#mom louis
lovelylou · 2 years
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Satellite by @boosbabycakes28 (BoosBabycakes)
⋆*+・゚:⋆*・゚:*⋆.*・゚+.: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ⋆*+・゚:⋆*・゚:*⋆.*・゚+.:
Louis is a hardworking, dedicated, loving single mum with no interest other than making his son happy, and who thinks that love will never knock on his door again.
Harry is a lone man, successful in his field, and thinks he has his life together and all figured out.
Wrong meets clueless, lives get turned upside down in the best way possible with the help of a cute and curious little boy, who just wants to learn more and more.
⋆*+・゚:⋆*・゚:*⋆.*・゚+.: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ⋆*+・゚:⋆*・゚:*⋆.*・゚+.:
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jaypentaghast · 1 month
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it's fine lestat, phrasal verbs suck anyway
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sandushengshou · 27 days
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Interview with the Vampire | 1.02 "...After the Phantoms of Your Former Self"
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rocketrouquine · 3 months
What are we putting on the wall now to replace the Francis Bacon ?
Ok let’s leave it bare for now… wait for revelation.
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This is the wall in question. And the revelation, you guessed it.
They are insane.
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notfeelingthyaster · 2 months
the most awkward thing is going to be louis learning about gabrielle, this whole ass, very important person both armand and lestat took off the narrative
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exoscreamsoda · 22 days
i made my religious southern black grandma watch the first ep of iwtv
most shameful thing ive done in a while, i already knew she doesnt like vampire or horror stuff because the blood disgusts her but shes really old and i wanted her to experience peak cinema atleast once
[my grandma is very open minded]
here are some reaction points ⬇
she automatically loves daniel malloy because hes old
she found "french white" to be a really funny phrase
i forgot that making her watch this meant i would have to sit through the sex scene. i spent 20 min trying to find an excuse and just as i got up ms. lily started rubbing her nipples, i knew this because my grandma started yelling WHATS SHE DOING? D:
my poor grandma was barely processing the ms.lily boob thing before my dad walked into the room. now theyre both witnessing this sex scene
she started laughing when louis pushed lestats hand away but when they started going at it she was like 👁👁 ?? and i had to explain that he was being seduced and also theyre freaky
"you know this doesnt suprise me, i heard new orleans is known for gay people". i ask her to elaborate on this but she doesnt???
she gets bored again when its over but paul's death grabs her
the confession scene (which i think is the best in the series) makes her lock in so hard she sits up and cant even hear when we're talking to her
immediately starts screaming and telling louis to run when lestat starts killing those priests and cant stop saying WHAT. DONT LET THAT WHITE DEVIL IN once louis accepts and kisses him 😭
she still cant get past the gore but said that i can show her some more episodes next time. i won 😚
[i need to reiterate that my grandma is not homophobic but the blood was genuinely making her mad 💀 propose normally next time lestat]
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acesstark · 8 months
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IWTV character as random posts and tweets I’ve been collecting, part two
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casualavocados · 2 months
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The only fucking person who will look at you is me.
Chiang Tien as AI DI KISEKI: DEAR TO ME (2023)
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the-uncanny-dag · 2 months
Another great thing about IWTV is the deconstruction of the found/chosen family trope everyone's been sick of to death by now. Turns out a family isn't automatically better just bc you "chose" or "found" it. None of the shit we've been told would've happened if these chucklefucks stayed lost and orphaned
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smalldicksantiago · 4 months
LOVE how claudia is like HE THREATENED ME and louis is like nahhh armand would never. you stupid fucking slut. be for real.
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iliveinarainbow · 3 months
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my-coven-is-claudia · 2 months
a moment that’s really stuck with me from the trial is during lestat’s apology when claudia reminds louis of his possible insincerity and the futility of his apology. what’s most significant is that in the face of danger claudia is the one out of the two who takes the lead. claudia always as louis’s protector. nursing him after being brutally beaten by lestat. conceiving the plan to murder their maker. leading them through war-torn europe. claudia’s fearlessness and determination is what urges louis to continue moving forward. to leave america behind and all the pain it signifies and find others like them. to start a new life and finally (try to) escape lestat’s grasp. claudia was louis’s spark in the dark but that spark was his life-force. his willingness to continue living was tied to her existence. his anchor amidst the chaos. if claudia was not by his side then what was the point in hiding from the sun anymore. it takes a failing relationship, two interviews and suppressing his grief for over half a century for louis to be able to speak of how much he loved and adored claudia. and learning to live without her will surely take more than a thousand sunsets.
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dragon-razor-writings · 8 months
10-year-old Jaune: "Hey, dad? How exactly was mom like as a Huntress?"
(A couple decades ago…)
Josephine: *going apeshit with an axe against Grimm and Saleites* "DIE, INFIDELS! FACE YOUR PUNISHMENT FOR DEFYING THE GODS!!!"
Louis: '…Why is that weirdly attractive?'
Louis: "She was…much more intense."
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srldesigns6277 · 3 months
@alarrylarrie I made the video you wanted. Oli being a single mom and doing everything
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arhapsodyofwords · 8 days
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She had a way of cutting me off when I spoke to her, and mingled with my love was a powerful resentment of her. All my life I'd watched her read her Italian books and scribble letters to people...yet she had no patience even to teach me or my brothers the alphabet...I was twenty and I couldn't read or write more than a few prayers and my name. I hated the sight of her books; I hated her absorption in them. And in some vague way, I hated the fact that only extreme pain in me could ever wring from her the slightest warmth or interest. Yet she'd been my savior. And there was no one but her. And I was tired of being alone..."
Re-reading The Vampire Lestat, it struck me that Lestat managed to recreate his childhood in Auvergne with Louis at 1132 Rue Royale.
He also found a partner who completely embodies his mother and triggers him in the same way. Gabrielle de Lioncourt was a very unhappy person who would escape her circumstances by reading, and she would spend all day doing this while neglecting Lestat when he was only a child.
Louis shares this reading habit with Gabrielle (as well as the ability to ignore his child while the other father torments her. "Come in the great hall and play chess with your father.").
I want to see these flashback scenes recreated in season 3 so badly.
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waterghoulcalamity · 2 months
on the topic of lestat and gabrielle...
i've mentioned before that i hope they drop the incest and honestly i think they might. i mean, they removed louis and claudia's really uncomfortable companionships from the books and focused instead on the father/daughter aspect of their relationship which in my opinion i cannot even quantity how good of a decision that was.
the way i see it, lestat's relationship with his mother can be seen through the lenses of gender instead of the lenses of sexuality. what i mean with that is that it always seemed to me that, just like gabrielle tells lestat that she always saw him as all she could've been because he was a man and therefore was allowed to do things that she wasn't as a woman (i don't remember the exact words but it was something of that effect), lestat, too, envied her for her gender. in his eyes, it's likely that he associated her knowledge with her gender. she was the only woman he knew closely and she was the only person in that house that had proper education and valued said education.
likewise, it would be interesting to do a study on how her disconnect with her gender affected her perception of motherhood, and by extension, how that affected lestat as a person. it would also be nice to see a present day gabrielle being more comfortable with her own son because she's more comfortable in her own skin.
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