#mmm yeah the ‘Virgo’ energy
illtellmineyouregay · 2 years
One Last Stop out of context:
“That little twink contains multitudes”
“Sex-haver toast”
“Pop-Tart angel”
“Lie back and think of the fucking Dewey Decimal System.”
“For research.”
“God, not the stupid bed-assembly fantasy
“Fuse by osmosis”
“Yes, thank you. I invite you to eat a dick. Goodbye.”
“People are cheap. And idiots. Cheap idiots.”
“I'm pretty sure the guy at the bodega thought I was stoned.”
“Mmm, yeah, say more big words.”
“What kind of safe word is 'waffle cone', anyway?”
“Oh my God. She literally shorted out the train because she was horny”
“Typical Virgo bullshit”
“August starts a sex notebook”
“You can mock it all you want, but i've never been murdered.”
“I'll be your Lasagna”
“Sweet potato titty tassels and an Apple pie g-
“The path of my boner.”
“Big Dick Energy Is Gender Neutral”
“Steampunk Tony Stark in a leather skirt.”
“God, you are the most useless bisexual l've ever met in my entire goddamn life.”
“Thanks, Jane”
“Stoners pass a joint under a gazebo”
“I remembered that I dated a girl in Spanish
Harlem who liked to get head to this album!”
“Thankfully, after the first, they're almost never songs that she used to eat girls out to.”
“You haven't been in New York long enough to earn the right to be an asshole with impunity. You're still in the tourist zone.”
"A hobbit hole?"
"each wiggling their asses to force the air out."
“Aren’t you gonna write that down in your little sex notebook?”
“Did that stapler try to get emotionally intimate with you?”
“But she’s Suzette Landry’s daughter, which means she’s bad at letting shit go.”
“Donna Summer at a truly inconsiderate volume, pouring out of Isaiah’s apartment.”
“performs an elaborate socialism-themed number set to a mix of “She Works Hard for the Money” and clips from AOC speeches.”
“I don’t guess you want take the subway?”
“The bathroom floor is an upgrade.”
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saturndivine · 3 years
i see pisces bc i’ve noticed that when someone has a stellium ppl usually give off the vibes of their sister sign, but they don’t operate like one. and while love is very nervous, likes saving ppl like a virgo she’s often too emotional and wishy washy for being one so pisces fits better. also being a virgo rising would giver her an 8th house aries moon and mars which really fit with the tone of the show. so we kinda agree on the virgo energy haha we just think differently on where it’s coming from
mmm yeah the emotions give me aries energy because of how they overcome her and drown her so far down she results to murder???? but also because everyone says shes impulsive which gives me fire energy and i see aries moon because of how intense her emotions are. i totally see what you mean though, yes stelliums tend to reflect the energy of the sister sign, i could even see like aries moon, pisces mercury, virgo mars, something along those lines
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47pictures · 3 years
Link to original r/nosleep post:
My husband and I are the first guests to check into a new underwater suite with a full glass display. Yet, all of the fish are missing… but I don’t think we’re alone down here, either.
“No peeking still,” my husband nagged, his hands still over my eyes as he guided me.
“How can I peek with your hands literally over my face,” I remarked. He chuckled.
After what felt like forever with him making sure I didn’t bump into anything up to the mystery destination, my husband Jackson assured me that we were finally there. Thank the Lord…
“Alright, open up!” he said as he unveiled his hands from my face.
Now that we were here, I felt the rush of excitement again, and a shy yet exuberant grin grew over my face as I slowly opened my eyes. Once they opened, however, they widened tenfold at the sight before me.
“Whoa,” I exclaimed.
Jackson chuckled. “Soooo, did I pick out a good birthday gift or what?” he teased.
It was truly a sight to behold. An underwater luxury hotel suite, with all the delicacies and comfort a guest could dream of, encased entirely in an underwater tank with a view to die for at nearly every angle. Undoubtedly, it was a great birthday gift.
“Baby, this is amazing,” I spoke. I turned to look at him. “I-I was just kinda joking when I said bring me the ocean if you could, you know?”
He and the usher who led us to the room with our luggage exchanged laughs.
“You should know by now I take almost everything you say literally,” Jackson said as he stepped my way, towering over me by merely two inches.
“Mmm-hmm,” I uttered through my smile, and we both leaned in for a kiss.
The usher awkwardly rolled our luggage over to the king-sized bed (really, it looked even bigger than king-sized) and neatly set them to the side.
“Happy birthday,” Jackson said.
“Thanks, Babe,” I replied, as we both went in for another kiss. Poor usher, I thought. I know it must’ve been awkward for him right about now.
“Um, sorry to break the moment,” the gentleman timidly noted, “But if you two would like, the kitchen staff has prepared a lovely four-course lunch, which should be about ready in the next 30 to 40 minutes?”
“Oh,” I uttered.
“Nice,” Jackson followed. “What do you think?” he asked me.
I gave him a crazy look. “Shit yeah,” I replied under my breath, but quite loudly. I noticed the usher, “Oops, I mean-”, clearing my throat, “Yes, my husband and I would love to attend,” changing my whole demeanor.
Me and him both chuckled like idiot children. That’s simply how we were together. Like children. Though, when it was time to be adults, I was usually the parent in the relationship. He was a messy eater, I used proper dining etiquette. He needed a haircut, I did it for him. He got bruised up or injured doing god knows what, I fixed him up. He wants to travel to a random city over the weekend, I do all the planning (except this time, to my surprise).
Jackson was smart - very smart… but dumb at the same time. He was like a golden retriever. Had lots of energy and charisma, always the center of everyone else’s attention, yet, he couldn’t hold his own to save his life. Very all over the place. In a way, however, that’s what I find attractive about him. His zest for life and a childlike curiosity outlasting his years. I liked to have my fun as well, don’t get me wrong. But I was more Virgo-like in my ways, even though I’m a Pisces myself.
Lunch was held in the hotel’s center aquarium, giving us a full view of the ocean around us. Glass surrounded us with a bright blue luminescence as the sun reflected light through the large sea.
We were presented with a lovely four-course meal of seafood selections. Both of us got the seafood chowder as a starter. I got spicy Caribbean shrimp and he got oysters for appetizers. For the entrees, I got a nice big baked salmon, and Jackson got a huge lobster tail with a side of melted butter and mashed potatoes. It was all delicious, needless to say, and to top it all off, we had carb-packed tall slices of strawberry cheesecake. I could barely get up from the table after we were done.
After congratulating the head chef for such a fine meal, Jackson shot the question.
“Where are all the fish?” he asked.
It was one of those things I didn’t even think to ask, yet it was so obvious. Where were the fish? I didn’t know we were coming here until just a while ago. Had I not seen any pictures from the brochures in our room, I’d think this place didn’t have any fish at all. It was a good question.
“Ah, the fish,” the chef said. “They’re usually out most of the day and usually at night, they’ll obviously be harder to see and go elsewhere. But today must be one of those days where they’ll just… sorta hide.”
“Hide?” I remarked.
“Yes,” the chef replied. “Mostly from predators, if they’re around. But that’s strange, there usually aren’t any around. There’s the sharks, but even still, nothing that’s a serious threat to make the others leave.”
“There’s sharks here?” Jackson asked in a tone that I couldn’t tell was either amazed or afraid.
“Oh yes, a couple of them will show up from time to time. No great whites, or hammerheads, or anything crazy of the sort, but yes, there are a few.”
“Hmm,” Jackson uttered.
“Well, hopefully they turn up soon,” I added. “We gotta get some pictures, right Babe?”
I nudged Jackson at his side, to which he didn’t noticeably return much of a reaction.
“Mm-hmm,” he noised passively.
Maybe he was starting to get a food coma, too, and needed to lay down. I know I did. We’d gotten back to the room and done exactly that.
After a pleasant nap, I woke up to the magical view of the suite being illuminated with hidden LED lights outlining the bed, walls, and other pieces of large furniture. The room held a bright gold luminescence along with the now dark blue to almost pitch black abyss of the ocean. I wonder if that was something that could be turned off or it just stayed like that. Either way, I wasn’t complaining one bit.
Jackson woke up not too long after, and I barely saw him shuffle over to the bathroom in a hurry, as I was on my phone with my back turned. Was he sick?
“You all right, Babe?” I called to him.
“Yeah,” Jackson replied. “Had to piss.”
Oh, well that made sense. With that, I turned on camera mode for my phone, and began snapping random pictures, and was getting ready to do a panorama view. I had the lens set at one side of the room, starting at the edge of the first wide window, then began to drag across the room. I made it past the first window, then past the walls and door to the bathroom occupied by Jackson, then to the other side window, and was about to come around to the end of the last huge display behind me, until I noticed something through the lens.
I lowered my phone to get a look with my own eyes and saw that there was an enormous shadow of space outside the glass. It could’ve been the lack of sunlight reflecting down on that particular spot, but then I thought, was it really that dark already? It was only a half ‘til six, so it made sense for the water to be dark, but not that dark. The thing was, it stood out from the rest of the area like a sore thumb. You could still tell apart the ocean floor from other sections of the room, as well as the tiny rocks at the bottom. But over in this particular spot, it was near-total blackness. An abnormally large disquieting contrast in the area around it.
Maybe it was just a large rock structure. Like a fjord, maybe? No, those are like mountains or something, I think.
Then I heard the toilet flush. I waited for Jackson to come back out, but a couple of moments kept passing longer than expected. I was getting suspicious again.
“You sure you’re okay?” I called again.
“Yeah,” he answered.
It would make sense if he got sick from the food, perhaps. It was seafood, after all, and that among other recipes could have a tendency to make anyone’s stomach queasy if not properly prepared. But I didn’t have any issues so far. We ate nearly the same thing, as we picked from each other’s plates all the time.
I went ahead and gave him another minute, but as more time kept passing and I didn’t hear from him, I decided that was it.
“Hey, I gotta piss, too,” I announced, as I got up and started approaching the door.
No response. Then, a few seconds later, “Okay,” I heard him respond. Weird, I thought.
I slowly turned the knob and opened the door slowly, as not to budge right in. To my confusion, he wasn’t in the bathroom anymore at all. Huh?
“Jackson?” I called for him.
I looked across and saw that there was another door leading to a different room, or closet maybe? It was cracked open.
I went over and swung open the door to find a nice tidy compartmentalized space, the only room that wasn’t encased in glass, with Jackson loafing around. It had a nice window seat cushion that extended along the side of the walls of the entire room, and a circular window that simply showed the outside view of the ocean, which was also nearly pitch black as the shadow that cast over near the bedside window I’d a moment ago. Perhaps I was right. It was just large boulders or rocky structures blocking the light on those specific sides of the glass.
“You know this wouldn’t be a bad room to crash in,” he said, as he kept aimlessly searching around for something.
“I guess not?” I awkwardly replied.
“Could be a good place to do… other things, too, yeah?”
“It’s kind of a tight space, don’t you think?”
“We’ve managed with worse.”
“You know, there is a whole bed back there,” I said, pointing my finger to the door.
“Yeah…” Then his mind trailed off elsewhere before he looked at me again. “I’m done in the bathroom. You said you needed to go, right?”
I gave him a certain look. “I lied,” I answered. “You okay?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” he responded, but I knew when he was playing clueless.
“You’ve been acting kinda strange since lunch.”
“I mean, we both know you’re strange as it is, but… earlier you seemed sort of all right, but now since the sun is starting to come down, I don’t even know.”
“True,” he said, still not actually paying attention as he was still searching around the room.
I was getting a little fed up. “What are you looking for?” I asked.
“Something to cover this window with,” he said. “Can we get seasick from this? You know, with us being underwater and everything?”
“… Maybe?”
“There’s nothing but towels and a bunch of useless crap in here - are there any like really big pillows out there in the bedroom?”
My gosh, he was acting strange. The obvious question came next.
“Why do you need to cover the window?” I asked.
“Because… I don’t want anyone spying on us,” he answered.
“We’re underwater.”
“I noticed.”
“Who’s gonna spy on us? The fish? There aren’t any.”
“You don’t know, there might be people with submarines or something down here trying to capture a couple of lovebird guests having a good ole time down here to sell on the internet or who-knows-what.”
“Okay, one, I’m not fucking you in this room, and two, what is going on with you? You’re just acting so weird. What’s wrong?”
He looked around nervously, biting his lip like a child keeping a dirty little secret. Then, he finally fessed up.
“I have… thalassophobia,” he guiltily admitted.
“What’s that?”
“Fear of the ocean. Like deep water, all the shit that lurks in it, you know? Being stranded at sea, even. I’ve always been afraid of the water, babe. I tried to work on it, believe me, but nah. It’s just always been that one thing I can’t get over.”
I was dumbfounded. “Wh-” I started, trying to find where to even begin. “You have a fear of the ocean and you booked us an underwater hotel with literally a 360 view of open water?”
His face was red. “Yeah,” he muttered.
“Why?” I asked.
“‘Cause, it was for you. It wasn’t about me. I wanted you to be happy, and I wanted to get you something nice for your birthday, something I knew you’d love.”
It was one of the many sweetest things I’d ever heard him say that I almost forgot how dumb he initially sounded at this moment. I went over to him and gently cupped his face with both my hands, my back facing the window now and his facing the door.
“Okay,” I started, “Baby, you didn’t have to get me anything - though, I’m very grateful for all of this. And besides, I still don’t want you to be uncomfortable even if I’m not. We’re… you know, a marriage. A unity, or whatever. A team. I wouldn’t do something for you if I didn’t like it either.”
Jackson arched a brow.
“Okay, I didn’t mean for that to sound as bad as it did. Of course, I’d make sacrifices for you, too. But you get my point?”
Then I realized he wasn’t reacting to what I said at all, and was looking across the room past me towards the glass.
“The rock is gone,” he whispered.
“Hmm?” I uttered.
I turned to face where he was looking and saw what he meant. The black abyss of space beyond the glass was no longer there, and instead, we saw the faint blue glistening of the evening once again. Strange… it’d been black as night a moment ago, I thought. But Jackson said the same thing I was thinking. He, too, thought it was a rock.
I looked to him. “Tell you what, I’ll order us some drinks - you pick - and I’ll bring them back and we can just hang out here, okay?”
His face lit up with excitement again. “You don’t have to do that, Babe? Don’t let me ruin your b-day.”
“To me, it’s ruined if you’re not happy.”
I’d gotten room service to order us a tray of varied alcoholic beverages (only under his card, Jackson insisted). Champagne, Moscato, Grey Goose, and a few other cocktails, along with some crackers and cheeses to go along. We hung out together in the small enclosed room with our backs facing the window atop a fortress of pillows I pulled from the master bedroom and threw into the other room. I even fulfilled his request to cover the window with other stacks of pillows and whatever else I could find so he wouldn’t have to look outside.
We cuddled in the pillow fort we’d made and watched a movie on his phone. Any other person might view this as a complete downer to their vacation, but for me, I actually enjoyed every second of it. We never usually partook in high-end sort of living activities, even with me thoroughly planning and making sure we budget down to a T, so they usually ended in us doing things like this instead where we much preferred the comfort of doing things the unconventional way, such as sleeping in another room aside from the bed on a stack of pillows. Plus, it made Jackson feel better, and he was usually always braver than me. For once, I saw a true vulnerability in him.
“We’ve been to the pool and stuff together,” I said.
“Mm-hmm,” he replied. He drank way more than me. He’d answer anything at this point.
“You didn’t seem scared then.”
“The pool isn’t scary, the ocean is. Remember though, I couldn’t go past six feet?”
Then I thought about it. He was right. He never went too far to the deep end of any pools we got in.
“Huh,” I expressed. “I never noticed ‘til now.”
We kept on watching the movie for a couple more seconds before I had the urge to ask more questions.
“What about it scares you the most?” I asked.
He shrugged. “I mean, a lot of things. Like the thought of how deep it is… you never know what could be down there - here. The feeling of being surrounded by a vast bunch of endlessness, and being so small…” He shivered with chills. “Yeesh. Fuck that.”
“Yeah, when you put it that way, that does sound pretty scary.”
“Nah, you love it. You and the ocean have a pact.”
“What?” I smiled.
“Admit it, you would love to be a little mermaid just swimmin’ along in the abyss, waving at seamen - haha, seamen - passing by on their little boats and just having a grand time-”
“Oh shut up!” I laughed.
“-Just floating around with your long red hair collecting seashells singing, ‘Unda da sea!’-”
“-Unda da seaaaa!”
He was hysterical, and we were both having a good time. At least he was enjoying himself now.
I had to get up and use the bathroom again. After doing so, I decided to go get my phone that I’d left on the charger from the bed. But when I stepped into the room, it was nearly pitch black. I couldn’t see a damn thing.
What happened to the LED lights? Did they automatically turn off by themselves? It’d be weird if they did, though, because it wasn’t at our discretion to do it ourselves, and who’s to say we still needed the light or not?
I decided to use the bathroom light by swinging the door wide open to let the rest seep into the room and illuminate. Now, I could discern where everything was, if only faintly.
I went over to the bedside and pulled my phone from the USB. 100-percent battery life. Nice. While I was over there, I also turned on the lamplight perched next to me, and saw that it emitted a bright enough radiance to fill the entire corner of the bedroom. Might as well leave it on.
Then a thought occurred to me to check on the vast space I’d spotted earlier through the window. It would be directly in front of me. So I lifted my head to take a look, and to my stupidity, of course, it was indistinguishable now at this time of night. Some hours had passed since I last saw it, making the entire perspective a dark blue tint.
Though I loved the ocean and all the creatures that inhabited it, after hearing Jackson’s opposing view on the subject, in a weird sense, I was now starting to get what he meant. The vast darkness of the underwater. The endless abyss. I could imagine how terrifying it must be to swim in such a colossal space with no sense of direction, no other object in sight. No way out…
And what made it more frightening, I think, wasn’t that the water was pitch black. No, it was the fact that it was nearly complete darkness, but not entirely. You could observe the murkiness of the depths shift from light blue to an uncanny shaded indigo. Were the shadows underneath simply an indication of how far the light could reach from above? Or, could it be that something waited - patiently - down below?
Geez, I could have quite the imagination when I got to thinking too much by myself. I was even getting scared at my own thoughts. But if anything, I could now sympathize with my husband’s dread.
I turned to walk back to the bathroom door when another thought struck me, stopping me in my tracks. The rock Jackson and I noticed earlier, or at least what we thought was a rock… wasn’t it black? Like, entirely black. Black as night? And we both thought we were seeing things, where the rock had suddenly moved and we couldn’t identify it anymore through the window of the back room. It was hard to say if it was a bad memory or the alcohol, but I could swear…
I went over to the telephone next to the bed and decided to call room service again.
“Hello?” the female clerk on the other line answered.
“Hi, yes, I was just calling because I noticed the lights in our room aren’t working anymore. Not the main lights for the lamp and bathroom and stuff, but for LED lights, you know?”
“Oh, I see. Yes, there’s a switch on the wall right next to the thermostat where you can turn them on. It has a knob where you can adjust the brightness, and another one that lets you change the color to whichever one you’d like also.”
I shifted my eyes over to where she was referring to and found exactly what she meant. I could’ve found that if I bothered to look first.
“Oh, I see it now,” I laughed. “I guess I’ll check and make sure it’s on or off.”
“Okay,” the clerk responded, sounding pleased. “But that’s strange. They normally stay on unless of course, the guests decide to shut them off or when they automatically shut off at sunrise.”
“Hmm… maybe there was just a short power outage?” I suggested, though, it was probably unrealistic.
“Could be,” the clerk fancied. “But either way, hopefully you and your husband can enjoy the lovely moonlight from above as well.”
I was confused. “Moonlight?” I said.
“Yes. From where your room should be, it’s placed in the perfect spot for the moon to be seen from the top of the glass.”
“Really?” I replied, very puzzled. I looked up to see if I could maybe notice it through the top. “I don’t see any-”
At the sight I was now witnessing, I felt every bone, every muscle, every nerve in my body turn cold. There was something on top of the glass. Not just on top, but engulfing the entire tank. Above were faint details of what I could only imagine was its mouth. It was circular almost, with rows of what looked like razor-sharp teeth getting smaller at the center.
“Hello?” the clerk said on the other line.
I couldn’t move. A sensation more than just fear overcame me. I was petrified. At this moment, I never felt so small.
Then, the creature began to shift its entire body away from the glass, sending a near-seismic rumble throughout the suite. I dropped the phone onto the floor, and I followed suit as I got down, raising my arms as an instinctual reaction to try and shield me from whatever was about to happen next - as if that would do anything. I was in the presence of something further up the food chain than myself. Further up than any other predator that I knew that walked or swam the face of the earth.
As it released its grip from off the glass, shapes of monstrous tentacles began to flail about, leaving behind a powerful swooshing noise through the water, along with a resonant sound that the only way I could describe it as is something that couldn’t be replicated. Not on this planet. It was deafening, earth-shattering, like something from a different world.
It was so alien-like. It seemed to be coming from the thing itself. So powerful, even more so than the call of a blue whale or the roar of an earthquake. It was truly one of the loudest sounds I’d ever heard.
Suddenly, pure blackness no longer surrounded the view, as shades of the natural lighting of the ocean floor began to form again, and instantaneously, a white glow emitted from the glass ceiling. There it was. The moon. It had been there the whole time… and so had this thing.
As the creature rose higher away from my view, I was starting to get an even better look at its size. I still couldn’t even grasp its entire shape. It was huge. A behemoth of an unknown force lurking down here, waiting to be discovered.
I was amazed, astonished even, but not in a positive manner. The same sensation kept overtaking me as I began to curl up into a ball next to the bed. The sensation that I’d never felt so small…
I planned on staying there and hiding under the bed until it was gone. Then I’d be safe. But Jackson…
I got up and immediately ran towards the bathroom and over into the other room, shutting the door behind me. He was still lying against the pillows watching the movie on his phone, not noticing a thing about what lies beyond the glass. I couldn’t have been the only one to hear it, I thought.
“Baby,” I panicked.
He looked at me, concerned. “What’s wrong?” he asked. I guess he didn’t hear what I did after all.
But I couldn’t tell him, I thought. I was already scared as it was, but telling him might be catastrophic, and he’d never want to leave this room.
“I-I…” I stammered. “… I saw something.”
It just came out. What was I supposed to do, lie?
“What?” he said, now growing nervous as I was. Fuck, why did I do that?
“Th-There was something outside the glass, um…” Then I realized, I hadn’t told him the whole truth. “A shark or something. Like, a big shark.”
Jackson arched his brow, like he always did when he thought I was crazy.
“Are you pranking me?” he asked, his whole demeanor changing from worried to a perky suspicion.
I was dumbfounded. “Huh?” I said, still in a state of clear panic.
“I thought you loved sharks? Go play with your new friend,” he joked.
Without a doubt, the alcohol took the edge off of him from earlier, but he had no idea just how serious I was. Maybe that was a good thing, but right now, I needed both of us to leave this room asap.
I kneeled in front of him, looking him in the eye.
“Listen, I don’t wanna be in here right now. I’m getting… claustrophobic,” I lied. “Let’s just go to one of the lounges and hang out there for a bit where there’s no open water outside to look at, okay?”
He still wasn’t buying it. I’d be skeptical, too, if I were him. I never expressed fear of any sort in regards to the ocean. Even all the scary creatures he feared that swam in the sea, I took a liking to. But not that thing. Not that thing that waited outside…
“Your acting never fails to impress me, dear-
“Jackson!” I snapped.
He turned straight-faced again. I never snapped at him like that before. He knew I was serious this time.
“You’re serious,” he said. I nodded.
“Just put on your pants and let’s go,” I insisted. “I-I’ll cover your eyes so you don’t have to see out there when we cross the room.”
He got up and started to put his hands on.
“By the way,” he started, “Did you hear something a minute ago? Or was it just the movie?”
“Hear what?” I asked, a noticeable fear in my voice.
“Well I don’t know, I thought I heard something, like a loud rumbling noise. Thought it came from the movie, but then I was like, there’s no way, because-”
We both felt it rumble down in our feet and up to our rib cage, and stared at each other for a moment. Aware of precisely the same thing now, Jackson whispered under his breath, “Honey… what was that?”
Suddenly, the rumble sounded again, and was followed by both of us losing balance on both of our feet, and we both began to stumble. We both struggled to hold on to each other while simultaneously trying to grab onto the wall for support. Jackson managed to clutch one of the beams sitting atop the wall, and his strength alone was enough to hold both of us. I held onto him for dear life as the suite kept violently shaking.
His back was to the window as my arms hooked around him for balance. But I could see ahead that the barricade of pillows we’d put up on the window had now fallen, leaving the glass open for a full display of the outside. And to my confusion, I couldn’t see anything beyond it. It wasn’t a dark blue or black tint this time, but instead, a bright yellowish shade that now covered the window.
The rumbling had now stopped, and it was quiet as a mouse.
“You okay?” Jackson asked.
I didn’t say anything. I was too fixated on the window. Why was it that color? It’s like we shifted into a different environment altogether. Like a whole new backdrop.
“What the hell?” I muttered.
He turned to what I was perceiving and shared the same confusion. It was a strange sight indeed. Then we saw a black circle shift from nowhere and down into different corners of the circular window. The direction of the circle bounced randomly from corner to corner as if it were a corrupted game of Pong, until finally sitting dead center on the glass, facing us.
I felt a sick sensation in my gut, and Jackson’s jaw dropped in terror at the realization of what we were now both seeing. It was an eye… and it saw us.
The sound rumbled the whole area again.
“Go, go!” Jackson shouted, trying to lead us both out of the room, and we did just that.
We’d crossed into the bathroom when the lights cut off. There was darkness again. We were blind to the lack of light as we both tripped into each other, him almost knocking me down completely. I grabbed onto what I could only guess was the sink as Jackson quickly grabbed me to keep me from falling.
“You all right?” he said.
“What the hell is that thing?” His voice trembled.
“I don’t know,” I cried.
We needed to get ahead into the room and out into the main lobby and let someone know what was going on. But the lamp I’d left on in the bedroom ahead was out, too. Otherwise, there’d be some lighted path for us to distinguish. It was pure darkness. The only faint light, if any, came from the dark hue of the water surrounding us.
I pulled out my phone and turned on the flashlight to lead us.
“C’mon,” I demanded.
Jackson followed closely behind with his arms still over me for protection. Though, I’m sure it was more for him than it was for me. I could only imagine…
We raced through the bedroom and for the door in a matter of seconds. But in that time, we caught a glimpse of the outside. It was a nightmare. Just an endless void of murky dark water that appeared to stretch for an eternity. We were two small, meaningless creatures in the center of the vast universe.
When we got to the door, I turned the knob and pulled back without hesitation, as Jackson reached over and helped by yanking it back into the wall, and we both hauled ass out of there. In the halls, the lights were out as well. No source of illumination anywhere except the faint moonlight protruding the ocean’s horizon. Like the suite, the halls were made entirely of glass like a giant walkthrough tube to behold the ocean life exterior.
“Which way is it?” I anxiously asked.
“Here,” Jackson said, pointing down to the left corridor.
He and I made our way down the halls, but slowly this time. Something outside caught our eye. Indescribable. Countless dark silhouettes of fish. Hundreds of them. The ones that had been gone earlier were now all here for us to see beyond the glass. However, something was wrong.
The way in which they swam didn’t align in a fluid horizontal motion. Some of their bodies were positioned diagonally, vertically, and in a strange sense, seemed to be floating rather than swimming…
Then the realization hit me. They weren’t swimming at all. They were dead. Lifelessly drifting in the water down to us.
“Jesus,” Jackson gasped.
“L-let’s just keep moving,” I said, trying to be brave.
Then to our left, the creature emerged from below, its massive tentacles and fins rising into view, its bright yellow eyes glaring into us. The hall began to shake as the earth-shattering rumble sounded throughout the structure.
Without hesitation, the two of us raced down the hall to reach the next corridor that would eventually get us to the lobby. We just needed to make it. Where that thing could no longer see us.
All throughout the long glass tube, it followed from the outside. But not like a predator chasing its prey, but in an unsettlingly forbearing nature, as if it knows its place in the animal kingdom hierarchy. We were no challenge for it. It wanted to taunt us. It knew…
We’d managed to run down to the lobby and thankfully, one of the clerks was still there at the counter, likely the one I’d spoken to earlier on the phone. The woman saw us in our state of panic and immediately stood up to ask what was the matter. We told her of the creature that was terrorizing us, to which she was understandably struck by. We even told her about the fish we’d seen that were now regurgitated from the monster. It was hard to say if she bought our story or not, but based on her facial expressions, she innately knew we were dead serious.
The two of us refused to spend another night in that room. We asked if there were any other rooms available that didn’t involve windows of any sort, or better yet, any that were at the surface, but truly, Jackson and I both wanted to get the hell out of this place.
A couple of hotel staff offered to take our belongings out of the room and personally hand them over to us in the main lobby, as the clerk informed us that there was a vacancy in the only other room available at the top above the water, on top of the fact that neither one of us agreed to enter that hellish fishbowl again.
In our new more relaxing suite on the surface of the land, it’d taken a while for either one of us to fall back asleep. Jackson, in the shock of it all and for good reason, had taken it harder than me. I lied there with him in bed and stayed until he felt comfortable to drift off.
At some point in the night, I’d got up to peer out the window, which gave a view of the ocean’s horizon under the full moon. Any other day, I’d find the sight to be an ethereal beauty, not one to literally die for. What was supposed to have been a beautiful day for the two of us, at the expense of Jackson going out of his way to try and make me happy, was now ruined by the untethered force of nature that resided beneath.
I began to quietly sob, as not to wake Jackson from his slumber, my vision becoming blurred from the muddiness of tears.
But as I looked down again at the ocean below, I could sense that somewhere in my line of sight, it waited. And with a startling revelation that haunted me from when we first looked the creature in its eye, there was an undeniable fact that it knew.
It knew…
0 notes
anarchist-caravan · 4 years
(My) TOP Discovered Albums of the year 2019 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Here again, for the fourth year in a row! Ready to go through the list of discovered music that I have found this year. It has been quite a long year. The thing that is different from the other years is that I have felt a little bit more stressed about the list. I don’ t know why. Just is. And that is a good judgement of what my year has been about. Stress. Angst. Hardships. Fatigue. And Surprises.
I always think I won’t be able to find any new music each year. But I am always mistaken. Thousands of albums down the road. And ain’t that the best thing. Amidst the times. 
And thus, a lot of the music I found this year, that has been put on this list is of the more chill side. Not anything too harsh. Just.... a stream of consciousness.
As Usual, Albums I have encountered throughout the year are listed below -with only the last five in a true top order:
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Mad Doctor X - Picnic with the Greys (1997)
A picnic we should all attend, -don’t forget the Oui’d!
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Tomb Mold ‎– Planetary Clairvoyance (2019)
Dang, that’s death metal done well.
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Moor Mother - Analog Fluids Of Sonic Black Holes (2019)
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Darzamat - In the Opium of Black Veil (1999)
Good AF black metal. 
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karl sanders - saurian meditation (2004)
Darker than you think. Hypnosis.
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The Dolphin Brothers - Catch the Fall (1987)
Richard Barbieri and Steve Jansen plays wonderous synth-pop akin to something... I cannot remember right now. But they are good nonetheless. 
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Reiko Kudo - Rice Field Silently Riping In The Night (2019) 
(Dis)harmonious multi-instrumental live-recording’easque music with singing and (soft) noise. 
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Michael Stearns - M'Ocean
Michael Stearns makes the most chill music in the universe. Except for maybe that one U.F.O. trip album that can be chill in the scary cold sense. 
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Henryk Górecki - Kleines Requiem-Lerchenmusik
Classical album of the year. Górecki always delivers. 
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Fast techno-trash metal band. 
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Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble Of Shadows - Death And Flamingos (2019)
Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble Of Shadows is a band that will always have a special space in my heart. Their music got me through the most part of high school. The dark ambivalent songs. Yet, never forgetting the ironic twinkle in the eye. 
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Earl Slick - Zig Zag (2003)
That edge of the seat feel of rock; next stage to come, just: SLICK.
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Kooba Tercu - Kharrub (2019)
You will be grateful I rec’d this jammin’ piece of fast jumping action of absurdity and happiness. :)
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Red Snapper - Making Bones (1998) 
Trip Hop Album of The year. Seeing to what trip-hop releases there were around the time of this album’s release, I am so fucking surprised I had never heard of these before. They are just as brilliant as the all too famous Portishead, if not with an upper edge in a lot of cases. 
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Supercar - Three Out Changes!! (1998)
Shoegaze of the year. Lovely. CHILL. Summer evening breathe’
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Anna Domino - East & West (1984)
Timeless synth-pop with rich textures of dreamy lyrics that ensnares you into a downtempo that.... goes up.
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Troy Gregory - XAVIERA (2018) 
Monumental Prog.
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shit & shine - bad vibes (2018)
It is What it Says. Yeah I am on Acid’
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Datarock ‎- Face The Brutality (2018) 
Norwegian indie masters. I love Datarock very, very much. I’ve listened to them since the 2007 release Red and I don’t know a band with as much coercive pop in each track. This album was a surprise find, since I was convinced they were out of the loop.
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HIZAKI grace project  - Curse Of Virgo (2008)   
Symphonic Metal. Hizaki is a master of the guitar. Such Riffs. If you need to drain your brain to metal and feel energized but still mesmerized, this is it. 
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Institut Für Feinmotorik ‎- Abgegriffen (2011)
Coolest Experimental Band of the year. Go check them out on youtube. The making of the music here is truly an Experience.
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Deafkids ‎- Metaprogramação (2019)
D-beat, Raw Punk, Downtempo ... band from Volta Redonda, Rio De Janeiro - Brazil. NOISE.
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 WipEout Omega Collection OST (2017)
The wipeout games are and will forever be my favorite way of anti-gravity racing. The music to Wipeout Omega Collection is as stellar as ever, a great list of electro and techno musicians. 
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Hammer Bros. - Police Story (1997) 
Imagine being at an underground hardcore noise rave party in 1997. Imagine the beat blasts. The speed. The energy. Just the grinding shouts, the beat, and you. Ready to dive. BURN. WATER. REPEAT.
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AFCGT ‎– Square Microphone Tapes 
Noise rock galore. Glory. Wonderful. Gnarly. Intelligent. Different. Moody.
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Future Of The Left ‎– Human Death (2013)
Great leftist lyrics. Another one of RIk’s rec’s. Just Awesome. Good Music. Hate on capitalism and its endless bringer of deaths. 
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Molchat Doma* ‎– Etazhi (2018)
Youtube rec of the year. Darkwave energies en masse!
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3.2 - The Rules Have Changed  (2018)
The follow up to the infamous To The Power Of Three album from 1986 by Emerson, Lake and Berry. The first record was hated on by many, but I love it. And this very late follow up is a huge accomplishment and honoring to the late people involved. A record my dad would have liked. I just love prog music. Sigh. 
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Saori Kobayashi - Terra Magica (2016)
Ethereal Game Music is not easy to make. Yet somehow, Saori manages it. No wonder really. She was behind Panzer Dragoon. Masterpiece album for what a tribute it is.
“Terra Magica is a love letter from Saori Kobayashi to her fans. Featuring the same rich, melodic tones that defined the iconic soundtracks of Panzer Dragoon Saga and Panzer Dragoon Orta, Kobayashi invites listeners to enter the world she has created, while encouraging them to create their very own story to match the progression of the music.“
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ENTROPY CREATED CONSCIOUSNESS - Impressions of the Morning Star (2018)
Symphonic Doom Metal of the year
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Sleaford Mods - Divide and Exit (2014)
Rec of the year by @planetsedge​ - Rik has served several discs on this list this year.
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Mobile Suit Z Gundam BGM Collection (Vol.1 - Vol.3)  (1985)
The title track to this animé, sung by Mami Ayukawa, and its subsequent soundtrack is probably one of the best I have heard. 80′s animé has the best soundtracks, mostly. 
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K2 - Iron Kulture 7' (1996)
Noise artist of the year.
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Klaus Dinger + Japandorf (2013)
Surprise find of the year in the sense of knowing the artist in other bands (NEU! and Kraftwerk) but totally missing this somehow. Late late find. Total love. Electronic mists will seep into your ears listening to this. 
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Beak - >>>
Pop-like krautrock. Laid back, but with thought behind it. Allé Sauvage is my fave track. Just the perfect amount of mystery and rhythm and synths. First list find of the year. 
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The Muffs - Alert Today Alive Tomorrow
20 years ago The Muffs released this album, and I wish... the years had been kinder. This album helped me a lot though when I found it. A lot of nostalgia will arise listening to this. 
Damned if you feel alright ~
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BIG STICK - LP (2019)
EARWORM OF THE YEAR!!! Calamari Co Co Butter Calamari Co Co Butter Calamari Co Co Butter Calamari Co Co Butter Calamari Co Co Butter Calamari Co Co Butter Calamari Co Co Butter Calamari Co Co Butter Calamari Co Co Butter Calamari Co Co Butter Calamari Co Co Butter Calamari Co Co ButterCalamari Co Co Butttttttttttttttteeeeerrrrr. 
In the bodega. 
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Jesca Hoop - Stonechild (2019)
Indie folk niceties. Chill, interesting blend of rock and singing elements. Not mystical, but still with mysteries. Got third place because I kept remembering it so much. It penetrated my skull. 
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Doji Morita - A Boy (1977) 
This album was an early find and should be my album of the year. Morita’s voice is amongst the softest and kindest I have ever heard. And she has all the wonderful aesthetics to boot! Acoustics with accompanying strings and pianos in most of the tracks. It isn’t, because the N’1 is such an explosion of a surprise. 
The third track, ふるえているネ (One who is trembling) is my favorite. I do tremble at the very thoughts expressed in this track. The bird wings at the end... yeah. Every track on this album is a masterpiece. 
Music as pulling one’ s strings of the heart. That is what this album is about. 
I will keep it at that with the words. No more has to be said. Just listen, you will understand. 
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Kagami - Star Arts (2002)
Explosive, Happy, Creative, Constantly Changing Originality.
 Techno. Disco. TeSco.
Toshiyasu Kagami was a genius in his genre. I’ve heard a lot of techno mixes and textures in my life, but not anything like this before. 
Each track slaps you in the head and forces you to the rhythm, only for you to go.... HMMMMMMMMmmmMmmMmMMmmMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMM when the flow enters its synergies of musical delight. What else is there to say when your ears are filled with such pleasant sounds. Just when you think it won’t change up, it will change up. Impossible to predict. Dancefloor killer. Intelligent Mixes. 
No philosophical analysis, only my body moving to the most energetic beat EVER.
Concrete Masterpiece. My album of the year in 2019. 
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wtfzodiacsigns · 5 years
Zodiac Signs as Lyrics from Thank U, Next (Album)
Aries: “Me with no makeup, you in the bathtub, bubbles and bubbly, ooh. This is a pleasure, feel like we never act this regular.” (imagine)
Taurus: “Painted a picture, I thought I drew you well. I had a vision. Seeing what isn’t there.” (in my head)
Gemini: “I read the things they write about me, hear what they’re saying on the TV. It’s crazy. It’s gettin’ hard for them to shock me, but every now and then it’s shocking.” (fake smile)
Cancer: “Break up with your girlfriend, cause I’m bored. You can hit in the morning, like it’s yours.” (break up with your girlfriend, I’m bored)
Leo: “Then you realize she’s right there, and you’re at home like, “Damn, she can’t compare!” (break up with your girlfriend, I’m bored)
Virgo: “Cause I don’t wanna roll with it. Tryna get control of it. Why can’t I let go of it? Gotta find somebody quickly, mmm, yeah.” (bad idea)
Libra: “Love me, thank you, leave me, put it down, then it’s time to go. Get it like you love me, but you don’t, boy it’s just for sure. Take it or leave it.” (bloodline)
Scorpio: “If you take too long to hit me back. I can’t promise you how I’ll react.” (needy)
Sagittarius: “My energy and attitude don’t really coincide. Stayin’ mad so we can let it out tonight.” (make-up)
Capricorn: “Don’t want you in my bloodline. Just wanna have a good time. And no need to apologize, no, but you gon’ have to let this shit go.” (bloodline)
Aquarius: “I’d rather be alone tonight. You can say ‘I love you’ through the phone tonight. Really don’t wanna be in your arms tonight.” (NASA)
Pisces: “And I’ma scream and shout for what I love. Passionate, but I don’t give no fucks. I admit that I’m a lil’ messed up. But I can hide it when I’m all dressed up. I’m obsessive and I love too hard.” (needy)
Source: ariana-kordei-my-favs
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loonaurkordei · 5 years
Zodiac Signs as Lyrics from Thank U, Next (Album)
Aries: “Me with no makeup, you in the bathtub, bubbles and bubbly, ooh. This is a pleasure, feel like we never act this regular.” (imagine)
Taurus: “Painted a picture, I thought I drew you well. I had a vision. Seeing what isn’t there.” (in my head)
Gemini: “I read the things they write about me, hear what they’re saying on the TV. It’s crazy. It’s gettin’ hard for them to shock me, but every now and then it’s shocking.” (fake smile)
Cancer: “Break up with your girlfriend, cause I’m bored. You can hit in the morning, like it’s yours.” (break up with your girlfriend, I’m bored)
Leo: “Then you realize she’s right there, and you’re at home like, “Damn, she can’t compare!” (break up with your girlfriend, I’m bored)
Virgo: “Cause I don’t wanna roll with it. Tryna get control of it. Why can’t I let go of it? Gotta find somebody quickly, mmm, yeah.” (bad idea)
Libra: “Love me, thank you, leave me, put it down, then it’s time to go. Get it like you love me, but you don’t, boy it’s just for sure. Take it or leave it.” (bloodline)
Scorpio: “If you take too long to hit me back. I can’t promise you how I’ll react.” (needy)
Sagittarius: “My energy and attitude don’t really coincide. Stayin’ mad so we can let it out tonight.” (make-up)
Capricorn: “Don’t want you in my bloodline. Just wanna have a good time. And no need to apologize, no, but you gon’ have to let this shit go.” (bloodline)
Aquarius: “I’d rather be alone tonight. You can say ‘I love you’ through the phone tonight. Really don’t wanna be in your arms tonight.” (NASA)
Pisces: “And I’ma scream and shout for what I love. Passionate, but I don’t give no fucks. I admit that I’m a lil’ messed up. But I can hide it when I’m all dressed up. I’m obsessive and I love too hard.” (needy)
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demelza · 5 years
🐰- do you believe in soul mates?
mmm no not really? i wish i did
✨- which fictional character (book, show, or movie) do you relate to most?
uuuh i really don’t know. i project myself on characters i like but it’s rare for me to actually relate to a fictional character.. let’s say idk i think i connect with alex from rnm because of his virgo energy, the emo music thing (like dude was supposed to be a panic! at the disco fan and that’s like eh me too), the issues with getting emotionally close with people and uh yeah. i don’t wanna think too deeply about this but i felt a weird rejection toward him at first and i think that’s why sgdhjhfjj also michael we love him  but also i would never, never, never, never, never, NEVER get into the military so there’s that ah ah
🐝- describe your aesthetic in emojis
🎂- if you had 3 wishes, what would they be?
it’s difficult because i would probably try to think about something that would save the world/help everyone but i’ll say just for myself: i’d wish for a chance to travel all over the world, then meet a person i could build a family with who would never stop loving me, and financial security without having to waste most of my life doing a job i will inevitably end up hating
🍃- would you rather live in a sea with mermaids or a forest with fairies?
a forest 10000%
🎶- favorite song right now?
lonely weekend by kacey musgraves 
🕊️- 3 habits you have?
i tell myself a story everytime i go to bed or i can’t fall asleep, i never look at the time or set a timer when i cook pasta, i just go after a while and eat one to see if it’s cooked, i like waking up and eating breakfast in front of the window when i’m at home and just look outside for a while
thank you for asking 💜💜💜
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gayhags · 6 years
bruna tagged me and i gotta do it cus her life is on the line if i dont so like i guess ill tag some of u if ya wanna do it 
(it’s supposed to be 20 but like i dont know 20 of yall so like ill tag @evelynebrochu @delphines @odetteannable @gaytiemcgrath mm yeh
Rules: Answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people.
1. drink - almond milk latte
2. phone call - i ignore all phone calls
3. text message - my best friend 
4. song you listened to - monotonia // the growlers
5. time you cried - mmm like a month ago
6. dated someone twice? - nope
7. kissed someone and regretted it - not really
8. been cheated on - not that i know of so like no
9. lost someone special - in a way i guess
10. been depressed - mmm yeh
11. gotten drunk and thrown up - yeah thas why i cant stand tequila
fave colours
12. light pink
13. black
14. white
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends - yep
16. fallen out of love - no ive never been in love so like lmao
17. laughed until you cried - yeh
18. found out someone was talking about you - mmm yeh
19. met someone who changed you - no not really
20. found out who your friends are - this is some tea but yes
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - no facebook is for pussies
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - everyone except kate and soph ://
23. do you have any pets - no i fuckin wish bich i want a dog
24. do you want to change your name -  in a way i guess...like i dont really think my name fits me like idk my name makes me uncomfortable but like im used to it now 
25. what did you do for your last birthday - nothing bc houston thas when hurricane harvey hit and like everything was closed down for like a week so happy 20th to me thas mother nature saying fuck u bich 
26. what time did you wake up today - 7:40 am
27. what were you doing at midnight last night - idk...i was probably crying bc of sendrick 
28. what is something you cant wait for - for me to be rich and sex see
30. what are you listening to right now - the growlers listen to them theyre sexy 
31. have you ever talk to a person named tom - no all toms are creeps
32. something thats getting on your nerves -  a lot of things like life and being alive in general 
33. most visited website - tumblr
34. hair colour - light brown
35. long or short hair - long
36. do you have a crush on someone - i havent had a crush on someone since last summer thank fuck 
37. what do you like about yourself - sometimes i like her sometimes i hate her it depends on the energy that day but like shes pretty funny i guess like i make myself laugh 
38. want any piercings? - yeah my cartilage
39. blood type - in case im like dying my blood is O- im that universal donor ass bitch 
40. nicknames - my friends call me bitch or b or henny
41. relationship status - single lmao
42. zodiac - virgo
43. pronouns - she/dat/bich
44. fave tv shows - the office, parks and rec and ob
45. tattoos - no  but like i might get one soon idk of what yet 
46. right or left handed - right
47. ever had surgery - no
48. piercings - yah
49. sport - no lmao i was tha lazy bich in high school i only started to get into like fitness and shit my senior year of high school 
50. vacation - i wanna go to england
51. trainers - what does this mean idgi
more general
52. eating - i just ate some chickpea pasta w/ tofu
53. drinking - my 3rd coffee of the day 
54. im about to watch - my life crash and burn bc i have nothing figured out and i feel like wasting my time lmao 
55. waiting for - my lana concert feb 10th and then i can die 
56. want - this moneyyyy
57. get married - no 
58. career - i dont know!!! im a junior in college i should kno but i dont im gonna have a breakdwon 
which is better
59. hugs or kisses - hugs
60. lips or eyes - eyes 
61. shorter or taller - im a short as bich so taller 
62. older or younger - older
63. nice arms or stomach - stomach bich i want this stomach to be flat like where are u bich im so tired
64. hookup or relationship - hookup cus like people are annoying after a while like leave me alone
65. troublemaker or hesitant - hesitant is boring but like troublemaker is too much work so like neither
have you ever
66. kissed a stranger - no id never im a pussy
67. drank hard liquor - yes 
68. lost glasses - i dont need glasses but ive left my best friends shades in an uber once bc he left us in the middle of the road at a festival and we had to run out the car cus it was illegal to stop there so like we ran out and i feel so bad bc they were expensive
69. turned someone down - yes lmao
70. sex on first date - no 
71. broken someones heart - i think...
72. had your heart broken - yeah
73. been arrested -  no oh myg od i always have nightmares in which im arrested like i just want a mugshot but no 
74. cried when someone died - ok but liek who hasnt
75. fallen for a friend - mmm lmao
do you believe in
76. yourself - yes i have to push myself tho like its just me and myself fighting all the time but yeah ultimately i do 
77. miracles - yes like i really do after like me n my best friend almost got caught smoking we*ed in her house and like her mom came home early from a trip and like i really thought we were gonna die that day but im smart and lit a candle so like idk how she didnt smell it but like after that day i believe in miracles i do 
78. love at first sight - yeah but like only in fiction like irl it’s lust at first sight 
79. santa clause - yes i love her 
80. kiss on a first date - yeh if im into it 
81. angels - by the xx, gr8 song
82. best friend’s name - she dont have a tumblr 
83. eye colour - dark brown
84. fave movie - silver linings playbook, prisoner of azkaban, and the polar express i said what i said 
85. fave actor - anna kendrick and emma watson and like katie and evelyne 
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fight-me-daddy · 7 years
✨ Rules: answer the questions and tag 20 amazing followers you’d like to get to know better! ✨
Name: Thalia Everlin Ramos. Nicknames: Nani (Artist pen name, online mutual’s, & friends! ) Talili (by younger sisters, and cousins) Thally ( by mom/dad, aunts/uncles, other older family member's) no body in my family really ever calls me by my name lmaoo (   ^ 7 ^ )? Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Height: 4' 11" , Your gal's a shorty lmaoo ; v ; Orientation: Pansexual *finger guns*  ~ 'bout a good few months ago, i use to consider my orientation as Bisexual, but since then i always just felt i was more than okay with who ever they might be, and whatever theyd like to consider themselves to be ~ So Pansexual felt more right to me. Ethnicity: Mexiiiiicaaan~~ and a quarter Greek/italian  (Mexican being my Mom / mexican-greek being my Pops) Thats where i get my pale complexion, baby
Favorite fruit:  Melons, Pomegranates, Peaches, kiwis, & Apples being my #1 fave ! <3 Favorite Season: Autumn <3 -  Things are beautiful around this time, the weather is comfy! never to warm, and sometimes never to cold ~ Halloween! ( my favorite fucking holiday) Leaves changing color to lots of sunset shade, you get amazing Autumn foods and smells hanging around this time of year, give me all that good jaz ~ Favorite Book: mmm damn i have to choose ONLY one??? -   The Dark and Deadly Pool, by Joan Lowery Nixon <3 -  I adored this women's books when i was younger, her books weir what blossomed my love for Mysteries and anything under the genre ! But not only Mystery series, but just reading in general!!  The Dark and Deadly Pool was one of the first book of hers i read back in middle school, and i forever to this day cherish it as being "one" of my all time favorites ~ It might not be up to my par now that i'm older, but holds meaning - so that baby is goin on my tops ~ Favorite Flower: Sunflowers <3 The way they face the sun, and resemble one too! It's just to cute to consider! It's like the sun has tiny admirers who dress up to look like them and always follow in their direction. their pretty to me, with how bright yellow ( and other colors) they can be, and how HUGE and tiny too, i love the sunflower seeds they leave, and i like how fuzzy their stems are - all of that makes them just amazing in my eyes.
( Keeping it under a read more cause i dont want it taking up your guys timeline ^ 7 ^ )
Favourite Scent:  Brewing coffee ( u v u ) <3  - I grew up with this smell usually filling my house, so it's something that's always familiar to me, and gives me homey feels wherever i happen to be smelling it. Not so much of a "relaxing " feel that most people get from it - but more of a " this is where i should be."  lmao if that makes sense?? Favourite Animal: Dinosaurs and Sharks <3 I can't choose from these two lolol so take both. Coffee, tea or hot cocoa: Hot cocoa ( but damn tbh these are all pretty good tho?) But i guess if you offered all three up front and i had to pick a  cup, then i'd definitely pick Hot cocoa ! Cat or dog person: Dogs! <3 I love both of these animals so much, but i guess i'd be more perfectly matched with dogs since i usually love all the energy and that kinda interaction dogs come with ^  ^ 
Favorite fictional character: ( All time fave ) Sonic ~ this guys been with me since childhood, and i can't see myself ever giving him up completely ( At the moment fave) V / Jiyhun Kim ~ Dream trip: Japan <3 Not because im a fucking weeb or anything (cough) but what makes it a dream trip  for me is that i'll get the chance to try ALL of the foods and snacks they have - the food is all that matters to me honey. street vendors are what i aim for, take me to place with better snacks then japan and i'll reconsider my dream trip i swear lol! Food is my life~
Blog created: I think going on Half a year already? Number of followers: 1,060 beautiful people ~ What do I post about: It's a mix of all my interests and aethetics lol! I reblog from fandoms im into, but i guess i'm mostly known on this blog for Pokemon, Mystic messenger, and nintendo related things ! lolol Do I get asks on a regular basis: Yeah at times ( ^ v ^ ) i cant always get to all of them , but i try to answer them if i can~ Aesthetic: 80's related, nintendo junk, plants, neon lights ( i think that would be most of my aesthetic ? ) Favorite band/artist: ( fave band ) The Cab ( fave artist ) Bruno mars ???? I guess if i had to pick, but tbh i'm into a ton of music, sooo Fictional characters I’d date: I'll exclude my list of characters im "generally" thirsty for lmaoo cause that shit will go on for days srry. But real talk tho- fictional  babes i would be interested in legit dating, that i'd KNOW i would be willing to date irl (maybe) ... Kisame, Bolin, Korra, Luigi, Guzma, Jihyun Kim(MM), Zen (MM)  Knuckles, Adult Gohan, piccolo,  Jonouchi Katsuya, All Might, Princess Peach, karamatsu, Pearl (from SU), Usagi tsukino! All babes who i consider to be "datable" to me,  on my list lmaooo Im pretty damn sure there is a TON more but these weir the ones i can think of at the top of my head   6 v 6   Hogwarts house: I had to take a test for this one cause i honestly dont know lmaooo, Gryffindor ??
@joxx-hell @givevhugs @r1sky619 @splitster @eieanors @maihiru
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hajimine · 3 years
NO NEED TO BE NERVOUS I DO CHART READINGS FOR MY FRIENDS ALL THE TIME. maybe i should offer chart readings for my blog requests
OWHDKDH U DID A WHOLE ESSAY OMFG i didn’t expect it to be this detailed im so scared 😭 the ask is super long so i chopped it up into pictures i hope u dont mind !! (also i copy pasted it into my notes for future self reflection purposes JAHSKNS) thank u so much for taking the time to do this omg i cant imagine how long it took to write it all up ☹️
also ive never met anyone who says that virgos are their fave sign omg i feel so honored 😣 ok idk if you want it but here’s my response to your analysis lol <3
virgo sun: yes yes im really practical and am more of a brain > feelings person for most aspects in life but there are some exceptions obv,, AND YEAH i love change omg i love trying out new things and all that which i didn’t expect bc i thought virgos are uhh very stiff and always stick to a schedule (which i can never do lol)
pisces moon: SHUT UP,,, that’s pretty much what i said in the last paragraph i- 🧍🏻‍♀️RUNNING AWAY FROM RESPONSIBILITIES HELPP u lit called me out right there <3 i wanna drop out so bad but i cant bc my brain keeps coming up w logical reasons why that’s a horrible idea :,) not so much spirituality but i do love me a lil bit of philosophy yes yes
libra mercury: ooooh ?? going on tangents,, yeaa it takes me a while to get to the point when im telling a story whoops </3 HELP yes the not wanting to hurt someone’s feelings,, yea,, and it makes things 100x more complicated for myself 😞 mmm i do prefer being in the middle ground for certain things but not all :> oooh and even tho i keep getting enfp in my personality tests i do tend to recharge my energy in the comfort of my own house that’s true
scorpio venus: for this one idk bc i’ve never been able to let anyone in (romantically) yet but im not one to settle for less so yeah i think all or nothing describes me pretty well. oooh i do like romantic gestures tho :> it’s a nice bonus for sure
virgo mars: LMAO scatter-brained is a perfect way to put it,, irl people think im put together but my brain’s always going a million miles per minute which is why sometimes i blank out when someone asks me sth </3 multitasking not so much—i can do it but im not great at it. critical? 100% but im aware that it’s a bit much at times so i force myself to hold back if possible. and i do have GAD so there’s that,, this one’s pretty accurate heheh
leo jupiter: IM CLAIMING THIS 😽 THIS IS SO GOOD OMG YES <3 is culinary under entertainment bc if it is then this is a good sign >:)
gemini saturn: very true. i tend to seem calm and mature when you first meet me but im a bit of a mess in reality :> guarded and logical yes. feeling guilty for no reason at all also yes lol
aquarius uranus: ok this might be the least accurate one yet bc i suck at math & sciences 😭 i got amazing grades for them back in grade 10 but i’ve always hated those subjects. forgetful with an ego yes :,) oooh i do like true crime and i like psychology and astrology (but i dont know much abt the latter i just find it interesting)
aquarius neptune: hmm true about moving fast mentally,, idk about coming up with new ideas bc my brain hasn’t been properly stimulated in a while lol. spirituality nope not really
sagittarius pluto: i am ever-changing and i do love to learn ooooh and yeah i love numbers and hard data when it comes to growth. although,, my stamina is horrible and i give up way too easily imo but yes on being a perfectionist when it comes to myself
gemini north node ??: COMMUNICATION YEAH it’s sth i just recently found out im horrible at. with family and friends alike </3 yeah i cant see myself settling down atm but maybe in the future. guilt and anxiety yeah 🥲 self forgiveness is sth that i still need to work on too
aries lilith: YES. to this day i still cant believe ppl can be so brash and unafraid of getting hated for their views ?? i am really competitive so there’s that
cancer ascendant: protective over myself yep yep i don’t let people into my heart easily. structure security & financial + emotional stability YES. i am really practical ANDD im emotional but try to hide it most of the time that’s true lol
overall — SUPER ACCURATE??? obv there are some things that don’t pertain to myself but holy shit ?? THIS IS INSANELY ACCURATE. this is so cool whoa thank u so much !! i’ve never had such an in-depth reading and this is so interesting omg this will probably be really useful for self improvements lol >:)
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TRANSCRIPT for Episode 1.10 “Astro’s Frito Pie” (PART 2/2)
ELAINE: Got another one!
ASTRO: Okay, that was impressive. You dropped that from so high, and that cockroach was moving so fast!
ELAINE: I'm getting pretty good. Shall we start in on this dish? I'm getting pretty hungry.
ASTRO: Let's do it.
ELAINE: Welcome back, listeners! We are sitting here at the LA Dental Clinic with my special guest Astro, who is about to share with us an unbeatable Frito Pie recipe.
ASTRO: That's right! And stay tuned after for a tidbit on working with the contours of your hunger-hollowed cheekbones!
ELAINE: So to start with, we have a trademarked bag of Fritos. We also have a can of black beans, a can of enchilada sauce, and a taco seasoning packet. If you don't have the taco seasoning packet, maybe you have cumin, garlic powder, onion powder, chili powder--a teaspoon each on those--plus maybe a little salt, pepper and cayenne-- should work nicely too, for those lucky enough to have access to such luxuries. But for us being in such a tight spot, it's the taco packet.
ASTRO: Right. So the first step is...uh...opening the bag of chips, obviously.
ELAINE: That's right, and set your one-quart pot to a low heat.
ASTRO: Yep! Then you, uh...open up the bag of chips. Like, make sure it's really open.
ELAINE: And we'll go ahead and put our whole can of enchilada sauce in and get it to a simmer. 
ASTRO: Yeah, and now that you've fully and thoroughly opened the bag of Fritos, you're almost ready for the next step!
ELAINE: Which is, of course...
ASTRO: Quality control!
ASTRO: Yep, this corn chip tastes pretty good. Take us through the next step, Elaine!
ELAINE: Well, our version is going to be very very simple. I'm going to open up this can of beans, give them a quick rinse in this hand sink here. 
ELAINE: And then I'll add those to the pot, too. What's next, Astro?
ASTR: Oh, probably the most important step is...hygiene. I'm going to go wash my hands. While I do that, feel free to hop on to the next step!
ELAINE: Alright. The next step is adding in those dry spices to the bean and enchilada sauce mixture. We mix it all together, get it warmed through, and set up our dishes.
ASTRO: Most diseases are spread through the fingernails, you know! That’s facts!
ELAINE: That is simply false, but I'm too hungry to get into it. I'm just pouring a large amount of Fritos into two bowls here...
ELAINE: And then I'll pour the bean and sauce all mixed up here on top.
ASTRO: Wow, that lavender vanilla handsoap is de-lish. Okay, what step are we on?
ELAINE: Just the eating step!
ASTRO: Wow! Things go so much faster when you work as a team, huh?
ELAINE: Yeah, that is true, typically. Shall we?
ASTRO: Let's!
ASTRO: Um, Elaine?
ASTRO: This is amazing!
ELAINE: Oh, I'm glad you think so! I think in different times I would top with avocado, maybe some cilantro or even a little sour cream. But as is, I think it's pretty serviceable.
ASTRO: It's the best thing I've had in months!
ELAINE: I'm so glad to hear that. It's really nothing spectacular when you first heard of it, but I like to think that with a little love and enthusiasm, even the most simple dishes can be special. 
ASTRO: Mmm hmm totally hear you. Love it. Elaine. Do you know what I've noticed about you since we started talking?
ELAINE: Oh, do I have something in my teeth again?
ASTRO: No--you have an entrepreneurial spirit. I'd love to coach you a little to bring it all the way to the forefront so others can appreciate it.
ELAINE: Thank you, Astro. I don't think it's in the budget for now, but I'll keep it in mind.
ASTRO: It's worth every ration, I swear. For six avocados, you get a weekly update from me with some crazy-good inspo. But for six avocados, two ounces triple cream brie, and a bag of Cara Cara oranges, you get all that inspirational stuff, plus my beauty 
slash living life hacks and a handwritten thank-you letter written by yours truly.  
ELAINE: Wait--who--how--who is giving you fresh produce? I haven't seen anything fresh come out of the earth since the nuclear exchange! I was told none existed!
ASTRO: It's really all about networking, Elaine. Mm. This Frito pie, though!
ELAINE: You must be really good at connecting to the right people.
ASTRO: Aw, you're so sweet! You're good at things too, Elaine! Look at all these cockroach friends you captured tonight.
ELAINE: I guess...
ASTRO: Well, Elaine, I'm gonna let you go.
ELAINE: Oh. Okay.
ASTRO: Yeah, seriously, I know you have other things to get into, so I'm gonna let you get to it.
ELAINE: You don't have to leave immediately--
ASTRO: You're such a busy woman, I'm gonna give you the power to just kick me out.
ELAINE: I mean, alright. Bye!
ASTRO: Stawp! Honestly, you are a dream, Elaine! Keep that Virgo energy going! Mwah! 
ELAINE: Well, I'll give Astro this--they really know how to do exactly what they want to do. Oranges! I thought fresh produce was forever lost to irradiated soil, a disrupted climate, and the ravaging of mutated livestock! Am I at the wrong ration swaps? I mean, no offense to our sponsor, of course...Anyway...folks, what we're learning more and more each day is that humanity--what's left of it--strives for connection. It's our curse to both distrust and need one another. We will traverse unlikely roads and endure unimaginable discomfort to be with the ones we love, or to find a place we can live and grow and be in peace, or to find the right flavor of Sour Punch Straw. It's rarely an easy journey, but we could do each other a service if every one of us only extends even the tiniest bit of empathy...I suppose it's time to let my insect-friends loose. After all, I too would like to wander freely without the stifling gaze of unseen forces curtaining and curtailing the small joys of my small existence. Before I let them--and you--go, please consider following this humble podcast. As you know, I sprinkle in coded hints as to where the prearranged drop-off spot is in each episode.  You can then find the tooth-shaped mini-USB I have cleverly hidden somewhere in LA, download the episodes, return the device to its hidey-hole and tell your friends where to find it. It's a lot, I know. I remember it like this: follow, download, share. Follow... download...share. You can also email me at [email protected].
Remember: you are not alone out there. The provisional government is definitely reading our emails, so be, you know, nice and nondescript. Until next time, this has been Elaine Martínez, not crying, hugging you goodnight.
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wtfzodiacsigns · 5 years
Zodiac Signs as Lyrics from Thank U, Next (Album)
Aries: “Me with no makeup, you in the bathtub, bubbles and bubbly, ooh. This is a pleasure, feel like we never act this regular.” (imagine)
Taurus: “Painted a picture, I thought I drew you well. I had a vision. Seeing what isn’t there.” (in my head)
Gemini: “I read the things they write about me, hear what they’re saying on the TV. It’s crazy. It’s gettin’ hard for them to shock me, but every now and then it’s shocking.” (fake smile)
Cancer: “Break up with your girlfriend, cause I’m bored. You can hit in the morning, like it’s yours.” (break up with your girlfriend, I’m bored)
Leo: “Then you realize she’s right there, and you’re at home like, “Damn, she can’t compare!” (break up with your girlfriend, I’m bored)
Virgo: “Cause I don’t wanna roll with it. Tryna get control of it. Why can’t I let go of it? Gotta find somebody quickly, mmm, yeah.” (bad idea)
Libra: “Love me, thank you, leave me, put it down, then it’s time to go. Get it like you love me, but you don’t, boy it’s just for sure. Take it or leave it.” (bloodline)
Scorpio: “If you take too long to hit me back. I can’t promise you how I’ll react.” (needy)
Sagittarius: “My energy and attitude don’t really coincide. Stayin’ mad so we can let it out tonight.” (make-up)
Capricorn: “Don’t want you in my bloodline. Just wanna have a good time. And no need to apologize, no, but you gon’ have to let this shit go.” (bloodline)
Aquarius: “I’d rather be alone tonight. You can say ‘I love you’ through the phone tonight. Really don’t wanna be in your arms tonight.” (NASA)
Pisces: “And I’ma scream and shout for what I love. Passionate, but I don’t give no f*cks. I admit that I’m a lil’ messed up. But I can hide it when I’m all dressed up. I’m obsessive and I love too hard.” (needy)
Source: ariana-kordei-my-favs
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