#mod fro
allaboutnalu · 1 year
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happy nalu day ☆♡
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fictionkinfessions · 8 months
I haven't confessed anything in so much LOL but
Does anyone know any characters with four arms? 😭😭 I've been having this feeling but i don't know many four-armed people?
I feel the arms coming from my waist and I think they are muscular if it helps 😭🙏
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Meow :)//
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enement · 1 year
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splatoon-edits · 1 year
hello! could i ask what your profild banner is from?
imma be honest i just googled smth like "blue shark banner" when i was setting up this blog originally to match with the shiver theme and i was intending to change it later but decided i didn't care enough to actually do so...... if ya really wanna know you could probably reverse image search it?? Cuz i have no idea how else to track it down.... Sorry :(
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elemom · 1 year
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Playing around with flexlion’s photo mode! This is my OC (currently trying to figure out a name) she’s also the agent 8 in the diss pair OE mod but who’s keeping track
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support-ponies · 2 months
heya im sorry for the bother but could we get some positivity regarding like, npd? with any pony you feel like drawing. thanks /gen
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thank you so much fro your heartfelt request, i hope I did this issue justice - mod applejack
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tomorrowxtogether · 11 months
TOMORROW X TOGETHER and HANRORO are “Skipping Stones” on the river of youth
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Behind the song and the group’s rock sound
When the tracklist for The Name Chapter: FREEFALL was revealed, none caught my eye quite as quickly as “Skipping Stones.” I thought two things: One, I was glad that the rock sound I crave so much in TOMORROW X TOGETHER’s music hadn’t faded away, and two, I couldn’t wait to hear what their collaboration with HANRORO, the hottest name in indie music, would sound like. It would clearly take a different direction from their funky “Do It Like That” collaboration with the Jonas Brothers and their danceable synthwave “Chasing That Feeling.” And just like they sing in the opening lyrics (“Over the calm river / We love throwing jagged stones”) the song diverts a new stream through the music of TOMORROW X TOGETHER. Once a short preview came out and the members of the group called it one of their favorite songs, “Skipping Stones” swept social media. With no major publicity push, the song was nonetheless number 45 on the Melon HOT100 as of October 30 and had been streamed by Spotify users the world over more than 3.4 million times.
Fans and less diehard listeners alike are no strangers to the fact that TOMORROW X TOGETHER’s spectrum has expanded to encompass rock. Even before The Name Chapter : FREEFALL, the chapter in which they declared their “free fall,” the distorted guitars, heart-rattling bass, and blood-pumping drums had already helped the boys’ growth during The Chaos Chapter. The transition from bold closure of The Dream Chapter where they sang about the beautifully magical youth to facing the harsh reality in The Chaos Chapter could not be better portrayed than through this sound.
But this personal growth narrative isn’t the only reason the boys adopted their rock sound. Even before the group marked an end to their dreamy teenage years with The Dream Chapter: ETERNITY, Gen Z listeners all around the world were already tuning in to loud and smashing instrumental sounds. The dreary stillness of the pandemic had teens looking back on trends from the 2000s, which by contrast, while still a messy time, somehow came with a more positive outlook. At the forefront of this Y2K revival was rock—more precisely, its gloomy, pop punk child, emo. Skateboarder fashion, colorful hair, smoky makeup, and punk rock T-shirts all helped to revive the turbulent teen years of days gone by.
TOMORROW X TOGETHER was the first one to really run with this style of rock. 0X1=LOVESONG (I Know I Love You) feat. Seori was joined by the pop punk rock star Mod Sun and songs like LO$ER=LO♡ER, Dear Sputnik, imbued with forlorn, desperate and rebellious emotions contributed to The Chaos Chapter. minisode 2: Thursday’s Child’s lead single, “Good Boy Gone Bad,” while unquestionably a K-pop song, reinforced the concept further by leaning into all the emotions that sweep through the undercurrent of 2000s rock. If TOMORROW X TOGETHER were going to stick to one genre, they could easily go all in on Y2K rock, adopting the image and releasing more albums in the same vein. But rather than sticking rigidly to form, the group’s take on rock music is more about moving their listeners through emotional connection.
For TOMORROW X TOGETHER, rock is a means for an awakening as they fight to achieve self-actualization, entering the earth’s atmosphere from the tempting “Sugar Rush Ride” that was Neverland as they enter the cold light of day and have to face up to the pangs of reality. The Name Chapter: FREEFALL opens with the hard-rocking, metal-infused “Growing Pain.” An “endless fall,” though “proof of growing,” leaves the whole body scratched up, and “though my blood spills and bones break,” there’s no guarantee it will amount to anything. Once they choose to free fall into this world without fear, the boys have to muster up the courage to bring themselves to their feet. The aggressive song acts as a substitute for their pained cries as they emerge from their cocoons to spread their wings and fly.
And so they go without regret through the night sky, feeling around for traces of the past they left behind in search of a new world (“Dreamer”). At this point, they’ve matured enough to realize there’s nothing wrong with having “a horn coming out of my head” (“CROWN”) that makes you stand out—it’s merely “different” (“Deep Down”). Even if everything isn’t “Happy Ever After,” they can still smile knowing that “reality has no right answer / There are so many options, it’s all on me.” And that’s something beautiful: a worldly, finite pleasure.
The “Skipping Stones” that follow this realization are a different story. As the five young men watch their rocks bounce away, creating placid waves as they skim across the surface of the water, “Over the calm river / We love throwing jagged stones / We know it’ll hurt / But still, we pick up another one,” they smile. Happiness is easy to find in the vacuum of solitude, where there’s no one around to butt heads with, but after all that wandering, they enter the wider world, ultimately leading to better versions of themselves. In this song, rock plays an important part in that process of maturing and healing.
“Skipping Stones” was written by 22-year-old singer-songwriter HANRORO. Currently a university student, HANRORO leapt right into the hearts of indie rock fans with her song “Let Me Love My Youth” and the way it likens how it feels for the younger generation to anxiously step out from the pandemic’s shadow to springtime. The lyrics she writes come from a dark place and tell the story of someone who doesn’t know how to love themselves. “MIRROR” tells of someone trying to comfort themselves as they struggle to keep on living; “Questions from our night” looks at conflicted feelings when trying to accept how love feels; and, in “Even if you leave,” vulnerable people living with terrible regret find relief. Although HANRORO and the members of TOMORROW X TOGETHER express themselves in different ways, they’re all living through their 20s. Ideal was a bit too high and the reality was solitary.
At the end of fierce self-doubt and inner conflict, they seem to have finally reached somewhere ideal. Just before “Skipping Stones” came out, HANRORO put out her first EP, Take-off. In it, the singer fully basks in the youthful paradise they’ve discovered at last. Likewise, in FREEFALL, TOMORROW X TOGETHER come into the real world without hesitation. HANRORO’s vocals in the “Skipping Stones” chorus don’t sound out of place surrounded by the TOMORROW X TOGETHER members’ confident singing, and the group would have looked right at home had they appeared alongside HANRORO in the video of her cover. It’s no surprise, then, that in his interview for the group’s latest album, SOOBIN said, “I’m a big fan of her music. The song she gave us is so characteristic of her sound that it feels like a song she would’ve written for herself. I fell in love with it the very first time I heard it. It was fun getting to record a song of a style I listen to and sing all the time, which made the process laid-back.”
TOMORROW X TOGETHER were making themselves small in the song “Tinnitus” off The Name Chapter: TEMPTATION: “Being a rock, I guess I’m fine with that / Just rolling, that’s my kind of rock ’n’ roll.” In a world filled with conflict, hostility, and hatred, and where everyone’s always comparing themselves to others, quick pleasure and blind addiction seemed like decent escapes, if only temporarily. Luckily, when this group rocks, they aren’t just rolling around. It cleanses the soul, awash in deafening noise, injecting youth—finite by nature—with a vitality that’s infinite. They shout themselves hoarse pouring their aching hearts out. Together, TOMORROW X TOGETHER and HANRORO skip their nostalgic feelings of youth across the water and out of sight—into a calmer youth that, though spreading thin, spreads out far in wave after beautiful wave.
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celebrity manhunt
Inside a small studio, a large desk wraps around two seats, an orange striped background and TV monitor decorating the set behind them. In one seat, a tight-faced, full-lipped gentleman with stark black hair holds a bouquet of cue cards. Next to him, a tight-faced redhead in a blue dress is holding a clearly empty mug. 
“It’s a beautiful night here in Toronto, perfect temperature for the TV event of the season- that’s right, everyone- it’s time for the Gemmy’s!” 
The gentleman fixes his bowtie. “We’re reporting live, just a block away from the action- it’s your faves, Josh-”
“And Blaineley!” the ginger cuts in. “Welcome to a very special episode of Celebrity Manhunt! Tonight is the night, folks- it’s time for gossip, cheer, and chatter about this year’s nominees!”
“Who will be taking home the gold? Stay tuned to find out!”
“Josh, that was my line,” Blaineley hisses. He rolls his eyes. 
“In only half an hour, our field reporters will be walking the red carpet with this season’s celebrity stars- until then, let’s catch up with the juiciest gossip from the past year,” Josh grins. “With a special focus on our personal faves, and the audience choice’s- the Total Takes Island cast!”
“Those teens braved it all on the newly-resurfaced Wawanakwa island, competing in death-defying challenges and looking fly while doing it!” Blaineley squeals. “Just to come back for another season of screams, screams, and crazy teens on the set of Total Takes Action!”
“Those are some brave contract holders, especially after watching what happened to the other casts,” John winks. “And like our blasts from the past, these teens have scored a nomination in the category for Best Reality Ensemble.”
“Let’s cross our fingers for them this time, Josh,” Blaineley chuckles. Her smile seems forced. “But before then, let’s catch our audience up to speed with everything that’s happened since Total Takes Action closed its doors- or should I say, gates?”
"Sure thing, Blain- from breakups to makeups to arrest records and more, our stars have had a lot going on for them!" Josh grins. "O has been living the high life back home, but not before starting an advocacy group for those who were negatively affected by the psychiatric healthcare system. Peter was spotted giving a promise ring to his girlfriend, Lois- still going strong! And Kitty's been banned from at least eight national parks in the United States so far,"
"Speaking of spectacles, let’s talk about Alistair’s award-winning performance as Disco Horatio in the viral Broadway musical 70’s Hamlet, a pop-infused retelling of the classic play,”
“Alistair’s performance was so good that he even found himself a brand new fanbase of Hamlet-crazed fangirls- some of which have been taking things a little too far,”
An image of Alistair’s character in a Miku binder fixes itself on screen. It's been autographed.
“Yikes- but hey, if he's owning it, then more power to him! Next up, we're talking about the pop sensation band that’s been on everyone’s minds- that’s right, guys, we’re talking the Takes Three trio!”
Blaineley grins as a sequence of images of McLovin, Sha-Mod, and Joner starts overlaying the screen. “Our Total Takes faves shocked the world when they released their first album, Boi Tearz, to widespread critical acclaim,”
“The rap-swing-darkwave fusion has been called “surprisingly tolerable” by critics, leading the Takes Three to their own claim to fame outside of reality TV. Make sure to stay tuned, because we'll have them right here after the break!”
The Celebrity Manhunt logo flashes across screen and then fades as the studio comes into focus. McLovin, Sha-Mod, and Joner are all sitting beside each other at the end of the table, wearing matching outfits.
"Takes Three- you've been called international pop sensations by at least six Twitter users. How do you respond?"
"We're just grateful for our fans," Joner says, shrugging. "Making music for the world to enjoy is a rite of passage where I'm from."
Blaineley blinks. "The Midwest?"
"Yeah, it's been crazy. We've been signing all kinds of notepads!" Sha-Mod nods. "Big ones, little ones, ones shaped like circles..."
"I didn't even know you could make circle paper," McLovin shakes his head. "Our tour has been world-changing."
"Eye-opening," Sha-Mod agrees. "And to thank you for inviting us on the show, we wrote a song for you. Ready, guys?"
All three reach under their chairs and pull out three sets of bongos. They look between each other.
"I though I was bringing the bongos," McLovin says.
"No, you were bringing the synthesizer. I was bringing the bongos!" Joner responds.
"I thought you were taking the triangle!"
Blaineley and Josh look at each other, then back to the trio.
“So, boys, how has skyrocketing to commercial and financial success affected your bonds on a scale from “a lot” to “IMPOSSIBLE to ignore!”?” Blaineley asks, grinning widely. The three stop bickering and immediately turn to her.
“You know, we’re actually closer than ever,” McLovin states, matter-of-factly. “Our music is a really hands-on creative process.”
“Yeah, can’t have rap-swing-darkwave without the swing!” Sha-Mod smiles, setting down the bongos. "Or the rap- or the darkwave!"
Joner nods. “It's been chill. Our new album-”
“BORING!” Blaineley shouts, pulling a lever behind her. The floor under the three musicians disappears and they scream as they disappear. "All I heard there was "blah blah blah" let's get to the real juicy gossip, shall we? It looks like it’s finally splitsville for Patjulia.”
Josh chuckles. “Oh, yes, after months of vicious dating, our sources indicate that those villains-to-be have finally called it quits- and publicly, at that. Our undercover reporters came across this juicy little tidbit. Roll the tape!”
The monitor fizzles to life and focuses on the inside of a restaurant that looks like a tornado went through it. A chair flies across the screen and the camera whirls around to one side of the room, where Julia is screaming and throwing furniture. 
“I should’ve NEVER even TALKED to you!”
The camera pans around to the other side of the room, where Patrick throws a handful of spaghetti back. “You should be HONORED I gave you the time of the day!”
“Your hair looks like a dead rat got glued to your head!”
“That’s rich, coming from a fake blonde!”
“IT’S NOT FAKE! We are so over!”
“You’re not breaking up with me! I’m breaking up with you!”
Julia throws a table and it sends Patrick flying across the room and straight out the back wall, creating a him-shaped hole in the plaster. He screams one final "YAHHH OH HOO HOOEY!!" as he goes flying.
“Yikes,” Josh chuckles. “That’s gonna leave a mark!”
“Where’s Scruffy during all this, you may ask? Well, they’re busy interning for Sierra of Reality, Weekly!” Blaineley announces. 
An image of Scruffy wearing a pair of sunglasses and an earpiece, walking beside a woman with dark brown hair in her 30s flashes across the screen. 
"What an upgrade from Total Takes, wouldn't you say?"
"Oh absolutely- especially after Wawanakwagate,"
Blaineley nods. "But, speaking of relationships- Bonsar- to date or not to date?”
Josh grins. “That IS the question! The two best friends were seen holding hands downtown, sending fans WILD! In a recent press statement, Caesar did little to calm the masses,”
The monitor changes scenes to a press conference. Standing before a crowd of reporters and microphones, Caesar adjusts his bow tie and clears his throat while Bonnie is sitting on the stage, playing on their Switch. 
“I just want to restate that Bonnie and I are under no obligation to explain anything to the press,”
A reporter waves his hand. “So are you dating or not?”
Caesar smacks his forehead.
"Looks like trouble in paradise to me, Blain!"
"You said it, Josh! You know who's been sailing on smooth seas lately, though? Maxchela!"
"OMG, totally! Fans are still swooning over Max and Michela after they were named Reality couple of the year by Reality, Weekly,"
“Unfortunately, we here at Celebrity Manhunt were unable to reach the two for comment. Luckily, our star reporter under the pseudonym “Noco”, was able to get the inside scoop!” Blaineley smiles.
The camera pans over to Noco, who’s half-shadowed to protect his identity. He clears his throat. “I just want to say, first of all, that my findings have reliable and true evidence behind them,” 
He stands and pulls a poster down behind him- revealing a screen covered in images of Max and Julia with strings between them. “Let’s say, hypothetically, that Maxchela was staged,”
The light above him suddenly flickers on. He sighs.
“OOOKAY THEN!” Blaineley says, redirecting the camera back over to her. “More on that later! In the meantime, we have a very special guest joining us today- one you Canadian viewers at home might recognize right away as the household name of the month!"
Josh grins. “When Chris McLean’s arrest became an international media sensation, sparking thousands of internet “memes” after his mugshot went viral, there was one name to take the claim to fame,”
“Toronto Environmental Coalition’s own leader, Albert, led an independent investigation of Wawanakwa after former contestant Scary came forward with a case- but it was him who found evidence of illegal radioactive materials on the island,” Blaineley continues, images of the investigation flashing across the screen. "The case brought international attention to the Coalition, and to Albert himself."
“The scandal broke the Wawanakwa mystery wide open. Here with us today is Canada's sweetheart, Albert,”
The camera zooms out and reveals a third person at the table. Albert- a teenage boy with dark brown hair, wearing a gray windbreaker- adjusts his lav mic and then smiles awkwardly. 
“So, Albert- since your case went viral, you’ve been called a top-notch advocate, a genius, even a national hero. How does it feel to be getting all this attention?”
He thinks for a moment. “Um… well, I suppose at the end of the day the only thing that matters is the coalition, and the attention has drawn in a lot of donations!”
“Yeah, whatever,” Blaineley chuckles. “You’re the star of an international scandal- you’re a hero! How does it feel?”
“Uh… fine. I guess. What I’d really prefer talking about is the monthly agenda for the TEC, we’re planning on hosting a protest at a meat processing plant in-”
Josh clears his throat. “Our sources indicate that you and Scary were an item at one point. Is this true?”
Albert goes pale. “I- um, no comment, thank you,” he then leans in to whisper. “I thought we were going to be talking about the coalition.” 
“On this show? No chance!” Blaineley shouts, startling him and sending him flying backwards. “Celebrity Manhunt is about the drama, drama, drama!”
Albert cringes. “Is there anything else we can talk about, then?”
"We can talk about the juicy, juicy drama happening on the red carpet right now," Blaineley chuckles. "Looks like the first of the cast has arrived to the Poultry Pals sponsored Gemmy's!"
Albert holds up a finger. "Um- what was that last part? The sponsor?"
Josh leans in, his palm against his face. He whispers. "Since ratings have gone down, award shows have corporate sponsors now. Turns out the meat industry is bananas for awards!"
"That's- that's the business I'm supposed to be protesting," Albert stands. "I have to go!"
He runs out of the room, and Blaineley rolls her eyes. "Guess we know why Chris McLean was acquitted and found innocent, huh?"
Josh chuckles. "That we do, Blain. That we do. But let's talk about these red carpet looks, cause honey these contestants are serving!"
The red carpet outside the Gemmy's is surrounded by shouting fans and photographers. O waves as he walks inside the building, followed shortly by Alistair, then McLovin, both so preoccupied with waving to the crowd that they crash into each other.
Another limo pulls up on the scene and Peter steps out with a short ginger. She shows off her promise ring to the paparazzi and giggles.
Peter and Alistair fistbump as they reach the door.
"Aw, how sweet. Friends forever!" Blaineley's voice overlays the scene.
"It's nice to see those teens getting along," Josh adds. "Ope- and there's Scary, just released from the lead prison she was stuck in from radioactivity!"
Scary arrives next, her hair dyed a warm honey brown. She makes a show of coughing and wheezing as he exits his limo in a wheelchair, then rolls up the carpet.
"My, my, aren't they looking just proper?" Blaineley tsks. "I love that shade of brown on her!"
A photographer gets too close with his camera and Scary stands, beating him over the head with her wheelchair, before sitting back down in it and rolling indoors.
"What a stellar start to the most anticipated award season EV-AR!" Josh squeals. "Let's check in with Noco on the field."
“Reporting live from… wherever I am,” Noco says, squinting. He’s holding a microphone and looking around, slightly annoyed. The cast looks relatively tame, most just merrily chatting with each other. “Here's, uh, I don't know. Austin or whatever. Hey, Austin, you and Kelly get back together?"
"No, baby, I've been single and free! To hell with monogamy!" Austin shouts, flipping on a pair on sunglasses, tearing off his shirt and running off screaming.
Noco stares into the camera. “Now can I do my Maxulia bit?”
“Um. No,” Blaineley says, still in the studio. “What is UP with these drama-less hacks?! Someone get Ass and Courtney here, pronto!”
Noco rolls his eyes and walks down the carpet, approaching Courtney, who’s catching up with Bonnie. “Comment?” Noco asks. 
“Hm?” Courtney turns, then blinks. “Um, comment on what?”
“Ugh. None, thank you!”
“I heard that!” Ass shouts from across the carpet. Courtney rolls their eyes. 
Staci and Mal walk down the carpet next to each other, arguing about welding. Noco sighs. “Now can I-”
“NO!” Blaineley and Josh yell in unison. 
Michela, walking alongside Max, stops suddenly and puts her hands on her hips. “Does this venue feel a little empty to anyone else?”
The camera zooms out- the group is on a carpet, but there's no reporters, no photographers, no fans to be seen.
“No, I see what you mean. I was thinking there’d be more… I don’t know, people,” Max says, then sighs.
“Did we get the right address?” Scruffy asks. “I mean, we’re all here, so we got sent the same e-vite, right?”
Mal pulls out her phone and reads intently. “Yep. This is the place,”
Another limo pulls up and Julia and Patrick stumble out, shouting at each other and having a slap-fight.
Joner and Sha-Mod look between each other. "Hey," the latter says. "Did we lose McLovin?"
Kelly walks up to the two and puts their hand right above their eyes, shielding their vision from the fluorescent lighting. "I don't see him,"
"Who else are we missing?" Michela asks. But before anyone can do a head count, a voice rings out from the distance.
"WAIT! WAIT! DON'T GO IN YET!" it shouts. The crowd turns in the direction it's coming from and Albert runs up, then collapses on the carpet, wheezing. "Don't go in..." he coughs. "Protest..."
"What's this supposed to be?" Ass asks, putting their hands on their hips.
Albert takes a moment to compose himself, then stands. He dusts off his windbreaker and pants, then pulls a small card out of his pocket. It reads "TEC Charter: LEADER".
"My name is Albert, and I am condemning this award show on behalf of the Toronto Environmental Coalition!"
"What award show, Einstein?" Ass snaps. "There's nothing out here!"
Albert looks around. Nothing but crickets. "Oh,"
Bonnie sighs and walks past him, approaching the doors of the supposed venue. “Let me guess-” they open one and the entire front of the building collapses. "Yep. Thought as much," 
“It’s CARDBOARD?!” Caesar shouts. “My hair took FOUR HOURS to do!”
“This has got to be some kind of Chris thing,” Staci says, crossing her arms. “Maybe it’s a scavenger hunt.”
“Oh, no, no way. I am not playing these little games again,” Ass says. “I’m going home.”
“Hey, everyone, we're still missing people,” Kelly says. 
Austin pops out of nowhere. “Yeah, baby, where’s the rest of the party at?”
Courtney does a quick headcount, then thinks for a moment. "I don't see O, Scary, Kitty, McLovin, Alistair, or Peter,"
"Kitty's in an Australian prison," Patrick says nonchalantly. Everyone turns to him. "What?"
"Never mind that. We need to figure out what's going on," Michela says, hands on her hips again.
Mal chuckles from across the carpet. "Guys, you should see this,"
The crowd hesitantly approaches her, peering over her shoulder to see a live broadcast of the Gemmy's on her phone.
"And the award for Best Reality Ensemble goes to... the teens of Total Takes!" the announcer shouts.
Peter, O, McLovin, and Alistair look nervously around their seats, as if trying to catch a glimpse of where everyone else disappeared to.
"Oh, crap," Julia sighs. "We got sent the wrong damn address."
"Are you guys watching the Gemmy's?" a voice from ahead pipes up. The crowd diverts their attention from Mal's phone to see a scrawny boy standing on the street in front of them, drinking a slurpee loudly. "Cause it's a total hack. It's rigged by the woke police."
"Who are you?" Ass asks, crossing their arms.
"I'm Phillip, but you can call me Alejandro," he says confidently. "I was just out training, to fight SJWs. You know how it is."
He does a few karate punches. No one seems very impressed.
"Do you know where the Gemmy's are?" Courtney chimes in.
"Oh, yeah. They're way across town. They're wrapping up soon, anyway, you shouldn't bother with them. Everything comes to an end, after all,"
"Ooookay," Michela says. Max rolls his eyes.
"Do you guys ever think about how red slurpees make your mouth look like you've been drinking blood... heh... just me, then... I have a twisted mind,"
"Am I dead?" Ass turns to Courtney. "Did I die and go to hell?"
"Enough whining. I'm going home," Bonnie snaps.
"NOT so fast!" A voice shouts. The sound of a helicopter hanging overhead makes everyone jump and turn skywards. Chris McLean pilots the aircraft, making a smooth landing in front of the teens (but not before sending Phillip and Austin flying in the wind).
The disgraced host steps out of his helicopter, grinning. "You teens have a contract to uphold!"
"What is going on?" Caesar demands. "This wasn't in my contract!"
"Oh, right. You're "exempt" because of your "lawsuit"," Chris air quotes, rolling his eyes. "Bonnie, on the other hand..."
Caesar pales. Bonnie chimes in. "What are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about a brand-spanking-new season of Total Takes- that's right- we're doing TOTAL TAKES: WORLD TOUR!"
No one makes any noise besides Scruffy, who squeals in delight.
"Thank you. Glad to see someone's excited,"
"Okay, let me get this straight," Julia starts. "You lie to us about the Gemmy's location, drag us to the middle of nowhere in Toronto, make us hang out with these freaks-" she gestures to Albert and Phillip. "And Now you're saying we have to do ANOTHER SEASON?"
"Man, you guys need better lawyers," Chris chuckles. "You have a long, long few weeks coming for ya."
The teens look between each other nervously.
"And not only you- as your contract dictates, any and all at the time of casting are required to join- that means you," Chris points to Albert. "And you," he points to Phillip, plastered against a nearby wall.
"You cannot be serious," Ass says. "I want to talk to your lawyers!"
"No can do, buddy. This is set in stone. See you all soon!"
He chuckles as he gets back into his helicopter and starts off, leaving the cast abandoned. They look at each other one last time before the screen fades to black.
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query-quadrant · 22 days
AVICE NEEDED !!!!11!!!!!!11!!
ok im gonna start this off with a warning dont start shit off with a bang if you cant keep up that momentum
not to be all sparkly spade emoji vitriol emoji sparkly spade emoji on you but the most over the top romantic way ive ever been asked out is when grey sent me that insane hate letter virus thing and that idiot could NOT keep it going really set himself up for failure there
if you start shit off with a grand romantic gesture you gotta be prepared to keep that energy going 
but anyway here
dubiously good ideas: 
1. once asked a dude out by pouring bleach out in his lawn ring in the shape of a spade so it killed all the grass it was really funny and was stuck like that till it grew back lmao dude got a lot of questions about it
2. one of my best friends got a bunch of calligraphy supplies and ye old ink and a quill and wrote a very fancy looking list of all the things wrong with the girl she sent it to like it looked fancy but the actual letter wasnt it was mostly swear words and shit like “thats why youre so fucking stupid youre a freak youre a freak and your clothes are ugly" and sealed it in a fancy envelope with a wax seal and everything and like a kiss mark on the envelope with her best lipstick it was really funny
3. ok this ones gonna be long and really fucking abnormal but lets be serious here if you actually need something big and grand and unique and dont wanna ask them out normal style and also im not just yapping at you and regurgitating shit i already did or a friend of mine did or that you can find in a list online already like "buy them dead flowers teehee and make them a ransom note winky face kissy emoji five exclamation points" then i mean obviously doing something personal is best i mean grey and i have the internet feud thing going on so tech based shit is it but for you your rivalry is probably based on something else doing something rooted in thats sappy and stupid and sparkly spade gif for real
what i mean is pick something you both already compete in and do it way better than they can or make it a custom challenge for them and mix your confession into it like the stupid virus i got
if you both do baking do something really difficult and annoying or time consuming that you know they cant in the shape of a middle finger 
mod a game or just boot up marioh maker and make them a stupidly hard but also well built custom troll level and hide the confession at the end 
write a custom flarp thing and when you beat their ass have your big evil character monologue be the confession 
a whole custom pitch themed escape room could be really funny if youre rich or have the right friends 
or who knows whatever it really depends on what youre into some of these are insane and embarrassing as fuck but if it works for you it works
oh man this shit got away from me lmao but basically do something specific to your rivalry that says im challenging you im better than you and i want you idk why i didnt just say that youre not dumb you dont need examples anyway
finally heres bad advice youre here for that shit probably lets go bad advice: 
1. ok i have a new idea thats going to totally revolutionize the pitch dating sphere what if instead of asking people out pitchways you try and have the worst possible confession in a different quadrant possible just really shitty awkward insulting badly timed the works 
see if you can piss them off enough with it that they just have to have you as their kismesis its called reverse psychology its very smart and sophisticated and could never go wrong
2. you can always kill their lusus killing their lusus is totally not famous for almost always backfiring and only working in insane romance novels and really shitty movies dont worry about it
3. steal a confession from a fanfic make sure its from a fandom theyre into so you can recommend them that same fanfic later
3. ask them for advice on how to ask people out pitchways and do exactly that 
wait ok actually that one could be good thats hilarious never mind put that on the good list i mean its not romantic but it could be so funny if you did it right
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jellymellydraws · 5 months
Somehow fucked up my mods for BG3 to the point that I miiiiight be better off starting my Rose game fro scratch and redownload all the mods.
Kind of a bummer but it gives me a chance to properly save and label specific points I need to refer back to in the game.
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hi message to the anon, i myself am mainly a tessa fictionkin and seeing her drones in pain also effects me, so here we go: that anon, is a pathetic excused for a human vessel, they deserve nothing in life, i feel bad that their mother had to go through the pain of birthing their disgusting self just for them to harass good people online. they're the reason there are TOS on simple positive games. they're the reason we need to put DNI's in our bios. truly a pathetic excuse fro a person, im holding myself back here, thank you tessa. you've gone way to far not just harrassing V but shade, to the point where Lizzy had to take over host. i could go so much further but this rant is long enough all ready. now i realize mod shade might want this to be dropped so i'll be leaving this here.
// GO OFF BESTIE <333 //
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dazai-mackerel · 3 months
ooc: mod hanst ben able to slep for three dyas cus i lost goober- evefyome pray fro my sanity 🫶
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utkinhome · 3 months
baneberry,, here. mainly asking for a shufflemancy. sorry for not being clear,,!
Since I’m not all too familiar with these AUs, I’m gonna do a reading for them as a whole! I hope that’s alright with you. Also, many thanks to Mod Alphys for doing the shuffling!
Thus Always To Tyrants / The Oh Hellos
To and fro, I will not follow
Where you go, I will not also
I will look for you
As the sun rises high
When the dry bones dance
With the timbrel and lyre
There's a wind alive
In the valley
It will fill your lungs
If you'll have it
You left the rest of the Sanses, staying behind as they went ahead. It’s possible that you ended up disagreeing with something they did/said or went down a darker path than you were comfortable with, but you held hope that they would see the error of their ways and you could rejoin when that occurred. There were brighter things to look forward to, but only if they allowed it.
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allfrogsmatter · 6 months
i spent a lot of my weekend playing sims 3 and mannn i forgot how much i loved that game, but it also makes me miss the sims 4 like crazy
rambling thoughts below (also if you played s3 what do you miss or not miss about it???)
sims 4 just does a much better job with relationships and dynamics between sims, which makes it such a good platform for storytelling and i miss that because all my sims 3 sims’ relationships just seem so flat
but there’s something about sims 3 that just makes it so playable. the open world truly was so nice, i love not having loading screens anytime i leave the lot and being able to toggle between sims as they go about their day - i miss it so much in sims 4
also the autonomy in sims 3 just seems so much better, when i leave my sims to their devices they always seem to want to clean up or play with the dog, but in s4 it’s play video games or drink water and leave dirty cups around, plus they spend so much more time actually doing things instead of standing around (maybe this is just because i didn’t excessively mod my game fro s3 but still)
and the wants in s3 are so much better than whims in s4, something about the way they’re displayed just makes me actually want to complete them, and i love that lifetime aspirations show up as wants for kids and teens
other things from s3 i missed:
- pets are more doable- in s4 they’re always running away from neglect because my sims don’t interact with them unless i make them
- separation between worlds- i wish you could travel to other worlds for vacation like you can the ones from world adventures, but i like that your world is contained in s3, everyone at the school lives in your world, everyone at your job lives in your world, you can maintain relationships with people from other worlds but they’re not showing up at your door every day (esp. in the context of a decades challenge, if your sims immigrate from europe to america you won’t be seeing your european auntie walking down the street in your neighborhood)
-color wheel - oh my god, i had almost forgotten, this genuinely was a heartbreaker when s4 came out, there was so much variability in cas and build in s3, even with limited clothing options you could create unique looks for your sims with different patterns and textures and you weren’t restricted to the awful ea options
-clothes- something about the s3 basegame clothing option, it’s just very workable and versatile, maybe i think this because trends have come full circle, but a few years ago when i jumped into s3 again i remember being so tickled with the outfit options
-teens- there’s something about s3 teens that just makes them better, maybe because they made them look like teens by making them shorter instead of just scrawny, but with generations teens just feel more fully fleshed out than in s4 (i don’t have growing together or high school years so ig that’s on me, but also i can’t afford both of those packs)
-packs- something that has really been grinding my gears for the almost TEN YEARS since s4 came out is how much extra content you have to purchase, for s3 if you wanted game content, for the most part you got it through expansion packs, but s4 is just excessive with expansion packs, game packs, stuff packs, kits, etc. there’s just so many features that you want in your game, but it costs a small fortune to get them all because they’re distributed across packs that cost up to $40
-PRICE- i have so many nostalgic memories of saving up my $20 to go to target and buy a new expansion pack for s3, then the joy i felt when it was on sale, every s3 expansion was, and still is, $20 but for s4 they’re twice that, the only time i can ever justify purchasing anymore is when they’re on sale
- rabbitholes- it seems like for s4 they did away with a lot of rabbitholes, just not work and school (except with packs), it was nice being able to send my sims to the movies or the bistro for a date night and not have to be following them the whole time, making them interact
- ownership- maybe it’s just me but i miss physically having the boxes the games came in and putting the disk into the computer and having the little icon for every pack on my desktop, i don’t like how everything’s through origin or the ea app now, esp. because for whatever reason s3 university got uninstalled on my moms pc and ea wanted me to buy it and when i used the code from the box it said it had already been applied (i only have the one account i have no clue why tf they took university from me) and if i didn’t have the disk i wouldn’t have been able to reinstall
- i also miss little things, like ordering pizza and seeing my sims drive around and catching birds in the wild and holiday festivals
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dear-indies · 6 months
Hi! Do you have any female fc suggestions (preferably actresses) between 21-35 that could play an artist or/and an author, please? Thank you very much in advance <3 :) Hope you all have a beautiful weekend!!
Lily Gladstone (1986) Aamsskáápipikani Blackfoot, Kainai Blackfoot, Nez Perce, White.
Pearl Mackie (1987) West Indian / White - is bisexual - has spoken up for Palestine!
Ruth Madeley (1987) - has spina bifida.
Aiysha Hart (1988) Saudi Arabian and English - has spoken up for Palestine!
Kylie Bunbury (1989)A fro Guyanese / White.
Rosaline Elbay (1990) Egyptian - has spoken up for Palestine!
Lolly Adefope (1990) Yoruba Nigerian - has spoken up for Palestine!
Seychelle Gabriel (1991) French, Mexican / White - has spoken up for Palestine!
Denée Benton (1991) African-American - has spoken up for Palestine!
Michaela Jaé Rodriguez (1991) African-American, 1/4 Puerto Rican - is trans.
Grace Dove (1991) Secwepemc.
Simone Recasner (1992) African-American / White.
Rose Matafeo (1992) Samoan / White - has spoken up for Palestine!
Olivia Cooke (1993)
Aisha Dee (1993) African Australian / White.
Kawennáhere Devery Jacobs (1993) Mohawk - is queer.
Han So Hee (1994) Korean.
Aimee Lou Wood (1994) - has spoken up for Palestine!
Jasmin Savoy Brown (1994) African-American / White - is queer - has spoken up for Palestine!
Katherine McNamara (1995)
Ambika Mod (1995) Indian.
Jessie Mei Li (1995) Hongkonger / White - is a gender non-conforming woman who uses she/they - has spoken up for Palestine!
Rachel Sennott (1995)
Geraldine Viswanathan (1995) Tamil Indian / White.
Ayo Edebiri (1995) Afro Barbadian / Nigerian - is queer.
Chase Sui Wonders (1996) Chinese, some Japanese and Tahitian / White.
Courtney Eaton (1996) Chinese, Cook Islander Māori / White.
Bree Kish (1996) ¼ Black - has spoken up for Palestine!
Josefine Frida Pettersen (1996) - has spoken up for Palestine!
Tavi Gevinson (1996) Ashkenazi Jewish - has spoken up for Palestine!
Kylee Russell (1996) Lenape and Cape Verdean.
Charithra Chandran (1997) Tamil Indian.
Iman Meskini (1997) Tunisian / White - has spoken up for Palestine!
Chloé Hayden (1997) - is autistic, has ADHD, and is chronically ill.
Morgan Holmstrom (1997) Metis of Cree descent, Ilocano Filipino, Sambal Filipino.
Amber Midthunder (1997) Hunkpapa Lakota, Hudeshabina Nakoda, Sissiton-Wahpehton Dakota, Thai-Chinese, and White.
Ayesha Madon (1998) Indian.
Julia Dalavia (1998) Brazilian.
Daisy Edgar-Jones (1998)
Esmeralda Soto (1998) Mexican.
Ethel Cain (1998) - is a trans bisexual woman - has spoken up for Palestine!
Giulia Be (1999) Brazilian.
Kang Mi Na (1999) Korean.
Odessa A'zion (2000) Ashkenazi Jewish, English, some Irish, Northern Irish, Welsh, German - has spoken up for Palestine!
Marissa Bode (2000) African-American - is disabled - has spoken up for Palestine!
Ruby Cruz (2000) - is queer.
Hey anon! I'm not sure what vibe you wanted specifically but I hope these suggestions help you.
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