chemicallygoth · 8 months
Any headcanons for Shermy, Violet, and maybe even 555 95472 in your AU? Does 555 95472 exist in your AU? If yes, what does he look like?
I don't think much about Shermy in college but I do have highschool headcanons for him
In highschool he started drifting away from the Peanuts gang more and more as he started to meet new people
but he always stayed friends with Violet and Patty because all 3 of them enjoy bullying people
He dated Lucy in highschool, but their relationship ends before senior prom
He sees even less of the Old Gang in college but still hangs out with Violet and Patty
Eventually he has a cringe failmarriage with Violet and they get divorced
Is probably one of the richest girls in the Peanuts cast
Has a distant father whose attention she craves but never really seems to get
She comes off as shallow and self-serving, but there is some actual depth beneath her catty remarks, but she's very guarded and only Patty really knows about her deeper thoughts and feelings
She does actually care for Patty, who is her best friend. She can be bossy and often positions herself as the 'leader' between the two of them, but she would never do anything that would intentionally hurt Patty I think
Sometimes she is friends with Frieda and sometimes she hates Frieda but she has that attitude towards a lot of people. Violet just follows her hateful whims
likes to stir up drama for fun and enrichment
Purple is her fav color DUH but besides that she likes green and red too
Business major
555 95472
555, or as he likes to be called "Five" (as a nickname) has a really strange family, I always picture him being alienated from his peers because of this
Five is really good at math, and so of course that's his major in college
He has a strained relationship with his dad, and wants to be nothing like him
His major in college tends to drive him a bit crazy. He realizes that instead of fighting against numbers, he's given into them and become their lackey by wanting to become a mathematician...
He's going to suffer, but he'll learn to ride things out.
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failureface · 7 months
Is this @chemicallygoth's alt account, or do you collaborate with them?
this is the alt account! I post Peanuts here so I don't have to post it there.
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psychmerchant · 1 year
Do you take requests for cards? If yes, are they for free and for any fandom?
hi there! i’m glad you like my art, but i’m not currently taking requests for cards—however, i am open for small commissions!
Commissions • FAQ
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artsbysmarty · 2 years
Do you do drawing ship requests? If yes, can I ask for 2?
Yes! Please send em as separate asks though ^^
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littlemisssquiggles · 3 years
Speaking of Aaron Dismuke, have you seen the dub of Toilet Bound Hanako-kun, Cat Planet Cuties and Kaguya-sama: Love Is War?
Hey there Mojo. I’ve watched a couple of clips of the Toilet Bound Hanako-kun and Kaguya-sama: Love is War DUB---ironically they were the clips that featured Aaron’s characters talking. I saw them on Twitter retweeted by someone who is a huge Aaron Dismuke fan. Outside of those clips, I’ve watched neither show. I still haven’t watched Cat Planet Cuties or Kaguya-sama. Hanako-kun is different though. I watched the Japanese sub of the anime series but never finished it. I’m more following the manga but I need to resume my reading binge of Hanako since I heard it’s been updated since my last catch up read-through.
As I’ll say, while I love Aaron Dismuke’s voice work as Oscar Pine (since he’s my favourite), outside of RWBY, I don’t really follow much else of Aaron’s work. I know he’s in the MHA dub but I rarely watch English dubs of anime. I tend to stick to the original Japanese sub. In respect to MHA, I haven’t watched MHA since…Season…3??? Or was it 2? Either way I’m far behind on MHA. But I know Aaron voices one of the Big 3 in the English Dub of that series.
Next to that, there is Dr. Stone where Aaron voices the title character in the English Dub of that series. However I haven’t watched Dr. Stone either. Only like the first episode and a handful of clips of the English dub with Senku. I will admit this though. Aaron does a really good job as Senku. But just like with any of his roles, all I hear is Oscar whenever Aaron talks XD 
Even when he talks in his “normal voice” during interviews, sometimes I just close my eyes and shamelessly picture Oscar talking because that’s what I see in my mind’s eye when I hear the voice, man.
Don’t judge me, dagnabbit XD. It’s just how my ears and brain work with this guy. This is what happens when you voice my favourite character in anything.
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Aaron has now become like Crispin Freeman to me. No matter how many characters he voices, no matter how much he attempts to change his voice for a particular role, I automatically recognize his voice whenever I hear it now. His voice is tattooed in my brain now. It doesn’t matter if I haven’t watched much of his work, I know his voice because alI hear is Oscar XD
This is all Aaron’s fault for doing such a great job with the BOI. 
~LittleMissSquiggles (2021)
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Did you blush & feel kinda flustered when you and Ruby decided to the Ironwood the truth in unison before Ruby left in the transport while you told Ironwood the truth?
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“We’re so used to communicating in memes… it’s so hard to be proper with her… sometimes friends are just like that, huh?”
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poruvoron · 4 years
I know this is late but do you have a mother's day post involving Yako?
no unfortunately, I only drew a sad Yako a few days later ;;-;; 
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maripr · 4 years
White Knight, Combat Goggles, Blacksun & Snowbird.
Already answered White Knight! Combat Goggles... Is that Neptune/Yang? Nope, I don’t ship it. Mostly because I like Neptune exclusively with Sun, I find him to be really difficult to ship due to how insufferable he is towards women X’D.
Blacksun: started as NOTP because Sun seemed to me, at first, like the typical nice guy who gets annoing with the girl. I’M SORRY, SUN!! Then, I shipped it in vol 4, but rn I mostly just like them as friends. Snowbird: that’s Robyn/Winter, right? I like the idea and the fanarts a lot! The contrast of Robyn being a hero of the people and Winter being the servant of authority who’s starting to lose her faith in it is always nice, and I’ll be happy if they interact more in the future.
Send me a ship and I will explain why I do or don’t ship it
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seddm · 5 years
So Meteora doesn't remember her old past and dislikes Marco because she has a feeling that makes her not like him.
Yeah it’s just a joke, nothing serious about that.
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bigherosixfeels · 5 years
Fanfic request: Karmiro first kiss
oohhh boi here we go
A Slippery Slope
Fandom: Big Hero 6: The Series
Rating: K
Characters: Hiro Hamada and Karmi
Word Count: 1,476
Summary: Hiro and Karmi share an unplanned kiss
These days, it wasn’t often Hiro walked out ofhis last class without feeling drained. Lectures and exams tended to tire himout and once he had his free time, he spent it either working on schoolprojects or fighting crime. His life was far from dull, but he’d grownaccustomed to this. He liked having something to do at all times.
Despite that, it felt nice to finish his schoolday off on a high note. Today was mostly a review day for an upcoming test.While it wasn’t any more exciting than taking notes, it didn’t exhaust Hiro toany extent. In fact, he was currently walking through the halls, whistling awayas he headed for his lab. In addition to a test he’d need to study for, he alsohad a project he wanted to get started on.
As he kept walking, he noticed someone walkingnext to him out of his peripheral vision. They showed no signs of walking aheador turning to go somewhere else. Curious, Hiro glanced over. He didn’t have anyguesses on who it was, but he surely didn’t expect it to be Karmi.
Karmi, who had been walking beside him for acouple minutes, was glaring right back at him. Her arms were crossed and herback was stiffened up straight. She couldn’t have looked more intimidating, butin only made Hiro confused. Why was she walking beside him? Why did she look soangry?
While it was tempting to simply ignore her, Hirodecided to stop walking. He turned to face Karmi who had stopped walking aswell. “Uh…hey, Karmi.” He waved.
The look on Karmi’s face had yet to fade away.She immediately responded to Hiro’s words by rolling her eyes. “You’re proud ofyourself, aren’t you?”
The robotics major raised an eyebrow. “Wh-what?”
“Don’t act all innocent with me. You know whatyou did.”
Hiro could actually feel his patience startingto fade away. All he was doing was minding his own business. Why Karmi felt theneed to approach him this way was beyond him. If she had a problem, she shouldjust say what it is. Yet, before he had the chance to ask, Karmi continuedtalking.
“I answer one question wrong and the second thathappened, you felt the need to correct me!”
Oh. That’s what this was about.
During their last class, their professor askedreview questions out loud. At one point, Karmi raised her hand to answer aquestion, only for it to be wrong. Knowing the correct answer, Hiro raised hishand. The answer was right and the professor went on to ask more questions.
For Hiro, it was that simple. All he did wasgive the right answer, not thinking much of it. However, Karmi seemed to betaking it extremely personal. The teen geniuses may have their differences, butin this case, Hiro felt no need to celebrate. It wouldn’t have mattered who gotthe answer wrong. He still would have raised his hand regardless.
“Are you actually mad about that?” hequestioned, finding this conversation to be completely ridiculous.
Karmi scoffed. “Yes! You saw an opportunity tomake me look bad and you took it!”
“I wasn’t doing anything!” Hiro sighed, tryinghis best to keep his cool. “Look. It wasn’t that bad. The question was what thesecond law of thermodynamics was and you accidentally said the third. It was amistake, that’s all.”
“But you still jumped in to correct me. Face it,you rarely ever raise your hand in class. The only reason you did today was tobe a gigantic show-off.”
Hiro wanted to smack himself in the face. Thiswas so pointless! Clearly, Karmi was disappointed in herself for getting theanswer wrong, but taking it out on him was getting aggravating. When was shegoing to learn that he never meant to take her place as being the youngestgenius at SFIT?
While he knew that this argument was completelyone-sided, Hiro had enough of it. He knew Karmi wasn’t going to be satisfiedunless he told her something that would make her leave.
“Okay, I’m sorry. Next time you accidentally saythe wrong answer, I won’t raise my hand to give the right one.”
With that, Hiro started to walk away. His moodhad unfortunately shifted since Karmi approached him, but he wasn’t going tolet that affect him from getting work done.
Still, the way he phrased what he said didn’tsit well with her and she was not going to let him have the last word. Karmimarched forward until she caught back up with Hiro.
“Bold of you to assume that I’ll ever answeranother question incor-”
Due to Karmi putting all her focus into beingmad towards Hiro, she wasn’t paying attention to any of her surroundings. Shehadn’t realized that halfway through her sentence, she had stomped right into aspot on the floor that had recently been mopped. She didn’t notice the wetfloor sign that she had walked past.
Whatever she was about to retort Hiro with wasnow replaced by a yelp. She could feel herself falling backwards and hadnothing to grab a hold of.
Except Hiro.
Desperate not to fall, she extended her arm out,clasping onto Hiro’s arm with all her strength. She expected to regain balanceon her feet and pull herself back up. Unfortunately for her, she was slippingat such a quick speed. Hiro was so caught off guard from being grabbed, that hecouldn’t react to it happening in time. Because of this, Hiro was now beingpulled down with her.
The fall happened so fast. Karmi fell, her backnow against the damp floor. For Hiro, Karmi broke his fall, but that didn’tmake it any less painful. Their teeth clattered as their faces collided. Whenthis motion happened, Hiro’s lips accidentally made contact with Karmi’s.
They had yet to realize this. All they knew wasthat between the aches and pains from the fall, there was a mutual spark. Apleasant surge of electricity dancing between their lips. A feeling that wasnearly strong enough to outweigh the strains from crashing to the floor. Bothof them now ignored what had happened, subconsciously melting into theunforeseen kiss.
The once tense moment turned blissful. Theirfrustrations now a thing of the past. What had them so irritated couldn’t cometo mind.
Karmi fluttered her eyes open. She wasn’t surewhat she expected to see, but nothing could have prepared her for what itactually was.
Hiro had fallen on her. He was kissingher! How was this happening?!
In an attempt to stop the kiss from going anylonger, Karmi grabbed Hiro by his arms and shoved him off to the side. Hiro,who still had yet to process that he and Karmi just kissed, was startled whenhe was pushed to the floor.
Thankfully, he landed on his side and on a spotof the floor that was dry. His mouth fell slightly agape as he looked around.What was going on?
He snapped out of his confusion when he watchedKarmi standing up. She smoothed out her clothes, huffing at how badly thissituation turned. Her cheeks were now a dark shade of pink and a deep frown hadformed across her face.
“Wh-why did you do that?!” She asked, visiblyunnerved. “Why did you kiss me?!”
All at once, everything hit Hiro. Him and Karmiwere just arguing. Karmi slipped and grabbed onto his arm. Hiro went down withher. Hiro fell onto her. Their lips crashed against each other.
They kissed.
Heat rushed from Hiro’s cheeks to the tips ofhis ears. So that’s why Karmi shoved him. But he didn’t mean for it to happen!If Karmi hadn’t grabbed him, he never would have fallen down with her!
“It was an accident!” Hiro yelled. “You think Iplanned on that?!”
“Yes!” Karmi brought a hand up to her mouth. Shetook this as an opportunity to wipe off her lips and rub her jaw. “That hurt!You’re lucky that I didn’t chip a tooth!”
Hiro now rubbed at his equally sore jaw. “Y-yeah, my teeth hurt too! You know,even if I wanted to kiss you, WHICH I DON’T, do you really think this is howI’d go about it?!”
“I-I don’t know! What is with you today? First,you make me look bad in class and then you kiss me?!” Karmi made a disgustedsounding noise. She turned to walk away. “Just stay away from me!”
Still flustered and processing everything, Karmistormed off. This time, she made sure to walk around any parts of the floorthat were still wet.
As for Hiro, he remained blushing, confused andtoo stunned to get up.
This was such a fun prompt! I actually have a few things to say regarding this fanfic sooo here we go.
Alright, first things first, idk if Hiro and Karmi are going to kiss in canon. And I don’t know how they would or should go about it if they do. I think it’d be nice if they kissed after forming a solid friendship. But for this fic, I felt like summarizing a friendship would have felt super rushed and out of place. So, this is a scenario that I think could suit them best as rivals.
Another thing, I’m sorry if Karmi comes off sounding really rude and acting ridiculous over a stupid thing. It’s meant to be a ‘her ego got mildly bruised’ situation if that makes sense??
I’d like to think after this, Hiro and Karmi have some time to think through it all and they eventually find the courage to talk it out (and hopefully become friends).
Anywho, I hope you enjoyed it! Thank you for the request @mojo72400 :D
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Can you draw Hiro's friends teasing him after the Karmi hair down incident?
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A sequel to this who’s a sequel to this
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aceofstars16 · 6 years
Can you draw a rayllum first kiss?
Maybe? Honestly I’m not good at drawing kisses unless it’s from a base cause...they are confusing xD
I also can’t think of a good scenario for a first. And where they are in the show right now I can’t picture a kiss happening anytime soon (and if they ever did become a thing I’d really love for it to be like...drawn out over quite a few seasons *shrugs*) but maybe if I’m feeling extra shippy or don’t know what to draw I might doodle something?
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starco-week · 7 years
Book of life au?
A good movie to match a good show/ship
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It's nice that you explained your situation there, for a second I thought you and Ruby have a crush on each other because if it was true then me and Yang would tease you 24/7.
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“Apparently it’s not ‘Distinguished of a Huntress’ to yell ‘yeet’."
“I think its the best thing you can do.”
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starcoweek3 · 8 years
How about a Cinderella, Snow White, and Sleeping Beauty au?
Sorry. Suggesting time is over. You can vote though
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maripr · 4 years
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Whoops! I didn't know! Man, shipping wars get dumber and dumber
Anyway, Qrow/Winter? Eh, not really my thing. I would have called it a notp, but I've become to be more sympathetic to it thanks to the usual "it's a ship for the straights!" bs that fandom radfems like to throw around, erasing bi, pan and even genderqueer people in the process.
Tho, I admit I was also a bit uncomfortable with it because V*c seemed to like it a lot. But now that I can separate Qrow from his previous VA, I don't feel like that.
And even if it still was a notp, I didn't ever, and never will go against people who ship it. It's my job to curare my own fandom experience, so people shipping it and not forcing it on me are not doing me any disservice, a thing that some people in this fandom nowadays can't seem to understand
Send me a ship and I will explain why I do or don’t ship it
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