#mod cheer bear
care-a-lot-kin · 1 year
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Classic Cheer Bear Stimboard
🌈For @merrilark!🌈
x x x / x x / x x x
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zackfairzine2024 · 2 months
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Hello and thank you for your interest in this zine! These are the preliminary days of this project, so bear with us as we get things set up. Below the cut is the schedule of dates, as well as Frequently Asked Questions.
Cheers and we hope you enjoy the final zine!
Quick content info: SFW (PG-PG13) zine focused on Zack Fair. Please read the full content info post here.
Interest check here!
Application here!
Public Schedule
Creation date: July 30th 2024
Interest Check/Set-up: July 30th-August 30th
Mod applications: August 6-August 13th Results sent out on the 14th (and discord invites) Set up guest artists in discord: August 15th
Applications: August 26-September 23rd Results sent out starting September 17th and ending by September 25th for last minute additions (this will include discord invites)
Work begins: September 20th onward!
End date est. early 2025!
FAQ - great questions, keep asking!
Q: What kind of content are we looking for?
A: Answer here!
Q: What are the expectations for contributers (writers/artists)?
A: Creators will be making a brand-new piece(s) for the zine, based on what they think they will realistically be able to complete for the project deadlines (TBD, keep in mind the publishing date is est. early 2025 but can absolutely change). There are no prompts and there is no theme other than Zack Fair. A discord will be created (and staff are always here via asks) to help each other come up with ideas and encourage one another's projects!
In addition, one person may submit up to 4 contributions for the zine, in the form of mix-and-match or the same grouping. I.e. 4 pieces of art, 4 fics, or 2 pieces of art and 2 short-form pieces of writing, etc. These details can be ironed out on an individual basis, and not all pieces may appear in a physical zine.
Finally, pieces for this zine are expected to be kept hidden from public view until the zine is finalized (a.k.a. not posted on any social media or Ao3 except for teasers/ads for the zine, details TBD [do not post any ads on Ao3 they do not allow that]).
Q: Are there going to be length limitations?
A: For the digital zine, no, outside of fics being limited to one-shots. If a physical zine gets designed, then those one-shots will be limited to a certain page number TBD.
Q: Will proceeds go to charity if this becomes a purchase-only zine?
A: Yes! First, it has to be determined if this is will be a purchased item or not. If it does, then we will pick a charity.
Q: Do I get any perks as a contributor?
A: A free digital zine, even if the final edition ends up being purchase-only. Any merch is TBD (we will have to see if funds are available to buy all contributors a copy of a physical zine, if it gets produced).
Q: Who is leading the project?
A: So far, just @sherlockwolf. Feel free to browse their tumblr and AO3 (same username) to get a feel for how they interact with FF7!
Q: Will the discord have mods?
A: Yes! Once it is set up, there will be a mod application process for 2 additional mods. Details about the discord will be sent out later on to those who are accepted onto the project at the end of September.
Q: Are collabs between writers and artists allowed?
A: Absolutely! There is a section in the discord server for this and those collabs will have to be communicated between the involved writer, artist, and project lead.
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cripplecharacters · 2 months
hello! i'm a cane user and often give my characters canes but i also have a few characters who use forearm crutch(es) instead. i'm curious about their differences in support and how that can be drawn and written into their stories. i have a character with gigantism who uses a forearm crutch and I have a character with hEDS who uses two when needed. do they offer a different kind of support vs a cane?
You are right that canes and forearm crutches generally offer different levels of support. They are also generally used for different needs as well.
Canes are generally used when somebody needs some support on one side of their body (For example, to help compensate for a limp or chronic pain in one leg) or to help with balance. They can cause issues in your body (Balance issues, increased pain, etc.) if used improperly and even when used properly. That being said, they're also more convenient for day-to-day use because many of them can be collapsed and they're less bulky.
Forearm crutches are more weight-bearing. They're typically used when somebody needs more support than a cane can offer. They're also more comfortable and better for the arms for long-term use, however they're less convenient because they're somewhat bulky and usually aren't collapsible.
We've shared some links before about the differences between mobility aids (Which you can find in the #mobility aid tag) but here are some that focus on the differences between canes and crutches:
This link talks mostly about crutches but there is a section that has some good information about using a cane versus using forearm crutches.
This is a Reddit thread on r/disability that talks about the crutches versus cane debate. There's some good first-hand info here.
This has a more general overview but includes some good info on canes and crutches.
~ Mod Icarus
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privatebooth · 2 months
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The epic battle with the Arishok!
Didn't think I could pull it off, but what do you know!
The world will never know just how much of... everything was put into this :')
Anyway, the duel. Sometimes you just need someone to cheer for you, so Hawke gets his little cheerleading squad! I usually take these guys with me here. Obviously, they couldn't really do much, but at least Hawke had their emotional support.
Fenris remained calm because of course he would. He must have a lot of faith in Hawke to put him forward to fight the effing Arishok! (I use the mod that makes it so he always arranges the duel - even if Isabela comes back. So happy it exists! Without it I only managed to hear this dialogue once - on my very first PT when Isabela left me for real. Got a lot less fun without her, but damn did it make this fight incomparably more epic! That one time we really fought for the entire city, and not just one friend.) Of course Fenris worries, he just really believes in Hawke this much)
Aveline had to accept her helplessness and also trust and rely on Hawke. Bear with it, girl!
Isabela was not thrilled about someone fighting for her, so she's very displeased and not hiding it.
Varric is the most openly worried one here because he's a sweetheart and gives his all to root for his buddy <3
And then Hawke gets stabbed and held up on a blade like a piece of meat and everyone looses their shit, because why the heck wouldn't they?!
With how the Arishok ran his sword through him I'm still not sure how Hawke survived at all. Isabela freaks out because it's all her fault.
Must have been very painful for all of them to stay put while Hawke took a brutal beating, and I'm sure they were all itching to rush to his aid. But no.
Thankfully, Hawke somehow managed to get up and patched himself up. Yay! The city is saved!
I'm a tiny bit bummed that the base difficulty of this fight was significantly lowered down by patches. The first time I played it... It all happened so suddenly I was not prepared at all! Didn't have nearly enough potions, was slow to notice that my foe was immune to fire, and kept wasting mana on useless spells... Running in circles to recharge... and to not die because I did run out of potions at some point. And I really didn't want to replay the game...
Oh, but we couldn't die there: the entire city was at stake!
Just... What an experience! Nothing could possibly compare to it EVER.
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aziraphales-library · 5 months
Hi! First off, I've been following you for a little while and I really want to thank you for this page, it's been so useful to me so bless you.
Now, my question. I've seen there's a tag for holy water, do you happen to have a similar one for hellfire? I've been meaning to read some fics with hellfire involved!
Cheers <3
Hello! We have both #holy water and #hellfire tags, so you can check both out. Here are a few more to add to the hellfire collection. Mind the tags on some of these!...
Don't Move (You Could Get Hurt) by Skywing80 (T)
Aziraphale and Crowley had been enjoying their day outside when suddenly everything went south. Now Crowley has to take care of an injured Aziraphale while also dealing with the guilt of not saving him from getting hurt
Jailbreak by Tigerphoenix (M)
Crowley was just relaxing in the bookshop when Muriel returned from reporting to Heaven. They bear horrible news. Aziraphale got himself into serious trouble. He's locked up, with the threat of being cast down to Hell hanging over his head. Crowley has to do something.
ignited by ineffableserpent (T)
As soon as they exit the office, Aziraphale suddenly freezes, midway to the main shop entrance. His nose wrinkles, and he looks around, eyes widening. “Crowley —“ he asks, turning to face him. “I’m terribly sorry to ask — have you made any recent trips Downstairs?” Crowley blinks at him, shaking his head immediately. “No, I ‘aven’t. You’d know if I did. Why d’you ask —“ Any further words die on the serpent’s tongue as soon as he opens his mouth. He can smell it, taste it; the smell of smoke, rapidly intensifying. Not just smoke, but sulphur. Dark clouds of it begin to envelop the inside of the shop, sending a flood of memories through the demon’s head that he’d tried everything to bury. OR; Aziraphale’s beloved bookshop is set aflame by a revenge act from Hell. Crowley is there to pick up the charred pieces, while taking care of loose ends.
Hell Hath No Fury Like Idiots in Love by Somewhere_in_Wales (M)
After Crowley drinks the laudanum, he gets pulled down to Hell for punishment. But what if a certain Angel still had a tight hold of his waist when it happened? In the depths of darkness, they face torturous beasts, HellFire, personal demons and a Lord of Hell in their bid to escape. Featuring a long-suffering Lord of the Flies, wall-pinning and (consenting) undressing (not sexual... okay, it's a bit sexual).
Inferno by EdosianOrchids901 (T)
Aziraphale and Crowley’s assignments in the town of Herculaneum take a deadly turn. Earthquakes rock the area as angels and demons clash nearby, and something odd is happening with Mount Vesuvius. Soon, they’re struggling to survive a fiery cataclysm. Can they find a way to save each other?
- Mod D
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frattweek · 4 months
Poll time: Interest check for a new event!
Some info:
a Bang would be a collaboration between an artist and a ficcer; one work min (or one podfic) and a 1.5k fic minimum. Signups and submission of a sketch of the first few hundred words, then people can pick which ones they'd like to collaborate on, then you'd get about, say, 2 months to be ready for mid October. Plenty of time! You can also form a pre-arranged team. A bit more pressure and commitment but you have a teammate to cheer you on, and regular Admin Pokes TM to help you get there ;-)
a Week would have daily prompts given at least a month earlier, maybe more if needed, so here again folks would have time to prepare in advance. Each day has one prompt, and the last day is Free Prompt. Less pressure, less commitment... but a higher risk of forgetting about it! You don't have to commit to creating for each prompt to say yes :D At least one work is good enough! (But more is better in this case ;-)
Bear in mind that it's only to test the waters here; i'm not making any promises at this point. But if enough people can say they'd be able to commit (i don't mean twenty, but you know, more than two ;-), then i'll consider it ;-) i'm a bit burnt out on modding, so i'm picking where to use my modly spoons ;-)
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sumeru-academy · 2 years
Bride to be.
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synopsis: you catch the bouquet at a wedding.
character(s): jean, eula, mona (seperate).
warning(s): mentions of marriage.
note(s): female reader, reader wears a dress and heels, second POV.
p.s: jean is wearing a suit but I could not write that description in so please use your imagination :(
—mod angel 🎐
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“Are you okay? Do your feet hurt?” 
With Jean’s arms wrapped protectively around yours, the two of you swayed to the romantic, slow-dance waltz together as couples just like you danced in the background of your vision. Sure, your feet ached, your dress was scratching up your thighs, and the people around you were starting to give you a headache but you’ve never felt more alive. Jean’s firm yet warm touch upon your body never ceased to make your heart flutter, and with the close proximity between you too, your heart was practically close to flying off.
“In all honesty, I’m in agony with these heels,” you chuckled, resting your head beneath your lover’s neck. “But, I do like being able to dance with you at eye level. So, I can bear the pain a little while longer.” 
Jean casted a worried look with her eyes and stopped dancing to hold your shoulders. “That’s not good. You might get blisters if you overextend your comfort. Would you like to go home now? I can carry you if you’d like.” She kneeled down on the floor in a princely manner and reached to remove your shoes. “May I? I brought spare flats in case you got tired.”
Of course she did. Jean was never one to be unprepared.
“Hah, you always seem prepared for everything, Jean.” You grinned, moving to go sit down at your designated table. “I’m the luckiest girl in the world to have you.”
The tips of the Gunnhildr’s ears glowed bright pink as she moved to kneel down in front of you. Carefully removing your heels like they were Cinderella’s glass slippers and placing a kiss just above your knee. “Any pain? Do you feel sore anywhere?”
“Are you gonna give me a massage if I do?” You joked. 
“If you want, I can.” Her face looked dead serious. 
“Ah…Jean, I’m joking.” You pressed the back of your hand to your mouth to stifle your laughter. You couldn’t help it, Jean was so cute when she was serious! “I’m fine, but those flats you brought do sound quite nice. Maybe at the next wedding I’ll plan to wear something more convenient next time.”
Jean smiled and slipped on the pair of flats she brought along delicately on your feet. Almost reenacting a whole Cinderella scene with you as she was so gentle and cautious with sliding the piece of footwear on. “Perhaps. But if you ever forget again, I’ll always have an extra pair just in case.”
She looked up at you with those adoring, blue eyes before her attention was taken away from the various cheers and squeals of women. All surrounding the bride of the wedding like some sort of weird formal rave. The bride was positioned at the top of the stage with her back turned to the crowd of cheering women, all eager with their hands in the air as they waited for her to throw the objects in her hands. 
A bouquet. 
“Oh! They’re doing the bouquet toss!” You fawned. “Jean, do you think I…?”
She smiled warmly at your indication and nodded. “Of course, you still qualify for a bachelorette after all.” Though that word left a bitter taste in her mouth. “Go on. I’ll be waiting right here for you.”
You beamed at this response and quickly kissed her cheek before running off, much faster now that you were no longer wearing heels. Jean couldn’t help but smile brightly at how excited you were to partake in such a funny little wedding tradition. I mean, catching a bouquet to indicate who’s next in marriage? It was a silly idea, yet Jean couldn’t help but let her mind take off with the concept in mind.
You married to her.
Jean would be lying if she said she never thought of the idea of marriage. The two of you had been together through thick and thin, dealing with any and every obstacle together as if you shared a single body. She always thought she was destined to lead the nation of Mondstadt alone, but when you came along, she finally realized just how important –and fun– it would be to have someone who loved her in her life. Someone who wanted to share the rest of their life with her. 
And she wanted to spend the rest of hers with them too. 
An erupt of screams snapped her out of her thoughts. The swarm of bachelorettes clearing to make way for the lucky woman in the middle. ‘I can’t see her.’ Jean thought worriedly. ‘Was she trampled by the others? Y/N–!’
Standing up from her seat, Jean froze when she heard your shout. 
“Jean!” You shouted from the crowd, your voice far from distress as it sounded more like happiness. 
“Y/N?” The crowd parted like the Red Sea to show you standing in the middle. The lights from the wedding cascading a heavenly glow in your smile when you turned around. Bouquet of roses in hand. 
“I caught it!” You shouted, a broad smile on your face as your fellow bachelorettes cheered for your win. “I caught it, Jean!”
Indeed you did, but Jean didn’t have it in her to respond. Simply staring at you with the deepest blush ever, as all she could think about was you in a wedding dress, getting married to her and smiling through a thin veil that masked your everlasting beauty. Jean couldn’t talk. She couldn’t fathom. And yet when she sees you jumping around excitedly with the bouquet in hand, a burst of serotonin tells her ‘yes, you can marry this girl. She caught the bouquet to marry you.’ And Jean realizes that she can marry the girl of her dreams, and she will.
‘Even in a dress that isn’t white, you look more like a bride to me than any woman in this room…’
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Eula never really liked weddings. From all the weddings she was forced to partake in as a child, they were always the same, stuffy, boring weddings that bored her to death and made her loathe such events whenever she were invited to one. Weddings to her were just an excuse for the Lawrence clan to gather up as one big group, and act like assholes once more until Eula couldn’t stand it. It’s come to the point where every time a wedding is even mentioned, Eula would flinch and think back to all the bratty adults she had to listen to while stuck at a table with barely edible food.
Though, this time the wedding she was invited to wasn’t as sufferable as she thought. For one, her clan wouldn’t be related to the event at all, and two, you were there; her loving and doting girlfriend that begged her to go as your date. And how could she not? After all, she did look quite attractive in formal wear. 
But you…you. You were another story. When you came out for Eula to pick you up she was beyond smitten. Barely able to get her words across as you laced your arms with hers and made your way to the carriage so that you could be taken to the wedding venue. Even then, Eula could not get a word out!
But she could now.
“The bride is honestly so beautiful. I think her dress was imported from Fontaine.” You pushed around one of the fancy looking dishes that you were served and turned to Eula for her opinion. “Do you think I could order a dress as good as that? Ah, but the shipping…I’d need to save more mora…”
“You do not need a dress to enhance your beauty.” Eula crossed her arms, almost appearing mad as she furrowed her brows. “Just being with me has always been a treasure.”
A beat of silence passes by and Eula quickly unfolds her arms. “H-However, if you want a dress from Fontaine I will gladly order it for you if you wish.” The higher pitch in her voice gave away her frenzied panic, and you couldn’t help but giggle in response.
“You’re always so sweet to me, Eula. So charming even when you’re being silly.”
“I am not being silly.”
She all but huffed that response like a steam engine about to explode, causing you to burst out into a fit of giggles and prod a tiny smirk onto the bluenette’s face. “Oh Eula, this is why I love you so.”
‘And I love you too.’
A bunch of screaming women cut your moment short as you both turned to see the ravenous swarm of desperate singles reaching to try and catch the bride’s bouquet, as she was standing far off to the side ready to launch the flowers in the air. Who would’ve thought that so many women were desperate to get married in Mondstadt? Apparently here was your answer.
‘Such a foolish tradition.’ Eula thought, frowning at the sight. ‘Letting a mere bouquet of flowers decide when you get married? How odd.’
“Ah, the bouquet toss!” You exclaimed joyfully, “I’ll be back my love, I want to join in on the festivities too!”
You ran off to join the crowd of desperate women and Eula couldn’t help but be surprised by your actions. Were you really going to engage in such an activity? Eula couldn’t help but be curious. 
You stood yourself in the far back and put your hands up adorably as you weren’t as ravenous as the other singles in the crowd. The other women fighting for their spot to shine, while you bounced on your heels for some extra height in order to strengthen your chances. Ouch, that was cute. Eula glanced at the wall to hide the overbearing smile stretching over her face. Too much for the knight to take. 
“It’s mine!” Several women called out. The bouquet bouncing along aggressive hands before making its way to the back and landing right into your hands. Holy Barbatos you did not expect that.  
“Woah—!” You stumbled with the bouquet for a second before holding it firmly in your arms. “I…I caught it! Eula, look! It landed!”
She turned to the sounds of your cheering and audibly gasped when she saw you running over with the bouquet in hand. Leaving a trail of sad, single women to disperse as you came home as the lucky champion of the evening. “It just crowd-surfed and landed in my hands! Isn’t that interesting? It’s almost like it’s fate!” 
Eula stared at how excited you were to win such a tradition and watched as you plucked a flower from the bunch and held it out to her. “For my lady,” you joked in an over dramatic voice, bowing like a dame and presenting the rose as a gesture of romance. 
“All that for a flower,” Eula scoffed, though she took the flower from your hands and twirled it, a small smile reaching her lips. “Thank you, I will treasure it.” 
“Of course, it’s extra special since it’s from a bouquet I caught. Maybe it’s destined for us to get married next, hm?”
Although a playful little jab at the bluenette, Eula couldn’t help but wonder if the destiny was real. The way the bouquet bounced off the other hands and just landed in your arms was a bit odd in her eyes. Maybe it was just the fate of destiny that brought the bouquet to you. Who knows, perhaps Barbatos had blessed the winds to carry the bouquet towards you, gifting you with the reward of changing fate tonight. 
Eula’s cheeks flushed. But what would mean you and Eula would be getting married next! Marriage! As in wife and wife, officially together in legal documents and last names!
She turned to you and saw you playing idly with the roses plucked straight from the bouquet. Twirling the thorn-stripped stem in your hand before pinning the ornament behind your ear. ‘Beautiful.’ Eula thought. And for a second she forgot all her worries and wondered if a dress could enhance your beauty even more. A wedding dress.
‘Perhaps weddings aren’t too bad. As long as it’s a wedding between you and I.’
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Let’s be honest, Mona really only agreed to attend the wedding simply because she got to eat free fancy food. That, and it was also an excuse to have a free fancy dinner date with you, something she unfortunately bashes herself over as she’s not able to treat you to the fanciest places all the time. 
As snootish as Mona can be, she really beats herself up over not being the perfect girlfriend for you all the time. Sitting here with you at an expensive wedding with couples in their fancy clothes made her realize just how pathetic she really was when in comparison to the bride and groom. The fact that they could afford all of this, all the food, the decorations, the people, and look so content with themselves just made Mona feel as if she could never live up to those standards. I mean, how could you even love her when she couldn’t even afford basic roses? She couldn’t even treat you right, let alone love you properly.
Why do you even stay with her?
“Is something on your mind, my love?” You murmured out of concern.
“Hm? Oh, I was just marveling at the taste of this salad. The dressing is nothing like I’ve ever tasted.” You chuckled over her enthusiasm for salad. Mona always seemed to be some sort of salad connoisseur whenever you’d go out to eat, and her love for such a simple palette made her all the more cuter. “Is it really that good? I thought I made a pretty good salad at home.”
Mona rolled her eyes playfully and stabbed a piece of tomato. “Your salad is…on par. That is a compliment considering this was made by a professional chef.”
You feigned a look of hurt before giggling and going back to your meal. The loud sounds of songs and people dancing drowning out as all Mona could listen to was the sound of you enjoying yourself. You seemed so content, so at ease, and all Mona could think about was how to afford all of this if she wished to spend her future with you. 
And she really, really did.
“You keep staring at me with those wide, unblinking eyes.” You scrunched up your shoulders at the sight. “It’s creepy.”
“What? Am I not allowed to stare at my own girlfriend?” Mona scoffed dramatically. “I really thought loving you meant I could admire you for as much as I pleased. Can I not?”
“It’s just weird, you’ve never been so laser-focused on my face before.” You bashfully laughed. “Are you really okay? You seem so out of it this evening.”
“Of course I’m okay. I just like watching you.”
“That’s so creepy taken out of context.”
“I’m not creepy!”
Mona swatted at your arm and you couldn’t help but stifle your laughter as she tried so hard to defend her honor. Her cheeks mirroring that of a hamster’s as they puffed up like tiny balloons out of frustration. “Honestly, what did I even see in you back then? The stars are truly strange for pairing me up with you as my soulmate.”
“Sure, blame the stars for falling head over heels for me. Klee told me about how you’d pray to the stars every night that I was single.”
“I– buh– KLEE–!”
“Hah…Don’t be too hard on the girl, Mona. If it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t have had the courage to confess to you.” You took note of the pink starting to glow on the astrologist’s ears. For someone so “high and mighty” as she so often claimed, she really couldn’t hide her own embarrassment well. “Come on, let’s lighten up a bit, Mona. We’re at a wedding, let’s go enjoy ourselves.” 
“...I suppose you’re right, darling.” Mona huffed. “Now, I believe I owe you a slow dance for–”
Suddenly a bouquet slammed itself into your head and landed right on top of your lap. The both of you shrieking like little girls as you had no idea what just happened until you fully registered what you were hit with.
“AAAAAAA wait wait–! Mona, stop screaming! It’s just the bride’s bouquet! Mona I’m okay don’t scream–!”
You lifted the bouquet of pink up to your face to show Mona and smiled charmingly with a facefull of flowers. “It’s just the bouquet Mona! Somehow I managed to catch it!” Mona was still shell-shocked to fully register that you were okay. “I caught it! I caught the bouquet with my face and I didn’t even try!”
Ignoring the depressed wails of the unlucky women who weren’t as lucky as you, you got out of your chair and went over to hug Mona, who was now finally starting to wake up from her daze. 
“Mona, do you know what this means?!”
“Huh? What–?”
“We can get married next!”
You squeezed Mona so hard she swears she saw the stars on the ceiling. Yet despite the bone-crushing hug you gave her all she could think about was that you caught the bouquet, and in Mondstadt traditions that meant that you were next in line to get married next. You while you were dating her.
‘Married? Y/N wants to get married next? With me? Why?!’ If Mona’s eyes could spin they would. Too overloaded with information to comprehend the thought. 
“How wonderful this is, it seems like we were blessed with fate huh?” You joked. Though, when it came to fate, Mona never joked around. “I can’t wait to potentially spend the rest of my life with you…”
The astrologist tensed up at your words before softening in your hold. You quickly kiss her forehead before running off to show your lucky surprise to your friends, leaving your girlfriend standing by your table in both shock and dumbstruck love for you. ‘She really wants to spend the rest of her life with me…’ Mona pondered, heart beating against her ribcage as she grasped the edge of the table for stability. “Hah, I was worried for nothing…”
She looked over at you flaunting your accidental bouquet catch to various guests and smiled as you seemed so happy with the implications of having such a lucky catch. The astrologist sitting back at your table and watching you quietly from afar just as she did back when she pined for you all those years ago.
‘I suppose I don’t need an expensive wedding to make you happy. Just us being there makes it worth a whole fortune.’
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babacontainsmultitudes · 10 months
Dndads friends, speeches (and maybe some news 👀) will come for you soon lol bear with me. @sexiestpodcastcharacter Well, first and foremost, congrats to the Night Vale/Carlos fans! And also to the vengeful Lovelace fans 😏 (meant teasingly but affectionately), you guys' memes genuinely got a good laugh out of me and plenty of the other glennfuckers, so thank you lol. And genuinely, best of luck to you next year! (oh mod if you wanna share the captain poll again when you rb this you may- she has my vote lol)
OTHERWISE- TMA FANS DO NOT DESPAIR I will *probably* still complete the compilations I mentioned even though Glenn didn't reach the goal, because you guys were very nice and I think you're cool haha (and I want the compilations too lmao). You are not immune to propaganda, and I am not immune to compliments on my marketing techniques. Peace and love! ✌️
Of course a HUGE thank you to everyone who supported Glenn throughout the entirety of this journey, whether it's because he's the hot sexy demon dilf who transed your gender, because you were successfully bribed, because you didn't want your character's loss to be in vain, because you saw how *damn* hard we were trying, because you clicked the poll on accident, or any other reason! It's been a wild ride, and we couldn't have gotten as far as we did without all of you!!!
An ENORMOUS thank you to everyone who joined our cause by offering art, or pet photos, or music, or heartfelt speeches, or punctuation hehe, or anything else!!! This competition brought a ridiculous amount of cool stuff into the world, and I think that's fucking sexy as hell. People who literally don't know who Glenn is but urged people to support him anyways out of respect for the grind or anything in that vein, I love you???? Thank you!?!?!?!?
And most of all, thanks to you mod, for running this entire circus, >:] and putting up with us little troublemakers for so long ("troublemakers" not including the people who actually said or did genuinely offensive things throughout the course of the tournament, yikes! Fuck that!)
Cheers to all of you! 🍻
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ladybugtrait · 7 months
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PREVIEW Care bears in The Sims 4 | cheer bear CC list + CC folder
Hi everyone ,
I'm here with my next SURPRISE CAS video for you guys .In this video i make all Care bear character as sim , in the first one is Cheer Bear i hope you enjoy it !💙
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Don't forget to like , comment and SUBSCRIBE so that I can continue making the video for you guys!
Cheer bear download
She has 3 outfits
CC folder included!!
How to install:
1. Download custom content folder here
2. Put "Mods" in your "Mods" folder
2. Put "Tray files" in your "Tray" folder
3. Enjoy it ♥
Hope you enjoy  <3
All credits to CC creators!
@poyopoyosim , @obscurus-sims , @sims3melancholic , @magic-bot , @daylifesims , @northernsiberiawinds , @aharris00britney , @rimings , @giuliettasims , @goodchillsstudio , @joliebean , @simpliciaty-cc , @
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hello 👋 I hope you had a wonderful day !! , can I please request People from SDV, SVE and RSV react to the Farmer snap , the Farmer snap because somebody had hurt their love ones and their friends or somebody could had done something stupid that could had got them hurt with the others and the farmer save them before that could happen, maybe there was an argument that escalated to far too ,the farmer having enough didn’t yell in anger but remain calm and cold and somewhere quiet with the blinks stare in their face, making the whole situation feel unsettling and cold by just a few words and the farmer quickly apologize going back to their usual self , because to be honest do you really want to fight with the person who have the power of defeating army’s of monsters and doing some crazy things with it too!! , I hope you have a wonderful day 😃.
Hey hey, dear anon 👋 Thank you so much for the question, hope you're having a good day too! 😊❤️
I apologize, but I can't describe absolutely everyone, as all the people with vanilla Stardew Valley and with two global mods comes out too many for one ask (60+ people). Still hope you can enjoy the little HC! Thanks again 🫰
"You're dead, man. Rest in pepperoni." Oh, trust me, the famous trio of Abigail, Sam and Sebastian know very well how fierce and menacing Farmer can be. And Farmer don't even need to yell for that, just the sight of them makes the blood freeze in their veins. Sam remembers that he once suggested a stupid and dangerous venture to Abby and Sebby, and though no one got hurt, Farmer scolded Sam a lot. So the idiot who was an asshole for Farmer's partner is very unlucky.
Oh, a free show? Great, 'cause Pam's TV just broke, so that scandal will keep her busy. She'd rather listen to Farmer put some out-of-town punk in his place than try to find something interesting to do in a trailer. True, if Farmer's injured friend is her daughter, Penny, then Pam will take part in a heated discussion with all the fury and profanity herself.
The way the Farmer had snapped loudly and unexpectedly at the idiot tourist during the Stardew Fair, who - unbelievable! - was offering Jas, Vincent, and Leo a cigarettes (a cigarettes?!) made the poor kids wince and squeeze closer together. Without stopping to wince, they watched as Farmer chased the frightened tourist away. But then the Farmer's angry look immediately softened as they turned to the children and offered to treat them to ice cream. The young Farmer was a little embarrassed and guilty that he was swearing right in front of the kids (Jas almost cried). But the delicious ice cream helped the kids forget about this unpleasant moment.
Oh, Shane's just in time to sneak a packet of crisps in his hoodie from the Jojamart warehouse, because the way the Farmer just morally destroys some out-of-town loader/colleague from Joja is a real show that won't end any time soon. And there's just the right snack to crunch on - like in the cinema! Even cheers for Farmer when Shane hears the reason for their snap. Hell yeah, fuck em up, Farmer.
Depending on the situation itself, Robin and Demetrius will behave slightly differently. Of course, they are surprised by Farmer's sudden outburst of rage, but when they both recognise the reason for it, they will side with Farmer, remaining fairly calm. If the idiot nearly hurt Maru and Sebastian, Robin herself will be as furious as a mama bear, and her husband (and other random people present) will now have to contain the rage of two people already. Nobody mess with Robin's children.
Harvey was extremely surprised that such a calm person like Farmer could get so furious with someone. Local doctor of the Pelican Town could understand why Farmer was so upset, but it was unnecessary to make such a loud scandal, whatever that stranger does.
June has seen a lot of different people in his time playing the piano. And so it is now, at Ridgeside Village. Most of the people who walk through the main lobby of the hotel are nice and quiet, with a few rude types. However, the hotel visitor that nearly pushed Farmer's friend down the stairs was simply out of line. It's a good thing that Farmer themselves happened to be nearby and were able to stop the rascal. June is not a fan of scandals and didn't really understand the reason for the whole situation, but even he is pleased when the scoundrel got what he deserved for his disgusting act. Well done, Farmer.
Richard doesn't know what made Farmer snap at one of his hotel guests like that, but will ask them to deal with everything outside his hotel. Sorry Farmer, nothing personal, but the other guests are nervous about the tense situation.
Marlon and Lance had to work hard to calm the unexpected anger of the ever-calm Farmer and keep them from hurting one foolish upstart from Castle Village. Both adventurers can understand their young fellow adventurer, but also remind the Farmer of the rules and code they swore an oath to when they stepped into the adventurer's shoes, and one of those rules is to protect people, not harm.
Oh, man... The same rude teenager who decided to tease and insult Vincent is now listening to the tirade of not only a furious Farmer, but also Jodi, joined by her friends Caroline and Olivia. The moms of the town are not surprised by Farmer's rage, they themselves would lose their temper if someone was hurting the local children (especially if they were their own son/daughter!).
Magnus doesn't usually use magic to intimidate. But the case in which a pale Morgan was hiding behind Wizard's back was the exception. The Farmer may have been the first to stand up for Morgan when some creep started bullying the kid, but Magnus would be the one to have the last word, giving the bully a good lesson. A couple of flying fireballs were enough to make the insolent man cowardly run away. Morgan has no need to be afraid, as neither their friend Farmer nor their teacher Magnus will let the child be bullied. Wizard is not surprised why Farmer snap, he would do the same.
Both Penny and Maru were naturally displeased when some idiot tourist threw a soccer ball at the two of them. But the girls even felt a little sorry for this tourist, when Farmer, in a fit of worry for Penny and Maru, and rage, frightened the idiot so much that it seemed that dumbass was about to cry.
To be honest, Jio, Daia and Kiwi are a bit disappointed. Why? Because they thought they would finally see the true power and fighting skills of the Farmer, the savior of Spirit Realm, because they have never once seen Farmer in battle. The young hero was masterful at using mere words to make the enemy retreat and apologize for bullying Farmer's friends, but Belinda's followers expected a battle. Sigh, boriiiiing...
Sophia and Victor don't know what they were more afraid of: the big bully who teased the pink-haired girl, and Victor too (as he was trying to protect Sophia), or Farmer, who drove the big guy away from them with the fury of a honey badger. They clearly hadn't expected that the Farmer could be so... intimidating. But Farmer is still a Farmer, after they returned to Victor and Sophia and apologized for the sudden outburst of aggression.
Considering that Louie and Ariah was being, to say the least, sometimes not very polite (mostly Louie) but calling them such words was clearly unnecessary on the part of some rich guest. Young Amethyne was even more surprised to realize that someone other than their family and servants were defending them. And with such fury. A Farmer?
Speaking of his family: of course Maive will not tolerate such behavior from her guests, and therefore, having found out the reason, she will kick the insolent guest out of her mansion. The Farmer will stay, but Madame will give them a stern and warning look, saying, "Don't try her patience." Sonny and Irene thank Farmer for standing up for Louie (albeit a little aggressively).
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0r1g1n4l-s1n · 2 years
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"Ooh~! Shuii, I got it workingggg~!"
As the camera flickers to life, two boys stand before you, one looking rather displeased, while the other looks absolutely elated. One is clad solely in black, his darkened demeanor matching the color scheme, and the other dressed solidly in white, his mood light and cheerful.
"Hiiiiiii~! Hehe! I'm Kokichi Ouma, the Ultimate Supreme Leader! And yes, I'm also an Ultimate Despair! But you could probably tell from this little cutie on my cheek, huh?"
The boy giggled and tapped his cheek, showing off the bear tattoo on his cheek.
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"Shuichi Saihara. Former Ultimate Detective, current Ultimate Despair. And yes, Kokichi and I are an item."
Kokichi giggles in turn and nods with Shuichi's statement, gripping his hand and swinging their arms.
"...Yeah. Anyway, can we have a promo?"
(( Feel free to ignore, interact if not tagged, or ask for your tag to be removed! Mods that play Kokichi or Kotoko on any blog in any capacity, please DNI! ))
@i-spy-with-my-lethal-eye @ultimate-rider @human-monokuma @pizza-for-my-friends @y0u-f4il3d-m3 @p0m3gr4n1t3-s33ds @little-miss-succubus @ask-shsl-scribe @mikado-sannoji @appetite-of-a-candy-addict and anyone else! ^-^
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thedragonagelesbian · 8 months
The Cyrus Extended Universe
I love one (1) elf very much. How much? So much that I can't stop putting him in scenarios, spawning an intricate web of AUs, LIs, and slight variations that, while perfectly sensible to me, is a lot for anyone else to keep track of.
This chart & the liner notes under the cut sketch Cyrus Hawke's development across DA2, as well as how I've reinterpreted the character in BG3 with links to fics & character & ship tags uwu
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And, of course, there are some things that all versions of Cyrus have in common:
A lover AND a fighter
Sword & shield tank
Loyal as a pup and twice as pretty
Duty comes first, and his first duty is to protect & care for his loved ones
Struggles with his sense of self beyond that duty
Feels like he's always falling short of being good enough & constantly trying to make up for it
Difficulty connecting with his body as more than a line of defense
Sensitive about having his body modified with magic, including benign healing
Fears being made a symbol-- reduced to his armour, his weapon, his title, and made to be the instrument of someone else's will
Has had his kindness and eagerness to serve others taken advantage of
Can't sit still to save his life
Loves nature, gardening, and lavender especially
Stubborn, determined, bad at letting go
Despises injustice and abuse of power
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Playable Elfs Mod
Start of DA2 (25)
Blue!Hawke. Defined by his cheerful, trusting, and giving nature, Cyrus' unwavering commitment to his friends, family, and community make him the brightest light in Kirkwall's Alienage.
But there's a dark side to his selflessness, which his new friends are quick to notice: his overprotectiveness, his willingness to sacrifice himself recklessly and needlessly, his singular regard for the well-being of others at the expense of his own, even the pride he seems to take in his ability to endure pain...
End of DA2 (32)
Red!Hawke. Bearing the weight of Kirkwall on his back has left Cyrus bitter, disillusioned, and tired. As the title of Champion has eaten away at him, he has had to fiercely guard his heart and sense of self, only ever softening for those he loves, to whom he is still ruthlessly devoted.
When Anders asks to pay the price for the Chantry explosion, Cyrus feels he has no choice but to oblige him.
Romancing Varric; QPPs with Merrill and Fenris; besties with Isabela; complicated mutually requited mutual martyrdom exes with Anders
Fics: Little Prince; if i was any closer i could only lose me
Pallybarb!Cyrus (~120)
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Oath of Devotion/Oathbreaker Paladin & Wildheart (Bear Heart) Barbarian
Romancing Karlach & Halsin; ending in Avernus with Karlach and Wyll
Cyrus' oath was born out of pure, unadulterated, selfless commitment to those around him-- first the other orphans in the Lower City of Baldur's Gate, and then to anyone he came across as a young adventurer.
Initial unfazed by getting tadpole-d, Cyrus is devastated when he breaks his oath in the Shadowlands, viewing it as a profound personal failure and a sign of worthlessness. With Karlach's help, he comes to understand that neither he nor his value are defined by his oath, and he decides to remain an oathbreaker, despite the heavy absence in his soul.
Fic: h-llowed
Ranger!Cyrus (~250)
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Gloomstalker Ranger & Champion Fighter
Romancing Wyll; ending as Grand Duke Wyll's husband
A century and a half ago, Cyrus was a selfless and naive paladin. He swore his Oath of Devotion to the exiled heiress of Iriaebor. Seeing the potential of his blind loyalty, she named him her Champion, and while he helped her reclaim her city, the two became lovers. As a ruler and a partner, however, she was despotic. Kept caged by her for decades, Cyrus eventually broke his oath to kill her.
He fled the city and made a new life for himself as a hunter in the Wood of Sharp Teeth, but he lived there in self-imposed isolation, determined never to let his guard down or let anyone into his heart again.
...Until he meets Wyll :)
Fic: The Cicatrix: The Functional Stage of Wound Healing
Durge!Cyrus (???)
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Harbinger Aasimar (mod + head); Ghostslayer Blood Hunter (mod) & Ancestral Guardians Barbarian (mod)
What if you took a guy who has trouble defining himself outside of his ability to bleed and to make others bleed in order to protect his friends... and you obliterated every other reference point by which he might construct a sense of self. Would that be fucked up or what.
He is the sacrificial lamb he is the wolf in sheep's clothing he is the dog guarding the flock
Romancing Astarion & Wyll
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A/N: It's Writermask, and it's my first post as the ✨BaCkUp bLoG✨!!! I officially got permission by Mod Eve (once-upon-a-scenario, you should really check them out if u already don't follow them), and am so happy!!! 😊this is a new writing s t y l e I've tried, and I hope u enjoy!!
Warnings: ooc Toshinori, mentions of blood, implications of abuse and depression.
HIS eyes are blue. 
They're the most bluest you've ever seen- bright, bright sapphire hues, the rich spill of azure and cerulean over the black of the canvas, a slice of cloudless skies, the crystalline haze of the ocean. 
And because you can recognize and dissect the character of a person through the shapes and colors of their eyes, (you know that sounds weird, and vaguely disturbing, even inside your head)- you know his eyes are the eyes of someone trustworthy, the eyes of a caring, friendly person- not the usually jaded, maybe even angry individual you usually encounter on these late night shifts.
(It's… refreshing, in a sense. Sort of, anyway. At least he's not glaring at you, impatiently grinding his teeth as you check his things out, or radiating the stifling aura of someone intimidating and not to be trifled with (like that Yakuza man with the cold, golden eyes that you met last week, but you digress), like the usual pew of customers that trickle in at this time of the night. 
Instead, this man just looks… incredibly tired even as he manages a polite, feeble smile for you, and his skinny, frail-looking frame slumps with fatigue, like he's particularly world-weary today- as though the weight of the world is resting on his shoulders, heavy with a burden no-one but himself could possibly bear. 
There are purple shadows under his eyes, and his cheeks are sunken in, and there's a certain hollowness to the way his sunflower-hued bangs veils his thin, tired face, a certain resignation to the way the sharp planes of his shoulders are hunched together, as he droops tiredly, looking like he's about to black out at any given moment.) 
His eyes- those bright forget-me-not blues- they're the eyes of someone bright and cheerful (just… not right now), the eyes of a soft, caring person. They hold true kindness in them- the rare sort of kindness that's genuinely heartfelt, and you can already tell that this tall, lanky skeleton of a man has a big, big heart, and honestly, you have a shrewd feeling that he offers this silent gift of kindness- this unaffordable, rich gift of anyone and everyone who needs it. 
And without even knowing this stranger, you just know he's the type of person who'd make a good hero. (Or maybe, the sort of person who's already a great hero, in his own way.) But despite all that, you glimpse something below that bottomless blue of his empty gaze, something hollow and empty, almost like… 
Melancholy. Loneliness. Sadness. 
And it’s contagious, somehow, in some way or another, and your heart aches for him- because you know that feeling all too well to not be acquainted with its presence, to the agony and inner turmoil that ensues with its touch. 
The wilting look of frailty, of fragility in his lowered eyes reminds you of your own dark days- (of spending time curled in on yourself, of the constant hunger roaring through your stomach, of the gaping void of loss in your heart, the wet feel of metal flooding your mouth, of screaming and screaming and screaming for a help that never came-!) 
You blink back the sudden bitter sting of memories flooding your mind, and you stare absently at him- at this poor, broken ghost of a man and wonder if this is how you once looked- once upon a time when you lost everything and everyone and had no more purpose to live, and his items suddenly goes limp in your hand as you lower them to the surface of the counter. The words spill out before you can stop them- hold them back, and for some reason, they taste sour on your tongue as you unconsciously murmur them out loud. 
"Tristis Oculis."
The blonde startles at the sound of your voice slicing the silence apart, as though he's forgotten your presence for a moment, and then he straightens immediately, hands clenching into fists at his sides, as he goes stiff-shouldered and rigid-spined, like he's ready to be attacked. Despite the cordial smile that's still twisting his thin lips as he realizes there's only you- the entranced cashier behind the counter, there's a wary look in those tundra blue eyes as he tiredly meets your flustered gaze, but there's also confusion veiled behind the fatigue, curiosity laced behind the wariness. 
He asks mildly, and you falter, breath hitching in your chest, eyes widening in absolute horror, as you realize that you've just voiced your musings aloud, and you slap your exasperated palms over your mouth, petrified at your blunder. 
Pure and absolute mortification and embarrassment dawns on you as you realize what you'd just spoken, and you bow immediately, a hurricane of apologies falling uncontrollably from your lips, as shame weighs heavily in your chest, accompanied by the familiar stitch of gnawing guilt knitting your insides together into an uncomfortable, anxiety-induced bunch. You can feel heat rush to your face as your cheeks ignite in a wild, brilliant shade of ashamed scarlet. 
You truly are sorry sorry sorry, you really hadn't meant to offend him any sort of way, you hadn't even meant to mutter that phrase aloud, you just-... You're awkward, and not really good at this, and you're deeply sorry, you really are. Sorry sorry sorry. 
You tell him as much, your arm flailing about in wild, panicked gestures as you scrabble to bow even more deeply for apology, and you're pretty sure you've confused the poor man even more, as now he's blushing heavily too, wheezing something along the lines of "No, no, there's no need to apologize, really, it's fine!" as he forces a strained, awkward smile for your sake- an effort that doesn't go unnoticed by you, despite the terror clutching at your chest and the panic flooding your veins. 
(Really, he's too kind-hearted.)
"But really, what did you mean by that phrase? I'm not… exactly familiar with it. "
The man says, when your panic finally dies down and all formal apologies has been exchanged between the somewhat exasperated him and your horrified self, tilting his head curiously, the corners of his mouth dipping down in a small, curious frown, and despite the blush of embarrassment coloring the apples of your cheeks, you can't help but compare him to an eager puppy. An eager, adorable puppy. 
As soon as the thought forms, you snuff it out defiantly, cheeks are flaming even brighter at the- the audacity of it! He's your customer, for God's sake! 
(But really, overlooking the momentarily halted drowsiness in his lanky, skeletal limbs, the fatigue sagging his shoulders and tiredness creasing his gaunt face, he really looks… cute. Not that he doesn't look cute regardless, but that's not the point!) 
You startle nervously when you realize he's still looking at you, with those intensely blue, blue eyes, steady gaze a relentless blizzard, and you wring your hands together in a nervous tick as you begin to explain your… strangeness. 
"T-tristis Oculis. It's um," You smile awkwardly at him, hoping to ease the storm of tension rolling thickly through the atmosphere, (that apparently only you seemed to detect, as the blonde seemed too preoccupied with searching your eyes for an answer.) "It's a- um, a Latin saying. It, uh, it means sad eyes." 
You answer, stuttering around the dryness in your mouth, and you tongue feels like a heavy, unmoving weight in your mouth as you reply, fingers flexing tightly as you fist the fabric of your shirt in your clenched palms, to soothe your forever worsening anxiety, and you can feel the flush on your cheeks sear even hotter.
He stays silent, unreadable, (you get the feeling that he's normally a very expressive person, but just… not right now. Maybe you hit a nerve, or finally offended him in some way?) and you begin to panic once more. You fumble to say something, to break the awkward, heavy silence but you fail for the proper words as your mind blanks of all coherent thoughts, meek voice withering at the back of your throat as you desperately try to breathe around the knot of panic squeezing your chest, and your heart lodges in your throat, hammering wildly. 
Before you can say anything, however, he speaks first, shattering the pregnant silence, and his voice is an incredibly, deceptively soft whisper, like he's on the verge of breaking down. 
"How do you perceive my eyes as sad?"
His cobalt gaze is steady and hard- unlike the barely concealed tremors in his voice, and it pierces right through you, and as you try your very best not to shrink and fidget under the heavy weight of his gaze, you get washed by a sudden, strange sensation that feels odd in the most strangest of ways- like he's peering right into your soul. 
(But despite the firmness in his stare, you see the minute shifts, see the way he falters, the smallest of breaths hitching in his chest, the slight widening of those powder blue eyes, the edges of darkness licking at his vision. Honestly, it's tragic, in a sense, because it's like looking into a shattered mirror and seeing what had once been yourself.) 
Your heart stutters and throttles in your heaving chest, and you swallow thickly, unsure as to how to answer properly, feeling as though you're treading on very thin ice. It doesn't feel like he’s going to hurt you, however. More like how you were going to hurt him, instead. 
You're seized by a sudden melancholy, somber feeling, and you feel the embarrassment ebbing away as you meet the crystal blue of his gaze, and you feel like you're sharing something of a very private, intimate moment, despite both of you barely knowing each other at all.
You decide not to lie. This moment feels too intimate, too precious for you to do so. 
The truth is heavy and bittersweet on your tongue as you voice it aloud, and there's still a bashfulness in the way you fiddle with the hem of your shirt as you reply, cheeks flooding with crimson. (You're pretty sure you resemble nothing short of a very red tomato at this point.)
There's a note of strength, a wavering finality in your tone, however- one that leaves no room for argument. 
"You- your eyes looked sad. And I- I know it's probably offensive and probably not my place, but, um, you look like someone that's normally really happy and bright, but- just, just very tired right now. Like you're afraid and broken and you want to be helped, but there's no-one for you to call out for… "
And indeed, despite the genuine friendliness and kindness and care that's thinly veiled behind the tire brimming in the ocean blue of his gaze, he has the saddest eyes you've ever seen- like he's breathed the air of war, tasted the bitterness of death and rot- like he's lost too many people and he's afraid and too broken to lose anymore. 
(Like he's been strong for too long.) 
(There's something unsaid crossing your tongue, and despite the fact that you don't speak it out loud, you know the both of you can hear it's silent voice- because you're both survivors, and you both can recognize and understand each other's pain, hear the desperation better than anyone else ever will. 
"I know that look, because I've been there before- in that dark, dreary place you're in right now.") 
When you finally muster enough strength to raise your heavy gaze and meet his blistering stare (it's softened considerably), there's a pearlescent liquid collecting at the corners of his eyes, something raw and painful and filled with pure, unadulterated hurt smoldering in his eyes, and it makes your own eyes water with white-hot emotion.
(Because you know exactly how this feels- know how much relief and liberation fills you when someone recognizes your torment and offers help- no matter how meager it is, when your cracks are allowed to mend, when the agony lessens even if it is only by the mercy of some kind words and a gentle smile.)
And as the late evening light of the dying sun spills through the windows, the filter of waning sunlight silhouettes his sharp, lanky (not-so-stiff) profile in spools of molten gold and honey, highlighting the honeycomb color of his wild, wild mane of a hair, and his eyes, those bright, bright sapphire hues gleam like freshly cut gemstones, forget-me-not blues so very vivid and glimmering with a renewed  color and life that wasn't there before. 
He's smiling through the tears as he lifts a palm to rub at the corners of his eyes, and it's a tender, soft sort of smile, not quite as bright and cheerful as he might've wanted it to be, all sweet and appreciative and gentle as the corners of his eyes crease into half-moons with the force of it. 
(And your heart skips a beat as it lurches forward in your chest, and your breath halts, sitting still in your lungs, and your eyes widen, because his smile is so, so beautiful.) 
You suddenly realize that nobody else has noticed his pain, tried to heal his hurt the way you have, and the revelation makes your own heart ache for him in the most bittersweetest of ways, and you welcome the pain that follows. 
"And the part- the part where you said I'd make a good hero?" 
He asks, and there's sort of a hesitation- a tone of rippling hope and childish innocence in his voice that would make anyone buckle at the knees and coo at him, and you feel your cheeks flush scarlet once again. Had you mentioned that part out loud too? Gosh, you're really awkward, aren't you?
His eyes are blue, and they're brimming with a sort of childish inquisition and the rim of tears and hope that you absolutely cannot bear to crush. 
So- bearing your broadest, most brightest grin, you answer honestly, and you can't help but love the way those deep forget-me-not blues seem to light up from the inside out. 
"I fully believe it."
(And maybe, you'll never learn the secret that the man you would come to know as Toshinori Yagi, and eventually to your best friend and then to your lover, was really the Number One Hero All Might himself, and that on that day, and many days after that, you would be his hero- the person who'd seen him at his lowest and help him climb back onto his feet once again.) 
FIN - 
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minervamagicka · 1 year
sign of life
well, I guess if time’s a circle I’m stuck in it -
With the announcement of the TS4 horse pack, I’m tentatively dipping my toes back into the TS3/TS4 CC community (as a note, though I made the majority of my CC for TS3, I have very little incentive or desire to return to that game; it simply is just too old for me to handle and for it to contain me. If someone ever manages to reverse-engineer it enough to get it to use more than 4GB of ram, though, I’ll happily return home). I’m leaving the moniker of Luke Teth behind, however, so whilst you can refer to me as that I’d really prefer you didn’t. I also have zero interest in joining any Discords or communities related to TS3/TS4 horses so please don’t even try. I’ll be posting the majority of my creations here & they may get cross-posted to DeviantArt as well.
All this means that whilst I’m mostly experienced in TS3 CC creation (granted.... many years ago), I'll be looking into and learning more about TS4′s architecture to prepare for many model conversions and projects related to the new horses, as I plan to do a lot of reverse-engineering (I guess I’m going to try and make another ‘HD’ mod for them, too. The poor thing in the TS4 previews is practically begging for a default replacement base texture). Primarily, I’m eyeing SSO like it’s the last meal on earth and I’m a starving man, as I think there’s a lot of potential when it comes to rescuing assets from that game and showing them off the way they deserve to be shown. That being said, I have a pretty substantial list of games and game dumps for me to pick over.
So, this all means too that I am semi-officially, semi-reviving this tumblr. Unfortunately, I had a drive failure some 2 years past which made me lose the vast majority of my physical copies of the majority of my TS3 CC. This means I can’t really do any semblance of re-uploading or answering any requests for re-uploads because I quite literally do not have those files any longer. That being said, all of my TS3 CC on this blog is still tagged correctly so you’ll be able to find the posts I did for it if they got posted here.
For what it’s worth, a lot of my TS3 equine CC was in a folder on SFS - You can find that here. I really don’t know what’s all in there, or if it’d still be relevant for folks to want access to, but with the old forums and various sites down, I figured sending it out on a raft into the world might benefit someone. Bear in mind that I only ask for credit if anyone ends up using that CC as a starting point for their own.
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𝘈 𝘎𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘖𝘭𝘥 𝘍𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴.
I do not say new friends are not considerate and true, Or that their smiles ain't genuine, but still I'm tellin' you That when a feller's heart is crushed and achin' with the pain, And teardrops come a-splashin' down his cheeks like summer rain, Becoz his grief an' loneliness are more than he can bear, Somehow it's only old friends, then, that really seem to care. The friends who've stuck through thick an' thin, who've known you, good an' bad, Your faults an' virtues, an' have seen the struggles you have had, When they come to you gentle-like an' take your hand an' say: Cheer up! we're with you still,' it counts, for that's the old friends' way. - Excerpt from the poem "Old Friends", by Edward Albert Guest.
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 1 year
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The Storm Rolls In
⚔️ All Previous Parts Here ⚔️
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: future ABO, slick, Viking Col, fae Dom, beginning of Big Sad™️, I'm serious guys it's starting to get bad, mentions of death, mentions of war, suspicion of lies, suspicion of a usurper, secrets being revealed, a little Tod fluff to help (Tom/Mod), scared boys, overwhelmed boys, caring for dead bodies, crying boys, a small fight, mentions of cheating (kind of), Dom trying to be a big boy, waivering hope, slow burn ☠️ rating: mature ☠️ ideas helped by @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker 🖤
The village was buzzing and had been since the night Bjørn stumbled in beaten and bloody and announced Armageddon. Perhaps Dom shouldn't have been thinking that way but there was a pit in his stomach that promised it would be the end of his world as he'd come to know it. Of course the Bastard seemed perfectly alright since, possibly happier even, but the fae and his lover were so wrapped up in preparation and bonding they barely even noticed. Inga did though, and Modig, and they kept a close eye. Not that they felt it was doing any good. It wasn't as if he was boasting anything or doing something that could be called into question… it was just a feeling.
"Wha's ya end of the world?" Dom didn't mean to startle the seer but gods did he. Some of the clan took to calling him 'Köttr' because he crept around so silently but he didn't think seals were anything like cats. He had been sitting with Mod for a bit, Kol was busy with the few men left of the village. They'd gone to find the bodies of their loved ones but he wouldn't let Dom go and he'd basically left the other fae in charge of his safety. Not in charge of him obviously- that would be absurd and certainly get him in trouble. Tom was with them but still grumpy, he felt like a protective statue behind the boy but he was used to that. Besides, he knew it gave his best friend an excuse to stare at the forest nymph.
Mod took a deep breath and squinted his eyes as he glanced to his new friend. He hadn't forgotten he wasn't alone, they'd just all gone quiet in their individual concerns and hearing the boy talk suddenly was jarring. He was supposed to keep him safe though he was very confused how he ended up the best option. He supposed the only other options were Petter or Bjørn and he was quite sure he was to keep the bear away from him and Pete was… He seemed to have a bit of a crush or he was jealous- none of them knew exactly which. He didn't mind though, it gave him more time around the silent newcomer who was glaring at him. The focus felt nice in a way, it tickled his aura. "Ragnarok. All will end, even the gods. If you believe that kind of thing. Why beib?"
Dom didn't know if he was more confused by their apocalypse word or the fact that his friend called him babe but he huffed softly and set his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands before sighing. He wasn't a baby damnit. They had found seats on the steps of the great hall, it was the best view to watch for the man returning but his ass was starting to ache and he was anxious. He didn't know what else to do but chat. "Jus' wondering what to call tomorrow. Wha' time you fink?" The fae tried not to whine but he was so worried. It was eating at him from the inside out.
Mod wrapped an arm around the boy. He was supposed to keep him safe but he couldn't protect him from this. He tried so hard to put on a happy face and be the cheerful stoner, he knew that's why he was so often the body guard, Kol thought he'd make the kid laugh or something. He just couldn't do it so easily now, he was so scared of the knot in his own stomach telling him death was near. Well… it was by far his most confusing portent. He felt both life and death when he looked at the prince now and he didn't know how to sway the gods. "Before our fearless leader returns?" He asked, trying to keep his voice cheerful enough. "Perhaps nearer to nightfall but not long now." He soothed, ruffling the boy's wild hair.
"Mooood!" Dom squeaked, trying to wriggle away but he forgot his lifelong bodyguard was behind him and Tom reacted to everything. In the next moment the hand in his hair was gone and so was the seer, tackled down the stairs and wrestling with the other selkie. Happily wrestling it appeared, Mod was laughing and even Tom cracked a smile when he landed on top and pinned him. "I actually meant the end of me world but…" Damhnaic trailed off the whisper since he thought no one was listening. He enjoyed seeing them happy though, he felt the whole village deserved it.
"Silly boys, never grow up do they?" A soft voice eased some of his fear and he looked up to find Inga leaning down to wipe the step off before she sat next to him. "Pups they are. Absolute pups." She gave Dom a sly wink and he choked on his heart as it jumped into his throat.
"Pups?" His voice broke as it went high and he had to clear his throat.
"I'm worried for you love." She sighed, scooting closer and taking the same position her son had been in. Her arm felt better though and he laid his head against her chest so she could hold him better. He'd never had a mother like that, he'd never been worried over or taken care of. He was quite sure he'd had a nursemaid his first few years but he wasn't allowed to know who because he wasn't allowed emotional attachments. He was still confused about Tom and Ádam but he supposed one acted cold and growly all the time and the other was so focused on getting his cock wet- as Kol would say- that they didn't act loving towards the prince. "I think Bjørn knows too but I won't let any of this be the end of your world or ours. My boys are finally happy for the first time-" She paused to sniffle and laugh as Mod pinned Tom to the dirt and roots started to grow from the ground to hold him. The selkie blushed for a moment but broke free and they were off rolling again.
Dom wanted to enjoy the sight but his stomach was in knots. What did she mean? "Bjørn knows?"
"I didn't even know exactly what you were but I saw tomes in his room from other lands… one had a word I recognized but I couldn't understand the rest of it. I don't know how he would be able to read it but… Damhnaic, yes?"
Her blue gaze locked on his when he sat bolt upright and trembled. How- where- when- "Oh gods." It was probably just about what his name meant, he didn't believe there had been actual books written about him. Not yet at least. It still made his skin paler and his heart race. He thought he might be sick. "I knew 'ey raided land near mine. I… I suppose I didn't fink." He rasped. "Wait if you can't read it… 'Ow did ya know wha' I am? You said 'pup'."
"Aye. Liv and Helga came to me. He's been rougher these past nights in his glee and he's been very drunk. Ranted about the 'fucking fae everywhere'. Which I knew but... He's always tried spreading a rumor that sirens killed our kin but it never quite made sense and now he's talking about them infiltrating our land. Sirens and selkies and nymphs."
Dom could tell she was scared, not just for him or Tom but for her own boy. She trusted fae because they'd been kind to her as long as she'd lived. Obviously at least one had been very kind. "Does he know of 'im as well?" His voice shook but she just shrugged and Dom looked to the playful pair. He knew bringing Tom might cause problems but it sounded as if Bjørn may have known the whole time. "I don't know wha' to do Inga, he's… he 'ates us for no reason."
She huffed softly and shook her head, patting his back. "He hated Kolvidur. He despised he wasn't the oldest even watching how heavy the world weighed on his shoulders. He hated he couldn't have Åse, she was… well you can imagine her beauty. You've seen Kol." She teased and for some reason he blushed. "Everyone was in love with her, two clans warred over her. To this day the clash lasts. Obviously. She was so sweet as well and smitten with Kolvi, they were as lovely a couple as the two of you. That just drove his hate deeper. My brother isn't a good man, he hated my sweet Kol from the day he was born because he was no longer next in line to rule. It's not about your magic, love. It's about his black heart that can't feel it. He was fine with you I think when he thought you were a distraction from family for Kol. Now that he knows…" She sighed and trailed off. She didn't need to say it, he understood her fear now. He understood what she had been trying to say. Now that the Bastard knew he could breed he was enemy. How strange the difference a womb made. "One problem at a time though. What do you think we should do about this little bitch Megna?" Dom was so surprised he laughed.
He started to reply when they heard hoofbeats and everyone froze, looking off in the distance. "Finally he's 'ome." The selkie grinned, jumping up and running for the horses.
"Dom, wait!" Mod shouted, darting as fast as he could to catch the boy around the waist.
"Wha'? Why? Put me down!" He huffed, still trying to see through the trees and fog, it was getting too dark though.
Tom stepped up next to them, brushing off his tunic and baring his pointed fangs. "That's not our men. There's too many horses."
The fae couldn't even enjoy the fact that Tom had said 'our', he was too wrapped up in the fact that the other clan lied and came a day early. "It's Ragnarok." He whimpered, his skin going cold but at least his friends were moving. Rushing to hide him and figure out who could take Kol'son's place to greet them. He knew though, he already knew. There was only one and he felt sick thinking it had perhaps been designed that way. It was the man who convinced his lover to gather their dead today. "Fucking Bjørn."
Kol'son's heart felt heavy as he loaded another of his men onto the wagon. There were only ten bodies but each one broke him a little more. It was strange though, none of them seemed exactly war torn. He thought if they'd been slaughtered it would be a mess. Some of them had obviously fought but many of them appeared as if they'd quite literally been stabbed in the back. He hadn't thought Harald the type to tell his men to sneak, he was normally very bold in his moves. As he and Petter and some of their elder men had wrapped the bodies he thought he'd seen hesitation on some of them. That was another thing that felt strange. He'd never seen a Viking falter in battle but… maybe the warriors had been young. He couldn't know.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking chief?" Pete asked, leaning against the wagon and crossing his arms. Kol raised a brow at him but he was far too tired to actually speak unless it was important. "It's dead quiet here." The leader wanted to curse him for joking about their men but he couldn't help cracking a small smirk. "What? Too soon?"
"I'm pretty sure six seconds is too soon, Stowaway." He huffed, shaking his head. His body ached and his heart and soul felt heavy. He needed more than anything to get home to his love and just spend the next night and day wrapped in his hold. They had much to prepare before the other clan arrived but he needed more time with Dom. He needed to feel better. Stronger. This was destroying him. "Let's get home." He declared before whistling for his men and mounting his horse.
Dom was shaking, hiding in a clearing in the forest. He wasn't entirely sure why they'd put him there, he wasn't sure why he was hiding at all except that it was just Tom's first reaction. Keep him safe. He'd been there a while with so many thoughts racing through his mind. He had so much distrust in his heart but he knew he couldn't voice it to his love. Kol was too overwhelmed already. He wasn't even sure he'd get to see him for a time and it was breaking him. They'd planned to steal most of the next day together. Both Tom and Mod were near he believed but they were keeping themselves secret among the trees. It was for his protection he was sure but it reminded him too much of his childhood. Many other kingdoms had wished him dead so his family wouldn't be blessed by the gods. This was normal for him even though no one presently was after him. Just to break his heart and steal his mate. There that word was again…
He heard something and startled, pushing himself back against the tree at his spine but when a voice whispered to him he felt so much weight off his shoulders. He was safe. Thank the gods he was safe. "Boy? Are you here?" Kol whispered on the wind and Dom lunged into his arms as he tried to bite back sobs. He didn't realize how scared he'd been that they already slaughtered him. "Odin bless us- fuck! Are you okay?"
The siren nodded and sniffled, hiding his face in his daidí's neck to breathe him deep. He could feel the man doing the same to his hair and it warmed his heart. "'Ow- You didn't get caught?" He whispered back, keeping his voice low in case anyone was listening. He had a feeling they were surrounded by fae but he knew they were good ones. Kin even.
"Mod found me before we got too close. He told me and brought me here. Petter is waiting with my- with my men. We have to go but I needed to see you. Are you okay?" He asked yet again but he knew neither of them were. He cupped his boy's face and caressed tears from his cheeks before he pulled him closer for a desperate kiss. They were supposed to have time. Why didn't they have time? "I'll fix it. You know I will. We'll talk to them and they'll… I don't know." Kol'son huffed, he was too enraged to speak correctly. "Pete suggested if all else fails at least I can keep you as my thrall. No one can tell a chieftain no. Even… even if I have to wed her it would be only in name. You'd have my heart."
Dom pulled free of the hug, his entire being running cold as ice. What had changed in the few hours they'd been parted that his lover questioned his ability to make them leave? He… he vowed. He vowed! Dom couldn't share him and survive. "Wha?"
Kol took in those reflective gold eyes, they were so bright in the moonlight and his throat felt choked by his heart. He hated the idea but he couldn't part from Dom, and his people… "Gods Damhnaic you didn't see it! You didn't have to wrap them and carry them and see- some of them were around your age! You just don't get it! You don't have people like that. You don't have people you'd do anything to save!"
With that Dom pulled completely away and stumbled back against the tree. He felt faint. How was their meeting going so badly so fast? His heart was breaking in his chest but he tried to stand up straighter. He tried to look every bit the prince he used to be. If he wasn't part of Kol'son's clan then he was just that, a runaway lone rebel prince. Gods he'd never felt so alone as he did in that moment. Even with the man he loved most so close. "I fhought 'ey was me people too Master- 'scuse me, Chieftain Kol. I told you not to bloody call me tha'! But I'm sorry I misunderstood wha' I'm doing 'ere!"
Kol'son cursed himself and pushed a hand roughly through his hair. He didn't know how he'd been so stupid so fast. He took a step closer and fell to his knees, wrapping himself around his thrall's waist. His cheek pressed to the tunic covered belly he longed so badly to fill with babes. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. Fuck ástin min I- I raised those boys and grew up with the others. My kin are dead. Slaughtered. And the rest may be by sunup but all I can think of is hiding here with you even if-" His voice broke and tears poured down his cheeks. He never cried. He never fucking cried but he turned his face to his lover and the light so he could see. "Even if we make love to the sound of their screams. I don't want to go back. I don't know how to save them."
Dom could tell how hard that was to admit, his man was broken and he had to help. He had to forgive him and help, no matter what. He couldn't let him lose the rest of their people. He pet through the almost white golden hair and smiled down at him even as his own tears dripped to Kol's cheeks to join his. He was after all from the sea, of course all he could give his mate was salt water promises and hopefully a little strength. "Tha' won't 'appen. Neiver of 'em fings. We'll fix it jus' like you said. Come on daidí, you ain't gonna kneel to your fhrall are you?" He teased, pulling the man up to his feet and fixing his clothes before wiping the tears from his face. "Stand strong and I'll kneel for you later." He winked though he wasn't sure. He could put on a brave face because he'd always had to learn how to mask his fear or any emotion from his parents but he knew the Viking could feel him. "We got fhis. Remember you a king. You me king." He soothed and after getting Kol to rights he curled his wrists around his shoulders.
"Are you sure we can't stay here and fuck?" The human groaned, he'd had a rough day and he wanted a rougher night to wash the pain away.
"You wouldn't anyway. Not yet." Dom teased, standing on tiptoes to give the man a quick kiss and fix his crown. "I love you. No matter wha' comes remember tha'." He purred against his lover's lips and even so scared their bodies reacted being so close. He could feel his thighs slick and his daidí's cock jerk.
"I love you too. Just don't leave me? Stay close please?" He bagged softly and Dom nodded. He would act as thrall for the night, he could do that at least. Support his lover. He just prayed it was only for the night or he might not survive. "You ready?" He asked, squeezing their hands together. Of course he wasn't. Neither of them could be prepared for what they were about to face. There was no way to ever prepare for heartbreak.
Author's Note/Tags: @manicpixiedreamb0y @hollywoodxwhore @jaxbreaker @cole-way-iero28 @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker 🖤
So here we are! The Big Bad™️ I hope you're all ready and you trust me to get us through with a little smut and levity. I actually like this chapter so I hope you do too! Thank you so much for being here 🖤☠️
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