bloodywickedlips · 4 months
Don't know
Summary: Y/N meets Spencer and you two see each other for a few months without discussing what either of you do for work and when it comes out both of you are shocked.
You were sat across from spencer at a coffee shop in Las Vegas as it happens to be where both of you were at that time. You had met him a few months back and thinking about that moment made you smile.
You were enjoying one of your morning runs as that’s how you liked to start your day, it felt like after a run your head was clear and the day flowed more smoothly.
“On your left” you called out going to run past a man in front of you but instead of running past him he turned around and before you could stop you ran straight into him. Spilling his coffee all over him and yourself.
“Shit that’s hot” you said as you pulled our shirt away from your skin where the coffee was burning.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t think clearly” the voice said and you were about to cuss them out but when you looked up and you saw the tall nerdy looking guy you couldn’t yell at him because of the look in his eyes.
“It’s okay it happens” you said and watched as he fumbled to get his bag off of his shoulder and he looked around to set it down.
“Here let me” you said and grabbed his brown shoulder bag from him. He smiled in gratitude as he walked to throw the coffee cup away and tried to dry the wet coffee with the napkin, rubbing at his shirt.
“I guess you need a new coffee?” you asked and he looked sad that he had to go get a new one and you felt bad as he looked like a kicked puppy.
“Yeah I guess I'll have to go back a few blocks and get another” he replied and you finally looked over him.
Brown hair, slightly curly. Glasses on his face with a sweater unbuttoned over a dress shirt and slacks along with converse on his feet. Computer nerd for sure you thought to yourself.
“Well there is actually a little coffee shop up ahead if you would let me show you?” you said and he watched as he thought it over and then nodded.
“I didn’t know there was one up ahead, usually I know all of them” he said and you hummed as you knew it was a small local one, hidden behind a small shop.
“Yeah it’s a local small one but it doesn’t get that busy so no lines and it's nice and quiet” you said and led the way. The both of you walked in silence and it wasn’t uncomfortable, it felt easy and calm which you had to admit was nice.
Walking into the shop you smiled at the owner and put your order in and waited for the new acquaintance to order his own.
“Sorry I'm Y/N, sometimes I forget manners” you said and stuck your hand out for him to shake but he looked down at it and seemed to waver.
“Spencer and sorry I don’t shake hands it’s a germ thing” he said and you quirked your eyebrow at him, definitely computer nerd.
You accepted his explanation nonetheless and grabbed your coffee as he grabbed his own, you both headed outside and said your farewells as he was late for work.
A few days later you went to the coffee shop around lunch time, hungry after your workout and was surprised to see Spencer there. “Don’t go telling people about this place, I like not standing in a line” you joked and saw him smile as he realized it was you.
“I won't tell a soul” he said and you smiled. You walked over to the counter to order a coffee and a sandwich and looked over to Spencer.
He was sitting alone at his table reading a book, you laughed softly and rolled your eyes. “Do you mind if I sit?” you asked and spencer looked up and nodded putting his book down.
“No you don’t have to put your book down” you said and Spencer blushed “I’ve read it a few times already so it’s fine” he replied and you nodded and noticed his glasses were missing today.
“No glasses today?” you asked and took a sip of your coffee. “No I got contact lenses, glasses sometimes are a struggle with work” he said and you wondered how glasses could be a hassle for a computer nerd.
“So how many times do you read one book Spencer?” you asked curiously and watched the faint blush cover his cheeks again. “It depends if I like it, I do read it about once a week” he said and you smiled imagining his home was filled with books.
Just then his phone rang and he said he had to urgently go to work. You looked down and felt the courage hit you. “Can I give you my number and we meet up sometime?” you asked and saw Spencer fumble for words.
“It’s okay if you don’t want to Spencer” you said to give him an out but he sighed “I travel a lot for work, so I don’t want to make a date and then not show up” he said sheepishly and you understood.
“Hey I travel a lot for work as well, so I get it” you said back to him and grabbed your napkin and wrote your number down.
“Here, for whenever you are back in town” you said and handed him the napkin with your number on it. He smiled and said he will definitely make plans and rushed off.
You sat back and started eating lunch when you noticed Spencer had forgotten his book on the table, reaching over you looked at the worn cover and decided to see what the book was about.
It was a very interesting book about human behaviour and you couldn’t put it down. Lunch was finished and you were on your second coffee when your phoned dinged and saw an unknown number.
‘Hi Y/N, it’s Spencer. I forgot my book there, any chance you can just hold on to it for me?’ the text read and you replied that you already grabbed it and would give it to him when you saw him again.
That’s how the next few months went by, you and Spencer would text each other and meet up from time to time. You learned that he was in fact a genius and loved to read as well as being addicted to coffee. Both of you never really spoke about work besides the traveling but neither one of you seemed to want to talk about what the other did and you were fine with it.
Usually the moment a guy found out what you did for a living they would either be put off and never contact you again or would try to be over masculine and make a fool of themselves, putting you off.
But with Spencer it felt easy not to talk about it as there were lots of different topics covered.
The two of you became close friends and would either meet up for coffee or go get dinner. Over the few months you could feel something inside of you grow for Spencer but you didn’t know how to approach it as he still had no clue what you did for a living and you were sure if you mentioned it he would be running for the hills.
You planned a whole speech to explain to Spencer that why you traveled so much and sometimes couldn’t see him was because you were actually a professional cage fighter. Often you had bruises that you couldn’t explain and didn’t want him seeing you bruised up and thinking the wrong thing, which is why you decided to tell him in person while you were in Las Vegas for a fight which you had won the previous night but you had a nasty cut on your cheek which was stitched up.
You waited for Spencer to arrive at the restaurant and you picked a table on the outside to get a fresh breeze in the hot humid night.
“Sorry I’m late, things were a bit hectic” Spencer said as he sat down and you smiled fondly as he tried to straighten his shirt and then his hair.
“Oh Y/N what happened?” Spencer asked worriedly as he noticed your cheek and you looked down in embarrassment. “I can explain Spence” you said and he grabbed your hand quickly and it made your heartbeat speed up.
“Is it your boyfriend? Please I can help you, I promise we can deal with him and get you away” Spencer said and you frowned at the ‘we’. “No it’s nothing like that Spence” you said and took a breath to explain to him what you did for a living but was stopped as a man with a teenage boy approached you.
“Wild force? Sorry but my son wanted to ask if he can have a photo with you?” the man said and you internally cursed. Putting on a smile you nodded and posed for a photo with the boy and then with the dad as well and grimaced as he put his arm around your waist, holding a bit too close to your breast.
“Thank you, we are such big fans and we were rooting for you the whole night” the dad said and you thanked them and waved them off.
“Spencer I can explain” you said and looked over at Spencer to see him completely confused. “Yes that would be helpful” he said and you sighed ready to lose the one friend that you were developing feelings for.
“Okay so the truth is…”  “Spencer?” a voice interrupted you and you groaned at another interruption but looked to see a blonde girl in  a colorful attire next to a fit looking man walking over and realized they had called Spencer’s name and not yours.
 “Hey we tried phoning you to see if you wanted to join us for drinks” the man said and you smiled sheepishly at the woman.
“Derek, he’s on a date” she said and jabbed the man in the ribs with her elbow. And then the man looked over at you and you saw the moment that he realized who you were.
“Spencer my man, is this the woman you have been talking about? I don’t believe it, wild force in the flesh” he said and you blushed as Spencer looked at you waiting for an explanation.
“I’m Derek and this is Penelope, now please I need to know how your fight went last night as we were busy with a case and I lost my tickets due to timing” he said and you smiled softly.
“I won, not without a few hits but I won” you said and Morgan cheered as he threw his hand in the air.
“Wait what fight?” Spencer asked and you breathed out a big sigh as the way you wanted to tell him was clearly ruined.
“Pretty boy I'm talking about the big fight last night I was planning on seeing with Emily last night but the unsub took longer to catch” Derek said and it was your turn to look confused.
Unsub? Case? You’ve read about these words in a few books from spencer’s home. That was FBI terminology.
“Wait are you FBI?”
“Are you a MMA fighter?”
Both you and Spencer asked at the same time and then it was deathly quiet. “Shit you guys don’t know what the other does for work?” Morgan asked and Penelope hissed something to him and he looked embarrassed.
“Sorry pretty boy, we will catch up later. Good to meet you” Derek said and the two of them walked off leaving you and Spencer alone.
“So FBI?” you said trying to break the silence and see if spencer would want noting to do with you now.
“Yeah I’m with the BAU, but I think I need some clearance as to how Morgan knows about what you do and I don’t” he said and you nodded and fidgeted with your hands.
“I’m sorry Spencer, I usually don’t tell guys I’m seeing for a while because they are either intimidated or can’t believe in what I do cause it’s not something for a woman to do. But I would understand if you don’t want to see me again” I explained and waited for him to get up and leave but was very surprised when he grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze.
“I’m not going to run away, it’s a shock yes but it doesn’t change the way I feel about you. I’ve gotten to know you and I know you…not wild force. Even though I wouldn’t mind getting to know her as well” Spencer said and you looked up to lock your own eyes onto his.
“Spencer I don’t know what to say, I was planning on telling you tonight because I don’t want secretes between us but it didn’t really go the way I planned” you said and laughed at the end.
“Hey I didn’t tell you about be being in the BAU, just means we have more to learn” he said and you smiled at him and gave his hand a squeeze. Thankful that he understood and realizing you were silly to not have told him sooner. Spencer was always kind and understanding.
“So wild force? I have to know how you got that name” Spencer said and you laughed out loud thinking of the story of how you got it.
“Soon I’ll tell you, but first can we call this an official date and not a meet up of friends?” you asked and were relieved as Spencer smiled at you and laced his fingers through your own.
“Only if I get to kiss you at the end of the date” Spencer said and you felt yourself blushing.
“Deal” you replied and went on to tell him the funny story about your ring name.
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menin4s · 1 month
AU de Sukuna... (Inhala)
Sukuna siendo el nuevo novio de tu mejor amiga de toda la vida, un luchador invicto de la MMA.
Siendo básicamente el hombre de sus sueños, te obliga a escuchar horas y horas sobre él. Lo dulce, buen mozo, atento, sexy que es. Cómo no tiene problema en consentirla en lo que sea.
Hasta que lo conoces.
*Y de la nada comienza tu departura con ella, lentamente.*
Porque parece irreal, como la sienta en su regazo y la llena de besos con susurros al oído mientras todos comparten la mesa. Y de alguna forma mientras lo hace te lanza miradas, miradas fijas que te ponen los pelos de punta.
Porque la lleva de shopping y sin que lo escuches, le ofrece a su novia que te lleve también, y con una sonrisa falsa mientras le compra cada cosa que ella señala, la alienta a que también compren algo para tí.
Y casi sin dejar espacio para tu reproche, la manipula para que ambas entren a los probadores a desfilar mientras las observa. Pasa su black card por cada tienda como si de respirar se tratara.
Porque inmediatamente la convence de mudarse a uno de sus departamentos, y tú amiga ruega para que pases tus días con ella, inevitablemente compartiendo tiempo con él.
Porque la vez tan feliz y con tantas esperanzas después de haberla visto sufrir con ex novios, que no encuentras en tu corazón hacerle saber lo profundamente incómoda que estás. Lo nerviosa que te pone cuando recalca lo caballeroso y atento que es su novio, cada vez que te ayuda a bajar del auto, guiándote con una mano en tu espalda baja.
Porque tú cabeza se rompe al no encontrar las palabras para decirle que estalkea todas tus redes sociales, que a partir de las 2AM se vuelve su tarea revisar todo, y sin pena le da corazones a cada cosa que ve.
A ella se le hace tierno cuando ambas salen juntas y el le pide fotos de lo que están haciendo, haciendo énfasis en que también salgas en ellas. Completamente inconsciente de que agranda la imagen con sus dedos hasta enfocar tu rostro.
Porque no se da cuenta de lo frustrado y tenso que llegó a estar cuando le informó que ibas a llegar tarde a verlo en su enfrentamiento porque aún estabas en tú universidad. Aunque si se puso algo nerviosa cuando la sacudió de un brazo y la obligó a irte a buscar en uno de los autos de la compañía de su patrocinador.
Más tarde le pediría disculpas, que solo estaba estresado y quería que todo saliera perfecto.
"Es tu mejor amiga, sé lo mucho que la quieres, quiero que siempre estés cómoda con ella a tu lado"
Y ella se lo traga, embobada de tanto amor y adoración.
Cuando tenías que ignorar como en cada golpe que daba y lograba asestar en su magullado oponente, su mirada buscaba la tuya fugazmente, mirada que no te atrevías a apartar.
Silenciosamente poniendo un show solo para tí, mientras tú mejor amiga se deshidrataba en gritos y emoción, mientras tu estómago se cerraba de desconcierto y terror ante la sangre sobre la bestialidad a la que llamaba cuerpo.
Y en la fiesta de celebración armada en su penthouse, toda su atención iba a su novia, por supuesto. La sangre y la adrenalina lo volvían el doble de atrevido y desesperado. Sus amigos y parte de su staff lanzaban comentarios de lo enamorado que estaba, y como tú amiga lo traía enredado en sus manos. Sentada en su regazo era bañada de caricias y piropos de pie a cabeza.
Mientras tomabas sorbos de un vaso de plástico podías ver cómo ambos desaparecían escaleras arriba, y apartabas la mirada porque sabías que encontrarías la suya, mientras arrastraba a tu amiga hacia uno de los cuartos.
Con varios tragos de más, no tardaste en intentar arrancar los nervios de tu cuerpo y entablar conversaciones con uno de los luchadores de su team, quien ya te había visto en varias ocasiones pero jamas cruzaron palabra. Sin su mirada quemando tu nuca finalmente podías ser un poco tu misma.
Para tú mala suerte, mientras salias casi sin aire de una de las habitaciones, con la ropa torcida y el cabello enmarañado, sin enterarte fuiste descubierta.
Su mirada te siguió desde el piso de abajo mientras apretaba con fuerza la cintura de tu mejor amiga, luego de que ambos terminaran sus propios asuntos y volvieran a la fiesta.
Mientras el hombre con el cual te habías manoseado sin pasar a mayores dentro del cuarto de lavado, caminaba detras tuyo ajustándose la ropa también.
No tardo en susurrarle algo a tu amiga al oído para que ella como buen títere te interceptara y regañara, obligandote a entrar a una habitación hasta que tú "ebriedad" se bajara. Ella incluso tres veces más ebria que tu, pero aún así amándote tanto para querer cuidarte.
Tan ebria que ni bien le aseguraste que te quedarías a dormir en esa habitación, bajo y procedió a desmayarse en uno de los sillones mientras su novio la acariciaba y conscientemente la relajaba aún más contra los almohadones.
Porque por primera vez pensaste en nunca más verla y desaparecer de su perfecta vida, cuando te interceptó ni bien abriste la puerta de la alejada habitación del penthouse, empujándote hacia adentro y azotandote contra la puerta una vez que la cerró. Cuando te deslizaste hacia el suelo volvió a repetir la acción, esta vez haciendo que sueltes un llanto ahogado.
Con una sola de sus manos cerrada en tu cuello, sintió como tu pulso se aceleraba mientras de a tirones subía tu falda y bajaba tu top, revisando con ojo de halcón las mordidas y marcas sobre tu cuello, hombros y pecho.
Parecía casi ilegal en su mente, como tenías puesta la ropa que tú mejor amiga te regalaba, ropa que él compraba y ayudaba a elegir. Indirectamente vistiéndote a su gusto mientras tú fingías ni siquiera estar involucrada con él. Hasta le daba ternura.
Injusto que dejaras que otro hombre, por cierto un hombre por debajo de él, te tocara como si estuvieses disponible.
Cómo si en todos estos meses él no te hubiese demostrado que era lo suficiente hombre para las dos. Para la novia que adoraba en público, y para ti, la razón por la cuál necesitaba ir de inmediato a la ducha luego de cojersela, solo para imaginar tus manos y uñas acrílicas, masturbandolo y arañando su abdomen, fantaseando que los golpes y magullos sobre su piel eran marcas tuyas. Si había un hombre más digno para tí, era él.
En su mente, ella era suya, pero él era de tú pertenencia.
Pudo ver en tus ojos hasta a qué país planeabas mudarte ni bien estés fuera de sus garras, y con un gruñido de desesperación te besó, casi abriendo manualmente tu mandíbula mientras te alimentó sin pena todos los gemidos de su boca, manoseando sin piedad tus pechos, restregandose contra tu pierna como un perro en celo.
"Ella te ve como su hermana... Te adora... Ni tú serías tan cruel..." Murmuró sobre tu rostro ni bien te dejo respirar, tus ojos vidriosos mientras taladraba cada palabra en tu consciencia, sembrando la culpa.
No podrías verla a la cara nunca más. Incluso te encerrarías días en tu departamento, inventarías excusas para pelear con ella y así poder desaparecer lentamente de su vida. Cada paso al costado que dabas, ella daba cinco más, hasta acampando en tu puerta.
Porque te ama, porque eres su mejor amiga. Su hermana.
Su alma gemela que comparte el mismo hombre que ella.
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gloomwitchwrites · 10 months
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Who am I? – Poppy. she/they. 31. bisexual trash gremlin w/ a caffeine addiction. @gloomwitchtales is my personal blog.
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Missed Hints (Thorin Oakenshield x Female Reader)
Misunderstanding (Thorin Oakenshield x Female Reader)
Mint & Stone (Thorin Oakenshield x Female Reader) ... coming soon
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Rainy Reunion (Aragorn x Female Reader)
Burnt Bread (Éomer x Female Reader)
Gentle Dark (Haldir x Female Reader)
A Sudden Spark (Éomer x Female Reader)
We Won’t Be Missed (Legolas x Female Elf Reader)
An Unexpected Catch (Boromir x Female Reader)
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Untitled Captain Rex ... coming soon
Untitled Din Djarin ... coming soon
Untitled Hunter (Bad Batch) ... coming soon
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Dark Knowledge Masterlist (Miraak x Hermaeus Mora x Female Reader)
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Ink & Needle Masterlist (Simon "Ghost" Riley x Female Reader)
Dangerous Pursuit Masterlist (Captain John Price x Female Reader)
Imagines & What If Main Masterlist (Task Force 141)
Locker Room: Part One // Part Two // Simon's POV (Simon "Ghost" Riley x Female Reader)
Second Act Masterlist (Task Force 141 Masked Metal Band AU)
A Brute, Brute Heart (Simon "Ghost" Riley x Female Reader)
Thinking Of Series: Knight // Viking // Hacker // Hitman // Pub Owner // (Summer) Olympics // (Winter) Olympics // Regency // PornStar // Gladiator // BlueCollar // Bodyguard // RockStar // MMAFighter
Untitled Simon "Ghost" Riley Post-Apocalyptic AU ... coming soon
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Winter 2023 Collection Masterlist
Fluffuarry 2024 Masterlist (Star Wars Edition)
Spring 2024 Collection Masterlist
Summer 2024 Collection Masterlist
1k Follower Event Masterlist
3.5k Follower Spooky Bingo Masterlist
masterlist banners: created using Canva profile picture: taken & edited by gloomwitchwrites profile banner: taken & edited by gloomwitchwrites (oracle cards from Threads of Fate)
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aiizenn · 1 year
his spark. eren jeager.
ₓ˚. ୭ cw: physical therapist fem!reader, mmafighter!eren, somewhat mean!eren, nsfw, p in v, rough intercourse, slight fingering, pet names, cussing, use of word daddy once, tiny aftercare at the end
૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა thought about this after reading the manhwa jinx for the umpth time. mma fighter eren makes me feel some type of way.
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eren: locker room at 8:45 exact. don’t be late.
of course he’s texting you minutes right before a match, it’s always been like this. you gather your equipment from the passengers side as you get out your car. he could’ve at least texted an hour ago, not fifteen minutes before the time he demanded. his locker room is a good twenty minute walk, he’s going to pissed.
8:52 pm
you’re in-front of his door, mentally and somewhat physically preparing yourself. you barely get the chance to knock as eren swings the door open and drags you inside.
“you’re seven minutes late, doll face.”
oh, he’s angry.
“yeah, well maybe if you’d texted me in advance i wouldn’t be late” you bark at him. yeah, you accepted to be his spark, drug, boost, or motivation before every one of his matches but you had things to do and places to be. and he knew that, but he didn’t care. the moment he needs you, you must drop everything and attend him, that was the “deal”.
“watch your tone, pretty girl. don’t get feisty with me now, you are in no position.” he says in a low voice, and you scoff in response turning your head away. he grabs your chin and makes you face him. he leans in close and whispers, “shall we put that mouth to better use?” not seconds later he puts his lips on yours, devouring you like a starved man. one hand on your neck pulling you in, whilst the other roams around the hem of your uniform top. slowly, he slides his hand under your top until he reaches your breasts.
“hmm, no bra tonight?” smirking in between kisses. “why wear one when it’ll just end up on the floor, right?” you say, all breathy. “panties?” “all wet just for you” fuckkk, he’s loosing it. he removes your top, taking you in. shit, you’re breathtaking. his lips head straight to your neck, and starts sucking…hard. that’s definitely leaving a mark. his head dips lower to your collarbone and bites the area. aaagh. he heads back to kissing your lips, while placing his knee between your thighs.
“hmm, yes doll face, they’re wet indeed. and all jus’ for me.” he moans. “so fuckin’ pretty, such a good slut for me”
you whimpered at that, needing more, you start to move against his knee. “aw, you want more? brats don’t get what they want…you have to deserve it” he starts pinching your nipples. he looks at you, enjoying every second of your reaction. he removes one hand from your breast and moves it up to your mouth. “suck” he demands, and you do. you sucked on them like your life depended on it. “such a good brat” he says as he removes your bottom uniform.
a clear, big wet spot right in the middle of the material. he smirks, proud of himself and you. eren removes his fingers from your mouth and wipes your lips. then places them on top of your wet spot, making small circles. the pace of his movements were pure torture. you whimper, asking for more. a playful laugh escapes his lips as he removes your panties. exposing your pussy completely to the cold air.
“you look just about good enough to eat.” you get turned on more by his statement. “but we’ll leave that for some other time” he says while palming himself. he inserts the fingers you sucked on without warning, and you feel pure bliss. “look at that, all loose and ready.” he plays a bit, fingering you, hard. once done he takes out his cock. god, he’s big. you still can’t understand how that fits inside you. he strokes his cock before placing the tip to your entry. seconds pass before he rams into you. you place your arms around him, digging your nails into his broad back.
“this is what you wanted” he groaned. slamming in and out of you, the sound of skin slapping filling the room. he picks you up while he’s inside, you get tighter with the movements. your pussy wrapping around him, sucking him in so nicely making him go feral. he wants to make a mess out of you. he thrusts in and out so hard, making you see stars.
“yess, just like that” you moaned. your breathy moans encourage eren to go faster and harder. loud whimpers and moans left your lips, causing eren to groan. “gotta keep it down, pretty girl. don’t want the others to hear how dirty of a cum slut you are, right?” you can’t think straight. you want to kiss him. you move your hands up from his shoulders to his neck, pulling him closer for a kiss. and he kisses you. “eren, i-i cant…tis too much please.” “you can take it, you’ve done it before, cmon. be a good girl” “just a little more.” soon after he pushes you against a cold wall, adding more pleasure.
“em close…fuckk eren so close” you scream. “beg for it” he demands as he sucks on your neck. “please, p-please, daddy lemme cum, i’ve been a good slut.” “fuckk pretty girl, where do you want it?” “mouth, please” he places you gently on the bench and slides out of you, stroking himself as he lets out his hot, thick cum. with your mouth wide open, you get every drop.
“swallow. all of it.” and you do. he grabs your chin and kisses your lips, tasting himself on you. “you did so well.” he praises you. “that felt more like a reward than a punishment to me” you say out of breath. he smirks and he cleans himself….just wait until after the match, he thought. he grabs a warm towel and cleans you up, the famous cold beast—eren jeager—can be soft, feeling happy that only you know this side of him. the soft yet mean looking man gets up and checks the time.
9:10 pm
“looks like we finished right on time, pretty girl. sticking around for the match?”
“of course, wouldn’t want to miss my hard work.” you said with a smug look on your face. he scoffs as he dips down enough to kiss your forehead. “you mean our hard work” eren says as he winks at you. “mine” you reply with a toothy grin. eren shakes his head with a smile on his face. at that, he leaves the room with confidence, ready to win the match and certainly, he does, paying off your hard work.
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redtsundere-writes · 7 months
Jinx | Sukuna Ryomen
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Part 3: Medusa's Snake
Beginning. ← Previous | Next →
mmafighter!sukuna ryomen x femcoach!reader
Sypnosis: Sukuna is a world champion with anger issues. It's believed by many that he is untrainable. Yeah, you can't train him, but you can dominate him. Contents: Fighting. Sukuna being Sukuna. Female reader being dom. Jinx AU (the BL, not the character from lol) Yuuji, Choso and Sukuna are brothers. Toji is a nice parent. Praising. Warnings: Cursed words. Mentions sexual harassment. Word Count: 2696 words. Author's Note: I just finished and I could finally write this *cries happily*
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Night was slowly falling over Tokyo. The small, cozy ramen bar stood out with its warm lights and glowing signs, The air was filled with the captivating fragrance of bone broth bubbling in the pots. The dim lighting enhanced the skill of the chef, whose expert hands moved gracefully as he masterfully prepared the noodles at the counter. The murmur of diners, mixed with the sound of steam and noodles cooking, created a gastronomic symphony.
In the middle of the stage, Yuuji, Megumi and I were there to relax after another day of hard training. The delicious broth and the comfort of carbs soothed the stress we had accumulated over the past few days. Sukuna and I have been training restlessly for the past month for the fight that was coming up in a few days. Toji Fushiguro is a superb Muay Thai fighter, a real threat to a boxer like Sukuna. We had to be prepared.
"My brother didn't let you rest?” Yuuji asked me when he saw me stretching my neck with some help from my hands.
"Yes, he told me not to even dare to think about resting because he would kick me out of the gym,” I replied. The stress in my neck came back from just thinking about his tantrums.
I understood that he was nervous about the fight. He had an important title to defend, and every fighter in his weight class and in back-to-back weight classes wanted it. Sukuna is just a king protecting his crown, but this was already too much. All his tension was slowly creeping up on my back. I had to admit that his dedication is admirable. While we were eating a delicious bowl of ramen without worrying about ruining our diets, Sukuna was still training in the empty gym.
“Sukuna always acts like this. It only gets worse with every fight,” Megumi explained without looking away from his bowl. 
“Doesn’t he have a hobby or something like that? If he keeps tensing his muscles like that, it could be bad in the long run.” I knew from experience. 
“He does, but we can't help him with that.” Yuuji shook his head. 
“What? Why not?” I asked. I was his trainer, I should know. 
Yuuji looked for a second at Megumi as if he was hesitating whether to tell me or not. It was little moments like these that made me understand why they were friends despite having two completely different personalities. They could communicate with just their looks and a few gestures. I wish I had a connection like that with someone. Yuuji let out a sigh and went back to eating, completely evading the question.
“Why don't you want to tell me?” I asked him directly. 
“It's just… It's not like he gets relaxed by it. It's more like a good luck ritual,” he explained reluctantly. 
Good luck rituals are common in any sport. There are soccer players who sing an anthem before taking the field, baseball players who wear a special pair of socks, and fighters who tattoo talismans on their backs. I was used to that kind of thing, and I'm sure Yuuji was too.
“There's nothing wrong with that,” I said. 
“It is because Sukuna doesn't know how to hold back,” Yuuji replied.
I could sense that he wanted to avoid the topic. I didn't know exactly why, but he must have had a good reason to do so, so I decided not to insist and continue eating, but we were no longer talking. It wasn't an awkward silence, we were just tired of the subject and needed to relax.
“Yuuji, she's his coach, maybe you should tell her,” Megumi commented after finishing his bowl… 
“It's unnecessary,” his friend answered.
“Gojo knows about it, I think she should also know in case Sukuna tries something, don't you think?” With that comment, I knew that this was no ordinary ritual. 
“You're right.” Yuuji sighed before looking at me. “The thing is… Sukuna must have satisfying sex the night before the fight for good luck,” he finally blurted out. 
"That's not so weird”. I commented before shoving another mouthful of ramen into my mouth. "Why didn't you want to tell me? You didn't want to embarrass your brother?” 
“Because that's why he and Choso don't talk to each other anymore.” Yuuji started with the story.
Days before the night Sukuna became the champion of the light heavyweight weight class, the three brothers had dinner with their parents. At this dinner, Choso excitedly introduced his fiancée. She was his love and pride, his better half. According to Yuuji, she was a very pretty and nice girl, and as usual, Sukuna avoided her like the plague because he was not interested in meeting her at all. 
Since the championship was held in Las Vegas, Choso and his fiancée stayed in the same hotel as Sukuna because Choso wanted to show her how cool his brother was (despite being a complete jerk). The night before the fight, Choso woke up in the middle of the night and realized that his fiancée wasn't in bed with him. She wasn't in the bathroom, and she didn't take her phone with her, but she took her room key with her. 
He went out to look for her and couldn't find her anywhere. Since he didn’t speak English well, he went to Sukuna for help. When he knocked on his door, his fiancée came out of the room with her hair matted and her panties in her hand. He knew about Sukuna's lucky ritual, so he knew perfectly well what had happened. His fiancée cheated on him with his damn brother. Choso went crazy and jumped at Sukuna, but he knocked him out before he could do anything. 
Choso woke up in the hospital bed with Yuuji next to him. According to him, he had never seen him so broken and betrayed in his life. He cried all night while his older brother was preparing for their fight. He knew Sukuna could be many things, but he never thought he would be capable of being a traitor. Needless to say, despite everything, Sukuna won the fight.
"What a jerk.” I grumbled through my teeth. 
"My brother doesn't care about anyone or anything. He can't be changed. I don't know where my parents failed in his upbringing,” Yuuji mentioned with a sigh. 
"That's why you should be careful, Sukuna is capable of doing anything to win,” Megumi warned me.
"I'll keep that in mind. Thank you for telling me.”
The days passed, and the fight was one day away. After a tedious trip to Dubai and a quick stop to unpack at the hotel. The team, Sukuna and I headed out bright and early to the official weigh-in with the fight referee and judges. After Sukuna had lunch, we headed to the exhibition weigh-in at the hotel's convention center. This is where the fighters must appear to be brawling before the fight to get the public's attention. There is also a press round for them to publicize the event during the day. 
Sukuna, Gojo and I were called to the stage along with Toji Fushiguro and his trainers to be the next to go on stage. Sukuna was wearing his headphones and had a very unfriendly look on his face. Gojo asked him to take them off, and he did so between tantrums as I mentally prepared myself to go on stage. This reminded me of the good old days. 
As we walked out onto the stage, the press cameras began to flash and the murmur of reporters manifested itself in the room. I kept my face as serious as possible as Sukuna and Toji greeted each other and prepared for the weigh-in. I watched as he took off his hoodie to reveal his tribal tattoos proudly to the audience. The fighters reluctantly greeted each other with hurtful insults and stepped on the scales. The weight was somewhat different from the morning, as both had eaten breakfast at the hotel buffet. Toji weighed 220 pounds, while Sukuna weighed 215.
The audience applauded when it was announced that both passed the weigh-in. The only thing left was the press round. After Sukuna and Toji exchanged threats, all of us  sat at a long table on stage. Two coaches between the fighters to keep things from getting personal. The emcee asked if anyone had any questions, and the requests bombarded him. The emcee decided to give the floor to the reporter in front of me.
"I have a question for the Medusa’s Snake! How did the man-hating former welterweight champion of the women's division become the trainer of the champion with clear anger issues!?” The reporter exclaimed so that everyone present could hear the question. 
I could feel Sukuna's eyes drilling into my skull for me to turn around and give him explanations on the spot. I carefully approached the microphone to speak loud and clear. 
"I may not like men, but I like champions. I always belong to the winning team," I answered while the photographers kept flashing me.
Medusa’s Snake was the nickname I was baptized with in the first fight I had against a man in the first gym I went to. That fighter was a disgusting man from my past who harassed me in and out of the gym. He would always watch me, try to touch me and follow me home. That was until one day I asked him to train with him, since he was so interested in me. He agreed and during the fight he tried to touch my tits, that was until I kicked him and knocked out a couple of his teeth. He ended up in the hospital and didn't wake up until a day later. From then on, I was nicknamed that way, and my brand as a champion was to be mean to men but honest with women, which wasn't too far from the truth.
"How is your neck? Can you train the world champion in that condition?!” Another reporter asked. 
I used to be the world champion in my weight class until during my fight with Maki Zenin, I fell badly on my neck and tore it. I won the fight, but I lost a lot of range of motion in my neck. The doctor ordered me to rest for an indefinite period of time. It's been like that for almost two years now.
"I am fine, but I'm not fully recovered. My focus at the moment is on doing everything I can to keep Sukuna as champion,” I replied.
"Mr. Ryomen! It is known that you are very strict with admissions at your gym and that there are no women! Why the change?!” Another reporter asked. Sukuna took a few seconds to think about his answer, I could already imagine what stupid thing he would say next. 
"I chose her because she is the best,” he answered without further ado.
A small smile infiltrated my face before I could hide it. That response caught me off guard. It was the first time Sukuna had recognized me like that. I'd be lying if I said it hadn't been nice to be recognized for the first time in two months of work. In fact, it's the first time I've been recognized as a trainer in a long time. Being a woman in a male"dominated world is complicated. You have to be good enough to be accepted, but not be the best so as not to overshadow any man with fragile masculinity.
After a couple more questions and an exchange of threatening hints, we went back backstage. We were about to head to the hotel gym to warm up a bit, but Sukuna stopped me halfway down the hall to confront me. A move that not only seemed strange to me, but also to the team.
"Are you a world-class fighter?” Sukuna questioned me. He couldn't be serious. I was going to answer, but Nanami stepped in. 
"Didn't you know that?” He asked him to make sure he wasn't joking. 
"Did you think we just brought you some random pretty girl so you could finally learn floor techniques?” Gojo interjected in amusement. Sukuna got flustered about the hidden intention of his coach’s questions. 
"I don't waste my time watching female fighting,” Sukuna answered, slightly blushing with embarrassment for being the only one who didn't know who I was. 
"That explains why she beat you up the first day,” Itadori commented with a chuckle. 
"I'm not surprised coming from Medusa’s Snake," someone said in a thick voice behind us. 
It was no other than Toji Fushiguro. A tall, strong and powerful man. A fighter easily recognizable in the crowd. If you put a bag over his head, people could still recognize him by his large physique. Unlike his body, his appearance was quite plain. He had a haircut that was not so long, but not so short. He wore a black sweatshirt, gray shorts and sandals from the brand that sponsors him. Despite his dangerous reputation, he had a pleasant smile, decorated with a small cut on his lip. 
"It's nice to finally meet you,” he greeted me directly, completely ignoring his opponent. 
It felt strange for him to approach me in such a friendly manner, but I still accepted his greeting. Megumi appeared behind him, looking like he was wondering the same thing I was.
"Do you know her, dad?” Megumi asked him in confusion. 
"Do you remember the fight your cousin Maki lost three years ago?” Toji asked without taking his eyes off me. Megumi nodded. “She finished the fight with a perfect Kimura*, someday you should teach me how to do that,” he flattered me with a proud smile, but it vanished when Sukuna came between us. 
Kimura: A technique whose main objective is to exert pressure on the opponent's shoulder and elbow joint to achieve submission in various wrestling disciplines.
"Not even in your dreams, old man.” Sukuna barked with a frown. “She signed a contract saying she belongs to me, so don't even try.”
Seeing Sukuna so defensive about keeping me on his side was strange. After the last two months, he has done nothing but scold me every time I do something wrong in his eyes. Toji didn't even flinch at his threat. I poked him in the ribs to get him to step aside and let me talk. 
"Thanks for the compliment and the offer, but Sukuna is the only one I plan to train until I get back on my feet. I plan to return to the ring soon,” I explained with a smile. 
“I understand. If you change your mind, you know how to find me,” he said while pointing at Megumi. Toji approached Sukuna and gave him a proud smile. “Take good care of her, snakes are great at escaping,” he advised her with a wink before walking away with Megumi and the rest of his team behind him. Sukuna muttered a curse under his breath and let him go.
Two big UFC fighters had recognized me as a good coach and fighter on the same day. It was a big step for my self-esteem and my career. My heart was beating like crazy with excitement, and the smile on my face didn't seem to go away anytime soon. 
“You're smiling like an idiot,” Sukuna scolded me. 
"Can't I be happy that the heavyweight champion just complimented my skills?” I said as we headed for the exit with the others once Toji left our sight. 
"That better be it, and you better not be thinking about going with him,” he challenged me. 
"Are you jealous?” I joked while nudging him. 
"Of course not,” Sukuna answered while rolling his eyes. 
"Don't worry, just behave, and I'll still be yours,” I said in a mocking tone. I was partly joking and partly not. I really wanted him to behave. 
"Nice try,” he spat before picking up the pace to go with Gojo, leaving me behind. “Worth the shot” I thought as I followed them.
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beyondsuki · 1 year
Star - Shine
a fixed luminous point in the night sky which is a large, remote incandescent body like the sun.
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Toji Fushiguro
The woman in the ring
Instagram - Masterlist
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Pairing: MmaFighter!Fushiguro Toji x black f!reader
Genre: Romance, Smut, Angst
Summary: What happens when you help MMA fighter Fushiguro Toji —unbeknownst to him—in his time of need?
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Toji thought himself a simple man. A simple man who had never fallen in love. Although he would never audibly admit that.
Yes, there was a period in his life when he was married but he never truly felt there. He was young, and a star on the rise. Temptation was all around him yet he stayed faithful and committed to his vows. For five years he was betrothed. Tied down, trapped. For five years his marriage was perilous.
The cause of the divorce was an affair accusation. She thought he was sleeping with a journalist. A journalist? He laughed when she vocalized her concerns. She was incandescent. “You really think that I would sleep with a journalist?” That one sentence matured into a fight neither of them came back from.
He left that night and returned the next morning with divorce papers. He allowed her to keep the house while he now resides in a penthouse that overlooks the city. Every once in a while, a feeling of penitence washes over him and leaves him wondering whether or not he should’ve just stayed. “Toji! Hurry up, we have to get going, the fight is about to start.” He finished wrapping his fists. He grabbed his silk robe off its hook and slipped it on. The coolness of it lasted a few seconds longer than usual before latching on to his body heat. As he walked out and the routine cheering of his fans filled his senses, an unfamiliar face in the crowd caught his eye.
You work hard. You’re currently in medical school earning your M.D. so you can cross the finish line with the label and job title ‘Neurosurgeon’. “(Y/N) Come onn why not?!” Your friend Stacey from your class based solely on muscles was trying to get you to come to watch a fight. “We are in Medical School Stace, why do you want to see people hurting themselves deliberately?!” “It’s not even about that for real.” She said tucking her brown hair behind her ear. Her green eyes flashing with a fierce incentive. “Then what is it about?” “Have you seen Toji Fushiguro!?” “No. And I don’t want to see him.” She pulled out her phone “Let me just show you.” You rolled your eyes and sighed heavily knowing you wouldn’t be able to win this fight. She pulled up a picture and tilted the phone toward you. “Wow.” He is.. “I know right!! So let’s goo I literally bought two tickets and they weren’t cheap.” “Fine.” She had finally persuaded you into getting ready.
You readied yourself and are now sitting in the front row of the Fushiguro Toji vs Alexei Morozov fight waiting for the star fighter to come out. A coalescence of music and loud screaming invaded your ears making you turn your head towards the back. He was much larger than you imagined. Standing at, at least 6’5 this burly man managed to win the hearts of more than a few thirst quenched women. His sinewy muscles stuck out like a sore thumb. And his very presence left a bitter sweet taste in your mouth.
Someone slapped your shoulder dragging you out of your daydream “He’s looking over here oh my god!?” His gaze robbed you of an essential part of human homeostasis—your breath.
You ripped your eyes away from his and looked to the floor. When he walked on stage and his back was to you, you looked up again. You watched as the ‘Fushiguro’ on his silk robe morphed as he slipped it off. When the fight started you winced at the first punch. Tricep, Bicep, Latissimus dorsi, gluteus medius. You named the muscles being hit as practice due to yet another test the next day. Suddenly, Fushiguro was hit in the head and started bleeding.. a lot. You stood out of habit to get a closer look. The ‘medic’ that was attempting to stop the bleeding was failing miserably at her job. You pushed past the journalists and photographers.
“You need to apply pressure!” You yelled trying to get as close as possible. “Ma’am I’m gonna need you to back up.” Some guy with long hair said. “I know I know but your medic is not helping him. She needs to apply pressure to stop the bleeding and he needs to be stitched immediately.” The man looked back at the ‘medic’ staring at the fighter with goo-goo eyes. He pursed his lips and lifted the tape. You walked through and made your way to the mat. You tapped on the woman’s shoulder “Excuse me” she moved out of the way instinctively. “Hello Mr. Fushiguro.” You said while sliding your hands through a pair of latex gloves.
He looked at you confused. “You don’t know me but I’m here to help you.” You took some gauze from the pile of medical supplies and applied pressure to the cut above his eyebrow. You were wearing a black skirt with a white button-down top that slightly exposed your cleavage. His gaze could be felt even under the angry burn of the lights. You frantically searched the pile for an alcohol wipe. Once you found one you held it up to him “Rip.” He did as you asked “This is going to sting.” He pulled air through his teeth as you cleaned it. “Is there thread over there?” You asked the former ‘medic’ who just stood there in awe “Hello?” “O-oh me?” “Who else would I be talking to?” You said. Words coming out laced with venom “I-uh no there’s not.” “Of course not..” you glanced down. Next best thing you thought as you picked up some glue.
You applied it to the wound and squeezed. You grabbed some tape that specialized in holding wounds together and placed it on the cut. “Rag,” you said to the girl. She quickly handed you a rag and you wiped the sweat, dirt, and blood off the fighter's face. You paused for a moment as you looked into his eyes. The one thing you’d been avoiding all night. Brown pools of the sweetest honey. You snapped out of it though when you felt his large hands on your waist. He gently moved you out of the way to get up. You felt heat crawl up your neck, feeling grateful that your brown skin hid the blush appearing. This was when you noticed all the blood that stained your shirt.
You left the ring entering back into reality as you searched for your brunette friend. As you were removing your gloves you heard a familiar voice. “Oh my god!- Will you leave me the fuck alone! She’s my friend and I’m a doctor!” The man with raven hair lifted the tape reluctantly and Stacey ran over to you “Oh my god! How was it?! What was he like!?” She said frantically trying to look behind you to get a glimpse of the fight from up close. “We didn’t really talk..” “But I saw you talking?” “I was talking to the ‘Medic’” you said making air quotes. “Oh..”
You walked over to a man with white hair wearing a shirt labeled ‘Manager’ leaving your overly excited friend on her own. “Excuse me? Do you happen to have a shirt I could borrow?” “Hmm..” he hummed as he tapped his index finger on his lip “I do have an extra one but…” “But?” “It’s his” Oh “It should be fine. He doesn’t ever wear it.” He turned around revealing the ‘Fushiguro’ on his back. He walked to his bag and came back with a shirt. “Here.” “Thank you.” “Please hurry, it looks like we’ll be needing you again soon.” You glanced back at the fight just as Fushiguro took a hit.
You took the shirt and went to the nearest bathroom. You changed out of your button-down blouse and into the one Fushiguro’s manager had gifted you. It was huge. It stopped just before your skirt ended and it was three times the width you were. You placed your shirt in your bag and then went back to the ring.
You stepped in as they were hydrating him. “Hello again Mr. Fushiguro,” He nodded, his eye starting to swell. After slipping into another pair of gloves, you grabbed an ice pack and slapped it in your hand to get it to activate. “Hold this here.” You said to the girl. She obliged and you began to tend to his bleeding shoulder. You grabbed the bottle of alcohol and a cotton round. “You might need to hold on to something for this one.” Just then, you felt his hands on your hips. A chill ran down your spine causing you to pause. They were so warm.
You let out a tremulous breath and resumed to tend to his wound. He tightened his grip when you applied the round. “Sorry.” You apologized. He just stared at you. “What’s your name?” He spoke finally. “(Y/N)” “(Y/N)..” he repeated back, almost dazed “That’s me.” You finished cleaning his wound and could now move on to patching it. Once you were done you moved out of the way—well, at least you tried but he kept you there, in place. “Mr. Fushiguro- I- the round is starting in 10 seconds.” You said, your tone incredulous “Find me after the fight.” “What?” “Gotta go.” He moved you out of the way and stood up.
You left the ring confused once again. You took the gloves off and decided to watch the rest from where you were standing. Fushiguro ended up winning causing an uproar in the arena. Stacey on the other hand hit it off with some journalist. “Are you sure you don’t need a ride?” “Positive.” “Okay! See you tomorrow.” She walked away giddy. You tapped on a blonde man wearing a Fushiguro shirt. “Um- Excuse me?” He turned around “I was told to find Mr. Fushiguro after the fight?” He cocked his eyebrow while his eyes scanned your body. “By who?” “Mr. Fushiguro…” Just then the man with the white hair came out “Kento what the fuck? Why isn’t she halfway to Toji already?” The man shrugged. “C’mon,” the manager led you through the tunnels to where you assumed the fighter would be. “He’s right in there.” He said pointing at a room labeled ‘Fushiguro Toji’ “W-wait you’re not coming in?” “Oh no, I don’t bother him after fights.”
You cautiously walked over to the door and gave a light knock. “Move.” You heard from behind the door. “Hi..” you said when he opened the door. His face was smug “Hi.” He smirked. Your eyes traveled down his figure. He was lacking a shirt, revealing his sinewy abdomen. “Everybody out.” “But sir- we haven’t finished your trea-“ “She’ll handle it.” He opened the door wide enough for the nurses to leave while he leaned against the frame. They all gave you dirty looks as they made their way out. “You just gonna stand there?” He said walking back to his seat. You walked in and closed the door behind you. He cocked his eyebrow “So this is that kind of visit?” “W-what?! I-I didn’t know if y-you wanted privacy!” He laughed “I’m teasing.” You shook your head while he chuckled. A deep, sexy chuckle. One that made you tingle and throb in all the right places. “I knew that..” “Oh did you now?” “I did.” You said before walking over and grabbing the medical supplies.
Toji felt a chills where your fingers graced his back. “Y’know..most people are scared of me.” He said slightly looking back “You? No way” You said, sarcasm laced in your words as you applied ointment to a few of his wounds. “Your possy seemed to have no problems with you. I mean, they all looked pretty disappointed when they had to leave” “Tch yeah...no matter how many times I kick them out they never get used to it.” You laughed. Toji felt his heart flutter. You walked around to his front, moving his slightly sweaty hair out of the way to look at the scar you had patched earlier. “Everything looks good. Well, not good but you know.” Your eyes scanned his face, skillfully avoiding his eyes. “How’d you get that?” You pointed to the scar on his lip. “Accident.” You finally found his eyes. “..You are a vague man.” You felt your pockets. “Do you mind?” You asked, showing him your chapstick. “Only if you come back to my place.”
You froze and tried to read his expression but you couldn’t. You smiled “I don’t give it up that easily.” He grabbed your wrists and slightly pulled you forward. “You sure?” Yes “…no” he cracked a smile and you applied the chapstick. Dipping it slightly when you reach his scar. “Is that a yes?” “Only if you want it to be.” Your heart was beating so loud you were sure he could hear it. He stared at your lips and you sheepishly glanced at his.
He let your wrists go and your lips connected. You felt a burning heat erupt in the very pit of your stomach. You’ve kissed men before but never like this. You loosely wrapped your arms around his neck as you stood up straighter. You both pulled away at the same time. He swiped his tongue over his teeth before standing up. Your arms fell back at your side as he grabbed his shirt and slipped it over his head. He grabbed his bag and then your hand. It was so large in comparison that he completely encased it. “Mr. Fushiguro wher-“ “Toji.” “What?” “Call me Toji.” He said looking back at you. You were struggling to keep up with his long strides. “Toji.” “Yes?” “Where are we going?” “You’ll see.” You walked with him as he pulled you through the tunnels.
On your way there, more of his security started to surround you. When you finally made it out you entered an epileptic’s worst nightmare. You put your arm over your eyes to help shield them from the flashing lights. You felt Toji’s arm wrap around you as you pushed through the photographers.
You sighed when you finally reached the car. “Shit.” “It’s not over.” You watched as they migrated around the car. You finally pulled off and you were on your way. When you arrived, paparazzi swarmed the car once again. His security opened his door and he got out. He then helped you out of the car. As you walked, your hand slipped out of his and you began to drown in the sea of paparazzi. You fell and scraped one of your knees.
Toji stopped immediately after he no longer felt your hand in his. “Mr. Fushiguro! Mr. Fushiguro!” He pushed five reporters out of the way with one swing of his arm. Suddenly, you felt yourself being picked up, bridal style. “T-Toji I can walk.” “I’m not letting you get run over again.” He carried you into the lobby and to the elevator before setting you down. He opened the door to his penthouse when you got there and told you to sit on the couch “Yes sir.” You said throwing your hands up.
He disappeared into a room and when he reappeared he was holding a first aid kit. He set it on the couch as he knelt between your thighs. “Oh Toji you really don-“ he glanced up at you, causing your talking to cease. He cleaned it with an alcohol wipe and as he placed the bandaid on your knee, he looked up at you. “Thank you..”
He squeezed as his hand traveled further up your skirt. “Let me know if you want me to stop.” You nodded slowly. When he got to your panties he swiped his thumb across the wet spot. You shuddered and closed your eyes. “Aht aht. Look at me.” You opened them again to look into his. You felt him use his other hand to pull your panties to the side and open your legs wider. “What a pretty pussy…and so wet too.” He ran a finger through your folds and you tried to close your legs. He held them open and rubbed circles on your puffy clit. “Fuck..” you said, breathless.
He pulled at the hem of your lace panties before sliding them off. He placed them in his pocket before sliding his middle and ring fingers into his mouth. He went back to rubbing your clit as he slid a finger inside. A loud moan ripped through your throat. You placed a hand on his shoulder for stability. He slipped another finger in and curled them. You trembled. He stood up as he fingered you, placing a knee on the couch.
He began to kiss you, traveling down your neck with sloppy, wet kisses. Kisses that left you wanting more. Lewd squelching filled the room as his fingers fucked into you tirelessly. Suddenly, you felt your stomach tighten and your moaning became louder. You tried to speak but nothing came out. “Are you gonna cum? Hmm?” He hummed against your neck sending chills down your spine. He could tell by the way you were clamping down on him that your orgasm was near.
Chills ran down your entire body when he spoke to you. “You gonna cum on my fingers? Hm? Go ahead…make a mess for me.” “Tojii” you spoke finally. You let out a loud whine as you came around his fingers. “Good girl” he said as he helped you ride out your orgasm.
You watched through half lidded eyes as he slid his fingers out and placed them into his mouth. He sucked them clean and pulled them out with a ‘pop’. You felt yourself being picked up and carried. He laid you down on his bed, “I’m gonna go shower. Do not touch yourself until I get back.” You nodded “I need words.” “Yes daddy” You said, your voice feigning innocence. Toji felt his cock twitch. He walked away and to the bathroom. You writhed on the bed, more horny then you’ve ever been. About twenty minutes later Toji came out in just a towel.
You sat upright. You looked so small on his abnormally large bed. He walked over to you and you could feel the blush creeping up on you. The towel he wore didn’t cover much. He placed his fingers on your jaw and lifted your head to make sure you looked him in the eye. “There’s no turning back after I start.” He said with an expression that made you feral. You nodded. “Words.” “O-okay” he smiled. He leaned in and kissed you. It was deep and sexy. The way he grabbed your neck with his warm, calloused hand. The way he moved them across your body. Squishing the plush of your ass, stomach, and thighs as if he was memorizing every inch of you.
He started to kiss down your neck. You shuddered underneath him as you let him take full control. You felt his hands slide up your shirt as he kissed and licked around your collarbone. He unhooked your bra with ease and slid it off under your shirt. “Leave the shirt on.” He’s been wanting to fuck you in it since you first put it on. It was bunched up over your breasts. He sat back to admire you. “So pretty…” before you could be embarrassed, he ran his tongue over a nipple. You moaned as your hands found purchase in his short cut raven hair. He bit, pinched, and soothed with his tongue.
He guided you out of your skirt and licked his fingers. He slowly rubbed down your slit, smearing the cum from twenty minutes prior. Placing his hands on your knees, he pushed them towards your chest. He squeezed on your thighs before wrapping his arms around them and pulling you to the edge of the bed. He made his tongue flat and wide as he licked up your cunt. You shivered with a moan “fuckk”. You placed your hand in his hair and tried to push him away. Everything was so sensitive. Too sensitive. You felt him smirk against your pussy as he held you against him with more force. He was enjoying this as much—if not more than you were. He loved the way you smelled, the way you writhed under him with every touch, the way you sounded. Everything about you was sheer perfection in his eyes.
You whined as he hummed into you. Your legs shook as a thin layer of sweat started to coat your skin. “Toji..” “Hm?” He hummed. “I’m- ouu” you couldn’t get the words out. “What is it baby?” “I-I’m uh-gonna c-um” “mm cum on my tongue princess.” And almost as if on command, your orgasm washed over you.
Once again, he helped you ride it out. Lapping up your orgasm along the way. You panted as he backed away. Even through half-lidded eyes you could see the glistening of his chin from your juices. He wiped his mouth with his arm and then bent down to kiss you. The kiss was sloppy and allowed you to taste yourself. You moaned into it and that was his last straw. He pulled his towel off and threw it to the floor, allowing you to see a glimpse of exactly how big he was. You quivered when you felt him rub his tip through your folds. He kissed you again and you gasped when you felt him slowly sink into you.
Tears pricked the corners of your eyes as you felt him stretch you. He kissed them as you dug your nails into his shoulders, creating little crescent moon impressions. “I know, I know. You’re doing so good for me baby.” Butterflies erupted in your stomach as you slightly relaxed. “That’s it, just r-relax” his hot breath fanned against your ear. He pushed his lips into your swollen ones. Swollen from how much abuse they had adhered from both you and him. He swallowed your whine as he pushed all the way in. “Shit s-so tight.” his voice broke as he almost bottomed out. He sat there for a moment letting you adjust to his size. After a few moments he felt your grip on his shoulder loosen a bit. “P-please move T-toji” he obliged and moved slowly at first, giving the pain a chance to cease.
The moans you released were like music to his ears. The way you tried to talk but ended up just babbling something that ended with his name. “Faster.” You managed to get out. He obliged once again. The room was filled with lewd slapping and squelching noises. He buried his head into your neck allowing you to smell his..vanilla shampoo?
“(Y/N) fuck- your pussy’s s-ucking me I-in so goood mm” he was practically whining. His words turned you on even more. “ouu” you moaned next to his ear. He backed away to sit up on his knees. He looked down to see the ring of white that sat at the base of his cock. Watching the way he completely disappeared inside of you. He moved his hand down to your clit and rubbed in slow circles as he fucked into you. Your moaning crescendoed and your legs shook. “Wait wait- ouu fuck wait.” You put your hand out in an attempt to get him to slow his strokes. He intertwined his fingers with yours as he continued to play with your sensitive nub. Tears graced your lashes as the shaking became more intense. “You gonna cum? Hm? Cum with me baby. Can you do that?” You were clamping down on him so good.
That familiar knot in your stomach was about to snap. He leaned into your neck anew. You bit down on his shoulder as you ran your nails down his back. “Tojii- ouu- mm I’m gonna- shit I’m gonna c-cum.” Your eyes rolled back and your vision went white when you came. Your entire body shook as his thrusts became sloppy. He whined as he pulled out and came on your stomach and shirt. He leaned his forehead against yours as you both caught your breath and came down from your high.
He peppered kisses all around your face as your body relaxed. “You did so good.” Was the last thing you really heard him say.
He went to the bathroom and cleaned himself up. He threw on a pair of boxers before coming back into the room. He cleaned your stomach and thighs with a warm towel making sure to be extra gentle. He pulled that shirt off of you and replaced it with the top to his green silk pajamas. You looked so cute in his large shirt. He then carried you to the bathroom and sat you down on the toilet. “(Y/N), wake up.” You opened your eyes to find a squatting Toji in front of you. From what you could make out, he had green pajama bottoms on with no shirt.
“What?” You were so cute. “You need to pee.” You nodded slowly. “Can you turn around?” You said, slurring the words together. He laughed. “(Y/N).” “Mhm?” “We just fucked.” “So? Nobody can pee with a six foot five man staring them down...” You said in protest. “Absolutely adorable…fine.” He turned around and you peed. When you were finished he helped you to the sink and then carried you back to bed. He covered you and then grabbed your clothes from earlier. He put them in the washing machine and cut all the lights off.
When he got in bed, you were facing away from him. He wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you close. He kissed the top of your head before slowly drifting to sleep with you.
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komotionlessqueenmm · 3 years
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Imagine # 781
Picture NOT mine.
Year posted - 2021
"I don't know Movsar." (Y/n) pouted, poking at the pudge of her belly. "You look incredible." Movsar assured her, wrapping his arms around her wide waist. "You might think so, but I don't think anyone else will." (Y/n) sighed with a frown, regretting her decision to buy such a tight fitting summer dress. "Impossible." Movsar murmured into her ear, tucking his chin into her shoulder. "Oh please Movsar look at me, I look like a whale compared to all those women." (Y/n) hissed as she pulled away from his grasp. "Who?" Movsar frowned in confusion. "The girls you work with." She retorted in an instant, making his frown deepen. "I don't care about them." Movsar whispered in an agitated tone. "I don't care about anyone but you." He added as he cornered her against the nearest wall. "I love you (Y/n)." He whispered softer, leaning forward he pecked her lips. His arms braced against the wall on either side of her head. "I love all of you." His hands groped nearly every inch of her body as they shared a hungry kiss, her sultry moans making him smile into the kiss with pride. "I'm obsessed with your body." Movsar whispered against her lips, squeezing her round ass firmly. "I worship your body, I pray to you and only you." He wiped away the tears that pricked at her eyes. "You're so different from everything I know, you're so soft and squishy." He grinned when she giggled softly. "You're so comfortable and huggable." He continued as he hugged her as if to prove his point. "The rest of them are hard and firm, not at all comfortable or hardly huggable for that matter." Movsar mused with a frown as he spoke of them in comparison to her. "When I am in pain from a fight, or sore from working out. I want nothing more than to curl my arms around you, and hold you close to my aching body." He tucked his face into her neck, his hands snaking down, and up into her dress to cup her most sensitive spot. "You're warmth is so comforting, your smell is intoxicating." Movsar whispered against her neck suggestively, smirking when she gave a nervous giggle. "Movsar." (Y/n) stifled her giggle with the back of her hand. "Don't get me started on your voice, when you're talking about your passions, when you say my name." He almost grunted the last part, grinding against her thigh subtlety. "You're everything I ever wanted, you're everything I'll ever need." He leaned back to look into her eyes. "If you want to loose weight I'll support you, I'll help you... But I need you to understand that I adore you just the way you are, you're my own personal Aphrodite." Movsar spoke sincerely. "I'm bigger than Aphrodite." (Y/n) murmured with a pout. "Then you are better than her, and you are still my personal Goddess." Movsar argued with a loving smile. "I don't give a damn what anyone in the world has to say about us, and you shouldn't either. I know it can be hard to remember that, but when it gets hard I want you to promise to remember that I love you no matter what." Movsar took a gentle hold of her face, looking into her eyes. "Promise me (Y/n)." He begged quietly. "I promise." (Y/n) whispered with a smile. "I love you." He rest his forehead against hers. "I love you too." (Y/n) cooed lovingly, closing the distance between them passionately. "Now come my love, let me show you off to the world, let me make them envious of me, of us." Movsar hummed as he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Okay." (Y/n) smiled shyly, giggling with joy when Movsar suddenly scooped her up in his arms, twirling her with excitement.
*Okay well this was sappy and cute as fuck, and oh my gods I love it... (/ω\)
(Also does no one seriously write fics of UFC fighters on here? I mean I don't expect to see anything with Movsar because he's not nearly as recognized... But I mean I don't think I've seen much of anything with anyone else... Oh well I guess I'll just have to write 'em!)
NOTE - I'm extending this story even more on my Wattpad. (Or at least attempting to.) Anyways the story on my Wattpad is titled As Soft As Rose Petals.
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fightxxmexxshiggy · 4 years
🥟📎well if Kiribaku are in your wheel house than I should at the the MMA fighter au thingy. So like I imagine like you hang out with both of them in the locker room zenning before a fight. And I'm not sure what Kiri's prefight ritual would be but I also totally headcanon them both demanding a kiss before going out to fight and since you love lipstick it means they always have at least one imprint of whatever color you picked that day on their cheeks! Also additionally for Bakugo doing your hair. You bring along a small selection of little clips and stuff he can add in if he feels like. And if their popular enough to have merch you know they'll argue over whose you wear. Maybe you have to go swap shirts between rounds (cause I subscribe to giant kiri canon and he'd be in a different weight class. Not that people have to feel the same way). And then, just cause I got some serious baby fever between two of my step siblings having babies and finding out I'm gonna be a great aunt I can just imagine your pregnant, at a fight, visibly but not huge yet and you run into your ex from a rival gym and they make some rude comment. The rest of the crew (denki, Sero, todoroki, Deku, etc.) Have to physically restrain the guys from kicking ass outside the ring cause the whole gym would probs get disqualified. And the guy isn't even in either kiri or bakus weight class so they can't demolish him in the ring even!
But! Guess who is in his weight class!
So Bakugo has to swallow his pride and he turns to out favorite broccoli boy.
"I can't believe I'm asking you for a favor but just please fuck that son of a bitch up for me."
"I was gonna do it even if ya didn't ask so don't worry about it."
Cause I feel like whoever anyone in the group dated would automatically be part of the family if it was serious so Deku is just like, yep, gotta teach this guy's a lesson which leads to like the shortest fight ever cause the asshole just gets hit so fucking hard he ceases to exsist for like 10 seconds when he hits the mat 30 seconds into the first round and is unable to continue.
Hope you don't mind me bugging ya, I know this was a bit long and kinda specific.
YOU DELIGHTFUL LITTLE BEING! NO YOU AREN'T BOTHERING ME AT ALL. IM LIVING FOR THIS. I LOVE THE WHOLE IDEA OF THIS. Especially since I am working on an MMA fighter tamaki fic. This just gives me motivation to continue working on it. I feed off of horny energy and shipping
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lokai-fi · 3 years
Lover Boy
All he needs to do is keep his head down and fight. Yeosang can do that without getting caught up in the wrong crowd. Right?
mmafighter!Yeosang x reader
Genre/AU: fighter Yeo, established relationship, slight fluff, slight angst.  
w/c: 1.2k
I refuse to stop with these fighter Au’s because A: wowowowow can you imagine and B: i kinda want to turn this into a whole fic, really dive more into enemy #1
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In the ring Yeosang doesn’t hesitate. He’s swift, precise, unrelenting and when time calls for it, merciless. He’s everything your father trained him to be.  
Yeosang always strikes first, he says it’s a gift to his opponent to show them what they’re up against.
You know the guy he’s fighting, he’s cocky and loud. Kid’s gotten here through pure luck and a lot of dirty money. He shouldn’t have been a problem.  
So why the fuck is Yeosang allowing himself to get hit?
“Dammit!” You hiss when your fingernails dig too far into your hands. But your fists don’t relax as Yeosang stumbles back. You can’t help but think that’s he’s playing a game you two didn’t agree upon as he swipes at the blood dripping from his nose. He rights himself, smacking his gloves together for good measure before jumping back in. 
He gets in two more shots, the opponent gets one to Yeosang's ribs and the whole crowd lets their disdain known as the bell rings for the third round. 
“Fuckin’ idiot.” you growl out.
Yeosang’s not sure who your comment is aimed towards but by the way you’re handling him, he’s the lucky recipient.
“Where’s your head huh? I need you to be in this fight, Sang.”
He can only squirm as you shove gauze up his nose. He’ll forgive your rough hands, you only have another minute. 
“I know.”
“Oh you know.” you grab his arms and wave them in front of his face. “Then keep these up…. Stupid.”
There it is. 
Yeosang can see the glint in your eyes as you try to hold back your smile. You can never be mean to him for too long. The corner of his mouth shifts up. 
Thirty seconds left. 
“And if I do, what’s in it for me.”
“You get to save the gym, move to the semi finals, and I dunno, not get your face smashed.”
“Mmm, what else.”
You roll your eyes and shove his mouth guard back in. The crowds getting antsy, you know how much money’s bet in his favor.
“What else ya want?” you double and triple check his wraps.
“These,-” he says through the guard. You scoff, knowing he’s concussed by the way he swipes his thumb across your lips. He stands and you secure his gloves as tight as they’ll go. He’s looming over you, eyes flashing over to the other corner before flitting back down to you. 
“-all over.” 
“You win this, you'll get a lot more than just that. Now, keep! Those! Hands! Up!”
You’ve never seen a faster knock out and instead of celebrating with the crowd in his typical fashion, he’s marching straight to you. Mouth guard and gloves had been discarded in the few strides it took to reach you and his fingers dig into your waist as his lips crash onto yours. It’s harsh and sloppy but you pull him tighter anyway, ignoring the way his sweat drips onto your face.
He’s desperate to have you in his grip just a little longer.
So when he pulls away, chest heaving and forehead resting against yours, you know something’s up. Your smile drops instantly. 
“What? What happened?”
But he’s getting pulled back into the center of the ring before he can give you an answer. 
“I wouldn’t worry sweetheart.” a heavy hand grips your shoulder and you bite down on your cheek. You know that voice all too well. 
Choi fucking Jongho.
The bane of your existence.  
“Your gym’s safe for now.”
He shushes you before you can say anything. 
“Don’t make a scene, we have eyes on us you know.”
He pulls you closer as the ref throws Yeosang’s hand into the air, the stadium erupting with deafening cheers but you hear Jongho clear as day. 
“I just need to have a chat with little lover boy, remind him that the next time he breaks a deal I break your fucking hands. I think it’ll get through now that I know just how valuable you are. Toodles.”
“Choi!” But another hand is pulling you back as he walks towards Yeosang. You feel sick as he wraps an arm around him and the color drains from Yeosang’s face. 
Everyone cleared out an hour ago but you’re still pacing in the locker room, racking your brain for what Yeosang could have done. You had told him to stay away from Jongho, that he was your mess to deal with but all that had clearly fallen on deaf ears. 
The door squeals open and you’re on him in an instant.
“The fuck did you do Sang?” You don’t give him time to answer. “Did they do anything to you? What did he even say?”
“Y/n please. I’m fine, let’s… can we just go home?”
“Not ‘til you explain what’s going on. Why Jongho?”
Yeosang sighs and lowers himself onto the cracked leather couch behind you. 
“I needed something and I couldn’t ask you for help with it-”
“So you ask that man that’s trying to take away my fathers gym?!”
“You think I don’t know that?! I didn’t want to go behind your back like that but it was the only option!”
“And what was so important that you had to go running to him then?”
Yeosang opens his mouth to answer but he can’t say it, because he knows how stupid it sounds. 
“I-I’m sorry.”
“Are you serious? You can’t- you can’t even tell me?”
“I lost it anyway so what does it fucking matter?!” he shouts as he launches himself off the couch. He doesn’t miss the way you stiffen from his sudden outburst. 
“It matters,” your jaw tenses as you try to keep your voice steady. “It matters because I need to know whose side you're on.”
“Yours, always yours.”
“So then what was-”
“A ring! It was a ring a-and I knew you’d. You would have really liked it.” His eyes are glued to the floor as his voice drops, the sweet and timid Yeosang you had met three years ago is back and you’re pissed. 
Beyond pissed.
Slightly touched but so unbelievably pissed. 
“He said he’d give me the ring if I lost tonight's fight.”
“A stupid ring?”
His shoulders tense up “It’s not stupid! God, I know I fucked up okay! But it was important to me, because I felt like I could finally do something for us.”
Your jaw falls slack and he continues. 
“You do everything, for me, for the gym, for your father. I just… All I do is show up and fight. A lot would be lost if it wasn’t for you, including me, and I- I-”
You call out to him as gently as your anger will allow. You know he hates this, even when it’s just the two of you alone in a room. He still struggles to let down those walls and let it all out. But you’ve known him long enough to pick up on his subtle displays of love. You poke at the side that wasn’t laced with bruises and he lets out a small grunt. 
“I love you too.”
He lets out a sigh of relief and presses his lips to your forehead. “Thank you.”
“This doesn’t mean you’re off the hook though, I’m still mad.”
“That’s fair.” he sighs out, a small smile on his face as you hoist his gear bag over your shoulder.
“Why’d you back out of the deal if you knew he had it anyway?”
Yeosang just shrugs, “Someone I love really wanted me to win.”
“Love? Ew gross, I would have just taken the loss.”
He lets out a soft laugh.
“Yeah. Jongho also thought it was stupid.”  
“You’re lucky that Jongho let you off with a warning, I’ve seen him do some nasty shit for far less.”
“Well he did flush the ring and he’s paying you a visit on Monday. Just to chat.”
“Just to- Yeosang!”
You tried not to worry too much though, for as much as you hated Jongho he had proven himself to be true to his word. 
He takes your hand in his as the two of you walk out of the building. 
“Why don’t you tell me about this ring.” you tease. “Must have been good if it got you in this much trouble.”
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agustdakasuga · 3 years
🎮WIP ask game 🎮
tagged by my hoe mentor @ressjeon
rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how ridiculous or non descriptive. Send an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it! And then tag as many people as the number of WIPS you have!!
These are just whatever ideas that came to my head and I dumped them into my WIP folder 
Highschool!AU - ot7 x reader
Your Eyes Tell - blind!reader x mmafighter!JK (Inspired by the movie)
reader x bf!Yoongi oneshot
Still With You - reader x idol!JK
hostclub!BTS x reader (Ouran Highschool Host Club)
Mermaid/siren!reader x Jin oneshot
reader x alien!Jimin series (Lilo & Stitch esque)
If Only You Knew - hybrid!BTS x reader 
The Truth Untold (timetravel!AU) - reader x taehyung 
Black Butler!AU - rich!reader x demon!taehyung 
Vampire!AU - ot7 x reader
that’s all I have in terms of ‘plans’ for now but they aren’t in any particular order of release!
tagging @kithtaehyung @taegularities @ditttiii @xjoonchildx @missgeniality @xpeachesncream @lavienjin @hoebii @jiminrings @kookiestarlight @balenciaguks @bratkook 
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Happy #teasertuesday Romance Junkies!💋 Only FOUR DAYS ‘til Evan Crowe is released from his cage to burn up your e-readers!🔥🔥🔥 #rabid #dirtytalker #mmafighter #fighterromance #newromance #99centstore #99centromance #newadultromance #sportsromance #authorsofinstagram #romancewriter #throwdown #cagedanddangerous
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rhettkenagy · 7 years
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Jiu-Jitsu Times Reader Question: How To Stay Relaxed And Calm At Competitions? http://buff.ly/2pDd3fv#followforfollow #follow4followback #followbackinstantly #followbackteam #following #followme #followforfollow #followforfollowback #followback #follow4follow #jiu #jiu4life #jiujitsu #jiu_jitsu #jiujitsulife #bjj #bjj👊 #bjjkids #bjjlove #bjjlife #bjjlifestyle #bjjforlife #bjjtraining #bjj4life #calm #calmdown #leglock#heelhook #reep#mma #mma👊 #mmalife #mmashouts #mmafighter #nogi #prodigy
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aiizenn · 1 year
───── devote your hearts . . . ·˚ ༘₊·
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𓈒 𓈒 𓈒 💭₊˚ෆ eren
his spark — ꒰ wc: 1.k — cw: physical therapist fem!reader, mmafighter!eren, somewhat mean!eren, nsfw, p in v, rough intercourse, slight fingering, pet names, cussing, use of word daddy once, tiny aftercare at the end ꒱ ୨ৎ
𓈒 𓈒 𓈒 💭₊˚ෆ levi
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redtsundere-writes · 8 months
Jinx | Sukuna Ryomen
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mmafighter!sukuna ryomen x coach!reader
Part 2. The New Coach.
Beginning | Next →
Sypnosis: Sukuna Ryomen is a fighter with anger issues. Beating his ass once won't stop his shitty attitude. The training session is on. Contents: Jinx AU. Fighting. Cursed words. Sukuna is always angry. Itadori and Sukuna are brothers. Reader and Sukuna have top energy. Word Count: 2972 words. Author's Note: So I posted this in AO3 like two days ago, and I forgot to post it here lmao. Sowwy uwu
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When Sukuna said he wanted to start immediately, he wasn’t joking. He ordered me to follow him to start right away. We returned to a gym full of confused fighters, witnessing the strongest fighter dragging his new coach by the arm. Nanami scolded him, telling him that he should be more careful around me, but Sukuna didn’t give a shit about it. He was really a tough one.
“You are not doing the sit-ups correctly. Don't bend your back,” I ordered as I watched Sukuna's posture like a vulture. His breath was shaking with each sit up, sweat was dripping from his forehead, and he was focusing on doing the exercise correctly. At the end of the day, he is a boxer, it is understandable that he doesn’t like leg workouts. He was visibly upset, but if he doesn’t want to be defeated by a floor fighter, he should start training and thinking like one. 
The secret to becoming a great floor fighter is flexibility. Using your legs in your favor will always lead you to the good path. Being a floor fighter requires being intuitive, and sometimes, creative. Most fighters are often used to only using their upper body to defend themselves and use their legs just to move fast, Sukuna is one of those. I needed to change his mindset. 
The sight of one of the fighters caught my attention. He must be one of the younger fighters in the gym. He was a thin, black haired boy with curious blue eyes. I didn't pay him any mind because maybe he was just a fan of Sukuna, and he was watching him and not me. 
I ordered Sukuna to do stretching exercises. Trying to reach for your toes sitting down is something that sounds easy in theory, but it's pretty hard in practice. I saw him struggling to even reach them with the tip of his fingers. Sukuna groaned under his breath, trying to do the exercise right. His black tribal tattoos stretched, following the flow of his tender skin. 
“I know you can do it,” I cheered behind him, pushing his sweaty back with my palms to make him reach further. 
I felt around his back with my curious fingers to learn his anatomy. His shoulders were wide, his shoulder blades; sharp, and his back was super tensed. It was like I was feeling a giant brick wall. My hand traveled to his shoulders, being careful enough to not tickle him. I squeezed the curvature to inspect them. 
“What the fuck are you doing?!” He yelled at me, abandoning his posture to look at me. I slapped the back of his head. 
“Look forward!” I yelled back. He squeezed his teeth to avoid saying something else, focusing again on the stretching exercise. “Can you just relax? You are tenser than a suspect of murder.” I said, pushing his shoulders downwards. 
“Sukuna is always tense, it’s in his nature.” A woman behind me said. A brunette with deep eyes and clear skin, aside from her tired violet eye bags. “My name is Shoko Ieri, I’m his physiotherapist,” she introduced herself. I introduced myself as well. She looked like a very serious and observant person. Even though she didn’t have a friendly face, I could see that she took her job very seriously. 
“Sukuna has a therapy session now,” she said. Sukuna sighed and stood up. Without seeing me or saying goodbye, he went to one of the healing rooms. I ground my teeth upon the lack of consideration, I had to remember myself who I was working with. Apparently today’s training was done. 
“It looks like you will accept the job.” Nanami approached me while I was putting away my stuff in my bag. His face was more relaxed than in the morning.
“I've wanted the job since I entered,” I answered, unwrapping the bandages off my hands. 
“Really? You didn’t look like it,” he said. 
He was right. There was an explanation for it. Last night I researched everything I could about Sukuna. If his manager told me that he goes all out to get rid of his coaches, I need to go all out as well. I had to make sure Sukuna could see that he needed me so he could maintain his champion title. 
“The key of a good coach is to make the trainee see the clear power difference. As a light heavyweight champion, Sukuna struggles to see that difference,” I explained with a wise voice. I knew what I was talking about from experiences. I was a woman in the middle of a male dominated world.
“You were planning to fight against him from the beginning?” He asked curiously. I just nodded. This was my only way to make him see and know what will be the result of his next fight if luck isn’t by his side. 
Nanami led me to his office, so I could sign my job contract under the conditions we previously talked on the phone. I had fixed schedules, which allowed me to continue teaching jiu-jitsu lessons on the weekends. The pay was excellent and made me feel like I was in the UFC again. I was happy everything went according to plan, I just needed to continue having Sukuna under my wing. 
Also, Nanami let me know that Sukuna had an upcoming fight in two months, so I had to be really strict with him so he could be ready. When I heard the name of his opponent, I knew I had to take things to the next level quickly. 
“It’s so nice having some time away from that brat,” Gojo said as he stretched his arms while sitting on the office couch. “I was praying for this day to come.” 
“What day?” I asked. 
“The day somebody kicked his ass. His ego meter has gone through the roof. I didn’t know if I could handle him anymore,” he explained, visibly irritated. 
“You don’t seem to be too fond of him,” I commented. 
“Don’t get me wrong. Sukuna is great, an amazing fighter, but he is just too stubborn,” he said. I thought the same way. His technique, adaptability, and strength were obvious. Yeah, he was an asshole, but a very impressive asshole. 
“How long have you been training him for?” I asked him, curious about how he got the job. Did he have to do something like I did?
“Sukuna and I went way back, I was his first coach. I met him when he was 12 years old.”  I knew Sukuna was 26 so that meant he had been coaching that little shit for over 14 years. 
Gojo must be a saint by this point. I bet Sukuna was one of those brats with too much energy and time on his hands. I could picture him bullying his classmates and running around the dojo while Gojo tried to give the lesson. 
“He was always like this?” 
“Nah, he was worse. His little brothers were the ones who got the nice genetics from his father.” Gojo pointed to the window to another pink-haired boy, he was with the black haired boy that caught my attention earlier. They were running on a treadmill while chatting. He had a bright smile and a friendly vibe. “A great kid. He works really hard, but Sukuna is on another level.” 
Exiting the small sports office, I made my way to the elevator to go home, but the boy with black hair and Sukuna’s little brother caught my attention again. Now, they were discreetly looking at me, whispering things to each other. I needed to know what they were whispering about. 
“Can I help you?” I asked them as I got closer to them. They looked at me with a spark of surprise in their eyes, as if I caught them in the act. 
“Hey, my name is Yuuji and my friend, Megumi, wanted to ask you something,” the friendly pinky said while pushing his friend to step forward. Yuuji seemed to be someone genuine and friendly. On the other side, Megumi was reserved and poker-faced. 
“Hi Megumi, what can I do for you?” I asked like he was a new student in my gym. 
“I saw the fight today, you are very talented,” Megumi complimented me. I didn’t know if he was being genuine or not because his voice was monotone. “I was wondering if you could give me some fighting advice,” he asked. I checked the time since I wanted to go home, but it was pretty early. I was still in the mood for some training, plus these two can be a lot of help because they knew more about Sukuna than I did. 
“I’ll do it if you buy me a sandwich later on,” I asked with a smile. They looked at each other in excitement before accepting. 
Training Megumi felt completely different to training Sukuna. Sukuna was a fierce beast with a destroyer punch, while Megumi was a strategist with a quick wit. His posture was great, his punches were connecting well, and his moves were well thought. He was punching my gauntlets with precision, following my pattern of moves. It was evident he spent a lot of time training.
“You are doing it great,” I said while attacking him with the gauntlet so he could match my speed. “But this is mixed martial arts, not fake wrestling.” 
My left gauntlet was supposed to move horizontally, signaling that he needed to dodge. Instead, I slapped him across the face and he dropped to the floor. Yuuji covered his face so as not to see his friend flop against the thin mattress under our feet. Megumi grunted, struggling to get up from the surprise attack. 
“You are talented, kid. You just need to act more by instinct and not mind, do you get it?” I asked. Megumi nodded, getting back on his feet with grace. “Let’s go. One more time,” I prepared myself with the gauntlets.  
“What the fuck are you doing?!” Sukuna asked me angrily, standing outside the area we were practicing in. Apparently, his therapy was over.  
“We are in the middle of something, don’t you see?” I asked, not paying him any mind. This wasn’t enough for him. He stomped closer to me and grabbed my wrists, trying to take my gauntlets away. I squirmed around to release from his tight grip. His hands were bigger than mine, so it was hard to get away. “What the fuck are you doing?!” I asked. I pushed him away from me with my elbow to keep distance.
“Who gave you the right to coach someone else?! You are my coach and only mine!” He yelled, catching the attention of the surrounding fighters. I scoffed as I took the gauntlets off, I wasn’t in the mood to train anymore. Megumi tried to defend me, but I stopped him. 
“My contract stipulates that I can’t coach other active UFC members and fighters. Coaching Megumi doesn’t interfere with my contract,” I explained, keeping my cool. 
“This is my fault, brother. It’s just a one time thing,” Yuuji said to Sukuna, trying to calm him down, but he was still throwing daggers at me. 
“I don’t give a shit what your contract says. If I say you quit training this little shit, you stop!” He screamed once again. 
“Megumi is a rookie and falls two weight classes under yours. He is not a threat,” I defended him. 
“But he is the son of my next opponent, you stupid bitch,” he groaned. 
This caught me by surprise. I looked at Megumi looking for answers, but I just needed to take a good look at him. The resemblance was so obvious, how I didn’t see it before? He was a compact version of Toji Fushiguro, Sukuna’s next opponent. 
I have watched Toji’s fight live and on TV, and he was a real menace in the heavyweight weight class. He fights so naturally, fighting for him is as normalized in his body as walking. He always looked so calm and bored while fighting that it was scary. 
“I only admitted him in the gym because he is Yuuji’s friend, so stop playing around and focus, or you’ll lose your job on your first day,” Sukuna threatened me. 
“Fine,”  I scoffed. Sukuna passed aside, pushing my shoulder to get back to his training. Yuuji followed him to keep trying to change his mind. I wanted to punch him so badly for the insult, but he knocked me out successfully. I humiliated him, and he humiliated me. We were even.
“I am so sorry, I should have told you before,” Megumi apologized. 
“Don’t worry, I should have noticed before. You looked like your father,” Megumi’s face softened when he saw that I wasn’t mad at him. 
“Everyone says that, do you know him?” He asked, taking his boxing gloves off. 
“Not personally, I used to train in the gym he started training in,” I explained. “He is an excellent fighter, why don’t you train with him?” Megumi shook his head at the idea. 
“He told me that if I wanted to ‘be better than him’, I should train away to get experience,” he explained. I could get behind that logic. 
“Well, I hope my advice today will help you to achieve that goal faster.” Megumi thanked me and continued with his training alone. 
A month passed by, and every training session with the champion was a challenge. Sukuna is not the type of person who likes to receive orders whatsoever, so I had to adjust my sentences every time I had to ask him to do something. For example, I have to say “Let’s do some pushups” instead of “Give me 50 pushups.” Sukuna is just a big brat waiting for a reason to throw a tantrum. I sometimes needed to remind myself why I was doing this in the first place. 
“A good kick is not just about strength, it's about precision and speed. It’s about focusing on a target.” I told Sukuna, who was focused on my words. “Show me your best kick.” I asked him while patting the punching bag. 
I stepped aside so he could have the room to himself. He breathed deeply and did a standard kick so powerful that it made the punching bag swing. It was quite impressive, and he was quite proud of himself. I applauded him for his execution. 
“Did you like that?” He asked me with a smirk. 
“Yeah, I do like it, but it was too slow. Anyone could dodge that with an arm block. You are better than that,” I said as I made him step aside from the zone. “I want a quick swipe.” I said before kicking the bag as fast as I could with perfect form. The bag barely moved, but it sounded way louder than Sukuna’s. 
I heard someone clapping behind me and I thought it was Sukuna, but I was totally wrong. It was a tall man with long, raven black and deep, piercing eyes. I could tell from his clothing that he wasn’t a fighter or a coach. He was wearing a maroon turtleneck with black pants and nice boots with a cross body bag. 
“That was a great kick,” he complimented me. 
There was an aura of mystery around him, a sense of depth that beckoned to be explored. He was like a riddle wrapped in an enigma, his heart guarded by walls built from his complex past. Yet, there was an undeniable warmth there, a flame that could ignite with the right touch. He was so hot. That aura was ruined by Sukuna of course. 
“What the fuck do you want, Choso? Can you see I am in the middle of training?” Sukuna scoffed at him. Choso’s aura completely changed from this cool, mysterious guy to a poker-faced boy who doesn’t want to deal with the king of the ring. 
“Where’s Yuuji? He asked me to bring him his lunch,” he explained as he pulled out a well wrapped lunchbox. 
“I don’t know. Maybe he is training, grabbing some water or fucking Megumi in the locker room, I don’t know.” Choso rolled his eyes and then looked at me. 
“You must be his new coach. Yuuji told me about you,” Choso greeted me with a respectful bow, which I reciprocated. 
“Oh, I see. Are you his friend?” I asked. Choso was about to answer, but then Yuuji came running up to him. 
“Hey, bro! Thanks for bringing my lunch, I was starving.” He excitedly said with a bright smile as usual. Choso smiled back at him and then checked his watch. 
“I should go back to work. It was nice finally meeting you,” Choso said goodbye and gave me a warm smile. After that, he quickly left the gym. Yuuji followed him on the way out. I followed them with my eyes until they got to the elevator. 
“I hate when people just distract me from training,” Sukuna scoffed as he practiced the kick that I showed him. 
“He was cute, who is he?” I asked him curiously. Sukuna smirked at me. 
“You are joking, right?” He asked. 
“Why would I be joking?” 
“I am not man winging my brother with my coach, hell nah!” I gasped as soon as he said that. 
“What? Your brother?” I asked in disbelief. 
“He is the middle one. Yuuji and him are pretty close,” he said before replicating my kick almost perfectly. Sukuna was a complete asshole, but he is an incredible fast learner. 
“You are not close to them too?” I asked him as I watched him prepare himself for another kick. 
“They are just another distraction,” he stated before kicking the bag perfectly. He is so insufferable sometimes. 
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komotionlessqueenmm · 3 years
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Imagine # 776
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Year posted - 2021
"Hi I'm Movsar Evloev." He held his hand out, a friendly smile on his handsome face. "Hey I'm (Y/f/n) (Y/l/n)." (Y/n) mirrored his smile, shaking his hand. "You have very pretty eyes." Movsar mused, still holding her hand. "Oh thank you, you have a lovely smile." (Y/n) blushed faintly, giggling when Movsar realized he was still holding her hand, hastily letting her hand go despite not wanting to. "Sorry." He murmured with a nervous chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck. "Don't be." (Y/n) smiled softly, the blush deepening when Movsar looked at her with a pleasant grin.
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