#molly x victoria
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Me looking through my ships and timelines and realising so many of them were done dirty either through premature cancellation, killing off of characters, or storylines not being done justice (or any combination thereof). Clearly I have a type 🤔🥲
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i cant read fanfiction about my ocs unless i actually write it im so sad
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crossdreamers · 2 months
On how Scottish anti-trans activists are trying to censor a debate on the benefits of puberty blockers for youth
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Sophie Mollie (photo) writes over at X:
So yesterday, an article was released by the @TheScotsman expressing the danger of depriving trans kids of life saving puberty blockers. The TERF'S pilled into the comment section and started abusing the author and those who contributed to the article. A few hours later the article was removed from the @TheScotsman website. As a contributer to the article I have been given no reason as to why this was the case. My suspicion is TERF @DalgetySusan who is a columnists for the @TheScotsman has got it removed. Of course I'm basing this on conjecture but all signs point to the newspaper removing an article that journalist Rachel Amery was brave enough to put out. An article that platformed trans people's feelings towards the puberty blocker ban. Here is the article that has been removed from the @TheScotsman website.
Here's the text Rachel Avery wrote:
Why Scotland trans kids are at 'serious risk of harm' because of court ruling on puberty blockers
The High Court has ruled the decision to ban prescriptions of puberty blockers was lawful
Campaigners opposed to a ban on puberty blockers have claimed a High Court ruling has put children in Scotland at “serious risk of harm”.
Mrs Justice Lang ruled on Monday the ban introduced by the Conservative government with emergency legislation was lawful. UK health secretary Wes Streeting said he welcomed the court’s ruling, claiming children’s healthcare must be “evidence-led”.
However, campaigners north of the Border have claimed the court ruling would lead to an increase in child suicide.
Former health secretary Victoria Atkins used emergency powers to stop the drugs being prescribed to under-18s, in one of the final pieces of legislation passed by the previous Conservative government - a move carried out on the back of the Cass Review findings. Scotland subsequently introduced a pause on the prescription of puberty blockers in April.
Campaign group TransActual took legal action against the decision at a UK level, saying Ms Atkins failed to consult patient groups and misused the emergency process.
But Justice Lang dismissed the challenges, saying the the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and the Department of Health in Northern Ireland “were entitled to rely upon the precautionary principle when making their judgments” with a “rational and balanced approach to the assessment of risk in this context, where there remains scientific uncertainty”.
However, one Scottish campaigner warned the decision could have serious side effects.
Sophie Molly is a trans woman who has a petition going through Holyrood calling on the Scottish Government to reverse the ban north of the Border.
She said: “I feel today’s High Court verdict will put children at serious risk of harm. This will lead to an increase in child and adolescent suicide.”
She said the decision to pause the prescriptions in Scotland was “deeply discriminatory” and “goes against the inclusive values of the NHS”.
“A lot of trans children will suffer as a result of a knee-jerk reaction to pause puberty blockers,” she said. “Unfortunately I was never fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to have them. I was born during section 28, which effectively made it impossible for anyone to come out as gay or trans.
“It was never presented to me, but I would have taken them in a heartbeat to have avoided the torture of male puberty. It was horrendous.”
The 37-year-old has since been prescribed hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to undergo female puberty and said the differences had been “night and day”.
She described the ban on puberty blockers as a decision “driven by party politics”, and criticised Mr Streeting’s decision not to overturn the decision of his predecessor.
“When he was trying to get votes during the election, he said Labour would be on the side of trans people,” she said. “This is unjustifiable and he is putting his own personal career above that of his constituents.”
Speaking after the High Court ruling, Mr Streeting said: “Children’s healthcare must be evidence-led. Dr Cass’s review found there was insufficient evidence that puberty blockers are safe and effective for children with gender dysphoria and gender incongruence.
“We must therefore act cautiously and with care when it comes to this vulnerable group of young people.”
TransActual UK said would aill attempt to appeal the court decision.
Chay Brown, the group’s director for healthcare, said: “Defence evidence makes it clear that they decided on an emergency ban first and sought ways to justify it second. The judgement leans heavily on the widely discredited Cass Review - the work of someone with no experience of trans healthcare.”
A spokesperson for LGBT Youth Scotland's Trans Youth Commission said: “For trans and nonbinary people, the journey to happiness in their own body may include gender-affirming care, something that comes in many forms such as voice training, hair removal, and in some cases – puberty blockers and/or hormone therapy.
“Unfortunately, for many transgender individuals, this life-saving healthcare is becoming increasingly difficult to access. The ban on puberty blockers has created yet another barrier, and is putting further pressure on trans young people, a group that already experiences many extra difficulties and discrimination within society.
“The Trans Rights Youth Commission were incredibly disheartened to see the Sandyford gender clinic decide to stop prescribing puberty blockers to the young people accessing their service, despite the already low prescription rate. We do not agree with the ruling that the original ban was lawful, and hearing that the new Labour government is seeking to make the ban on puberty blockers permanent is frightening beyond words.”
Copied from the Wayback Machine version of the original article.
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Best Character Named X Poll
I'm doing a series of "Best Character Named X" polls where all the characters have the same first name but are from completely different media, feel free to send in name/charcacter suggestions, I'm posting one poll a day. New polls scheduled for 1:30PM BST everyday.
If your favourite character is not included in the poll very sorry i have either never heard of them or actively chose not to include them as theres only 6 characters per poll. Characters will only count of that is their first name, surnames do not count. Official characters in canon only, please do not submit OCs.
Round 320: Camille
Round 321: Olaf
Round 322: Dana
Round 323: Tim
Round 324: Daisy
Round 325: Quentin
Round 326: Flora
Past Polls
Poll Ideas under the cut
Names that I have a complete list for*
Rebecca, Steve, Victoria, Katherine, George, Diana, Andy, Nora, Angel, Judy, Jo, Miranda, Pearl, Malcolm, Jamie, Tam, Klaus, Luna, Delilah, Claudia, Juliet, Jonas, Celia, Katya, Cynthia, Corey, Minerva, Ebony, Miriam, Percy, Bianca, Amara, Cleo, Cecil, Mabel, May, August, Francis, Matilda, Deborah, Jared, Kendra, Ophelia, Liesel, Fitz, Aurora, Ramona, Orion, Kala, Madeline, Anastasia, Kit, Marian, Lena, Polly, Cora, Leah, Jules, Irene, Laurie, Laurel, Hilda, Valentine, Joe, Monty, Skye, Walter, Marissa, Hope, Oberon, Lorna, Ace, Calvin, Bridget, Ulrich, Roger, Stella, Lenore, Wanda, Winona, Hannibal, Newt, Aiden, Oscar, Dorian, Dorothy, Una, Marnie, Mirabel, Dora, Olympia, Toby, Chip, Fearne, Axel, Gil, Bo, Rue, Leslie, Isabelle, Agnes, Luther, Sally, Delia, Richter, Scarlet, Bernard, Ray, Nigel, Selina, Harley, Blue, Missy, Perry, Paige, Duke, Tao, Gemma, Cornelius, Wendy, Apollo, Celeste, Clyde, Summer, Esther, Cole, Kieran, Melody, Vivian, Haley, Prudence, Ralph, Azrael, Lauren, Molly, Pauline, Athena, Darcy, Stan, Dana, Lee, Red, Stuart, Cliff, Gabriel, Octavia, Tsukasa, Anita, Esme, Ella, Heather, Riley, Pyrrha, Rupert, Ada, Orlando, Blair, Parker, Ike, Yukari, Tanya, Briar, Amber, Akira, Irma, Marlene, Trixie, Harriet, Letitia, Koichi, Katrina, Echo, Annette, Nami, Dale, Rod, Nina, Carina, Wade, Alucard, Rosemary, Lance, Yuki, Elena, Donatello, Puck, Callie, Moe, Hunter, Poppy, Titania, Fox, Melinda, Terry, Jackson, Melanie, Sunny, Dee, Clive, Freya, Randall, Caeser, Marina, Sasha, Dawn, Zain, Ron, Edith, Candy, Carlos, Raiden, Tara
Names I have an incomplete list for (welcome to send character suggestions)
Richter, Yasmin, Chase, Tina, Rudolf, Melvin, Melissa, Adele, Adeline, Jem, Dolores, Jude, Ginger, Bellamy, Jacob, Reese, Nemo, Addison, Adelaide, Candace, Abraham, Ragnar, Destiny, Hero, Drew, Raphael, Wallace, Jean (feminine), Cheryl, Shane, Tegan, Matthias, Liam, Ellis, Dennis, Josie, Mike, Bailey, Eden, Giselle, Suki, Keith, Wilfred, Blaine, Pam, Brianna, Sabine, Roman, Kalina, Mindy, Monet, Zara, Marcus, Elias, Mira, Glen, Farah, Faith, Enid, Ross, Antoinette, Elodie, Mallory, Kay, Renee, Willow, Albert, Howard, Oswald, Clem, Jace, Howell, Rowan, José, Christian, Ravi, Dev, Valerie, Norma, Tristan, Jolene, Yumi, Sakura, Carol, Carrie, Casper, Septimus, Rosalind, Rosamund, Rosie, Rosa, Gerald, Geraldine, Gerard, Ariel, Ariadne, Anya, Ida, Rocky, Mal, Solomon, Sol, Vera, Vincent, Nolan, Sage, Jojo, Calliope, Roxy, Roxanne, Silver, Noel, Noelle, Stacy, Lloyd, Alba, Virginia, Eva, Amos, Petra, Marla, Dante, Gretchen, Rhydian, Russ, Tate, Tatum, Morris, Ambrose, Doug, Grant, Graham, Aaron, Ivan, Paris, Doris, Rain, Sora, Wayne, Helga, Garth, Constantine, Sonny, Courtney, Jamal, Niall
Feel free to send more suggestions
*subject to change, you can still submit a character if there is no strikethrough if you think theres a character that its an absolute crime i dont add. Please don't suggest anything for the names with a strikethrough as they are polls that are already in my queue waiting to be published.
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wheels-of-despair · 5 months
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Live A Little | A Worth It AU | Ralph Penbury x You | Masterlist
In This Edition: You spend time on solid ground and in hot water! Words: 3.3k
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Uncle Albert's car lurches to a stop in front of what can only be described as a mansion, and the driver jumps out with an umbrella. You don't see the point. You're already soaked to the bone. But Victoria clambers out, and he takes her to the door. The rest of you follow in the rain, rather than wait for him to return.
A host of servants scurry toward you with towels when you step inside.
"Is anyone hungry? Can I get you anything?" Uncle Albert asks, dripping on his own floor. Everyone declines. "Right! I suspect you've all had enough excitement for one night. It's after midnight, after all. How about I get you all into some dry clothes, and we'll put off the catching up until breakfast?" Without waiting for an answer, he continues, "Moira, please show each of our guests to a room, and ensure that all of their needs are met."
"Yes, sir," a woman in a uniform says with a curtsy. "If you'll all follow me, please?" You all trudge up the stairs behind her. Your soggy clothes weigh you down, making it seem like an endless trek.
"Mister Ralph and Miss Victoria, we've readied your bedrooms from your last visit," Moira says when you finally reach the second floor. Victoria takes off before she even finishes her sentence, but Ralph stays with you. "Ladies, your rooms are being prepared as we speak, and suitable sleepwear is on the way."
"We're married," Ralph says.
"We're married," Ralph repeats, sliding his sopping arm around your shoulders possessively. "This one stays with me."
"Understood, sir," she smiles.
You look up at your soggy husband with adoration.
"Come on," Ralph says, starting to pull you down the hallway.
You look back at Molly, still standing with Moira.
"Go on, honey, get out of those wet clothes before you catch a chill. I'll see you in the morning."
You let Ralph lead you into a magnificent bedroom, where a fire crackles away. Ralph's pajamas are folded on the bed, and a maid arrives with yours seconds later.
Ralph closes the door, and you start stripping out of your wet clothes immediately. Ralph climbs into a pair of striped pajamas, and you slip a long gown over your head. It doesn't provide much warmth. You cross your arms and shiver. Ralph darts to the wardrobe and pulls out a robe, hurrying over to wrap you in it.
"Come," he says, leading you to the fireplace. You stand in front of the heat and lean against him. Eventually, you stop shivering.
A knock echoes through the room.
"Yes?" Ralph calls.
Moira brings in a tea tray.
"Thought you might like to warm up with a cup of tea before bed. Can I get you anything else?"
"No, thank you."
She gathers your wet clothes and leaves. You wrap your arms around Ralph's waist and rest your head against his shoulder.
"Tea?" he asks.
You shake your head.
"Just a little bit, to warm you up inside?"
"Alright," you agree. You know better than to argue with an Englishman about tea.
He pours and brings your cups to the fire, and you drink half of yours.
"Bed?" he offers, when you set your cup on the mantel.
You nod, eyelids getting heavy.
"Come on," he chuckles, downing the rest of his own tea in one gulp and leading you to the bed. He pulls back the covers, gestures for you to go first, and you crawl into the biggest bed you've ever been in.
"Ralph, this bed is so massive, I fear I may lose you in it."
"Never fear, my dear," he whispers, scooting closer and holding you tight. "Your Ralph is here."
You chuckle and melt into him.
"I love you," you mumble, already drifting off in the comfortable bed with the clean blankets and your warm husband.
"I love you too, darling."
The morning comes too soon.
You've both been awake for a while, and would be perfectly happy to just lie in your warm bed and enjoy each other's company all day.
Moira has other ideas.
"Good morning! I've brought you both some fresh clothes to change into!" She hangs them off the back of a chair. "Brunch will be served at 12:00. You have time for a bath, if you'd like!"
She leaves, and you both sigh.
"A bath does sound nice," you admit.
"Hm," Ralph hums, lifting his head to look at the clock. "I don't think we both have time."
"That's alright," you smile. "You go ahead."
"Nonsense," Ralph scoffs. "We'll save time by bathing together, of course."
"Brilliant idea, Mr. Penbury," you laugh. "I'm ashamed I didn't think of it myself."
"Quite alright, darling," he assures you with a pat to your hand. "We are new at this, you know."
You laugh again and get out of bed, following Ralph into the nearest bathroom. The water is already running, and has half-filled the claw-footed tub. Moira must've known Ralph wouldn't be able to resist.
You slip your gown off, and Ralph drops his pajamas on the floor. He turns off the water and steps into the tub, sitting down and holding out his hand for you. You take it and step over the side. You sink down into the warm water, sitting between Ralph's legs and leaning your head against his chest.
You both sigh happily when you're settled. You close your eyes, enjoying the warmth seeping into your bones as you wait for the water to still. It's the best you've felt in days.
"I don't think I'll ever get in water deeper than this again," Ralph mourns.
"We can have lots of fun in water this deep," you tease. You reach up to place a water droplet on his nose with your wet finger.
"Oh?" he asks, leaning down to nibble your ear.
"Most definitely," you assure him, sitting up to look him in the eye. "But not today, Mr. Penbury. There simply isn't time." You reach out to a nearby shelf to grab a bar of soap. "And you're much too filthy."
Ralph pouts, but lets you wash him. He returns the favor. By the time you're both clean and dressed in your borrowed clothes, you have to rush downstairs to make it to brunch in time.
Aunt Molly is already at the table with Uncle Albert, chatting like they're old friends. She's also wearing clothes that aren't hers. You want to ask where he acquired them on such short notice, but the food arrives as soon as you do, and it proves to be quite a distraction.
"I've called your house," your aunt informs you during a coffee refill. "And your parents are gone. The maid says they've come down here to find you."
"Oh," you breathe.
"So," Uncle Albert begins, "I've reached out to a few friends, and they're on the lookout for them. If your parents are located, they'll be brought here for a reunion."
"Thank you," you smile, feeling the nervousness set in.
"And it's going to be one hell of a reunion," your aunt laughs. She looks to you, and her face turns serious. "Remember what I said about me needing to be there when you break the news?"
"The news?" Uncle Albert asks.
"My darling niece is supposed to be marrying some stuffy lawyer when she gets back home," your aunt explains with a wicked grin on her face. "Only, she's come home hitched to a fancy English lad instead."
Uncle Albert's booming laugh echoes through the room.
You busy yourself with your plate, and Ralph does the same.
"Alright," Uncle Albert says eventually, when you've eaten your fill. "Tell me everything."
You and Ralph look at each other uneasily, and then take turns telling your story, starting with the night you met. Aunt Molly listens intently as well, having missed a bit herself.
Ralph is explaining the officer who told him to get in the lifeboat when Victoria saunters in, stretching and yawning and still in her pajamas.
"Uncle, if I'd known what kind of rags you had for me to wear, I'd have jumped overboard to save myself the humiliation." She slumps into a chair and surveys the leftover food with a pout. "And you didn't even wait for me."
"You are two hours late," Uncle Albert notes, with a look to the clock. He calls for Moira, and instructs her to fetch a fresh plate for Victoria.
"And what of those rags?" Victoria whines.
"New York has some of the finest shopping in the world, my dear!" Her uncle announces.
Victoria sniffs.
"Ralph, do continue," Aunt Molly says.
"I don't really remember much after that," Ralph admits quietly, glancing at Victoria. "They lowered the boat and we waited. When we got to the ship, we slept."
"I can attest to that," Aunt Molly smiles. "Poor babies."
"That bloody boat was so crowded," Victoria complains. "And nothing but women complaining."
Molly raises an eyebrow at Victoria, but she doesn't notice. Hadn't they been on the same boat? A maid rushes in with a steaming plate for Victoria, and another comes to refill your cups.
"Uncle," Victoria says. "I've lost my maid. Might I have one of yours during my stay?"
"How did you lose your maid?" her uncle asks.
"She went to the purser's office to retrieve my jewels and never returned," Victoria shrugs. "Filthy tramp, I bet she stole them. Do you know how long it's going to take me to rebuild that collection? I won't be able to properly accessorize for ages! I'll look like… her."
Victoria cuts her eyes at you, and you wonder how sharp your butter knife is.
"Would you shut up?"
Everyone's heads snap toward Ralph.
"You are, without a doubt, the worst person that I have ever met.
"Surely you're not speaking to me this way!" Victoria squawks.
"Damn right, I am." His fists clench. "You have no regard for anyone but yourself. Have you thought at all about the people who didn't make it into a boat? Or their families? Of course not. You don't care about anyone. You left the person who's been taking care of you for three years to die over jewelry!"
"And money!" Victoria adds, like it matters.
"You're a disgrace to the Penbury name," Ralph seethes. "And if you ever speak ill of my wife again, I'll tell Mother what really happened to Fluffy. You remember Fluffy, don't you? Sweet little dog that got more attention than you?"
Victoria's eyes bulge.
"I wonder if that would have any impact your inheritance?" Ralph ponders, eyes narrowed.
"Uncle, are you going to let him threaten me like this?" she shrieks.
Uncle Albert sips his coffee silently. Victoria shrieks, knocks over her chair in her hurry to get out of it, and stomps out of the room.
When her footsteps fade, you place your hand over one of Ralph's balled fists. He looks to you and smirks. You're so proud of him.
The doorbell rings, pulling everyone from their thoughts. A moment later, the butler announces that your parents have arrived.
You hadn't realized you were so eager to be reunited with them until you find yourself rushing to the entrance hall. You nearly leap into your father's embrace, closing your eyes and squeezing him tight.
"Are you alright?" he asks quietly. You nod, still not ready to let him go. You've been abroad for months, after all, and you haven't seen him since he took you to the train station. When you finally pull yourself away, you realize your mother is standing there impatiently.
"Mother," you greet awkwardly. She's never been the type for physical affection. And then a figure steps out from behind her. "Donald?"
"Hello, my sweet," he says, grabbing your hand and bending to kiss the back of it.
You stare at him in horror. You'd thought of breaking the news to your parents, but you were not at all ready to have this discussion with him! Here! In the house of the man you married instead!
"Well, if it ain't my favorite sister," Aunt Molly smirks from the doorway behind you, leaning into her southern-isms for spite. Ralph and Uncle Albert stand on either side of her. "Howdy." Your mother bristles. "Don't you have some introductions to make, honey?"
She is enjoying this far too much.
"Mother, Father, this is our host, Mr. Albert Penbury. He's the gentleman who sent for you."
Your father steps forward to shake his hand and thank him for taking care of his daughter and sister-in-law.
"And this is Ralph Penbury," you smile, only for him, and reach for his hand. He reluctantly steps forward and takes it. "My husband."
Your mother's eye twitches.
"Your what?" she asks.
"My husband," you repeat, holding onto Ralph's hand for dear life.
Murder flashes through your mother's eyes. You can see her blood pressure rise. The vein in her forehead begins to pulsate.
"Ralph, it's a pleasure to meet you," your father says, stepping forward. Ralph lets your hand go to shake your father's. Donald stands there looking dumb and dull, as usual. "Might we have a moment alone with our daughter, please?"
"There's a sitting room just through here," Uncle Albert offers, rushing forward to open the door. Your father thanks him, and holds the door open for your mother.
"C'mon, Don, tell an old lady how you've been," your aunt grins, hooking an arm through Donald's and leading him back to the dining room. Ralph follows hesitantly, shooting you a scared look. You wink at him, then follow your parents into the sitting room. They're not sitting.
"You are engaged," your mother seethes, as soon as you close the door.
"No," you smile. "I'm married."
"What do you mean, married?"
"I mean, a minister said some words, then Ralph and I exchanged some vows, and then we all signed some papers that say we're married."
"It was done under duress," she says to your father. "We'll have it annulled."
"It was not," you argue, "and you will not."
"He's swindled her somehow, taken advantage of her in her fragile state, she's not making any sense," she insists, still ignoring you.
"She can hear you," you remind her, "and Mother? You're in his uncle's house. Does it look like the Penburys need to do any kind of swindling to get by?"
"You," she growls, finger in your face. "Are marrying Donald Andrews this summer, just like I planned. I do not know who this boy is, and I do not care." She turns to your father. "Get rid of him."
"She's an adult," your father signs. "She's made her choice, and there's nothing we can do about it." He turns to you. "You love him?"
"This is really what you want?"
"Then that's that."
"THAT," your mother spits, "is NOT that!"
"If you like Donald so much, why don't you marry him?" you propose. Her palm cracks across your cheek. You stare defiantly, feeling a little satisfied that you've made her resort to violence like a commoner.
"Enough," your father says, staring her down. "We are going in there to properly meet our son-in-law and his family. And if you cannot be pleasant, you will be silent."
You can't wait to tell Aunt Molly about this.
"And you?" he rounds on you. "You owe Donald an explanation. Stay here. I'm sending him in."
"Alright," you agree.
Your father reaches out to take your mother's arm, but she jerks away from him and leaves the room. He heaves a sigh and follows. You drop into a chair and wait for Donald.
"You wanted to see me?" he asks, peeking his head into the room.
"Yes," you smile, gesturing toward a chair. "Take a seat."
He sits. He blinks. You search for words. How does one tell their fiancé that they've married someone else?
"Donald, I…"
"Where's my engagement ring?" he interrupts.
Perhaps this will be easier than you thought.
"It's in my jewelry box at home. Nancy will get it for you."
"Right," he says, getting up. "I suppose we're done here."
"I suppose we are," you say cautiously, waiting for the other shoe to drop. Tears, threats, a violent outburst, anything?
Donald leaves the room, and you get up to follow. He walks out the front door without a word. You stand there and laugh in disbelief. Could it really be that easy?
You shake your head and return to the dining room, where everyone sits around the table with a cup of tea. You slide into the chair next to Ralph.
"Where's our sweet Donny-boy?" your aunt grins.
"Gone," you say simply.
"Gone?" Ralph asks.
"Gone," you confirm, reaching for his hand under the table. You focus on the love in Ralph's eyes, and not the steam billowing from your mother's ears.
Your parents stay for tea, while you and Molly recap your adventures, but decline the dinner invitation so they can catch the last train home. Your mother remains silent, except for a very forced "thank you" to Uncle Albert when he helps her put on her coat.
You and Ralph see your parents to the door. You plan to walk out to the car with them, now that the rain has let up, but the butler advises against it.
"Journalists, Mrs. Penbury. They've gathered everywhere they suspect a survivor is staying, hoping for an exclusive story. The vultures practically chased Miss Victoria down the street on her way to go shopping."
You nod in understanding and hug your father one last time before he goes.
"When are you coming home?" he asks.
"When it's safe," you whisper.
"From her, or from the press?" he mumbles.
You laugh, and he kisses your forehead. He and Ralph share a goodbye handshake and a few quiet words. When the butler opens the door, your mother rushes out of it. Your father gives you a knowing look, then follows.
You and Ralph peek through the curtains, watching journalists yell questions at your parents. A photographer snaps a photo of the house, and you drop the curtain and step back.
"How long do you think this will last?" you ask.
"I don't know," Ralph admits.
Molly and Albert both laugh loudly from the other room.
"God help us at Christmastime, if those two team up," you grin.
Ralph laughs and drapes an arm across your shoulders.
"Well, Mrs. Penbury," he begins, walking you toward the stairs. "You've seen the world, fallen in love, survived a shipwreck, and broken the news of a broken engagement to both a former beau and your terrifying mother. What will you do next?"
"That's a good question, Mr. Penbury. Are you looking for an official statement?" He nods. You place a finger to your chin, like you're pondering as you ascend the stairs. "I think, in light of my brush with death, I'd like to live a little. Have adventures. Enjoy the finer things in life."
"Might I have an example?" he asks, eyes sparkling as you walk down the hall.
"Of course," you smile. "I believe my next adventure will take me to bed, with my darling husband."
"And what will you do there?" he asks, quirking an eyebrow as he opens the bedroom door.
"Mr. Penbury, what kind of salacious publication are you running?!"
Ralph throws his head back and laughs. You grin and pull him inside, and he kicks the door closed behind him.
The girl had lived a little, as she'd set out to do… but her life didn't truly start until she found someone to love a lot.
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oohhh i love your p21 wishes potential and unlikely!!
i would love these (also a good few unlikely lmao)
there is quite a lot but these are just all of my fave possibilities and long shot dream switches really!
from k2:
jessica and rebecca sutton
neriah karmann
eva wright
skylar harman
from studio x:
mila renae
brielle arias
snow griffiths
madi luckman
from ocpaa:
charlotte wolk
charlotte delong
esme lee
eden roberts
ariel lantz-loza
maggie zhou
from pave:
addyson and alexa paul
sofia cuevas
liv matson
stella fisk
ava and alexa rauth
aryanna la fontaine cooper
from mather:
helena olaerts
skye harrell
ava guttmann
leighton brandt
from 4pm:
addelyn muesse
sarahi lopez-prieto
from JDI:
ava pracanica
from dance precisions:
kennedy truax
from n10:
madison ng
claire avonne kingston
sloane adams
elise kim
emmersyn van
juliana kang
ariella truong
fiona chen
from avanti:
rosie zahoul sans
kaylee randeniya
from dance dimensions:
serena wilcox
victoria safahi
from the academy:
francesca jen
ella carlson
from westside:
isabella and diana kouznetsova
from premier youth:
carissa hsu
from hart:
lydon thach
from fred astaire:
cali cassidy
yessss! This is so good! So many dancers that would slay or have slayed Mollys choreography!
Didn't realize Cali danced at Fred Astaire!
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judgementdaysunshine · 3 months
For the pride celebration can I request a Stevie Richards x Victoria x fem!reader in which they celebrate reader's championship victory with cuddles?
Champion snuggles
Pairing: Victoria x Fem reader x Steven Richards
Description: Your partners shower you with love after you become women's champion against Trish Stratus
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"We're proud of you no matter what baby, remember" you giggle as you're pressed in the middle between Stevie and Victoria as they kiss your cheeks before accompanying you to the ring for your match with Trish. This match was big for you not only because it was against Trish who had more experience in the business than you but this was a big title match for the women's championship and your second title match since you were women's intercontinental champion for a year into your career until you lost it to victoria before you got with her and stevie midway through 2003, trish was secretly impressed with how determined you were but just how strong your pure will was to prove yourself to her and everyone else backstage especially your close friends who mentored you over the past two years of your career in the business and always stood by you whenever anyone doubted or put you down even being in a handicapped match against Jacqueline and Molly Holly. Everything seemed to slow down as the last half of the match was neverending and the two of you countered each other back to back until you finally hit a spin kick followed by a spear and pin bursting into tears after the bell rings, stevie and victoria cheered as you ran backstage before being sandwiched between them leading to the three of you sharing glasses of champagne and takeout on the way to your shared hotel room where steven washed you in a bubble bath melting at victoria combing your hair leading to you snuggled between them where the two showered you with sweet endearments along with gentle caresses and soft kisses from saying "We're so proud of you" and "You deserve this so much" to the words that really turned you inside out with butterflies was "We love you pretty girl" the smiles grew bigger as all your hands intertwined while sharing a kiss with victoria wrapped in stevie's arms followed by a delicate kiss with stevie that turned to a series of paused kisses between each other.
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Sasha4Books: Book Spotlight Directory
(Last up dated: 8/21/2024)
In no particular order:
Girls Weekend: A Monster Bait Romance by: C. M. Nascosta
History Smashers: Christopher Columbus and the Taino People by Katie Messner and Jose Barreiro
Magic Tree House: Fact Tracker: Sharks and Other Predators by Mary Pope Osborne and Natalie Pope Boyce
SpongeBob SquarePants: What’s Cooking SpongeBob? By Nickelodeon Publishing
Juneteenth by Vaunda Micheaux Nelson & Drew Nelson Illustrator: Mark Schroder
Brokeback Mountain by Annie Proulx
 Timelines From Black History: Leaders, Legends, & Legacies  by DK publishing
The Black Girl Survives In This One by various authors 
All I Wanted Was Sushi But I Got Abducted By Aliens Instead by Petra Palerno 
Giant-Sized Butterflies on My First Day of School by Justin Roberts Illustrated by Paola Escobar 
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte 
The Juneteenth Story: Celebrating the End of Slavery in the United States by Alliah L. Agostini Illustrator: Sawyer Cloud 
The Girl from the Sea by Molly Knox Ostertag
Black Cake by Charmaine Wilkerson
Welcome to Camp Coral! By Nickelodeon Publishing
Cinderella Is Dead by: Kalynn Bayron
Let's Talk About Love by Claire Kann
What a Deai Girl by: Sabina Khan
Little Kids First Big Book of Dinosaurs
All I Wanted Was a Glass of Vino but An Alien Duke Kidnapped Me Instead by: Petra Palerno
Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books by: Azar Nafisi
When Stars Are Scattered by Victoria Jamieson and Omar Mohamed
Fangirl Down by: Tessa Bailey
Seasonal Crafts by Emily Kington
The ABCs of Asian American History by Renee Macalino Rutledge et al
Antiracist Baby by Ibram X. Kendi et al.
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass by Frederick Douglass
The First Woman Cherokee Chief: Wilma Pearl Mankiller by Patricia Morris Buckley et al.
The Picture House Murders: A Miss Clara Vale Mystery by Fiona Veitch Smith
Let Us Descend by Jesmyn Ward
History Comics: Rosa Parks and Claudette Colvin: Civil Rights Heroes by Tracey Baptiste and Shauna J. Grant
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paradlselost · 22 days
⠀ ⠀ ˙ . ꒷ 𝓕ANDOMS . 𖦹˙
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TASK FORCE 141 — john price , simon ‘ghost’ riley , john ‘soap’ mactavish , gary ‘roach’ sanderson , kyle ‘gaz’ garrack , nikolai , ++ alex keller , farah karin , alejandro vargas , rodolfo ‘rudy’ parra .
KORTAC — könig , nikto , kim ‘horangi’ hong-jin , sebastian kruger ++ valeria garza , philip graves + the shadows , vladimir makarov .
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TWO — arthur morgan , john marston , dutch van der linde , hosea matthews ( platonic only ) , abigail marston , mary beth gaskill , karen jones , tilly jackson , javier escuella , sean mcguire , charles smith , lenny summers , josiah trewlany , sadie adler , molly o’shea , kieran duffy , albert mason , charles châtenay , eagle flies , proetus + acrisius .
ONE + REVOLVER — jack marston ( teen + adult only ) ++ red harlow .
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NEW VEGAS — arcade gannon ( mlm only ) , benny gecko , craig boone , fantastic , jason bright , joshua graham ‘ the burned man ’ , robert house , sunny smiles , viktor , yes - man .
FOUR — nate / nora , ada , cait , curie , paladin danse , deacon , desdemona , glory , john hancock , nick valentine , piper wright , porter gage , preston garvey , robert maccready , x6 - 88 .
SHOW — lucy maclean , norm maclean , the ghoul - cooper howard , maximus , lee moldaver , thaddeus .
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VOUGHT — homelander , a-train , black noir , black noir II , queen maeve , lamplighter , translucent , firecracker , sister sage , the deep , ashley barrett , soldier boy , crimson countess , stan edgar .
THE BOYS — billy butcher , hughie campbell , annie january , sergei ‘frenchie’ , kimiko , marvin milk .
OTHERS — victoria nueman , luke riordan , andre anderson , cate dunlap , marie moreau , jordan li , emma meyer , sam riordan , maverick , popclaw , webweaver .
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SLASHERS — jason vorhees : friday the thirteenth , michael myers : halloween og + rz , billy loomis : scream , stu macher : scream , brahms heelshire : the boy , harry warden : my bloody valentine , billy lenz : black christmas , bo sinclair , vincent sinclair , lester sinclair : house of wax , bubba sawyer : texas chainsaw massacre , thomas hewitt : texas chainsaw massacre reboot + beginning .
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FAR CRY — john seed , joseph seed , jacob seed , faith seed , sharky boshaw , jess black , hurk drubman jr , adelaide drubman , grace armstrong , jerome jeffries , eli palmer , joey hudson , staci pratt , earl whitehorse . pagan min , ajay ghale . vaas montenegro , jason brody .
BALDURS GATE 3 — orgin dark urge , gale dekarios , astarion ancunín , shadowheart , lae’zel , wyll ravengard , karlach , halsin , jaheira , minsc , minthara , dame aylin , isobel thorm , omeluum , the emperor , rolan , dammon , ketherick thorm , enver gortash , orin , kar’niss , nym , sorn , raphael .
SUPERNATURAL — dean winchester , sam winchester , castiel , gabriel , adam winchester , lucifer , michael , anna milton , charlie bradbury ( wlw only ) .
OTHER — connor : detroit become human , joe goldberg : you , eddie gluskin : outlast whistleblower , father paul hill / john pruitt : midnight mass , riley flynn : midnight mass , sheriff hassan shabazz : midnight mass , kurt wagner : x - men , remy lebeau : x - men , peter maximoff : x - men , adrian chase : peacemaker , abner krill : suicide squad , edward nashton : batman .
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burntthecity · 1 month
hi all, updated plotting search post coming at you. i'm attempting to get my oc muse back after a slight drought with some of my most wanted fcs, opposites and pairings atm. although you can assume i’m searching for romantic plots unless stated otherwise, i also love platonic and would be happy to do friendship plots. everything is under the cut!
fyi, i will do f/m, f/f and f/nb plots! :)
wanted fcs/people I’d like to use: shelley hennig, joseph gordon-levitt, cody christian, rachel sennott, emeraude toubia, elle fanning, bill hader, zendaya, dylan arnold, eve hewson, sophie cookson, hailee steinfeld, josephine langford, victoria pedretti, virginia gardner, elizabeth lail, brenton thwaites, paul mescal, sarah pidgeon, robbie amell, jennifer morrison, vanessa morgan, bruna marquezine, hande erçel, grace van patten, charlie heaton, gideon adlon, greta onieogou, diana silvers, sophia carson, daisy edgar-jones, devon bostick, arden cho, molly gordon, phoebe dynevor.
general opps i’d love: nicholas galitzine, peter gadiot, lola tung, lakeith stanfield, diego luna, josh hutcherson, caitlin stacey, ben feldman, ayo edibri, lizeth selene, ryan gosling, rachel sennott, gael garcia bernal, michiel huismen, molly gordon, ruby cruz, vanessa kirby, victoria pedretti, felix mallard, penn badgley, grace van dien, madison bailey, taron egerton, aaron taylor-johnson, lakeith stanfield, shelley hennig, nick robinson, ross butler, gael garcia bernal, dominique provost chalkley, david harbour.
specific pairings (bold is who i want to write as)
nicholas galtitzine x any female (will give you your most wanted fem opposite)
luke hemmings x chase sui wonders
dylan o’brien x shelley hennig
maia reficco x kit connor
taylor swift x harry styles
jessica chastain x any male
cailee spaeny x any male
cody christian x any female (might require some backstory/an interest check, my cody oc is a hot mess lmao)
joseph gordon levitt x any female (35+)
phoebe tonkin x claire holt (platonic)
madison iseman x any f/m/nb (platonic and/or romantic, m if romantic)
priscilla quintana x any female/femme nb (platonic and/or romantic)
riley keough x any f/m/nb (platonic and/or romantic)
natalia dyer x any f/m/nb (platonic and/or romantic)
other important things:
if we’ve gotten to the point of plotting on discord before and you went ghost on me, i’ll be hesitant to plot with you again. sorry, but i hate feeling like i’m wasting my time. i am in no way innocent with this either, but i generally do not let it go to that stage and ghost. communication is key.
will also be hesitant to write against you if you only write f in f/m plots or require doubling. no one wants to be used for their males. i'd be happy to give you my guys when i have the muse for them, but i also have many queer lady charas that deserve special treatment too.
i’m a pretty low maintenance partner, meaning as much as i love plotting and sending headcanons and will happily do that with you, i don’t expect to hear from you constantly throughout the day and expect the same of you with me. as long as you let me know you’re still interested, great! but please do not pester me for replies or track me if i'm online. it makes me extremely uncomfortable. respect my boundaries and i'll do the same for you.
i am a smut fan but find my muse burns out really fast if the plot is solely smut and no real storyline to go with it. if sexy stuff happens, let's explore it! i just don't want it to be the whole plot.
despite all that seeming slightly harsh ^^, i promise i'm very friendly and approachable.
if you got through all this, bless you. please send me a message if you're interested or like this and i will come to you!!
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The “They Deserved Better” Poll
I’m even reading this, and I’m stressed making a choice but it’s a toss up between Bawson, Vicley, and Juke
Edit 1: had to go with Mike & Ginny in the end because Pitch was too quality for Fox to give up like that, and I will die on that hill
Edit 2: Why did I not put a multi ship/too hard to choose option?! That’s the vote of my heart
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divinefqces · 1 month
⭑ 1980’s names!
name master list ☀️ this list consists of (fem) names that were majorly popular during the 1980s. i will most likely be making a similar post to this eventually including sur names, if you have any suggestions you think would fit well in this list please lmk!
A ; amanda, ashley, amber, amy, angela, april, alicia, allison, alexandra, alexis, alyssa, anne, annie, angelica, angel, angeline, ana, audrey, aubrey, autumn
B ; brittany, britney, brittney, britanny, brandy, brandi, bianca, brooke, beth, brenda, barbara, bridget, bonnie, bonnabel
C ; christina, cristina, crystina, cristinna, christine, courtney, crystal, cindy, cyndi, cassandra, chelsea, catherine, cynthia, carrie, caitlin, caitlyn, cait, casey, candace, christy, colleen, carolyn, caroline, cassie, carla, claudia
D ; diana, dana, dawn, desiree, divine, destini, destiny, deanna, dominique, deborah, danielle, debbie
E ; elizabeth, emily, erin, eren, erika, erica, ebony, evangeline, elsie
F ; fallon, felicia, fern, francine, franchesca, faye, farrah, felicity, fiona, fiora, flora, freya, frey, frida, fatima, florence, frances
G ; gemma, gwen, gwenny, gabrielle, gabriella, gen, genevieve, genette, genesis, gem, georgina, giana, ginny, giselle, gina
H ; hannah, hazel, harriet, heather, hallie, hayley, hailey, holly, hope
I ; isley, ivy, imogen, isla
J ; jess, jessica, jessy, jessie, jessyca, jen, jenny, jenni, jennifer, jacqueline, jackie, jill, joanna, jaclyn, jaime, jamie, jordan, jordy, jordyn, jass, jas, jasmine, jasmin, jazz, jazzmin, jazzmine, jenna, jade, jayde
K ; krystal, kim, kym, kimberly, kymberly, katherine, kathryn, kathy, kat, katheryne, krystina, krys, kryssie, krissie, kristen, krysten, kristyn, katie, kate, kaitlyn, kaitlin, kathleen, katrina, kelsey, kara, kendra, kelly, kelli, kari, kourtney
L ; lydia, lindsey, lindsay, laura, lauren, loren, lauryn, latoya, leslie, les, lesley, leah, linda, lynda, laury, laurie, laurey, lori, latasha, liv, leigh-anne, lacey, lacy, laci
M ; maria, mariah, moriah, melissa, melyssa, michelle, michele, mychelle, mary, marie, monica, monyca, megan, meghan, megyn, megin, melanie, misty, margaret, molly, morgan, monique, miranda, melinda, marissa, meredith, merida, meagan, mallory
N ; nicole, nichole, nycole, nicol, natalie, natalia, nat, natasha, nancy, nina
O ; octavia, odette, odessa, olivia
P ; perrie, priscilla, patricia, pamela, payton, paige, paisley
Q ; quinn, quinnie, quinni, quincy, queenie, quen
R ; rachel, rachael, rachyl, rebecca, rebecka, rebekah, renee, reneé, regina
S ; sara, sarah, steph, stef, stefanie, stephanie, stefani, stephani, samantha, sam, shannon, sharon, stacey, stacie, staci, stacy, susan, susanne, susanna, sandra, sabrina, sheena, shauna
T ; trina, tiff, tiffany, tifany, tifaney, tiffaney, tiffani, tara, tracey, tracy, traci, tina, teresa, theresa, tara, tonya, tamara, tabitha, tasha, tammy, tamika, taylor
U ; unqiue
V ; vera, veronica, vanessa, victoria, vic, vickey, valerie, val
W ; willow, whitney, whit
X ; xandra
Y ; yasmine, yessica, yazzmin, yazzmine, yasmin
Z ; zara, zarley, zarlee, zarli, zarhlee. zoey, zoe
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Hello, as you can see, I write for Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, and probably Metal Family. Requests are always open.
Characters I write for
Hazbin Hotel:
Angel Dust
Sir Pentious
Cherri Bomb
The 3 V's
Helluva Boss:
M and M
Mrs. Mayberry
Verosika Mayday
The Cherubs
Metal Family:
Heavy (platonic)
What I will write:
Romantic and Platonic relationships
Poly relationships
Character x reader
What I won't write:
Things that supports self harm, sui*ide, or homophobia
Character x character
Character x OC
That's about it. I might add more, but, yeah.
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sunnydaleherald · 8 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Saturday, January 13th
Joyce's hospital room. Joyce has a hand mirror and is looking at her reflection. There's a large bandage on her head. JOYCE: I don't know, Buffy. I think I'll look like I have a cat on my head. We see Buffy holding a wig. BUFFY: But a very well-groomed cat. JOYCE: I think maybe I'll ... stick with a scarf. BUFFY: Come on, wigs are fun. We can get you a whole bunch of different ones. You know, you can be, like, Sixties Mom, Action Mom... (wiggles her hips, suggestively) French Maid Mom... JOYCE: (smiles) I must be getting better, 'cause you're making fun of me.
~~Into the Woods~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Weekly Drabbles #69 — Vengeance Ain’t Justice by veronyxk84 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
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What if Glory had won? by FPBarbieri (Buffy & Glory, G)
scorch marks by CallMeVampy (Giles/Jenny, E)
A Hell of his Own by Pinkperson (Buffy/Angel, T)
You, Me by zombiesam (Buffy/Giles, T)
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Take Me Home Tonight by all choseny (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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The Poet At The Door (or: Not Writ In The Stars), Chapter 10 by Eyeballs_to_Entrails (Spike/Drusilla, M)
Flavor of the Week, Chapter 8 by Alittleauthor (Giles/Inara, multiple crossovers, G)
Closer Enemies, Chapter 8 (complete!) by fatalfae (Buffy/Angel, E)
Buffy the Tenno, Chapter 35 by DarkPhoenixLady (Buffy/OC, T)
Under the Water, Chapter 26 by dwinchester (Gage, M)
Ecstasy: A Sexy Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fan-fic Fantasy, Chapter 3 by TheUnbrokenSpell (Spike/Drusilla, Spike/Willow, M)
If I Died In Your Arms (Third Chances), Chapter 2 by Ruby_Red_Stained_Glass (Angel/Darla, not rated)
Sisters, the adventures of Sam and Buffy Carter - Year 1, Chapter 6 by FPBarbieri (Buffy, Stargate and Marvel crossover, G)
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what I should have done, part two by Agent Lokitty on Tumblr (Giles/reader, not rated)
the family you need, part 11 by Agent Lokitty (Goles/reader, not rated)
the family you need, part 12 by Agent Lokitty (Giles/reader, not rated)
the family you need, part 13 by Agent Lokitty (Giles/reader, not rated)
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A Waxy Gent Chuckled Over My Fab Jazzy Quips, Chapter 13 by violettathepiratequeen (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Three Little Words, Chapter 7 by Maxineeden (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Afterburn, Chapter 4 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Something Lost Something Found, Chapter 5 by Safire (Buffy/Spike, R)
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The Prodigal Boyfriend, Chapter 6 by myrabeth (Buffy/Spike, 18+)
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An odd Couple of grumpy old Brits, Chapter 10 by Julikobold (Buffy/Spike, G)
Love Lives Here, Chapter 8 by Passion4Spike (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Pack My Box with Five Dozen Liquor Jugs, Chapter 13 by honeygirl51885 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Heaven Sent, Chapter 1 by sunalso (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Manip: SuSuSunnydale, here's to the fools who love, Chapter 8: Pride and Prejudice by loveisntbrains_ (worksafe)
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Banner: Tillow by NotASlayer (worksafe)
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Icons: Buffy in S01E11 by slashericons
Gif: buffy summers first gif attempt😓 by bluestarsandclouds (worksafe)
Manip: "Miss You" by Sweetbox by oveliagirlhaditright (Buffy/Angel, worksafe)
Video: applying my gen z humor to buffy in s6 by incognitoduck11
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Fanvid: Buffy The Vampire Slayer | Spike - You Don’t Know by T
Fanvid: buffy & spike | midnight rain x daylight by loveisntbrains
Fanvid: Spike & Buffy My Life Would Suck Without You by Moon Child
Fanvid: Buffy and Giles || Honey, It's Alright by Lucy Whiskers
Fanvid: Buffy + Lake - I am a person by Faith Victoria (Infinity Train crossover)
Video: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Revival Season 10 Episode 8: Saving Molly Walker by Buffy the Vampire Slayer Chosen
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Mothman's Buffy Rewatch: Season 2, Episodes 12 and 13 "Bad Eggs" and "Surprise" by mothmans-wedding-photographer
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Video: Let's Rewatch Buffy! Season 2, episode 2 by Jenny Trout
Video: School's Out! Buffy Season 3: Review/Discussion by Revisiting The Buffyverse
Podcast: Villains S6 E20 (Buffy and the Art of Story Podcast) by Lisa M. Lilly
[Fandom Discussions]
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Challenge #7 Make a list of fannish and/or creative resources by sparrow2000
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Dream: Buffy in Anime by madimpossibledreamer
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fuffy really has everything by antlerslayer
thoughts on the Buffy season two premiere where we see her dealing with her trauma etc by moodyseal
It’s canon that Giles and Jenny use the same coffee mug by mycatismyfriend
one of the reasons I really wish Spike never got his soul back by the-crooked-library
“Monster of the Week” format sci-fi and fantasy shows that are stuck in one location by tossawary
fuffy thoughts by annieofhearts
Thoughts about faith/cordelia by annieofhearts
how I think each Buffy character feels about cilantro by tana-draws
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Question - Why Buffy never moved on from Sunnydale after "Blood ties"? continued by NoShip
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Buffy being kicked out of her house continued by multiple posters
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Lilah Morgan in “Dead End” by Pumpkins217
Why is Connor, an innocent kid manipulated and used almost his entire life, considered the worst character in the series? by Angelfirenze
Giles should have been the primary face of the First by Ecstatic_Speaker7473
What's up with the potentials?? by Wasted_Truth
When was it established [Buffy and Spike] would have a relationship by katywell
What episode makes you laugh out loud and also cry? by rednax2009
if you could professor walsh-together 1 buffy season what would it be by katywell
This forced triangle [Xander/Buffy/Angel] is the worst by DreamersArchitect
3 Slayers by Rich-Industry339
Season 6? by happyman778
Normal Again theory by Rich-Industry339
Characters from different universes who would be besties by Sad_Abbreviations318
Season 7 spoilers: why didn't Buffy... by AutomaticService8468
Why do Vampires want to turn earth into a hell dimensions? by Strongi_Klaus
What's your favorite moment that's so small, it barely counts as a moment? by InfiniteMehdiLove
Did vengeance demons for guys exist? by Eagles56
“Wild at Heart” by Pumpkins217
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Video: Buffy The Vampire Slayer | Anatomy Of a Toxic Relationship by kitten_kween
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wheels-of-despair · 5 months
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Live A Little | A Worth It AU | Ralph Penbury x You | Masterlist
In This Edition: You and Ralph spend one last day on the Carpathia! Words: 2k
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"Hey, kids?"
You slowly blink yourself awake and lift your head to see your aunt sitting on the edge of her bed.
"I've heard we're supposed to arrive in New York tonight. You should get up and move around a bit before then, remind those muscles what their job is."
You sigh and lie back down, on your back, to stare at the ceiling.
"If we get in tonight, it'll be late. We'll get a hotel room 'til morning, then try to find your mother and father. The wireless operators sent out a list of survivors for the papers, so I expect the place will be crawling with relatives and reporters. Ralph?"
"Yes, ma'am?" he answers.
"You're welcome to come with us."
"Thank you, ma'am."
"But you should find your sister and make sure she's alright, too. She's around here somewhere."
"Yes, ma'am."
"They're serving breakfast in the dining hall now. Take a right at the end of this hallway and keep walking, you can't miss it." She gets up and makes her way to the door. "I'll meet you back here before dinner?"
You nod in agreement, and she leaves. A moment of silence passes, and then you feel Ralph reach for your hand. You lace your fingers together and let out a collective sigh. He turns to face you with a twinkle in his eye.
"May I escort you to breakfast, Mrs. Penbury?"
You face splits into a grin, and you lean over to give your husband a kiss.
Half an hour later, you sit as close as the chairs in the dining hall allow, and eat your first meal as a married couple quietly.
You know your parents will eventually adjust. Aunt Molly will probably ask what took you so long when she finds out. Ralph's father is gone, and he expects his mother won't care. Neither of you gives a damn about Victoria's opinion on the matter.
"I suppose we ought to go find Victoria after breakfast," Ralph sighs, as if he can read your thoughts.
"What will you say to her?"
You haven't forgotten the way she treated him that night at the lifeboats. Or the games she'd played with him all his life. You haven't spent much time discussing her, but you suspect you've only scratched the surface of the awful things she's done to him.
"I don't know," he admits. "Do we tell her that we're married?"
"If you like," you smile. "Do you think she'll fling herself overboard in protest?"
He grins wickedly, drains the last of his tea, and you embark on your journey to find Victoria.
Ralph holds your hand as you walk the ship you'd been on for four days, seeing it for the first time. It feels different than exploring Titanic. There was an air of fun to it, then. This feels wrong somehow. Knowing that you and your loved ones had made it off of the other ship safely, while so many others were mourning for those they'd lost. You, who has just married the love of your life, and have a future together to look forward to. How many dreams had been sucked down into the depths with that ship?
Ralph seems to sense it too. He holds your hand tightly, and wastes no time scanning each room for his sister. He doesn't stop moving until you arrive in an open area with children playing.
"Is that Katie?" he asks, squinting.
"Who's Katie?"
"Victoria's maid."
He stares at a young woman on the other side of the room, showing a group of children how to make figures with their fingers and a loop of string. She laughs with them, but when she looks up to see Ralph, the color drains from her face.
She gives the string to one of the children and rises, walking toward Ralph like a prisoner to an execution.
"I'll be right back, love," he says quickly, going to meet her halfway. You watch their interaction with curiosity, and a bit of fear. How could anyone be afraid of Ralph? Is there a side to him that you haven't seen yet? Your doubts are short-lived, because Katie's fearful eyes crinkle in a smile after a few words from him. They talk for a moment more, laugh together, and part with what are clearly well-wishes.
"Katie's been hired as a nanny," Ralph says excitedly upon his return. "Victoria told her not to bother coming back until she'd reclaimed everything from the purser's office. It was closed, so Katie took that as a dismissal and boarded a lifeboat. She entertained the children through the night, and a nice American family has asked her to stay on with them. She already loves the children. I'm so happy for her!"
"So am I," you smile. Katie returns to the children, and a little boy runs to her and extends his arms. She picks him up in a hug and swings him around. One of the children on the floor tugs at her skirt, and she kneels to show them the string trick again. They watch in awe. "That looks way more fun than taking orders from Victoria," you wink.
"She's managed to avoid Victoria thus far, and has asked me not to tell her that she's here," Ralph explains. He takes one last look at Katie, a proud smile on his face, and leads you to the door.
"Would she care?" you ask.
"Only because she'd expect to be waited on," he says with a roll of his eyes as you proceed to the next room. "I feel terrible for not making sure that Katie was safe that night."
"Darling, I believe you were a tiny bit preoccupied that night. I seem to recall something about a frightened woman who wouldn't let go of your hand?"
He smiles and kisses your temple, and the search for Victoria continues.
You finally spot her in a lounge, surrounded by the girlfriends you'd spent the first part of your week trying to avoid.
"Victoria," Ralph says stiffly, when you approach from behind.
"Oh, there you are, Ralph," she says with a glance back at him. "Some old lady told me that you were here."
You bristle, at both her reaction to finding out that her brother was alive and her assessment of your aunt.
"I've been bored out of my skull," she whines. "There's nothing to do on this bloody boat." She hangs her head off the back of her chair, and her eyes land on you. She smirks. "No need to ask what you've been up to."
Ralph tenses. You glare.
"What will you do when we arrive in New York?" he asks.
"Find a bottle of decent champagne," she grins, still upside-down. "And get Uncle Albert to buy me a new wardrobe."
Ralph watches her for a moment, calculating. She rolls her eyes when she gets sick of the staring contest and sits up.
"Alright," he finally says. He squeezes your hand and turns, and you follow.
"Where are you going, baby brother?" she pouts.
"To enjoy the company of my wife," he calls over his shoulder, not slowing his pace. You grin, imagining the look of shock on her snobby face when she works out what he's said.
Deciding you'd had enough exercise for the day, you return to your room. You sit on the bed and ponder the what comes next. What will the weather be like when you arrive? Will there be a media frenzy? Will Ralph's uncle be there waiting? What about your parents? How will you find them? How long until you can go home?
Pain flashes across Ralph's face at the mention of home.
"What is it, Ralph?" you ask, scooting closer.
"I'll have to cross the Atlantic again to get home," he whimpers. "What if I never stop being afraid? What if I can never go home again?" Ralph lets out a sob, and covers his face with his hands.
"Then we'll make our own home." You pull him to you, and he buries his face in your neck. "It's a big continent, Ralph. We'll go exploring and find a perfect place, just for us. Anywhere you want. Because home is wherever we're together."
You rub soothing circles on his back until he sits up with a final sniffle. You reach out to dry his cheeks.
"I love you, Ralph."
"I love you, too," he mutters.
"We're going to be alright."
He nods. You hold out your hand, and he takes it with a shaky smile. You lace your fingers together and squeeze. Everything is going to be alright, as long as you have each other.
You decide to skip lunch, but join Molly for dinner. She's made lots of new friends these last few days, and invites you to sit at a table full of other survivors. Mostly women. You can feel their eyes on your Ralph. It unsettles you both. You eat quickly, speak only when spoken to, and retreat back to your room as soon as possible. You sit on the bed, because there are no chairs.
Aunt Molly comes in right behind you, before you can discuss the awkward dinner, and perches on the edge of her own bed.
"I'm sorry," she apologizes. "Most of their men didn't make it. The officers wouldn't let them in the boats."
Ralph turns red.
"There were no more women in line," you argue. "The officer told him to get in. There were a several men on our boat. In others, too!"
"I know, don't go jumping down my throat," she says, putting her hands up. "I'm just telling you why you're getting odd looks."
Ralph's face is on fire.
"I can't wait to get off this ship," you mutter, blinking away tears. You will not feel guilty for getting to keep your love, even if others weren't so fortunate.
"Should be there in a few hours," she says softly. "I'm going back to the lounge to wait for news. I'll come get you as soon as we get there."
She gets up and heads toward the door.
"Aunt Molly?" you call.
She turns back, hand on the doorknob.
"We got married last night."
She smiles. "That's exactly the kind of good news I needed to hear. Congratulations."
You both mutter a "thank you", and her eyes light up.
"Oh, your mother's head is going to explode," she says excitedly. "Your payment for the trip will be making sure I'm there when you tell her. I have to see this. This is going to be more fun than hand-delivering the invitation to my own wedding!"
You laugh, and Molly winks. "I'll see you kids in a few hours."
When the door closes, you look to Ralph and grin.
"You know, Mr. Penbury…" you say mischievously. "My aunt has stated her intention to be away for several hours. I do believe that gives us time to officially consummate our marriage."
"It does, doesn't it?" he grins, eyes darkening.
"Unless you have a better way to spend our last few hours here?"
"Absolutely not," he says, mouth crashing against yours.
You were officially consummated and back to presentable when your aunt returned to the cabin to fetch you that night.
You wait in the lounge with the other first class survivors for what feels like an eternity. When you finally start moving, things become a blur. You hold tightly to Ralph's hand and follow him blindly through the pouring rain and the slippery walkways. You keep your head down, only vaguely aware of a large crowd on the dock and a lot of flashing cameras.
"Ralph!" Victoria's unmistakable voice cuts through the chaos. "Uncle Albert is here!"
Ralph shouts for Aunt Molly ahead of him, and the three of you make your way over to Victoria and Uncle Albert. Quick introductions are made, and Ralph's uncle leads you to a motorcar. You end up sitting on Ralph's lap. Aunt Molly and Victoria sit side by side, and Ralph's uncle sits up front with his driver.
The cameras continue flashing. You're grateful when the car begins to move. You look down at Ralph and reach out to wipe the raindrops off of his face. You're all soaked and shivering. The ride passes slowly and in silence, even with Victoria present. Apparently all her girlfriends were on their own. Had she even said goodbye to them?
You watch the buildings of New York pass by through the window, thankful to be back on solid ground with the people you love.
(And Victoria.)
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crosscountryrally · 2 years
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Energy X-Prix: Cristina Gutiérrez y Sebastien Loeb consiguen el título de Extreme E para X44 y Lewis Hamilton, Nasser Al-Attiyah y Klara Andersson ganaron en Uruguay
Una definición al rojo vivo tuvo la Extreme E en Uruguay, luego de que Cristina Gutiérrez y Sebastien Loeb se quedaran con lo justo con el título de campeones 2022 tras conseguir exactamente el tercer lugar que necesitaban más los puntos del Continental Traction Challenge. Fue una carrera difícil para Gutiérrez y Loeb afectada por el polvo y solamente lograron la P3 en los últimos metros cuando se anunció una penalización de 7 segundos sobre el Andretti United. En cuanto a la carrera en sí, ABT Cupra dominó completamente las acciones con Nasser Al-Attiyah y Klara Andersson logrando su primera victoria en la serie de SUV eléctricos.
La carrera arrancó con Sebastien Loeb teniendo una gran partida por fuera y poniéndose primero, pero desafortunadamente se pasó en un par de curvas y fue superado por Nasser Al-Attiyah primero y luego por Tanner Foust de McLaren y Timmy Hansen de Andretti después. Con el polvo no le era posible progresar pese a mostrar que era más rápido, y así se mantuvieron las posiciones hasta el cambio de pilotos. Ese fue el momento trascendental luego de que Andretti United cometiera un exceso de velocidad en la calle de boxes y fuera penalizado. Con McLaren, Andretti y X44 muy apretados en el final de la carrera con Emma Gilmour, Catie Munnings y Cristina Gutiérrez respectivamente, el equipo Andretti United cayó al cuarto puesto y quedó fuera del podio, subiendo a X44 con Loeb y Gutiérrez al puesto que necesitaban para ganar el campeonato. Adelante, Klara Andersson confirmó el gran manejo de Al-Attiyah y terminó ganando con cómoda ventaja. 
Los comisarios de todas maneras investigan un contacto entre Gutiérrez y Molly Taylor de Veloce en la tercera vuelta, que terminó con el auto de Veloce fuera de la pista.
X44 consigue el título luego de un excelente cierre de temporada con victoria y podio en Uruguay que coincidió con dos fines de semanas muy malos para el Rosberg X Racing, que tuvo un cierre de pesadilla en Uruguay después de haberse perdido la Final en Chile. El duelo entre Lewis Hamilton y Nico Rosberg en Extreme E queda igualado y también es el primer título para Prodrive en la categoría de SUV eléctricos, socio técnico de Hamilton en la Extreme E. 
Imágenes: Charly López - Prensa Extreme E
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