#how cybertronian baby grows
lets-try-some-writing · 3 months
yo what if instead of less armor/softer protoform, sparklings had a Ton of kibble and armor to later grow into and spiky bits for protection
imagine baby drift with the same size finials. just. Huge finials on that lil bud
and on earth, cybertronians are /enamoured/ by echidna, armadillos, and porcupines
That would be hilarious, but would also make a lot of sense survival wise. All these sparklings popping out of the Well and from Hotspots really need the protection. I can imagine that the spiker looking they are, the less likely animals are to attack. So baby Drift with giant finials is sitting comfortably in the 'do not attack' category.
I can imagine that since these sparklings emerge with a crap ton of extra armor, their first ever alt mode is quite literally, a ball or some variation of one. Even the fliers start life as balls and roll for their lives when chased until they turn into SPIKY balls.
Just, packs of sparklings who've just begun to grow in their rather pointy kibble roaming Cybertron and tearing up the ground wherever they go. Small bundles of terror in the form of minicons and cassette carrier sparklings causing problems as a group. Dog sized sparklings so prickly and covered in spikes that they can and will get onto roads and stare down mecha who drive at them with a promise of pain in their optics. Fliers and future speedsters skidding over the landscape as apocalypses in their attempts to get from point A to point B as fast as physically possible while also tearing up everything with all their kibble.
These small creatures might as well be resident plows with how well they shred the ground in their attempts to get around. It's only made worse because they all have the inbuilt desire to get to the biggest collection of Cybertronians in range, so they can and will damage roads, housing, and everything in between in they are not caught before they can roam. A sparkling that gets rolling is very unlikely to stop until they get hungry, and even then, they are so spiky by that point that trying to grab one is the same as drop kicking oneself into a pack of cyber-hounds.
I can imagine whole agencies being devoted to collecting the balls of mayhem. Every speedster across Cybertron has to spend at least a few stellar cycles helping the Well Guardians rush after sparklings who roll away too quickly to be caught after their emergence. Every speedster carries at least a few scars from a prickly pack of sparklings getting a bit too excited to be near people or rather upset at the idea of behind captured.
Even after the terror tornados are brought into civilization, I can see these spikey creatures still causing trouble. They can't get alt-modes until they are older, so until then, rolling ball of destruction it is. Much of the tax money gathered for repair work is devoted to repairing roads that were obliterated by a rogue sparkling having a field day on some unsuspecting neighborhood.
Some are feral. Some are clingy and cute.
All are wheel puncturing menaces to society.
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in1-nutshell · 9 months
What would be the lost light crew’ reaction to being told how humans create life by pregnant reader?
Someone's going to come out of this discussion scared or with new respect. Since you didn't ask for any specific characters, I will be choosing them at random.
Hope you enjoy!
Pregnant Human Buddy trying to explain Human life to Rung, Nautica, Ambulon, Cyclonus, and Skids
SFW, Platonic, mentions things in pregnancy, slight angst at beginning, Human reader
Buddy was pregnant. One minute they were filing some reports for Magnus, the next they were in the medbay far from Earth looking at the paperwork that read that their pregnancy test was positive. Buddy immediately went to phone their significant other to tell them the news, only to find out they had left the country on unrelated things.
Now Buddy was left with the Lost Light, in space, with their future baby.
What can go wrong?
Apparently a lot. Who knew that announcing their pregnancy to the crew would lead to a Q and A. Each Bot had a number to wait for so Buddy could individually answer their questions.
Here are just some of the few...
Rung had already a grasp on the basics when it came down to human anatomy.
Blame him for being bored and curious on how his human friend's brain worked. He wanted to see how similar they were to a Cybertronian processor.
Rung does ask to touch Buddy's stomach to feel the baby. He is one of the few Bot's that feels the baby kicking.
"Oh my! What was that?"--Rung
"That's the baby kicking Rung. They wanted to say hello."--Buddy
"Does it hurt? They are kicking you after all."--Rung
"Nah, it doesn't hurt really. But it does make me want to pee."--Buddy
He becomes much more careful with Buddy as they get further into their pregnancy. Rung makes sure Buddy has a good net of friends they can call on in case they need it.
Like Rung, has some of the basics down on human anatomy thanks to Velocity's studies.
When you have a friend studying this for years, you're Bound to get some of it stuck in your head.
Nautica is asking questions left and right.
"Do you know how many babies you'll have?"--Nautica
"Not yet Nautica, it's still too early for the ultrasound to be clear."--Buddy
"How many can you get?"--Nautica
"Well, that depends. I've heard some parents have six at once."--Buddy
"Wait... How do they get out?"--Nautica
"...It's a good thing you're sitting down."--Buddy
Buddy has to calm Nautica down after telling her about the joys of child birth.
Nautica is protective of Buddy and their little bun in the oven after that talk. She reads up on as many midwife books she can get her servos on. Just in case.
She loves placing her digits on the swollen belly. Of course she asks Buddy permission before touching the belly.
Ambulon is one of first in line for the questions given he is one of the only other doctors on board.
He already has a list of things to ask.
"You have cravings? Are they anything like what you usually crave?"--Ambulon
"Well now that you said that, I'm really craving some pasta with chocolate syrup and pop tarts."--Buddy
"... That doesn't sound remotely healthy at all."--Ambulon
"That's what the baby wants Ambulon."--Buddy
Ambulon is one of the first to see the ultrasound when it's time. The picture looked cute in a creepy way. He didn't know humans started out like that!
Silently crying on the inside when he feels the baby kicking. It's such a gentle little nudge!
He scans the photos of the baby for Buddy to have .
Cyclonus said he was here because Tailgate wanted to be here.
That's a lie.
He was actually a bit scared of how swollen Buddy's stomach was getting. This Q and A could lead him to the answers he needs.
"There is a youngling... Growing inside you?"--Cyclonus
"Yeah, the little guys are growing in me."--Buddy
"Surely when they come out they will be a mighty warrior like their caregiver."--Cyclonus
"Aaww! Thanks Cyclonus! But it'll take some years for them to hold a blaster."--Buddy
"Yes years of training and the young one will hold it."--Cyclonus
"... Cyclonus... The baby won't be able to do much for the first few years? What do you think a toddlers just going to come out of me with basic knowledge of the universe?"--Buddy
"Are you saying that doesn't happen?"--Cyclonus
Cyclonus's Q and A were a bit longer than expected. But not the longest Buddy had to answer.
Cyclonus becomes one of Buddy's unofficial official bodyguards as the time for childbirth approaches.
He is one of the last to know about the Q and A.
Skids takes one look at Buddy's stomach and thinks they are going to explode. Thankfully Buddy managed to explain the Q and A before Skids took them to get their stomachs pumped.
"So there's a kid growing inside you?"--Skids
"But did you just willed them to be there? Or do you have a Hotspot inside you?"--Skids
"What's a Hotspot?"--Buddy
There is a lot of cultural misunderstandings and learning involved in this Q and A.
Skids learn the dangers of childbirth through Rung and Ratchet. He is scared for Buddy.
He is a part of the unofficial official bodyguard group formed for Buddy.
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yes-i-write-fanfiction · 10 months
How would the tfa and elite guard and cons react to the sparkling beans who are tiny to be hold by human hands entirely
-On Cybertron, in autobot society, sparklings are kinda seen as something to be flaunted around. Small, defenseless and time consuming, having one is almost a status symbol, a show of how much free time and resources one has to be able to have a sparkling. Going on a walk with ones sparkling is more for ones own pride than anything.
-Meanwhile, in decepticon culture, it's kind of the opposite. Since sparklings are so frail, they are kept far away from others, not hidden but not seen by anyone other than the parents or really close and trusted friends.
-For these headcanons, the sparkling is not any of the bot's, it's just one they found.
The autobots:
-Optimus is incredibly awkward around sparklings since he's never really been around them before. At the same time he's hovering around them, having a hard time putting them down once he's holding them since he's so concerned about their safety. Every time a bird flies overhead he ends up shielding them because he worried the animal will mistake them for pray and make a dive for them.
-Now, Ratchet has some experience with sparklings, despite not being a pediatrician. As such he knows how to take care of them and he's very confident with how he handles them. Thinks it's ridiculous the way Cybertron flaunts around sparklings, they aren't decorations after all.
-Bumblebee sees the sparklings more like a novelty than actual living beings, mainly because of how they are treated and seen back on Cybertron. He tries to show off how good he is at taking care of them but quickly realizes how out of his depth he is when one starts crying. Ends up begging Ratchet for help. Tries juggling them once but got promptly reprimanded for it.
-Oh, poor Bulkhead, he is really stressed out. Those sparklings are so small and he's so very big and clumsy and he doesn't dare to get close to them out of fear that he will accidentally hurt them. Finds them absolutely adorable though and will coo at them from a distance.
-Tries to act cool and in the know but Prowl has no idea how to take care of these small things. Ends up resorting to things he's seen humans do with their young and this ends up working pretty well. Fake it till you make it and all that. But because he appears so well versed with taking care of sparklings, a lot of the baby sitting duties land on him. He feels completely at a loss at what to do.
-Ultra Magnus, while he's never had one of his own, has met many sparklings in his life, mostly the spoiled young of Cybertron's elite. That's why he doesn't really raise much of a fuss when he sees one. A good temporary caretaker though, always very careful and gentle with them.
-Yeah, Sentinel is totally out of his depth here. He acts like taking care of sparklings is super easy and that he can do it no problem but the moment the sparkling so much as whimpers he dumps it on somebody else. Will take all the credit for their care though.
-While he's seen some sparklings, actually being so close to one is a totally new experience for Jazz. He finds them super cute but is also kinda stressed out by how small they are. Very protective and will use his ninja skills to keep them out of harms way.
-Oh boy, Jetfire and Jetstorm won't stop poking and prodding at the poor thing. They've never been so close to a sparkling and they are so much smaller in real life! Kinda treats it like a pet before realizing that hey, that's an actual cybertronian, maybe we should treat it like one.
The decepticons:
-Megatron doesn't dislike sparklings but he feels no particular attachment to them either. That being said, he feels the need to place them somewhere safe, somewhere secluded. It will take a while for them to grow up but he trusts that one day they will become a fine decepticon.
-Immediately, Starscream snatches them up and puts them in his cockpit. The sparkling is vulnerable out here in the open after all. Don't want to take care of them but doesn't trust anyone else to do it right so he ends up doing it.
-Depending on the personality, Blitzwing may or may not be allowed near the sparkling. Icy is given a go since he is careful enough to properly care for something so small. Hothead is allowed to watch other the sparkling but not hold them since he's too, well, hotheaded and might do something without thinking. Random is banned from even being in the same room as the little one ever since he 'joked' about them being so cute he could just gobble them up.
-Lugnut is not allowed to hold the sparkling, no matter how longingly he looks at it. He's dreamt of having a sparkling together with Strika for a long time now and he sees this as a perfect opportunity to adopt. Please, he'll be careful, let him hold it!
-As he's worked undercover on Cybertron for some time now, Shockwave knows about the autobot customs regarding sparklings and is repulsed by it. He instinctively wants to tuck it away, put it somewhere safe and locked up but knows that he can't because he needs to keep up appearances. At least his ability to shapeshift into his smaller Longarm form is good for handling small sparklings.
-As much as she tries to pretend otherwise, Blackarachnia is completely enamored with the little one. When no one is looking, she coos at is, wiggling her fingers at it. Makes a baby sling out of web and carries them around, showing them off.
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cityzenshark · 14 days
Imagine the Malto Terrans getting a culture clash with how their family and teachers treat them VS how most other Cybertronians treat newsparks.
The Terrans are adults at birth. But because their physiology are more organic than robotic, they learn and grow like humans and are treated like human children due to their child-like behaviour.
Cybertronians don't do that. Once you can read, communicate and control your T-cog, you're getting a job and see the world entirely by yourself.
"I was two days old when I got my first job." Bee said nonchalantly.
Jawbreaker gasped, "Your city made you work right after you were born?"
"Hey, we literally brought you along to save your Mom and Megatron when you're ... less than 24 hours old..."
And that's how Bee realizes he and Optimus made a mistake they swore to not repeat.
Meanwhile the Chaos Terrans are annoyed that the Maltos and Autobots baby them now. "We were minutes old when you blame us for things we know nothing about. And now you're coddling us? Eww!"
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tinydefector · 21 days
Hello Tiny, I hope you are doing fine and well. I wanted to thank you for all your writing, it is so engaging to read.
I don't have any request, but I do have a scenario regarding Tarn and his human parenting moments.
The twins are trying to say their first words, one of them babbling "Da... Da". Both parents looking with adoration, and finaly listen "Damush".
Tarn is perplexed, his human is just about to explain they tell the twins little stories using his previous names, until the other sparkling speaks out loud "Gluiitch!".
Tarn is petrified, his partner doesn't need to see beyond his mask to notice Tarns jaw drop expression.
Minutes later both sparklings look at their human parent, speaking out "Par-Par". Both parents responsing with "Awwwww".
Thank you again for your incredible writing and drawings. If you got the time to read this, I just wanted to tell you, you are an extrordinary and talented person.
Omg Aurox, that sounds. God damn cute. But like can you imagine the panic. But also when you think about how cybertronians hand their own dialects and sparklings also are rather well versed in the 'chitter' talk which works off cybertronian fields outside of their races different languages.
I can see Tarn being rather used to them using the chitter glyphs for him which don't really shock him but the moment your potential baby that is being raised an essentially a bilingual family calls you by your name in Cybertronian or much less a human language out loud it has a rather big shock value to it. But even more so if he hasn't told them those names and his lover hasn't but they have access to parts of his memory's from data transfers from when they were still being carried by their 'carrier'.
The true horror when Tarn realises 'frag my Sparklings can access key memories from my past!'
And then, on the other hand, his human lover just thinks its their babies trying to learn words and mix cybertronian up with their own language. But the first time they get called Par-Par makes them nearly weep in delight. They are just blissfully unaware of the fact their bitlets have eventually become part of Tarns worst nightmare, and his only hope is as they grow older, the memory access fades as they begin filing and saving their own.
(Loge the idea of Tarn peaceful living his life where no one remembers or knows his past, then his kids give him the big innocent eyes of. 'I know your secrets'
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mychlapci · 21 days
Insane titanfucking part 2
A mech is fulfilling their service and the titan takes a special liking to them. Maybe the mech runs at a different temperature, maybe their valve has a unique texture, or maybe they just clench down in overload a little bit differently in a way the titan can't get enough of.
It starts small with a growth to stimulate the mech's node. When they squirm from pleasure to their valve, now they have pleasure coming from their node, making them cum even harder.
Maybe the titan grows this spike a little more, trying to get even a bit more of their new favorite spikesleeve. Maybe it thickens, maybe it grows even longer, maybe it gets a texture to it to make the mech cum faster again and again, it could be anything.
And then the day arrives for this mech to finish their service. Except not.
Maybe the titan grows a knot in the mech's valve, it wouldn't take much at their scale to get really stuck, maybe the titan pulls up wires and wraps them around the mech's legs to keep them all the way down.
The attendants make a brief effort to remove the mech, hemming and hawing before deciding their titan has spoken and this mech has a permanent duty as spikesleeve.
If they had a shorter sentence, maybe they beg to be freed. If they'd been there a while, maybe they're too far gone to think about anything but the massive titan cock stuffing them full and making them cum over and over and over again.
awww the titan has a crush <33 the only way they can let their favourite spikesleeve know is by making them cum extra hard, because after all, they deserve it.
Honestly, I love both options, I love the thought of a bot struggling and yelling at the priests to take them off of this stupidly huge thing, their sentence is over, they can't stay here forever... And I love to think about the obedient little spikewarmer getting used to it, submitting their body to the constant pleasure, sunk low on the titan's massive spike, cumming everytime it twitches...
hmmm I wonder what would happen if the titan ended up knocking them up, though... It wouldn't be an impossibly large baby, titans often birth small cybertronians, they can sire them too. But with that sweet valve stuck on that spike all hours of the day, the priests are really worried about how the spikesleeve is going to give birth.... Hopefully, the titan will listen to reason and won't be too stubborn once it comes to that...
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bones4thecats · 2 months
Tfa Blurr x fembot reader, where both are married and the reader is pregnant, Blurr says goodbye to the reader before going to Earth, where he promises to return, but when Shockwave cubes Blurr and throws him away to the trash, Longarm in his version goes to Blurr's house where the reader was cleaning, where Longarm later tries to court the reader, since before Longarm/Shockwave was in love with the reader, but the reader does not accept it and tells him She asks him to leave the house, but he transforms into Shockwave and kidnaps her, but after the Decepticons are arrested, they rescue the reader and take him to Cybertron but where they tell him the news what happened to Blurr, where he reader becomes sad but promises to protect the unborn baby, but where Sari accidentally falls into the garbage container, there she finds Blurr in Cube and realizes that he is still alive, and tries to take him to repair him later.The container begins to light up but they are rescued by Arcce and other bots, where they later restore Blurr, where he is no longer a cube, everyone is happy, but Blurr remembers the reader, and goes to look for it, that was until Sari says that the Reader is in the hospital because she is in labor, where Blurr goes to the Hospital, where he meets Reader again and meets his newborn Sparkling, Blurr apologizes to the reader for not returning, but the reader is just happy that her husband is back and just hugs him, where the two go to the prison so that Blurr can see Shockwave , then Blurr retires and ends up spending time with the reader and with Sparkling walking on the streets of Cybertron
TFA! Blurr Seeing His S/O and Their Son
Character: Blurr (Transformers Animated) Requester: @zinnia1506 A/N: I was adding your tag just above and found out you were my second-most recommended tag, just below marina-havik, who requests a lot of Twisted Wonderland things. Just thought that was funny, hope you like this! Also, just wanted to add, please shorten your requests next time, like hand me the gist of the idea. But, it is an amazing idea, ngl! ⚠️ Trigger Warnings for: Mentions of attempted murder, war, kidnapping, non-consensual physical touch (hugs, etc.), mutilation, trauma, rumors of raising a child alone, and labor ⚠️
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╚═════ Blurr ═════════════════════════════════╝
💨 Ever since the day you found out you were carrying, you were quite frankly beyond nervous. Were you going to be a good carrier? Was this child going to be raised correctly? How was Blurr going to react when you told him?
💨 Surprisingly, yet not at the same time, Blurr stopped talking mid-sentence when you showed him the evidence of your predicament. And while he normally would just nod at others, the speedy mech smiled joyfully and spun you around, speaking nearly twice as fast as normal about how happy he was for you both
💨 Despite your carriage, Blurr did still have work to do with the Elite Guard. He was their fastest member and best deliverer of news after all. So, while his days off were few and far-between, he did always spend as much time as he could around you. Heck, he even stopped by in between delivering some findings to Longarm Prime so he could see you and your growing offspring
💨 But, for the past couple of orbital periods (days), he hadn't shown up. He hadn't called you or come to swing by like he normally did. It was honestly scaring you beyond everything you could imagine a Cybertronian War veteran going through
💨 Pushing through the pain of realizing your sparkmate was most likely not coming back, since he possibly got harmed on either the way to or from Cybertron to Earth, you continued to come by the Elite Guard's headquarters, visiting your old friends. Though you were closest with Jazz
💨 Blurr was always on your mind. And how could he not be? You loved him beyond any other Cybertronian you had ever met. He couldn't ever not defeat someone in competition for your love. Especially when that someone was Longarm Prime, your longtime friend
💨 Longarm was supportive of both you and Blurr, showing his care for you throughout your growth of bringing a youngling into the world like many before you. But the way the Cybertronian showed it... it was just off from his normal behavior... and I mean WAY off
💨 One day you were speaking to Cliffjumper, who just so happened to be Longarm's receptionist, and you laughed as he told a funny story about him and this sparkling he had come across a few cycles (years) before and how he had kicked him in the shin and laughed at his pain
"I swear that little thing was bound to be some kind of bounty hunter. No normal sparkling laughs at someone's pain like that!" He laughed.
"Excuse me, you two. But, may I speak to Y/N in my office really quick. It's quite important." Longarm interrupted kindly, his gentle smile and understanding eyes making you nod and say your goodbyes to the red mech.
💨 As the sound of his office doors closed behind you both, you noticed how the aura in the room changed. What was once wholesome and kind, was now creepy and full of uncertainty. It was honestly making you scared of the mech
"Y/N. I'm sure you know why I asked you in here." He began.
"My sparkling...?" You asked curiously, just now noticing how much taller the mech was than you.
"Correct. Now, we all know that Blurr's disappearance took quite the toll on you. And I know for certain that raising a sparkling on your lonesome has got to be one of the scariest, yet strongest, things you could ever do." He continued, "But, as you and Blurr's old friend, I do not wish that kind of strain on you."
💨 Watching as he strolled around you and began to rest a servo on your shoulder, you slightly flinched, what was he saying? So you asked
"What I am saying is that... well- I have adored you for many cycles. Maybe it's love maybe I'm just protective over you. But, I would like to give this, give us, a chance. You understand, yes?"
"W-what? You've gotta be joking. You're joking right?"
"This would be a rather unfunny joke if it was." That right there made you flinch in fear. You have heard many stories from other carriers about their sparkling's sires being quite horrible if delivered bitter news.
"Y/N. Be mine."
"What?! No! My loyalty stays in Blurr till death does us both part!" You said, pulling yourself away from his touch. He had zero right to be hugging you the same way that your sparkmate once did.
"Fine then. I guess I'll have to make you mine." In a flash, you noticed Longarm's features become far different.
💨 His legs became longer and slightly thinner while his arms grew far beyond their normal length, ending with three large spear-like digits. His helm then changed, going from a calm-Autobot leader to a completely vacant black rectangle with a single glowing red optic and a dual set of antler-shaped prongs on his helm's sides
💨 He then raised his servo, and you were out like the care you had for the thought-to-be-Autobot
💨 The sound of pede-steps made you open your own optics, adjusting them at the major amount of light and trying to make sure your hearing wasn't going to explode from the loud noises surrounding you
"Wake up! Wake up, Autobot!"
"Lugnut, be calm." A familiar voice said.
"Why should I?! They could pose a massive threat against Lord Megatron!"
"Heavily doubtful, Lugnut."
💨 As you looked around you, you could see that there were multiple Decepticons. Ranging from the Second-In-Command Starscream, to well-known soldiers like the explosive-creating Lugnut
💨 You flinched as Shockwave kneeled in front of you and began to graze one of his digits against your cheek, making you glare at him and almost bit his said limb off
"Well, they're quite fierce." Blitzwing said, his face-plate transitioning going from his cold-blue to a black one with a spiky-mouthed (intake) red one.
"Get melted in the Allspark."
"Put them in chains. I don't need to listen to such nonsense."
"Yes, Lord Megatron."
💨 As you were resting from the long day of being alone in the specialized room for you, you could hear multiple sets of footsteps, which sounded like running and tackling coming from the inner parts of the cave
"Put your servos in the air!" A mech yelled, causing you to look up in shock.
"Y/N! Oh sweet Primus, are you alright in there?"
"Undo the cage. Now!" He yelled back at his fellow Elite Guard members.
💨 Sentinel then ran inside the room before picking you up and beginning to run as fast as his legs could take him back to the ship so you could get back to Cybertron as quickly as possible for a medical check
"Thank you... Sentinel."
"It's nothing, Y/N. Now, get them back to a Cybertronian Hospital immediately."
☆ (I have zero clue how they would deliver a sparkling in Transformers like this, so I made my own way that makes sense to me)
💨 A few miles away from the hospital you were delivered to after you felt your sparkling begin coming into the world, the young half-Cybertronian, half-human, Sari Sumdac, was digging through a scrap-container
💨 As she stood up from the large scraps, she noticed that a busted up cube of Cybertronian metal began to glow. And after a long, and very detailed story that I am far to lazy to write about, the speedy mech was reestablished in his own form by the Allspark
"Thank you so much, Sari."
"No problem, Blurr!" She answered.
"You might wanna get going though." Arcee said over the duo, making everyone in the vicinity looked at her in confusion.
"What do you mean exactly?"
"Y/N had your sparkling. You might wanna get going, the hospitals 16 kliks away."
💨 Blurr's optics widened as the others motioned for him to get his metallic behind on a move on. He then stood, nodded quickly and literally became his titular name, a blur, and ran towards the hospital you were at
💨 As he stopped running at the door, he quickly asked the nurse where you were at. Thankfully, he saw your doctor and asked where you were, since he was used to his quick speech more than the rookie-nurse
"They're back here. Follow me." He said.
💨 As Blurr walked, holding his speed back a lot, he smile as he saw your resting figure there. Your arms wrapped securely around your sparkling, a tiny mech matching him, though his spikes were a lot smoother than Blurr's
"I'll leave you two alone." The doctor said, walking away.
💨 Smiling at your resting form, Blurr stepped closer to you, preparing his speak for when you awoke from your labor-driven power-down
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Earthspark Frenzy, Ravage, and Laserbeak start to notice that Soundwave (Aka their dad) becoming a bit more…’friendly’ with their human ally (*wink wink*). One morning, after Soundwave and the human had gone away on an ‘mission’ and and just returned to their little base in the early hours of the morning when they though the cassettes would still be in recharge, but they thought wrong. Frenzy decides to be a little shit and asks, “So~ does that mean we can except a little brother or sister sometime soon?”
I wheezed out loud at this one and then started thinking about it and now I want to write this and a whole host of other Earthspark fics invoicing human/bot babies. Thank you very much for this anon, I've been waiting for a reason Hehehehehehe...
(Headcanon Note; I fully imagine bots can knock up humans with lil bot babies that grow into full size Cybertronians. Partly because I like the idea of the Allspark creating a species that can reproduce universally as some kind of all-life-is-connected thing, and also because I just prefer alien to human babies.)
Apologies for the tangent, now on with the story! I hope you enjoy, and if you like my writing style you can always commission me!
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Hearing Frenzy's voice surprised you out of your light doze, and you snapped your head up to find the three Minis up and awake in the tiny "kitchen" you'd all set up in the main area of the bunker. Soundwave acknowledged his Cassetes with a nod, just as tired as you were after the mission that had dragged into the early morning hours. Seated atop his shoulders, you did the same, waving and trying not to yawn as you rubbed the sleep from your tired eyes.
"Morning, everyone..." you greeted as warmly as you could, grumbling stomach reminding you why you hadn't asked to head straight for the bedroom to pass out. Soundwave raised a cupped servo for you to crawl into, his sharp claws curling protectively about your tiny form as he dropped to one knee and set you down. You were too tired to care how your hand lingered on his after grabbing on for support, and found yourself smiling up at him in a bit of a daze.
"I will initiate recharge. Join me after your rations." he said simply, utilizing a much broader vocabulary for you as he often did. Frenzy made a sound like a cough, and in the corner of your eye you saw her quickly put down a cup of energon to clear her vents. Soundwave left at that, and you set about pouring yourself a bowl of cereal for some much needed breakfast before bed. Just thinking of curling up in your little spot in the crook of his arm had you struggling to keep your eyes open...
"Back so late you're early, huh Y/N?" Frenzy asked after you'd fetched what you needed, briefly confusing your tired brain before you put her words together. Sitting down at the little salvaged table, you sat opposite the three and tried to stir up enough neurons to be conversational.
"You could say that. The mission took a bit longer than we planned, but we got what we needed." you explained, trying to stay conscious long enough to pour milk over your cereal.
"We weren't too worried. The two of ya have been spending a lot of quality time together of late, we were sure you were using the night well." Laserbeak added, bobbing his helm in confirmation. There seemed to be the faintest hint of a grin on his beak, but you didn't look too deeply into the expression, even as Frenzy snorted at his words. It was quite normal for them to be amused by their own antics, so you were hardly suspicious, and didn't even notice Ravage observing you in silence.
"Guess you can't wait to get back the berth." Frenzy continued, smirking over her glass as you shoveled cereal into your mouth. Not reading into any of their questions, you nodded, thinking of how Soundwave would probably be recharging by the time you joined him. It would feel incredible to just sink in with your blankets and pillows and sleep next to his warm frame. "You two must love sharing that thing."
"Yeah, no point in wasting space." you agreed as you got to the milk at the bottom, thinking purely in literal terms thanks to sleep deprivation. A single glance would have allowed you to see that Frenzy was biting her lip to keep her giggles in check while Laserbeak did much the same, all while Ravage tried to pretend he wasn't affiliated with either of them, but you merely continued talking without a thought. "It's at such a premium down here, we're practically on top of each other half the time."
This time you recognized the sound Frenzy made as a barely restrained chuckle, but when you looked up for clarification, it was Laserbeak that spoke.
"For you and Soundwave, it's way more than half." he said with a snicker. Though their double meaning was so obvious you should have caught on straight away, all you had the capacity to do was tilt your head over your cereal, the wheels of your brain doing their best to try and figure out why these bots were acting so strange.
"What?" you pressed, your direct question coming just as Ravage swatted his tail at the avian bot.
"Nothing." Laserbeak replied with mock innocence after ignoring the hit, grin never once leaving his beak.
"He's just goofing around." Frenzy said to calm your concerns, waving off the other mini in a good natured tease. Figuring they were all just involved in a game, you shrugged and brought the bowl to your lips to finish, getting about halfway through the sweetened milk before the cassette broke the silence.
"But for real, when can we expect a little brother or sister?"
You half choked on the milk and sprayed the rest over the table, eyes bulging as you finally understood everything that had been implied up to that point.
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For the requests could we have some nsfw with the Bumblebee movie?
Since i have a thought that cybertronians have sex organs (can't remember the science term) but don't use them since it's not how they reproduce they don't really know what to do with them.
Basically I'm asking for a bottom bee cumming for the first time with a top reader?
If you get around to it thx for writing & ttyl ❤️:]
Sub/Bottom Bumblebee X Top GN Reader
🔞NSFW Warning: Blowjobs, first times and tooth rotting fluff because bumblebee is a sweeties🔞
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When Bumblebee asked you to top, you were thrown off by the request. This was his first time after all but also him asking for you, a small five foot tall being to top a close to over ten to twelve feet tall robot was something you never expected to happen.
You stared at the Autobot who sat on the old worn out futon mattress you had salvaged for him to lay on at night. You straddled his wide hips while his big baby blue optics watched your expressions and facial features trying to figure out what you were thinking.
"Are you sure, you want me to top?" You ask him again, the yellow scout merely nods. A buzzing sound following in the sound similar to a hum.
You haven't topped before in a long time, guess it wouldn't hurt to try this put for Bumblebee. With a new energy that even Bumblebee seems to be surprised by, you push him onto his back with both your hands. You carefully scoot up further on his body to straddle his waist rather than his hips. The Autobot watches on with confusion yet also a curiosity as you start to shimmey out of your clothes.
You strip yourself free of your clothes, leaving yourself naked on his lap as you let him take your naked body in with an awed expression. His optics widening with a brightened shine that you assume to be lust and excitement.
You grab one of his servos and guide it to your chest, his servo tries to pull away but you hold it steady as you place it on your chest. He stiffens beneath you and watches your reaction as you smile and nod. Encouraging him to explore, first times were learning about each others bodies and what the other enjoyed.
Bumblebee seemed to enjoy how soft your chest was, his servo explored the area of skin. Groping at the mounds that were there, from the shiver you felt under your body and the pressure building under his modesty plate, you assumed this was getting him excited.
You have him explore your body, testing the waters. His digits crawl over your skin, mapping out evert square inch. He listened for any sounds you make. So he knew what was good and what was bad. His favorite noise was when his servo cupped your lower extremities a sound equal to that of a squeal and a moan left you. He whirred in glee before he pressed a digit further to your folds earning another pleased sound from you.
Except, he wasn't supposed to be topping.
You grab his servo and pull his hand back. He looks confused until you smile at him. "I'm the one in charge big boy~ Now open your panel, I wanna see what I am working with."
A click follows your order, from over your shoulder you can see his growing erection. He was a lot bigger than you had thought. He was a alien but you had expected smaller since he was quite small for most of his species.
His spike was a black and yellow pattern. The colors were pretty and matched his whole aesthetic. You grab for his spike, the whirring he made of surprise as well as his body jerking as you grab the phallus and tease the soft, sensitive tip earning a few sounds from him that male you wet at just how horny he was making you.
You stand from his waist and walk down to stand between his thighs. You sit down on yoru knees and take his spike in hand again before you decide to make eye contact with him as you lower your face closer to his spike. He tries to say something but your lips and tongue make contact with the yellow tip. His next noise almost made you laugh.
He cries out with a hint of static as he bucks up towards your face. You pull back in time before that had ended badly and then go back to the tip to start kissing at it and gently lathering your tongue along the slit on his tip. His pink transfluid was sweet yet bitter, it also was thicker than you had expected.
You start off slow with your blow job. Starting off with your tongue swirling the tip and sucking on the top of his tip earning sounds that send heat straight to your core. His optics shut with another moan ans you slowly start to take more of him in. His noises are absolutely arousing. He sounds so good as he moans and gasps at the small ministarations to his tip.
Not to mention he didn't give much warning as his spike starts to buck up into her mouth more. A slight gag of surprise leaving her as he tries to fuck her mouth but it is put to a end with her hands pressing down onto his hips as she suckles on the tip and urges him to let go while you used your own methods of getting what you wanted during sex.
Grabbing onto his hips you take his spike down your throat and try to take a portion of it and suck rather loudly and quickly onto it. His hips hump against your face as he tries to fuck your mouth while you help get him off with a blow job. He doesn't fair very long as it's not even a few moments later he's spurting his release down your throat making you gag with a surprise pull away as the warm cum covers yoru mouth and throat.
You struggle to swallow his large load as he fucks yoru face with a vigorous pace that has you reeling to a stop as you pull away with a loud gasp. Cum dribbles down your chin as you smirk with a chuckle.
"How was that for your first ever bj?" You ask nervously, the corners of his optics ceinkle in what looke dto be his way of smiling as he reports it was great now that he had the most attractive and best partner to be intimate with. You were amazing, according to his report back.
"Good, because I am about to start Round two with you~"
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radio-wavelengths2 · 3 months
Can we see some love for turbo after a race? Hehehe….
decided to write this one out as I had a WONDERFUL idea for this. Hope y’all don’t mind oc x reader BJSJSJS (also ignore how rushed the ending is, tonight hasn’t been easy)
Winner’s Reward
pairing: Turboshot (OC) / Cybertronian Reader (no gendered terms, reader uses their spike)
rating: Explicit
content: praise kink, petplay(? Turboshot is called a “good mutt”), facefucking
The races were fun. Getting to watch a few dozen bots race around and dent one another up a bit was exciting and entertaining. It was a decent way to kill time, and the occasional win of a bet was part of the reason you came out here. The real reason you went to the races every week, however, wasn’t for the actual race.
It was for after.
Soft moans filled the garage, echoing off the empty walls. For what was NOT the first time, you thanked Primus each of the rooms were soundproofed. While the intended purpose was to deter the sound of revving engines from bothering other racers, it worked perfectly to muffle the moans the both of you let out.
This was why you went to the races. Sneaking to the back after each race to meet Turboshot in his room was the best part. Depending on whether he’d won or lost determined what your meeting would consist of. Losses lead to edging and humiliation until the poor speedster was crying, and usually denied an overload until the next week’s race. However, a win meant he was given his favorite reward.
He sat on his knees in front of you, servos gripping your thighs as his mouth worked along your spike. It was difficult to not buck into that warm heat, but he’d done a wonderful job at the race and was given the reins of this session. He worked along your spike tenderly, almost worshiping it with his kisses and caresses until he’d sunk it into his throat. The blue mech now held you in his mouth calmly, moaning as you worked your digits along his finials.
“Turboshot,” you muttered to catch his attention, laughing softly as he looked at you. His visor sat crooked on his nose, and his cheeks darkened when you removed them and set them aside. “Enjoying yourself, pretty boy?”
The moan of approval sent vibrations through your spike and a shiver through your body. He swallowed around your spike once before clutching your thighs almost desperately, moving as far down on you as he could. His half-lidded gaze was desperate and lustful, and his message was clear. A grin spread over your lips as your servo moved to hold his helm.
“Sit still for me, okay, baby?” you instructed softly, giving him time to nod before you thrusted into his mouth. The way he choked and moaned around you made you shiver. “Good mutt.” Your helm fell back as you held his helm in place, thrusting your hips forward into his intake. Oral lubricants dripped down his chin, joining the growing puddle of his lubricants at your feet.
His grip on your thighs remained tight, never once moving to push you away, if anything he desperately tried to keep you as close to him as possible. His optics were barely open and his finials were lowered, he looked as though he were in pure bliss, and he probably was. Turboshot had made it very clear how much he loved serving others, namely sucking spike, which was why he chose this as his reward for winning a race.
You kept thrusting into his mouth, your overload drawing closer, but your focus was instead on him. You watched for those telltale signs, and your spark pulsed harshly when you finally saw and felt them. The blue mech’s grip tightened on your thighs, his tail twitching as a shiver ran through his entire frame. When he whined, the high-pitched sound echoing in the room, you knew you’d hit your mark.
His throat tightened as he swallowed around you, his overload shuddering through his frame harshly. The feeling of him coming undone simply from servicing you made you hit your own peak, and you pulled his helm fully down onto your spike. A low moan left you as you emptied your transfluid down his intake, and you felt him moan around you.
As soon as you finished, you pulled him off, groaning at the sight. He sat back, oral lubricants and transfluid dripping down his chin, entire body shaking and hot to the touch. He’d made a mess of himself and the floor. A soft laugh left you and he shot you a half-hearted glare.
“Oh, don’t be like that,” you teased softly, slightly out of breath. “C’mere, I’ve still got more of a reward to give you, if you’re good.” You laughed again as he brightened, eagerly sitting up to follow you.
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cometchasinglove · 3 months
Ask and ye shall receive!
Polaris is Starscream's sparkling in my TF: Aftermath Lost Light campaign.
He's basically an excuse to show what how I believe sparklings grow and develop, as well as introducing Seeker culture to my players (cause I love all my little headcanons for that)
The way I imagine seeker sparklings develop is similar to birds, where they go through a "fledgling" phase before they develop all their colors and armor.
They start off small, like, fit in the palm of Starscream's hand small. Hold them gently like a burger. They gradually grow, being born with 9-ish? main armor plates that grow soon after birth. These plates develop into intricate armor and even their wings as they grow.
In my campaign, it takes 1000 years for a cybertronian to mature, Polaris is 100, so he's only about a 1 year old.
And Starscream would *kill* for his baby.
He's the most protective parent. He had to pop the poor thing out alone, by himself, stranded on Earth with no clue where the Sire or his friends where (they thought he was dead due to past campaign stuff) and learned to grow some self-confidence to care for his bitlet.
His parenting style is protective but also kind of "fuck around and find out"
he let's his baby explore, and get hurt at their own curiosity, but not too much. But if there's somebody who he knows might hurt his sparkling? He'll death-glare you till the sun explodes and if you come close and try to do anything with his baby he'd rip you limb from limb without a second thought.
He's very protective over who he lets hold his baby. At the start when my group finds him, he'll only trust my NPC Atlas (an OC who's known Starscream for a while) and the sire, Megatron.
Megs in this universe is not abusive to Starscream, but was in the past (cause of his Unicron Lean addiction) and Starscream is healing from that trauma, so their relationship is strained but he's healing not just for himself but his sparkling now too.
It's a very self-indulgent side-plot for my players. But I'm a self-indulgent fuck and Starscream literally is just me soooo
Yeah that's Polaris!
Once Starscream trusts the Lost Light with his bitlet, almost everyone will be taking turns babysitting, playing and coddling the little thing. Polaris will have no shortage of love, protection, affection and care with the crew and his momma who loves him more than life itself <3
Aw, Polaris is the perfect candidate if you wanna show off your seeker sparkling HCs! How cute!
"Hold them gently like a burger." I'm plagued with the thought of Starscream holding his little bab so gently! HELP!
Atlas sounds like a pretty cool OC, too! I'm not a fan of MegaStar, but your take sounds interesting!
Aw, and little Polaris aboard the Lost Light is just what the crew needs, a bouncing bitlet of joy!
Thank you for sharing your lore with me! It's so awesome! What you have going on is very intriguing, and I would always love to hear more from you about it! So, don't be shy to reach out!
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ricegobbler · 4 months
Can i request the bots accidentally finding a cybertronian sparkling baby (just. laying somewhere. don't question it) with no parents and deciding to keep it, then asking the kids, June and Fowler to take care of it while they're away <3 and learn their traditions and anatomy and stuff
It was a normal day in the base, everyone was minding their own business until Raf, Miko, and Jack was heard in the halls of the base.
All the bots ran to the three kids with weapons and their blasters ready to hurt whoever or whatever was making the three yell. “WHAT HAPPENED.” Yelled bulkhead the second the bots arrived, “ITS A BABY!!!” Miko yelled with joy. The bots all lowered their weapons and eyed each other in confusion. “How did a sparkling get here?” Arcee asked, looking up at Optimus who just had a confused serious face on. “I am not sure where they came from, but we must check it out in case of any injuries first.” Said Optimus, he then looked at ratchet and ratchet groaned “alright..”
Later, ratchet finished up checking the sparkling and came back with good news. “Good news is she’s in perfect health, and-“ he was then cut off by Miko, “ITS A GIRL?? YES!” Ratchet grumbled. “is there any bad news??” Smokescreen asked, “she’s a grower. Which means she’ll grow up quick and big.” Jack whispered to himself “did he just call her fat..”
A couple days later, the sparkling would just be taken care of the humans lost of the time when the others would go on missions. Sometimes she’d be with ratchet because he’s always at base. He would yell at her though when she’d touch something she wasn’t supposed to touch. Ending up with her crying because she’s js a baby☹️ Ratchet wouldn’t know what to do but he would just try making her sleep to calm her down and say sorry. He’d sound like he didn’t mean it, but he really did.
When the sparkling would be with Jack, Raf, and Miko they would basically show her human stuff. Miko would introduce her to music, Jack would introduce her to games, and Raf would just introduce her to lil inventions he made. The longer they’d watch her the more they learned about her, they found out from Ratchet that she wasn’t exactly born like how a human baby was. They are kept in statis pods until they are received a spark from the matrix. Once Miko asked Ratchet how they were made, he had no answer. And raf asked how baby humans were made, no one answered at all.
Sometimes the sparkling is watched by June and Fowler as well. And when she is, June is in mother mode. Even tho most of the time she is- Fowler would just be there. Not knowing what to do- he would just be working most of the time but when he has time he’d try talking to the sparkling and teach her some stuff. June would just take care of her most, feed her, comfort, make her sleep, literally anything a baby needs:D
Sorry if this is bad!! I was also rushing this😓😓
Hoped you enjoyed this tho!! Tysm for requesting
Requests are still closed bc I’m working on old requests! Pls be patient and kind<33
I js realized I didn’t add wheeljack or ultra Magnus. Oops I’m sorry wheeljack n Magnus lovers😭
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cozzzynook · 3 months
I just learned there’s zero agere (age regression/non-sexual age play) fics in this fandom (on AO3 at least) and I am devastated
No pressure on writing it since I don’t know how familiar you are with it but please allow me to rant a bit
Non-sexual age play as a coping mechanism for a fandom where mechs are constantly built for/into war??? Now that the war is over, what better way to deal with the trauma than living the sparkling hood you never got/was forced to grow out of too quickly.
MTOs in IDW literally mentioned how as the war escalated it became a 3 step process from thawed to field-ready, they deserve to slow down and process and learn with child like curiosity and learn something insignificant like rocks and not the fastest way to assemble a blaster and aim.
Cybertronians are a race known for slow building relationships and trust, any kind of relationship is rare. IDW mentioned that you have to eliminate someone as a Conjunx before becoming Amica, so any and all relationship has a sort of expectation/testing to it. So to trust someone enough to regress? To trust your environment enough to regress? To have a relationship where there’s no expectations for something more?
Anyways sorry for the lengthy rant, I hope you have a nice day!
I love this idea and feel free to ask me to this for a certain pair if you’d like. If I can i’ll try my best to and if not i’ll let you know.
I see Tarn needing this the most and i love the idea of him getting this care from Rodimus who knows he can’t beat the mech in a fight but he can best him.
And he bests Tarn by holding the mech in his arms and cooing at him, rocking him in his lap despite the large size difference and lets the mech hug him and cry.
Tarn comes back often.
It terrifies the pit out of the crew but he doesn’t kill them and he only glares pointing his gun in Drifts face until Rodimus tells him no, bad mech and Tarn glares at Drift lowering the gun and follows Rodimus out to his hab.
They know the two aren’t sleeping together but they have no idea what Rodimus does to get the mech stable and more…civil?
Rodimus finally admits he babies Tarn and treats him like a sparkling but only to a select few who try it out on other members of the crew without leading it to Rodimus and Tarn and suddenly the lost light has a crew thats more relaxed and emotionally stable.
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How would the tfp cons and bots react to finding a bunch of sparkling in an escape pod
I headcannon that sparklings are tiny enough for humans to hold their entire bodies and look like loaf blobs and make beeping sounds
I hope this is good, because I'm gonna be totally honest: I know next to nothing about sparklings. I know they're pretty much baby Cybertronians, but that's about it. Are they canon? Idk but here goes nothing😂
TFP Autobots Reaction to Sparklings in an Escape Pod
Optimus Prime:
-Dad mode activated
"As Autobots, it is our duty to protect any life on this planet. Especially small fragile life, be it humans, or sparklings."
-He'd assign the other Bots tasks to look after them whenever he can't do it himself. In fact, he lets the humans care for them as well
Miko: "We have to take care of Cybertronian babies instead of going on missions? Laaame!"
Jack: "Well, Miko, maybe this is how the Bots always feel having to constantly look after YOU."
Miko: "Phht. Rude."
-Oh boy, he's NOT happy
-He'd mutter to himself:
"Oh, joy. Another small, loud creature to distract me from work. How have I managed to get reduced to the team babysitter?"
-He'd have a harder time connecting with the sparklings than with the children, because at least the human kids can TALK.
-In fact, having the sparklings around might bring Ratchet closer to the humans, since he's on the same boat as them, not wanting the responsibility of caring for sparklings
-He isn't a MONSTER, though. Of COURSE he grows to love the sparklings eventually. He's a softy, deep down
-Where IS Arcee, anyway? Nobody's seen her much since Optimus assigned Team Prime tasks involving caring for the sparklings. She said: "I'm going for a drive" and peaced out.
-In short, Arcee is having NONE of this
-Babysitting? No thank you.
-She leaves the MOMENT anyone asks her to feed the sparklings some energon. And she takes Jack with her. Byeeeeeee.
"Uhhh...Are we gonna have to take care of them?"
-What a silly guy. He's doing his best.
-He has NO clue what he's doing, though. Like he said, on Cybertron, he was a laborer. He's never cared for a sparkling in his life
-Not to mention Miko's judging him harshly for even trying😂
Miko: "Bulk, we're supposed to be smashing Con tailpipes! When did YOU become some kind of nurse, looking after toddlers? Isn't that RATCHET'S job?"
Ratchet: "YEPYEPYEPYEP that is NOT my job!!!!!!!😤"
-Bulkhead's like:
"Uhh...how much do you feed sparklings again?"
-At least he's trying
-He's probably the best at caring for the sparklings, next to Optimus, and he has no problem doing it, once they find them in the escape pod
-If Optimus is the serious, responsible caretaker, Bumblebee is the more fun one
-He plays with the sparklings, and takes them for rides
-Raf helps out, as well
-It's adorable
-Bulkhead dragged him along to help care for the sparklings, but he's taking Miko's side. He isn't feeling it.
"If you want me to go soft, you've got another thing comin'."
-Once the sparklings are of age, he'll gladly teach them to be Wreckers
-But until then, he'll try to explain to them how grenades work whenever Bulkhead isn't looking. They don't understand what he's saying, of course, because they're only sparklings, but you've gotta start them young.
Ultra Magnus:
-He's kinda like a supervisor
-He knows exactly what the sparklings need, and when, but whatever the need is, he isn't going to attend to it himself
-He mainly dishes out orders and tells everyone else what to do.
-He doesn't mean to be rude. He's just used to being a commander. During the war, sparklings had to be protected from explosions and whatnot, so he saw to it that soldiers under his command took care of them.
-If anyone could convince Arcee to come back though, it's him, so at least there's that
-Chaotic fun uncle energy
-You'd have to keep an eye on Smokescreen at ALL TIMES, because, when the sparklings are under HIS watch, it's pure anarchy
-He'd probably let them drink engex (Cybertronian version of alcohol) and teach them how to conduct pranks on Ultra Magnus
-He's a "no rules" guardian
-Really, Team Prime has to babysit HIM more than the sparklings
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Could you PLEASE do something with a Yandere!Nickel with a human fem reader I would love you forever
And/or a human reader with a yandere soundwave and his also equally yandere cassettes would be nice
I am not far enough into MTMTE to properly meet Nickel (I'm trying I'm just slow) so I used the Wiki to help me if that's fine! So I apologize if something ends up wrong, I was also a bit vague with this. I swapped darling's gender since I could not fit it in to the plot, sorry :(
Yandere! Nickel with Human! Darling
Pairing: Platonic/Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Internal conflict, Kidnapping briefly mentioned, Manipulation, She hates you at first, Obsession, Dubious relationship, Dehumanization, Violence, Trauma, Mentions of death, Threats.
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Nickel is a maintenance and medic bot that is a Mini-con.
She has a past with organics, witnessing them murder mechanical beings and her being the only survival brought in by the D.J.D
Safe to say she doesn't like organics and holds a hatred towards them.
This makes an obsession towards a human problematic for her.
She hates organics and expects them all to be vile pests.
That's why she sided with Tarn.
His group is anti-organic.
She's usually really kind and helpful, wanting to take care of those close to her due to her specialty.
She'd probably only like an organic if she saw them being helpful to mechanical beings.
Maybe you're the "human pet" of someone on the Lost Light or something.
That's what many Cybertronians, particularly Decepticons, call you.
You're a pet or a fleshling or whatever....
It's a bit demeaning but you grow used to it.
You most likely help people out on the Lost Light and in some way you end up encountering the D.J.D.
Which means you meet Nickel.
I'd imagine she dislikes you when you first meet.
She doesn't necessarily want to go out of her way to kill you but she just... has a thing against organics for a good reason.
If you gave her some kind of hope that an organic could be good then she relents.
Most of her obsession would take a long time.
She has to get used to this human before she can show any care towards you.
Plus it's all very problematic since D.J.D is one for organic genocide.
Even if Nickel did like you enough to abduct you somehow she'd have to hide you away.
She'd treat you like you're her own guilty pleasure.
Nickel would keep an eye on you if you caught her attention but it would be awhile before she made a move.
She's hesitant to befriending an organic.
It would be like betraying the D.J.D if she took you in so fast.
Part of her feels hypocritical.
Compared to most of the ruthless D.J.D, Nickel is the best to be around.
When you do manage to make her come around she can be caring like she is with the rest of D.J.D.
I feel even when she trusts you, an organic, she still treats you as a pet like other Cons.
She'll baby you and treat you like you can't take care of yourself.
It gives her a sense of power due to her traumatic past.
She's not really mean about it and acts like a caretaker most of the time.
If she did abduct you then she hides you from the rest.
You're a secret pet she cares for while she cares for the D.J.D.
Honestly if the others found out, there's a good chance you're dead.
That is unless Nickel can somehow have Tarn allow her to keep you as a pet, all other organics can go for all she cares.
Not this one... not you.
As OOC as this sounds Tarn may allow your existence because of how stubborn Nickel is with you.
They have a close connection so they can probably make a deal.
Nickel probably wouldn't always be nice towards you, sometimes there's a hint of superiority or an undertone of a threat with her.
You're the only organic that is an exception to her hate.
While she starts cold towards you, showing apathy and disinterest about an organic, it slowly becomes affection.
After watching you, stealing you from the Lost Light, and spending time around you...
She can accept you for what you are.
She knows you aren't capable of harming her or the D.J.D alone.
You won't cause danger if left alive and your life is in her hands anyways.
With lots of time Nickel can accept her adoration for you.
As a Mini-Con she's closer to human size which allows affection to be easier.
She's probably taller than you so she can baby you more.
She is a very mom-like Decepticon so despite her feelings she'd probably like to tease and care for you.
She drags you places, diagnoses you the best she can, she still knows you're fragile and tries not to be rough.
If she did manage to convince Tarn to let you live, escape is difficult.
She'd simply tell him you ran.
Which means you'll either be captured or killed on sight.
It's best you stay a behaved organic if you'd like to keep your life.
Overall, Nickel would take a long time to obsess over a human due to her past.
Yet when she does, she'll treat you as her little human to take care of.
You'll stay right where she wants you, unless you'd like to deal with the D.J.D without her help?
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floofyfungi · 5 months
Floofy, my beloved dragon formers writing genius, I need to know how big the dragonformers are when they are babies…. is CUDDLING a wee chubby baby dragon possible, or is it yet another I achievable dream?
Aw thank you! You're too kind. In the Miracle AU, the size of a dragonformer hatchling depends on the type of dragon. A shuttle hatchling is gonna be a lot bigger than a cassette hatchling and so on. But the average freshly forged hatchling would be about the size of a horse. So yes very huggable!
They'll grow quickly though. All hatchlings really do at that age is chirp and eat. They also don't know their own strength. So be careful when cuddling!
Freshly hatched cassettes are absolutely tiny. Like kitten sized. Much safer for organics to handle.
Seekerlets are bigger, but they're mostly wings and tail at this age. Very floppy and clumsy. Most seekerlets hate staying still and will try to explore beyond the nest, even when they can barely walk. Their guardian trine will have to keep constant vigil.
Like most sapient organics, Cybertronians possess incredibly strong parental instincts. So if you do decide to give a hatchling scritches, best to run it over with the adults first. If you don't, watch yourself.
Because where there is a sparkling, its guardians are never far behind.
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