#mlqc headcanons and imagines
46inpm · 2 months
MLQC Housemates Party
Hello I’m back after… awhile but been wanting to do housemates headcannons
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PLEASE DRINK RESPONSIBLY🙏 as they may not lol
Victor - Red, Lucien - Purple, Kiro - Orange, Gavin - Blue, Shaw - Green, MC (You) - Pink
I'm changing MC to where she has a good alcohol tolerance and is a bit of a party girl herself
Okay now onto the actual headcanon
They do parties from casual get togethers to formal events to drinking like they’re in college
Rating: Mature
Casual Get Togethers
Just a few friends and co-workers for holidays, casual birthdays, and regular cookouts
Victor is normally the cook for this with the help of Gavin
Gavin is such a grill type of man
They’ll cook as friends are coming over with a movie playing
In the summer they have pool parties
Lucien would be in charge of taking photos of Kiro in his swim trunks to post online for later, gotta feed the fans
When they have a get together in the house there will be a few drinking games
Truth or Drink goes crazy because I know for sure none of the housemates except for MC will answer really personal questions
"Body count?" "Craziest drunken experience?" "Have you ever had a wet dream about MC?"
After that truth or drink wasn't allowed to be played anymore in the future
If it's just the housemates sitting around doing games then they'll be slightly more open
At the end when friends leaves, MC falls asleep on the couch with one cuddling her and the others continuing their conversation
“I’m telling you there’s a raccoon going through our trash.”
“We either call animal control or get rid of it ourselves.”
“Hey, you guys leave Chunky King Bob alone!”
“Great he’s named it…”
Formal Events
They have a whole mansion that's big enough to do an actual formal event
Victor and Kiro are normally the host as it’s kinda required for their reputation
Honestly, both wouldn't do them if they didn't feel obligated for work
Victor, Lucien, Kiro, and MC are the planning committee
Sorry Gavin doesn't have the imagination for this and Shaw is lazy
They'll hold meetings in Victor's office or in the dining room
Most of the time it's a black-tie event but a few times it's themed
The entire house goes on a cleaning rampage the days before
Victor punishes anyone who slacks off by making them wash the dirty garbage cans outside
Really Shaw’s punishment most of the time
Also I know Victor is going to be some animal in heat seeing you all dolled out
Just seeing the jewelry set he bought you decorating your neck and ears is doing something to this poor man
As you're getting ready before the guests start showing, he comes in your room to "check on things" but will just watch you get dress
Slow makeout session happens and when someone knocks, he'll leave pretending like he really was checking on things
"MC have you see my blue tie? Huh, Victor what're you doing?"
"Checking to make sure MC did her tasks."
You're just standing there flushed
Be prepared to be starstruck by the number of celebrities you'll see for Kiro's big birthday event
Lucien and Gavin will sneak you out of there to get alone time separately
"It's stuffy in here."
"Let's go get some fresh air."
You'll be out with them for a while having personal conversations that both of you lose track of time
Their eyes staring so lovingly into yours, never breaking eye contact, hands holding yours or rubbing your sides
More slow makeout sessions and boy do they want to keep going for the rest of the party
Like the Bachelorette when they have the one one-on-one convos
If Kiro or Victor find out they'll be the most grumpy toward you, imagine a pet that's giving you the silent treatment for not feeding them a third time
"While I had to have meaningless conversations with everyone, I wanted to be with you. Seems you didn't care."
Give the pouty idol your undivided attention for the next couple of hours and he'll immediately forgive you but good luck on Victor
To the housemates, it's a genuine mystery on where Shaw goes in the middle of the event
They'll see him but a second later he's gone missing for the next couple of hours
“Where’s Shaw?”
“I thought he was with you…”
“I thought he was with Gavin.”
“You need me? Did everyone leave already?”
“What the-”
“It’s been three hours.”
Normally all of you won't go partying together, even if someone invites the housemates out, only a few will go
Gavin, Kiro, and Shaw are always out with you having a blast
I don't ever see Victor or Lucien coming out for these
High levels of socializing and drinking just aren't them and they'll barely talk to each other while everyone's gone
Gavin is the DD (designated driver) and sober dad
Think of the meme with the dad having his children on the backpack leashes going in the opposite direction, that's him but with 3 adults
Kiro will be dancing with you, or drunk rants to someone while Shaw is doing beer pong
Shaw loves being by your side and his hand wrapped around rested on your hip
As much as Gavin and Shaw don't get along, Gavin always checks on Shaw and steps in the way if some drunks try to pick a fight
Back to the house, you're drunk along with Kiro, jumping practically off the walls
Victor and Lucien trying to get yall to drink water
You'll sing praises to everyone about Gavin taking care of everyone
When you're lying in bed, Shaw will sneak in to sleep with you
"Feeling lonely?"
"No, knowing you, you'll wake up hungover. Going to need someone to hold back your hair when you're yaking."
He'll never say the real reason to just cuddle
The only times all housemates go out to party and drink is the rare clubbing occasions
Normally high end clubs
Everyone dressed in their clubbing/partying outfits
The boys will wear nice button ups or plain t-shirts with pants that will go along while you wear a backless top and miniskirt
In the club they’ll reserve a table…for the Li family? so they can immediately sit down and start drinking
We all know Lucien says he’s a good drinker but he’s really not as he doesn’t space out his shots
You’re not helping as it’s shot o’clock every 30 minutes with you
“For going out! For finishing the week! For housemates bonding!”
“Okay, I think that’s enough. Also, Lucien you don’t have to keep taking the shots.”
“Haha, I’m fine.”
Takes a lot of pleading from all of you to have Gavin and Victor drink up (sober dads on break)
From there on things ramp up!!!
Everyone loosens up a lot and have the funniest conversations
Talking about inside jokes to personal stories
Later on the dance floor you’ll be grinding on one of them then the next and making out
The types of drunks: Lucien - possessive drunk, Kiro - happy drunk, Shaw - funny drunk, Victor - horny drunk, Gavin - crying drunk
Lucien’s Ares side come out a lot more that he just wants to be in your embrace and no one touches you
Takes a while for you to calm him down and let the others be near you
“Why did you let him kiss you?”
“Lucien, you also did too. It wouldn’t be fair to the others. Let’s all have fun.”
Kiro is the type to legit constantly compliment anyone and give some motivation speech as if they’re about to jump off a cliff
“Youu’re soo handsome and kind b-but I feel you don’t even know it.”
Shaw’s jokes are so perfectly timed with his expressions that everyone’s sides hurt from laughing, funny how he’s so calm when he says it
“I’m one drink closer to getting a tramp stamp.”
Victor isn’t a big fan on PDA but now he wants you to give him a lap dance mid club and says the dirtiest stuff
Even Lucien and Victor are at war while drunk
“You love the feeling of rubbing yourself against me.”
Poor Gavin has so much regret that he starts pouring out normally to Kiro about wishing he did things differently
“When I left I should have had-had more courage to tell her what I felt but I did not-I didn’t.”
“I get what you’re feeling! Trust me ev-everything has been working out. Like you’re here with Miss Chips getting wasted!!”
Ride share dropping all of you back home still drunk but trying to sober up, everyone is seriously tripping over themselves, laughing controllably
Trying to drink water and devour leftovers
After awhile everyone decides except Victor to sleep in his room because he has the biggest and comfiest bed
As everyone is falling asleep curled up to MC or snuggled in the comforter they knock out
21 notes · View notes
mlqcanonymous · 4 years
hi can i ask a scenario when tbe boys find out that their s/o was once abandoned at the altar on her wedding day? thanks
I remembered this was the first person who asked me if I accepted requests/asks 😂 Well, you got what you asked for! I wrote this in the middle of taking the exam lol So, if it sucks, blame it on rhe exams haha! PS. Some of the boys aren’t married to MC yet so I hope that’s okay with you!
For the past few days after Victor’s proposal and your lame response (“Can I think about it first?”), Victor noticed you’ve been acting a bit odd.
To him, it seemed like you were no longer sure how to act around him. He noticed how you pause whenever you were in the same room as him, how your words were more hesitant and how your movements were more withdrawn.
You’ve been together for four years already and living together for nearly a year. To see you act so differently just felt so wrong for him.
Was it because of the proposal? Victor thought one afternoon in his office. He didn’t see anything wrong with his proposal and he already told you that he’d wait for your answer as long as it took.
So, what was wrong? What changed? What was different now?
Could it be that you no longer loved him?
It just struck Victor then that maybe the reason why you asked for more time was because you were thinking about how to break up with him.
And honestly, for someone like Victor who was always sure of his actions and who never hesitated on his words, he didn’t know what to do if that were the case.
Victor already took away your right to decide once (back then with the whole bodyguards business thing) and he couldn’t imagine taking it away when you stressed it enough how important it was for you.
Taking it away again would be so despicable and undeserving of you that if it ever came to a point where you decided to leave him, he would undoubtedly let you go no matter how much it was killing him in the process.
Thinking about it not only made his head hurt, but also made him unable to properly breathe due to the pressure mounting on his chest.
Preoccupied by the thoughts running in his head, Victor didn’t even notice when you came in his office until you spoke his name.
He snapped out of his thoughts and upon seeing you, blurted out the first thing that came to his head, “Are you leaving me?”
“Wait, what?” You asked, caught off guard by his abrupt question. “No! What? Victor, I’m not leaving you. What made you think that?”
Victor, at first, didn’t want to admit the reason why, but when you looked at him with such a worried expression like that, he went on to explain what he observed, what it meant, and the conclusions it formulated. He did all of this reluctantly, as if admitting it aloud would also be admitting a weakness.
You listened to all of his points, and once he was finished, you berated yourself for putting him in a such uncomfortable position that most likely caused the ever unbreakable and untouchable Victor to feel doubtful. It was something that almost never happened so you could imagine how discomfited he was.
“Oh, I’m sorry I made you think that way, Victor,” you said, regret coating every cadence of your voice. Then you hesitated.
You honestly didn’t know how to proceed and what to say next, afraid that what you would reveal next would cause Victor to doubt you. But you hid the truth for a very long time and that was no longer an option if the consequence would be ruining your relationship with him forever.
You sat down across him and finally decided to reveal the truth. “The reason why I’ve been so strange lately is because... I admit, it’s because of your proposal, but it’s not what you think!” You rushed out before he could form a remark. You fidgeted in your seat, finding it unable to meet his gaze, and forced yourself to proceed. “You see, back when I was in university, I had a relationship with someone. It was a serious one, the kind that led to an engagement.”
Victor’s facial expression didn’t change but inside, he was surprised and a bit cautious as he listened to what you were revealing to him. He didn’t know that you had a relationship before and he certainly didn’t know that you had gotten engaged to someone else. 
"My dad didn’t exactly approve of my relationship with him. He thought that he wasn’t good enough for me, I guess. But I loved him and wanted to stay with him. So, for the first time in my life, I disobeyed my dad and my ex and I got together. We made our relationship a secret from everyone else; no one knew aside from us. At first, it was thrilling. We were young and happy and in love, and I though that being with him was simply the best time of my life."
"But then, later, things changed. We got into more fights and arguments about our relationship and coming clean to my dad. It got worse and worse as months passed by, and for some reason, he thought that the solution was to get married-- in secret. It didn’t sit well with me, but I truly thought that I loved him that when he proposed on my graduation day, I said yes."
You paused, jaw clenching as memory after memory bombarded your mind. The memory wasn’t as painful as before, but it would still affect you somehow until to this very day. Maybe because those memories didn’t get the closure that it deserved, or maybe because you were sharing these awful memories to the love of your life and you couldn’t imagine someone having the same kind of burden you have.
“But, on the day of the wedding... he didn’t show up.”
There, you finally said it. There was absolutely no going back after this.
“He stood me up and I never knew the reason why,” you added, emotions welling up inside of you.
“The reason why I’m acting weird is because I’m scared, alright?” It was like a dam broke and all of your worries and fears poured out of you without anything to stop it or hold it back. “For a long time, I wondered why he left me. He left me without an explanation or a proper goodbye, and for a long time, I thought it was my fault. I thought that something was wrong with me and that’s why he stood me up. When he left, it absolutely broke me. And... And I can’t imagine what would happen to me if you leave me, too. He might have broken me, but I can’t even think about the devastation that I would feel if that would happened again.”
Because you loved Victor with all of your heart, with more feelings than you could possibly imagine. You never thought you would feel the same way again after what happened, but Victor made you feel that way more deeply than before. It was Victor and it would always be Victor for you.
You hang your head, ashamed at yourself and the past you tried desperately to hide, because you couldn’t admit aloud to someone else how you felt like a failure before.
But then you felt Victor’s strong arms around you, embracing you with all of his warmth, and you fell into his chest, listening to the comforting sound of his heartbeat. And everything was okay in the world because he was there and he was still holding you like you were the most precious thing he had ever held before, and there couldn’t be anything more precious than you.
“I’m sorry.” His soft breath caressed your ear as his gentle voice filled the air. “I’m sorry I made you relive those memories. It wasn’t my intention to hurt you like this, and I’m so, so sorry. Don't ever think that you're not worth it or you're not good enough, because beloeve me, you are. I want nothing more than to go back to the past and stop what happened to you because you don't deserve that. Please, stop being ashamed when you did nothing wrong. You just happened to love a wrong person and that's not your fault. You shouldn't blame yourself for the mistakes that others made, especially towards you. But, at the same time, I’m happy.”
He pulled away slightly to peer into your eyes and you knew that there was nothing more beautiful aside from the sight of his purple eyes. “I’m happy because if he showed up and you married him, I would never get to hold you like this. I would never get to love you like this and I would never be this happy without you in my life. That’s why you don’t have to be scared about me leaving you, dummy. Because, for me, even imagining a life without you is torture. I can handle losing everything I have in life and I would sacrifice everything that I do have in order to have you so don’t ever forget that.”
You grinned at him, unable to hide the relief in your eyes at his words and unable to deny the warmth that spread throughout your whole body because of his sincerity. You were no longer afraid as long as he was by your side. “That might be one of the nicest things you ever said to me,” You couldn’t help but tease him as you brought up a hand to cup his face.
He chuckled and rested his forehead against yours. “Don’t get used to it.”
“I don’t know.” You smirked cheekily. “Maybe I will once we get married.”
“Wait, what?”
It was a fine Saturday day and you and your husband, Gavin, were in the mall, picking out furniture for your brand new house. You two had just gotten married and, just last week, had moved into a new house where you planned to spend the rest of your lives together.
Needless to say, it was a fun experience and a bit reminiscent of your furniture date years ago, back when you two were just getting reacquainted for the first time in a very long time.
That’s why you absolutely didn’t expect for this day to be the day when you finally bumped into your ex-fiancé after he had left you at the altar years before.
At first, you didn’t notice that it was him. It was such a long time ago, and those memories were buried deeply in your head that it was almost as if it never existed. So, when you two met again, it was quite a shock.
You were rendered speechless and, by the way he was staring at you, it seemed that he felt the same thing.
“MC?” He asked, disbelief coloring his tone of voice. “Wow... I can’t believe it’s you.”
“Oh,” you said, blinking out of your daze. “Oh, wow, hi. I— wow...”
This was an incredibly awkward experience. You two seemed unable to comprehend the situation in front of you, like it was a surreal moment that even the wildest of your imaginations couldn’t come up with. You couldn’t say anything to him and, worse yet, you couldn’t even move your feet to walk away.
You didn’t love him anymore. Love wasn’t anywhere near close to what you felt for him now. But it was undeniable how there was so many things left unsaid between the two of you, that it created some sort of tension around you.
So, you didn’t know whether to feel thankful, relieved, or feel apprehension when Gavin showed up at that moment.
Gavin’s eyebrows rose seeing the two of you together, and after casting a suspicious look at your ex, he turned to you, ignoring the other man completely.
“Where have you been? I thought I lost you. You do know that the living room set is that way,” he said, chuckling softly as he slipped an arm over your shoulder.
You tensed for some reason before glancing at your ex watching you with your new husband. You felt the sudden need to explain, to introduce Gavin to him, to finally let go of the past that continued to taunt and mock you until Gavin came into your life and made it better. It didn’t matter if you never got closure; it mattered that you were now happy with your new life with someone else who loved you fiercely.
“Gavin?” You addressed your husband before gesturing to your ex. “Uhm, this was my ex-fiancé. And, this is Gavin, my husband.”
Gavin was unable to hide the surprise from his face when you introduced him to your ex.
Probably because you never mentioned a certain ex-fiancé to him before, you thought sheepishly. Your painful past wasn’t something that you advertised and with Gavin now a part of your life, it just seemed so irrelevant compared to what you have now with Gavin.
Gavin immediately covered his surprise with a neutral expression as he shook hands with your ex.
“So, you’re already married. Wow,” said your ex in disbelief. He opened his mouth to say something but then hesitated a moment, before he tried again. “Uhm, I hope you two have a happy life together. Best of luck to the both of you.”
Before you could say about anything else, your ex turned on his heel and left, his shoulders slumped and his steps long but slow. You and Gavin watched him walk away and you couldn’t help but feel sort of sorry for him, although you didn’t know why.
You didn’t know what kind of life he led after he left you. You didn’t even know if he regretted what he did. But it happened; and that was something that wouldn’t change. It was painful, of course, but you learned from the pain and in result, you came out stronger and happier than ever.
“So, care to tell me what happened with him?” Gavin’s question broke you out of your thoughts. He sounded a bit too casual for your liking. “I didn’t know you almost got married to someone else.”
Your lips tipped up in a small smile as you reached out a hand to his. “That was a long time ago, back before I never thought I’d meet you again. I didn’t tell you before because it wasn’t something I liked to discuss and over time, it wasn’t important enough to discuss considering what happened.”
“He was your ex-fiancé,” Gavin emphasized, like it mattered. Which, it did on some accounts. He might be a little upset about the fact that you never spoke of it or even mentioned it in passing.
“Yes, my ex-fiancé,” you said then proceeded breezily, “who left me at the altar on our wedding day.”
One second. A two. Then Gavin let out a loud, “What?!” There was fire in his golden eyes as he clenched his jaw, outraged at the treatment you received many years ago. “He... left you like that?”
You nodded your head. In contrast to him, you looked perfectly calm and rational while he looked seconds away from snapping his sanity in order to hunt your ex down. If you knew anything about Gavin, it was that he would absolutely find your ex and beat the shit out of him.
He was protective like that, but as a dutiful wife, you couldn’t let that happen. For one thing, Gavin was a cop and for another, you didn’t want to spend the rest of your married life with a husband locked behind bars.
To calm him down, you leaned closer to his side and wrapped your arms around his trim waist, knowing that your presence would soothe the blazing anger inside of him. 
And slowly, it worked. His tensed shoulders relaxed, his taut posture loosened, and he even brought a hand up to pat your head. It was sweet in a way, and almost scary knowing the kind of effect that you had on him.
“You’re sexy when you get angry,” you said, smiling to his shoulder.
“I’m always sexy,” he retorted as the both of you headed towards the living room set, with you leading him away from the direction where your ex disappeared into.
“You don’t have to be angry on my behalf,” you told him, looking up at his handsome profile. “It happened a long time ago. He was the first guy who showed interest in me and made me feel loved, in a way. Plus, my dad liked him so it just made him more attractive to me, I guess?”
“I don’t think I like the sound of you talking about someone you’re attracted with,” Gavin grumbled, frowning.
You laughed. Of course this was the time when he’d get jealous. “Obviously, I’ve moved on,” you assured him. “I guess what hurts the most isn’t the fact that he left me or that he didn’t give me a reason why, but the fact that he disappointed my dad. They were really close, almost like father and son, and when he didn’t show up, it broke my dad’s heart which made the memories more painful. But now, I’m happy with my life with you. Yes, it hurt, and I don’t think I deserved it, but all the pain that I’ve felt that time was worth it when I met you.”
He didn’t say anything. He just looked at you intently, as though he was memorizing every inch of your face. Then, he smiled. A small, barely noticeable smile, but it was a smile nonetheless and a beautiful one at that.
“It sucks to be him,” Gavin said, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly. “I got to be with you while he’s likely regretting what he did. His loss, my gain. Funny how life works.”
Yes, funny how life works out for the better.
Gavin cleared his throat, rubbed the back of his neck, and didn't meet your eyes. "Ever wonder what your dad would think about us?"
You beamed at him. "Honestly, I have no idea what my dad would think. But I have no doubt that wherever my dad is, he's happy now knowing that I'm with someone who would never intentionally hurt me and who tries his best to show me that I'm loved every single day."
Gavin ducked his head, a smirk on his lips as a spark of happiness flashed in his amber eyes. And you two went on your way, the revelation merely a speck of dust in your lives. Inconvenient, but easily ignored.
The past never truly mattered when you two had a future to look forward to.
The wife of a popular and well-loved idol was something that you were still getting used to. Even though you two are almost a year into your marriage, there were still days when you were caught off guard by how easy but passionate your relationship was with Kiro.
It didn’t matter that you still received death threats from die hard fans of Kiro or that every once in a while, an article or two would pop out to falsely claim that you and Kiro were having a divorce, or you were having an affair, and other unsavory things such as that.
The two of you were still as strong as ever. So strong in fact, that it was starting to worry you a little. You never knew when the other shoe would drop and hit your head, waking you up to a reality where everything you loved and held dear weren’t yours to begin with.
And the other shoe did drop.
The day it happened was a completely normal day for you. As usual, Kiro was busy promoting his new single while you were busy preparing a new show for your company. You were actually planning to visit Kiro that afternoon since your dear husband forgot his lunch because of how busy and preoccupied he was.
But a news spread throughout the internet while you were driving to the studio, and this news just so happen to have your name in it. You didn’t know about the news and.you especially didn't notice the way people stared at you after walking into the building where Kiro worked. You also didn’t hear your phone ringing -- all calls coming from Anna, Willow, Kiki, Savin, and Kiro -- because you put it on silent mode. You absolutely had no idea what was going on by the time you reached the studio.
When Kiro saw you though, he immediately pulled you aside to the dressing room, away from prying eyes, which immensely confused you.
“Kiro, honey? What’s wrong?” You asked, watching with a puzzled expression as he locked the door.
“Didn’t you get my messages and calls?” Kiro asked, turning to face you, looking worried for some reason.
You shook your head no. “No, I was driving. You know how I always turn my phone off when I drive. Why? What happened?”
“So, you have no idea about the article about you?” Before you could ask what he meant, Kiro pulled out his phone and showed you a news article that featured you--and the long forgotten past you all but forgot until that day.
You paused as you stared at the headline -- something about you being Kiro’s wife and almost getting married before and other things that the public should never had privy to because it was a complete invasion of privacy -- and then looked at Kiro’s face, his baby blue eyes earnest as he waited for your reaction.
“I... I can explain,” you started to say and you watched as he blinked his eyes in surprise before he dropped his arm to the side.
“So, it’s true?” He asked, eyes serious which looked so different from the playful Kiro that you fell in love with. “All of it? You were really engaged to someone else before?”
You slowly nodded your head, fear snaking its way to your spine as you waited for the inevitable explosion that was about to occur. “It happened a couple of years ago,” you told him like it could solve everything. “He was older than me for at least ten years, I think. I was young and stupid, and I was... I was immediately enamored with this person that I completely forgot who I was. I was only twenty that time and I didn’t know any better."
You bit your lower lip, preventing yourself from openly breaking down in front of your husband, as your nails dug into the skin of your palms. "I didn’t know... that he was already married to someone else, and that he had a child. I didn’t know about any of it until the day I was going to get married to him. He didn’t show up on our wedding day, but just gave me a sorry ass letter telling me the whole truth."
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before. I didn’t tell you -- not because I thought you didn’t deserve it -- but because it was too hard to say it aloud. I was so stupid and-- and--”
No words were needed to be said as Kiro pulled you into his arms, shushing you softly. It just broke you, being in his arms when you felt like you didn't deserve it. You trembled as your hands clenched and unclenched into fists, wanting nothing more than to wrap your arms around him. But you stopped yourself because you were afraid he would find your touch disgusting.
"Stop," he said, whispering the words to your ear so soft that you closed your eyes and dropped your forehead against his shoulder. "Stop before I start to feel angry. Well"--he sighed, his warm breath brushing against your ear--"I'm already angry to be honest, but I don't want you to think that I'm angry at you."
"You're not?" The question that slipped past your open lips was timid and meek.
"I'm not angry at you, no," he assured you while rubbing tiny circles over your back, still holding you tightly in his arms. "I'm disappointed that you didn't tell me, but I get it. That past was painful and shameful for you. I would’ve been willing to wait for you to tell me but this thing happened and I’m so sorry you’re being watchedand judged like this because of me.”
“It’s not your fault, Kiro,” you told him, brushing his blond locks at the back of his head with the tips of your fingers, finally finding the courage to touch and hold him.
"I'm just..." Kiro struggled for a moment before he eventually continued, "I’m more angry about the fact that someone hurt you before when I’m trying so hard, every single minute of every day, to make you feel beautiful and appreciated because you truly are."
At his words, there was clearly no other choice but to hold him just as he held you before. You tightened your arms around him, unable to believe your luck that after you’ve been hurt in the past, you’re now in the arms of the man who treasured you more than anything else in the world. You didn’t know what kind of good karma you managed to collect in your past lives to receive such a blessing in the form of an angel with baby blue eyes and golden blond hair. Whatever good luck it was, you resolved to make even more luck just to have him again in your next life.
He let out a sigh as he dropped a kiss on top of your head. "I don’t know," he murmured, "but I have the urge to find the man and ask why he did that to you. Maybe I might even beat him up."
You burst out a laugh. “You can’t beat people up and you don’t want to.” The last thing anyone needed right now was for someone to charge Kiro with assault.
“I do want to beat someone up now,” he said with all the seriousness of a kid. “And I can very well do that to someone, I just choose not to.”
“No fighting,” you said, shaking your head. You honestly didn’t know how you got into this topic of conversation.
“Fine,” he pouted and stared at you intently. “Are you okay?”
Your breath hitched at the intensity of his eyes and the silent promise in his voice. The kind of promise that spoke of the fact that he would do whatever it took to take care of you and love you. That voice resembled that time when he was speaking his vows to you, on your wedding day.
And you smiled, the past no longer there to burden you. Rather, it was there to open a new path of life in the hands of a man who cherished you. “I am, now,” you answered.
Later, at home, a new article spread throughout Loveland City.
“What happened with my wife before was in the past,” said Kiro in the article, addressing the issue of the damning gossip about you and your ex-fiancé. “She was young and in love then, and many people make a lot of less than ideal decisions when they’re young and in love, right? But that was the past and this is now. Trying to bring the past up now when we’re married and happy with each other is wrong; defining my wife because of what happened to her in the past is wrong; trying to ruin a perfectly great relationship is wrong. I know what happened to her before is not something that I would wish on anyone else.”
“To be honest, the issue that you’ve spread should’ve been addressed within our family by ourselves, as husband and wife, in the privacy of our home. It’s not something that you should be exploiting or gossiping about. That’s why I’m asking, not as your idol, but as a husband who loves his wife very much, to please stop the previous article from spreading. My wife is the most beautiful, kindest woman that I know, and she doesn’t deserve this. That’s all, thank you.”
But truly, the rest of the world didn’t matter, as long as Kiro looked at you just like that.
He looked at himself in the mirror and was caught off guard at the change that the tux brought out in him. Today was his wedding day--something that he never expected to happen to him, but was made come true when you agreed to marry him when he proposed out on a whim.
So, here he was now, preparing for his wedding day, and taking a quick break to watch himself in the mirror. This moment, right here, felt so surreal for him. He often wondered if this was real, and it wasn't some kind of fantasy that his mind had conjured out of madness.
He fixed his crooked tie. It wouldn't be the first time he'd been delirious with the thought of you in his mind.
A knock on the door startled him out of his thoughts and when the door opened, he was surprised to see you standing in the doorway, wearing nothing but a thick, fluffy bathrobe. Your hair was already styled into a low chignon and your face was made up with beautiful makeup. Beautiful didn't even come close to the image you presented to his vison.
The only thing marring the image was the agitated creases across your forehead and the frown upon your coral tinted lips.
"What's wrong?" He asked, heading towards you and cupping your head with gentle, elegant hands. "Is something the matter?"
He felt your jaw clenching beneath his palms. You brought a hand up to grasp his wrist. With a hesitant voice, you said, "Can I talk to you for a second?"
Lucien held his breath before nodding his acquiescence. You led him to a white loveseat and you both sat at the same time, neither talking. For you, you were silent because you were trying your best to formulate some kind of coherent thought. For him, he was silent because he was bracing for the worst.
You breathed in a lungful of air before angling your body towards him. "The reason why I wanted to talk to you... is because I haven't been truthful to you."
His eyebrows rose in shock but he kept his mouth shut, not wanting to interrupt a rather poignant confession coming from you.
"I wanted to tell you the truth for a long time now but... but whenever I get a chance to tell you, I always get discourage and I end up not telling you in the end. But I don't want to hide the truth any longer. Now that we're getting married in a few hours, I know that I can't marry you while also lying to you at the same time. So, here I am now, finally..."
Your heart pounded hard against your chest as you began pouring out the memories and thoughts running your mind for at least a few months now. But you proceeded, even if it caused you pain as you ripped open old wounds that, to be honest, never truly healed properly.
"A long time ago, before I even met you, I got into a relationship with someone else. We were each other's first loves, and it wasn't long before he and I got engaged. I was still in university that time, so it was a long engagement where we planned to get married after graduation. And we did--plan a wedding, I mean. It was a beautiful one, too. I remembered how excited we were to get married and spend the rest of our lives together. We were just so ready to start a family that we didn't even talk or think about anything else. It just felt.. it felt so pefect, you know? Like we were on top of the world and nothing can go wrong."
Lucien felt a lump in his throat and it took everything in his power to open his mouth and ask, "What happened?"
A forlorn smile spread across your face. "Well, it turns out nothing is perfect after all and everything can go wrong in just a split second. On the day of our wedding, he... he, uh, didn't show up. I waited for him. I waited for a long time but there was no sign of him. It wasn't until a few hours later when we got a call and... and it turns out that he got into an accident." A shudder wracked through your body as your mind went back to a dark time in your life. "He was already dead by the time the wedding started and I never even knew that he was no longer with me."
This was one of the hardest thing you'd ever done but you still plowed through, knowing that you had to do this. "I thought, for a few hours while I was waiting for him at the altar, that he changed his mind, that he got cold feet and decided that he didn't want to marry me anymore. When I found out that he died, I wished that he got cold feet instead. It was better when I thought that he changed his mind, than to find out that he died when he was about to marry me. It took a long while for me to recover and it's still painful to think about it."
"That's why I didn't tell you until now because..." you gazed at him with your sorrowful eyes, you hands reaching out to hold his. "Because I don't want the same thing to happen to you. I don't want to lose you the same way I lost him."
"Oh, silly girl," Lucien breathed out softly as he brushed your cheek using the back of his hand. "To lose someone so young, it's very painful indeed." He thought of his parents and how it still pained him to this day to think about what could've been. He understood why you didn't tell him before, and why you struggle telling him now. "I wish with my entire being that you hadn't experienced that kind of suffering, but it happened and as much as I wish to change it, it can't be changed. I'm sorry that I hadn't known you were in that kind of pain."
"No, please don't say sorry. It isn't your fault. Bevause, honestly, when I'm with you, I'm happy," you told him, smiling a bit through teary eyes. "Everyday got a little easier knowing that I have you and I'm not alone anymore. Everyday I had something to look forward to aside from making shows. That's why I'm so thankful that I have you. I can't deny that it doesn't hurt because it still does. I think it will always hurt, but unlike before, it's a bearable kind of hurt now."
"I'm happy that I've made you happy," he said, grateful beyond all that he'd given you the same measure of happiness that you'd given him. "And you're right. It will always hurt but sometimes pain can be good too. It reminds you to hold on to the things that bring you peace."
He squeezed your hands gently, his eyes soft. "Just like how I hold on to you. Now, let's get married."
He never really believed that he'd be a sentimental person, but as he gazed into your eyes, speaking his vows to cherish you forever, a new vow echoed in his head.
I swear that I will take care of her just as you likely had before, he promised towards the unknown man who had loved you previously. She will never feel unloved or unwanted when she's with me. She will never have a reason to doubt me or us. As long as it's in my power, I will do whatever it takes to make her happy. She will not regret choosing me to love her.
And when you gazed at him with beaming eyes, those new vows were sealed.
That's all! Thank you for reading!
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Yandere Gavin
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Gavin is an overprotective and stalker type of yandere.
He always wants to know where you are and make sure you stay safe.
(And it's very easy to him)
Gavin would really love you a lot.
He doesn't want to lose you.
And because of that, he thinks it’s perfectly ok to lock you in his house and block your exit.
(He says it's not kidnapping just protection)
By the way, this only happens after you have started a relationship.
He thinks his job is to protect you.
And Gavin hopes you understand that.
Otherwise, he is a very sweet and caring boyfriend.
He will give you lots of gifts and hugs if you behave well.
But if you try to escape or object, Gavin will have to punish you.
He really doesn’t enjoy it.
Gavin’s punishments are always painful.
He really hates hurting you a lot but he wouldn’t stand it if you tried to run away and get seriously injured.
The world is a dangerous place and Gavin just wants to keep you safe.
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tartagilicious · 4 years
why their relationships thrive
 gavin | victor | lucien | kiro | shaw ♥︎
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gavin bai: he’s likely one of the most supportive people you’ll ever meet, but what sets him apart in a relationship is the way he creates these pillars of support. having known you for a long time, he may know your favourite food or song in passing, and will absolutely use broader things like that to his advantage when he can — but it’s the smaller things that tie it together. he’s able to notice that you’re in a bad mood from a single word, or maybe just from the way you walk. He’ll remember small details about you that even you’ve forgotten about or have disregarded, and use them to build you back up from wherever you’d let yourself fall. not even the smallest things will get past him.
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victor li: from the moment you met, it was hurdles and hurdles of development towards the ultimate goal, and once you’re there, he has no intention of letting it go. Victor’s personality is extremely strong, and those that he trusts enough to share it with are in for the long-run: he’s sure of it. He’s extremely loyal and reliable — not in the way you’d describe a servant, but more in the way of a solid companion. He’ll never think about turning his back on you and will always be there to help should you ever need it. one of his strong-suits is also understanding all sides of an issue, and never following anyone blindly. Victor is often the level head you need in life. 
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lucien xu: lucien may not have the cleanest track record when it comes to lies, but there’s one thing that you know he’ll never be able to fake — and it’s the way he loves. there’s a distinct difference between his frosty smile and genuine grin, just as there is in the way he treats you. Lucien loves so passionately and so purely, that when you look into his eyes it feels like you’re on top of the world. you feel so appreciated when you’re with him, and overall, it provides such a healthy romance dynamic that carries over even in the smallest of actions.
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kiro zhou: he loves selflessly. while balancing his helios and kiro personas is indeed possible, it’s not exactly realistic. however, he finds his way to be with you no matter the person he is, because that’s the type of person he is — someone who will always be there for you in the times it matters, and who will without fail do whatever it takes to keep your connection alive. Your relationship changes him for the better, and all of his projected innocence comes out in the way he treats you. he’ll always try making time for you, and in his own ways, remind you that he’s happy to be yours.
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shaw bai: when you’re with him, you feel like you’re living in a grungy teen romance novel, and you couldn’t be happier with it. everything about being with shaw gives you a healthy thrill, from when you’re skateboarding together all the way down to the times you watch him perform with his band. Shaw is someone that will show you the time of your life because he wants you to see the world with your own eyes, all within the safety of his shadow, of course. he’ll always be there to help you out of any dangerous situations, no matter if he says otherwise. at the very least, a relationship with him constantly reminds you that you aren’t wasting your life by sitting around. 
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beneathashadytree · 4 years
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Warnings : slightly suggestive in some parts (nothing descriptive), this is not proofread, reader is gender neutral!
Genre : you WILL get tooth decay from this much fluff, a bit of hurt/comfort if you look closely
Word count : 7.2K words
Additional notes : This is the A-Z fluff headcanons thingie, but since Tumblr has a paragraph limit (grrr), I was forced to split it into two parts. This is part one, from letters A to M.
Click here to read part 2
Requests : Are open! Check the rules over here.
Want to support me financially? Here’s my CashApp!
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
• Victor is, naturally, a very busy man. When one pile of paperwork is all signed and set to be delivered, it's Goldman who's frantically escorting him to the latest meeting with the board members. Once that nightmare's over, there's barely enough time to buy a plane ticket for that one business meeting he'd scoffed at but knew was necessary to attend, before he has to personally oversee his employees' weekly performance as his perfectionism demands him to do.
• That being said, Victor is far from being an all-work-no-play lover. In fact, the one thing he absolutely adores more than anything is unwinding with his s/o doing whatever comes to mind.
• For him, his go-to activity for date night is often a classy outing at only the best restaurants in town (and by best, he means that he doesn't care about the bill as long as the food is of exquisite taste and his love has a beautiful smile on their face), seeing as he was brought up into the elite upper class of society.
• That doesn't mean that that's all he ever thinks of! It's just what he was brought up to enjoy; refined eating.
• However, knowing his darling all-too-well by now, he would much rather prefer to take them with him to Souvenir and spend the day split between sharing kitchen chores (theirs being minimal, seeing as their cooking skills were... questionable) and dining together on the table looking out onto the lush back garden where the view lasted year-long.
• And who knows, maybe he'd let his love take a few tentative sips from his wine glass, a small smirk forming on his face at the way they adorably latch onto him the very moment their cheeks blush from the mild intoxication.
• The producer who'd snagged his heart, however, was keen on trying new, sometimes-slightly-embarrassing things with him, and Victor---no matter how hard he tries to seem stand-offish or pretend that he's surely not on board with their outlandish ideas---somehow always gives in to their pleas and starry eyes to whom he can never say no---what; and break his love's heart?!
• Whether it's an amusement park that mostly targets a 7 year-old audience, a cat café whom he absolutely refuses to admit he adored, a circus that he frankly had no interest in seeing, an aquarium that he funds and really never invested much thought into aside from financially, he just lets them drag him around. He's not being forced per se; he 100% wants to give in to their every request... after all, he's a dedicated man in love who'd give his s/o the entire world if that's what they so desired (not that he didn't once try to buy an entire country for them---vICTOR NO)
• But if all they want is a calm evening at home, Victor will make sure that his surround-sound system plays only the most calming pieces of Tchaikovsky and Schübert as they sigh happily in the massive bathtub (which could pass as an indoor pool with how big it was, really), pastel-colored bubbles popping with every gentle caress and whispered endearment.
• Drinks in hand sloshing as they converse happily, delight shining on both their faces, they relish the luxury of bath-time together overlooking the magnificent view out of the bathroom window. At times like these, Victor forgets that he's Loveland's City's busiest, most work-swamped man---and for a few moments, he no longer worries about the unknown future he has no control over, thoughts of his dummy's tranquil smile mulling over in his head.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
• Victor is a man who deeply appreciates all forms of beauty---after all, he did grow up within the harsh criticisms of those with fortune, fame, and temptation. This upbringing demanded him having a refined, hard-to-please taste in every aspect of life.
• However, when it comes to love, Victor only knows complete and utter devotion; to hell with all the standards that this wretched society has set! All that matters is that that person causes his heart to thump like mad in his chest; his palms shaking yet his resolve absolutely sure and steady; his smile subtle but always armed at the ready with how endearing they simply are.
• That doesn't mean that he doesn't find his love the most beautiful person in any room---no; the most beautiful person of all! In his eyes, all things pale in comparison to them: the waning moon ahead not so bright compared to their eager eyes, the night-time lake by his mansion not so shimmering compared to their gentle smile, the Egyptian silk sheets on the bed not so soft compared to their luscious skin.
• And if their perfection was only limited to the outside shell, perhaps he wouldn't have been so foolishly in love, but as a matter of fact, the young producer's internal beauty glowed unlike any diamond he'd purchased previously for charity, or even for them. And that alone was enough to captivate him and paint him as a fool head-over-heels.
• No other person was as selfless, no other person was as giving and generous, no other person was as compassionate and understanding, no other person was as kind and innocent as they were... if personality were subjective, they'd win first prize for always being the best. And it was no surprise that Victor crowned them as royalty in his heart; truly befitting a king like himself.
• If he had to choose, though, nothing beat the plush feel of their lips, whether deftly pressing against his skin or caught in his in an almost-bruising kiss. Those lips always spoke words that lifted his heart---be it words of love that warmed his insides, or silly words that sent his stomach into a butterfly-filled frenzy. His idiot sure knew how to capture a normally-stoic man's heart.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
• Victor is a very rational man, who firmly believes in logic and takes a methodical approach when dealing with any issues. It shows in the way he handles his own problems, preferring to take a step back and have an overview of the greater picture. While he might have mounds of paperwork and schedules to stick to, when things start feeling all-too-much, he knows that the bird's eye view of Loveland City would embrace him with open arms---both soothing and beautiful. Once he's cleared his mind, he can for sure tackle any problems head-on.
• While he does encourage his love to do the same, he's well aware that not everyone has the same relaxation methods, nor does everyone find pleasure in the same experiences. He knows them just like the back of his hand; he knows exactly what to do when they're feeling a little down in the dumps.
• LFG's CEO is so used to wearing a mask on his face and erasing any emotions from being visible on his handsome countenance, and that's why softening up is exactly what his beloved needs.
• Releasing any tension and creases from his face, a welcoming tenderness etched on his face; that's all they need to see before burrowing their face into his sturdy chest and curling up to soak in his warmth and addictive cologne. Something about that smell and buzzing electricity was so... Victor.
• And when his hold on their thighs tightens, pulling them impossibly close as his lips alternate between leaving sweet pecks on their pouty ones and whispering sweet nothings and words of encouragement and deeply-engraved faith, they know that in him they find an incredible boss, lover, believer, and motivator.
• Splurging happens often on these occasions, as uncharacteristic as it is of him. He is a frugal man, but when it comes to their happiness, he's bound to max out his credit card frantically, trying his best to shower them in gifts.
• An outfit they'd been not-so-secretly eyeing? It's on their bed. A shiba inu plushie they'd reluctantly let go of in the toy store? It's cradled in their arms now. A diamond-and-white-gold earring that they probably couldn't believe was real? You can now spot it dangling from their ears. You name it, Victor's bought it and on his way to personally wrapping it up and gifting it.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
• Let's be real here: unless it was headed somewhere serious, Victor wouldn't engage in a relationship in the first place. He's just not one for idle chats and pointless pursuits; he's a man that's never once distracted himself from the goals he'd set for himself, and that's precisely why he's the city's most successful man at the young age of 28.
• He's only ever had eyes for his dummy, ever since that fateful incident in the middle of the street when he was just a kid and first found out what love looked like---and it looked like this little fool whose tears vanished the instant he'd whipped out his secret weapon of cooking.
• Since then, thoughts of them circulated his mind for every minute of every day, and to find out that they're the very same person he bickered with on the daily was stuff dreams were made of! He'd vowed to never let them go ever again; they were a treasure he'd stumbled upon twice so far and wouldn't want to ever loosen his grip on.
• Now that that's clear, he's an extremely romantic guy; red-roses-on-date-night, hand-resting-on-your-back, hold-your-umbrella, open-doors-for-you, clasp-your-hand-while-eating type of cliché gentleman. His mother who'd instilled so much love into him brought him up like that, and he wouldn't give that up for the world---especially when he finds himself having a genuine smile on his face whenever he does that for his dummy.
• For someone who has such an idealistic yet personal image of love, he's one who carefully plans out every major step of the relationship beforehand, because he knows for sure that these are steps he'll definitely take in due time.
• His EVOL ironically of pivotal importance, he is not one to rush, and simultaneously not one to take too long. He paces everything at a rate that shows his lover that he values their comfort, but also shows how serious his intentions are with them.
• He'd be lying if he said that he hadn't attempted to visit the future multiple times in hopes of knowing what's in store for them. After all, he wants nothing more than that home-y vision in his mind.
• A warm and loving atmosphere in their house, caramelized scents wafting through the corridors, distinct laughter of two delighted kids who'd received all the love there is from their parents, mixed with the delicate meows of their kitten litter, paws padding along the rooms leading up to the couple who'd been cuddling by the fireplace, hands entwined as their wedding rings glistened in the glow from the hearth.
• Would his empire still stand? Absolutely. Will his producer monopolize TV stations world-wide? Without a single doubt yes. Their long-term plans ensured wealth and prosperity for their flourishing family. And Victor wants nothing more than to set these plans into stone as soon as possible.
• He'd love them till they're old and grey, barely able to move but more than able to love. He might not be the most openly affectionate person, but his adoration for them would transcend time and space.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
• For Victor, it's almost impossible not to be the dominant one, and it's partially due to the circumstances at which they'd met the second time around. Being their boss demanded a formality between them at the start of their relationship, and frankly the age difference--though barely any at all--meant that Victor still had to be respected regardless of position.
• His lover's naïveté awakened this naturally nurturing instinct inside of him; his desire to protect them as much as he could without suffocating them or pushing them away. It wasn't that he had to; he wanted to guide them to their success, gently nudging them towards the right path; he enjoyed doting over them and fussing over how much they'd eaten and if they'd drunk at all; he relished in the feeling of their agitated voice washing over him, ranting to him.
• There he was, dashingly clad in his pressed suit and wine-red tie, imposing in every single way, a gentle hand curled around his s/o's waist, both slightly possessive and proud of them. How could anyone not think of him as dominant?
• But when it comes to things he could do to please his lover, he certainly mellows out and becomes the softie everyone knows he is with them. After all, he lets them drag them all the way to the Taoist temple, allows them to place cat ear headbands on top of his somewhat unruly silky hair, and doesn't deny them when they place haphazard kisses on his neck (that's as far as they could reach), accidentally getting lipstick smudged on his pristine white collar.
• While he does often put his foot down (sometimes due to his immense worry for them and sometimes because of him genuinely fearing something would negatively impact his work), his assertiveness and dominance don't cancel out the fact that he's a brilliant lover that is capable of being passive to ensure their happiness.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
• Again, courtesy to his impeccable upbringing, Victor isn't the type of person to go looking for trouble or pick fights. He prefers working out problems with logic, and avoids altercations at all costs. He's a very mild, emotionally stable man, and intends to remain that way.
• And while he despises useless arguments and rising tempers, he isn't blind to the fact that any couple in the world is bound to have at the very least a few fights to their name. While it does unsettle him since he enjoys peace and tranquility, he's never once let the idea infect his brain that he should give up on them.
• During fights, he wouldn't have any qualms trying to keep his volume in check. However, probably because of his line of work, his words themselves have become sharp weapons. And often, he reflexively wields these blades against his beloved.
• Quick and witty, his responses when provoked are more than likely to be hurtful and sharp, though short. Oftentimes it seems as though he's got no regard for what stumbles out of his mouth, and other times it seems entirely intentional. However, it is neither, seeing as he means to respond fast but never watches the after-effect.
• Does he regret it? By God, does he. Guilt consumes him and nearly devours him when he sees tear-tracks on their face as they throw back hurtful words, or even worse, sit back with an empty look on their face.
• But you see, for Victor, a man with so much dignity, he's never found apologizing easy. It takes him at least a couple of hours to clear his head, opting to be mature and being the first to apologize after every lovers' spat (they're not often too either; he's a peaceful man).
• If it's his sweetheart's who's upset him, he's bound to take a couple of days to forgive completely. While he is putty in their hands, his pride and ego do get wounded. He's not immune to the aftermath of a fight, and grows quiet for a bit. Once they do apologize though, he's instantly back to the fussy and gentle-hearted Victor we all know and adore.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
• Unsurprisingly, Victor's main love languages are Quality Time and Acts of Service. He's an "actions speak louder than words" type of man, and makes sure his s/o feels loved with his every action.
• That would explain why, without a single doubt, Victor would be the most understanding and grateful lover there is. He's more than aware of the pressure that's on their shoulders (some of that pressure even being caused by him), and he knows how to detect the smallest gesture and word that express affection.
• He picks up on them and values them greatly, making sure to voice his gratitude with a simple but soft, "Thank you," murmured against ther skin, or with a personal full-body massage whenever he sees them rolling their shoulders in pain.
• He ensures that every romantic gesture is returned tenfold; it's only natural to do that when you've got someone you adore and wish to thank them and convey your own emotions as best as you can.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
• As a rather brisk and blunt man, Victor dislikes having to say anything that's less than the truth. He simply doesn't like dishonesty, because he believes that if he's to be vulnerable in front of one person, then he should bare his mind completely naked for them to see.
• However, sometimes Victor hides things from his lover; things they know would infect their mind like a parasyte and render them helpless and hopeless. He loathes having to put them through pain, he truly hates nothing more than having their pretty little head needlessly worry about him and the unforseen future.
• He wants to be their protecter; the person who can carry all their burdens. And how would he do that if he's weighing them down with his own troubles?!
• That's not to say that he'd be an elusive man who evades questioning and whatnot; he certainly wouldn't tell outright lies to his beloved who trusts him wholeheartedly. But that doesn't mean he wouldn't hide certain pieces of information from them, preferring to battle things on his own.
• If they do ask, he'll probably evade the question until it's been solved. Only then can he tell his sweetheart; he avoids having them worry, and at the same time their faith in his capabilities increases.
• Evol and pre-determined futures aside, he's brutally honest. There won't be a single detail his lover won't know about him. As such a pristine and goal-oriented man, he doesn't hold any lovers to his name, as he's more than once told his producer. But if there were ever any potential suitors or women who'd attempted to get with him, he's certainly telling his s/o before any problems might arise.
• His guilty pleasures, while he might not come outright and admit to them, he will show them in the subtlest of ways. After all, he's a man who prefers showing over telling.
• So is Victor an incredibly honest lover? Yes. But does he often hide the truth to protect the producer he holds so dear to his heart? Also yes. It's always an internal battle with him, and it's always the rational side that wins, in spite of the guilt gnawing at his insides.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
• Oh boy, did they! No one would ever even recognize Victor Li now if it weren't for his stormy expression and solid poker face during board meetings.
• However, the small, peaceful smile that instantly makes him even more ridiculously handsome than he already was, the impossibly tender look in his eyes, the loving lilt in his voice even as he teases... all of this just because his lover came into the room?! No way!
• He's mellowed out, that's for sure. Ever the formidable boss, that won't change for the sake of his company's future. However, as a person, while his morals and resolves usually remain the same, his entire personality has been softened to a degree he'd never imagined he'd reach.
• He's kinder, gentler, more encouraging, more understanding. While he still vehemently refuses to ever coddle his producer, that doesn't mean that he won't be the absolute best they've ever had, as well as the most loveable safe-zone.
• They'd also helped him come to terms with his mother's death, without ever making it seem like it wasn't much of a big deal. And that feeling of acceptance was rather unfamiliar to Victor, and warmed his heart like no other.
• So it's no wonder, really, that he lets them take him to places he'd never dreamt of going to before; that he enjoys trying out new things and experiences he'd previously thought were too "childish" or "for dummies." He'd gladly be a fool for them.
• On the other hand, he can see the way he's affected his s/o; anyone can, for that matter. His firm encouragement and constant guidance have hardened them and given them a protective shell so to speak, allowing them to battle onwards to achieve their goals.
• When things get too tough to bear, Victor's comforting presence is all they need to feel the warmth seep back into their bones. He's a miracle himself, ironically. And they couldn't be more grateful to see the effect he has on them.
• They can now shoulder on through problems with a calm-head and a steely resolve. They know what it's like to be a good boss and simultaneously a kind friend. They know what it means to see horrors and have someone at home to give you love and a listening ear. They can now win over anyone with their smooth-as-butter words that mix in with the formality demanded.
• They've truly come a long way from the haphazard scattered plans they'd set at the very start of Miracle Finder. And while it does owe to their own strength, Victor does get a great deal of credit for that. Incredible that they get the chance to love him just as hard as he loves them.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
• For a sentimental man like himself, he takes emotions very seriously and never underestimates their power and effect. His love for a little glutton urged him to search for them for years on end, and then take care of them with a vow to never stop until they're both old and grey.
• Jealousy is no exception. He knows what that feeling is; that rage that grows at sight of that police officer waiting for them for hours outside of work on his motorcycle, that envy when the blonde superstar invites them out to eat at HIS own restaurant of all places, that disgruntlement he feels whenever their shady neighbour accompanies them to the orphanage with a questionable look in his eyes, and the contemporary disgust etched on his face whenever that reckless rebel drags them to one of his concerts that left them smelling of cigarettes and cheap liquor.
• But deep inside, he knows that there's really no reason for him to feel that way. Didn't they just make love the night before, words of adoration thick in the air? Didn't he just cook them breakfast with them tucked sleepily under his arm? Didn't they just write him love letters stained with their perfume and stacked them on his desk with an innocent smile? Didn't they just earnestly wish on their birthday that they spend every living moment in his arms?
• And wasn't Victor Loveland City's most eligible bachelor? Wasn't his every-day mission to prove to them that he loves them with all that he has? Wasn't he a keen and observant lover who never left one detail amiss? Didn't he inscribe their name on a ridiculously expensive ring for that very same purpose?
• Such things he knows very well and is 100% sure of. They're what he tries his best to think of and remind himself that he really, really has no reason to feel that growing jealousy when they surprise Goldman with a home-made birthday cake with wonky letters in icing.
• Alas, that does nothing to quench his thirst to prove himself as the best. After all, Victor Li doesn't know losing; he's always on top of the game. And love is no exception to that.
• So there's always an icy glare directed towards whomever had dared to overstep their boundaries, as an imposing hand lies at the small of his lover's back, almost challenging everyone in the room to protest or go up against him. And who would, considering the sheer power in his stance, the inferno inside of him apparent from his stony facial expressions?
• He's not one to lash out or admit defeat, though. It's up to them to pick up on his change in attitude, and it's expected of them to soothe his jealousy with enough PDA to be affectionate yet still classy. And just like a proud feline, Victor preens at the attention he receives from his one and only. Pampering him always does the trick!
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
• Is the sky blue? Is the grass green? Is Victor Li a good kisser?
• Well, of course he is! He wouldn't DARE give his lover a kiss that's even a hair away from perfection. It's how he does things; immaculately and full of intent.
• His kisses are all-encompassing, and he makes sure that he's all his lover can sense. The smell of his cologne drenching their shirt, the firm but tender grip of his fingers at the pulse on their neck, his soft and warm lips plush against theirs, the strength of his tongue stroking against theirs as they swallow his breathy groans... he makes sure they don't miss a single sense that he's taken over.
• That's all in the comfort of their dimly-lit bedroom, though. When they're out and about in the city, or at a gala that they simply had to attend with their booming influence, Victor prefers to leave gentle, sweet pecks on his lover's lips that leave their eyes lidded with a mix of affection and happiness. It's that glow that has him barely holding himself back from ravishing them. And ravish them he does, whenever given the opportunity and privacy.
• His lips are a tempting mix of soft and warm, consuming them entirely, and leaving the taste of caramel and champagne lingering on their tongue and engraved in their heart. It's so uniquely him.
• For someone who's so work-smart, the producer was awfully daft sometimes, especially when it comes to understanding other people's intentions. And Victor's were sadly ignored (or so it seemed---actually, they just couldn't really bring themselves to believe that this incredibly powerful and sought-after man might be harboring romantic feelings towards them).
• It was on their birthday, when he'd taken them out for a night-time stroll in the Parisian streets (as if that's a normal thing to do; but perhaps for Victor Li it is quite casual). Standing in a quiet street, huddled close together as the lines between friendship, love, and work blurred over in the winter chill, his hands had sought purchase in theirs, mumbling a fond, "Dummy," under his breath at their sheer oblivion.
• Their prominent blush egged him on and gave him the green sign he needed, and he could only comply by pulling them closer to him, until their tweed coat entwined with his raincoat, and his plaid scarf tangled them together.
• Their gentle laughter in the air, mixed with their distinctly sweet perfume had Victor's mind going at a mile a minute, and he couldn't function properly with the way they were looking up at him with their shiny eyes and rosy cheeks.
• So it was just like that, shielded in each other's arms under an awning as the rain started to pour all around them and form puddles on the uneven sidewalk, that he realized just how badly he wanted to kiss them.
• And kiss them he did, with a tentative glance at them to gauge their reaction, before closing the distance that was barely there in the first place, moulding their warm lips against each other, hands still clasped together.
• Eyes lidded, not quite shut just to savor their blissful expression, red spilling onto their entire complexion, Victor's heart was thrumming in his chest at the soft contact between them, his mouth half-open mid-kiss in sheer happiness. And if the sweet hums erupting from their throat were anything to go by, then they loved this as much as he did.
• It didn't last long, perhaps a few seconds more than a light peck, but to Victor who'd been completely enamored by them as of recently, he might as well have stopped time (which he might have or might have not done...)
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
• A man of grandiose such as himself would never settle for something that they might forget, and yet for someone who enjoys meaningful acts rather than grand shows of affection, it's an internal battle for Victor to confess the more than copious amount of love in his heart reserved for the producer alone.
• Should he pull out at all stops and take them on a spontaneous trip to the Maldives and confess at the oceanside restaurant with their hands entwined? Should he buy a million vibrant red roses to swamp their address until they literally cannot walk around their apartment, sent with a note of confession? Should he buy them a drop-dead gorgeous Tiffany & Co. set of earrings that would cost more than their yearly salary, the box engraved with those three words? Decisions, decisions...
• In the end, after many days of thinking, he settled on finding a middle ground; aiming for impressing them while also touching them with how meaningful it is. He doesn't want to overwhelm them, nor does he want to ever make them feel like this wasn't something huge for him.
• And so he takes them out to a restaurant that isn't the fanciest but he knows has an absolutely magnificent view overlooking the river, reserving the secluded seats beside the window where they could awe at the view of all the places they'd been to---together as a couple, as friends, and as co-workers.
• Reminiscing like that, they get a little lost in their memories, thinking back to all the times Victor had stuck by their side with a firm hand and an encouraging voice to accompany it. They only snapped out of it when they felt Victor's hand fall on theirs, his thumb brushing the back of their hand to bring them back to earth.
• Thoughts of him only filled their mind---and how could they not, with the way he was looking at them as if they held his entire world in their hands, and---wait, what was he pulling out of his suit?
• Eyes wide as saucers, they could only watch as the reflection of the candlelight flickered in his warm eyes while he presented them with a small box engraved with letters they could barely discern with how delicately they were carved: love transcends time.
• Shaking hands open the lid, a soft gasp escaping their lips as they see the absolutely gorgeous tennis bracelet nestled inside. It must've cost a fortune, but it was undoubtedly classy with how simple and yet extravagant it was. Something so Victor indeed.
• And when they managed to tear their eyes away from it and look back up at him, his earnest expression was enough to shake their entire being. Never before had he looked so vulnerable; so openly humbled; so naked with all his emotions. And the producer's cheeks burned, knowing full well that the intensity behind his gaze must've been intended for their eyes only.
• "I love you. In all my life, there's only ever been you, and fate's given me a chance to finally grasp what I'd been trying to hold onto for years. It's always been you. And that's why I say it with full confidence again: I love you."
• They're now choking on their own tears, welling up in their eyes at his softly-spoken words, his rich baritone warming them like never before. They'd never quite understood how heavy the word 'love' was, but with the way the syllable rolled off his tongue, they think they now have a fair idea of how much it meant and symbolized to one's heart.
• The single red rose he'd set earlier on the table was now gently picked up, presented with a half-smile, awaiting their reaction as they struggled to collect themselves once again. Who could, after such a confession of love?!
• They whisper that they love him. Over and over again. A plethora of times until they're a mess, giddiness enveloping them as they just can't wrap their head around the fact that the man they'd been so foolishly enamored by had been just as smitten the entire time. Funny how fate sometimes pulls strings in their favor.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
• Victor's life-long dream has always been to find that little glutton who'd saved his life once again, and live with them in a castle on top of a mountain with a crown on top of their head.
• While that didn't exactly happen as planned, it did come close to what they'd finally achieved together. As two of Loveland City's most influential public figures and business-people, they'd cultivated their own respective empires and settled down in their classy mansion downtown that never lacked neither warmth nor the smell of fresh cooking. The cat ears would have to do as a crown.
• In that manner, all he'd ever hoped for had come true so far, and it was time to take a few steps forward to ensure his dream's completion---a man can dream, after all, can he not?
• The first step towards achieving that perfect life he'd long yearned for was to tie the knot with his beloved and make sure that they carry the same last name as himself; the last name he prides himself having. The last name he always wishes they'd be associated with, as his partner for life.
• Nothing makes him rest easier at night than the thought that one day, once all of this is over and everything is stable, he'll not only have them in his arms every night, but even his wandering fingers would brush against the wedding band on their hand that glints even in the dark.
• The idea alone sends his heart racing and his throat burning with unshed tears that he struggles to hold back---out of sheer happiness, mind you.
• When he does deem the timing as perfect; when he believes that his s/o is on exactly the same page as himself and looks at him with a similar lovesick gaze, that's when Victor actively begins to proceed with his plan.
• He wants his actions to be simple and yet speak louder than his calm voice ever will, so it's only natural that he plans the proposal many months in advance to make sure that his question is one that will receive a guaranteed 'Yes' as a reply.
• For someone who values family so much and considers it as the reason why his strength was infinite at dire times, he'll definitely refer to his father. While they don't often bring up his mother because of the wounded look in Victor's eyes that never slips by unnoticed, Mr. Li tells him with a wavering voice that his late mother had left her wedding ring behind for reasons unknown (perhaps she knew that she wouldn't live for long and wanted to leave him something to remember her by).
• And when Victor sees the beautiful gold ring encrusted with diamonds whose sheer size and shine certainly were unlike any other he'd ever seen, he knew that that's the only ring he'd ever want to see on his lover's hands. His own family heirloom.
• And so, after spending weeks visiting the best jeweler in Loveland City to make sure that the ring was polished to perfection and cleaned till every gem blinded him in the light, his little velvet box was kept neatly hidden in his beside table, where his little dummy wouldn't think of looking if they've ever had the doubts.
• And even though he'd planned the proposal for literal months beforehand, thinking of how he'd pop the question under the exact same awning in the streets of Paris where they'd had their first kiss, how his tongue would spell out words of love inside their warm inviting mouth, how he'd go down on one knee and present them with the ring that would surely evoke tears in their eyes, how he'd take them to celebrate at the finest restaurant in Paris and feed his new fiancé/e with a tender look in his eyes, nothing of that came to happen, seeing as he completely threw his plan out of the window just a couple of weeks before carrying out.
• It was another rough day at LFG where nothing seemed to go smoothly. One of his investments seemed to be heading down the road of failure and the shock that he'd chosen to fund a loss was overwhelming him, they'd suddenly run out of coffee in the office which was bad news for someone like himself who wakes up at ungodly hours, the board meeting for the afternoon had resulted in chaos upon knowing that one company's funding had been a loss and an uproar against Victor began, he'd snagged the scarf his darling had knitted for him against a nail protruding from the meeting hall's wall, and his car for some odd reason took 5 whole minutes to start up despite having just returned from maintenance.
• His foul mood had been picked up on by Goldman from the start of the day, and as it progressively got worse, he found it well within his rights to call his boss's lover and warn them cautiously of the impending storm they might have to deal with as soon as he returns.
• And that's how Victor came home to the incredible smell of spiced steak soaked in his favorite wine (their cooking had improved massively while living with him, he had to admit), the dining room warmly lit and the fireplace crackling happily. The moment his sweetheart wrapped their arms around his slim waist and nuzzled their face in the crook of his neck, a soft "Bad day, huh?" murmured into his ear, Victor could feel his anger melt instantaneously, being replaced with that familiar light-headedness he associated with being with his one and only love.
• He felt so so grateful at that moment; like all the loneliness he'd felt growing up was all just so he could feel this holy bliss right now and truly appreciate it. He felt as though no pain he'd endured meant anything to him as long as he was able to have moments like these for his entire future.
• And all the preparation he'd made seemed futile, seeing as his entire plan was thrown out of the window the very moment he was wrapped in their embrace. He'd come to realize that this was all he wanted in a marriage; the simplicity they granted him that somehow was so extravagant to him. His throat was clamming up and his body was shaking a little bit, but you can't really blame the man for being so completely taken aback with the intensity of his own love.
• Just like that, he couldn't help but choke out the very words he'd prepared an entire speech to precede: "Marry me."
• Their lover didn't even untangle themselves from his body, didn't even raise an eyebrow in confusion, didn't let out a single gasp of shock. They just simply nodded, a blissful smile on their face, whispering into the solemn air, "That would be lovely," a small giggle escaping, "Of course I'll marry you."
• It was so much easier, so much simpler, so much more natural than he'd ever imagined it would go. It felt like he'd just breathed out, and they'd breathed in sync with him. Like it was something they'd been waiting for for a while now (and perhaps they really had, from the way they smiled so happily like their dreams had just all come true). Even when he gave them the ring he'd stowed away so secretly and watched the excited, loving grin they gave him as he explained that it was his mother's, it seemed as though all his worrying had been for naught. Nothing mattered except for the fact that his beloved was one step closer to being forever his.
• And after they'd finally tied the knot in a wedding equal parts magnificent and intimate, and gotten whisked away on a honeymoon that left nothing desired except for more of Victor's loving, their life as a married couple seemed to have amplified their mutual adoration.
• Their daily routine hadn't changed much, save for the fact that Victor seemed slightly more tender and pliant, bending to their every whim and want, even more so than before (ha! As if that was possible).
• Victor often likes to show affection by offering his help and services whenever he can, because he knows that wielding his experiences to aid his lover shows just how much he worries and cares about them, more than he lets on.
• However, after marriage he tries his best to express his emotions through words as well. Now that they're officially carrying the same last name, he feels the need to share everything hidden inside his heart, because his words of love will stay lingering in the air. And if needed, he'll make sure to stop time and spell out just how much he worships them with his lips and body.
• It's true that the both of them are often away on business trips alone, leaving the other party all alone in the huge house. And while it is indeed agony to be missing their other half, as time goes on, they realize that distance does make the heart grow fonder.
• As the time crawls by, it takes little for Victor to realize that perhaps the only thing missing from their life was someone else to love; perhaps more than one child to brighten up their days---that is, if his lover is up to it, of course...
• His faith in them increases tenfold; knowing that carrying his last name grants them even more power than their own name does. And that reassures him, because he knows that no one would dare challenge the producer from now on. From now on, they were as safe as safe can be. He hates that people doubt their abilities, as it counters his endless faith in them, but he knows that they are now unstoppable and have the means to show every single person that.
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Taglist: @thispersoniscrazy
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⚡I wanna ruin our friendship⚡
Mlqc boys reaction
>Both you and Victor are sitting in his office while he checks the report you just have passed to him
>"Victor i have to tell you something.."
>"What is it?" *suspicious mode activated*
>"Just listen to this song, okay? I have my reasons..."
>"*sighs in regret* ...Go ahead. Make it quick."
⚡___, Darlin' you're my best friend.⚡
⚡But there's a few things that you don't know of⚡
Victor:*eyebrows twitching, starts frowning and looks up to your face* What did you do this time?
Y/n: Pssst, just listen..!!
⚡Why i borrow your lipstick so often⚡
Victor:*frowns even more**slightly irritated* I don't use any lipsticks...
⚡I'm using your shirt as a pillow case⚡
Victor: Idiot, come to the point of this hole thing here.
Y/N:*starting to blush a tiny bit*
⚡I wanna ruin our friendship⚡
Victor: Pardon?
⚡We should be lovers instead⚡
Victor:*looking at you without even having a little change of his expression*.....*takes your chin between his fingers in a careful way to pull your lips onto his and gives you some soft but long kisses * Dummy...You could have said it to me directly without making a show out of this...
>After Gavin had arrived from a dangerous mission you both decided to take some time off for each other to make a little trip onto sparky
>The sun is setting and you watch it beneath a tree
> "Gavin...uhm...there has been something on my mind recently."
>"What is it? You can tell me everything you know that."
>"Listen to this song. This'll tell you everything you have to know."👉👈
>"Ahm sure..why not?"
⚡___, Darlin' you're my best friend⚡
Gavin:*starts to smile a bit**already being super happy*
⚡But there's a few things that you don't know of ⚡
Gavin:*his smiles is getting smaller*
⚡Why I borrow your lipstick so often⚡
Gavin: Silly, why should I use a lipstick?
⚡I'm using your shirt as a pillow case⚡
⚡I wanna ruin our friendship ⚡
⚡We should be lovers instead⚡
Gavin:*first quite shocked bc he hasn't thought you would confess to him like that but after a few seconds he manages to hold his composition to cup your cheeks softly into his big hands**keeps eye contact with you a few moments longer to be sure that you want that but is finally able to kiss you sweetly* Y/n you're always surprising me...
>Just you and Kiro are in his dressing room after a show he attended on
>"Kiro would you mind if we listen to some music?"
>"Nope! Just turn it on! I wanna know what you're listening to!"
⚡___, Darling you're my best friend ⚡
Kiro: Awweee you too!!
⚡But there's a few things that you don't know of ⚡
Kiro: Huh?
⚡Why I borrow your lipstick so often ⚡
Kiro: So... U've discovered my secret after all?
⚡I'm using your shirt as a pillow case⚡
Kiro: I hope u do! *grinning brightly*
⚡I wanna ruin our friendship⚡
Kiro: Couldn't agree more~ *pulls you against his body to take your tiny hands in his big ones to place several short but soft kisses onto your lips**afterwards leaning his lips against your ear to sing in a quite but low voice along the song text* We should be lovers instead~
⚡We should be lovers instead⚡
Y/n:*blushing* O H U ACTUALLY KNOW THAT ONE ??
Kiro: Of course! What did you thought, Miss Chips?? Hehe
>Drinking ginger brown sugar tea while sitting beside each other and accompanying each other
>"Lucien, would u mind listen to something?"
>"Of course not. What is it exactly?"
>"Just listen to it...It'ssomethingI've meant to tell you for a long time."
⚡___, Darlin' you're my best friend ⚡
⚡But there's a few things that you don't know of ⚡
Lucien:*already chuckling a bit* And these things are? You can't really hide something from me
⚡ Why I borrow your lipstick so often ⚡
Lucien: My lipstick? I don't have anything like that, Y/n.
⚡I'm using your shirt as a pillow case ⚡
Lucien:*at this point he just grins under his tea cup *
⚡I wanna ruin our friendship ⚡
⚡We should be lovers instead ⚡
Lucien: You really thought I haven't recognized it? *stroking some hair out of your face as he places a gentle and lovely kiss onto your lips *
Y/n: ...Maybe *blushing*
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mlqcconfessions · 4 years
*chanting* the boys as dads. the boys as dads. tHE BOYS AS DADS. THE BOYS AS DADS! THE BOYS AS DADS!! (plus points if the kid looks JUST like MC?)
MLQC Headcanon - Our little treasure
He’s the father of a lovely daughter, who looks just like you (to his amusement)
He loves waking up in the morning seeing MC 1.0 and MC 2.0 in bed together
Calls her his little angel (Does that make him Father angel?)
He buys the best presents on her birthday (which unofficially became a celebrated holiday at LFG)
You and your daughter sometimes visit him at the office (much to his delight)
Finishes an entire day’s worth of documents so he can dedicate his time to playing with her
Has her toy kitchen set placed in the corner of his office (so she can bake him a cake while he works which he pretends to eat)
HAS A FRAMED PICTURE OF YOU AND HIS DAUGHTER ON HIS DESK (taken from when you were going apple picking last fall)
He hangs the “I love you” card she made for him on her 3rd birthday on his wall (shows it off to Goldman who doesn’t get paid enough to listen to his boss’ gushes)
Loves the outfits you dress her in (loves it even more when you two are matching)
Hosts the most extravagant parties to celebrate the most random events (the biggest one to date was when she said “dadda” for the first time)
Makes her pudding, but not too often
He wants to prevent her from going to the dentist (just in case she gets scared)
Victor, she’s going to have to go see a dentist someday
He tries hard to not let his daughter become spoiled
He makes her work for rewards
But is actually weak against her tears (you’re the one who has to set your foot down, most of the time)
He looks forward to going home after work (sometimes makes Goldman lock the doors to LFG so he can go home faster)
He loves being greeting by the two of you, while she runs up to hug him
He feels so content in these moments that nothing seems impossible
So he’s ready for another one
SO RAMBUNCTIOUS (he’s actually the loudest one)
He notices their love for music early on
He sings along with them while bathing them
Spends the little break times he has to memorize the opening of their favorite show (he takes on one of the characters to dance with his sons)
He brings his sons to the recording studio, letting them go wild inside
He secretly records them singing in the booth (sets it as his ringtone)
Definitely the type to tell them stories about the monster in the closet, with dramatic sound effects (that’s not what your angelic voice is for, Kiro)
He’s so intrigued at how they look like you (but with blond hair)
Doesn’t like getting mad often, but will do it if he has to (actually pretty scary when he’s scolding them)
He asks Savin all sorts of questions (that he honestly doesn’t want to know the context of)
Savin, how do you remove a ring from a baby’s stomach? 
You found out later from Savin (I left the room for 5 minutes, Kiro. And you let the baby swallow your ring?)
Frequent games of “Who can hug mommy the tightest?” (he just picks you up bridal style, letting your legs dangle over the twins’ heads)
Insists he tags along on play dates with the neighborhood kids
He gets along so well with the parents?
Gives standing ovations at their school plays (YES! Do you see those trees? They’re MY trees!)
He makes things like chores and brushing teeth into a game (so they won’t be as hostile towards them)
150% wears matching pajamas with the twins (honestly, it’s like you’re raising 3 kids)
Has mini concerts at home (it’s good that you live in a house, and not an apartment)
Performs them on tours ONLY when he knows you’ll bring them there
Has a bedtime routine with them (kiss mommy goodnight, kiss daddy goodnight daddy kisses mommy goodnight)
Always wakes up to see them in weird sleeping positions (takes a picture every time, later makes them into a full album became the present for their 18th birthday)
A beautiful daughter, a beautiful wife
Nothing more he could ask for
He’s into making home videos (likes to watch them in between his lectures)
He just likes looking at her (because she reminds him so much of you)
Isn’t reluctant to introduce her to the other professors (but doesn’t like it when they get a little too close)
He can’t hide his triumphant smirk whenever she tells him to pick her up (sorry Dr., it seems my daughter is wary of strangers)
He likes noticing the small details about his child (and how she has the same habits as you)
Like how you stick out your tongue when concentrating
Or how one eye squints a little more than the other when smiling
He buys a tiny lab coat for her (after she said she wanted to be a white fairy princess like her dad)
RAISES. BUTTERFLIES. WITH. HER. (the whole caterpillar to cocoon shabang)
He calls her his Blue Morpho (you’re his Monarch)
Explains every animal during trips to the zoo (she loves calling the animals by their scientific names)
He’s so tall? He has to bend down in order to hold her hand (the reason why he just rolls the stroller instead / just picks her up)
He does little science experiments with her (safe ones, of course)
He takes her word for it when she exclaims how colorful everything is
You sometimes bring her to classes when he’s scheduled to lecture
The class can’t focus while a toddler keeps drawing stuff on the board
He plays picture card games with her
Ok, then what animal is this one?
Leopardus pardalis! (You actually can’t keep up with their conversations sometimes)
He has to hold her hand during her naps (she said it helps her fall asleep better, or something like that)
He’s not complaining
He can’t believe this is actually happening
He’s going to be a FATHER
And with YOUR child! (the nurses had to stop him from barging into the room so often)
He insisted that he try the Empathy Belly (so he could exactly know what you were going through during pregnancy)
Didn’t think it would be THIS difficult to just live a daily life
SO PROTECTIVE over his daughter (literally follows closely behind her)
He was honestly worried about being a dad (especially after growing up with that asshole kind of parent)
You put full trust in him because Gavin is DIFFERENT from his father (and now he can believe that)
He loves just how much she looks like you (it’s like watching a mini-you run around the house)
Has workout sessions with her (push-up kisses, squats with her dangling on his shoulders, bench presses with her as weight)
Likes it when she tags along with him to the police station (he brags to the other officers every time)
But bringing her to STF? NO WAY IN HELL (although Eli does come over sometimes)
He changed his diet (from instant ramen) so she could be a healthy child
Has an entire closet full of bandages, ointments, and medicine for when she’s hurt or gets sick (if only he took care of his own injuries like that)
But he is a lot more careful when fighting on the scene
He doesn’t want her to cry over his wounds like LAST TIME (he was so surprised)
Uncle Minor acts as the unofficial godfather (he’s actually good at taking care of kids?)
Gavin teaches her how to ride a 2-wheeled bike (he’s so afraid of letting go, even if she insisted)
He likes taking her out on flights when she’s a little older (they always visit the Ferris wheel afterwards)
He makes another ginkgo bracelet just for her
He has pretend tea parties with her and you (Uncle Minor is the butler for some reason)
He keeps the drawing of you, Gavin, and her safely tucked inside his pocket during missions (it’s his good luck charm)
Doesn’t let her use Sparky, but does let her help him clean it
DEFINITELY THE TYPE TO WALK WITH HER ON HIS SHOULDERS (she’s holding on his neck, chin resting on the top of his head)
Worries about the future boyfriend she’s gonna bring home 
Gavin, she’s only 5
Well, yeah but for NOW
That was a lot of fluff
Which was your favorite part? Mine would probably be Gavin working out with his daughter (because I’m Birdcop trash like that and actually imagined it)
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writing-fool · 4 years
mlqc | sunday morning
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I recently (well~like three months ago) got into this game called Mr Love: Queen’s Choice, and after doing some ‘research’ aka gaming, I felt confident enough to write something. So, here’s a little headcanon about a blissful Sunday morning with the boys~
Warning(s): ever so slightly NSFW (insinuations of a dirty-minded author), profanity/swearwords
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Victor’s quite the workaholic, as we all know
like this man will be working 60-70 hours a week, often bringing work home with him 
you’ll be on the couch in pajamas and acting like a total bum while he’s literally next to you wearing glasses and breezing through 50 reports and documents
you steal his laptop and glasses when he starts criticising your report 
“Victor noooooooo~work mode OFF!” as you zoom past him with his prescription glasses (he got them fancy glasses with the blue light filter because he’s A WORKAHOLIC and he’s always staring at a computer)
needless to say, this man doesn’t usually have time to spare
sunday mornings are yours though
Victor doesn’t necessarily take the entire day off, but after a certain dummy’s whining, he has agreed to try and have a lie-in on sundays
he *usually* still wakes up before you, because he functions on like 5 hours of sleep (lemme tell y’all, it’s a curse and a blessing in one) 
Vic’s a total tsundere, but these moments definitely show off his #SoftCEO side
his little lovebug is sleeping peacefully, wearing one of his pyjama shirts (I bless you with the headcanon that Victor sleeps in silk pyjama pants sans shirt because he runs HOT)
actually, you’re drooling a little bit but even though Victor’s going to pretend he’s annoyed, he never is
oOOhh, also canon that this man is the big spoon in sleeping positions. he naturally gravitates towards you and holds you tight because he’s NEEDY
sometimes you’ll sleep facing each other. Victor holds you against his chest and just cradles your body in his like his life depends on it
100% will entangle his long ass legs with yours
strokes your hair and presses kisses on the crown of your head to wake you up in a gentle way (despite his demeanour, he’s actually remarkably gentle y’all see why i call him #SoftCEO?)
as you wake up, he’ll mock your bedhead with this incredibly fond look in his eyes baby boy these words don’t match your actions
you guys actually get up rather soon after, cos you are both busy people...
fun times in the bathroom not like tHAT well actually kinda~ but for legal reasons everything you do is PG, please spare author-nim who’s still ~barely~ underage
you take a shower and belt your favourite song that’s playing from the built-in speaker (did Victor get a built-in speaker because you thought it was cool? yep. did you ask? nope. did he do it anyways? yehep.) while he goes through his simple morning routine
you probably have more steps in your skincare routine, but he uses a serum, cleanser, moisturizer and some eye cream on the daily
has given you permission to do his skincare at night whenever you both have time
to reciprocate, he dries your hair after your shower you guys HAVE listened to the Right Beside You ASMR, right? ...it’s on YT for free because we’re poor, i know
also canon, blowing raspberries on Victor’s bare back while he’s brushing his teeth will make him choke on toothpaste. tested and approved by MC
“Dummy. What on earth are you doing?”
he hangs around and waits for you to get ready if he’s already done, you do the same. time is something Victor knows all too well, so the precious time he has, he wants to spend with you.
you guys DON’T shower together in the morning because really you’re not getting cleaner ahhh author-nim should really stop
afterwards, you get dressed in some relatively casual clothes (i’m talking a dress shirt without a tie or a polo shirt because no way that this man owns actual t-shirts) and have a simple breakfast
he cooks, obviously. 
always makes a balanced, Chinese breakfast (congee or wonton, noodles, tofu pudding, etc.) because he wants you two to start the day well, even on a slow sunday
also, he travels a lot, so he likes eating Chinese food whenever he’s home
ahh...waking up with Victor just sounds like a dream
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i’m a bit biased on this bitch because he was my first favourite in the game so this might get long. might not. just,,,we’ll see
Lucien is a bit like Victor, where he doesn’t sleep much and works a lot
On the other hand, his work is...ehem...shadier, so he usually works in his office when he’s at home
you’ll both have your own space to do whatever you need to do
days off for Lucien are rare. he usually powers through until he drops
for someone who constantly reminds you to take care of yourself, he’s mediocre at doing exactly that
after getting to know him better, which wasn’t an easy feat because damn this man has more layers than an onion he’ll also make you cry more bUUT we’re not ready to unpack that suitcase, you start noticing when he needs a day off. often even before he notices
you lock his office door and force him to take the FULL day off at least
he could technically open his office again, but he loves you and he’ll humour your attempts
Lucien wakes up before you. always. you’ve seen him asleep like 3 times in your entire relationship. 
Luci sleeps like 8 hours,,,a week.
he watches you sleep i feel like that makes too much sense for his character. we love a creepy boy. and wholeheartedly feels at rest with your sleeping figure by his side
in his sleep, Lucien lies on his back, holding you by the waist as you sleep on top of him. your leg is often slung around his middle, so you’re enveloping him. he likes the weight of you on top of him; it keeps him grounded and he likes feeling like he’s yours as much as you are his.
on another note, Lucifer—ah whoops—sleeps butt naked. i honestly can’t imagine him wearing clothes in bed. he’s not shy about his body and feels absolutely no need to cover up for his significant other. 
you, however, don’t usually sleep naked. well...nowadays you end up sleeping naked more often than not because alright author-nim’s horrible. can’t help it, he’s a fucking scorpio?
because you guys take a day off, Lucien’s content with waiting and watching until you wake up
he feels you stir on his chest and honestly your drowsy eyes make him swoon
“Already awake, my beautiful butterfly?”
his slightly husky morning voice *really* does things to a person tbh
you guys stay in bed for a good half hour after you wake up, just cuddling and talking, also sneaking in a kiss here and there
you have the same habit of tracing each other’s bodies with your fingertips
his fingers flutter over your waist, you trace his chest or hands with your index again, it’s a very grounding experience to Lucien
when you do get up and head to the bathroom, first thing you do is shower together
he likes washing your hair
bathroom bits might happen, but surprisingly, it’s not a thing that happens a lot so don’t come at me. we’re being wholesome
Lucien’s incredibly intimate and his love language is touch. Yes, he has a way with words but he’s also a really good manipulator
he’s used his words for evil too often and therefore can’t trust words anymore. so he uses physical intimacy as a way to show love.
Lucien has a skincare routine of dermatologically approved products. a double cleanse, serum, essence and moisturizer. he uses anti-age sometimes to prevent later wrinkles.
they’re also one of the reasons why he smells clean and fresh
will tickle you when you’re rinsing your mouth. you’ve sprayed water all over the bathroom mirror before. he loves the reaction. 
if you’re having a day off, you’ll probably just wear sweatpants and a t-shirt or a sweater. Lucien’s closet is relatively plain but clean. he has the best cable-knit sweaters/cardigans though.
your breakfast consists of western things like yogurt or oatmeal. Lucien likes having fruit at the start of the day
the rest of the day is spent relaxing and lounging, walking in the park, biking, reading, drawing, whatever you’d like
maaan...i wish i had more days off
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Gavin’s actually a decently laid-back person on weekends
like, sure he has to work a lot, but his job doesn’t necessarily force him to work from home, so you pretty much have his full attention at home but also he can’t bear to not give you his full attention so what are we expecting
the nasty thing about Gavin being a police officer is that sometimes, he gets called up and needs to work at unconventional hours
also, he gets injured. most of his injuries are minor, but that doesn’t stop you from worrying.
but anyways, he’s not a total busy bee when he’s at home, and relaxing isn’t exceptional
sunday mornings are...well...active. Birdcop goes on a run/hits the gym every morning, so he’s awake by 6am. what did y’all think i was going to write
afterwards, he takes a quick shower and joins you in bed again. 
Gavin sleeps in a pair of basketball shorts and a singlet. he’s somewhat shy about sleeping shirtless, and god forbid he sleep naked. but it’s all good and he respects your boundaries. besides, he’s comfortable in his sleep and that’s all that matters.
you spoon in your sleep. sometimes, he’s the big spoon because he likes being able to ‘protect’ you in his sleep. other times, he relishes in the comfort of being the little spoon and feeling you pressed up against his back. 
very important headcanon! you’ve learnt to sleep with the bedroom window open. on workdays, Gavin gets home late and jumps right into the bedroom. it’s become a typical habit for you two, although you used to be grumpy about not being able to sleep with the noises of traffic. 
you’re usually awoken by the sound of the shower and Gavin’s humming it’s canon that he hums now, bitches. also I bet his singing voice is amazing
so it’s less ‘sleeping in’ and more ‘lounging in bed like the lazy bastards you are’ i’m kiDDING
if he’s able to, Gavin might convince you to go on a run with him....but let’s be honest, you rarely agree
Gavin’s a total cuddlebug though, so be prepared to spend the next forty-five minutes in the tightest hug ever (to be fair, you’re not complaining)
he’s completely soft for you and you’ll have to wrestle out of his grip to get to the bathroom
you don’t shower in the morning, so everything’s pretty quick
Gavin doesn’t actually have a good skincare regiment tbh...he’ll slap on some cream and that’s it. probably washes his face in the shower with body wash...AND HIS SKIN STILL LOOKS AMAZING
you like making funny faces in the mirror while brushing your teeth and making Gavin laugh while he’s watching you in the doorway. he loves how you just make his day with the smallest things.
you guys both dress in really casual clothing, like hoodies and shorts/sweatpants/pj pants unless you’re going somewhere
Gavin has them grey sweatpants, if you know what I mean okay I’ll chill, sorry~
you wear his shirts a lot because they’re super big on you and Gavin secretly not-so-secretly thinks you’re adorable in them (a good thing about Gavin is that he’s easy to read; he blushes rather quickly)
“Ahh...it’s just—you look so tiny and cute.” guess he’s not the only one blushing now
i see Gavin as a ‘bun for breakfast’ kind of person. he picks them up at the stall a couple of miles away when he heads home. sometimes he does so running, other times...well he’s not called Birdcop for nothing
you guys have 2 buns each for breakfast because they’re delicious 
lounge time is often spent gaming or cleaning the house (you’re both busy people and Gavin tends to get messy because he just chucks clothes on the floor after a hard workday)
you make the most out of your sunday, hoping Gavin doesn’t get called in
who wouldn’t like being domestic with Gavin?
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Kiro, unsurprisingly, has an incredibly busy schedule
one that, similar to Gavin, isn’t really decided by himself
i suppose his situation is a tad bit worse than Birdcop’s, since his workdays don’t even actually end when he gets home. he constantly practices choreos, singing, etc. at home
so, full days off are few and very, very far between
this makes them extra precious
it helps to have a lazy morning once in a while though (in Kiro’s case, lazy sundays are most likely a bi-weekly thing)
you wake up first! Kiro needs his beauty sleep, and damn this boy can knock in 16 hours of sleep if need be
you’ll probably lay in bed for a while and then attempt to get up and ready for the day
until...you feel Kiro’s arm tugging you back
for a skinny, lithe boy, he’s remarkably strong. he pulls you back to bed with the groggiest, cutest sleep-laced voice EVER 
“Mmm, Miss Chips, it’s not time to wake up yet, is it?” 
he snuggles into you and refuses to wake up unless you give him kisses
during the night, Kiro sleeps in actual pyjamas with cute characters on them. when he feels lazy, he’ll probably just slip on a t-shirt and some boxer shorts, but he likes putting in the effort to wear matching couple pyjamas
Kiro cuddles with you 24/7, and sleep makes little difference here. he’s often the little spoon because he does like feeling your presence and your grip on him. he moves around when sleeping, so you might end up out of each other’s embrace, but Kiro subconsciously always touches you in some way or form, like holding hands or intertwining legs. he’s a man with many identities and needs your presence as a reassurance that he’s still the man that you love
he loves to pepper your face with kisses after getting home from rehearsals/concerts, claiming that it gives him energy
you do the same in the morning, anything to hear that sweet giggle of his
he’s deceptively cute though, and innocent morning kisses tend to spiral into...something more let’s just be honest, his stamina is something else entirely i’M SORRY 
morning exercise? check. Hotel? Trivago. non-sponsored~
you guys don’t shower in the morning. Kiro’s used to showering after practice, which is late at night, and you shower in the evenings to help you relax
however, on a rare occasion, you’ll draw a nice bath together and play around with bubbles and scented bath bombs so fun and relaxing
Kiro totally has a 14-step skincare regiment. you don’t get that beautiful baby-smooth skin without some effort.
he has the best ‘mid-range to high-end’ products on the market, and loves sweet and floral scents for his skincare and makeup. you guys try to line up each other’s routines to be able to do them together every morning.
Kiro also has a huge bedhead in the morning! it’s your job to get this sleepyhead styled for a fun day
even Kiro’s casual loungewear is top-notch hip and trendy. he has fun sweatpants with chains, belts, patches, you name it. he likes holding a little fashion show with you, no matter what you two are wearing
old jeans? strut it. thrifted shirt? vogue, honey.
Kiro’s on a strict diet, so usually he has a smoothie and some tofu pudding for breakfast. on occasion, you’ll indulge him in something decadent, like French toast or pancakes. on moments like these, you swear he loves you juuuuuust a little more but don’t tell Savin!
you guys are a relatively active couple, so unless you’re inside gaming or busy working, you’ll spend some time in thrift stores or karaoke bars, arcades, fun fairs,...
just thinking about Kiro brightens my day...
As always, I hope you enjoyed reading this! I’ll try to bring out more content for K-Pop idols, otome characters and anime characters during the holidays. Requests are still open, so don’t be afraid to send a little message in my ask-box!
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606writings · 4 years
HC: Dating would be like... [Victor]
A/N: While writing Mammon’s hc I got inspired and wrote this, I love Victor so much bc he’s daddy material and I adore his voice 👁️👅👁️. I really hope you enjoy this❤️, plz let me know if you have any request for Victor or any other character!✋🏻
His favorite nickname for you, we already know it:
Super pricey dinners every week.
You’d have to buy lots of elegant dresses, this man doesn’t know how to have a cheap date with you.
But he gives in when you tell him you just want to watch a movie together, or take a walk in the park.
Sometimes he’d cook for you at home, because it feels a bit more intimate to do it himself and share it privately with you.
There are times when you two don’t talk at all, and he likes to admire you silently.
This doesn’t mean your relationship is boring, in fact he’s very good initiating conversations.
Victor is a good listener, too.
You can always count on him to listen to any problem you may have, or if something funny happened to you today, he’d pay attention to every detail and laugh with you.
He appears to be a serious man, but when you’re off work, he’s more easy going and he laughs at your corny jokes.
In LFG, only Goldman knows about your relationship just because one time he accidently heard you talk about spending the night at Victor’s house.
Goldman freaked out because he thought you two had a strictly professional relationship.
Victor admitted you were dating and, even though you weren’t hiding it, you didn’t tell anyone in LFG to avoid any problem.
So, Goldman was silently supporting you two.
You’d still have to get used to silly rumors about Victor dating foreign models or some rich woman from the industry, as he was one of the most desired bachelors.
Sometimes those rumors can make you uncomfortable, but at the end of the day you know you’re the one getting home with him.
Victor is not the kind of guy to tell you “I love you” very often, instead show you with his actions how he feels.
But when he says it, is the most romantic moment you could ever imagine.
It could be either having a romantic dinner at the light of the moon and some candles, while holding your hand and looking into your eyes with a loving gaze, letting all his tender feelings come out in his voice.
Or before falling asleep, hugging you from behind in bed, when you’re slowly closing your tired eyes, he’d trace your features with his fingers gently, holding you close and whispering sweet nothings into your ear before whispering: “I love you.”
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phairfantooooom · 4 years
Obey Me
Obey Me Explained... Kinda
My Prayers have become Ghosts
Garden Event Thoughts
If You Died Headcanon/Imagine
Dancing with the Devils Headcanon/Imagine
Origins (A spite fic)
Buried Truths (A sequel to the spite fic)
A Bittersweet Lie
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mlqcanonymous · 4 years
MLQC Almost Domestic Bliss — Gavin Edition
Flying at night all around the city to watch the city lights above and maybe getting mistaken as an UFO or something lol
Wakes you up very early in the morning so you two can have a morning jog #fitness&death
But gives you extra cuddles as an incentive
Usually eating healthy foods with a dash of junk food every now and then
You making him lunch and him driving you to work in his motorcycle (you gotta feel ‘em abs)
Forehead kisses after dropping you off work :’>
Sex. In. The. Sky. Because we gotta take advantage of his powers somehow lol
Awkward dinners with Gavin’s dad and Shaw every other month or so
Flies to your office window whenever he misses you (damn the flying thing is really advantageous)
Definitely needs hourly updates from you whenever he’s out on a mission
As soon as he comes back, you two don’t leave your bedroom for about a day— or maybe three
Holds your hand everywhere you go and never ever drops it even when you’re about to eat
Massaging Gavin after an exhausting day at work and you may or you may not be naked just sayin :)
Sometimes does roleplays and makes use of the handcuff lying around the house lol
Gavin requesting you to play the piano and getting emotional every single time
Sometimes Saturday afternoon is spent playing video games where you two shout at each other like a tennis match
Whispers I love you in your ear just as you’re about to fall asleep
Minor gate crashing Friday date nights most of the time
Sometimes Gavin wakes up from a nightmare in the middle of the night and watches you sleep just to reassure himself that you’re real and you’re with him
On lazy Sundays, you two cuddle in the couch where he watches tv and you take a nap on top of him
You don’t really match clothes but you two have matching gingko leaves accessories (it’s a necklace for him while a bracelet for you)
Definitely gonna adopt a dog after a few months into the marriage
Shaw visiting your house to flirt with you and make Gavin jealous
Usually texts messages and sends pictures when he’s out drinking with the other policemen
Once attended a high school reunion where schoolmates are god smacked to see you’re married to that Gavin
But everyone can see that Gavin dotes on you pretty much the entire time
Gavin acting shy and embarrassed whenever you introduce him to some friends and coworkers even though you’re already married
Your wedding photo is placed in the living room, above the fireplace (if you have one)
Gavin rubbing his wedding ring when he’s deep in thought
Talks about family and children every now and then
Lingering glances and deep blushes from across the room in a party or get together
Polaroid pictures of you two scattered on your bedroom walls and the mirror. Mostly stolen shots of you two together
There you have it! Hope you enjoyed it!
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Yandere Kiro
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Kiro is a clinging and slightly delusional yandere.
It would start as a very innocent friendship.
He would really enjoy your company and sense of humor.
And soon Kiro would become dependent on your company and love.
But it starts so innocently and unnoticed that it is not noticed.
Kiro is truly an innocent and harmless yandere.
He would just like to spend a lot of time with you and hug you.
He will come up with a lot of reasons why you should stay with him and spend a lot of time with him.
However, Kiro is busy and it annoys him very much.
After that, he is even more clingy.
Kiro really believes that you love him a lot too.
And he doesn’t want to believe if you’re trying to say that the feeling isn’t on both sides.
He believes it's just a bad joke.
Kiro would never punish you.
He would just shut you up in a tight hug and refuse to let you go.
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astralhugs · 4 years
may I request headcanons for a slow sunday morning in for all the mlqc boys (or those you feel comfortable writing)? are they used to letting themselves rest or do they need Somebody to cling to them for dear life to keep them down? :D welcome back!
MLQC boys on lazy Sunday mornings
* On rare occasions, he would open up souvenier.
* He enjoys cooking and finds it relaxing so even if he doesn’t open the store, maybe he’ll learn new recipes for you!
* But if his workload from LFG gets too heavy, expect him staying up later than usual. You would definitely have to drag him away from his table.
* No matter how busy he is, he would definitely make some time for you.
* Maybe a date in souvenier or some fancy expensive restaurants.
* Later he’ll critique the food once you both are at somewhere private haha
* Enjoys night time because thats when he can have more free time since he feels like he NEEDS to work at day. At night he’s more...free.
* Loves cuddling up with you when you both sleep, he won’t admit it tho.
* At least he stays home tho and not watch those 24 hour cinema theatre things
* He’d pull out an old black and white CD cassette and you both would watch it together or -he watches it alone while you sleep beside him on the couch-
* In the day, he would still go to his lab if work is starting to pile up but he’d go home at a much more...reasonable hour.
* 10PM latest!
* Sometimes you go with him and watch him work.
* No matter how tired or sleepy he is, he never slips or mess up.
* He has an airbed if he needs to sleep there.
* Sometimes you’d sleep over there with him.
* Yea both of you need to go home
* “I’m not tired” he says. a yawn follows up.
* Eventually gives in and goes to bed.
* But would get up in the morning and wake you up too.
* </3 exercise
* “C’mon we rarely spend time together! Lets jog for a bit!”
* More of a Sunday morning person since he would stay in the station ‘til night time on some Saturdays.
* Hates it when you’re not around while he’s having a day off.
* Like whats he gonna do damn
* Takes you out to the park for more jogging and exercising or just simple cute dates.
* Eating ice cream together, walking around hand in hand, yall both look like the cutest couple istg
* he doesn’t have much free time so his options are only the days Savin give him day offs and weekends
* if you don’t like going to carnivals and such, he’ll stay home with you, maybe eat a bag of chips or two while yall both play video games.
* Its always fun with Kiro on the weekends.
* At night, he’d be more calm and maybe yall both listen to some music while ordering chinese.
* Cuddling with you on couches>>>>sleeping on the bed.
if yall like this, i’ll add shaw and helios :D
i hope everyones having a great day sorry i havent posted in months hhhhh
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tartagilicious · 3 years
Hi there!!! Can I please request mlqc watching their S/o playing competitive or international level volleyball. S/o can either be opposite hitter or libero (or choose any roles that you feel comfortable writing) you don’t have to but that would be greatly appreciated
finally my years of being obsessed with haikyuu count for something :D (does not include shaw)
Victor, competitive -> international:
- a bit of a unique situation compared to the others, but imagine going from one level to another with him there to celebrate with you! volleyball something you ultimately do on the side of actual work, but it’s an undeniable passion — something you’d probably have to leave things behind to pursue.
- fortunately, because of your respective careers, Victor doesn’t have to be one of those things
- he loves to watch you play! because you’re a libero, and it’s nerve-wracking to watch you slide and jump around. but it’s something you have an obvious talent for, even to someone like him, who only knows as much about volleyball as he does because of you.
- he’s the reason you’re able to keep a calm head most of the time. largely unaffected by the turmoils you go through, the advice is always exactly what you need to hear, and exactly what you remember in moments where a volleyball is hurtling towards you.
- not an extremely vocal person at your games, but even from the grounds, you can always see a proud smile on his face. 
- you’re scouted at the end of another successful season for your team, by someone waiting for you at the end of your final match. he might be a little suspicious when he sees someone unfamiliar talking to you in such a friendly way, but that’s completely off his mind once you come up to him some time later, looking like you’d been told the best news of your life. 
- in a way, though, you almost had. 
- from then on, there’s a nice synchrony between his business trips and your games. you’re able to be away at similar times and come back to each other easily. it makes for a tiring but well worth it way of life
Lucien, international:
- hsdjfaj imagine how much more difficult it would be for lucien to manipulate you when you could just be like “sorry I’ll be out of the country for the next few days for a volleyball game <3″
- queen shit
- anyways, past all of that, once things are more tame and you’re together, I have a feeling he’d actually hate it lol
- put yourself in his shoes: he’s finally settled down with the literal girl of his dream that he’d fallen for against all odds. the light of his life and you’re away from him pretty often because of the sport. duty calls I guess?
- you get bruises a lot because of your liber position so he takes care of you after games if you’re a little beat up :DD
- you can see it because you’re his s/o, but the way he smiles a bit harder or lets his hand linger in yours for a bit longer when you come back from a trip makes you weak in the knees
- but when he does come, which is admittedly a lot of the time, he’s always there to support you in the stands. maybe not a super vocal supporter in the moment, but definitely has a baseball cap with your jersey number on it
- would absolutely cheer loudly to tease you, but means it I swear adfkhj
Gavin, competitive:
- he knew you played volleyball in high school, and would occasionally drop by your practices or games back then, but he never would’ve thought you carried it past graduation
- you work full-time as a producer, he could tell as much the moment you approached him at the police station that day, but what he also couldn’t help but notice how you had still retained the faint muscular form he’d remembered from years ago
- so it came as no surprise when you told him you still played volleyball as you were getting closer again
- being a fan of sports himself, imagine him practicing with you 😭 of course, he may very well be naturally better because of his size and innate strength, but he’ll let you win every time. I can definitely see him being super excited that he can he can do athletic things with the person he loves so freely 
 - during your games, he definitely has a homemade shirt that has your jersey number on it. if your particular team has merch, then he has the real deal. 
- it may not sound like it, but he wouldn’t be overbearing if that makes sense?  volleyball is your thing and he respects that, he won’t drag it on for his own interests. 
Kiro, International:
- phew I think I know which one of these is easier to write
- “superstar with pro athlete s/o” the headlines you two would make omfg
- I don’t think kiro is a very athletic person, or at least not athletics-oriented like someone like Gavin may be, so watching your games is incredibly fun for him. he just loves to watch the way you move when playing?? he’d be willing to bet you could probably keep up with helios at that point
- unlike the others, not shy. will scream when you make a point. in this version, let’s say you’re opposite hitter, this way that happens more often :hehe:
- he mingles with normal fans in the crowd while hiding his identity (with a baseball cap/mask or anything else, really) for not only his own privacy but also so he can see you as anyone else would. if another person in the stands happens to recognise him, which is kind of unavoidable, he just has to ask them to keep it a secret
- maybe the person in question is moved by his commitment to you? the secret rarely gets out
- will celebrate wins with you. lots of junk food and maybe some singing? no doubts in my mind that kiro is amazing at karaoke 
- also, no matter what he has going on in his life as helios, he’ll always put it aside to watch one of your games, all you need to do is ask. 
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beneathashadytree · 4 years
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Warnings : slightly suggestive in some parts (nothing descriptive), this is not proofread, reader is gender neutral!
Genre : even more tooth-rotting fluff, a dash of hurt/comfort if you squint a bit
Word count : 5.5K words
Additional notes : This is the A-Z fluff headcanons thingie, but since Tumblr has a paragraph limit (grrr), I was forced to split it into two parts. This is part two, from letters N to Z.
Click here to read part 1
Requests : Are open! Check the rules over here.
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N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
• To most normal people, having someone call you a dummy, an idiot, or a fool would be considered a major insult---and normally, that would indeed be the case.
• But to Victor, whose voice always takes on a teasing, affectionate, almost-helpless tone when he does call them these names, they're his own personal terms of endearment. He finds it adorable how they always try to bite back at him and match his seemingly-vitriol words, and how they progressively become fond of his name-calling. He really means them no harm, after all. And if ever they did take offense to it, he'd immediately stop poking fun at them, no questions asked.
• He isn't always a terrible tease though, sometimes his words take on a much heavier, gentler intent. And it's at times like these that he can't hide how absolutely smitten he is, be it by the loving voice he'd taken on or by the overwhelmingly intimate name itself.
• When he falls, he falls hard. And that's the only viable explanation as to why his gentlemanly ways are evident in the pet-names he chooses.
• "My love" "darling" "sweetheart" tumble from his lips like a prayer he reminds himself to say daily---only it's not as much of a chore, since he says them with abandon; like they're the last words he'd ever utter. Sometimes, he even wishes that they really would be his final mutterings.
• And these loving nicknames never cease to cause their heart to flutter, especially once paired with the doting look his eyes have taken on. They scream every single word he has trouble voicing to express his unshakable emotions (Victor you tsundere).
• Often enough, he'll shorten their name without even noticing that he'd called them that. It was incredibly soft; the way he'd smiled sweetly while absent-mindedly calling them with a mono-syllable version of their name. Often, the same name would slip into the bedroom, when he's lost in the throes of pleasure---though, in all honesty, he'd much rather call them his love as a reminder of just how meaningful this moment is, wrapped around each other as their bodies find the same enthralling rhythm.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
• Victor's poker-face is his own signature thing; can't have the CEO of LFG without a completely blank expression that never slips!
• His job and profession demand that he deals with everything with directness and little to no emotions attached, or else he'd be forced to face consequences for years down the line.
• When Victor falls in love however, it seems that he's become more pliant. While his dummy might not yet be aware of his growing affections, everyone else seems to have caught on.
• After all, it was impossible to turn a blind eye to the way his eyes visibly lit up with a certain shine to them without seeming too eager; how the lines on his face seemed less taught and his edges more softened; how deep chuckles escaped him in their presence; how he was less likely to snap at his team when they blundered after they'd paid his office a visit.
• Even the most mundane every-day events he'd looked past before felt much more appreciated now. Wanting to share these moments with a certain producer sent his heart into a frenzy and drew a smile on his lips.
• He wasn't an outright sap, nor a fool in love; as a matter of fact, all aforementioned signs might seem rather silly and insignificant to most people, but to those who work underneath the unpopular boss, they're damn near losing their minds. Is the end of the world nearing? Has the sun risen from the west already?
• But no, it hasn't; Victor Li is just very much in love with the 22 year-old who'd ensnared his heart. And in his own way, he makes sure to show it.
• While he might not be that big on verbal affection or anything too sickly sweet, his point comes across very clear in other love languages.
• Needless to say, he'd drop whatever is in his hands in a heartbeat if it meant spending time with the person he dedicates everything to. Whether they need assistance, or they cheerfully invite him for a fun day out, or all they crave is just his calming presence, he'll willingly bend the rules of time and space for them to find him by their side.
• He'd never ever leave them wanting. Window-shopping is an impossible feat to accomplish around him, because the very moment he notices his love's eyes drifting off to the side, whatever they'd wandered to look at instantly becomes theirs.
• And when they grumble about how they now have to compensate for a lot of things he'd bought, he begins to buy them increasingly heartwarming (and ridiculously expensive) gifts for no apparent reason. No excuse given aside from, "It reminded me of you, dummy."
• He might be busier than he'd hoped he'd be with them, but there is no doubt that he'd cross oceans and dimensions just to have them by his side.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
• He's a man that couldn't give two fucks less about what others think---and time and time again he's proven that to his s/o. No amount of hatred or scrutiny directed his way could ever deter him.
• However, he's a man who values privacy very much. It isn't exactly because of him being the infamous CEO Li; he just firmly believes that whatever intimacies shared between them ought to remain sacred and between just them both.
• In clarification, he doesn't brag about his significant other in the normal sense. Instead, he resorts to escorting them to events that showcase their incredible talents---an award show, an international premiere, or a gala they'd MCed. That way, his prideful smirk and sharp eyes would need no explanation or interpretation, aside from the fact that this ridiculously successful and brilliant person was all his, and he theirs.
• If media outlets were to find out by themselves one way or another (the damned paparazzi nearly always weasled into their lives to pry information from behind the bushes), Victor wouldn't even bother dispelling rumors.
• He's a rather brash man; forgive him if he seems dismissive. He really isn't; he just doesn't see what the big fuss is all about. However, once official steps in their relationships are made, he forces Goldman to go through the hell of releasing public statements through the PR Department that clarify just exactly what is going on (engagement news, wedding declarations, possible heirs to his empire... etc.).
• In public, when the chance arises, he never shies away from softly placing his lips over theirs, a gentle notion to show just how proud he was of being their lover, without doing anything too extreme or improper. If his s/o happens to become slightly needier and clingier, he usually entertains them in avoidance of growing sadness from their end---but, all within the limits of public decency! He's a refined man of high status, after all, even if one seems to forget that with the way his eyes shine with adoration at their antics.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
• While some might call him emotionally constipated, Victor is actually a very empathetic and compassionate man whose thoughtfulness knows no limits. Rest assured, this man can enter a room where his darling is seated and understand within seconds how they're feeling at the moment, just by glancing at their posture, observing the creases on their usually-smiling face, and every single movement of theirs, starting from their fingertips to their eyelashes.
• This comes in very handy when his lover struggles with expressing how they feel, words failing them as they just can't articulate the point they're trying to get across. Some days, they simply find no energy in them to even bother explaining themselves, wanting nothing more than to burrow in the warmth of his chest in bed.
• And at times like these, he almost seems to possess telepathic powers, with the way he instantly gets just how they're feeling, reacting in the way he deems best. This incredible ability of his makes it wonderfully easy for the producer to open up to him.
• After all, how can they not; with the way his eyes gently flit over their body curled up against him, intently gazing at them as they speak, reacting every now and then to show his engagement, and offering input whenever he feels it's ok to do so. Having Victor Li devote his entire existence to someone translates into him being the damn best listener there could possibly be.
• This never fails to encourage his significant other to speak up with whatever is on their mind and be unfailingly honest---a far cry from the crippling intimidation they felt the first while they'd known each other, don't you think?
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
• Dear God, if anyone is a sap when in love, it certainly is Victor. He's possibly one of the most romantic individuals in all of Loveland City, should they ever decide to create a list like that. He'd probably even rank somewhere in the top 10 spots too, despite the grand population.
• He has a rather old-fashioned, idealistic image of love in his brain. It's what he yearns for and it's difficult to convince him of otherwise. After all, he's always wanted what he's read about in classic novels in the passing, and he'll be damned if he won't try to have something even better with the fool he's fallen for.
• But rest assured, he isn't living in some sort of Utopia in his head; he knows damn well that love is a rocky road and there will be occasions when they might stumble and fall. He's idealistic in the sense that he believes in the purity and power of everlasting love, not in the sense that he's foolish enough to think there'll be no conflicts at all.
• His romantic mentality means that he'll stop at nothing to please his s/o. And while it might seem stupid or silly to others, he knows his little glutton loves nothing more than eating his food, with a particular affinity for his pudding.
• For Victor, it might even count as an individual love language all by itself. Nothing gives him greater joy than seeing them sitting on the kitchen island, munching happily on a snack in one of his shirts as they watch him cook. He always does a wonderful job of it, the kitchen soon filling with mouthwatering aromas, but his eyes often dart to his lover who was dangling their legs as he roasted duck and fried eggplants and sautéed vegetables and---oh no, what were they doing?! This was absolutely disgusting and unsanitary, they must get off immediately---
• After each specially made dish that leaves nothing to be desired, he always hands them a bowl of sweet pudding that seems more of an "I love you" than anything, what with the way his mouth curved up softly as he set the dessert down in front of his eager sweetheart.
• While he does love showering them in gifts and the occasional tender words of affirmation, he prefers to work his way to their heart through their stomach---and it has proven to be quite effective, he might add.
• Typically, he does a mix of both cliché and creative things---after all, some things like a candlelit dinner no longer count as cheesy when he's flying them halfway across the world to dine in a classy rotating 5-star restaurant on the top floor of a ridiculously tall tower. The man has the cash, and he will absolutely spoil his darling whenever he feels he wants to (which is all the time, honestly).
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
• If Victor wasn't as helpful and attentive as he is, he probably would've never bonded with the producer in the first place. After all, they burst through his door with rock-hard determination, but with little to no clear goals and plans set in stone---which he knew, with his own years of experience, would spell failure.
• Despite that, he saw the sheer will-power they possessed and understood that their potential was much greater than they showed---and that was more of an encouragement for him than anything to assist them in making their dreams come true.
• But Victor Li is a strict man, and incredibly fair, often to a fault. That meant that in no way would his soft spot for the producer mean that he'd go easy on them. He scolded them, reprimanded them, guided them firmly, but never harshly. His favoritism only showed in the fact that he didn't reduce them to tears every time he calls them to his office. Aside from that, he was ever-diligent in his work, which forced them in turn to do the same.
• It showed within a very short time as their popularity and success sky-rocketed, while developing sturdy foundations for their company. They know that Victor doesn't bluff when he threatens to withdraw funding if their work doesn't improve. Their desire to keep their father's legacy alive hardened their skin and made them trudge on no matter what to improve themselves.
• Victor's much-needed advice and pointers stem from his deep-rooted belief in them. He knows more than anyone that they can and will do anything they set their mind on doing, and he knows that all they need are those tiny final pushes from him. And he'd gladly aid them when they turn to him for help; after all, they're his only long-term investment.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
• Victor himself tends to be a man of routine, waking up at specific hours, following healthy diets and workouts, setting periods for work and breaks for relaxation, and writing schedules in notepads that he follows by the date. He enjoys that feeling of stability; it grants him a sense of control which he very much likes.
• When it comes to his relationship however, he doesn't mind either. If it's routine they like, he'll happily settle on one with them that would fit to their needs and wants the both of them. Even if they wanted to set a precise hour for couple activities, he wouldn't mind in the least. Sure, them taking matters into their own hands draws a smirk out of him, but aside from that he doesn't seem to comment on it and agrees while adjusting his timetable.
• This is especially handy during busy work seasons; ensuring punctuality and never neglecting one another while keeping up with their never-ending paperwork and shoots, respectively.
• If spontaneity is what they prefer, he's more than willing to tag along on any and all of their antics---at the end of the day, he values these precious moments more than anything; the times when he's pleasantly surprised and thrilled with them by his side as they experience new things together.
• If it's him plotting sudden dates or activities, it warms his s/o's heart like no other, knowing that he enjoys himself around them just as much as they do with him, and that he trusts them to see that slightly childish side of him come out to play. Never had they thought that they'd be seeing him look so laidback and elated in their presence.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
• As I've mentioned above, Victor knows his lover like the back of his hand. Every nook and cranny in their endearing personality; every fold and bump of their warm skin; ever thought that might've crossed their mind, Victor has it all down to a T. He isn't one to half-ass anything, especially not loving someone so dear to him.
• His empathetic nature when it comes to them really shines in dire times, when all they want to is to crumple the bed sheets in his arms, momentarily shutting out the problems that had been overwhelming them for the entire day. Somehow, any upcoming events are no longer scary when he's taking care of them.
• Him knowing them so well also comes in very handy when they're feeling rather insecure or unsure about themselves---especially if it's concerning their relationship. Victor's highly in-tune with their emotions and probably has their thought process memorized, so it's no wonder he rushes headfirst into providing reassurance.
• Whether in the form of loving words whispered in earnest, or feather-light touches that leave them shivering happily, or self-care days spent together just to highlight how much they mean to each other, Victor knows exactly how to react to his darling's doubts that come creeping in when they least expect it. He'd spend the rest of his days deciphering the code to themselves if it meant that he'd always understand how they're feeling to take care of them.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
• As a very practical and goal-oriented man who lets nothing stand in his way, it's only natural to expect him to place nothing above his company; the child he nourished with his own blood, sweat, and tears for years on end, seamlessly climbing up the hierarchy built by society and deeming himself la crème de la crème of the upper class.
• But here comes the pleasant surprise: in actuality, his darling comes first, and hence so does their relationship. Never does he dream of prioritizing anything other than the very person who's the reason why he works so tirelessly at night, and why he hopes with all his might that he'll make them live comfortably further down the line.
• If he's at work for the monthly meeting with investors and they call him up with a tearful voice, the meeting is adjourned and delayed until further notice. If he's seated on his bed flipping through files and they burst through the door with barely-held back excitement at a new achievement, his chest is rumbling with merry laughter as he holds them close. If they've drawn back into themselves, he's going through hell and back to bring them back to their past self, just like he always has.
• If he were forced to retire on the spot or leave his sweetheart, there's no doubt he'd drop all the money and power in the world for their sake. Victor does things in extremes; working too hard, cooking too deliciously, and subsequently loving too fiercely.
• For a man who possesses the most complicated and game-changing EVOL of all, he knows the future he so desires won't make itself happen even if he had all the time and space in the world. It needs heart and determination, both of which Victor has in plenty.
• He didn't spend half his life scouring the earth for the person he'd already deemed as his other half all for nothing. He didn't tie his mind, body, and soul to them for fun. He might not be the most verbally affectionate person, but he gives love in abundance and will continue to do so even if his empire collapses.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
• Sometimes, even seemingly-invincible men have tough days when their hobbies can't help them much, no matter how desperately they hope they would. Victor is included among these fine gentlemen, of course.
• When he's had an especially hard day when nothing seems to go the way it should, and he nearly rips out his black locks out of frustration, that's when he unabashedly turns to his s/o for a little dose of love.
• They know what's coming when a tired half-smile crosses his face, leaning against the bedroom door with terrible posture, his tie undone, weary eyes, and tousled hair---a far cry from his usual put-together appearance.
• "Care for a walk?" would be his simple question, one that his lover can never deny, in hopes of bringing back the man they love dearly to his full happiness meter.
• Whether they're bundled up during winter in trench-coats and scarves till only the top of their heads are poking out from their attire, or wearing breezy clothes that show off just how beautiful and at ease this couple is, their hands are always entwined and he's thumbing their ring finger, whether empty or not.
• They chatter away as their voices are lost in the fresh air, memories of their footsteps staining each and every sidewalk, imprinting each other's words in their minds. With the way they're walking so close that they're almost always touching, it's impossible for Victor's heart not to feel lighter, seeing their eyes all lit up and shining like he was the most precious thing in their world.
• He never ceases to be amazed by the gentleness of their touch when they're back home and they're pulling him down to their lap, even if he was still annoyingly much taller than themselves.
• Minutes and even hours pass as they sift their fingers through his soft hair, occasionally scratching at his scalp, enjoying the deep sighs he has to offer. With the way they successfully calm him down, he can finally open up about what's been bothering him. The tender kisses peppered all over his strikingly handsome face are a surefire way to see that stunning smile grace his features once more.
• While he might seem like a typical alpha-male more often that not, he still melts in his beloved arms and adores the way they dote over him. How can he not, when he's dreamed of this for so long? When he's waited his entire life for someone to love him so openly? When he's prayed for nights on end for a person to genuinely care for him without expecting anything in return?
• He's all blissed out, and any negative thoughts have been instantly washed away when his s/o places their deft hands in his. They're so strong and yet simultaneously so fragile with their big heart and loving self; he'll always stare at them in wonder.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
• Will Victor Li internalize most of his intentions and emotions out of habit? Yes, he oftentimes will. But will he find other ways to express himself? Undoubtedly yes.
• He has the power to bend space and time, altering it by crossing realities, and that power showed him just how vital its importance is. He understands how short one's lifespan can and might be, and that gives him even more of a reason to make the most out of his days with his precious dummy. And never will he let a day go by without him reminding them just how much they mean to him in his own way.
• Perhaps he doesn't have honeyed words dripping from the tip of his tongue every second, but he does have hands that have memorized every curve and crevice in their skin, he does have a body that was made for holding them impossibly close, he does have eyes that are melted obsidian when watching them just be themselves, he does have a heart that's honest and works his mouth into leaving sincere kisses.
• While he does sometimes render them speechless with words that leave their stomach a fluttering mess, he mostly prefers to let his entire body do the work. Intimacy, for him, lies within the mere act of touching them.
• Ranging from dizzyingly hot open-mouthed kisses against their throat and have breathy groans escaping them, and fiery make-out sessions that could stretch for hours and leave their lips swollen, to little pecks against their forehead as they sigh happily, and cheek kisses smooched with so much playful ardor no one would believe that that was coming from him.
• After all, seeing his idiot stumble over their words and struggle to form a coherent sentence as a raging blush bloomed on their cheeks was more than amusing to him, causing him to smirk at his accomplishment.
• And he'll never get enough of the way they tumble into bed, sometimes bleary-eyed at the crack of dawn, other times so early they seem like a toddler. No matter the hour, he waits for them patiently in bed, coercing them to have a healthier sleeping schedule in avoidance of "bothering him" (as if! He'd willingly cross oceans for them).
• Once they do crawl under the covers with him, he wraps them tight into his chest, regardless of the weather. He couldn't care less honestly; comfort be damned if he wanted his darling to lay down in his arms then they will. The AC will be cranked on, the windows will be cracked open, the covers will be thrown away; anything to make sure that no matter what they won't stop cuddling each other in bed. He's just clingy come nightfall.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
• He's spent the entirety of his life depending on no one but his own self, never bothering to chase after irrelevant personas that seemed to fade after a while in the business world. He'd grown up to be quite the loner, his stand-offish attitude often repelling people, his indifference and aloofness causing a distinct rift between him and his peers. He's never known what it felt like to rely on anyone that wasn't family.
• This ever-so-independent man finds it shocking, the way his heart jumps a little in his throat every time his dummy locks the door behind them. His head gets filled with a million questions within seconds: Where are they going? What will they be doing? Is it safe? Do they need anything? When will they be back?
• That last question strikes him hard; he didn't expect his own brain to betray his heart, reflecting his yearning in his train of thought. Why does he miss them already? They're not permanently leaving; they're just popping out for groceries for God's sake, it's not the end of the world!
• He usually busies himself with doing a little reorganizing of his (already perfectly arranged) office files, something he prefers not to do when they're spending the little time they have together.
• But God forbid his darling leaves on a business trip that might have them staying abroad for weeks on end. When that happens, it counts as a nightmare month in LFG. The usually-fair boss becomes unapproachable and insufferable, barely maintaining his cool for minutes before snapping at the slightest inconvenience.
• He really can't help it though; he's not used to pining after someone when they're merely away for work. Suddenly he's picturing them everywhere and at anytime; laying curled up beside him in bed, typing away on his leather office couch, bumping hands with him behind the counter in Souvenir's kitchen, leaning against his shoulder on the park bench, holding onto the crook of his arm on the red carpet... he's really just a sap who misses his lovely s/o so much that he becomes frustrated and touch-deprived, thus causing him to lash out so terribly at work.
• He buries himself in an incredible amount of workload, hoping that that will distract him from the onslaught of miserable feelings that he tries his damn best to deny existing. While that might sound like a great strategy, it just spells out hell on earth for Goldman as he has to follow after his work-crazed lovesick boss.
• Facetiming and texting them whenever the chance pops up is undoubtedly something he makes sure to do, but that doesn't make him miss them any less. Nothing will be normal again until they're in his embrace once more, and returning his hungry kisses.
• This tsundere though; he'll crawl through hell and make it back before he admits just how needy he is. He'll pretend to be aloof and act normal, but it's fairly easy to see through the act when he's resting his chin on his hand and staring at them with a dazed smile and tender look in his onyx eyes that spelled love in a thousand languages.
• Whenever his lover catches on, they make it a point to initiate speaking of how much they miss him and how lonely it's been without him. Seeing them so open and honest about their feelings encourages Victor to speak up himself, a faint, almost-indiscernable blush dusting his cheeks as he catches himself softly saying that he's missed their dumb self more than he'd thought he would, and that things just don't feel the same or half as enjoyable without them.
• Words of love might not come to him that easily, but he's a brutally honest man, and once he stops fearing bruising his ego and hurting his pride, he opens his heart to spill out what's really on the inside.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
• Victor would certainly put everything on the line for the producer, no questions asked there. As a matter of fact, he's done it more than a million times already, and he's willing to do it a million times more if he must.
• He's cheated death, time and time again just to make sure that he won't ever leave them on their own without his love. He's joined forces with criminals and surpassed others just to ensure their protection no matter what. He's crossed the universe back and forth on his own two feet just to bring them back to his side. As a matter of fact, without them, his life would've been fairly normal and even boring, even with his EVOL.
• But things aren't limited to his supernatural powers. His power as the CEO of the biggest financial firm in the entirety of Loveland City and among the biggest companies in the world is also dispensable for their sake. If his lifestyle were to pose a threat to their happiness or cause them any true grief, he'd certainly come up with a sensible plan B, stepping back and handing the company over to someone he trusts would take care of it almost as much as he did all these years. While it's difficult to find someone so immaculately hardworking, he'd take the risk if it meant his lover would be happy.
• He's not a stranger to the concept of getaways; it's happened more than a few times that his darling would start feeling a bit uneasy with all the news channels covering them and the headlines of Victor's supposed affairs and rumors of their infidelity, and that would cause Victor to whisk them away on a magnificent island far away from prying eyes. So if living like criminals on the run is something they'd prefer for their comfort, Victor will gladly accept that.
• Over time, he's learnt to humble himself and set his booming pride aside. As their relationship progresses, it teaches him that love is a unity, not a battle of wits and stubbornness. While he might remain as teasing and often annoying as he normally is, he's shrunk down his ego to face his partner as an equal, not as a competitor. That alone took a lot of self-reflection on his part.
• He's reassured them a dozen times: if they were ever to change their plans and decide with finality that their company no longer brings them any satisfaction or joy, he'll gladly support them financially, regardless of whether or not they pursue another career afterwards.
• Whatever may come their way, Victor wants nothing more than to stand beside them, unwavering and unaffected as the metaphorical storm outside rages on. He'll be whatever they want; an observer, a supporter, a benefactor; whatever it is they ask for, he'll comply to their needs. No pressure, no expectations, no manipulation---he does this because he 100% wants to. It's what Victor Li does when he's completely, irrevocably, undeniably, and happily in love with his dummy.
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Taglist: @thispersoniscrazy
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Victor: I only want your time to stop for me
MC:*makes herself motionless*
Victor: Idiot
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