natimiles · 8 months
Ikemen Sengoku: Voice Actors | Part 2
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annicaax · 2 years
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Mitsunari's CG is so darn cute! They should have drawn the whole picture of the Kitty and given us a whole CG... But okay!!! This is cute...
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nuttytani · 1 year
Suddenly thinking about how one day, the azuchi castle warlords turn into kids. Now mai and the other castle workers have to look after super hyperactive and naughty children. The castle is in an uproar because
1) lord nobunaga is trying climb the stove to get his sugar candies and hideyoshi is trying to pull him down. Danger danger! Because they're in a kitchen. With a stove that was recently burning.
2) masamune is riding his pet tiger while dragging his long sword. Without the scabbard. Then he goes to the kitchen because something sounds fun! He finds nobunaga and hideyoshi doing whatever they were doing. Anyways, being the hype man (kid) that masamune is, he spurs nobunaga to "get those sugar candies!!! You can do it!!!"
3) Ieyasu tries to lick wasabi. Does not end up well, he accidentally rubs it around his eyes and is now crying. Mistunari tries his best to help him but is pushed away (not on purpose, Ieyasu can't see what's happening due to all the tears). Poor boy falls on his back and is crying too.
4) Mitsuhide tries to eat the hydrangeas in the garden. And the leaves. Thankfully a maid finds him and makes him spit it out.
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jessyurahara · 2 months
KBTBB- Public Affection
Ota Kisaki
Ota, wasn’t embarrassed by these things, you were, embracing you when he wants was kind of his thing, a sly mutter and a smirk going along with his movements, normally people would be watching you from the sidelines. 
He loved the way in which you would squirm and react to him, it made him smile even further, if you listened carefully you’d even catch him laughing, it made him feel like a child, playing around with you at all times, smiling along with each movement. Ota is playful, and a jerk, it’s that simple, but also you’re his world and that was also a simple fact. 
He wasn’t not going to touch you at every open opportunity. 
Eisuke Ichinomiya
Eisuke had never been a particularly affectionate person, possessive in a way yes, but affection was a different matter of facts. Even when you started your overly complex relationship, he was always giving you push and pull. 
He knew if you hugged him, or held his hand, or kissed him it meant you were trying to be close to him, you were creating perfect memories with him. Eisuke wasn’t one to deny you of your deepest desires even if it was something as simple as holding his hand, in fact he was the one who was more likely to try and push you further, a kiss here and there, especially in front of the bidders, or when someone would make him feel jealous, despite the fact you knew you would never leave him, sometimes it was like he questioned that fact himself, and in those moments he would become the most possessive and affectionate man alive. 
Eisuke doesn’t share. 
Mitsunari Baba
In a relationship with Mistunari, the only shame towards public affection was felt by you, he was very open about his feelings towards you, no matter who was around, or what circumstances. There was no end to his affection towards you. 
He’s a passionate man, watching you under the moonlight on a roof, brushing your hair away from your face, he was so unapologetically himself. 
Mitsunari would often find himself walking around with you, his hand resting comfortably on the small of your back, sleeping at night he’d find himself tracing patterns on your skin, he saw you as perfect, he adored every hair on your head, every blemish on your body, every part of you was his. 
He wanted nothing more than to keep you, to claim you as his and his alone, and leave his marks all over your skin, whether that’s to be seen publicly or privately. 
Soryu Oh
It wasn’t that Soryu wasn’t affectionate towards you, when you were in private, he was one of the sweetest men you’d ever met. However, being so attentive in private meant in public you often fell to the wayside, after all, he had an image to uphold. He worried about the people around him, whether or not they would view him at the Mob Boss he is if he started being overly affectionate.
If he would succumb to the desire to be affectionate towards you, but in those moments his almost embarrassment and the way in which the bidders would tease would make the both of you uncomfortable. So affection during working hours became a strict but unspoken rule.
Despite all this, there were certain moments in which he would swallow all those feelings and simply enjoy being with you, holding you close. Tightly clinging to you, or an arm wrapped around your hips, just keeping your warmth close to him, he knew when he would have to restrain himself. 
Mamoru Kishi
Mamoru wasn’t an overly affectionate person, maybe it was his job, maybe it was trauma, but either way if you were looking for someone to cling to you at all moments and be hanging on your every movement, it was his duty to be your partner and stand by your side, but he wasn’t going to run around like a child. 
You had ultimately accepted that you needed to expect this treatment from Mamoru, he was never going to be the man who was going to be outwardly affectionate to you 24 hours a day, and if you were going to be honest then tell there were days in which you found yourself feeling a little thrown to the side, and during those moments you would find yourself reaching out a hand towards him, and grabbing onto him instead. 
Mamoru would allow you all the contact you felt you needed, and sometimes that stopped at a simple hand hold, other times you felt the need to grab him and hold him, and he would hold you back, mumbling something about you being a kid, because despite him not needing the physical contact in the same way, he was going to give you what you need. 
Ryunosuke Inui
Ryunosuke, a strange case, the man would run around calling you a Princess, and yet it was like he was embarrassed to kiss you in public. That’s not to say he wouldn’t in fact, despite how exited he could come across, he knew where to draw his professionalism lines, and in front of Soryu despite the comments of Princess he wouldn’t touch you. 
It was more than a little bit cute, the way in which he would turn red when you’d reach up and kiss him. He wishes he was able to be close to you at all times, apparently to protect you from the hordes of men that would surely chase after you if he wasn’t there. It was just an excuse to be able to be as close to you as possible and as affectionate with you as he wanted to be. 
Ryunsoke would never be embarrassed by his love for you though, if anything he enjoyed being able to show off that he was the one who won in the race to your heart. 
Koji Ayase
Koji was somewhat clueless when it comes to matters of the heart, he knows that he adores you, and he knows you adore him too, he doesn’t seem to always know how to properly react to you showing him how much you love him, it’s like he’s a wreck, turning bright red, mumbling quietly, sometimes freezing under your touch. 
It often meant that any public displays of affection needed to be initiated by you. It wasn’t something he didn’t think about, of course he’d think about touching you, kissing you, holding you closer than he ever thought possible, but he was embarrassed by your actions, and the red that was almost a permanent feature across his cheeks reflected that perfectly. 
He didn’t think you would appreciate it if he acted on his thoughts, and the best he would manage was to reach out and grab your hand, shyly holding it in his and refusing to look you in the eye, that same red covering his face. 
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Headcannons/ Love Letters/ Stories/ Drabbles
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reccyls · 1 year
Hideyoshi Sequel Summary - Tragic End
Link to the common route (ch 1-6) summary here
Hideyoshi cuts down every last one of the attackers, curt and brutal and bestial. By the time he's done, he's standing alone in a pool of blood. In the back of her mind, Mai remembers Kicho's words and his plan to have Hideyoshi be thrown off balance. The Hideyoshi that Mai knows is kind, yes, but she is no stranger to his brutal side, having seen it for herself in the past. She is afraid for a moment that Hideyoshi has lost himself to that violence in trying to keep her safe.
But then Hideyoshi turns, slightly, just enough to meet her gaze. And she knows that no matter what he becomes or what he does, he is her Hideyoshi, and she loves him. Careful to keep her touch away from his bare skin, she wanders into the blood-soaked battlefield to hug him, and let him know that she will always love him.
Flash forward to a year later. We are in Azuchi Castle, seeing Ieyasu and Keiji greet Hideyoshi as he returns from a battlefield. He has just stopped another rebellion in a distant province, but he brushes off their suggestion that he get some rest. He has to report to Nobunaga first. And with that, he turns and leaves. Ieyasu and Keiji share an uneasy glance about how Hideyoshi has been acting. He's never been the same since he and Mai returned to Azuchi in the wake of the Sacrificial Princess business a year ago.
Inside the war council meeting hall, Nobunaga, Masamune, Mistunari, and Mitsuhide are there as Hideyoshi enters to make his report. Another rebellion successfully quashed and dealt with. Hideyoshi says that he'll be stopping by his manor briefly but will set out soon to stop the next rebellion. Masamune comments that Hideyoshi has lost weight and asks if he's taking care of himself; Hideyoshi brushes it off. Nobunaga comments that Hideyoshi has stopped trying to negotiate truces and ceasefires and stops all the potential uprisings via force; Hideyoshi says that as long as he's successful, what's the issue. Either way, there's no more rebellion.
Just as he goes to leave, Mitsuhide stops him. He asks if Hideyoshi--if he and Mai are happy. For just the barest hint of a moment, Hideyoshi pauses. But he answers that yes, they are, and actually leaves this time. The remaining warlords in the room look concerned, and worried. Mitsunari wonders how long it will be before they can see Hideyoshi and Mai together again.
Hideyoshi returns to his manor, where a maid informs him that everything has been taken care of in his absence. He thanks her, and proceeds to a particular room of the manor that has been specially built. Nobody is allowed to enter the section where that room is located, no one except for him.
In that room, Mai wakes up, seeing that it's afternoon and she's slept the whole morning away. Though it's not as if it makes a difference to her. Morning, afternoon, evening, night; everything is the same. Over the past year, her symptoms had worsened progressively, to the point where even complete strangers began to feel pain when she looked at them or heard her voice. So she and Hideyoshi both decided that she'd stay in Hideyoshi's manor for as long as it took for her symptoms to fade.
She hasn't spoken to anyone for months. Hasn't seen anyone either. But as a familiar set of footsteps walks down the corridor, she perks up and moves closer to the door. Hearing Hideyoshi's familiar voice speak to her, she wants to be as close as she can. He apologizes for being away, asks her if she's doing well, if she needs anything.
Uri scampers through the door, for now content to just play in Mai's room. Uri is the only company she keeps these days. But she doesn't know if her symptoms have gotten to the point where animals would be affected, so she still refrains from touching or speaking to Uri. So she can only watch as Uri plays, but it's better than nothing.
Hideyoshi's palm is pressed against the hanging cloth that serves as a door to the room. Through the cloth, Mai writes on his palm that she wants some more food for Uri, and Hideyoshi says that he'll have that prepared for her as soon as possible. He's glad that she has at least some companionship.
They talk some more- or rather, Hideyoshi talks, and Mai listens. This is as much contact as they can have. No matter how much Mai wants to call Hideyoshi's name, to see his face, to touch him, this is all they get. Until they solve the unrest sweeping through the land and set history back on its peaceful course, this will have to be enough.
Even though it's really, really not.
But Mai and Hideyoshi won't leave each other. No matter how long it takes, they will wait, and wait, and wait...
...Years pass.
...A decade.
...And one day, accompanied by Hideyoshi's voice, the curtain opens. There he is, smiling that kind and beloved smile at her. At last, they have the rest of their lives with each other again.
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Yukimura discovers science and the Azuchi warlords have a NERF battle. Mistunari was the first to fall. Masamune is using tiger tactics.
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natimiles · 1 month
I was talking to @dragon-liquorice how my husbandos run from me on gachas. Isaac, Roger, Liam, Levi, Kanetsugu and his damned gacha story... The only husbando that comes to me is Mozart. And we noticed the white-haired boys come to me (minus Kanetsugu because he likes to make me work).
So I started a riot...
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And in ikesen while I was changing my room I noticed that Ieyasu actually comes to me. I have all his gacha stories. So I put him back in my room and castle and left only things related to him (or that remind me of him because I couldn't remember which outfit was supposed to be his and this game doesn't tag it-)
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I also left Mistunari because that would annoy Ieyasu he's sweetie
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ask-misun-and-oc · 1 month
Saniwa's problem about historical rift in the past
Note: It's base on IkeGen and IkeSen reference
Yoritomo: What do you mean 'Yoshitsune is still alive'?! I've already killed him right before the battle of Oshu!
Imanotsurugi: //sobbing// Y-y...you are right. I never forget how did you kill him!
Ryuji: Calm down. I know it's confusing. If you confused about Yoshitsune's presence, then i get suspicious about why did you let your own enemy alive //pointing his sword to Shigehira//
Shigehira: Humph! Nonsense, actually i prefer be execute rather than broke my loyality by joining the enemy!
Yoritomo: Hoho, there is a reason i won't execute. Beside, i'm on mood to invite you.
Ryuji: Eeeeek, you are 'tongue-twister' shogun~ Huuuu
Kashuu: Seems you said the wrong idioms, Ryuji. It's 'an axe to grind' shogun.
Kagetoki: So... in your view, Yoshitsune actually died but you found him alive?
Mikazuki: Obviously.
Ryuji: I predict the Jikkan Shokogun manifested as 'Kurama Tengu' and saved Yoshitsune! Or maybe... that demon was corrupted by Jikkan Shokogun.
Yoritomo: Pathetic! You can't defeat that demon, young man. //smirks// unless you join my force.
Iwatooshi: Try me... //steps a head but held by Mikazuki// You can't just underestimate our power, Yoritomo!
Yoritomo: Owh, why are you guys so naive? I just say the truth. He is powerful enough. Luckily i offer an help for you. Do you know why? Because, i have Tamamo-no-Mae and the person who can control 'him'
Ryuji: SOMETHING'S WRONG ON YOUR LEAD!!! Too much rift!
Yoshino: Ummm... ca-calm down. It's just accidental. I mean... i'm just trying to save the fox, but-
Ryuji: Excuse me!! Lemme tell you something. The shogunate get the wrong lead and Yoshitsune mustn't be exist. Accept the fate, Shigehira. You supposed to die in 1185 because the burning incident on Kanto. And you, two-faced shogun, Tamamo-no-Mae supposed to be sealed forever. But i couldn't agree more about your offering. We can make an alliance to defeat Yoshitsune and his rebel army.
//meanwhile on Mount Kurama//
Hizamaru: Dammit! They are too much. How can we defeat them, anija?
Yoshitsune: Now tell me, 'touken danshi'. To whom do you belong? Is he... my brother?!
Higekiri: I don't belong to Yoritomo anymore. Beside, it's useless for seeking the revenge toward him. I know Yoritomo is such selfish person.
Benkei: Well, it's none your bussiness. Beside, Yoritomo tries to take control of Tamamo-no-Mae by breaking the Sesshō-seki with the help from Abe no Yasuchika.
Yoichi: What?! I though he is dead.
Yoshitsune: Then we have to be careful now. Who knows he is the one who will control Tamamo-no-Mae
Sueharu: The rumor said, he is the incarnation of Abe no Seimei. Beside, i heard Yoritomo has released Shigehira then later become his ally.
Hizamaru: Wait! I though... Shigehira was executed in 1185? What's wrong with the timeline?!
Higekiri: So, our enemies are Yoshitsune and Yoritomo. Now we're focusing on Yoshitsune's presence to fix the timeline.
*sound of sword clashes*
Nobunaga: Shit! You don't even try to attack me and my lucky charm.
Hasebe: What does 'your lucky charm' mean!! I don't like to see you live longer!
Fudou: //carries Ranmaru on his shoulder// What do you mean, idiot. Why... why do you hate Nobunaga. Why don't you be proud seeing his ambition-
Hasebe: //still fighting with Nobunaga// NONSENSE!!! I know the fact i belong to Nobunaga, but I PROUD FOR BEING BELONGED TO NAGAMASA!!
Hideyoshi: Nobunaga-sama! There is a troops that destroyed Honnoji.
Mistunari: Is it... is it comes from Kenshin or an impostor?
Ieyasu: But Masamune found Kenshin forming a reinforcement.
Ryuji: Wtf- Kenshin is still alive?! And... the Honnoji-
Kurikara Gou: This is getting worse, Ryuji. What's should we do? Will we failed? According the fact, it's Mitsuhide who burns the Honnoji castle.
Ryuji: Mweeeh, i'm still clueless. How about you, Yamanbagiri 'Kunihiro'?
Yamanbagiri: I don't know. Let's ask the girl behind you first. I found her carries Nobunaga. I have no choice to let Nobunaga alive since this girl begged to me. The girl also our priority too because she is innocent here.
Mai: You seems familiar. Have we ever met before?
Ryuji: I don't even know who you are. Anyway, how can you get here?
Mai: Ummm... i... i come to future too, but... what i remember, i was in funeral and... i saw a man with glasses and suddenly a thunder appeared before i saw his face.
Yamanbagiri: Don't tell me //panic// A Kebishii?! They accidentally send this girl to Sengoku era?
Konno: According to the report, there is a rift on the future era. An historical figure was sent to future by Jikkan Shokogun. Perhaps that makes Kebishii appears.
Yamanbagiri: Did you know who is that person?
Ryuji: //knowing if the guy who ran toward him was the historical figure// NYAAAAAAA, SASUKEEEEEEE!!!
Kurikara Gou: Huh?
//meanwhile at miles away from the Honnoji castle//
Sasuke: //hearing Ryuji screamed// I've ever heard the scene but... where?
Kenshin: Nonsense, Sasuke! Keep your eye on Oda troops. Their vassal suspecting us.
Shingen: Yooosh, we can prepare the troops before they get ready for attack.
Kenshin: No! First, we have to investigate whether Nobunaga is dead or not.
Yagen: //hide inside the bushes with Souza// He supposed to die before Honnoji incident.
Souza: Is that Sasuke Sarutobi? He is the guy who teleported to future until Kebishii bring him back.
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incorrectmidc · 3 years
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bankaqlota · 6 years
Yasu..... My man I'm starting to seriously worry about you....
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oldmansirius · 6 years
warlords as florence + the machine songs!
here we go again!!!!!!!!!!!!! based on personality, route and their impression on me!
Nobunaga: Breath Of Life
Masamune: Dog Days Are Over OR Hurricane Drunk
Hideyoshi: Third Eye
Ieyasu: Caught
Mistunari: Bird Song Intro OR Landscape
Mitshuide: Shake It Out
Kenshin: Never Let Me Go
Shingen: Lover To Lover
Yukimura: All This And Heaven Too
Sasuke: Between Two Lungs
Kennyo: Heavy In Your Arms
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otapuppy · 3 years
kbtbb playlists!!
i said i was doing it so, yeah i made playlists for the bidders! i already made a playlist for all of them and MC but decided i would also divide them into separate playlists as well. quick disclaimers:
i havent read all of the main stories. ive only read ota's, eisuke's, mamoru's, and baba's. and ive only read past ota's season 1 bc hes my fave (obvi). so i did my best.
some of them r lacking severely. specifically soryu and eisuke. soryu bc idk him that well as a character, and eisuke bc i dont care for him really. so i am giving you permission to be mad about me for that.
the playlists arent based on how i think their actual music tastes would be, so dont get mad at me for putting something more poppy in soryu's playlist.
so far i have only included the main 5 bidders, if you want me to do the extended bidders, let me know! although those may also be lacking however but whatevs.
ok disclaimers over playlist time!
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lynx-paw · 3 years
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MC's lucky Hideyoshi wasn't there otherwise he'd bang his head against a wall for weeks.
And with this I finally ended Motonari's route. I didn't max out my points because honestly - I couldn't wait to get over with him. Idk what, something just doesn't sit with me right in his route. He's way too much for me to handle and he became just plain annoying.
Going back to Masa so I can finish the route around the time sequel comes out.
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nymphilily · 3 years
I don't think I'll get over my brother looking me dead in the eyes and telling me that he thinks SenBasa Mitsunari is submissive and breedable (he is absolutely right)
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mitsunari attempting to cook
MC: No offense, milord, but this steak is a little tough.
Mitsunari: So is life, manju-girl. And then you die.
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mystikcatz · 4 years
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Thought I might share some progress over a two year period! I also really miss the SLBP fandom, hopefully my attention span will come back soon so I can get back into it.
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