#missed friday 13th but like 10 minutes
tfg-16-art · 1 year
Thought this would be funny but I've been looking at it for too long now
(stuff under the cut is just individual/transparent background versions)
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creature-wizard · 11 months
Nothing like folks coming at me about my not being a "real pagan/witch" because I don't bother with the pseudoscience known as astrology. Correct me if I'm wrong, but for ages we thought the planets were gods, so that's why early physicians applied astrology to their medicine. Then we learned planets aren't gods, so now it's the gravitational pull or whatever that the planets have on people because of when and where they were born. There are still people who believe this. Gravity doesn't choose individuals. If the pull of Jupiter is doing anything to us, it's doing it to all of us, and has nothing to do with whatever constellation you were born under. Then there's the bit about there having been 13 signs rather than 12 in western astrology. One was omitted because of superstition or convenience, but I can't remember the details. Then, of course, the location of constellations has changed over time, and what was gemini 2k years ago is now taurus, but not because if we include the 13th sign it gets all kinds of messy.
Astrology is bullshit, mercury retrograde is nonsense, and whatever your sign is has less than nothing to do with your life.
It gets especially bad are the people who hard-core believe this shit. They believe it so hard they blame your sign for why you are rhe way you are. I've had to deal with pagans/witches who, rather than getting to know, will spend 10 minutes listening to me talk and ask me if I'm this or that sign because only those signs act or think like this. I had a nurse who told me I've got [insert medical condition] because I was born under [this sign] on a Friday. How tf did they get through training with all that in their head.
I wish people would stop using horoscopes and astrology to figure out who/what to blame for whatever fuckery they're dealing with/caused. It's exhausting repeatedly hear their noise.
I'll never forget when I got on somebody's nerves and they demanded to know if I was a Gemini, because they were convinced that Geminis were the demons ever. And lemme tell ya, this person was the sort who refused to do any self-reflection and consider that maybe they were wrong; instead, they just demonized anybody who didn't just treat them as this infallible deity (they did, in fact, believe they were an infallible deity).
Astrology really is one of those things that gives very mean and self-centered people a tool to divide people into "good" and "bad" categories, as well as define precisely what kind of "bad" person they are. It's unfortunately one of our worse impulses as human beings, and many people will exploit any framework that seems to justify it. (The ones who like to reckon themselves as scientific intellectuals tend to reach for eugenics and pop psychology.)
Also you're not like, not really wrong about the history of astrology or anything, but there's a ton of stuff you're definitely missing here, which IMO is absolutely fascinating. Like the fact that astrology as most of us know it was invented in Babylon, where it reflected Babylonian seasons and seasonal mythology. And the whole stellar ray theory, and how people thought that metals were formed deep in the earth when certain places were exposed to certain stellar rays. TBH, astrology has a ton of interesting history and lore attached to it, so I'm just gonna suggest anybody who's interested watches ESOTERICA's videos on astrology, because yeah it's genuinely very fascinating.
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Killer Frequency Review
I just finished this game. As in, like 15 minutes ago. I actually streamed my playthrough live on twitch! (Hint hint, twitch.tv/v_for_valentines).
Anywho, Killer Frequency (KF) is a first-person horror game set in the late 80s, where you play as Forrest Nash - a radio host who, through a series of events, end up as a small town's only help against a serial killer.
I really enjoyed this game. Visually, the game is striking, being very Neon with thick cartoon lines around everything. The soundtrack (I.e. the records you play on your radio show) is funky. It's the 80s! The mystery surrounding the killer is built up well, and all the twists are definitely solve-able prior to their reveals. The puzzles are also well thought out, but there are often red herrings to stop you getting TOO comfortable with your own intelligence.
The game pays homage and references many many many horror properties. Primarily slashers, such as Friday the 13th and Halloween, but there are also Resident Evil, The Thing, and possibly more that I missed! It also has a wonderful sense of humour. Jokes aren't forced, and the game knows not to break tension with quippy one-liners, but does sometimes give you the opportunity to take situations...less seriously than they should be.
Overall, KF is a brilliant game, clearly made by people who love the genre. The game DOES have a VR version, which would have elevated the experience beyond measure, but the fact is that i still LOVED this game. 10/10. No question.
Killer Frequency is available on Xbox, PS5, PC, and Oculus Quest
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critical-chris · 2 years
Inside Llewyn Davis (2013)
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In the last quarter of 2022, I decided to switch up the nearly year-long horror movie binge I embarked on to catch up on all the fright flicks I had avoided for so long.  I’m sure you can imagine, but taking in over one hundred films in a genre full of gruesome images and deaths, themes, and often uneven storytelling (which is a kind way to say Friday the 13th: Parts 5 – Manhattan played like there was no script) can get a bit tiring.
When looking for my next movie viewing challenge, I realized I had missed out on so many films from renowned directors.  I claim Quentin Tarantino as my all-time favorite director but had never seen his grindhouse homage Death Proof, or applauded the work of Stanley Kubrick but had never watched his self-proclaimed legacy stain Spartacus. Therefore, I began to seek out the movies making up gaps in acclaimed directors’ filmographies to catch myself up.
Inside Llewyn Davis was released in 2013, starred Oscar Isaac, and was directed by the Coen Brothers (Ethan and Joel, but if you’re reading a move blog and didn’t know the brothers’ names you might wonder if you’re wasting your time here).  I’m a fan of Oscar Isaac, and feel he’s able to take on various characters and I buy it almost everytime. The only exception is whatever the f**k he was doing in Moon Knight. I’ve only seen the first 2 episodes but that accent is going to keep me away from the remaining six. At the time of this film’s release though, I would have only known him from Drive (love) and Body of Lies (oof).
The movie follows Isaac as a struggling, couch-surfing folk singer in 1960s Greenwich Village. The movie opens with a couple minute scene of Isaac singing and strumming his acoustic guitar at one of his repeat stomping grounds the Gaslight Café.  It is one of those scenes that grabs you immediately and lets you know you’re in for a good time. It sets the tone and grit of the film, and the punch Llewyn takes in the back alley after the performance lets you know quite literally the hits he’ll be taking.
The acting in the film is perfect, with Carey Mulligan delivering a fantastic payoff for why her character is so seemingly abusive to Llewyn throughout most of the film, and some great characters along the way. I had no idea Justin Timberlake was in this movie, but he’s good and I am never mad to have a little JT in my motion pictures. Oh, and there’s a cat too.
There’s not much else I can say about the movie, it’s another notch on the Coen Brother’s belt of great films that I’ll recommend to anyone that can stomach a good drama (AKA not my dad).  I’d personally put it right below The Big Lebowski and right above Raising Arizona (which I saw late and don’t have the reverence for it that so many do).  If you haven’t seen it, check it out and let me know how wrong I am for every opinion I’ve stated here.
Inside Llewyn Davis: 8.0/10
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arrogantsoap · 11 months
Reviewing horror movies I watched for the first time this halloween season
(I'll keep updating this post as I watch more. Also I'm going for the classics here, if you have recommendations feel free to tell me)
- The Blair Witch Project: 7/10
I guess watching it in cinema when it came out must have been so good and I appreciate it for the originality. It's great at portraying the fear of being lost and haunted and shit and i wasn't bored for a single minute. But idk i guess knowing everything that happens in it before even watching it made the plot kinda... meh lol
- Friday the 13th (1980): 5/10
Had I not known who the killer was maybe it would've been surprising and I would've liked it better. But it's just y'know a product of its time and it's alright i just didn't like it very much, it's clumsy and funny at best and at its worst it makes murder seem boring. I have yet to watch the sequels because from what I've heard they're better.
- Evil dead (1981): 7/10
Really good! Love the plot, but most of the main characters are so dumb i just got angry sometimes. The practical effects got a good laugh out of me sometimes but overall it's really impressive. I had watched Evil Dead: Rise before this one. That one I found better because it improves on the mistakes of the original, but you have to appreciate the source material because it's already pretty fucking good.
- Sinister: 8/10
When it comes to the haunting subgenre this one really nails it. I've deducted a few points because it's pretty cliche, most horror movies with little kids tend to do the same thing and this one rarely escapes those tropes. But the ending was impressive and I liked it a lot. Plus Ethan Hawke playing a dad. Do I need to say more?
- Scream (1996): 10/10
Was it really supposed to be a horror movie and not a gay romcom? Anyway........ It's a classic and it deserves that title. Fucking awesome. Perfect characters. The main girl is not dumb. Great ending. I've watched it like five times in a week. Am not doing okay.
- Scream 2 and 3: 6/10
Okay I think it's pretty safe to assume from now on the series is hardly even trying to be a horror series. As comedies, these are great. The meta elements always get me. But they just lack the spiciness of the first one. Tbh would only recommend if you got time to spare otherwise you wouldn't be missing much.
- I know what you did last summer: 9/10
Exactly my cup of tea. It's a shame Julie is SO. FUCKING. STUPID. But I loooooove me some who done it horror. It's sort of a distant sibling of Scream so if you liked that you'll probably like this one too.
- Poltergeist (1982): 9/10
Really great. It's a classic for a reason. It nails everything right on the head. Love the metaphor behind it too. It's just not exactly my type of thing so yeah...
- Scream 4: 7/10
So far I found this to be the best sequel. The "reboot" thing works well, but Emma Roberts' performance annoys me deeply idk. Everything else was very entertaining idk. Still kinda mid comparing to the first one
- Signs: 10/10
I think a close second to horror/murder mystery/slasher to me are these apocalypse/end of the world type of movie. And this one is probably the best one I've watched so far. I don't even get scared watching movies anymore but this one made my heart drop to the bottom of my stomach. Also the family drama makes me really emotional lol. This movie does everything right, loved it. Is it even horror? Idk, but I liked it a lot.
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strawberryspeachy · 1 year
I have one class that i only see once a week who are like the students ive taught before
Theres 40 kids in the class and theyre mostly boys. Theres a couple loud boys - one of which likes to yell stuff during school assemblies and initially i was annoyed when i found out he was in my class
But both him and the other loud boy are nice and normal in class
I teach them entirely alone. The japanese teacher doesnt come to class with me
Theye a great class.
I made a quiz for friday the 13th but since weve missed two saturays i had to get them doing work - couldnt just say fuck it and play a game
So i did it in the last 10 minutes of class
We obviously didn’t get through it before the bell rang
But one of them came up after the bell to ask questions about the quiz which prompted about half of them to come up
And i ended up giving them the quiz anyhow
Which was fun
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ladysmeg13 · 2 years
Damn Reuben sandwich or pizza
I decided on November 7, 2018 at 5:30 am I'm going by bus to Hy-Vee for the items I will need. After my husband leaves at 6:20 am I grab my backpack and walk out the door. Walking the 2 1/2 blocks to the bus stop by Casey's on main Street. There I wait till I see another bus coming the other way.
Looking for cars I cross in the middle of the street. Not thinking the curb could be wet and slippery so I hurried across were I missed the curb and slipped then hitting the curb with my left wrist along with the weight of my body.
Ending in the street in pain knowing I had to get myself up and back on to the curb before I get run over by a car, dump truck and the city bus.
Now there is only one thing I can do start walking up the street to the hospital. After walking 5 blocks I entered the hospital walked up to the window for the ER. Showing my ID and telling the person behind the window what I just did. Signing in at 7:10 am then going through the doors were I picked up some paperwork to fill out while waiting for someone to enter were I'm waiting.
About 10 or 15 minutes later a nurse comes in and checks my left wrist while taking my blood pressure and pulse then he applies an ice pack to my wrist then walks out coming back a few minutes later with a wrap. Wrapping up my wrist and reapplying the ice pack he tells me to wait and a doctor will see you soon. The nurse comes in one more time and puts on a brace over the wrap then leaves again.
Which seems like forever before the doctor comes in she takes off the brace and wrap looks at my left wrist which is very very swollen and black and blue up to my elbow. Then she lets me know I'm going to need x-rays done. Next stop x-rays then back to my room and wait for the doctor again. Another 10 or 15 minutes later the doctor returns to let me know I have a hair line fracture in my left wrist. Then she asked if I needed something for the pain saying yes she gives me a shot. Making sure that I keep the wrap and brace on. Also reminding me to make an appointment with my doctor A. S. A. P.
Now I can leave and it's 9:45 am before I walk out of the hospital. Walking back home the 8 blocks. Taking my time and thinking about what to do next.
1: Call the doctor
2: Call the Cedar Falls public library to let them know that I can't help them out for Lit-con this year. Which I never made the call.
3: Try to figure out how to do all the other stuff I do.
Getting home and walking in the back door around 11:35 am seeing trouble wants to be feed. After getting my shoes, sweatshirt,long sleeve shirt and back pack off. Which is harder to do with one hand. It's time to feed trouble and wait for Doug to call.12:15 pm Doug calls and I tell him about slipping and falling down and going to the ER.
Next Wednesday had doctor appointment with x-rays still fractured and I am only to wear the brace hoping to get it in a cast. Not this time.
Friday November 14th I helped her up for Lit-con up stairs in the meeting room moving around a lot of chairs. Also in the community center wereI moved around chairs too..
Saturday November 15th I volunteered all day for Lit-con in full costume including brace. Had a great time saw a lot of great people and great costumes only thing I wished I would have brought my digital camera but it would have been a little hard to use it with a brace on and with the cane I was using too.
Two weeks later went to Walmart and got everything I needed for making Reuben sandwiches and pizzas.
Every 3 weeks had doctor appointment with x-rays to find out I'm healing nicely but still no cast. On December 29th last doctor appointment with x-rays to get the same answer I'm healing nicely and I won't get a cast. January 13th I can finally take off the brace for good.
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luxetrust · 2 years
Hltb resident evil 3 remake
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The team behind the game revealed they strongly considered cutting this creature since it didn’t fit with the remake’s grounded aesthetic, but they decided to keep it when they realized fans would miss the battle. The demo also came with a new cinematic trailer, which gives a brief tease of the famous alligator boss. Apparently, less than a third of gamers who played through the teaser was able to reach the end before time ran out. Of course, players have already found a way to bypass that time limit. To build further hype for Resident Evil 2, Capcom recently launched a one-shot demo, which gives players exactly 30 minutes to explore the new game before it expires. A remastered version of Onimusha: Warlords recently landed on all major platforms to warm reviews. The publisher has stated in the past they’re open to more remakes of classic titles, so fans are hoping franchises like Onimusha and Dino Crisis will finally make the leap to next-generation consoles. Games Mentioned: Alex: Resident Evil Village Xbox, Chicory: A Colorful Tale.
By purchasing the Resident Evil 3 Steam key you‘re essentially getting two games, since RE: Resistance is just as elaborate as the base Resident Evil 3 Nemesis PC port.Reports suggest a Resident Evil 3: Nemesis remake is already in development at Capcom, but neither man would comment on that title. Here at the HLTB Podcast, we focus on the games: -Games (Beaten) -Games. In this 1 versus 4 multiplayer experience, one player will assume the role of an evil Mastermind, setting traps and unleashing monsters upon a group of survivors. This mode will include original, never before seen content as well as gameplay very similar to Dead by Daylight and Friday the 13th: The Game. cheat codes, wiki guides & walkthroughs Ys Origin Ys: The Oath in Felghana Resident Evil 7 Nier Automata. Resident Evil ResistanceĪlong with the remake of Resident Evil 3, Capcom will release an asymmetrical multiplayer mode called Resident Evil Resistance. Ys: The Oath in Felghana is a remake of Ys III. This time around there will be more enemies on the screen at once, more weapons and more ammunition along with different ammunition types, making Resident Evil 3 PC a much more faster-paced experience. However, compared to RE2, Resident Evil 3 Steam key will provide a much more action-oriented game. Partially, Resident Evil 3 Nemesis PC will feature a gameplay structure very familiar to the fans of the series: the player will move between isolated, atmospheric environments and solve puzzles to access locked zones, in turn making progress through the game. At June 2022's State of Play event, Capcom confirmed that Resident Evil 4 's remake is on the way, announcing a release date. Even though she’ll join forces with the former members of the UBCS mercenary squad it won’t be any easier, as all of them will be hunted by Umbrella’s tyrannical bioorganic weapon – Nemesis. operative willing to do everything she can to bring down the Umbrella Corporation that’s responsible for this catastrophe. Get the Resident Evil 3 Steam key to play as a highly trained S.T.A.R.S. When it comes to collectibles and hidden secrets, Resident Evil 4 has an embarrassment of riches. That first run, however, is merely scratching the surface. A straightforward run-through of the campaign will take players 10-15 hours to complete. Valentine will once again be forced to survive and escape the Raccoon City – the setting of previous RE games that’s been devasted by a zombie infection known as t-Virus. Resident Evil 4 is a game that gives as much as the player puts in. The modern remake of Resident Evil 3 will have the player assume the role of Jill Valentine, a famous female co-protagonist of the first Resident Evil game and the sole main character of the third installment. There are 144 Collectibles divided into 7 types and 4 Weapons. Resident Evil 3 Steam key offers a game that’s just as ambitious as its predecessor if not more. This Resident Evil 3 Remake Guide shows where to find all Collectible Locations on PS4, Xbox One, PC (20 Charlie Dolls, 56 Files, 20 Locks / Lockers / Strongboxes / Pickable Locks, 6 Inventory Upgrades, 25 Key Items, 4 collectable Weapons).
With the unprecedented success of Resident Evil 2 Remake in 2019, a modern reimagining of the third installment in the series was simply unavoidable. Just like the original game, Resident Evil 3 Remake is being developed and published by the infamous Japanese video game company Capcom, which holds credit for multiple critically acclaimed and long-running gaming franchises: Devil May Cry Monster Hunter and Street Fighter among others. Purchase the Resident Evil 3 Steam key to enjoy a modern remake of the 1999 classic that concluded the phenomenal Resident Evil trilogy back on the first PlayStation console.
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meanya · 4 years
If you missed any or all of the Unus Annus livestream, here's a summary of every hour:
~11 hours out: The channel name could've been Annus Singulos (they decided on Unus Annus at a Buffalo Wildwing)
They always planned on it ending on Friday the 13th NOT the 15th (@ MatPat)
The dude who interrupted the sex toys video was not a mailman, he was just some guy. He did not comment on the sex toy stuff.
~10 hours out: They look at memes. Mark "hook car batteries up to my nipples and I'll say yes every time" Fischbach is NOT a masochist, he just wants to know what it feels like to be hit by a car
Frank!!! Frank!!!!!!!
Ethan is going to marry the microphone clip on his shirt
Dollar Shave Club never got back to them about a sponsorship
The workers including the actress in the escape room actually enjoyed having Mark and Ethan doing their shtick there
~9 hours out: Vincent the editor made a best of his edits throughout the videos, it was beautiful, it was mostly just clips of dying
He also wrote them a WHOLE DAMN ORIGINAL SONG!!! IN A WEEK!! About stopping the clock!!! He rapped!
Marcus the editor did a funny edits-roll as well, it was brilliant
~8 hours out: Rachel shows her edits roll! Some of the funniest clips in the whole series!
A comment they read: Mark can do any of his edgy project ideas now and that's terrifying.
Mark: Just wait til you see my next project.
Their merch manager had to buy a 4th warehouse to produce all the merch that had been ordered
If anyone sees Unus Annus pictures or any reminiscence of it in the future and are asked where it's from we are supposed to respond with "You wouldn't get it 🙄"
~7 hours out: they complain more about enema water gun
They re-watch the Pepper spray video. Mark talked about how he thinks about the pain whenever he sees videos of riotors/protestors getting sprayed. Everyone in chat chanted “BLM” and “ACAB” for a few minutes.
Lixian the editor had his edit reel played (”They make em (the people) pretty in Portugal”)
Mark was salty at Youtube because they claimed they didn’t make billboards for YouTube shows and hence, wouldn’t make a billboard for A Heist With Markiplier, but then later made one for James Charles’ show
Mark presented Amy with a BRAND NEW BUG WATCH 😭
Amy: No nothing on their (Youtube’s) Twitter, they’re not talking about it (Unus Annus)
Mark: Guess it’s not important enough...
Amy: They’re too busy tweeting about “World Kindness Day”
Mark: Oh yeah Friday the 13th 2020 wOrLd KiNdNeSs DaY
~6 hours out: Ethan compares the channel dying to putting down a dog. Things get serious for a beat, people in chat start crying.
They look at fanart for a while, Mark criticizes it like an asshole
They watch Pink Trombone again.
Mark and Ethan guarantee that after the channel is gone they will not forget about it. Mark also permits people to make creations / art after Unus Annus is deleted.
~5 hours out: They re-watch Pee Sauna, dying inside all the way.
DJ Burt Blackarach surprises them with a cake and champagne.
Chat is flooded with “❤🧡💛💚💙💜” messages for a while
Looking at memes again, Mark confirms that the noises that the radio made in SCP Amy were 100% just the radios, not them, making the sounds. They still don’t know why they made those sounds.
Mark and Ethan beg for 1mil like in order to see what’s actually in the Unus Annus casket. They might even lay down in it.
~4 hours out: We find out that in the Children’s Games in Total Darkness video, the weird shot of them both in a trance staring into the phone screen was actually just them trying to adjust their eyes back to normal light and it wound up looking super cool.
Vincent’s highlight reel is played again while everyone takes a break, supposedly there is a “surprise” to be revealed soon.
A tattoo artist named Danielle comes on the set, Ethan says he’s going to get an Unus Annus tattoo live.
~3 hours out: More fanart. Mark admits that after this ends, he’s probably never going to wear his suit ever again, he might bury it. (There’s not much room left in his backyard)
Mark talks Danielle the tattoo artist’s ear off about how wholesome and educational and not cursed the channel was.
Mark and Ethan then do a full 180 and confess to Danielle all their sins; cooking with sex toys, pee sauna, pee life straws, the pee soda idea, drilldo, etc.
Amy: (while Eef’s getting tattooed) “Mark, he’s choosing to spend his last day in pain. And you’re not!”
Mark: (looking at a picture of a tattoo) How long do you think that tattoo would take?
Danielle: Probably 3 hours.
Mark: 3 HOURS?!?! That’s more time than we have to live!!
Alex, Mark’s trainer, made them a euology video. It was like a LORE-filled poem made of secret callbacks to the titles of past videos.
Ethan’s tattoo is done, it is a “ 00:00:00 “ on his left arm.
Stevie who runs the merch shop makes a guest appearance. He self descirbes as “tired and sad and a little tipsy.” He seems both grateful and dead inside. He says he’s going to do a matching tattoo with Ethan.
Mark admits he was planning on not doing merch originally, but he’s glad he changed his mind.
~2 hours out: They talk about behind the scenes of Hee hoo. The reason Mark’s still wearing high socks during this video is because of all the burs so he doesn’t scrape up his legs. Amy wrote the whole end credits story about Ethan meeting Michelle Obama and dying a tyrant.
Mark never got to watch Ethan kidnaps Mark, so they watch it.
They watch The Truth about Unus Annus, Amy surprises Mark with a white tophat. #Mark’sNewHat (it’s an extra large)
Mark and Eef make their last tweets as Unus and Annus
Mark got cool Unus Annus custom pocket watches for Ethan and Amy
~1 hour out: Things get serious. Mark and Ethan private the Unus Annus Instagram (so that no one else can take the Unus Annus handle) and delete all the posts.
Mark proposes that Amy be the one to hit the delete button at the end of the channel. They agree to do it together.
They hit 1 million likes. They open the coffin. There’s nothing in the coffin, but the inside is very pretty, split-colors silk. They take turns laying in it for the first time with the door shut. It’s comfy. Even Amy tries laying in it.
Mark says a short eulogy for Eef as Eef does for Mark. They both say a eulogy for Amy. They all get choked up. The coffin is now called the Cry Box.
They delete the Unus Annus Twitter. They set the Subreddit to private. Apparently there were no mods on that subreddit except Mark.
Mark finally confessed to Amy that he punched a hole in the wall. Amy was there when it was being patched up, but she forgives him anyway.
They play The Barrel and sing along. They thank their team. They thank the audience.
Amy comes down. They all put their hands on the computer. “Unus Annus."
Mark: "See you on the other side."
Ethan: "See you on the other side."
they click delete. The channel is gone forever. Memento mori.
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orpheusredux · 2 years
2,10 and 32 for the nsfw asks list.
Thank you 😍
Hi! Thanks for being responding to this call out! Just a reminder, these questions and responses are STRICTLY 18+, do not ask or comment or even look if you are a minor.  Anyway, I just got Eddie's reply so I'll pass it over to him:
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Hey @ziasaph how you doin’?
Let’s see what you… woah…. Getting straight to the real talk, huh? OK. 
2: Rough sex or soft sex?
Do I really have to choose? 
Like, there will be times when you find yourself having the slowest, softest, most romantic fuck you’ve ever experienced - and the next minute, you’re pounding her into the mattress - at her request, mind - while she pulls your hair and calls you names so filthy you’d want to  wash your own mouth out with soap. It’s called ‘being in the moment’ and I’m all the fucking way into it. 
The only preference I really have is that everyone is on board. Like, not just, “gee, I don’t know… OK, I guess?”. I mean if you want me to choke you, I want, “CHOKE ME LIKE AN ANIMAL, YOU SICK FUCK”, or words to that effect.
I’m not into choking, myself. I get that other folks are. Each to their own. You should, you know, discuss that shit though, before getting into it, and only do it with someone you know and trust. I’m not shitting around. 
All bets are off if you find yourself in one of those situations where your hormones have gotten the better of your head commonly known as “hate fucking”. Becky Simpson knows what I’m talking about. That bitch bites. 
Sometimes, though, when you’ve gone and caught feelings you don’t want to be too rough. It’s not that you don’t care about their basic, you know, humanity when you’re getting rough. Sometimes you just want to make that person feel, you know, cherished. 
I’ve only - I’ve only had that kind of experience once, and it was pretty intense. You don’t need to get rough when it’s like that. Your fucking feelings are rough enough. 
10: Have you ever been caught masturbating?
Oh my God. OK, yes, twice. 
The first time - and this if fucking terrible - I was 13, and my old man was out of choky for five fucking minutes, so we were all walking on egg shells around the house. 
My mom - God, she was so sweet natured, and I was such a little jerk. Ah, shit. Gimme a minute. 
OK, I’m alright. So… where was I? So,I was stressed out with dad being home and I was spending all my time in my room. Gareth, that sweet little pervert, had taken pity on me and allowed me to borrow his Precious - his 1984 November edition of Hustler, with the, you know, the-the ‘gynecological’ shots.
So I’m hiding out in my bedroom, my mom’s hiding out in the laundry at the other end of the house, and my old man on his fat ass in the lounge with a beer, sitting between us. 
Now, I’m 13, and by this stage I’ve been spanking it for a while, but I’ve never come. I mean, I’ve come, but never blown a wad. Sorry for the TMI. 
So, anyway, I can take the anticipation no longer, and I whip out Gareth’s treasure trove of spank material, and I get to it. By the time I get to Miss November, I’m in fucking love here. I’m spanking it like my life depends on it. 
Mom’s  doing my laundry. But then I guess the fucking cycle ends, and she brings a pile of my clean fucking clothes into my room, and I swear to God, it goes like this: 
The door opens, Mom walks in, cops a load of me with my junk in my hand and Miss fuckin’ November spread eagle on my lap, and screams. Not just a shocked yelp, it’s a full on Friday the 13th Halloween scream like she’s being murdered. And I just  - I just splooge for the first time, all over Gareth’s prized copy of Hustler.
My fuckin’ dad thinks one of his old drug buddies is trying to break into the house or some shit, and he comes steaming in, goddamned shot gun blazing and he blows a fucking hole in the wall of the double wide, only to realise what’s really going on when he sees my mom with her hands over her eyes, my room covered in clothes and spunk, and me with my pants round my ankles trying to cover my dick with a copy of Hustler. 
Anyway, the neighbors called the cops, and my Dad’s parole conditions said no weapons, so pfft, he ends up straight back inside. So, I died of shame, but it was for a good cause. 
The second time was… well, it was way sexier, but I don’t want to talk about it right now. Let’s just say it didn’t involve my mom or the fucking 5-0. 
32: Have you ever tasted yourself? [If no, would you?] [If yes, what did you think?]
Holy shit, of course! Like, when I was a kid, all the time. Not so much now, unless… 
Well, I mean, I’m not a huge fan of BJs, I think I’ve said this before. But, you know when someone you care about blows you, and she lets you come in her mouth?
And it feels fucking incredible, because it was her, and she wanted to do that for you. 
And you look down at her, and she is just so fucking beautiful, you don’t know how you got so lucky. And she’s smiling this shy, giddy little smile back at you because she just made you come your goddamn brains out.
Her big blue eyes, and her face all tear stained, but she’s happy because she knows, she knows, she is the reason you’re having trouble speaking and like co-ordinating your fucking limbs… 
And you have to kiss her, right? You -you have to. So you pull her up off her knees, and you hold her sweet, sweet body close, and you press your mouth to hers, and slip your tongue past her lips, past her cute little crooked teeth, and you taste yourself there? So, you know you’ll be inside her for hours. All fucking day, she’s carrying you with her. That’s…that's... ah, shit. Gimme another minute. 
Naw, eddie... don't cry buddy!
Check out the list of questions if you want to ask Eddie anything. And don't forget to check out my AO3 and my masterlists.
Also, I hate to ask, but would you consider reblogging? It really does help!
(CAVEAT: Y'all know this isn't really Eddie, right? Because he is a fictional character. This is a writing exercise. I have no connection or relationship to the Duffers or Stranger things. I'm just fooling around)
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Friday 16 May 1834
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12 ½
fine – ready in an hour F57° at 8 5 - reading till 9 ½ from page 25 to 76, volume 24 British prose writers to the end of Horace Walpole’s Reminiscences - Letter from Mr Scotts’ book-keeper ‘G.W. Ellis, 3 Dove street, near the Nunnery York’ to say Joseph had brought away his livery hardly worn at all and to beg me to desire him to send it back again - the poor lad brought it away in ignorance, never dreaming, as nobody said anything to him about it, that he ought to have given it back - Letter 3 pages from M- (Lawton) dated Thursday 8th inst and lastly last Tuesday night 13th instant – hoped to have heard from me – disappointed tho’ saying she had now no right to be so - and indeed ought not as she had neither asked me to write to her at Lawton, nor had I promised to do so -  they arrived at Lawton on Tuesday 6th inst and were to leave there on Wednesday the 14th - writes to ask me to pay the ‘new servant James for a greatcoat Thomas had bought of him’- found her scholars more stupid than formerly dined at Rode nothing interested her ‘Mary is not what she was or the same things would produce the same pleasures but it matters not’ ‘Time will do its best and worst, and after all is the short span of life worth a thought? a few short years and all is over and mine neither have given nor promise sufficient of comfort to induce a wish that they might be prolonged no one knows not, even you dearest Fred, what I have gone thro’ and at this moment I feel as little caring for the future of this world as if 24 hours would close my existence perhaps I should be thankful to know its duration was so limited – you, at least, I trust will be happy for you deserve to be so, and earnestly do I pray that it may be so’ and that those you love best may secure to you all the comfort necessary to your wishes for the present adieu then writes the more than half page of conclusion on Tuesday night  poor Mary how she has always marred her own happiness but how was it when I was so low two years ago she shewed no great pity for me breakfast in 20 minutes at 9 ½ wrote the above of today till 10 20 - some time out with Pickels and the rest -P- finished re-levelling the ground in front of the house before 12 and was at the railing in the afternoon with his 2 men. Had Joseph up twice for a good while about correcting his letter to Mr Ellis respecting the livery - had ½ hour’s nap - wrote 3 pages and ends to M- as follows ‘Shibden Hall, Friday 16th May 1834. I have in this moment, my dearest Mary, received your letter dated lastly the 13th (Tuesday last) – three days from Lawton! These shews me, that my letter written on Sunday, and sent on Monday (the 12th) would reach Lawton a few hours after you were off - Surely  it would be sent after you immediately and surely you have reached it ere this - Mary! I am very very sorry my pages were not with you at Lawton! - but they will convince you, you were not out of my thoughts, are not and are not likely to be – the more, my dearest Mary, I reflect upon the past, the more I am confounded at the appalling inconsistency of your conduct - that you should grieve so deeply over its consequences, is a heavy misfortune to us both - but this I can truly say, that whatever you may ‘have gone thro’ I can’t earnestly believe it to exceed the misery, the ruthless desolation of heart that fell upon myself – to me it was more sudden than the lightness glare - you had long warning – the storm came not but at your bidding, and from your own breast, sprang up the rock on which the hope of 20 years was wrecked - in pity and in common justice, remember this - think too, that you can never have had one feeling of wounded pride to add its sting to all the rest - it was your own hand drew the card that sped the deadly shaft hope to the heart that had no shield but its affection Mary! your aim did seem so coolly, so deliberately taken, the arrow scarce could miss her way - But no more - my regard is still perhaps worth having, and it will not be my fault if it does not serve you faithfully. For my sake, at least, take my advice this once more - Cheer up - rally round you those hopes that are scatted, rather than destroyed – let not your spirit turn coward but gather together your resources, calculate them fairly, manage them well – remember that you have a tried and steady friend who will help you to the uttermost, and, trust me, you have no need to despair of happiness even in this world - despair is always a false calculation we can’t tell the good that may be in store for us and when our horizon seems lowest who knows that the brightest gleams of our existence are not at hand? Mary! I will do anything in the world I can for you - and surely it is my power to be a greater comfort to you than I can possibly have been, ever since the first moment when your mind became unsettled enough to entertain the 1st embryo thought of the now as it appears, strange resolve you came to, 2 years ago. But perhaps after all you were more right than you now believe. If all your tastes were indeed so changed as you told me, while mine as I honestly avowed, remained so nearly the same, how would it have answered to be still entirely dependent on each other? For you must not forget that, as the circumstance, which seems more particularly to tell you the secret of your own heart, would not then have occurred , you might still have been ignorant of it as ever, and I should not have had the strong advantage of being valued as at present. Mary! Is not this reasonable? you find travelling insupportable - you had other interest dearer than mine - you could not bear to leave Lawton - you even made a point of my promising to settle near there - and you, above all people, knew how I was situated towards my own place, where my family had lived between 2 and 3 centuries, I being the 15th possessor of my family and name - Mary! the spirit of my uncle started up before me and had my life been the sacrifice, idolatry must have yielded to honour - Mary! my dearest Mary, you thought of me too lowly then, as you think of me too highly now - reflect upon these things - you will be happier by and by - you will trust my friendship regard implicitly and this will not be the least of the comforts that I firmly hope will attend us both – ask me to write, or to do anything - I do not feel as if I should ever disappoint you much - I have no feeling towards you but of affectionate regard and my greatest anxiety is for your welfare - But cheer up, Mary! be comforted, my dearest Mary, if it be but for my sake - How my pen still lingers on this engrossing subject -I must answer the purport of your letter - James Clayton is no longer my servant - he came to me on the 24th ult. refused to wear Thomas’s livery - on the 26th and left me on the 28th sorry probably for his folly and not calculating that I should not retract the warning given at the moment - Mrs Williamson, Register Office for servants, Colliergate  
(I think it is) York, is the only person I know of likely to know anything about the man - you will see from my last, as far as I can tell at present, what I am going to be about - I shall probably be in York by 12 on Tuesday and off in an hour towards Richmond - in my aunt’s present state of health,  I cannot be absent more than a week, I do not expect her surviving another winter - my father’s life, too, is very precarious, he had a very slight paralytic affection , more particularly in the left arm, 3 or 4 days ago -  Marian’s attention to him is quite exemplary - her feelings towards me seem altogether changed into what is most comfortable - God bless you my dearest Mary! you can’t possible doubt my regard and how much I am always very especially yours A. Lister’ writing out this letter has taken me from 3 25 to 4 10 = 1 ¼ hour what will π- think of it  I see three tears had fallen on her paper  what a goose she has been surely she never thought of losing she played upon me too much the history of our acquaintance may be summed in accepted refused accepted married offended refused repented - reading over my letter and dawdling till out at 4 ½ - with Marian in the garden - with Mallinson etc - dinner at 6 ½ then coffee and Marian was with me till after 8 - then sent off my letter to ‘Mrs Lawton, Claremont house, Leamington, Warwickshire’ and Joseph took to the post his letter to Mrs Ellis to say he should have the livery hat and all on Tuesday - from 8 ½ to 9 ½ in the fields looking at the new railing - 18 posts and railing there to belonging set this afternoon - and all would be finished tomorrow if we had the posts but we shall not have enough by 8 - 2 plasterers came this morning from Shaw’s, and cleared away the dirt and plaster ready for pointing west side of the house - talking to Marian till 10 1/4 . Is Northgate, or will it be, sold or not – tonight at 7 the sale was to being – I have not thought much about it even this evening and not all during day my day was spent over my letter and my eyes stiffish with the tears that fell or stood big in my eyes this weakness is too foolish - 10 minutes with my aunt and came to my study at 10 25 and wrote the last 10 lines - raining fast - seemed to begin a few minutes ago - fine day tho’ dullish - very good for growing - my father does not like the idea of flower-beds, so the ground before the front window is to be all sown down with grass and clover - till 11 ½ read from page 79 to 99 Horace Walpole’s letters British prose writers vol. 24
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127-mile · 4 years
Welcome to Crystal Lake.
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Pairing: Yuta x reader.
Genre: serial killer, summer camp | Fluff, angst.
Warnings: alcohol consumption, blood, like a lot of blood, explicit and non-explicit deaths, stabbing, injuries.
Plot:  Summer has finally arrived, and after a grueling year, you are excited to return to work at camp Crystal Lake where you used to spend your summer vacations as a child. You are all the more excited to see the other councilors again, and to escape the tension of the city for a whole month. 
This is your last time working there, and who knows, it might even be your last summer too.
Word count: +5.1k.
A/N: This was requested by the incredible @neo-cult-ure​ as part of Something in the shadows. My inspiration was American Horror Story 1984 and Friday the 13th. Oh, and happy October 1st
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"Alright, listen to me! The rules are not only for the campers, they are for you too!" the new director of the camp says, and you sigh. You are not the only one to be bothered by a change of staff without having been warned, the other counselors are too, and they do not hesitate to show it. Johnny coughs every time she opens her mouth, and Yuta immediately goes to his rescue, speaking way too loudly.
"Mister Suh, should I send you home? You look sick." the director is annoyed, and you nibble on your lower lip so as not to laugh when you see Johnny straightening up, his arms crossed against his chest. "No, everything is fine, but thank you for worrying about my health, that's very kind of you." you roll your eyes, that's so typical of Johnny. "Mr. Suh, this is your first warning, I don't care that you have been working here for 5 years, I will not hesitate to kick you out."
It is true that it is different from the former director. The latter was nice, and much younger, her goal was for the camp to be fun, and for everyone to have a great month. But this one does not seem to have the same ideas. "And what are the rules ?" a voice rises from the crowd of councelors, and the director seems delighted with the question.
"So, the bathroom hours have changed. The girls will shower in the morning, and the boys in the evening, so are you. I refuse the entry of alcohol and any kind of drugs. For anyone. The curfew is now at 10 pm. The electricity will be cut to make sure neither of you decides to go out discreetly, I will give you flashlights to check if all of the children are in the cabins. Of course, it is strictly forbidden to undertake anything loving or sexual between your, or with the campers."
The counselors look at each other, grimacing, the thought of dating a camper has never crossed anyone's minds, knowing that neither of them is of legal age, it's disgusting. "A breach of the rules will give you a strike, after the third, you will be asked to pack your bags and go home, and you will not be paid for the time you have been here."
You frown, and you raise your hand to speak, but when the director looks at you and blatantly ignores you, you open your mouth anyway. "But that last rule doesn't sound very legal to me." the director shrugs her shoulders. "I don't care what's legal or not, you work for me, so I expect you to follow the rules."
"You can leave, the children will be arriving early tomorrow. I want you in front of the camp half an hour before." with these words, the director comes down from her makeshit platform, and she walks to her office, where she will certainly be locked up for the next few hours. Several counselors turn on their heels and go through the camp, but the last boys turn to you, they all have the same expression.
"This is bullshit, dude." Yuta mumbles as he walks over to put un arm around your shoulders. "At least, you're here." he rubs his cheek on top of your head like a cat would, and you laugh softly, pulling away from him. "I need the money man, there's no way I'm following you in the plans you've probably already made to annoy her."
Johnny laughs as he puts his hand on his chest. "You hurt me, Y/n, do you really think I could do something like this ? I didn't think you could be like that." he says, falsely offended, and you sigh. "It's true that you are, Johnny, a real angel. I'm sorry I thought you were able to do such things." Johnny smiles, and you can't help but do the same, and he nods. "Thank you, and I accept your apology."
Idiot, you think.
You take the direction of the caibe you share with several counselors, but before you can put a hand on the hangle, a hand lands on your shoulder. When you turn, you smile when you see Yuta. He hasn't change since last year, except for the color of his hair, he's still handsome. "Do you want to go for a walk ?" you thought you would get a little rest, but you are not going to refuse him, not after he has spent the last few months begging you for some time together.
You appreciate all the counselors, the friends you made over the years working here, and even coming as a camper yourself, but you always had a soft spot for Yuta and his smile. You can't deny him anything, and you know that at some point, it will cause your problems. "Yes ok, but not too long, I don't want to be stuck in the dark when she cuts the electricity." once more, he puts his arm over your shoulders, and he takes the opposite direction to the cabins. "Don't worry, I'm here to protect you."
Yuta takes you to the bridge which overhands the river, and he rests his elbows on the railing, his gaze lost in the sky who are turning a pretty shade of pink. "I can't believe this is our last year here already." Yuta's voice is so low that you have to come closer to hear it, and you nod. "Yeah, but it had to end at some point."
Okay, you really enjoy spending your summers here, but now you can do like all the other adults you know, go on vacantion, and enjoy somewhere quiet without having to worry about the survival of twenty children for which you are responsible.
"I like this place." Yuta begins. "It's like none of the horrors happening outside reach this camp. Nothing can happen to us here." you frown, he is right about the first point. The reason you came back this year, at the last minute, is to escape the tension of the city, but not the tension caused by the tourists and the cars, but because of the lurking killer. In the last few months, several murders with the same patern have been deported by the police, and as Yuta said, nothing is happening here. Nothing can happen in the middle of nowhere.
"Nothing is reaching this camp, but I'm not sure it really makes us safe." Yuta turns his head toward you and he frowns. "Hear me out. Imagine the killer shows up here, or any psychopath from Friday the 13th, ready to battle with the monitors he had some beef with when he was younger. The city is 30 kilometers away, the payphone works one in five times, and we're not going to beat a deadly killer with a plastic baseball bat."
"You really have to stop watching horror movies." Yuta chuckles, and you nod, he is right about that, you create a paranoia for yourself that doesn't have to be with the films you watch. "Anyway, you know, if a killer infiltrates our ranks, you always have to run away from him, and turn right, you never know what's on the left."
The lightness in Yuta's voice prevents you from thinking about the innuendo in his words, so you shrug. Yuta has always had an incredible imagination. "We should go, it's getting dark." he says, and you follow him without a word. The counselors are already all locked in the cabins, either drinking the reserve of alcohol they have hidden in their suitcases, or sleeping. When you stop outside of your door, you turn to Yuta.
"Please, you and the boys, don't do anything that might get you fired by the director. I don't want to be alone for the summer." Yuta laughs, and you can't help but laugh too, it's so infectious. "Do not worry about me." he leans over and places a soft kiss on your cheek before turning on his heels and heading for one of the other cabins. "Remember, always turn right." he yells before disappearing from your field of vision.
Lying in bed, you turn several times. You can't sleep, it's way too hot in the cabin, and one of the girls is sleep-talking, and it's particularly annoying. You end up standing up with a sigh, you are not going to fall asleep, that's for sure.
You get out of bed, and pick up a jack before leaving the cabin. The electricity is not yet cut, maybe the director will give you at least one night without being afraid to go out to the bathroom. At least, it's not difficult for you to find your friends' cabin. The lights are on, you can see shadows begind the dirty curtains hanging on the windows.
You knock on the door, and suddenly, the movements stop. "Open up, you idiots, I know you're not sleeping." the door opens on Taeyong who smiles. His cheeks are already red, and he smells of alcohol, it makes you wince. "Can I come in ?" of course, the question does not arise, he pushes himself and you enter. The boys are either slouched in the beds, or on the floor. They all have a bottle of alcohol in their hand, and you wonder how many they've brought back.
"So my little one, were you already missing up?" Johnny asks, and you roll your eyes as you settle down next to him on his bed. "Yeah, you have no idea." you look around, and you are surprised not to see Yuta. "He's gone to take a shower." Johnny says before you have had the time to open your mouth, so you nod.
"I odn't know what he took, the Yuta, but he said weird things earlier." Jungwoo exclaims, and you turn your head toward him. "Y/n, I think you gave him your fascination for horror movies, because he was clearly off the rails." you sit up, picking up Johnny's beer bottle to take a sip. The liquid is lukewarm, it's disgusting. "Yeah, he told me weird things when we were walking earlier."
Eyes turn to you, and you would like to be swallowed by the mattress if that was possible. "He said you always have to run away from a killer, and turn right, because-" Jungwoo cuts you off. "Because you never know what's on the left." you nod, it's strange.
"No need to worry, it's Yuta, he's always had a weird touch, but we love him anyway." with your eyes closed, you are not sure which boy just spoke up, but you nod, maybe he is right. The cabin is hot, and humid, it's nasty, but you do not move from Johnny's bed, even when he is using your shoulder as a pillow.
"To another successful summer!" you hear a boy sream before a thud is heard, said boy has most definitely tripped over his own feet. You let yourself be lulled by the sound of bottles clinking and the laughter of the boys who are trying to be discreet. Well, that's a fail.
You wake up later that night and you frown when you notice that the cabin is dark except for a flashlight on and riveted to the ground. Johnny is no longer next to you, and when you sit up, you see several bodies near the window. "What is happening ?" a face turns to you, and he puts a fingers to his lips, indicating to be silent.
You get up from the bed, and you walk up to the boys. You question Jungwoo with a simple nod of your head, and he approaches you. "We heard screams." he whispers close to your ear, and your blood freezes. "Is that a joke ?" you ask in a low voice, and he shakes his head. His face is serious, even in the faint flow of the flashlight.
"Turn off the flashlight, turn it off !" you hear Taeyong's distraight voice, and the light goes off, plunging them into total darkness. A shadow appears behind the window, and you all try to make yourself even smaller. You hear movement, and you notice the shape against the door, trying somehow to block the entrance when the handle turns a few times.
You press your hand against your mouth, convinced that the sound of your breathing will be enough to get all caught, but it is nothing compared to the sound of your head pounding in your chest. Lound knocks are given on the door, and you slowly back away, never getting up. Jungwoo grabs your hand, and you try to stay calm. If you had been alone in your cabin, you most likely would have used the back door to run away.
It would've been a silly reaction that could get you killed instantly, you've seen enough movies to know that. But maybe it's just the joke of an instructor, or children who arrived a little earlier. It happened already that parents dropped them off way too early in front of the camp and they been left to fend for themselves until the early hours of the morning, and boredom pushed them to try and scare the counselors.
The banging stops, and you all wait to see if the person behind the door leaves. After a minute, the sound of footsteps echoes on the wooden square, and disappears a little further away, certainly ready to attack in the next cabin. "Yuta." you whisper, looking at the other boys whose eyes you feel are turned toward you. "We have to find him."
You wonder why he hasn't come home from his shower a couple of hours ago, he can't gave gotten lost, he knows the camp like the back of his hand. You wait five more minutes, then the flashlight comes back on and you see Johnny holding it. He gets up, and the others follow suit. "We also have to go see the director." Jungwoo says, and you nod. "We should call the police."
Your hear a sigh next to you, and your gaze meets Doyoung's who shakes his head. "No, we have to wait. If this is just a prank, we're gonna look stupid in front of the police." its true, the police don't like to be disturbed for something as simple as a prank, and even if it was true, they would take too long to arrive. "Y/n, Doyoung and Jungwoo, you're going to get Yuta. Taeyong, Ten and I are going to go see the director and wake the others up."
"Wait at the phone booth as soon as you have Yuta, okay ?" you nod, and you turn to the other two boys. Johnny opens the door and he look each side to make sure no one is waiting for you, and when the way is clear, he opens more to let the three people out. "Stay safe." he says, handing you another flashlight.
The problem with the camp is that it is surrounded by a forest, and the signal is practially non-existent except near the entrance, so you can't use your phone. You leave the cabine, looking around. No one. But the electricity has been cut.
"Come on, let's go to the bathrooms." you run through the camp, with the bathrooms set back a bit to provide campers with a minimum of privacy. You hate this stupid rule. You suddenly stop when a loud cry tears the peaceful silence of the camp. "Help me! He's coming!" Jungwoo is about to walk over to the person calling for help, but Doyoung holds him back, shaking his head. "We have to find Yuta, we'll go see what happened later."
Unfortunately, in this kind of situation, it is personal survival that comes before anything else. In this kind of situation, you have to be selfish, and Jungwoo hates that, you see it on his face. "Come on Woo, we have to go."
You start running again, and soon, you arrive near the bathrooms. You head to the men's side, and showers. No one is there, and you whine weakly. You trail the beam of your flashlight around you, and you suddenly stop on the ground. There's a puddle. It's red, and definitely fresh. Blood.
"Look." your voice is shaky, and you feel bile rising in your throat. The metallic smell is everywhere, or maybe it's just your mind playing a trick on you. "Oh fuck fuck fuck." you hear Doyoung whisper. It's not a joke anymore. You can tell fake blood to real blood, and this is definitely real blood. "We need to find Yuta, especially if he is hurt."
You walk through the showers, following the drops of bloog that have fallen on the tiles that were once white, and you shigh when you come to the door. "He went that way." in front of you, the forest stretches for several miles. "I do not like that one bit, I hate this forest." you feel a hand on your shoulder, and you gasp. "We're together at least, Yuta is alone, and probably scared."
Without a word, you set off to the forest. You find a small path that has been created by the years and the campers who like to venture there at night for a little rush of adrenaline. You are careful with the roots who almost make you trip more than once. You hear noises all around you, the sounds of the forest, the sound of threes moving, and the footsteps of your friends.
"We don't even know where we're going. What if we get lost ?" you ask, and the boys stop walking, they are thinking the same. You have never set food so far in the forest, because of the stories told by the counselors when you were still a young camper. According to them, the spirits of the people who died in the camp remain in the forest, and will attack anyone who dares to disturb their rests. You are not ready to see if that's true or not.
"Maybe we should turn around, maybe Yuta has found a way out of the forest to find the others." you turn to Doyoung and nod. Usually, he is the most reasonable, and the one you trust the most of all the other boys. You turn around, and you waste no time getting out of the forest.
"The infirmary !" you exclaim, and you run to the cabin where all the medical supplies are. You feel stupid for not thinking about it before, maybe you would have found Yuta by now. The door is open, and blood is on the handle. "Look." Doyoung goes first, and once again, you put your hand over your mouth.
What you don't expect is to find the director lying in a pool of her own blood. Her shirt is covered in dark blood, and it was ripped off where the blade of a kinde when through. "Oh no." the director's guts are as much on the outside as they as on the inside of her body, and it is too much for you. Tears run down your face, and you gasp. You need to take a deep breath or you're going to throw up. Seeing guts and so much blood in a movie is nothing for you, but the reality is so much worse.
Another scream snatches you from your torpor, and you turn towards the door. It is too much for Jungwoo who runs out of the infirmary and straight to the origin of the scream. "Jungwoo, no !" but it is too late, he is already out of reach. Doyoung does not waste a second in following him, and soon, you find yourself alone in the infirmary. Well, not really alone, since the director is there too.
You find a lanket and you put it on her body. Anyone who enters will not have to see the horror sight of the mutilated female body. You don't know what you are supposed to do now that you are all apart.
"Okay, think Y/n." you mumble, and you leave the cabin. The silence in the camp has nothing to do with the silence you are used to. The silence is heavy, its patiently waiting for something to happen. And you don't want to be there when it happens, but you have no choice, you can't just leave in the middle of the night without your friends. After a minute, you notice that your legs have led you further into the camp, and you come to a stop when you hear footsteps behind your back.
When you turn around, you open your eyes wide. Taeyong staggers towards you, his face covered in blood, and he is holding is stomach. He puts pressure on a cound. "Taeyong!" you walk up to him and catch him when he falls. "Yuta.." he whispers, and you shake your head. "We haven't found him yet." you pull his hair back from his face, and rest your hand on Taeyong's who cries in pain. Blood is flowing profusely from his wound. He was stabbed a couple of times in the stomach.
"It's okay, Yong, the boys will come back and call for help." you whisper, hoping to be convincing, but the boy shakes his head. His breathing is shallow, you notice it at the way his chest lifts. God knows since when he has been bleeding out, wandering the camp in search of help. "It's all right, I promise." when you can't hear the boy anymore, you look down at him and bite your lip hard enough to draw blood.
Taeyong is there, in your arms, his eyes wide open. If you hadn't noticed that his chest had stopped moving, you would have thought he was admiring the starry sky. But no, he is indeed dead. A sob escapes your lips, and you slowly release yourself from Taeyong's grip. You lay his head on the grass and delicately close his eyes. You'll have plenty of time to mourn him later, you must find the others, and get out of this bloody camp.
You walk through the camp, covered in blood. Covered in Taeyong's blood, but you try not to think about it. You try to clear your mind so that you can no longer hear the screams around you, they are just background noises, nothing more.
Finally, when you look up, you are near the phone booth. Someone is already there, and you tilt your head, narrowing your eyelids. The batteries of your flashlight are already dying, the light is weaker and weaker. "Yuta ?" you ask, and he turns to you. If you thought you were in a bad condition, Yuta is even worse. His hair is red and sticky with blood, his nose is probably broke, and blood is flowing from a bad cut on his forearm.
"Y/n!" he drops the phone and runs to you before hugging you tightly. He runs his hands over your cheeks, leaving a trail of blood at the same time. "The director is dead. Taeyong is dead. And I'm pretty sure the others are dead too." you sigh, and he shakes his head, a smirk on his face. "Yeah, Johnny is dead, Ten is badly injured and I believe Jungwoo fell into the river after being stabbed."
You look up at him, it talks about it in such a light tone, it's almost scary. You shake your head, before hitting his chest with your fists hard enough to make him whine. He grabs your hands to stop you. "Hey, that hurts !" he mumbles. "You moron! We were only there for the damn director, not the others!"
Yuta shrugs, forcing your arms around the back of his neck, his torse pressed to your chest. "Yeah, but I couldn't find you, so I had to keep busy." you roll your eyes, and he leans in to place a long kiss against your lips. It tastes like blood and salty with your tears, but you are used to it. Before you can slide your tongue into his mouth, he breaks the kiss and you frown. "Oh, look who's here."
Before you have time to react, you are turned around. You back makes violent contact with Yuta's chest, and you feel the coldness of a blade against your throat. Your gaze falls on Doyoung who runs toward you. He is limping, and he is holding a knife that he probably got from the kitchen. "One more step, and Y/n dies." Yuta says in a loud voice, and Doyoung stops dead.
You close your eyes, the cold of the blade is pleasant against the burning skin of your throat, but you can't take advantage of it, Doyoung must believe in your little game. You open your eyes, suddenly in pure panic. You try to escape Yuta's grip, but the blade only digs into your skin, making you bleed a little. "Doyoung, help me!"
"Stay calm." Yuta whispers in a voice as shard as his knife, the last thing he wants is for you to hurt yourself trying to lure Doyoung closer.
"Put down the knife, Doie." Yuta asks in a soft voice, and the boy does so before raising his hands prominently. He takes a step towards you, but Yuta tightens his grip around you. He tilts his head. "Why, Yuta ? Why did you do all this ?" Yuta shrughs.
"The director." he begins. "She's my step-mother." he remains silent for a moment, he lets his words weigh on Doyoung. "She cheated on my dad a few months ago, she had to pay." you refrain from rolling your eyes. He would have killed her wether she cheating on his father or not, Yuta always hated her. Even if she only had cross his path at the wrong time, he would have killed her. It's Yuta, he is like that. You learned to know him, adn to accept his quirks.
"But why the others ?" Doyoung asks, his voice broken with a sob. "I was bored." suddenly Yuta straightens up, and he released his hold on you, pushing you away with enough force that you fall onto the grass and Doyoung rushes over to help you. "I'll give you three minutes to run. After that, the hunt will be on."
It was not in the plan, you think.
Doyoung starts running and you follow him, not without picking the knife he had thrown earlier. "We have to find the others and leave before he finds us." Doyoung sayd, breathlessly, and you shake your head. "They're all dead, Doyoung, it's just us and him."
Doyoung stops, suddenly realizing everything. From the death to his friends, to the hunting party that Yuta has just started, and he falls to his knees. You stop in front of him. "Doyoung, we have to go, we can't stay here." you squeeze him, grabbing his arm to stand him up, but he doesn't move. He shakes his head. "What's the point ? If he killed everyone, we're next. Even if we run away, he'll find us." You hear Doyoung's voice dying out, he has lost all of hope of survival.
"Oh Doyoung !" You whine, and he looks up at you. "We can't stay here, we'll find a way to survive, please, I can't do this without you." the sob coming out of Doyoung's bruised lips could almost breah your heart, and he takes your hand which you offer to get up. "We have to get out."
You run nonstop for long minutes, and you start to feel the burn in your lungs, you won't be able to run any longer. But the moment that thought crosses your mind, you see the entrance of the camp.
"We are almost there !" Of course, Yuta is a smart man, he knew you would be heading towards the entrance, so he is already there, his back pressed against a tree trunk, he inspects the blade of his knife. And he smiles when he sees you. "Ah, finally !"
Doyoung stands in front of you, he wants to protect you at all costs, it is admirable. "Kill me, Yuta. But let Y/n leave." the killer laughs heartily, throwing his head back. "One of the rules for surviving an attack is to never turn your back on one of the killers." Doyoung doesn't understand, and he frowns, but when he feels a sharp pain in his back, everything lights up.
The blade of the knife digs into his back, and he crumbles to his kness on the groun, his cry is chokec by the blood pooling in his mouth. You turn around him, and with the tip of your foot, you push him so that he falls to the ground. Yuta stops next to you, his arm around your shoulders, he places a kiss on the top of your head. "You should do it more often, you look very sexy when you kill." You roll your eyes, nudging him slightly.
You retrieve the phone from your pants' pocket, and smile when you see that the signal is back, and you type in the emergency number. After several beeps, a woman answers. "Help me, please!" you scream, fake sobbing. "I'am at Camp Crystal Lake, and one of the monitors killed everyone, come quickly please, he's going to kill us!"
The woman asks you for the exact address of the camp, and you continue to sob under the gaze of Doyoung who is still on the ground, bleeding to death. You do not know if he can understand you because of the pain, but you hope he does. "His name is Kim Doyoung, he's picked on everyone, and.." you yell before hanging up.
Yuta laughs softly when he sees you throwing your phone on the floor hard enough to break it. "See, everything went as planned." the sun is already rising behind the threes in the forest, and you drop to the ground, you are exhausted. Physically, and mentally. You didn't expect to lose your friends tonight.
In less than an hour, the police will face a terrible scene. A massacre. And they will find the two survivors, ready to tell the story of Kim Doyoung, the surviving killer who snapped and decided to kill everyone one summer night.
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Double, Double, Toil, and Trouble... By: Rachel Bushman
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This was kind of how I met my best friend. We both had scheduling problems on our first of Sixth Grade. She was an introvert and I am an extrovert. I was a short nerd and she was a tall jock. She was sitting in the vice principal's office minding her own business. I was curious if she was in trouble or if she was having schedule problems like me. I couldn't pass up knowing what landed her there!
She was having schedule problems, too. I asked to sit and we talked and talked. The vice principal walked in and looked over our schedules and sorted them out and proudly announced that he had placed us in a couple classes together, because it would be a shame for good friends to not have classes together.
We looked at each other and busted out laughing! He was so perplexed! I explained that we had just met in that office a few minutes before he came in! But, despite our differences, he wasn't wrong, in the long term!
During our Freshman year, she bought me a wizard necklace with a pretty purple stone. For her birthday, I bought her a necklace with a dark blue stone surrounded by rhinestones for her birthday on February 10, 1999. We went to see "Titanic" in the theater seven times together, so she loved it!
.She hadn't been feeling well and stopped by that morning to see us and get birthday wishes. Kim was adopted at three days old and she had started asking her Mom questions about her bioparents. Her Mom had given her a picture her BioMom drew of herself. She brought it to school that morning so I could see it. Her BioMom was beautiful and looked so much like Kim!
That's the last time I saw her. She didn't even make it to lunch, she was sick and went home. I called her every day. I remember my last call to her Friday, the 12th. She missed school, but was happy for the weekend to rest up and couldn't wait for Monday! She had some marching band stuff going on. She was also looking forward to hitting the weights to recoup from being sick because she was worried about how she would do at Softball. It was her first year to play in high school.
She passed away early in the morning on the 13th. From myocarditis. The urgent care they took her to that afternoon had a hard time getting a blood pressure reading and were condensing to her Mom. She told her Mother heart was hurting late that night and they took her to the ER. The ER doctors didn't even listen, they did a spinal tap to check for Meningitis. They worked on her for 45 minutes and couldn't get her back once.
Her Mom had her for fifteen years even. It just wasn't anywhere near long enough.
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tinytourist · 3 years
From Queenstown to Lockdown
On Friday the 13th 😱, Jeff, Sara, Greg, and I flew to Queenstown to meet up with Aidan and Kaitlin for a week-long winter trip. We spent the night catching-up and planning activities. It was decided that Saturday would be for Glenorchy, a small scenic town north of Queenstown.
When we woke up, we made brunch and divided into the cars. Jeff, as usual, did not pack the correct footwear for the trip. To correct the problem, we stopped at Kmart where Jeff was able to purchase a pair of $12 fresh white kicks.
Finally, we were ready to head on the Glenorchy-Queenstown road. Our first stop was just 10 minutes from QTN at the Seven Mile Point Track. Before starting the trek, we slung the frisbee around at the top and took in the beautiful views of Lake Wakatipu, lined with snow-capped mountains.
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We dropped one car at the end of the track to save time and began helping Jeff break in his new shoes on the walk. The trail weaved around the lake, by some rock-skippin’ beaches, and through the pine forest. Avoiding mountain bikers, we made it safely to Wilson Bay. Alas, I cannot say the same about Jeff’s no longer totally white kicks.
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Back on the road, we enjoyed the magnificent views all the way to Glenorchy. When we arrived, we stopped for some chia bowls at the general store, explored the historic railway shed, and walked the long pier.
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From there, we did the Lagoon Scenic Walkway which, to Jeff’s delight, was lined with a boardwalk. This inspired Jeff to trial blind walking. Luckily we kept our eyes open for the majority of the walk because the views were not worth missing.
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We watched the sunset on our drive home. At the house, we prepared a spread of Mexican food for dinner.
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Jeff, Sara, Greg, and I woke up early on Sunday for a day of skiing at the Remarkables. It was a beautiful sunny day on the mountain. While we skied, Aidan hiked, and Kaitlin relaxed. During lunch, Jeff filled us in on the drama with Dante, one of the boys on the soccer team that he and Kieran coach. My ski day ended perfectly, with a mulled Ginger Bear on the mountain.
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Kieran joined the group and we went out for dinner at a Japanese tapas place, followed by a few fancy cocktails at Ferg’s bar. The day could not end without a trip to Kmart. Jeff convinced Aidan and Kieran to buy the fresh white kicks and we went back to the house to take an extensive photo shoot of the boiz. I’ve posted the highlights below.
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Kaitlin went home the next day and the morning was filled with faff. Eventually, we made it out of the house to the Queenstown Gardens for a round of frisbee golf. Unfortunately it was raining and quite windy. We powered through and played all 18 holes. At one point, the wind pushed Aidan’s disc into the lake. Committed to the game and his rental, Aidan took off his kicks and pants to fish his frisbee out of the water.
We rewarded ourselves with treats from Ferg and then went home to dry off. For dinner, we made pesto pasta. Theo and Maddy came over after dinner and we all played Quiplash together. Things got too spicy to quote, but let’s just say we had a good time.
On Tuesday, we went to Queenstown Hill for a stroll. The walk began with a sunny ascent through a pine forest. As we climbed, we began to see a bit of snow. We weaved up a waterfall to arrive at the vista which promised panoramic views. Instead, there was only white.
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We didn’t mind at all, as this was the first snowfall any of us had experienced in over a year. We played and admired the huge clumps of snowflakes falling from the sky. As we made our way down the mountain, we were greeted by sunny skies and a heard of goats!
Back to Ferg for snacks we went, before heading to the gardens for more frolf. This time, the conditions were much more enjoyable. That, however, did not stop us from accidentally hitting each other with the frisbees.
On our way back home, Jacinda made an announcement that the entire country would be going in to Level 4 (the most strict) lockdown starting at midnight. This was due to one case of what was likely the delta variant in the community and the extremely low vaccination rate.
We made a run to countdown and the warehouse before hunkering down for the night. We ate, drank, and enjoyed our last night together. We played Quiplash long into the night. Porter even joined us virtually for a few rounds.
Aidan left first thing in the morning. The rest of us hung out, packed, and played monopoly deal. Kieran was next to leave. After dropping him at the airport, we went for a walk around the deserted town. We pulled together the leftovers into a sandwich night for dinner before saying our goodbyes.
It was really tough not knowing when we’d all get to see each other again. I wish we could’ve stayed together in that house, but we only had 72 hours before travelling home would be restricted. Because we didn’t know how long the lockdown would go on, we decided that it would be best for us to wait it out at home. Greg and I were luckily able to catch the last flight back to Auckland.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
15 Worst NES Games of All-Time
The worst NES games of all time are a truly special breed of bad video games. Say what you will about the downsides of the modern video game industry (and there is certainly a lot to say), but there is, in most cases, a baseline standard of quality ensured by better, cheaper technology, experience, and more controlled distribution channels. You may get the occasional indie game that is basically a scam, but when it comes to major releases…well, even Cyberpunk 2077 was pretty good in a lot of ways.
That wasn’t the case during the NES era. At a time when console gaming was basically the digital wild west, it was incredibly difficult to tell good games from bad ones, and developers often exploited that fact to get us to buy titles that refuse to leave the deepest, darkest parts of our nostalgia all these years later.
That’s the thing about these games. Are they among the worst NES titles ever? Absolutely, but years later, there’s something about remembering the pain of playing them and sharing those memories with others that is strangely enjoyable. 
15. Tag Team Wrestling
Even with all of the other bad wrestling games for the NES (and there were many), Tag Team Wrestling manages to stand apart largely by virtue of being fundamentally unplayable in nearly every way you can imagine.
In a dream world where you manage to overcome this game’s all-time bad animations and unresponsive controls, you still have to deal with the fact that there are times when the opponent A.I. difficulty is raised to such a degree that it becomes quite literally impossible to win. If it weren’t for the fact that this game eventually inspired Homestar Runner’s Strong Bad character, it would be entirely worthless.
14. Friday the 13th
There are some who will credit Friday the 13th for being unique and ambitious. We shall not speak their name in this house of truth where we recognize that the Friday the 13th franchise was never scarier than the moment you tried to play this game as a child.
This game’s bewildering map and unforgivable controls were practically designed to eliminate the possibility of fun. It’s easy to love Jason’s weirdly stylish purple jumpsuit in this 8-bit nightmare, but much like Patrick Bateman, no amount of style can hide the monster beneath.
13. Super Pitfall
There’s no shortage of NES games that are difficult to the point of being fundamentally unenjoyable, but Super Pitfall may just be the king of that particular trash heap.
Super Pitfall‘s developers seemed to believe that the reason people love video games is that they offer the chance to listen to repetitive music while dying all the time to obstacles you have little to no chance to avoid. Just in case that level of abuse wasn’t enough to make you love their project, the developers decided to just go ahead and fill their game with essentially invisible items that no sane person would ever find organically despite the fact that they’re required to progress. To it’s credit, this game does recreate the sensation of being trapped in a dank underground cave.
12. Operation Secret Storm
While it almost feels too easy to pick on developer Color Dreams (the studio responsible for many terrible unlicensed NES games, many of which were based on the Bible), Operation Secret Storm is really on another level in terms of all-time bad games.
Even if we can put aside the often blatant racism and bizarre Gulf War storyline, we’re left with a game where control commands are more of a polite suggestion and hit detection is a bug, not a feature. From top-to-bottom, this may be the “best” example of just how bad those old-school unlicensed NES games could be.
11. Where’s Waldo?
You know, it’s pretty amazing that Where’s Waldo? the video game can’t offer an experience comparable to the Where’s Waldo? books considering that the books weren’t exactly the great American novels.
Beating this game will either take you five minutes or 50 years. It really all depends on your ability to determine which of the blurred on-screen figures the game is trying to pretend is supposed to be Waldo. It’s truly impressive that this game manages to botch a concept this simple, but that’s the magic of the NES era. 
10. Back to the Future Part II and III
The first Back to the Future game for NES was bad, but at least it followed basic video game logic in terms of its level structure. Back to the Future Part II and III, meanwhile, somehow beats Primer for the title of “most confusing use of time travel in entertainment history.”
To be honest, I still don’t know what this game expects from me. It’s supposed to offer a time travel adventure that spans the scope of the last two Back to the Future films, but I dare you to play this for more than 20 minutes without feeling tears in your eyes and the words “What do you want me to do?!?!” escape your lungs. If it’s not the most unintuitive bit of 8-bit game design, it’s certainly one of the most unenjoyable.
9. The Adventures Of Gilligan’s Island
There are two things worth remembering about Gilligan’s Island: the theme song and how annoying Gilligan was. To its credit, this game nails both of those elements.
This game is basically the result of escort quests and bad comedy games forming an unholy union. Imagine being dropped into a hedge maze and being forced to endure the constant jeers of the dumbest man you’ve ever met while trying to figure out where to go. Also, your legs are tied together. That’s basically the Adventures of Gilligan’s Island experience. 
8. Bad Street Brawler
It’s tempting to overlook the golden age of beat ‘em ups for their seeming simplicity, but as Bad Street Brawler shows, it’s very much possible for those kinds of games to go incredibly wrong.
Bad Street Brawler was designed to be used with the NES Power Glove, which should probably tell you everything that you really need to know about what it’s like to try to “play” this game. Manage to master its nearly unplayable controls, and you’re left with a beat ’em up with bewildering visuals and fundamentally unsatisfying gameplay that leave you wondering how the industry lasted this long.
Read more
15 Rarest and Most Valuable NES Games
By Matthew Byrd
15 Hardest NES Games of All-Time
By Matthew Byrd
7. Mario is Missing
Look, there are a lot of bad video games on the NES, but there’s something especially insulting about a terrible Mario game on NES that passes itself off as an educational experience.
This game feels like it was made by a dentist who wanted to give young patients a way to pass the time in the waiting room while also making them less afraid of the impending pain. Nothing in this game makes sense, and the fact it fooled young gamers into thinking it was an actual Mario game makes it that much more infuriating.
6. Ghostbusters
You know, it really shouldn’t have been that difficult to make a respectable Ghostbusters game. Honestly, the only way to go wrong is to pass up the more obvious genre opportunities and try to do something weird and stupid that nobody ever asked for.
As you probably guessed, that’s exactly what we have here. Ghostbusters has the audacity to try to be this strange combination of various gameplay concepts when the fundamentals of controls, visuals, and logical progression so clearly elude it. It’s genuinely hard to believe someone had the chance to make a Ghostbusters video game and came up with this.
5. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
There are some who say that you really need to learn to play this game before you can judge it. The fundamental flaw of that premise is that it assumes that there’s a game here that’s worth playing in the first place.
I genuinely can’t imagine what Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde’s developers were going for when they concocted this unintuitive blend of confusing mechanics, overwhelming (yet unimpressive) enemies, and controls that only seem to work seconds before you convince yourself to give up on the game entirely. You can read every guide about this game that’s ever been written to try to understand how its needlessly complicated mechanics work, and they still wouldn’t answer the one question everyone has about this title, “Why are you like this?”
4. Action 52
It almost feels bad to pick on Action 52 considering that it is an unlicensed collection of 52 small games that were clearly made by underfunded and inexperienced programmers working on a project that legally probably shouldn’t have been “released.” Then again, that’s perhaps all the more reason to make fun of it.
Against all odds, not one of Action 52’s 52 games manages to be even remotely playable. These games would have been embarrassing even if they were released for the Atari 2600, but in the age of the NES, they offered young gamers the chance to quickly realize that the world is full of scammers and they will try anything to part you with your money.
3. Deadly Towers
Every NES gamer has that one game they just couldn’t beat and never seemed to understand no matter how hard they tried. Well, Deadly Towers is all of those games of your respective childhoods rolled into one.
There is not a single aspect of this game that makes any kind of sense that I’m familiar with. Imagine you’re trapped in the maze from the movie Labyrinth, but instead of getting to meet sexy David Bowie at the end, you have to listen to Eric Clapton tell you what’s wrong with your generation. That’s about what’s it like to play Deadly Towers. Even if you bother to learn the game’s structure, you quickly find you don’t want anything to do with the “rewards” that follow. 
2. Dragon’s Lair
How do you take a game like Dragon’s Lair (an innovative arcade experience that combined FMV visuals with QTE gameplay) and port it to the humble NES? Well, if this port is any indication, you…don’t.
I don’t know if there’s ever been another game that inflicts so much pain on its first screen. I’m willing to bet that 90% of Dragon’s Lair players never figured out how to cross that first bridge and actually enter the castle. That’s probably because the solution to that “puzzle”makes no sense and is fundamentally unenjoyable to execute. Those 90% will be happy to know that the game only gets worse from there. 
1. The Uncanny X-Men
Imagine how easy it would have been to make a decent X-Men game for NES. Just take Batman, Mega Man, Castlevania, or any number of the other great NES games, throw some X-Men designs on the whole thing, and you have a game most of us would probably fondly remember to this day.
Infamous NES developer LJN decided to go a different route, though. They decided to make a top-down action game where hit detection is basically non-existent, the music constantly assaults your ears, half of the characters are essentially useless, the graphics are so bad that you quite literally can’t tell where you are or what you’re supposed to be doing, and the AI is useless to the point that I”m pretty sure the in-game characters have become aware of the game they’re forced to exist in and are doing everything in their power to get out.
cnx.cmd.push(function() { cnx({ playerId: "106e33c0-3911-473c-b599-b1426db57530", }).render("0270c398a82f44f49c23c16122516796"); });
There’s no shortage of bad NES games (clearly), but when it comes to wasted potential, this is truly the worst of the worst. 
The post 15 Worst NES Games of All-Time appeared first on Den of Geek.
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moonlitwings1 · 4 years
Movie Night
Fridays were movie nights at the Hargrove’s. It was a thing that Susan insisted on in order to bond as a family or whatever. It was stupid. No one actually watched the movies. At least he never did. Susan always chose shitty movies and he was forced to sit through it otherwise his dad would teach him a lesson about how he had to respect “family time.”
But this Friday? They were gone. Neil and Susan were off to wherever the fuck they went this time. A “business meeting” they said. Sure. Whatever. He doesn’t care. He’s just glad that he’s got the house to himself for the weekend. Well, mostly to himself. Max was still here. But that wasn’t much of a problem since they mostly just kept to themselves when shit like this happened. 
He had it all planned for the day: lift, drink, and sleep. Maybe even read a little. With his dad gone, he doesn’t have to worry about being criticized for reading like a fucking girl. 
He had just started getting his weights set up when he saw movement from the corner of his eye. 
“The hell you want, Max?” he asked, spinning around to face her. 
She jumped a little, probably didn’t expect him to call her out . She’s not as sneaky as she thinks she is. 
“Are we going to watch a movie tonight?” she asked almost nervously. He wasn’t surprised by that. He’s hardly ever nice to her. 
Billy scoffed, “Our parents aren’t home.”
“Yeah, but it’s Friday.”
“So, it’s movie night.”
“I’m not watching a fucking “family-friendly” movie with you.”
“We don’t have to, you know,” she replied. “They’re not here.”
“Well, The movies I watch aren’t for little girls like you.”
“That’s stupid. I’m not little,” she huffed. “And I can handle it.”
“Either way, I’m not sitting down and watching a movie with you like we’re family ‘cause we’re not.”
She glares at him. Hard. “Whatever, asshole.
He watches her spin around on her heels and waits until he hears her door slam shut before continuing to lift his weights. Fuck her. He doesn’t know why she’s being so dramatic about this. He can’t remember the last time they ever voluntarily did anything together. They don’t have that kind of relationship, and he doesn’t understand why she’s trying to change it. He’s perfectly fine having a closed off relationship with her. Mostly. 
He’s only slightly flattered that she would even want to watch a movie with him. Only a little bit. Looking back at it now, maybe it was a shit move to be such a jerk to her when she just wanted to hang out with him.  But for now, he’s just going to focus on lifting. He’s got a rep to keep. 
Billy was in the middle of a nice long dream (that may or may not have consisted of him and Harrington making out) when he was rudely interrupted with loud screeching that seemed to be coming from their TV. 
When he walked out, he saw Max casually watching Jason Voorhees slashing people up in his ski mask. 
"The hell are you watching?”
“...It’s rated R.”
“Yeah, I can fucking tell,” he said, plopping down onto the seat next to her. He could feel Max side-eyeing him, and when he turned to look at her, she had a ghost of a smile on her lips. 
“Why are you watching this?”
“Because it’s movie night and I don’t want to watch family-friendly movies either.”
“Well, you shouldn’t be watching this. You’re too young.”
“I’m fourteen, Billy. When you were fourteen, I bet you watched worse stuff than this.”
Billy snorted. What was that supposed to mean.
“You don’t even want to watch this, Max.”
“Yes I do.”
He turned to look at her. She was hiding behind a pillow for God’s sake. How obvious does she have to make it?
“You’re literally hiding behind a fucking pillow.”
“I’m not hiding! I’m just resting my head on it!”
He hummed. “Right.”
They sat like that for about 10 minutes when he noticed Max acting weird. He looked over and saw that she was sitting there with her eyes clamped shut behind her pillow. 
“Max, if you’re not even watching it, change it. I don’t give a shit.”
"I am watching it!” she huffed, throwing the pillow she was holding right at his face. 
“Just admit it,” he replied, chucking the pillow right back at her. “You’re scared.”
“I’m not-”
“I know you’re scared. Don’t try and lie. Just change it. I don’t care.” 
He honestly doesn’t. He’s already watched Friday the 13th so it wasn’t like he was going to miss out on much anyway. Plus, he doesn’t like the idea of Max trying to impress him or whatever by watching R rated shit. He’d get in trouble with Neil if Max ever told her mom about this. 
“I’m not scared, I just don’t like blood spurting everywhere. It’s gross.”
“Well then change it.”
“There’s nothing else you’d wanna watch.”
“The hell are you making this about me for? Put on something that you’ll actually watch,” he said laying back and bringing his foot up to nudge Max in the thigh. “Didn’t your mom rent you Alice in Wonderland?”
She sighed. “Yeah, but you’re not going to watch it with me.”
“The hell you want me to watch it for?”
There was a brief pause and Billy nudged at her again to get her to answer the question. 
“’Cause otherwise it’s lonely,” she mumbled, avoiding eye-contact.
Billy couldn’t help himself. He laughed. So THATs why she’s been bugging him about it. “Aw Max. How cute. I’m so flattered.”
He barely dodged the pillow she threw at his head.
“Shut up, dickface!” she said chucking the pillow at his face again. 
“Hey! I’ll watch it with you, but the next time you throw this pillow at me, I’m gonna smother you with it.”
He could hear her mutter a whatever under her breath but he let it slide since she was grinning at him. It occurred to him that he can’t remember the last time she’s ever smiled at him like that. 
“You have to promise you won’t fall asleep, though.”
He snorted. “Maxine, I guarantee that you’ll fall asleep before I do.”
“Last time we watched a movie, you snored the entire time!”
Ok maybe he falls asleep during all the movies, but she should be grateful that he’s even staying around for her.
“Screw you. Just turn the fucking movie on before I leave.”
“I need to find the tape!” she said, running out of the room. “Can you make popcorn while I look for it?”
She disappeared before he could reply back with a firm no. Oh well. 
He got up off of the couch and told himself that he’s only listening to her because he was in the mood for popcorn anyways.
Once they settled on the couch with an excessively large amount of popcorn between them, Max started the movie.
Billy could only imagine how domestic they look right now. It was...unusual, but nice. 
Guess they were a sort of family.
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