calabaza-nerd · 10 months
I love drawing my friends variants. Love you @dumb-bluebell
Frost Giant Loki, Zahir (loki variant) plus tva??
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(and a mobius reaction)
he’s so real for that.
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thosegayoldmen · 8 months
Ok Lokius crew, I think I've found a gem.
TELL me this isn't Loki singing to Mobius I dare you 😭
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nr-yb-wm-hm · 2 years
When I start bingeing a show, I do not merely watch the show. I search them up on Tumblr and follow the tags and bloggers that post about the show. I reblog fanart. I go on Wattpad. I find headcannons that are so much better than the cannon. I ship characters with a passion that I should reserve for my future ‘love of my life’. When I discover a new show, I do not watch it. 
I join it. 
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in this canon divergence h/c fic, Mobius and Loki end up trapped in a cave on an ice planet. when things turn desperate, confessions are made.
there are also huge discoveries made, as well as many tender embraces!
read it here on ao3!
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Mobius: I love JetSkis, I wish I had one
Loki: if I became a JetSki would you have me??
Mobiu, without hesetation: yes.
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ragsweas · 3 years
Unpopular opinion: Keeping with the pace that Loki series has maintained so far, the ending was perfect.
Saying that as a Mobius x Loki shipper
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worstloki · 3 years
Fun fact: my mother ships Mobius and Loki. she has proceeded to use the following ship names :
unfortunate. i've heard frozentime and wowki too if you want to add.
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idkvibesman · 3 years
If tfatws showed that two men can have a deep meaningful relationship that’s not romantic then Loki should show that a man and a woman can have a deep meaningful relationship that’s not romantic
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lalunasea · 3 years
I need to vent a moment.
There is no such thing as selfcest. None. It is not real. It cannot happen. It is fiction. Closest thing rooted to reality? Masturbation. Maybe.
So I guess I am trying to understand how something that isn't even real can be so offensive to so many? Not to mention that selfcest idea seems like it might be a slap in the face to actual incest survivors. An actual real, terrible thing that happens in our world.
What there is also such a thing as is biphobia and misogyny... which is easy to hide and deny under the guise of "being against selfcest."
Maybe look at what really upsets you. A fictional, bi character wanting to be with a woman? The fact the love interest identifies as female and is not a man? The fact you didn't get the mlm ship you were set on? Those seem a touch more likely than being upset at "selfcest." Because I know for a fact a loooot of you were pro ThorxLoki....and they were raised as siblings.
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I get it, it's frustrating to not see your ship sail the canon seas, especially when gay ships are severely under represented. I get it. But Loki having feelings for a woman doesn't make him any less queer, and it's upsetting to see people completely trash his sexuality because the ship they wanted didn't happen.
As someone who ships both MobiusxLoki and SylviexLoki... Maybe let people enjoy their ships without shitting on them? Maybe don't come up with ridiculous excuses as to why you don't like a FICTIONAL ship and look inward? Let people enjoy things?
Idk, Idk. I keep seeing all of this misogyny, internalized and blatant, some massive biphobia among other things and can't really wrap my head around it.
Maybe I am reading too much into it, but with the absolute vitriol I've seen over the last 24 hours .. I don't think I am.
It's tiring and makes me fucking hate being in fandoms at all.
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calabaza-nerd · 10 months
my current contribution to the Loki series ending
this is all it was right? Just mobius and Loki fucking around??
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i never watched the series but I’m in love with them
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artbelle-official · 3 years
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I have to say something for LOKIUS shippers.
If you all think that ship sail with Sylvie think about it one more time.
Sylvie manipulate our Loki. She doesn’t listen him, she did what she wanted from beginning. She KISS him on purpose. She knew that he had a crush on her from beginning - that scene with blanked, too. She knows even better then him that Mobius cares about him. She sees more then our Loki, and she can do more then Loki. She made a mistake but she had to do it, it was revenge. I don’t say that she doesn’t like him, because she does, but not so much as Sylvie shippers think. She is different then him.
Next scene which was in TVA - Loki appears in TVA, was broken, sad. He knows what happens. He knows that that kiss was faked, he knows that she betrayed him. I understood that she is not him, he is not her. They are not similar. There was no trust, which is the most important thing in relationships, in love. So we have something there - Mobius asked Loki if she likes him too. Good lord, I know from this time that Sylvie doesn’t like him that way.
Ok and the last thing, that scene when he realized that ok Sylvie betrayed him, but he is not alone, he has somebody important. He has Mobius in TVA. He will search him, he want to see him, he is determined. That look in his face says everything. He was sad few seconds, minutes. But true is he is first time not alone when he feels pain.
And FUSHDHS what we have? We have beautiful scene, long scene, when he was searching his Mobius. And he found him! He look at him with his eyes almost the same eyes when he was going to leave with Sylvie in 2 episode. I thought “omg the most beautiful reunion, I don’t care even then Loki and Sylvie fakekissed. But few second later we know. He is not that Mobius.
So the last episode was very cruel for both shippers. Marvel made something crazy good. I mean, they gave then SylviexLoki kiss. They gave us MobiusxLoki sweet reunion (sweet because that long scene when Loki just running to Mobius was hilarious) but both scenes was lies.
They made us all sad. Couse kiss wasn’t reall, true emotional kiss.
And reunion wasn’t real, because it’s not his Mobius.
The only one true thing is that Loki HAD crush on Sylvie, and she used it. And Loki probably KNOWS now that his true feelings are towards Mobius. I don’t know if they are romantic, but hello, that long scene when he looking for Mobius is made on purpose. Marvel is playing with us making all ships unhappy or happy.
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piiietromaxiiimoff · 3 years
no you’ve got it all wrong it’s not mobiusxloki it’s mobiusxjetski for lifers
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ladyloki66 · 3 years
On the lokixsylvie thing.
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So obviously I ship these two but whether or not I ship them has nothing to do with this conversation.
At the end of the day, Loki the tv show was meant to entertain and engage. It’s supposed to get people talking about it. And while we all want to see Loki is a stable relationship (for most people this means MobiusxLoki) we have to think of this from a story stand point. And let’s be honest, a man trying to date himself from another time line is entertaining as heck.
Like, there is no way for Sylvie and Loki to be together in the end. We can write all the fan fictions we want and draw all the cute fan art, but we can’t deny that they are doomed. And that’s what makes it more interesting than MobiusxLoki. By all accounts, LokixMobius is healthier and makes more sense and even has some compelling drama. But there’s just something about the absolute train wreck of a relationship that is Sylvie and Loki that makes it impossible to look away.
So yeah, it’s weird. It’s uncomfortable. It’s rated TV-14 for a reason people. But you can’t tell me it’s not interesting. Because anyway you slice it, it’s going to end in disaster. For any number of reasons really: trust issues, the fact that they’re not supposed to exist, the fact that multiple world safety organizations want them dead and of course the main one that they are the same person.
But it’s entertaining which is what the show is supposed to be. Ship who you want to ship. Point out the problematic things with Lokixsylvie because that’s part of the intrigue and was intentional. It’s canon but that doesn’t mean it’s healthy or that the show runners are saying it is. It’s just supposed to get a reaction from you, whether it’s positive or negative.
I applaud the show runners for having the balls to go this weird route and really go for it. After watching Star Wars tip toe around the fandom, I like it when things just dive head first into crazy. It takes guts and it’s a situation I never thought would be played out in main stream TV. And yeah, I don’t think it’s going to end well. I don’t know if I want it to end well. But I want to be along for the ride.
Ship it, don’t ship it. I don’t care. But don’t kid yourself and tell me you’re not a little bit intrigued by the idea of a man falling in love with himself.
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psychoticgirl · 3 years
ferrific replied to your post: “Loki on his knees in front of Sif...”
Whatever else gets tossed our way by the show (and honestly I’m not feeling mobiusxloki but actively nope out of LokixSylvie) THEY GAVE US THE FIRST NEW SIFKI CONTENT IN SEVEN YEARS AND SEVEN MONTHS
@ferrific lmaooo not that we’ve been counting but my crops are watered my skin is clear I can live off this for another 7 years thank yoooouuu
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tea-and-charcoal · 3 years
Yanno, I've been off tumblr too long. I was almost surprised that mobiusxloki seems about 100x more popular than Sylvie/Loki. I guess my wife and I were so wound up in being amused by the not-canon trans and canon selfcest part I didn't really think about Mobius and Loki as a couple lol
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kittykatlizz · 3 years
I fucking hate Sylvie. So much.
She exemplifies everything wrong with having emotions/relying on them to make decisions.
I’m not saying emotions are inherently awful, but when people literally decide to fuck everything up because of them? Obviously there’s a problem.
This could just be my analytical mind and Virgo moon but fuck emotions if you’re gonna use them as an excuse to do what Sylvie did in the Loki series finale.
Yes, she has trauma. Yes, she was just a child. Yes, she was on the run. But fuck her for not considering the consequences of her actions. Fuck her for simply killing off a man just because “wah wah he chased me through time and didn’t let me be a child”.
Yes, Sylvie, shit sucks. Life is hard. People are bad. Trauma will make your life exceedingly difficult. But that DOES NOT MEAN YOU PLUNGE EVERYTHING INTO CHAOS FOR YOUR CHILDISH REVENGE SCHEME. Don’t get me wrong, if I’d been in her situation, I probably would’ve been pissed too. But apparently I have infinitely more self-possession and patience than she does because I would never do what she did.
Would I still get revenge? Probably. Would I kill off the one person who prevents a larger danger from existing? NO. NO NO NO. Demented brain-dead woman.
This could just be my bias towards Eastern European protagonists but I feel like WandaVision tackled the problem of trauma and emotions way better than Loki did. Did Wanda Maximoff technically enslave the people of Westview and use them to play dollhouse? Yes, and I’m not denying that that was problematic, but she did end up freeing them and learning the lesson that you cannot play around with reality willy nilly. And she also had trauma, but she still learned from it and grew as a character and by the end of WandaVision she was no longer harming anybody.
Sylvie, though….. did not break through her trust issues (which, in fairness, is difficult and I don’t mind it that much in comparison to the other stuff), took away Loki’s decisions/disregarded his judgment when she shouldn’t have, AND ended up unleashing a threat greater than everything else they’ve faced put together.
Women can have emotions. People can have emotions. Emotions and trauma do not have to be avoided in the MCU as long as they are tackled well. But so far Marvel seems to want to go with the idea that strong emotions + trauma = bad decisions and a villainous arc. Which I really dislike. I’m not saying that people who have strong emotions don’t make bad decisions, but to have this constantly happen with the female characters feels…. A bit suspicious, to say the least. Also, as a woman who is more thinking than feeling, it’s annoying to see so many female characters be more feeling than thinking and then using that as an excuse for their poor decision making skills. Not only does it make me less inclined to be emotional in public, but it frustrates me that that is why they make bad decisions. Can’t they just make a simple error in logic for once?
Natasha Romanoff did so much better and guess what? She was thinking > feeling. I have hope that Wanda Maximoff will also be a decent hero/antihero, even though she’s more feeling, because she at least seems to grasp the severity of her situation. Sylvie, on the other hand, seems to have wandered off into an enchanted oblivion inside her own head. Gah.
Also, can we talk about the fact that Marvel actually went for selfcest as an alternative to a gay relationship? That’s the most insulting thing I’ve ever seen, and I’ve sat through many awful movies about Russian/Eastern European people with godawful accents that make a mockery of my culture. Truly, they should’ve just let him stay single. That would’ve been less offensive. I still want a MobiusxLoki endgame but clearly that will never happen, so… ugh. I’m disgusted.
Anyway, my conclusion on Loki episode 6 is that Marvel fucked basically everything up and it’s going to be a while before I trust them with my heart again. Thank goodness Season 2 won’t be anytime soon, so I should have plenty of time to recover from this and slowly release my anger.
also, if anyone at Marvel happens to see this: CREATE MORE THINKING FEMALE CHARACTERS. You killed off Natasha, so I expect a decent (non-sexualized) replacement soon. Not every woman is emotional, and although Wanda’s emotional personality was tackled well, Sylvie just came off as a petulant and childish little girl. Please show that there are dimensions to women just as there to men. Oh, and if you decide that you don’t have enough emotional women for some reason, at least make them have decent decision making skills that do not lead to enslaving an entire town/unleashing multiversal chaos. Please and thank you.
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