#miwa squad
dazatsutrigger97 · 2 years
Tōru Narasaka
Voice: Victor Ruiz
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druh19 · 8 months
Icons da Miwa de jjk 🤸‍♀️
✨aqui, amore
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aftokrator-official · 7 months
actually? i bet Ninomiya is an angry cryer. few people have actually witnessed this because it takes a lot to get him to that point, but it's true. Azuma became very familiar with this tendency of his when he was in his squad
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rahuratna · 2 months
This Fearless Shadow (Part 1)
Content: Kusakabe x Reader, fantasy AU, romance, mystery
CW: eventual sexual themes, violence (and liberties taken with Kusakabe's simple domain)
This fic is a gift for the amazingly talented @jjk-eugie, loosely based on the film Bajirao Mastani.
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The plains were forgiving at this time of year. Brush birds startled from the steady tramp of their horses through the undergrowth, the whirr of gossamer-winged yellow flies loud on the still air. Atsuya adjusted the small aniseed lozenge he kept in his mouth, rolling it over his tongue. The numbing effect of the sweet kept his senses controllable on slow days like this, days when patrolling meant trying very hard not to seek out trouble.
He liked days like these.
At his side, Miwa was turning the map over and over in her hands, squinting in the midday sun. She was still learning to read the lie of the land, rather unsuccessfully. The plains were redolent of sameness, of wide swathes of scrubland that stretched unbroken to the far horizons.
The crumple of paper was beginning to disturb Atsuya’s peaceful contemplation, and he turned a long-suffering glance her way.
“Are you still trying?”
“But Captain, I can’t find the landmarks on here. Like here, look.”
She nudged her horse closer to his, shoving the map over his folded arms. He grumbled slightly, something Miwa had learned to ignore somewhere along the line of their relationship as mentor and disciple. Insistently, she pushed until his gaze dropped to where she pointed.
“See? There’s that pillar of stone. That’s marked right here. And then there’s that ridge to the north west. But that’s not here. It’s quite large. Surely it should be marked, right?”
“Are you sure you’re looking in the right place?”
“I am! I swear!”
He sighed.
“All right. It’s not on the map. What do you want me to do about it?”
“Let’s go check out that ridge. Just to make sure everything’s okay. You know I’m being evaluated next week. Please!”
She had a point. As much as Atsuya didn’t push himself or his students to take unnecessary risks in the field, he knew that Miwa’s squad was due to have their performance assessed soon. To make a mark, you had to have some form of accomplishment, something that set you apart from the others. Granted, investigating a mysterious ridge that didn’t show up on your map was not exactly sterling militia material, but he’d humour her.
Grunting slightly, he swung his horse in the indicated direction, choosing to ignore the way she beamed in triumph. The aniseed sweet was dissolving bit by bit. Soon, his senses would be creeping out across the plains, sliding into every crevice, hyperalert to all forms of movement and sound even if he didn’t respond to their prompting.
Atsuya’s sorcery skill was not specialized, like many of his high-ranking compatriots. He had, however, mastered his simple domain, providing complete awareness and control over a certain area in his immediate surroundings, the circumference of which had increased slowly over years of hard training. The constant leap and pull of his senses was sometimes like holding an aggressive dog on a thin leash, something the dulling effect of the aniseed helped with.
Up ahead, the flat plains began to slope upward to the escarpment in the north, where the Hirai Satyic mountain range loomed like a series of silent sentinels over the land, the mountain pass forming a winding stair to the cliff fortresses and plateau city state of the Maraka.
Atsuya and Miwa were patrolling the very northern borders of their state’s territory, something that served as a mere formality, considering that the Maraka had been their allies since time immemorial.   
“Avoid that grass over there.”
Miwa cocked her head. “Where the red flowers are?”
“That’s pitted severn. Those aren’t actually flowers. They’re seed pods that give of some kind of milky substance. Attracts vipers. They build their nests near it.”
She shuddered and directed her steed carefully, giving the grass a wide berth. The dry wind came whistling across the plain and Atsuya caught the edge of something that gave him pause, causing him to hold up one hand and stall Miwa.
“Hold position.”
The seriousness in his tone caused her to sit up straight in the saddle, eyes traveling from his outstretched hand to the direction of his gaze. She knew better than to interrupt, smoothing one hand over her horse’s neck, keeping the animal still, steady. Atsuya closed his eyes, allowing his domain the length of leash, skipping out over the ripple of the land, the soft hush of the air. It bounded, free and unfettered, towards the ridge Miwa had spotted earlier.
And there it corralled, circled, settled, bringing to him the clash of steel, the cries of the wounded, the scent of blood. Without waiting to inform his student of his intentions, Atsuya spurred his horse, the steady canter building to a hard gallop. Miwa followed him, without question, as always. Her own ears, trained as they were, did not pick up the sounds of battle until they were closer to the ridge.
Astuya’s eyes narrowed, one hand shifting to the katana he wore at all times sheathed at his hip. Trouble this close to their border with the Maraka, without the presence of any of their own men, could only mean one thing. As they rounded the higher end of the ridge, the source of the commotion came into view, confirming his suspicions. Miwa gasped, her own hand sliding down to grasp her weapon.
“Those are Hiracine invaders! What are they – “
Her shout was lost on the wind as he sped up, the heaving flanks of his chestnut filly swelling and dipping beneath him. At a glance, it was clear what had happened. The Maraka were outnumbered, ten to one, blood streaking through dust on the copper of their skin, chainmail-clad forms distinct against the red earth of the slope leading up to the peak of the ridge. They were holding their ground valiantly, forming a shield wall against the onslaught of their opponents. Their Hiracine counterparts wore light leather armour, unmarked, similar to that of Atsuya and Miwa. Their domed helmets were a giveaway, though, as were the tattoos that twisted and writhed against their skin.
As the two riders approached, Atsuya made out one of the Hiracine at the back of the column break away from the combat, slipping behind some of his comrades as he readied something in his hands. Atsuya unsheathed his sword as Miwa’s call sounded right behind him.
“That doesn’t look good!”
Focus came easily to him.
The hound unleashed, silent in thirst for prey, the reach of his simple domain spread unnoticed across the heaving mass of soldiers. They were all suddenly within his awareness –
the scrape of this man’s boot, the scream of this woman as she falls to the quick thrust of a blade between the ribs, the weight of bodies pressing forward, the tautness of a bow being drawn, string firm against calloused fingers. Steel in flesh, leather on skin, sweat running in rivulets through caked dirt -  
The sensations of the battle come flooding over him, and he slows down, dismounting in a smooth motion. Miwa is right behind him, her katana gripped firmly, but with fluidity, an extension of her arm, as he’d taught her. As he moves forward, an embodiment of weaponised intent, someone sees him.
He can feel it, in the heaviness of their gaze, pinpointing him across the ridge. It is one of the Maraka, a soldier deep in the defensive wall of their ranks. His mind brushes over her –
single tight braid, deft fingers, mouth whispering words to the wind, the fall of wide sleeves, almond eyes and –
Something erupts from the earth in front of him, enough to cause Miwa to pause and gasp. The corner of Atsuya’s mouth, however, curves slightly in recognition.
The Maraka have an Illusionist with them.
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The first time you see him, you mistake him for some kind of reinforcement for the band of Hiracine that has attacked your patrol. He, and the girl with him, wear similar clothing after all. Then, they draw closer, and you recognise the curved katanas, the light leather overcoats, the signature gloves, the smooth stride of their well-trained horses and, of course, the way cursed energy pours from them in controlled waves, so natural compared to the stuttering fountains and sinuous weaving that other nations have mastered.
They are Sengir, the people of the archipelago, your allies.
For many ages, your countryfolk, the Maraka, have manned the cliff fortresses and plateau that lead to the lands beyond, a vigilant sentry at the gate. The bonds between Sengir and Maraka are hard won, born of many years of trust, trade, fellowship and the ability to leave each other well alone. You have defended their interests, and they, yours.
All the same, you have never seen many Sengir venture this far out, apart from single traders, ambassadors and the occasional cursory patrol. Those you’ve seen were mostly from a polite distance, exchanging greetings over the rolling grass of the plains.
And yet, here they are, coming to the rescue of your patrol. As martial-minded as your people are, the man who approaches wears the insignia of a Captain. You’re fully aware that it may take just one highly trained Sengir, such as a man of his rank, to turn the tide of the battle, as they have in the past. As such, you immediately turn your attention to aiding him launch an attack from the rear.
You are, after all, in the unique position to do so as your squad’s Illusionist.
You breathe life into your fingers, and from there, into the air, into the ground. Your cursed energy is a cloud that spins visions across the battlefield, not quite strong enough to fool the eyes of a very experienced warrior, but enough to create distraction, havoc and temporary confusion amongst the enemy. This is your role, and you play it with skill from the central ring of protection formed by your band of compatriots.
As you’ve planned, a great tangle of leaves and thorny branches erupts from the ground behind the Hiracine, causing an outcry. You’re pouring all of your energy into this single concentrated twist in the fabric of reality, because that is the way your power can be utilized, essentially. You cannot bend or break reality, but you can manipulate others' perception of it.
One of the Hiracine, presumably their leader, is screaming at his soldiers to ignore the wall of vegetation. He has seen through it, and it hasn’t taken him long at all. Which is why you read the momentary flicker of confusion and unease in his eyes so clearly when someone bursts through the thicket, leaping high, sunlight catching the curved blade grasped in their hands. The other Hiracine are caught within that uncertain space of time, those few seconds where they heard the command to ignore the illusion, but feel the immediacy of the danger that approaches them anyway.
Too late.
He is upon them, a razor-edged shadow, dealing swift death wherever his blade falls. You are barely able to see him move, and you suck in a breath as your illusory energy leaps and stretches itself thin to keep up with his fatal dance. Somehow, he seems to sense what you are trying to do. Something changes in his movements, and now he is swinging his katana with less speed, but more force, driving back the attacks of the Hiracine with measured focus.
He is working in tandem with the warp of your energy, wrapping himself in it, wearing it as naturally as his long brown coat. His subordinate follows closely in his wake, and it is testament to how well she understands her role as she weaves skilfully around his attacks, dealing rapid strikes that are not as fast as his are, but effective all the same.
There is something breathtaking about him; about the grace and single-minded purpose with which he steadily carves his way forward. He is close enough now that you can see the muted brown of his hair, the sharp jut of his jaw, the straight line of his brows as he assumes that terrifying air of complete fixation on each of his opponents. The Hiracine put up a valiant resistance, but most of this particular band aren’t much of a match for a Sengir Captain they were not prepared to meet on this mission of theirs.
And then, a shift in the balance of the fight.
The soldiers around you have sent up a ragged cheer, now realising the nature of the help that has arrived. Behind you, Hemadri notches an arrow, muttering as he calls up its imbued state. The missile curves up into the air, its trajectory bringing it down with a soft hiss among the Hiracine behind the attacking Sengir swordsman.
After a beat, some of them appear as if walking through mud, hands waving as their legs slowly weaken and give way. Such was the power of Maraka weapons, when invoked by an expert. Hemadri glances across at you and nods, his white beard stark against his dust-clouded skin. Then, his eyes widen.  
The tattoos the Hiaracine bear on their skin are not just for show. The soldier who’d been preparing an attack right before the Sengir arrived has now stumbled away from the noxious, undetectable vapours of Hemadri’s arrow. He is making his way up the slope towards the front line of your band, staggering.    
Alarm closes a tight hand around your throat.
Something is going to happen, and you are powerless to stop it, even as you watch it occur. You scream a wordless warning to the soldiers in the front line, your illusion snapping into non-existence at the break in your concentration. The stumbling Hiracine soldier raises his hands skyward, as if calling down the heavens, and something bright and small falls into existence from the tattooed palms of his hands.
Suddenly, the swordsman surges forward. The altercation is close enough that you can now hear the ragged breathing of the Hiracine man, feel the tension in the shoulders of the chainmail-clad shield-warden standing in front of you. The Sengir Captain yells at your men to get back, somehow managing to position himself in front of them. He raises his blade in what looks like a defensive posture, hands braced against the singing metal.
The impact of that single, small burst of light from the Hiracine blasts everyone backward with stunning force. Sound and sight temporarily desert you, and you lie still on the ground for a minute, ears ringing, head pounding with noise. You raise yourself slightly, aware of the fact that you can still move your limbs. A good thing indeed. Your thoughts immediately turn, with some panic, to the swordsman. He had received the brunt of the blast, after all.
Coughing and struggling to sit upright, your eyes widen as you take in the solitary standing form of the Sengir Captain, sword still held firm against the attack. From this angle, you cannot see his whole face, but his brown coat is scorched and marked, his blade smoking fiercely where he’d deflected the explosion. His broad shoulders are heaving, face contorted with extreme concentration. You have the sudden and impactful impression of something not unlike one of your shield-wardens, an immense desire to protect and serve.
He turns, and in that moment, his gaze meets yours. Your stomach performs an odd swoop as he stares in silence, chest still labouring, craggy features settling into something more characteristic to his natural expression; one of straightforward curiosity.
There is something else, too. A recognition that comes from two people who have combined their cursed energy, the intertwined thrum of your essence in tandem with theirs. And then, his knees give out and he drops to an unsteady crouch, hands shaking slightly.
The buzzing quiet that has descended over the battlefield is shattered by the cry of the man’s subordinate. She is on her elbows and knees a short distance off, eyes fixed with terror on her Captain, her bright blue hair in smudged disarray. Eyes following the panicked line of her pointing finger, you see him.
The leader of the Hiracine band, the one who’d warned against your illusions.
The tattoos on his back and neck are swarming, his eyes manic, the whites visible even from where you lie on the ground. He staggers forward, arms reaching out towards the swordsman. You slap your hand on the ground, summoning a concealing cloud around the Sengir Captain, but you know, even as you perform the action, that it won’t be enough. The Hiracine leader would see through it in a minute, as he had before.
Your body is barely obeying your command as you rise, swaying. You are barely conscious of your actions, moving on pure instinct as you launch yourself towards the attack taking place right before you. The Captain’s eyes are widening as you move past him, hands coming up with your short daggers in your grasp. You plunge them into the Hiracine leader’s chest just as he releases a burst of dark energy, piercing through your right shoulder.
You are aware, on some level, of the cry that tears from your throat, the sensation of deep, burning cold that lances through your flesh. The man impaled on your blades gurgles and the shadows that pour from his tattoo twist, drawing agony from your wound that has your world darkening on the edges once again. And then, something is wrenching him away from you, severing the excruciating ties between your body and his.
The hands that cradle your quivering form are strong, roughened, so gentle. Their warmth seeps into your bones, a stark contrast to the frigid cursed energy of the Hiracine leader and you have never felt so –
The world flickers, and someone is calling to you.
They are too far away.
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water-petal · 10 months
Nobara defence squad assemble!!
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//p.s my english isn't so good//
i respectfully only want manga watchers and those that got spoiled
the anime onlines can join later when the season is over
as we get closer to the ending my fellow manga readers nobara's hate has been increasing a lot and some brainless idiots who can't read for shit think she is useless
<another reminder: i am not hating on those that actually criticize her character but those that bring up meaningless facts to hate her>
so bring up you're defence squad and make sure kugisaki nobara is loved and remembered!
but my fellow nobara lovers it's with a sad fact it might be true she is indeed deadno sign of her for 100+ chapters is the clear warning she is long gone
yet we must cherish her character for how amazing she was!
~why i love kugisaki nobara
her world isn't revolving around her crush or anyone........this is a very common anime cliche where a anime mc girls world revolves around her crush 'sasuke kun' and 'kurosaki kun' (no hate to sakura and orihime)
she is very brave and is a hothead with caring side
she might barely show it but she deeply cares for her friends heck it's not even barely we have seen her encouraging her friends her last thought was thinking about everyone she cares
her fights where she is the lead or the best duo in fight is always fun to watch
that's all i have to say for now for our hammer queen
and tomorrow i will make up a blog to defend nobara for all the meaningless facts those haters bring!
bye bye!!
P.S i will also make maki, miwa and Uro appreciation post
just keep a hope my post won't trigger a nobara hater.......i don't want hate dms or maybe i am just a coward
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
every clan reacting to their "hate tweets" or their haters in general
S4, I bet Fushimi doesn’t care since he’s the king of haters, there’s nothing any random stranger could say about him that would even bother him (also like what are people going to say, that he’s an asshole, he knows that already he likes being an asshole). Munakata I imagine being similarly unbothered for the most part, he’s a public figure after all and it’s a fact of life that the common people may not always agree with him. He probably perfectly calm reading his hate tweets until he sees one that came from Mikoto and now he’s angrily typing up very serious rebuttals because he can’t just let Suoh have the last word. Awashima finds the entire thing pointless, surely people have better things to do than complain about a complete stranger on the internet. The squad don’t manage to be as chill as their superiors though, like I can see Enomoto turning out to be unexpectedly focused with this and he’s constantly responding or counter-trolling because he’s not letting normies talk about him this way okay. Akiyama claims they should be above this sort of thing until Hidaka shows him a tweet where someone called him short and now Akiyama has to resist the urge to respond (Benzai, on the other hand, is just delivering pointed verbal beatdowns to anyone who posts hate tweets about himself or Akiyama). 
Homra end, Yata definitely couldn’t handle reading hate tweets calmly, he’s yelling and shaking the screen (half his hate tweets are from Fushimi anyway). Totsuka just thinks it’s funny, I imagine him laughing about all his and being very amused by it. Kusanagi is an adult with a job so he doesn’t care much as long as someone doesn’t try to slander his bar, then it’s war. Mikoto’s only interested in sending hate tweets to Munakata and doesn’t pay any attention to his own, the only thing that might annoy him is if like someone suggested the Blue King is better than him. The rest of Homra are probably angrier about Mikoto’s haters than their own, like how dare some asshole say that about Mikoto-san, we should find them and kick their ass. The Homra alphabet aren’t as angry about their tweets as Yata but they’re still annoyed, like imagine Bandou teasing Yata for getting so upset and then he sees someone calling him a ‘maidenless loser’ and is like say that to my face asshole. Dewa calls them all idiots for being angry at random internet people until he sees someone call him ‘Hat Guy’ and immediately starts typing an angry response. 
Jungle have the power of the internet on their side so anyone hate tweets them at their peril, like Hisui can absolutely fry your computer if he feels like it. I feel like Sukuna would be trash talking people right back, bragging loudly about how much he showed that guy, take that haters. Yukari doesn’t deign to respond because hating people isn’t beautiful and anyway if someone hates him so much they’re welcome to face him in combat. Iwafune takes the whole thing in stride, haters gonna hate after all, he’s an old man he’s too drunk to care about this stuff. The Silvers are probably similar, Shiro just laughs and lets the hate roll right off him, he doesn’t really mind. Neko only gets angry if people are mean to Shiro, she’s very adamant that mean people are mean. Kuroh would probably be the one who gets mortally offended, I imagine him lecturing the others about not letting this get to you and then he sees someone hating on Ichigen Miwa’s haiku and now Kuroh must Educate Them.
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night---garden · 7 months
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after ascertaining that azuma squad's uniform hasn't changed in 3 years I had to draw azuma squad 1.0 because I thought they'd all look stupid in the old uniform ^_^
bonus 13-14 year olds from tachikawa squad. karasuma is miwa's little sword rival...
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obseletrix · 1 year
Any thoughts on the old Azuma squad with Kako, Ninomiya and Miwa?
this is probably the dynamic that cancels each other out the most. they're all kind of disasterous, but if you shove them together they negate each other enough to be an actual fucntional squad. that said? definitely the squad that would implode if stuck in, say, an elevator for fifteen minutes. ninomiya thinks this is his own personal hell. kako thinks it's her own personal heaven. azuma masters zen meditation because it's the only way to deal with the stress of this squad. tsukimi videos the funniest fights and sends them to the operator group chat, who all give her money and sweets to compensate for her suffering. miwa is over here in the corner, talking to his dead sister under his breath because boy never got grief counseling and needs to convince himself border is worth it. they crush everyone else in rank wars while kako and ninomiya hold a cool pose contast that only one of them is aware of. miwa and azuma strengthen their mother/daughter bond via the power of MEAT.
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Phantasia AU - Main Characters
Karai Full Name: Chouriki Karai Age: 14 Gender, Sexuality, Pronouns: Cis Female, Lesbian but doesn’t know it, she/her Species: Human Occupation: Student Appearance: Picture Karai from the show but her hair is all black and is just above the shoulder in length. Also less makeup and piercings bc TC won't let her have any. Backstory: The daughter of Foot Clan leader Oroku Saki, except she doesn't know that. TC saved her when she was a baby and has since been living as their daughter. She remains oblivious to her true past as Saki's daughter. And spends her days exploring Terra Mirandi. Extra Facts: - The adopted daughter of TC - Has a pet snake named Miwa - She saw a witch girl (shinigami) in the village she lives in once and now has a massive crush, they’re just friends for now
TC Full Name: Chouriki ‘TC’ Takeshi Age: Uhhhhh 300+ they're immortal Gender, Sexuality, Pronouns: Non-Binary, Asexual, they/them Species: Anthropomorphic Bengal Tiger Occupation: Ex-Hitman Appearance: Humanoid tiger, light blue stripes on left arm and red stripes on the right, metal-tipped claws, missing right eye, missing tail Backstory: TC and Alopex, their sister, lost their parents when they were still kids. For about a century and a half, they depended entirely on each other. Until Alopex came to TC covered in her own blood and attacked them, claiming that TC was responsible for her wounds. A fight near the Foot Clan barrier lead to TC adopting Karai as their daughter. They haven't spoken to Alopex since. Extra Facts: - EXCLUSIVELY goes by TC - In Chouriki (長力), 長 means long, leader or chief while 力 means power, strength, or force - Sees the whole squad as their kids
Chris Full Name: Lord Christopher Azyrath Age: 28 Gender, Sexuality, Pronouns: Cis Male, Bisexual, he/him Species: Hellhound Occupation: Member of the House of Azyrath Appearance: Anthropomorphic wolf, black fur, light grey feathered wings with dark orange tips, dark orange eyes, flames on tips of ears and wings Backstory: Born into the Azyrath family, Chris had lived a life of luxury and worship. The House of Azyrath was one of the more powerful of the five houses, and so just for having the last name, Chris was feared and respected by all. Or perhaps 'most' was more fitting. He had met a siraelia (siren-cecaelia hybrid) one day who seemingly had zero respect. For this alone, the siraelia was thrown in prison (bc chris just doesn’t want his ego hurt). But the hellhound seemed to grow fond with the prisoner, whose name he learnt was Xever, and eventually released him. Since then they had secretly started dating. Chris would bring nothing but shame to the Azyrath name if anyone found out he was dating a thief like Xever. Extra Facts: - Has fire powers, just like all other hellhounds - If he really tried, he could burn someone with a glare - He knows that his family is planning for an arranged marriage between him and a woman from the House of Polilla. He doesn’t know what do about since he’s already with Xever.
Xever Full Name: Xever Ladrão-dos-Mares Age: 24 Gender, Sexuality, Pronouns: Transgender Male, Bisexual, he/they Species: Siraelia Occupation: Thief, Fashion Designer Appearance: Dark skin, gold eyes, black hair, painted nails, pink fins for ears, gills on neck, fangs/sharp teeth (cecaelian), black tentacles (cecaelian), grey skin (cecaelian) Backstory: Xever lived in the sea up until he turned 16, where peer pressure from his 'lover' Vitor drove him to steal from the House of Thalassa. For this, he was banished from the seas. He started living in the territory of the House of Azyrath, where he met Chris. Xever was put in prison for ‘disrespecting’ the Prince. There, they ended up falling in love. Xever has since been freed from prison and is dating Chris in secret. One day he hopes to return to the seas. Extra Facts: - Ladrão dos mares translate to ‘thief from the seas’ - Can shift between humanoid form and full cecaelian form - LOVES fashion and style, would absolutely tell people off if he doesn’t like the clothes
Baxter Full Name: Stok-05 or 'Baxter' Age: N/A Gender, Sexuality, Pronouns: N/A, Pansexual, any pronouns (but mostly uses he/him) Species: Digital Bug Occupation: Scientist Appearance: Normal 2012 mutant Baxter but he’s got lime green lines and shapes on his skin. And his wings are completely green with lighter green markings. Backstory: Stok-05, or Baxter as he calls himself, is a digital bug that fled from the Digital Gates into the neighbouring realm of Terra Mirandi. He has no intention of returning to his former home and hasn’t told any of his current friends that he’s an escapee and doesn’t ever intend to. Extra Facts: - In Stok-05, Stok is part of Stockman and 05 is the episode number that Baxter debuted in in the 2012 series - His antenna are shaped like TV antenna - His eyes are made up of mini screens
Anton Full Name: Anton 'Bebop' Zeck Age: 29 Gender, Sexuality, Pronouns: Transmasc, Gay, he/him Species: Anthropomorphic Warthog-Cupid Hybrid Occupation: Thief, Engineer, Bartender Appearance: Brown warthog, purple mohawk and fur on tail tip, black and purple eyes, damaged left tusk, black and purple sunglasses, white and pink wings, heart-shaped pupils, pink and gold halo Backstory: Raised and trained to be a matchmaker like all other cupid, but why do that when you can party? He only uses his cupid matchmaking abilities for fun rather than true love. Mainly because most cupids deem true love as between a man and a woman. He works an engineer on the side, mainly making equipment he can use to steal things with. One day he bought parts from arms dealer Ivan Steranko. A few more happened, and they started dating. Extra Facts: - Instead of the usual love potion arrows used by cupids, he uses heart-seeking hip and finger lasers - His wings are more for show than actual flight, but he can fly if he wants. Just not that far - His warthog side is from a peasant that had a one night stand with a cupid
Ivan Full Name: Ivan 'Rocksteady' Steranko Age: 36 Gender, Sexuality, Pronouns: Cis Male, Pansexual, he/him Species: Cyclopean Crystalline Rhinoceros Occupation: Thief, Arms Dealer Appearance: Cyclops eye, horn is made of crystal, grey skin, that suit that human Ivan wears in 2012, long tail tipped with crystal Backstory: Ivan was raised entirely by his mother. He and his stepbrother, Boltak, were extremely close and entered the arms dealing business together. Dealing weapons to Anton Zeck is how they met, and after a few more deals they started dating. Extra Facts: - His mother is from the Crystal Colony (10 dimensions post) but his father was from Terra Mirandi, so he has both crystalline and organic features - Doesn’t require as much food or drink as an organic, so barely ever eats anything - Visits Boltak every once in a while to keep their relationship strong
Ask Me Stuff!
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lost-in-the-pink-mist · 7 months
39, 52, 62 and 75 (Leo) for ask game :)
39. Is there a Karai/Miwa?
Yes! She grew up with the name Karai, but when her real name, Hamato Miwa, and everything that came with, was revealed to her when she was 10 she was quick to start training and eventually join her mother! She still largely goes by Karai, because names (especially Hamato names) are fiercely guarded in the Foot Clan. Its why Splinter went by Splinter long before his mutation.
We've talked about Miwa a bit before, but lets drop a new fact! She didn't take the reveal of her younger siblings well at first. She understood that she couldn't be with her father, and that Shredder is the reason their family is separated the way it is, but she kinda hated her little siblings for having the opportunity to grow up with at least one of their parents. She hadn't even known Tang Shen was her mother until her name was revealed to her, she was raised by a family friend. And yet, here her little siblings were, knowing their names and one of their parents their whole life!
When Splinter was kidnapped and communications with the other Hamatos had to start happening through her instead of her mother's contacts, she was not happy about it. Of course, she still helped, she made sure Shinigami gave them everything they needed and she kept them safe because despite everything, they're her family, and family is so so important to her. It took a while for them to grow on her, and for her to fully internalise the fact that they didn't really have a choice either. They might have known their names and their father, but they didn't know their family's history, and they'd been forced to stay isolated their whole lives. In the end, that anger did finally, rightfully, become entirely directed at the Shredder. For better or for worse.
52. Is Donnie only knowledgeable with technology? If not, what else are they interested in?
Actually, xey have zero interest in technology! Tech (and mechanics) has always been Angie's thing. Donnie's field of interest and expertise is biology and chemistry! Our very own doctor Frankenstein likes to reassemble and reanimate, often resulting in whatever roadkill project xey've gotten their hands on wreaking havoc across their lair. Their creations are xeir babies, and they care a lot about them and their wellbeing, even if most of them have to be let free eventually (for the family's sanity. They can't keep that many pets.)
62. What is Casey and Raph's relationship?
We have two Caseys! The twins, Kay, and Cee. We'll go over both because why not?
Kay is the twin they meet first, he beat up come guys who was messing with one of Donnie's creations and Donnie, who uses his animals for surveillance and information gathering, was grateful and wanted to thank him. From there, Kay met the rest of the family, and is the closest to Raph and Donnie.
Kay often drags the two youngest turtles out of the house for stuff, most of the time its chaos like brawls or street racing. The friend group consists of Raph, Donnie, Kay, April, and Tim. Kay and Raph don't often get out on their own without the others, but when they do its usually because Raph is having a hard time dealing with her siblings, getting riled up from the close proximity and Angie's....everything. These outings for just the two of them usually end up being a lot calmer than when its the whole squad, less running from the cops and more just finding a place to get away and breathe.
As for Cee, she comes into things later. It takes a while for Raph especially to meet her, because Kay is avoiding her and she ends up staying with Draxum, who owns the apartment complex Angie runs off to, and Raph is suuuuper avoiding Angie at that point.
But when they do meet they have a bit of a rough start, Raph takes Kay's side and isn't a big fan of her. There's a lot of scowling and avoidance, and attempts at talking always end in a fight.
But, April ends up befriending her, and so Raph and Cee end up seeing each other a lot. It takes some time, and Raph stays pissed at her for what she did, but they eventually become friends, and Raph ends up being the one to push through both twin's stubbornness and make Cee own up for her bullshit by actually facing Kay and apologise
75. Tell us a fun fact about Leo's species?
By species you mean her being a spotted turtle? Well, they're a small semiaquatic species of turtle, the only (extant but even when including extinct species they might be alone) species in their genus, Clemmys. Also, despite spending most of their time in the water, they're actually not very strong swimmers
If we're including what Lee is now though? The turtles are very unique
A long time ago, all humans could use magic just like the yokai, but then the witch hunts happened and generations of magic users were lost, and no one was being taught magic anymore so humans started to lose access to their magic altogether. The Hamatos are the only human magic users left. And then the turtles mutated, and genetically they are Hamatos and part human, but not really. They're also nothing like yokai, as yokai are born the way they are. So they're not human, not witch, not yokai. They're mutants, and other mutants do exist because of the Krang's lack of care about what happens to their mutagen, but the other mutants can't use magic, being former humans (or animals). The turtles are something different, which is pretty cool too
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starlitheaven · 2 years
genuinely duality is one of the best jjk fics i have ever read
omg zee im so glad you like it! 😭 they’re so unhinged in that au!
- I made two playlists for In My Room and Duality! it’s a mix of party songs with some 80s alternative and 90s indie
- while geto’s personality is closer to his adult self, gojo’s is more like it is during the plasma star vessel arc! I just love bitchy gojo <3
- the reader dated nanami during her freshmen year. he was the nerdy accounting major she fell in love with :’) during Duality it’s their senior year and nanami is dating haibara. he lowkey suspects geto being responsible for many of the missing people, but says nothing cause he still cares for the reader.
- geto was the readers stalker before they dated! he kinda fell at first sight and became obsessed; following her around, sneaking into her gym locker while she was at cheer practice, maybe even sneaking into her bedroom while she slept. geto is aware of how wrong it was but he also couldn’t stop.
- the reader is the flyer on the cheer squad her first three years of college! (the one that gets to do all the cool tricks in the air). mai, momo, and miwa are also on the team!
- mai and the reader are like bitchy frienemies with benefits 😭 they can’t stand each other but are also so attracted. they tried dating before and had major chemistry, but their personalities clashed too much.
- almost no one in this au is straight now that I think about it djsjsk
- gojo died in a car accident while he was on his way to visit geto at the university :( so it’s another reason why geto feels extra guilty & has a hard time accepting the death.
- originally, gojo was gonna go full on cannibalism when he was inside the readers dream but it was already so long. also I didn’t think people would’ve liked that :(
- it’s several years before anyone pieces together that all those missing people were in a cult! geto specifically sought out isolated people who either weren’t well liked or had many connections so they’d be harder to miss.
- Captain Murphy’s Duality mixtape & the Mind Control Made Easy audio were on LOOP while writing this! the script is taken from there too.
- gojo, geto, and the reader eventually move away to a big city :) none of them really regret their actions. gojo does sometimes, but the reader & geto don’t
thank you for the ask <3 this was so fun!!
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garrandia · 2 years
18 25 26!! <33
18. What work of yours do you go back to admire again the most?
i remember wanting to do jjk girls but in sailor moon style poses and then i got idea that nobara should be paired w miwa cuse they both dye thier hair BUT then i remembered that noooo miwas hair is natural so THEN i made maki so i could have 3 girls to post one after another oh and her speed paint is the fave of mine
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25. What is your favorite work that you created this year?
moonlight morons
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it came to me really swift with a song and it took almost no time to make. my fav type of drawing stuff - easy, emotional and i dont think abt it right after its done( ̄ρ ̄)..zzZZ
26. What was your most-used pose/perspective/color this year?
pose - probably standing perspective - anything that goes good w tilted up head (jaw/neck squad where u at~) color - RED red red red
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ask geami
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sleepyxxhead · 1 year
here's a list of characters i'll write for! comment/dm if you see any characters you'd like me to write for missing in my list!
bold: my favs :))
*: i'll try lmao
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◦ Karasuno: Daichi Sawumara, Sugawara Koshi, Asahi Azumane, Nishinoya Yuu, Tanaka Ryunosuke, Ennoshita Chikara*, Kinoshita Hisashi*, Narita Kazuhito*, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Tsukishima Kei, Kageyama Tobio, Hinata Shoyo, Shimizu Kiyoko*, Yachi Hitoka*
◦ Nekoma: Kuroo Tetsuro, Yaku Morisuke, Kai Nobuyuki*, Kenma Kozume, Yamamoto Taketora, Fukunaga Shohei, Inuoka So, Teshiro Tamahiko*, Lev Haiba, Shibayama Yuki
◦ Aoba Johsai: Oikawa Toru, Iwaizumi Hajime, Hanamaki Takahiro, Matsukawa Issei, Yahaba Shigeru, Watari Shinji*, Kyoutani Kentaro, Kindaichi Yutaro, Kunimi Akira
◦ Date Tech: Aone Takanobu, Kaname Moniwa*, Futakuchi Kenji, Koganegawa Kanji
◦ Fukurodani: Bokuto Kotaro, Washio Tatsuki, Akaashi Keiji, Konoha Akinori*, Komi Haruki*
◦ Shiratorizawa: Ushijima Wakatoshi, Tendou Satori, Semi Eita, Shirabu Kenjiro, Goshiki Tsutomu
◦ Inarizaki: Kita Shinsuke, Omimi Ren*, Ojiro Aran, Miya Atsumu, Miya Osamu, Suna Rintarou
◦ Misc.: Terushima Yuji, Daisho Suguru, Sakusa Kiyoomi, Komori Motoya*, Hoshiumi Korai*, Hirugami Sachiro*
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Kimetsu No Yaiba (Demon Slayer):
◦ Kamaboko Squad: Kamado Tanjiro, Kamado Nezuko, Agatsuma Zenitsu, Hashibara Inosuke, Shinazugawa Genya, Tsuyuri Kanao
◦ Hashira: Himejima Gyomei, Tomioka Giyu, Kanroji Mitsuri, Iguro Obanai, Shinazugawa Sanemi, Tokito Muichiro, Uzui Tengen, Kocho Shinobu, Kocho Kanae, Rengoku Kyojuro
◦ Demons: Kokushibo, Doma, Akaza, Hantengu Clones*, Gyokko*, Gyutaro, Daki, Muzan, Enmu*
◦ Misc.: Sabito, Makomo, Lady Tamayo, Yushiro
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◦ Students: Midoriya Izuku, Bakugo Katsuki, Todoroki Shoto, Kirishima Ejiro, Kaminari Denki, Sero Hanta, Iida Tenya, Uraraka Ochaco, Ashido Mina, Yaoyurou Momo, Kyoka Jirou, Shinso Hitoshi, Tetsu Tetsu, Togata Mirio, Hado Nejire, Amajiki Tamaki
◦ Pro-Heroes: Todoroki Enji (Endeavor (ew idk)), Takami Keihgo (Hawks), Usagiyama Rumi (Mirko), Aizawa Shota, Yamada Hizashi (Present Mic), Kayama Nemuri (Midnight)
◦ Villains: Dabi, Toga, Twice, Mr. Compress*, Lady Nagant, Overhaul
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◦ Tokyo Jujutsu High: Itadori Yuuji, Fushiguro Megumi, Kugisaki Nobara, Zen'in Maki, Inumaki Toge, Okkotsu Yuta, Gojo Satoru (LMAO ALL OF THEM ARE MY FAVS <33)
◦ Kyoto Jujutsu High: Zen'in Mai, Miwa Kasumi, Kamo Noritoshi, Todo Aoi, Nishimiya Momo
◦ Curse Users: Geto Suguru, Yoshino Junpei, Fushiguro Toji (idk, he's a non-curse user but like- imma still put him here)
◦ Misc.: Nanami Kento, Sukuna, Amanai Riko
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◦ Haikyu!!: KageHina, TsukiYama, Daisuga, Asanoya, TanaKiyo, KuroKen, YakuLev, IwaOi, BokuAka, UshiTen, SakuAtsu, OsaSun(Mori), DaiMika/SuguMika
◦ Kimetsu No Yaiba: TanKana, ZenNezu, AoIno, GenMui, GiyuShino, SaneGiyu, SaneKana, ObaMitsu, SabiMako, UzuKyo
◦ BNHA: (i'm going to come back to this one day but it's 3am and i'm tired :,))
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have a nice day cutie <33
dividers by: @cafekitsune
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uesugirondo · 2 years
My WT ships
TachiJin / AraJin / ToriJin
YumaOsa / HyuOsa / RinjiOsa / ToriOsa / NinoOsa / OjiOsa
ToriIzu / NinoIzu / YoneIzu / HyreIzu
KageInu / YubaInu / TsujiInu
Miwa and Sleep
Nasu Squad (do I even need to explain?)
Honorable Mentions:
Shinoda and Sawamura
Katori and Hana
Rokuro and getting his sh1te together
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nagisadelune · 2 years
Promise Rings Chapter 2
(Definitely not edited lol)
Here's the second chapter for Promise Rings! If you missed the first previous chapter, here it is: Promise Rings Chapter 1.
Anyways, here's the next chapter of Promise Rings! Hope you enjoy!
Age: 6
“Oooooooooo,” I squealed as I stared at the rings in the window. Kageyama and I decided to walk around the shopping district while our parents conversed after practice one day. We weren’t obviously alone; Miwa was there, but they allowed us to walk around where they could see all three of us.
“Do you want it, Yamaji-san?” Kageyama questioned as he looked at the same rings.
“Hey! How many times have I told you to call me Karin, Kageyama-san?” I shot back angrily, puffing out my cheeks. I scowled at him as he scowled back at me.
“And how many times have I told you to just call me Tobio?” he questioned back at me. Pouting, I huffed as I turned my attention back to the rings. “Well, do you want them Karin-san?” he questioned again, emphasizing my name. I nodded furiously while I kept my attention on the rings.
“Oi,” Miwa calls out to grab our attention, our eyes diverting to her figure behind us. Her eyes are lifted from the phone in her hands before continuing, “You don’t have money, so you can’t buy them.” Kageyama glared at his sister, answering that he would buy them for me when he had enough money. I watched the two bicker with each other, my attention between the shorter boy and his taller sister and chuckling a little to myself. Childish.
Age: 7
I watched his calculated eyes move around the court, marking each player. The ball calmly landed in his hands as he suddenly set the ball to the left wing spiker. His hand slammed down on the ball, and the ball hit the floor, effectively scoring a point. Tobio cheered with his team as they managed to win their second set, ending the game. I smiled brightly and clapped as I watched Tobio’s face fall. Not again.
As the team lined up to thank the cheering squad, I watched his eyes search the crowd until they landed on me. I smiled brightly and gave him two thumbs-up, trying to cheer him up. He always thought that his tosses could be different, but he never remembered that he did really well. He gave me a small smile from my encouragement before bowing to the group.
“Thank you for cheering for us!” they all yelled as they bowed. I clapped my hands again as they began to stand straight again. He was about to walk away before he turned around. I watched him give our little signal; his left hand held up a five before changing to an “L.” Meet me at the entrance in five minutes. I nodded as he gave me a small smile and met up with the team again. I grabbed my jacket and told my and Tobio’s parents that we would meet up with them in about ten minutes.
I walked towards the entrance, and I spotted Tobio next to the door. His eyes were staring at the ground, processing the game. He always overthought everything when it came to volleyball. I laughed before running to him.
“Tobio-kun!” I called out, my hand extended above my head. He looked up from the spot on the floor to me. He smiled before and waved at me. I skidded to a stop in front of him and questioned, “What’s up?” He laughed at my behavior. Every game, it was the same routine: watch the game, meet up, and ask each other “what’s up?” for our thoughts about what happened.
“I did okay for this game,” he muttered as he scratched the back of his head. Glaring at him annoyed, I watched him gulp nervously before he continued. “Anyways, what do you want to eat later?” he averted the topic. We began to walk together out of the stadium trying to figure out what we should eat. Stupid.
“What’s that?” I heard a voice beside me as I was staring at my book. I looked up to see Tobio sitting in the seat beside me while holding a volleyball.
“It’s an English book,” I mumbled, slightly distressed. “My parents want me to start getting used to speaking English since they think that I’m going to need it in the future,” I explained as my fingers played with the edge of the book. Without another word, he grabbed the book away from me as his eyes skimmed the pages.
“Why is there so much?” he first questioned as he stared at the edge of the book. 
“No idea,” I answered honestly. I shrugged as he slowly pushed the book back towards me. I grabbed it from him and tried to find my place again.
“Good luck then,” he muttered as his hands played with the ball in his hands. I sighed, knowing that I was going to need all of the luck I could get. I closed the book after a few minutes of trying to read it, giving up with the amount of words that were on one page. I rested my forehead against the textbook as I tried to let my brain relax. 
“Why is English so hard?” I groaned as I kept my face in the textbook. 
“Don’t ask me,” Tobio responded, “You’re the one who’s always been good at English.” I sighed, knowing that I wouldn’t get a satisfying response from him. 
“Make sure you’re not late to class, alright?” I reminded him. I turned my head enough to see him nod as he started walking back to his seat. After a minute of relaxing my head, I sat up from the table and traded my books out, leaving the thick English book in the space underneath my table and pulling out the Kanji practice book. My fingers played with the edges of the book before I opened the book and stared at the pages again.
“Alright, let’s get started!” I heard the teacher call out, pulling me from my thoughts. I sat a little higher in my chair as I listened to the flat words that seemed to hang in the air. Did I have to study English now?
Let's stop here for this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it! I'll probably post another chapter sooner or later. See you in the next one!
Previous: Promise Rings Chapter 1 Next: Promise Rings Chapter 3
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ao3feed-iwaoi · 2 years
Read this masterpiece on AO3 at https://ift.tt/yTjmOH6
by phoenixwrites_ (ali3n0nEarth)
[ a-tel-o-pho-bia ]
The fear of imperfection. The fear of never being good enough.
Instead of forgiving the two strangers that shattered his world, Kageyama Tobio decides he deserves better than them. (Basically a fix-it-fic of the normal IwaOiKage AU’s with a Shiratorizawa Twist)
Seijoh just stood there in the halls of the overcrowded gymnasium. There he was standing with his new team. What about them? They gaped at how freely he smiled. Would that have been them if they had just not been stupid middle schoolers?
Words: 287, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Kageyama Tobio, Kageyama Miwa, Haiba Alisa, Haiba Lev, Iwaizumi Hajime, Oikawa Tooru, Kunimi Akira, Kindaichi Yuutarou, Kitagawa Daiichi Volleyball Club, Aobajousai Volleyball Club, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Goshiki Tsutomu, Shiratorizawa Academy Volleyball Club, Tendou Satori, Semi Eita, Kyoutani Kentarou
Relationships: Iwaizumi Hajime/Kageyama Tobio/Oikawa Tooru, Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Kageyama Tobio/Oikawa Tooru, Iwaizumi Hajime/Kageyama Tobio, Kageyama Tobio & Kindaichi Yuutarou & Kunimi Akira, Iwaizumi Hajime & Kageyama Tobio & Oikawa Tooru, Kageyama Tobio & Kitagawa Daiichi Volleyball Club, Kageyama Tobio & Shiratorizawa Academy Volleyball Club, Kageyama Tobio & Ushijima Wakatoshi, Goshiki Tsutomu & Kageyama Tobio, Kageyama Tobio/Ushijima Wakatoshi, Kageyama Tobio & Aobajousai Volleyball Club, Kageyama Miwa & Kageyama Tobio, Haiba Alisa/Kageyama Miwa, Haiba Lev & Kageyama Tobio, Haiba Alisa & Haiba Lev, Kageyama Tobio & Tendou Satori, Kageyama Tobio & Semi Eita
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Red String of Fate, Romantic Soulmates, Platonic Soulmates, Kageyama Tobio-centric, Sad Kageyama Tobio, Cute Kageyama Tobio, Awkward Kageyama Tobio, Kageyama Tobio Angst, Kageyama Tobio Needs a Hug, Kageyama Tobio Protection Squad, Oblivious Kageyama Tobio, Kageyama Tobio & Goshiki Tsutomu Friendship, Jealousy, Jealous Oikawa Tooru, Jealous Iwaizumi Hajime, Protective Shiratorizawa Academy Volleyball Club, Protective Ushijima Wakatoshi, Protective Tendou Satori, Protective Semi Eita, Minor Semi Eita/Tendou Satori, Minor Haiba Alisa/Kageyama Miwa, IwaOi are Assholes, Golden String of Destiny, Minor Original Character(s)
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/yTjmOH6
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