mollyappreciationweek · 6 months
And the AO3 collection is now open for the 2023 Molly Hooper Appreciation Week Prompt-A-Thon!
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You’re gorgeous honey.
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mollrenebitches · 1 year
Mollrene Headcanon #2
Molly would love to be blind-folded the first time they do it.
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pennywaltzy · 1 year
All She Really Needed (1/1)
And finally, I can post my pinch hit for Holmestice! It's Irene/Molly, with some mentions of an abusive relationship (not between Molly and Irene, though...It's Molly/OMC) and bad BDSM ettiquette.
All She Really Needed - Molly was all she really needed, she realized. It just took Irene a while to actually know that. Or, a relationship in nine beats.
The first time they met was at a sex club. Irene hadn’t had quite the reputation she would develop later, but she had made it known that she would train submissives if it was needed. Usually, that would mean training the dom as well, which she found vastly more fun, but the minute she stepped into the room with her and her then-boyfriend she knew this was an abusive relationship; Molly seemed scared of him, and to be honest, he seemed an arsehole of the highest degree.
Nothing would work to train him to take care of Molly, she knew that for sure.
“We don’t need you here,” she said to him coldly.
“She’s my bitch,” he replied.
“Not tonight.” The amount of malice she was trying to hold back in her tone couldn’t be measured; if she did one thing tonight, even if it was highly out of character for her, she’d try and get Molly to a place where she could at least say no to the worse things he could put her through.
He glared but left, and Irene went to Molly, undoing the collar from around her neck and getting down to her level, as Molly was on her hands and knees, not looking at her at first. Gently, Irene eased her head up. “Let’s get some coffee, shall we?”
They began to meet at the coffee shop once a week. Irene found that Molly had a dry and morbid sense of humor that delighted her. Once she was away from her boyfriend and had gotten a taste of freedom, she’d opened up to what an ugly relationship it actually was. Irene planted the seeds to get Molly completely free of the bastard, but they were slow to take. But now, three months later, Molly arrived at their coffee date with two suitcases.
“You left him?” Irene asked.
“I did. He didn’t take it well.” She rolled down the neck of her turtleneck and Irene could see hand marks around Molly’s neck. She wanted to kill the bastard on Molly’s behalf, or at least ruin him for life. “So I stabbed his hand with the knife he held to my throat and threatened to go after his bollocks next. Then he let me leave.”
Pride radiated in Irene’s eyes as she made a decision that would change both of their lives forever. “You’ll stay with me, then.”
The first time Irene saw her naked, without bruises, was the day Molly took a bath and realized she’d forgotten her towel. Oh, neither woman had been naked before on purpose in front of the other, but Irene had seen glimpses of fading bruises on Molly’s pale skin for weeks, and it looked like they’d healed.
One of Irene’s favorite things to do was to braid Molly’s hair before she went to sleep. It was soothing, having something to do with her hands. And Molly seemed calmer for it, which was good. She still was worried her ex would come after her (though Irene had used some of her contacts to make sure he went far, far away...it wouldn’t be the first time she’d used Moriarty’s help and it wouldn’t be the last) but at least she was sleeping.
“The bruises seem to be gone,” she said as she brushed Molly’s hair, letting her fingers glide through the silky strands.
“You saw?” she asked.
Irene chuckled. “Not on purpose, but I did. That’s a good thing. Now you can wear whatever you want.” She paused. “Or nothing at all. This is a clothing-optional household.”
Molly smiled at her in the mirror and Irene felt her heart do a flip. Molly smiling did something to her, but she didn’t know just what it was. Not then...but soon.
When they kissed for the first time, Irene knew it was love.
It had been a soft, searching kiss on Molly’s behalf. Tender and light, but filled with warmth and a hint of passion. Irene let her be tentative, let her explore a bit with tongue and hands, and then when the kiss became more passionate she backed Molly against a wall, moving her hands to cup Molly’s face and swallowing her moan in the kiss. This was what she had wanted, really, ever since the coffee dates, the night they were introduced at the sex club. She wanted Molly, and she wanted Molly to want her.
And Irene usually got what she wanted.
Eventually, Irene let her hair down, literally and figuratively, and lets Molly be the dominant one when they make love. It was thrilling to be submissive to the woman that she loved, a thrill she’d never felt before. Molly was gentle but firm and found a fondness for the hand whip, with the soft leather cords.
Molly deserved it, after the way she’d been treated. She deserved to get what she wanted in a safe and sane environment. And Irene found she wanted to please Molly. Their lovemaking wasn’t like the sessions she had with her clients; it was interesting and fun and heartfelt, and she had never shared that much intimacy with another person, male or female of other, before.
But all good things come to an end, eventually, and their love affair was no exception. When Molly got out of her schooling and started her post at St. Bartholomew, they started to drift apart. As her life got more dangerous with the secrets she was keeping, the things she was holding over powerful and influential people’s heads, the more she pushed Molly away for her own good. She could accept the loss of her life for the game she was playing, but she would never forgive herself if anything happened to Molly.
That would kill her dead in a heartbeat, and she’d burn the world to get revenge.
Sherlock was a game.
She had no true feelings towards him one way or the other other than fascination. She had heard that Molly knew him, harbored a silly little crush (Molly’s words, not what Irene saw...she saw a strong attachment that Sherlock was stupid enough not to see himself), but she wanted to know what made him so special. What made him tick?
What made him worthy of her Molly, should things come to that?
But they didn’t. The game played out and she lost. It had been foolish to change her password to “I AM SHERLOCKED,” but if she had kept it to her usual “I AM MOLLLOCKED,” well, there would have been questions.
He was a worthy foe, but not worthy of her Molly.
Of that, she was certain.
“Molly asked me to rescue you.”
Those were the first words Sherlock said once they’d hunkered down in a hotel in Karachi. She was shocked, of course; how did Molly even know she had needed rescue? But Molly culled her own favors, she supposed, and this had been one of them. Asking Sherlock to save her life...what had that cost her?
That ran around in her mind as they escaped to New York City, where she could get lost in the city of lost souls. Sherlock said he’d deliver a message to Molly for her, and all she had to say was “Find me.”
The familiar figure approached her building in Chicago. She wasn’t poor, not by any means, but she lived a less luxe lifestyle these days in an effort to hide from those who still wanted her head. But her heart leaped as she recognized the woman with the bobbing brown ponytail come up to the steps and open the door. She’d still need to be buzzed upstairs, but that was a momentary thing.
Irene opened the door to see Molly standing in front of her, wringing her hands. “I found you,” she said.
“I missed you so,” Irene replied, opening her arms. Molly moved into them, kissing Irene, the two women laughing and crying and kissing and Irene knew no matter where she had to go, it would be home as long as Molly was with her.
And that was all she really needed, she finally realized.
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jukti-torko-golpo · 2 years
I may or may not be screaming.
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detective-writes · 1 year
Introduction and (future) Masterpost!
Hello! My name is Rayx and I decided to revamp a dead sideblog to be something I wanted to try! Here you will find writing but it'll be from requests (either sent in the inbox or DMs)! I will have anon on in but it will be turned off if y'all don't behave.
What I will write, what fandoms I write for, and what I won't write for is under the cut!
Brief DNI: TERFs, H//rry P//tter fans, bigots, prosh//ppers,
Fandoms I'll write for:
Star Wars (The Clone Wars TV show, The OG trilogy, and the recent movies mostly. I have yet to watch the prequels and haven't finished other media.)
Sherlock (Doyle's, Elementary and BBC's mostly.)
Hitman 2016
Lockwood & CO
Heavy Rain
Red Dead Redemption
Undertale (and any AUs that aren't NSFW)
Supernatural (I haven't watched the finale so please don't spoil anything)
Ace Attorney
Detroit Become Human
Venom (I haven't watched the second movie yet)
Legend of Zelda (I haven't played/watched Tears of the Kingdom)
My Hero Academia (I didn't watch all of it but I watched enough to get an understanding of characters)
Markiplier and Jacksepticeye Egos (is that still the term?)
AFK Arena
More to be added
Fandoms I might write for:
Danganronpa (I've only watched gameplay of THH though)
Attack on Titan
Death Note
Gravity Falls (I'm on the last season but haven't finished)
Rick and Morty
Scooby Doo
Love, Nikki
Slashers (it's under a 'maybe' because I'm not too confident in writing the slashers well but willing to try!)
Cookie Run
What I can write:
Character x Character
Character x Reader
Character Headcanons
Ship Headcanons
X Reader Headcanons
Specific Tropes (enemies to lovers, "there's only one bed", etc)
What I won't write:
NSFW (I have a sideblog [ @detective4sideblog ] where I share my NSFW writing and do take requests. This is going to be a SFW blog.)
Inc//stous Pairings (*looks at SWs Clones in specific)
Adult Character x Underage Character
Over-the-top violence
Anything relating to self harm
Abusive Relationships (even if it's on par for the pairing, I do not feel comfortable writing that)
Ships I Will Write:
Note: Feel free to ask about any I did not list!
Star Wars:
Codywan (Obi Wan/Cody)
Rexwalker (Anakin/Rex)
Padtine (Satine/Padmé)
Obitine (Satine/Obi Wan)
Obi Wan/Satine/Cody
Ploit (Plo Koon/Kit Fisto)
Skysolo (Han Solo/Luke Skywalker)
Finpoe (Poe/Finn)
Most other ships you can think of from SWs, feel free to shoot an ask to make sure!
Mormor (Sebastian Moran/Jim Moriarty)
Johniarty (John Watson/Jim Moriarty)
Johnastian (John Watson/Sebastian Moran)
Mollrene (Irene Adler/Molly Hooper)
Hooperan (Sebastian Moran/Molly Hooper)
Specifically Victorian Johnlock (John Watson/Sherlock Holmes)
I think that covers everything, though there's others but regardless.
Dianseven (Agent 47/Diana Burnwood)
Hannigram (Hannibal Lector/Will Graham)
I don't know any other Hannibal ships but feel free to inform me, I'll gladly write for 'em :)
Lockwood & CO:
Locklyle (Anthony Lockwood/Lucy Carlyle)
George/Lucy/Lockwood (is this a ship? Either way, listing it)
Heavy Rain
Jars (Norman Jayden/Ethan Mars)
I might write for Norman/Blake if I like the prompt enough but they aren't my cup of tea. Same goes for Ethan/Madison.
Ethan/Grace (*shrugs*)
Vandermatthews (Dutch Van Der Linde/Hosea Matthews)
Arthur Morgan/Kiran Duffy (I can't remember their ship name atm)
Charles/Arthur Morgan (I can't remember the shipname again)
Most other pairings you can think of that don't break my "won't write" list :)
Sansby (Sans/Grillby)
Burger Guy/Nice Cream Guy
Papyton (Papyrus/Mettaton)
Soriel (Sans/Toriel)
Destiel (Castiel/Dean Winchester)
Sabriel (Gabriel/Sam Winchester)
Like I said, I haven't watched the finale...or much past season 5 or 6 so...yeah.
Ace Attorney
Wrightworth (Phoenix Wright/Miles Edgeworth)
Detective Gumshoe/Phoenix Wright
Maya Fey/Franziska von Karma
Larry Butz/Phoenix Wright
Reed900 (Gavin Reed/RK-900)
Hankcon (Hank Anderson/Connor)
The obvious canon Venom/Eddie Brock
Zelink (Zelda/Link)
Sidlink (Prince Sidon/Link)
Midlink (Midna/Link)
Honestly anything BUT Midoriya/Bakugo.
Darkstache (Wilford Warfstache/Darkiplier)
Antiaverage (Antisepticeye/Chase Brody)
Anti/Marvin the Magnificent
Chase Brody/Marvin
Schneeplbro (Doctor Schneeplestein/Chase Brody)
Googleplier/Chase Brody
There's more but I'm forgetting them 😭
AFK Arena
Idk any other ships so feel free to request
Will be updated in the future :)
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detective4blog · 3 years
Nobody asked but have some ship playlists I made that I am stupid proud of
Jars (idr the ship name for Ethan/Norman)
Specifically Victorian Mormor
Sebncer (yes I made a playlist for the crackship)
Dianseven (there's two of these but I'm too lazy)
Anyway uh don't judge my ships PAJDKKSJFOS you can judge my music taste tho bc it's... something. But I add new songs like every other day because I'm very bored.
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enaroholmes · 3 years
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[One of my favorite quotes.]
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watson-holmes221b · 4 years
Hey just so you guys are aware, this is a multi shipper support blog. Idgaf what you ship, or if we dont ship the same stuff. There will be NO SHIP HATE tolerated on this blog. We all love the same source material and that's what matters.
Feel free to gush at me in the asks about any of your ships from the show because honestly people are just so cute when they erupt and gush about something they love, regardless of if I get the hype.
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sherlockedcarmilla · 4 years
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The Beginning is Always Today
by CarmillaCarmine ( @sherlockedcarmilla )
Molly wants to impress Sherlock and realises that the only woman who came close to that was Irene Adler. She decides to go on an adventure to seek advice from The Woman, only to find that Irene has a completely different opinion on where the problem lays. Ms Adler is determined to open Molly's eyes and help her embrace the extraordinary woman she is and forget the man who is in love with someone else. Molly/Irene fic with implied Johnlock.
The title is a quote by Mary Shelley.
Happy International Women's Day!
This fic is a standalone but can be read as a part of Johnlock "deleted scenes" style series “The Memoirs of Dr. John H. Watson"
Let me know if you want to be tagged or untagged in future fics/updates.
Thank you for reading!
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Molly Hooper Appreciation Week 2022 Is Live!
And you can start posting your goodies! Remember to add @mollyappreciationweek on your post and add anything you make to the AO3 collection below!
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  Another Irene Adler/Molly Hooper teen AU, enjoy
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pennywaltzy · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Sherlock (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Irene Adler/Molly Hooper Characters: Irene Adler (Sherlock Holmes), Molly Hooper Additional Tags: Shared Birthday, Established Relationship, Established Irene Adler/Molly Hooper, 40th Birthday, Foiled Plans, Post-Coital, Post-Coital Cuddling, Relationship Discussions, Making Plans, Girls Kissing, Gentle Kissing Series: Part 7 of afteriwake's 40th Birthday Celebration, Part 280 of In So Few Words Summary:
Each year, Molly and Irene make plans for their shared birthday. For their 40th, they decide to run in the Boston Marathon, but things don't go according to plan...
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sherlockrarepairs · 5 years
Femslash Fic Rec !!  
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Cut the ending. Revise the script. The man of her dreams is a girl.
⬡ Easier Now That I Trust You, by Anarfea [rated E]
(Janine Hawkins/Mary Morstan) “What do you want?”
She traced the contours of Mary’s face. “The world. You. To give the world to you. To be your world.”
“Sounds dangerous,” Mary murmured. And then, “sounds glorious.”
⬡ Under Her Skin, by faerymorstan [series]
(Molly Hooper/Mary Morstan) Femslash series.
⬡ Who Leaves a Funeral Early?, by May_Shepard [rated E]
(Margaret/Mrs. Hudson) Martha Hudson always regretted losing touch with her best friend Margaret. When she sees a notice in the paper that Margaret's husband has died, she decides to take the opportunity to make amends. It goes much better than expected.
⬡ Hadn’t Meant To, by afteriwake [rated T]
(Irene Adler/Molly Hooper) Irene hadn't meant to fall in love with the pathologist, but she did anyway.
⬡ Agent, Secret, by dietplainlite [rated M]
(Anthea/Sally Donovan) It’s been ages since she did any real field work and Anthea feels conspicuous as she tails Sally Donovan on her walk. She doesn’t know what she expects to discover; everything pertinent about the detective can be found in Mycroft’s dossier.
⬡ Ingénue, by ebonlock [rated M]
(Anthea/Irene Adler) Her safe word is 'enough', because as soon as she meets Irene she knows she's never going to need it again.
⬡ Photophobia, by holyfant [rated E]
(Kate/Irene Adler) Kate just does what she does best: pictures, not words.
⬡ Moans, phones and unknowns, by sherlock221Bismymuse [rated T]
(Irene Adler/Molly Hooper) Short peeks into Molly's thoughts
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johnlockedinwarstan · 4 years
"I thought it was a big improvement. Your mouth is to small now "
Molly wishes people would just tell her what they want from her. She feels like no matter how much she has accomplished she isn't shown respect. No matter how hard she trys she's to much or not enough.
"Shade?" "Red."
The moments before the game really began were Irenes favorite. Anticipation is her greatest weapon. And the subtlest things create it. Like the shade of lipstick.
"The shade of red echoes her lipstick – either an unconscious association or one that she’s deliberately trying to encourage..."
When you bite your lips you ruin your makeup. But it's ok because she is kissing you and now both or your makeup is mussed in the most wonderful way.
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Sherlock Femslash
In celebration of this month’s @transformativeworks Fandom First Friday theme, here are my Sherlock fics with femslash primary pairings:
Princess Sherlock and the Pea (fem!Sherlock/fem!John, 778 words, rated G) Once upon a time there was a clever princess named Sherlock. The king and queen wanted their daughter to marry a royal prince. Princess Sherlock, however, was adamantly opposed to the idea. “Princes are not my area,” she said.
Long Fingers, Short Nails (fem!Sherlock/fem!John, 221 words, teen) Does Sherlock keep her fingernails short because she's a violinist, or a lesbian, or both?
Sleeping Irene (Irene Adler/Molly Hooper, 2501 words, teen) A feminist retelling of Sleeping Beauty, with Molly as the unlikely hero.
And here are my Johnlock fics with femslash side-pairings:
Chemistry (Irene Adler/Molly Hooper, 5676 words, teen) Sherlock and Molly are the only two members of the Chemistry Club at McKinley High School. Their coach, Lestrade, is having an affair with Principal Mycroft. Jim Moriarty — coach of the Fruit Loops — is sending in his head cheerleader, Irene, as a spy. And John goes to a rival school, so he and Sherlock haven’t met yet, but you can bet that when they do there’s going to be… Chemistry.
Mockin’ Around the Christmas Tree (Irene Adler/Molly Hooper, 123 words, rated G) Sherlock may enjoy mocking the feelings of others, but it turns out that he has some of his own.
But Not Sherlock (Irene Adler/Janine Hawkins, Molly Hooper/Harry Watson, 152 words, rated G) Everyone's having a gay old time at the Baker Street Easter party - except Sherlock. Can John entice him to join in the fun?
 Not Entirely Clueless (Molly Hooper/Stella Hopkins, Irene Adler/Sally Donovan, 130591 words, teen) Sherlock Holmes, handsome, clever, and rich, with a comfortable home and a gay disposition, seemed to unite some of the best blessings of existence; yet he had lived nearly twenty-one years in the world with very little to interest or intrigue him. And then the murders began.
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