morning-day-yew · 6 months
Today’s emotion is: progress made in a pixel world while wielding firearms.
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monopaints · 2 years
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Fragments - episodes 36-40 author notes
You can find similar breakdown posts on older episodes in my pinned!
I didn’t need to spend so much screentime on Titania fight, yet it was a fun personal challenge. I’d never written/drawn a cohesive fight scene before. The scripted ingame instances don’t leave much room for imagination, I wanted to stay away from the fourth wall, and make up a more immersive scene. How do you even make it look mildly interesting? You’d think, well, characters will just flail at each other until one of them dies, right?
So yeah the biggest challenge was creating the ebb and flow. What affects Vivi’s actions? Why wouldn’t he just murder Titania like any other opponent, and be done with it? I threw in a generous amount of inner pov (that I previously used very sparingly) and some silly tricks. The stakes are high, yes, it’s a Lightwarden vs WoD encounter, but Titania still retains their playful personality above all else. Vivi's here just to do his job, but he also knows that he's dealing with a fae.
The msq makes Titania stand out among other wardens, I capitalized on that and hc’d that they’re important to Feo Ul, and, by proxy, to Vivi. That instantly provided some emotional stakes, and an answer to why he doesn’t rush to kill them out of the door.
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Vivi enters the castle in episode 35, and mostly runs in circles, analyzing his enemy, and even falls victim to illusions. This could’ve been it for him, but I daresay it worried none of us because we’re just at the beginning of a story about this guy, he’s THE guy in this universe not for no reason, he’ll manage.
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No deep meaning behind "grasshopper", I just thought it's a bizarrely precise descriptor of both Vivi's long legs and dragoon jumps, and it fits the natural theme of the fight.
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Vivi didn’t go in unprepared.
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This line will be relevant again in like, 5-7 years from now :’>
More under the cut~
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He always, always doubts everything, especially when it comes to his level of power. Self-nerfing. A light (heh) case of an impostor syndrome.
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Everyone loved the bonk for meme reasons, Vivi simply bought himself some time to cast.
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The Rainbow Sparkles of Believing in Yourself! And of something else, perhaps. I’m planting quite a bit of stuff for future, this one should take a mere year or so to pay off.
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I hope this pose’s enough of a hint that you shouldn't be taking episode 37 too seriously.
Yes, he used his spear to ~cast~. And took a sailormoon pose. This's his, monoclass dragoon’s, interpretation of what the caster magic’s probably like.
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Offscreen, Titania comes to their senses and shrills “so you wanna play rough?!”, Vivi ignores them, concerned with only one thing: did he succeed? How did the test of his custom spell go?
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It only worked out because the both of them are idiots.
I like to emphasize that Fragments isn’t about retelling the msq, or big epic battles, but here, where I actually put my heart into it, I feel like I managed to pull off at least one epic beat you’d typically see in an action-focused comic. Super proud of this panel ;w;
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This’s a standard panel divider I’ve used multiple times before, but it couldn’t be more visually appropriate here :3c
So, to recap. Vivi asks Titania if they miss the night sky. They do. Vivi brings the night sky to them, and lo, something actually happens. I illustrated this “something” as one of their eyes getting sort of cleansed here. This story suddenly takes a mahou shoujo (shounen, heh) turn, I appreciate that it may cause some eyebrows to raise, but I think it’s okay to take creative liberties like this in a story themed around identity, agency, and believing in yourself. If Titania’s so strong as to retain a tiny bit of their old self, to cohesively partake in a simple convo, then why can’t they return, even if for a brief moment, given the proper assistance.
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An appropriate reaction to the wild bs that’s going on. Imagine inventing the tale of WoD in the First, only to witness THIS.
As about Vivi, he can save a soul when he genuinely cares for it. We haven’t seen him do this before. He does it for Feo Ul explicitly, implicitly as a self-reflection. He’s projecting so hard after realizing that Titania looks like him. He wishes for them what he'd wish for himself: to rest, to be treated with care and consideration. They don't only look like him, they're also unfree, tortured by something. Empathy or not, this’s the kindest fight Vivi’s ever fought.
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I’m iffy about the canon talents that come with the Echo. You can understand any sentient creature, okay. What happens when you speak, does the other party feel the difference between that soulspeak and their native tongue? Does it feel off? Does it offend? I incorporated my own misgivings into Vivi’s thoughts about his Echo. He doesn't use soulspeak here out of respect and concern that Titania might not react well to it, throwing the entire plan out of the window. Thus he memorized quite a bit of fae words before the fight. This’s his way to mark himself as one of their people, or at least to show that he truly cares.
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Vivien Doubter Rell. Also yay first nod!
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Embracing his new duty, and possibly giving Titania the hug they deserve.
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Look HE’S OKAY. For now. I just thought the hiccup would be a cute way to acknowledge the terrible power he’s just absorbed. The canon cutscene moves on unblinking, but here’s different.
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Bracing himself for confrontation. Things might go awry. Or might not. Vivi doesn't know. Worst case scenario: this’s the end of his sweet lil friendship with Feo Ul. Do they like him, or a Titania-lookalike in him?
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“Oh bugger...” big pets come with big responsibilities, my dear Feo Ul.
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Just to reinforce his fae-ness.
Vivi had full control in this fight. Analyzed the enemy, successfully tested some crazy tricks, managed to have a heart-to-heart that resulted in getting a permission to kill Titania not with violence, but with mercy. So much could’ve gone wrong, but just didn’t. Vivi’s used to this, even if he constantly doubts everything, this’s how it always goes. He’s being flung at tasks with abysmal odds, somehow he emerges victorious.
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I just like this panel so much okay.
This arc may feel slow, but it gives depth to Vivi and Feo Ul's relationship, and seeing them together in later episodes will spark even more joy.
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Even after a warm moment they’d just shared, Vivi’s still wary. I broke out an analysis of what external influence, pressure to change means to him, please read this post if you missed it. YEAH TAGS AS WELL.
His expression here is an attempt to downplay the anxiety and swing the odds in his favor. What if Feo Ul insists and throws a tantrum? What if he has to become Titania right now, and there’s no way around this? Let’s make puppy eyes just incase, maybe that helps.
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One more personal fav panel. There’s SO MUCH in this look. They’re on a threshold, about to become something else on Vivi’s behalf. Because they love him so much. They’ve instantly become friends because they don’t want anything from each other, just the company. Feo Ul’s such a breath of fresh air for Vivi, a new hope in a new world, where he’s (comparatively) a nobody, where people still have the potential to love him for who he is as a person. This’s why our crimson pixie gets so much screentime.
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Vivi really said XD
The next few episodes wrap up the Il Mheg arc, and focus on good vibes and celebration. ShB follows a rollercoaster formula where it makes you smile at something nice and sweet only to whack you in the face right after, and I’m trying to do the same :3c
As always, thanks for reading~
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scarves-in-summer · 1 year
the classic critrole combination of nudity, nighttime, and a new level
very excited to see what the monoclass characters take for their level eight Ability Score Improvement
🙏if orym takes the skill expert feat he can (eventually) beat vex for highest passive perception of all PCs🙏
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actionsurges · 2 years
my girlfriends and i are planning on doing monk pvp duels, one round monoclass and one round multiclass and they’re both saying that I’m going to kick their ass and saying they want to do a 1v1v1 to conspire against me because they’re afraid and i really don’t think they need to be 😭 we all know my dice are going to fuck me
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a-heart-of-kyber · 1 year
Why am I so adverse to playing a monoclassed character?
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Isole minori in Sicilia: spendere bene i 153,3 milioni di euro del Pnrr
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Isole minori in Sicilia: spendere bene i 153,3 milioni di euro del Pnrr Piccole, non minori. Le isole sono state al centro del dibattito durante primo appuntamento del nuovo direttivo 2023-2027 della Consulta regionale degli Ordini degli Ingegneri che si è tenuto a Favignana, «dove sono emerse tutte le bellezze e le criticità che caratterizzano le oasi siciliane immerse nel mare – aggiunge Fabio Corvo, nuovo presidente della Consulta regionale degli Ingegneri che conta in Sicilia oltre 20mila professionisti – che rappresentano le periferie d’Europa». L’Assise, organizzata dall’Ordine degli Ingegneri di Trapani, dalla sua Fondazione e dalla Consulta regionale – dal 26 al 28 maggio - con il convegno “Lo sviluppo delle Isole minori: quale sostenibilità?” ha aperto il dibattito sulle priorità e sulle difficoltà concrete da risolvere con i 153,3 milioni di euro (il 76,5% del totale dei fondi destinati dal ministero dell’Ambiente alle isole non interconnesse) per gli otto Comuni che raggruppano le 14 realtà isolane del Mediterraneo. «Favignana conta 4.494 abitanti – ha affermato Francesco Forgione, sindaco delle Egadi – ma nei mesi estivi registra 50mila presenze al giorno. A fronte di questo, non viene garantita la continuità territoriale con Trapani. È vergognoso che l’ultimo aliscafo debba partire alle 19.30: chi decide per noi, non ha contezza della situazione di isolamento che dobbiamo affrontare quotidianamente». E giù un elenco di criticità che aprono uno spaccato sulla condizione di “insularità”, sancita ormai dalla Costituzione, ma nei fatti ancora solo sulla carta. Dallo smaltimento dei rifiuti - «abbiamo solo due camion di organico al giorno» - al diritto alla sanità (un solo medico per a coprire tre isole, Favignana, Levanzo e Marettimo), e un infermiere stagionale. «L’acqua arriva solo con le navi – continua il sindaco - i vigili urbani sono solo cinque; a Marettimo la scuola è monoclasse con due insegnanti per undici bambini dall’asilo alla terza media. La quotidiana insularità è difficile da gestire, impone limiti non commisurabili alla bellezza, alla ricchezza e all’idea di progresso custodita in questi luoghi. Per la riconversione ecologica delle Egadi potremo spendere 18 milioni di euro per i depuratori e i potabilizzatori - sono state approvate tutte le proposte: ma come vanno gestiti in tre anni i fondi con un ufficio tecnico che conta solo quattro impiegati?». «La missione 2 del Pnrr punta alla rivoluzione verde e alla transizione ecologica – ha sottolineato Francesco Amodeo della Direzione generale Incentivi energia del ministero Ambiente e Sicurezza energetica, che sciorinato i numeri del Piano di ripresa e resilienza – per la distribuzione delle risorse finanziarie abbiamo tenuto conto delle dimensioni, della popolazione, delle priorità di ogni comune. I fondi supporteranno la gestione del ciclo dei rifiuti, la mobilità sostenibile, l’efficientamento energetico e idrico, la produzione di energie rinnovabili. Occorre garantire la liquidità nelle casse dei comuni e prevedere le risorse umane professionali a supporto degli uffici tecnici impegnati nell’attuazione dei piani strategici di lavoro. Abbiamo già trasferito il 20% dei fondi assegnati, la sfida adesso è arrivare puntuali alle scadenze di giugno 2026». In una Sicilia che si è posizionata al terzultimo posto in Italia, «per rapporto risorse spese e abitanti con 4 miliardi e mezzo di investimenti generati da Superbonus», come sottolineato da Domenico Prisinzano delll’Enea. «Abbiamo messo sul tavolo proposte fattive e azioni prioritarie – ha concluso il presidente Corvo – A Favignana siamo andati oltre i temi del turismo, perchè è necessario accendere i riflettori anche sulle criticità che frenano lo sviluppo e condizionano la vita di una comunità che nelle isole minori vive 365 giorni l’anno. Dobbiamo affrontare i prossimi anni all’insegna di una forte responsabilità etica. Dal dibattito - moderato dal giornalista de La Sicilia Mario Barresi - è emerso quanto sia rilevante rispettare il valore e il coinvolgimento dei professionisti nell’attuazione dei principi di sostenibilità a tutela dei territori insulari, quotidianamente segnati da limiti che vanno rimossi». Al confronto hanno partecipato Giovanni Indelicato (presidente Ingegneri di Trapani); Giuseppe Galia (presidente Fondazione Ingegneri Trapani); Angelo Domenico Perrini (presidente CNI), Gianluca Burgio (prof. di Progettazione architettonica, Kore di Enna); Damiano Galbo (Hydro Engineering); Paolo La Greca (presidente CeNSU); Salvatore Ombra (presidente Airgest S.p.A.); Giuseppe Renda (esperto in politiche di sviluppo territoriale); Michele Torregrossa (Prof. associato Dip. Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, Aerospaziale, dei Materiali, UniPA); Anita Astuto (responsabile Energia e Clima Legambiente Sicilia); Andrea Fioravanti (Head Technical & Operations Merchant LNG Business Greenture, Gruppo Snam).... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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hearttoshu · 6 years
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MONOCLASSIC is really going to sell the phonecase I’m CACKLING
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swmv-team-blog · 5 years
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180803 Dongsan Fansign Cr: monoclassic l do not crop or edit logo (🐣)
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joshua-data-blog · 6 years
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[171112] Mokdong Fan Signing       © monoclassic | do not edit or crop logo. ( ☼ )
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aterabyte · 2 years
Two thoughts;
1. If you disagree with my opinions on D&D mechanics you are under no obligation to act in accordance with them—I'm legit just some girl with a Tumblr blog I don't expect to be taken as an authority on these things lmao (nor do I want to be). In fact, you can absolutely filter my "dnd mechanics" tag if my ramblings annoy you.
2. However, many of my D&D mechanics opinions are based on personal experience. i.e. playing a character who's shitty at their class' main mechanic (i.e. a low-Wisdom Sorcerer/Cleric) with plans to eventually swap the Cleric levels to Paladin in accordance with character development was cool in concept, but in practice she just Wasn't Fun to play. I've also experienced Bad Multiclassing Choices of my own doing, which has seriously informed how I make my characters as someone who's allergic to monoclass builds, and my general opinion that sometimes a particular multiclass character just Isn't Gonna Be Fun.
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fy-verkwan-blog · 7 years
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© monoclassic‏
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monopaints · 2 years
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nights-at-crystarium · 2 months
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. B A S I C S ∙ ✦
Name: Vivien Rell Nicknames: Vivi Age: 23 ARR - 26 ShB (he lives and ages further, his story just spends years of real time in ShB) Nameday: 9th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon Race: Wildwood Elezen Gender: Male Orientation: Gay Profession: Warrior of Light
. P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C T S ∙ ✦
Hair: Ash blonde Eyes: Cold whitish yellow, naturally glow in the dark Skin: Fair Tattoos/scars: None (My addition: Abnormally short for an elezen, slim, funky long limbs)
. F A M I L Y ∙ ✦
Parents: Elezen mother and father, alive and well, but wip Siblings: Older sister Grandparents: tbd/wip In-laws and Other: None Pets: Red chocobo Paprika
. S K I L L S ∙ ✦
Abilities: Standard dragoon stuff, monoclass. In ShB he starts testing custom spells that look like stars and inky darkness, based on his own aether Hobbies: Reading tales, novels and other fiction, keeping a journal, fishing, tailoring/designing outfits. Vivi has a personal tailor/designer that's stationed in Gridania, therefore isn't always available, so he had to learn the basics for himself
. T R A I T S ∙ ✦
Most Positive Trait: Sincere, emotionally intelligent Most Negative Trait: Fickle, unreliable
. L I K E S ∙ ✦
Colors: Black, white, grey, muted browns Smells: Grass, forest, lumber, sun-heated straw (scent from his childhood when he'd wallow on the roof of his home), sea breeze, bread and pastry, cosmetics, freshly printed papers Textures: Smooth rocks and glass pebbles polished by water, grains and beans in a bag, soft young leaves, fabric of his own clothes, metal accessories like buttons, spikes, necklaces, chains Drinks: Fruit-flavored teas, coffee with milk or cream, iced drinks, smoothies and juices
. O T H E R    D E T A I L S ∙ ✦
Smokes: Tried once, didn't like it Drinks: Has a rather high alcohol tolerance, enjoys it in company, or to cope alone after a shitty day. Not addicted. Drugs: Definitely tried some stuff out of curiosity, not addicted Mount Issuance: Paprika is still wip, due to her being a red chocobo she's unlikely to have come from a grand company, probably a special gift Been Arrested: Probably been. I genuinely haven't thought about it yet, so wip
Tagged by @tinygamertris , thank you :> Tagging @just-a-nerdd @backseatfishing @absolem0 though only if you want. Anyone else who sees and wants to do this, go for it!
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kwibu · 4 years
New list of SVT sasaengs/problematics
Here’s a new, updated list of SVT sasaeng/problematic fansites. If you want to know exactly what they’ve done and/or need proof, please refer to this doc (not mine).
Note that the sites marked as sasaengs have all done things to endanger SVT’s safety; taken photos in non-photo areas or private schedules, taken the same flight, stalked, sold personal photos/info/schedules etc. In my opinion there is no excuse to continue supporting these sites. For problematic sites it’s up to you what you choose to do with the information in the document.
(PS if you know of any sasaengs that aren’t on this list, send a DM to @narjee_ on twitter)
S. Coups
[SS] SCLAIR [SS] Breathless Moment [SS] MY MIRACLE [SS] Coupchu [PB] 0808
[SS] ONE SHOT [SS] Rabbit Daybreak [SS] UNWINGED ANGEL [SS] Into My Eyes [SS] My Deer [SS] Gentle Angel [SS] My Precious [SS] TOURMALINE [SS] JASMINE [SS] Mylittlerose
[SS] PINKY [SS] Essays In Love [SS] Gentle Angel
[SS]  the innocence [SS]  JunMeow [PB] -VIVI-
[SS] SAINT WONWOO [SS]  Night Owl [SS]  PÉTALE [SS] THUMBS UP [SS] PINK MILK/STRAWBERRY MILK [SS] In Different [SS] Reallylikeu [SS] RENARD [SS] LICHT/WONWOO MOON [PB] Raffine [PB] MY WOONIVERSE [PB] Flipped Wonwoo [PB] the valenti
[SS] STARRY NIGHT [SS] BE MY DREAM [SS] Daisy [SS] Pearl [SS] Luxury Time [SS] Tuesday Mood [SS] Till The Top [SS] Reallylikeu [SS] Saturdaying [SS] Pentagram
[SS] Mintbreeze [SS] Night Owl [SS] Bubblewith [SS] Friday Vibes [SS] Cafe Rose [SS]  Pink Melody [SS] Tuesday Mood [SS] DEAR MUSE/DEAR WOOZI [SS]  VOBO
[SS] Infinity8 [SS] My Sirius [SS] TODAY’S DREAM [SS] SWEET MASK [SS] The Bright Moon
[SS] Dandelion [SS] IRRESISTABLE MINGYU [SS] MINI MACARON [SS] Polaris [SS] The Boy I Love [PB] MING9COM [PB] Marvelous   
[SS]  Sparkling Moment/Sunlight DK [SS] Be My Voice [SS] Devil Kin [SS] Heavenly Voice
[SS] Boobit
[SS] Monoclassic [SS] Love Potion [SS] Plan V [SS] Letters To Romeo [SS] BLOSSOM SEASON [SS] the galactic fantasy. [SS] LIME TIME
[SS] Melty [SS] Daisy [SS] Chan Jjang [SS] Otter [SS] ENCHANTED [SS] VALENDINO [SS] Freesia [SS] one minute
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actionsurges · 2 years
i do not know how to explain without sounding like an asshole how long it took me to realize how to make triple multiclasses, especially under 10th level functional enough to stand on the same level as monoclasses and duo multiclasses. It is not easy and it makes you have to think about combat and mechanics in such a radically different way than you would otherwise.
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