#mod is a lazy asshat
locationkinggrp · 3 days
Welcome to my Nightmare. I will be updating this post over time with more links & info of various things. Thank you for stopping by and giving it all a nice read. Enjoy! 🖤 🤘❤️
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♱ DO NOT interact if • you are a bigot • you are a homophobic • you have any issues with any LGBTQ+ people • you are a bully • you have an issue with males wearing “catch me fuck me knee high boots” • you have a problem with trans people • you are a microwave that hates heating up food • you are a gremlin disguised as a mogwai ♱ DO NOT follow if • you are looking for numbers • you are anything or everything under the "do not interact if" • you are a bigot groupie • you got problems with others shipping the same NPC as you • you cannot handle f/f & m/m postings • you are quick to block someone without talking to them 1st • you are an asshat hellbent on drama • you are mother nature • you are an asteroid
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MY 6 V'S.......
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+NAME: Vexx +AGE: 27 +GENDER: Transgender +SEXUALITY: Panam-Sexuality +JOB: Owner/Broker of Lazy Real Estate Professionals. Owner of Jinguiji in Center City. +SIBLINGS: 3 +ALIASES: Pretty Devil +INPUT/OUTPUT: Panam Palmer
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+NAME: Velvet +AGE: 27 +GENDER: Male +SEXUALITY: Pansexual +JOB: Agent at Lazy Real Estate Professionals. DJ Heartbeat at Riot. Fill in guitarist in a band called Troops Of Doom. +ALIASES: Thunder Bite +INPUT/OUTPUT: Aymeric Cassel
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+NAME: Vixxio +AGE: 27 +GENDER: Female +SEXUALITY: Lesbian +JOB: Agent/HR at Lazy Real Estate Professionals. Owner of the Ded Zed store. +SIBLINGS: 3 +ALIASES: Flawless Sandstorm +INPUT/OUTPUT: Songbird
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+NAME: Vladislav +AGE: 27 +GENDER: Male +SEXUALITY: Gay +JOB: Agent/HR/Office Asst. at Lazy Real Estate Professionals. Bartender Demonic Rumble at Totentanz. +ALIASES: Profanity of Darkness +INPUT/OUTPUT: Dum Dum
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+NAME: Valaine +AGE: 27 +GENDER: Female +SEXUALITY: 8ugsexual +JOB: Agent at Lazy Real Estate Professionals. Double jobs at Riot : DJ Virus & bartender Cinnamon Tempest. +SIBLINGS: 3 +ALIASES: Crimson Nymph +INPUT/OUTPUT: 8ug8ear
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+NAME: Vyandrara +AGE: 27 +GENDER: Female +SEXUALITY: Bisexual +JOB: Agent at Lazy Real Estate Professionals. DJ Stitches at Totentanz. +SIBLINGS: 3 +ALIASES: Grumpy Darktwirls +INPUT/OUTPUT: Aurora Cassel MY SOCIALS......
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Nexus: LocationKingGRP (mods = locations, eyes, nails, tattoos, lipstick & makeup) Instagram: location_king_grp X: Location King GRP Ko-Fi: locationkinggrp (fixing it up, under construction) YouTube: Location King GRP (mainly videos of some mods & lil gameplay stuff) AO3: Location_King_GRP (deleted old stories, they are being fixed up currently) Patreon: LocationKingGRP2079 (new & uncertain of it's path, under construction) Discord: locationkinggrp
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OH more asks!? WHY yes. This is fine. Sydari or Teldryn, or both or neither! Up to you! Odd OC asks!
🍎: Do they share any features or traits with any family members?
🍷: What's one of your OC's pet peeves concerning food?
🍕: How does an OC spend a lazy day?
Oh these are nice ones, let us see how best I can mess this up XD
🍎: Do they share any features or traits with any family members?
Sydari closely resembles her mother, she inherits her hair colour but her father's texture. She has her mother's eyes, colour and shape ( I describe them as amaranth since the colour I chose in my extremely modded playthrough is basically that anyway, too much red for it to be considered magenta, but my dunmer have eye colours that range the whole red spectrum so that includes stuff that skews slightly pink and violet). She also has her mother's jawline, something they both inherited from her maternal grandfather, who was a Nord fisherman whom her grandmother ran away with. Incidentally, her hair colour is straight from her Nord grandfather as well. She also looks a lot like a distant relative from the early 3rd era but that's too spoilery.
Her physical resemblance to her mother is a point of contention between her and her father, he uses it as an excuse to treat her like crap. She takes after her father's side when it comes to the whole "outlaw/thief thing" and lacks any useful skills in magic. Though the Nord blood nerfed that as well. She does have a talent for enchanting that she may have inherited from a distant uncle on her mother's side.
Teldryn closely resembles his "good for nothing, thieving, ashlander scum of a father" (a quote that Teldryn uses that came directly from his uncle). Right down to his lanky frame and asshat expressions. Jokes on him because his father was only half Ashlander and his clan want nothing to do with Teldryn either. (Well not until he met the criteria for the Nerevarine prophecies, then they were really quick to claim his sad ass). Having said that he did get his eye colour (more scarlet, his dad's are more russet) from his grandmother on his mother's side, she was his main caretaker and the only family member he got along with. He behaved around her and when she died he had no one to bat for him, not even his mother would (she's very emotionally manipulative, and her help comes with strings attached). He makes the whole situation worse by getting his face tatted (not the same ones as his father but a little too reminiscent in his Grandfather and Uncle's opinions).
His substance abuse issues are very much inherited, his mother is a mean drunk and he's a whole other level. He hates that he acts like her. His use of magic is actually up in the air (a distant relative was probably great with throwing fireballs, but who has been forgotten over the centuries).
🍷: What's one of your OC's pet peeves concerning food?
Sydari hates squash, she thinks it tastes foul and if it's the only thing on the planet left to eat she'd rather starve. She prefers to eat alone, a habit formed when stealing as a kid, she had to hide that shit or eat it really quickly. She hates the sound of chewing so eating with others is just the worst thing on the planet. She's sensitive to the adverse effects of mushrooms and avoids them if she can. It makes her nauseous. She loves sweets and hoards a lot of honey nut treats. Take those things without her permission and you'll find out. (Teldryn found out, it hurt). A new one is accidentally eating something from Teldryn's plate. That's a case of extreme find out! They end up colour-coding their dishes.
Teldryn can't taste shit! He compensates for this with the liberal use of chilli oil, to the point that no one else can eat it. His peeve is not having that important ingredient added. He'll complain that the dish tastes like ash and salt though he'll still eat it, just grumpily. He doesn't much care about other people's eating habits but did perfect the art of wolfing down food so fast that no one is actually sure if he removed his face scarf or not. He hates cold/chilled food, the ice hurts his teeth. He's not bothered by food textures so much as a complete lack of taste. He use to love Marshmerrow Cakes as a kid but there's no joy in them since he lost his ability to taste them. He avoids all dairy like the plague, completely unable to digest the stuff. Makes Skyrim a hellscape to navigate with their love of cheeses. He can't detect the taste of dairy in his food so he's been caught out a few times when he was new to the area. Absolutely mortifying! Vomit grosses him out. (A lot of things do tbh).
🍕: How does an OC spend a lazy day?
Sydari likes to work on things she's not great at, at the moment she's working on her literacy, she wants to read everything she can. Teldryn takes this as her liking books, so he begins leaving books about the house (Severin Manor, Honeyside, Proudspire, Breezehome) but they're all in Dunmeris which she can speak (the Windhelm dialect) but not read, she hasn't told him that yet. (He's trying to hint at something with this but she's not getting it). She'll also go swimming if there's a body of water nearby. If not she might try to plan a game night, she can at least take home everyone's coin.
Teldryn wants to learn to play the lute, he's tried on and off over the years and can manage a few songs but leaves a lot to be desired. He doesn't outright own one himself so he just borrows them without permission. If he's not doing that then he's commandeered the baths. He'll grab a bottle or several of some form of alcohol, maybe something pointless to chew on, his tobacco and just vege. For hours.
They both get drunk together in the evenings, and if they get drunk enough to have adventures then so be it!
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msm-tsotmw · 1 year
I was wondering where I put this thing…
Anyways, I’m feeling significantly better now. I was able to get up and walk yesterday, and now Tundra’s coming in to check in with me before I get out of this infirmary and talk to Pringle about how I’m gonna get out of here.
(Sprigg hears a knock on the door.)
Come in.
(The leucistic, purple-scaled Strombonin opens the door to Sprigg’s room in the infirmary, holding a stack of books in one hand. Cameo is asleep on their back.)
…Why is Cameo on your back?
He likes being held this way. Although I’m not sure if this counts as holding someone, since he is literally just lying on my back…
Anyways, I have a few books for you to read while waiting for checkout and for that lazy asshat Pringle to wake up. They ARE sleeping a lot more these days… much more than Harlow’s ever done.
Speaking of Harlow, he’s happened to attend more and more Dream Council meetings and do more stuff aside from lazily look at Monsters’ dreams… strange.
Maybe there’s something going on with Mythical Island?
Excuse me, what?
I don’t know, I just… had a feeling aside from all of the unusual things the Monsters here have been doing.
Hmm… maybe you’re right.
When Pringle wakes up, we should probably go talk to them about whatever’s going on.
Yeah, we should.
For now, I recommend reading this book while you wait.
(Tundra hands a book to Sprigg. It has an image of a stained-glass portrait of Galvana, the Electricity Celestial on the cover, titled “Truly Immortal”.)
I remember it from before I teleported here on Mythical Island, and it’s pretty interesting. I used to be kind of into the Celestials’ lore back in the day…
Wait, I’m studying the Celestials too!
…You are?
Yeah, I had a major in Celestiology when I was still in college. I’m planning on going back and taking that again when I’m done with this trip-turned-journey-to-save-the-Monster-World my friends Toorie and Mondo dragged me along on.
Journey to save the Monster World?
I have a feeling this has something to do with the Plague of Silence Pringle talked about… I’ll make sure to talk about that with them later. Have fun reading that book.
Alright, thanks.
(Tundra gets up with Cameo still on their back, leaves, then closes the door, trying not to hit their husband’s foot with it.)
This DOES seem like an interesting book… better get started, then.
just realized “Truly Immortal” kinda sounds like the name of that one fanfic HELPPPPP
-Mod Jimmy 🗣️
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transformersmr-hq · 4 years
TFMR Worldbuilding WIPs that are sitting inside my note app
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Can't post them all so I'm giving snippets instead.
The most common type of cimbiners are duobot combiners: spark twins that can combine (e.g. Jetfire and Jetstorm)
5-bot combiners like Victorion or Bruticus are actually very very rare
There is a type of outlier who can combine with other bots. Particularly powerful one can form a combiner with 4 other non-combiner bots.
Velocitron is Mercury.
There are two types of cities: one is a mobile platform that runs away from deadly sunlight, and the other is a repair station kind of city which hides underground during daytime
Benefit 500 race is basically a race that decides who will be running the planet until the next season. The 1st place gets the president's seat.
As of lately, there had been a political turmoil that worsened the relationship with Cybertron. The space bridge is shut down, and the planet is most likely to be starving from lack of tourists by now.
Here is an image that I was going to use as a header for the post. It's just NASA's image of mercury with caption added on it:
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How Cybertronians grow
Cybertronians go through four stages: egg, newspark, cadet, and adult.
Newsparks undergo some form of metamorphosis/instantaneous growth called "upgrade". The first upgrade is when a newspark becomes a cadet. The second upgrade is when a cadet becomes an adult.
The first upgrade is something like human puberty. Many cadets don't get to look pretty. Especially seeker cadets (fledges). They look so hideous that Cybertronians that aren't seekers are hard-wired to automatically put mosaic blurr on their visage when they are in visual.
But that's okay because second upgrade pays good. The uglier a cadet was the prettier they will be after this upgrade.
And here is a very old drawing of baby Blitzwing. Was going to use it in a comic buuuut idk
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Cybertronian Hygene
Cybertron has little to no water. This means that the most of the "filth" they would deal with is either dry sand-like dust, residues from liquids that dried off quickly, or something oil-based.
The quickest method is to use compressed air. This is enough to blow dust away from the seams. When a bot thinks they look clean enough or has little time to clean thelselves properly, shoving an overpowered leafblower up their faces is a way to go.
The proper method is to use a solvent. Solvent removes oil stains and evaporates quickly. Rich bots have solvent showers installed to their habsuit. Poor bots buy cheap ones that comes in spray bottles.
Washing with water isn't entirely unheard of. After all, water is one of the more common stuff in the universe. Those who has been to extraterrestrial excursions are familiar with water shower.
Wingspeech and Vosian wingspeech
All bots with back-mounted wings speak "wingspeech", a type of body language that uses wing movements. Wingspeech is often used with verbal speech simultaneously.
Common wingspeech is what ordinary winged mechs use, which is mostly used to empathize the nuance conveyed in the verbal speech. The movements are simple, so a non-flier bot with keen observation skills can easily understand them.
Vosian wingspeech, or more precisely, Vosian courtyard speech, involves a series of delicate and strictly controlled wing movements. It delivers the rest of the message that the speaker didn't mention in verbal speech, or it can completely contradict the verbal speech, hinting what the speaker really meant. It is impossible to fully understand a Vosian noblemech's words without learning how to read their wings.
Praxian grounders, who are always born with doorwings, can also speak wingspeech. They can eve learn Vosian courtyard wingspeech, although there are limitations due to their relatively simple "wing" structure.
Turbofoxes are one of the most common animals that can be seen in urbanized areas. They are often seen regions where it's too cold for ferrofelinids live, but sometimes they live in the same zone and compete for food.
They have turbo boosters mounted on their back. When they hunt prey, they can jump high up in the air using these boosters, this earning the name "Turbo" fox.
Turbofoxes are smart creatures that, unlike ferrofelinids, often approaches Cybertronians when they think this person is a kind one. They are friendly and harmless unless aggravated, but it's best not to touch them in case they are carrying flea-like microcreatures or neuro-rust(something like rabies)
Some turbofox subspecies are bred as popular pets.
Turbofoxes are infamous for stealing food from people when they are eating. This happenes often to minibot children.
The Thirteens
Cybertron used to have many religions. The a guy called Nova Prime got sick of people fighting over them so he smashed those religions together to create one universal religion.
In this new religion, Primus is the ultimate God. The Gods that were worshiped in previously existed religions became 13 “children” of Primus.
Prima is the first child of Primus and the most important out of the 13s because he was Iacon’s patron God. He knew there was no way he could stop Unicron, the very incarnation of end itself, so he made a deal with him so that he would retreat. In turn, he became Unicron’s hostage forever.
Micronus is the patron deity of newbuilds and youngs. He used to be the God of Minikind’s religion.
Alchemist is a little different, as legend states that he was an actual person rather than some mythical godly being. He was Cybertron’s best doctor, who could save any sparks from falling into Unicron’s hands. He tragically died of some super rust plague while trying to save people, and then Primus took his spark and made him one of 13.
Liege Maximo is portrayed as the deity of deception and trickery, and often depicted to have silver tongue. Truth is, Liege Maximo was a figure thought to be the founding father of the city-state of Vos, and he is the patron deity of diplomacy and cleverness. the creator of the Primusinaity simply didn’t like Vos very much because it was the last city-state to accept the religion (albeit begrudgingly). 
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incorrect-seduce-me · 7 years
No one dared approach the fearsome dragon atop his ivory tower
Until one day a bold and brutish incubus flew before him
Sam: Hey dude, you need help getting down?
Dragon: Please
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dapperallonsy · 4 years
I don’t really talk on here, (because I’m a lazy asshat,) but holy shit I should’ve gotten to modifying my nerf blasters earlier. It’s screws and gears and levers and all the little clicky things that I love and I’m waiting on parts to come in now but I really wanna get my desk cleaned up enough that I can stary trying my hand at soldering and dremel work so I can try modding some of my flywheel blasters. I also reeeeeeaaally wanna make a beefed up lipo stampede with integrated magnus. And sand down the transparent ridged on the new 25 dart drums so they can fit in the stampede magwell.  Seriously The old one fits, why the fuck did they have to add those ridges.
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bardofheartdive · 6 years
I was tagged by @sparatus. Taking a cue from their choice of supervillian character, I'm going with my misogynistic, xenophobic asshat.
full name: Christopher "Chris" Jonah Ramsey,
gender: Male
sexuality: Heterosexual
pronouns: He/him
family: Hannah Ramsey (mother), Jonathan Ramsey (father, deceased)
birthplace: Arcturus Station
job: Systems Alliance Navy Combat Engineer, N7, (MIA then dishonorably discharged), Cerberus Combat Engineer
phobias: Feeling
guilty pleasures: Expensive alcohol, toying with people's emotions and being other wise manipulative
hobbies: Modding and programming, taking electronics apart and putting them back together again
morality alignment? Neutral Evil
sins: Desire / Despair / Envy / Fear / Hunger / ***Pride*** / Rage / Sloth
virtues: Charity / Chastity / Diligence / Humility / Justice / Kindness / Patience
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: Introvert
organized/disorganized: Organized
close minded/open-minded: Closed-minded
disagreeable/agreeable: Agreeable as long as things are going his way
cautious/reckless: Cautious
patient/impatient: Patient
outspoken/reserved: Reserved for the most part
leader/follower: Leader, though it's more that he has no interest in following than that he actually wants to lead
empathetic/unempathetic: Unempathatic but clever enough to have most people fooled
optimistic/pessimistic: Pessimistic
traditional/modern: Modern
hard-working/lazy: Lazy
otp: I guess Chris/Mara Shepard (Payne), with the caveat that it ends terribly between them 
acceptable ships: Here's the thing, Chris really shouldn't be in a relationship with any decent human being ever, Mara is the only exception because I made her specifically to be tragic 
ot3: No one
brotp: Chris & Kai Leng, Chris & The Illusive Man
notp: Chris/Any character I or anyone I like has ever cared about
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mangledmenagerie · 6 years
Important things to remember
This is an 18+ blog.
Mun =\= Muse (why does this always have to be said)
This is a hobby for me, an outlet for when I need to escape the stress of my real life.
Mun is a wife and mother, life will get in the way of RP, as it should on occasion.
Be nice. Don’t be a DICK. I will delete anonymous hate, whether it is about mun or another partner. Bullies and asshats do not deserve my time or energy.
I do not RP, rape scenarios, incest, underage sex or anything that is remotely pedo. Don’t fucking ask. (I will nope the fuck out and block you for my sanity)
Personals and Fan Blogs
If I don’t know you I will probably soft block you, it is nothing personal, it is just for my comfort. I make exceptions for RP blogs that follow with a personal, to keep their RP dash clean. (just let me know who you are)
Never reblog my RP threads, that is between me and the person(s) I am roleplaying with… it’s okay to like them.
Never reblog my personal posts, this goes for all followers, I will soft block those who do, I tend to go back and delete them. Comments are generally fine.  
Starter Calls, Shipping Calls, and Plotting Calls are for RP blogs only, I will make the effort to give a warning once, after that I will either soft block or fully block you, depending on how often you ignored my rule.
Promos are for RP blogs. Doesn’t matter if it is promoting me or another blog.
Asking questions and chatter is okay, just bear in mind that I will give priority to RP blogs and people I know.
Mutuals and Non-Mutuals
We don’t have to be mutuals to have our characters interact.
Never be afraid to ask about doing a thing. I can’t always guarantee my muse will be interested but I will do my best to at least chatter with you about it
Send me all the asks.
Feel free to turn an ask into a thread if you want.
Feel free to approach me with ideas for interactions for our muses, I do love a good brainstorming session
Sometimes I am slow to respond, sometimes I will respond several times in a row. Be patient with me and I will be patient with you.
Please, no God-Modding. I realize some characters are bound to have abilities that could manipulate another character, if we didn’t plot it out, don’t do it, my friend. Always ask if you need my character to a specific thing, I will do the same. Again if you think I am doing that please say something to me, so I can fix it.
Ships, Mains, Exclusives, Duplicates, OCs
I love a good ship. Especially if the back and forth between a partner flows nicely.
I am sometimes okay with pre-established relationships, those generally have to be discussed between the muns
I won’t force a ship on a person and I would appreciate the same courtesy.
Some things I just don’t ship, I may try a ship to see if it sticks, but if it doesn’t... I will say so, again let me know if you aren’t keen on it.
Sometimes a character flirts, if a mun is uncomfortable with it let me know and I will correct it.
I have people I consistently RP with but I don’t limit myself by making a Mains list or an Exclusives list. I get some people like to do that, it just isn’t my thing.
This is an OC friendly blog, however, I am now more inclined to RP with the OCs of people I have been RPing with a bit but will still give other OCs a chance.
Sometimes things happen
I will do my best to not be lazy about tagging things that are explicit or triggering
I will try to always have it under a cutline (although mobile tends to ignore that)
I do not expect people to write things they are not comfortable with, so if a thread is problematic for you let me know, I can alter it. Don’t do it because you think I want to do it.
I am not always keen on writing the smuts, please don’t pressure me into it, likewise, if it feels I am being pushy about something, tell me I will back off.
If you have any questions about my rules feel free to contact me. Maybe I didn’t address something or wasn’t clear enough on a point, I am okay with questions.
About Mun
I am putting the bare minimum of information.
My name is Trish. Hellos.
I have been doing RP off and on for many years.
I suffer from anxiety and depression. I am also prone to panic attacks. Role-play is a way for me to escape and relax
I am a married bi-sexual mother of one.
I am 30+ (if you require a specific age for whatever reason, just ask I won’t be offended)
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duskwitch · 8 years
Dusky watching episode 9-12
Yes, I have indeed not watched this since episode 8. Well, actually I did see 9 already but I haven’t written a rant about it. So, let’s do this, so I can rest in pieces until the next chapter!
Episode 9
Not even childhood makes Yukio tolerable.
Todo is ruining Victor’s voice for me.
I’m trying really hard to feel sorry for Yukio. I do. But the fact that he blames everything on the one person who knew NOTHING about what he’s been doing just makes it impossible for me. Sorry not sorry!
“Yukio is salty” is kind of a redundant statement at this point.
Awww, there comes out precious baby Satan. You go, Rin!
Could the Impure King please just take a dump on both Todo and Yukio? God...
Cue the intro!
Todo has a point in that Yukio avoids self-reflection. Otherwise he would have noticed what a massive dick he is towards his brother.
On the other hand, he spends waaay too much time thinking about every little shit his brother does. Get a hobby, Yukio!
Please don’t start counter-monologuing now...
Yeah, yeah, can we please go back to the more interesting characters now?
Karura... is it too much asked for you to show a little more concern?
Aaand there’s another kid who really needs to chill.
Dammit Rin, quit acting like a stereotypical Shounen protagonist!
Am I the only one who’s dissatisfied with the mediocrity of the animation?
You did well, Princess Suguro!
Dammit, Mephisto! Keep your comments to yourself if you are not going to lift a single finger!
Well, Yukio, maybe if you tried to show off a little less and summoned fewer demons, this would have worked out...
Burn the bitch!
Twin telepathy!
Shima, this is not the time for having a flashback!
Ah, my poor kitten son. Somebody give him a hug.
Hey, Shima! Don’t leave him alone, you asshat!!!
I can’t decide whether I like him better with dark hair or not. The pink is more unique. (PFFT, well, he did say he dyed it because the girls like it...)
I love how Shima always gets put in the front. lol
Yeah, I’d be annoyed, too.
Well, I’ve seen enough hentai to know where this is going.
Stop being Tsundere and let Blondie McTits save you!
OH NO! The tiny foxes!
I don’t understand why it was so hard to summon Nee. They seem to be rather happy to be around.
Nyoa! Pfft! The cabbage eyes!
Oh, dramatic music!
Aaand the white stuff is everywhere! Eww.
Oh, yeah, we were about to get crispy Yukio earlier...
DRAMATIC MUSIC INTENSIFIES! Choirs make everything 10 times more epic.
K’rik to the head!
Juzou is here to steal the show! Roll credits!
Episode 10
And this week: Shit is still going down!
I’d like to take a moment to appreciate the fact that the Impure King is indeed drawn and not CGI as I originally feared. It still looks kinda goofy.
No comments from the peanut gallery, Mephisto! (jk he needs more screen time)
Is this a Game of Thrones episode?
Boobie jiggling!
How does she know that’s its true form anyway?
Kinzou, shut up!
Is this a fight fire with fire thing?
In a Shounen anime, everyone comes up with their attack names as they go...
Hey, how about you guys in the back... idk... HELP HIM?!
Todo has a point. Again.
First dude dies!
Okay, but that flying chicken head is really ridiculous.
Draw Todo like one of your French girls.
PFFFFFFFFFFFT OMG that fireball is DBZ level ridiculous!
Aaand of course that attack is also named.
THE CHICKEN IS EXPLODING!!! AHAHAHAHAH! OMG! This is something straight out of Skyrim modding. “Can you kill it with explosive chickens?“
Well done, four-eyes! Too bad you aren’t cool.
You guys are taking too long...
HOLY FUCK, Todo is just creepy.
Shura is moving out. Hell yeah!
I feel you, Renzou... I want her to smother me with her rack, too.
Ninja Shura! ... oh, wait.
Meanwhile, Izumo still needs saving.
Do something useful, Karura!
What are those teats anyway? Is the Impure King an Impure Queen after all?
Hey, 15 minutes is pretty generous. That’s like 3 seasons of DBZ!
Oh no! Kuro!
Not sure why he can’t draw the sword right now but either way Yukio is probably part of the problem. And Rin’s lack of shoes.
This situation is too heavy. Time for some comedy!
Awww, Rin is too precious for this world.
Bon is laughing. Which is not as apocalyptic of an omen as, say, Yukio laughing... but things are still pretty bad.
HE DREW THE SWORD! Everyone stop whatever you doing!
Episode 11
Friendly reminder that the Impure King looks really ridiculous.
“Hey Okumura! The white stuff is getting into my face!“
Yeah, you drew it. Now do something useful!
Shura is so pretty. =w=
The close ups are good but they really cut corners everywhere else in the animation. *sigh*
... Okay, I’m gonna say it, those things attacking Rin look like penises.
Oh no! Princess Suguro! You had one job, man.
Shine bright like a diamond...
I love every second of Mephisto’s screen time but I want to choke him for being a lazy asshole.
And there he goes quoting Nietzsche while Rin is dodging giant demon dicks and Yukio is trying to avoid surprise buttsex from Todo.
You are not his type, Todo! Take a hint!
K’rik to the head!
Okay, time to move the plot elsewhere.
Mephisto is having the time of his life.
Ucchusma has enough of your human bullshit and is here to get shit done. Also, he’s been waiting hundreds of years for his balls to drop.
Se interrupt this episode of Ao no Exorcist to give you... Shaman King!
Rin... you should have learned by now that hell chicken don’t give a single fuck ever.
Elsewhere, Nee still has the cutest butt ever. Look at that tail!!!
Shiemi to the rescue!
Damn, this scene is kinda hot. Forget the guys, Shiemizumo is the shit!
Hey! Don’t ignite other shipping feels over there! We just had a moment here!
Everyone calm your tits!
AAAHHHHH! The mediocrity of the animation makes me cry whenever they show Mephisto. It’s not as bad as the jail scene but eeehhhh.... why?!?! He could have been beautiful!
Did... he just switch legs? He totally just switched legs just now.
God, that LAUGH! I love it!
OMG did you see the way the ears shrunk when he sheathed the sword? Somebody gif this!!!
Bon probably thinks “Shit, now I have to show him Kyoto Tower after all...“
They are making up!! I CAN’T!!!!
*snort* Here comes the head rub!
“Oh, hey, Yukio! While you were busy fighting Todo, I drew my blade!”
"Who let him out of his cell?” Dude!
They sentenced him to death already. There isn’t anything worse they can do to him. What the fuck are you mad about? Seriously, calm down and fuck off!
... he punched him hard enough for Rin to spit blood?!? That’s the most serious injury he got in this fight! DUDE!
Oh, NOW he’s all “Nii-san!“? FUCK YOU!!!!
Not sure if bad or excellent parenting...
Episode 12
Here comes the clean up crew. If only the people who fought the Impure King all night had been this well equipped....
What is that kangaroo dragon thing?
You jerks had helicopters all along?
I love how Torako always gives the impression that she’s about to make a gentle gesture when she’s really about to blow up in your face.
Aww, poor Mamushi!
Nooo, don’t cry!!!
Pffft, Kuro!
Here comes the ship-tease!
BFF-ED! God, Shiemi, that was savage... *cackles*
Shima, you dick!
THE THING! THE SCENE IS HAPPENING! (Well, I already watched it twice but eh!)
The mediocre animation... oh, the pain!
Mephisto... y u lyin’?
Shura is so pretty!!!!
Am I the only one who always wondered about Mephisto just randomly starting to drink in the middle of day? Is this a Japanese thing?
They really had to zoom in on her... well, that is where her pussy is, no way to sweet it. Creepy animation guys...
At least we got the heart socks.
Sorry, our animation cannot do the hotness of this scene any justice. Have some tits to put you off!
Excuse Mephisto while he’s having a boner and being a dick.
gdi how can a woman be so beautiful!
Yukio needs to chill!
OMG Koneko’s parents were so cute!!! Look at his mom! She was a total cutie pie!
Making my way downtown, walking fast... walking back. WHAT!
What is Koneko WEARING?!
”We porked so now we have to get married!” What century are you from, Juzou?!
Dad Hojo’s reaction oh god! xD
Looks like everyone has their priorities together.
WHAT ARE THOSE SNAKES?!?!?! Uwabami what?
I’m so happy for Uwabami but I can’t stop laughing!!!!!
And now they are going to milk the joke. Ahhh, poor Rin!
Is that... a carpet floor on the top of Kyoto tower. WHAT?!
Everyone is friends again! I’m happy!
Aaand they are showing it by being dicks. Huehehe. How did they rope Salty-o into this, tho?
Oh, so because they did that Kraken arc in the first season they move up the conversation between Rin and Yukio to now? Does that mean they are not doing the canon Kraken arc? SUUUCKS!
Don’t think too highly of yourself, Yukio! You did jack shit to “force him into using Satan’s power“! If anything, you were part of the reason he was insecure about using it!
... this ending was shoehorned and awkward. I’m disappointed. But overall the last couple of episodes were okay. Now we wait for the next chapter.
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transformersmr-hq · 4 years
OH THANK GOD for a while I thought I was legit bothering you and I nearly crapped myslf in relief when u told me I wasnt
Haha I know that feeling myself... Sorry for being an unresponsive asshat btw
Unfortunately I'm not very good at communicating with others in general. When I get an ask, it takes long for me to come up with answer. This is why I don't do RPs.
Please understand if the answers are delayed. I try to make it within 24 hours, buuuuut sometimes things get in the way and stuff so...
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