto had brought her.
- Well, those are a difficult bunch…
- Do not pretend, Iruma. I know you’re protecting that buddy of yours. This Samatoki does whatever he wants if it depends on you!
- Are you serious? – Jyuto looked disturbed – I surely do my job in the most lawful manners, but you cannot expect me to keep Mad Trigger Crew’s leader in prison, can you, madam?
- Lawful? You, Iruma? Don’t make me laugh! I know about your methods. – she replied with a challenging look on her face.
- Then you might as well know they are very effective, thank you – Jyuto said, confident.
- Hmph! So pretentious! You should hold your tongue when talking to superiors!
- But what if those above you are wrong? What if their actions do not respect one’s basic rights?
- What do you mean by this? – Ichijiku raised an eyebrow.
- I’ve read some documents. Karin Shimozaki was murdered a few years ago, but there was no further investigation to arrest the culprit. You reported that a corrupt politician was the responsible for it, but nobody listened to you. Am I wrong?
Ichijiku was in disbelief. How come did Jyuto find such evidence? What was he planning to do by knowing her past?
Jyuto looked at her seriously before continuing:
- Did you readily accept your superior’s actions in this case? Accepting a politician to take the life of this woman, whom I assume was important to you? Accepting the police unwillingness to investigate the case?
- I… What do you want from me, Iruma? Do you want to be promoted or something? – Ichijiku replied a bit irritated.
- Well, being promoted is nice, but that’s not my goal with this conversation. You might think I’m trying to use your past against you, but I assure you that’s not the case.
- Oh, very well! Because if it was I would have your past to use against you, sergeant! I know everything about you!
Jyuto smiled:
- That’s expected of you. Always ready for someone to knock you down. All I’m trying to say is that I understand where your grudge with men came from, but is this political system you’re in really a solution? Isn’t The Party of Words harming people’s basic rights anyways?
- You!!!
Ichijiku glared at Jyuto, but that did not stop his words:
- You’re a smart woman. I’m sure you can understand my point. It’s your choice to be in the Party of Words. It’s also your choice to leave it – he confidently stepped towards the door.
- Is that all the nonsense you had to say?
- Precisely. Now, I better leave. See you next month, miss! – he smirked as he opened the office door.
- Bastard!!! I’ve warned you not to call me like that! Always provoking, you’re not jobless because I’m terribly patient! – Ichijiku replied, completely infuriated.
- I know, I know – Jyuto laughed – I’m so competent you can’t even consider dismissing me!
The man finally left, closing the door right in front of an enraged Ichijiku.
Jyuto knew there was much more to her past than just this. It was still unclear to him how much Karin was involved in Ichijiku’s life.
Yet even without knowing this information, he hoped to have at least reminded Ichijiku of her own humanity.
She seemed to have involved herself with something against her own initial reasons to want to change the system.
Jyuto made a dangerous move by telling her such words. It was risky to confront The Party of Words.
But that was an attempt to make life for everybody in his country a little less difficult. That level of oppression was not acceptable.
In that sense, his motives made the risk of confronting Ichijiku worth taking.
Jyuto left the Police Department building with a hopeful smile.
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beetoo · 2 years
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hormones + howls ☼ :: the sun
[2319 Words] | WATTPAD | AO3
❝ Good mourning, Enid. ❞
After the attack on Nevermore, everyone was in shambles. The principal was gone, Thornhill plotted to kill everyone, and Enid almost lost a 'friend'. Bianca and the other Nightshades ordered everyone to go back to their dorms and rest for the night so they could situate what exactly is going on in the morning.
The girls, Wednesday and Enid find themselves in their room, calling their parents about everything, but tonight's misfortunes haven't ended.
“Yoko, you better take a picture for blackmail.” Bianca jokes, chuckling off the chill down her spine looking at all the dead animals surrounding the two girls in front of them. While the rest of the Nightshades gather everyone into the Quad for a morning announcement, Bianca and Yoko set out to investigate Enid’s panicked texts, sent at 1 in the morning.
Which, funny enough, the vampire ignored it and went back to sleep assuming Wednesday did something to offend Enid and was looking for a place to stay again. They argue like a married couple, geez. They can deal with it tonight, I’m exhausted. She thought before flopping into her bed. Yoko had no doubt they’d have already made up by the next morning, but of course, panic ensued when she was informed by other girls in Ophelia Hall that the ‘duo of the day’ disappeared from their quarters and hadn’t made it back.
Bianca was the least panicked hearing this information knowing firsthand what Wednesday Addams was capable of but she was curious to see how the night turned out for the two. A part of her hoped maybe they had a little gay escapade, secretly rooting for them after their overly tense hug after reuniting with the rest of their peers earlier that evening.
Knowing the mastermind was murdered in cold blood in front of her, Bianca didn’t feel any worry for the girl in black. I bet on Xavier’s flat ass Wednesday either killed Enid or kissed her. She thought as she roamed into the woods with Yoko. And they got the biggest room in Ophelia Hall, why chose to bump purses in the woods? Not romantic. At all.
But arriving at a scene with a sacrifice-esque circle of dead animals with them sleeping soundly in the middle was beyond Bianca and Yoko’s expectations for Enid and Wednesday’s nightly affair.
“Y’know I feel a slight hunch that I shouldn’t be surprised that this was how this morning would turn out.” Yoko deadpans, kicking over a dead rabbit with a part of its back bitten off. 
“Don’t even start. This is so, Addams. Looking at this kinda makes me regret rooting for these two.” Bianca replies, shuffling in place overwhelmed by the sight. The two shared a moment in silence, searching within the grotesque scene in front of them for the next move.
Breaking the silence, Yoko yells, “Ooo my favorite!” and lunges towards a nearby hog, pulling out a metal straw and stabbing it into the headless animal’s open wounds and helping herself to breakfast. Bianca stares at the vampire in disgust, with her upper lip raised and nose wrinkled, it took a moment before Bianca could regain her vocabulary to yell at the other girl to put the food down.
The vampire refuses to listen and continues to slurp down on the hog’s leftover blood.
“Gosh Yoko, focus! What are we going to do with these two gay idiots?”
“Dibs on carrying Wednesday. I am NOT touching Enid, miss ma’am marinated in blood the WHOLE night.” Yoko exasperates while throwing the bloodless hog over her shoulder. But before Bianca could offer a rebuttal, their argument was cut short.
“Dissipate your qualms, intruders. I will carry Sinclair myself.” A voice bellows, stemming from the shorter girl who was hauling both her and Enid’s weight to a stand. Keeping the sleeping girl on her chest, Wednesday maneuvers Enid’s body to a princess carry. Bianca silently helps by taking the coats that were on the forest floor and dusting them off to cover Enid’s body, watching the werewolf snuggle deeper into Wednesday’s chest—And witnessing Wednesday Addams fend off a blush.
Without another word, Wednesday headed towards the academy first, leaving Yoko and Bianca to their wild imaginations.
“You saw that right? I’m not insane?” Bianca was speechless, hand stuck over her mouth.
“These bitches gay!” Yoko screams, skipping her chaotic self over to Wednesday who was a good meter away. Bianca lets her hands fall from her mouth and runs over to catch up, smiling to herself in excitement. Ugh, I want to tease her.
“Barclay.” Wednesday utters back, eyes unmoving from the path in front of her, keeping her march steady and gentle.
“You like Enid, don’t you?” Wednesday halts. Yoko sneers from beside her, giving the sleeping girl in Wednesday’s arms a boop on the nose, making the girl wrinkle it in response. With Enid’s sleep being compromised, Yoko earned herself a deathly stare from the one carrying Enid, making the vampire back away into hiding behind her precious friend Bianca. Wednesday presses on.
“What a ghastly presumption. What makes you think I have romantic feelings for Sinclair?”
“Well I never specified romantic feelings, I just asked if you liked Enid.” Yoko said quietly, from behind Bianca. She must have a death wish. Bianca thought, rolling her eyes.
“Addams, you can fool yourself but you can’t fool us. Last I saw you that red was when I nicked your forehead at fencing.”
“You’re ridiculous. I don’t like Enid Sinclair. We’re just roommates. Nothing more.”
“And they were roommates…” Yoko whispers to Bianca causing her to laugh out loud at the other girl’s vine reference.
“Please, Addams. If you were just roommates, why’d you spend the whole night with her? If anything, wouldn’t you enjoy the peace and quiet with Enid out?”
“OMG yeah! Plus I can’t believe THE Wednesday Addams was worried about Enid. You probably didn’t know but like, Sinclair comes from a line of alphas, so it’s not like there was anything to be worried about in the first place.”
“I wasn’t worried.”
“Then what were you? In love?” Bianca implies, not expecting the other girl to be beet red when she looks up. Smiling, she looks at Yoko with a victorious glint in her eyes, taking Wednesday Addams’ silence as another victory in her book. “Whatever floats your boat, Addams. I know you like suffering and all, but trust me. This isn’t the kind you’ll enjoy.”
Bianca said her farewells and told Wednesday what she’ll be announcing to the rest of the school during the morning meeting led by the Nightshades. Parting ways, Yoko waved the two goodbye as Wednesday took Enid to their dorm to wash off last night’s adventure.
Watching the two girls leave, Yoko turns to Bianca, ushering her to open her phone. The vampire then AirDrops the siren a forbidden photo.
“Yoko, you did NOT.”
“Hey, you told me! Can I please send this to Divina? I made a bet with her during their hug last night—”
“Just make sure it doesn’t go around or you’ll die before you turn 1900, dumbass.”
Back at their dorms, Wednesday kicked the door open and walked into the room, only to kick it close behind her. Still carrying Enid in her arms. She realized halfway up the stairs the other girl was already awake, seemingly enjoying her morning ride.
“Enid, I know you’re awake. Either you get off of me or I drop you.”
Nothing, at first.
“On a count to three. Three.” Wednesday drops the blonde.
“Wednesday what the hell? You said to three!”
“But I did. I did say three.”
“No one does it like THAT?” Wednesday throws her black coat over Enid as she walks into her own closet, preparing for a shower.
“Hmm. For someone who didn’t have to touch the floor until this moment, you’re quite picky.”
Enid stared at the other girl in disbelief, then went to massage her lower back where the impact hit the most. She then put on Wednesday’s coat to dress her currently naked form. Ugh, has she always smelt this good? Wednesday proceeded with her morning rituals, taking up their shared bathroom to shower and get clean, trying to forget Enid had heard everything she said the night before.
While the other girl prepares, Enid continues to sit on the floor, ruminating on the words she heard. Maybe I was dreaming. Enid shakes her head. Bianca and Yoko were teasing Wednesday on the way back—Even if it was a dream it doesn’t change the fact that Wednesday… Has a crush on me too.
Enid finds herself in an awkward predicament. Daydreaming about her roommate was definitely not on her Nevermore bingo card. If only Wednesday was even a tiny bit like her father. 
A moment passes.
Enid’s hand flew to her mouth, realizing.  She already is. Between the attempt to comfort her and the midnight chase, don’t even get Enid started on them sleeping in each other’s arms. Wednesday Addams does take from her father. Now, this sets the girl off. Every romantic scenario she could think of, she was already envisioning it. She was already thinking of all the Weathervane dates they could go to now that Tyler (derogatory) isn’t there. Wednesday could read or write about her book while Enid knits another snood. They could also go take morning hikes and explore the academy. If Wednesday truly had a soft spot for Enid, maybe she could let the blonde paint her nails. With color. I can’t get ahead of myself. We’re not even dating and I’m already imagining us together. But she couldn’t help it. The evidence is all there. Not even Wednesday Addams can refute this universally ordained fate. She squeals.
Enid rolls onto her stomach, kicking her feet and giggling at the thought. Oh, I have it so bad for Wednesday Addams.
She freezes, rolling over to her back and pretending the other girl did not have to witness that. Looking at Wednesday, her eyes trail up from Wednesday’s checkered pajama pants to her black shirt hanging loosely on her thin frame, all the way up to her wavy black hair that Enid never seems to see out of a braid until this moment. 
Oh my god. Wednesday Addams with her hair down. I might cry. 
As if she didn’t just suffer gay panic, Enid replies monotonously. “Wednesday.”
“Shower. Now. As much as I like to see you covered in blood,” Wednesday mutters as she looks Enid up and down, then blushing and looks at the ceiling as she realized the only other thing covering her was her own coat. “You stink.”
Gasping as if she were offended, Enid dramatically stands up, walked over to her dresser to gather her clothes, and quickly rushed into the bathroom dropping all her belongings onto the countertop. Closing the door behind her, Enid found herself looking in the mirror. Enid cringes horrifically, covering her eyes in shame. I cannot believe I looked like a 3-day old used tampon in front of her. Oh my god, like, kill me now.
Turning on the shower, Enid goes to scrub off the dried blood. Violently.
As Wednesday sits on her bed drying her hair, she hears Enid curse in the shower.
“Fuck! I DO stink!”
A light chuckle escapes Wednesday’s usually sealed lips, making the girl slightly perturbed and caught off guard. Thing, who enjoyed his quiet night, was facing Wednesday on the desk, sending insinuating signals to the girl frozen at the moment. 
“Stop it, Thing. You are alluding to blasphemy.” Wednesday mumbles as she steals a quick glance at the bathroom door. Focusing in, she can hear Enid hum to k-pop in the shower, partnered with the sounds of her loofa terrorizing Enid’s outer layer of skin.
Her lips manipulated into a smile against her will, remembering moments from nights before. Tenderly thinking of Enid’s warmth on her clothes and the sound of her tiny snores. Usually, Wednesday can’t sleep  in such an uncontained environment. Preferably, she’d rather be buried alive than exposed, but the weight of Enid’s body over hers was comforting. The feeling of someone else’s heartbeat against her own was a different type of bliss that Wednesday could not understand. It was beyond the feeling of victory and pride when she crushed Thronehill’s skull under her own boot. It was beyond the thrill of finding new ways to kill somebody or learning a new fact about the Bermuda triangle.
Against everything she’s ever known, Enid was a fascinating new conundrum Wednesday was excited to explore. But something was holding her back. Fear was not a familiar feeling with Wednesday. Fearing not even death itself, there wasn’t a lot that could conjure such a beautiful spirit. She loved it on other people, but Bianca was right. This plague they call fear was not to be messed with.
Why do I fear her rejection when not even death can move me? Shifting her gaze down to the floorboards, Wednesday continues to dry her hair with a towel. After she was satisfied, she moved herself to her desk, sitting in front of her typewriter. With everything that’s led up to Viper’s beautiful ending, Wednesday couldn’t muster the energy to write.
Being on the farther end of the writing spectrum where there were too many words in her mind to write, Wednesday hit yet another writer’s block. Not even a diagram on a blank piece of paper could salvage her mind from herself. The more she tried to empty her brain she felt like more thoughts came to fill the empty spaces. All too many words but not a single one worthy of being written. Wednesday heaves in frustration, taking the paper she was typing out. And along with the ones she used to vomit up her thoughts, they were trashed.
Wednesday rests her back against her chair, slipping lower into it and resting her head on the back of it. She releases her wet hair from sticking to the back of her head, letting it flow over the back of the chair to air it out. Closing her eyes, Wednesday tries to covet her thoughts to think more linearly. 
But in the end, it was for naught. The very thing she was trying to forget, got herself cleaned up and ready to pester Wednesday’s mind yet again. Feeling her stare, Wednesday opens her eyes to see a finally fully-clothed Enid, arms crossed and staring at the girl in black. 
“We need to talk.”
“Goodness, we haven’t even exchanged morning salutations and you’re already getting ahead of yourself. Good mourning, Enid.”
[previous chapter]
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iguessitsjustme · 2 years
OMSN Thoughts:
-Okay so this isn’t really a thought about the show, but I need to say that I didn’t realize how loud my tv volume was turned up until I nearly blasted myself backwards when I started watching. The actual show thoughts are under the cut as there are MANY.
-This amnesia plotline is the most soap opera thing I’ve ever seen come from a BL.
-Does that plant look like it’s dying? Is that plant dying????
-How big were Khim’s feet when he was a kid that the shoe fits Sun’s foot as an adult?
-Honestly with this opening song and title sequence, we should have known this was going to be a soap opera. I mean just look at the logo:
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-I will continue to ask “Where is Rain” until that motherfucker appears back on my screen. So. WHERE IS RAIN????
-We have now seen Khim take more meds (2 pills) than Sun. Who has a heart condition. Wait. Wait. I know how to fix Khim’s memory problems. Someone get that man an apple. Stat.
-Okay am I losing my mind or is that a different plant? If I had the energy, I would dive into this plant symbolism. But alas, I only have the energy to watch and to make silly little comments. Also there’s something about the fact that Khim loves these plants and Sun relies on the fruit of a plant (apple) to keep him going. I don’t know. Like I said, no energy but there’s something there.
-How is that shoe still so red? As red as one of Sun’s apples even.
-How’d he get the cello there? There was no case. How did he get the cello there. I need answers that OMSN will never give me.
-The solution to the problem is to get him to a doctor. A DOCTOR.
-That was just the first part? Oh boy am I in for a ride.
-Sky??? What are YOU doing here? Actually these friends are better than your friends in LITA. Just stay in this world. It doesn’t make sense but at least the people are nice.
-Why’d that man put “business” in air quotes. Also her English is not good. Please just let the actors/actresses take their times saying the lines they have in another language. It would be more realistic and it wouldn’t take me out of the show as much. Also this conversation makes no sense.
-Miss ma’am you shouldn’t have killed the one man who could actually run the business. You bit off more than you can chew. You are not a good businesswoman.
-Payu taking care of Khim makes me feel every emotion. Because the last thing Rain asked of him was that he take care of Khim. You know he would anyway, but he’s doing this partially for his lost love.
-This soundtrack did NOT need to go this hard during the underwater scene but here we are and I’m enjoying it. It really makes the moments of silence more impactful.
-Anyway, I say again. WHERE IS RAIN.
-Who fed that horse?
-Who in the fuck was that?
-Like Payu and Khim are both excellent characters. I love them both dearly. But they make for the most awkward and weirdest roommates.
-Ooooooo pretty scenery.
-If you’re so worried about stock prices, perhaps you shouldn’t have killed off the fucking CEO and his family. Well...the sons are still attempted murder but they’re just MIA right now.
-OH THE METAPHOR OF KHIM SHOOTING AN ARROW THROUGH THE APPLE. Please tell me someone has talked about that. Again, I don’t have the energy for it but it’s RIGHT THERE. Then he DROPS the apple? And Sun picks it up? Oh I could go on for days and days about this.
-This show is about to turn into 50 First Dates.
-Did Payu not warn Sun about the amnesia before he called him to come?
-Pie and Petch backstory WHEN?
-Khim needs a doctor. DOCTOR.
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screechthemighty · 1 year
Okay, going to start posting the Best Of for my Trigun/TriMax notes by volume. Note that this was my second time reading Trigun and all reactions are off-the-cuff; any hindsight-based commentary will be in italics. Also, there may be CWs I missed, but I did try to note things as I went.
Trigun Notes: Volume One
Trigun #1.1: The $$60 Billion Double Dollar Man
Injuries 603, murders 72, oof.
“This week’s satellite” like radio reports as a primary news method?
Screaming at the fact that he knew they didn’t have bullets and basically dared them to shoot him.
Trigun #1.2: Looney Tunes
Meryl: talking loud enough will give me authority, right
“More than 50 of our plants have died” due to a system bug…LOT of plants [Note: I do still wonder if they meant individual plants, because they seem a lot rarer in later adaptations. Then again, this is only the second chapter, so it might just be a continuity issue?]
Trigun #1.3: Hard Puncher
Stop backseat dueling y‘all, he knows what he’s doing
This man can do full splits after 100+ years, damn lmao
“Officially designated a localized disaster” is the FUNNIEST resolution and IDK why the ‘98 anime didn’t keep that
“Very nice to meet you” “Likewise, I think” LOL
Trigun #1.4: Popo
Mild CW for this chapter, but one character lies about having been sexually abused.
“How long do you intend to follow me?” “Until we retire, probably” “Okay, perfect *runs*"
“That was more than I deserved, maybe” Lot to unpack there, buddy!
Trigun #1.5: Assault
“They sure are good (especially that big one)” Milly supremacy
“You’re like those people from the big fall over 100 years ago. A nice person” So kindness is seen as a legit rarity here
Brilliant Dynamites Neon sure is a gang leader name
Trigun #1.6: Die Hards
Meryl + Milly coming out of the dark to beat up some dudes = SO ominous lmao
“I’m gonna need all the empty spots in my soupy brain” Oh, mood.
Vash using tough love on Kite = always hilarious
Trigun #1.7: Rem
Vash smiling sheepishly after he beats a guy in a fight…angel man…
“You’re far too easy on the whole human race” Kite citing everyone’s sins and Vash responding with “Then start all over again. [...] Your ticket to the future is always blank.” AHHHHH
“He’s got a helluva arm and the devil’s luck.” Just gunslinger things.
Trigun #1.8: Duelist
No bodies found at July, even with the city leveled; Vash doesn’t remember anything but the aftermath. [Note: At the time I thought this was the same thing as how in the '98 anime there weren't any casualties but...nope............TriMax made it worse.]
Trigun #1.9: Between the Wasteland and Sky…
Meryl: eff it, retail therapy
“Do your nerves even work?” Yes, but his baseline pain levels are a 4, so…
“You’re glorious, sister” right when he called her a brat earlier, lmao
Heart/breathing DO synchronize, because his vitals stop when hers do–wings not visible between panels, maybe representative of the Plant recognizing Vash as a sibling? [Note: could be reading that wrong, though]
“Maybe this is what it means for people to go on living. This must be what she believed, why she traded her life for everyone else’s!” So he’s still struggling with that as a concept, oof.
Trigun #1.11: Son
“People do say that strangers’ faces all cook the same” Oh, Milly
People: betray their families Milly: Chooses violence
Father makes the point that Morgan only wants the land to have it but won’t cultivate or respect it; Badwick more worried about his parents’ safety [Note: Honestly you could easily read an environmental theme into parts of Trigun with very little effort.]
“Guns are our second-to-last resort” Ma’am what is your last resort???
Trigun #1.12: River of Life
“This is not the time to come apart like this. Fight, Meryl!” My girl!!!
“What are you gonna do with a derringer and a stun gun?” “Would you care to find out?” YES, BITCH
Meryl’s “?????” at her gun = classic
Theme of trusting others even if you don’t understand or agree with their path, believing in others in a family setting–ohh, hurts a bit in light of Wolfwood and Knives!!!
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crazy56u · 2 years
Happy 2023, and huge shoutout to the dummy who intended to watch this live due to having Monday off, only to then get asked to work that night anyway!
Already starting off on the right foot, he said sarcastically…
Previously on Quantum Leap: a bunch a shit happened, and Addison is in danger because of reasons.
Hard cut to paparazzi!
“Outta the shot!” Aww, that’s not nice, Ben earned a photobomb.
Okay, why is Carly giving off Janis Joplin vibes?
Also, why is Carly the tallest person in the world?
Okay, the guy Ben leapt into is 100% the guy from the State Farm commercials.
“I can’t believe you remembered I have a mom!”
In another world, this is a James Bond theme song.
“Addison, where are you, you’re missing some sick shit.”
Addison has been waiting two whole months to find out more about her death premonition.
“Fate’s Wide Wheel” walked so that this song could waltz.
There’s a world where this demo session lasted the whole episode.
“Sorry about that dramatic exit last time, it must’ve put a damper on the past few months.”
I love how Ben just sped through the exposition so that he and Addison could argue more.
“Carly died during her sound check. …wait, ain’t this-” “(Ben runs like the Flash)”
Just think, if Ben and Addison had their fight a split second longer, Carly would’ve turned into chunky salsa right then and there.
Wow, this episode really is just “Glitter Rock”: a singer almost gets lighting rigged, and then they get murdered after the big show.
“So, what do we know?” Ernie Hudson, getting philosophical on our asses.
“You don’t just step into a quantum accelerator unless it’s to save a person’s life!” Magic, Sam stepped into the accelerator to make sure the funding didn’t get yanked. Pick a new theory.
Okay, but why would preventing Addison’s death require leaping into the future, though? Just so see what happens so they can prevent it in the past? Isn’t that overly complicating things, though?
Plot twist: Magic isn’t having headaches because of the time travel bullshit, he just has undiagnosed chronic migraines.
“How do we prevent something from happening if we don’t know what that is?” That literally describes 95% of this entire series.
Look, at this point, Janis is probably just doing all of the shit she’s done because she was bored, we don’t fucking know.
MORAL OF THE STORY: If you let your code become open source, it will fuck your in the ass.
Janis is in Belize? Didn’t know this show too place in the Breaking Bad universe…
“Is that Elton John?” “Maybe he murders Carly…” It would be a fucking funny plot twist if Elton John actually was the murderer.
I love how Ben is speaking into his wrist to cover for him talking to Addison, as if wrist microphone technology fucking existed in 1979.
“How did you see that light?” He has eyes, Carly.
Addison picked the worst time to leave…
“Look, I need to focus on my job, also I’m engaged, so, uh, yeah.”
Ma’am, it’s the tail end of the 1970s, I am certain you have had worse pity parties.
Ben has to get rid of a junkie sibling. Only in Chicago.
And of course the junkie was the murderer!
“I’ve heard such great things… (proceeds to suplex her)”
“What, you’re not gonna let me in either? You’re acting like I’m gonna murder her!
Only Ben could make a lie sound honest.
“Ben, how fucking dare you sympathize with the junkie murderer.”
What if turns out she actually is sober, and everyone is a jerk for thinking differently?
“Most killers don’t seem like killers.” Fucking mic drop.
“Look, I’ll be quick, it’s not like Janis is about to show up and eat most of my time.”
“Welcome back to Chicago,” a sentence no one says willingly.
I suspect Ian is a die hard conspiracy theorist.
“She used to write all my songs.” Ah. That explains the jealousy…
“I think her sister is clean and sane.” “Jack, I wanna yell at you, but not during the interview, come with me.”
Why do I have a sinking suspicion that those letters are forced, and the manager is the killer?
…holy shit, this really is “Glitter Rock”; every is a fucking suspect!
Meanwhile, in a place that is not Chicago…
“You happen to know the WiFi password?” Easy; “password”
“I’m not here to arrest you, Janis,” she lied effortlessly.
“Family’s complicated.” Janis, Al would have a stroke if he heard you drugged your mom, pick a new excuse.
“Why did Ben come to be when he had all of you?” … … …don’t tell me Janis was gaslighting Ben all this time…
I love how Ben and Addison have resorted to just pacing in circles.
Did Addison seriously dead ass suggest using Carly as bait?
“Yeah, that’s why you tell her about the plan-” Addison, that’s still using her as bait, what the fuck
“She trusts you! Try trusting her! No, I’m not projecting about you keeping shit from me, shut up!”
“Is this about Carly, or about us?” Yes.
I honestly hate how my “Janis gaslit Ben” theory is starting to make more sense.
“What’re you doing?” “What I always do when I’m in Chicago: almost get killed.”
And Carly decided “Fuck the lot of ya, I’m out.”
…yeah, okay, Trevor is the murderer.
“Okay, I’m angry.” No shit.
I choose to believe that wasn’t in the script; Ernie Hudson is legitimately angry over this plot development.
“Look, shit sucks, that’s why we need to talk to each other.”
And Carly has decided to get crunk.
“I’m sorry I snapped at you before.” You’re not, but go on.
“Carly, Trevor is the real bad guy.” “… … … ( runs away in anger)”
“We can’t change the past.” Ben, it’s this show. Shut up.
Okay, points to Trevor for not even bothering to try and lie. He knows he’s hosed.
Okay, Ben fucking “Bye Felicia”ed his ass, kudos.
Meanwhile, back in Not Chicago…
I like the implication several hours passed in real time, and Janis and Jenn spent all that time drinking silently.
“These are my bodyguards.” “(Uno reverse card) Try again.”
“I drank all the coffee. I can’t feel my heart.”
Hug your sister, damnit.
Thank you.
“Well, Addison… we did it.” “…Ben, there’s still 12 minutes.”
Meanwhile, Trevor is blacked out in a gutter right now.
“Look, fuck being afraid, we’re smoking this bitch out. The concert’s on.”
…so he wasn’t faking when he was shocked about the invite?
Magic Payphone
“Look, I’m outta a job and fucking drunk, why are you fucking harassing me, Jack…”
Trevor, stop monologuing and state the name!
Did Ben get stabbed, or slashed? That was hard to tell…
Meanwhile, while Ben is bleeding out, Janis’ vacation time is over.
I choose to believe Magic is just going to lock in a broom closet until she talks.
Ben, you got stabbed, just because you are about to leap doesn’t mean you skimp on proper stitching.
“Good evening, Chicago! My back up singer tried to stab me tonight, so here’s her replacement: my sister!”
Now they sound like Fleetwood Mac.
Addison, that was mean.
And Ben’s reward for saving the day? The shittiest ER episode!
This was well worth the wait; the back half looks extremely promising.
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prettylittlegleek16 · 2 years
Why Again?
Criminal Minds/Scream OC Story
a/n: I’m completely obsessed with both Scream and Criminal Minds and this story features my OC character and all the fan favorites. It will follow some of storylines, but not all of them are real whatsoever.
pairings: Aaron Hotchner x OC
* let me know if you want to be added to the taglist*
Chapter One: The Beginning
Courtney POV
I was awoken by my husband’s phone ringing indicating that we most likely had a case. My husband Aaron and I worked for the BAU. I decided to lay there quietly until he woke me up.
Aaron: Sweetheart, it’s time to get up. Strauss just called. We need to be at work within the hour. A case has come directly to her that needs our attention immediately. She told me none of the details so we might wanna take more clothes in our go bag just to be safe.
Courtney: okay babe. I’ll get showered and dressed real quick and add some more outfits to our bags. Do you know where my phone is I can’t seem to find it?
Aaron: sweetheart, you left it in the car last night I do recall so you wouldn’t be distracted and we could go straight to bed. [he looks at you with a smirk] remember you were eager last night.
Courtney: [matches smirks with Aaron] that I was babe that I was.
Aaron and I shared a quick kiss then Aaron and I quickly got ready and I packed up our go bags while he made us some coffee in our travel mugs then we headed out to our car. When we got to the car Aaron got in the drivers seat while I put our stuff in the back and got in the passenger side.
Aaron: here’s your phone. Courtney you have seven missed calls from Gale.
Courtney: that’s odd. I’ll call her back while we are driving to the office.
[on the phone with Gale]
Gale: Courtney courtney thank goodness you called me back.
Courtney: Gale (nervous) what’s wrong?
Gale: is Aaron with you?
Aaron: yes Gale I’m right here.
Gale: it’s happening. Two teen girls Marnie Cooper and Jenny Randall were stabbed and murdered by a Ghostface copycat or something. Dewey went to the scene alone and was attacked. He is okay. The wound isn’t fatal by any means. But it’s happening again.
Aaron and I exchanged an horrified look
Courtney: What do you mean it’s happening again? What do you mean Dewey was attacked? I can’t go through this again. More people we love can’t die. More innocent people can’t die. I thought it was all over after Roman
Aaron puts a reassuring hand on my thigh and rubs circles on it to try and calm me down.
Aaron: it’s been 10 years why is this happening again? Why now?
Gale: I have no idea.
Courtney: Have you told Emily?
Gale: No I haven’t spoken to her in a few weeks. Do you think you both could tell her when you see her at the office?
Courtney: Yeah I can. Listen Gale, I want to come down there and help but we just got a case. If the case isn’t too bad and they could handle it without me I will come to Woodsboro but we just got to the office so let me call you back in a little bit. Be safe and tell Dewey I love him.
Gale: you both be safe too. We love you.
[hangs up phone]
Aaron: Sweetheart, are you okay?
Courtney: Not really. Are you? You went through this just as much as I did.
Aaron: I’ll be okay. I just got an text from Strauss asking both You and I to come directly to her office when we arrive. It’s about the case.
Courtney: well what are we waiting for? Let’s not keep her waiting.
Aaron and I grab our things and walk up to the doors of the BAU building. We enter the elevator and head up to the 8th floor where Strauss’s office is. We approach her office and Aaron knocks on the door.
Strauss: Come in.
Aaron: Good morning Strauss. You asked to see Courtney and I about the case.
Strauss: Yes. Aaron. Courtney. Please sit down. So when you joined the bureau we knew about your past with everything you both and Emily have gone through. We were notified early this morning that there have been two killings in Woodsboro.
Courtney: Yes ma’am. My sister in law actually called me this morning to let me know about this. My brother was the officer that responded who was attacked.
Strauss: That’s what I thought when I was notified of the name of the sheriff. Well the sheriffs department called and personally requested the team because of the knowledge you both and Emily have with your past. I just want to make sure you will be okay being apart of this. I understand that this may bring up some terrible memories.
Aaron: Erin I can assure you we will both be fine. Emily might struggle but it’s nothing we can’t handle with her.
Courtney: Ma’am. There is nothing I want more than to be apart of this. I was planning on going to Woodsboro to help if the case that we were going to be doing wasn’t too bad. It’s only a matter of time before this killer starts coming for the original survivors that are left. Would you be okay if I presented the case to the team?
Strauss: I was actually going to ask if you would.
Courtney: I would like to since I can explain everything and they will know all of it. Plus Emily would have a hard time discussing some of it plus it will be better if she hears about it from me.
Strauss: sounds good. I will meet you both and the team at the round table in 15.
Aaron: thank you Erin.
Aaron and I leave Erin’s office and make our way to the elevator. We head down to the sixth floor and through the doors to the bullpen.
Courtney: Good morning everyone!
Aaron: hey guys! Strauss wants us at the round table in 10. [turns to Courtney] are you going to try and talk to Emily before round table?
Courtney: I’ll try. Can I bring her to your office?
Aaron: of course.
Courtney: Hey Em! Can you come up to Aaron’s office for a second?
Emily: [looks towards me from her hushed conversation with Dave] I’m actually busy right now can it wait until after round table?
Courtney: [turns to Aaron and rolls her eyes] not really but if you don’t wanna talk that’s fine.
Things have been so weird between Emily and I lately. I’m pretty sure she’s in a secret relationship with Dave but I don’t know why she wouldn’t just tell me about it. As her twin she knows I will always support her.
Courtney: Well she can’t say I didn’t try to tell her before everyone else finds out.
Aaron: That you did my love. That you did. Let’s head to the round table room. The sooner we give all the information the sooner everything is out and we can head out.
I lean over and kiss Aaron on the cheek. God I love this man. He’s been my rock for my entire life. We walk into the room and see the rest of the team there.
Penelope: Bestie are you okay? You look a little stressed.
Derek: Yeah She-Hotch you seem worried.
Courtney: I’ll be okay. I’m presenting the case to the team this morning.
Emily: That’s different.
Strauss: Good morning all. A case came to me this morning specifically requesting our immediate help. Some of our agents have experience with this including Courtney so that is why she is presenting the case. The floor is yours.
As I get up and head to the front Aaron squeezes my hand letting me know he’s there for me. This is the first time that the team is going to hear the entire story. It’s hard for any of us to ever talk about. Emily is going to probably be mad that she wasn’t made aware but I tried to let her know.
Courtney: Alright team, please bare with me. This is hard for me to talk about but when Strauss spoke to Aaron and I this morning I knew I had to be the one to present the case. Please keep all of your questions until the very end.
Emily looks at me with a concerned look on her face like she is slowly starting to understand what is about to happen. I make eye contact with Aaron and he goes to sit next to Emily. Even if she is acting off she is still my sister and I know how much all of this has affected her too. Dave gives Aaron an odd look as he goes to sit next to Emily.
Strauss: If at any time you need a moment please take it.
Courtney: Thank you ma’am. Sixteen years ago in Woodsboro, California, Maureen Prescott was murdered.
Emily: oh God.
Aaron: [gives Emily a reassuring pat on the back] it’s gonna be okay Em.
Courtney: She was found by her daughter Sidney Prescott. Sidney helped convict her mothers alleged killer Cotton Weary whom was having an affair with Maureen. [Emily rolls her eyes at that] On the year anniversary of Maureen’s murder, two teenagers Steven Orth and Casey Becker were gutted and stabbed respectively. The killer was a person who wore a black robe and a ghost face mask. Therefore dubbed Ghostface. Sidney began getting threatening phone calls from the killer claiming they were coming for her just like they came for her mother making Sidney wonder if Cotton was actually her mothers killer but was refusing to believe any different. Two days after the murder of the two teens the principal of Woodsboro High, Arthur Himbry was stabbed to death by the same killer. The night following his death Sidney was attacked in her home with luckily no injuries just shaken up but she then knew for sure that this Ghostface killer was after her. The next evening there was a party held at the house of Stu Macher that the whole school was invited to. To keep an eye of protection on Sidney and his three sisters Deputy Dewey Riley was sent to the party to watch over the teens. Local reporter Gale Weathers and her cameraman Kenny Jonas were present trying to get a breaking story on this case. During this party, the news of the death of Principal Himbry became public knowledge so all of the students minus a select few left to go to the football field where Himbry was found. Chaos broke out soon thereafter, Ghostface attacked Billy Loomis who was the boyfriend of Sidney Prescott and stabbed him, the throat of Kenny Jonas was slashed causing his death, Randy Meeks and Aaron Hotchner were stabbed in the arm, and Deputy Dewey Riley was stabbed in the back. Unbeknownst to the others, before these attacks began Tatum Riley was killed by being crushed by the garage door. Then everything started unraveling and making more sense or as much sense at it could. Sidney and the Riley Twins were in the foyer of Stu’s house when Billy came down the stairs somewhat limping. The Riley Twins noticed that the blood on his shirt was too red to be blood and it was then when everything started coming together. Billy Loomis and Stu Macher admitted to killing Maureen, Casey, Steven, Himbry, Kenny, and Tatum. A fight ensued. Billy and Stu attacked the ones that were left. In the end everyone sustained injuries, physical and mental. Sidney pushed a tv into Stu’s head killing him instantly and Gale shot Billy in the head. There were seven survivors that night. Sidney Prescott, Randy Meeks, Gale Weathers, Dewey Riley, Courtney Riley, Emily Riley, and Aaron Hotchner.
As I finish the first part of the story I notice the shocked looks on everyone’s faces.
Spencer: I know you said no questions but Tatum Riley was your sister?
Courtney: [trying to control her emotions] Yes Spence. Tatum was the best little sister. She would’ve hated me calling her little because she was only a year younger [laughing]
Aaron: She always hated that [smiling]
Courtney: Anyways, two years later it was the night of the movie premiere of Stab based on the book “The Woodsboro Murders,” by Gale Weathers. At the premiere near Windsor College where we all attended a couple was attacked and killed by a copycat killer. We then began getting threatened on campus and Dewey and Gale came to the campus to try and help us. We were determined to all survive. We’ve survived this once we can do it again.
I lock eyes with my sweet husband as I can see the tears begin to form in his eyes and see Emily look the same.
Courtney: We all managed to survive the attacks. All of us except Randy. Randy was brutally murdered by this copycat killer. We later defeated the killers with the help of Cotton Weary. The killers ended up being Mickey Altieri one of the friends we had made and Debbie Loomis, the mother of Billy Loomis. We thought yet again that all of this was finally over and we could move on. Little did we know three years later it would happen again. Three years later, we had all moved on. Dewey was working on the set of Stab 3 as a production assistant. One night Cotton Weary was arriving home to his apartment from filming that day as he was starring as himself in the movie to find that his apartment that he shared with his girlfriend had been broken into. Little did he know what was awaiting him. We had another copycat on our hands. Cotton Weary was stabbed to death that night and found the next morning by his girlfriend [looking to Emily for the okay to include this as she nods] his girlfriend Emily Riley.
JJ: Oh my gosh
Courtney: Then one by one more murders started happening and we realized that the actors who were starring in the movie were being murdered in the order their characters die. We were able to all come together again to catch this copycat. It turned out to be the secret brother of Sidney Prescott and the director of Stab 3 Roman Bridger. He was behind everything all along. He paid Billy and Stu to murder Maureen and everything all because of Sidney. He was killed by Sidney and we felt as though it was finally over and we could live in peace. That now brings me to last night. 10 years later. Those of us who survived 16 years ago and all of these attacks have moved on from everything and rebuilt our lives in the last 10 years. Last night Marnie Cooper and Jenny Randall were stabbed and murdered in the Cooper household last night in Woodsboro. Sheriff Dewey Riley responded to the scene and was attacked by a Ghostface killer and is currently in the hospital on the mend.
Emily: WHAT?? DEWEY WAS ATTACKED! How come I’m finding out about this just now?
Courtney: Emily don’t yell. I tried to talk to you before now but you were too busy. Gale called me this morning.
Emily: Of course Gale called you. The favorite sister.
Aaron: Emily that is enough. Continue Courtney.
Emily just huffs puffs and rolls her eyes
Courtney: We have been invited by the Woodsboro Sheriff’s Department to help on this case because of the fact that this team has 3 of the remaining 6 survivors from the original attacks on it. We know what to look for. We’ve been through this. So let’s go save Woodsboro.
Aaron: Any questions can be asked on the jet. Wheels up in 30. Emily, Courtney. My office now.
The team is understandably still trying to process all that they have learned. Emily and I begrudgingly make our way up to Aaron’s office. I understand that she didn’t like learning about it this way but making a scene in front of the team and Strauss was not like her at all and uncalled for. As we are making our way to Aaron’s office my phone rings and it says Dewey.
Courtney: Aaron I need to answer this before we start talking.
Aaron: okay sweetheart.
[on phone]
Courtney: Dewey hey oh my gosh are you okay?
Dewey: Calm down sis. I’m perfectly fine. Been hurt worse by these killers [laughing]
Courtney: Dwight Riley. That’s not funny.
Dewey: you’re right I’m sorry. But no sis I’m fine. How are you? Gale said she talked to you earlier and that you were gonna call her back but I just wanted to check in.
Courtney: I’m okay Dewey. I just can’t believe this is happening again. The sheriffs department invited the team down to help so we are about to head on the jet in 15 minutes to fly down there. I’ll come see you when we get there.
Dewey: I’m glad. I told them that the BAU team led by my brother in law was the best team for the job. How’s Em and Aaron doing with all of this?
Dewey hasn’t realized that you have him on speaker in Aaron’s office. Emily is fuming for some reason.
Emily: I’m doing just fine Dwight. Not that you seem to care at all. Since neither you nor precious Gale seemed to call me to let me know what was going on. It’s always let’s call Courtney first. Make sure Courtney knows. You know what Courtney is perfectly fine she has her cookie cutter life with the perfect husband and the perfect job. I actually lost people through all of the attacks!!
Aaron and I just look at Emily with looks of shock and hurt.
Dewey: Emily you need to calm down that is completely uncalled for. I’m sorry that my wife called the sister who actually has been keeping up with our weekly phone calls. We haven’t spoken to you in weeks. We thought you didn’t want to talk to us. You see Courtney everyday so you have no excuse not to speak to her and it would have been easier for her to let you know anyways.
Emily: Whatever.
Courtney: listen here Emily. When you have been distant from me these past few weeks I chalked it up to maybe that you were trying to hide a relationship is new and I let it go. But I’m not gonna let you talk to me like that and I’m not gonna let you talk to Dewey like that. I don’t care if your feelings are hurt that they called me but you aren’t going to sit there and say that only you lost people during these attacks. In case you forgot we all lost our little sister. Or I’m sorry did you forget about Tatum when you chose to drop the Riley last name? I’m going to go with our team to help our town and our friends and our family. I suggest you get to head out of your ass before we get there and I’ll choose to walk away from this conversation before I say anything else I regret because unlike you I value our relationship. Talk to me when your the Emily I know.
Emily: aww precious Courtney got her feelings hurt. You know what? It’s always been about you even when we were kids. I lost the love of my life to these killings. Sometimes gosh I wish you understood what that was like.
Courtney: [getting up in Emily’s face] don’t you dare bring Aaron into this Emily. He has been there for you more times than I can count before, during, and after these killings.
Emily: Gosh Courtney I wish it was you that night that went and got the beer instead of Tatum.
A look of hurt and disgust flashed across my face and before I could even react I slapped Emily across the face.
Courtney: Wow Emily wow.
With one last look Courtney storms out of Aaron’s office grabbing her go bag and heading towards one of the SUVs.
Aaron: I can’t believe that you said that. You know how much Courtney struggled wishing that it was her instead of Tatum and how she wished she got to live a longer life. I’m disgusted with your actions Emily. I’m so close to removing you from this case history or not. I suggest you take some time to think about everything you have said while we are on the jet.
Emily: Don’t speak to me like you’re my father Aaron.
Aaron: What is wrong with you Emily? In all the time I have known you you have never acted like this. I understand this is hard trust me. I’m going through it too. Don’t shut all of us out. I’ll see you on the plane. Wheels up.
[in the suv]
Courtney: Dewey I don’t understand why she’s acting like this. She said hurtful things it’s going to take some time for me to forgive her.
Dewey: I don’t understand either. I’ll try and talk to her while you guys are here or get Gale to talk to her or even Sidney.
Courtney: Wait Sidney is in town? Oh great that just makes it all so much better.
Dewey: Come on Courtney.
Courtney: I know. I’m sorry. Hey I gotta go Aaron is coming and we are gonna head to the jet. See you soon love you Dewey.
Dewey: Love you too sis.
I hang up my phone call with Dewey as Aaron gets in the front seat of our SUV.
Aaron: Are you okay sweetheart?
Courtney: Yeah babe. I’ll be fine. Let’s head out. Wheels up right?
I lean over and kiss Aaron on the lips. As long as I have him, my team, and my family by my side I know we can get through this.
Chapter One: The Beginning
Courtney POV
I was awoken by my husband’s phone ringing indicating that we most likely had a case. My husband Aaron and I worked for the BAU. I decided to lay there quietly until he woke me up.
Aaron: Sweetheart, it’s time to get up. Strauss just called. We need to be at work within the hour. A case has come directly to her that needs our attention immediately. She told me none of the details so we might wanna take more clothes in our go bag just to be safe.
Courtney: okay babe. I’ll get showered and dressed real quick and add some more outfits to our bags. Do you know where my phone is I can’t seem to find it?
Aaron: sweetheart, you left it in the car last night I do recall so you wouldn’t be distracted and we could go straight to bed. [he looks at you with a smirk] remember you were eager last night.
Courtney: [matches smirks with Aaron] that I was babe that I was.
Aaron and I shared a quick kiss then Aaron and I quickly got ready and I packed up our go bags while he made us some coffee in our travel mugs then we headed out to our car. When we got to the car Aaron got in the drivers seat while I put our stuff in the back and got in the passenger side.
Aaron: here’s your phone. Courtney you have seven missed calls from Gale.
Courtney: that’s odd. I’ll call her back while we are driving to the office.
[on the phone with Gale]
Gale: Courtney courtney thank goodness you called me back.
Courtney: Gale (nervous) what’s wrong?
Gale: is Aaron with you?
Aaron: yes Gale I’m right here.
Gale: it’s happening. Two teen girls Marnie Cooper and Jenny Randall were stabbed and murdered by a Ghostface copycat or something. Dewey went to the scene alone and was attacked. He is okay. The wound isn’t fatal by any means. But it’s happening again.
Aaron and I exchanged an horrified look
Courtney: What do you mean it’s happening again? What do you mean Dewey was attacked? I can’t go through this again. More people we love can’t die. More innocent people can’t die. I thought it was all over after Roman
Aaron puts a reassuring hand on my thigh and rubs circles on it to try and calm me down.
Aaron: it’s been 10 years why is this happening again? Why now?
Gale: I have no idea.
Courtney: Have you told Emily?
Gale: No I haven’t spoken to her in a few weeks. Do you think you both could tell her when you see her at the office?
Courtney: Yeah I can. Listen Gale, I want to come down there and help but we just got a case. If the case isn’t too bad and they could handle it without me I will come to Woodsboro but we just got to the office so let me call you back in a little bit. Be safe and tell Dewey I love him.
Gale: you both be safe too. We love you.
[hangs up phone]
Aaron: Sweetheart, are you okay?
Courtney: Not really. Are you? You went through this just as much as I did.
Aaron: I’ll be okay. I just got an text from Strauss asking both You and I to come directly to her office when we arrive. It’s about the case.
Courtney: well what are we waiting for? Let’s not keep her waiting.
Aaron and I grab our things and walk up to the doors of the BAU building. We enter the elevator and head up to the 8th floor where Strauss’s office is. We approach her office and Aaron knocks on the door.
Strauss: Come in.
Aaron: Good morning Strauss. You asked to see Courtney and I about the case.
Strauss: Yes. Aaron. Courtney. Please sit down. So when you joined the bureau we knew about your past with everything you both and Emily have gone through. We were notified early this morning that there have been two killings in Woodsboro.
Courtney: Yes ma’am. My sister in law actually called me this morning to let me know about this. My brother was the officer that responded who was attacked.
Strauss: That’s what I thought when I was notified of the name of the sheriff. Well the sheriffs department called and personally requested the team because of the knowledge you both and Emily have with your past. I just want to make sure you will be okay being apart of this. I understand that this may bring up some terrible memories.
Aaron: Erin I can assure you we will both be fine. Emily might struggle but it’s nothing we can’t handle with her.
Courtney: Ma’am. There is nothing I want more than to be apart of this. I was planning on going to Woodsboro to help if the case that we were going to be doing wasn’t too bad. It’s only a matter of time before this killer starts coming for the original survivors that are left. Would you be okay if I presented the case to the team?
Strauss: I was actually going to ask if you would.
Courtney: I would like to since I can explain everything and they will know all of it. Plus Emily would have a hard time discussing some of it plus it will be better if she hears about it from me.
Strauss: sounds good. I will meet you both and the team at the round table in 15.
Aaron: thank you Erin.
Aaron and I leave Erin’s office and make our way to the elevator. We head down to the sixth floor and through the doors to the bullpen.
Courtney: Good morning everyone!
Aaron: hey guys! Strauss wants us at the round table in 10. [turns to Courtney] are you going to try and talk to Emily before round table?
Courtney: I’ll try. Can I bring her to your office?
Aaron: of course.
Courtney: Hey Em! Can you come up to Aaron’s office for a second?
Emily: [looks towards me from her hushed conversation with Dave] I’m actually busy right now can it wait until after round table?
Courtney: [turns to Aaron and rolls her eyes] not really but if you don’t wanna talk that’s fine.
Things have been so weird between Emily and I lately. I’m pretty sure she’s in a secret relationship with Dave but I don’t know why she wouldn’t just tell me about it. As her twin she knows I will always support her.
Courtney: Well she can’t say I didn’t try to tell her before everyone else finds out.
Aaron: That you did my love. That you did. Let’s head to the round table room. The sooner we give all the information the sooner everything is out and we can head out.
I lean over and kiss Aaron on the cheek. God I love this man. He’s been my rock for my entire life. We walk into the room and see the rest of the team there.
Penelope: Bestie are you okay? You look a little stressed.
Derek: Yeah She-Hotch you seem worried.
Courtney: I’ll be okay. I’m presenting the case to the team this morning.
Emily: That’s different.
Strauss: Good morning all. A case came to me this morning specifically requesting our immediate help. Some of our agents have experience with this including Courtney so that is why she is presenting the case. The floor is yours.
As I get up and head to the front Aaron squeezes my hand letting me know he’s there for me. This is the first time that the team is going to hear the entire story. It’s hard for any of us to ever talk about. Emily is going to probably be mad that she wasn’t made aware but I tried to let her know.
Courtney: Alright team, please bare with me. This is hard for me to talk about but when Strauss spoke to Aaron and I this morning I knew I had to be the one to present the case. Please keep all of your questions until the very end.
Emily looks at me with a concerned look on her face like she is slowly starting to understand what is about to happen. I make eye contact with Aaron and he goes to sit next to Emily. Even if she is acting off she is still my sister and I know how much all of this has affected her too. Dave gives Aaron an odd look as he goes to sit next to Emily.
Strauss: If at any time you need a moment please take it.
Courtney: Thank you ma’am. Sixteen years ago in Woodsboro, California, Maureen Prescott was murdered.
Emily: oh God.
Aaron: [gives Emily a reassuring pat on the back] it’s gonna be okay Em.
Courtney: She was found by her daughter Sidney Prescott. Sidney helped convict her mothers alleged killer Cotton Weary whom was having an affair with Maureen. [Emily rolls her eyes at that] On the year anniversary of Maureen’s murder, two teenagers Steven Orth and Casey Becker were gutted and stabbed respectively. The killer was a person who wore a black robe and a ghost face mask. Therefore dubbed Ghostface. Sidney began getting threatening phone calls from the killer claiming they were coming for her just like they came for her mother making Sidney wonder if Cotton was actually her mothers killer but was refusing to believe any different. Two days after the murder of the two teens the principal of Woodsboro High, Arthur Himbry was stabbed to death by the same killer. The night following his death Sidney was attacked in her home with luckily no injuries just shaken up but she then knew for sure that this Ghostface killer was after her. The next evening there was a party held at the house of Stu Macher that the whole school was invited to. To keep an eye of protection on Sidney and his three sisters Deputy Dewey Riley was sent to the party to watch over the teens. Local reporter Gale Weathers and her cameraman Kenny Jonas were present trying to get a breaking story on this case. During this party, the news of the death of Principal Himbry became public knowledge so all of the students minus a select few left to go to the football field where Himbry was found. Chaos broke out soon thereafter, Ghostface attacked Billy Loomis who was the boyfriend of Sidney Prescott and stabbed him, the throat of Kenny Jonas was slashed causing his death, Randy Meeks and Aaron Hotchner were stabbed in the arm, and Deputy Dewey Riley was stabbed in the back. Unbeknownst to the others, before these attacks began Tatum Riley was killed by being crushed by the garage door. Then everything started unraveling and making more sense or as much sense at it could. Sidney and the Riley Twins were in the foyer of Stu’s house when Billy came down the stairs somewhat limping. The Riley Twins noticed that the blood on his shirt was too red to be blood and it was then when everything started coming together. Billy Loomis and Stu Macher admitted to killing Maureen, Casey, Steven, Himbry, Kenny, and Tatum. A fight ensued. Billy and Stu attacked the ones that were left. In the end everyone sustained injuries, physical and mental. Sidney pushed a tv into Stu’s head killing him instantly and Gale shot Billy in the head. There were seven survivors that night. Sidney Prescott, Randy Meeks, Gale Weathers, Dewey Riley, Courtney Riley, Emily Riley, and Aaron Hotchner.
As I finish the first part of the story I notice the shocked looks on everyone’s faces.
Spencer: I know you said no questions but Tatum Riley was your sister?
Courtney: [trying to control her emotions] Yes Spence. Tatum was the best little sister. She would’ve hated me calling her little because she was only a year younger [laughing]
Aaron: She always hated that [smiling]
Courtney: Anyways, two years later it was the night of the movie premiere of Stab based on the book “The Woodsboro Murders,” by Gale Weathers. At the premiere near Windsor College where we all attended a couple was attacked and killed by a copycat killer. We then began getting threatened on campus and Dewey and Gale came to the campus to try and help us. We were determined to all survive. We’ve survived this once we can do it again.
I lock eyes with my sweet husband as I can see the tears begin to form in his eyes and see Emily look the same.
Courtney: We all managed to survive the attacks. All of us except Randy. Randy was brutally murdered by this copycat killer. We later defeated the killers with the help of Cotton Weary. The killers ended up being Mickey Altieri one of the friends we had made and Debbie Loomis, the mother of Billy Loomis. We thought yet again that all of this was finally over and we could move on. Little did we know three years later it would happen again. Three years later, we had all moved on. Dewey was working on the set of Stab 3 as a production assistant. One night Cotton Weary was arriving home to his apartment from filming that day as he was starring as himself in the movie to find that his apartment that he shared with his girlfriend had been broken into. Little did he know what was awaiting him. We had another copycat on our hands. Cotton Weary was stabbed to death that night and found the next morning by his girlfriend [looking to Emily for the okay to include this as she nods] his girlfriend Emily Riley.
JJ: Oh my gosh
Courtney: Then one by one more murders started happening and we realized that the actors who were starring in the movie were being murdered in the order their characters die. We were able to all come together again to catch this copycat. It turned out to be the secret brother of Sidney Prescott and the director of Stab 3 Roman Bridger. He was behind everything all along. He paid Billy and Stu to murder Maureen and everything all because of Sidney. He was killed by Sidney and we felt as though it was finally over and we could live in peace. That now brings me to last night. 10 years later. Those of us who survived 16 years ago and all of these attacks have moved on from everything and rebuilt our lives in the last 10 years. Last night Marnie Cooper and Jenny Randall were stabbed and murdered in the Cooper household last night in Woodsboro. Sheriff Dewey Riley responded to the scene and was attacked by a Ghostface killer and is currently in the hospital on the mend.
Emily: WHAT?? DEWEY WAS ATTACKED! How come I’m finding out about this just now?
Courtney: Emily don’t yell. I tried to talk to you before now but you were too busy. Gale called me this morning.
Emily: Of course Gale called you. The favorite sister.
Aaron: Emily that is enough. Continue Courtney.
Emily just huffs puffs and rolls her eyes
Courtney: We have been invited by the Woodsboro Sheriff’s Department to help on this case because of the fact that this team has 3 of the remaining 6 survivors from the original attacks on it. We know what to look for. We’ve been through this. So let’s go save Woodsboro.
Aaron: Any questions can be asked on the jet. Wheels up in 30. Emily, Courtney. My office now.
The team is understandably still trying to process all that they have learned. Emily and I begrudgingly make our way up to Aaron’s office. I understand that she didn’t like learning about it this way but making a scene in front of the team and Strauss was not like her at all and uncalled for. As we are making our way to Aaron’s office my phone rings and it says Dewey.
Courtney: Aaron I need to answer this before we start talking.
Aaron: okay sweetheart.
[on phone]
Courtney: Dewey hey oh my gosh are you okay?
Dewey: Calm down sis. I’m perfectly fine. Been hurt worse by these killers [laughing]
Courtney: Dwight Riley. That’s not funny.
Dewey: you’re right I’m sorry. But no sis I’m fine. How are you? Gale said she talked to you earlier and that you were gonna call her back but I just wanted to check in.
Courtney: I’m okay Dewey. I just can’t believe this is happening again. The sheriffs department invited the team down to help so we are about to head on the jet in 15 minutes to fly down there. I’ll come see you when we get there.
Dewey: I’m glad. I told them that the BAU team led by my brother in law was the best team for the job. How’s Em and Aaron doing with all of this?
Dewey hasn’t realized that you have him on speaker in Aaron’s office. Emily is fuming for some reason.
Emily: I’m doing just fine Dwight. Not that you seem to care at all. Since neither you nor precious Gale seemed to call me to let me know what was going on. It’s always let’s call Courtney first. Make sure Courtney knows. You know what Courtney is perfectly fine she has her cookie cutter life with the perfect husband and the perfect job. I actually lost people through all of the attacks!!
Aaron and I just look at Emily with looks of shock and hurt.
Dewey: Emily you need to calm down that is completely uncalled for. I’m sorry that my wife called the sister who actually has been keeping up with our weekly phone calls. We haven’t spoken to you in weeks. We thought you didn’t want to talk to us. You see Courtney everyday so you have no excuse not to speak to her and it would have been easier for her to let you know anyways.
Emily: Whatever.
Courtney: listen here Emily. When you have been distant from me these past few weeks I chalked it up to maybe that you were trying to hide a relationship is new and I let it go. But I’m not gonna let you talk to me like that and I’m not gonna let you talk to Dewey like that. I don’t care if your feelings are hurt that they called me but you aren’t going to sit there and say that only you lost people during these attacks. In case you forgot we all lost our little sister. Or I’m sorry did you forget about Tatum when you chose to drop the Riley last name? I’m going to go with our team to help our town and our friends and our family. I suggest you get to head out of your ass before we get there and I’ll choose to walk away from this conversation before I say anything else I regret because unlike you I value our relationship. Talk to me when your the Emily I know.
Emily: aww precious Courtney got her feelings hurt. You know what? It’s always been about you even when we were kids. I lost the love of my life to these killings. Sometimes gosh I wish you understood what that was like.
Courtney: [getting up in Emily’s face] don’t you dare bring Aaron into this Emily. He has been there for you more times than I can count before, during, and after these killings.
Emily: Gosh Courtney I wish it was you that night that went and got the beer instead of Tatum.
A look of hurt and disgust flashed across my face and before I could even react I slapped Emily across the face.
Courtney: Wow Emily wow.
With one last look Courtney storms out of Aaron’s office grabbing her go bag and heading towards one of the SUVs.
Aaron: I can’t believe that you said that. You know how much Courtney struggled wishing that it was her instead of Tatum and how she wished she got to live a longer life. I’m disgusted with your actions Emily. I’m so close to removing you from this case history or not. I suggest you take some time to think about everything you have said while we are on the jet.
Emily: Don’t speak to me like you’re my father Aaron.
Aaron: What is wrong with you Emily? In all the time I have known you you have never acted like this. I understand this is hard trust me. I’m going through it too. Don’t shut all of us out. I’ll see you on the plane. Wheels up.
[in the suv]
Courtney: Dewey I don’t understand why she’s acting like this. She said hurtful things it’s going to take some time for me to forgive her.
Dewey: I don’t understand either. I’ll try and talk to her while you guys are here or get Gale to talk to her or even Sidney.
Courtney: Wait Sidney is in town? Oh great that just makes it all so much better.
Dewey: Come on Courtney.
Courtney: I know. I’m sorry. Hey I gotta go Aaron is coming and we are gonna head to the jet. See you soon love you Dewey.
Dewey: Love you too sis.
I hang up my phone call with Dewey as Aaron gets in the front seat of our SUV.
Aaron: Are you okay sweetheart?
Courtney: Yeah babe. I’ll be fine. Let’s head out. Wheels up right?
I lean over and kiss Aaron on the lips. As long as I have him, my team, and my family by my side I know we can get through this.
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Spoilers for Episodes 4 of Mayfair Witches if you haven’t watched.
Cortland’s weird and apparently sick, but he had a point in the end when he said Carlotta kept Deirdre hostage for 30+ years and somehow made herself out to be the victim.
I did love how he was like alright we can go now that I’ve said my piece and made the crazy come out my sister.
He wanted Rowan to follow him why else would he have looked back.
Cortland’s daughter in the last episode made no sense unless A)She actually knew the guy that passed or B) She’s like I go where the party is even if it is a funeral. It couldn’t have been at Lasher behest because I don’t think he knew Rowan would end up walking toward first st. and he wouldn’t ever need help finding her. Or it could be C) the directors and script writers wanted to say hey look out for this woman she’ll be important.
When Carlotta showed Rowan pictures of Ellie I was Rowan for a moment saying that isn’t my mother. I mean this is my mother, but not the one I came here wanting to know about you know the one this day is all about.
I think something gross happened to Carlotta when she was eight that makes her hate Lasher so much. I really hope not.
When Carlotta told the butler to gather the staff in the kitchen I was oh she’s going to do something to Rowan.
She really said fuck everybody and this house. She has had enough.
I thought she was going to poison her but when she finally got to it I was like Miss Ma’am she has the necklace around her neck how well do you think that’s going work out for you?
When Lasher appeared to say she’s already mine I was like And where the fuck have you been? Obviously I know where’s he’s been saying goodbye to Deirdre in the way we saw him saying hello to her in the first episode(the flying rose petals) and getting revenge for her murder.
When he came out the dudes body I was like no way(he killed her), but no he was just killing the guy that killed her.
Which I have questions about. How was there no struggle? How’d he get off the elevator?
Sip’s right there is a supernatural element to this and not just the elevator being wiped. One his bosses or maybe just that particular one he was talking to doesn’t want investigated. Could they or he be in league with Lasher?
If I was Rowan after a while I would have been like Well it was nice meeting you all, but I really should be going.
That scene of Sip and Rowan having sex then it switches to Lasher was a trip.
Should have known he was going to get hurt and potentially die when the blind woman was like don’t get hurt you’re one of my favorites.
Loved how at one point the screen split with her on one side and Sip’s head but blurry around it on the other. Showing her ability.
I would do what Rowan did to be honest the only way to learn a way to get rid of him is learn more about him and the only way to do that is to accept him. But I don’t think getting rid of him is why she put the necklace on.
Might add more.
This episode got me hyped for the next.
My one complaint is we shouldn’t be asking what do you want from me over halfway through the season.
The house is burning why the fuck are you locking them inside?
For the next episode I think he’s put Rowan in some sort of trance into a reality he built.
I don’t think she gave in for no reason. You got to remember Lasher has been plaguing her dreams for month.
When Sip was like I had weird dreams last night I was like uh-oh.
Or taken it and given it to the Talamasca.
I think the black woman that was like they aren’t like us to Tessa was Ellie’s mother or a closer relative to her then Carlotta.
In the second episode my sister said is that important in response to the news report of someone being found tied up and burned to death. I replied I don’t know well know I do.
That guy creeping in the bushes was apart of the anti witch rally or was he the medical examiner? Either way he has something to do with those murders I think.
Josephine completely dismissed Rowan’s refusal to have children.
Cortland hired the hitman.
My honey took me to San Francisco in 98 if only we knew you were alive we could have met. Uh lady she would have been seven and had no idea who you were.
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