#mk original timeline
mikka-minns · 11 months
Im still not over the fact that Hanzo and Kuai held hands in armageddon
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Deadceptmageddon Incorrect Quotes #6
Kitana: Present your best argument for eating bacon.
Mileena: If animals don’t want to be eaten, then why are they made of food?
Noob: I scare people a lot because I walk very softly and they don't hear me enter rooms. So when they turn around, I'm just kind of there and their fear fuels me.
Sareena: Why is Smoke crying?
Frost: He saw a leaf on the sidewalk and-
Sareena: Please don’t say what I think you’re gonna say-
Sareena: NO, NOT THAT!
Kobra: Can we talk about that mass email you sent?
Kira: Why? It was important.
Kobra: All it says is, "I'm back on my shit".
Kabal, shrugging: The people need to know.
Raiden: You know what’s funny about Fujin? He's my best friend, and anyone who’d hurt him is someone I’d murder, probably.
*playing twister*
Nightwolf: Right hand red.
Ermac: *ends up on top of Kenshi*
Kenshi: You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?
Nightwolf: I stopped spinning like 15 minutes ago. Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't notice.
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muggle-born-princess · 10 months
"Hello. My name is Queen Sindel of Edenia. You killed my husband. Prepare to die!"
-Sindel when she sees Shao Kahn.
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alphagirl404 · 10 months
Undercover Shenanigans
*The group are heavily disguised as Shao Kahn's soldiers* Hanzo: Liu Kang, I'm starting to think that this is a really bad idea... Kuai Liang: Uh, I'm not Liu Kang. I'm Kuai. I thought you were Liu Kang? Hanzo: No, I'm Hanzo Liu Kang: You're Hanzo? Where's Kung Lao?! Hanzo: Who are you? Liu Kang: I'm Liu Kang! Johnny: Hehe, guess who I am you guys!
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redtailfins · 1 year
johnny cage is literally everything you could want in a pathetic guy character. he’s an a-list celebrity on his way to becoming washed up. in the old timeline he’s ambiguously divorced from an unknown ex wife and married(?) to a bad bitch named sonya BLADE. if my girl’s last name was blade i would change my last name so fast. in the new timeline he is loudly onscreen divorced in like the fourth cutscene and then starts a homoerotic relationship with a guy who broke into his house to reclaim an ancestral sword johnny bought for 3 million dollars. god takes him to train with monks and he doesn’t even make the tournament. when said guy gets blinded saving johnny’s life he uses a piece of his armour as a makeshift blindfold, leads him around like a guide dog, and gives back his ancestral sword while the yaoi leitmotif plays. he starts making psyop movies to get people used to the idea that other dimensions exist and credits god in all of them. all his fight intros involve him flipping the bird. one of his intro lines to kenshi is a silence of the lambs reference. he has an ass the size of two planets. his real name is john carlton
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cienie-isengardu · 10 months
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MK1!Tomas should pick better topic to talk about with original Bi-Han than the issue of dead father... both because Sub-Zero won't care and the Sub-Zero brothers backstory may hit too close to Tomas' own comfort.
Timeline mess AU:
MK1!Bi-Han meets cryomancer kid!Kuai Liang (+ one sad pyromancer adult Kuai Liang)
Kid MK1!Kuai Liang meets MK9!Smoke (+ one sad cryomancer adult Kuai Liang)
Old Lin Kuei meets the new Lin Kuei
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blue-blues-world · 11 months
the way that god liu kang probably knows how to use a fax machine but doesn’t know what social media is
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purpledusty · 6 months
I was washing my hair and thinking about how Scorpion's story with his family in the original timeline doesn't make a lot of sense (or it just wasn't written well, or i'm just a dumb blonde, who knows)
*I'm fully aware that the story was written while the games were being released and that some things may have been retconned but still...*
In the first Mortal Kombat (1992), Scorpion's arcade ending says that he left his wife and son behind and that even though he is the champion he cannot return to them, this sentence implies that they're still alive (at least i understand it that way)
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And both MK2 and UMK/MKT endings involve Scorpion and Kuai Liang, not bringing anything about the family:
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Then, we get in MK4, where Scorpion finds out from Quan Chi that his wife and son were killed by Kuai Liang, which causes them to fight at the end and when Kuai is defeated, Quan Chi reveals that he was the real killer.
Okay, in a narrative way this makes sense, Scorpion was killed and left his family but a few years later he was resurrected and had the chance to kill his killer but never got to see his family again, some time later he's tricked into believing that the man who he's protecting killed his family only to find out the truth at the last moment. Everything is perfect, it suggests that his family lived a long time, but Mortal Kombat Mythologies Sub-Zero exists and in that game we see how Scorpion died and we discover that the Shirai Ryu (along with Scorpion's family) were killed by Quan Chi a request from the Lin Kuei at the same time, so Scorpion was unaware of this to still believe that his wife was alive but this scene happens:
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Bi-Han and Hanzo meet in the Netherrealm, Hanzo doesn't seem to be angry that he was murdered, but rather that his family and clan died...
Huh? First, how does he know this? Quan Chi showed him what happened or something???? Second, if he knows that it was Bi-Han (at least in his view) who killed his family then how the fuck years later does he believe it was Kuai Liang????? Did he forget about it? Did Quan Chi do something and mess with his head?? WHAT HAPPEN????
Both Mythologies and MK4 were released in the same year just a week or two apart, but there's this discrepancy between them when it's about Scorpion that really confuses me (or i can just blame it on my hair color again for not understand)
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allycot · 1 year
(no spoilers)
well, I’ve seen the leaks. anyway, I didn’t expect anything great or incredible from them. but some things made me just think, like, “you get a cool idea, you have potential, but as always, you decided to ruin it.”
and also.
tower endings do not exist for me.
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assassinnovice · 1 year
Chapter 15: Strong in Spirit
Disclaimer: I do not own Mortal Kombat, those rights belong to The Netherrealm Studio
Arriving at the scene of the powering tornado, Nightwolf and Luna shield their eyes at the winds, standing next to Sub-zero. "Go! Your soul is not safe!" Nightwolf warns him.
"But Ming...!" he shouts, looking over at the Persefoni as she chants her spell. "Don't worry, we'll keep her safe. Go!" Luna shouts at him.
Sub-zero looks at the two before him, he nods and quickly retreats from the rising soulnado.
Quan Chi grins as he looks at the two, "Earthrealm's fate is sealed, Nightwolf!" he calls out to them, Luna shoots a look over at Ming, her arms slowly raising as she is almost done.
"If we distract him, it may give Ming a chance to stop the soulnado," she whispers, he nods and they both look back at Quan Chi. "Not yet! We fight until the end!" he calls out and both take their stance.
Quan Chi pulls away from the spell and fires flaming skulls at them, they both jump out of the way. Luna charges forward, heading right for Quan Chi, she leaps at him, swinging her claws at him.
He barely misses as her claws scrap at his skin. He staggers back for a moment, only for Nightwolf to throw a tomahawk at him, it nails right into his shoulder.
Luna arches her back, digging her claws into the ground, charges forward, and jumps onto Quan Chi's back, digging her claws into his back. Making him cry out.
She leans in close, growling right into his ear, "I know what you did, Quan Chi. I know the truth." she snarls. He struggles in her grip.
Nightwolf sees his chance and charges forward, "How could you possibly know?" Quan Chi questions her, she flicks her eyes at Nightwolf as he charges.
She grins, "Your scent is not so easily forgotten." she whispers, then steps off his back, dragging his claws down his back, making him cry out as he staggers forward.
Nightwolf twists and slams his foot right into Quan Chi's chest. He staggers for a moment, then tries to charge his magic, Luna charges past and slashes her claws at his leg.
He cries out again, as he falls to a knee, Luna then stands over him, gripping the back of his head and repeatedly slamming her fist into her face.
Then pulls her hand back, gripping his harness, and forces him to his feet. Her eyes glowed golden as she glared at the sorcerer in front of her, blood trickling down his chin.
All the rage inside her said to rip him to shreds but she pulled away from those thoughts and swung him at Nightwolf, who caught him but the throat and slammed his shoulder right into him.
Luna slams her foot into his back and sends him right back at Nightwolf, who dodges, but summons his tomahawks and impales them into his back as Quan Chi cries out, staggering for a moment.
And slams his foot into the sorcerer's back as he skids forward, on the ground, knocked right out. The two lower their stance "Your time is over." Nightwolf declares to him
Luna looks over and flicks her eyes at Ming, her spell hand begins as the wind spirals around her. They looked at the soulnado dying down.
"It's working!" she calls out, but Nightwolf sees Saibot stand to his feet and charges at Ming. "Luna!" he calls out, she looks back and sees Saibot.
"Aw hell no!" she shouts, then pulls off her spear and thrusts it through the air. Ming completely concentrated on her spell as the spear flew right past her, brushing a lock of her hair as the blade pieces right into Saibot's shoulder.
He was knocked right off his feet and hit the ground, allowing the two to hurry as they stood protectively in front of Ming.
Saibot breaks off the body of the spear, allowing himself to stand and rip the head of the spear out, and glares at the two, throwing the spearhead at the ground.
"Keep him off Ming, the spell nearing completion," Luna informs him, Nightwolf looks at her and nods. Saibot charges at them and thrusts his fist.
Only for them to block and counter his attacks, pushing him away from Ming. The souls of the dead seep and pass through Ming's body, her power grows as the whirlwind that spirals around her grows more powerful than the soulnado, pulling the captured souls free as the color green fades into an innocent white.
Luna was kicked to the ground, she growls, looking up at Saibot, As he looms over her, he reels his fist back, going to finish her. But Nightwolf catches his arm and throws him right off her.
Saibot stumbles for a moment and looks at Nightwolf, who takes his stance and charges at him. Luna propped herself up but felt something brush at her hand. She looked and saw it was her spearhead as a soul pushed it towards her.
She nods at the soul and takes hold of the spearhead on the ground, standing to her feet, and marches towards the fight.
Nightwolf dodges Saibot's punches, keeping his wits about him as he throws out a kick. Saibot jumps back evading the kick, only to feel a cold blade pierce right into his side.
He cries out and looks over his shoulder, seeing Luna standing right behind him, she rips her blade from his side twirls around him, and slits his throat.
He staggers for a moment, gripping his throat. Luna then side-steps out of the way as Nightwolf came charging forward and slams his foot into Saibot, throwing him back as he was sucked into the Soulnado.
But step back and watch as he was pulled higher and higher from the ground. The very magic that created the soulnado turns pitch black as the souls inside were a white glow.
Both cast their eyes at Ming as she chants her spell louder, pulling her arms in close.
Luna looks around and sees the sorcerer summon a portal and begin to escape, "Quan Chi!" she cries out, going to chase him, but Nightwolf catches her arm, stopping her. "I will find you! No matter where you run, I will hunt you down to the end of the realms!" she declares as the Sorcerer is gone.
"Forget him, we have a bigger issue!" Nightwolf shouts, both looking back at the black soulnado as the souls were moving at a fate rate. "That's not good," Luna spoke.
"Get behind me!" Nightwolf shouts, and she does so as he pulls up a shield.
The souls collect close to her body and with a loud bellow, she thrust her arms out, the souls burst from her body as the soulnado burst. The two hunters braced themselves from the powerful wave that burst.
Everything was thrown, pulled apart by the blast of souls that burst from the wave. Nightwolf's barrier was broken as he was thrown back.
Luna quickly kneels to the ground, stabbing her blade into the dirt, and keeps herself ground as the wave presses at her, trying to throw her along with Nightwolf., but once the powerful burst calms and the souls begin to scatter to the winds, Luna raises her head and looks out as the desolated graveyard as nothing was left in its wake.
Luna shoots a look over at Nightwolf, who lies on the ground, retrieving her spearhead, she places it in her belt and shuffles to him. "Nightwolf, nightwolf!" Shaking his arm, he groans for a moment and flutters his eyes. "You all right?" she asks, pulling him to his feet.
He looks around at the graveyard and exhales, "Pilamaya." he says with a bowed head. Luna exhales as she shook her head, "Damn, that was one powerful spell." she mutters.
But realization hits both of them as they look over at Ming, seeing the souls hover and float close, Her hair is white as snow and her very eyes seep darkness into them, She staggers in her stance, feeling drained from performing a powerful spell, her hair and eyes began to fade to their original colors as she takes a step.
She shakes her head as she presses her hand to her temple. Luna sprints towards her, using her super speed, and catches Ming before she can fall to the ground. Nightwolf ran over and stood next to them.
"Are you all right?" Luna asks, Ming blinks for a moment, the backness seeps away from her eyes as she exhales. "Dizzy... but all right," she answers. "That spell must have taken much out of you," Nightwolf spoke.
Ming nods her head, resting it in the crook of Luna's shoulder, "Only the most powerful of the Persefoni can use this spell." she mutters, fluttering her eyes for a moment.
Luna looks up at Nightwolf, "Let's retreat to base and inform the others." she states, Nightwolf nods at her as she picks up Ming and holds her in her arms.
"Are you sure you can carry her?" he asks, Luna just smirks at her, "I'm stronger than I look," she assures him, he grins, bowing his head to her and they turn away, leaving the cemetery behind them.
The others were gathered at the altar, discussing the next form of attack "But how do we know? Raiden could be having visions of possible futures, not the future." Soyna points out.
"Sonya's right. Was I supposed to have my arms replaced with these? Or was it caused by interfering with the timeline?" Jaks spoke, backing her. "Interfere or not, Jackson Briggs. The loss of your arms was meant to happen. The problem being is that how your arms were gone has been a concern." Marina spoke up.
Jaks lowers his arms and sighs, "My head hurts just thinking about it." Johnny spoke as if it was all confusing. "This isn't helpful. We cannot second-guess our decisions." Kitana spoke, silencing the debate.
Then she looks to the thunder God, "Raiden, what are your thoughts?" she asks, but the thunder God is too preoccupied with his thoughts to even hear them.
Marina frowns at him, seeing the worry and doubt on his mind and she places her hand on his shoulder. He blinks for a moment and looks at the others as they look at him. "Yes, that is best," he answers.
Marina pulls her hand away and sighs, seeing he is still caught up in his visions. "Raiden's future self gave him these visions. In warning. Some we were able to stave off and some did not go as planned." she spoke.
The others looked to her, "But what we do know is this; Shao Kahn is attempting to come to Earth, merging it with Outworld in the hopes of ruling us. The rules of Mortal Kombat are the only thing keeping him from doing so." she informs them. "So, what you're saying is, Shao Kahn is trying to find a loophole that allows him to merge Earthrealm with Outworld, without breaking the rules," Johnny spoke up.
Marina looks at him and nods, "What is our next objective?" Sub-zero asks her, "Nightwolf, Luna!" Stryker calls out, everyone pulls away from the conversation as they look back at the two approaching warriors.
The cyborg notices Ming as her arm is held over Luna's shoulder as the hunter helps her walk. "Ming!" he calls out, heading over to them. "Nightwolf, Luna. What is the status of the Soulnado?" Marina asks them.
"It is done. Earthrealm's souls are safe." Nightwolf answers her, Marina smiles and bows her head to them. Sub-zero pulls Ming away from Luna and helps her walk the rest of the way. "Thank you," Sub-zero said to the hunter, who smiled and bowed her head.
Raiden pulls his amulet from his chest and looks out at the cracks, hoping they will heal themselves.
The cracks worsen, on the verge of breaking.
This takes the thunder God by surprise, "No! How is it not enough?!" he questions, slamming his hand onto the altar. Marina looked over and saw the new cracks that formed in the amulet as everyone was quiet and looking at the thunder god.
"I must speak with the Elder Gods. Shao Kahn's violation must be punished," he informs them. Marina just looks at him in shock."But the battle is joined here, in Earthrealm!" Liu Kang spoke up, "We cannot win without the Elder Gods." Raiden spoke as he placed the amulet back. "They won't help us, Raiden. The Elder Gods couldn't care less about us, let alone stop Shao Kahn's invasion." She tries to reason with him.
But he looked at her and gently took hold of her arm, "We must try." he tells her, Marina just frowns at him, wanting to say more, but saw he was determined to say his peace.
She sighs and nods her head, "But master--" Liu Kang tries to argue, "Liu Kang... Close as a shadow..." Johnny informs him. Marina sighs as she turns her head. "Nightwolf, you will lead until we return," Raiden informs him.
Nightwolf nods at him, "As you wish, Haokah." he answers, Raiden places his hand on Liu Kang's shoulder as Marina places hers on his. The Thunder God raises his arm high into the air and they vanish in a flash of light.
Ming exhales as she pulls her arm from Sub-zero's shoulder. "Are you all right?" he asks her, she presses her hand to her temple. "I'm okay. It was just a lot," she answers.
He nods, keeping his hand on her shoulder, "Well, now what?" standing here won't do us any good." Stryker informs them, but then Sub-zero sensors go off, alerting him. "Wait!" he spoke, moved his hand out, and looked out at the church around him.
"The Lin Kuei! They surround us!" he warns them, and right on cue, the cyber Lin Kuei appears around them. Luna reaches for her blade. "So much for standing around..." Stryker spoke up.
"Attack!" Nightwolf calls out and everyone charges forward and fights the invading Lin Kuei.
Nightwolf fought off Cyrax, having his swings blocked and immediately struck in the face, Nightwolf stumbles back for a moment, but catches himself and looks back at his opponent.
Both circle one another. "My speed and skill are beyond you." Cyrax declares lunges forward. But Nightwolf moved fast as he swung his tomahawk and slammed his shoulder into Cyrax, throwing him to the ground.
Cyrax pulls himself to his feet, but Nightwolf moves fast again, swinging his blades at the Cyborg and lunges forward, slamming his shoulder into the Cyborg again.
The cyborg was thrown to the ground again, but the Cyborg pulled himself to his feet and swung his fist, nailing Nightwolf in the face, He used his blades and swung at him, grazing Nightwolf's shoulder, The hunter stumbles back for a moment.
But he catches himself, reading his fist as Cyrax leaps at him, nailing him in the face again as he falls to the ground. Nightwolf pulls himself up, only to get caught in a Cybernet, he struggles in the bindings, luckily he breaks free at the late moment and summons thunder.
Striking Cyrax, Nightwolf charges forward, swinging his summoned weapons, and forces Cyrax to step back. Nightwolf continues to fight back against the Cyborg, keeping his wits about and his feet quick and light.
He swings his arm, forcing Cyrax to spin, Nightwolf summons his blades and slams them right into Cyvrax's back, cracking the shoulder blades.
The tomahawks vanish and he slams his foot right into Cyrax's back, cracking his back and making him fly forward. Sliding to the ground, Cyrax came to a stop, but he still forced himself to stand to his feet.
But as soon as he turns, Nightwolf comes flying towards him and slams his foot right into his face and Cyrax falls back onto the ground, done from the fight.
Nightwolf lowers his arms and frowns at the cyborg, "Mere speed and skill will not win this war, Cyrax." he declares to him.
Then looks out at the others fighting the Cyber Lin Kuei, They were holding their own, but Smoke and Ming were barely managing. Smoke became slow and weak from the fighting as his opponent was still a full strength. "You are weak, Smoke," Sektor spoke and slammed his palm into his chest, causing a blast to hit him and he went flying back, right off the stairs.
Ming staggers back for a moment, holding up her guard as her opponent is unrelenting. Nightwolf looks around and sees Luna swiping Lin Kuei's feet out from under them, then stabs her spearhead in the throat of the cyborg, causing it to shortcircuit "Luna!" he calls out.
She shoots a look over her shoulder, "Help Ming!" he calls out, She looks over at the Persefoni that was struggling as she was backed into a pillar.
She rips her blade right across the throat, severing the head from the body, and charges towards the Persefoni and her opponent.
"Do you now understand? The power of the Grand master's vision?" Sektor spoke as he loomed over him.
But Nightwolf summons a tomahawk and flung it at the cyborg, nailing him right into his chest, taking him by surprise and Setkor looks at him and stands ready.
"You are no match for the power of the Spirits," he informs him, marching forward, but Setkor leaps over, evading Nightwolf's punch. But the hunter summons his tomahawk and twists back, slicing at the cyborg.
Cutting through the metal. Setkor staggers for a moment and vanishes into a flicker of light, appearing behind the hunter, and slams his foot right into his back.
Setkor charges after him, only to be caught off guard as Nightwolf stops himself, catches Setkor's arm, and slams his knee right into his stomach plating, but he holds tightly onto Setkor's arm, reeling his arm back and slams his fist right into Setkor's chest plating.
The cyborg went flying, and Nightwolf gave chase, summoning both tomahawks, leaping after him, and slamming the blade right into his arm.
Setkor slams onto the ground, sliding back, but he reels his leg in close, pressing his foot into him right off. Nightwolf hits the ground but quickly pulls himself back to his feet.
Setkor flips back onto his and turns to the hunter, he fires his thrusters at him, sparking the flames, Nightwolf dodges the flames and slides towards him, shooting back to his feet as he grips Setkor's arm in the process.
But Setkor blocks his punches and slams his fist right into Nightwolf's stomach, taking him off guard and Stekor pulls his wrist free and slams it into Nightwolf's face. Cracking the bones he went flying back.
Nightwolf stumbles back onto the ground and lays there for a moment. Luna pulls her blade free from the cyborg that is attacking Ming.
The Persefoni exhaled, holding her side as she slid down the altar, The two shared a look, but Ming's sight was cast over Luna's shoulder. "Stekor..." she mutters.
Luna looks behind her, seeing Nightwolf propping himself up and Sektor stepping towards him with his blade shooting from his wrist. Snarling like an animal, Luna pulled her blade free, tossed it into the air caught the tip of the blade, and flung it at Setkor.
Right as he goes to finish Nightwolf, who pulls himself to his knee, he is caught off guard by a sudden weapon that is lodged in between his shoulder and arm.
He looks over at the blade and at the woman who flung the blade. Still, in a flinging position, Luna pants as she glares at the cyborg. "I'll flair you alive!" Sektor snarls.
But this gives Nightwolf enough time to collect himself stand to his feet and swing his fist, nailing Sektor right in the side of his face visor.
Sektor staggers for a moment as he turns away, Nightwolf notices the blade lodged between the shoulder and the arm. He steps forward, takes hold of the blade, and rips it out.
Sektor staggers again, gripping his arm, and looks back at the hunter that stood before him. "I am your opponent," he spoke, the blade twirled into a ready position.
The cyborg snarls as he stands ready, Sektor just charges at him, swinging his fists at him, but thanks to the blade in his hand, he blocks each attack.
Slamming his foot into his chest, Sektor stumbles back for a moment, seeing Nightwolf charge at him and thrust the blade right into Sektor's plating.
The cyborg staggers for a moment, slamming his elbow right under Sektor's chin, stunning his sensors, and staggering as he turns away, placing the blade away, he summons both of his tomahawks and slams them right into between the shoulder and arms, breaking the metal.
His weapons vanish then slams his foot right into Setkor's back, breaking the bones that remain inside.
Flying forward, Sektor hits the ground and is out from the impact, Nightwolf lowers his arms as he looks down at the cyborg before him. "Perhaps even you can be saved," he spoke.
One by one, the others make quick work of the cyber Lin Keui as they were now the only ones left standing. Ming exhales for a moment as she leans back against the altar.
Taking a moment to breath. Then a hand was presented to her and she looked up, seeing Luna tower over her with her hand offered. "You all right?" she asks.
Ming exhales and takes her hand as Luna pulls her back to her feet. "I'll live," she answers, leaning back against the altar. Nightwolf steps towards them and offers Luna her blade. "I thank you, my tribe sister," he spoke.
Luna smiles at him and takes her blade back. Kabal stood over Sub-zero as he was hacking his way into the Cyber Lin Kuei mainframe. Ming exhales as she pulls off the altar and looks at the dead bodies around them.
"How did the Lin Kuei find us so quickly?" she questions, stepping over one of the cyborgs. Smoke catches her arm and pulls her along. "Anything is possible," he informs her.
Luna went to throw out a rhetorical remark, but the hairs on the back of her neck stood still as she turned her head, catching an unusual smell.
Nightwolf turns to Kitana as she turns her head, sensing... something was off. "What is it?" he asks her, she doesn't answer but continues to look around, slowly recognizing the presence she was sensing.
"Mother..." she spoke, then a loud, ear-spitting scream, causing everyone to quickly cover their ears and stagger for a moment, Sub-zero creates an ice wall and blocks the sound from hitting them.
A few remained on their feet and looked at the only opponent that approached them.
It was Sindel, the former queen of Endeina and wife of Shao Kahn, "Come forward if you dare. I will finish what the Lin Kuei could not." she challenged them.
The Earthrealm fighters stood ready for the former queen that was risen from the dead. "Let's do this," Jak spoke as Nightwolf glared at the queen.
Luna snarls and charges toward, throwing her fist at the queen, Sindel dodges them, catching her arm, and slams her knee twice into her gut, Ming charges forward and swings at her, but Sindel catches her arm and headbutts her.
Powerful with a reach swing, almost fracturing her skull, she notices Luna's spearhead that was tucked in her belt. She twitch Ming's arm, almost breaking it and slams her fight into her back, making her stagger forward.
Sindel catches Luna's blade, slamming her foot right into her gut as she staggers away. Ming turns back and thrusts her foot out, but Sindel catches her foot, piercing her leg.
She cried out and was slashed at her collarbone and arm. The queen slams her first right into Ming and she goes flying back. "Ming!" Sub-zero calls out as she smacks into a pillar and hits the ground.
Her wounds keep her grounded, Sindel then turns to Luna, who charges back at her, swinging her arms in a motion, only for the queen to block her attack.
She blocks Luna's arms and stabs her right in the side of her gut. Luna gasps loudly, feeling the carved stone dig deep with each thrust, the queen's sick and twisted smile in her hallow eyes.
Sindel lets Luna go, the tribe wolf staggers back, holding her hand at her wound, and is kicked right into the chest, feeling her bones crack at the impact.
"Luna!" Nightwolf calls out, they all watch as she goes flying back, smacking into the pillar, feeling her spine almost impact at the hit, and falls to the ground.
The impact alone was enough to stun her, feeling her half-conscious, The fighters looked down at the two women as they were wounded and stunned.
Nightwolf glares at the queen, who laughs sadistically. "Attack!" he orders and they all charge in.
Nightwolf summons a tomahawk, only for Sindel to block his attack and throw powerful punches at him.
She dodges Johnny's swings, catches one arm slams her fist right into his face, and throws him to the ground.
The queen twists and slams her foot right into Kabal's face, knocking him to the ground, and slams her heel right into his chest. Killing him instantly.
She just laughs and looks at the charging cop, ducking from Stryker's swing and slamming her foot right into his knee. He cries out, falling to both knees, but she takes his face and slams her fist right into his face, killing him.
She lets the dead Stryker go and turns her attention to the rogue Lin Kuei, blocking his attacks and swinging at him.
Ming groans as she pushes herself up and looks at the others as they are fighting Sindel. Seeing Sub-zero get taken out by the queen. "Kaui Liang!!" she screams for him, seeing the sparking circuits from his person as he hits the ground.
Sindel blocks the colonel's metal arms, catching hold of them, and slams her heel into his throat. Killing him on contact.
She shoves him away and catches one of Smoke's legs and slams her right in between his. He drops to his knees with groans and Sindel catches hold of his neck and strangles him, snapping his neck.
She drops the dead Lin Kuei and slams her foot right into Sonya's face, knocking her right off her feet.
Jade catches at her, but Sindel catches her arm and slams her fist right into her face.
Kitana came charging in, but her mother dodged her attack and caught her by her throat, slammed her foot right into Jade's face, and shoved her daughter away.
She turns back to Jade, who was coughing from the attack but couldn't collect herself in time as Sindel lodges her fist right into her chest, making the young warrior gasp in shock.
Sindel rips out her heart, dropping Jade to the ground, she tosses the heart away and blocks her daughter's attacks.
She throws her powerful ones and knocks her daughter to the ground.
Slowly propping herself up, Sindel stood over her daughter who looked at her with pleading eyes. But Sindel was heartless to them, gripping her daughter's wrist, forcing her to her feet, and slamming her fist repeatably into her face.
Ming forcibly drags herself to the destroyed rogue Lin Kuei and looks down at him, horror sets in as she covers her mouth.
Sindel was completely ruthless with her daughter, kicking her right in the face, and sending her back to the ground, defeated, bruised, and bloodied.
Groaning in pain, Kitana rolls onto her front and forces herself to sit up. She looked at the woman before her, ready to kill her. "Mother, please!" she begs.
"I am no longer your mother." Sindel declares to her. "Mother, this is not your way. Shao Kahn has corrupted you!" Kitana tries to reason with her.
"Shao Kahn has resurrected me! You have betrayed him. Embraced a pathetic cause." she informs her, tears form in Kitana's bloodied eyes. "Remember Edenia, mother. Remember your rule before Shao Kahn's invasion!" she pleads to her mother, begging her to remember her life before.
But Sindel held her hand out, "Quiet, child. It is time for you to join your friends." she spoke and moved her other arm out, A magic orb radiated in her palm as Kitana stared at it with fear.
Then slowly her soul was being drawn into the orb, and she cried out, having no strength to fight her or pull back, Sindel did nothing but smile at this.
But one fighter remained as he limps towards them, "Mother!" Nightwolf calls out, dispelling her magic, Sindel turns to him as the magic around Kitana vanishes and she falls to the ground.
"Still alive? No matter." the queen spoke, Nightwolf shot a look over at Kitana and glared at the queen before him. "Soon you will reunite with your ancestors." she declares and takes her stance.
Nightwolf charges at her, swinging his arms at the queen. Sindel dodges each once. She swung her powerful fist at him, knocking him back.
He hits the ground but quickly collects himself flips back onto his feet, and summons his weapons. Sindel charges at him, and swings her fists, only to be blocked and Nightwolf slams his blade right into her ribcage.
Making her gasp out in shock as the blade vanishes and he slams his knee right into her wound, making her stagger back for a moment. And Nightwolf slams his fist right under her chin.
Knocking her off her feet. She smacks onto the ground but quickly rolls out of the way as Nightwolf slams his foot down, breaking the concrete.
She pulls back onto her feet and glares at the hunter who takes his stance, She was strong. Powerful. Each swing caused a painful ache. But Nightwolf pushed through his pain.
Summoning his weapons to fight back against the resurrected queen of Outworld. Trying to stay on his feet.
He tries to keep moving, trying to keep on his toes, but the power Shao Kahn gives his queen is overwhelming him at the moment, Nightwolf has the blessing of the spirits to give him strength.
He overcomes Sindel's skill and knocks her to the ground. "Now Sindel, face the judgment of the spirits." he declares. But she stood to her feet and just laughed.
Chanting in his native tongue, light radiated from his body, Sindel stood ready as he fired the power right at him.
Ming didn't even care as she gathered her lover in her arms, gently cupping his face, "Kaui Liang..." she muttered, the power flicking at his visor momentarily, slowly reaching for her. "Ming..." he mutters.
But the power begins to fail as his entire being shut down, the power dies as his hand drops to his side. Ming just sat, stunned as she just watched her lover die.
Soyna flutters her eyes and slowly turns her head, looking up at the ceiling of the church. "Raiden... Raiden, where are you?"
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mikka-minns · 1 year
Kuai: well, uh, see you around!
Hanzo: yeah, uh, maybe we would uh-...
*Kuai leaves*
Hanzo: this is hopeless
Kenshi: dont worry, he likes your buzz and fancy hair. I know. I read his mind. Never again.
Hanzo: *touches his hair* he thinks its fancy?
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Deadceptmageddon Incorrect Quotes #3
Kabal: Protip is you do not feel good about yourself after eating tomato sauce on iceberg lettuce.
Kobra: What's wrong with you??
Kabal: I literally JUST said I ate tomato sauce on iceberg lettuce?? Pay attention.
Kira: No, he means other than that.
Kabal: Ohhhhhh.
Kabal: I haven't slept in 4 days.
Kung Lao: If you put 'violently' in front of anything to describe your action, it becomes funnier.
Kung Lao: Violently practices.
Sub-Zero: Violently studies.
Johnny Cage: Violently sleeps.
Liu Kang: Violently shoots pictures.
Jax: Violently boxes.
Kitana: Violently murders people.
Johnny Cage: Violently worries about the previous statement.
Nightwolf: I’ve never smoked marijuana. I ate a brownie once at a party. It was intense. It was kind of indescribable. I felt like I was floating. Turns out there was no pot in the brownie. It was just an insanely good brownie.
Frost, watching Sub-Zero and Smoke from afar: Two Bros, Chillin in a hot tub. Five feet apart because they think they’re not gay, BUT THEY REALLY ARE-
Kenshi: I am so cool. I am an absolute Chad. I am the epitome of coolness and awesomeness—
Ermac: Hi.
Kenshi: *melts down in a flustered heap of softness*
*at 3am*
Kai: *runs into Kung Lao’s room and turns on the light* Wake up sleepyhead!
Kung Lao: *wakes up* Dude!
Kai: *cackles*
Liu Kang: *sits up from where he was sleeping behind Kung Lao* What the fuck, Kai?
Kai: *jaw drops* Wait WHAT-
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scorpiun · 1 year
kuai liang was super cool in mk1 as a character but he wasnt a cool scorpion and thats my take
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theemissuniverse · 11 months
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SUMMARY : what the title says. You’re an Earthrealm warrior.
A/N : not gonna lie I’m having writers block so take this lmao
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Shang Tsung : Your beauty holds no bounds
(Y/N) : Your ego holds no bounds
(Y/N) : Do Outworlders speak English? I am not interested
Shang Tsung : And yet you’re here…why?
Shang Tsung : Liu Kang cannot give you a what I can give you
(Y/N) : You do know you’re competing against a literal fire God right?
Shang Tsung : Leave that pathetic God and join me
(Y/N) : You literally got deceived by your titan double. I’m good
Shang Tsung : You are far too beautiful to be with a man like Liu Kang
(Y/N) : And my mouth is producing far too much vomit
Shang Tsung : If you don’t become my queen - you will become my enemy
(Y/N) : I already AM your enemy
(Y/N) : If I didn’t want you in the last timeline- what makes you believe I’ll want you in this one?
Shang Tsung : I can be very persuasive
(Y/N) : Of all the people that could be obsessed with me - it had to be a miserable sorcerer
Shang Tsung : You will fall for my advances eventually
(Y/N) : Stay the hell away from Liu Kang
Shang Tsung : I will. Once you join me
Shang Tsung : You were so close for falling for me in the original timeline
(Y/N) : Don’t remind me of how idiotic I used to be
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(Y/N) : I don’t think I can take much more of that sorcerers flirting
Liu Kang : I will put an end to it, my love
(Y/N) : So I fall for you in every timeline?
Liu Kang : It just means we are destined to be together
Liu Kang : You are the only woman made for me
(Y/N) : You always know how to make my heart race
(Y/N) : Come on. It’d be new and exciting
Liu Kang : While Temperature play sounds intriguing, I do not want to hurt you
(Y/N) : Shang Tsung seems to think he can have me
Liu Kang : *chuckles* I am the least bit worried of that sorcerer
Liu Kang : You are my one and only, (Y/N)
(Y/N) : As to you, Liu Kang
Liu Kang : Are you ready for your training?
(Y/N) : If it ends up with you on top of me then yeah
Liu Kang : I wish to treat you as my Goddess
(Y/N) : You sure know how to turn a woman on
Liu Kang : Shang Tsung’s flirting has grown drastically eye clawing
(Y/N) : You say that as if he’s been flirting with you. I’m the real victim
(Y/N) : Is it getting hot in here or is it just me?
Liu Kang : Your puns are both cute and insufferable
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Shang Tsung : (Y/N) will fall for me eventually
Liu Kang : You are fooling yourself if you believe she would ever want you
Liu Kang : Stay away from, (Y/N)
Shang Tsung : You and I both know that deep down she craves for my darkness
Shang Tsung : I almost had her in the original timeline
Liu Kang : Only because of certain events that had taken its place
Shang Tsung : You call me the villain but you specifically crafted this timeline to make (Y/N) fall in love with you
Liu Kang : I am not capable of that kind of power nor evil. (Y/N) fell in love with me by her own free will as she has done through out other timelines
Shang Tsung : If you want her so bad, why have (Y/N) meet me?
Liu Kang : It was bound to have happen and as I have done every timeline, I gave (Y/N) the choice whether she wanted to be consumed by your greed and darkness
Liu Kang : (Y/N) does not want to be with you, sorcerer
Shang Tsung : If she doesn’t then why does she always end up back to me?
Shang Tsung : (Y/N) will fall for my power eventually
Liu Kang : That very statement proves you do not know her as (Y/N) is not attracted to power and greed
Shang Tsung : If I win, you’ll let me have (Y/N)
Liu Kang : (Y/N) is not a prize to be won
Shang Tsung : Together, me and (Y/N) can rule all realms
Liu Kang : Im sure (Y/N) would be interested in the man that got deceived by his own double
Shang Tsung : I could treat (Y/N) better than you
Liu Kang : Better? You tried to kill her in the original timeline
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i-am-a-fan · 1 year
So remember in the episode “The first Ring” from season 3 where Mei and Redson bump into each other and share a vision of Mei getting the samadhi fire? Okay, well something's been bugging me. (Here's the full image btw. )
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First off please appreciate how beautiful the artwork is because damn. Second, what does it mean? While the different color fires could be an homage to how the Samadhi Fire was first created, we would need to see the 5 elements, not the 3 fireballs we see in the photo. (pg. 575)
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Therefore, I'm going to assume this is more foreshadowing, since the LMK team is amazing at planting seeds that will only grow within future seasons. (ex. Macaque's relationship with Wukong, the lady bone demon, Mk's nature, etc etc.)
So... I'm going to dissect the hell out of this frame.
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The main focus is someone in the center taking in the power of the 3 fireballs. Their form isn't clearly defined, but we can tell it's most likely someone with the standard Lego build: Mk, Mei, Redson, PIF, Tang, etc. I always assumed this was Mei, but I feel like if it was they would have shown it. The next frame shows us Mei with the fire (and once again look at the artwork's beauty.) I have more thoughts on this, but I'll circle back.
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Next up we have the balls of fire. I saw somewhere that these might represent the traffic light trio. Although Redson has mostly been sidelined, I like the sound of that theory, so I am going to piggy back off of it.
Mei would obviously be the green color, MK seems to be the yellow fireball, but then that leaves a blue flame. Yet, not one of the traffic light trio has their signature color as blue. The only character that comes to mind is Sandy/ Mo, but he doesn't have the standard Lego build.
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Of course, this can be Redson, since the original samadhi fire was blue. However, at no point do I remember that Redson has had any teal/ blue markings. In her flashback, Redson is shown with dark red and black, the same as Mei when she eventually gains the fire.
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Maybe they character isn’t teal yet..
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Ring a bell????
That's right, the blue/teal might actually end up being Mk. Thus, giving each character a flame. (Redson = Red/yellow, Mei = Green, and Mk = Teal)
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Doing some color drops, you can see that these colors are very similar, but they aren't exactly the same. That being said, they’re close enough that it raises alarm bells in my mind.
Now, circling back to the main image and the person at its center. I think we might see Mk gain the Samadhi fire next. In the image, there is a red background, green under the person's feet, and blue fire emerging from the person's back.
Personally, I think it might be the framing of a timeline using background, middle ground, and foreground. The red background would be Redson, the person who (in this universe) was born with the fire and created it as a whole. Next up would be Mei, who gains the fire in season 3, but seems to lose it at the end of the fight with the lady bone demon. So, that only leaves the future...
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A future that I am personally hoping for...
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Edit: I fixed some grammatical errors. Sorry y’all, dyslexia never rests.
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