Non-trinitarian explanation of the Godhead.
🟥I believe that there is one God, who is our father. Hence God our Father.
🟨The son of god is the manifestion of god on earth, the revelation of god, the incarnation of god in human form. An avatar of God our father.
🟩The Holy Spirit is the presence and power of God our father with us and within us.
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bagcitylights · 1 month
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tielt · 5 months
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egipci · 4 months
Had a very average Egyptian Christmas Day yesterday: one Muslim guest asks about the Trinity, and a fight breaks out between the three Christians trying to explain.
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For as long as I (Jess) can remember, I’ve thought the idea of homeschooling my kids would be great fun. While it may not be for every family, it’s just something I’ve always looked forward to. We are nearing the end of our second year and teaching our littles has been a highlight of these years. Surprisingly, one of my favorite parts has been learning about animals with our children...
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trinitiesblog · 2 months
Is New Testament Theology Trinitarian?
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sophieinwonderland · 15 days
The plurality of God is a major part of most Christian beliefs...
Even if they don't always use the word "plural," God as three persons in one being is foundational to Trinitarianism.
In fact, I've seen it said that any attempt to call God a singlet would be heresy. And I have to concur.
The main interpretations of God as a singlet would require believing in modalism or tritheism. Modalism suggests God is one person who simply manifests in different "modes" at different times. Sometimes God manifests as the Father. Sometimes he manifests as the Son. Sometimes God manifests as the Holy Spirit.
But this is not plurality and these are not different persons to the Modalist. As a Oneness Pentacostal puts it, this is more comparable to how a singlet might act differently in different contexts rather than being different people.
For an earthly example, a man is a son and husband and father yet it is the same man who fills all those roles.
As for Tritheism, that would establish God not as three persons in one being, but three separate beings. Essentially, the Trinity under tritheism would be three separate singlets.
Both of these interpretations have been long considered heresies by Trinitarian churches (which make up the majority of the Christian faith) that maintain the Trinity as being a single being made up of three distinct persons.
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do you have mod suggestions
Hey! So while I haven't ever really modded Skyrim myself (save for a failed attempt in 2016), I do know a number of mods that may interest you!
Beyond Skyrim: Bruma — a first tease at the bigger Beyond Skyrim: Cyrodiil mod that's to come. Revisit the city of Bruma over 200 years after the Oblivion Crisis. Tangle with Thalmor agents, some orc whose wife skipped town, the infamous Colovian fur helmet, and a visit to the beautiful Chapel of St. Martin.
Legacy of the Dragonborn — There's a museum opening up in Solitude just down the street from the Blue Palace. Entering ultimately sends the PC on numerous quests to find items to fill the museum with. I think I've heard that it's best to start the mod with a new character save and let the mod direct the game play.
Live Another Life: Alternate Start — Are you tired of the same carriage ride into Helgen, near death via dragon, and having to follow Ralof or Hadvar through the shortest most repetitive dungeon in the game? Then approach the talking statue of Mara and pick literally ANYTHING ELSE!!!
The Shire — Do you want to go to Middle-earth from Skyrim? Too bad. This is Middle-Nirn. Visit the Tolkien rip-off you always wanted in Skyrim and hang out with some hobbits. They're short. The rangers are angsty and speak in obvious light metaphors. BUT IT IS FUN SO GOOOO
Second Great War — Imperial? Stormcloak? . . . secretly a Thalmor wannabe? Lead the charge in the Second Great War and lead your side to victory — or defeat. Settings allow for customizable warfare, making each playthrough a new experience. Mod content starts post Skyrim Civil War.
N.B: These are five major mods that I know come highly recommended. There are others that I've heard are good, including the Skygerfall, Summerset, Tools of Kagrenac, Serana Dialogue Addon, Midwood Isle, Clockwork Castle, and Saints and Seducers Extended, but I don't know enough to give more in-depth information. HeavyBurns on YouTube is worth checking out as he has multiple mod list videos that go through expanding or changing different parts of the game.
If any of my followers want to share their modalists, that'd be much appreciated!
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hawkeyelover · 2 years
a delicate and kaleidoscopic matter
Steven is reading aloud to himself in their headspace, neatly tucked into the middle cushion and wrapped in a cozy cardigan. He’s lit a few of those lavender-scented candles he loves, just to set the ambience and make the place smell delightful—it’s called self-care, Marc, maybe you should look into it, mate—and with Marc asleep it’s quiet and calm and pretty much perfect reading conditions. He’s about halfway through the book when he hears footsteps, and only half-paying attention assumes it must be Marc.
Until there’s a body sprawling all over the couch, himself included, with a pair of dark-denim clad legs nearly knocking the book from his lap. Steven fumbles for it, wincing when he crinkles a few pages in the process.
When he’s sure the book is secure, Steven turns to glare at the man responsible for disturbing his peace. He’s promptly ignored, naturally, as Jake folds his arms behind his head with a lazy stretch and lets his eyes drift shut.
“Do you mind?” Steven asks mildly, a sour twist to his lips. It’s not like he’s a person, and not a bloody footrest or anything.
“Not at all, solecito, thanks for asking,” Jake drawls and digs his heels into Steven’s thighs just to be obnoxious. He grins when Steven huffs to himself and reluctantly settles the book on his legs.
About a minute or two into the silence, Jake peeks an eye open to scrutinize him from under his flat cap.
“What?” Steven asks, defensive, and unconsciously hunches his shoulders. That gaze is nothing less than intense, and while he’d love nothing more than to get away from it, he’s too comfortable where he is. (He’s definitely not too scared to physically move Jake himself, nope, not at all. Steven was here first, that’s all, and it’s the principle of the thing, you know?)
“I didn’t say to stop.” The eye closes expectantly.
“T-to stop?” Steven stutters and crinkles his brow in confusion. “Stop what?”
“Reading.” Comes the terse reply, a tad annoyed now, as though Steven had been the one to intrude on Jake’s personal space without a thought of consideration, how terribly rude of him, Steven thinks dryly to himself.
“I am reading,” he says slowly, though not without a bit of uncertainty. It was a bad habit Marc was trying to break him of, of automatically assuming he himself was in the wrong instead of standing up for himself when challenged. But hey, he’s working on it, okay? Baby steps and all that.
A rough sigh tears itself from Jake’s lips, and now he’s looking at Steven with both eyes, gods help him, half-lidded and somewhat irritated. Despite the fact that they have the same eyes, there’s always a predatory gleam to Jake’s that’s akin to making eye-contact with a tiger. He even blinks like a cat, slow and listless.
“Out loud,” he demands curtly.
Steven nearly splutters at the entitlement, mouth open and closing with no sound coming out. His jaw shuts with an audible click when Jake raises an amused brow at him, and ducks his head down when he can’t stand that sharp gaze any longer.
“Uh, right, then.” Steven mumbles, licks his lips, and clears his throat once, twice, before his finds his place and starts back up again, a little less steady then before, but loud enough to be heard nonetheless.
“I-In Egyptian mythology, the symbolism of the number three can also, uh, assume the role of a sign of t-tension, opposition, challenge, or, er, permanent crisis.” When he glances back over at Jake, his eyes are closed again. Steven swallows, adjusts where his glasses sit on his nose, and carries on.
“While the categories of the tritheistic structure represent the divine unity through dif—uh, er, sorry,” Steven stammers, and hastily corrects, “diversity (plural differentiation of unity), the three divinities of the modalistic conception are three ways of being and manifest the same divine power and thereby reduce the plurality of unit (restriction of plurality).”
When Steven tries to trail off at a point or two, he gets an annoyed grunt and a rough nudge for his trouble, and has no other choice but to start back up again.
As he chatters on, the legs slung over his lap grow heavier, and the sharp clench Jake usually carries in his jaw starts to smooth out as the tension bleeds out from his body. Steven knows better than to think he’s truly out of it, as Jake never lets himself relax enough to fully fall into deep sleep, rather, he slips into a light doze as so to be ready for a fight at a moment’s notice (It’s something that took too long to break Marc out of, he can’t imagine how ingrained it must be in their third head mate).
“Sometimes, as a mythological concept, the triad is a “symbol”, namely the manifestation of a human attempt to make an element of the divine world conceivable in human terms, that is, in terms of logic and sensuous perception,” Steven continues, growing more confident with each word as his focus narrows to the words on the page, “although these do not necessarily conform with the laws of nature.”
Steven chances another look, and can’t help but pause. There’s a faint but genuine curl to Jake’s lips, like he’s pleased, and without the suave grin or arrogant smirk he almost looks…happy. Peaceful, even. And course, as always, devastatingly handsome, seeing as how they share the same face and no, Marc, that joke will never get old, thank you very much.
He doesn’t realize how long he’s paused until Jake lets out a vaguely questioning hum, the beginnings of a furrow twitching at his brow as he starts to rouse. Steven rushes to continue before he wakes fully and has to face his ire,
“E-even for the modern scholar, who is more comfortable speaking of ‘God’ than the ‘gods’, ‘apparent contradictions and inconsistencies’ arise in the internal workings of the Egyptian triads,” he flips the page and pushes up his reading spectacles from where they’d started to slip down, “and one must understand that the ‘diversity of approaches and explanations’ including symbolic, are a fundamental psychological principle of the Egyptian religious thought.”
Without thinking, his other hand settles comfortably on Jake’s ankle, on the space where the cuff of his pants sits just above his fine leather shoes, and he absent-mindedly rubs there with his thumb—something he’s sure Jake would tease him relentlessly for if he were fully coherent.
“Defining the nature of the Egyptian gods, and penetrating the core of beliefs and rituals of the ancient Egyptians is, therefore, a delicate and kaleidoscopic matter,” he’s on the last page now, nearly there, “But, from the standpoint of religious thought, that is precisely the essential point which justifies the formulation—and study— of the Egyptian divine triads.” Steven finishes, closing the book, and then blinks as he remembers himself.
“Happy, now?” He mutters under his breath, rhetorically, seeing as how Jake looks comfortable enough to be lightly snoozing for quite some time—wait. Steven glances back down at the legs pinning him down, then to Jake’s lax face, then back down again with a sinking realization.
“Oh, bollocks.”
{ The book Steven is reading is Divine Triad of Ancient Egypt by José das Candeias Sales! }
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jacepi-time · 1 year
there's some good stuff to be had from the bible project but there's also a fair bit of heresy. i'm so glad i'm not the only one who noticed their downplaying the divinity of Christ. also their video on the trinity is modalist (basically that the trinity is just God wearing different hats instead of being three persons). but i did find their word studies and the series on spiritual beings interesting. it's a good way to practice discernment for me personally.
Oh wow I had no idea honestly about the Trinity. I kind of found it strange theres some aspects after digging into the Bible project where the creator does not believe in Jesus's atonement for sin, but it seems to be the vibe that he thinks Jesus came to be an example of perfection so we could regain that perfection? But there's not much mention of the fact Jesus was sinless so He could die for us for our sins. A few other things were similar in line with low key mormonism. It might be just his casual way of phrasing things, but it can be very bad for people who are trying to learn about the Bible. I wonder if many people who view the videos who have more knowledge about the Bible just mentally fill in the gaps and don't notice them as much? Yeah I definitely agree about discernment! It's good we always approach anything with a spiritual lense and be led by the Holy Spirit. I think you're right theres a lot of parts in the Bible project that are right but also a lot that are wrong, and that kind of murky confusion is not great for new believers either 🤔
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And not just your prayers, but everything you do and say - do it “in Jesus’ name”. But before you do or say anything think - would Jesus do this? Do those things Jesus would do and only the things He would do, don’t do what He wouldn’t. Likewise with the things you say. Imitate Christ. Conform yourself to His image.
Jesus Christ is Lord. Hallelujah!
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christophe76460 · 4 months
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À l'attention de tous mes frères et amis, amoureux de la vérité, de Jésus-Christ, de qui ne vient aucun mensonge!
un frère a écrit:
Prenez garde à celui qui se fait appeler Pierre Rebirth, car il enseigne l'hérésie modaliste qui nie la Trinité et rend impossible et inaccessible l'évangile de Christ et le salut.
Ne l'aidez pas à propager son ivraie.
moi Thierry:
je viens de me séparer de lui, à l’instant, après l'avoir repris, mais ces gens, que je n’appellerai pas des frères, car ils ne sont pas demeurés dans la vérité, la saine doctrine, croient en un autre évangile, un autre jésus, et tristement pour leur perte, ont reçu un autre esprit, qu'ils supportent très bien;
un esprit d’égarement !!!
Romains 16:17
Je vous exhorte, frères, à prendre garde à ceux qui causent des divisions et des scandales, au préjudice de l'enseignement que vous avez reçu. Éloignez-vous d'eux.
2 Jean 1:10
Si quelqu'un vient à vous et n'apporte pas cette doctrine, ne le recevez pas dans votre maison, et ne lui dites pas: Salut!
à Pierre Rebirth: L'unicité, un faux évangile, qui ne repose pas sur les écritures, JÉSUS, LA PAROLE a toujours été avec Dieu, et était Dieu, quand il est retourné au ciel "auprès" de son père, il a retrouvé "à sa droite", la gloire qu'il avait laissé avant d'être envoyé par lui sur la terre, ce, pour faire, non sa propre volonté, mais la volonté de celui qui lui a formé un corps et qui l'a envoyé ...
et il n'est pas non plus l'Esprit, "un autre consolateur" envoyé par lui de la part de son père, son père qui est plus grand que lui, et plus grand que tous...
- je n'irai pas plus loin, j'ai bien peur de perdre mon temps, d'autant plus que l'unicité est un autre esprit, d'un autre jésus et d'un autre évangile!!!!
je tiens à préciser qu'aucun, qui prêche une mensonge, un autre évangile, se constituant par le fait, anathème, n'héritera le royaume des cieux...
- de plus, sans la trinité ou tri-unité, un Dieu unique, mais pluriel dans sa nature divine complexe et extraordinaire, le père, le fils et le st Esprit, trois personnes distinctes, qui inter-réagissent entre elles, comme tel;
il n'y a aucun salut possible!!!
Dieu n'est ni un schizo, ni un prestidigitateur, ni un menteur qui joue des jeux de rôle ...
seul satan, qui hait la trinité, a lui, regardé comme une proie à arracher d'être l'égal de Dieu, et il la combat.
Philippiens 2:5 à 7
Ayez en vous les sentiments qui étaient en Jésus-Christ, lequel, existant en forme de Dieu (avec le père et l'Esprit, chacun en forme de Dieu, formant les trois ensembles, Dieu), n'a point regardé comme une proie à arracher d'être égal avec Dieu, mais s'est dépouillé lui-même, en prenant une forme de serviteur, en devenant semblable aux hommes;…
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sugarzamofficial · 1 year
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philosophy-uml · 2 years
[5.0.3] John Philoponus on Monophysitism
[5.0.3] John Philoponus on Monophysitism
John Philoponus (490-570 AD) worked on the theory of consubstantial nature and properties: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have propertiesThese properties are the components of God. The following OntoUML diagram shows the main classes in this model: John Philoponus on monophisite theology CLASSDESCRIPTIONRELATIONSGodChristan God“Against Sabellian or modalist notions being advanced at Alexandria…
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ozakademi · 3 years
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Hafta sonu ve hafta içi Modelistlik derslerimiz başlamıştır. #modatasarımı #modelistlikegitimi #moda2021 #modelistlik #modalidades #modalingphotography #modalidad #modalife #modality #modalist #modacı (Özakademi Teknik Ve Mesleki Eğitim Kursları) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSB8tMOtTgL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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