samsi6 · 2 years
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Wie lange ich dressieren musste, dass Flugzeug und Möwe zeitgleich auf einer Aufnahme erscheinen, weiß ich nicht mehr. Blut, Schweiß und Tränen flossen in Strömen und es bedurfte einiger gemeinschaftlicher Seancen irgendwo zwischen hier und dort, bis wir alle drei vollkommen unabhängig voneinander zusammenkamen und im Speicherchip eines in China gefertigten Mobiltelefons gemeinschaftlich schufen, was nun hier zu betrachten ist. Alles an dieser Aufnahme ist echt, wie ein Moment nur echt sein kann, wenn er der Moment ist, der er war. Der Moment ist nun vorbei. Was Lesern bleibt ist die Aufnahme und der Text, mir bleibt außerdem die Erinnerung. Bis zu ihrem Erlöschen...
I can't remember how long I had to train myself to have the plane and seagull appear on the same shot at the same time. Blood, sweat and tears flowed freely and it took a few collaborative seances somewhere between here and there before all three of us came together completely independently and co-created in the memory chip of a cell phone (made in China) what is now to be seen here. Everything about this event is real, as a moment can only be real if it is the moment it was. The moment is now over. What remains for readers is the recording and the text, and what remains for me is the memory. Until it expires...
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theongp · 5 months
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Definitely in my top 3 favorite scenes of DBD
The camera angles with the way they closed their eyes made the scene are somehow very cute but also sensual in a way.
And also the smiles that conveyed different feelings.
I love it.
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messy444chic · 29 days
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l3mmingue · 10 months
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miaow miaow and onion rings
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presleaplayz · 2 months
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Do you still dream of me? - (ellie williams x reader)
meep moop, i'm home and i'm here for blood:) I hope yall enjoy this short story while i ease into writing again <3
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Pairing: ellie x fem!reader
requests are open! send me your silly thoughts:)
warnings: sadness
Summary: In which you still dream about her
authors note: yall i graduated 12th grade on a random thursday, I'm employed ugh
"don't be such a pussy!" She yelled as you stood at the edge of the lake.
"I don't think this is a safe els" you replied with a weary look.
She got out of the water, her clothes soaked and sticking to her skin, hugging her in all the right places.
You would be a fool to look away when this is one of the only opportunities to see her like this in all her glory. Her skin was glowing, her hair wet.
She slowly walked out of the water and it was as if she was moving in slow motion. You couldn't describe what you felt in that moment.
When it came to her, you never could.
You've never been so attracted to someone, you've never trusted someone to this extent, you've never cared for someone so deeply, yet you never could tell her that you felt this way.
"Focus on me" you heard Ellie tell you.
how could you not?
"i am"
"you're not, you're zoning out"
She walked over to where you were sitting, water droplets fell from her hair and clothes. The area where she sat was soaking wet.
"What's bothering you?" she asked.
You sigh and you turn to her, the two of you made eye contact.
If you were an ice cream you'd have melted a long time ago.
"I miss you" you simply said, feeling vulnerable under her gaze. She sighs getting up and turning away from you.
"dont say that"
"but i do els"
"it was for the better"
"no you were selfish" you snap.
her fists clench by her sides
"what's selfish is you not letting me go" she replied.
You stayed silent her words hitting you like a hammer. Her words hurt, it hurt because you knew she was right. There was a long silence between the two of you. You were processing the words Ellie had just spoken and she was waiting for you to reply to what she just said.
She felt regret for leaving you, anger because you waited for her and sadness because she never got to tell you how she really felt.
You felt resentment towards her because how could she do that you, anger because she left and sadness because she never knew how you felt.
She turned to you giving you a small smile, she reached out her hand and she muttered: "do you still dream of me? Because i dream of you"
You looked at her with a shocked expression. This is what you wanted to hear. All these years that you've been no one but your friend. She's admitting it. The confirmation that you needed. Maybe she did feel the same way.
You reach out to grab her hand. That's all you've ever wanted to do.
As soon as you felt her soft hand against yours you woke up with a gasp, breathing heavily. You were in a puddle of your sweat as your eyes searched the room for any sign of her. You got up and ran through the house.
You called over and over again.
The house was just as cold and empty empty as it was when she left 7 months ago.
She went after Abby. She chose Abby over you.
You let out a sigh as you slowly walked back to your room.
She'll be back right?
You got into the bed you'd hope one day you'd share with her. Your head hit the cold pillow as you stared out the window.
Her question replayed in your mind:
"do you still dream of me?"
you let out a lob sob "i do els, every night"
You hoped she heard you. Wherever she was.
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cowboychronicals · 2 months
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they could never make me hate your mullet ellison. (i hate that mullet PEEYEW)
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bluishfrog · 6 months
Cuddle buddies
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fancymussmuss · 10 months
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Miles in that one deleted scene
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thiccsys · 4 months
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doodle.. dump…
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highoncatfood · 10 months
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posting viv and going to sleep zzzZZ
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Anyone calling Colin a himbo, his INT and Wis are both Above Average. He’s just got a Cha of 6. He’s not a himbo. He’s a sopping wet little meow meow of a man. Glad we could clear this up.
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backroomskokichi · 15 days
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Shuichi bday post
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larvabyte · 1 year
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mars sends this to the groupchat each morning
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purblzart · 2 years
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Look at the sky, martin
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Maybe another dark toxic ellie oneshot in the future
Laundry - (ellie williams x reader)
your wish is my command, i hope you like it, i tried not to make it toooo toxic <3
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Pairing: ellie x fem!reader
requests are open! send me your silly thoughts:)
warnings: toxic relationships, face spitting
Summary: In which you didn't fold the laundry
authors note: prepare to be sick of me because i have so many drafts
imagine you and ellie had a huge argument earlier that day about unfolded laundry.
Ellie had woken up in a grumpier mood than usual, her eyes burning from the sunlight shining into your shared room. With a groan, Ellie got up, shivering as her feet touched the cold floor.
She got up, walking with her eyes closed, but she tripped over a pile of laundry that was left on the floor.
"Fucking-" she swore as she held her ankle.
You ran into the room, hearing the noise from downstairs. The scene was almost comedic: Ellie hunched over mumbling curse words to herself as she held her angle.
"Els..." you whispered, holding in your laugh.
"You" she said softly as her head snapped in your direction.
"Can you not clean properly?"
Your brows furrowed at her question.
"Ellie its your clothes-"
"i work all fucking day. All Fucking day, and i let you stay at home. I provide you look after the place. I expect you to fold my laundry. How would you feel if i stopped paying the bills?"
She did this often. She liked reminding you that she was the in charge. She was the one providing and you were nothing more than a stay at home girlfriend.
"get the fuck out"
You listened, like the dog you were. You ran out the room like a dog with it's tail between it's legs.
Ellie came out the room a while later, she didn't look at you she didn't acknowledge you.
You hated when she did that.
And she knew you hated it.
You had to get her attention somehow. You knew just what to do.
The sun had set, Ellie came home walking right past you, she didn't even utter a "hi".
She sat on the couch, probably responding to Dina's texts.
"I want to break up" you suddenly spoke. You prayed that this would work. You could never leave, but you knew this would get a reaction out of her.
"you heard me"
she threw her phone to the side and she got up walking towards you. You felt her cold fingers grip your face
"you're not fucking leaving me" she was close.
So close. You could smell her cologne. You could count her freckles.
You won this round. Both of you knew that.
You felt her grip tighten on your chin and you let out a yelp. This would probably leave bruises.
"the day you try to leave me is the day your dead body will be found, so don't even think about it"
You knew she was serious. Ellie doesn't play when it comes to things like that. You knew she was just reminding you who was in control and you liked it.
You were probably just as sick as she was.
She let go of your space and she spat onto your face.
"You make me sick" was all she said before she walked away.
You watched her walk into the kitchen as you wiped off your face, she didn't even look at you as she opened the fridge. All she said was: "Go fold the laundry baby"
And you did just that.
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