#mnemonic devices
chordsykat · 1 year
I wanted so bad to learn guitar but I literally gave up because it was hard to remember the notes of the strings. To ashamed to put my account on this.
Eddie Ate Dynamite Good Bye Eddie Take this knowledge and, with my blessing, keep learning guitar, OP!
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mysticdragon3md3 · 5 months
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markscherz · 1 year
why is he so fuckin itty bitty
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Toads are very much R strategists: they can sometimes lay tens of thousands of eggs in a single clutch. The tadpoles are very small, and metamorphose quite quickly; the froglets that emerge from the water are often very small indeed. It takes some species years to attain adult body size. This individual has probably been out of the water for about a year, I'd guess. Still got some growing to do!
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heckyeahponyscans · 4 months
Evidence that G3.5's Core 7 strategy was not effective: when I was tagging that last picture I could only remember six of the ponies
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wild-moss-art · 1 year
I can't believe it's "righty tighty lefty loosey" when it SHOULD be "clockwisey tighty counterclockwisey loosey." It's literally going left and right at the same time
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knifeeater · 10 months
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it wouldn’t help you it doesn’t help me it’s Friday afternoon there goes Antigone to be buried alive
Antigonick Sophocles transl. Anne Carson
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goldensunset · 11 months
you have enabled me so! here is the original galaxy i wanted as my username (ngc 6946, also known as the fireworks galaxy!)
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ok that's all have a nice day <3
i’m dipping a spoon into that and swirling it around and eating it. like a slushie
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stinkard · 8 months
Put your hands up if you're still remembering the order of the zodiac signs by using the homestuck trolls in the year of 2024
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vaticinatrix · 8 months
ah yes the four biosafety levels:
1: if you get sick from this, you're a weapons-grade dumbass and it's almost impressive
2: you can get sick from this, but you'd still have to fuck something up seriously
3: honestly pretty risky, but with proper procedures, there's no reason to be scared
4: honestly, you should be scared
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dragonbleps · 6 months
no matter how many times i type it, i will never spell "perceived" correctly the first time
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The fact that Earthspark just HANDED us a scientific name and explicitly said that Cybertronians and Terrans are in the same genus gives me SO MUCH FUCKING PETTY BIOLOGY TO DO. Because you could argue that Cybertronians have different taxonomical lines drawn than us, especially since well in most canon continuities sexual reproduction isn't canon and Ruh Roh the definition of a species is pretty fragging reliant on that definition of "classification comprising related organisms that share common characteristics and are capable of interbreeding"
So either Cybertronians and thusly Terrans have a wide wide wide amount of intraspecies variation, or Mandroid really was being vague with how he came to his conclusions. Because if you guys know me, i often suggest that predacons are a different species than well Cybertronian Transformers (Cybertronus cybertronii as so graciously given to us) but maybe we do need to throw out the normal taxonomy chart for our beloveds.
Yes, I'm going to use Transformers as a sort of catch all term for the genus Cybertronus because that's kinda what Earthspark did and well that's canon now. I'd say use the terms set by the sapient species, but well i don't think they've thought about their own taxonomy much.
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breitzbachbea · 11 months
I just love how the Fanfictionnet downtime cancelled our reading session. We were supposed to read about truly awful sex, instead we read about how people from County Roscommon are nicknamed Sheep-Stealers.
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computersucker · 1 year
left-handed handywoman drag queen named Lefty Lucy
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novaauster · 1 year
So pain is mnemonic— A singsong we say to save something standardized— And freedom sells at market price. 
Is it any wonder to be stuck between  A storybook monster and  A hundred thousand acts of love? That’s the code of conduct.  
It matters. 
What is it? (An expression of concern.) You can tell, at least, it isn’t mundane. We know that the mundane matters. It matters at market price, in manners, in tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow; To spend a day is to spend a life, we knew that. But stop! 
Where’s the rest of it? It matters. It: Not how we spend our lives, but why. The rest of it, through equations and peskiness, through lunchtime and spreadsheets full of something so sacred as names, where’s the rest of it? 
It’s in art, for one. It’s in the storybook monster and the hundred thousand acts of love, for the first made the second, that’s what the art says. 
So we stick between them, subdued, through the mundane manners at market price. 
It doesn’t separate itself, “What is right”  in my mind while googling the slow spreadsheets, it’s just a way to understand, dialectic dialogue between it all. So It is right. That’s one. 
Here’s my thesis: It matters. 
 Define your terms, then explain your reasoning. 
It: right, art, monster, a hundred thousand acts of love. 
 Matters: a value judgment. 
 Is it any wonder that philosophers go mad with it? The wrong question and a hundred thousand answers, is it any wonder that you’d climb past the fog, again and again and tomorrow and tomorrow, climb that cliff in a biting breathless pace for any answer that fits for any way to explain It matters. 
Is it any wonder? Right, wrong, art, monster, a hundred thousand ways to say: Anything more than this mnemonic market price.
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three--rings · 2 years
NaClYoHo Day 1-2
So, I DO want to do NaClYoHo this year, as I really need it and I’m not Nanoing.
But this week has been Something since Monday was Mr. Ring’s oral surgery.  That was a Whole Emotional Day, and the next day also involved an early morning follow up appointment and it wiped me out physically.  My big accomplishment of the day was calling (THREE TIMES) and getting an appointment for myself with an ENT to follow-up on a referral from my PCP.
Day Two I went to said appointment, only to find out that I need to go to 4-5 more appointments before anything really gets done.  I was beat by the time I made it home and three days of doctor visits and driving have my back revolting.  On the plus side Mr. Rings did the laundry and took out trash, which at least accomplished something.
For today, I’m still feeling urgh in my back but I think my goal will be to gather trash from the back end of the house and maybe re-gather all the clothes I set aside to donate like a year ago and never did. 
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