#mod wunder
chessalein · 1 year
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Here are some pics I took for Halks wunderful pride shoes! Super cool Pride converse
Super cool Pride Latino sneakers My absolute favourite are the Pride Latino Sneakers. They are so adorable and decent. 10/10 Would wear them in RL.
Check out Halks other mods as well :) They are wonderful.
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gameforestdach · 3 months
Das neueste Update "Atlantic City: Americas Playground" zu Fallout 76 lockt Spieler zurück in den unheimlichen Charme der postnuklearen Küstenstadt. Dieses umfangreiche Update führt nicht nur spannende Missionen und eine packende neue Storyline ein, sondern markiert auch eine signifikante Verbesserung in Gameplay und Community-Interaktion. Kehre nach Atlantic City zurück, um auf Bitten von Bürgermeister Tim die Invasion der Überwucherten zu bekämpfen. Entdecke die dunklen Geheimnisse der Familie Russo durch eine neue Questreihe in Appalachia. Erkunde die erweiterte Promenade, triff neue Charaktere und unternimm zusätzliche Nebenquests. Höhepunkte des Updates "Americas Playground" Das Update "Americas Playground" haucht Fallout 76s Darstellung von Atlantic City neues Leben ein und bietet Spielern ein bereichertes Narrativ und Spielerlebnis. Bürgermeister Tims Hilferuf gegen die Überwucherten setzt den Rahmen für eine hochriskante Expedition, während die Questreihe der Familie Russo Ebenen von Intrigen und Drama hinzufügt. Die erweiterte Erkundung der Promenade führt die Spieler zu neuen Gesichtern und Herausforderungen und vertieft das immersive Fallout-Erlebnis weiter. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaoJU96-Kww Saisonale Veränderungen und Belohnungen Ein überarbeitetes Seasons-System bietet nun mehr Flexibilität beim Verdienen von Belohnungen, mit der Einführung von Tickets, die gegen spannende Preise eingelöst werden können. Das Update von Season 16: Duel with the Devil ist vollgepackt mit Inhalten, die die Spieler bei ihren Abenteuern im Ödland engagiert und belohnt halten. Umfassende Verbesserungen Von ästhetischen Verbesserungen bis hin zu Fehlerbehebungen sorgt das Update für ein reibungsloseres, optisch ansprechenderes Spielerlebnis. Bemerkenswerte Anpassungen umfassen Korrekturen an Objekt- und Umgebungstexturen, NPC-Interaktionen und Gameplay-Mechaniken, um eine reichhaltigere und immersivere Erkundung von Atlantic City und seiner Umgebung zu gewährleisten. Ausblick Mit dem bevorstehenden Remaster von Fallout 4 und der Amazon-Live-Action-Show haben Fans der Franchise viel, worauf sie sich freuen können. Diese Entwicklungen zusammen mit dem Fallout London Fan-Mod signalisieren eine lebhafte Zukunft für das Fallout-Universum und versprechen neue Abenteuer und Geschichten, die die Spieler entdecken können. Erlebe die Wunder von Atlantic City in Fallout 76 Das Update "Atlantic City: Americas Playground" bietet einen Schatz an neuen Inhalten und Verbesserungen für Fallout 76-Spieler. Egal, ob du die Überwucherten bekämpfst, Familiengeheimnisse aufdeckst oder einfach nur die Promenade erkundest, es mangelt nicht an Abenteuern, die im Ödland auf dich warten. Für weitere Erkenntnisse über die Welt von Fallout 76 und seine neuesten Updates, erkunde die Berichterstattung von PC Gamer zum Update von Atlantic City, die einen tieferen Einblick bietet, was dieses Update zu einem Wendepunkt für Spieler macht.
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susangg9 · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Lululemon Soulcycle Wunder Under Pack Tribe Crew.
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otheroutlandertales · 5 years
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Anonymous said: Modern day au where Fergus and Marsali are members of opposing biker gangs.
This is the last chapter of this story. Catch up here on Part One and Part Two.
Sadly, it is also my last regular publication on this blog. I have written a longer post elaborating on that on my personal blog, but I want to take a quick moment to say thank you on here as well - trust me to go out with a bang (although, which is unusual, in this instance I say that without innuendo)!
The Borders Between Us
by @wunderlichkind
She’s never been comfortable in hospitals. The harsh lighting and sterile smell, the hushed noises – all of it reminds her of too many motorcycle accidents, too many visits after gang fights, too many of Laoghaire’s diagnostic appointments. Marsali squirms in the uncomfortable chair, staring at her own reflection in the small room’s window, unable to see the dark parking lot beyond it. A ghost stares back – someone she has to work to recognize as herself. Her hair is unruly, her eyes are ringed with dark circles, her expression somber, haunted almost. She hasn’t slept in nearly two days, hasn’t been well-rested ever since she left Fergus’ apartment.
Laoghaire stirs in the bed and Marsali jumps in her seat, but her mother doesn’t wake and she takes a deep breath. Her eyes are still scanning Laoghaire’s body, taking inventory of her broken wrist, her bruised cheek, the tear at her hairline, the swollen left knee – something she’s been doing several times every day since the fall down the stairs, something she can’t seem to shake.
„Miss Fraser, have you thought about exploring other options for your mother? It might be time to find a nursing home for her, for both your sakes,“ the hospital’s social worker told her the day before, her stuffy office filled with the sound of a ticking clock. Marsali only nodded and accepted the bunch of brochures, eager to escape the too small space, the implications of considering such a solution. The words haven’t left her, though, and neither has the feeling of uneasiness.
She sighs and stands, resolving to channel her inner unrest into movement, to temporarily fill the icy hole in her chest with coffee. She takes the long way down to the cafeteria, which is closed at this hour of the day, but has a coin-operated coffee machine much better than any of the hallway vending machines on this floor. She stares at the white walls, the bland hospital art, the petrol green room number signs. She counts the steps as she descends the stairs, but it does nothing to calm her. The strain on her nerves is almost unbearable. Marsali is sure that any minute now she’s going to snap when she rounds the corner opposite the hospital entrance and almost collides with Dr. Taylor.
„Oh, Miss Fraser, you’re still here? Shouldn’t you get some rest?“
Marsali manages a wry smile. „I could ask ye the same thing, Dr. Taylor.“
The doctor laughs, a genuine, friendly laugh that shows her white teeth and the dimples in her dark cheeks. „I’m on my way out, actually. I’m glad I bumped into you before leaving, though. I’ve been meaning to tell you that we’ll have your test results ready by tomorrow and I’d like to see you in my office, say 10 am?“
She waits for the string of her nerves to snap, waits for the impact of the doctor’s kind words to hit, but instead of the violent crash she’s expecting, there’s only a feeling of surreality. For a second, Marsali has the impression that she’s watching herself from a distance, eerily indifferent to her own numbness, her own shock. She has to force herself to nod, to mumble her assent.
Dr. Taylor is already walking away, but she turns again after just a few steps, finding Marsali still rooted to the spot.
„How’s your mother?“ she asks, and there’s real sympathy in her voice, a hint of worry in her dark brown eyes.
„She’s... not great,“ Marsali answers honestly, her voice cracking a little on the last word. Dr. Taylor nods.
„You get some rest, okay? And I’ll see you tomorrow,“ she says and it sounds like an order and a reassurance at the same time, like something her father might say to her. It makes Marsali smile despite herself.
„Aye, I’ll see ye tomorrow.“
The fight with Fergus. Laoghaire’s fall. The possibility of having to place her in a home. Her own test results. Marsali’s mind is a battleground, a tangle of fear and pain and nerves, a virtual hell. It’s why it seems almost cruel, an unlikely twist of fate, when the moment after the door has fallen closed behind Dr. Taylor, it opens again and the quiet of the nightly hospital is broken by loud shouts for help.
Her body reacts before her mind is able to register the whole picture, and she takes in details while already moving; their jackets, identifying them as Hell’s Angels, the strained muscles in their shoulders, evidence of their struggle to hold up the slim figure in their middle. The blood on his face. The pain in his eyes.
She reaches him just when they set him down on a chair, one of them gesturing wildly at the woman behind the welcome desk.
„Marsali?“ he says and it’s a question, his voice quiet, disbelieving.
Her own voice is everything she would have expected it to be in her conversation with Dr. Taylor. There’s despair, terror. There are tears.
„Fergus. What happened?“
It seems all hospital offices are too small for comfort. Dr. Taylor closes the door behind Marsali and gestures for her to sit, moving to open the small window as if she can sense Marsali feels trapped. A cold breeze wafts in and Marsali is grateful for it; a reminder that the world keeps turning, that the seasons are progressing.
„Before I let you know the results of your blood tests, I want to go over the facts with you one more time,“ Dr. Taylor says as she sits down behind her desk, her calm gaze focused on Marsali, who just nods.
„You’ve decided to have your blood tested because your mother has early onset dementia, which can be hereditary. However, the results of this test will not conclusively tell you if you’ll suffer from the same disease.“
Marsali nods again. She knows all this, she’s had a lot of time to get informed.
„The test identifies certain genetic markers. People with mutations in certain genes are statistically more likely to develop early-onset dementia. We know your mother has tested positive for one of the markers,“ Dr. Taylor pauses and sorts through the papers on her desk.
Marsali grits her teeth together, balls her hands so tightly she feels her nails cutting into the flesh of her palms. She holds her breath. She’s aware that no matter the results of the test, she could always develop the disease. She’s aware how little reassurance a negative result really holds. But she wants it, needs it. She needs to know that she can live her life without the sword of high risk hanging over her neck.
„Miss Fraser.“
Marsali hasn’t realized she closed her eyes until she opens them to meet Dr. Taylor’s smiling gaze.
„You do not have any of the mutations, you tested negative for all the genetic markers.“
And Marsali breathes. She breathes in the cold air wafting through the still open window and Dr. Taylor reminds her again, that the test results provide only an indication of what may or may not happen. And Fergus is lying in a hospital bed, bruised and battered, two floors up, because he deliberately got into a fight with some of her father’s men. And Laoghaire is lying in a hospital bed, bruised and battered, three floors up, because she fell down the stairs to the basement when Marsali hadn’t locked the basement door. And the hospital’s social worker is looking through nursing home brochures with her father five doors down.
But Marsali breathes, and for the first time in days, she feels like the air is reaching her lungs. She feels like there’s a tiny sliver of hope. And where that tiny sliver grows, a plan slowly starts to take shape.
It’s raining when the procession of bikes reaches the cemetery, the roaring of motors drowning out the splatter of water against stone for just a moment before the bikes stand as still as their riders.
Black is their everyday color, and only their somber expressions hint at the special occasion. The pastor has held gang funerals before, but never one like this, he realizes with worry, when he stares at the mix of Mongols and Angel signs on the jackets of the assembled. They’ve come together, and it seems they’ve come in peace. He hadn’t really believed in it until now.
„Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers over all wrongs. Proverbs 10:12.“ The pastor’s voice raises over the cries of heaven as the heads of the assembled men and women rise at his words.
„We lay to rest your children,“ he continues, „who, despite their youth, knew the truth of God’s word in their hearts. Marsali Fraser and Fergus St. Germain have loved deeply. Their love crossed borders, and stood safe in the middle of a stormy sea of conflict that finally consumed them. Let us remember that love and let us honor it by calming the conflict between us.“
Jamie Fraser is a wall of stone, a picture of hard edges. Claire softly squeezes Jamie’s hand, her face hidden in his shoulder, and after a moment of hesitation he squeezes back.
„Marsali and Fergus’ love has endured great conflict. It is now, on this day, reason and incentive for us to come together as they have, to cross borders as they did. May you be united in love and grief for your children as they have been united in love for each other.“
Nobody moves when the pastor ends his speech. The rain is too loud in the silence of their shared grief, too warm on their icy skin. It’s a day to be marked – the day they buried Marsali and Fergus, the day they’ve let a semblance of peace enter their hearts.
Jamie and Claire are the last to leave the cemetery. Jamie’s phone rings just when he sits down on the bike’s saddle and he shuts off the motor again before picking it up.
„How did it go?“ she asks and he thinks he must imagine the tinny quality to her voice – modern technology doesn’t bother with distance as much as the heart does, after all.
„All according to plan, a leannan,“ he assures her, and Claire smiles at him. „Ye’re safe?“
„Aye, Da, we’re safe.“ She sounds full of wonder, as if stunned this crazy plan of hers has worked, has somehow spit them out safe and sound on the other side of the border.
„Yer Ma?“
„They say she’s adjusting well. We’re going back to visit her on Sunday. I have a good feeling about this, Da.“
It takes him a moment to answer her, emotions warring in his chest. The pastor was right, he decides for himself. There have been too many wrongs in this story, too many obstacles in his daughter’s path. But however winded the way, however dramatic and unusual the means, love covers all the wrongs.
„Me too, Marsali. Me too.“
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Wunder: you are acting like a child.
Jankos: I'm not acting!
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date-a-girl-who · 7 years
Date a girl who is your life vest when life seems to be pulling you under the waves
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fen-the-magnificat · 4 years
Sweater Weather Mog Collection!
Thanks to the amazing nevermoor discord for things amazing artworks. Sweater Mog started as an accidental piece of art and I am bamboozled by the wunderful lengths it ended up going to.
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Some of my Sweater Mog pieces...
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‘Sweater Weather mog but she's a gay cat in a blanket’
Done by the amazing Cadence Stan...
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Thaddea Stan’s version... you can also find her at @obnoxiousandannoying​
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Finally, this little piece done by our amazing mod Tilly.
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beatdisc · 4 years
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Last week was a doozy! As well as our Black Friday RSD stock and weekly Friday new releases, we also got in a ton of re-stocks & back catalogue re-issues from several different U.S. suppliers. We've cobbled together some of our favourites here! Check below for titles + prices. Adolescents - s/t $35 Adolescents - Complete Demos $32 Amy Winehouse ‎ Back To Black $38 Aphex Twin - Selected Ambient Works 85-92 (2xLP) $55 Beastie Boys - Licensed To Ill $50 Beastie Boys - Ill Communication $48 Best Coast - Crazy For You $35 Big Star - #1 Record (2020 Remaster) $50 Bonnie Prince Billy - I See A Darkness $38 Brian Eno & David Byrne - My Life In The Bush Of Ghosts (2xLP) $55 Brotha Lynch Hung - Season Of Da Siccness (2xLP) $65 Cabaret Voltaire ‎- Shadow Of Fear (Colour) $40 Daniel Lanois - For The Beauty Of Wynona $50 Daughters - s/t $45 Daughters - You Don't Always Get What You Want (2xLP Colour) $55 Deafheaven - Ordinary Corrupt Human Love (2xLP) $48 Depeche Mode - Speak & Spell $45 Duster - Contemporary Movement $45 Duster - Stratosphere $45 Electric Wizard - Dopethrone (2xLP) $65 Elliott Smith ‎- Elliott Smith (25th Anniversary Box) $95 Everclear - So Much For The Afterglow (HQ Audiophile Remaster) $70 Everclear - Sparke & Fade (HQ Audiophile Remaster) $70 Germs - Cat's Clause $50 Gorillaz - D-Sides (4xLP) $100 Gorillaz - G-Sides $55 Gorillaz - Song Machine Season One (Colour) $50 Gorillaz ‎- Song Machine Season One (Limited Deluxe Edition) $160 Hank Wood & The Hammerheads - Stay Home $35 Hiroshi Sato - Orient $55 Hiroshi Yoshimura - Green (Colour) $70 Idiota Civilizzato - s/t $35 Idris Muhammad - Black Rhythm Revolution $38 Jah Lion - Colombia Colly $48 Jonathan Richman - I, Jonathan $40 Joy Division ‎– Closer (Colour) $50 Joy Division - Unknown Pleasures $48 Joy Division & New Order - Total (2xLP) $65 JPEGMAFIA ‎– All My Heroes Are Cornballs (2xLP) $45 Julien Baker - Sprained Ankle $40 Kendrick Lamar - Good Kid, M.A.A.D. City (2xLP) $48 Matthew Sweet - 100% Fun (2xLP HQ Audiophile Remaster) $70 Millencolin - Life On A Plate $38 Neil Young ‎- Silver & Gold $48 Neil Young & Crazy Horse ‎– Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere $45 Neil Young & Crazy Horse ‎– Live At The Fillmore East $50 New Order - Power, Corruption & Lies $55 Newtown Neurotics - Kick Out! $40 Prince - Sign O' The Times (RSD Picture Disc) $75 Prince - Purple Rain $50 Sade ‎– This Far (6xLP Box) $230 Suicidal Tendencies - s/t (Colour) $38 Sven Wunder - Eastern Flowers $55 Sven Wunder - Wabi Sabi $55 Talking Heads - 77 (Colour) $48 Terry Riley - A Rainbow In Curved Air $48 The Beta Band - The Three EP's (2xLP) $55 The Beta Band - s/t (2xLP) $55 The Exploited - Horror Epics (Colour) $48 The Feelies - The Good Earth $40 The Flying Burrito Bros. - Burrito Deluxe (HQ Audiophile Remaster) $70 The Magic Numbers - s/t $48 The Mystery Kindaichi Band - The Adventures Of... $50 The Sisters Of Mercy - First And Last And Always (MFSL) $50 The Upsetters - Eastwood Rides Again $48 Tool - Opiate $25 Unwritten Law - s/t (Colour) $55 V/A - Pacific Breeze (Japanese City Pop, AOR & Boogie) (2xLP) $70 Wilco - Summerteeth (5xLP Expanded Box) $195 XTC - Nonsuch (2xLP) $70 Local re-stocks: Alien Nosejob - Once Again The Past Becomes The Present $35 Bananagun ‎- The True Story Of Bananagun $35 Blueline Medic - A Working Title In Green (Colour) $35 Boomgates ‎- Double Natural $35 Cable Ties ‎- Far Enough (Colour) $32 Camp Cope - Camp Cope (Colour) $30 Camp Cope ‎- How To Socialise And Make Friends (Colour) $30 C.O.F.F.I.N. - Children Of Finland Fighting In Norway $32 Eddy Current Suppression Ring ‎- Rush To Relax $30 Faceless Burial - Speciation $35 Harmony - Double Negative $30 Mere Women - Big Skies $30 MOD CON ‎- Modern Convenience (Colour) $35 Smarts - Who Needs Smarts Anyway? $35 Straightjacket Nation - s/t (2017) $28
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smile4meimagines · 5 years
could I get some head cannons for Habit with a S/O who's a virgin and smaller in size than him so he's a little nervous about hurting him cause he's well um way huger but his S/O is like "you have no idea I'm all for that"
Mod Gay: Size difference,,,, 👌👌👌👌
Boris Habit w/ a smaller S/OHeadcanons:
You would both have to have a conversation about it, since Boris is so nervous about the situation - also….you have to explain that being into ‘big sizes’ is a thing haha
And looks, it’s super likely he’s never done anything like this before either. He’s a very touch-starved man. He’s so, so nervous about making you uncomfortable, please reassure him.
But after a bit of coaxing, a bit of reassurance, he finds he’s uh… Kind of into it as well actually.
He really wants you to top him in this situation, at least the first time around, because he’s just so nervous about hurting you.
After a few times he gets into it a bit more, since he learns how far he can push it. With this he’ll get a little more dominant. He would definitely hold your hands above your hands and pins you down.
His voice might get a little deeper as he gets into the ‘role’?Mod HB: kinda like how he acted during the big event. But obviously not as ….you know. He’s more tasteful.
He’s going to be muttering praises and reassurances pretty much the whole time. “Look at how well your doing! It’s so wunderful to see u like this ; - )”
You both settle on a safe word, of course. It being something along the lines of ‘cavity’ or your favourite colour.
He would go from speaking English to Russian quite a bit. And you would have to ask him what he meant after stuff happens ;)
But to get to all this, you have to deal with just how careful he is on your (and his) first time around. You’re probably going to be going through a lot of foreplay, because he wants to make sure you’re ready and not going to be in too much pain
He WILL be very flustered the morning after you first did anything, only speaking through Pabbit. “Habit’s a little too flustered roight now,, But he, well, he really-” If you kiss Pabbit, both go very quiet for a minute. Habit pretty much rolls onto you and makes out with you. He’s having a really good time and he just really wants to let you know how much fun he’s had and how much he loves you.
“You taste sweet, too much of you and my teeth will hurty ; - )”
~Mod HB and Mod Gay
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kamehamehu · 5 years
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//Alles auf Anfang//
Yooop - herzlich willkommen auf meinem Blog ‘soziale medienphänomene’. Wie der Name schon vermuten lässt, wird es sich hier genau darum handeln. Den von allen gehassten, aber nicht mehr wegzudenkenden Influencern, “Neulandwörter” wie Mods, Shitstorms und Speedruns, oder eben andere Phänomene, die uns - die Generation der Digital Natives - alltäglich im Netz oder eben im realen Leben begegnen. 
Zunächst möchte ich kurz erläutern warum ich Tumblr für meine Zwecke als die geeignetste Blog-Plattform ausgewählt habe. Die Antwort: die heutige Zeit ist rasant und kompromisslos - keiner hat mehr Zeit bzw. keiner nimmt sich mehr die Zeit, um endlos lange Texte zu lesen, sich in Foren Informationen zusammenzureimen oder generell einfach unnötig Zeit zu verschwenden. 
Alles. soll. kurz. und. knapp. sein.
Daher ist es auch kein Wunder, dass Twitter mit nur 280 Zeichen pro Post auskommt und somit zu einem der erfolgreichsten Nachrichtendienste im Netz geworden ist. Doch was ist, wenn selbst diese komprimierten Posts mit all den ...Buchstaben... zu eintönig werden? Genau, ein weiteres Netzwerk steigt gen Himmel und fokussiert sich auf das, was uns Menschen am meisten Spaß macht - Bilder anschauen. Und obwohl dieser Bilderdienst erst 2010, vier Jahre nach Twitter, startete, ist dieser mit rund 400 Mio. Nutzern einer der beliebtesten sozialen Netzwerke. (vgl. Hohensee 2016 ) 
Kein Wunder also, dass ich den Urvater von Instagram, welcher ebenfalls viel auf das Visuelle setzt, nutze, um meinen Output zu diesen Themen auch ästhetisch rahmen zu können. 
Bleibt also gespannt.
Hohensee, Matthias et al. (2016) unter https://www.wiwo.de/technologie/digitale-welt/soziale-netzwerke-instagram-ist-laengst-staerker-als-twitter/12979958-3.html (06.11.19)
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otheroutlandertales · 5 years
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@notameeksassenach​ said: Modern AU where Fergus goes to Jamie and Roger for advice on becoming a dad.
Author’s note: It took us a while to get to this one - but here it is, and with (almost) perfect timing. Congratulations on notameekbaby! All our best wishes and we hope you find a quiet moment to yourself to enjoy this wee story, @notameeksassenach.
by @wunderlichkind
Marsali is a warm presence, her citrus scent invading his space in a wave of comfort when she leans in and softly squeezes his hand under the table. He smiles at her and squeezes back, his chest constricting with the familiar force of his feelings, all his tenderness towards his beautiful wife. She gives him a look behind the golden curtain of her hair and he raises an eyebrow at her.
„Now?“ he asks softly, and she shrugs.
„Why not?“
„Okay then.“ He can feel his smile spread, sees it mirrored on Marsali’s features. For all his fears and doubts, he’s excited. He’s excited for everything to come, excited for taking the first step and telling the family today, as they’re all gathered around the long table in Brianna and Roger’s home.
It’s Jem’s third birthday, and the dinner he wished for - Fish and Chips - has been a turbulent affair, with Bree and Roger trying to keep the chaos in check and Claire and Jamie listening intently to Jem’s loud tales of wishes and presents. Marsali and Fergus have been content to watch quietly, saving their news as to not steal Jemmy’s spotlight.
„Auntie Marsi, will ye come see my new spaceship bed?“ Jem crows, before either of them can even begin to form the words. Jem’s sticky little hands drum an excited rhythm on Marsali’s forearm and she laughs and shrugs at Fergus.
„Someone’s clearly had too much sugar,“ Brianna notes in a dry tone from the base of the stairs and Fergus notices, not for the first time, how well his sister has grown into her role as a mother – how much she reminds him of Mama.
„Of course I’ll come see yer space ship, buddy!“ Marsali smooths the russet curls out of Jem’s forehead and gets up. Before she joins Brianna and Jem on the stairs, she bends to whisper into Fergus’ ear.
„Tell them anyway. I dinna mind and we might not get them together at a single table again before he’s here.“
She silences his inquisitive stare with a reassuring squeeze of his shoulder, then kisses his cheek. Claire stands up and joins her when Marsali moves towards the stairs,  announcing she needs to check out Jemmy’s rash again.
„Looks like we’re left wi’ kitchen duties,“ Roger sighs, but the soft expression he wears while his eyes follow his wife and son up the stairs of their new home betrays his mock irritation.
The kitchen is warm and cozy and Jamie turns the dials of the radio until low, slow blues rhythms fill the room. Roger fills the sink, chuckling at his father-in-law’s tuneless humming and Fergus has to take a deep swig of whisky to get a grip on his emotions.
This is his family. His growing family.
He accepts a wet pan from Roger and starts to dry it, then clears his throat. „So, Marsali and I have news.“
Jamie looks up from the paper he’s been studying while waiting for dried dishes to stow away. His eyes meet his adoptive son’s, alight with silent support. Fergus takes a deep breath.
„I’m gonna be a father.“
It’s Jamie’s turn to clear his throat, then – wrapping his son into a tight hug, both to express his joy and to hide the emotion in his face. Roger laughs and claps Fergus on the back, saying his congratulations.
They eventually turn to the dishes again, all the while discussing the news the way men do – in practical terms. The baby is due in May, it’s gonna be a boy, they’re gonna stay in their apartment for a while, Marsali has been fairly well.
Soon, the dishes are done and stowed away and they’re sitting around the kitchen table, glasses of whisky in front of them. Fergus feels almost dizzy, excitement and wariness battling in his stomach as fiercely as they did the day Marsali bought the pregnancy test. He’s grateful for the warm burn of the spirit down his throat, for Jamie’s heavy hand on his shoulder, for Roger’s stories of his and Bree’s first days as new parents.
„It’ll be fine, lad. Dinna worry too much.“
Jamie’s calm words are as reassuring to Fergus now, as when he was a little boy with a scraped knee or fear of the dark. The storm inside him dies down enough for Fergus to voice his concerns.
„What if I’m not a good father to him?“
Both Jamie and Roger look like it’s a thought they think him mad to consider, and he adds to his question before either of them can voice that. „You know, with the MS? I’m fine now but we don’t know for how long, and if I can’t throw a ball with him, or carry him to bed, or do happy dances...“  
„Fergus.“ Roger stops him mid-sentence. „Do ye love him?“
„Of course I love him,“ Fergus answers without hesitation.
„So ye have yer answer. Ye’ll be exactly the father yer son needs. And for anything ye can’t give him, ye’ll have the support of yer family,“ Roger says firmly and Jamie nods, making an affirming sound in the back of his throat.
„Most of all, ye have Marsali,“ Jamie adds, and smiles crookedly at Fergus. „The lassie will be yer arms and legs and move mountains for ye if need be, and ye ken that well. The bairn will want for nothing.“
He closes his eyes for a moment against the threat of tears, and pinches the bridge of his nose. „You’re right,“ he admits. „It’s just not fair that she might have to take all that on for me.“
„It’s not,“ Jamie agrees. „But it willna make ye any less of a father, as it willna make ye any less of a son or a friend or a man. I’m proud of the person ye’ve become, lad.“ His voice is rough on the last few words, his hand firmly squeezing Fergus’ shoulder. All three men are silent for a moment, burying their noses in their whisky glasses.
„Thank you,“ Fergus finally says, when he’s composed himself enough to speak. The kitchen door opens to the chatter of the women, all smiling widely with the news.
Claire kisses her son on the cheek, tightly hugging him. „I’m so excited for you!“ she smiles, sitting on the bench next to her husband.
Fergus looks up at Marsali – his fierce, radiant, strong Marsali. Reaching for her hand, he intertwines their fingers, and returns his mother’s smile.
„We’re very excited, too.“
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Wunder: Just be yourself
Jankos: Be myself?! Wunder, I have one day to win them over. How long did it take before you guys started liking me?
Caps: Couple of weeks
MikyX: Six months
PerkZ: The jury is still out
Jankos: See, Wunder!? “Be myself”, what kind of garbage advice is that?
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fs21online · 5 years
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Kandelin v1.5.0.0 FS19 Kandelin v1.5.0.0 FS19 FS19 mods Mit dieser Version der Kandelin verabschieden wir uns für dieses Jahr und wünschen euch viele tolle Stunden, zusammen wie auch allein im Singelplayer. Taucht ein in eine Welt voller Wunder in der ihr bestimmt was möglich ist.
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steambeard187-blog · 5 years
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Das Drag Nano Pod System ist aus einer Zinklegierung und Aluminiumlegierung gefertigt und präzise zusammengesetzt, mit seinen Maßen 54,5 mm x 35 mm x 11 mm ist das Kit absolut handlich und passt in jede Tasche. Im Inneren findet ein innovativer GENE.Pod Chipsatz Platz welcher mit bis zu 4,2 Volt arbeitet und auch im kalten Zustand volle Leistung bringt. Des Weiteren findet ein 750mAh Akku im Nano Mod Platz, dieser ist dank des Chipsatzes mit einer LED Ladestand-Anzeige verbunden und benötigt wenig Ladezyklen, geladen wird dieser schnell über den integrierten Micro-USB Port. VooPoo hat auf sämtliche Bedienknöpfe verzichtet und das Nano Kit mit einer Zugautomatik ausgestattet Das Österreichische Original, der Marillenknödel. In Zusammenarbeit mit Österreichischen Geschmacksexperten wurde dieses Wunder des feinen Genusses in ein excellentes Aroma verpackt. Zarte Marille in leckerem Topfenteig mit leichter Süsse abgestimmt. Geniesst euren Abend Freunde  🤗 ──────── ᴡᴇʀʙᴜɴɢ ᴅᴜʀᴄʜ ᴍᴀʀᴋᴇɴɴᴇɴɴᴜɴɢ! ᴀʟʟᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴅᴜᴋᴛᴇ ᴏʜɴᴇ ɴɪᴋᴏᴛɪɴ! ᴅᴀᴍᴘꜰᴇɴ ɴɪᴄʜᴛ ᴜɴᴛᴇʀ 🔞! ──────── ᴄʜᴇᴄᴋ ɪᴛ ᴏᴜᴛ ɴᴏᴡ @flavour_smoke https://www.gute-liquids.de ──────── ᴘʜᴏᴛᴏɢʀᴀᴘʜʏ ʙʏ @steambeard187_ahg #steambeard187 ──────── ᴠᴀᴘᴇꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅꜱ @masked_franky @vaping_soldier75 @freddy_in_the_clouds @ur.clouds @dongiavellotto @lady_ruhrpott @aggro_banana_ahg @teamofsteam @swaaag_inc @sawic_vapes @juice__adams @juls_vps92 @steffi_vapes @tope_vapezz_vc76 @vaper_dudes @montana_vape224 @uemit.vapez @steam_grave @sabrina_vassallo_ @stalkerboern @nandi_dampfbart @xxclouddevilxx ──────── ⒽⒶⓈⒽⓉⒶⒼⓈ •ᴵⁿ ᵈᵉⁿ ᴷᵒᵐᵐᵉⁿᵗᵃʳᵉⁿ• (hier: Shenzhen, Guangdong, China) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3ciyNRC9Ya/?igshid=1lkxa25eg7ae
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giallofever2 · 7 years
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Goodbye Rip Solvi Stubing Solvi Stubing, or Solvy Stubing o Solvi Stübing (Berlino, 19 gennaio 1941 – Roma, 03 Luglio 2017)
… è stata un’attrice tedesca attiva nel cinema specialmente in Italia durante gli anni sessanta-settanta nota attrice anche di fotoromanzi.
È ricordata per la sua avvenenza (occhi chiari e capelli biondi e un fisico da pin-up) e per essere stata testimonial negli anni sessanta di una celebre pubblicità televisiva (prima in bianco e nero, poi a colori) di una marca di “Birra Peroni (con il celebre slogan “Chiamami Peroni sarò la tua birra!”)
In Italia ha preso parte a molti Film dapprima commedie classiche e poi con il Duo Franco franchi e ciccio ingrassia passando per gli "Spy-Movie il "Giallo All'italiana” i “Naziploitation” i “Poliziottescho-All'italiana… fino al cinema d'autore con Federico Fellini in Il Casanova (solo Voce…) e nel "L'ingorgo” di Luigi Comencini, l'ultima apparizione e nel Film del 2006 “Il punto rosso di marco carlucci
FILMOGRAPHY Le sette vipere (Il marito latino), regia di Renato Polselli (1964) Lo sceriffo che non spara, regia di José Luis Monter e Renato Polselli (1965) Io la conoscevo bene, regia di Antonio Pietrangeli (1965) Made in Italy, regia di Nanni Loy (1965) L'ombrellone, regia di Dino Risi (1965) Io, io, io… e gli altri, regia di Alessandro Blasetti (1966) New York chiama Superdrago, regia di Giorgio Ferroni (1966) 2 mafiosi contro Al Capone, regia di Giorgio Simonelli (1966) Come svaligiammo la Banca d'Italia, regia di Lucio Fulci (1966) La battaglia dei Mods, regia di Franco Montemurro (1966) Operazione San Gennaro, regia di Dino Risi (1966) Tiffany memorandum, regia di Sergio Grieco (1967) Nudisti all'isola di Sylt (1968) Oswalt Kolle: Das Wunder der Liebe II - Sexuelle Partnerschaft (1968) Ich spüre deine Haut (1969) Die jungen Tiger von Hongkong (1969) Heintje - Ein Herz geht auf Reisen (1969) Garringo, regia di Rafael Romero Marchent (1969) Le avventure di Gerard, regia di Jerzy Skolimowski (1970) Die liebestollen Baronessen (1970) Pussycat, Pussycat, I Love You (1970) Atemlos vor Liebe (1970) Blindman, regia di Ferdinando Baldi (1971) Oswalt Kolle: Liebe als Gesellschaftsspiel (1972) Le Amazzoni - Donne d'amore e di guerra, regia di Alfonso Brescia (1973) Franco e Ciccio superstars, regia di Giorgio Agliani (1974) Nude per l'assassino, regia di Andrea Bianchi (1975) Le deportate della sezione speciale SS regia di Rino Di Silvestro (1976) Casanova regia di Federico Fellini, (1976) voce La banda del gobbo, regia di Umberto Lenzi (1977) L'ingorgo - Una storia impossibile, regia di Luigi Comencini (1978) Liebeskonzil (1982) Delitti (1987) Strip Nude for Your Giallo (2005) Il punto rosso, regia di Marco Carlucci (2006)
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winemvmii · 5 years
Merge Magic - Erhalte unbegrenzt Magic Gems und Coins!
New Post has been published on https://spielepedia.de/merge-magic-hack-apk-cheats/
Merge Magic - Erhalte unbegrenzt Magic Gems und Coins!
Bist du von Merge Magic genauso begeistert wie wir? Wir lieben das Spiel, aber hassen die teuren Premium Währung im Spiel. Genug Magic Gems und Münzen zu bekommen kann nicht nur schwer, sondern auch teuer werden. Insgesamt lässt sich sagen, dass das Spiel leider nicht so viel Spaß macht, wenn man nur wenig Magic Gems und Münzen hat. Wir bieten auf spielepedia.de den Merge Magic hack an, damit du unbegrenzt Magic Gems und Münzen erhalten wirst. Einfach den Generator benutzen und genießen!
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Fast alle Spieler benutzen es 
Du denkst niemand benutzt cheats und hacks für iOS und Android Spiele? Da hast du dich gewaltig getäuscht. Bei Spielen wie Clash Royale, Coin Master oder Brawl Stars ist es völlig normal, dass man cheats benutzt. Fast jeder benutzt so einen Merge Magic hack apk, nur geben es die Spieler nur sehr ungern zu. Du musst aber wissen, dass wirklich NIEMAND gerne sein Echtgeld für das Spiel verschwendet. Du sicherlich auch nicht. Genau deswegen bist du ja hier: Um einen Hack für Merge Magic zu benutzen und dir unendlich Magic Gems und Münzen zu generieren. Seien wir mal ehrlich: Das Spiel macht einfach mehr Spaß, wenn man nicht ständig darauf achten muss wie viele Magic Gems und Münzen man hat oder wofür man sie ausgeben soll.
Hier gehts zu unserem Hack für Merge Dragons!
Wir wissen nie wie lange unsere Tools noch funktionieren, aber wir können dir garantieren, dass es jetzt gerade in diesem Moment einwandfrei geht und du kostenlose Magic Gems und Münzen bekommen kannst. Leider ist es aber so, dass dies schon mit dem nächsten Update von Merge Magic anders sein könnte. Deshalb empfehlen wir dir den Magic Gems und Münzen Generator so schnell wir möglich zu benutzen.
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Die einzige Hoffnung, den Fluch auf dem verhexten Land brechen, liegt in DEINER besonderen Fähigkeit, ALLES zu vereinen – Eier, Bäume, Schätze, Sterne, magische Blumen und sogar mythische Kreaturen.
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Quelle: Apple App Store
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