Under Donald Trump’s leadership, the West Wing operated more like a pill mill than the White House, at least according to a January report by the Department of Defense inspector general, which capped a six-year investigation into the administration’s medical practices.
But sources knowledgeable on the matter paint an even more dramatic image than that, describing the nation’s highest office as “awash in speed,” reported Rolling Stone.
Common pills included modafinil, Adderall, fentanyl, morphine, and ketamine, according to the Pentagon report. But other, unlisted drugs—like Xanax—were equally easy to come by from the White House Medical Unit, according to sources that spoke to the magazine.
At least two senior staffers would regularly mix the depressant with alcohol, a potentially life-threatening combo, to deal with the stress of working with a highly erratic boss.
“You try working for him and not chasing pills with alcohol,” one source told Rolling Stone.
While other presidents were known to take a mix of drug cocktails to fight off back pain (like JFK) or bad moods (like Nixon), no previous administrations matched the level of debauchery of Trump’s, whose in-office pharmacists unquestioningly handed out highly addictive substances to staffers who needed pick-me-ups or energy boosts—no doctor’s exam, referral, or prescription required.
“It was kind of like the Wild West. Things were pretty loose. Whatever someone needs, we were going to fill this,” another source said.
Ultimately, the unmitigated access to controlled substances fostered an environment that would have been considered highly illegal and problematic anywhere else in the nation—if it weren’t inside the very office that helps craft those regulations.
“Is it being done appropriately or legally all the time? No. But are they going to get to that end result that the bosses want? Yeah,” said another, referring to the high demands of the office.
Meanwhile, pharmacists described an atmosphere of fear within the West Wing, claiming they would be “fired” if they spoke out or would receive negative work assignments if they didn’t hand pills over to staffers.
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theecrybaby · 5 months
Any one with an iud who takes modafinil or armodafinil and every once in awhile (I haven’t been tracking) you get all the period symptoms except bleeding?
Idk if this is normal or something is wrong.
I also don’t take the medication consistently, only on days I need it and maybe those are the days it happens? Again, haven’t been tracking I should start.
Thx 😘
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healthxmatter · 1 month
Modafinil is not typically included in standard drug tests, but specific tests can detect its presence. Here's what you need to know:
🔍 Detection Methods: Modafinil can be detected in blood and urine samples using GC-MS or LC-MS. The detection threshold is around 2 ng/mL.
⏳ Duration in System: Modafinil has a half-life of 12-15 hours and can remain detectable for up to 105 hours after ingestion. Factors like age, metabolism, and genetics can influence its clearance.
❌ False Positives: Modafinil's unique chemical structure makes false positives unlikely in drug tests.
🚫 False Negatives: False negatives occur when a substance is present but not detected. Proper testing methods minimize the risk of false negatives.
👨‍⚕️ Testing Scenarios:
Corporate World: Some employers conduct drug tests, especially if they suspect substance abuse or productivity issues.
Military Personnel: Modafinil use among military personnel is monitored due to its cognitive-enhancing effects.
Athletes: International sports organizations may test for Modafinil as it's considered a performance-enhancing drug.
Truckers and Drivers: Commercial drivers may undergo drug testing, including Modafinil, due to safety concerns.
⚠️ Legal and Medical Considerations: Using Modafinil without a prescription is illegal in many places. Prolonged use can lead to dependency and withdrawal symptoms. Users should be aware of legal implications and potential health risks.
Before using Modafinil, consider its impact on drug tests and consult with healthcare professionals for proper guidance.
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medswebs · 6 months
Modafinil 200mg Your Solution to Daytime Drowsiness
Many people suffer from various kinds of sleep disorders. Sleep problems, often known as sleep disorders or sleep disturbances, are conditions that impact a person's sleep quality, timing, or duration. They may significantly influence general health and well-being. Sleep disorders come in many forms and can affect people of all ages. Sleep can be affected by age, lifestyle, dietary habits, daily routine, and general health. It's important to address sleep problems because they can have a profound impact on physical and mental health, cognitive function, and overall quality of life. 
Treatment for sleep problems may vary depending on the specific disorder and its underlying causes. Various medications are available for these sleep problems. One of the best medications is Modalert. Modafinil is the active ingredient in this medication. It is classified as a eugeroic or wakefulness-promoting agent. Modafinil 200mg tablets are commonly used to promote wakefulness and treat conditions characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness. 
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Modafinil tablets are primarily used to treat sleep-related disorders including: 
Narcolepsy - A condition characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness and sudden sleep attacks.
Obstructive sleep apnea - A condition in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts during sleep.
Shift work sleep disorder - A condition in which the normal sleep-wake cycle is disrupted due to irregular work hours.
Modafinil 200mg tablets improve wakefulness help you to stay awake and reduce the tendency to fall asleep during the day, thus restoring the normal sleep cycle. It works on the central nervous system to promote wakefulness and alertness. It is believed to affect certain neurotransmitters in the brain. Additionally, Modafinil tablets control the sleep cycle and help to regulate it. 
Modafinil tablets can be consumed either with or without meals. To keep a steady level in the blood, consume this medication at the same time every day. If you miss a dosage, take it as soon as you recall. Even if things are getting better, do not miss any doses and complete the whole course of therapy. The majority of side effects are temporary and disappear as your body adjusts to the medicine. Modalert 200mg tablet side effects include headache, nausea, and anxiety.
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monkeymeghan · 9 months
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I’m so exhausted. I did so much at storage this weekend. A total of 9.5 hours of going through stuff and moving boxes. It took so much out of me. Plus I’m worried about Chloe being sick and about it costing money and about having to buy a new car and having to take out an auto loan. I have rarely napped since starting the Provigil, but I’ve napped for a few hours every day this week, without feeling rested. I’m frustrated at how many recovery days I seem to need. Cfs/me really sucks when it flares. And I have to get up early again tomorrow because Chloe has a checkup appointment at 10:30. I think I’m going to sleep right where I am in the recliner because Chloe is comfortable in her hammock. This way I can have her near me and know she’s ok. I know I’m just babbling at this point. Thank the exhaustion and anxiety. I just want my girl to be ok, and I hate that I worry about the money as much as I worry about her getting better. Does that make me a horrible person?
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rosesandthorns44 · 2 years
8 pills a day to keep this body and brain running.
Grateful to have medication that (kind of) helps.
Also grumpy that I have to take them and wish they worked a little better.
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laestoica · 1 year
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Léase con voz de anuncio: "Si tienes problemas para levantarte por las mañanas, toma Weicop". xD
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adderallabnehmen · 2 years
In den gar nicht mal so dunklen Ecken des Internets wird gerade angeregt über das Medikament Modafinil diskutiert. Es wird als Droge aber nicht zum Vergnügen konsumiert, sondern um besser Arbeiten zu können, konzentrierter zu sein und länger wachzubleiben.
„Es hilft uuuuunglaublich bei meiner Tippgeschwindigkeit. OMG! Ich bin so schnell so schnell so schnell so schnell so schnell so schnell so schnell so schnell", schreibt ein Konsument auf einer Facebook-Seite zu der Droge. „Mein Gehirn ist auf Ninja-Level", schreibt ein anderer.
Modafinil wurde von der amerikanischen FDA als Mittel gegen Narkolepsie zugelassen und wird in den USA unter dem Markennamen Provigil verkauft—in Österreich und der Schweiz unter dem Handelsnamen Modasomil. Einige Menschen verwenden das Medikament aber auch off-Label und ohne Verschreibung vom Arzt—also illegal—in der Hoffnung, ihre geistigen Fähigkeiten zu verbessern.
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myxmodalert · 24 days
🏃‍♂️ Struggling to stay active? Here are 7 simple ways to keep moving and boost your well-being! 💪
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Walk It Out: Start with a brisk 15-20 minute walk around your neighborhood. Every step counts!
Stand Tall: Combat the negative effects of sitting by standing up at work whenever possible. Your energy levels will thank you.
TV Workout: Turn TV time into exercise time. Try pushups, lunges, or stretches during commercial breaks.
Play Outside: Get moving with friends in informal sports or beginner leagues. It's all about having fun while staying active.
Join a Class: Need structure? Join an exercise class to keep you motivated and moving regularly.
Take the Stairs: Skip the elevator and opt for the stairs. You'll burn calories and improve your fitness level.
New Hobby, New You: Find a hobby that involves movement, like dancing or hiking. Make it enjoyable to stay active!
💊 Feeling fatigued? Consider Modafinil for a boost in alertness and energy.
👀 No matter your age, staying active is key to a healthier, happier life. Get moving and beat stress!
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monkeymeghan · 1 year
Yesterday I saw my psychiatrist. I discussed stimulants with him as my pcp suggestion because of my fatigue. I had all the testing and nothing came back, so it’s just chronic fatigue. Anyway, I brought it up, but told him I wasn’t sure how I felt about stimulants. We talked about it and he decided to start me on Provigil (modafinil), which isn’t a “stimulant” and is used for things like narcolepsy, OSA, and shift work disorder. It works by increasing dopamine in the brain. I took my first dose this morning. I’m not sure how much it did for me because I’m also struggling with severe pain* today. Although I did not nap, and didn’t really feel the need to, so maybe that’s progress! I’m just so drained from the pain.
*I’ve been having trouble with my right arm/shoulder for about two months. It has been getting progressively worse, and today it’s really bad. I finally caved and called my doctor and have an appointment with one of her colleagues tomorrow afternoon. If I wasn’t able to get an appointment I was going to end up in the ER.
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emilyburgerhn · 1 month
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👶🤰 Modafinil and Pregnancy: Is it safe? Discover the facts here!
🔍 Administering Modafinil with birth control may reduce contraceptive effectiveness, increasing pregnancy risks. Modafinil, a Category C drug during pregnancy, poses a 15% chance of congenital disabilities. However, its use during breastfeeding is considered safe with a relative infant dose (RID) of 5.3%.
💊 Modafinil Birth Control Interactions: Understand the risks! Modafinil can lower contraceptive effectiveness due to enzyme induction, potentially leading to unintended pregnancies.
🧠 Benefits and Risks: Co-administering Modafinil with birth control may enhance emotional memory but could lower perseverance levels during cognitive tasks. It's crucial to weigh these pros and cons.
🚼 Modafinil and Breastfeeding: What you need to know! While Modafinil may pass into breast milk, studies suggest its relative infant dose is below concerning levels. Watch for signs like insomnia or poor weight gain in infants.
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healthxmatter · 1 month
Unlock the Potential of Modafinil! 💊
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Discover the key precautions and warnings for safe and effective use:
🚨 Allergy Alert: Consult your doctor if prone to allergies.
💡 Medical History Matters: Discuss conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes.
🚫 Avoid Toxins: Steer clear of alcohol or marijuana while on Modafinil.
⚠️ Stay Alert: Refrain from activities requiring quick response times.
🤰 Pregnancy Caution: Avoid if pregnant due to potential risks.
🤱 Breastfeeding? Consult a doctor before use.
🧒 Keep Out of Reach: Prevent misuse by storing away from children.
Tailored Advice for Specific Groups:
🧓 Geriatric Use: Lower doses advised, with close monitoring.
🩺 Hepatic Impairment: Reduced dosage for severe liver conditions.
🌊 Renal Impairment: Caution urged for kidney ailments.
Watch Out for Common Side Effects:
🤕 Headaches
💨 Runny Nose
😰 Nervousness
😴 Trouble Sleeping
And more…
Serious but Rare Side Effects:
🚨 Dependence Risk
💔 Heart Issues
🤯 Mental Health Symptoms
Know Your Interactions:
💊 Over 400 drugs interact with Modafinil!
🍊 Avoid grapefruit or its juice.
Dosage Guidelines:
📏 Standard: 200mg/day
🚫 Max: 400mg/day
💊 Take as prescribed, avoiding overdose risks.
Proper Administration Tips:
🥤 Swallow whole with water.
🍽️ Take with or without food, as directed.
⏰ Consistency is key: Stick to the same time each day.
Final Thoughts: Modafinil offers relief for sleep disorders, but diligence is key. Follow medical advice closely for optimal results.
Unlock a world of wakefulness responsibly! 💪
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yaminahsaini · 2 months
Nouvelle vidéo YouTube
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