#mod hank
nevadakincentral · 4 months
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Hank stimboard with heavy machinery for @fightingtrim.
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⚙️ 🔧 ⚙️
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rking200 · 3 months
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Hank's T-Shirt Collection As always, you can find these on the Hank page of my Gif Archive.
First three shirts are based on this set of wonderful art by @sisyphusunderthesun Final shirt is based on a conversation with @replicantdeviancy
Want any of the above Hanks in your game, or a clean version of his grey t-shirt? DM me for the mod files (Steam only)
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lofi-toast · 2 months
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mag hank before i epp
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a-roguish-gambit · 25 days
If Remy and Rogue played DnD, who would usally be the DM?
There are 6 people I trust in the x men to be good dms:
1. Jubilee- youngest of them she has trained for years off of DND podcasts. She's very complex fight heavy and encourages tomfoolery in her campaign based on the rule of cool. Her table as a result is usually the one where the most stupid raunchy inside jokes come from.
2. Beast- very by the books dm but God does he have the books memorized and can help you with anything you may have questions about when playing is also forgiving when it comes to death saves. His puzzles are brutal though. The table will frequently devolve into "random bullshit go" logic when they get stuck at a puzzle and beast frequently ends up slamming his head against the table in frustration at them
3. Nightcrawler- if you like roleplay more than fighting or puzzles, he's your dm. He's great at building fun NPCs to roleplay with and very go with the flow, will do player/npc romances and yes, does let the bard seduce whatever sentient monsters they want. the one thing he absolutely does not allow is murder hoboing. He will smite your character mercilessly if you form a habit of it that and make you roll up a new character. He spent a lot of time making these NPCs and if you kill them first thing when meeting them you will suffer his wrath as god of the universe.
4. Jean grey- Incredibly good at coming up with stuff on the fly when the players derail the campaign. Is it because she can read her players minds and has a split second to prepare? Maybe. But she doesn't stop them from trying to do stupid stuff. Just uses it to give her an ability to adjust the story.
5. Storm-if you want a hardcore campaign she's your girl. She is very unforgiving as a dm and usually takes physics mechanics into account, including the weight of gold. She makes.you keep track of your rations as she has a starvation stat that effects your hp and stats. She warns people to have at least two spare characters prepared at any given time.
6. Forge- really really clever dungeons and has great complex villains. His DM "are you sure about that" face sends shivers down his players spines though. He also is totally chill with incorporating as much sci-fi as you like into medieval fantasy settings. He will make it work he promises.
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n1ckelpistol · 8 months
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a new challenger approaches
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sashaasur · 6 months
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I think it's worth playing dbh with this mod >:]
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Somewhere in Nevada... or perhaps the Mushroom Kingdom...
Mod link
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hankcon-bingo · 3 months
Hankcon Bingo Interest Check (and Mod introduction!)
Greetings, everyone! My name is Hemlock (She/They) and I am the new mod for the Hankcon Bingo account! 💙
As a big Hankcon fan, I am happy to help with the running of such an important event. Though I have taken part in many fun fandom events over the years, including Hankcon ones, this is my first time taking a moderator role so please bear with me. 😅
To start things off, I hope to gauge any interest in Hankcon Bingo for this year. If anyone is interested in taking part in a Hank x Connor themed bingo (or even casual little prompt fests peppered throughout the year,) please feel free to fill in the attached interest check and share with any fellow Hankcon shippers that might be interested.
The interest check will be open until the 15th of July. Thank you very much and I look forward to many Hankcon inspired events ahead! 💙
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inkk-ubus · 17 days
chimera connor ur always on my mind
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kissoflightning · 8 months
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Role Swap AU 10/? : Survival
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iwonderwh0 · 7 months
@marcusrobertobaq here you go
It's quite a surprising mod request coming from you, ngl
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nevadakincentral · 3 months
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Trickjeb stimboard with funfetti and cake making for anon.
🍰 🎂 🍰
👓 ❤️ 🎪
🧁 🎂 🧁
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rking200 · 3 months
((Regarding Hank's house, I thought I noticed this little handprint on his clock a while back. I had to go back and make sure I wasn't imagining it, but here it is.
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I edited the image to make it easer to see.
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And for my angsty Hank fic, I wanted to make it very noticeable. I badly traced the outline with my mouse and edited it again.
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Just a little detail that I'm not sure you can really see without a free cam, and even then it's up so high that it'd be pretty hard to see. Just to show that this isn't something I added or just the texture looking like handprints, here is the raw texture for mapping the reflections off of this particular clock. Obviously, I have added in the obnoxious red circles to make the prints more understandable.
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And without my edits:
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The print looks way too small to be Hank's, so of course I assume it's Cole's.))
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lofi-toast · 2 months
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Hank posting
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a-roguish-gambit · 4 months
What if the x men played DND
This is what I think their characters would be
Beast: is the forever dm
Cyclops: the most lawful good high elf paladin to ever lawful good high elf paladin
Jean grey: starts with a standard lawful good high elf wizard but min maxes into an entirely different character about three times until she is once again at lawful good elf wizard. But now it's a different flavor of elf!
Morph: chaotic neutral plasmoid fighter
Wolverine: just homebrews himself into the game, with a custom barbarian subclass of "escaped living weapon". No one realizes what he did until he mentions that his hidden wrist blades come in sets of three and by that point they are three sessions in.
Jubilee: neutral good half elf druid/sorcerer, with a dramatic heroic backstory, stunning good looks, and she knows everyone just like in her fairy tale ep
Gambit: a purple lawful evil to chaotic good tiefling rogue/warlock who's patron makes him steal treasures as offerings in exchange for blessings of luck and powers to charm others
Rogue: girl found out you can seduce in the game and is playing a chaotic good damphir bard so she can seduce as many as she wants in the game she and gambit tag team to seduce all the monsters.
Nightcrawler: everyone thought he would play a lawful good tiefling paladin but instead he's playing a chaotic neutral tabaxi cleric/monk that is also a pirate
Storm: started out playing a min-maxxed to hell Asimarr druid but got tired of it quickly and is now playing Snarf, the chaotic neutral kobold ranger/wizard and is having a blast. Especially with fireball.
Xavier is not allowed to play because he keeps cheating by reading beast's mind to meta game and magneto was kicked out for being a problem player and kinda murder hoboing a village of humans that were harassing a goblin.
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beemers-hell · 9 months
If you wanna keep up to date with it, then:
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