#moms for Josh Groban
demonbarberofbeepbeep · 5 months
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I’m seeing them in one week mind you. In case anyone forgot
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themakeupbrush · 1 year
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Josh Groban at the 2023 Tony Awards
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holdoncallfailed · 8 months
after sweeney todd on saturday the cast came out to promote a charity and they held a spontaneous auction for a straight razor autographed by josh groban & a hug from him and this woman offered TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS...when she was announced as the winner she came running down the aisle and handed me her glasses to hold and then climbed up the metal fence/grate above the pit orchestra and was hauled onto the stage by a couple cast members and then sprinted across the stage to meet him...i just had to watch in awe. this woman risked life and limb for a hug from josh groban. i saw the look in her eyes...the distinct feral gleam of horniness that only josh groban can inspire in middleaged women...i had to respect it. that was like a six foot drop from the stage to the floor and then another six feet into the pit. there was nothing that could stand in the way of that lady getting a grope of the grobe.
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power-chords · 9 months
Mom and I thought there was no way we were going to be able to see Sweeney Todd because the popular shows are never on TDF. Well it turns out Josh Groban's understudy is filling in for him for the week and ticket sales are down so guess what we're doing tomorrow night!
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fistfuloflightning · 10 months
I can’t decide on a voice for Maglor.
Either Will Martin, with such a stunning clear tenor
Exhibit A:
Or Josh Groban, who has the literal voice of an angel—beautiful, haunting and powerful
Exhibit B and C:
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17yearcicada · 11 months
fun fact when i showed my mom chess in concert i was like Surely she will not cry at this one it's so bad. and then she cried both at anthem and you & i reprise.
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froggierboy · 1 year
the fact that i can't just say "who's [xyz person]?? kill yourself!!" anytime someone doesn't know who a celebrity is bc the people in my life will not recognize it as an ironic reference to glee and will get their feelings hurt is one of the top ten tragedies of my life
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rjalker · 10 months
The birds: [absolute silence]
Me: *speaks*
The birds: Ay si volvieras a mí Encendería el sol mil primaveras Si regresaras por mí Sería un milagro cada beso que me dieras Pero hoy te vas y no hay vuelta atrás
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dragonloanshark · 1 year
can’t stop listening to 2023 sweeney todd revival epiphany. full cast album now NOW I say
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bloomingonionbitch · 1 year
(..."Hamilton" really fucked with my personal financial perception of Broadway - like, it was wild at its peak! but i can definitely swing a frugal birthday trip to NYC to see "Sweeney Todd" and "Hadestown." our district shifted to a "year-round" schedule so we go back July 12th and have two, two-week breaks in fall and spring. guess whose birthday is the first Saturday of the break!?)
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comradebezukhov · 2 years
I want to ask Josh Groban on a date and give him flowers and open the door and pull his chair for him and pay for him and kiss his hand goodnight because I am a girl gentleman
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youremysputnik · 10 months
josh groban just absolutely eats up every single musical theatre role he’s given i understand all the moms who have his cds on repeat i really do
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cspasfan15 · 3 days
Today I have the final 2014 Best Dancer which is Brynn Rumfallo from Club Dance Studio, the Las Vegas Mini Female Winner. She has also been part of the group Fresh Faces from AGT, performed with Josh Groban, Maddie Ziegler, and Jaycee Wilkins on DWTS and was on 2 seasons of Dance Moms. Brynn is currently still teaching and choreographing and recently started working again at Club.
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ballsballsbowls · 1 year
I hinted at it pretty strongly about 2.5 years ago when posts about Orville Peck were going around, but none of those were MY posts and with pride month nearly here, I am just going to spell it out loud and clear.
Orville Peck didn’t have to do this.
What I mean is that if he had wanted to simply Make Tons Of Money Making Music, he had a couple of much more lucrative ways to do it than what he chose to do.
He’s a classically-trained tenor. If his goal was the fastest route to cash and household recognition, there’s ALWAYS room for another okay-looking, sexually nonthreatening, classically trained tenor doing covers of other people’s music. Something you can put on at Thanksgiving dinner or when your kid has friends over and nobody complains.
Andrea Bocelli has stepped way back a lot in this sphere, probably because he’s in his 60s, and Josh Groban’s getting awfully long in the tooth as well. Michael Buble is busy making Pepsi commercials, which is probably for the best. There hasn't really been anyone new marketed hard in this space for 10+ years. He’d have KILLED, and every wine mom with a kid in performing arts school would have bought every CD he put out.
But there had to have been at least a single moment in his career where he realized he could have been Polite and Heterosexual and made a boatload of money doing it.
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cariantha · 7 months
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Ethan and Sawyer answer questions about themselves from this list: Make Me Admit Stuff.
Timeline: Second Year, Post-Attack
For context, Sawyer ran away to San Diego a few days after the funeral. Ethan flew out to CA to be with her.
(Both Ethan and Sawyer)
#3: Have you taken someone’s virginity?
Sawyer: “No.”
Ethan: “Yes.” 
#6: What are you excited for?
Ethan: “For us to finally be together. No more pretending or denying how we feel.”
Sawyer: “Same. Though I wasn’t pretending or denying anything. My feelings for you were pretty obvious.”
Ethan: “You’re right. And I’m so grateful that you never gave up on this. On us.”
#10: What is the last beverage you had?
Ethan: “We went out for Italian tonight. I ordered a glass of red wine.”
Sawyer: “I had a mocktail. Something with lemon and raspberry, if I remember. I’m trying to avoid alcohol while I’m on certain meds…”
#12: Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?
Sawyer: “Yes. Several.”
Ethan: “What the hell are 'skinny' jeans?”
Sawyer: “Ethan, they're the kind that I wear. You know, the style that made you curse in frustration the other night as you tried to remove them.”
Ethan: “Ah, yes, I have a love/hate relationship with those jeans. But I think I have the technique down now. Unzip, fold down, and peel away.”
#13: What are you gonna do Saturday night?
Sawyer: “I was promised that if I changed out of my sweatpants and went to dinner with you, that I could pick the rest of the activities for the night.”
Ethan: “And I plan to keep my promise, Rookie. So? What will it be? Another rom-com, cuddling by the firepit, a walk on the beach? What do you want to do?”
Sawyer: “You. I want to do you.”
Ethan: “Well then, let me prove that I can be a man of my word.”
Ethan throws her over his shoulder and carries her upstairs.
#14: What are you going to spend money on next?
Sawyer: “A plane ticket back to Boston?”
She looks at Ethan.
Sawyer: “I think I’m ready to go home.”
Ethan leans forward and kisses her forehead.
Ethan: “Then I’ll be buying those plane tickets. We’re going home in first-class, baby.”
#17: Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
Sawyer: “More and more, I’m realizing it’s Ethan. He knows what I’ve been through. He’s was there. Romantic complications aside, he’s always been there. He listens and doesn’t try to tell me how to feel. That’s what I need most right now. And even before the incident, he was always the first person I sought advice from. He just understands the current version of me better than anyone else.”
Ethan: “It’s been Sawyer for while now. Before her, I would say it was Naveen.”
#21: Are you in a good mood?
Sawyer: “Today … today has been one of the better days.”
She glances at Ethan for reassurance.
Ethan: “Yes…”
He looks lovingly at Sawyer and squeezes her hand.
Ethan: “It’s been a good day.”
#34: Listening to?
Ethan: “Josh Groban.”
Sawyer: “To be honest, I had Gone by Charli XCX and Christine and the Queens on replay for the past couple weeks. I was in a bad place. But now that Ethan’s here, I’ve gotten on the Josh Groban bandwagon. There’s something so soothing about his voice. On the good days, I’ve been listening to new stuff from LANY and Lauv. I have a few favorites from Jane and the Boy too.”
#36: Do you know where the last person you kissed is?
Ethan: “Yes.”
Sawyer: (points to Ethan)
#37: Do you believe in love at first sight?
Sawyer: “Lust at first sight, yes. But love at first sight? No. I think you have to get to know a person’s heart before you can say that you truly love them. I do believe falling in love can happen quickly though.”
Ethan: “Same.”
#47: Who was the last person to call you?
Sawyer: “My mom. She’s been checking in everyday since…it happened.”
Ethan: “Naveen. To also check on how Sawyer is doing–”
Sawyer: (covering his hand with hers) “And you…”
#55: Favorite type of fruit pie?
Sawyer: “That’s a tough one. I love cherry and apple. Not a big fan of peach. Hmm, if I had to pick just one, I’d go with Razzleberry. It’s a mix of raspberries, blueberries and blackberries. Though I do love lemon and key lime too. Really anything tart.”
Ethan: (distracted)
Sawyer: “Ethan? What about you?”
Ethan: (looks up from his phone where he was Googling Razzleberry pie recipes) “Oh, uh, Dutch apple.”
#61: Wear a bath robe?
Ethan: “No.”
Sawyer: “Only because I live with roommates. If I lived on my own, then no.”
#72: Ever win a spelling bee?
Sawyer: “No. It’s not that I’m a bad speller, but I’m more of a visual person. I have to be able to write it out and see that it’s correct.”
Ethan: “Yes, I won the spelling bee at my elementary school and then at the district level. I took second place in the regional competition.”
Sawyer: “Oh, so close…”
Ethan: “I would have gone on to state, but I threw the regional competition. My dad insisted on taking time off work to come and watch me compete. He had to work overtime to compensate. It was the same year my mom left. I hated when he worked late. I cared more about having him home in the evenings and on the weekends than I did about winning.”
Sawyer: “Aw, babe. You’re making me cry…”
#74: What is your favorite book?
Ethan: “Mine.”
Sawyer: “I can’t tell if you’re joking or not.”
Ethan: “I’m not. But I do also enjoy the author, Dr. Robin Cook. He writes medical thrillers. If I had to pick a favorite, it would be Chromosome 6.”
Ethan: “And you, Rookie?”
Sawyer: “Yours.”
Ethan rolls his eyes.
Sawyer: “I’m serious! I wasn’t lying when I said that I’m your biggest fan.”
#78: Who would you like to see in concert?
Ethan: “Believe it or not, I’ve never seen Placido Domingo perform live.”
Sawyer: “You need to cross that off your bucket list soon. He’s getting up there.”
Ethan: “So are the Back Sync Kids.”
Sawyer: “Ha. Ha. I’ve already crossed those ones off my list. Hmm… Oh, I know! Conor Maynard. His voice is incredible. I’d love to hear him live in concert someday.”
#79: What was the last concert you saw?
Ethan: “Garth Brooks.”
Sawyer: (snaps her head to Ethan in surprise and laughs) “That is not what I was expecting you to say.”
Ethan: “Naveen is a huge fan. When I heard that Garth’s tour was coming to town last year, I gifted him a pair of tickets for his birthday. He insisted that I go with him.”
Sawyer: “Did you wear a cowboy hat and boots?”
Ethan: “No.” (starts scrolling through this phone) “But Naveen did. He had the big belt buckle too. I have a picture here somewhere. What about you?”
Sawyer: “Justin Bieber.”
Ethan: (rolls his eyes)
Sawyer: “Hey! Don’t judge me. I went with my baby sister.”
Ethan: “Oh, I’m so judging you right now.”
Sawyer: (murmurs under her breath) “My mama don’t like you and she likes everyone.”
Ethan: “What?”
Sawyer: “Nothing. Next question.”
#80: Hot tea or cold tea?
Ethan: “Cold.”
Sawyer: “I’m not a fan of either. But if I’m sick and desperate for some relief, I’ll sip on some hot tea.”
#87: Ever won a contest?
Ethan: “Yes. Many.”
Sawyer: “Which one were you most proud of?”
Ethan: “All of the ones where I kicked Tobias’ ass.”
Sawyer: “Ethan.”
Ethan: “I’m kidding.”
Sawyer: (glares at him)
Ethan: “I’m mostly kidding.”
Sawyer: “For me, I won some science fairs when I was a kid. And I almost won the intern competition for the junior fellowship on the DT. I mean, I got the spot anyway, but I like to think that I would have won fair and square had the competition continued.”
Ethan: “You would have.”
Sawyer: “I think you were a little biased though.”
Ethan: “Goddamn right. But that doesn’t change the fact that you were still the best for the job.”
#92: Do you want to get married?
Sawyer: “Yes? I’ve always pictured myself married one day. But is it a deal breaker if I meet the ‘one?’ Not necessarily. For me, it’s not about the certificate or the title and name change. I just want the promise of commitment. And to be honest, most of my hesitation about getting married has more to with the actual wedding. My mother is a wedding planner, and the thought of her insisting on a huge, over the top wedding makes me break out in hives. If I get married, I want my wedding to be intimate and romantic. I want to be present and savor every moment with my partner. I don’t want to be the main attraction at a circus, dancing and performing for everyone else just because it’s 'tradition.’ Does that makes any sense?”
Ethan: (looks to Sawyer) “I didn’t used to think so. But one thing I’ve learned recently is…it’s impossible to know what the future will bring.”
(Sawyer only)
#7: What happened tonight?
Sawyer: "I decided earlier in the week that I was ready to go home. To Boston. Ethan and I are flying back tonight."
#13: What are you gonna do Saturday night?
Sawyer: "When we land in Boston, we're going back to Ethan's place. He's going to make us dinner later and we're just going to have a quiet night in. Tomorrow, I'll head back to my apartment and try to settle into some normal routine."
#18: The last time you felt broken?
Sawyer: "Now. I feel broken now. But I'm working through it. I feel like I'm being held together by duct tape at the moment, but at least I can function. That's an improvement over a couple weeks ago."
#19: Have you had sex today?
Sawyer: "No. Maybe later? I'm going back to my apartment tomorrow and Ethan goes back to work on Monday. I'm sure he'll be swamped for a while. Since I'm not sure when we'll be together again, I wouldn't mind making tonight count. If Ethan's in the mood, that is."
She shakes her head and chuckles.
Sawyer: "Who am I kidding? Now that he's not holding back, he's always in the mood."
#26: Is your current hair color your natural hair color?
Sawyer: “Right now, it is. I’m naturally a light brown with some reddish undertones. When I spend a lot of time in the sun, it lightens up a lot. But I usually help it along with blonde highlights. When I started at Edenbrook, I was much more blonde. Every once in a while I’ll change things up and go darker brown or slightly more red.”
#37: Do you believe in love at first sight?
Sawyer: “With people? No. With donuts, everything bagels, and pepperoni pizza? Absolutely.
#45: If you could, would you take back your last kiss?
Sawyer: "Not a chance.”
#68: Favorite Taylor Swift song?
Sawyer: "I'll admit I like Taylor, but I'm not really a Swiftie. I have 'The Archer' and 'Gorgeous' on my current faves playlist. 'Archer' has a cool vibe. And 'Gorgeous' makes me think of when I first met Ethan."
#81: Tea or coffee?
Sawyer: "Not really a big fan of either one, but if I had to choose? Coffee. Usually a mocha Frappuccino with either raspberry or peppermint and lots of whipped cream."
#88: Ever have plastic surgery?
Sawyer: "Yes."🍒
Timeline: Post-Series
(Both Ethan and Sawyer)
#4: Is trust a big issue for you?
Sawyer: “Do you mind if I answer for both of us?”
Ethan gestures for her to go ahead.
Sawyer: “Trust is a big issue for Ethan. He eventually trusted me enough to share why, and I totally get it. Trust is super important to me too, but I wouldn’t say it’s a big issue. I’m generally a pretty trusting person unless you give me a reason not to be. Ethan on the other hand? You have to earn his trust.”
Ethan: “Well said.”
#5: Did you hang out with the person you like recently?
Sawyer: “No-”
Ethan: “You wound me, Rookie.”
Sawyer: “You didn’t let me finish. I was going to say, no, I hung out with the person I love.”
Ethan: “My apologies. According to your reasoning, my answer would also be no.”
#17: Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
Sawyer: “Ethan.”
Ethan: “Sawyer.”
Sawyer: “Really? I would have guessed yourself. You talk to yourself a lot.”
#23: Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?
Ethan: “Yes.”
Sawyer: “No. My dad has brown eyes.”
#33: Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?
Ethan: “I’ll drink a Coke once in a blue moon, but I’m not much of a soda drinker. Sawyer on the other hand…”
Sawyer: “I do love my Dr. Pepper. It’s like a comfort food for me. And for the record, I don’t drink nearly as much soda as he drinks coffee.”
#41: When was the last time you ate a cupcake?
Ethan: “It’s been a few months. I think it was at Hud’s birthday party in Minneapolis?”
Sawyer: “Today. Sarah brought them in for Marlene’s birthday.”
#48: Do you sing in the shower?
Sawyer: “Only if I’m home alone. I love to sing, but I know I’m tone deaf.”
Ethan: “I don’t sing in the shower.”
Sawyer: “But he hums.”
#56: Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
Ethan: “I wanted to be a detective.”
Sawyer: “I’ve shared before that I wanted to be lots of things. I went through so many phases including teacher, doctor, scientist, astronaut, surfer, rock star, and FBI agent. But I remember another one… when I was pre-teen I wanted to work at Disneyland. I thought it would be so cool to work at ’the happiest place on earth’ and meet people from all over.”
Ethan: “You would have made a beautiful princess.”
Sawyer: “Bold of you to assume I wanted to be a princess. But I know you’re just trying to be sweet, so I’ll forgive you.”
Ethan: “You’re right though. My apologies. So what did you want to be?”
Sawyer: “A princess.”
Ethan rolls his eyes.
Ethan: “Instead you became a very successful pain in the ass.”
#61: Wear a bath robe?
Ethan: “No.”
Sawyer: “When it’s just the two of us? No.”
Ethan: “What do you call the puffy robe you wear in the winter?”
Sawyer: “My David Gandy Wellwear duvet coat? That’s not a robe. It’s more like a snuggie. And I only wear it when you’re not around to cuddle with.”
#73: Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
Ethan: (locks eyes with Sawyer) “Yes.”
Sawyer: “Stop looking at me like that. You’re going to make me cry right now.”
(Sawyer only)
#16: Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?
Sawyer: (rubs her swollen belly) “Yep, I think a lot will be changing for me in the near future.”
#42: Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?
Sawyer: “Unfortunately, no. They are both on the other side of the country. But now that you have me thinking about it, I’ll definitely be giving them a call later to check in.”
#56: Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
Sawyer: “Everything! I went through so many phases. I wanted to be a teacher, a doctor, a scientist, an astronaut, a professional surfer, a rock star, an FBI agent…”
#91: Best room for a fireplace?
Sawyer: I think the aesthetic is cheesy, but I do loving have a fireplace in the bathroom. I stayed in a hotel suite once with one of those two-sided fireplaces in the master bedroom and bathroom. It was so relaxing to soak in that tub and zone out as I watched the flames flicker.
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drschnauzer · 15 days
I will forever love dilfy Josh Groban but god forgive me I can never understand how white moms can thirst for early 2000s twinky Josh Groban
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