#moab wanderings
songofsaraneth · 2 years
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Back from Utah now 😞 but it was very nice while it lasted
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Never stop exploring! #nofilter #heaven #waterislife #scenic #moab #millcreek #creeks #waterfalls #sunshine #wander #travel #adventure #outdoors #outdoorlifestyle #sunset #landscape #explore #utah (at Mill Creek Trail, Moab Ut) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci3nYD-MqIA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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I find it to be an incredible lack of self awareness that Kamala called J6 “the worst attack on our democracy since the civil war” on the eve of 9/11.
It would’ve been better to have a 9/11 than for some Feds to wander around the capitol and entrap a bunch of (mostly old) people, according to her.
This woman is insane
I watched through the whole debate and realized how completely screwed the situation is either way. It’s just a matter of choosing to be shot by a MOAB or a complete nuke.
Americans aren’t sending our best.
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elinerlina2 · 9 months
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Wandering amongst the stars in Moab, Arches National Park, Utah.
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subterraneanna · 2 years
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DeForest Kelley posing with namesake and inventor, Lee de Forest. I had no idea they met, let alone on the set of Warlock. This photo is so wild it's almost hard to believe. Not only is it a rare shot of De as Curley Burne, but why is de Forest even on set? 1958 is a little early for De to have more-famous-than-him historical figures as fans, so was it purely coincidence? Did De spot him, jump off his horse, and take a fanboy photo? Judging by the costume and dirt smudge on his right cheek, this photo was taken on one of two shooting days, either at Professor Valley outside Moab, UT, or a studio backlot in LA:
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It seems unlikely they would have run into 85-year-old de Forest wandering the desert, so I'm guessing he dropped in on the day the sheriff was sent packing. The saloon scene probably would have been filmed at the same location, so maybe it was all part of Princess Sofia's visit. So many unknowns, but one thing's for certain: Curley Burne is looking fine as hell 🔥🔥🔥 Perhaps @cheer-deforest-kelley or @peridotsarelongterm have more info. (I colorized this photo [a good portion painted by hand], but I couldn't find any color references for Lee de Forest so his pigmentation and clothing colors are a guess. The same goes for Curley's dirt/dust stains; hard to tell where they were based on subtle grey tone variations.)
Edit: adding the black and white version for clarity:
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walkthroughtheword · 2 years
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Reading for January 23rd 
Isaiah 15
The Moabites were descendants of Moab, Lot’s son, Abraham’s great-nephew and occupied land east of the Dead Sea in present-day Jordan. There was a bit of “bad blood” between Moab and Judah dating back to the Hebrew Exodus when the Moabites were less than hospitable to the wandering Jews and later exacerbated by hiring Balaam to pronounce curses on Israel.  So, when Assyria came calling around the time of the reign of Hezekiah, Moab ingratiated itself to Assyria by becoming a vassal state to the regional powerhouse, further alienating itself from Judah. Moab clearly chose the wrong side and paid dearly for it. 
So there’s no love lost between Judah and Moab.  Even still, Isaiah’s heart breaks for Moab. 
“My heart cries out over Moab.” v5
Isaiah’s heart attitude toward his historical, religious and cultural adversary is pretty amazing and something to be emulated. 
Here are two pretty cool words you can learn that might impress people at dinner parties: schadenfreude and freudenfreude. Schadenfreude is experiencing pleasure from someone else’s misfortune. Freudenfreude is the opposite–experiencing joy when good things happen to others. In our divided communities, nation and world, the Body of Christ needs to exhibit more freudenfreude and less schadenfreude.  Be like Isaiah. Be like Jesus. 
“Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.”  Romans 12:15
“But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” Matthew 5:44
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The Cousins Who Did Then Didn't
Exodus 18:1 Now Jethro, the priest of Midian and father-in-law of Moses, heard everything God had done for Moses and for his people Israel, and how the Lord had brought Israel out of Egypt.
Who were the Midianites? After Sarah died, Abraham took another wife. Her name was Keturah and she bore Abraham six sons. The fourth son was named Midian, from whom the Midianites descended. The name Midian means "place of judgment" and "strife". I wonder what was going on in Abraham's life at that time that he named his son this? Perhaps God had not wanted Abraham to remarry. After all Isaac was the chosen son. Ishmael was already a thorn in Isaac's side.
Genesis 25:5 Abraham left everything he owned to Isaac. But while he was still living; he gave gifts to the sons of his concubines and sent them away from his son Isaac to the land of the east.
When Abraham fathered Ishmael, problems arose, and Ishmael and his mother had to be sent away. Abraham does a similar act when he sends his six sons away to the East. Perhaps there may have been strife between the two families, or maybe Abraham just wanted to avoid any strife between his sons and Isaac.
Abraham must have taught his six sons about the Lord, and Midian must have taught his sons because the Midianites initially worshipped God himself. When Moses fled Egypt, he stayed with the Midianites. He even married Zipporah, Jethro's daughter. Jethro was the priest of Midian, a high rank. Moses had lived with Jethro and his family for forty years. Most likely they had developed a close and warm relationship. After the Israelites are freed and cross the Red Sea, Jethro travels to see Moses. With him is Zipporah and Moses’ sons.
Exodus 18:7- So Moses went out to meet his father-in-law and bowed down and kissed him. When Jethro hears all that God had done for the Israeli people the bible tells us he was delighted. Jethro then praises God.
Exodus 18:11 Now I know that the Lord is greater than all the other gods, for he did this to those who had treated Israel arrogantly. In fact, Jethro knew how to offer burnt offerings and sacrifices. Exodus 18: 12- Then Jethro, Moses' father-in-law, brought a burnt offering and other sacrifices to God, and Aaron came with all the elders of Israel to eat a meal with Moses' father-in-law in the presence of God. (Reminds me of when we take communion together.)
Eventually the Midianites do become enemies of Israel? So why? What happened? It all has to do with sex, seduction, and pagan worship. It is now forty years later. Moses and the Israelites had wandered the desert and were preparing to enter the promised land. Israel was staying in Shittim which was the last encampment of Israel before they crossed the Jordan River into Canaan. Shittim was located in the Transjordan regions of Moab and Midian. This is northeast of the Dead Sea in the southern plains of Moab.
 As the Moabite woman would cause the Israeli men to worship their gods, most likely the Midianites had also begun to worship the gods of Moab during those forty years the Israelis wandered.
Why was God so angry at the Midianites?
Numbers 25:1,2 While Israel was staying in Shittim, the men began to indulge in sexual immorality with Moabite woman, who invited them to the sacrifices to their gods. The people ate the sacrificial meal and bowed down before these gods.” 
How different this meal was when compared to the meal that Jethro had with Moses and the elders of Israel. The Midianites who had once worshipped the Lord, were now worshipping false gods. In addition, they were leading the men of Israel away from God.
Numbers 25:16- The Lord said to Moses, "Treat the Midianites as enemies and kill them. They treated you as enemies when they deceived you in the Peor incident involving their sister Kozbi, the daughter of a Midianite leader, the woman who was killed when the plaque came as a result of that incident.”
Kozbi was not just any Midianite woman. She was in essence royalty. Being a chief's daughter she may have been one of the ring leaders of the woman who were instrumental in enticing the Israeli men to worship their god Baal of Peor. This unholy coalition between the Israeli men and the woman caused the divide between the former allies.
In fact God tells Moses "Take vengeance on the Midianites for the Israelites. After that, you will be gathered to your people." Numbers 31:2
The Midianites having a godly past and turning their back on that God, brought judgment onto themselves. The god they worshipped was Baal of Peor. The Bible tells us that the men's actions yoked themselves to this god. This brought on a plague that would eventually kill 24,000 people. To stop the plague, God commanded Moses to "Take all the leaders of these people, kill them, and expose them in broad daylight before the Lord, so that the Lord's fierce anger may turn away from Israel." Numbers 25: 4.
God's judgement caused the people of Israel to be in great distress. We are told they were weeping. Then an Israelite man brought into the camp a Midianite woman right before the eyes of Moses and the whole assembly of Israel while they were weeping at the entrance of the tent of meeting. Numbers 25:6
Men have been condemned to death because of sin. This sin brought a plague that killed thousands of people, and the people are grieving. Suddenly an Israeli man callously strides right by the meeting tent filled with weeping people. In tow he has his Midianite lover. This was not only disrespectful and rebellious toward God, but toward his fellow Israelites as well. Phinehas, who was chief priest, becomes enraged at what he sees. He follows the pair into a tent.  While in the act of intercourse, Phinehas thrust a spear through the pair.
 "and followed the Israelite into the tent. He drove the spear into both of them, right through the Israelite man and into the woman's stomach then the plague against the Israelites was stopped." Numbers 25: 8
"The name of the Israelite who was killed with the Midianite woman was Zimri son of Salu, and leader of the Simeonite family. And the name of the Midianite woman who was put to death was Kozbi daughter of Zur, a tribal chief of a Midianite family. Numbers 25:14,15
After this God declares the Midianites enemies of Israel and commands Moses to fight them. Moses does indeed go to battle against the very people he had once lived amongst. Moses and Phinehas kill all the men, including their five kings, burn down their settlements and take captive the women, children and livestock. God in his mercy did not completely wipe out the Midianite people. Probably in deference to Abraham's devotion and obedience to God.
The next time we meet the Midianites is a mere 90 years later. The Israelites had turned from God and were worshipping the gods of the Amorites. As a punishment God allowed the Midianites to oppress Israel for seven years. The Israeli people were so maltreated they sought "shelters for themselves in the mountain clefts, caves, and strongholds." Judges 6:2.
The bible describes the invaders as locusts. They routinely would return to harass the people of Israel year after year.
Judges 6:4- They (Midianites and other peoples from the East) camped on the land and ruined the crops all the way to Gaza and did not spare a living thing for Israel, neither sheep, nor cattle, nor donkeys.
The people were starving, and they called out to the Lord. Into this God anoints Gideon to lead a small army of 300 Israelites to fight the four kings of Midian and their mighty armies. Gideon and his army surrounded the Midianite camp at night, smashed jars, blew trumpets, and yelled causing confusion in the enemy camp. The Midianites were so confused they began to fight and kill each other. The army fled in fear and Gideon and his men chase and kill all four kings and most of the army.
What can we learn from this? God's love is steadfast even when we sin. Even though we may suffer the consequences of that sin, God does not abandon us. When the people of Israel cried out to God because of their suffering, God responded.
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dsandrvk · 6 months
Tuesday, April 9 - Madrid
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We had a pretty low-key day, sleeping in and then wandering through neighborhoods and gardens. That said, when we looked at our steps we realized we had walked about eight miles, so we weren't that lazy.
Our first stop (after passing the theater ad for "Book of Mormon") was the Royal Botanical Gardens. It turned out that it was free entry on Tuesdays before 1PM, so we were in luck. Most of the garden isn't in Spring bloom quite yet, as peonies, irises and roses were just beginning to show color, but the bulb display was outstanding. There was also a permanent display of some really elaborate bonsai plants - many 75-100 years old. There were the usual pines and junipers, as well as maples and even a gingko, but this was the first time I saw a bonsai tamarisk!
From here we walked a bit further east to El Retiro Park, which is the largest formal park in Madrid with many different sections. Our weather was perfect, and we were surprised to see how many people were out enjoying the park on a workday. Most of the people were around the Crystal Palace (modelled after the one in Kew Gardens in London), or at the large rectangular lake that also had rowboats, massive statuary, and lots of little cafes. The park and the surrounding Paseo del Prado have been declared a UNESCO World Heritage site. It would take several days to get to all the little places within the park but we did find the rose garden, which was just starting to bloom - it should be gorgeous in about ten days. We also found a lovely formal garden on the east side of the park that had numerous peacocks. At first we thought there were just a couple of males, but as we wandered around we saw at least ten peacocks and about fifteen peahens. There were also a good number of feral cats, but it looks like the adult birds can take care of themselves. Several of the males spread their tails to impress the females, who consistently ignored them. Unfortunately none made a display in the sunlight, where their feathers are so much more dramatic.
It was a lovely way to spend our last day in Spain, and we headed back to our apartment as late as possible, considering we still had some packing to do - reorganizing our bags and putting as much into our checked bags as we could. On our outbound flight two months ago we made sure we had enough in our carry-ons to do our entire trip, if necessary. This time, that isn't a concern at all.
On our walk back, we were struck by the police presence in every square we passed. It turns out that with two of the quarter finals matches for the Premier League Championship here in Madrid, they have elevated the security risk to a level 4 out of 5, owing to potential terrorist threats. And we thought they were just worried about some rowdy Brits!
Tomorrow we head home. Although our first flight isn't until 10:50, we need to head to the airport early, and have ordered a taxi, since it will still be dark when we leave, and we would have to take either three Metro lines, or two trains and a bus to get to our terminal. It has been a wonderful trip - actually three trips in one - but we will be happy to be home. I know I'm ready for the peace and quiet of my neighborhood and yard. Coming home isn't so bad when we live in a place like Moab.
Side note - the last picture is of a light fixture in a bar we passed - there were actually eight lights at different heights but because of window reflections only one was clearly visible.
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preacherpollard · 7 months
Deuteronomy: The Second Giving Of The Law (II)
Why They Wandered In The Wilderness (1:1-46) Neal Pollard Interestingly, Moses begins the book of Deuteronomy by giving the date, location, audience, and reason for writing. He gathered all Israel in the portion of the wilderness in the land of Moab, on the first day of the 11th month of the 40th year of their wandering. He writes that with his first address to the people he did so to “expound…
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wolint · 9 months
1 Corinthians 8:2
There is power in our imagination! Imagination is something everyone has but doesn't use, either because they don't know how, or they use it wrongly. Imagination is the first step to becoming whatever! Our mind sees, hears, feels and achieves before we ever do physically or naturally.
Imagination is the formation of ideas or pictures in the mind of a vision, it is to form a mental image of someone or thing or to conceive it in the mind.
Imagination is also to scheme or to devise plans and purposes says Psalm 62:3.
Imagination is a powerful tool that can create what we wish to see. The Bible is literal writing, but the power of our imagination mixed with faith brings it alive through the power of the Holy Spirit. The Word Himself is alive and made flesh to dwell in us but He must become flesh in both our hearts and minds to give expression to our imagination declares John 1:14. We can imagine good or bad things and whatever image we draw in our imagination is what is manifested in the natural.
Holy imagination helps us grow spiritually stronger in faith, God reminded us in Isahai 51:1-3 that Abraham and Sarah were infertile, but He gave them a child from whom came the great nation God promised. Cultivating a “holy imagination” means letting God’s promised hope of new and eternal life come alive in our minds.
If Noah had refused to build the Ark Genesis 6:14-17.
If God had left the tower of Babel to be finished. Genesis 11.
If Abram had not migrated as God instructed. Genesis 12:1-4.
Instead of selling Joseph, his brothers killed him in Genesis 37:12-31.
If Jacob didn’t believe that Joseph was alive and went to join him in Egypt in Genesis 46.
If Moses had the ceremony to dedicate him as pharaoh- the most powerful man in his world in Hebrews 11:24.
If Saul had carried on being king of Israel instead of David in 1 Samuel 16.
If Ruth had gone back to Moab as Orpah did in Ruth 1:14.
If Jonah was left to reach Tarshish and not turned to warn the Nineveh people in Jonah 1.
If Mary thought Angel Gabriel’s visit was a hoax and had ignored him or chose not to be chosen in Luke 1:26-38.
If Joseph had jilted Mary in Matthew 1:18-24.
If Jesus had fallen into temptation at the hands of Satan in Matthew 4:1-11.
If John the Baptist’s birth foretold in Isaiah 40:3 didn’t happen.
Zechariah was allowed to speak after the Angel’s visit in Luke 1:5-24.
The disciples refused the call to follow Jesus in Matthew 10:1-4.
If Judas Iscariot had been a good friend and not betrayed his “friend” in Luke 22:47-48.
If Jesus was not betrayed, tried, beaten, denied and finally crucified and buried in Matthew 27.
If Jesus did not resurrect in Matthew 28:1-8.
If Jesus had not ascended to heaven in Luke 24:50-52.
If we didn’t need to be born again to go to heaven in John 3:4-5.
If we didn’t have the power and the name of Jesus for our use. John 14:13-15.
If the Holy Spirit hadn’t come as promised. Acts 2:1-13.
If Paul had not encountered the Lord and been converted in Acts 19:5-6.
If there was no need for salvation in Romans 10:5-21.
If we didn’t have the word of God in 2 Timothy 3:16.
If faith was irrelevant see Hebrew 11:6.
If there wasn’t death and judgment in Hebrews 9:11.
Imagine that Hell is real and that even fallen angels cannot escape it says 2 Peter 2:4.
Imagine that heaven is real as described in the scriptures and only for believers. Can you afford to miss it? Imagine that all you think you know is not the truth there is, that even if you choose not to believe, accept and follow Jesus, can you imagine eternity without Him?
PRAYER: Help me Lord to have clear-cut vision and imagination, so that I don’t wander without direction and purpose in Jesus’s name. Amen.
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lucidknight-blog · 10 months
ISAIAH‬ ‭15‬:‭1‬-16‬:‭14‬ ‭‬‬
“This message came to me concerning Moab: In one night the town of Ar will be leveled, and the city of Kir will be destroyed. Your people will go to their temple in Dibon to mourn. They will go to their sacred shrines to weep. They will wail for the fate of Nebo and Medeba, shaving their heads in sorrow and cutting off their beards. They will wear burlap as they wander the streets. From every…
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shammah8 · 10 months
If Rahab Could...We Can!
od gave an amazing revelation of the power in the Blood to protect in the account of Rahab the harlot.G I sit this evening writing this chapter in Israel—not far south of Jericho. Out my window I see the mountains of Moab changing colors in the light of the setting sun. They lie east of the Jordan River in present-day Jordan. But from my vantage point, too far away to reveal detail, they appear as they must have 3300 or so years ago when the children of Israel passed through on their way to the Promised Land.
In these surroundings my mind wonders anew at the remarkable faith of a Canaanite harlot. For what Rahab did, the Bible says, she did by faith.
(Hebrews 11:31.) And my mind wanders back easily to the circumstances of her world.
This whole country was filled with fear. The massive multitude of the children of Israel (perhaps 2 1/2 million) had destroyed the kingdoms that tried to stop their move toward the Land of Canaan.
The Bible describes the state of the area's kings; "Their heart melted, neither was there spirit in them any more, because of the children of Israel" (Joshua 5:1).
The inhabitants of Jericho, a Canaanite city-state, were terrified. Yet in the midst of a frightened population, one woman exercised faith so great it gained for her a good report from God and a place in two Bible halls of fame: the lineage of Jesus, and the elders of faith. (Matthew 1:5; Hebrews 11:2,31.) Every circumstance of Rahab's life and society was against her exercising such faith.
The headlines—so to speak—of the day warned of impending doom.
Her religion was against her. The Canaanite religion sacrificed children in the fire and centered on sex. (Deuteronomy 13:10,11.) The Revell Bible Dictionary says about it:
The religion of the Canaanites focused on fertility...Religious rites employed sex...to stimulate the gods and goddesses to grant fertility to the land and to their livestock...
The moral and religious depravity of the Canaanites, portrayed in Scripture and revealed even more clearly in the materials recovered from Ugarit...(by archaeologists)...explains why God commanded Israel to totally destroy these people within the borders of the Promised Land. The war of extermination was a long-delayed divine judgment on the Canaanites (Gen. 15:16).1 Jehovah's plan seemed to be against Rahab. The Creator of the Universe determined it was time to execute judgment upon her society.
And she lived in the most dangerous spot on the globe. Her house was on the city wall which God decreed must fall.☕️Billye Brim
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backalleymerchent · 1 year
Huffing softly as the thick hair dropped back over their eye, the armored figure gave up in trying to do anything to keep the unruly locks out of their eyes. Drawn back from the mild annoyance, their sleepy eyes scanned their surroundings and the crowd. Lightly tapping the side of their head to switch over to heat signatures as their arm stretched upwards a long yawn escapes them as the sound of popping joints muffled by their well worn over coat crackle out. It was time to set up in a new spot. At least till the probing enforcement stopped looking too closely at the various crates of other merchants. Scratching at their chin they close their biologic eye as they scan over the map inlay on their cybernetic. Colorful array of the cityscape rolled out as they started their slow meandering walk forward.
Didn't want to be too close to the heavy crime areas where who knows what dark creatures dwell. Cultists, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Tau, kroot, ork and other unsavories. But on the other hand most people may be looking for not so legal weapons and the like. Trade for non imperial items to boost the stock yet again. Actually probably better to be there then sell off those xeno objects to the rich, rebuild clientele and attract those that already know the quality of goods one can get. Quality over quantity. Less its for drugs then well what ever is more credits.
As the aimless wandering continued, an silent process of decisions are weighed and considered. A light thump drew the sleepy eyes merchant from their musing before a distressed chaffing noise escaped their lips as hands gripped the front of their coat. Wretched and putrid breath washed over as they are pulled up onto their tip toes. Snapping out harshly of their thinking, the dull brown eye focused on the scummer that grabbed onto them. "Ah! Moab didn't see you there."reaching out in a sigh of platitude the mefchent brushed off the towering figure's leather coat and armored rapidly. "Was just having a-"
"Wuz you doing Eban? Da boss wants to have a word."
A quirked smile plastered on their face as their over sized armor let them slide down a bit in the large man's hold to rest more of their feet on the ground. "Oh really now? He knows I'm a busy woman could of given me a message about his request a-"
"He dunn't have time to play your stupid games. He wanted yah in person slime git." Forcing a smile as she started to scan the man for weapons she waved her hands in surrender.
"Cheh cheh. Ok ok. But I do this in protest of being handled roughly." Light gripping the man's hands, she tugs herself free of the goon's fingers. Or attempts to as she just rattles about in the armor for a moment. "Keep this up im going to charge Da Boss extra. So take your hands off me. I can walk just fine." Breathing deeply as the putrid breath of the large goon moved away from blowing into her face, she gathered her composure and wiped her hands down where she was held as if to rid her self of new filth on the already worn and off colored armor. Ambling along the side of the goon she picked up the other larger figures sinking back into the shadows of nearby alley ways. Sighing to her self she looked up at thee goon and grinned lazily at him as he looked to see where she was. Hopefully it wasn't anything interesting and just an item since she was not set up for any information broking as the information she had was a bit out if date with the big move.
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thegenealogy · 1 year
1 Chronicles 18: 6-13. "The Bronze Sea."
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When men reach the top, when they Horeb, "get burnt" they bronze. Tan men are symbolic of Jews that have Audienced with the Eye of God and have come down the mount.
The Flood of Violence, of iniquity, drives the Ark Up, then the Sun dries things out, and down go Noble Men the color of bronze, the color that best reflects the sun, and thus we get a Bronze Sea.
The creation of the Bronze Sea was David's goal when he conquered the low-born and raised up the Noblemen to take their places:
6 He put garrisons in the Aramean kingdom of Damascus, and the Arameans became subject to him and brought him tribute. The Lord gave David victory wherever he went.
Arameans=Height without pride or arrogance, not overripe.
Damascus="The Full Turn in the Pattern Towards Righteousness."
To see the Eye of God, is to become saturated with his light and heat is to feel all doubt leave every quarter. It is a few wordless moments that explain all words and writing and never forgotten.
7 David took the gold shields carried by the officers of Hadadezer and brought them to Jerusalem.
The gold shields of "those who congregate and help" are associated with those from Hamath, "Who are waterskins of light". These are Jews who have seen the Eye and carry the light of Horeb inside themselves like a star holds its light inside itself.
The Gold Shield, the Magen David is the six pointed Star of David and is a badge that reflects this magnetic attraction between the surface of the gold and the light of the sun outside.
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In Kabbalistic teachings, one finds that the number six represents the Heavens and the Earth and the four directions (North, South, East, West). There are those who suggest that the Magen David with its six points correspond to this Kabbalistic idea, which in turn can represent G-d's Omnipresence. Interestingly, the words "Magen David," in Hebrew, are made up of six letters.
To house these badges in Jerusalem, "The place of teaching peace" makes perfect sense.
8 From Tebah[b] and Kun, towns that belonged to Hadadezer, David took a great quantity of bronze, which Solomon used to make the bronze Sea, the pillars and various bronze articles.
9 When Tou king of Hamath heard that David had defeated the entire army of Hadadezer king of Zobah, 10 he sent his son Hadoram to King David to greet him and congratulate him on his victory in battle over Hadadezer, who had been at war with Tou. Hadoram brought all kinds of articles of gold, of silver and of bronze.
Tebah=to slaugher
The verb טבח (tabah) means to slaughter or butcher,
Kun=To be right, set, and confirm
Root כנן (kanan) and hence verb כון (kun) mean to set, establish, fix, and so on. Nouns כן (ken), מכונה (mekona) and מכנה (mekona) denote a base or pedestal, noun מכון (makon) describes some fixed or established place, and noun תכונה (tekuna) means place or arrangement. Noun כון (kawwan) expresses a sort of ritualistic or sacrificial setup.
Adjective כן (ken) means right, true or honest, and adverb כן (ken) expresses confirmation: "thus" or "so".
Habadazer="Helpful Jew"
Solomon/Sea of Bronze= "To bring into unity after Horeb" which also implies the Slaughter
Tou= aimlessness
The verb תעה (ta'a) means to wander about aimlessly or drunkenly or in a state of confusion or homelessness. Noun תועה (to'a) describes an instance of this; a confusion or erroneous statement.
Hamath=to be hot with anger
Habadazer=helpful Jew "Chochmah Binah Daad"= Chabad, "wisdom and knowledge". The likeness to Shabbat is not coincidental.
Zobah="Engagement with Collective Beauty"
Hadoram= Thunder Is Exalted, A Noble Generation. Exalted Glory. Exalted Snake Charmer
The audience begins like a lover coming upon His Most Beloved and time stands still, leaving on his pedestal an affixed, standing peace in His wake.
11 King David dedicated these articles to the Lord, as he had done with the silver and gold he had taken from all these nations: Edom and Moab, the Ammonites and the Philistines, and Amalek.
Gold- the Grace of God, our fragile and finite time spent on earth. All time on earth depends on the richest source of gold there is, the light of the sun.
Silver- the result of contact with sentient noble men. Silver is the spare change from the gold.
Edom= the Commitments
Moab= the Traditions
Ammonites= the disciples
Philistines= low-born, insentient beings like Mormons, Republicans, Evangelicals, and Pro-Lifers, violent, superstitious, corrupt, bigoted, weird, irate, and nonsensical in their approaches to life.
Amalekites= those who have abandoned all the tendencies of a Philistine.
Persistent Beauty, personified in the character and behavior of KIng David uses the light of day, and dedicated to itself, seeks to own all the territory it can acquire. Only a fool turns it away.
12 Abishai son of Zeruiah struck down eighteen thousand Edomites in the Valley of Salt.
Abishai=David's father Jesse= My Father Is Jesse, Father Of Gifts, My Father Yah Exists
Zeruiah=Balsam of Yah
"The father of persistent beauty if the Balsam of Yah."
We have to talk about Fundamentalist Judaism. The Balsam of God is what is left after the tree is bled, the sap, resin, and gum are removed and what is left is essentially the evaporated blood of the tree. Balsam is the most bittersweet extract of the plant and highly treasured as a base for many perfumes, colognes, and incenses.
If we boil the religion down, what we do we get? To answer correctly is to know God and reek of His Balsam and become a Fundamentalist Jew. Such a person is known by his shield:
13 He put garrisons in Edom "the Commitments", and all the Edomites became subject to David. The Lord gave David victory wherever he went.
The Edomites are the Sons of Esau- from Vayishlach:
The Rulers of Edom.
31 These were the kings who reigned in Edom “The Ties the Bind”  before any Israelite king reigned:
32 Bela [to swallow] son of Beor [burning, consuming] became king of Edom. His city was named Dinhabah [thieves den].
= “To be the king, you must swallow the burning of the thieves den with the power of Yah, found in the South. This is the fortification.”
33 When Bela died, Jobab [yah is father] son of Zerah[rising dawn] from Bozrah [fortification] succeeded him as king.
34 When Jobab [yah is father] died, Husham from the land of the Temanites [the South] succeeded him as king.
35 When Husham [hastily] died, Hadad [sharpness] son of Bedad [special, separation], who defeated Midian [strife] in the country of Moab [who is your father], succeeded him as king. His city was named Avith [ruins].
36 When Hadad died, Samlah [robe] from Masrekah [place of vines] succeeded him as king.
= “Sharpness of mind will separate the People of the God Israel from the people of strife, whose God is a god and leave their lives in ruins. In its place, robed by God [protected by intelligence], a wide city [implies diversity] rife with vines will grow.
Within, those who ask God for His Grace, who stay on the South Side of the River will attain to the majesty and greatness of a King of Israel.”
37 When Samlah died, Shaul [asked of God] from Rehoboth [the wide city] on the river succeeded him as king.
38 When Shaul died,  Baal-Hanan [Lord of Grace]  son of Akbor [greatness] succeeded him as king.
39 When Baal-Hanan son of Akbor died, Hadad[sharpness] succeeded him as king. His city was named Pau [alertness] , and his wife’s name was Mehetabel [God benefits] daughter of Matred [continuous dripping], the daughter of Me-Zahab [gold].
40 These were the chiefs descended from Esau, by name, according to their clans and regions:
Timna [allotted portion] , Alvah [to rise] Jetheth [the shouter, verbally assaults], 41 Oholibamah [tent of the High Place], Elah [oaks of the terebinths], Pinon [the strong one with an ability to fly], 42 Kenaz [hunter], Teman [integrity], Mibzar [small place], 43 Magdiel [ declaring God] and Iram [elevated citadel]. These were the chiefs of Edom, according to their settlements in the land they occupied.
= “Sharpness succeeds Grace and Greatness, continuous alertness dripping into the Kingdom creates instruments of gold, it allows those of small means to rise to fly to the High Place, be strong, develop integrity, and overcome, to themselves become an elevated Citadel; this change takes place once one stops declaring oneself like a god and declares God.  [The shouter rises above himself].
This is the family line of Esau, the father of the Edomites.
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torahtantra · 1 year
"The Hornet." Conclusion to the Book of Joshua.
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The Covenant Renewed at Shechem
24 Then Joshua assembled all the tribes of Israel at Shechem "the shoulder". He summoned the elders, leaders, judges and officials of Israel, and they presented themselves before God.
2 Joshua said to all the people, “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘Long ago your ancestors, including Terah "the wanderer" the father of Abraham "Father of Compassion" and Nahor "free, the central heat, the hub", lived beyond the Euphrates River "the gusher" and worshiped other gods. 3 But I took your father Abraham from the land beyond the Euphrates and led him throughout Canaan and gave him many descendants. I gave him Isaac, 4 and to Isaac I gave Jacob and Esau. I assigned the hill country of Seir "the horrors" to Esau, but Jacob and his family went down to Egypt.
-> There is a Torah Tantra Here:
Early in life one wanders, thinking he is the center of the creation. Then he gushes and is worshipped like a god. He might even worship himself. Then comes the land beyond, the Place of Sovereignty, given to man by Forefathers of Compassion, who know how to laugh, to be leaders of men and also followers, who are assigned horrors and live in Confederacies to ensure they do not succeed.
5 “‘Then I sent Moses and Aaron, and I afflicted the Egyptians by what I did there, and I brought you out. 6 When I brought your people out of Egypt, you came to the sea, and the Egyptians pursued them with chariots and horsemen[a] as far as the Red Sea.[b] 7 But they cried to the Lord for help, and he put darkness between you and the Egyptians; he brought the sea over them and covered them. You saw with your own eyes what I did to the Egyptians. Then you lived in the wilderness for a long time.
To help, God has provided us with the Law and the Temple. These absolve people of their delusions caused by false gods and their propagandas. Societies that yield to men determined to overcome the Law and the Temple must start over, they must be reborn. The old way must die and give way to the prescribed way of life.
8 “‘I brought you to the land of the Amorites who lived east of the Jordan. They fought against you, but I gave them into your hands. I destroyed them from before you, and you took possession of their land. 9 When Balak son of Zippor "the bird", the king of Moab "who is your father", prepared to fight against Israel, he sent for Balaam "the devourer" son of Beor "the burning" to put a curse on you. 10 But I would not listen to Balaam, so he blessed you again and again, and I delivered you out of his hand.
Gossipers and liars who have no credibility are exposed by asking 'Who is the God of Israel?'. Curses will not adhere to the ones who pose this question to the world again and again.
11 “‘Then you crossed the Jordan and came to Jericho. The citizens of Jericho fought against you, as did also the Amorites, Perizzites, Canaanites, Hittites, Girgashites, Hivites and Jebusites, but I gave them into your hands. 
-> The Hittites "who fear", Girgashites "thieves, infertile" , Amorites "talkers", Canaanites "Royals", Perizzites "rural villager", Hivites "tent villagers" and Jebusites "those trodden down", are "cut off" from the river of thought by the Ark of the covenant which dams up sentient thought in the mind.
The goal of Crossing the Jordan and of being an Israelite is to come to the firm realization the self and civilization must be ruled by that which resides on the other side of the wall between darkness and light.
12 I sent the hornet ahead of you, which drove them out before you—also the two Amorite kings. You did not do it with your own sword and bow. 13 So I gave you a land on which you did not toil and cities you did not build; and you live in them and eat from vineyards and olive groves that you did not plant.’
The hornet is the Five Books of Moses. A hornet drinks honey, and it will defend its territory. The Torah calls itself a hornet because as Joshua says, it has self-defined the territory called the Land of Milk and Honey and within are the means to defend and hold it captive from talkers and balkers, the enemies of the God that instructed us in it.
14 “Now fear the Lord and serve him with all faithfulness. Throw away the gods your ancestors worshiped beyond the Euphrates River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. 15 But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”
16 Then the people answered, “Far be it from us to forsake the Lord to serve other gods! 17 It was the Lord our God himself who brought us and our parents up out of Egypt, from that land of slavery, and performed those great signs before our eyes. He protected us on our entire journey and among all the nations through which we traveled. 18 And the Lord drove out before us all the nations, including the Amorites, who lived in the land. We too will serve the Lord, because he is our God.”
19 Joshua said to the people, “You are not able to serve the Lord. He is a holy God; he is a jealous God. He will not forgive your rebellion and your sins. 20 If you forsake the Lord and serve foreign gods, he will turn and bring disaster on you and make an end of you, after he has been good to you.”
21 But the people said to Joshua, “No! We will serve the Lord.”
22 Then Joshua said, “You are witnesses against yourselves that you have chosen to serve the Lord.”
“Yes, we are witnesses,” they replied.
23 “Now then,” said Joshua, “throw away the foreign gods that are among you and yield your hearts to the Lord, the God of Israel.”
24 And the people said to Joshua, “We will serve the Lord our God and obey him.”
25 On that day Joshua made a covenant for the people, and there at Shechem he reaffirmed for them decrees and laws. 26 And Joshua recorded these things in the Book of the Law of God. Then he took a large stone and set it up there under the oak near the holy place of the Lord.
27 “See!” he said to all the people. “This stone will be a witness against us. It has heard all the words the Lord has said to us. It will be a witness against you if you are untrue to your God.”
28 Then Joshua dismissed the people, each to their own inheritance.
Buried in the Promised Land
29 After these things, Joshua son of Nun, the servant of the Lord, died at the age of a hundred and ten. 30 And they buried him in the land of his inheritance, at Timnath Serah[c] "The Extra Portion" in the hill country of Ephraim, north of Mount Gaash "the Strong Force" = the Hidden Spirit of the Most High.
31 Israel served the Lord throughout the lifetime of Joshua and of the elders who outlived him and who had experienced everything the Lord had done for Israel.
32 And Joseph’s bones- the international political strategies-which the Israelites had brought up from Egypt, were buried at Shechem in the tract of land that Jacob bought for a hundred pieces of silver[d] from the sons of Hamor, "the red one" the father of Shechem "the shoulder". This became the inheritance of Joseph’s descendants.
33 And Eleazar "God has helped" son of Aaron died and was buried at Gibeah "the hill", which had been allotted to his son Phinehas "the oracle" in the hill country of Ephraim- the Prosperous Results.
So long as the extra portion of life God gives us is forecasted and governed strategically, and met with strength, commitment, and strong shoulders, what is hidden by God will become the prosperity He promised our ancestors who then promised it to us.
Here ends the discussion concerning the Timath Serah the Extra Parsha called the Book of Joshua, contained in the Holy Torah.
Ha and Shem, "In God's Name".
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On the Torah Tantra of the Hornet.
The zir'ah mentioned in a few places in the Torah is a creature that swarms and makes its nest up high, and It is also a member of a class of flying stinging insects that has four wings that are hooked together.
It is represented by the Angel Zir'ahiel or Zauriel.
The appearance of angelic script featuring green honeycombs in the NW suggest the Four Cities and the swarming of the people of Israel up high, in a visible place. 
Zerah is another term for "exalted dawn". This is a sign the Four Cities within the one paper hive of the Zirah must be built, incorporating persons from the Four Directions. 
Anything that is projected using the color green refers to "Horeb" the highest and greenest crest also of the flight capability of the god Uriel, the patron saint of witches and "comprehension". 
The "Hornet's nest" "collects on the mountain" is also part of His message. Hornets confer heat when they sting, indicating a swarm headquartered in an elevated nest upon the greenest of the greens, the highest of the heights in the heat of Haran is the objective of the glyph. 
The verb חרה (hara) means to burn or ignite. Cognate languages use this verb in the regular sense of fire starting, but in Biblical Hebrew this verb is exclusively used in the sense of being or getting furious; the burning of anger (Genesis 39:19, Exodus 22:23).
This verb's derivations are:
The masculine noun חרון (haron), meaning the burning of anger (Exodus 32:12, Numbers 25:4, Ezra 10:14).
The masculine noun חרי (hori), meaning a burning (Exodus 11:8, 1 Samuel 20:34).
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dailyaudiobible · 2 years
03/16/2023 DAB Transcript
Numbers 24:1-25:18, Luke 2:1-35, Psalms 59:1-17, Proverbs 11:14
Today is the 16th day of March welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian and it is wonderful to be here with you today, wonderful to be around the Global Campfire gathering and taking another step forward together. And our next step forward will lead us back into the book of Numbers and back into the story of Moab's king Balak and Balaam who has been invited to curse the Israelites on behalf of Moab, which he hasn't been able to do. And, so, we pick up the story. Numbers chapters 24 and 25 today.
Okay. So, we have gotten through this…this drama with Moab's king Balak and this prophetic voice, this person who can bless and curse named Balaam who was sent for to come and curse the children of Israel out in the wilderness. Because the children of Israel have been wandering around in the wilderness as we know, and that is causing disruption in the nations surrounding them. No nation will let them pass through to get somewhere else. So, they’re kind of out in the wilderness until finally they get attacked. And they win. And, so, they have some territory that they're settling into, but it happens to be right next to Moab. So, this place is Moab. They’re freaking out about this people moving in, which is why Balaam is summoned in the first place. Come here and see this people out in the wilderness and curse them for me, they’re too strong for me, they’re moving in next to me. We’ve got to do something about them. And, so, Balaam is summoned and Ballam consults the Lord about what he should do. And the Lord tells him, don't go. Like, I'm not in this. Don't go. And, so, he comes and tells the people I can’t go. The Lord won’t let me go. And, so, the officials of Moab went back to king Balak and said Balaam…Balaam refuses to come. The Lord won’t let him come. So, king Balak sends more officials, more high-ranking officials back to Balaam and tells Balaam again, the king Balak needs you to come at once with us right now. And Balaam’s like…I mean..I…I already had emissaries sent from Balak and I already gave my answer, but spend the night here and I'll go talk to the Lord and see what the Lord says. And, so, Balaam goes before the Lord again and God speaks to Balaam again and says go with them this time. Go with them but do only what I tell you to do. And we can read the story and go, man, that's redundant. What? Like why not just tell him that in the first place the first time the people came to get him? Why does he take this second trip? And now why was he not allowed on the first trip, but he is allowed on the second trip? We were able to get glimpses and see why. God was impressing upon Balaam there's nothing else for you to do here but exactly what I tell you to do and you need to do exactly what you are instructed to do. There is no wiggle room here. What we end up noticing is that Balaam’s looking for wiggle room. So, it's almost as if Balaam is like…well…I couldn't go but now I can. And, so, maybe there is opportunity here. And, so, God reiterates, you have nothing to do but what I tell you to do. So, the next morning Balaam gets up and he leaves with all the people and is riding on his donkey and there's an angel of the Lord following along and stands in the road blocking the path. And, so, the donkey turns into a field when it sees…when he sees the angel. And they continue on a little bit more then the angel is front of the donkey and the donkey can see it but Balaam cannot see it. And the angel's blocking a pathway into a vineyard. And, so, the donkey’s trying to get around the angel, but in the process kind of scratches Balaam’s leg against the wall. So, Balaam gets mad. He starts beating the donkey. And they got on a little bit more and then the angel blocks the path altogether. There's nowhere for the donkey to maneuver. And, so, the donkey just lays down underneath Balaam who is serious and begins to beat the donkey some more. And that is when the talking…talking donkey happens. That's when the mouth of the donkey is opened. What have I done to you? Why would you hit me these three times? And then Balaam reveals his heart. First of all, he responds to the donkey. Like, he’s so angry. The donkey is talking to him and he's talking back. He's not struck silent. He's not freaking out that he's talking to a donkey. He's just angry. So, he's answering back to the donkey I'd kill you. Like, if I had a sword, I would kill you. And why is Balaam so mad? I quote, “because you have made a fool of me. I wish I had a sword in my hand. I would kill you right now.” That is very revealing and goes right down into the heart of Balaam and his motives. He doesn't want to look like a fool. He doesn't want to be made of. Even though he's been instructed that he can only say what God has told him to say he’s also very worried about the optics, what this looks like. He doesn't want to look like a fool. That’s when Balaam’s eyes are opened, and he sees the angel and the point is made. Balaam you have a job to do. Nothing more, nothing less, exactly what I tell you to say, nothing else. And Balaam seems to have gotten the message because he's like look, if you want me to go home, I’ll go home. I didn't know there was an angel here. But God reiterates, “go with the man but speak only what I tell you to speak.” And, so, Balaam does get to Balak. Balak is like, why didn't you come the first time and all of that. And Balaam has got the message loud and clear. I can only do what I'm told to do. And, so, there are offerings offered on altars and Balaam looks at the children of Israel and seeks the Lord and comes back and essentially says, I cannot curse these people they are blessed by God. Balak doesn't take kindly to that. I brought you here to curse my enemies. You're doing nothing but blessing them. And Balaam’s like, I…I can only say what I'm allowed to say. And, so, we see Balak doing something really interesting. Come with me to another place and you can look at the children of Israel from this other place and maybe God will let you curse them from there. And, so, they do that. More offerings, more sacrifices, more seeking the Lord. There is nothing but blessing for Israel. And, so, king Balak is like, don't bless them. If you can't curse them don't bless them. Just don't do anything. And then Balak says, let's go to another place. Maybe…maybe you can...maybe God will let you curse them from there. Of course, the Lord won't curse His chosen people. He will only bless them, which is what happens in the end. But there are so many lessons for us. We can seek God. We can get a no. We can seek God again and maybe He says, okay. Yes. But only what I told you. And we can very easily forget about all that. We can just think, yes, I got a yes, I got a yes. I'm off to the races. I'm off to do the thing that I wanted to do. I got a yes. But then we can get into a situation where we feel foolish, or we feel condemned or we feel whatever we feel and we want to change the script because of what it's going to make us look like or we can find ourselves in king Balak wants his enemies cursed. You can send for a professional to do it, and the professional comes and says there is no curse for this people only blessing. And, so, what does Balak do? Like here…let's…let's go over here and look at this whole thing from another angle. Let’s see what the Lord has to say from this other angle. Of course, it's only blessing and not cursing. And, so, what does Balak do? Well…let’s…let's go over here to this other place. Let’s look at it from this angle. Maybe from this angle, the Lord will change His mind. We do the same kinds of things. We try to force through what it is that we want even though we may look like fools in the end. And what we’re watching is…well under normal circumstances, we would say this is very manipulative. It just so happens that in this case its manipulative…manipulation toward God. As if we wouldn't do that too. And, so, there are some deep lessons about motives, the why we do what we do and what we’re willing to do to try to get what we want embedded in this story. The way that this particular drama ends is that Balaam can't curse the children of Israel. Balak is displeased about it, but in the end Balaam just goes back home. Immediately following that story, we begin moving into how the people did cause the children of Israel to stumble and fall. They were not over calm by warfare in battle. Rather, they sent the women and began fraternizing and the people began going back and forth in intermingling and that led them to the place that God had warned them about. They were bowing down and giving their hearts in worship to the false God Baal. So, they could not defeat them with sword and shield and bow and arrow and sling, and whatever other warfare utensils that they were using. They chose a more seductive form of warfare and were successful. And we can think like, well Balaam didn’t have anything to do that but as we will see…and you’ll have to remember this story because we will come back to a very very short reference back to this time as we continue forward in the Scriptures, and we will find that on his way out it seems as if Balaam gave some advice. He couldn't curse the children of Israel, but the suggestion of how they might defeat the children of Israel through seduction was planted and what we end up finding out is that Balaam ends up getting killed.
Father, it's a disruptive story to go through but we have the whole story and we've spent the last few days moving through the story in the book of Numbers. And, so, it gives us pause to reflect. And as we place ourselves in the story and consider our thoughts, our motivations, our way of trying to finagle the things that we want, our way of looking for every vantage point to get what we want our way of just trying to…to live on the margins instead of under the shelter of Your wings it becomes apparent and we realize that we look at the story…it’s a pretty dramatic story and we can find ourselves there and it's humbling. And, so, we ask for forgiveness, and we ask Your Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth, that we might not find ourselves in a position that we’re willing to manipulate anyone, including You if we could, to get what we want. Come Holy Spirit into that we pray as we humble ourselves before You and declare once again, we are utterly dependent upon You. You are our source of life and when we look for a source outside of You, we are walking the wrong path for the wrong reasons with the wrong motivations. Set us aright we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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And that's it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
On March 9th Sinai from PA called regarding her medical condition in which she said her brain was not allowing her legs to work. She was being transferred from a hospital to a longer-term care facility. At the same time she had to make the difficult decision of putting her mom in an assisted care facility. Her voice was worn and weary and tinged I'm sure with a little bit of fear. And I just want to lift her up to you dear Lord. Although Lord Sinai is in a very challenging place with her own health as well as responsibilities with her mother. Lord, we know that your desire is to mold us and shape us more into the image of your Son, our Jesus who exemplified every fruit of the spirit. And unfortunately, because I hate this fruit of the spirit this long-suffering. Obviously, I'm being facetious in that. But the long-suffering Lord, we know You are long-suffering in that we get to understand what it's like to have Your heart to be hurt and crushed and broken and still press on. We move forward to love others, to keep relationship with You. So, Lord I left Siani up to You right now and I ask that You would just touch her spiritual body from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet. We obviously want her physical body to be touched but Lord our bodies are not as important as our spirit man. So, we thank You for whatever work You're going to do and her and that You're gonna do for her mother. We thank You dear Jesus. Amen.
Hey DAB family this is the mother that had gestational diabetes that was feeling overwhelmed at the end of her pregnancy. I guess I’m calling in a praise report. Everything of course worked out in the end. By the last couple days, we…sorry…we settled on an induction date and the last couple of days before the induction date I was able to find peace and be prepared and get ready for the baby and even went on an outing with family just before the baby was born. And she's this beautiful happy healthy baby was born on the 27th of February. And we're just loving having her here. And I just wanted to thank you all for your prayers. So, thank you. Bye.
Good morning Daily Audio Bible community to be a Blessing in California. I have not been sleeping well it's about 4:30 on Monday morning and I just would like to ask that you would pray for me. I know casting my cares on Jesus for he cares for me. I know promises and I believe them but for whatever reason I'm not able to shake loose some of the concerns this morning, concerns for my brother who sounding more despondent, more sad, more hopeless. And I'm just asking that you would pray that God would break through the darkness and that he would experience a desire to invite joy into his life and joy is Jesus and that you would pray for me to know how to minister to my brother at this time. Also praying for my community. We've had more than 40 inches of rain since the beginning of the year and more year rain is coming and the ground is saturated. There's really nowhere for the water to go except into the community. I'm in a flood zone. My neighbors are in a flood zone. And, so, praise God our homes have been spared. And I'm just asking that God would continue to spare our homes. Also, for those who have lost their homes because of the flooding. Just ask that God would be with them as well. My stepbrother has multiple sclerosis and has had a relapse. So, prayers for him in a very special way. Young man taking care of his family. And lastly a friend of mines son committed suicide over the weekend. So, if you would pray for Jack and his fiancé Jacqueline as they go through this grieving process and God would be with them. Thank you so much.
Hello, DABbers this is Artie from Arkansas. This morning I'm listening to March 7th ‘s broadcast and podcast and there was a young lady Rochelle who had called in on…on the 25th of February and aired today. Wow! Rochelle, Rochelle that was so beautiful, so beautiful. Another young man David also was on this day. He too was a young adult and now he has come back. He's come back to the Bible, to God, to counting on Him for…for his…his blessings, counting on Him for his walk, counting on Him for prayers for other people and for themselves. Please let's continue to pray for Rochelle. Rochelle your words are amazing. You…you spoke as if you…as if you were completely involved with your Lord and Savior your entire life and strong and convicted. David, please know you will be prayed for as well. And we just lift you both up. And also Rochelle, the lady and her daughter that you are concerned with, we lift them up.
This message is for Susie in California who called about her eight-year-old nephew with autism who's been running out into the street into the traffic escaping from school escaping from the home and running out into traffic. Susie your…your story touches me close. My…my son has…he's on the spectrum as well. He's doing much better now but he didn't do this, but he did some things. And this story just also brought my mind straight to…to…to Mark 9 where…where the father brings her…his son to…to Jesus. His son has been dealing with epilepsy all his life and he said that it would have a tendency to throw the boy into the ground and into the fire and into the water and try to kill him. Jesus also cast the spirit out. He said sometimes this kind only comes out with prayer and fasting. So, I'll be praying for your…for your nephew. Encourage your…your sister, the…the…the boy's mother, the parents to read this passage. It was affective with my son as well. OK. Praying for you Susie. Thank you for calling in.
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