cubbihue · 17 days
Your itty bitty au is seriously feeding me in ways I didn't even realize I needed like ohmygosh thank you for sharing such a fantastic thing! It's absolutely one of my favorites!! :D
And I can't wait to see what's going to happen next!! Eagerly looking forward to it!!!
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fabuloustrash05 · 2 years
It just now occurred to me that your icon is actually Mona Lisa shsgshsh. I'd thought it was like an eagle at first.
But yes, my icon is 2012 Mona Lisa. It’s from the storyboard of the ep When Worlds Collide.
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000marie198 · 1 year
Hmmmm I think you'd be the Patron Saint of Fictional Brothers. Because you're always talking about the lovely relationships between Sonic and Tails and the Turtles whenever you get into the mood lol.
Siblings is my favorite trope ever in any media!
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luescris · 2 years
For the Tumblr sleepover thingy if you don't mind!!
Your dreams, your favorite memory and something you're excited about!
Goodness I have a lot.
Well, mainly, my dream is to become someone that people can depend upon. Like for example be someone like Mr. Beast, help people in any way that I can without prejudice, no matter what it is. I want to be known for my good work, and I also want to be known for my actual work as well; ie being an author or artist
I do want to become famous one day. But I want to use that fame to help and represent others so I can help make the world a better place. 😊 Maybe a little corny, but you can thank Sonic for that HAGSGS XDD
As for my favorite memory? Well, hm. Gonna be honest, I don't. Remember much of my childhood (and some of what I do remember is uh. Yeah. 😅). But, I suppose that rediscovering Sonic is a memory that I think about fondly and often. X3 We played Sonic Adventure 2 on the GameCube when I was small, but we forgot about him until I was like 11, and played SA2 again on the pS3. Watching Sonic X for the first time (Used to sneak into the bathroom late at night just to watch it on YouTube I remember getting so excited about it my body would shake HDHDHDHD), watching Sonic playthroughs.. Man, it made me so happy. 😌😆
And, I'm excited for Christmas! :D The holiday has always been special to me, and I get to see my siblings again after being away from home for like months on end. Not to mention, I get to watch Sonic Prime with them when I do get back because it comes out the same day I leave for Winter break! :D
A little bit of a long winded answer but I hope you don't mind HFHFHDHDH XDDD
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boidmc · 2 years
Hola! I hope you're doing well this fine evening! Decided to stop by and send some things in if you don't mind! (If you do please feel free to ignore this ask)!!
The Star: Have you ever seen a physic?
The Moon: Have you ever written a love letter?
Temperance: Can you describe a strange dream you've had recently?
I'm doing good and ty for stopping by!
The Star:
No, I've never seen a psychic personally but I think it'd be interesting to! I do know I had a friend who had an aunt that was the closest thing I could call psychic since she read me down to a T, with stuff I never told anyone. It was both cool and eerie.
The Moon:
Yes, I have and it was all the way back in middle school when I was like 13. It was super sappy and cheesy and I gave it to the person, and thankfully, they liked it. We had like a short relationship but ended up parting as friends. So it ended well at least,,
Oh boy. All my friends kinda know me for having weird dreams. I think the latest one that I can remember off the top of my head was involving this one Dream Series (i.e. where my dreams have a connected storyline) I have where I'm in a sitcom with a bunch of OCs/DND characters I've made with like other people showing up whenever. Like there's credits and actual commercials in the dream.
Anyways, the latest "episode" had me and my cowboy dnd character, Measure, trying to find a way to smuggle his eldritch horror emotional support horse, Inah, into a museum. Why were we going to a museum? I have no idea but we kept breaking the fourth wall about how we had no idea what we were really doing.
Needless to say, the dream ended with me, Measure, and Inah taking a selfie in front of the Mona Lisa.
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tmntaucompetition · 1 year
So I've been behind on all of this but I think I've managed to get the gist of everything that's been going on here since I went MIA and correct me if I'm wrong but the last round is Wii Sports yes?
Please tell me that there's gonna be the Wii/Mii ost playing during the final round like it'd be absolutely fantastic.
Yes and yes.
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Heights for the Ultimate Turtles Forever
I got inspired by a series of posts on @misteria247's blog about turtle heights across different universes.
So I made these (using https://hikaku-sitatter.com/en/):
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Some of the words got cut off, so I added them manually.
For those wondering/worrying if Bayverse Splinter would be taller than 2012 Splinter, good news! 2016 Leo is the same height as 2012 Splinter (6' 2") so Bayverse Splinter would be shorter.
Also, capitalizing their whole names makes them seem... I don't know, spelled wrong?
Is that just me?
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disastertwins9000 · 2 years
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this is for @misteria247 cute 2012 leo tot post- find it here -it’s honestly my fav bc hueso and 12 leo✨✨perfection✨✨
anyway here friend, i love your posts and secretly i was the anon who asked where this hc was🙃
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inukag-archive · 7 months
Do you know of any fics with an emphasis on Moroha’s and Kagome’s relationship? I’m looking for some juicy mother-daughter stuff. Thank you so much for your time and help!
Hi anon! We thought this would be an easy one, but after lots of searching, what we found is that most fics with Moroha tend to be centered around Inuyasha's relationship with her, or are more general InuKag parenting fics. The short list below are the few we found that focus specifically on the mother-daughter relationship between Kagome and Moroha.
If you're interested in more general parenting fics that feature both Inuyasha and Kagome, we previously put together lists of InuKag being new parents to Moroha, and InuKag raising Moroha.
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Safe by @keichanz (T)
Inuyasha is late coming home from a youkai slaying trip. Moroha worries and Kagome does her best to reassure her.
Her Mother's Daughter by @omgitscharlie (G)
Moroha has more questions than normal, leaving Kagome happy to indulge her daughter with some answers.
The One Right Wish (Chapter 4: My Favorite Part) by @hanmajoerin (T)
While InuYasha and Miroku stay overnight at their latest job, Kagome tells Moroha a bedtime story at home.
Canis Pater by @fawn-eyed-girl & @ruddcatha (T)
On a night when Inuyasha is away on an exorcism, neither Moroha nor Kagome can sleep. Kagome takes Moroha outside to look at the stars, where she tells her daughter a very special story...about a hanyō whose act of bravery hangs in the heavens.
A Mother and Daughter's Bond by @misteria247 (T)
Some much needed bonding time between Kagome and her daughter Moroha. Basically the fic of if Yashahime won't give it to me I'll just do it myself.
How did Moroha get her ribbon? by @vikingknight90 (NR)
Inspired by a lovely fanart I had to put this into words. If this isn’t close to how she actually got it, I’ll be rather disappointed with Sunrise, haha.
Like a Burning Fire by UlisaBarbic (T)
With Inuyasha off to discuss with Koga and Ayame what happened with Moroha, Kagome has some much desired private time with her daughter. But they can never really get a true off day, can they? But protectiveness is their family's lifeblood.
Little Peachling by @unlockthelore (G)
On a trip home in twilight's wonder, Kagome tells Moroha she's like a peach, and Moroha disagrees.
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catcake24 · 11 months
I haven’t done one of these picrew chains before, but I like Halloween so here we go! Make an image using this picrew, reblog with the image and tag some friends/mutuals :D
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I love Halloween so much, so I hope some of you will indulge me lol
Tags: @marshed-moosh @shadowcatp269 @shadowwizard @art1sty @mountielle @sunnyinajar @lelemonic @letslipthehounds @muzzlemouths @ayyy-imma-ninja @misteria247 @ikamigami and anyone else who wants to participate!
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lieutenantbiscute · 1 year
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WDTYG AU @iamheretemporarly
A Universal Collision @misteria247
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fabuloustrash05 · 7 months
For the ship ask game if you don't mind me hopping in here (if you do please feel free to ignore this lol).
Ramona-!!! :D
Ship It ❤️
1) What made you ship it?
When you see a good ship and you know its a good ship, it just clicks with you and sticks. Him falling in love with her because she punch him in the face is both hilarious and so in character for Raph. And the fact she's just as in love with him as he is with her makes them the best couple in their show.
2) What are your favorite things about the ship?
Warrior battle couples are the best!! I've said it once in other asks, but I LOVE height differences! Bonus points if the girl is the tall one. How he fell for her, as I said, is funny and in character. How Mona loves Raph despite his obvious flaws and temper.
In truth, Mona Lisa made Raph a better man. His relationship with her has made him happier and you truly don't see Raph act the way he does with Mona with anyone else in the show. He loves her so much for who she is and never once does he try to degrade her. Despite her being bigger, stronger and a better fighter than him, he never tries to talk down about her or feels "less of a man" when with her. Raph has openly admitted that he LIKES that she's better than him and can kick his ass!
3) Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I can't and won't ever ship them with anyone else. I can only ever see Raph and Mona dating each other and no one else.
Also, their relationship (while I do wish we go more development from them) being “rushed” was fine. It made sense for their characters to quickly start a relationship consider they both have a mindset of "I might die tomorrow so let me tell you how I feel now just in case I never get that chance again."
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000marie198 · 1 year
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I turned it autumn aesthetic cuz I LOVE autumn!
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sapphiretanto · 2 years
@misteria247 here is a clip of Leo using his tanto blade in the invasion
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I just had to draw this @misteria247
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tmntaucompetition · 1 year
Ah I hope I'm not bothering you but I'd seen that my au got in (suprisingly I wasn't expecting that-) and I was wondering who exactly I'm up against? I'm a bit behind on this stuff and I do apologize for the random question lol.
The Great Skittle Heist!
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