hostnextra · 17 days
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3in1digiempire · 28 days
Secure your child’s phone with mSpy software
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tipsonunix · 2 years
How to Install and Configure Prometheus tool on Linux Systems
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This tutorial will be helpful for beginners to Install and configure Prometheus tool on Linux systems (ie) Ubuntu , Rocky Linux , Fedora , AlmaLinux and Linux Mint.
What is Prometheus
Prometheus is a monitoring system designed to collect system metrics and alert on changes. It can be used to monitor server, container, and application performance, and to diagnose and troubleshoot issues. Prometheus can collect data from a variety of sources, including system logs, process logs, and network interfaces. It can then use this data to generate alerts and graphs and to store historical data for later analysis. Prometheus can be used to monitor a single system or an entire network. It can also be used to monitor systems in production or in development. Prometheus has a variety of features that make it an ideal monitoring system. These features include: - Easy to deploy - Multiple Graphing and dashboards are supported - Time series data collection happens via the Pull model over HTTP - Highly Scalable - Stores historical data
Install Prometheus on Linux systems
Step 1: Download the Prometheus tool from the downloads page or use the below command wget https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/download/v2.37.0/prometheus-2.37.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz Step 2: Extract the files tar -xf prometheus-2.37.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz && mv prometheus-2.37.0.linux-amd64 /etc/prometheus Step 3: Create a separate non-login user account for Prometheus useradd prometheus --shell=/bin/false --no-create-home Step 4: Copy the Prometheus and Promtool to /usr/local/bin and change the Ownership of to executables and /etc/prometheus directoryPrometheus user. sudo cp -pr /etc/prometheus/promtool prometheus /usr/local/bin/ sudo chown prometheus:prometheus /usr/local/bin/promtool sudo chown prometheus:prometheus /usr/local/bin/prometheus sudo chown -R prometheus:prometheus /etc/prometheus Step 5: Create a Local storge directory and change the ownership to Prometheus also sudo mkdir /var/lib/prometheus && sudo chown -R prometheus:prometheus /var/lib/prometheus
Configure Prometheus on Linux systems
Step 6: Create a service file for Prometheus and add the below contents to the file sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/prometheus.service Description=Prometheus Wants=network-online.target After=network-online.target User=prometheus Group=prometheus Type=simple ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/prometheus --config.file /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml --storage.tsdb.path /var/lib/prometheus/ --web.console.templates=/etc/prometheus/consoles --web.console.libraries=/etc/prometheus/console_libraries WantedBy=multi-user.target Step 7: Reload the systemd and start the Prometheus service sudo systemctl daemon-reload && systemctl start prometheus && systemctl enable prometheus
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Step 8: Access Prometheus UI From your browser type the server ip followed by 9090 port and press enter. http://:9090
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Prometheus Installation completed, you can run query from the available metrics
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From this tutorial, you have learned how to download and install Prometheus tool on Ubuntu, Debian, Linux Mint, AlmaLinux, Rocky Linux and Fedora. Do let us know your comments and feedback in the comments section below. If my articles on TipsonUNIX have helped you, kindly consider buying me a coffee as a token of appreciation
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Thank You for your support!! Read the full article
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softlist · 2 months
Industry's 10 Best Cyber Security Monitoring Tools - Which One is Right for You?
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anusha-g · 4 months
Which is the most used monitoring tool for DevOps?
There isn't a single "most used" monitoring tool for DevOps, as it often depends on the specific needs and preferences of each organization. However, some widely used monitoring tools in the DevOps space include:
Prometheus: An open-source monitoring and alerting toolkit designed for reliability and scalability, particularly well-suited for dynamic cloud environments.
Grafana: Often used alongside Prometheus, Grafana is an open-source analytics and monitoring solution that allows for customizable dashboards and data visualization.
ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana): Elasticsearch is a distributed search and analytics engine, Logstash is a data processing pipeline, and Kibana is a visualization layer. Together, they provide powerful log monitoring and analytics capabilities.
Datadog: A cloud-based monitoring and analytics platform that offers a wide range of features including infrastructure monitoring, application performance monitoring (APM), and log management.
New Relic: A comprehensive observability platform that provides insights into application performance, infrastructure monitoring, and real-time analytics.
Nagios: An open-source monitoring tool known for its robustness in monitoring IT infrastructure and network components.
Zabbix: Another open-source monitoring solution that offers network monitoring, server monitoring, and application monitoring capabilities.
Ultimately, the choice of monitoring tool depends on factors such as the specific requirements of your infrastructure, the scale of your operations, and your team's familiarity with the tooling.
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dennabrooks · 4 months
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This Infographic will help you to know The Benefits of Employee  Performance Monitoring.
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technology098 · 4 months
Exploring Best IT Infrastructure Monitoring Tools
In the intricate web of modern technological ecosystems, the heartbeat of an organization's efficiency lies within its IT infrastructure. From the servers humming with data to the intricate network of applications interwoven seamlessly, maintaining the stability and security of this infrastructure is paramount. This is where IT Infrastructure Monitoring Tools step in as silent guardians, vigilantly watching over the digital landscape, ensuring smooth operations, detecting anomalies, and fortifying against potential disruptions. Let's delve into this realm, exploring the significance of these tools, the top contenders in the market, and why choosing the right monitoring tool is a pivotal decision for any organization navigating the digital age. 
Understanding IT Infrastructure Monitoring 
Infrastructure monitoring involves the systematic collection and analysis of data from various IT infrastructure components, systems, and workflows. This data is instrumental in enhancing business outcomes and generating value across the entirety of an organization. 
In simpler terms, infrastructure monitoring acts as the lifeblood of your infrastructure. It gathers crucial data to offer a comprehensive view of availability, performance, and resource utilization, ensuring that your applications and services remain consistently accessible to your user base. 
In today's business landscape, where revenue streams heavily rely on applications and services, the performance of systems has reached a mission-critical status. Recent global events have amplified the strain on organizations' digital assets, be it handling unemployment claims, facilitating small business loans, providing telehealth services, or managing online grocery shopping. These applications and services are not just essential for individuals but are also vital for the smooth functioning of numerous organizations worldwide. 
Top IT Infrastructure Monitoring Tools in the Market 
1. SolarWinds Orion Platform 
Known for its comprehensive suite of tools, SolarWinds offers a unified platform for monitoring networks, servers, applications, and more. Its user-friendly interface and extensive customization options make it a popular choice for businesses of varying sizes. 
2. Nagios XI 
Nagios XI is renowned for its scalability and extensibility. It provides a centralized view of an organization's infrastructure, allowing for proactive monitoring and alerting. Its plugin architecture enables users to add custom functionalities as needed. 
3. Zabbix 
Zabbix is an open-source solution known for its flexibility and scalability. It supports a wide array of monitoring protocols and offers robust features for network, server, and application monitoring. Its ability to handle large-scale deployments makes it appealing for enterprises. 
4. PRTG Network Monitor 
PRTG simplifies monitoring with its easy-to-use interface and customizable dashboards. It covers a wide range of devices, systems, and applications, providing real-time insights and customizable alerts for potential issues. 
5. Datadog 
Datadog specializes in cloud-scale monitoring, providing comprehensive observability across cloud environments, applications, and infrastructure. Its features for log management, APM, and infrastructure monitoring make it a favorite among DevOps teams. 
6. Prometheus 
Popular in the realm of cloud-native environments, Prometheus offers powerful metric collection and querying capabilities. Its integration with Kubernetes and other cloud technologies makes it a go-to choose for containerized applications. 
Talk To Analyst
Factors to Consider 
When selecting an IT infrastructure monitoring tool, several factors should be taken into account: 
Scalability: Ensure the tool can accommodate your current and future infrastructure needs. 
Ease of Use: A user-friendly interface and intuitive setup can save time and resources. 
Customization: The ability to tailor monitoring parameters and alerts according to specific requirements is crucial. 
Integration: Compatibility with various systems, databases, and applications within your infrastructure is essential for holistic monitoring. 
Importance of Choosing the Right IT Infrastructure Monitoring Tool 
1. Proactive Issue Detection: An effective monitoring tool enables proactive identification of potential issues before they escalate, thereby minimizing downtime and maintaining system reliability. 
2. Optimal Resource Utilization: By providing insights into resource usage and performance bottlenecks, these tools aid in optimizing infrastructure resources, leading to cost savings and efficient operations. 
3. Enhanced Security: Monitoring tools play a crucial role in detecting security threats and vulnerabilities, allowing organizations to implement timely security measures and safeguard sensitive data. 
4. Compliance Adherence: Many industries have strict compliance requirements. Monitoring tools help ensure adherence to these standards by continuously tracking and reporting on various compliance-related metrics. 
5. Improved Decision Making: Access to real-time data and historical performance trends assists in informed decision-making, allowing IT teams to strategize and prioritize tasks effectively. 
Market Intelligence Report's Role 
A comprehensive market intelligence report provides invaluable insights into the landscape of available IT infrastructure monitoring tools. It evaluates factors such as features, functionalities, scalability, user reviews, pricing structures, and vendor reliability. 
By analyzing the Market Share IT Infrastructure Monitoring Tools, 2022, world-wide reports, a company can gain a clear understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of different tools vis-à-vis its own infrastructure requirements. It aids in narrowing down choices, identifying tools aligned with specific needs, and assessing the long-term viability of the selected tool in evolving IT environments. 
Additionally, Quadrant Knowledge Solutions’ Market Forecast: IT Infrastructure Monitoring Tools, 2022-2027, Worldwide reports often include case studies and real-world usage scenarios, offering practical insights into how these tools perform in various business contexts. This assists decision-makers in envisioning how a particular tool might integrate into their existing infrastructure and the potential impact on day-to-day operations. 
Ultimately, leveraging a market intelligence report helps companies make informed decisions, ensuring that the chosen IT infrastructure monitoring tool aligns with their strategic goals, operational needs, and budget constraints. 
Looking Ahead 
As technology continues to advance, the landscape of IT infrastructure monitoring will evolve further. Integration with AI and machine learning will likely become more prevalent, enabling predictive analytics and automated remediation of issues. Additionally, the rise of edge computing and IoT devices will necessitate monitoring tools that can adapt to these new environments. 
Investing in robust IT infrastructure monitoring tools is indispensable for businesses aiming to stay competitive in today's digital realm. By leveraging these tools, organizations can ensure the seamless functioning of their IT infrastructure, fortify their security measures, and optimize their operational efficiency. As technology continues to evolve, so too will the capabilities of monitoring tools, enabling businesses to navigate the complexities of the digital landscape with greater ease and confidence. 
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dclessonsonline · 10 months
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Stand out as an AWS Certified Network Specialist! Master network design, troubleshooting, and optimization for cloud environments. Join the elite group of professionals with specialized skills.https://www.dclessons.com/aws/aws-training-certification-course-for-solutions-architect
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itphobia · 1 year
10 Reasons Why You Need Cron Monitoring tools for Your Business
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Have you ever wondered how certain tasks, like sending out emails or updating databases, are carried out automatically at specific intervals in your business? The answer lies in cron jobs – those nifty little tools as cron monitoring tools that make sure your business runs like a well-oiled machine. But, as we all know, even the best machines need some monitoring to ensure they’re operating at peak performance.
That’s where cron monitoring software comes into play. So, grab a coffee, and let’s talk about the top 10 reasons why your business needs cron monitoring tools.
10 Reasons Why You Need Cron Monitoring tools for Your Business
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awakish · 1 year
The simplicity of creating websites has led to a boom in the e-commerce industry. Business owners are now webmasters courtesy of content management systems (CMS) that enable easy design and launch of a plethora of websites.
However, maintaining a successful website entails more than just design and sales. An important aspect a lot of owners overlook is the security of website.
Customers are not going to think twice before abandoning your business if they even get a whiff of security concerns from your website. They need to be confident that their data is secure when using an online credit card payment processor. The last thing they would want is for their sensitive data to fall prey to malicious hands.
Users expect a secure online experience, whether you manage a small business or an enterprise. Website security should not be based on guesswork. You need to have a proper strategy in place that takes care of a gamut of website security features, right from website downtime to cyberattacks.
Luckily, there are some simple yet effective essential measures you can take in order to understand how to make your website secure. Let’s take a look at some of them in this blog post.
How to secure a website to ensure maximum customer satisfaction and revenue?
Include HTTPS and an SSL Certificate
A secure URL is required to keep your website safe. If your website deals with critical customer data, you must opt for HTTPS rather than HTTP.
What is HTTPS?
HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) is a protocol used to provide Internet security. HTTPS prevents turnovers and disruptions while the data is being processed.
Websites that do not use HTTPS are demarcated in competitive browsers such as Chrome. Look for a padlock in the URL bar to indicate that the website is secure. One of the biggest benefits of HTTPS is that it is taken seriously by web browsers; Google Chrome and other browsers mark all non-HTTPS internet sites as risky.
What is SSL?
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a computing framework that uses encryption to ensure the confidentiality of data sent over the internet. Your website also requires an SSL Certificate in order to create a secure online connection. If your website requires visitors to create an account, or complete any type of financial transaction, you must encode your connection.
Keep track of user access and administrative privileges
You may initially feel at ease giving senior employees access to your website. You grant each administrator access with the expectation that they will use their site responsibly. This is the ideal situation, but it is not always the case.
Unfortunately, when employees log into the CMS, they do not consider website security. Instead, their attention is focused on the task at hand.
If they make an error or fail to recognise an issue, it can lead to serious website security problems.
It is critical to thoroughly gauge your employees before granting them website access. Find out if they’ve used your CMS before and what to look for to avoid a security breach.
Educate all CMS users on the significance of passwords and software updates. Inform them of all the ways they can contribute to the website’s security.
Make a record and update it frequently to keep track of who has access to your CMS and their organisational settings.
When it comes to user access, be cautious.
Enable plugins and software that can be automatically updated
Keeping all of your plugins and software up to date is one of the basic but most robust cybersecurity steps you can take. One of the easiest tactics for attackers to gain access to websites is through outdated software. You can help prevent security flaws from being exploited by keeping everything up to date.
Most plugins and software allow you to enable auto-updates from their setting’s menus.
Opt for a solid password
The first way to safeguard your website from cybercriminals is to implement a strong password policy. You can make it much more difficult for attackers to acquire access to your website by keeping secure and unique passwords. You must ensure that your website’s backend is secure and that only authorised users have access to it. To accomplish this, you should think about using a password manager to create and store passcodes for your website. You should never use the same password for other websites.
Get website monitoring tools
One of the important aspects of website security services involves good website monitoring tools, that not only alert and fix your website downtime issues, but also keep an eye on possible cyber threats. Apart from the security aspect, a good website monitoring service provider keep an eye on SSL certificate expirations, offer detailed monthly summary reports, embed status badges in workflows, apps, dashboards, or websites, and sends downtime alerts immediately.
Secure website and amplify revenue with Awakish
You cannot simply create a website and leave it as a webmaster or business owner. It doesn’t matter that building websites is now simpler than ever—security maintenance is still required.
When it comes to safeguarding the data of your business and clients, always be vigilant. The data visitors enter on your site must go to the right people, whether your site accepts online payments or their personal information.Awakish offers advanced website downtime monitoring tools, the best SSL certificate tracker, and endpoint and IP monitoring among other astute services to maintain the health and security of your website. Get in touch with us for more info.
This Blog is originally published on Awakish Blogs.
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DevOps is a method for tracking everything from strategy to development, integration to testing, and deployment to operations. It gives you a complete picture of the state of your production apps, services, and infrastructure in real-time. Monitoring applications and services require real-time streaming, historical replay, and visualization.
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hostnextra · 17 days
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monovm · 7 months
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geekscripts · 2 years
Glances: A top/htop Alternative for GNU/Linux, BSD, Mac OS and Windows | #LinuxApps #Monitoring #MonitoringTool #Linux
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dennabrooks · 5 months
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This Infographic will help you to know the Advantages of PC Monitoring Software.
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technotaught · 4 years
TheOneSpy Monitoring App - Top Three Tool Specifically for Business
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This article will explain to you “TheOneSpy Monitoring Tool - Top Three Tools Specifically for Business Managers”. Are you an entrepreneur who is concerned about issues related to the conflict in your organization or low performance of your workers? Do you know you have to compromise your personal and property identity if you will not monitor your employees? It is a fact that when staff members do not perform their official duties honestly, the productivity level of the company suffers a lot. Some workers intentionally waste time on the company-owned devices playing games or chatting with friends or family. If you want to prevent misconduct, on-job injuries and accidents, and other types of loss, the solution to all your problems is the use of the TheOneSpy Android Data backup app. It is a great software that does not only helps you by creating a backup, but it also allows you to control the mic and camera of your company’s systems. You can track location, internet history, stored media, and programs, and much more with it. TheOneSpy Monitoring App - Top Three Tools Specifically for Business Managers How the Monitoring Tool Is Helpful for Industries? If you don’t want to be get deceived by your employees, it is essential to take action at the right time. If you want to catch the culprit who is betraying you by leaking private information to a third-party, the tracking tool can be of great help for you. Read the full article
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