#miya atsumu is made to be smooched
tetsusgoing · 2 years
I'd like to kiss miya atsumu
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noirflms · 1 year
— - main m.list !
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. ° 𖤐 ₊ MIYA ATSUMU !
your lips — he has to have his lips to be pressed against yours , to have your silken lips smashed against his , as the taste of your flavoured chapstick is always left behind. to have his lips peppering kisses upon your collarbone as you mumble a , it tickles , but he has no intention of stopping once his lips meet your skin. atsumu has to have his lips anywhere upon your skin but he has a favourite place to leave these love filled smooches , their moist imprint lingers and the warmth stays. his favourite places to kiss you is your forehead , you had once asked him why your forehead and he only responded with because it feels more homely and intimate than to have his lips upon yours.
he doesn’t look affectionate but he certainly is. sakusa kiyoomi is an affectionate man and he has his fears and flaws but then there is you , the one who sees through all the flaws and see the real kiyoomi , who never got to experience a pure childhood , nor did he feel affection but you made him an affectionate man and he never stays behind to show you that. he is rather intimate , a man keen with what affections to give , but he had never been a man eager to give into to physical contact and you never pressured him. so , yes , he does have a very particular place to kiss you and it is his favourite — the inside of your wrists. his silken lips always leave a mark upon the inside of your wrists , a moist imprint , a good luck for him knowing you have his kisses lingering in a place so unknown.
. ° 𖤐 ₊ HINATA SHOYO !
it was a rather straightforward answer from him when you had asked him about his favourite place to kiss you , a spot he had said without a second thought — the corner of your lips , the place he certainly loves to kiss you so. even though he loves his lips upon yours , it is just something to leave a soft kiss on the corner of your lips , for then he’d feel the crinkle of your smile and he’d be satisfied and his heart will forever flutter at the sight of your smile , turning him to goo. shoyo was certain about that being his favourite spot , but there are many he leaves kisses upon , a few to mention is your temple , your shoulder , and even your knuckles.
he is a big himbo off court , an idiot who is so in love with you and a man who gives you his affection without any thought , may it be giving you gifts or having you pressed close against him. but bokuto koutaro has a rather unruly ritual before playing a game , and that is to kiss you in a favourite place — your lips , and to pepper kisses upon your face but the topmost fav of his are your lips. wherever you may be , he would come rushing for only to kiss you on the lips of yours and he does it without warning which certainly leaves you flustered and surprised but you know of it , so you heed no mind , and soon it has fallen into routine for him to kiss you on the lips on a daily basis and he even announces it out to the whole world , that his favourite place to kiss you is your lips.
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NOIRFLMS 2023 ! All rights reserved. Reblogs are totally appreciated and comments as well. Plagiarism is a crime and give credit if translating my works.
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ughgojo · 2 years
ft: multiple characters
synopsis: haikyuu boys doing thigh clenching things and making me want to smooch their face with my dior lip glow lip gloss.
content warnings: suggestive so like 17+ pls i am begging. some of this can also be considered bare minimum for men irl but those standards don’t apply to these kings here.
notes from the author: i keep telling y’all i’m gonna write something original but that’s not gonna happen right at this moment i’m sawri so enjoy this timeless masterpiece 🙏🏽. reblogs, likes, and comments are appreciated as always. but anyways i revamped this and made it better and less age appropriate lol.
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— Such a tease oh my fkn god. Likes to say such condescending shit like “mhm really” or “oh yeah?” in that voice (y’all know the one!) and he does it in the most inopportune times. Likes to whisper it in your ear and watch as your cool demeanour fades quickly.
MATSUKAWA ISSEI, miya atsumu, SUNA RINTAROU, morisuke yaku, TSUKISHIMA KEI, yūji terushima, futakuchi kenji, kenma kozume
— When he’s hot from like workouts or practice or something he’ll put his shirt between his teeth and rub at his abs. Sweat dripping from his face and dripping onto his chest YES PLEASE. He will smirk if you catches you staring at him like sir you good how can I not stare?!
ARAN OJIRO, oikawa tooru, ATSUMU MIYA, iwaizumi hajime, daichi samamura, tanaka ryūnsoke, KUROO TETSURO, BOKUTO KŌTARŌ
— Always smell good. There has never been a time where you’ve been around him and he hasn’t smelled absolutely amazing. Makes you want to keep your face in his chest forever. 
AKAASHI KEIJI, KITA SHINSUKE, aran ojiro, matsukawa issei, SUGAWARA KŌSHI, ushijima wakatoshi, aone takenobu, osamu miya, yamaguchi tadashi, SAKUSA KIYOOMI
— Wearing his sweatpants really low around the house, the GRAY ones and they’re low enough to where you can see the start of his v-line but high enough to tease you. Like there’s no business he should be walking like a little whore respect yourself!!!
OIKAWA TOORU, tsukishima kei, ATSUMU MIYA, osamu miya, asahi azumane, tendou satori, AKINORI KONOHA
— When you’re talking to him he’ll stare at your lips and then he’ll lick his while smiling, before looking away. Knows exactly what he is doing when he does that and he loves to get you flustered because he’s an asshole.
kuroo tetsuro, MATSUKAWA ISSEI, YŪJI TERUSHIMA, tanaka ryūnsoke, semi eita, takahiro hanamaki, ATSUMU MIYA
— Keeping eye contact with you at all times to make sure you know that he’s listening to you. Will never take his eyes off of you. Sometimes his eyes will drift elsewhere because his mind starts to think about other things but nonetheless a respectful king! So he’ll always direct his attention back to you.
AKAASHI KEIJI, yamaguchi tadashi, semi eita, USHIJIMA WAKATOSHI, suna rintarou, aran ojiro, DAICHI SAWAMURA
— Accessorizing and wearing some type of accessory like a chain or some rings with every single outfit, makes them look very well put together. The RINGS on their fingers omg I’m palpitating.
tanaka ryūnsoke, MATSUKAWA ISSEI, SUNA RINTAROU, kyōtani kentarou, aran ojiro, SEMI EITA, kageyama tobio
— Tapping his hands against the steering wheel while driving, will also reverse with his palm. Also for a little razzle dazzle he NEVER takes his hand off your thigh while he’s driving. He keeps it there and thinks he’s slick when his hand travels but he’s not so.
KUROO TETSURO, tsukishima kei, suna rintarou, SAKUSA KIYOOMI, kenjirō shirabu, goshiki tsutomu, NISHINOYA YŪ, hinata shoyo
— Likes to tilt your chin up and give you a peck when you’re mad at him. Or he’ll come up behind you and give you little kisses on your neck and stuff and will probably be like “lemme make it up to you baby?” and it’s just like ILL NEVER GET MAD AT YOU AGAIN SEXY!!!
SUNA RINTAROU, MATSUKAWA ISSEI, atsumu miya, takahiro hanamaki, kuroo tetsurō
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bokubear · 2 years
hq boys on their kids first day of school
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feat. ( timeskip! )atsumu miya + sakusa kiyoomi + ushijima wakatoshi + akaashi keiji
warnings ; overprotective and over prepared omi :(
notes ; atsumu my bb>>>>
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:ATSUMU has this tight lipped expression, handing his girls their matching backpacks with two different colored ribbons adorning their hair so prettily. “alright my angels, y’all ready to go ?” the two nodding profusely, eyes practically sparkling with glee. waving them off and reminding them of what to do if a boy walks up to them which included loud screaming of “my daddy is the best setter in the whole world ! and if you take one step closer he will set you into oblivion !” or something exaggerated of the sort. “‘tsumu ? honey are you okay ?” you inquired gently, prying his hands from his face to see him crying fat tears of sadness. “oh you big baby they’ll be okay i promise.” you assured. “they’re just getting so big ..” he hiccuped childishly, you laughed.
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:SAKUSA was more than ready for battle at this point. his little boy carrying a small bag of hand sanitizer everywhere with him, which the opposite couldn’t count the times his son had reminded him to sanitize. putting even the most germaphobic man’s legacy to shame. “if anyone strange approaches you, you know what to do right ?” he asked carefully, fixing the yellow shirt the little one wore crooked. “yes daddy i know, you run in the opposite direction to a trusted adult.” he looked just like his father, bouncy black curls but with your eyes. “yes, good job.” a ruffle of his hair while you both walked him to school, beckoning him off with a big smile. and despite your husbands brooding of regret of leaving his son at school, he was now starstruck to see the star glittering on his shirt. his son had received this from “remembering to wash hands before lunch.” he couldn’t have been more proud.
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:USHIJIMA held onto his daughters hands while she sat on his broad shoulders, squealing with glee. she even bought a small volleyball keychain because it would be proof of how much she her “daddy is the king of volleyball !” ( this made him cry ) with a grinning happy-face. all her books and snacks in the pink backpack nearly bigger than herself. along with the homemade bento he prepared for her with a little chick made out of rice and bean paste. “are you okay with this ?” he nervously glanced to you, fiddling like he does when he’s doubtful. “i know you’re concerned about her but she’ll be fine, look, she’s already more social then us.” you leaned to kiss his cheek, watching him curiously eye the other children with a distraught sigh. “okay..” and while she was gone he was so sad, that was until she came home and received the biggest hug of her life with a look or pure joy. he was so worried about her. adorable.
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:AKAASHI had read the email from the teachers about a million times at this point, eyes scanning the text with an experts precision. you were a slightly bewildered but other than that, everything went normally, and keiji seemed relaxed .. for now. giving his girl a big smooch on the cheek and bidding farewell calmly, he remained quiet on the way home until bursting the water-works. “why did we leave her .. she could be lonely ..” he sobbed, taking off his glasses to hastily wipe his face. “oh keiji what am i going to do with you ..” you hummed, brushing your fingers against his jaw in assurance that she wasn’t going to be lonely. “in fact, bokuto’s kids are going there as well, and if you know your daughter well enough she’ll be best friends with them in no time.” well .. it was a good attempt but this added on to even more anxiety, especially with the ace’s children. poor akaashi.
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nixcwen · 2 years
➳ lovesick tsum-tsum | miya atsumu
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Osamu had already warned you about it before your marriage ceremony with his brother.
"I'm sure ye already know how handful my brother is but ye may find him much annoying the moment ye live with him, I tell ye. He forgets to take care of himself, then when we remind him he hardly ever listens, most of all--he's very whiny--after refusing for a while he suddenly has to have what he wants. Annoying in other words, still, I hope ye take care of him just like how Mom and I do."
The stubborn setter or your stubborn setter specifically, refused to listen when you reminded him not to overwork. Just like Osamu told you. This refusal of his made you stand your ground to also refuse any more of the usual affection you show him.
After all, you can't catch a cold when you're taking care of this- this actual clingy manchild who claims he is an adult who doesn't need reminders because he's perfectly capable of doing well on his own. Alas, he was not.
And so he goes to practice, probably doing more than he is supposed to, for a longer period than usual. He keeps this up for days until he just 'discreetly' asks what medicine is good for an aching body. He eventually ends up not just with muscle pain but with a cold as well.
Now, there he is in front of you playing with his hands, asking you to lay with him as he sleeps instead of sleeping on the couch.
"Have you forgotten that I can get sick too?" You asked him without sparing a glance.
"I- Yes, yes, I know. But please, Angel? I'll just hug ya and sleep in ya chest so ya don't catch a cold."
You turned away from him and faced the opposite direction while scrolling through your phone. "Still no, Atsumu."
"Ya want me to feel better right, Angel? Then, cuddle with me? I think I'll feel better if ya hug me and call me 'Tsumu."
You released a deep sigh and turned around about to scold him but was stopped by the pout prominent on Atsumu's face. You're whipped for this man, you concluded.
"Alright." You stood from the couch and made your way to the bedroom while Atsumu stood with wide eyes and lips. "Aren't you coming?"
When the surprise he had faded, he ran after you with a goofy smile. He thought, 'I know my Y/N can't resist me!'
You lay comfortably against the mattress while the setter timidly inched closer to you, a very uncharacteristic attitude of his. He looked up to you, biting his lower lip. You only replied by opening your arms but of course, Atsumu can't complain.
Atsumu set his arms on your sides, slowly sliding down until he was able to sink into your chest. The moment he felt your heartbeat, he was able to breathe better than he did before. He was alright--he's going to be alright--that, he knows for sure.
Still, the setter liked to push his luck when it comes to you. And so he did.
"Angel, can you play with my hair? It would help me fall asleep if you will."
Unlike his expectation, you did what he asked without complaint. And so he pushed his luck yet again.
"I- I want to kiss you."
Now, it may be too presumptuous of him but he was your husband, why wouldn't you kiss him, right? He expected a peck or a loving kiss on his head but was met with the most heart-shattering answer he ever heard.
"No, you can't."
Atsumu faced you, mouth agape. "I can't believe ya can be so unfair, Angel. Why’re ya revoking my smooch privilege when I didn’t even do no wrong?"
"You didn’t listen to me and you didn't take care of yourself, remember?"
"But- how about just one?"
"I don’t want to hear any more arguments, Atsumu."
You were already relaxed with your eyes closed, then, you heard a little sniffle.
"I miss yer endearment, I miss yer lips-" he took a breath with his mouth, almost gasping for air as his tears never came to a stop- "I-I hate getting sick--no--I despise it. I should've listened to ya... I'm sorry, Angel."
With that, you tilted his chin to make him look at you. As you wiped the tears trickling down his cheeks, adoration must have been visible in your eyes, however, Atsumu was only able to feel love.
"Then rest well, 'Tsumu. Go get some sleep, you’ll be okay soon." You pat his back to comfort him, which also slowed down his breathing- just as quickly though, you took his breath away when he felt your familiar flesh mold with his.
“As long as you’ve learned your lesson.”
You didn't give him time to react as you tucked him back into your chest. Even so, you still heard a muffled comment.
"Nothing beats my lip kissies, I still want more lip kissies. I hate this- but I love ya, Angel."
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I don't have the heart not to give Tsum-tsum his kissies and turn this into angst for him, else, it will forever be engraved in his memory. Ahh, I missed writing fiction! Our research papers got me drained, have this fic. as my apologies. I'll get back to writing (including your requests) during our break this week! I hope you are well and happy, I may not post anything but I'm just here for you, lovely people. Keep going! ☺💕
Sincerely, Nixxy ♡
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taglist (join here!): @erwinscrybaby
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lovelytarou · 3 years
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kissing comes easily with miya atsumu. he loves to pepper kisses all over your face, your hands, your wrist, and your lips.
most, if not all the time, you let him kiss you. you do enjoy his kisses and you bask in his affections whenever he gave it.
miya atsumu was viewed as cocky, arrogant and sometimes annoying to most people but they don't get to see this side of him. the pouty, grabby hands, affectionate ‘tsumu you adore.
when he came home late after practice – grouchy and grumbly – he immediately migrated to the bedroom without even taking a shower or changing his clothes and you knew instantly that he had a rough day.
if anything, his groaning and mumbling made you chuckle with the subtle ways he's asking for your attention.
“everything alright, tsum?”
“yeah, everythin's fine.”
you cringed slightly. ooh, snappy.
you know just the thing to do with that. you moved closer to where he was sprawled out on top of the bed, sitting beside him as you watched him glared daggers on the ceiling.
“if you stared any harder, you'll melt our ceiling, babe.” you teased, hand creeping up to brush away the hair from his forehead.
you smiled when he leaned closer to your touch, a small whine escaping his lips.
“i just had the worst day.” he huffed, one of his arms coming up to wrap around your waist and you let him coax you into laying down beside your baby of a boyfriend.
“aw, i'm sorry, tsum-tsum.” you cooed, continuing your ministrations on his hair. you noticed that some of his strands are losing the blonde, reverting back to their original chocolate hue.
“you can make it all better, though.”
“oh yeah? how?”
“hmm,” he pretended to think hard about it, “ah! i know! you can...kiss me here.”
you raised an eyebrow at him.
“because it hurts when the guys accidentally hit it during practice!” he whined, pointing at his cheek as he pouted.
sighing, you gave in and shook your head.
“alright, you big baby, i'll kiss it better for you.”
you gave the apple of his cheek a smooch which he giggled at, but played it cool and told you it hurt. he pointed at his other cheek.
“there too?” he nodded. you planted another kiss on his cheek and this time, atsumu had a big grin on his lips, his mood seemingly have lifted by your kisses.
“all better now?” you cupped both of his cheeks on your hands as he stared up at you with those eyes you always loved.
“there's one more.” he whispered, puckering his lips.
you snorted, rolling your eyes before leaning in and capturing his lips with yours in a sweet kiss that made him moan in relief.
“there, satisfied now?”
you laid down with your head on his chest, the rapid thumping of his heart matching your own made you smile.
atsumu squeezed you closer with his arm wrapped around you, a chuckle gently shaking your form.
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© lovelytarou 2021
taglist — @behan @zukuroo @chibishae34 @nakizumie @kirakirasaku @duhsies @twistedsister1 @throughtheinterstices
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elysianslove · 3 years
Hii!! I love your writing so may I please request a headcon of (Kita,Atsumu,Osamu) having a really beautiful s/o that has a cute laugh and has dimbles that makes her 10 times cuter
I would love to see how they would act whenever she laughs and her dimple are showing
Please and Thank you!!!
omg this is so CUTE i love these boys so much. i hope you like these <3
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kita shinsuke 
kita probably thinks he is so lucky to have you
like you not only have such a beautiful personality, but your face is also so?? fucking?? perfect??
he is absolutely the type to just sit and admire you for hours on end. he gets caught a lot, by both you and his teammates, but he really doesn’t care, even if he’s blushing a lil. you just mesmerize him so much 
the same way he loves admiring and staring, he loves to touch so softly on your face too. just tracing the slope of your nose, your eyelashes, the curve of your jaw, your jaw, your cheekbones, just silently telling you how beautiful you are and how in love with you he is
the first time he noticed your dimples, he was taken aback for a moment and was like. a little shocked. his eyes widened ever the least and he felt his heart burst in his chest because holy shit were you gorgeous
loves to send you videos he knows you’ll laugh at because he’s not the most talkative, but he just loves the way your entire face lights up and your cheeks show their little indentations 
like i said, he thinks he is so incredibly lucky to have you
i think it would make him a little insecure at times tbh :( like kita is so, so beautiful but sometimes he sees you in all your glory and thinks you deserve so much better. it’s okay though, because it’s almost like you can read his mind, and you immediately just rush up to give him a big smooch. and when you pull back, your cheeks flushed with love and your eyes filled with adoration for him, he beams at you
what a lovesick puppy i luv him <3
miya atsumu 
please don’t date him he doesn’t need the ego
it gets to his head so often when you takes notice of you, and realizes you’re all his. like it just. makes him sum type of way knowing that he’s yours and that you, with your breathtaking beauty, are his. 
he also loves it when people stare. eats that shit up because he’s aware of the effect you have on people, and he’s aware of just how beautiful you are. don’t stare too long though >:( 
he’s fixated on the idea that you two are the perfect couple. probably brings up the fact that you’d made really pretty babies at least twice a day
i like to believe atsumu’s really soft and quiet in private. he’s definitely that boyfriend that resorts to baby talk when you’re alone with him. just grabs your face, squishing your cheeks and kissing your lips between every sentence, talking about how, “you’re my most beautiful baby. my perfect baby. love my angel. my gorgeous angel.” i am going to scream. 
you record him once behind his back and send it to the groupchat with the volleyball team and they lose their shit. they never let it go for years. atsumu gave you the silent treatment for a solid two minutes before he broke.
when he notices your dimples for the first time, his eyes light up so much and he just leans forward and. pokes them. 
“smile for me, baby,” he’d say, before legitimately squealing when you smile and your dimples show. it always makes you blush so much because he’ll do it regardless of if you’re in public or not
extremely appreciative of you honestly never lets you forget it <333
miya osamu 
oh my goodness samu is properly in love with you
he’s kinda like kita in that he likes to admire, but he admires from afar, even if you’re his s/o already 
like he just likes to watch you as you do everyday things, or as you talk to people. he just. he’s so in love. 
you almost never notice because he’s really slick about it, or because it’s just not necessarily out of place or odd, but sometimes you do when you two are alone. and you’ll just be like, “hm, what? why are you staring at me?” and he’s so shameless and smug as he shrugs and goes, “you’re gorgeous.” and he says it with such a nonchalant tone you have no choice but to be flustered 
he’s possessive of you but in a really subtle way, because he’s also really secure in your relationship. like everybody knows you’re his, but if he notices someone glancing too long at you, he grabs your hand and starts kissing all over it just casually. no one around you bats an eye, you continue your conversation with suna. totally normal. and if he spots someone talking to you at a distance, he watches, but there’s also this sense of pride within him at the fact that all this, all of you, with your bright eyes and pretty smile, is his. 
i’d like to think that he noticed your dimples before you two started dating. like you were hanging around the vbc boys and atsumu said something stupid and you laughed, you beamed, and they appeared and samu knew he was a goner. he just thought you were the cutest thing he had ever laid eyes on
probably doesn’t tell you his appreciation for your dimples ever, but you pick up on it
especially because every time you smile, or laugh, and they appear, you can see him smile the smallest of smiles it’s so endearing and soft.
yes samu is the softest for you and only you <3
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end note; please. please be my boyfriends i beg
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hxneekyuu · 3 years
accidental kiss || tsukishima kei, ennoshita chikara, miya atsumu, lev haiba
request :  Hey Can I request a headcanon or one shot with Haikyuu characters (any of your choices) having an accidental kiss with their crush, you know, the cliché romance scene in drama's where the girl fell and male catches her and end ups kissing, or something when the girl turn around not noticing the close distance between the male, and their lips touches. Anything that is accidental
warnings : miya atsumu, Suna Gets a Haircut
a/n : so i did one of those random hq generator things bc i could only decide on one boi and that was tsukki,,, the results made me laugh so here you go -- btw these are all gonna be pre-dating bc thats just wonderful we love that
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tsukishima kei
this is definitely all tsukkis fault
you two are at your house just vibing and at some point you head into the kitchen to make food
and hes leaning against the counter right in front of the cabinet you need to get to
but he has the audacity not to move the fuck outta the way when you tell him you need to get past 
so youre like ok fuck it and just reach around him to open it 
but the bowl you need is pretty high up so youre like on your tippy toes tryna get the damn thing and hes just sitting there watching you struggle 
instead of helping you like he isnt damn near 6′3″
but riiiiight as youve got the bowl, you end up grabbing it a little too forcefully and you bring like a million dishes down with it 
so ofc even though he definitely deserves it, youre not trying to concuss the poor guy with literal ceramic dishes raining down on him 
so you kinda lunge forward to stop them all from falling 
and, hearing the crash of dishes over his head, he naturally ducks because he doesnt want to die
honestly,,,, its more of a crash of your noses and foreheads but theres such chaos of like,,, trying not to die?? 
that at some point you just feel his mouth on yours and it deadass just stays there while you both are figuring out what the hell is happening 
eventually he kinda pulls back but only a little bc he knows youre struggling to hold onto the dishes and he doesnt wanna screw that up
and he doesnt even say anything he just reaches up awkwardly and helps you set the dishes back on the shelf
and then he grabs the bowl youd been trying the get the entire time and hands it to you with a completely blank face 
its a very awkward dinner im not gonna lie
mostly bc at some point he just starts cracking jokes about it and refuses to acknowledge it seriously bc he sucks
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ennoshita chikara
ennoshita’s taking a break from studying with the second years on the team
mostly bc he never gets any studying done with them 
so youre studying together for a test at his house
and its just been many many hours of studying so ofc youre both exhausted
so its not surprising to him when you just pass out on your notes
but the thing is,,, your heads right on top of a sheet that he needs
and for a while he just kinda studies without it
he studies other stuff and tries to remember it on his own so he can fill in the gap in his notes
but eventually hes like fuck i really need these notes
so he just,,, tries to slide it out from under your head really carefully
and it involves a lot of him getting really close and trying to lift your head and a bunch of really soft cute things that would be super embarrassing for him to be caught doing
like,,, if you happened to wake up
which of course, you do
and youre really confused bc you can feel his breath fanning over your face and his eyes are really close but not focused on you, theyre focused on smth under your face
so you lift your head to see what hes doing
but he freaks out and moves his face when he notices youre awake
and its just a litto brush of your lips over his as your faces are passing each other
but the poor bub jumps back like you just shocked the crap out of him
and then he apologizes for like the next ten minutes and its impossible to get back to studying bc youre both just panicking internally
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miya atsumu
this literally happens like it does in the movies
it all starts with a chase scene
that really you should never have been a part of
youre just minding your business walking down the hall after school on your way to get your stuff
and its pretty empty bc you had a club thing so its late afternoon and no ones around
and you just hear it
men screaming
and then he appears, barreling around the corner like his life depends on it
and youre like
this cant be good
and when he sees you hes yelling out for you like HELP ME 
but you somehow always manage to get caught in the miya twin antics so youre like
fuck no im out
but apparently youre not out bc atsumus grabbing your arm and dragging you behind him yelling smth about scissors and a haircut
and when you look back you just see suna rounding the corner, half of his little triangle haircut chopped off so he looks like a sad half onigiri,,,
but you know it was atsumu and that this man is definitely dead when suna catches him
so youre like okay fuck it i guess im helping him AGAIN 
and you get outside to a section of the school where theres still sports teams practicing and lots of people around so you hide in a corner together
but the Suna Energy is approaching so atsumu fuckin freaks and does that cheesy movie thing where he ducks his head down so he wont be seen 
but theres like a group of guys passing by and one of them just bumps into atsumus back and that shit just sends him right into you
and all he can think is “oops”
he only has one brain cell give him a break
but he just stalls completely and forgets about the whole suna thing
but ofc his hair is fucking piss yellow and suna has not forgotten
he ends up totally getting his ass beat  but after that little smooch atsumus definitely a bit keen to see you more often 
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lev haiba
i fucking love this gif look at the litto shoyou go
this tall babie does not know the meaning of personal space he has no functional understanding of a Bubble
honestly he probably gets dangerously close to kissing you on a regular basis, considering you’re seatmates in class
he’s just ALWAYS in your space
at first he’s probably shy bc he doesn’t know you
but once you become friends he’s like THIS IS NOT YOUR DESK THIS IS JUST MY SECOND DESK
so every day there’s always one thing that’s super dangerous
last week it was him looking over your shoulder while you did work silently
yesterday it was him reaching across you to open the window on your left side
today he just really wants a bite of the bread you bought and are currently already eating
and when he wants smth, he gets Very Whiny
he’s so clingy and adorable that you can’t ever get mad
he’s like a little puppy how can you resist him
so when you’re finally like okay fine you can have a bite he’s like
he doesn’t even wait for you to tear off a piece he just leans in for a bite
but you had said yes while in the middle of biting it so he essentially does that thing where you’re both biting it at the same time
but, again, he doesn’t know what personal space means
so he also doesn’t have the ability to gauge distances well
so he straight up just meets you halfway and presses his mouth to yours while he’s biting down
the boi probably doesn’t even notice
he just pulls back quickly once he has his bite and goes about his life
you literally are going to have to tell him he just kissed you
and after that he’s a total fucking mess
he doesn’t know what to do he never knows what to do
he’s just going to keep causing Chaos while he panics
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justwonder113 · 3 years
Hey hey hey, its me. So I can't stop thinking about your triplets scenario, then suddenly had the urge to request one more time 😂 If that's okay. Since I can't get rid of this baby fever, I wish to see some adorable scenarios with 3 mini toddlers with their parents. Like them, barging into their father’s workplace or just being adorable yet troublesome at the same time XD
The way i adore your asks already, I feel you and I are going to have a good partnership lol. I'm terribly sorry I haven't written anything yet, I have been too caught up with work and stuff, I really hope you'll enjoy it tho. I really wanted to write it since it's father's day and all.
part one of the boys finding out you're gonna have triplets
Bokuto Koutaro
No one can convince me this man isn't absolutely best dad, pleasee I love him so much!!!
If I said that he was a really supportive husband and stood next to you and supported you however he could all pregnancy, he's even more supportive and hyper as a dad.
As I said, he's literally the best dad any kid can ask for. He's so energetic and caring, and would definitely do anything for his kiddos, he spoils them a bit more than needed but how can he say no to those puppy eyes? He's literally weak against them.
Also no matter how tired he is he always has time for is babies, if he came home with his hands almost falling off from harsh and tiring training he will still pick them up and play with them even more, how can he say no to them, he missed them so much too.
When he first had to leave for away game you couldn't tell who cried more him or the kids.
Let's make one thing straight, kids love him more, you can't even argue with that fact, he's basically their enabler, always the one with the snacks and toys and let's be real you have to play the role of a bad cop.
But he never crosses the line, he always supports you and if your kids are being stubborn, he always tells them that you only want the best for them and in the end kids always come apologizing to you, telling you how much they love you.
You always have this adventures too, he loves nothing more to show you off and spoil you as much as he can, he always takes you four wherever he can, and makes these trips as memorable as he can. Like there's nothing he won't do for you.
So naturally you wanted to return the favor to him.
Unfortunately for him he had to be away for a game on the father's day and it was evident how much it broke his heart. So you and kids came up with the plan to surprise him. Bby worked so hard he really deserved it and you really missed each other too.
You have been planning this for a while and you couldn't wait to see his reaction. You even helped kids with the banner and everything.
The game was about to start now, the players including your husband were getting ready. You snickered and led the kids through the crowd. His team helped you a lot when you told them your plan and got you one of the best seats in the front.
You took out the banner and helped kids to stand on the seats so that they could hold it higher. You couldn't be more proud, the kids really worked hard for their father and wanted to make him happy. You held up the sign what said with brightest colors "Happy father's day daddy!!"
Thankfully Atsumu noticed you quite quickly and nudged your husband, who looked almost like a sad puppy and in a second your eyes met.
Bokuto literally froze on the place and rubbed his eyes to see if you were really there, which made you giggle. Kids started cheering for him and in the millisecond the biggest grin was adoring his face and he ran towards you. Kids also ran leaving banner to you and jumped on their dad making everyone coo at the sight.
You smiled at the sight, Bokuto looked like a whole different person than he was seconds ago, he kept chatting with kids and smooching their cheeks from time to time, he then ran to you and gave you one of the most passionate kisses ever, thanking you for everything, while kids made barfing sounds. Yup you wouldn't change it for anything.
Atsumu Miya
Another one who I think would be a best dad but would spoil their kids, espesially your daughter, he had a really soft spot for her.
you had two boys and the youngest was a girl, thing is she was really frail at first and almost didn't survive but she was a fighter and even thought she pulled through and was healthy as ever you and Atsumu still had a soft spot for her,but not only you, boys were actually really protective of her and would always try to cheer her up however you could. But in the end she was daddy's girl.
In fact Atsumu and Osamu really liked to mess with kids, and make them guess who was who, it really confused boys and made you all laugh but you couldn't fool her that easy, she always knew when she was in the wrong hands and cried for daddy. (Cue to Atsumu calling his sons traitors and the daughter his sweet little princess.) (Gosh I have to keep my babyfever at bay)
You gently shushed the kids as they struggled to keep their excitement at bay, they came to you with the idea that they wanted to surprise their dad on the father's day and how could you say no to that?
You tried to help them but they wanted to do everything on their own, you were basically just for the mental support and for snacks for the little hardworkers. They looked so cute and proud too for their work. Boys worked with the decorations and cards and your daughter asked you to bring her to Osamu so that she could make an onigiri with his help.
You were beyond proud that they wanted to please their dad so much! Atsumu would really appreciate it, he was working so hard too these days, he would be beyond thrilled.
You smiled at the thought and opened the door, the kids walked in on their tippy toes, eventually giggling to themselves, thankfully Atsumu was still out cold. You readied the camera and sat it on the bedside table so you could record the precious memory. You carefully helped the kids get on both his sides as they readied their presents.
you gave them a thumbs up as you got slightly closer to Atsumu and started humming his name, making him stir a little. When you noticed that you were getting nowhere you asked the kids to help, and they started to nudge him with their tiny hands while you presed kisses on his cheek.
In the end Atsumu opened his eyes. "If I died and this is heaven then I don't want to return to life." He mummbled half dazed but still stood up.
"Happy father's day!" The kids cheered making a huge grin appear on his face. He stretched his hands and brought all three of them in a bone crushing hug, kissing their heads affectionately. The kids giggled and tried to escape as you awed at the sight.
They showed him everything they worked hard for, and Atsumu even got to taste the onigiri his daughter made for him, which made him tear up from happiness as you expected. He looked so giddy and happy it was really adorable.
Kids soon left the room to call their uncle and tell him how everything worked out, Your daughter was especially hyped cuz he liked the onigiris, she really looked up to Osamu too and said that she wanted to be a chef like him. You couldn't be more proud of her.
You were about to head downstairs too to make sure those rasckled didn't mess up everything, but Atsumu's hand stopped you. He bought you in closer and gave you a really passionate kiss, you hummed as you pressed couple of more on his cheeks.
"What was that for love?" You hummed against his lips, a bit dazed.
"For making me the happiest men ever and giving me a perfect family, I love you so much!" He mused as he snuggled against you.
He was right tho, everything was just perfect.
Sorry love it's only two characters, I will try to update about Ushijima and Osamu too. Hope you like it^^
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vs-redemption · 2 years
Soft Sunday
Yes I’m still on my Atsumu cycle…😁
Atsumu as Howl(Howls moving castle). It fits him
Atsumu likes playing with your hands, he massage them, caressing ‘em and kiss your hand especially where your wedding band rests. Sometimes you both end up playing a thumb war. He wins cause his fingers are just longer. Oh well.
Atsumu/Mattsun He loves hugging you from behind and soft kisses. Always asking you “why are yer so soft” *had to sneak Mattsun in here somewhere and yeah he contractually obligated to be shirtless now🤣*
Atsumu loves it when you try to be discreet with public displays of affection.Sometimes you are, and sometimes you just tug on his shirt for him to lean down in order to just kiss him on the cheek or a “quick” peck on the lips(never quick smooch with him🤣)
Atsumu Just nap times with him. Of course he might be shirtless depending on where y’all are napping.
Atsumu always sets his alarm an hour early before he has to get up for work. He just wants to cuddle or spend some time with you before volleyball consumes the bulk of his day.
Sorry it took a second to get to this! My brain has been in a rut today!
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Soft Sunday Headcanons: Atsumu Miya (bonus: Mattsun)
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Recently I’ve been a fan of hand and finger kisses so this made me very soft!! And of course he wins the thumb war with those strong, pretty setter hands 🙄 you’ll have to find a different game to beat him at. Rock Paper Scissors? It’s kind of just luck but at least you have a chance!
I can totally see Atsumu and Mattsun being huge cuddlers. They’re so big and muscular but just big softies at heart. It’s nice on cold icky days because you can warm up and be safe and cozy in their arms. Having them shirtless just makes it extra nice heheh
Trying to be discrete about affection in public is almost pointless with Atsumu because he is shameless. If you try to sneak a kiss he will end up making a show out of taking your breath away with a dramatic kiss. He kinda likes showing off that you’re his 🥺
I’m very supportive of nap time! Atsumu can sleep easily no matter what, so you get to pick if you want to be the big spoon, small spoon, or sleep on his chest or have or have him conk out on top of you like a weighted blanket.
That is true love right there! If he’s willing to give up an hour of sleep to spend time with you in the morning than he is a keeper. It’s so sweet that he wants to make time for you even though volleyball takes up so much of his schedule.
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oya-noya04-archived · 4 years
how to kiss your boyfriend [ when you’re short ] pt1
characters : koutaro bokuto, lev haiba, tetsuro kuroo
gender neutral reader
note : i wrote this bc i’m salty😃 5’1 over here💔 i might make more parts to this since it’s based off of the incorrect quote below anyways, i hope y’all enjoy this !! I’ll probably upload the next part soon❣️
y/n : my boyfriend’s to tall for me to kiss him on the lips. what should I do ?
hoshiumi : tackle him. [ koutaro bokuto ]
nishinoya : punch him in the stomach, then when he doubles over the pain, kiss him. [ lev haiba ]
saeko : dump him. [ kuroo tetsuro ]
hinata : kick him in the shins. [ kei tsukishima ]
tall bf : NO, to all of those. just ask me to lean down. [ atsumu miya ]
gif credit :
bokuto — @/houseofkarasuno
lev — @/volleygifs
kuroo — @/suckishima
»»————- ➴ ————-««
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K. Bokuto
— tackle him in order to give him a smooch.
target spotted, you slowed your breathing in order to conceal yourself more as you carefully peeked out of your hiding spot. you take out your phone, making sure it was silent and sent a text to your fellow comrade.
Y/n: he doesn’t see me, does he?
K. Akaashi: no, he’s busy telling us about the new puppy dog you guys got.
Y/n: cute right??-
—is what you almost sent before quickly remembering your mission and deleting it immediately, instead sending a follow up question.
Y/n: and he doesn’t suspect anything?
K. Akaashi: nope, he’s clueless.
K. Akaashi: I suggest you make your move in a minute, I predict he’ll get bored and start looking for you.
Y/n: 👍
you take a deep breath, and shut your phone off. you crouched lowly, preparing your attack like a predator stalking its prey. keeping your eyes on bokuto, you mumbled to yourself.
“i’ll do it this time, i won’t fail.”
all the times bokuto had to lean down to your height in order for one kiss had flooded through your head, quickly shaking the memories out, you focused one last time on your target. akaashi had been keeping him busy long enough, you had to make your move soon.
inching out of your spot, akaashi had glanced at your for a millisecond, not long enough for bokuto to notice but not too short that you wouldn’t notice. you definitely noticed.
like a cheetah, you leaped from you spot running towards your boyfriend. once you were close enough akaashi spun bokuto around, just in time for you to tackle him and pin him to the ground.
“oof what- y/n? wha-“ you quickly press your lips against his, effectively shutting him up. he made a noise of confusion, before gently grabbing your cheek and kissing back.
“i did it!” you cheered after pulling away, bokuto celebrated as well despite not knowing what you.. exactly did. you turn to him.
“kou i did it!” you beamed at him.
“yeah you did! that’s my baby!” he exclaimed, twirling you around before landing another kiss on your cheek.
“does he even know what he’s celebrating?” konoha nudges akaashi lightly, the calm setter just sighed before shaking his head.
“probably not.”
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L. Haiba
— punch him in the stomach, while he doubles over the pain take the opportunity to give him a smooch.
the sounds of shoes squeaking filled your ears as you entered the boys gym. it had been a common habit now, after class you’d always head straight to the Nekoma Boy’s gym. sometimes to just sit and watch, sometimes to help out with their practice and sometimes to bring in snacks. the team appreciated your presence and always made a point to make you feel welcomed as if they were like your second family.
although this was sweet, you wouldn’t have ended up there in the first place without your boyfriend, Lev Haiba.
yes, you were dating the half-Russian half-Japanese first year. you owe him one for introducing you to the team, the least you could’ve done was offer him a light smooch.
“a kiss? of course, go ahead,” he smiles, closing his eyes awaiting for your soft lips to make contact.
but it never came, no matter how much you jumped and made a fool of yourself you just couldn’t reach his cheek.
“what? can’t reach me?” he taunted giving you a sly grin, you narrowed your eyes and grumbled.
“that’s okay y/n! not everyone can reach my face, there’s no shame in that!” oh but there is, as a member of the short-person committee, you were determined to offer him a smooch, no matter what.
as your lanky boyfriend went on suggesting other ways you could reach his cheek, you suddenly remember yaku’s advice.
“honestly? just punch him in the gut, once he leans over from the impact, his face’ll be a low enough for you to reach,” he smiles proudly. you were a bit concerned on why yaku needed to reach lev’s face but you shrugged it off.
with one swift motion, your hand came in contact with lev’s core before reeling it back. lev groaned in pain, clutching his stomach as his face scrunched up.
“babe what- what the hell?” you smiled brightly, yaku’s advice had worked! taking this opportunity, you leaned in and pressed your lips softly against his cheek, making lev hum in confusion.
“it worked!” you exclaimed, celebrating cutely. you turned to see yaku smiling with a proud look on his face, offering you a thumbs up.
“did ya see that lev? i finally gave you a kiss without your help!” you cheered joyfully, as lev fell to the ground clutching his stomach in agony.
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K. Tetsuro
— dump him, we don’t need no tall guys in our lives.
“i’m breaking up with you,” you say in a monotone do voice along with a straight face. your boyfriend snickered as he rests his hands on your waist, toying with the hem of your shirt.
“that’s cute,” is all he says before letting you go and walking away. surprised at his actions, you follow after him.
“tetsu! i’m serious,” you huff, annoyed both at the fact that he was too tall for you and at how he completely shrugged you off. you glare at him as he continues to remain unbothered.
“sure you are, babe,” he stops in his tracks to admire you. he internally laughed at how adorable you were, he bites the inside of his cheek to stop himself from smiling to wide.
“don’t laugh at me.”
“i’m not,” liar, you roll your eyes before huffing and turning away from him. your lips press into a thin line as you walked in silence with kuroo.
“i’m serious, you know.”
“of course you are babe,” his lips quirk up, “then again, I can’t have that happening.” leaning in close, you feel your face heat up, yet you stood your ground. his narrow at your bravery.
“who’s am I going to fluster each and every day?” his smirk widens as you finally break eye contact and press your hands against your cheek, feeling the warmth.
“..you can do that to bokuto,” you pout, and turn around before he got another chance to embarrass you.
“bokuto doesn’t have cute reactions like you do,” he continues and you bite your lip to keep a squeak from coming out, that would only fuel him even more.
“bokuto’s cute.”
“watch it,” his voice dropping, sending shivers all throughout your body. your movements slowly come to a halt as your boyfriend intertwined his hand in yours.
“you don’t really wanna break up with me, do you?” his tone was different, still deep and a hint of teasing, but there was also the element of sincerity mixed in his baritone voice.
biting the inside of your cheek, you shake your head. a chuckle leave his lips before pressing a soft kiss on your cheek.
“thought so,” and with that, you whine out his name and smack him lightly on the shoulder. relief sets in your body as you hear him him in content, he rests his head on your shoulder.
“you’re a jerk.”
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kakubun · 3 years
request: hello!! may I request nekoma and shiratorizawa/inarizaki with a fem!manager that has a deep raspy voice and laid-back personality? Thank you!!
Deep Voiced!Manager (Fem)
inarizaki x fem!manager
ooo mamas i got 100 followers, THANK YOUUUU SOOOO MUCCHHH
also i went off topic , i’m SORRY
i could only do inarizaki, sooorrrryyyyyy!!!
comments are appreciated!!
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you know these two idiots, they would be like “woah!!”
miya twins would’ve been friends with you when you were all kids, you would visit them in the gym after your guitar practise
specifically electric guitar
you have a deep voice AND you play electric guitar, you are so cool
and they knew not to break your electric guitar or touch it without permission cause when atsumu did, the neighbourhood was raised a brow to a girl chasing a guy for about 10 minutes before the guy tripped and the girl wringed his neck and another male stepping in to pull the smaller female off the guy who probably died by then 
when you joined the volleyball club in your high school year, you were a lot more reserved since they asked you to behave 
even though you had the power over them, you also don’t want to embarrass yourself and ruin your reputation in front of other boys in the club
with a lot of fangirls 
with the same wack insults  💀 💀
you were done with most of their fangirls, mostly atsumu’s cause you can see the difference
some b: ew you sound like a boy
y/n: if i were to sound like one of yall inarizaki boys, you wouldn’t complain
atsumu’s fangirls were 😻 🔫 the while osamu’s were the 🥰 👉👈
atsumu’s fangirls would die for him, constantly pushing you away just to  give the piss stained hair twin a box of chocolates and smooches but you immediately grabbed them by the shoulder and drag them away
there was a time where you felt a lot more sensitive and the fangirls might have threw a gift in your face since you didn’t want to budge and they waved you off while walking away, telling you to give it to atsumu 
atsumu was doing his serves and you would pat atsumu’s shoulder and he would turn around to see you holding the gift and  👇 👇
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y/n: here’s what your stupid fangirls decided to give this time 
if this wasn’t a volleyball anime, atsumu would’ve been thrown to the wall and killed by now
atsumu could feel his twin’s fury radiating behind him and a scene happened with these two and akagi carried you away from the two idiots and settled you on the bench
kita and aran sat next to you, aran on the right while kita’s on the left 
akagi kneeled in front of you and waited for you to talk 
you quickly wiped your tears and said it was stupid of you to cry about and kita didn’t let you say anything else and hugged your side, telling you that it’s okay to cry and it’s not stupid
i can see everybody staring at atsumu bowing down to you, apologizing a hundred times while you held back the urge to step on his head
but you quickly made him get up and punched him in the chest and asked him to control his fans a little cause you were tired to see confessions everyday 
y/n: i will quit if you don’t talk to them in the morning 8.00 a.m. sharp if you even dare forget about something like that, i won’t hesitate to make you forget volleyball with what i’m about to do tommorow 
even though it was an empty threat, it left chills in everyone’s spines
(suna of course couldn’t take you seriously and thought you sounded like a cool video game villain  💀 💀)
it didn’t help the fact atsumu could have his neck snapped when he woke up late the next day and osamu quickly kicked him off his bed and yelled to his dumbass to not get killed
but he did talk to them so that means less fans on your back  😼 👍 👍
osamu’s fangirls were okay, just a lot of pestering and no violence and you easily shut them out so that’s okay
this led to the volleybal clubs’ door clearing a little which means anyone that actually wanted business and not atsumu could easily wait near the door
which leds to how the team finding out about your electric guitar skills suprisingly weren’t from atsumu’s big mouth but from a kouhai 
when the kouhai stood infront of the door, clutching a book in their hand and aran stopped you from approaching them and intead chose to do it himself
not like atsumu’s big mouth asking them “oh yer lookin’ for me?” or omimi’s harsh comment like “don’t disturb the twins.”, he lets the kouhai speak
“um, is y/n senpai here?” 
this was unexpected but aran just hopes it wasn’t another fan pestering her
“ah y/n senpai, can i have your guitar notes?” the kouhai grinned and suna and aran heard them and you immediately went to your bag to retrieve your notes
suna: y/n plays guitar?
he questions the kouhai and they nod
kouhai: electric guitar in fact!
suna raised his eyebrow when you came back and talked to the kouhai
if you can’t tell when everyone found out, they had a big crush on you
especially with whatever sensual song you sang and how you hit the high notes made them amused and and and-
with a deep voice and the harsh strums of the electric guitar, their imaginations went wild
especially with that smirk you had, how wouldn’t it?
this made me curse in my language a hundred times, i work on inarizaki for an hour and realized that i went off topic 💀 💀
bye i hope you enjoyed it??
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oikadori · 4 years
Reacting to their best friend doing the “Electric Love” trend on Tik Tok
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⇢  Pairings: Atsumu x f!Reader, Osamu x f!Reader, Kuroo x f!Reader, Tsukishima x f!Reader
⇢  Genre: fluff
⇢  WC~ 1,187
A/N: Thanks for requesting ♡! I wasn’t able to include the 5th character, I’m sorry :( There were so many reactions LOL, I hope I got it right. Anon you’re my first request. You have no idea how happy and scared I was HAHAHAAH. Soo, It is my first time writing for Osamu and Tsukki :v (I hope I’m not out of character). Hope you like it! Thanks for reading♡
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You and Atsumu have known each other since middle school and became close during high school
Teasing and annoying the hell out of each other, always ending up laughing was your daily routine
You realize you have a crush on him
So, you’ve seen this tiktok trend and give it shot
You were at Miya’s house, sitting on the dinner table with the twins, studying
You place your phone on the table and start recording
Atsumu immediately knows what is happening when he hears the song
He turns at you with a playful smirk before looking back at his textbook, acting oblivious
Osamu stands up and walks away after sighing loudly
You nervously peek at Atsumu multiple times, your usual sassy nature is nowhere to be found
His eyes soften at your hesitant movements making him smile genuinely
So, when the chorus starts, you are too scared to move
Atsumu quickly closes his book and grabs your face with both hands
He kisses you fully in the mouth, pressing a hand on your neck to deepen the kiss
His lips move feral over yours. You are both out of breath when the video pauses
“What happened, huh? It’s the first time I actually see you flustered”
“Do you want me to hit you in the head, ‘Tsumu”
“I’ll rather want you to kiss me, bug”
And that is what you do, causing the blonde to blush furiously at the contact
“You both are so LAME” Osamu’s head peeks from a corner and then quickly disappears making you pull apart to violently laugh.
⤷The video gets tons of comments about how cute your scared face looked and how hot Atsumu’s reaction was. Atsumu immediately updates his social media to: dating the cutest ♡ bug
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Osamu met you for accident when you exchanged your lunchboxes, making you fascinated with his cooking.
That’s how you asked him to teach you
With each cooking session you became closer, being now his bestie
Atsumu showed you a video of the trend, giving you the idea
You were in your classroom during lunch, hanging out with the second years and some friends
You set your phone and as the music starts to play, Atsumu literally runs away along with your friends
“The hell just happened.”
He is really confused, like why are you biting your lip and looking nervously at the camera.???
“I didn’t know you were into tiktok, Y/N”
Osamu remembers the song because Atsumu showed him the video once, but he genuinely doesn’t remember what was about
When the chorus starts, you just go for it, attempting to forget the fear ghosting you
Your lips crash with his for a few seconds and Osamu’s eyes widen in surprise
But as soon as you pull away, he is already leaning forwards, catching your lips, and making you gasp
The song stops and he slowly detaches his lips from yours. He finds himself surprised by his sudden display of emotion.
“Your lips, they… taste like candy” askjsjkjf Im sorry
“Such a romantic, ‘Samu” you giggle, “Always thinking about food, huh?”
“Except when I’m with you” you stare at him with flushed cheeks “I like you Y/N”
That is all you hear before Osamu pecks your lips softly one more time as you squeeze his hand under the table
“ ’SAMU, you won’t die alone after all!” the other Miya screams
“That’s because I’m the likeable twin, ‘Tsumu, shut your trap already!”
⤷ After you post the video, people got really soft by Osamu’s tender response. You post now some cooking tutorials as a couple.  
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You and Kuroo were the bests in your science class
Your relationship was solely competitive, but your interests drew you both closer
Coming to his games and playing videogames became regular
You both were at Kenma’s house, playing this new game, when you found the video on tiktok
Both were so focused on the game that didn’t notice when you placed the phone on the counter
Kuroo definitely knows this trend as well as Kenma
When the melody starts, Kenma’s lazy gaze catches your phone and he simply walks away
Kuroo stops playing and turns to you with a grin on his lips
“Is something in that little head, smarty?”
“Oh, just thinking about how funny that spiky hair of yours, actually looks”
You both intensely look at each other, letting small chuckles out every time you looked at the phone
“Are you really gonna do it?”
“Huh, are you afraid of a kiss Kuroo-San?”
“Afraid that you won’t be able to handle it (Y/LN)”
The part you were both waiting starts and like a magnet, you both lean in synchronized, smooching your lips together
He pulls you on top of him, laying his back on the couch at the time the sound stops.
“Mmm, who would tell you were such a good kisser, smarty”
“You’re not so bad yourself” you giggle
“Are you done?” Kenma says with a steady voice, entering his living room, finding you over Kuroo’s chest
You shove him away, laughing. You grab the controller ready to play,  trying to show annoyance, but your heart can’t stop jumping on your chest
A hand pulls your waist back
“You are not going anywhere, Y/N”
⤷Let me just say that the video goes wild on the internet, all the comments about Kuroo made his teasing almost unbearable that week
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Tsuki and you started with the wrong foot, thinking you were just some silly girl
But the moment he saw you scolding Kageyama and Hinata, he was like “Oh another intelligent being”
You were at the gym waiting for Yamaguchi and Tsuki when Nishinoya showed you the trend and convince you to do it with Tsuki
Tsuki was a little soft for you so he didn’t say no when you asked him to join you in a TikTok, tho he was really exasperated
There you were standing next to Tsuki , while Nishinoya and Tanaka were on the other side
When the phone starts recording, you grab Tsuki’s arms trying to teach him some movements
“You know how ridiculous this is, don’t you?”
“Don’t be such a bummer, Tsuki, just follow me”
The chorus starts and you quickly lean as high as you can, trying to reach his face
“W-What the hell are you doing?” he pushes your shoulders rather harsh, moving his head away from yours
However, your lips managed to lightly brush his
He storms out of the gym throwing swears to all of you
Everything happens so fast, you couldn’t notice the small blush on his cheeks
“Do you crave attention that much to do such a stupid video?” you catch him outside, a hurt look on his face “Why messing up with people like that?”
Feeling really crappy, you lower your eyes, playing with your fingers
“I’m sorry, Tsuki. GOMEN Tsuki I thought it might be fun but …I did want to kiss you”
“Then, just say it, idiot” he looks away with the cutest blush you’ve ever seen
⤷ The video got tons of comments, feeling sorry for his response. They never guessed the middle blocker asked you on a date afterwards 
✨Please reblog if you like it!! It helps creators sooo much ✨
Thanks for reading ✿
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bokubear · 2 years
hq boys waking you up in the morning
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featuring ~ ( timeskip! )miya atsumu + bokuto kotarou + oikawa toru + iwaizumi hajime
warnings ~ cute mornings rants
notes ~ i hope some of you wake up to this, if not, think of it when you want to wake up in their arms :’)
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>> ATSUMU wakes up pretty late usually( ‘usually’ being around 1:00pm ) so on those days when he rises before you, it’s a treat. he’ll lean over to peck your cheek once with a soft afterglow then proceed to pettily kiss every square inch of you until you groan and cover your face with your hands, comparing about just how attention-seeking he is. it’s never-ending. “tsum tsum stoooopp~~ its 7:00ammmm—“ you drag out, dramatically flopping onto the pillow. “let me smooch my baby one more time.” he pouts, puckering his lips like a concussed instagram model of 2017. “i will gouge your eyes out if you so far as breath.” this stopped him in his tracks, sweating profusely once he sighed out his disappointment. “alrighty, enjoy your morning and sleep well, i love you.” he waved quietly and made sure to carefully close the door behind him. his doubts being pushed aside when he saw the ‘when are you coming home’ text he received during practice. his smile couldn’t stretch wider.
>> BOKUTO takes his time and never normally wakes you up, instead he snuggles into your side with your legs tangled together in a mangled position. he is so warm ( mostly always ) but especially in the morning. which can either be your downfall or the greatest blanket. on hot mornings, you’re sweating like dog and on cold days it’s the best heater ever. “too hot kou.” you manage to slightly pry his massive arm from your shoulder to prod at him. yet the ace is engulfed in some sort of dream because he is out. i mean even a hurricane could wake this teddy bear. “i swear i’m dying.” you panted, struggling to break free from the suffocating sheets as bo only pulled you closer defiantly. “‘m sorry it’s so hot but i don’t want to let go.” how saddened he seemed decreased that building anger. you melted at how clingy the big man was being, tracing patterns on his hand, a feeble grin pulling at his cheeks and accenting his dimples. “if i guess what you’re making, you stay for ten minutes more.” of course he made a game out of it. “go for it.” you offer, his attempt spot on. “volleyball.” — “wow my kou is so intelligent.” you gawk falsely, holding his precious face in your hands. “you know it.” he preens.
>> OIKAWA decides the best way to wake you up is to start blasting music. and when he’s in the mood he’ll romantically start flitting some romantic melody and waltz gracefully into your room to extend his hand in a cliche manner. “let us dance to the rhythm of my heart.” he clutches his chest in example, stirring a giggle from you. “such a dork.” you roll your eyes, but you take it anyways. it’d be a waste to let this opportunity by. your feet are clumsy and hardly functioning correctly thanks to your deep sleep beforehand. nearly tripping he sweeps you off your feet, holding you bridal style. “isn’t this just the absolute greatest way to wake up ?” he emphasizes, edging to your lips till you block his contact. “ i haven’t brushed my teeth toru.” you narrow your eyes. “me neither.” he lifts his brows multiple times to sell that horribly suggestive look. “gross.” you utter, dragging him to the bathroom. “you didn’t either !” — “don’t even.” he whined in retaliation, yet brushing his teeth obediently after your fair warning. “now ?” he waited patiently as you continued flossing. your muffled “no” left him hopeless. “now ?” he asked again and again and again and you were loosing it. “no-“ he began again only to be shut up by your lips. “yes.” you finished for him, his face stained a pink hue of surprise and fluster.
>> IWAIZUMI works out in the mornings, and by morning i mean 5:30 he’s up and ready for some sweat. afterwards he showers and changes—once he’s done he’ll saunter to your bedside table and place a cup of water there while squatting down to your height. “wakey wakey sleepyhead, i know your throats gonna be dry so sip some water.” he nudged at your frame, smoothing a stray hair behind your hair. “haji..” you choked out, earning a hum of affirmation. “that’s me. no other man’s allowed in this house besides your father and i y’know.” he stated matter-of-a-factly as if pointing out something even a toddler should know. “oh i know.” you answered sleepily, iwaizumi fitting the glass between your fingertips urging you to hydrate. he chuckled as he watched your head nod of slightly just sitting on the side of the bed, already falling back asleep. “i’m hungry….” you mumbled, his calloused hands coming to envelope yours. “i’ll lead you to the kitchen and make breakfast, just follow me.” he wrapped his arms around your back, breathing in your scent and all. his favorite part. you placed your feet on top of his, waddling awkwardly there with hazed eyes and broken chatter. “don’t worry, i’ve got you.” he eased, giving your hands a small squeeze.
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plagiarism, repost, and editing is prohibited
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aiiwa · 4 years
ushi gushi, tsumu and mattsun for the event 💖
ofc you send the harem’s husbandos ahskdkdld 💖
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FUCK - miya atsumu. i know i wrote car sex with iwa but like car sex with tsumu??? hmm, many thoughts.
of course you were keen for a night out with your girls; although you never really understood what your friends meant when they said you became more free, after a bit more than a few drinks. they had all sent side glances your way when you had all but pounced on atsumu when he came to pick you up. and looking at yourself right now, it made complete sense.
“mmm, ‘tsumu~” you moaned beside him, breasts exposed over the v-cut of your dress. “c-can’t wait anymore...p-please-!”
you had your back flat on the seat of atsumu’s passenger side, with your head against the side of the door, legs parted - one resting on the dashboard, with the other dangling off the edge of the centre console close to the backseat. as your fingers tweaked at a hardened, sensitive nipple, while your other hand rested between your thighs; fingers drenched in your slick, spreading your lips to expose your pussy to atsumu. slowly pulling up to an intersection, atsumu glanced over at you donned under the red glow of the traffic lights, and cursed at the lewd image of you so needy for him.
“fuck, suck on my fingers, princess.” he shoves two in your mouth, tongue swirling around them and sucking at them. when he pulls them back out, a silver string drawling from your panting mouth, he buries them knuckle deep in your aching pussy. “you’re so impatient, shit, and so fucking wet. don’t worry, baby, i’ll take good care of you.”
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MARRY - ushijima wakatoshi. i just want a man to buy me a cow...and ushi is gonna be that man lmao.
you were simply rambling to your husband when you had mentioned how you’ve always wanted a farm of your own. you had spent your childhood growing up in the city, so it shouldn’t have been too farfetched to want a house surrounded by flourishing lands of green, in a private piece of land just for you and your family. but wakatoshi had made that dream into a reality, as a wedding gift for the two of you.
so now after three years of marriage and living in your dream home - wakatoshi had texted you saying he had a surprise. you allowed him to blindfold you, help you slide on your gumboots, before he lead you outside into the grassy fields.
“are you ready, y/n?” he asked, broad chest pressed against your back. at your nod, he unravelled the tie covering your eyes. blinking, your vision clears and the sight before you has frozen, wide eyed.
“you bought me a baby cow?!” the cow was grazing the grass, munching away happily. when it’s head tilted upwards, long bangs brushing into its dark eyes, you couldn’t help but walk forward and run your fingers through its soft coat.
“yes, i bought you a calf. do you like her?”
“i love her, toshi...but why?” your husband seems confused by your question.
“well you’ve spent the last month showing me pictures of calves, explaining how cute they are, and how you would die for one. i don’t want you to die, so i took the liberty of purchasing her for you.”
it’s his matter-of-fact tone that fills you with the urge to kick him in the shin. but the overwhelming love you have for him, knowing he listens to you, has you careening towards his open arms for a smooch.
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KISS - matsukawa issei. i clown him sm in my iwa fics, it’s hard for me to lewd him as much anymore a ha ha.
if there was one person who loved lip gloss more than you, it was your boyfriend. and no, mattsun didn’t have the same obsession for collecting a range of glosses that varied in colour, size, glossiness. his obsession lied in whichever gloss you took to lathering on - and kissing it right off your soft lips.
you tried so hard to stop him from doing so, but he always found away. at first you had attempted to withhold from applying lip gloss around him, but the urge to apply a coat to your dry lips won out - mattsun had smirked. then you took to kissing him as much as possible, right before layering on some gloss - but he still stole more kisses from you, his own glossy lips grinning back once you realises this plan was feeding right into his desires. withholding kisses as a whole just lead to a pouty boyfriend, so now here you were trying to hide.
thinking you were safely hidden behind your door, you brought your pocket mirror up to your face, applying a thin sheen of your lip gloss. satisfied, you smack your lips, throwing the objects in your hand on your bed and reaching out to move the door - only to come face to face with mattsun.
“issei-” and just as quick he has a long arm wrapped around your waist, tugging you into his chest as the other grips your jaw while he leans down for a kiss. you always melt into him, and when he pulls away you only sigh. “everytime, but why?”
“i don’t know…” he murmurs against your lips, the cheeky look fading into something more sincere, “i guess i just like have your gloss on my lips. let’s everyone around know that it’s me that gets to kiss you.”
shaking your head and laughing under your breath, you sling your arms around his neck. “weirdo...c’mere.”
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FMK CLOSED - ask me any question about myself, my writing or chat about anything with me!!
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han-shinsuke · 3 years
• I wasn’t even looking when I found you •
s h o y o h i n a t a [ 🌹f l u f f ❤️ ]
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“...... he’s always energetic,” a blonde man emerged from his room. Natsu, Shoyo’s sister, stepped out with her brother’s teammate and friend, Atsumu Miya. A diffident smile crossed my lips when our eyes met. Still in the process of associating myself with these well-known athletes, I only managed to say ‘hi’ before stepping in to my boyfriend’s room. 𝑩𝒐𝒚𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅... I can’t believe I have one now. He’s been confined in his bed for almost three days due to over fatigue.
“Hi,” sometimes, I wanna knocked myself dead for being so mousy around him, my own boyfriend. Shoyo lowered the blanket to his chin, displaying his perfect smile. I sat on the edge of his bed, checking his temperature. He felt normal against my skin so I concluded he’s getting better. “I only pass by to give you some treats, Sho.”
I procured his faves pastries from the shop next town and decided to give these to him personally, “gotta go or I would miss the bus.” I sheepishly smiled again. His eyes were on my face. It was so intense that I had to shift my gaze anywhere.
“Could you spend a night with me?” this was the first time he asked me to stay so I had no idea how to respond to his request. “I won’t do anything to you... well, I’ll try not to.” Shoyo laughed at his own words.
I turned cherry red, not oblivious to what he meant. We kissed... thrice. Only open-mouthed kisses, alright! Seen him kissed his past girlfriends for real! No justification needed that he 𝒄𝒂𝒏 really kiss.
“Okay? Then, I ask Natsu for extra blankets and pillows because there’s no way you would let me sleep with you in your bed.”
Only his future wife could get to sleep beside him on the bed. Hinata household rule number one. I must abide.
Went out to get my sleeping necessities, changed to something comfortable then returned to set my boat of solace on the floor near his bed. He watched me get under the comforter. I grinned when he pouted his lips.
“What?” I asked.
“I should have put my mom and Natsu to their sleep first, ‘ya know, eradicating hindrances on my way under your clothes.”
“Shoyo!” maybe the side effect of the medication he'd taken. He smirked, running his tongue on his lower lip. “I love you,” what I always said to him when he’s this playful.
And this would be his reply, “let’s get messy, baby.” He’s very vocal of his manly needs but he would not force his way to me but could get pretty suggestive.
“Let’s do a bit of 𝒊𝒕, Sho,” he's always the first one to do the initiative. Once in a while, I must partake in this kind of fun. His brows furrowed when I kicked down the comforter below my feet and spread my arms for him. He stumbled getting off his bed to lunge at me.
He put a stop to my upcoming reminder by silencing me with a brief smooch. He went in again, brushing soft kisses on the corners of my mouth.
“Tell me if you don’t like it, ‘kay?” I nodded my head and held onto his shoulders as he pushed me down. When our lips touches, my eyes automatically shut closed and gave his mouth an easy way inside mine.
Shoyo kissed me slow and that made my heart increases its normal speed while his tongue moves softly against my own. I felt his strong arms rolling underneath my body to press more of his own onto mine and I still didn’t complain even though 𝒊𝒕 getting hard against my thighs.
“Sshho—” every time I tried voicing out my pleas, he would shut me up by tugging on my lips hard. Gasping, I have chosen not to interfere with his enjoyment. I let him kissed me how he wanted to. Sometimes hard, sometimes slow and gentle and sometimes he would get back to being rough and needy.
Also, he slipped his hands inside my shirt and bottoms, feeling everything. He’s in the middle of ripping me out from my clothes when his mother knocks on the door, opens it and throws a box of condom.
Yes, his mother thrown us those rubbers before pulling back the wood closed. I swore we heard his mom laugh and she even told Natsu that they would go shopping tomorrow for her future grandchildren.
“Let’s sleep, Sho!” caught in the most embarrassing moment, I pushed him off from my top and hid myself under the cover.
Shoyo couldn’t help but laughed as well. He kissed the back of my hand and said his goodnight before returning to his bed in his most sneaky way.
I fell asleep with him humming his favorite song in the background. His room is cold but his kisses were not. I can still feel those on my lips and on my neck.
I fell asleep with him in my mind.
And when I opened my eyes to the beauty of a new day, I found myself laying beside him in his bed, a hand warming my face.
“Good morning, wife.” Shoyo buoyantly kissed my cheek and boasted the ring around my finger. “I put it while you were asleep. I know you would say ‘yes’.”
“Because I never said ‘no’ to you.”
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