#missing his little vibe seshs in the car :(((
rickybaby · 5 months
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Daniel’s car playlist
1. Thundamentals - Brother
2. 347aidan - Memories!
3. Fred again.. - Kyle (I found you)
4. Aries - RACECAR
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pitchgrayanddarkness · 3 months
Relationship problems
The basics:
I miss certain sexy things
I feel trapped
I'm aromantic
He doesn't pay his share of bills
Let's chat!
We're in an open relationship. I went on a vibe check date last night. He passed, we made out, and I realized I've been low-key starving for a really good tongue-down-throat makeout sesh, actual rough play, and neck kisses. I don't think it's right to call me touch starved. But i don't think I'm getting what I need/want either. I miss attitude adjustments via s3x. Because I'm about to catch an attitude soon too.
I'm about to catch an attitude because I feel trapped. I'm so tired of bills all the time & my roommates not paying fair shares. I have no time for fun or *fun*. If I have to pay for over 90% of the rent, I might as well bump it up to 100% of the rent and kick everyone out. Atleast then I could host. July I've got a lot of shit to do. But August I could work on some work-life balance changes and just drive for my full amount of rent/bills no matter what and what they actually manage to contribute can go towards savings, car maintenance, and paying off debt. I might even have money to go have fun every once in a while.
I'm Aromantic. Idk how i found myself in my current situation, he was only supposed to be fun. And now people talk about romantic commitment marriage & settling down & having kids and it's so unappealing. My date really read me on this last night. And now my friend's words are coming back to me, that I need a companion to make me laugh and be an fwb, but nothing more. I miss "dating". But all I really want is friend dates to dress up and go to ritzy restaurants with. I wanna go to Legacy & look pretty too. But I just wanna catch up and have fun. No deep romantic conversation.
I already touched on this before. But my s/o isn't paying his share of the bills. The work strain is kind of killing me tbh. I just got thrown into this again. For most of our time together, he hasn't been employed and Iet it go the first and 2nd time, but time #3 I was done but still hopeful. Time #4 there's under employment but there's been so much stress on my end that I don't even wanna be with him anymore . I can't trust him to come through financially and I can't trust him to prioritize our home, so now I'm out of it, and I don't want to be together. I don't wanna break his heart but it's really just too little too late.
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silverbyuls · 3 years
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( lee hyeri, cis female, muse i ) oh snap! is that SHIN EUNBYUL they work over at high volume where some of the other employees have labeled them as THE AVERAGE JOE. that’s probably because they can be a bit ( optimistic. ) but also pretty ( dishonest. ) they’re TWENTY TWO and they’ve been living in woodstock for TWENTY TWO YEARS. it must be their shift because i totally hear THE CRANBERRIES blasting from the record store. ( a little tikes piggy bank tucked under the bed, clothing label sticking out from the back, snap clips with varnish peeling off, jelly shoes with the strap taped together, leaving lisa frank stickers along record crates ) @volumeupdates
the luke hemsworth of the family but middle child
goes by byul
tried to go by ‘e.b.’ but her mum went berserk because she’d reduced her name to two letters for the ease of her yt friends and her brother bullied her for being e.t’s ugly sister so now she tries to go by silver star (her name translated into english) but it doesn’t quite stick
claims that her older sister and younger brother stole all her beauty, brain cells and height
family invested everything into older sister so she could go to college in new york: savings, loans, moved to smaller house which is even further from the town centre
brother requires all attention as he has high hopes of getting into college on a baseball scholarship and she lowkey can’t wait until he’s far away from woodstock
her grades have always been average so no one expects her to leave – her parents talk about how nice it is that she’ll be with them forever but she knows that’s because they want her to take care of them when they’re old … which she would! if they didn’t live in woodstock
she tells them she’s going to move to california, but they think she’s as serious about that as she is about wanting to go to college, or becoming supermodel of the world, or an olympic swimmer, when she has average grades, of average height, and can’t even swim
if her life was a movie, she’d have fallen asleep in the first ten minutes – it has always been so boring and uneventful, so she lives up in her head with her fake scenarios to keep things interesting – most of the time, they’re taken straight from a book or magazine
sometimes these thoughts spill over into reality because she can’t fathom the idea of people realising she’s as plain as she is, and her little white lies give her a bit of sparkle to stand out (in her opinion)
but she will get to california!
she even has a plan:
she’s been working at freddy’s diner since she was fifteen, escaping to high volume whenever she can, a place where she can pop her headphones on during her breaks and pretend she’s getting ogled at on venice beach, but she’s terrible at saving so seven years later she’s still grinding
once she graduates high school, she has enough time for a second job and she’d dropped enough hints in front of jerry for him to kindly offer her a job. after all, she spends as much time in high volume as she does at freddy’s so there’s not much of a difference once she becomes an employee -- still floating around the place, sipping on her coke can, either people watching or people chasing -- except now she has access to the register
after a big argument with her parents, she ended up moving out into a place in the middle of town. that was never part of the plan because saving was easier when she lived at home. she’ll say things got really bad but really, she was just getting closer to her target and she wanted a valid reason to put it off for a bit longer
she was only supposed to do it once – stealing from the cash register. it was just right there, no one was around, and she thought it was going to be her last shift because jerry was angry at her for being late again (granted, he hadn’t actually been mad, but it was one of those days when everything felt personal)
besides, she’d overheard a group of girls she’d idolised in school talk about how they stole some underwear and they made it sound so cool
she felt like everyone could hear her heart thumping against her chest as she walked out of the store but the day after, no one said anything about it, no one even noticed, and she wasn’t fired. so she did it again, and again, and again, and eventually she didn’t even bat an eyelid
the extra money was supposed to help her reach her goal faster but, again, she’s terrible at saving and her parents are so hardworking, she can’t help but feel guilty and buy nice things for them every once in a while and when they ask where she got the money from, she lies and says jerry gave her a bonus for being a good employee
on the other hand, if they’ve had an argument, or they’ve forgotten about her again, she’ll have a full on les-mis-i-dreamed-a-dream episode then splurge out on a cute jacket because it’s hers and it’s new! rather than worn out hand-me-downs from her sister or brother!
started her own side hustle called the separation agency – inspired after a customer at high volume asked her to help him break up with his boyfriend. so she’s the messenger for people who have things to say but don’t have the balls to say it to someone’s face themselves. usually they’re horrible messages, like break ups. she’s had like three customers and tries to promote her side hustle whilst on her shift at high volume
she thinks her “business” could actually thrive in a bigger city which is just another reason why she needs to get out of woodstock – it’s holding her back!
anyway, jerry’s missing, which is perfect for her because she gets to come in late and not get told off, and maybe steal a little more than she usually does
when she’s around people, she seems like an extrovert: bubbly, talkative, dramatic ... which uses up a lot of her energy and her social battery is weak, so needs her own space often, and likes doing nothing by herself so sometimes she’ll lie to get out of plans or bail last minute 
she has big dreams, and talks about all her big plans, but has leaving anxiety which is why she’s shit at saving and makes up excuses as to why she can’t leave just yet 
has main character syndrome -- likes to live her life as a romcom, most of her lies revolve around her love life because she wants to be seen as desirable, but also will overanalyse everything 
sensitive, passionate, immature, sympathetic, fickle, clumsy, dramatic, caring, head in clouds
will pretend to knows things to fit in like ~hipster~ bands or anything really, depends on the crowd
could gladly spend all day talking to customers at work then the next day she’ll prefer to day dream in the storage room
rides a bike to and from work and almost everywhere else too -- the only one out of her siblings who had to bike to school because small car and siblings took up all the space -- she’s had the same bike since high school 
loves spice girls but feels like she’ll be judged so keeps quiet and plays it when she’s closing
honestly could hate you one day and have a crush on you the next but you wouldn’t even know it -- a vicious cycle 
collects stickers and leaves them everywhere and on everyone - often passive aggressive through them, basically uses them like emojis
will try to order food and get others to pay for it - especially kfc, never gets to eat the drumsticks at home so will honestly cry if people steal the drumsticks from her
buys lottery tickets and scratch cards because she has a 50/50 chance of winning
WANTED CONNECTIONS: (current connections)
start up: stolen str8 from a kdrama that ruined my life hehe her parents set her up with a pen pal to keep her busy out of guilt because they’re so busy with her siblings and work and obviously she romanticises it !!! her parents would’ve asked to lie a little bit, just so she’d be writing to someone she’d easily obsess over -- love island vc: someone who ticks all the boxes 
xoxo gossip girl: someone who loves a good gossip sesh -- they probably send 👀 at each other across the store when things feel a bit tense, which is code for ‘meet me in the storage room’ so they can chat away for the rest of their shift
lunch stealer: she makes her own lunch every day and is extremely protective over it but one day it went missing and she knows it was them (maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t) so now they are her sworn enemy
sister’s/brother’s friend: therefore an automatic enemy
shut up: someone who just tells her to shut up because she chats so much shit and she’s insane - just sandra x dina vibes from superstore (x)
carpool karaoke: she hates cycling in when it’s raining, so either she’s trying to get them to be her designated driver or has already succeeded and is annoying about it
crush #1: someone she has a crush on (more of an infatuation) and they’re not interested in her in the slightest but in her head they’re giving her mixed signals and she has made up a fake boyfriend to try to make them jealous
crush #2: someone she thinks has a crush on her. either because they’re nice or tease her or just mean, it doesn’t matter, she’s insane so she’ll interpret it however she wants
ex: they never broke up, or even dated, but she thinks something almost happened between them and she thinks she cut things off by giving them space
separation agency: someone who once used the agency either out of the kindness of their heart or for a different reason entirely and now she won’t stop pestering them to try and get them to use it again
no thots just vibes: i just like this gifset tbh (x) and we can brainstorm ! 
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acoupleofstars · 6 years
Thu Nov/22/2018
I stayed late at work. Procrastinated an assignment that I thought would be easy. I was late in the morning, though, kinda needed to stay anyway. He texted me, said he wasn't feeling too well. I asked if he needed something, "your company" he answered. I immediately put away everything and rushed to the parking lot so I could get to him. The lady guard saw my rush and didn't retain me with the revision:
-You are in a hurry, right?
×Yes, I need to get to class.
-It's ok, honey, just show me your purse.
I showed her the inside of my purse and she let me go
-Do you do your brows?- she stopped me.
×I just pluck them
-Oh, well they look really nice.
Said thanks and continued on my mission. That brightened my day a little.
I usually drive fast, but today I was faster. I wanted to get to him as soon as possible; he needed me. Got to the teacher's parking lot and reverse parked next to his father's Yukon. He sat in my co-pilot seat.
×How are you feeling?
+Do you have gum?- he asked
×I have Halls
+Anything to take off the puke breath
+Turn on the stereo.
I turned on the car and set his phone up.
×Babe, I don’t think the pizza made you sick, we've eaten it before with dessert and you didn't take it too bad.
+It was instant soup, I hadn't had one since the shooting.
×Yesterday I puked too.
+What is wrong with us? You puke because you want to, I puke because I have to.
×Aren't we fucked up?
+You aren't fucked up, you look really good.
×It's because I puke. You don't look bad either, you don't look like you got shot 7 times.
+I don’t look like I have two bullets in my body that will forever be there.
×They won't even take out the one in your stomach?
+No, probably not.
×What are we gonna do? Do we stay here or where do I go?
He took out his weed in his old pill jar and started filling the pipe I just gave to him.
+This pipe is so good, you kicked ass. It can fit so much.
×Yeah, like a little joint but without all the ashes.
+And it's so easy to clean. I had one of these, but it was metal, wood is so much better.
He offered me the first hit but I refused, said that he should be first. After a couple of hits, he offered again and I accepted. Two fucked up students getting high on the teacher's parking lot. Turned on one of the incenses I brought from CDMX to tone down the pot smell. Yesterday it worked well; that and the airfreshener he gave me left no hotbox smell.
+These days I haven't been able to take this song off my head. Listen to the bad vibes it gives.
×How fucked up on drugs do you have to be to create this?
+A lot of them. He was addicted real bad. His OD was accidental, they gave him what it was supposed to be Xanax, but instead they have him fentanyl and took it like Xanax, but it's too heavy, the body can't take those doses so he died. Listen to those bad vibes.
×I get it, I feel in danger just listening to it.
+ I even feel guilty.
The song was on repeat. I turned off the incenses and we continued with the sesh. After a while, a guard in his motorcycle approached, we scrouched down to avoid being seen and he left after a minute.
×I saw this article today, it was about a danish man who traveled to a greek island...
+Yes! I saw it too, but wasn't it an indian island? That the tribe that lived there killed him.
×What? No, I'm talking about another one. I didn't read that one.
+Well, yeah, this guy wanted to study this tribe, but they don't want anyone to mix in nor interact with them, so they killed him. It's a very small community, like 30 people. It was really fucked up and everyone knew that this tribe was dangerous.
×And how did they know that he was killed?
+Because of the man that took him there, he payed to take him illegaly on his boat, there is no legal way to get there. But, what the fuck, right? Like, how is it possible that this kind of primitive tribe still exists?
He showed me the article on his phone and I just saw it astonished.
×The redaction is a bit weird though, what source is it?
+Yeah, I know, the BBC one was better.
+What the hell, it is really fucked up. But I was actually talking about a danish man that traveled to this greek island to help people that were running away from their country. But because they were really big groups in one boat, it would sink and the waves were massive so a lot of them were dying. He traveled there and helped a lot of people to get to the coast, but because of this, the coast guard arrested him and charged him with being an accomplice of illegal immigrants. Can you believe it?× He put his hand over my leg and I caressed it for a bit. ×He was fucking helping people, and they arrested him. How fucked up is our world that we let bad people like rapists and killers get away with their shit but when it comes to helping, they get arrested?.
We stood there in silence thinking about these stories. Humans are really strange creatures.
×The new girl at work is such a loser. Her parents nag her because she reads too much, they tell her to go outside and have a life.
+That bad?
×Yeah, Workmate says that she hasn't even had her first kiss. And she's such a kiss ass. Like real bad, she always is talking to our bosses and making conversation.
+Ugh, I guess she really wants to stay there.
×Yeah, she does. I mean, she's nice, but not my kind of people
There was silence again. We kept listening to the song and he took another hit. We don't mind being silent, it's never uncomfortable.
×I'm hungry× I said.
+Me too.
×But we can't binge, your stomach isn't right.
+Is Subway considered binging?
×Yes, a little.
+What do we eat then? What do you want?
×I don’t know, but something good.
+Subway doesn't count as binging.
×Fine, we can go there, but fast because we need to come back to class.
I turned on the car and started driving. As we got to the exit I started wondering why was I driving, he always drives. We both didn't know, but it was too late to switch.
+I really appreciate the fact that you don't judge me for being a fuck up at school.
×Fuck school.
+Park in that space
I obeyed, put eyedrops and we got out of the car. The Subway was empty and we both got Chicken & Bacon Ranch sandwiches with our own specifics: he likes his with lots of pickles, I like mine with double cucumber and no tomato. We both got Ranch and Chipotle dressing, just in different order. I left him paying and rushed to the restroom.
×You pick me a cookie× I said before leaving.
I gave him the keys so he would drive us back and we ate our sandwiches in the car.
×It's weird that people want us to be together. They don't get that we like being friends.
+Yeah, like IRSgal, she wants to force us to be something. It doesn't come to them that we aren't interested in being a couple.
×I know, it's such a strange thing to them how we are just friends.
We finished our sandwiches and were getting closer to school.
+I bought you two cookies because I didn't know which one you would want. I got double chocolate and chocolate chips.
×Double chocolate is fine.
I chose that one because I know he loves chocolate chip. He had his before the sandwich so I gave him the other one left.
+Can you be late to your class?
×Yes, no one takes that class seriously.
+Ok, I'll stop near my building and you go park your car, move quick.
×How stupid is it if you come to this side of the parking lot thinking you will find a spot?
He got out of the car and rushed to his class. At that time, the parking lot is full, it is nearly impossible to get a spot there because a lot of people are at school at that hour, is rare for someone to finish their classes in that time. However, I spotted a girl who was just leaving so I could get her spot. That was lucky.
I went to class and when I entered the room, spotted a fucking guy on MY seat. Everyone knows it's mine, I'm always there and alone. They know I don’t want to seat with someone, either my feet or backpack are in the chair next to me so no one can be by myself. I had to settle all the way in the front. Took out my phone and honestly didn't pay attention to anything the teacher was saying. It always makes me feel bad that no one takes his class or him seriously, but it's just that is really damn boring and uninteresting: Banking Law.
I was texting Starboy about Kylie Cosmetics's Black Friday sale and we were discussing if we should invest and resale at its original price. We concluded that the earnings would be too low and that it wasn't worth it. He said it needs to double.
-So guys, I guess this is it of the class. I just wanted to let you know that you were such a good group, that whenever I asked something you were honest enough to say "I don’t know and I don't care" and I appreciate the honesty. Thank you for this semester.
He's such a cute teacher, too pure so we take advantage of him. We don't deserve him. He checked our assistance and dismissed us. A couple of classmates said goodbye and hugged or shook his hand, but I just flew out of there, as always. Normally, he dismissed us 15 minutes earlier, but this time I only got left 5 minutes to get to my other class.
I arrived and, again, someone sat on my seat, however it's a large room so I don’t mind the next row. The teacher gave us our last exam, in which I got a 10/10. He gave us our current grade and said if we wanted to take the last exam to get our grade up, we could, but I just want the semester to be over, so I took my 8.2 and finished with that class. Two more to go.
Got out of the building and saw Frenchmate, gave him a pat on the chest but kept walking.
-Who are you?- he asked. His blindness never lets him see people, he needs glasses real bad, but prefers to spend the money on alcohol. I looked back and just gave him a peace sign.
I kept walking and didn't look back again. He followed me a little but didn't reach. I am still offended by the shit he pulled out. I'm not a whore, if he's with someone I will respect her. Fidelity is something I take very seriously.
I got into my car and as I was getting home, realized I didn't want to get there yet so I missed the turn and kept driving. I queued up some songs and just drove around for about 45 minutes. Thinking about Starboy, our future, how are we planning to get money if we are sick of working.
There was a bunch of people camping outside the american consulate and one of the men scared me so I braked really harshly, but then kept driving. I passed there for a second time and saw an ambulance and a traffic cop; probably someone ran over one of the people.
The queue was on its last song so I took my way home.
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yyxgin · 3 years
hi bar!! so sorry it’s been so long. i isolated and re-read the cruel prince séries which took me 3/4 days and then i worked almost 60 hours my first full week back and have been fitting in making plans and seeing everyone again!
i must say i have missed you and have felt bad for being elsewhere but man it has been good. honestly i just haven’t had the time for tumblr or much else on my phone which is good i suppose. i was scrolling through your account to see if i could catch up on a few things and i must say i almost pre-ordered the txt album too!! i did try to pre-order the stray kids one but i chickened out bc i couldn’t get the limited edition one and when i went to buy the normal versions i couldn’t get both versions which peeved me off.
also!! i must share my frustration (i’m sure you’ll enjoy the cheek of this one) i asked a girl to cover me on monday so i could go to kbbq w my managers (lmao they’re sooooo chill but they invited me bc they know i enjoy that kind of stuff and told me to find cover) and she said no (fair enough but i’d asked three people before her who also all said no) so i go into work on monday a little bummed bc i can’t have kbbq but less bummed bc my work bestie came back from holiday and all was fine and dandy. we even went to the pub on our break and had lunch!! anyway, when we came back, the girl who i asked to cover me was sat, in the restaurant, eating a meal, by herself (in her normal clothes) w one of my colleagues (colleague in her work outfit). which pissed me off bc she couldn’t cover me but she could come in and eat… but get this. she was eating. off of the. STAFF. MENU. which MEANS. SHE WAS EATING FOR FREE!!!! needless to say i ignored her when she said goodbye to go out seshing w her friends. i’m so salty. i asked her today if she could cover me on tuesday so i can go out w my friend for her bday (i didn’t tell her im going out w my friend) and she said she could do the morning but not the evening which is useless to me bc i need the evening off but it deffo means she’s going out. may i also point out she asked for cover for two weeks ago (and i covered) and i find out she went out with her sisters. SHE HAD FOUR OTHER DAYS OFF THAT WEEK!!!! WHY COULDNT SHE GO ON ONE OF THOSE!! a n d she’s just come back from holiday. if it were me i’d want to work more for more money. and she has prom coming up or sumn. tell me why i worked 7 days and she worked 2. and 5 of mine were full days (with two where i went in early) whilst both of hers were evening shifts (half days). the barman said i should always say no to covering her from now on (this was when i told him she was sat in the restaurant eating and i had covered her the week before). also she’s shit at her job lmao. the food runner and i have been paired up a lot over the past 2/3 weeks as the other food runner is off sick bc he had surgery (bless his heart) and yesterday she asked me why the girl didn’t know any of the dishes when she’d been working there the same time as me. 🤣🤣🤣 love thé food runner with the whole of my heart. honestly. she asks for me if it’s busy but will take someone else if she has to train them when it’s not. i love her.
okay rant over (although the rage won’t fizzle until i find cover for tuesday so i can go out,, which i clearly HAVENT been doing and would like to if possible). how have you been my love? any love interests recently entered your life? currently i’m testing the waters w someone but he went to albania this morning 😐 so i’ll have to wait for something a little more,,, flirty in person.
as always, i love and adore you!! ~ 🌻
ps 🌹 where would you take me the first time you met me? i hope i did that correct.
hey sunflower i missed u sm !! 🥺 i am glad you were doing fine, and its all okay that you werent here and enjoying life outside of tumblr !! thats good for u. <3
yesyes i preordered the txt album 😩😩 i am so excited for it to get here !! i love it sm already <3
omg that girl sounds like an absolute snake. WHY CANT SHE COVER FOR U ONCE IN A WHILE ?? dude its not that hard, especially since you did a favor for her before. I did too have a fair amount of mental breakdowns over work this week and i am glad u missed all of them bc i was so annoying about it. but when a woman screams at me for being messy on MY PART OF THE WORKPLACE like baby its not even fucking like,,, bothering you ?? i even offered for her to go on lunch break earlier and she still treats me like that smh 🙄 honestly i get your coworker tho bc i still do not know what i am doing at my work either. im just winging it lmaoo
i hope you find someone to cover for you !! or found ?? i have no perception of time anymore i have no idea when u sent this
I've been okayish ig ?? Busy. i went on a vacation w my fam and got into a car crash, got multiple mental breakdowns, but i went camping and shopping too so im happy and vibing lmao. enjoying the last 2 weeks of summer break <3 no love news tho bc i am boring 🙄
i hope it goes well w your new guy babes,, make sure to tell me all about it once he comes back 🤩
for the ask game i'd definitely take you to a bar bc you seem like a good time and i also never got batshit drunk before and i think you'd be a wonderful person to experience it with. you'd also take care of me when im hangover bc you dont know what that feels like ♡
i love you !! make sure to look after yourself
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bluedelinquent-blog · 7 years
         i. right, where do i even start with ep 2? hold on, lemme roll myself an after work joint.... 
         right, where were we? episode 2 !! i’ve literally been holding all this in for days bc i didn’t want to spoil anyone but omg hrgdfhgkjdfhgkjh !! it was so, so good. there’s so much i want to say about it, so i’ll go through it step by step, whatever stuck out to me. you don’t have to even read this, it’s all just crazy, fangirl ramblings. i just love chloe so much ok??? 
         so imma just say THAT BEGINNING. i knew chloe was going to end up being suspended/expelled at some point which i knew was gonna be a bummer, but the way she went out !! that’s my lil firecracker. <3 i decided to go with owning up & taking all the blame bc i feel like she hella would’ve done that for rachel. you think she’s gonna stand there & let them kick her girlfriend out of the play like that?? hell no. also lowkey loved the bit where justin robbed her hidden stash. i’d murder a bitch.           ALSO MY FAVOURITE BIT OF THE WHOLE EP WAS WHEN CHLOE TRASHED THE TOILETS WITH GRAFFITI TO DAUGHTER ‘NO CARE’ THAT WAS THE FUCKING BEST THING EVER !! LITERALLY HAD TEARS IN MY EYES BC IT WAS SO FUCKING CHLOE          then the car park bit with eliot. kjhfdgkdfg. it’s so cute, the little crush he has on her. the little book of poems he dedicated to her, secretly. chloe’s not used to people crushing on her, it’s usually the other way around. but yeee, i’m loving how they’re kinda continuing on the legacy of max/warren but with chloe/eliot.          OKAY AND THE DISAPPOINTMENT CHLOE MUST’VE FELT WHEN HER MOTHER ‘CHOSE’ DAVID OVER HER PRETTY MUCH. ;_;  SHE LITERALLY FEELS LIKE EVERYONE IS GETTING UP & FUCKING OFF. EVERY SINGLE DAY SHE WAITS FOR THE NEXT PERSON TO GET UP & LEAVE.           okay & then we have the junkyard scene which always gives me hella feels bc i think of all the people that have died there or have parts of their death there ( the wrecked car, rachel’s body, chloe was shot there...twice). anyway, i love any scene where chloe’s chilling out & smoking, so where she’s hanging upside down, i like... squealed. also the bit on top of the ship, with the daughter song. <3           CHLOE’S MOTHER FUCKING CAR & THE DREAM SEQUENCE. i legit cried when i saw william & how fucked up he was, that whole scene was my aesthetic goals in life tbh. gave me severe donnie darko vibes, idk. it just kinda shows that chloe’s series is gonna be hella dark, which i kinda assumed anyway. WHICH IS WHAT I KINDA WANT BUT THEN I’M SO PROTECTIVE OF CHLOE. ;_;           ALSO CAN I JUST SAY ALL THESE REFERENCES TO FIRE ARE LITERALLY GIVING ME LIFE. <333333 IDK WHY BUT I REALLY DO RELATE FIRE TO CHLOE (AND OBVS RACHEL), BUT I FEEL LIKE IT FULLY PORTRAYS HER RAGE & HATRED AT THE WORLD. LIKE SHE ENJOYS IT.            THEN WE HAVE THE RACHEL/CHLOE CAR SCENE. ;_; ;_; JUST KINDA PROVES THEY’RE GF’S. i also like how they can literally talk to each other about anything, no filter. their little therapy sesh. <3 the fact rachel let chloe put her legs up on her & held onto them. <3 the little bag of clothes she brought her. <3 rachel resting her head on chloe’s shoulder. <3 chloe’s so shook, she never expected this to happen to her. it still feels so surreal for her.           MY SECOND FAVE PART OF THAT EP WAS THE RV SCENE WITH CHLOE & FRANK. :’) literally, related so much man. her trying to sneak the bag of weed he kept on the side & him calling her out, i was literally laugh crying. the funniest bit by far. y’know, i reckon their relationship is one of my faves? they’re both dropouts, both feel super worthless, they compliment each other really, really well. you can tell frank cares too tbh.           it’s also official that samuel is the deepest character in this game tbh. :’) that mother fucker had chloe stunned, she never shuts her mouth when kinda being insulted?? also steph having a crush on rachel, i was like nahhhh, back off my girl. fite me. you gotta understand rachel/chloe be my otp. also that fucking scene with skip outside the boys dorms, period talk literally works every fucking time. trust me. xD that scene with mikey & drew shook me up too. i hate the sound of someone being beaten the shit out of. you can tell that sucked for chloe too, cause she couldn’t do anything to help. :(          WHEN THE SCENE BACKSTAGE OF THE PLAY BEGAN I HAD SHIVERS BC THE MUSIC, THE ATMOSPHERE. WELL DONE LIFE IS STRANGE YOU’VE DONE IT AGAIN. GZ. the bit that got me the most was chloe sticking up for nathan, yet again. his dad’s a fucking asshole. but yeee, it makes me sad thinking about chloe standing up for the person that killed her all the time. like they have no idea what’s to come?? it makes me so so sad.... knowing chloe’s going to lose rachel soon.          CHLOE IN THE FUCKING BLUE BIRD OUTFIT I ALMOST DIED. HER FUCKING PISSED OFF FACE. also, the fact rachel can literally make her do anything. i love that about my otp, anything is possible. <3 THE SCENE ON THE STAGE AS WELL WAS SO BEAUTIFUL. ALL OF IT. RACHEL AMBER LITERALLY GOT ON ONE KNEE & SPOKE TO CHLOE LIKE SHE WAS THE ONLY ONE IN THE ROOM. IT GAVE ME SHIVERS. i also fucking hated the bit where everyone laughed at nathan, that’s bullshit. those assholes are what pushed nathan towards snapping & killing chloe. -.-         OKAY AND THE KISS. IT WAS EVERYTHING I WANTED IT TO BE. ;_; ;_; THEY’RE SO GOOD TOGETHER HONESTLY, THE CREATORS HAVE DONE SO WELL BC YOU CAN LITERALLY SEE HOW MUCH THEY LOVE EACH OTHER. I JUST LOVE THE WAY CHLOE HELD HER CLOSE & KEPT GOING BACK FOR MORE KISSES LIKE LOVE ME. THE LITTLE SMILE RACHEL HAD ON HER FACE AFTER. GUYS HOLD ME. MY OTP KISSED. FINALLY. <33333
        then there’s the amber household scene, which i loved bc chloe turned up to a ‘bad example, scumbag boyfriend meeting the parents’ type of situation. i literally related to chloe so much in this scene tho bc she comes from quite a poor household, not used to much glam & she’s being shown this completely different life, THEY HAVE PLATES. NICE PLATES. AND DIFFERENT TYPES OF GLASSES. they actually sit at the table like a normal family, like chloe used to.... but yeeee, THE CONCLUDING SCENE.          RACHEL’S FATHER IS A MASSIVE ASSHOLE. -.-  BUT I’M LOWKEY HAPPY BC HE CALLED CHLOE A DELINQUENT & I SCREAMED BC OF MY URL. c;  rachel losing her shit at her dad was cool tho, i’m happy someone called him out. alsoooo, what is it with rachel & her like extreme rage? it’s a lot scarier than when chloe gets angry?? that table smashing gave me chills tho. I’M ALSO DISAPPOINTED I DIDN’T FUCKING FIGURE OUT THAT THAT WOMAN WAS RACHEL’S REAL MOM. I’M SO DUMB.... 
        I ALSO GOTTA PRAISE THE FACT THEY USED SOOOO MUCH DAUGHTER IN THAT EPISODE. FFS MY FAVE BAND. IT’S ALL SO SO PERFECT TBH. although, i kinda feel like they’re missing out so much?? there’s only one episode left & we still don’t know a lot of shit. like when does jefferson arrive? when does rachel actually go missing? when does chloe dye her hair & get a tattoo?? who the fuck is this dealer guy?? what’s he got to do with anything? etc etc etc etc.         thanks for letting me bore you guys with my thoughts on the ep, if you even read up to this bit. :’) this is probs the longest thing i’ve ever written for any fandom. i just love this game so much...
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