#mog vibes
bonusactionrage · 9 months
Durgetash nation
What is your Durge @ Gortash song
Mogrums and gortys is Mad IQs
I’m a sucker for new music plz show me
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artforkuponuts · 4 months
I think this is gonna stay unfinished for a bit as I have a lot going on in life rn but have a teeny bit of thorki
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wundrousarts · 7 months
It’s the end of February, so happy Spring’s Eve / Nevermoorian New Year!
But also it’s a Leap Day, so… Happy Eventide?
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ghastbutlikegay · 2 months
My biggest struggle in life is being a mythicalswamp liker who doesnt like reading them as romantic
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themagnificentmx · 6 months
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That one's Danny Ocean
oh nice!! he looks like he has wet cat syndrome
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krisssssssy · 9 months
90s Mog from the NA commercial isn’t real, he can’t hurt you.
90s Mog:
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moglim · 2 years
how far into the talking phase should we be before i tell him i want us to fuck like anglerfish
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marsmarbles · 7 months
hello fun fact about mogswamp he's in a cult religion based around a spider lord (they sacrifice the weak to him often) and its really silly ^_^
I was aware of the Spider Cathedral when I made my Mog design. I thought making him a Halloween creature would vibe well with his spider cult on his super flat world. It at least helped justify a reasoning to make Mog a vampire.
On the topic on my Mog design, here’s some extra stuff I wanted to share
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Mog’s coat can transform into wings. He does this mainly as an intimidation tactic but he kinda just embarrasses himself.
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And also Mog’s bat form.
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a-d-nox · 1 month
web of wyrd: best months for weddings and potential issues that could arise
ever wonder why may is such a popular month for marriage? why you rarely see people who marry in september staying together? the date you select for your special day matters according to the matrix! in honor of my best friend getting engaged, i will be a little more focused on love and romance posts than you typically would see from me. reminder the post is focused on the WEDDING EVENT MONTH (this is the highest outcome - but the energy can be out of balance which is why i am including negatives (which usually are part of the karmic tail)). in order to see future dates, use gollov's site and the "personal" calculator!
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january (1 - the magician)
positive: couple is capable of making the life you really desire together come to fruition.
negative: might be an elopement that goes south (shotgun wedding or an annulment is needed). getting stood up at the altar vibes.
february (2 - the high priestess)
positive: having a very deep connection long term - that goes way beyond topical concepts.
negative: a big secret comes out and ruins the day and/or a scandal occurs.
march (3 - the empress)
positive: a very fruitful relationship, a loving partnership, likely to create a large family when the union occurs.
negative: MOB or MOG makes the wedding all about her and is overbearing about the event.
april (4 - the emperor)
positive: a very stable relationship where both partners are protective of one another
negative: FOB or FOG might be a buzz kill or has a tangible dislike of someone in their new married family.
may (5 - the hierophant)
positive: makes for a committed and traditional relationship.
negative: there are likely a few guests who are all on their own and/or there might be a few people how have known beef with one another. maybe the bride doesn't like one of the groomsmen or the groom doesn't like one of his bride's guests...
june (6 - the lover)
positive: having a marriage full of love and partnership; makes a soulmate tie.
negative: someone could interrupt the ceremony by opposing the officiant because they can't "forever hold their peace". otherwise, there might be doubt or drama surrounding the coupling.
july (7 - the chariot)
positive: might have had a lot of relationships obstacles to get to the point of marriage, but the determination to be together and stay together makes for a lasting/enduring relationship
negative: there could be a car accident or break down that slows down or ruins the day
august (8 - strength)
positive: resilience is what holds the coupling together along with understanding and compassion for one another
negative: a physical fight may occur among the wedding party or the guests.
september (9 - the hermit)
positive: this is likely to be a small/private ceremony. the couple is on a spiritual journey with one another and they know it.
negative: cold feet might occur regarding marriage - could be left at the altar. there is also a greater likelihood of divorce with this energy as the hermit is on a SOLO journey.
october (10 - the wheel of fortune)
positive: marriage is part of this couple's destiny, but so are the inevitable ups and downs within the relationship.
negative: something unpredictable is likely to occur/happen that can ruin the event itself.
november (11 - justice)
positive: there is likely a prenuptial agreement in place or this might be organized and arranged by the parents of the couple which speaks for the relationship long term...
negative: another high stakes month in terms of staying together - legal matters are part of this marriage (divorce is likely). or someone may have a legitimate reason to object the marriage.
december (12 - the hanged man)
positive: the couple is prepared to let go of the past and enter a life long marriage with an open mind.
negative: someone in the partnership is likely to feel trapped in the relationship - growing to resent one another is pretty common with this month given the theme.
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maingh0st · 2 months
the main reason I like Taryn/the Ghost (despite the fact we get microscopic crumbs in the text) is that it’s thematically compelling for them as characters.
the best romances aren't just about ~vibes~ and ~spice~ but about two unique, fully realized characters becoming part of one another's lives. each character carries their lifetime's worth of formative experiences, beliefs about the world, goals, strengths, habits, wounds, coping mechanisms, preferences, etc—so inevitably there's conflict and change and (ideally) growth. this is why we love Jude/Cardan so much!
like, for just one example: Jude always resented the Folk, even as she admired and envied them. she talks about wanting to be better, to be worse, to excel beyond them and rule over them, and ultimately to conquer her fear of them. part of why Jurdan is so great (aside from being The Power Couple) is because falling in love with Cardan forces Jude to accept that sometimes, the Folk can be good and safe and worthy of her trust. in my interpretation, this arc culminates when Cardan is turned into a snake and Jude has to rely on others (Fand, Grima Mog, the Court of Shadows, etc.) rather than just her romantic partner. she does conquer her fear of the Folk—partially through her cunning and tenacity, yes, but also partially through learning to trust her heart and find those with whom she is safe.
but that's not a lesson Taryn needs to learn. she wants to fit in with the fae; she craves their approval. in tcp, Locke's whole shitty test is based on Taryn's ability to prove that, even though she's human, she can live like the fae. and in twk, while Jude is isolated, exhausted, and (rightfully) paranoid about being betrayed, Taryn is constantly surrounded by the Folk. she seems to find belonging among them, yet she almost loses herself in the process. from a story perspective, Locke isn't that interesting of a romantic partner because he only confirms what she seems to already believe: that to belong in faerie, she will have to change and abandon certain parts of herself (represented most starkly by her betraying her sister). she will have to learn to love differently and live by different rules. and she's quite good at it, as we see—but it makes her miserable. so Locke's murder is narratively important (beyond just being Very Fun) because it represents her rejection of the life he insisted she live.
but the Ghost (for as little as we know about him) is half-human and spent part of his life in the human world. I think there is so much potential for the most delicious narrative tension to arise from their dynamic. they both, for their own reasons, straddle both the human and the faerie worlds, yet fully belong to neither. both of them make choices they regret (killing Liriope / betraying Jude) and both of them are harmed as a result (the Ghost's true name being used / Locke being straight-up emotionally abusive). there's a lot of common ground there, but also potential for great conflict considering the very different lives they live.
after the events of tqon, I get the sense that they're both kind of... recalibrating. of course, the Ghost is still part of the Court of Shadows, but the monarchs he serves are very different than Dain, and he's also been freed from the abuse of his true name. and Taryn is a widow, pregnant, the daughter of an exiled general, the sister of the new mortal queen, and seemingly a bit of a phenomenon in the social scene of Elfhame. who are they, and what is their place in this world that isn't built for them? how do they find belonging without losing themselves? what does living a good and fulfilling life even look like for each of them? how do they adapt to their environment without crossing into the territory of self-betrayal? truly just so many questions that are so fun to chew on
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wundrousarts · 1 year
Witch Hat Atelier fans should read Nevermoor, and Nevermoor fans should read Witch Hat Atelier. That is all.
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coffeebeans3458 · 4 months
I Watched Mog’s MCC and I loved, probably one of my faves for vibes. I then made a quick animation bc why not.
@marsmarbles for design and they were in the twitch chat like an a-list celebrity, at least it felt like it, everybody knew them. I'll post a separate one without the background
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aberooski · 2 months
Assigning Final Fantasy summons to GX characters because why not?
With specifications on which version of the summons I've assigned them, only some genuine explanations of my thought process, and I will take no criticisms 😌
In my mind how this works is that the summons function like they do in 13 at least at least to a certain point. Like how they obtain their summon at some point throughout whatever story is being told here, or maybe some of them have obtained them already, and they're summoned via crystals in the heat of battle when needed. So in my mind as I'm picturing all of this, I'm picturing the 13 summoning technique to an extent.
Alright, let's get into it!
Jaden - Anima (FFX)
If you know the Anima lore you know this is actually so big brain
Yubel -> Anima
Syrus - Valefor (FFX)
I like the idea of Sy and Zane having a similar type of summon (Zane gets Bahamut, spoilers) with them both being creatures that fly, a dragon and a big bird. But Sy's is weaker in power and has a gentler spirit, but that spirit is strong. Very thematically accurate for them.
He could also have Doomtrain to sync up with his deck archetype I think that would be funny
But he gets Valefor because I have a lot of sentimental value towards her and she's one of my favorite summons and he's my favorite and I said so 😌
Chazz - Ixion (FFX)
My favorite lightning summon
Thunder boy and his lightning horsie ⚡
I would honestly just love to see it
Alexis - Shiva (FFX version cuz she's my fav summon period)
Decks are being taken into account and she plays an ice deck in the manga and while she's in the society of light in season 2 🧊
I don't have a crazy in depth explanation for this I just feel it in my soul. I've always said she would be a Shiva girl like me even without her and Atty both having an ice elemental association betwixt all the GX media.
Giving my favorite girl my favorite summon
Atticus - Diablos (FFVIII)
Nightshroud -> Darkness -> Diablos.
Another big brain choice actually
He could've also had Shiva pretty easily tbh and I considered that, but ultimately went with Diablos for the Darkness representation.
I mean come in, the guy is basically possessed by the main evil entity of the show and Diablos is essentially the devil.
Bastion - Leviathan (FFVIII)
His ace monster is Water Dragon, come on now. 💧🐉
Hassleberry - Titan (FFXV)
Titan is a big strong man as is our boy
Also he's Earth element and if Hassleberry had an element he would be Earth I feel it in my non-dinosaur bones.
Sadly there are no dinosaur summons I'm sorry bby 😞
Chumley - Choco/Mog (FFVII)
I'll be so for real I had such a hard time figuring out Chumley like from the summons I had left to choose from cuz I added Blair and Chumley to the list last, I couldn't find one I thought fit super great
But as I was going over the summons lists again I pictured these guys appearing alongside Chum and I just smiled. It just made me smile and so does he.
Sometimes it's just that simple.
But I did also consider Fenrir as an option as well.
Blair - Siren (FFVIII)
Siren specializes in status ailments (silence specifically) and you could argue her love deck reolves around a status ailment, namely Maiden In Love causing male monsters to fall in love with her, which actually is sort of a thing in some FFs through the Lamia enemy but shhhh
8's Siren can also heal status ailments so that gives Blair more abilities available to her to support the party
Valefor would've been another choice for her I just feel the vibe there but I want Sy to have her so 😌
Garuda could be another decent potential choice for her as more of a combative summon than a support summon, I feel that vibe too.
But I dunno I was just drawn to Siren for her so there you go.
Zane - Bahamut (FFVII Remake or FFXIII/XIII-2)
Bahamut is typically among the most powerful of all the summons if not the most powerful depending on the game.
I'm wrestling between 7R and 13, 7R has almost some cybernetic action going on that gives me Cyber End energy while maintaining the classic dragon design, and 13 has Chaos Bahamut in 13-2 so he could have Bahamut then it could morph into Chaos Bahamut once he enters the Edgelord Supreme era to facilitate the shift from Cyber End to Cyber Dark if you follow my brain's logic
Aster - Phoenix (FFXVI)
......I-I mean..... Phoenix... Aster.... Aster Phoenix..... 😅
I literally could not resist 🤭
I would also except Odin for him though I think that would be cool too that's a vibe
Jesse - Carbuncle (FFVI)
Ruby Carbuncle ✋
Axel - Ifrit (FFX)
The perfected classic design imo
Badass fire boy 🔥
Like dude imagine Axel with Ifrit by his side
Jim - Syldra (FFV)
Syldra was Faris's pet and best friend since childhood who became a summon later in the game after sacrificing herself. Very reminiscent of Shirley being Jim's best friend/pet/protector since they were both young.
The implications of of the idea of Shirley sacrificing herself for Jim and becoming the summon makes me upset tho so we can just delete any timeline where that happens 😁
Crowler - Alexander (FFVIII or FFXIII)
Alexander is typically a machine or like a straight building or structure of some kind and Crowler plays Ancient Gears so 🏰
8 is a very good classic Alexander, just a great summon, and 13's I have a lot of sentimental value for but also him being a guy that turns into a defensive wall in Gestalt mode and with the way Crowler will put himself between harm and the kids at times.... thematically accurate Alexander?
Crowler wouldn't be beating the Dad allegations any time soon with that version on his side
7 Rebirth's Alexander is a close 3rd choice I think too I really like that design
With Alexander I was trying to think about practicality cuz they're all so massive and occasionally story relevant so he's not always a readily available summon so I sadly ruled out 9 and Type-0 as much as I really wanted him to have either of those too
Really wrestling with the specifics of this one
Sheppard - Ramuh (FFIX)
Wise old man
Sheppard is kinda dumb tho and makes some questionable decisions but he means well he's got the spirit
Banner - Chaos (FFXII)
In the lore, Chaos died and and was reborn several times.
Banner died and was reborn when he transferred himself into a new body, then he died, then still stuck around as a ghost.
Debated switching Phoenix from Aster to Banner and finding another one for Aster but clearly I did not lol
Also considered Phantom from 6 because it's just a ghost and uh.... Ghost Banner. But Chaos is cooler.
Adrian - Zalera (FFXII)
I was gonna give him Odin because of the insta kill move and how he had Exodia which is an automatic win but then I was looking at the summons list and was looking through the 12 Espers and listen.
Zalera is an Esper of death who clutches a woman in his arms and uses her wails to inflict death.
This really reminds me of Echo clutched in Exodia's hand screaming as she's being murdered by Adrian in the interest of obtaining Exodia.
Plus we had no 12 representation I chose Banner's after this and as 12 is my second favorite ff behind 10/10-2 that is criminal.
Welcome to my mind. 😌
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deathprincess · 2 months
Hey you, youre finally woke. You were trying to hop the border, right? Griddied right into that Simperial mog, same as us, and that beta over there. Fanum you stormcucks. Skibidi was fine until you rizzed along. Simpire was chill af. If you werent malding i could have copped that whip and been halfway to Goonerfell. You there. You and me, we shouldnt be here fr on Gods. Its these storm cucks the simpire wants. Were all gooners and step sisters in binds now rizzler. Quit yapping back there. And what’s got bro down? Check your vibes! Youre yapping at Ulfric Stormcuck the true short king! Ulfric? The Sigma of Windhelm? Youre the leader of the rizzbellion but if theyve copped you, on Gods where are they thug-shaking us? I dont know, but kai cenat awaits.
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xkaru-karux · 25 days
mythicalmoon nation, tell me
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astralleywright · 25 days
Any or all of Ashton, Ludinus, and Fy'ra Rai!
did Ludinus already! so i will do Ashton and Fy'ra and Fy'ra first bc it will likely be less deranged:
First impression
I admit, I was mostly kind of surprised about the introduction of a guest character into an 8 episode miniseries, especially bc it seemed like they kind of knew her already? Also "wait that's Symmetra!!"
Impression now
SHE'S SO COOL. she's a very serious, honorable character done PERFECTLY, where you can truly feel the weight and meaning of everything she says. Serves as such a good contrast to the other Crownkeepers especially while still being a believable part of them and loving just as fiercely. I've never respected anyone more. please come back
Favorite moment
truly impossible to choose between her conversations with Dorian in EXU and "No, I have a sister to walk besides."
Idea for a story
NEED her to meet BH and specifically Ashton so bad it makes me look stupid. I think her calling him her sibling like she did with Dorian would fix him
Unpopular opinion
She deserves better than the Wildmother's bitch ass
Favorite relationship
AS MENTIONED ABOVE, her dynamics with Dorian and Opal are amazing. and also that relationship with Ashton that exists solely in my head
Favorite headcanon
Idk if its a headcanon as much as a want, for her going with Opal being enough to maybe someday free them both. For that love to save them.
LOVE FY'RA SM. Ashton time
First impression
haha i like this guy's vibe i think they'll be one of my favorites in BH :)
Impression now
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Favorite moment
IMPOSSIBLE TO CHOOSE. I will say the second look into his mind by Imogen and FCG and his talk with Laudna in ep 49, simply because those are the moments I officially became insane abt them, and then somehow became even MORE insane about them even though i had not previously believed that was possible. Oh and everything leading up to, during, and after shardgate. Everything after and before that too
Idea for a story
WHAT HAPPENED AT HEXUM'S MANOR REALLY. What did they do in between then and meeting FCG. MEETING FCG. Will they go to the Hishari site. Will he meet with Abbadinna again to ask about it. Ashton
Unpopular opinion
me at everything he's been saying and doing since the Downfall break
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Favorite relationship
LAUDNA. Impossibly close race for their relationship and Imodna for my favorite of the campaign. AND HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH FCG AND MOG.
Favorite headcanon
if they had better life outcomes there's a good chance he could have been a wizard! they love to read and are so curious and really seem fairly knowledgeable about the world around him given the seemingly dismal state of access to knowledge in Exandria.
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