#monalisa movies
wild-saber1337 · 1 year
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Oh raph you sucker for tough girls
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Mamma mia | chapter three
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listen to: Gimme!Gimme!Gimme! - Abba (Movie cover) | Save your tears - The Weeknd (playlist here)
warnings: accidental pregnancy, smut 18+, raising a child alone. warnings will be added as the story progresses. For this chapter fainting, sexual assault
series masterlist + read the next chapter early on my ko-fi!!
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As soon as you stepped out of the Uber, you had a feeling that tonight wasn’t what you’d expected. 
The sound of the loud music and chatter filled your ears, and the smell of alcohol and weed hit your nose. Your brows pinched as you gazed back at James. 
“Are you serious?” you asked as you gazed at the house. 
It was a college party. People were doing keg stands in the backyard, you could hear them counting and cheering for whoever was doing it. There were boys in the entrance with sunglasses asking people for money, eyes roaming the bodies of the girls that desperately wanted to enter, and people puking on the front lawn while their friends laughed. 
“Are you serious?” you repeated as you glared at James. 
James stared at the scene while Augustine grimace as she saw another girl puking. God, the music was so loud, the police were going to bust this in a matter of seconds. 
“Relax,” James said. “We’re twenty-three, not fifty,”
“And they are like fifteen,” Augustine said as she scrunched her nose slightly. 
“We said this summer was going to be messy,” James said as she took a cigarette from her purse and placed it on her lips.
“Fun, we said fun,” you narrowed your eyes at her. “We could’ve gone to the Hard Deck,”
“Next time, now come on,” James said as she took a hold of your hand and pulled you to the party. 
As you walk up to the front door of the house, where a group of people is huddled together smoking cigarettes, you winced when you felt your heels sticking to the mud in the front lawn. 
“I wasn’t promised this!” you complained while James snickered as she let the smoke out of her mouth. James only smoked when she was at these types of parties, she knew you and Augustine hated the habit but she couldn’t quite quit it. 
“You’ll thank me later!” she said before she walked up the porch. 
James talked for you to the guys wearing sunglasses, even though it was past 10:00 pm already and the sun was nowhere around. 
Quickly, they performed their routine, eyes roaming your legs and then the short skirt you were wearing, the revealing tube top that let them a clear view of your collarbones. You quickly wrapped yourself in the oversize white dress shirt you’d chosen to wear while you glared at them. You felt so stupid with that bandage on your arm but you still didn’t give them much thought. Then, they gazed down at Augustine. With a nod at you, they let you pass, and you made your way inside. 
The room was packed with people, and you immediately felt overwhelmed. The living room is transformed into a makeshift dance floor, and people are jumping and swaying to the music. Screaming and whatnot, you try to move in the sea of what surely were intoxicated college students. 
“What do we do now?” Augustine shouted over the music. 
James shrugged as she took in the scene, the Monalisa smirk that was perpetually drawn on her face lit up, and she gazed back at you. 
“Whatever we want!” she replied, finally grinning before she took off. 
You watched her as she went to a table where people were taking shots and playing beer pong. Augustine and you held hands for a second as you stared at the scene. 
“I’ll get us something to drink!” Augustine said with a grin.
At least Augustine didn’t leave you alone. At first. 
Augustine offered the drink she made with her amazing bartender skills, at least that’s what she’d said while beaming at you. You winced as you gulped down the drink, apparently a mix of pineapple juice with a triple measure of vodka. 
By the fifth drink, you weren’t too annoyed by the grinding idiots in front of you. The music changed eventually, and after a few drinks, Augustine pulled you onto the dance floor. Moving your hips to the beat you decided to let loose, it felt good to let go and have fun, even if you weren’t quite comfortable with the party. 
By your eighth drink, Augustine was teetered to a guy that had been gazing at her almost since your fourth drink. You lost her by your tenth drink, sipping on the red solo cup you closed your eyes as you felt the beat of the music, tracing your hands delicately over your body felt good, the satisfying buzz of the alcohol in your bloodstream, drinks clouding your thoughts. 
Calling Bob tomorrow. Definitely, that was your first thought, or you could’ve called him at that moment. Yes, that was your second thought until you recalled that you didn’t have his number. You pouted, eyes still close. You should’ve taken his number. This summer was the one you wouldn’t care about but you would remember, asking a guy for his number shouldn’t be badly seen. You needed to be different, you wanted to be different so badly, and you wanted to stop holding yourself back. 
By the time you felt the hand on your lower back and your eyes snapped open, you realized that you were definitely tipsy. Before you knew it, you were swapping the arm away from your body as you turned around with a frown. Tall and muscular, not a good smile, and definitely drunker than you. 
"Hey there, I don't think I've seen you around here before," he said, his words slurred. 
You narrowed your eyes at him. 
If this had been you ten drinks before, maybe you wouldn’t have said anything. You might’ve walked off from the makeshift dance floor, but you didn’t. 
“Touch me like that again and I’ll break your hand,”
You were definitely bordering on drunk now, you realized as you stood your ground but lost a bit of balance even if no one had touched you. The guy scoffed as his friends laughed at him. 
“Not my fault you’re wearing the shortest skirt around,” the guy said, towering over you as his eyes roamed your body. “Honestly it’s a fucking invitation,”
Your whole body feels like it’s vibrating, anger rushing through your blood as you tilt your chin up to look at the Frat guy. 
“Like I would be interested in a guy with probably the smallest dick in the whole house,” you scoffed at him, eyes glued to his. Not backing down. 
That’s when you see it when you should probably give a step back because his eyes suddenly turned dark. Your lungs are burning up, hatred swelling your chest and then in the back of your mind, there’s a slight sense of danger. It’s drowned out by the drunken haze you found yourself in. 
Without warning, his hand moves towards your body, reaching and finally managing to graze the curve of your ass before hell breaks loose. Honestly, you aren’t sure what you were thinking. No one actually knows, because quickly pull a left hook and hit him right in the jaw, his head snapping to the side from the strength of your hit before you feel a strong set of hands holding you tightly by the shoulders while another one pushes you back to your chest and then gives the guy a second blunt to his jaw. 
“FUCK!” You screamed loudly before you could actually take in the scene as you held your injured wrist, letting your body rest against the strong chest that was holding you. 
“You ever touch her or anyone like that again and I’ll swear I’ll break your fucking nose,” 
There’s a slight Texan accent on his words, you can perceive it even through the pain and the drunken haze. It sounds like the first bite of a crisp apple, the way wood crackles under the fire, the pop of a champagne rock. It overwhelms you, pain and drunk buzzing, through it all, his voice is the one thing that keeps you grounded. 
“Honey, are you okay?” James’ voice made you snap your eyes open, only then did you realize that tears are running down your cheeks 
You bit your lower lip as you shook your head, the pain was thumping hard through your wrist, it felt like your heart had been dragged there. As if you were holding it with your right hand. 
“Javy, we may need to take her to the hospital,” James said as her chin tilted up to the person, Javy, who was holding you tightly against his chest. Closing your eyes, you realize that you didn't care that you didn’t know him, you allowed him to hold you, and for some reason it made you feel safe. 
“Is she okay?” his voice made you snap your eyes open, and there he was. 
You noticed his eyes first. You always noticed eyes first for some reason, they were green, the green that the water turns under the right light on a sunny day when the sun sets in the softest way possible, with no cues of orange or purple, just hazel and golden. His eyebrows were furrowed in a certain way, creases appearing in the middle of his forehead as he shook his left hand softly, probably because his knuckles were beating too from hitting the guy square in the jaw. A smile tugged on your lips as you watched him. 
He was older than the guys there, you could tell, even older than you. You estimated the late twenties, a worrisome feeling on the back of your neck asked why he was doing there if he was older but then you recalled James and you tried not to judge him immediately, Then, your eyes fell on his arms -his biceps-, toned and peeking out from the tight white shirt he was wearing. It passed through your mind that you were checking him out but how could you not, dangerous half-smirk, broad shoulders, tanned, tousled short blonde hair. 
You wondered if you stare at him too long. You could’ve blamed the alcohol but it was your body, you couldn’t help how it reacted to him. The sizzling heat under your cheeks, the way your heart stuttered for a second when his sea-foam green eyes fell on you, the way goosebumps erupted on your skin as he leaned closer to you, grazing your skin. But then that thumping pain on your wrist didn’t let you think anymore, you whined softly as you held it. 
“Who are you guys?” you whispered as you stared at him. 
“Honey, this is Jake and this is Javy,” James said as she took a strand from your hair and placed it on the back of your ear.“They are our new friends,”
You nodded slightly before tears began to stream down again, they knew their path already. Running through your cheeks, falling to your elbow, some running their way down your neck, into your collarbone. You weren’t sobbing by any means, it was one of those times when you couldn’t pull yourself together. It used to happen a lot when you were a teenager, you were perfectly fine but tears would be streaming down. You guessed it was the alcohol. 
“Are you actually okay?”Javy said as he let go of you slightly. 
Jake frowned, his eyebrows pinched. “She’s crying, of course, she’s not okay Coyote,” he said incredulously, quickly taking a hold of you when he realized that you were losing your balance. 
“Who’s Coyote?” you asked, as you leaned into his chest a bit, seeking warmth, everything was suddenly so cold. 
“Javy,” James said as she passed a hand through your hair softly, you whined. Everything swirled for a second, you closed your eyes as you nuzzled further into his chest. He smelled like oranges. Fuck, you were drunk. 
“That’s a stupid nickname,” you whined as you pressed yourself further into his chest. “I think I’m going to puke,” you sighed. 
Javy quickly glared at James who quickly bit her lip, a smile tugging in the corners of her lips as well as Jake’s. He glanced down at you as he took your arm softly. 
Your face was a performance. No, not from the crying or your pout, you were so beautiful it was hard for him to look away, it’d been hard since he first noticed you when James had pointed at you. Your cheeks were dusted with something shimmering and gold too, it sparkled like a mirrorball on the dancefloor. Even tainted with tears, Jake could see the spark, the way your long lashes struggled with the tears that fell down, the glassy look in your eyes. 
“She needs to drink water,” James said as you let another whimper, hushing you as she placed her forehead against yours. 
James usually didn’t act like that, it was all Augustine but sometimes, when she knew you were hurting, she was the most motherly of all. That’s how you knew that you really look bad.
“I’ll take her,” Jake suddenly said, quickly untangling you from Javy, and quickly pulling you towards him. He smelled like lemon and wood. The urge to vomit suddenly calmed down. You sniffed him, then worried about if he noticed. You hoped he didn’t.  
He did but he found it strangely endearing. 
“Are you sure?”James asked, there was a pointing tone to her voice. 
Suddenly, you wrapped your arms around his waist, nuzzling further into his chest. Jake smiled slightly, as he gazed down at you and then he quickly wrapped his arms around you. You sighed contentedly. 
“I’m sure,” Jake said as he began to walk with you toward the kitchen. “Go and have fun,”
As soon as you reached the kitchen, the fluorescent light made a wave of nausea rise from your throat but all of the sudden, you felt him getting a hold of your waist. Before you could even protest, he took your body and placed you on the counter without any effort. For a moment you felt embarrassed, your eyes were still closed and you were way too whiny. It must’ve been vodka. Or the pain. For a moment you’d forgotten about the painkillers they’d given you earlier. 
You felt a bit disappointed in yourself. Tilting your head back, and closing your eyes, you exhaled a long fuuuuuuuuck. 
“What was that?” he asked. 
Opening your eyes, you stared at him offering you a glass of water. He was way too beautiful for his own good, you guessed. That smirk, god, he was so much trouble.
“Aren’t you the nicest cowboy?” you teased him, watching him through your lashes. 
A slight smirk tugged on the corners of his until a grin appeared on his face. It made your cheeks burn too.
“Here, something that won’t actually fuck your liver,” he said as he offered the glass of water. 
You took it softly from his hand, your eyes still trained on him. It’d to be the alcohol because you knew that back in New York you wouldn't have looked at him like that. The water felt good, the more you drank it, the more you thought you could actually see. The tunnel vision went away, the blurriness of it all dissipated, and nausea did too. The only thing that remained was the heat sizzling under your skin as you watched him, your heart stuttering when his eyes met yours in a certain way. 
You couldn’t read him, though. 
“Thank you for helping me with that douche,” you finally said, when you felt like your words wouldn’t stumble against one another as they rolled out of your tongue. 
Jake snorted softly as he passed a hand through his short blonde hair. “My pleasure, sweetheart,”
Without losing your balance, you jumped from the counter and left the glass on the sink. Always a perfect guest, he thought. Then you turned towards him, a curious glance beaming in your eyes as you stared at him, biting your inner cheek. 
“What’s your name?”
“Jake Seresin,” he said, there it is again, the slight Texan accent. “Yours?”
You tell him yours, he smiles as he hears it. 
“You have a stupid nickname like your friend?” you asked him. Maybe you were still a bit tipsy, you thought as you waited for his answer, hoping that you hadn’t offended him. 
You didn’t. He laughed, shrugging shoulders slightly. 
“Nah, that isn’t original,” he answered, in a voice that neither confirmed nor denied whether this was true. You raised an eyebrow as you leaned a bit down, trying to move a bit. 
Often, when you were past a certain number of drinks, your body felt numb. As if your limbs weren’t connected to your brain fast enough, soon you realized that stretching might help. Even if it looked weird, you didn’t really care at the moment. 
“Then tell me, I’m drunk and hurt and you’re,” you stared at him, specifically at his eyes. You frowned slightly, following his line of vision, which ended up just under your collarbones. You scoffed. “You’re looking at my tits,”
You didn’t move though. 
“No, I’m not,” he said, still looking at them, focused. 
“You’re still doing it,” you rolled your eyes before you stood up straight, covering your body with your oversize shirt. 
He didn’t seem ashamed though, which in turn, didn’t annoy you instead, it almost made you smile. 
“I’m respectfully looking at your cleavage,” he finally said before meeting your eyes again. 
You rolled your eyes. “God, you guys are all the same,” you said as you strode away from him. Part of you wanted to find August and James and get the hell out of there, another part wanted him to stop you. 
He did. 
“No, no, no,” he said as he caught your wrist, pulling you closer to him. “I swear, I’m not,” he said. 
Lemon and wood, you tilted your chin to look up at him through your lashes. Hyperfocus on the way he held your wrist for a second, firm and soft at the same time before his hand snaked down and interlaced his fingers with yours. 
“Yeah, sure cowboy,” you said before offering him a slow, catlike smile. 
Jake bit his lower lip as he stared at you. 
“Just dance with me, you’ll have a swell time and realize that I’m nothing like that guy,”
“I need to be very drunk before I do that,” you answered. 
“I think we got that solved, darling,”
With glassy eyes and pink cheeks, you allowed him to circle you in his arms and pull you forward into the crowd of bodies. Matching the sway of your hips, you dance throughout the night. The music fills the room like water, seeping into every corner. It must be the drink or your state of mind, but every nerve in your body is glowing with heat you didn’t know you possessed. 
A deep sense of faith fills your chest. Everything led you to this, to be here with him, to be held by him. To feel like this. He’s warm and you close your eyes the more you dance, every breath you take is jumping back and forth between a content sigh or a laugh. An electric jolt spread through your body each time Jake touched your skin as you danced. Soon, James and Javy joined you on the dancefloor, then Augustine with her beau of the night. 
The night passes seamlessly. Drinking a bit more, dancing until your body is sweaty, you don’t recall doing anything else. At least, until James finally announces that the party has died and that you should go home. It’s ten past three in the morning when you guys manage to arrive at your place by walking and screaming old songs. 
“Even though the guys are crazy, even though the stars are blind,” Jake and Javy sing along as James, Augustine and you are looking at them, smiles drawn up on your faces as you stare at the two best friends holding each other by the shoulders. 
“If you show me, real love, baby. I’ll show you mi-i-ine,” you sing along now, Augustine and James holding your hips as you walk. 
“I can make it nice and naughty,” Jake and Javy sing, soon Javy is wrapping his arms around James, holding her tightly against him as he sings on the curve of his ear and neck. 
“Be a devil and angel too,” Augustine, Jake and you respond, you feel Jake holding your waist, you try not to blush anymore but you can barely control your body. 
“Got a heart and soul and body,” James and Javy sing as you reach your place. “Let’s see what this love can do,” Augustine sings as she takes your keys and opens the door to your place. 
“Baby, I’m perfect for you,” all of you scream as you enter your place. 
James announces that Jake and Javy will be sleeping downstairs and that you girls were going to sleep upstairs and alone. Jake and Javy groan at the statement but truly they didn’t put up much of a fight, though you see the way Jake gazes at you but you’re too tired to even make a pass on him. Your body aches with every step you give as you climb through the stairs and reach your room. 
You’d left your window open before you left, the moon is shining bright, and the moonlight enters your room just in the right way to allow you to discard your clothes without turning on the light. The sound of the waves crashing against the sand fill your room. Moonlight kisses your bare chest as you discard your top, as you discard your skirt leaving you with just your panties while you look for your oversize shirt. 
Suddenly, you hear a noise. Snapping your hair towards the door, covering your chest fast, you see him standing in the frame of your door. He’s squinting but he’s still looking at you until your eyes meet his and he quickly looks away. You frown. 
“What are you,”
“I’m not looking, I swear,” he said. 
You raise an eyebrow, he’d already given you a good look, at least at your ass but you don’t mind as you quickly take your shirt and put it over your body. 
“Weren’t you going to be down,” you said but he cut you off. 
“Jamie came for Coyote,” Jake explained as his eyes remained closed. “I honestly don’t want to listen to my best friend having sex, can I just crash?” he asked. 
His voice is soft and genuine. You stare at him, his eyes close, his jeans discarded, he’s only left in his boxers, shirtless too. For some reason you trust him, you know he’s not going to try anything. With a sigh, you walk towards him and take his hand softly, pulling him inside your room. He allows you to, opening his eyes to see you closing the door. 
“We aren’t sleeping together, okay?” you said as you turned towards him. 
“Okay,” he answers. 
With a nod, you guide him to your bed. He accommodates into the small bed fine, you allowed him to go first given that he seemed already half asleep and you honestly didn’t care much which side of the bed he took, you were exhausted. Swiftly, you collapse on your bed with a pleasant sight, though, it’s hard for your limbs not to stumble with Jake’s. 
He notices it right away, hyper-aware of your body heat, of how you feel. He wants to blame that he drank a bit, but he knows he just wants you close, quickly he wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him. You allow him to, melting into his touch. You stare at him softly. He’s so beautiful.
For a second, your chest is hot as you trace with light feathers touching his face and his collarbone. Jake hums softly at the actions, allowing his eyes to drift shut, too tired to look at you but his chest is so full with the fact that you allow him to hold you. You were thankful that he allowed you to drink the sight of him. 
“Jake?” you whispered. 
“Darlin’” he responded.
Rising a bit from his chest, your lips covered his. It was soft, it wasn’t urgent or starving but it was so purposeful. He cupped your cheeks as he held you closer, you molded your body to his. Your mouth moves against him delicately, exploring each other, tasting each other. Vodka, lemons, honey, mint. It makes your whole body vibrate and you don’t pull apart until you finally remember that you can breathe. Softly Jake presses his forehead against yours. 
“Thank you,”
You’d fainted before. One time, due to alcohol, seven years prior. It strangely didn’t feel as different as you were feeling now. Now, even though you were completely sober, you still felt a pounding headache as your eyes fluttered open. 
“She’s waking up,” someone says. Opening your eyes slightly, you found the source of the hushed voice. It is raspy and velvety. A little bit stronger than before. “Give her some space,” he says.
Squinting your eyes meet his stunning caramel eyes. He looks way older now but strangely you feel the same way as he stares at you with concern clouding his features. Your limbs tingling, cheeks warming up, taking deep breaths. Is as if your body remembers him better than you do yourself. Feeling the warmth of his hands on the back of your neck is enough to send goosebumps erupting on your skin. And then he smiles, his pink lips, that characteristic smile that you often see on Inés. 
“Please, tell me this is a nightmare,” you groan slightly.
Rooster frowns for a moment before he smiles again shaking his head at your comment. “It is nice to see you too, Honey,” he teases. 
The way your name drops from his soft lips is enough to make you realize that this is for real, that he’s here again. Holding you. Without knowing that you have a child, a child that, 
“Oh no,” you whine, closing your eyes. Wishing he would be gone. It’s childish, you know it. In such a vulnerable state though, you feel like you can be yourself with him even after all these years. 
Rooster shakes his head with that smile. “Missed me that much?” he teases as he helps you stand up, he moves your body easily. Maybe easier than before, he has grown so much in the last few years. 
You glare at him as you finally sit down on the floor while you close your eyes again. “Forgot how annoying you were,” you bite back. 
He chuckles, his eyes gleaming as he watches you. You hadn’t changed that much from the day he met you, you were still as beautiful as the day he’d met you in this same place. You seemed different though, he wasn’t sure in what ways, but he could feel it. There’s a slight sharpness on you now, you’re all edges now. He remembers how much he adored how you laughed, it always made him feel warm and tingly on the inside. He has been thinking about that sound since the day he left. 
“Here’s the glass of water,” another voice suddenly pops up from behind you. Snapping your head around you see him, those beautiful metal blue eyes. 
It is almost an involuntary move on your part but you can’t help yourself, the corners of your lips tug and a smile is drawn on your face as soon as you meet his deep ocean-blue eyes through his gold-framed glasses. Those doe-eyes really do it for you. He’d been in your dreams before, only in your dreams, you realized as you gazed at him. Bradley had been in a couple of nightmares, but nothing major. Jake was often the source of them. Bob, though, was nothing but kindhearted. The sight of him made you forget for a second how afraid you were of actually seeing him. 
And yet, you still answer in the same witty way that you know he used to relish. 
“Floyd, tell me the truth, was it too bad?” you ask him, your nose scrunching slightly. 
Bob’s lips tug into an unfamiliar smirk for everyone but you. Walking slowly, his steps bathed in confidence before he kneeled next to you, staring at you eye to eye, he answers. “I wouldn’t say it was awful,”
Bob didn’t have to say anything more, you know him like the palm of your hand. You can read him, even after years of not seeing him, you could always read him. He knew it’d been bad. You knew it’d been bad. Everyone in the damn place who was surrounding and whispering knew it’d been bad. 
“God, it was awful,” you say as you place your palms over your face, embarrassment creeping in. 
You instantly feel like that young girl again, so worried about what others might think. Under their eyes, for a moment you felt like you were twenty-three again. Twenty-three and lost. Twenty-three while thinking about a future that never came. 
“Come on, kid,” you hear Penny calling from behind, she was placing her phone in her back pocket. “Let’s get you to the booth,” she instructs.
Bradley and Bob nod as they hold your hand. You barely have to do any physical effort, between the two of them, you feel like a feather. People are still watching you from afar as you groan while sitting in the booth, Bradley and Bob watching you carefully, concern creasing their features. They both look older now that you have them so close, it’s strange, you’d kept them young for so much time in your mind that it made your throat tighten a bit. So much had happened and they didn’t even have a clue.   
“It wasn’t awful, by the way,” Bob says as he offers you the water again. You smile politely and you take a sip and watch them carefully. Even if their features had aged, their eyes hadn’t. You’d spent so many nights watching them, thinking about them, wishing they weren’t around, and now you didn’t even know if you should speak. 
“You’re lying but I appreciate you,” you say. “God, how long it was out?”
“Around 6 minutes?” 
Bob notices how your nose scrunches as you let out a long fuuuuuuuuck with your breath. You still did it, even after all those years. Looking away from them, you sip on your drink, your eyes moving even though you zoning out. You tended to do that back then, you hadn’t changed, an internal dialogue with yourself was something Bob wished he could be part of. 
“Have you eaten something today?” he asks. 
He knows you haven’t. He can see it, he knows -knew- you so well. He could detect these things, he could tell when you hadn’t eaten, when you were in a mood, when you didn’t sleep. You remember he did. Wishing you weren’t so transparent in front of him, you look down, away from him. It feels like you’re under a microscope under his gaze. 
Wondering how long would it take him to notice that you were keeping something from him. Though, he never found out. 
You shake your head. “I didn’t sleep either,” you explain. 
“Honey,” Bob says, shaking his head, slightly annoyed. 
It’s almost as if you could hear him telling you that you have to take care of yourself. He said it back then. You took his advice, you didn’t only take care of yourself but of Inés too. You’d change. Bad habits though, don’t leave you that easily.  
“Wait, do you know Bob?” Bradley suddenly asks. The puzzlement in his features is enough for you to know what he’s thinking. Racking his brain, trying to understand why Bob and you know each other so well, why there’s an ease to your conversation, why it seems like you know Bob as well as you know Bradley. 
Bob frowns at his question. He turns to Bradley with the same hint of discomfort in his metal blue eyes. “Do you know her?” he asks. 
One time your mother said that you were lying to yourself. Self-sabotage she later called it, delusion was another word that came up too. You were good at it. So very good that you often didn’t realize when you were doing it, like when you were twenty-three and in a messy love square and you were telling yourself that you could’ve avoided the consequences of it. You’d lied to yourself to the point that you didn’t believe anything could go wrong. The longing for living without the responsibilities and the pressure you’d felt since you were a child was one hell of an excuse for your behavior. 
It wasn’t anymore. You’d grown out of it or at least, self-awareness. Now, you were good at realizing you were lying to yourself. Even more now as you watched the two pilots, the creases on their foreheads, the way they were racking their brains trying to put the puzzle of how you knew each other in order. Maybe they’d met each other recently, a detachment, you argue with yourself even though you know exactly how they know each other. 
“Do you know each other?” you ask, your voice soft, eyebrows raised as if to act surprised. 
They turn to you and nod slowly, they are still confused. They are still inexplicably in awe that the girl that was probably the one that got away for them knew one of his friends. They are still trying to see if the times when they were spending late nights at a bar, talking about girls and past loves, they were talking about the same person. 
“We were at Top Gun together,” Bradley says first.
“Yeah, seven years ago,” Bob continues. 
All of you fell into silence, a silence you could only describe as tricky. It was tricky to pretend to be surprised, it was tricky to even raise your eyebrows enough to make it credible, it was tricky to believe that their minds weren’t already turning, that their frowns weren’t becoming deeper as the seconds pass as if you didn’t notice the spark of confusion in their eyes. 
Rooster noticed first, at least he was the one that made it more obvious. His nose scrunched slightly as he frowned. 
“Wait,” Rooster repeated raising a hand as if I ask you to slow down. Bob turned to him, clocking exactly what was 
Rooster actually asking. “How do you actually know each other?”
“I was going to ask the same thing,” Bob continued. 
“Well, we,”
Someone suddenly gasped so loud that the three of you quickly snap your head towards the door. James felt like a tsunami sometimes, she would swarm the place, drown it quickly in her state of emotion. She burst into the Hard Deck as her eyes scanned the place before they found you. A wave of relief washed over you as you moved away from the booth, still feeling a bit woozy, and walked towards James who quickly engulfed your body into a hug. 
“Penny called me,” James says out of breath, pulling away, grasping your shoulders, searching your face. “I came as soon as I could. Why did you- Have you not been sleeping well?”
“Jamie,” you answer softly as she placed her hand over your forehead. But she was on a roll, her maternal instinct spiked in the last few years, especially when Inés was born. 
“I’m actually going to murder you if you don’t go to that Doctors appointment that I’ve been chasing you about, god!” she says loud
“Wait, James,”
She rolls her eyes. “I know what you’re going to ask. I didn’t leave her alone or bring her, I thought that I was going to go in an ambulance with you. August was home, she stayed with-,”
“THANK YOU!” you yell, quickly cutting her off before she mentioned her name. 
James frowns only turning deeper as she searches your face. You don’t have to say anything, over ten years of friendship was enough for both of you to know each other well. Her gold-freckled eyes moved from yours, her head tilting slightly as she took in the view of Bradley behind you. 
“Oh,” she says softly. “No, no,” she muttered mostly to herself. You didn’t move though, you wish you could’ve but you just freeze, looking away from Bradley as he walks towards both of you. 
Bradley speaks first, confident as ever. “Nice to see you, James,” he says, you can taste the smirk in his words. 
“What are you doing,” she begins but then she sees Bob walking towards her and you can feel her face dropping. 
“Oh my god, is that,” you turn towards her as you see Bob timidly smiling at her. The smile on James’ face is too bright and big for Bradley to ignore as she walks towards Bob. “Bob Floyd,”
“Didn’t think you’d remember me,” Bob says softly as James places a hand on Bob’s shoulder. She has a wide grin as she examines him. You stare at the both of them, Bradley too, too perplexed to understand what’s going on as you feel your cheeks heating by the second. 
“My dearest Rober, how could we ever forget you?” James says the grin is bright and the subtext is right there. James doesn’t have to say how she remembers Bob that well, it has been a running joke between the three of you since that summer. 
She shouldn’t mention it, though, at least not in front of Bradley either. 
You turn away, the warmth on your cheeks getting harder to undermine as Bradley’s eyes are fixed on James’ and Bob’s interaction. Thankfully, Penny strides towards you, interrupting whatever next line James would say. 
“Ready to go to the Doctor?” Penny asks as she holds your shoulder, squeezing your shoulders affectionately. 
You shake your head. “Penny, I’m so sorry for everything,” you say, voice trembling as you press your lips together. 
“No, no,” Penny says as she caresses your cheek. “Please let me know if you’re okay,” she says. “Let me know if she’s okay,” she tells James as she walks towards you, finally leaving Bob and Bradley behind. 
For a moment, you feel safe. 
Until Bradley speaks again. 
“Shouldn’t she stay longer?” Bradley asks. He’s worried but also, you know deep down that he wants to know more about you, he wants you to stay. 
You frown. “She is right here, and she’s not a kid anymore,” you say. 
It’s meaner than you meant it to sound, but you can’t help the bitterness it comes out. The nausea comes again, what if they found out what you’ve done? What if they find out?
“And she’s got to go,” James says as she takes your hand and pulls you away from Bradley and Bob, who keep burning holes in your back as you walk out of the Hard Deck. 
But then you hear both of them, at the same time, turning towards them. The smile on both of their faces, the way they loved you back then, everything comes back. 
“It was nice to see you, Honey!”
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author's note: I'm so excited to listen to your thoughts!
taglist: @not-two-shrimp @startrekfangirl2233 @caitsymichelle13 @callsign-cherrybomb @books-are-escapes @siriusfahey @fulla02 @bananas1234michaelclifford-blog @michaelclifford-blog @2525sc @grxcisxhy-wp @cottagecori @shawnsblue @rogersbarnesxx @safeikik @mimisparkle12 @darkheartcherry @brokenhearts-world-blog @fudosl @lovingjakeseresin @strwbhrrygarfield @twsssmlmaa @wearewhoweare28 @ittydoor @lnmp89 @mickeygs-world @actuallyazriel @laracrofted @railmerooster @tempt-ress @eli2447 @callsign-cherrybomb @fulla02reads @saramaple @caidi-paris @astronomeoww @andromeda-starship @endofdays56 @hollydaddy @msunnyblog @na-ta-sh-aa @cottagecori @deadgirl02 @flashyourgreeneyesatme @abaker74 @thesimpybitch @pinkpantheris @na-ta-sh-aa @zonkie-bee @shanimallina87 @i-wanna-be-your-muse @endofdays56 @wildxwidow
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friendsim2 · 2 years
If you could spend a vacation anywhere on Alternia (or surroundings), where would you go and why?
Is it too on-brand to say that I'd go hang out in the jade caverns? I want a pocket grub. -Jonaya Riley, director/lead writer
That's a good question The answer: we wouldn't Have you SEEN alternia? It's full of deadly wildlife, the sun will Kill you, and you're surrounded by depressed teenagers -Lorelei Thee, writer
I would go to troll louvre and simply eat the troll monalisa Fable Bae, artist
I'd visit whatever towns the ancestors died in and do grave hopping -Anna Marcus, writer/composer
I'm hitting up whatever beach is at alternia and hope to God I don't get eaten by someone's lusus -Valentine, voice actor
⬆ literally my answer exactly -Yuma, voice actor
oh god I would never go to Alternia by choice- but if I HAD to pick a place, hmmmm…. honestly, throw caution to the wind and check out a big city. see what the Alternian malls are like, check out an underground concert. live a bit until the drones or the legislacerators find me and put me to trial for the crime of "being an alien" -Juniper, voice actor
Gonna go to the mall n try n steal some troll anime >B] if I don’t get nuked by a drone -Jackson, voice actor
ig it'd be cool to actually do the tirroy maclur guided tours in all the cities hes made one for tbh? -DDP, artist
Not gonna lie, I am a weak man with poor self preservation. I'm going to hang out with Clowns. :o) -Hal Elsen, voice actor
i would never go to alternia by choice but also, i wanna go to some kind of alternian arts festival. im literally so curious what their movies or music is like. like it HAS to be different from ours in some way i wanna know exactly how or even just going to the local troll ugc to watch a random troll romcom i would KILL to actually watch one -Breeoche, artist
Take me to Elwurds hive. I will not elaborate further. -CL, voice actor
hmmm i would go and try to pet all the lusus, and certainly die trying xD -Herk Lapaduza, artist
I know it's dangerous but i'd love to see the seashore on Alternia. Take pictures from a safe distance maybe -artisticApparition, artist
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cemeterylaned · 7 months
brain not want to write so bullet points
- simon meets monalisa like right before he decides to make abouthat
- or beginning of senior year but probably before
- monalisa new student at school and it's so weird she is virtually unsearchable and it makes him insane. no pictures of her online, and the only ones that do exist she doesn't even look at the camera or they're blurry. she has an instagram @monalikethepainting
- she moved from northern california! she's in a band! she plays electric guitar! she's artistic! she paints, writes, draws, sings, dances, yearbook! she's like all the muses in one!!
- simon knows she's coming and looks!! and digs anything he can about her but he's mad. he can't find anything!! only school journals about a band with her in it named hopeless romantics and it's so annoying he complains to janae and janae is like leave her alone she's good and simon is like no she has to be shitty everyone is. also what kind of name is monalisa like she's a fucking painting
- but he meets her and they have lunch together because he wants to know clues to look for her but she's so. nice and offers her lunch and they talk about having a peanut allergy "is that peanut butter? thanks but i'm okay" "it's not. i actually have a billion allergies" "oh okay. weird you'd offer me your lunch" . also okay maybe she is a painting. whatever. shut up
- either she knows absolutely nothing or she hears things and is like oh well. i don't know i've known you for like five minutes i think you're okay i guess . i do hear you're an asshole though but i don't think so
- they have journalism together and they talk sometimes. it's sickening now nice she is but it's such a genuine change of pace to have someone so disconnected from the 'typical high school experience' of being online
- but simon is horribly depressed and has been. janae knows this and also thinks it's annoying how bright and sunshiney mona is but simon was somehow less insufferable after journalism sometimes. and janae feels like she has been talking him off the edge for years
- "i literally can't find anything about her. it pisses me off" "why can't you fathom every nice person isn't fake" "because it just can't be right"
- mona invites him to poetry reads or to hang out at her house and usually no one is home because they work. they watch movies or she teaches him to play music or they write. she absolutely insists she isn't in love with him but she is. her sister is a senior and her boyfriend also hates simon (threatens to kick in his teeth regularly) (her sister's name is ginerva. monalisas full name is monalisa demoiselle hughes. humiliating)
- she is his biggest cheerleader and hates that she makes him think. (abouthat route) asking him why he does it and why it matters so much because high school is so small and trivial but he hasn't known anything else. he was never popular but when he wrote people hated him. and he's been so mentally unwell. and then there's her. but he can't fathom the idea of admitting it out loud
- he abandons abouthat partially mostly because his time is. occupied with her and he isn't around other people (in the route he does keep it or do it)
- people bug him about not writing anymore and he says he's busy. he picks up guitar and sings with her and their little band is just the romantics. he says because he doesn't feel hopeless with her. they're just """"good friends""""" . she tells him she felt the same way at a point where he wanted to die like he did. it makes them both really unwell and. it makes him mostly unwell because living past high school feels surreal and now its summer.
- summer to san franciso. mona apologizes in advance because its gross but they go to san jose and santa cruz and meet her other bandmates. weird. he feels out of place but in the right place at the same time. everything feels right!!!???
- simon and mona senior year. homecoming. janae clowns on simon because they match. janae warms up to mona but only because they're polar opposites. she never wears darker colors but they wear dark green and people are like god who is this guy. is this not the same guy that leaked the post about everyone cheating on each other or started fights . homecoming just as friends. it's getting harder now.
- simon mona talent show with their little band. simon mona spending more and more time at each others houses. mona's sister's boyfriend no longer wants to kick his teeth in (most of the time). they're so grossly comfortable with each other it's second nature to follow each other home but more often than not they're at her house because his house feels cold and unwelcoming . he sleeps on their couch because her sister would blow up a building if they shared a bed
- janae is like dude. are you okay and he's like no oh my god i have not felt love or compassion from anyone except you and you're gay. this girl is ruining my life and i can't make it stop because she makes me wanna throw up and delete social media and never touch it again and lay in the sun and think of nothing else and i can't imagine killing myself now because i don't know how i can think of leaving her and our little band and heaven knows i'm miserable now because she's all i can think of
- janae clowns on him. edgelord . please tell her you like her. he's like no that's the problem i am in love with her and it makes me nauseated
- no. i'm good. what the fuck do you mean you're good you are not well simon.
- abouthat (if that's the route) gets wiped off the face of the earth and he like clears his entire social media and it's similar to mona's. no notifications. he doesn't bother with anyone's business. people still beef with him. but. he's like yeah that was douchey. i thought it was better to have people know the truth rather than not and i didn't approach it right. (i also think this would be the apology tour if he kept it a secret that he wrote for abouthat and she found out but this is his enlightened apology tour)
- mona simon applying to colleges together. haha what if we went to the same one. haha i would be so happy. haha. ha.
- senior trip to disneyland!!!! ahahah!! janae is like not thrilled to third wheel but . she's like just tell her. oh my god you both make me sick.
- simon says no thank you. fireworks with mona before they go. i'm really glad i met you. i'm glad i met you too. they both feel it but no one will take the plunge. they fall asleep on each other on the bus
- prom prom prom. they know theyre going to the same college. they opened their acceptance letters at the same time. prom!! she convinces him to wear florals and they look so cute together. janae can come too. she wants to throw up. cheesy prom pictures. she keeps asking when is the time right and he's like i don't know.
- they drop janae home late as hell and he comes to drop her off and shes like. just stay. it'll be like any of our other sleepovers. but it really isn't and they share her bed and fall asleep face to face holding hands. wake up. oh my god
- he leaves because he's like dude fuck this is too close. graduation is soon. we have exams and i cannot admit to her i like her. she wakes up really sad because she can't admit to him because it'll ruin their friendship. things are weird. janae is like why are you being emo again dude what the fuck
- i slept at her house and held hands and fell asleep talking about our feelings but i don't want to fuck it up. bro you are fucking it up right now
- finals and exams. nervous glances in journalism looking at each other. she is SAD. sad. like she cried sad. she cries easily and he knows that from movies and talks but she looks like she had been crying for days. janae bullies his ass again. go fix this or i'm gonna put my foot up your ass. ok fuck
- meet me at our spot. cafe bookstore called writers block. she doesn't answer he just shows up snd hopes she comes. he waits. and waits. granted he was early. she comes and she just looks sick. hey. hey. are you okay? i don't know. why did you leave? i was scared. scared of what? waking up there with me? no. then what simon. what. i don't know. i have never felt cared about the way you and your scary ass sister snd her boyfriend care about me. there's janae but you know. yes she's gay. i know simon.
- okay well. you make things not hopeless and i really do think i was going to kill myself and now i don't or can't imagine doing it now. and it's weird if you told freshman me i'd be in some two person band or picking colleges and going to dances i'd tell you you're fucking insane and that isn't who i am because everyone is fake and nobody can be honest. but you were. you were honest. and nice. and shared your stupid edamame with me and told me you were allergic to peanuts. our epipens looked the same. i thought you were too good to be true and i think i love you
- i love you. i hate that you left and i've been waiting for over a year to tell you i liked you or loved you because i didn't want you to think of me differently if you didn't like me that way. i was sick to my stomach you left without a word.
- i know. i'm sorry. i love you.
- i love you.
- graduation and college!!!!!
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brighteyes-things · 8 months
Batboys and TMNT 💕
Summary: basically a pairing of which batboys and TMNT would be best buddies, inspired by the TMNT and Batman crossover movie
Note: some of the TMNT characters will also include Venus (idw), jennika (idw), and April o Neil. These are head cannons so if you don't like something that's fine no big deal.
Please enjoy, also sorry it's been a while since I last written something lots of family drama happened 💕
Dick Grayson 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
I pair him well with Michelangelo
Now hear me out on this one first okay
Like yes him and Leo are both leaders but dick and Mikey would VIBE on sight
Both are big goofballs and rays of sunshine that struggle with trying to help out their team
They're both the glue of the family that always wears a smile to keep everyone happy
I feel like they also play video games together at like 5 in the morning and have the strangest food for breakfast
They talk about their crushes together too
Prank wars all week long
Overall I feel like they'd learn something from each other too
Like dick would learn how important it is to let loose and have fun with his brothers and how to let his stress out in healthy ways
And Mikey would have more respect for his big brothers after watching dick take charge and struggle to get the mission to be a success
They love their brothers to death and will do anything for them
Both hide emotions from siblings too
They vent to each other over pizza
Ice cream kitty and bite-wing get along great
Jason Todd ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
This was probably expected but Jay and raph are best friends your honor
Both have anger issues they refuse are there
Both have beef with the blue themed brother (aka dick and Leo)
They'd be gym bros and challenge each other to weight lifting competition
Both have badass girlfriends they simp over (monalisa and Artemis)
Now to the serious life lessons
I feel like together they'd figure out how to handle their anger and channel it into something else
Raph would learn how to be careful from watching Jason strategize everything on missions
Jason would learn that it's ok to let out emotions from raph because his friends will be there for him
Would call each other "bro" unironically
Both have a love for motorcycles and playing vigilante
Overall I think raph and Jason would be each other's biggest supporter
Tim Drake 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛
Donatello and Tim are lab besties
Both have insomnia and a unhealthy addiction to coffee
They are also the brains of both groups
Tech geniuses
Donnie being impressed with Tim's detective skills
Tim being impressed with what Donnie made out of scrap he found in the trash
Both of them being very close to snapping on whoever walks in the room next
Neat freaks with everything else except their work area
I feel like Tim lets loose more around Donnie because he doesn't have to put up a act due to Donnie being too smart and knowing what a fake smile is
Donnie coming out of his shell (pun intended) around Tim and his friends and learning to be more social
They speak geek to confuse the others
They stay up all night plotting on how to build real life star trek equipment
Them both questioning how Bruce has so much in his utility belt
Damian Wayne 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
Him and Leonardo would be a duo
Damian and Leo both struggle with a lot of pressure to be perfect
Leo struggling to be the perfect leader and protect everyone
Dami struggling with learning how to be good and trying to be perfect and bury his assassin past
I feel like Leo would take him in as a little brother immediately
Damian respecting Leo and his skills and wanting to know how he did it
Leo telling Damian about how he made a lot of mistakes and that it's ok to make them especially as a kid
Long meaningful conversations over tea parties
Damian actually calling Leo by his first name and not "turtle" like he does the others
Damian learning how to be a kid by watching Leo goof off with the other turtles
They have big brother and little brother energy
Both happy they use swords and will spar each other
Leo calls Damian "little guy"
Damian secretly doesn't mind the nickname
Barbara Gordon 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Her and April o Neil are girl besties
But specifically April from 2003 TMNT show
Both are the first girls in the group of boys
They're the only ones with common sense and more than two brain cells
Are like the big sisters of the group
Both completely rock the color purple in my personal opinion
I feel like they talk about they're crushes as well and have girl talk when the guys are on patrol
Babs learns how to be more girly and laid back from watching April because it's the first friend she's had that is a girl and doesn't try to kill her
April learning self defense from Babs and being more of a badass
Both being mother figures to Damian and Mikey
Are always picking up after the boys
Sleepovers every single day complete with romance movies and gossip
Just let them be girls together and have fun being bff's
Overall they need to meet ASAP
Stephanie Brown 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
Steph and Venus de Milo
But like specifically Venus from next mutation (I know she's hated) and from the many many head canon stories I read as a kid on Wattpad but this works for idw comics Venus too
They're both the most forgotten about female characters that are actually really badass
Both are dated or shipped with the brainiac of the group (Donnie and Tim)
Have a somewhat child like personality and just want to have fun
Everyone kinda hates them for being the first at something.
Venus being the first female ninja turtle
And Steph being the first girl robin and taking Tim's spot
Steph would be amazed by Venus and inspired because she wouldn't feel so alone about being a girl in action
Sure Steph has Babs and Cassandra but her and Venus went through similar experiences
Venus being glad to have another girl to talk to and help her understand earth lingo and catchphrases
Gossip to each other about the boys
Both feeling like they have to earn their spot on the team even after already proving such
Low self esteem besties
But they'd also be chaotic besties on missions no doubt
Cassandra 🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶
Her and jennika would tramma bond
Both are badasses that need hugs
Started off on the wrong side at first but ended up being heros
Jennika being her big sister figure
Cass showing jennika her dance skills from ballet
Jennika playing drums for Cass
They both went through similar things and experiences
Both were trained to be killing machines and lost someone close to them and found the path they needed to go on after fighting for their lives
Jennika teaching cass about meditation and how to read emotions and what to say if someone is sad or angry
Cass showing Jenny that she's more than just her mutation and scars
Both of them hanging out on rooftops and eating fast food while they talk about life
They need each other your honor
I just really want them to bond
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Top 10 Hottest Bhojpuri Actresses of 2023
Top 10 Hottest Bhojpuri Actresses of 2023
India is a diverse country, and so is its film industry. There is a film industry in every region of India, based on language and culture. Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, Bhojpuri, and Bengali are a few examples.
While discussing the Bhojpuri movie industry, Bhojpuri beauties are constantly discussed. The Bhojpuri film industry has several attractive actresses. With perfect body and beauty, these actresses are no less than any Bollywood actress. Let’s have a look at these sexy Bhojpuri actresses. Also, look at these top 10 most attractive Tamil actresses of 2023.
Table of Contents
Top 10 sexy Bhojpuri actresses  of 2023
1. Monalisa
2. Aamrapali Dubey
3. Kajal Raghwani
4. Akshara Singh
5. Rani Chatterjee
6. Namrita Malla
7. Nidhi Jha
8. Anjana Singh
9. Seema Singh
10. Mani Bhattacharya
Top 10 sexy Bhojpuri actresses  of 2023
1. Monalisa
Antara Biswa is also known by the name Monalisa. She ranks among the sexy Bhojpuri actresses. Monalisa began appearing on television in 2016 when she appeared on Big Boss.
She has also made films in Hindi, Bengali, Telugu, Tamil, and Bengali, in addition to Bhojpuri. She also has a large Instagram following of fans.
2. Aamrapali Dubey
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Aamrapali Dubey is an Indian actress who has appeared in many Bhojpuri films. Along with that, she has also done serials like Rehna hai Teri Palkon Ki Chhaon Mein, Saath Phere, Maayka, and Mera Naam Kregi Roshan. This Bhojpuri beauty is among the sexiest Bhojpuri actress.
3. Kajal Raghwani
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This 32-year-old Bhojpuri actress has acted in many Bhojpuri films. She has also won the Bhojpuri best actress people choice award in 2016. Kajal has a fan following of 3.3 million on Instagram.
4. Akshara Singh
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Akshara Singh is one of the highest-paid actresses in Bhojpuri cinema. Her beauty and charm are what make her fan’s heads turn. She started her career in 2016 and now she works as an actress, singer, dancer, and Tv presenter.
5. Rani Chatterjee
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Born in 1976, Rani Chatterjee’s real name is Sabiha Shaikh. She is among the sexy bhojpuri actresses. Rani has appeared in many Bhojpuri movies and a web show named Mastram. Along with being a popular Indian actress, this Bhojpuri beauty is also a great dancer.
6. Namrita Malla
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Namrita Malla is a Bhojpuri actress known for her fiery looks and amazing body. She has acted in many Bhojpuri films. Namrita was born in Mumbai, Maharashtra, and then shifted toward Bhojpuri cinema. This beautiful Bhojpuri diva is also an Instagram star.
7. Nidhi Jha
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You must have known her from the popular serials, Balika Vadhu, Aahat, Sapne Suhane Ladakpan Ke, Addalat, crime petrol, Savdhan India, and many more. Along with being a popular tv actress Nidhi Jha is also a known face in Bhojpuri cinema too. She has acted and many Bhojpuri films and is also among the sexy Bhojpuri actresses.
8. Anjana Singh
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Anjana Singh is a typical Bhojpuri beauty and a famous name in Bhojpuri cinema. Her movies and acting skills are what is admired by the fans most. This 32-year-old actress was born and brought up in Lakhnow, Uttar Pradesh.
9. Seema Singh
Seema Singh is a great dancer and actress. She has appeared in more than 500 Bhojpuri movies. People also know this gorgeous diva as the ‘ item queen’ of Bhojpuri cinema. Her moves and dancing skills never fail to amaze her fans.
10. Mani Bhattacharya
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Mani Bhattacharya is a beautiful and talented Bhojpuri actress. She has acted in many Bhojpuri and Bengali films.  Mani has made her Bhojpuri film debut with ‘ Zila Champaran’.  She is among the hottest Bhojpuri actress.
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28thorder · 8 days
Dreams don’t exist
A glaze from far -
noticing how she makes the scenery out of this world.
A dream to say.
But creatures like her are more unrealistic.
Staged , more like Goddesses in a movie
The glare in my eyes,
the wider they became the more breathtaking it was.
Frozen I say.
My head exploding but my heart staring. Her cheeks smiling but my gut imploding.
Golden eyes may be a sunrise.
Majestic !!
- not even the monalisa is worthy of kneeling before her feet.
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alyenlogos · 25 days
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My favorite logo creation of all times: Alyen Tattoo logo. To reach this logo design, I had to do a lot of sketchs, including references to Da Vinci's Monalisa, Michelangelo's Adam Creation and other masterpieces. The first refrence that I sketched and chose was Michelangelo's Adam Creation, the second one was the E.T. movie. After studying all the forms that I could make those refences work together, and also make a conversation with the tipography, I came up with this logo design
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tfgadgets · 1 month
‘Gowri’ movie review: Samarjit Lankesh’s launchpad squanders its potential
Samarjit Lankesh in ‘Gowri’ | Photo Credit: Anand Audio/YouTube Director Indrajith Lankesh, known for his sappy romantic comedies enhanced by peppy numbers and gorgeous locales, introduced Vasundhara Das (Lankesh Patrike, 2001) and Sadha (Monalisa, 2004) to Kannada cinema before directing Deepika Padukone in her debut Aishwarya (2006). His latest film Gowri  is a launchpad for his…
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allyear-lff · 7 months
Glass onion
I should have posted this ages ago. I had an outline in place since 2022, but all 2023 was a blur that ended with a very busy December watching #LFF's films in planes and at 6am during December before helping with a relative's care the rest of the day.
Never mind, I give you my very delayed take, after this I will post reviews as I see new films while trying to catch up with all the rest.
Summary: a bunch of quite distasteful characters are invited to a party with an unusual twist, Benoit Blanc, from Knives Out fame, joins the party to untangle a network of lies and deception, but there are far more sinister things at play involving greed, backstabbing and possibly worse.
Musings without spoilers: after the success of the first film introducing the Benoit Blanc character a second film was all but a given, the killer mix of James Bond's looks with Hercule Poirot's sleuthing skills was too much to resist for the enterprising people in Netflix.
The plot meanders like a lazy snake and then delivers its bite, the preparation of the triumph of Benoit Blanc will catch no one by surprise in spite of the intricate entertaining plot, salted with enough eye candy to satisfy both male and female (I imagine) movie goers and with cameos of the likes of Angela Lansbury, Yo Yo Ma (really) and some others I really didn't catch.
The boisterous disorganised silly resolution, full of unnecessary bells and whistles, makes the whole thing preposterous, but everybody on screen seems to be having a good time so why shouldn't we?
Good undemanding fun with all the actors playing their roles just in the right side of over the top.
Musings full of spoilers:
The film opens with mystery boxes containing a puzzle sent during the height of the pandemic by Miles Bron, a Muskesque techbro, to a disparate group of friends (Lionel's a scientist dealing with what seems one of Miles' bad ideas, Claire's a state Governor running for reelection, Birdie Jay's a party crazy fashion insider, Duke's a larger than life over tattooed man whom by his own surprise became an early influencer, Whiskey's Duke's sexy girlfriend and Peg who is Birdie's suffering assistant), the friends coordinate to solve the puzzle which once solved contains an invitation to meet Miles in his private island, but this is no idle invitation since he is requesting they solve his own murder.
We also see an attractive woman hacking one of these boxes to pieces to get her invitation and finally we see Benoit Blanc, our true detective, who is desperate to get a case (we are in lockdown after all), being told there's a box for him while he is in the bath (we don't see his box just yet).
Something that transpires early as the characters meet to take a boat to Miles'private island is that Andi, the woman that hacked her box, is not really part of the gang and they are all puzzled to see her there, Benoit is unknown to everybody else and watch from the sidelines..
On arrival Miles introduces them to the Glass Onion, his house on the island, he becomes pensive when he greets Andi but is truly puzzled by Benoit's presence, he takes Benoit aside to clarify why he's there since he didn't invite him, Benoit insists that he got a box and they concur that probably one of the guests reassembled his box and send it to Benoit, with this rather unconvincing explanation Benoit is invited to stay.
As the gathering progresses we learn more about the characters while they enjoy themselves: Andi was stabbed in the back by the whole group during a court case, little by little it transpires how all characters depend on Mlles to progress their careers.
Miles explains their roles as disruptors to the annoyance of Andi and then uncovers bot the Monalisa, loaned from the Louvre for the weekend, an Klear, a new miracle fuel powering the island which Lionel considers too dangerous and unstable.
The Miles murder game starts and finishes pretty fast spoiled by Benoit who is taken aside by an angry Miles, but Benoit is concerned somebody could actually want to kill Miles taking the game as cover.
Back in the party Andi demands the truth of what happened to her during that trial (which has not been disclosed exactly so far), Duke, after all the others show their annoyance with her, just states that she's a loser, Andi angrily leaves the room.
Miles comes back and tries to inject soul to the party, he proposes a toast to their "disruptor" prowess but shortly after Duke drops dead, apparently after drinking something intended for Miles .
Benoit asks for the police and doctors to be called but they can't make it due to weather conditions and a Banksy work of art that would be destroyed, it transpires Duke's hand gun, always at hand, has disappeared.
On Miles discovering he may have been the target of a possible poisoning attempt (Duke drank from Miles glass) he gets hysterical until he remembers the lights are due to go off as part of his murder game and then they do.
Whiskey rushes back claiming Andi searched their room and blames Andi for Duke's death. All is confusion and everybody runs away in the dark back to a place of safety (or so it seems).
Benoit goes as well and clashes with Andi, he is telling her how certain he's of things just as we see a gun pointed towards them until the trigger is pulled, the bullet hits Andi which now appears to be dead, everybody congregates outside and watches Andi"s body in disbelief.
Now comes the interesting part, a massive flash back to the beginning of the film, we see how a woman called Helen, identical to Andi but with different accent and a much humbler presence, brings the destroyed box to Benoit and explains the situation: she is Andi's sister (real name Cassandra Brand), Andi was part of the disruptors gang, Helen received the box intended for her sister by mistake a couple of days after Andi's apparent suicide, she also found evidence that Andi could prove she was the brains behind Miles' company which automatically would show all her further friends perjured themselves during the trial to assert control of the firm.
Benoit and Helen make a plan to get themselves in the island with her supplanting Andi.
Andi goes snooping around, her whereabouts during the previous part of the film are shown, she has a knack for uncovering information by being at the right place at the right time and by taking calculated risks, with the information they gather together Helen and Benoit begin to build a picture of what may have happened to Andi, they realise everybody has a motive to protect Miles and an opportunity to have killed Andi, proof of all this is the napkin with the idea to create Alpha which Andi had threatened to use against her former friends, Benoit believes it is in the island and asks Andi to create a fight she loses during dinner so she can go and find the envelope in one of the rooms of the guests.
Back to the present, while Helen is looking for the envelope with the napkin, Duke dies, the news about Andi's death are now spreading like wildfire in the media so Helen's cover has been blown, she's in the middle of all this when Whiskey shows up in shock into her just freshly searched room, Helen commits the mistake of saying Duke deserved what he got without knowing that Whiskey is talking about his dead by suspected poisoning, in hearing Helen she turns very angry and is intent in killing her with a fishing harpoon just moment the lights go off (due to Miles' now almost forgotten game) this allows Helen to escape the danger.
Helen finds Benoit still empty handed, they are planning to check Miles' room when she is hit by a bullet, she's saved providentially by Andi's diary blocking it, Benoit sees a chance to give her a few more minutes to search for the napkin after playing dead while he gathers people in the party room to unravel the machinations of his now certain suspect.
While Benoit deconstructs all what happened leading to Andi's murder Helen finds the envelop with the napkin, at this point all blame is duly assigned, but there are a couple of twists until the person responsible for Andi's murder is humiliated to the fullest possible extent.
Wow. That's quite a lot of explanation for a film that probably won't make it into the realms of history, but I think I owed to do this properly after such a long time of not reviewing a film.
Rating: 3.5/5
75 of 168
Date: 25 December 2022 & 5 March 2024
Venue: Amazon Prime Video España & Netflix.
The list of films in the LFF 2022
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karenlacorte · 8 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: ❤️ Disney's Luca Monalisa Fish Water Squirt Toy.
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onlyusash1 · 9 months
Feline Fashion: Rocking the Cat T-Shirt Trend!
Calling all cat lovers! If you have an insatiable love for all things feline and are looking for a fun and stylish way to express your adoration, you're in luck. Cat t-shirts have become the latest craze for cat enthusiasts worldwide, providing a fashionable means of showcasing your love for our furry friends. In this curated guide, we'll explore the world of cat t-shirts, from their rise in popularity to the various design motifs that make them so irresistible. So get ready to embrace your inner cat lady or gentleman, because we're about to embark on a purr-ific journey through the fascinating world of cat-themed fashion! Cat T Shirts
Embracing Your Inner Cat Lady/Gentleman
Gone are the days when being labeled a "cat lady" or "cat gentleman" carried a negative connotation. Society has shifted its view, and cat lovers are now celebrated for their affection towards our feline friends. Cat enthusiasts are embracing their passion and expressing it proudly, leading to a surge in the popularity of cat-themed merchandise.
One area where this trend has truly taken off is in the world of fashion. Cat-themed accessories, home decor, and of course, t-shirts have become the go-to items for feline enthusiasts to display their love for cats. Let's delve deeper into the feline fashion world and focus on the iconic cat t-shirt!
The Rise of Cat T-Shirts
Cat t-shirts have undergone a remarkable transformation in recent years. Once dominated by tacky cliché designs, this fashion staple has evolved into a realm of trendy, fashionable options. No longer restricted to ultra-bright colors and oversized graphics, cat t-shirts now come in a variety of styles, designs, and artistic interpretations.
The love for cats has become a widespread phenomenon, and this increasing demand has driven the market for cat-themed clothing to new heights. Designers and independent artists have embraced this opportunity, resulting in a plethora of unique and eye-catching cat t-shirts available to cat enthusiasts worldwide.
A Curated Collection
Let's dive into the world of cat t-shirts and explore some of the unique design motifs that make them so irresistible.
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Abstract and Minimalist Designs
In a world filled with countless design possibilities, sometimes less is more. Abstract and minimalist cat illustrations have gained popularity for those who prefer a simple yet sophisticated look. These elegant designs showcase a cat's grace and beauty while adding a touch of artistic flair to your wardrobe. Cat T Shirts
Pop Culture Mash-ups
If you're a fan of combining two passions into one, then pop culture mash-up cat t-shirts are perfect for you! Imagine your favorite art, movie, or music icons merged seamlessly with adorable feline motifs. From cat Monalisas to cat superheroes, these creative designs allow you to express your love for both cats and your favorite pop culture references.
Humorous and Pun-filled Graphics
Who doesn't love a good laugh? Cat t-shirts featuring witty sayings or clever wordplay are a hit among cat enthusiasts with a sense of humor. These light-hearted designs inject a dash of fun into your wardrobe while letting your love for cats shine through. Whether it's a hilarious pun or a cleverly crafted cat-related joke, these t-shirts are guaranteed to bring a smile to your face.
Internet-famous cats have become their own kind of celebrities, and cat t-shirts featuring these feline sensations are all the rage. Showcasing the likes of Grumpy Cat, Lil Bub, or even famous musicians with a quirky cat-inspired twist, these t-shirts allow you to proudly display your appreciation for the iconic cats that have captured our hearts.
The Art of Styling Cat T-Shirts
Now that you have a collection of cat t-shirts to choose from, how do you incorporate them into your outfits? Let's explore some styling tips that will elevate your cat t-shirt game to fashionable new heights!
Casual Chic
Pairing your cat t-shirt with jeans, skirts, or shorts creates a casual chic look that effortlessly combines comfort and style. Add a denim jacket or a cardigan for a cozy layered ensemble, completing the look with sneakers or ankle boots. This outfit choice is perfect for everyday wear, allowing you to showcase your love for cats while maintaining a fashionable edge.
Statement Piece
Why not let your cat t-shirt take center stage? Make it the focal point of your outfit by keeping the rest of your attire simple and understated. Opt for solid-colored bottoms and minimal accessories to let your cat t-shirt shine. This approach ensures your feline companion remains the main focus, garnering attention and admiration from fellow cat lovers.
Layering Techniques
Adding layers to your cat t-shirt outfits creates depth and visual interest. Throw on a blazer, cardigan, or flannel shirt over your cat t-shirt for an added touch of sophistication. This not only keeps you warm in chilly weather but also allows you to transition from day to night effortlessly. Experiment with different layering options to discover unique combinations that reflect your personal style.
Cat T-Shirts as a Conversation Starter
The joy of wearing cat t-shirts goes beyond personal style – it can spark unexpected interactions and connections with other cat enthusiasts.
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Many cat t-shirt wearers have found themselves engaging in conversations with strangers who share the same love for cats. It's a fantastic way to break the ice and connect with like-minded individuals who understand and appreciate your feline fascination. Who knows, you may make new friends or even find a fellow cat lover to exchange stories and tips with!
So there you have it – a curated guide to cat t-shirts for feline enthusiasts like you. From abstract designs to pop culture mash-ups, humorous graphics to celebri-cats, there's a cat t-shirt out there to suit every taste and style. Embrace your love for cats and express your unique personality through these fashionable garments. Whether you're rocking a cat t-shirt as a casual chic outfit or using it as a conversation starter, let the world know how much you adore our feline friends. Get ready to strut your stuff and unleash your inner cat lady or gentleman on the world of fashion!
Please Visit For More Info; https://www.catshirtsusa.com
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belovedcelebrity · 11 months
Monalisa Bhojpuri Aactress Biography in Short
Monalisa named out of the most fabulous, talented, and hard-working actresses in the Bhojpuri film industry, Apart from Bhojpuri films, Monalisa has also appeared in Hindi, Bengali, Tamil, and Telugu movies, showcasing her versatility as an actress. In addition to her film career, Monalisa has been a part of several reality shows and television serials, further expanding her reach in the…
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24x7newsbengal · 1 year
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kharisubas40972 · 1 year
Bekaboo star Eisha Singh on choosing films over television, “I’ve never said that I only want to do films or OTT or television” : Bollywood News
Eisha Singh, who’s currently seen as Bela in the super natural fantasy show Bekaboo, co-starring Shalin Bhanot and Monalisa, is garnering a lot of praises for her role as a ‘Pari’ (angel). The actress , who rose to fame as Dhaani in Ishq Ka Rang Safed, added one more feather to her cap by venturing into movies with the Anubhav Sinha film Middle Class Love. Although she has tried out both the…
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bollywood143114 · 1 year
Who made Akshara Singh Saiya yesterday, today made him Bhai... Fainted after hearing 'Swami', watch video
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Akshara Singh's Marriage: Akshara Singh is called the fashion queen of Bhojpuri film industry. Akshara dominates the news corridors every day. Sometimes because of her movies, sometimes because of her album songs and sometimes because of her Instagram posts, the actress' name is in the news corridors every day. Recently, a new video of Akshara Singh is creating a lot of buzz on social media. In this video you can see what yesterday the actress called her husband, today she openly calls him brother. Vikrant Singh Rajput himself faints as soon as Akshara hears the word bhaiya for himself. What's the whole thing, let's get into the details… Also read- The hip surgery ruined the entire look of the actress, people taunted her after seeing the transformation Akshara Singh's new video has gone viral In fact, Akshara Singh is very active on social media these days. He shares his daily, every work with fans through social media. Recently, Akshara Singh posted a picture on her social media account, where she can be seen with Monalisa's husband Vikrant Singh Rajput. At that time both Vikrant and Vikrant were wearing garlands and Akshara also wanted vermilion. As soon as Akshara shared this picture, the comments section started pouring in congratulations. At this time, many speculated in their own style that Akshara and Vikrant got married. But please inform, this marriage is not offscreen but onscreen. Actually Akshara Singh and Vikrant Singh Rajput will soon be seen together in a film. The picture is from the shooting of that film. Yesterday's brother has become today's brother At the same time, Akshara shared another new video, in which she can be seen making out with her brother-in-law today. This video of Akshara Singh and Vikrant Singh Rajput is very funny. People are smiling and laughing at the fun acting both of them are doing in this video. However, at the end of the video, Akshara Singh herself is seen laughing at her anger. We tell you that Akshara shared this video few hours ago and within few hours this funny reel video has crossed 50,000 views mark. DISCLAIMER Thanks For Visit Our Site www.bollywoodofindia.com . We’ve taken all measures to insure that the information handed in this composition and on our social media platform is believable, vindicated and sourced from other Big media Houses. For any feedback or complaint, reach out to us at [email protected] Read the full article
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