#mod announcement - hiatus
mewtwoandme · 8 months
Alright imma be real with ya'll...
I haven't been doing great mentally lately. You guys have constantly heard me bitching about my seasonal depression and it getting in the way of my artistic motivation yada yada lol Well, it just keeps refusing to let up. I've been trying to fight it, work through it, hoping that it would go away if I just keep working, when in all honesty that's mentally draining me even more. Now, there have been a few times where the drive to draw would come in spurts and I would finish a few small things here and there and I recently did the new blog banner and all, but as quickly as that motivation appears, it vanishes again. It's been an ongoing cycle since December, I haven't been very productive at all with the more important things and I've barely even touched the Baby Arc since SD hit. And lately this rut has started to bleed into things outside of art and affect my motitivation to do daily responsibilities as well, to the point half the time I feel like a vegetable while house work continues to pile up around me...I'm thinking I may need to do things a bit differently for awhile.
Obviously it's been too difficult to draw right now. My SD had never been this severe before, so there needs to be a change. I can't keep up my usual routine of wake up, go to work, come home, draw, repeat. I need a bit more variety for the time being, maybe making time to do other things that make me happy aside from art will do me some good. That being said though...ugh I hate this, I don't even wanna say it, but the Baby Arc might have to be put off yet again for awhile. I thought about all this last night and was literally crying over it because like, I'm finally here!! We made it to the point of Blu being officially introduced and then seasonal depression decides to come in and fuck up everything I've been trying to do. Like I took a step forward, then three steps back! It just really feels like a kick to my nonexistent balls man...Regardless I think a step back right now is necessary, so hopefully you guys understand, yall usually do anyways ^^
So yeah, I guess here's another art hiatus...don't expect to see anything probably until the end of February, or even March, cause I'm hoping the SD will start to go away by then
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nova-phene · 13 days
on hiatus🌿
hello! to those who came here from nexus or sdv community, i am going to take a 2 week break or more; i would like to focus on some progress irl.
if any of my mods break or needs critical fixing, please DM me on nexus or here on tumblr. I will get a notification when someone does.
~ novaphene ◡ɷ sdv mod author
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ps. here's a quick art i made that'll occupy you while i'm away lmao.
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zestialtheancient · 5 months
Hey, sorry, I'm going on hiatus for a little while. I didn't mention earlier but something stressful happened and like. I need some time to cope because things just keep happening lately.
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drdtships · 3 months
Hello everyone! Mod Moon here. Before I begin, I just wanted to give a big thanks to you all for supporting this blog. Thank you for the likes, the follows, the comments, the asks, everything! We appreciate you all very much. ( ˃ ᵕ ˂ ) • On a more serious note. As much as we appreciate everyone requesting for us to make headcanons for their favorite ships, it can sometimes become a little overwhelming to keep up with so many! Us mods have lives of our own outside the blog of course. So for now, I will be temporarily disabling the ask feature and slowly responding to the current ones at our own pace. I will also be temporarily discontinuing the daily ships as well. • I assume it will take a long while for us to finish, but we're doing our best! The main reason why things have been so slow is the lack of motivation and of course the overwhelming number of asks. So if you guys want, perhaps you could leave some word of encouragement? That may help quite a bit. • Much love from all the mods. And once again, thank you. We'll be back soon!! (‐^▽^‐) - Regards, the drdtships team! ᵔ ∇ ᵔ
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eggkevinshouseaton · 2 months
Quick announcment! // Ignore this post for unneggin.
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We'll probably be closing request....FOR A BIT! Of course, reopening them after, because we'd like to halve our requests! :D
Hope you yolks understand! But if theres a request you must make URGENTLY, comment it down here....maybe...no clue why you would have an urgent tumblr ask blog question but okay!
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dude i soo agree with what you're saying about twitter
have you seen those tweets that just- Blatantly ignore that Welcome Home is an actual project and call it "just some guys OCs", because THAT is genuinely what I find the most rage inducing out of everything on twitter. (The rest is frustrating too of course, but the devaluing of Clowns work makes me... very upset.)
IT'S VERY STRANGE I AGREE.... i can only assume that the statement was Originally something along the lines of "hey, this website is just the prologue - a big chunk of welcome home is still in development, so try to be reasonable with your expectations and give clown some time and space to do his thing" eventually mutated into "um ACTUALLY he just made the site to show off his ocs and if you even THINK of making fanwork based off of them you're a DIRTY FANDOM POISONED FREAK who is RUINING CLOWN'S LIFE" as it got passed around from site to site, in much the same way that "hey, i can't stop anyone from being attracted to/making NSFW works of my characters, but i would really appreciate it if you kept it private until i think of a tag you can put them in" (which for some reason people were Still incapable of following - i didn't forget) got turned into "if you even LOOK at a puppet with sexual intent i can and will kill you on clown's behalf."
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clair-de-soleil · 6 months
(utterly deranged) what if i started over and tried a comic format instead. much to think about
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alchemicalterror · 1 year
Howdy! Scary Mod here!
First; I want to take this opportunity to thank all you followers for your engagement with Jonny’s blog. It warms my heart to see how much people are invested in the minutiae of his life and his goings on, and how much y’all treat him like his own person. That was the goal of making this blog in the first place, and it never could have succeeded without all of you, so thank you~
Second, I think it’s about time I announce a six-week hiatus, until about mid-July.
The reason for this is a happy one! I recently sold my current apartment and will be moving into a much larger house with my S/O a few states away! However, as moving day closes in, I need to focus on packing and rounding up the cats and closing and getting all my ducks in a row, which puts a mild damper on the creative process. Plus, my furniture isn’t going to arrive until around 7/17.
You probably noticed that my replies have slowed down and there hasn’t been a ton of new art in a while - this has been several months in the making, and I have just reached the final stretch.
I appreciate all your patience, and your dedication through the years I’ve been writing this blog! Jonny’s story isn’t over and I’m not done writing him, and I encourage you to please ask questions while I’m away, nothing would please me more than to check back in once my furniture’s all arrived and I’m settled in at my new home to find a bunch of questions to draw for, but for the next few weeks at least;
Scary mod out.
You all take care of yourselves now, you hear?
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askundeadbluelesbians · 9 months
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Some News:
The final two posts of the December will be released next month! We have both hit some personal hurdles on our end (Haven especially), so they need some more time for those last two posts. I know I typically split the batches in even halves in these cases, but I just wanted to share the happy news that is DamiOz’s engagement!
I couldn't even find a suitable picture to use for the Winter Hiatus this time around. Apologies. After those last two posts, we'll be back in February!
And as for Writing Undead Blue Lesbians… that will be a server-only event this year. Again, apologies.
Regardless, hope you all enjoy 2024, and are looking forward to Phase Seven!
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ask-a-learning-ai · 4 months
So I just wanted to explain why I've been so inactive lately
I am currently in the process of moving out of my parents' house, which I am really happy about for various personal reasons, though it's also really exhausting and I just don't have the time to work on things. I'll be on Hiatus until things settle down, but for now, I'll be able to answer mod-related questions at the very least as those require a lot less effort and I can do them pretty quickly. So feel free to ask me, the mod, anything!
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mewtwoandme · 11 months
Well, I told you guys I'd keep you updated...Unfortunately, Rhaegal had passed away late yesterday evening. I will be going on hiatus for a bit to just...do what I need to do to cope until the pain of this loss subsides...
I made a collage of some of my favorite photos, going down memory lane and would like to share.
I'll miss you, my little Rhaegal bagel. You were probably one of the most spoiled and pampered beardies ever, and I wouldn't have had it any other way. You lived a long, happy, and fruitful life. I will cherish the memories I had with you and keep you close to my heart, always.❤️
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(Most recent and last photo taken)
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Dec. 24 2015-October 26 2023
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mspec-culture-is · 2 years
An announcement
Hi everyone! It's Mod Rob. I'm stepping down as mod in about a week or so, but before I go- I want to officially engage in one of the events that we wanted to begin, and never did. So, as something of a farewell, I want to invite everyone to share their personal stories about being mspec, about being bisexual, about being ply or omni or pan, about being abro, about the communities you find yourselves in. Anything you've got, I'd love to hear it- Tell me about how you found yourself, or about someone you love.
Anything you've got. Hell, doesn't have to be your story, could be wholly fictional. Any which way, bring it on.
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cya lol (until august 13)
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helluva-ships · 10 months
Mod Fizzie-Frog and I are on hiatus until after the holidays! So, thank you to everyone who has been patient with their requests.
Happy holidays everyone!
Mod Millie-Billie~
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ask-imp · 1 year
Hi y'all, mod Ghostwolf here!
Just wanted to make it aware that this blog will go on a sort of hiatus for the month of July to observe the fact a lot of our mods are in Art Fight.
You may still send in asks and stuffs, but this blog will not be moving forward for most of July
But in August~
Hehe hoho >:)
We're cookin'
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>be a webcomic
>decent popularity and critical support from the fans at the start
>immediate drop in quality over next bunch of updates
>fans hate it
>gets so bad writers and artists are harassed to the point of leaving the team
>endless controversies between writers acting shitty on their personal Twitter account to fans to accusing discord mods of being 4Chan nazis
>comic loses half its funding 8 months in
>bimonthly updates 4 months in return to the sluggish once a month updates from the start
>pause 14 months into the comic’s intended 5 year run.
>announce a month later indefinite hiatus
>be almost 4 year anniversary of the webcomic’s start, 17 days away to be exact
>drop 4 DOZEN pages
>new director
>new writers union
>new EVERYTHING even the title of the comic changed
>the “it’s so over” from the fandom supercharges back into “we are so fucking back”
>its name is enough to scare half this website into shock
>look at tags
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