#mm jumin x oc
samy-parker · 10 months
One of my most recent headcanon are the ship of Jumin and Zen's descendants. And the truth is, I love it so much ♡(> ਊ <)♡ but it's terribly hard to find a fanfic or reaction on Tumblr. This was the enemies to lovers drama that came out of my head:
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cornerofdrawings · 2 years
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I love seeing Ray and Saeran in the same drawing
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jafndaegur · 2 years
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어두운 길을 비춰주는 저 은하수처럼 너는 나를 향해 빛나고 있었어 어둠 속에 찾은 단 하나의 빛 너에게 향하는 나의 길
The Astronaut, Jin
Something sappy, something wistful, and something just for me. Happy Valentine's 💝
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stepswowdsen · 5 months
【MysMes】 Jumin Han & Unknown (Saeran Choi)
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Intro rambles
Some quick recent MM doodles I did recently! Since I keep forgetting to post here AHHH
2 of the screenshots are not mine (since I named my MysMes MC OC Miyeon) but I took my own screenshots for the MM: Christmas DLC - Unknown/Saeran Bad Ending ^^
Jumin and Saeran Ily!!!
It's pretty unfortunate that Tumblr priv blogs are so limited (followers can't like posts) but since these are pretty sketchy, I prefer keeping my doodle WIPs just for mutuals ^^
Secret Sen lore. I first met my friend Aya (@/slurpn00dles) and other friends in 2018 in a Mystic Messenger Discord server that I helped mod ^^ I first played MM back in 2016 (pretty soon after launch date).
Thoughts on Jumin and Unknown/Saeran
My fave was immediately Jumin. Weird cat… I missed your cat text bubbles Jumin!!! 🐈‍⬛💙💜
I was going through all the calls and chatroom logs I did back then. Trip down memory lane...
My faves are Jumin and Unknown/Saeran (OS), tied. Saeran's OS self and my rewrite AU version of him makes him tied with Jumin. My fave MM ships are Jumin/MC and Saeran/MC cuz I favour meow meow mfs. They bring such interesting tension to ships!
Jumin is the silly rich stoic aloof CEO type who obsesses over his cat. He's a cat dad who likes sewing. He's ace spec and funny with huge gap moe. I like his emotional maturity, speaking style, and his struggles with loneliness, solitude and emotional repression. He's genuinely likeable imo.
Unknown/Saeran (OS) is also my fave 🩷 I always love cool interesting antagonist charas with good designs. His design and personality have such c*nt. Love him. Doodle is based on this Unknown/Saeran x MC Welcome screen line~
Some thoughts
Mystic Messenger is a Korean romance visual novel (otome game) that released with 5 routes referred to as Original Story (OS).
Mystic Messenger released with routes for the RFA members and the Secret Endings (post-707 route). These 5 routes are referred to as Original Story (OS).
Casual Story: Zen, Yoosung, Jaehee
Deep Story: Jumin, 707
Cheritz wanted to cater to fans who wanted routes for Unknown/Saeran and V due to their popularity, so they created Another Story (AS).
When Ray Route first released in Another Story (AS), I wasn't satisfied, like imo it's the worst MM route by far. Like wtf. I never wanted the route with my fave to play out like that.
I think Another Story (AS) is a shitty AU (imo) that takes Saeran's character in REALLY poor writing directions.
Since I shipped Saeran x MC way before Another Story came out, I just thought it was gonna be like... Enemies to Lovers, but with a mysterious, ominous enemy.
Unknown was just better as a mysterious and ominous enemy in OS. But I still think Saeran's route could've been done MUCH better though.
Unknown/Saeran (OS) Route Rewrite AU
I started coming up with an Unknown/Saeran (OS) route rewrite AU where Miyeon (MC) accepts Unknown's invitation to come with him to Mint Eye. Miyeon infiltrates Mint Eye to find out more info about the hacker, Unknown, and the place called “Magenta,” the headquarters of Rika's organization, Mint Eye.
My AU plays out more like a crime drama. Miyeon is on a crime investigation mission! It takes place in the Original Story (OS) setting and has much better relationship development, and growth and healing for him.
MC’s name is Chae Miyeon (채미연/采美蓮)
Miyeon (미연/美蓮) means “beautiful lotus” 🪷💗
I chose the name myself since I wanted to pick a pretty name meaning. I thought it’d be cool if she had a name that matches the letters MC (or technically CM, in EA naming order)
I still need to draw her. I imagine her appearance is just like the default MM MC with long brown hair and gold eyes, but she has a big ribbon in the back.
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rikumorimachisgirl · 4 years
So, I started writing this Mystic Messenger fic last year but lost the inspiration to continue. I finally finished it today, so I hope you like it.
Oh, and I commissioned this lovely artwork from @hydeine last year, too. I said I'd tag her when I finally post the fic. I suppose today's the day. Here we go...
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Title: Strawberry Pancakes
Pairing: Jumin Han x OC (Iris)
Genre: Fluff
Word count: 2,665
Author's notes: Some of the scenes were faithful to the game.
Disclaimer: I do not own Mystic Messenger, but I own the idea of this fanfic.
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It started with pancakes. Those thick, buttery, melt-in-your-mouth fluffy stove-top cakes that both of them - apparently - were both fond of. 
The first time they talked about it got him into a spot of trouble. Over an utterly dull lunch date with his father and his latest conquest, amidst the rich ambiance of the Michelin star restaurant where only the who's who in society were spotted, Jumin Han chose to indulge in a little tête-à-tête of his own at the RFA chat room with her. 
Her. Iris  - RFA's accidental member, unofficial party organizer, everyone’s cheerleader, and about the only other person who resonates with him. Jumin quietly as he waited for her to respond to his last message. Over the last twenty minutes, they have gone from talking about Elizabeth the 3rd’s grooming habits to his favorite breakfast food.  
| ‘I like chocolate chip pancakes.’  He felt his lips stretch sideways as he read her message. It was strange, he thought, how he's been joining the chat room more often since she joined. In the two weeks that they've been chatting, he felt closer to her than he's ever been with anyone in his life. 
| ‘I figured you would.’ He typed and sent.
|’You seem like the type who'd indulge in something with high sugar content early in the morning.’
|’That was a lucky guess, Jumin.’
|’But I don't believe in luck.’
|’Oh, and I suppose you think you've got me all figured out already? If you're so smart, tell me what I’m thinking at the moment.’ He smirked at her cheeky response. 
| ‘Iris, I'd like to remind you that I’m a businessman, not a fortune teller. If you’d like me to infer based on our conversation though, I'd say you're thinking that I like buttermilk pancakes, to which the answer is no. I prefer strawberry pancakes.’
| ‘Am I really that predictable?’ Her message finally came in two minutes later. He chuckled. In his mind, he imagined she probably would’ve pouted as she replied. 
“You seem rather amused, son. Did something happen?”
The sound of his father's voice snapped him out of his daydream. The young executive silently cursed himself for carelessly dropping his guard. Clearing his throat, Jumin straightened up and ran a hand through his dark locks. 
“My apologies, father. I had urgent business to take care of.” He tucked his phone in his pocket while wishing that Iris would understand why he hadn't gotten back to her. 
“Judging by your smile, I take it that business is going well?”
It took all of his willpower not to roll his eyes at his father's new girlfriend. Glam Choi was it? And what was it that she did? Judging by how she managed to turn heads, he deduced she must be some kind of celebrity. Nothing special, he thought; after all, his father, the Chairman of the Board of C & R International, seemed to have dated them all - socialites, celebrities, models, beauty queens - some of whom were even a year or two his junior. 
“Jumin? Are you all right, son?”
He silently cursed himself once more. While he was silently judging his father’s new girlfriend, he had once again dropped his guard and gave the older man the opportunity to call him out. 
“My apologies.”
“That's twice you've apologized. My, what an interesting day it is indeed, ” the stately older man said curtly. “Is our company not to your liking, son? Please just bear with us for a few minutes more. After all, your assistant told me that you won't have an appointment in the next hour or so.”
Jumin took a deep breath and sighed. If he had only known his old man’s agenda was to introduce his new girlfriend, he would’ve begged off right away. God knows he’d much rather be eating pancakes with her now than having a full-course meal in this place. He shook the thought away for a moment. Now wasn't the time to dream of her. Fixing his grey eyes at his father and the young celebrity he decided to date, he feigned a smile. “Very well, father, you have my full attention until then.” 
The second time they talked about pancakes was more of an afterthought. It happened right after their first kiss. 
Their first kiss. The very thought of it still made his heart race. He remembered every little detail as if it were yesterday. He had Assistant Kang to thank for arranging everything for him. Thanks to his efficient employee’s quick thinking, he was able to meet Iris a week earlier than the rest of the RFA members, although if he had a chance to do it over, he wouldn't be as flustered as he was when he first laid eyes on her the night before.
He watched in awe as she stepped into the foyer. She was everything he’d imagined - slender and graceful, her brown hair cascaded down her back, and her dark brown eyes looked back at him with the same level of wonder. 
“Jumin, i-it's so nice to finally meet you.”
He swore he’d never felt his heart beat faster than it did at that exact moment. ‘Get a grip, ’ he scolded himself, as he schooled his emotions before it got the better of him. He must not lose his footing, after all, he was Jumin Han - businessman, philanthropist, future CEO.
“You’re beautiful.” The words slipped from his mouth quite naturally, and he immediately regretted it when he saw her cheeks turn several shades redder. 
“I’m sorry, ” he cleared his throat. “What I meant to say was that I hope you traveled safely. If I had known Assistant Kang was going to ask you over, I would’ve sent out my driver to pick you up.” 
And then she smiled, and he knew right away that he was going to do whatever it takes to keep her. 
“Who is this woman and what is she doing in your house?”
Jumin gazed at the shameless woman his father had been forcing him to marry and resisted the urge to throw her out of his penthouse himself. 
“Sarah, please don't be like that. I'm Jumin's friend -”
“And what kind of friend comes a man's house alone? By the looks of it, you probably stayed the night, too!”
If Iris was the least bit upset at the insults hurled at her, she did not let it show. Unfortunately, he was far from being gracious. 
“This is dragging on far longer than I expected. I'm actually quite surprised I hadn't thrown you out the door the minute you showed me that fake cat picture. My security will show you out.”
“What? No, you can't do that. I'm your fiancée,” Sarah cried out incredulously. 
“Oh, please,” he said haughtily. “If you think that we'd  gotten engaged just by exchanging a few words, you're clearly delusional.”
“So, you're choosing her over me?”
“I don't know why you're even asking,” the dashing Chief Director of C & R International said, as he turned his attention to the willowy brunette who stood quietly in the corner. Something about the way she looked at him urged him to come closer to her. With each step he took, the answer became clearer. He stopped in front of her and smiled. She was a good head shorter than him, and she looked adorable gazing up at him with those big brown eyes. 
“It wasn't like I had another choice to start with,” Jumin finally said, his eyes never leaving hers. “Iris,” he whispered, as he lifted her chin and closed the gap between them. He could've sworn he felt a shock wave run through his body the minute his lips touched hers. Suddenly, the sound of Sarah's protests faded, and all he could hear was the sound of his heartbeat - or was it hers? He really couldn't tell - but every single one of his senses zeroed-in on the beautiful woman in his arms.
Her lips were the softest he’d ever kissed - not that he’s had lots of experience - as a rule, he only kissed women because he needed to close deals with them and the kisses they shared were always cold. This, however, was different. As his mouth moved over hers, again and again, all he could think about were two things - how her kisses taste like strawberry pancakes, and that he could never get enough of her. 
The third time they talked about pancakes was a memory guaranteed to make her blush almost immediately. He remembered vividly - Provence in July, a month after they'd gotten married. He promised to take her on an unforgettable honeymoon anywhere she wished. He thought she'd choose to go to Paris, Santorini, Milan, or even Ibiza, and he’d be happy to take her there; but instead, she chose to go to his newly-purchased winery so he could still oversee their daily operations while spending time with her and Elizabeth the 3rd. 
That's so like her. 
He woke up alone in bed one Sunday morning. Frustration marred his beautiful face as he ran his hand over her now-empty side of the bed, and found it still warm. She couldn't have been gone for long, he thought. And Elizabeth the 3rd, who usually enjoyed sleeping late, was not in the room as well. Still half-asleep, he forced one eye open to glance at the clock on her nightstand. 
‘Six-thirty, ’ he groaned silently, as he rolled on to his back. What exactly could his wife be up to this early? Sighing, he rolled out of bed and left the room in search of the beautiful woman who disappeared from his side before he even got to kiss her good morning. 
The house was quiet except for some movement coming from the kitchen. Raising an eyebrow, he quietly made his way to the large French country-style kitchen his wife loved so much and found himself entranced at the sight of the lovely brunette he now called wife, stirring something in the mixing bowl while their pet sat on the counter, looking curiously at her. 
"I hope I get this right, Elizabeth the third, " she told the cat softly. "Jumin's pancakes always taste good, so I hope he'll like these."
Her innocent declaration made him gasp. She was making pancakes for him. And that realization made him pick up his feet and head over to where she was at. 
"I see you both are up early."
"Jumin -, " she cried out in surprise, as she felt his arms wrap around her waist from behind. "Good morning, my love. I didn't expect you to be up so early."
"I could say the same about you, especially after we made love several times last night, " he responded, as he planted soft kisses on the side of her neck. Her cheeks turned red at the thought of their passionate night together, and he smiled, knowing how embarrassed she was. "You're blushing."
"I can't help it…, " she murmured. "And I think you've disappointed Elizabeth the third." 
He watched their pristine white cat jump off the counter and saunter out of the kitchen. "I think she's just giving us some privacy. Don't worry, she'll be fine, " the dashing young businessman said as he stopped kissing her, but kept her in an embrace. "So, tell me what you're up to." 
"I was going to make strawberry pancakes for you, " she started, her face still flushed. "But I'm not sure they're as good as the ones you make."
"Is that so?" He unwrapped his arms and moved closer to the counter where the mixing bowl was. "I suppose there's just one way to find out." 
She watched in silence as he dipped his long and slender finger into the bowl and scooped up a tad bit of better. Carefully, he brought his finger near her lips, while watching her gently. "Say ahhh…, " he said and laughed at how dutifully his wife complied. "Well?"
"It's sweet…"
Cocking his head to one side, he smiled at her wryly. "Is that so?"
"Why don't you taste for yourself?" 
His eyes twinkled with excitement, as she failed to realize how enticing her offer was. Cupping her face with his hands, he leaned forward and whispered, "I suppose I will, " before he ravished her mouth - and all of her body - over and over just like the night before. 
The pancake batter was left untouched until later that day. And as she had placed ointment on the scratches she had left on his back, he feasted on the strawberry pancakes she had made just for him. 
The fourth time they talked about pancakes was on Valentine's Day - the first of many they'll be spending together. He thought of many ways they could be celebrating this together and spent a lot of sleepless nights thinking of the perfect present for her. Never once did he think they'd be spending the day spooning her in bed, with one hand caressing her swollen belly. 
Thirty-eight weeks. She had been carrying their first child for nearly nine months, and despite her growing belly and her slight weight gain, she continued to look even more beautiful. 
"I really want pancakes, Jumin."
His hand stopped moving, and he raised an eyebrow at her upon hearing her request. "Darling, I asked you what you wanted for Valentine's…"
She snuggled closer to him as she felt his low voice vibrating on his chest. The gentle sound of his voice always soothed her and the baby, and she wanted to hear more of it today. "And I told you I want pancakes."
He frowned, feeling a little upset at her answer. In truth, she could have anything she wanted - jewelry, cars, all the designer items a woman could get her hands on - but all she wanted to for Valentine's was his home-cooked pancakes. "That's all you want?"
"That's all I want, " she hummed. A few seconds later, she felt the baby kick and the sensation made her giggle. "See? Even the baby wants pancakes."
"But the doctor said you should lay off sweets…" He should have known better than to speak those words because no sooner had he said them, she immediately turned to him with sad puppy eyes. He sighed. He knew at this point that he had lost to her once again - after all, he could never resist her - but he wanted to make her victory a little harder. "As I was saying, the doctor said…"
"But Jumin, I haven't had anything sweet since we found out I was pregnant, " she said, pouting. "And I'm really craving the strawberry pancakes you make."
"Will that make you happy?"
"Very much so."
Sighing again, he untangled himself from her and rolled out of bed. "All right. I suppose I can alter the recipe a little bit. You just lay there and rest, okay? I'll be back with your pancakes."
Elizabeth the third jumped from her bed and walked beside Jumin as he stepped out of the room. "How long do you think before she rolls out of bed and follows us?" He asked, glancing sideways at their precious feline as she mewled her response. "Ten minutes? That's too generous. She's been too fussy lately, but something tells me you're spot on, so we need to move fast."
And true to form, a very pregnant Mrs. Han waddled out of their room ten minutes later, enticed by the mouthwatering scent wafting from the kitchen. 
"Those smell heavenly, " she said excitedly, as she made her way beside her husband and stood on tiptoes to give him a kiss. "Thank you, Jumin, " she whispered before she waddled towards the cozy little breakfast nook she had designed for them. 
He smiled, as he watched her walk away from him. She had no idea how happy she's made him, how lucky he was that she came into his life, and how thankful he was for all the many things that brought them closer together. Especially strawberry pancakes.  
The end. 
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violet-olav · 4 years
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Such a cute boy!! 💜💜
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serede986 · 4 years
(NSFW) MC has wet dream
Sexual Content
"Daddy! I want you please!"
"Say it loudly baby doll. What do you want me to do?" He whispered the question in her ear, his raspy voice making the scene all the more sexy than it already was.
"I want you daddy.." her moan followed, when he pushed his member inside her.
She moaned softly, before slowly opening her eyes into the night. It took a few seconds for her  to get out of the sleepy slumber. She sat up and looked around, feeling the coldness of the morning. Sun was hours from rising. Her eyes move down, looking at her husband sleeping, facing towards her.
She checked out his figure before pausing at the crotch area. "Ahh.." she moaned softly, remembering the dream she just saw, before pressing her thighs to feel the soft pleasure and her wetness against her thighs.
Her hand moved towards her husband's face, slowly caressing his pale skin, trying her best not to wake him up. "Jumin.." she pecked his forehead, while continuing to caress his face. Unwillingly, she pulled her hands off his face, not wanting to wake her husband up.
Her arousal got the best of her when she moved her hand and placed it on her husband's member, slowly moving them in an up and down motion. Low, raspy grunts left his lips as she continued to work on his member, getting hard moment by moment. She could feel her eyes filling with lust, as she heard Jumin's grunts.
Not wanting to remove the source of heat, she got herself inside the blanket and moved his boxers down, enough for his erection to get free. Holding his member with her right and supporting herself with her arm, she licked his tip, causing him grunt to shift and face the ceiling.
Her hand moved down near his balls, lightly pinching the skin near them. She moved her hands up, supporting the erection. Licking the tip of the sex she takes the member in her mouth, earning a long moan from his sleeping self. Beginning to work on his member, MC bobs her head down and gags slightly after feeling the erection hit the back of her throat. Her free hand moved towards her crotch, rubbing the wetness through the fabric.
"MC.." A low moan comes out of his mouth, eyes opening at the pleasurable feeling he is receiving.  Unintentionally, he pushed his torso up hitting the back of MC's throat with his member.
MC gagged loudly, Jumin now fully awake at the sound of his wife's discomfort. "MC What-" She continued to caress his erection with her hand and mouth, causing him to moan and cut his sentence in the middle.
He sat up and pulled off the covers from his body and saw MC, pleasuring him. Ignoring his now throbbing member, Jumin caressed her cheeks. "Jaagiya.. stop. Look up. Look at me princess." She obeyed, pulling your mouth off him with a 'pop'. The sound was enough to make him leak his pre - cum.
She looked up at him. "MC... are you okay? What happened?" he noticed MC's other hand near her privates. He guessed it, alright.
"U-um Ju-Jumin! Ah! I-I can explain!" MC stuttered, and hurriedly sat up, both hands now at her thighs.
"It's okay. I got it.." Jumin smiled sweetly, while MC controlled herself from getting melted.
Shifting towards MC, he pulled her in for a passionate kiss. He moved his lips softly against hers and licked her bottom lip, asking for entrance which MC gladly gave. Their tongues danced together, rolled and fought for dominance. Surprisingly, the husband pulled away first, leaving a string of saliva from their mouth.
MC moved her head down once again before being stopped by Jumin. "Don't. Let me pleasure you princess."
He pushed her head down towards the pillow, and got on top of her. He followed his actions by robbing his hands on her inner thighs, slowly snaking his hands towards her crotch. He rubbed her through the fabric of her nightwear, already feeling her wetness through them.
"You're so wet jaagi.." She blushed on his comment. She took off her top and unclasped the bra, removing the clothing from her chest.
Jumin sucked on her nipples and moved towards the neck, trailing her collarbone with his tongue, making her moan out with pleasure. He bit lightly on her most sensitive spot , sucking followed by licking to ease the pain.  
"J-jumin" MC moaned his name.
Jumin's hand moved to remove her underwear, rubbing her clitoris. MC snaked her hands around Jumin's neck, bringing him closer and kissing him. Letting her fingers in his head, she pulled his locks lightly, earning a soft groan on her mouth.  
As he was about to put his fingers in her, MC broke the kiss and held his wrists. "Stop Jumin... I want you.. please.." her voice almost inaudible, she looked into Jumin's eyes which were reciprocating her lustful ones."Alright.." He pushed his lips on hers. He pulled off his T-shirt over his head.
Jumin positioned himself before her entrance, pushing himself in. Their moans together, MC snaked her arms around him, feeling his back. He moved slow, not going fully inside before pulling out. This is not how MC wanted.
MC pulled her husband closer and pushed her hips up causing his member to his her most vulnerable spot. MC moaned loudly.
"You've been such a naughty girl today MC.." Her husband's low raspy voice whispered in her ears.
Jumin moved his member deep, hitting the same spot frequently. MC was a moaning mess. Looking at his wife's pleasured face, Jumin wanted to blindfold her and tie her up with red ribbons.
No. It was for her.
Jumin increased his pace, groaning at the tight feeling of MC wrapping around his member. Her wetness spread on her thighs, resulting in wet slapping.  
"Jumina! I'm close!"
"Me too jaagi. Release whenever." Jumin kissed her lips, moving sloppily.
A few more thrusts inside her and she released, tightening herself around his member. She could feel his warmness leaking from her as he pulled himself out. Going in for another kiss, Jumin pulled himself off of her and sighed, smelling the scent of sex in the air.
"Thank you Jumin..." MC smiled and pulled the covers up on both of their bodies.
"No need babe. Next time you have that sort of dream, just wake me up instead of suffering on your own." Jumin smirked looking at the blush that followed on her cheeks.
Hey guys! Hope you liked this oneshot. I am accepting requests if anyone wants to. 
Hope you have a great day:)
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fishsticksloser · 4 years
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☆~°•°~I just got your messages!~°•°~☆
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letskidnapsenpai · 4 years
Reader who self harms so deep she has to get stitches
Fandom - Mystic messenger
Pairing - f!reader x Jumin, f!reader x V, f!reader x Saeyoung
Type - Headcanons
Tw - Self harming, blood, stitches
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• It's after midnight and he's still at work when he gets call from Saeyoung.
• He finds out you got into breakdown and hurt yourself. Saeyoung saw it through the security cameras and went there.
• Saeyoung took you to hospital and you had to get stitches.
• He immediately leaves his office to go to Rika's old apartment.
• He finds you in bed, crying with your hands wrapped in bandages.
• He comforts you, telling you then it's okay and everybody makes mistakes.
• He hires psychologist to help you and he often checks up on you with messages when he's at work to make sure you're okay.
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• He also let's Saeyoung play with Elizabeth the 3rd for helping you.
• He's at hospital after his eyes surgery and you're visiting him.
• He still has bandages wrapped around his head, to protect his eyes, because they are still sensitive, so he doesn't see anything.
• He reaches for your hand, but he feels something weird, stitches.
• He asks you what happened and you tell him how you broke and harmed yourself.
• He's crying when you finish and he pulls you into tight hug.
• You promise him to never do it again.
• He makes Jumin check up on you while he's at hospital.
• You went to psychologist together to get over your past.
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• He was procrastinating from work by watching cameras when he saw you walked from bathroom.
• He smiled when he saw you, before he noticed your whole hand is covered in blood that's dripping to floor.
• He immediately calls you to find out what happened.
• He's heartbroken when you tell him how you feel and how you cut too deep.
• He leaves his work and confused Vanderwood behind and drives to you.
• He tooks you to hospital and holds your other hand while they stitch it.
• When you get home you have long serious talk, when you're done, you're both crying.
• He holds you tight and promises to never let anybody including yourself hurt you.
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A/n: That was request, and I actually posted it Yesterday, but it disappeared ╥﹏╥
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1luminate · 4 years
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this ones old too :3
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cornerofdrawings · 2 years
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cafedanslanuit · 4 years
Hi! I don't really know if you're taking requests but if you do,, so there's a guy who keeps texting me once in awhile even though i always rejecting him so could you please write something about Jumin's reaction and how he comforts mc~ thanks
Hi! Yes, some days I don’t post anything but I always take requests!
Jumin may not be te best one with sharing or talking about his feelings, but he’s a very observant man.
So when he sees you making a face to your phone, he’s concerned. He asks if everything’s okay and you say it is, but he can see your smile isn’t the same as always.
He tries to let it go, but he’s still a bit worried.
Once, he wakes up on a Sunday morning and you’re not in bed. He hears pacing around the living room, so he realises you’ve gotten up early to make breakfast. He goes to join you, and when he enters the living room, he watched first-row how you throw your phone to the couch, muttering: “Leave me the fuck alone!”
When you realize he’s standing there, you both look at each other in silence. He asks what’s going on and you reply there’s this guy that had been texting you lately. You’ve rejected him far too many times for you to remember, but he keeps sending messages and you don’t know what else to do.
He nods, understanding the situation and picks up your phone from the couch. “May I” he asks, giving it to you so you can unlock it. You nod, using your fingerprint to do so. He goes through the messages, seeing you had, in fact, told him off many times already. He presses the call button and waits in line under your shocked look.
“Hello. This is Jumin Han, MC’s husband. Take this cal as a ‘cease and desist’ measure, or else I will have the police called and a file against you for harashhment. Good day.”
Your mouth is slightly open, surprised by Jumin’s actions. Especially by the way he referred himself.
“Husband?” you asked softly. Last time you checked, he hadn’t proposed to you. You both had talked about marriage but there hadn’t been an official proposal.
“I may have gone ahead” Jumin nods, now a little embarrased. “Although I think he will stop now. Forgive me for overstepping”
“No, no, it’s okay” you assure him, taking a few steps and holding him hand with a smile. “Thank you”
Jumin smiles back, this time a little more relaxed. “Why were you up so early?”
“I was going to make breakfast but well... that happened and I didn’t get the chance to actually do something”
“It’s okay. You were going through a difficult situation, which has clearly ended. How about... you sit down and I make some strawberry pancakes?” he suggests, making you beam with joy.
“I’d love that”
“And a cup of the coffee we picked up from France?”
“Hmmm, yes please!” you say, humming contently. Jumin nods turns around and goes to the kitchen. You sit on the sofa, waiting for him as he prepars breakfast, thanking you have someone to rely on when things get a little rough. You didn’t think there was a way you could be any more in love with that man. 
Also, you had to admit Jumin presenting himself as your husband definitely has a nice ring to it.
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hiaden · 4 years
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🤭First date with Seven ~
And my oc's reference sheet☆
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sapiophile-j · 4 years
During an interview.
Jumin: So what is your strength?
MC: Flexibility
Jumin: ...okay.
Jumin: And your weakness?
MC: Those deep black eyes of yours.
MC: (;^ω^)
Narrator: And in that moment, she knew, she fucked up. 🤧
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savoryscribbles · 4 years
𝚃𝚑𝚎 (𝙵𝚞𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎) 𝙷𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚝𝚘𝚙 𝙼𝚊𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗
A/n: third times the charm? I’ve had to redo this multiple times, first time I put it in the wrong like font thing, and second I forgot to tag it!!! Ugh, stupid me. I really enjoyed writing this, I hope you enjoy reading it! Big thanks so @pigletxpoohbear and @someone-but-still-noone for proof reading, both of y’all were a huge help!
𝙼𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝙼𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝
𝙼𝚢𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚌 𝙼𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛 𝙼𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝
𝙷𝚃𝙳𝙷 𝙼𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝
Info about this piece and the series can be found at the link above(third one down) ;) Enjoy!
⊱ ❀ ✿ ꕥ ✿ ❀ ⊰
I stand up as I hear the door open and close. Walking through the hallway I see Jumin before he can see me.
“Darling? I'm home.” He called out to me, just as I entered the living room. His eyes lit up as he saw me.
“Hello honey, welcome home.” I said as I walked into his open arms and wrapped my hands around his middle. He kissed my head as I buried it into his chest. He chortled, holding me tighter.
“I missed you.” I mumbled into his chest. He pulled back and looked into my eyes.
“I miss you every second I'm not with you.” He responded, kissing me on my lips. It was a short and sweet peck. He reluctantly pulls away from me and takes off his suit jacket.
“What did you have for dinner my love?” He asked looking at me while walking to the phone to call the chef.
“I- I didn't eat, I wanted to wait for you to get home.” I responded to his question.
“You shouldn't wait for me, okay? Eat when you’re hungry not when I do. I suppose you're hungry though. What would you like to eat my dear?” He asked before calling the chef.
“How about pasta?” I asked, following him into the dinning room.
“Pasta it is then.” He responds, causing me to roll my eyes. He never said no to me, he didn't even input his opinions when I was making a decision.
As Jumin calls for the chef, I think back to our conversation last night.
‘I would like to go property shopping soon.’ he said, breaking the silence.
‘Property shopping? For what?’ I asked, confused as to what he meant.
‘For our future house.’ He stated matter-of-factly.
‘Oh. Okay, when were you planning on going?’ I curiously responded, quite excited. Jumin had mentioned the prospect of owning a house a couple weeks ago, and while this information shocked me, I was extremely happy. Designing my own house was a dream of mine.
‘I was thinking of the day after tomorrow, I’m planning to take that day off so I will likely be home later than normal tomorrow because of that.” He explained, causing me to pout. I didn't want him home late, he works late normally, I had no idea how late “later than normal” would be.
‘I know love, it’s less than ideal, but you’re always saying I should be more respectful of Jaehee, so I thought this would help.’ he said, noticing my pout taking my hands in his, kissing them.
‘It’s fine, I understand, Jumin,’ I reassured him. Yes I love him to death, and I know he loves me with the same fiery passion, but he has to work. Work, so he can spend more time with me.
“Love?” Jumin asked, bringing my attention to him.
“Yes?” I responded a little startled.
“The chef will be here in 30 minutes.” He stated, walking up to me. Before I had time to respond he leaned down and grabbed my face with both his hands.
“Oh to know what thoughts go on in that mind of yours.” He whispered to me before kissing my forehead.
“Hmm. I was actually thinking about what you’d said yesterday. About property shopping tomorrow. Are we still doing that? Have you contacted someone?” I voiced my concerns to him.
“We are still going, or else I wouldn’t be late. And yes, I have contacted a real estate agent. They said they had multiple properties to look at, we’ll probably be gone most of the day.” He answered, walking to the door after hearing someone knock on it.
Jumin opened the door, finding the chef waiting with our dishes. He stepped aside to allow the chef in, while I had a seat at the table, which had been cleaned and freshly set.
“Thank you, chef Yoon, for preparing a meal so late, you always treat us so wonderfully.” I said to the chef as he set the dishes on the table and pulled the lids off.
“You’re welcome Mrs. Han, enjoy the meal.” He smiled before seeing himself out. As he left, my attention returned to Jumin. My husband sat across the table looking at me with what some would describe as ‘heart eyes.’
“Yes dear?” I questioned, making him come out of his stupor.
“You are always so polite to everyone, it reminds me of how lucky I am to call you my wife.” He said calmly before grabbing his cutlery.
There were small conversations while we ate, but nothing major. And soon it was time for bed.
As I finished changing, I felt Jumin take me into his arms. I cried out in shock.
“What are you doing?” I asked, clutching to him.
“Carrying my wife.” He stated unfazed. I laughed as he walked us to our bed. He set me down onto the sheets before walking to his side of the bed. Jumin turned the bedside lamp off, causing the room to go dark. Before I fell asleep I felt him wrap his arms around me.
I woke up, seeing my husband's face loom over mine.
“It’s time to get up dear.” He said kissing me all over my face.
I laughed, rising from the bed, and walked into the closet. After choosing a business casual outfit, that's also comfortable to walk around in a lot, I entered the bathroom, getting ready for today.
Jumin and I walked hand in hand out of the penthouse, towards the car that was already waiting for us. As we entered the car Jumin told Driver Kim the directions to, what I can assume is, the first property.
As the car pulled up to the vacant lot, I saw a man waiting near the driveway. Jumin took my hand, leading me gently out of the car and towards the man.
“Hello Mr. and Mrs. Han. I am Mr. Kae and I will be guiding you through these properties today.” Mr. Kae exclaimed when we were in earshot.
“This first property is almost half an acre, coming in at 25,000 square feet with woods surrounding the area. There is a lot of privacy, with no neighbors for a couple miles.” The agent said. I grimaced at the last part. Neighbors were something I definitely wanted, people I could talk to.
“The property does not come with a front gate, however one can be installed if you wish. This is also the cheapest out of all of the properties we will be looking at today.” Mr. Kae continued. I looked to Jumin, finding him already staring at me. We both shared a look of displeasure.
“I think that will be all for this property, me and my wife would like to discuss some things privately, so excuse us for a moment.” Jumin announced to the agent before walking us back to the car.
“I didn’t like there not being any neighbors, what if we need help? What if something bad happens and no one can get here in time?” I said to him, he nodded, agreeing with me.
“I don’t like that as well. I would prefer to live in a gated neighborhood. I’ve also looked at the location of each property, this one is the farthest away from my work.” Jumin added. We both agreed that this one was definitely going to be at the bottom of our list.
Jumin walked back to the real estate agent, and seemingly discussed our disinterest in this property. The conversation didn’t last long, because soon Jumin was walking back towards the car and me.
“Come on love, he gave me the directions to the next property.” He informed me, opening my door. As I buckled in my seat belt I heard Jumin get in on the other side, and tell the directions to Driver Kim.
“Forgive me, dear, I am so sorry, I forgot to ask you what you would like for our place to have.” Jumin confessed.
“It’s fine, I really only want a place with neighbors and beautiful scenery.” I responded. I didn’t want a lot, I really just wanted to design the house. He nodded, taking what I said into consideration.
The second property was similar to the first. However, this time there was an extra half acre and less woods. There were also a couple neighbors, we passed by them on our way there. Jumin and I both agreed that this was not the property we wanted.
It was nearing the end of the day, we had looked at several properties, none of them really feeling right. I was starting to give up hope by the time we reached our last property. Jumin had mentioned that this one was the closest to his work, which was a large plus.
“This is the last property of the day. As you saw this is a gated neighborhood, and the community here is great. This is the largest property you’ve looked at today, at a total of 2 acres. It looks over the city. It is situated a little further away from the rest of the neighborhood, as it’s the highest property.-” Mr. Kae kept on rambling, but I wasn't listening. I stared at the beauty before me. It was sunset, and the property seemed to face exactly east, which also meant that the back faced directly west.
The sunset was heavenly, and in that moment, I knew, this was the property I wanted. So I looked over to Jumin with a bright smile on my face. My husband doesn't smile much, but he couldn't stop himself as he saw mine.
“This is it Jumin. This is the one I want.” I said to him, still staring at the cultivating colors in the sky. I couldn't see it, but he nodded as well.
“This is the property we would like.” Jumin interrupted the agent, who was still rambling.
“Oh? Oh! Okay, this property is quite popular so there are already a few offers on it.” Mr.Kae responded.
At that point I stopped listening, knowing Jumin would handle everything financial.
“Come on love, let's go home.” Jumin said, leading me back to the car.
Once we got back into the car I saw Jumin on his phone. I was curious as to what he was doing, because he wasn't normally on his phone during car rides.
“Why are you on your phone?” I therefore asked, causing Jumin to look up at me. He looked away, thinking for a bit.
“I’m just making notes of people I need to call, like a home designer, and a construction company, there’s a lot I need to do.” He responded, listing some of the things that needed to get done.
“Can I help?” I asked excitedly. My dream might become a reality, and I couldn't help but express my enthusiasm.
“Of course, we will be approving the designs before they’re put into action.” He responded, a little confused as to what I meant.
“No! I mean, can I design the house side by side with the home designers?” I explained, still looking at him with hopeful eyes.
“I can’t think of a reason why you shouldn't be able to.” Jumin said, still looking a little confused.
“Yay!!!” I exclaimed, if we weren’t in the car I’d run up and hug him right now. He laughed at my enthusiasm.
At home we sat down on the balcony for our nightly wine drinking. Usually we’d talk about our week, but all I could focus on was the house. As I looked out into the night sky, all I thought about was how I couldn’t wait to see it from the amazing view of the, soon to be ours, property.
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