#mobius: you don't technically work here
chaos-monkeyy · 8 months
❦ ➷ get to know your fellow fanfic writers better ༊ ✧.*
Tagged by @dewdropreader and @mirilyawrites , thank you!!
1. when did you post your first ever fanfic?
February 2019!
2. first character you wrote for:
Ben Jones my beloved (from Midsomer Murders)
3. main character(s) you’re currently writing for:
I don't know if I'm even allowed to answer this one 😂 Probably my own characters for original works, aside from that I really am just all over the map.. I'll say the ones I'm most likely to come back to regularly these days are Captain Pike, Mobius, and Dalinar Kholin (along with, y'know, people for them to get it on with).
4. character(s) you haven’t written about before but plan on writing about soon:
Pike's sex toys 😏
But uhhh actual people I haven't already written? 🤔 I am still toying with the idea of writing a little Jordi x Erin scene for Who Is Erin Carter? but it's anyone's best guess whether I'll actually get around to it 🙈
5. fandom(s) you’re currently writing for:
The main culprits lately have been Stormlight Archive, Star Trek Strange New Worlds, the Loki series, Stargate, and original fiction! Honorable mention to OFMD and Good Omens who've popped in there a couple times as well and may or may not continue to make occasional appearances 💖
6. platonic pairing(s) you currently write for:
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.....let's say Ortegas & Pike since I did technically write them recently 😆 and also I love them.
7. romantic pairing(s) you currently write for:
All the things
Though let's be real, it's just straight up sexual pairings as opposed to romantic most of the time 🍾 But yeah, there's just.. so many to have fun with ✨
8. your top 3 tags on AO3 (if you post your works on AO3):
PWP, Omorashi... and in third place is a three way tie between Masturbation, Watersports, and Blowjobs 😂
9. your current platform where you post your works
Original work:
With occasional cross-posting between the two 😊
10. snippet of the wip you’re currently working on:
..alright well here's hoping I do wind up actually finishing the big-dick-Mobius fic I started ages ago to go with @natendo-art 's hot fucking artwork 🙈
“May I?” Loki was asking— and he was trailing one hand downwards, fingers teasing along the line of Mobius’s belt. 
Mobius’s breath caught in an embarrassing little whimper, but he nodded anyway, a little distracted from wondering… Should he tell Loki he didn’t have any idea what he was doing, not really? Should he keep quiet and hope maybe Loki wouldn’t notice how woefully inexperienced he was beyond his own hands? Or— 
Mobius’s nervous train of thought was interrupted by Loki’s fingers finding his stiffened cock through his suit pants with a little squeeze— 
…And then Loki stopped, pulled back, and stared at Mobius with wide eyes and a slightly shocked look. 
“Wh… what is it?” Mobius asked, face flaming, instantly certain he’d done something wrong. “I’m sorry—” 
“Sorry?” Loki breathed, and to Mobius’s tentative relief, that slightly slack-jawed expression twisted up into a grin of delight instead. “My dear Mobius, you should definitely not be sorry about this.”
Tagging @trainofcommand , @d--dandelions , @cosmereplay , @might-be-a-lynx , @confuzing , @knight-of-skyloft , @cordeliaperry , @frankthesnek , @cuillere , and anyone else I missed who wants to do it - consider yourself tagged too! 💙
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lovelyinspiration1463 · 8 months
Loki S2 E3 Spoilers Ahead!
My thoughts while watching the episode for the first time:
Is that him as a kid?
I considered for a hot second that Loki might be that horse.
There is never a moment too dire for Mobius to grab a snack, and I relate to that on a deep and personal level.
Boy, Marvel will do anything to plaster their name on screen as much as possible.
*science mumbo jumbo*
I think this variant has gotten himself electrocuted one too many times. 
I wouldn’t be standing right in front of that, my dude.
Well, yeah, now he’s giving off more ‘take over the world’ vibes. Proper Frankenstein over here.
Prototype? Yeah, no kidding. That thing let off a few bright sparks and then just died.
Mustache guy looked so scandalized, I can’t  😭😭😭
“Hornswoggler”? That is my new favorite word.
Is that an offer or a threat? Sounds more like a threat.
Where can I get myself a guy who will pass out money at the snap of my fingers???
I know it’s loud in there, but is no one else hearing the talking purse?
Nice cover, Mobius.
Oop. Old hornswoggler is back and wants a refund. I’m shocked. The machine looked so impressive just… fizzling the way that it did.
This has very quickly become a Charlie Chaplin sketch.
Okay, first of all, Mullet Hair, can you chill??? Killing the same dude over and over and over again is not gonna secure free will for people! Can we discuss? For even just a millisecond?! Are we able to think through our actions?
He ruined your life? Listen here, Sylvie; while you’ve been living it up at McDonalds, the universe has been falling apart! Think outside yourself for two seconds!
His face! 💀💀💀
Are these two seriously having a moment? Cease and desist immediately.
“A long time ago-“ in a galaxy far, far away. No, wait; wrong franchise.
That’s your biggest takeaway? Seriously?
“Rat bags”? Mustache Man is just full of zingers!
Did Loki literally just run in a circle??
Ooh, Miss Minutes is a bit snappy. She really wants everyone to know how clever she is.
Oh my gosh, they are not cramming another slapdash love story into the show 😫 I do not care about this! I came here to see Loki! Every second he’s not on screen, a little part of me dies…
Miss Minutes in the background: 😞
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
I have a feeling Renslayer is suddenly gonna be much more amenable to joining Loki and Mobius now.
All those mannequins are so creepy. 
A Rolodex? That’s his life’s work?
Okay… this just got weird on so many levels. 
🎶 People always told me, be careful of what you do, don't go around breaking young girls' hearts. And mother always told me, be careful of who you love.  And be careful of what you do, ‘cause the lie becomes the truth - hey hey!🎶
Dude, how did she even get here?
*dramatic entrance at the perfect time*
Mobius, look at her! I don’t think Ravonna is in the best headspace rn.
How many people are gonna barge in here??? Does he have any security at all? Even a single lock?
Also, are we really doing this again? This episode is bloated with will they/won’t they moments. It’s a “won’t” from me. I’ve decided.
The hair! 😍💯
So is Loki just gonna lie there and watch, or…?
So everyone gets free will but him? How do you know he won’t make better choices? He can’t be the one singular person in all of existence that is fated to be something specific!
Okay now I’m starting to feel a little bad for him.
“I can make my own choices.” That’s what I’m saying!
Who put Sylvie in charge? I’m sorry, but last time I checked, Loki doesn’t answer to you!
Seriously? You’re just abandoning her there??? Murder was a bad thing two seconds ago and now you’re both chill about it?
Aww, poor Sylvie. She really is the greatest victim in all this. How dare she be forced to decide to obsess over something 🙄
Yeah, I’m not sure sticking the two of them together is a good idea. I mean technically he’s dead, but what has that ever meant in the MCU?
Oooh, never mind - he’s dead dead. …Well, even so. Loki’s come back from worse.
Can any of these characters just pick a side?! Stop betraying each other so often; I can’t keep up! Who’s working with who???
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gyarucoded · 7 months
loki s2 FINALE review
it's gonna be a bit messy cuz i haven't process it yet full but i came here immidiately after finishing cuz this was insaaaane....
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as always ofc, spoilers below 👇🏼
the pacing was great, yk how it kinda starts off a little unserious but then it takes a darker turn
loki reassuring & hyping up victor was so 🥹
i was getting pretty anxious that loki may actually kill sylvie since not only that would have been neccessary for the plot, but also could serve as some sort of "metaphor/symbolism" for reincarnation that loki have to kill his old self (yes i say old cuz sylvie technically still has the similar negative traits loki did in 2012 and has overcome them by now) but i'm glad they found another way... pheww 😮‍💨
oh ?? a new soundtrack debut ?? miss natalie outdid herself once again !!
when loki said "for you, for all of us" i think we all had flashbacks to one of the saddest scenes of loki in thor (2011) when he was talking to odin and-
-that gave me the realization of how far he have come like not just personality vise but also in his abilities/powers!
(also something something the fact that he's no longer using his god status to harm or intimidate others but to help ppl and to take on huge responsibilities hmmm)
yk this is prolly my least fav helmet of his but idgaf! at least he is wearing one. i grew tired of that lame ass tva uniform 😭
Yggdrasil tree reference!
not ob & casey bringing back miss minutes 💀
mobius looks so fawking sad 😭💔
b-15 not wanting to hide the past is so real, odin should've taken notes.
(about odin, yall who believed that one tiktok comment are looking very silly now just saying)
so i was correct about b-15/verity, she's basically tva's leader now 🙏
sylvie can live her life for real now w/o anyone bothering her, we cheered.
what happened to renslayer, alioth got her? 🤔
have to say this, as a lokius shipper: i'm actually not that sad that they weren't "confirmed" canon, even though it would work + there were hints at it i am still never rly believed they'd make it officially happen. i mean, we're talking about disney here, the same fuckass entertainment that pushes queer couples onto the side or in the back as some sort of "easter egg" n it's doubtful they'd care enough to make a lead character have a gay romance so yeahh 😬
i was mostly satisfyed but i'm dissapointed that it ended so fast like there was no end credits or not even hitting us with the good ol' "loki will return" line, cuz i'm sure it will happen. rumor says he'll appear in deadpool 3 and that he will reunite w/ thor 🤷‍♀️ idgi
on last note, hopefully yall are aware disney+ supports geonicide so it's best to delete the app and p!rate the series. (you can ask for help in case you don't know any good sites to do that 🤗)
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Loki Episode 2 Reactions (Less Coherent Edition)
It's very long this week, sorry. Obvious spoilers.
I miss Sylvie but I hope we go to the World's Fair today
fuck i forgot how hysterical he sounds at the beginning :(((
YUCK kissing (sorry)
Little peppier of a logo theme today okay
Okay I yelled YES! extremely fucking loud when Loki stepped out of the time door in the full fucking suit. It was so loud I hurt my own ears
Ugh fuck off Wolfe
Oh what's happening. He's not a variant?
"He's a friend from work" is all I'm fucking hearing here
Mobius fam this is your job why is Loki better at your job than you are?
THE RUFFLES I'm sorry I'm stuck on the ruffles
B-15 what's going on
dude you can't outrun Loki this guy's a fast runner!
Loki, teleport! Have you forgotten all your fucking powers???
I am kind of pissed Mo doesn't know which one is the real Loki, but I'm gonna choose Fool and say if he'd been there he'd have figured it out.
"Suits you" Loki oh my god "tighter than it looks isn't it"
OB I love you
Loki and Mobius doing technical work and lightly bickering about it is my fucking shit give me this workplace sitcom
Oh my god. It's my sitcom episode. Not the one I wanted but it's a fucking sitcom right now.
hang on didn't he just say he needed to look at it don't take it back now
Mobius calling Loki out for not letting Wolfe get under his skin I'm dying
Leave him alone you fucking demon school bus bastard at least he knows himself. Do you know yourself Exxie? Do you even know who you become? Watch yourself you fucking pit stain
Stop letting him talk Loki, because it's gonna get worse. He's just gonna bring more shit in until you break
Mobius is like aw shit this is about to get bad
Loki don't
Loki's little smile when Mobius tells that stupid joke
I know he's being chill and blase because it's an interrogation and it's the tactic he's employing right now, but for real WHY DOESN'T HE CARE??!! (I mean I've written this characterization of him before, but I still don't get it)
Oh nevermind holy SHIT
oh no now I have theories I don't have any business having
Mobius :(
I get why Loki changed the subject, but I'm not ready to change the subject
oh I love this they're so good at this
Loki how big is your back pocket?!
Wait. I'm not falling for this. I'm not falling for this. They planned this. Mobius is in on this.
Because if they didn't plan this. If Loki's doing this on his own. Mobius will kill him. And there goes the lokius.
OB AND CASEY!!! Shame to meet under these circumstances
and cue McDonald's commercial I guess
no put this theme back where it came from or so help me
well I like that beyond Loki's first nerves, it seems all business and no romance
Mobius shut up
Oh I'm so glad I have context for "you slapped me in the face"
Oh fuck Mobius I hate when you figure things out a second too late
Thank you S
Oh my god
Dammit his name is Jack. Some other guy's Bill though!!! There is a Bill!!!
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cottoncandy1322 · 8 months
I am feeling so normal right now, 100%, totally...
My brain is spinning between two different shows right now so I'm gonna dump my thoughts here while I eat pancakes at 11pm.
So like wouldn't Loki and Sylvie technically be related or something??? I might be reading too much into them I just don't like their ship all too much. I also don't get how all this...uh...time travel multiverse variant stuff works very well so.
Mobius and Loki are so cute please I love their friendship why can't they just be gay for eachother instead.
It actually kinds makes sense that Loki's first live would be himself(Sylvie) cause...yk it's Loki. It's kinda funny.
Is Cole okay??? My mans did not seem very okay during the scene where he left to follow the mysterious Wu voice and I'm genuinely worried.
Jay is still Jay, loving those videogames, but he also a little snarky with was interesting to see in him. Still hoping he and Cole have an epic showdown.
That red djinn guy was...okay I guess. I'm disappointed my evil pirate genje man wasn't there. I'm still hoping he appears at some point.
You know how there ar a lot of peope upset with Zane being treated more like a robot than a person in Dragons Rising? We could write angst with that and you know I'm right.
I feel like Beatrix and Sons of Garmadon Harumi would kinda get along. Possibly cause some havoc together yk?
I saw a tik tok where some people thought it would be possible Lava ship might happen in Dragons Rising and I just want to say. Kai has a GIRLFRIEND if you didn't know. He's dating Skylor. Kailor(or however the ship name is spelled I forget) is canon. They are dating. I am sorry. Cole can still be gay though so it's not a complete loss.
I supsected something was being planned for Cole after the news of his new power was leaked on youtube. I hope he's okay but I also hope for angst tbh.
Is Dareth getting character development still going to be a thing?? I swear I heard it somewhere. Please say yes. Please. Dareth deserves it he's great.
Does Dareth canonically have powers now?? Does he still have them?? Does he still need to pee everytime he uses it?? Has he used it at all ever since that one episode??
I was excited out of my mind when Jay appears for a single scene. I knew he wasn't going to play a major role in this first season after a couple of tweets I saw posted on yt. I'm excited for him.
Do you suppose Zane and Jay will bond over memory loss trauma? ....We could write angst for that.
Okay that's all for now. Thanks for listening. :)
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kcscribbler · 2 months
24, 25, and 33 for the writing ask :)
Full Ask List Here
24. Thoughts on flashbacks/flashforwards.
I've never been a big fan of doing in flashback what I could do some other way, but there have been times where a flashback did the job.
I tend to stick pretty close to a limited omniscient 3rd person POV in present tense, which means the usual alternative to a flashback would be that character telling the story to another character or as a stream-of-consciousness; and since my fics are dialogue-heavy as a rule, sometimes I opt for the flashback instead purely to break up that dialogue.
I don't have a problem reading them, but for some reason I dislike them a lot more on-screen in shows and movies. They're just usually kind of campy, imho.
Incidentally, that's why I was immediately fascinated by the first episode of Loki Season 2, the meeting between Ouroboros and Loki and Mobius. Because due to the timeslipping, it was technically a flashback, but didn't feel like that kind of thing usually does on screen.
Very clever, and I have big respect for that.
25. Is writing the whole thing beforehand better or worse than writing it as you go?
This is an interesting one, and I don't know if I'd categorize it as better or worse, just whatever works best for the writer. Personally, I think I'm somewhere in the middle; I have a vague outline and a couple main sign posts I know I want to hit and where, and then the rest is much more as-I-go.
It's like taking a road trip; I know the start and end points, and have already noted where the rest stops and maybe a Starbucks are; the rest will happen as it happens. Maybe I'll decide I don't need the rest stop, and maybe I'll decide I want Dunkin instead of Starbucks. Maybe I'll decide on a scenic detour that adds 20 minutes to the drive but is worth it; maybe I'll realize I could get there faster by taking a shortcut. But the trip itself stays the same, at a fundamental level.
Feedback motivates me to write, so I do like to write as I go; but if you do that, particularly with lengthy stories, you also have to be super organized about the loose threads or details which need explained before the end. I'm not perfect at that, but am working on it.
33. Give your writing a compliment.
I like to think I have above-average dialogue skills, which is really really helpful when writing fanfiction in particular. Nothing throws me out of a story faster than a conversation I just can't hear those characters actually saying.
Thanks so much for the ask!
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robotnik-mun · 11 months
You know, this came to me just recently, but think of Sonic Underground and Transformers: Beast Machines what you will, I can actually see Gary Chalk’s Doctor Robotnik being comparable to David Kaye’s Megatron from both that show, and its predecessor, Beast Wars.
Yes, some critics have said that Underground!Robotnik was somewhat more laughable than SATAM’s, but that doesn’t mean he lacks certain heinous crimes here and there. Aside from the typical roboticization, treachery, and abuse that goes with most Eggmen, he had a goal of turning the Freedom Fighters’ Sanctuary for their children into a “Cemetery,” he used a Chaos Emerald to power a Flying Fortress to terrorize Mobius, and when that last part nearly led in the world’s destruction, he boldly declared “If I can’t defeat Sonic, then I hope Mobius is destroyed!”
Even if that last sentence could be interpreted as a bluff, it’s no wonder that he’s on the TV Tropes portion for Sonic/Monsters as of this year. And even if SATAM!Robotnik would immediately look down on his counterpart for his “economical views,” I think he and their other variants would applaud Underground!Robotnik in how he entertains himself in pitting the aristocrats under his charge against the rest of his world like how Fleetway!Robotnik would siege on the Emerald Hill Zone and other places he controls just to remind people that he’s the shot caller.
Beast Machines!Megatron may have been SATAM!Robotnik times ten (I don’t recall any Eggmen assimilating the souls of an entire planet’s population for ascension purposes), but in Beast Wars, he was as likely to role play a trial (complete with a judge’s wig and gavel like in Underground’s Bartleby the Prisoner) as he was in completely rewriting history by wiping out a whole valley’s worth of prehistoric Humans.
You get where I’m getting at, right?
I don't really think that comparison really works all that well. Even ignoring his more comedic moments, Underground Robotnik is one of the most 'normal' takes on Eggman/Robotnik out there- a consistent plot point is that he rules much like a real dictator would by having the support of the nobility, whom he permits to do as they wish so long as they continue to support him and fund his robot army. He's explicitly shown as taking initiatives to garner more money to make Swatbots, and its shown repeatedly that he wishes to be taken as the legitimate ruler of Mobius. He is hinted to technically be a regent, with a strange web of legalities having it that while Aleena is still technically 'in charge', she is presently considered absent. While this Robotnik is still a usurper and a tyrant, he is one who clearly rules through corruption and abuse of pre-existing laws rather than purely muscling his way into things.
In Beast Wars, Megatron is a renegade who rejects the authority of Predacon leadership in favor of going his own way. He doesn't really play his subordinates against one another so much that he basically terrorizes and out-thinks them in order to prevent them from trying anything. He is less an evil overlord and more like a terrorist/renegade military officer, one who has eschewed all the rules and laws of his people because he believes that he has found the key to final victory over the Maximals.
By the time of Beast Machines the comparison to SatAM Robotnik is still more apt given that both of their goals essentially demand that every creature on their planet be completely enslaved and obedient to the singular, guiding intelligence of themselves, while destroying and stomping out all organic influence in the name of mechanizing the entire planet.
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blueseraphim · 2 years
More info about the Metallic Future AU (and things you should know)
Disclaimer:Metallic Future is sometimes abbreviated to MF!*insert character here*! just to shorten the names a bit. Anyways Here is some more info about my Metallic Future au.
Is Metallic Future Metal connected to the real Metal Sonic and Classic Metal?
-Both Classic Metal and Metal's timelines went through Sonic CD's Good Ending, but if their timelines went off the rails into the Bad Ending then they would basically end up just like him, A story of WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN if Eggman actually won in CD, but since the Metallic Future AU resides in a different dimension with a different timeline, the worlds are not connected but MF!Metal! and the real Metal Sonic are. Luckily Eggman didn't win in Sonic and Classic Sonic's timelines so the chance of them ending up like the Metallic Future timeline is basically impossible.
-Yes there is a Metallic Future Amy, but she is very different from Sonic's counterpart. She realizes that her tarot cards were telling her a different outcome than the one she thought was going to happen. She also bonded with the MF!Metal!, before he sent her away on a escape pod to Mobius for her own protection (I don't know when the two meet but I'm still working on it). Needless to say MF!Metal! has a tiny bit of a crush on her.
-MF!Sonic! is obviously dead, and yes Metallic Future Metal DID kill him, yet when he gained sentience, he became very guilty about that and the other things he has done. MF!Amy! knows that MF!Sonic! is gone and that he made the wrong decisions, but she knows it technically wasn't his fault since he was a emotionless machine back then doing what his creator told him to do, to fulfill his purpose.
Hope that cleared some things up.
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mimisempai · 2 years
The President and the Clerk - 2
Chapter Summary:
Enter President Loki. On AO3
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"Not so good a bargain.
How about this one? My army, my throne?"
Then nothing.
No throne for him.
His army had betrayed him.
He wasn't even surprised.
A traitor can only lead traitors.
He had thought he had power.
After all, it is said that in the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
But he had blinded himself.
To distract himself.
Because anything was better than facing the reality of what he had lost the day he had been sent here.
Even the pain of losing a hand was nothing compared to the loss of the life he had been torn from
President Loki tore himself away from the contemplation of the Void's sky, perpetually gray despite Alioth's disappearance.
He looked down at himself and saw the badge that was hanging only by a thread.
 "Loki for president." 
He tore it off violently and threw it away. 
He let himself slide against a tree, he couldn't fall any lower after all.
Alone, he could finally drop the mask.
No plot to hatch, no guise to maintain, no pretense, no staging.
Just him, with no purpose, no future, nothing.
He rested his head back, and closed his eyes.
He didn't know how long he had been dozing like that when he was suddenly awakened by a strange noise.
He opened his eyes and saw a familiar door open before him.
Out of it came Loki, the one through whom everything had happened. The one who had screwed up his plan.
"He's here! Mobius, I found him!"
President Loki froze at first.
A man came out behind Loki, probably the said Mobius. 
President Loki's first instinct was to run away, he wanted to lean on the tree to get up but he had forgotten about the loss of his hand and he bent over on his arm, overcome with pain. 
"Hey, hey, easy!" said Loki as he took a step toward him, his hands facing forward.
"Wh-what do you want from me?"
Loki raised an eyebrow and replied, "Help you?"
President Loki straightened up and, pointing to the stump of his right arm, he spat, "Help me? Help me? It's your fault I'm in this state!"
Loki had the nerve to give a half-smile and replied, "Technically, it was an alligator, an alligator-us for that matter, that ate your hand."
"Loki... You aren't helping..." sighed the man who arrived at the same time as Loki.
Loki turned to him and replied, "But Mobius, he's the one who-"
"Loki, calm down now and let me do this, okay?"
Loki pouted and muttered, "Go ahead, Mr. Loki expert."
Mobius patted him on the head, "Idiot." and walked over to President Loki.
He smiled gently at him, "Hello, I'm Agent Mobius, director of the TVA. I-"
President Loki stepped back, "The TVA? The TVA? But they're the reason I'm here."
Mobius shook his head and continued in the same tone, looking a little sheepish, "I know and I'm really sorry. But things are different now. The TVA as you knew it is no more. We don't do what it used to do. We... well it doesn't matter right now, it's better I'll explain later. The important thing for you to know is that we're bringing back all the people who were thrown in here unjustly and working to give them a life. That's what my partner meant by helping, though clumsily ."
The partner in question stepped forward again, and this time addressed him kindly, without teasing, "I know what you are thinking. I've been in your shoes. You're probably wondering what we're hiding. What our plans are. You're probably even planning your escape already. I've been there. But I promise you on the lives of Frigga and Thor that this is not a trap. Our offer is the most genuine of all. We offer you shelter, a place to find what you want and also a place to heal." He finished by pointing to President Loki's right arm.
President Loki took a few moments to think.
But if he was honest, he didn't need long to give his answer.
He had told himself before, he couldn't fall any lower.
There was even a remote chance that what they were offering him was true.
He sighed, "OKay... okay... I'll follow you."
Loki replied with a wink, "You won't regret it."
President Loki didn't answer and followed them towards the time door.
Once on the other side, recognizing the place, he couldn't help but recoil and his breathing began to quicken.
Loki turned to him, "Hey, it's okay, there are no enemies here. No one is going to prune you, in fact the pruning stick no longer exists. No one is going to stop you or do anything against you."
President Loki looked around while trying to calm his breathing.
As he became aware of his surroundings, he felt like he was in an anthill. There were people around, but no one seemed to be paying attention to him. Though he detected a few glances, there was no threatening aura. He swallowed several times before nodding.
"First things first," Loki continued, "I'm going to accompany you to the medical wing of the TVA, get this fixed properly, and then we can see about a change of clothes." Loki couldn't help but grimace slightly as he glared at President Loki, who retorted with a shrug, "As you could see, the comfort on the Void was pretty minimal, so sorry for not being dressed more fancy."
Loki smiled cheekily and patted him on the back, "That's good, you've got your bite back! You look a little more like us!"
"Hmph! Whatever..." growled President Loki.
By the time they bickered, they had arrived at the medical wing.
Loki turned to him, "Well, I'll leave you here. The doc will let me know when she's done with you and I'll take you to the laundry room and then to your new quarters. Alright?"
President Loki just nodded his head.
As Loki was about to walk through the door, he called out to him, "Loki..."
Loki turned around with a wondering look on his face.
President Loki whispered, "Thank you."
Loki looked at him with a knowing look and asked, "That was hard to say, wasn't it?"
For the first time, President Loki had a small, faint, but very sincere smile as he replied, "You have no idea."
Loki chuckled as he said, "See you later, Prez!" and turning on his heel he walked away.
President Loki repeated once more, for himself, "Prez..." and a new smile blossomed on his lips.
Loki took one last look at President Loki before closing the door. It was strange, a bit like seeing himself again, the only difference was that this Loki was not in a hostile environment. 
Even if he still didn't believe it. 
And it was clear that he didn't believe it. 
Which didn't surprise Loki, he hadn't been on the Void long, but enough to see that it wasn't a pleasant place to be. Between the hostility of the place itself and the hostility of the people there, there was enough to make anyone wary.
Not to mention the reason why this Loki had been sent to the Void. He had done nothing wrong. Nothing that justified such an arbitrary decision from the TVA. 
Worse, the acts for which the TVA had kidnapped him were not reprehensible in themselves. Admittedly in a very Loki way, he had tried to atone for the wrong he had done. And he had made it.
But because it didn't fit the grand scheme of the TVA, he had been sent to the Void for it.
No wonder he found it hard to believe that anyone meant him any good.
Loki ran his hand over his face and wondered again how many of the TVA's injustices they would have to repair. How many broken lives they would have to mend.
The time of his reflections he had arrived in front of Mobius' office. He knocked and entered without waiting for an answer then locked the door behind him.
"Loki..." sighed Mobius who had seen Loki lock the door, "I don't have much time now... with all these people coming I..."
Loki interrupted him, "I know Mobius, but I just need something... I..."
Mobius, realizing that Loki was serious, asked him gently, "Hey, sweetheart, what's wrong?"
Loki approached Mobius' desk and, leaning against it, he sighed, "I'm fine, it's just that seeing him like this makes me feel like I see myself, as I was before. We didn't go through the same events, but he still reminds me a lot of myself, of how I was lost too. Except that you were there."
Mobius took his hand, kissed it and, keeping it in his, he said softly, "I understand, Loki. But we're going to help him. Like the others. You will be here for him as I was there for you. He too will find his glorious purpose. The TVA has made some unforgivable mistakes, hell I've made some under his command, but we're going to do everything we can to fix it. That's what we promised each other, right?"
Loki nodded as his tempad vibrated.
Loki, I've finished treating him.
He's ready, you can come and get him.
"They're done, I'm going to get him."
Loki was about to leave when Mobius held him back by the hand that he still held, making him lean in towards him.
He took Loki's face in his hands and pressed a kiss to his forehead, "A kiss to comfort you." then to his nose, "A kiss for the road..." then finally to his mouth, "And a kiss just for me."
Loki laughed softly and after kissing Mobius one last time, he headed for the office door. As he walked through it Mobius called out to him, "Loki!"
Loki turned and waited.
Mobius asked, "Does he already know where he will be staying? Or rather with whom?"
Loki shook his head.
Mobius chuckled, "Good luck."
Loki looked at him with a falsely threatening look and growled, "You're lucky I love you."
He closed the door at the sound of Mobius' laughter.
"Good morning Mr. President Loki. Welcome"
President Loki turned to the woman who had just entered with her hand extended, her left hand. President Loki felt himself touched by the thoughtfulness.
He shook her hand in return and answered, "Hello, please don't call me that."
The doctor nodded and asked, "How may I call you then? I think Loki might be confusing."
President Loki thought for a moment. 
He was Loki, there was no denying it. But if he had understood correctly, all the Lokis of the Void were currently at the TVA. 
To be honest, he really didn't want to be mistaken for one of them, and he also wanted to be his own person, so he answered in a clear and determined voice, "Prez. You may call me Prez."
The woman smiled and replied, "All right Prez, I'm Dr. Cho." 
Her face turned serious again and she said, "How about you show me that." pointing to his right arm.
Prez's throat tightened as he raised his arm.
"I'll open the bandage. I mean if you can call it a bandage..."
Prez retorted, "I did what I could."
Dr. Cho replied in a calm manner to soothe her, "I know. That was not a criticism. I'm sorry you had to go through all that." she placed her hands on the bandage and continued, "I'll start now."
She untied the bandage, but the process took a long time because the makeshift bandage stuck to the wound. Then she cleaned the wound so she could examine it.
"Okay... I would say that for an animal bite, the wound is pretty clean. And despite the lack of care, I'm surprised to see that there's no sign of infection. But I shouldn't be surprised, I've seen this phenomenon before with other Loki who were injured. Probably your ability to heal yourself. So here's what we'll do. We'll let the wound close naturally. It'll take a while, but it's better. I'm going to bandage you up and give you some pain medication. You'll have to come see me every day at first to change your bandage. When it's closed, we'll talk about a prosthesis or nanoparticles, or some other solution. But we're not there yet." 
Prez was relieved that he didn't have to think or talk about it now, because he was nowhere near ready for an artificial limb.
He watched as the doctor gently bandaged him and murmured, "Thank you..."
It looked like he was going to have to get used to using that word.
"You're welcome. Here, swallow this against the pain. I'll give you some to take every six hours," the doctor explained as she handed a pill and a glass of water to Prez, who obediently swallowed it as she pulled a small device from her pocket on which her fingers twirled.
Then she took the empty glass from his hands and said, "I've informed Loki, he should be here in ten minutes."
She went to rummage in a cabinet and then returned with a small pouch, "There is a spare set of bandages for emergencies, and pain pills."
Prez took the pouch, whispering again, "Thank you..."
The door opened rather abruptly to Loki who exclaimed, "Cho told me you were done. Are you ready?"
Prez stood up from the examination table, bowed to Dr. Cho, and followed Loki down the hallways of the TVA.
After a few moments of silence, he stated, "So much kindness..." 
Loki nodded, "Hard to believe, isn't it?" without waiting for an answer, he continued in a softer tone, "Prez, tell me, do you know how long you've been in the Void?"
Prez shook his head, "Not really, but it felt like a long time. All I know is that I was abducted right after the 2016 American election on Midgard, but I have no idea how much time has passed or even if the time on Midgard has any meaning."
Loki nodded again, "I know, even for us gods, it's really confusing."
Prez laughed wryly, " Gods? You still think of yourself as a god?"
Loki retorted, "More than ever. Here I learned that in order to be what I am I don't need a throne, a kingdom or a people to rule. That even without all that I am still me, Loki, prince of Jotun and god of mischief. No matter what kind of costumes we wear, we are still us."
Prez shook his head, looking doubtful.
Loki gently squeezed his shoulder, "I'm going to ask you a question that someone once asked me. He is someone who is very dear to me and who knows perfectly well who we, the Loki, are. You don't have to answer me right away. I just want you to think about it."
Prez nodded, "We are the same, I know you are as powerful as I am. Ask yourself this question: why when we have so much range, why is it that all we want to do is rule?"
Prez repeated the question in his head and was unable to find an answer. Loki was right, it would take time to answer it.
Loki looked at him with a knowing look and continued, "Exactly. Take some time to think about it and when you have the answer you will have found what you really want to be."
By the time the discussion was over, they had arrived at the laundry room.
Looking around, Prez huffed, "Don't tell me I'm going to have to wear the same regular uniform as you."
Loki chuckled and, looking him up and down, replied, "I think we can make some adjustments for you. And then outside the TVA compound you can of course wear whatever you want. In the meantime, I could lend you what you need. But as for now, you have to do with that."
Loki went rummaging through the shelves and came back with a complete set of clothes down to the shoes. He placed it on the healthy arm of Prez, who wrinkled his nose in disgust. "What horrible colors!"
Loki chuckled and showed him to a small room where he could change. 
Prez shook his head, "There is no way I am getting into clean clothes without washing first."
"If you'd let me finish... There's also a shower with everything you need. Take your time, I'll wait for you."
He chuckled again as he watched Prez walk away as he held the clothes at arm's length as if they were going to attack him.
Prez, refusing to ask for help, undressed himself as best he could with one hand, and couldn't hold back a sigh of delight as he slipped under the blissful spray.
He could almost feel the dirt falling off of him and felt alive again. He stayed a little longer than necessary, feeling himself becoming a little more himself with each drop that fell on his skin.
Then he dried himself and got dressed. He left the tie aside and, turning to the mirror, he exclaimed, "This color is absolutely not me!"
Loki knocked on the door, "May I come in?"
Prez grunted in response.
Once inside, Loki stared at him for a few seconds and shook his head, "Hm you're right, it doesn't suit you at all. But you know you can do magic here right?"
"What? You mean our powers aren't dampered here ?"
Prez immediately twirled his hand and Loki, seeing a green glow surround him and then disappear, couldn't help but smile.
Prez was wearing the exact same suit as Loki, without the tie, but in shades of green.
Loki said playfully, "Yes, much better. However, there is something missing."
Prez looked at himself and then looked in the mirror, looking confused.
"This." Loki stepped forward and handed him his horned helmet that he hadn't put back on
"But... I thought that..." 
"That what? That you wouldn't be allowed to wear it?"
Prez nodded and raised his hand to Loki's head, "You're not wearing yours."
Loki explained, "I wear it when I have to fight, it's a horror to wear anyway. It's so big I don't even know if I'll make it through the doors here. Yours looks pretty comfortable to me."
Loki continued more seriously, "It's your choice to wear it or not."
Prez looked at the helmet in his hands for a few moments.
"Why do I have to wear this helmet mother?"
"Because you are of Asgardian royalty my son and the horns are an Asgardian symbol for the magic you wield."
"Does that mean I'm the only one wearing it?"
Frigga placed the helmet on his head and kissed his forehead, "Yes the only one my Loki. Wear it proudly."
Prez had made his decision. He put the helmet on his head, challenging Loki with his eyes.
Loki simply nodded approvingly.
Prez realized something, "Wait, doesn't that mean you can use magic too? Then why are you wearing the same uniform as everyone else?"
Loki raised his head proudly, "When you look a little closer, you'll see that there are some differences, but generally speaking, it's because it makes me feel like I belong."
Prez didn't understand what pride there was in belonging to this organization but at the same time, since he was here, there was a lot he didn't understand.
Loki snapped his fingers to make Prez's old clothes disappear then opened the door to exit the laundry room.
"Well, let's go see Casey now!"
Prez asked, curious, "Casey? Who's that?"
Loki replied with a half smile on his face, "Casey, he's a friend and more importantly he's the person you're going to stay with."
Prez stopped short and exclaimed, "What?!!!"
Main Post
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
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kitewithfish · 1 year
Wednesday Reading Meme for Jan 18 2023
What I've Read Westerns: Making the Man in Fiction and Film - by Lee Clark Mitchell - This book was read for the Great Queer Supernatural Re-Watch section on Westerns and while I think it provided useful background on the pre-cinematic roots of the genre in novels and painting, I found that the analysis of filmed works was just fine.
There are times where Mitchell misinterprets a work to suit a contrasting reading of masculinity in two films - Hondo and Shane, for example. Hondo absolutely has a plot about a strange interloping male lead coming to a homestead and getting emotionally involved with an abandoned but still married woman and her son, before getting serious with her after her no-good husband dies - because the male lead kills him! Shane has an strange male interloper, but the move bends over backwards to make sure that the ranch wife and the interloper are never in the same shot alone, and the husband is a clearly heroic figure in his own right - plus the ending where Shane bids his farewell to their son rather than to the wife. Modern viewers would be justified in seeing a triad relationship than seeing infidelity. Mitchell also really ignores the racial dynamics of the genre and the fact that he's analyzing White American masculinity, not something more broad, plus he also doesn't really do audience reception of films at all. For all that I found Monsters in the Closet a bit prosaic in the analysis, it's miles better than this for providing context. But Westerns is from 1996, maybe the author has had a chance to get deeper into these topics since.
I read a BUNCH of fanfic that is just too short of the novel line to count as a novel for my reading purposes: A Man of Honor by astolat https://archiveofourown.org/works/44251276 36k - Regency AU, queer accepting AU of Jaime/Robb. It's actually massively fealty fic with some fun politicking, I adored this Tyrion. Cersei is Sir Not Appearing In This Fic, the monarchy and the battles are displaced to English Parliament, it's quite fun.
trust is a mobius strip by sinspiration https://archiveofourown.org/works/22394041 35k - Voltron: Legendary Defender, Shiro/Keith -this is just deeply charming example of non-sexual submission and kink in space. When aliens think you are dating, you might be dating. I don't even go here! I have not engaged in this fandom at all! All I know is that they have goofy space lions.
The Desert Storm by Blue_Sunshine 30K https://archiveofourown.org/works/18206480 - this is a truly massive series that is only technically finished because the author moved the second and ongoing portion of the series into a different series altogether. It's absolutely not shippy, it's very focused on Ben Nasaade, aka, Obi-Wan Kenobi from Luke's toddler years, getting magicked back to work with the Jedi in the years leading up to the Clone Wars. It's wonderful in terms of taking Jedi philosophy seriously and involves a lot of the Tatooine slave culture worldbuilding that fanon has put together from other sources (which I need to read). I inhaled the first five pieces of this and was so glad I had it downloaded to read when AO3 had it's maintenance shutdown last week. ruin 1/12/23 - holy fucking shit 16k fallout 1/12/23 oh my god 12k true colors 11223 10K in crisis 1/13/23 10k
What I'm Reading Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir - SFF Book Club - Chugging right along! I feel like I am getting the fun vibe of this book in a way that I really wasn't the first time because, since I first tried to read this, I have actually read some recent YA fiction, so I am slightly more in tune with the tropes that they are pointedly subverting.
When A Scot Ties the Knot by Tessa Dare - Audiobook, absurd and fun
The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System (Ren Zha Fanpai Zijiu Xitong) Vol. 4 by Mò Xiāng Tóng Xiù with Faelicy (Translator) - moved out of hold so that I can read one section that is the basis for shipping two background characters. I might abandon this one after this section.
On Hold but not abandoned The World We Make by NK Jemisin (Great Cities 2) 2312 by Kim Stanley Robinson - Slowly
What I'll Read Next The Uncle's Story, Witi Ihimaera The Good Lord Bird
Library books  Frankenstein in Baghdad by Ahmed Saadawi A Half-Built Garden by Ruthanna Emrys 
Owned and need to read: Frey Marske's A Restless Truth, and Susanna Clarke's Pirenesi California Bones, Raven Song by IA Ashcroft, Kraken's Sacrifice by Katee Robert, Even Though I Know the End by CL Polk, True Colors by Karen Traviss, At The Feet of the Sun by Victoria Goddard, Tamryn Eradani's Enchanting Encounters Books 2 and 3, Like Real People Do by EL Massey, Tom Stoppard, invention of love. Smoke Gets in Your Eyes by Caitlin Doughty, "You Just Need to Lose Weight" and Other Myths about Fatness by Aubrey Gordon, Alisha Rai Partners in Crime, the Right Swipe, Aphorisms of Kerishdar
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sonorous-strings · 2 years
Are there characters you wish you could write?
What are some fandoms you were in before?
What ship do you wish you could write more for?
Are there characters you wish you could write?
There are plenty of characters I wish I could write. I could even list off a couple! Eddy, from the EEnE show, Coop from Megas XLR (that blog was fun. I just couldn't get any traction with it and the blog sorta died.)
It turns out I have a real knack for writing other people's characters. I wrote a Yu-Gi-Oh fanfic once and was pretty happy with the characterizations. Now, they were based on the 4Kids characterizations, and we all know how good 4Kids was with characterizations... they did Tristan/Honda so dirty early on. Shudder Old shames. Never linking that fanfic, by the way. Ever. Not even sure I can find it now, anyway.
Only problem with me writing multiple characters is that I lose steam real fuckin' fast. Losing steam, among certain other things, was one of the big reasons I kinda fell off of Tumblr for a while. So many "verses" of the same character to keep track of. Sometimes Sonar was almost completely different! And then when I tried branching off into other characters, other blogs, I had trouble splitting my attention.
Turns out I am not a guy that likes to have his attention split. Makes me wonder if I could actually do a multimuse blog. Probably not.
Occasionally writing characters with Sonar in posts is way fun, though.
Writing a character with preestablished attitudes and backstories to work with is way easier, though.
What are some fandoms you were in before?
Are we talking RP fandoms or game fandoms? If it's RPC fandoms, it's been Sanic, Sanic, Sanic, baby. I am comfortable with sticking in one place and going with it until it's run into the ground. Kinda like Twitter, HA The aforementioned Megas XLR blog isn't really a fandom since that show is a dying light in a multimedia supernova. Seriously, for what a great show it was almost nobody I know even knows about it.
I'm also something of a filthy casual when it comes to movies, shows and games, and combined with my inability to maintain multiple characters, it's kind of an obvious reason why I've stuck to one fandom. I guess it's two, technically, considering Sonar is literally just a Mobius hedgehog living in Avalice for reasons. I'm gonna be honest, though, the world of Avalice and Freedom Planet is way more interesting than Sonic and Mobius/whatever passes for Mobius in IDW these days.
What ship do you wish you could write more for?
Okay in all seriousness... if I had to choose, and totally wasn't committed to Musical Tea, considering I'm sticking to Sanic stuff... I don't know, to be honest! Again, I am a filthy casual, so the typical answer would be SonAmy or ShadAmy.
Always gets me that people go "Ew, Shadow's like 50" and I'm just sitting here wondering why people can't tell the difference between biological age and chronological age. It's not like he was actually conscious for the entire time. He was the same as he was when he was unfrozen. I'm not the kind of guy to just go "Oh wow, their interactions are clearly shippy", about people though. But I can kind of see Amy falling in with Shadow? Not so much in an "ooo shiny" sense but more like spending more time with him and... well, y'know. Finding out that there's more than meets the eye. But that's fandom shit.
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srta-minutes · 3 years
Form ORC-75 (Romance, Office, Non-Spousal)
pairing: loki/mobius rating: pg13 words: 1441 (unbeta’d) summary: mobius formally acquires a boyfriend. ravonna, formally, is very tired.
An optimist and pragmatist. That, generally, was how Mobius self-reported on TVA employee evals. Most people did not actually want to unleash that much malice upon the universe, and those who did were usually too ill-equipped to do so. Looking on the bright side and then looking at the facts when the bright side suddenly evaporated: this was Mobius M. Mobius, top analyst at the Time Variance Authority, in a nutshell.
So while he knew that, yes, technically, he and Variant L1130 were manipulating the shit out of each other, he chose to look at the silver lining. So the flirting was inevitably for gain, sure. Loki was a black hole for all the praise and admiration that Mobius was willing to give, yes. But underneath all of that manipulation there was some semblance of real affection, wasn’t there? And at least no one was getting hurt, right?
“You’re becoming way too attached to that variant, Mobius.”
Mobius paused with the tumbler of extremely vintage bourbon midway to his mouth.
“Which variant?” Mobius asked innocently.
Ravonna’s stare was one of cosmic, timeless, omniscient exhaustion.
“Okay, okay,” said Mobius, taking a strengthening gulp of the bourbon and putting the drink down on the side table. (On the coaster.) “So we’re finally going to talk about it. I’m sure you’ve heard so much. The scuttlebutt around here is the stuff of legends.”
Ravonna sighed and reached for a stack of tan manila file folders on the coffee table and swept one open with her hand.  She was ready.
“Hunter L-12 filed a conduct complaint with regards  to ‘openly flirting’ in the mess.” She leafed to the next page. “Anderson in Dimensional Analytics filed a conduct complaint saying she was unable to use the West Dome elevator. I’ll not expound on why.” She shuffled through several more pages, raising an eyebrow. “Oh, and perhaps my favorite. Inappropriate use of standard-issue TVA batons. Filed by Hunter B-15.”
Mobius pinched the bridge of his extremely broken nose. “Come on, B-15. I thought we were buds.”
“Mobius!” said Ravonna, slapping the file shut. “What in time were you two using the batons for?”
“Listen, it was Loki’s idea—” Mobius shrugged, feeling himself reddening. He didn’t want to say that you can prolong a lot of wonderful sensations when you’re moving at 1/16th time. Ravonna didn’t need to know that. “And hey, just putting it out there? The West Dome elevator has been broken for time immemorial.”
"The only reason,” Ravonna said, closing the case file and ignoring him, “that we’re allowing that variant to walk around un-pruned is because he’s helping you with a case. And while nothing you’re doing is technically against the rules—”
“—Which I’ve read. You know I love rules—”
“—It seems like everything that you two do together has nothing to do with the case!” Ravonna leaned in. “ A case about a variant who is still killing our hunters. Every week we lose minutemen and every week I have to sign a mountain of paperwork for you with nothing to show for it. I need you to stop playing around.”
“You know, Ravonna,” said Mobius, also leaning forward, elbow on knees. “I feel like I don’t ask for much here. I don’t think I complain about much, do I? I always go by the book, I put in overtime, I don’t ask for more benefits. I haven’t cashed in on my vacation time in Lord knows how long. And not to brag, I’m one of your tap analysts, have been for years. Yes, we haven’t caught this particular variant but with this Loki—look at the results. My numbers are through the roof! We’re finding variants left and right; we’re stopping nexus events before they’re even happening. We are outperforming in every sector, ever since that Loki showed up. And if I’m being honest, he actually helps me think because he doesn’t think like the rest of us. We need more of that in the TVA.”
He thought he made some pretty good points. He reached for the bourbon on the table while Ravonna kept staring.
“Mobius, off the record,” she said slowly. “Have you ever been seduced before?”
Ravonna handed him a handkerchief to mop up the bourbon that had dribbled out during his spit-take. Mobius coughed.
“Has anyone in the Authority ever been seduced?” said Mobius, recovering. “Is anyone here even capable of that?”
“Variant L1130 manipulating you!” she shouted. “Making you feel good by getting in your pants, helping you slam dunk cases so we think he’s an asset, and then he’ll use whatever knowledge he’s been slowly acquiring to unleash hell on us and the entirety of time.”
“He won’t,” said Mobius, standing up. “I’ve given him plenty of chances. Variant  L1130—Loki—wants to catch this guy just as much as we do. And if I’m being real with you, Ravonna, I think he might actually like being at the TVA. Because he might actually like being around me. Since apparently, I’m the only person in the universe who doesn’t think he’s a lying scourge. He’s a beautiful singer, Ravonna, did you know that?”
Actually, Mobius did not stand up and he actually said none of that out loud. But he felt it in his mind very strongly. He might stupidly be falling in love with the god of mischief but he wasn’t stupid enough to yell at his boss. Also, no one else needed to know about Loki’s singing. That was a special thing for him.
“This one won’t run. I assure you.”
Ravonna stared back at him. Then she rolled her eyes and slapped a very thin folder onto her lap. It only had one sheet in it but she stared down at it like it was 300. It was a browning sheet of paper that looked as old as the TVA.
“I have to do so much paperwork for you. Paperwork to not prune this loki. Paperwork for you to go on your cute little apocalypse dates ("calling them dates is a little much—") And now. Paperwork to let you have a boyfriend.”
Mobius stared. “What?"
"I'm filling out a form so you and your Loki can make out and not be swarmed with conduct reports, Mobius." She was filling in lines on the document with a fury. "You're partners. I have about 20 hunters under similar dispensations. You should be under probation for being romantically engaged with anyone non-TVA. But since this Loki technically works for the TVA, this paperwork allows for a temporary partnership.”
He suddenly recognized the sheet from upside-down. He gawked. “Form ORB-75. Workplace Romance.”
“Form ORC-75,” Ravonna corrected. “Non-spousal. Though if you want to get hitched I can make it spousal. But the TVA only recognizes temporal marriages that have witness in three dimensions. I have no clue if Loki is on speaking terms with his family in any of them. Why am I even telling you any of this."
She slashed her signature into the form and handed it to Mobius. In faded twelve point courier new the paper read:
Well, gosh
, that was
, he thought staring at the word temporary. He thought briefly of Loki during that avalanche on Ganymede in 3074. Loki had pulled him through the time portal just in time, and they landed on top of each other, panting, covered in snow and panting. 
“Spectacular,” said Loki, grinning. He pulled Mobius to his feet. “Outstanding. Mobius, I think, I could do this forever.”
Mobius brushed a dusting of snow off of Loki’s jacket. “You promise?”
Loki met his gaze and the grin simmered down to something less giddy. “Who would I be if I started throwing promises about?”
“It’s okay if you don’t mean it,” said Mobius. “You know I can tell when you’re lying.”
Loki smiled and let his fingers trail up Mobius’s chest to the knot of his tie. It didn’t need straightening but he fixed it anyway. “Then I promise you, Mobius M. Mobius. It’s you and me. Forever.”
Mobius stared down at the paper. He knew this setup couldn’t last for all eternity. Time must come for all things, he thought. He was a pragmatist, after all.
Nevertheless, he signed as an optimist. 
Ravonna got up and placed the form in the out-tray on her desk.  “You’re dismissed.”
“Thank you, Ravonna. Like, so much. This really means a lot.”
“Dismissed, Mobius,” she sighed, sitting down at her desk.
He picked up his stack of paperwork and walked to the exit, letting the silly grin creep on his face. Then he turned around at the door.
“So your options were pruning the Loki, taking me to HR, or me signing the Workplace papers?”
Ravonna put a pen down. “No HR, and of course I wasn’t going to prune that Loki. Mobius, your numbers have been through the roof.”
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iamanartichoke · 2 years
People argue about what even is canon in the first place anyway. Even the starting point can't be agreed upon.
Tumblr media
Including the 2nd ask bc I'm assuming they're from the same nonny? (pfft like more than one person would send me asks in one day lmao)
Anyway ... I mean, I'm mostly ambivalent on the first point re: people disagreeing over canon, bc ... like, idek where to start on all the shit that I could say about fans' relationship to and interaction with canon or even what canon technically is, like, by definition (and therefore what even qualifies as canon).
But I did want to address the second point bc I think it's a good opportunity to just sort of toss this hot take into the void: "Stating that fiction is subjective will ruffle some people's feathers at the minute" - so what? So. What. Fiction is subjective, all art is subjective, and that's something that is true, has been true, and will be true regardless of some fans' decision to just decide that things don't work that way.
They can get their feathers ruffled as much as they like, but people need to learn that their personal emotions and feelings about A Thing don't mean that they can just decide that That Thing is suddenly something else (or decide something else is suddenly That Thing). It's just like how words like gaslighting and narcissistic and abusive and torture and trigger have become so diluted bc people a) don't actually understand what gaslighting, for example, is, and therefore cannot possibly call it out with any real degree of accuracy, so they just end up throwing a really weighted term at something as basic, human, and everyday as telling a lie. Or an emotional argument becomes abuse, or being squicked by something makes it a trigger.
OR, on the opposite side of the coin, b) maybe they actually do know what gaslighting or abuse is, but then they will categorize anything that remotely falls within the realm of the same definition as being gaslighting or abuse. I, personally, for example, really hate the way that some people claim Mobius tortures and enslaves Loki. It drives me up the wall when I see those takes because - okay, are these terms technically correct? Yeah, technically, which is what they use to justify it - "Well, this source defines "torture" as xyz, and Mobius is clearly doing z, so Mobius is a torturer." But words mean shit, so are you really asking me to accept that Mobius tortured Loki just as Thanos tortured Loki? Yes? Okay, how? No? Okay, why not?
Here's the thing - Mobius never laid a hand on Loki, nor did he sadistically, literally play with Loki's mind. Remember, Loki was being influenced by the mind stone in Avengers and the Other had a constant connection to Loki's consciousness. Thanos (and the Other) tortured Loki. Mobius ... was mean to him during an interrogation and also lied about Loki being responsible for Frigga's death (and I've said it before, Mobius was being an unreliable narrator in this scene and anyone who believes - because of Mobius - that Loki actually killed Frigga is both factually wrong and also an idiot). Like, Mobius is shitty to Loki but Thanos is torturous to Loki. The two are not the same, regardless of how they may technically be defined. By calling the former torture, consistently, bc his behavior meets some arbitrary technical definition, you're actively diluting the word bc you feel like its weight lends credibility to your argument that Mobius sucks.
... I got off-topic for a second there, I'm sorry. But back to my point: fiction is subjective and I don't care whose feathers I ruffle by saying that. It's true, and acting like it's not so that you can feel like you have the "right" interpretation of the character (thus giving you personal validation which, I'm sorry to say, the Emperor thought that he was wearing fabulous new clothes but that didn't change the reality that he was butt ass naked) is just ... *gesticulates wildly bc words fail me* shitty.
#also yes i do realize that there are degrees of subjectivity and a certain amount of objectivity applies#to art and fiction but i'm not gonna go into all that#suffice it to say i have a degree i know how fiction works#interestingly i just saw a post the other day that struck me bc well#it's an ernest hemingway quote and he's talking about how the symbolism in the old man and the sea doesn't actually exist#he's like 'the sea is a fucking sea. the old man is an old man. that's it'#and i mean yes he was most likely drunk and just firing off some annoyed reply bc he was an unpleasant person especially later in life#and thus should be taken with a grain of salt but my point in bringing it up is to say that hemingway asserting there's no symbolism#doesn't negate the symbolism that ended up in the novel. that book is consistently taught in english classes#especially in college#it's taught and analyzed and various meanings and interpretations have been extracted from it and those things don't suddenly become *wrong#just bc hemingway was like 'no i didn't intend that.' - once consumed by an audience the material becomes what the audience makes it#death of the author is actually a pretty significant thing in literature#tld;dr: fiction doesn't stop being subjective just bc you want it to the end#incidentally the line 'people are heartless about turtles bc its heart beats after it dies#but the old man thought i have such a heart too' or something like that i can't remember#is just *chef's kiss* that's a raw ass line#anyway sorry i have to go now bc my shift is over lmao rip my post i don't have time to revise#asks#a nonny mouse#charlotte replies#also none of this is aimed at you anon your ask just happens to be my soapbox
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liz-allyn · 3 years
shudder; part 6/6 [agent mobius x reader]
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Series Summary: Pre-Loki series. You are one of the most dangerous variants the TVA has ever recovered, but Mobius knows what makes you tick. Five times he made you shudder, and the one time you returned the favor.
Words: 4.4k
Chapter Warnings/Tags: smut, language, soft daddy kink, sex in otherwise unsanitary conditions, writer's horribly pathetic attempt at dirty talk
A/N: Here it is guys. I struggled with this chapter a lot, also mad respect for gn!writers. I don't think I succeeded in keeping it neutral (welcoming feedback on how I can improve) so I removed that tag.
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You watched a small fire crackle in the darkness of an elevator shaft, being used as a chimney. Rain spilled down the walls, running over old steel and concrete, but at least you were no longer in it.
Once you had had the strength to move off the beach, you found a footpath scaling up the face of the cliff which led to an abandoned mining post.
The population of Olympus-V had steady decline for decades, either by migration, poverty, or famine. The planet had been practically barren for years, save for some mining operations to squeeze the last of the planet’s natural resources.
It was in one of those posts where you were now taking refuge with Mobius. You sat on the ground near the elevator shaft, your clothes still soaked, while Mobius fiddled around with building a fire. You wrapped your arms tightly around yourself and tried to keep your teeth from chattering.
“You know how many centuries it took early man on Earth to figure out fire?” Mobius mused as he tended to the flames. “I mean, it’s not a competition or anything, but other civilizations had it down in like a few decades, max.”
You rolled your eyes miserably. “I got him killed, you know,” you replied, not having the energy to follow Mobius into another one of his “fun-facts-about-history” rabbit holes. You’d been quiet for a while, with Mobius having to hold both ends of the conversation. The grim tone in your voice gave him pause.
“The new guy,” you clarified, your tone flat as you spoke of your deceased partner. The last time you and Mobius had spoken, he had sang his praises. “It was only our fourth mission together and he’s dead. Because of me.”
Mobius sighed and turned away from you, “That’s one interpretation.” He dropped another piece of coal into the flame and came to a stand. “Or,” he added, “you could say he was a great analyst who made rational, competent choices and was working with the best data he had. The fact that he trusted you doesn’t make him any less responsible for the outcome.”
He idly wiped his hands on his pants, carrying on and providing no harbor for your self-pity, “I probably would’ve done the same thing.”
“No. You wouldn’t.” Your tone was icy. “Because you weren’t there.” You glared at him from across the smallish room you were huddled in, bitterness souring your voice. “You sent me away, remember?”
He let out an exasperated sigh, rolling his head slightly. “I had no other choice,” he parroted the same old response.
That wasn’t an answer that satisfied you. At all.
“Why?” you bit back with a mocking tone, coming to a quick stand. You pulled no punches. “Because the TVA told you to? Because if the Time Lords—”
“—Time Keepers—”
“—Time Fascists,” you hissed, “think that I have a crush on you, they'll zap me out of my useless existence?”
He glanced over at you, smirking with his head tilted slightly. He replied with a voice as sweet as caramel, “Are you saying you have a crush on me?”
Your shoulders dropped. “You’re insufferable.” You turned away, wishing you could find a different mine.
“Hey, considering my recent valiant and heroic efforts to rescue you,” he replied, “you’d think you’d be a little nicer to me.” You let out an exhausted sigh, but he kept going - cool as a cucumber. “I thought we had a thing going there. I mean - first, you kiss me—”
You spun on your heel. “Kiss you!?” you scoffed.
“Yeah,” he drawled. “On the beach.”
“I was resuscitating you!” you argued. “You call that a kiss?”
He shrugged innocently, a sparkle in his eyes. “Well, I wasn’t going to say anything,” he responded matter-of-factly. “But, uh, yeah - it was a little underwhelming.”
He grinned slyly. You wanted to simultaneously melt into him and burn him alive. You scoffed, shaking your head incredulously.
“What was the point?” you exclaimed. “What’s the point of rescuing me if I’m nothing but a - a tool? A blunt hammer for the TVA to snuff out anyone that steps out of line?”
The pain in your voice was unmistakable, and Mobius dropped his playful banter.
“You think I’ve enjoyed spending the last - however long it's been - hopping around the timeline hunting people who are no different than me?” Your heart ached with every word, “You think I enjoy killing?”
“No,” he answered, weighed with guilt, “I don’t.”
Your rage flared. “Then why won’t you just let me go!?”
“I can’t,” he quietly explained, eyes cast down. He wouldn’t even look at you.
Fuck this infuriatingly charming, cowardly little TVA sheep-whore.
You felt the venom pooling on your tongue. “God! You’re such a company man, aren’t y—”
“I can’t!” he raised his voice in a way that you’d never heard before, stunning you into silence. He lifted his gaze and looked at you solemnly, his expression filled with regret. His words were weak, broken - barely above a whisper. “...Let you go.”
You stared blankly at him, reading the tragedy written on his features. With his defenses down, you could clearly see every word: I don’t want to let you go. I need you, forever. You are mine and I am yours and nothing else makes sense beyond that. I’d do anything to keep you safe.
Were those his thoughts, or yours? You didn’t know anymore.
Mobius reached up quickly and loosened his tie, before deftly undoing the buttons of his shirt.
You were staring like a deer in the headlights. “Wha-Wai-what are you doing?” you blurted uncomfortably with a furrowed brow.
He rolled his eyes. “Not catching hypothermia, if that’s alright with you,” he snarkily said as he pulled off his jacket and shirt, revealing a soaked white undershirt beneath. You remembered that you both were freezing and wet. “I’m drying my clothes by the fire. We still have 10 hours and 23 minutes until we hit the radiation peak.”
Ah yes, you had almost forgotten.
Ten hours until the end of the world, or at least of Olympus-V. And because Mobius’ TempPad was unbelievably conveniently out of juice, and unable to open another Time Door, you were pretty sure you had about the same amount of time left to exist.
Mobius confidently felt otherwise. He rattled on some jargon about needing a massive source of energy to power the TempPad - something about electromagnetic waves, solar bursts, radiation of a dying star, the “sweet spot” between a steady charge and a gruesome death. You honestly stopped listening back at the beach.
You were too busy questioning his motives and your own. Were you happy that Mobius was trapped with you, about to be swallowed by the sun? Or were you furious that he idiotically ran right into an apocalypse and now you both were going to die.
He quipped that at least that technically made him a hero; maybe he’d get a plaque in the TVA cafeteria. You would’ve made some kind of cheeky comeback, but you were already dying inside at that devastating thought.
“Not to be too forward, but you should probably do the same,” Mobius added, bringing you back to the present situation where he was undressing in front of you. “You’re shaking like a chihuahua right now.”
You were about to question the puzzling thought of him being in a place in time to observe a chihuahua, but then he pulled his wet t-shirt over his head. You turned your gaze away reflexively as soon as you spotted human flesh.
Here you were - former soldier, mercenary, and spy, and fearsome hunter of the Time Variance Authority - blushing like a shrinking violet. It’s not that he didn’t have a point, it was just--fuck, he’s undoing his belt— is this real life right now?
“Don’t worry,” he scoffed flippantly. “I’ll even turn my back to preserve your innocence and sanctity.”
He was being facetious but it made you wonder if he had any idea how un-sanctified you were. Your eyes widened at the thought: Did he watch that on the highlight reel too?
Now he was pulling his slacks off, and you were tracking in real time again. He kept his promise and had his back to you, allowing you the privacy to undress. And you did.
You peaked over your shoulder to see him lay his clothes out in front of the flames. He dragged over an old canvas tarp he’d found - pieces of which he’d stripped off for kindling - and moved it to a safe proximity from the fire. He sat down in the middle of the tarp, pulling his knees up and wrapping his arms around him.
And he kept his underwear on - boxer briefs, you’d called it - not that you were trying to look below his waist or anything.
Once he was at rest, he rubbed his hands over his bare arms to create friction. You mirrored his steps one-by-one, until you were also sitting in your underwear on the canvas with your bare backs inches apart.
You both were quiet for a long time, facing opposite directions, surrounded by the cold darkness, and the sound of trickling water. You could still hear the waves thrashing and the rain bartering on the rocks outside. The crackle of the fire - the way the flame danced and dimly lit your surroundings, brought you a sense of peace. It was almost... romantic. Even if it was the end of the world.
“I know this is my fault,” Mobius declared, breaking the silence. You could hear struggle in his voice. “I know I was supposed to stay within my lane. My purpose is to preserve and protect the timeline, and that’s it, it’s just....” He sighed, and you listened carefully, hanging on his words. Was this doubt?
It sounded like he was trying to understand himself. “Something’s different now,” he explained, with a little bit of wonder and fear. “When we’re together, I feel… like I’m someone else. And I’m not who I was before. Before you.”
You quietly listened, thinking about how much you identified with what he was saying.
“My head is telling me it’s all wrong,” he said, “that I’m making a mistake. That I’m playing with fire.” His next thoughts brought the tiniest grin to his otherwise grim voice. “When I’m with you… I feel like a dope… Reckless.” The smile faded as his thoughts sobered him. “Dangerous.”
In the silence that followed, you wondered again whose thoughts you were hearing - his or yours.
“How can something that feels so right be wrong?” he mused openly - for you, the Time Keepers, and all the Sacred Timeline - to hear.
The question that hung heavy in the air had such a clear answer, of which you were certain. Your mind raced trying to think of how to respond, how to explain. You simply couldn’t find the words.
So you turned your body towards him. You reached over Mobius’ shoulder gently to cup the side of his face, and pulled him into a kiss.
It was slow and chaste, projecting every intention and emotion that you lacked the words to describe. Each time you moved your lips, you took another breath; you wrote another line of your love letter to him. He sank deeper into your kiss, as your souls tangled and caught fire.
And then you felt it.
You were positioned behind him, with his back to your chest when a burst of lightning crawled up his spine. A desperate shudder racked his body. He pulled away from you breathlessly, his eyes closed, as you both panted and glowed with the heat of the moment.
“If I didn’t know any better,” your lips curled into a sultry smile, “I’d say I was making you nervous.”
He opened his dark bronze eyes at that, drinking you in. He couldn’t help but mirror your mischievous smirk. In an instant, he snatched you up and pulled you onto his lap. You kissed him hungrily, straddling him, as his hands glided over your body.
Your mind went foggy, as any composure you had in the situation was evaporating. His lustful kisses scorched your skin as they traveled down your neck. He lifted you higher so that he could drink more of you in. You gasped and sighed at how your body reacted to him, your fingers digging into his scalp. He groaned with pleasure as he found your open mouth again, your tongue a welcoming partner.
He pulled you in tighter, your hips grinding further into him. You felt his want, hard against your body, and you felt the last of your innocence pooling between your legs. The friction made you let out an un-sanctified moan, breaking away from his kiss. The sound of your voice intoxicated him.
You were in a controlled descent backwards as he lowered you to your back.
When did you start trembling? Has it really been that long since your last time?
Your hands danced across his chest, triggering goosebumps. Even his skin wanted you. You writhed beneath him as he positioned himself between your legs. You were bursting like a firecracker with anxious need. Your hands groped him, nails gently grazing - traveling down his torso and beneath the waistband of his boxers.
He gasped as your fingers wrapped around his organ, fluttering his eyes shut at your touch. You were on autopilot, your physical need in command of your body, as you attempted to pull his stiff erection from his boxers.
Mobius snatched your hands and you froze. He pulled your arms up, grasping your hands tightly, and pinned your wrists to the floor on either side of your head. You were hit with a wave of confusion, followed by shame.
Maybe you’d read this wrong. You looked up at him, half-expecting to read an expression of disgust.
What you found was the opposite.
His eyes— gentle, dark, and focused intently on you— telegraphed a message for you to read carefully:
You were not the one in control here.
You felt the wind of butterflies deep in your core as you realized he had clear goals for you in mind. He was asking you - imploring you - for command of your body. For the record, he already had it - whether or not either of you were conscious of it.
You lay still, save for your chest’s gentle movements, as his eyes unravelled the layers of your being. Trapped in his gaze, you were stripped bare in more than just flesh.
You were time travelling again - years into the past. The pages of your chapters fell away, until you felt like a pupil again, watching your master navigating the geography of your body.
His grip softened, giving your palms an affectionate squeeze before he released your hands. His leering gaze was already gliding down your valleys, and his hands followed, letting his fingertips brush the delicate flesh of your forearms as they travelled.
All your mind could do to focus was count your every breath as his touch and kisses grazed your skin. You wondered how long it had been for him. You quivered at the thought of him planning this moment.
He took time tasting you with each kiss - down your chest, your belly, the crest of your hips. You lifted your core with his encouragement, allowing him to pull away your last remaining piece of clothing. You were finally unveiled before him. He sighed softly, mind buzzing, as he delicately spread your legs apart.
He moved so slowly with intention, relishing each moment. You were on the verge of losing it and he had yet to touch your most sensitive areas. He could feel your hips squirm with anticipation.
“I want you,” he pacified you, “more than anything.” He tenderly kissed the inside of your thigh. “But I need to know that you want this too. Without a doubt in your mind.”
You were desperate by this point, way past “willing.” Regardless, he met your eyes, waiting patiently for your consent.
You were consumed with lust. “Please,” you stuttered in passionate exhilaration. You could barely recognize your own voice, “You can do anything you want to me.”
His face twitched into a sinful smirk. “I know.” There was that confidence again. “But that’s not what I asked.” He steadied his composure and fixed himself in your sights once again. You gazed at him with a more sobered expression, giving this moment the respect he wanted.
He watched your lips now that he had your attention. “Tell me you want me to make you feel good,” he seductively implored. “Tell me you want me to take you, here and now. I need to hear you say yes.”
The way he asked for your consent could’ve put you over the edge by itself.
“Yes,” you practically moaned under your breath. It was a sinful, thirsty plea. “God, yes, please. I want you to touch me.”
That ignited his fuse.
He lowered to his elbows, positioning his arms beneath your legs. His mouth was on you, leaving you aghast at the force. It was like he wanted more than just to please you - he relished in devouring you, like a frozen dessert on a hot summer day. You jolted and gasped, more from surprise than pain. He took note anyway, and steadied his animalistic pace.
It wasn’t long until your eyes were rolled in the back of your head. You were thunderstruck, arching your body and moaning with ecstasy.
The way his name sounded each time it sprang from your lips made him drunk. Every time you uttered it, you felt him tense and groan. It was a perpetual cycle. Your hips would reflexively buck from the intense pleasure and he would just hold on tighter. He forced your thighs apart as you encouraged him to unleash more rapture on your body.
This was not a particularly new position for you, but it was good. You weren’t sure where he got the experience, but he was really, really good.
And if “Sacred-you”— “NC-17-rated,” “parental-advisory-warning-labelled” badass-you—could just see yourself now: writhing on the floor while being laid out by an older man, one whom you’d rarely seen out of a brown suit and tie. You didn’t think this man knew how to fire a gun before, but you were practically mewling for him like a kitten.
And god, he really seemed to enjoy it.
You warned him that you couldn’t last much longer. You felt the tension building inside. You wanted desperately to satisfy him, to feel him inside of you, to have him enraptured with you. But unless he slowed down, you were going to lose it right here with his mouth on you. You knew he had needs, and you began to plead with him to let you fulfill them.
You pushed down on his shoulders, begging him to let you have a turn. He pulled away, pausing only briefly.
“Uh uh,” he chastised you with a wicked grin. “I’m not finished with you yet.”
He was back on you before you could reply, this time reaching two of his fingers into your core.
Your head dropped backwards at the sensation, and now you were obscenely begging him for more. You’d happily given up any attempt at controlling what happened next, focusing solely on the nuclear fission in your body.
You blossomed for him as his fingertips pulsed on the most sensitive flesh inside inside you. Muscles you didn’t even remember you had repeatedly contracted. He impurely hummed and he lapped greedily at the fruit of his labor.
You were gasping for air, beaded with sweat, as you came down from your high. He leaned over you to witness the sunset of your orgasm. Eyes full of lust, he pulled himself free of his boxers and discarded them as he watched you.
When you glanced down to see the stunning sight of his stimulation, it re-electrified you. You pulled yourself into a sitting position on his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck. Your legs straddled him eagerly as he lifted your hips over his member.
The erotic sound you both made as you slid down his shaft was sinful enough to cast you both into hell. You kissed him, open-mouthed, and tasted yourself on his tongue. Now that you were on top of him, wrapped around him, he seemed more frantic and less calculated with his movement.
He was gazing up at you like a lustful teenage boy, letting himself be taken by passion. “God...” he whispered, suddenly less skilled with words. “You feel so... ah!... s-so beautiful...”
“You’re so hard…stretching me so tight,” you groaned into his mouth, and he growled in agreement, nodding his head.
He broke away from the kiss, “God - yes, ah, you’re s-so tight, baby...” You grinned excitedly as you climbed and descended his length. You moaned like a porn star as you rode him.
“I can call you that, can’t I?” he said through his own breathless moans. You glanced at him in confusion. He looked concerned. His hands braced your hips as you continued your movement. “Is that okay?”
“The pet name,“ he explained through sighs, “B-Baby? I-I don’t want it to sound de-demeaning, or... patronizing—”
Okay. Now he was overthinking it.
“It’s fine,” you urged him to move on, growing more frustrated, but now he was babbling nervously.
“I could call you something else—”
“—don’t care—”
“—’s’important to me that you know I respect you, and I’d never—”
“I don’t care, I—You can call me whatever you want. Please, daddy… Just— fuck me…”
You crashed your lips on his, but felt his breath hitch as he tensed you immediately. You either said something very right, or very wrong. The sex had all but come to a screeching halt, as you reluctantly met his eyes.
He gazed at you thoughtfully, gears turning.
Timidly, you searched his face for judgment, for any sign of disapproval, but instead, there was a look of almost— awe.
You watched the change in him as the devil overtook him. His eyes turned three shades darker, pooling with lust. His expression of wonder melted into a devious smile. Your dirty talk awakened something in him, like he was remembering a long-forgotten visceral part of himself.
He scooped you up and laid you on your back again, pulling himself out of your body. You only had a brief time to revolt, until he sat up on his knees and he lifted one of your thighs up, pulling your leg over his shoulder. You watched curiously trying to figure out what he was doing, until he gripped your hips and pulled you downward— over his shaft.
You let out a painfully delicious cry as he bottomed out inside of you. He hungrily watched your expressions and relished in the sound of your moans.
His hand braced the inside of your other thigh, holding your legs open so that you were spread at the right angle for him. As soon as he began to thrust, you were done for.
You groaned with ecstasy. “That’s... it..,” he praised you, eliciting more cries from you.
There were no more performances. There was no more pageantry. No more room for pretending to be anyone other than who you are.
You were coming undone for him, and he watched every moment. Every dirty thought and fantasy you ever had might as well have been written on your body. He studied each line.
“Oh god, Mobius—yes,” you babbled as you squirmed.
“Yeah?” he breathed, teasingly. “Does that feel good?” You nodded frantically.
Sweat beaded down his chest as his hands roamed to find your sweet spot, and another desperate wave of ‘yes’s flooded out from your lips.
“What did you call me?” he enticed, his mouth watering for your response. “What name did you call me before?” You were struggling with words, but he wouldn’t stop until he coaxed the right one from you.
“Say it.”
You tangled your fingers in your scalp, turning your head away. He thrust into your hips a little deeper, and you cried out obscenely.
“Say it,” he repeated, more firmly this time. “I wanna hear you say it again. I wanna watch you say it to me.”
More lewd noises dropped out of your mouth, as you propped yourself up on your elbows. “Yes, please, I love what’re… doing t’ me… I need it, daddy…”
He groaned with a lecherous smile, biting his lip. “You are so good for me.”
Lust was dripping from each word as he drew them out. His honeyed, Southern accent had returned. His eyes were blown black as he cooed with praise, “You make me wanna be so bad.”
You were gone after that. Your head tilted back, crying out through another climax. He could hear his own voice—that’s it that’s it—moaning in the distance somewhere, but he was enthralled with your little pleas. The tones of your voice washed over him; he used them to quell the blaze inside.
He knew everything he wanted to do to you, and everything you wanted him to do. And he couldn’t get past the feeling, as he buried himself deeper inside of you, that this was all... familiar.
This picture of you, spread out gloriously beneath him, was impossibly familiar. He imagined a bed that wasn’t his own, and light blue cotton sheets that couldn’t have been his, and the sunlight peeking from a sheer curtain, and falling across the ecstasy-filled face of his lover that he couldn’t have ever married...
That was....you.
Your voice was echoing in Mobius’ head. You whined and whimpered, glowing with passion, signaling that you were moments away from your climax. And then he was here - on Olympus-V with you, and he felt you tighten and flutter around him.
The sight of you, writhing beneath him as you reached orgasm, pulled a deep moan from his chest. White hot light flooded his vision. His body jerked and reacted in unison, filling you with his seed.
For someone for whom time had little meaning, he was now obsessed - trying to catch and hold back each fleeting moment. He leaned forward, his body spent, and you pulled his chin down into a longing kiss.
His mind was spinning. His lungs were still taking deep breaths. He pulled away slowly and rested his forehead on yours, his eyes closed as he struggled to make sense of what was real and what was a dream.
“I could never let you go,” he declared, deep in contemplation. You didn’t quite understand the connection in the present moment. You didn’t remember.
“Then stay with me,” was your gentle reply.
He gazed once again into your eyes with a knowing smile. “Always.”
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A/N: And I'm leaving it there. For now. Please reblog with feedback, or send me a message on your thoughts. This is my first attempt at writing in a long, long time. Also it's my first attempt at smut so be nice with your feedback :-)
THANK YOU to all of you for your wonderful comments. Please reblog for support!
@generalhugzzz @isaxbella749 @yodaboo @aloyssia @simsiddy @coloursforyourportrait
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Episode 6 Coherent(?) Thoughts
Okay my brain is fried from that episode, and I have things to do today so a rewatch is probably not in the foreseeable future (it is 12:55PM when I'm starting to write this queued post, and I haven't eaten yet today, if that tells you anything about what this episode has done to my brain and also what I have to get done today that I'm not doing right now and also a variety of other things that are out of my control so the anxiety's having lots of fun today okay moving on). I may do a Part 2 to the coherent thoughts for this episode, but also I'm planning a season 2 wrap-up post later this week so that might cover anything I don't talk about here. Spoilers for Loki season 2.
Okay but does he have to be there? Real talk though but does he have to be there? Does he have to be constantly watching the timelines, or is it like a knot where if he moves it all comes apart? Or once things get moving can he come and go as he pleases? Because I need him to NOT BE THE LOKI WHO REMAINS. MOBIUS, THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT, YOU DOOMED HIM TO THIS FATE IN EPISODE ONE.
(Oookay, starting off very sane and coherent. Clearly.)
So far I've written two poems (queued up and coming) and started two fic ideas (which might become one fic, we'll see). And I'm sure I'll be coming up with more because like fucking hell am I leaving him there alone. The fic ideas are lengthy, though, so I would not expect them before the end of the week at the absolute earliest (and I'm finally starting my new job on Monday, so that might not happen either), and are probably too long for Tumblr so I'll likely just post to AO3 and promote the link on here once it's published.
(Side note: If you want those two poems early, and they're...okay, so maybe you do, I just put all (four) of my season 2 poems in one publication on AO3. The work is called To Stay (and other poems inspired by season 2) if you're interested. Or wait for the queued posts on Monday.)
I'm obsessed with the new outfit. The horns are too funny to me but the cloak is the shit. I wish it was The Coat, but it'll do excellently. My main criticism though is what the fuck are those shoes?! Just lose the shoes, bud! Post-ego death Loki comes back barefoot; he doesn't need shoes.
Loki did not technically create Yggdrasil. Not the concept of it, at least. It's been part of Asgardian vocabulary about the realms since before he was born (I'm pretty sure it's on the mosaic in Ragnarok). What he did was take the timelines and create a literal manifestation of the World Tree in the cosmos. Whether it already existed on the sacred timeline somehow as a literal and cosmological structure holding the nine (ten) realms together in the MCU, I don't know, but since we haven't seen it up to this point I think it's safe to say that it didn't. The real question is, if Loki took all of the branches and passed through the rift and his friends could no longer see him or the timelines from the TVA, how do they know it looks like a tree now, enough to put it on their new posters?
I said this already, but he's been a tree before and CANONICALLY HE DOESN'T ENJOY IT (to be fair he usually doesn't choose to become a tree). This fate is making me distraught, and brings me back to point one, in my own personal time loop.
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diamondcitydarlin · 2 years
Not shipping related because I'd like to know why there are people that maintain Mobius was a villain. A VILLAIN??
lol so this one actually kind of get- that's not to say I agree, but if you think about the narrative solely from a perspective of 'only things that I deem are good and enjoyable can happen to my fave', as these people are, then yeah it's not difficult to get that reading particularly if you made your judgements in ep 1 and then refused to see any nuance to Mobius beyond that. It's a very common approach to media in fandom, given that so many people (esp in comic book fandoms) have long term favorite characters (like Loki) that they've latched/projected on to. A villain, by its most basic definition, is any character that works against the main hero/protagonist's motivations.
So yeah, if you're approaching Mobius with the moral barometer of whether or not he gives Loki in particular everything you deem Loki deserves, then yes. It makes sense you come up with that interpretation. It makes sense you'd ignore that Mobius is a nuanced, morally complicated character the same as Loki and that's part of what makes them get along so well. It makes sense that you'd ignore that Loki kind of latches on to Mobius for this very reason, because he's neither 'all good or all bad' as indeed Loki says.
While I tend to defend Mobius under the explanation that his working for the TVA was an act of kidnap and brainwash and I don't know how fair it is to condemn him for something he's technically never consenting to, I understand the arguments that he still, brainwashed or no, contributed to the pruning of innocent variants and took pride in it. I understand that his interrogation of Loki puts them both in a kind of horrifying position if thought about critically.
But hasn't Loki done some pretty fucked up shit too? While technically possessed? No one making these arguments wants to condemn him for those things, but they definitely want Mobius to be held accountable. Maybe it's because they feel Loki has already been punished enough, and I think that on its own is valid. I mean, all of this is valid, take away what you will.
For me though, the moral ambiguity of both characters is part of what makes their dynamic so compelling. Had they been given the proper time and arc as a duo to explore these moral complexities better, I think more people would've seen it doesn't have to be a matter of cut-and-dried 'this character is good' and 'this character is evil'. Moral ambiguity and complexity could have easily been one of the themes of the show, had they carried through with things set up in ep 1 and 2 and if they show just generally hadn't sucked ass.
I also get that this is kind of hard to grasp, given that we're talking about superhero media, the pinnacle of heroes vs villains, good vs evil, and that tends to be the basis from which all MCU discourse must come; 'who is the good guy that I like that I think deserves all the things' and 'who is the bad guy who I DISLIKE and must DIE', not really aided by the fact that tumblr has long been the place where we have to divide everyone, fictional or no, into groups of oppressor and oppressed. And sometimes it is that clear cut, but sometimes it isn't.
As with so many things the show could have done, there was potential here to explore more of a morally nuanced take on comic book/superhero media and, by extension, the complexity and imperfections of being human. We might have more clearly seen Mobius come to grips with who he was at the TVA and what that means for his own self-perception now that he knows he was complicit in something that maybe wasn't good or fair (or was fascist as some people say, which fair) and that would have been an opportunity for him and Loki to grow closer; because Loki has been given more time and opportunity to see the moral complexity of people, that no one is entirely good or entirely bad, whereas Mobius had been doing his job at the TVA without any doubt or question as to whether it was right and good. That's stuff that could have been sussed out better. Think themes and discussions they have in The Good Place and how the characters in that show are morally ambiguous as they grow and learn more about the fluidity of morals and ethics, what it means to be a 'good' person- or as much as one can be.
This got long, but it kind of ties into the feelings I have about where fandom discourse is currently at as a whole. There's still this pervasive belief that any characters worth being liked/depicted as sympathetic must also be justified in everything they do and must subscribe to real life morals and ethics regardless of who they are, where they are, and what makes sense for their personal motivations to be. It's just kind of a...pit of discussion that I wish we could move on from because it stilts so much.
So, idk, one can see Mobius as a villain if that's the takeaway they must have, but it's the very reasons they consider him one that makes him and Loki such a powerful combination. Also, it doesn't seem Loki is on the same page of 'Mobius is a villain', he actually adores and trusts him implicitly even at the end of the whole garbage fire story and at that point there's really no reason for him not to. So.
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