#miu x kaito
lizzietoons · 6 months
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‼️Miu and Kiibo’s Mastermind AU: The Reveal‼️
The death order in this comic is different from cannon! This AU follows a “dual protagonist” system, which basically means the player would switch between Kaede and Shuichi throughout the game. Instead of characters like Tsumugi, Maki or Himiko being alive for the mastermind trial, Miu, Kaito, Kokichi and Kaede are alive. @swolfyxd and I have most of it planned out (even though we’ll never actually write it 😔).
Focus for the last panel is on Kokichi, because he would be the one that underestimated and dismissed them the most due to his own biases.
The idea for this entire AU came partially from the some “Red Flags” by Tom Cardy, so Miu’s mastermind outfit is an homage to the cocktail style dress worn in the music video.
Hope you guys enjoy!
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ninetypercentspoon · 7 months
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Yet again more V3 sketchbook doodles. This time with a sprinkle of Saimota for y’all. (^v^)
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cherriesbloodclouds · 2 years
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i’m having way too much fun making these man
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Danganronpa Love Languages (DR V3)
[ DR THH | SDR2 | DR V3 ]
Kaede Akamatsu - Words of Affirmation
Being a living personification of optimism, Kaede is always there to reassure you and cheer you up. Even at your darkest moments she will be there to pull you out and into the light. If you don't want help and just want support, she won't hesitate to just hold you and listen. She cares about your mental health a lot, especially since she knows how it feels. When Kaede is trying to boost your mood, she is commonly complimenting you. Sometimes it can get off track and she'll derail into making comments about your body (especially if you got big boobs or ass. Shuichi said it best, she can sound like a pervy old man sometimes). But hey, it boosts your confidence! And that's what she wants more than anything
Shuichi Saihara - Quality Time
Shuichi wasn't one with high self-esteem or confidence, so when you asked him out it took him a day to fully process it. Sure he's been crushing on you for a long time, but what if he can't be a good boyfriend? At the start of your relationship he will definitely be a bit awkward and nervous. The longer you guys are together though, he will gain confidence in both himself and your relationship. He will still be very subdued and bashful, but isn't afraid to show affection in public. In fact, Shuichi loves to stay by your side throughout the day. It will be every other day, as some days he needs alone time to recharge and relax, and you're happy to oblige! When he does feel the desire for companionship he will openly seek you out and ask if you could spend the day together
Angie Yonaga - Gift Giving
Atua will always be number one in her heart, but you are a close second! She talks so positively about you to anyone she can. She's got nothing to hide. Being the Ultimate Artist, Angie's specialty is making gifts and art for you. Paintings, statues, wood carvings, it's all for you. To add her own little spice, she likes to bless every creation with the protection of Atua. It's up to debate whether this counts as a gift or not, but every day she prays to Atua to look upon you and keep you safe. In her eyes, she is giving the gift of love and protection from her god, she is praying for your own good. Yeah it's a bit weird, but she's so cute it's hard to get upset
Gonta Gokuhara - Acts of Service
O h my ggod?? Gentleman, sweetie, baby, precious, a present from god. These are many words to describe Gonta, and it's never made more clear than when you date. He already was very gentle and protective of you, but when you get in a relationship he takes it more seriously. He protects you and treats you as if you were breakable. Think of yourself as a rare beetle! If he deems the terrain as dangerous, he resorts to craddling you in his arms and carrying you. As a true Gentleman, Gonta is incredibly courteous and polite, holding open doors for you and being as respectful as possible. And if you ask him to do anything he will happily do it for you (well, except hurt a bug). Whenever he does something that upsets you, or something he percives as rude, he does tend to freak out. He'll need a lot of reassurance. And just... please show Gonta physical affection too. Hold his hand, run your fingers through his hair, make him feel as loved as possible. He deserves it
Himiko Yumeno - Quality Time
Himiko wasn't really interested in relationships, she never felt a real attraction to anyone. Even Tenko and Angie she saw more as friends than love interests. In your first interactions she felt the same about you, but then oddly felt herself become more attached. Suddenly she was following you around and constantly trying to show you her magic. Whenever you were seperated she tended to think about you a lot. Himiko still can't fully comprehend why your relationship was different from all the others, but she isn't complaining in the slightest. You bring such peace to her heart and it's so refreshing. Expect lots of invites to her room for magic shows
K1-B0 - Physical Touch
K1-B0 is a pure sweetie. Being a robot, he is NOT used to any sort of relationship. It took him awhile to get friendships down fully, so when you asked him out he was not used to it at all. Any sign of affection made him blush like mad, if he had a heart it would be beating like crazy. Somehow everything you did drove him nuts! How soft your skin feels on his metal, the warmth radiating off your body, the way you nuzzle into his neck, it all felt like heaven. Another reason he loves your touch is how respectful you are (unlike 2 certain degenerates). You touch him with purpose and love, no judgement. Seriously, just cuddle with him and kiss his cheeks, let him know you care. It makes him feel alive
Kaito Momota - Words of Affirmation
Kaito is a BRO through and through! I'm talking ride or die. He will stand by your side through thick and thin, and will be your number one support system. Any issues you have he will want to hear and help with. Even if you tell him you just want someone to listen, he is gonna listen soooooo hard. The best part is that he's well grounded as well. Kaito isn't afraid to voice his true opinions and always gives it to you straight. He feels like lying ruins a relationship. The only thing he ever hid from you was his illness, and that was discovered fairly quickly. It hurts to see him put you over his own health, but Kaito will always do it with no hesitation. You are special to him, in more ways than one
Kirumi Tojo - Acts of Service
She is a maid, her life's goal is to serve. Whether it's her boss, friends, or lovers, Kirumi aims to please. With you she takes care of you well. Your house will always be clean, hot meals served to you daily, and if you need help with your hobbies she will learn as much as she can to assist. To be honest you tend to feel bad a lot. Despite your insistance for her to take a break, Kirumi refuses. It may seem like she's just a worker of sorts, but she has self respect and refuses to be treated as such. When she cares for you, it's out of love and care, not obligation. But sometimes, if you do something for her instead, you can catch her starting to tear up. Kirumi will try to reprimand you, but will eventually drop her professionalism and just embrace you lovingly
Kokichi Ouma - Quality Time
Piece of SHIT gremlin dear LORD I love him. Sure Hiyoko was a handful, but with Kokichi it's even more apparent. He's a trickster through and through, and just because you're dating doesn't mean he's gonna ease up on it. They will probably be less intense and more playful most of the time, and the name calling will be more cheeky rather than insulting. But you are not gonna be immune to his jackassery. He has a habit of following you around a lot and constantly trying to bug you and get your attention. Don't even get me started on his lies. At first you thought he was just wanting to be annoying (okay that's part of it), but actually he just really likes spending time with you. Being able to talk to you constantly and see your funny reactions gives him so much happiness. He'll deny how clingy he is and mock you for thinking so, but one time he followed you into the bathroom, so that speaks for itself
Korekiyo Shinguji - Physical Touch
Korekiyo is a... I'm just gonna say it, he's a kinky bastard. He finds humanity fascinating and wants to experience the wonders of existence, including the taboos. He is normally quite a smooth talker, and despite the messed up or concerning things he says, you still find yourself charmed. But the real affection comes from his touch. Korekiyo loves to study your body and your behaviors whenever he touches you in different places. He always makes mental notes on your habits and reactions. It intrigues him so intensely! But uh, his real experimenting and studying comes in the bedroom. Just get used to trying new things, he wants to experience it all with you
Maki Harukawa - Acts of Service
Being a groomed assassin since childhood, Maki has grown very cold and pessimistic toward people. To be honest she wasn't very fond of you when you first met. The only reason she ever gave you the time of day was because you were friends with Kaito and Shuichi. It took a long time for her to see you as a friend, and even longer to admit she had a crush on you. Believing herself to be less than human means she doesn't feel worthy to be loved. Once you declared your deep love for her full of passion, it kinda broke her. She didn't say much, but she broke out into tears immedietly. From then on, Maki started to show affection more. She wanted you to know how much she loved you, and thought that doing things for you is the best way to show it. She is very protective of you, both from people and situations. If you are ever in a dangerous or stress inducing situation, Maki is gonna be there to help and assist. And if anyone dares to try to hurt you... well, they won't have a body for the casket
Miu Iruma - Physical Touch
Now, it's obvious that Miu shows love through physical contact. But not in the way you think. You see, she talks a big game about sex and shit, but in reality she is a blushing mess everytime you hold her hand. A great way to see her squirm is hugging her around the waist from behind. Instant way to short circut her brain. These bouts of teasing often invoke swear filled insults thrown your way, but don't worry she's just embarrassed. If you do this enough it will lead to her getting frustrated, both emotionally and sexually. She'll initiate affection by pulling you close to her or just sitting in your lap like a grumpy cat. You wanna keep poking the lion? Well you better get ready for lion to pounce one day
Rantaro Amami - Physical Touch
He is a smoooooth talker. Very swoon worthy and always knows what to say to make you blush. His voice is the perfect tone too. Most people can attest to these facts. But he really likes to touch you gently and romantically. When he touches your hips or shoulders it's very gentle and relaxing. He also loves to nuzzle his face in your neck and chest while you cuddle. It's like you fit together like puzzle pieces. What he loves the most though is your hands. Rantaro takes any opportunity to hold or caress your hands, giving small kisses to the back of them. He loves the way you get bashful. Another fun way to bond is by doing your nails! It's a great time to catch up and talk, and you also get your nails done. So win-win!
Ryoma Hoshi - Words of Affirmation
Ryoma doesn't feel like he deserves much in life. Or anything in general. Not only was he a convicted killer, he was also on death row. So when you came up and confessed to him, he actually turned you down and said you deserve someone much better. Someone who isn't a shell of their former self. But strangely you didn't give up and kept pursuing him, and eventually he broke and admitted he felt the same. Ryoma has clinical depression and it's quite clear, but he never tries to make it your issue. Instead of focusing on his personal troubles and trauma, he puts his efforts into supporting you and voicing his admirations. Pride for you is something he will bluntly show. When you attempt to talk to him and let him air his troubles, he'll insist he's fine. He'll still have a cool air to him, but deep down he really appreciates your concern. And honestly, he considers you a reason to live a little longer
Tenko Chabashira - Physical Touch
Tenko is aggressive with her affections (just ask Himiko) so when she crushes on you she is obvious and intense. She'll gush over you and shower you with praise as often as possible. So if you validate her and accept her feelings, she's gonna jump right into it. Expect a lot of hugs and snuggles quite openly. To the point of embarrassment sometimes. You are just so cute she can't help herself!! A favorite past time of her is to practice Akido with you. Tenko gets a lot of joy sharing her passion with you, and being able to toss you around is a bonus I'mma be blunt though. If you are femme or femme presenting she is gonna protect you with her heart and treat you like a queen. If you are masc or masc presenting it will be... rough for a while. She'll eventually come around, but you'll just have to prove you aren't a degenerate male and earn her respect. Once you do, Tenko will hold you in much higher regard than other men and treat you as the golden standard
Tsumugi Shirogane - Gift Giving
Tsumugi is a mastermind obsessed with the Danganronpa series in itself. Something about it is fascinating to her and brings her much amusement. And with you she instantly noticed that you fit the series perfectly. You fit her perfectly. She knew she had to get you, and luckily she did! While at first it was more of an entertainment thing, Tsumugi eventually found herself growing fond of you. She actually enjoyed going on dates with you, no ulterior motives anymore. To emphasize her newfound affection, she often liked to sew clothes for you! You can draw up a design for any outfit you want and she'll be able to make it a reality. Basically you'll never need to go shopping again. As some bonus "gifts", sometimes you'll come home to Tsumugi dressed up... in just the way you like~
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kittenmey-rin · 4 months
Yandere drv3 characters lines.
Drv3 Boys;
Gonta gokuhara: "Y/n safe in Gonta's arms, Gonta's protecting Y/n like true gentlemen."
Kaito Momota: "Hey Y/n, you don't have to worry about anything, I am going to be your new knight in shining armor."
Kiibo: "Y/n, I love you no matter what we are, so please let me know that you need me to comfort you."
Kokichi Ouma: "Nishshishi, it seems that you are blushing bright red, so cute."
Korekiyo Shinguji: "It seems that I will stay with you for the time being."
Rantaro Amami: "Hey Y/n, can I come to your dorm, I heard that you have nightmares."
Ryoma Hoshi: "Hey Y/n, wanna play tennis, I will sometimes go easy for you."
Shuichi Saihara: "Y/n, can I hear your beautiful singing voice, I want to hear it again."
Drv3 Girls;
Angie Yonaga: "Y/n, Atua said that we should get along well and started make beautiful memories of art."
Himiko Yumeno: "Y/n, I am running on low magic energy, can I sleep on your lap please???"
Kaede Akamatsu: "Hey L/n-chan, I have been piano practicing and I want you to listen to my piano music."
Kirumi Tojo: "Y/n, you are so magnificent whenever you started to sing a song."
Maki Harukawa: "Do you want me to hurt someone for you, Y/n, I am sure that you are being a bit annoyed by someone."
Miu Iruma: "Ugh, You may not be so annoying after all, you are adorable."
Tenko Chabashira: "I'll make sure that no disgusting boys will come near you, Y/n-chan."
Tsumugi Shirogane: "Wow Y/n, you looked adorable when you are cosplaying as (Favorite/Anime/Character)."
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mimir-mimos · 2 years
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🤍💢The Class of Killing Harmony ‼️🖤
+ bonus shuichi reveal ~
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elaboratejellyfish · 9 months
Saiouma Christmas comic!
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Here's part 2
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s1llyalabaster · 2 months
ignore how im a hsr blog for ONE SECOND I HAVE DANGANRONPA THOUGHTS
imagine if the danganronpa games worked like the squid game where they get invitations to participate in the killing game??? MAJOR SPOILERS!!!!! FOR DRV3!!!!!
in drthh it was mentioned that talents get scouted to the school so this could be weird BUT i wanna focus on drv3 (mainly beacause ive been playing it recently instead of hsr)
so the dr team wants to find someone to write the script , they find tsumugi at an anime convention and go "hey, you're a cosplayer, right? wanna take part in producing dr?" and thats how she gets dumped into the killing game
(fictional world UTC)
and after kaede's piano competition, she finds a little invitation note slipped under the trophy she had just won.
and when shuichi steps out of the tapes blocking the crime scene him and his uncle was investigating , his foot sticks to not only a lingering piece of tape, but an invitation letter.
and when ryoma's lunch gets carelessly tossed into the cell, he shoves the food down before finding a note to "escape" to a place far worse than prison.
and when kirumi's client, almost fearfully , hands her a letter, then uncharacteristically slamming the door to his ministerial office shut with all his trembling hands' might.
and when angie bends down after dropping her paintbrush, both her and atua are shocked to find that an invitation to the killing game had been pinned to the canvas.
and when tenko slams another "degenerate male" to the ground for robbing a girl. she couldn't resist taking a peek at the invitation slip that fell out of his back pocket, and was undoubtedly surprised when she found her named addressed on the letter.
and when korekiyo presses one final kiss to his dying sister's lips, he looks at her bedside table to find nothing but one delicately wrapped letter, with paper and ink to his liking. this was bound to be interesting.
and when miu was inventing yet another one of her wacky creations, she pulled off her protective eyegoggles to find said machine uncontrlollably spewing out uncountable amounts of letters, almost harry potter-esque.
and when gonta caresses one of his tens of hundreds of bugs in a glass case (with breathing holes, of course), a paper butterfly lands on his broad shoulder and "open says me", an invitation.
and when kokichi and his "gang" are running away from overworked convenience store cashiers over stolen candy, he trips over a piece of candy, the wrapper unfolding itself to reveal an invitation.
and when kaito forges another document to hand in to some space-related organisation, he finds a slip of paper that stuck out from the pile . Man, I guess he thinks he's going to space.
and when keebo first opened his eyes to see the world that humans reigned over, coordinates and words flashed before his eyes, he knew where he was going to be.
for rantaro, if he was the ultimate adventurer, then after he'd landed from another 18-hour-long flight, a flight attendant would sneakily pass a letter to him, looking as if he was at gunpoint.
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vrisrezis · 2 years
Could you maybe do a v3 characters finding out their s/o is s--cidal (non killing game please)
Thank you!!
Rantaro feels terrible, but does everything in his power to help you out when you feel like this. He has good ways of dealing with anxiety and depression since it’s something he is experienced with.
Kaede she just feels so bad for you :( she’s just like what noo wtf!!! She hates that you feel this way and she kinda treats it as something that can be fixed with positivity and optimism and working out and hanging out with friends more often but even she knows deep down this won’t magically fix itself.
Ryoma gets it, he’s not suicidal per say but he stopped caring if he lives or dies. He has good ways of helping you through some rough days and is there for you through it all.
Kirumi hates knowing that she may not be able to help you much. She does as much as she can, but she mainly tries to be a caretaker to you when the going gets rough and helps make sure you have proper hygiene and get food in your system.
Tenko is the kinda person who wants you to put all that negative energy into something like working out with her, it will hopefully get all the sadness and anger out of your system or at least make you feel a bit better and not about suicide.
Angie tells you she’s praying to atua for you. It’s not one of those “Atua will heal you don’t worry” it’s more like “I’m praying to atua that you’ll be okay in the end.” which is a very … sweet thing for her to do in her own way :)
Miu may not know how to respond, she’s actually speechless. Hates knowing you’re in that much pain you’d want to end it all. She tries to come up with some inventions related to emotions for you to wear but unless you want to wear a helmet for the rest of your life, she has to come up with something else for you.
Gonta is confused, why would you want to end your own life? He may not understand where you’re coming from, like at all, but he’s here for you. Such a comforting soul, he can make you feel a little better with just a glance. He’s not aware of his power and wishes he could do more for you.
Kokichi used to be suicidal too. He still deals with depression just not to the point of suicidal thoughts anymore. He knows how to help you through them without harming yourself and he’s absolutely broken by the fact you’re in a spot he used to be in.
Kaito is kinda like kaede in the sense that positivity and working hard and optimism will make it better, even if that’s obviously not always the case especially for something so serious. He means well but he won’t be very helpful. He will back off if you tell him to though?
Kiibo knows how to help, by google standards anyway. He’s terrified at the thought of you doing anything so he becomes overprotective and tries to give you general advice.
Himiko tries to make your life easier, she does the chores and other small things she knows may be hard for you on rough days. She checks up on you and will make sure you’re taking care of yourself and she will try to make you smile.
Maki may not understand what it is you’re going through but she tries her best. She checks up on you a lot and demands you take care of yourself if you aren’t. She’s so scary, so you probably do it not to get her death glare.
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dragondemoness · 1 year
A Hopeful Future - DV3 Cast x Ultimate Cuteness Reader Finale
Ten years since you graduated Hope’s Peak Academy.
You stand on the balcony of the house you shared with your significant other, who was standing right beside you.
At your beloved plush bunny’s request, you passed him down to your child, if you had one.
He was just as attached to the rabbit as you were when you first received him from your grandmother. It was an endearing sight.
But that didn’t mean the bond you shared with Mr. Bunny ever went away. He continued to give you any kind of support you needed, and sometimes, you had time to spend alone with him. He still loved to hold you like a baby, even though you were fully grown.
If you had any children, you’d best believe the rabbit does the same thing to them too.
When they were born, you handed them to Mr. Bunny to hold them, and he held them so gently, as though they were made of glass. And instead of cowering away from him, they curled into his soft chest, and you saw his black, beady eyes shine with tears.
He basically became their third parent, and sometimes, you had to pry the child away from him because he refused to leave their side. Then you would laugh as he got grumpy and pouted at you.
He was like the family’s bodyguard, and he did his job well. Not only was he very difficult to damage, but his keen senses did a great job at sensing danger, then getting rid of it before you or your family could find out.
Anyway, you watched the sunset with a peaceful expression, on the warm cottage property you always dreamed of living in.
Seeing you lost in thought, your significant other gets your attention by placing their hand on yours.
“Are you alright?”
You snapped to attention and gave them a warm smile and nodded.
“Just thinking about the past, and how we ended up here. It’s kind of weird to think about, but I couldn’t be happier.”
Your significant other nods and mirrors you, watching the sunset as well.
Shuichi Saihara
He smiles and chuckles at you.
“Yeah, kind of. But I’m glad we’re here now.”
After graduation, he received a letter from one of the best detective departments in the city
He spent many nights working, and often struggled to come to bed with you
But he still assured that you meant everything to him
Together, you had one child
They took after your appearance, but was shy, like Shuichi
You find them absolutely adorable
Shuichi smiles and takes your hand in his, as he turns back to the sunset
Rantaro Amami 
He chuckles at you and nods.
“It kind of is, huh? But hey, I’m not complaining.”
He still loved to travel, so he found a job where he could take business trips often
So sometimes he would leave for a while, but he sent postcards and gifts he knew you would like
Anything to let you know he was still thinking of you
You have at least two children with him
He loves taking care of people, but if two is enough for you, it’s enough for him
Sometimes he and Mr. Bunny argue over the children’s affections
It’s pretty funny sometimes
Rantaro smiles at you once more before slinging his arm over your shoulder and pulling you close to him
Kokichi Oma 
He tilts his head and gives you a look of mock confusion.
“Hmmmm? What do ya mean ‘weird’? Are you calling me weird??”
His face changes to a look of playful sadness before smiling at you.
“Yeah, I guess it is kinda weird. But at least we’re here now, right?”
Thanks to him and his organization, he earned a lot of money
He worked too hard to let it go, even after all these years
But he did promise not to do anything too evil
He’s not a fan of kids, so he doesn’t enjoy the idea of having one of his own
But if you really want a child, he might consider it
He hopes they’ll at least have a fun attitude and won’t be super boring
In the present, he wraps his arm around your waist and leans into you
He may not have gotten that last growth spurt, but at least his attitude matured
Kaito Momota 
He looks at you and grins widely.
“Maybe a little, but I’m happy to be where we are!”
He achieved his dream and got a job as an astronaut
Similar to Rantaro, he often leaves home to go on space expeditions
But he’ll bring you back souvenirs from the places he visits
He loves the idea of having kids, so you’ll probably have at least one
He’ll teach them about his passions, hoping they’ll take interest in it
As you sit together, he wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you close to him with a smile
Gonta Gokuhara 
He turns and gives you a warm smile.
“Maybe, but Gonta is glad S/O stayed by his side for so long.”
He found a job where he could talk about bugs all day long
Some people found the way he talked to be weird, but he was improving
And he was at least able to talk about something he loved
He would love to be a dad, so you might at least have one child
Most you'll have is three
He'll introduce them to all his bug friends, and hopefully they won't be afraid of them
In the present, Gonta grins at you and pulls you into a soft, but tight embrace
Korekiyo Shinguji 
He looks ahead with a thoughtful hum before turning to you with a smile.
"Hm. I suppose you could say that. But I wouldn't dare rewrite history if it meant that we wouldn't be together.
To continue his passion for humanity, he started studying archaeology
And he no longer covered his face with a mask, since you being with him finally helped him to let go of his sister
He's not big on the idea of having children, but he's open to it if you want to
He'd prefer to have just one partially because he doesn't want a repeat of him and his sister
As you sit together on the balcony, he gives you a soft smile and takes your hand in his
Ryoma Hoshi 
"Yeah, kinda. But hey, at least we're here."
After leaving high school, he continued with becoming a tennis player
He hoped it would help him find himself, discover what he wants to do
It does help, and he remembers what he enjoyed so much before he lost it
He doesn't plan on having any kids, but maybe
He certainly wouldn't mind playing some tennis with them
Plus, his cat and your bunny have developed a loving relationship
If you do have a child, forget a third parent, they'd have a whole other set of parents
He smiles and takes your hand and pats it
He nods at you while admiring the sunset.
"You could say that. But I wouldn't change a thing!'
I mean
He's a robot
There's a lot he could do
When Miu began her robotics company, he became an employee and worked alongside her for a while
And once he got enough money, he started one of his own
He was determined to show off the power of robots and what they can do when working alongside humans ahaha...
Having children is... Kind of difficult
But he would love to adopt one with you
He wants to experience what it's like to be a father, and to experience parental love
In the present, he takes your hand and squeezes it
Kaede Akamatsu 
She nods with a soft smile.
"Yeah. But I'm glad we're here."
She became a professional pianist
She started piano lessons for those who wanted to learn, and she played at big events
She would love to have a child with you
You'll have one, maybe two
She would love to play them soft, classical songs to help them sleep, and maybe even teach them
She leans against your shoulder with a small smile as you enjoy the moment together
Maki Harukawa
She nods and gives you a small smile.
"Yeah. But I'm glad it turned out this way."
After high school, she ditched her job as an assassin and went back to child caregiving
She wanted to leave that part of her life behind and pursue a more wholesome career
Although it was frustrating at first, the kids always liked her, and she started to warm up to them
She's still hesitant to have a child of her own, because she doubts if she can be a good parent
But she would love to have one, to give them the loving home she never got
And she'd do a damn fine job of it
While you sit together, she scoots closer to you and takes your hand while leaning on your shoulder
Miu Iruma 
She lets out a chuckle and watches the beautiful sight ahead of you.
"Heh, kinda. But hey, I managed to find your fine ass. I gotta say, that's pretty damn good."
She got a job as an engineer
Even started her own robotics company to show off her skill
She's still vulgar, she's still flirtatious, she's still Miu
But she has matured quite a lot
She doesn't really want kids, honestly
But if you do have one, she'd make them a bunch of cute toys for them to play with
As you sit together, she wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you close with a grin
Himiko Yumeno 
She blinks sleepily and gives you a small smile.
"Nyeh... A little. But at least we're together."
She'd still give magic a shot, even after high school
She wants to prove that her "parlor tricks" are real magic
Mr. Bunny has actually been rather helpful in helping her achieve this, so she showed even greater skills to the world
She even started taking aspiring magicians under her wing and training them as apprentices
She doesn't love the idea of having a child; you and Mr. Bunny are all she needs
But she miiiight consider it if you really want one
She wouldn't mind teaching them magic if they were interested
In the present, your sleepy mage leans against your shoulder as you watch the sunset
Angie Yonaga 
She hums and smiles brightly.
"Indeed! But I'm glad that Atua put me on that path! It guided me to you, after all!"
She became a professional artist
She did commissions, sold art online, even sent some of her art to a museum
She even did art classes for anyone interested in learning from her
She would love to have a child with you, if you want
She'd teach them all about art, and she'll hang up everything they make on the fridge, even if it sucks
In the present, she giggles and pulls you close to her in a soft embrace
Kirumi Tojo 
She hums thoughtfully and gives you a small smile.
"Indeed. But I couldn't be more glad that we're here."
She still did work as a housemaid
People could call her and hire her whenever they needed
Only this time, she valued herself more
She doesn't take nonsense from anyone, nor does she allow anyone to take advantage of her
And it's all thanks to you
She would love to have a child with you
She would be strict at times, but also give them all the love and care they could ask for
As you sit together, she takes your hand in her gloved one and squeezes it
Tenko Chabashira 
She turns and gives you a smile.
"Yeah, a little bit. But at least I'm with you."
She became a Neo Aikido instructor
She taught people all over how to master it
But although her master did help her become strong, she didn't poison her pupils' opinions of men like she did
She didn't want them to become bitter and hateful
She wouldn't mind having a child with you if you wanted to
She'd love them with all her heart and soul, and might teach them the art of Neo Aikido when they're older
In the present, she grins and wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you close
Tsumugi Shirogane
She hums thoughtfully before facing you with a warm smile.
“Yeah, it is. But I’m glad we’re here now.”
Her talent for cosplay expanded into designing actual costumes
People commissioned her for her talent, and she even had her costumes sold in stores
You'd best believe she'd make a billion different outfits for your child
She would love to have one with you
She would shower them with soooo much love
As you sit together, she smiles and takes your hand before leaning against your shoulder
As you two enjoy your moment, Mr. Bunny comes out with your favorite hot drinks and sets them on the table before sitting right between you two.
Any children you have, if any at all, come rushing out to you, causing you and your significant other to let out a laugh. Now all together, Mr. Bunny wraps his arms around you and pulls you both close to him, as your little family shares this loving moment together.
The End of the DV3 Portion of the Ultimate Cuteness Series
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beautynthesin · 4 months
Your design/idea for the ot3 keychains is so amazing, really!! Can't wait for the real thing!! 👁️
Do you mind sharing a bit of the idea and work/thought-process behind it? 👉👈
Yeah ofc !!
I don’t really have many ot3 ships myself but I do have like platonic ones and I always see matching heart keychains for duos but what about trios yanno
So I’ll make it myself kinda thing but I also want it to be usable for duos to so getting the shape right was really hard I made paper concepts and everything
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pocketdv2ultimate · 8 months
Quais são os seus shipps favoritos em Danganronpa v3?!
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(I'm not very familiar with V3. And I've seen very little of it. But my opinion may change when I see them again)
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cherriesbloodclouds · 2 years
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made some danganronpa text posts
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eeveeshiko · 11 months
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ichika n all of alt talents hehe (dont ask me how long this took)
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kittenmey-rin · 8 months
Yandere Drv3 x Female Ultimate Singer Reader
Swapped Mastermind role au!!!
Your Pov
Hope's Peak Academy, Hope's Peak Academy is a school for Ultimate Talent students for everyone to be welcoming, learning experience, and meeting new students of Hope's Peak Academy, You are probably wondering of who's this person talking, well I'll introduce myself to you, I am Y/n L/n, I'm the new Ultimate Singer, the reason why my Ultimate Talent is the Ultimate Singer is because I am a famous singing celebrity in my life, when I was 8 years old, I started singing an song that my parents started to notice me of singing, but I felt very very proud that my parents started giving applause to me and my singing voice, a few years later, when I was 10 years old, my teachers and my friends were really really really really surprised that they heard me singing for the first time, and they started giving me good compliments about me and my singing voice, and my teacher not only give me all Straight A+, but they give me a letter from Hope's Peak Academy itself, I went thought of how did Hope's Peak Academy know about me and my singing, how did they know where I live, how do they know my name, but when I read the letter of Hope's Peak Academy, it said that they got a good friend who had been hearing from my singing, giving me Straight A+ from every single classes, and explained everything about me, a few days, after I told my parents about my new Talent, they felt 100% proud about my talent and to me, but they felt that they are going to miss me, I started to comfort them and told them that I will always be your daughter no matter what happens or where I went into....
And that's when I 1st arrive in Hope's Peak Academy, but I feel very very exhausted, fainted on the floor by the grass. When I woke up, I was in the classroom, sleeping on the desk, I looked around my surroundings, and it seems that I am in a classroom and it is not a dream, as I was standing from the desk, and was about to leave the classroom, I heard an strange sound of a locker or 2, I turned around and saw 2 different people who got out of those lockers, I looked at the 1st person, she has like light navy green Straight and short hair,but her hair is blocking her 2nd eye, has light green/light turquoise/light gray eyes, wears an navy blue school dress, and is a little scared, I looked at the 2nd person, his height is almost an giant's height, he has like darker green, curly and long hair, wear circle round glasses, red eye color, and wears navy blue clothes. It became quiet for a few minutes later, until I spoke with a calm voice. "Hey, uh... are you both okay, you both aren't hurt, are you???" You said while looking at the both of them, at first when they looked at you and they thought that you are the intruder, but when they looked at you clearly, they thought that you are an trapped Ultimate, just like them. "Yes, we're okay, we're not hurt, thanks for asking....???" She said while looking at you with a polite manner. "Oh, I am Y/n L/n. " You said while introducing yourself to them. "Well L/n, it's nice to meet you, I am Kirumi Tojo." Kirumi said while looking at you with a shy smile. "Tch, Gonta is Gonta Gokuhara." Gonta said while looking away from you.
You have introduced yourself to the other Ultimate students, and started to activated their friendship petals, you thought everything went smoothly, but that is until Monokuma announced the Killing Game of Despair, You are terrified of Killing one of your friends, and decided not to kill any of them during the Masterminds Killing Game.
You may not know is that your friends are starting to feel yandere emotions around you and decided to kill each other so they can get to you and make you to be their future wife....
To be continued
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vexedmilky · 2 months
Talking about my opinion on Kaito ships because I feel icky
Okay to distract myself from the fact that I swallowed a pill weirdly so now my mouth tastes bad and also because my body is deciding to hate me I'll do what any sane person does and rant about Kaito ships. Feel free to disagree with me btw because after all nobody always thinks the same thing!
I adore this ship and it was one of my first ever ships actually! That said it's not my OTP but it's probably my second favorite Kaito ship because it's canon and pretty healthy.
Okay if you've seen my posts already you might know how I feel about this but for anyone who hasn't I'll just tell you now. I FUCKING LOVE THIS SHIP SO MUCH HOLY SHIT IT'S MY #1 KAITO SHIP AND ONE OF MY THREE COMFORT SHIPS. I COULD RANT ABOUT THEM ALL DAY. Okay now that I've said that let me just tell you why I love it so much. It's genuinely one of the healthiest ships in the entire fandom and Shuichi has a crush on Kaito as seen in the free time events. Also I'm just a sucker for their dynamic
Nope. I hate this ship so much oh my god it makes me feel sick and it honestly disturbs me. I see them as me and my sister so seeing art of them being romantic makes me want to tear my skin off and sob. If you ship Oumota and see this then just know that I don't have anything against you personally it's just the ship has made me vomit before.
I have nothing against this and I honestly find it cute. Though also every time I see it I think about a crack fic my friend made me write and I start giggling
Whatever the ship name for Kaito and Kirumi is:
I'm neutral on this. I was in a roleplay once where a few people ended up shipping Kaito and Kirumi because they were being cute. I also ended up divorcing Kirumi as Kaito in a joke roleplay because I was trying to be a good father (I won because Kirumi misgendered me and because I'm the better parent)
Again I'm neutral on this. Probably wouldn't have noticed it existed if I hadn't joined Tumblr but the art I've seen is cute
I GENUINELY DIDN'T KNOW THIS SHIP EXISTED UNTIL LAST MONTH BUT NOW I'M ACTUALLY KINDA LIKING IT?! Bro finding out that ship existed made me start to research more about Kaito and Ryoma's relationship and now I love Ryoma.
Tenko x Kaito:
No. Just no.
Kaito x Korekiyo:
I don't really like this. Mostly because Korekiyo is with the occult and Kaito is not.
Kaito x Miu:
Another ship that I only found out existed because I was looking on the shipping wiki or some shit idk. I'm pretty neutral towards it but I also saw something that made me cry (not in the angst way but in the way that I saw something that disturbed me) so I kinda also had it ruined a bit for me.
That's all the ones I remember that I've seen for now. If I missed something I might update this later idk
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