#monsignor pruitt smut
yeonjuns-beanie · 3 months
Blasphemous Rumours
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Warnings: 18+, smut, hierophilia, sacrilegious acts, priest kink, fucking on an altar, suggestive themes in a confessional, riding a rosary(?...), hair pulling, biting, light blood play, exhibitionism, suggestive themes during mass, probably smth else but i don’t remember. nothing too crazy🧌. im debating on linking the playlist i wrote this to, but it would kinda get rid of the anonymity of this account…. ~nero :)
Father Paul Hill x female!reader
Word Count: 6.3k
You hated this fuckin ferry. 
You loved your family but you never understood why they never left that island. When you found your way out you left without a second thought. Vowing to never settle here again but that didn’t mean you’d never visit your family. Usually for the holidays you made your way back out here, but this time you just had a break in your schedule and wanted to visit. Wanting to visit didn’t trump the hatred you had for riding this fucking ferry though. 
To be completely honest you didn’t hate the ride itself but rather how the journey made you smell like a feeding bucket at Seaworld. The evening sun was gracing you with its last bit of warmth as it began to tuck itself behind the horizon. Against the cool mist of the water for a split moment, you almost understood the appeal of this lifestyle.
The ferry pulled up to the dock and your eyes fell on the shoreline meeting some abandoned nets and dried out seaweed. The seagulls' mews echoed as you exited the boat. Grabbing your bags you took a deep breath as your feet hit the sand and you began the trek up to your family home. 
Nothings changed. 
It’s been years and everything still looked the same. The houses, the people, hell even the smells were the same. It was uncanny. You saw the church in the distance and were relieved knowing that you could finally lay your bags down soon. As you passed the church your eyes landed on a relatively young man standing outside, a warm smile welcoming anyone that passed by. Styx-colored locks, a slender frame, and a face that looked ever so familiar. Pressing your lips together in a close-lipped smile and waved at him making a mental note to speak to him later. 
Your family’s house was only two doors down from the church and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t excited to see them. Knocking on the front door you eagerly waited to see who would see your face first. 
You heard faintly from the other side and you were greeted by the face of your mother. 
“Y/n! Oh, honey, it’s so good to see you!” 
She embraced you immediately, nearly squeezing the life out of you. 
“Hi, Mom.” You chuckled 
Over her shoulder, you saw your little sister, Briar, smirking at you trying her best not to laugh at your current situation. Your mom pulled you into the house motioning for you to come eat dinner as you arrived just in time. 
“Please, come eat. We’ll worry about your bags later. You came just in time to go to mass with us after.”
Mass? Why so late?
“Mass? Did you guys miss it this morning or something?” 
Washing your hands you turned around to face your family as you dried them. Before you sat down at the table your dad came from around the corner physically interjecting himself into the conversation as your mom spoke. 
“No, they happen—hi dear, they happen in the evening now. A new priest has been filling in for the Monsignor. Apparently, while he left for his trip to Jerusalem he fell terribly ill. Such a shame. But Father Paul is phenomenal! I think you’ll like him.”
Your mom looked at you with a knowing smile and you knew exactly what she was teasing you about. You rolled your lips around your teeth and began to eat, swallowing a sly comment. 
After you guys finished dinner, you fixed yourself for mass. Although you weren’t religious on your own time, you did it for your family while you were here. Plus, it allowed you time to wrestle with your feelings with Christ to see if it really wasn’t for you. Your relationship with God or whoever was out there was complicated. Wildly complicated. You knew in your heart that you were a formal sinner yet you lacked the guilt that should’ve come with that. 
If anything, you relished in it. You loved being entangled with the feeling of sin, it made you feel alive. You felt so strangled as a kid with religion, as if every move you made was under scrutiny so when you found the courage to separate yourself, you may have overindulged in things that were impious in nature. 
Just as you were this evening, clad in a low-cut tank top, a hoodie, jeans, and slip-on Vans. If you felt you didn’t belong in Crockett before, you definitely visually fit the part now. Looking like a complete foreigner in comparison to everyone else. You screamed city. From your clothes, and makeup, even down to the way you spoke. You tried your best to eradicate every trace of Crockett when you left but there was one thing you couldn’t scrub away. 
God always found a way to squirm His way around your brain and tether you to this island. 
“Y/n! You ready, honey?” 
Spraying yourself with a light perfume you walked out into the front room where your family was waiting for you. Filing out the door, the walk to the church was quick which was something you despised as a kid and you could feel those same feelings bubbling up as you neared its entrance. It was as if God was mocking you, knowing that you had such an internal feud with whether or not you believed, what was right and wrong, and if you even had a sliver of faith left within you. 
Sitting down in the pews next to your family, you felt at home once the incense filled your nose. The strange feeling of comfort washing over you as memories of your childhood flashed in front of you. The tottering organ that was moments away from wood decay, the massive crucifix in the center arch of the back of the church, and the haunting glow from the warm ambient lighting had you questioning yourself once again. You swallowed the thought, deciding that nostalgic comfort was weighing out your need for logic. 
You were pulled from your thoughts as everyone around you rose to your feet and the chimes of the bell echoed through the building. It was at this point that you realized how many people were stuffed into the pews. Mass was never like this as a kid. 
He’s either the hottest thing known to man or he’s sent from God himself. 
Anticipation settled in your stomach and you fought the smile that was begging to stretch your lips. You needed to know what it was. Maybe he was just a really good preacher, and you were being facetious–or maybe you just walked into the next Jim Jones story. Either way, your eyes were glued to the hallway counting the seconds to the procession. 
As everyone around you opened their book of hymns you were fixated on the white robe that exited the side door.  You didn’t recognize either of the altar boys and for a brief moment, you wondered where the last two poor bastards ran off to. But then your eyes fell on his. His stark black hair wasn’t as neat as it was earlier today when you were walking through town. A few pieces in the front dangled over his right eyebrow and his head was bowed slightly as he walked through the pews. 
Your mind was pulled away from fully taking in the man as you were distracted by how full the church sounded. When you were younger the hymns always sounded so hollow and weak, but tonight it resembled a traditional mass. Savoring the moment of repose you felt, you found it within you to appreciate the music resonating through the building finding it somewhat odd that they were singing a hymn that sounded so haunting. 
At His feet the six-winged seraph, cherubim with sleepless eye~
Your attention drifted back to the priest where he kneeled at the steps and then bowed his head at the altar. When his head raised to stare out across the pews you felt your eyes widen slightly at the sight of him. Your mom nudged your side, smirking when you turned to look at her. 
“Told you.”
You shoved your tongue in your cheek, swiping it across your teeth as you sat back down. Mass went by in a blink considering you were completely engrossed in the man in front of you rather than his preaching. At some point, you completely tuned out his biblical orations and resorted to the simple pleasures of imagining him and yourself in various scenarios in the church. 
In the pews, across the altar, across the altar with the front door open waiting for Beverly to waltz through, in the confessio-
“Honey, come. I want you to meet Father Paul.”
Your mom tapped you on your shoulder pushing you out of your trance of thoughts. Standing up, you smoothed out your top and took a deep breath in an attempt to shake out the tension in your shoulders you most certainly built up during your daydreaming. Walking out of the church you wondered why you were leaving if she wanted you to meet the man. You turned around and noticed that he was no longer at the altar either. Stepping out to the front, your questions were soon answered as a smooth voice sounded from behind you. 
“I see we have a new face in town.” 
Your mother butt in before you had a chance to speak for yourself. Laying her hand across the small of your back introducing you to the man you just spent the better half of an hour fantasizing about. 
“For a little bit, we do, yes! This is my daughter, y/n. She usually comes around for the holidays but we got lucky this time around. This used to be her home until about two years ago.”
You stuck your hand out, Father Paul grabbing yours with a firm grip and you couldn’t help the compulsion to stare at his hand for a moment before quickly finding your mind and smiling at him.
“Nice of you to step in for the Monsignor. My mom told me you’re his stand-in for the time being.” 
“Yes. I apologize seeing as I’m not who you expected, but I assure you he’s on the road to recovery.” 
As Father Paul spoke, you couldn’t quite place why he looked and felt so familiar. You were running through files of how you could’ve possibly known him but nothing was coming out concrete. 
“Oh! No need to apologize. I quite enjoyed your sermon, it was very similar to what I was used to growing up here. It’s as if he never left.” 
You chuckled out your last sentence and suddenly nerves found themselves coursing through your body as you maintained eye contact. You were committing his face to memory. Whether it be for personal reasons in the dead of night or to try and figure out where you knew him from. You’d wrestle with that later. Right now, you were just hoping that you weren’t being painfully obvious. 
You were. 
You were bordering a fine line of staring and eye-fucking him that your mother and sister were finding absolute humor in. Your eyes flickered back and forth between his clerical collar and his face trying to shake the thoughts that were circling their way around your head. 
“Well, I’m glad that I feel so familiar to you. I hope to see more of you during your time here with us.” 
He smiled at you with such sincerity you forgot about all the lust brewing for a second. His face held so many emotions but you couldn’t place any of them. 
“You will.”
You smiled back at him, your eyes holding something a little more heavy though. You were aware of the priesthood’s celibacy and something about knowing you couldn’t have him made the feeling that more intense. Although, you didn’t miss how it seemed the feeling was reciprocated while you looked at him. Father Paul spoke, breaking the silence that you two created. 
“Well, it was very nice to meet the rest of your family, Mrs. L/N, but I am afraid that I have some matters to tend to back in my rectory. You all have a very nice night.” 
His gaze lingered as he spoke, giving you the same treatment as you did moments before and it was making you squirm on the inside. His gaze was soft but so intense and the contrariety of it left your mind racing. While you and your family said a choir of goodbyes, you watched Father Paul walk away as your family made the way back to the house. Your sister spoke up, whipping you from your thoughts. 
“At this point, you should just tell him you want to fuck him.” 
Both of your parents exclaimed your sister’s name in shock but the two of you were left laughing. 
“Oh come on, I wasn’t that bad.” 
“Y/n, you might as well have been sucking his fingers in front of us.” 
As you guys walked back into the house your mom snickered as you genuinely asked for her opinion. 
“Was I being that obvious about it?”
She paused. 
“You could be…less obvious about it.” 
You groaned in embarrassment rushing straight to your room to avoid any teasing for the night. 
You couldn’t sleep. You opened your phone to check the time knowing full well that it was the middle of the night. You just wanted to see how late it was. 
You let out an exasperated sigh wiping your hand across your face. It was usually at this point in the night that your hand found its way in between your pajama pants and gently glided itself across your sensitive floret. Your hips jolted forward at the contact and as soon as that sensation spread through your body, images of Father Paul flickered in your mind. As your finger circled over your clit you found yourself reaching your climax faster than usual. As your orgasm flooded through your limbs, your chest heaved for air trying to calm the euphoria running through your veins. 
Pulling your hand from under the sheets, you let your arm drape across your eyes grappling with what you just did. But before you could really identify the problem with your actions, sleep weighed heavily on your eyelids. 
When you woke up, your middle of the night scandal was the first thing on your mind. 
How am I gonna look at him again? 
A string of questions ran through your mind leaving you mentally scattered but as you got ready for the day and saw your sister in the main room, it left the front of your mind. 
“Morning. You gonna go to church today?”
You shot your sister a look that was a mixture of embarrassment and a playful knowing. You two erupted into a fit of giggles that ended with you looking at her out of the corner of your eye. 
She watched you, impressed by your honesty, and nodded her head. Taking a sip of her drink she spoke through her swallow making her voice a little gummy. 
“Your best chances of seeing him are in the evening. For some reason, he’s stopped coming out in the day. Probably to avoid Bev. That woman would sew herself to his hip if she could.”
“Bev was up the Monsignor’s ass too, nothing out of the ordinary. I’ve never seen someone try to get so close to fucking God.” 
You both were laughing until you saw your mother emerge from the hallway and you halted the sound in your throats. 
“What’s so funny?”
“Oh, nothing. Just givin’ Bev shit for being Bev.”
Your mom laughed through her nose and shook her head at your antics and you were preparing for a small lecture. 
“So I take it you’ll be heading to the church tonight y/n? Typically we only go on Sundays now but I’m sure Father Paul would be ecstatic to see one of us a little more often.” 
Your family took great pride in taking the piss out of you and to be completely fair you made it quite easy. You rolled your eyes at your mother because even she knew you had lost touch with your faith, but now you had reason to find it–maybe. 
“I wasn’t planning on it but since Briar and now you have both greeted me with the question maybe I will. Build some rapport with the man.” 
“We both know you’d wanna build something more than rapport with him.” Briar chimed in. 
“I literally can’t even! You know…with him. It’s against their whole code. Don’t think I forgot. But also they like should come up with a code to not have hot priests, I’m just sayin.” 
They both just hummed in agreement still silently giving you shit. 
“You guys are terrible.” You laughed. 
You had all day to conjure up a scheme of how you’d find a way to get close to Father Paul and you finally decided on a plan while you were getting ready. 
Technically you didn’t need a priest for confession but it’d be nice to have someone listen while you were in the box. Everyone separated into their rooms for the day and you hoped that was still the case when you stepped out of the house. 
“Skirt’s a little long isn’t it.” 
You didn’t expect Briar to be sitting in the main room so her voice spooked you before you registered her words. 
“Yeah, but I think the side slits balance out the potential prude.” 
You shoved your leg out to the side showing off how the slit in the maxi skirt stopped at the middle of your thigh. Paired with a fairly tight black long sleeve and chunky boots, you were bordering on looking like a mortician. In your mind, being clad in all black hid not only you, but your true intentions from being so visible. The last thing you needed was being sniffed out through a choice of clothing, but you’d be lying if you said you weren’t hopeful for an interaction. 
“I’ll be back.”
“Be safe.” Briar snickered
Stepping out into the cool night air, you were thankful to feel something other than the emotional heat from your family. It immediately soothed your nerves and you found yourself focusing more on your plan. With the church doors open, you noticed you saw nobody walking in and when you walked up the steps you were surprised to see the pews empty. It felt like you were intruding, like a fly buzzing around a dinner table. Your footsteps echoed in the empty building and you felt an overwhelming feeling to run out and forget about this elaborate plan. To sacrifice your need for affection and carnal satisfaction for a walk across the shoreline or to the general store. Just something else. 
Your eyes panned over to the confession box and you were wrestling with your gut feeling to stay. Maybe you should confess and get it off your chest…just not with him there. With disquieted uncertainty overcoming you, you took a step back to exit the church deciding that you’d come back another day, but when you expected your body to glide through the air, you stumbled into something solid instead. Whipping your body around you apologized profusely. 
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry! I was spaced out and didn’t hear anybody behind me I’m so-” 
And then you paused. As your eyes traveled up to meet the person you stumbled into your eyes caught the clerical collar. It was like a bullet lodged itself into your chest and you felt your limbs begin to grow cold from shock. You knew who lied above that collar and you had to find the guts to look at him in the eye. 
“It’s no trouble at all. Are you alright? You seem pretty startled.” 
Father Paul placed his hand on your shoulder looking down at you with genuine concern. You made the mistake of looking at him directly in the eye and you wished you didn’t. His deep brown eyes furrowed under his brow waiting for your response but you were entranced by him. Stuttering when you found your voice. 
“I, uh, yeah. I’m fine. I just was in my head about something.” 
Father Paul cocked his head slightly trying to figure out where to step with you. He narrowed his eyes for a moment and flickered back and forth between you and the confessional box. 
“I noticed you were quite focused on the confessional, were you looking to confess this evening, y/n?” 
You panicked. Backed in a corner, your mouth moved faster than your brain. It was too late before you could register the words flying out of your mouth. 
“Well, yes and no. I’ve been quite separated from my faith as of late but I’ve been struggling with…some intense internal issues that can’t be ignored now. I’m not sure if confession would make it better or worse and that’s why I was so engrossed in it.” 
“Well. We’re here now. If you’re comfortable, I can lead you through it.” 
You were hesitant. You worried that in your current state, you’d divulge too much, but maybe that’s exactly what you needed to do. To just get it all out of your system and bear the humiliation. You looked at him one last time and it was as if he was waiting for your compliance. He may as well have been extending his hand out to lead you to it. Closing your eyes and accepting this as a fated moment you inhaled a deep breath and nodded. 
Walking to the confessional, you got down on your knees, folded your hands in front of your mouth, and exhaled a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. You looked through the latticed opening and made out a few of Father Paul’s features. A feeling began to pool in your stomach as you realized the dynamic of the situation you were in. Your mind swiftly moved into the gutter wishing you were on your knees for a different reason. 
“Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned–and will continue to do so.” 
You paused deciding one last time if you were going to bear all your bones here. Swallowing your pride, like a gun sounding the start of a race, you relieved yourself with zero guilt. 
“Being separated from my faith has left me in a deeply sacrilegious state. For the most part, I can ignore my thoughts, my taboo interests but since I stepped foot back on this island it's all come bubbling back up.”
You looked to see if Father Paul was looking at you but he stared straight ahead giving you his complete focus to your confession. 
“I find, grave desire in things I shouldn’t. Sexual hunger that I can’t displace somewhere else because I know the only reason it brews within me is because I know it’s wrong. Father, these feelings came back to the surface when I laid my eyes on you during Mass. I couldn’t help it. The feeling that pooled in the depths of my stomach and left me aching for something more. Forgive me, Father, for my boldness, but I fear that the only way I can feel relief is to…release.” 
You felt your breath quicken at how honest you were being but it was soon replaced by the feeling of of excitement. 
“I know it’s wrong but I…I can’t stop the feeling. This is all I can say, I’m sorry for my sins.” 
You felt like you sat in silence for an eternity waiting to hear his voice echo to your side, but you didn’t. Instead, you heard the pace of his breathing. You almost confused it for your own but you held your breath trying to calm your nerves and still it echoed. 
“Father…I. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said any-” 
“Y/n. Come to the other side. 
As you rose to your feet, you heard the door on his side of the confessional click open. When you stood in front of the door, it was the first time this evening you found the courage to look him directly in the eye. There was a dastardly hunger swimming in his brown eyes. Like a predator stalking his prey, his aura was intense and left you frozen in front of him awaiting his command. His eyebrow slightly cocked upward and his hand raised, coaxing you towards him. You followed, pausing before you stepped inside his side of the box but he coaxed you forward with his voice so smooth and alluring. With little room, you were left to slot yourself in between his legs. 
Your breath hitched as you looked at him again and he patted his thigh with his hand that was wrapped in a rosary. Clenching around nothing, you made the swift decision to close his legs and straddle them instead of taking his knee. Letting your hands rest on his shoulders you stared him down. Nothing but salacity was radiating between your bodies and quickly you began to feel your desire rise into your face. Searching his eyes for any indication of his feelings you opened your mouth to speak but he occupied the silence before you. 
“I wondered if, you would find the courage to be truthful and I must say I’m struck by your honesty.”
Your heart nearly stopped. 
You fucked this up, bad.
“Father, I-”
“No need for any apologies. I’m glad you were so honest.” 
“You…you are?”
“Lying is a sin, so yes. But it relieves me of my own prurient conscience so that I may indulge in you free of guilt.” 
You weren’t paying attention to the movement of his body due to being so focused on his words, but when his words were punctuated with the rolling of his rosary-clad finger across your cloth-covered center, you were made very aware. Your cunt clenched around nothing and your body lurched forward unintentionally writhing over his hand. Your breath came out in shutters and your eyes, now hooded with lust, gazed into his own in a frenzy. 
His fingers kept gently teasing your bud through your panties and you couldn’t help the compulsion to ride in tandem with his movements. The beads of the rosary gifted you an unknown kind of pleasure that you knew would afflict your mind for the rest of time. It was a feeling that was near indescribable but the pleasure was too good to deny. You rested your head on his forehead, gripping onto his shoulders for some type of leverage. You bit the corner of your lip in an effort to silence yourself, but your ragged breathing was near that of an incensed bull. 
“If you did a better job of controlling yourself yesterday, I may have been fooled by your sheepish nature, but you just couldn’t quell this desire on your own, could you? You went home to seek some satisfaction but you found none, so you came here to plague me instead. Praying that I’d fix this ache within you. Am I right y/n?”
You went to respond but Father Paul’s finger slipped past the barrier of your underwear, leaving you to feel your arousal be spread across your puffy petals. A moan escaped your throat and the way it echoed off the confessional walls into the church made you shrink into his body. A pathetic attempt to hide from your lechery. Father Paul hummed, urging you to speak as he sank two fingers into your honeyed garden. Catching your breath, you found your words. 
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, Father~”
You brought your head up to look at him again, too dazed to even feel like this was real. As his fingers continued to roll themselves against your sweet spot, your breath quickened as your mouth stayed ajar looking for the courage somewhere in yourself to slot your lips against his. As he rolled his finger over your swollen bud, your body decided for you. Your lips danced in a sweat and lust-filled hysteria leaving your brain foggy with desire. You rolled your hips into his hand needing more of him and your sounds slowly increased in volume as you felt a bead of the rosary slide across your center. The feeling of the beads slightly grazing your sensitive lips brought you faster to the precipice of elation than you expected and you pathetically whined for your release. 
“I’m, I’m close, Father.” 
You expected him to speed up his ministrations, but instead, he removed his slick-ridden fingers from your garden and brought them up to his lips. As if his hand was dripping in myrrh, he sucked you off of his fingers and paused before he spoke. Ghosting his fingers across his lips, his tongue hesitantly licked the tips of them as he dragged his hand away from his face.
“If you’re going to be brought to rapture by my hand it will be done when all of me is inside of you.” 
Father Paul motioned you to stand up and you staggered out of the confessional with him not far behind. He grabbed your hand and dragged you down the center of the church pews up to the altar. Ripping the white cloth off the altar, Father Paul held his hand out before sitting you down on the altar. He caressed his hands down the curves of your body before toying with the waistband of your skirt. Looking down at you, you saw the fervor swimming in his irises. 
“My sweet lamb, is this alright?”
You nodded and he slotted himself in between your legs feeling his bulge at your center. Depraved and corpulent lust washed over your body and your fingers fumbled with his belt, unfastening it with haste. You looked up at him and his face was closer than you expected, the heat radiating off of your bodies leaving a mist of humidity between you. You palmed him through his jeans and an inviscerated moan crawled out of his throat. The sound urged your body to move faster, the need to have him inside of you becoming near unbearable. 
He kissed you again, insatiable ardor all that you could taste. The feeling trickled down your body leaving goosebumps across your soft skin and a river seeping through the fabric of your panties that slowly painted the apex of your thighs. He tapped your thighs and you took it as a sign to lift your hips. In a swift motion, your skirt and underwear were left in a pool by the altar. Father Paul removed himself from his sweater, throwing it in the pile of sacrilegious cloths that served as a visual reminder of the desacralization that was about to take place. He left his button-up to cling to his chest and he moved his jeans and underwear down to the middle of his thighs, leaving him with his fervid cock on full display. 
You kicked your boots off your feet, the thud echoing a little bit louder than you intended. With your feet now free from their confines, you wrapped your legs around Father Paul’s legs, bringing him as close as possible. Your hand slithered between your bodies and varnished the tip of his cock in your amatory nectar. Your moans harmonized in synchrony and you gazed into his lust-blown eyes seeing nothing but black and you were sure yours were the same. He asked silently one last time for consent and you nodded slightly before he entered you. 
The stretch of his cock was something you felt only one could dream about. It filled you perfectly and you knew you wouldn’t last long. Your head dipped back in zeal, relishing in the feeling that was rushing in waves over your form. When your head tipped back up, your eyes met the enlarged crucifix that hung in the center of the back wall. For a reason unknown to you, locking eyes with Jesus as you desecrated His holy house made a pang of carnal hedonism tangle in your sexual daze. 
Your hands webbed themselves in Father Paul’s hair gripping at his strands and pulling his face into the junction of your neck and shoulder, feeling his breath heat up your skin. You felt his mouth open and drag itself across the side of your neck. A slight chill graced the parts where his spit marked his territory. You felt his breathing get heavier and all of a sudden you felt his cock slip out of you and he picked you up from the altar, turning you around and kicking your feet into a perfect V shape. He bent your body over the altar and slowly pushed himself back into you, the new angle making you cry out in complete perverted passion. 
His thrusts were deep and pointed making sure that you felt every inch of him drag in and out of your seraphic labyrinth. Just when you felt that the feeling couldn't get any more intense, his hand entangled itself into your hair and pulled your body up, flesh against his chest. His thrusts became rougher and you could hear the smile in his voice as he spoke. 
“Feel good, my dove?” 
You were fucking yourself back onto him, any coherent thought on the brink of leaving you amidst your ardent pleasure. 
“S-so…so good, Father. Shit.”
You were running out of air, your body paying more attention to the dam that was about to burst within you. 
“Better than your hand?”
Your eyes were rolling back in pleasure and were hooded as you looked back at him. He gingerly guided your body back down to the altar and removed his hand from your hair, slowly tracing his hand down your back. Both of his hands grabbed your hips and the feeling had you crying out as his tip kissed your cervix. You felt his body lean over yours as he moved your hair away from your neck. His breath was sticking to your neck before a whisper ghosted over your ear.
“I’m sorry, but trust me right now.” 
He licked from the base of your neck and then you felt him pierce your skin with his teeth. In your licentious stupor, you just moaned out at the contact not fully registering that his teeth were sinking into your flesh or the fact that footsteps were echoing through the church. 
“Father, you weren’t in your rectory so I assumed this would be second best to find you-oh…” 
Her grating voice almost brought you out of your daze, but Father Paul resorted to slow, deep thrusts as he kept he kept sucking your neck. When he lifted his face from your neck you felt a warm liquid trickle down your skin and pool towards your collarbone before landing on the altar. You lifted your head, your body weak and wracked with pleasure. You could barely make eye contact with her as your eyes were so hooded but you heard her voice resonate through the building once more. 
“Haresis Dea.”
Your head dropped unable to focus on her and your body rolled back into Father Paul’s, needing more of him as your orgasm was slowly fading back into your body. As you moved against him, his hips slowly began to thrust back into your sloppy cunt as Bev waited for some semblance of an explanation. 
“God has chosen her. He has chosen to consecrate this union, this nocturnal metamorphosis with lascivious intent because she is the last piece. God has willed it this way and has chosen her.” 
Father Paul bent down to lap at your neck again and his hips regained their momentum. You pushed yourself up from the altar and wrapped your arm around the back of his neck lapping at the blood that was dribbling down his chin.
“Very well.” 
And you heard Bev’s footsteps walk out of the church, the main doors closing behind her. Father Paul picked you up again, turning your body back around to face him. There was a certain ferality that wasn’t in his features before that had you clenching around his cock. With the doors shut, you both let your moans reign loose, a salacious cacophony filling the air. Your eyes scaled up the wall again and you came face to face with Jesus as a pool of heated arousal settled in your lower stomach begging to be set free. Your head knocked back in avidity and you didn’t see him slice a small cut in his wrist. 
When his thumb found your enflamed bud, you brought your head forward and he placed his bleeding wrist against your lips. As a wave of sexual delirium washed over you, your mouth hung open and he urged you to suck on his wrist. The metallic taste flooded over your tongue as your orgasm heightened your senses. Father Paul kept fucking you through your high until he reached his own, his cock painting your labyrinth a warm alabaster. He pulled his wrist away from you as you both were trying to calm down your breathing. 
Both of your mouths now covered in a drying garnet hue, you found yourself pressing your lips against his once again, unable to satisfy this ache completely. He chuckled as you both pulled away. 
“Easy, my dove.” 
You nodded, placing your hands flat against his chest. 
“Let’s get you dressed and then walk to the rectory, hmm?” 
Licking your bottom lip and locking it behind your teeth, you nodded as you slowly made the return back to your body.  
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© yeonjuns-beanie
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ihavemanyhusbands · 9 months
Baptismus Sanguinis
Monsignor Pruitt x Vampire!FemReader
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Also on AO3
Summary: After John turns you into a vampire, you take it upon yourself to remind him he doesn't have to worry all the time.
WC: 3.2k words
Warnings: SMUT 18 + ONLY, vampirism, hierophilia, blood drinking, blood kink?, unprotected sex (don't do it at home), biting, one instance of choking, slight exhibitionism, outdoor shenanigans, mentions of death, let me know if I missed anything!
The last thing you smelled was the salty breeze blowing in from the sea.
The earth beneath you was cool and damp from the previous night’s rain. Fog hung low to the ground, blanketing everything in a spectral sort of silence. The moon did not show her face, but the sky was clear and glittering with stars. Your unseeing gaze was fixed upon it, eyes half-lidded.
John watched over your prone form anxiously, hands clasped in silent prayer. Your mouth was still stained with the blood you had spit as you convulsed in the grass. He’d held your head in his lap as it happened, fearful that you might hurt yourself further.
It seemed ironic to worry about that as you were dying. But the gash at his wrist knitting itself back together reminded him it wouldn’t be for long.
Still, ridding himself of the guilt of witnessing your death was a Sisyphean task. It had been his doing, after all, even if it was at your behest. 
Even more shamefully, a part of him couldn’t deny how much he wanted the aftermath – an eternity together. Two creatures prowling the boundless night, with nothing left to separate you. Least of all, the mortal coil.
He couldn’t remember how long his transfiguration had taken, only that he had awoken frantic and terrified, like a feral beast before it met the yoke. He didn’t want it to be that way for you, but all he could offer was some solace when the moment came.
The wind picked up once again, rustling the tree tops and stirring the fog. He clutched his rosary tighter, his desperation growing. If his heart still beat, it would be waging a war against his ribcage.
The atmosphere was charged as if a lightning storm was approaching. Suddenly, a ripple passed through you, like a collective spasm of muscles. Your eyes closed, your brow furrowing deeply, and two tears of blood ran down your cheek.
“Oh,” he said breathlessly, a whimper of profound relief stuck in his throat. He could weep with joy in that moment, ceaselessly repeating thank you, thank you, thank you….
He wiped the tears away with his thumbs and your eyes opened. Your pupils were blown wide, the scleras a monstrous red. He didn’t wince, for even then you were his beautiful miracle, his dark star. 
You assessed him with a certain detachment, nostrils flaring as you scented blood.  Once you seemed to realize what was in front of you — but not who — you lunged, sinking your fangs into his shoulder.
He grunted in pain and surprise, holding you fast. Still, mindlessly ravenous, you managed to drink from him. Just a small taste though, for he firmly but carefully pulled you away from him. You panted, mouth stained crimson, trying to blink away the dreamy haze his blood had plunged you into. 
He couldn’t help himself, pulling you to meet his lips. You returned the kiss hungrily, dragging your tongue over his. The coppery taste in his mouth was like an aphrodisiac, burning up in his loins. But he had to pace himself, and he had to make sure of something first. 
“Do you recognize me now?” He breathed, pulling away just enough to look at you. 
You nodded slowly, your gaze finally clear and focused. “I’m sorry. The hunger, it was just…”
“All there was?”
Again, you nodded, a hint of shame crossing your face. He squeezed your arms reassuringly, leaning his forehead against yours. 
“Thank God,” he sighed, shoulders sagging. “I… I was scared that maybe I’d lost you.”
“You know I’d find a way to crawl back,” you said, making him chuckle. “Did I hurt you?”
“Nothing I can’t endure.”
Twilight was fast approaching, the first gray tendrils of early morning creeping in. You could feel your exhaustion growing, and the instinct to find a dark place to rest made you anxious.
“We should get out of the open,” you said, reluctantly pulling away from him.
“One moment,” he said, clasping your hand. “Take a look around you.”
And so you did, sweeping your gaze over the forest surrounding you. You found you needed no light to see perfectly, every little detail come to life. The rippling blades of grass, the grooves and misshapen patterns on the tree trunks, and the faintly crystalline spiderwebs clinging to their branches. 
You could hear a small animal rustling in the foliage nearby as if it were right next to your ear. Above you, bats chittered and flew to and fro in the shadows. And beyond that was the soft thrum of their steadily beating hearts.
You closed your eyes and turned your face towards the sky, deeply inhaling the ozone smell of an incoming storm. For a brief moment, you let your mind go blank, ignoring the threat of the rising sun and the fact your own heart had stopped beating altogether.
The world was a vivid symphony of experience. Your mortal life, in comparison, had only had a certain muted charm to it, and it was then that the enormity of his gift struck you.
“It’s so beautiful,” you murmured.
“Yes,” he agreed, but he was looking at your awestruck expression, seeing it all again through your eyes. “And that’s just the beginning of it.”
You bowed your head in gratitude, smiling softly as he kissed your temple. The scent of him was intoxicating, imprinting itself in your mind. It made you want to put your mouth to his flesh once more.
As if reading your mind, he stood up, extending his hand towards you. “Come, my sweet, let’s get you properly fed.”
You perked up immediately, taking his hand. You were radiant when you rose – like a shaft of moonlight, eyes luminous with new, preternatural life. You thought the world was beautiful now, but it was nothing in comparison to you.
He felt like he could burst, unable to remember ever smiling so much. God continued to reward his faithfulness, blessing your union with eternity. He felt the urge to sink back to his knees and kiss the soft earth that had seen you reborn, but instead, he took you home.
“Pace yourself. I don’t want you to get sick.”
You smiled teasingly, taking the cup from him. “Have I ever told you that you fuss too much?”
He chuckled, sitting across from you on an armchair. “Countless times. Though I hope I’m nowhere near Beverly’s level. Her benevolence can be quite…”
“Annoying?” You offered.
The way he held back a smile by pursing his lips told you he agreed, but he cleared his throat. 
“I can’t be too harsh on her, seeing how she has so willingly donated sustenance for tonight.”
You looked down at the blood swirling in your cup and wrinkled your nose. The smell was still powerfully enticing, but knowing the source…
He clicked his tongue in disapproval. “Beggars can’t be choosers, my darling.”
With a little sigh of resignation, you brought it to your lips and drank. It took all of your willpower not to down it all right then and there, opting instead for just the semblance of composure. You licked your lips and raised your eyebrows at him pointedly. 
“Good girl,” he said with an indulgent grin. “Nice and slow.”
Just to be petty, you stuck your tongue out at him, making him laugh.
“Not like we have a stash or anything,” you grumbled.
John had taken care of everything before turning you, going so far as to travel to the mainland for blood samples. He’d wanted you to take it easy and adapt to your new form for a couple of days. He simply couldn’t let you starve, already knowing how hard it was to feed on Crockett Island. 
He raised an eyebrow, but his smile stayed. “I cannot say for sure, but I feel like you’ve only become brattier.”
“And it’s only my second night,” you said with a smirk, glancing towards the window. “Can we go out yet?”
“The sun’s only just set! We’ll go in a few hours, when everyone’s asleep.” He said, gesturing towards your cup. “Finish that first, why don’t you?”
You bit back a retort, deciding to give in for the time being, if only because you really were hungry. In the meantime, as you looked at him glancing back at the bible on his lap, a plan began to formulate in your mind.
He was so used to being extra careful with you, constantly fretting over your well-being. You wanted him to be able to let go completely, without having to worry about any deadly consequences. After all, human frailty was no longer an issue.
When you were done, you went to the kitchen to wash the cup, but not without licking it clean first. It was while you were lapping at it that an idea suddenly came to you. You glanced over your shoulder to make sure John was still absorbed in his reading and, as quietly as you could, you snuck a blood bag out of the fridge.
To pass the hours, you kept yourself busy, trying not to tremble from anticipation. He found the silence a little suspicious, eyeing you from time to time, but you always met his gaze with a little smile. That only made him even more suspicious. 
When the time came, you stood behind him and put your hands on his shoulders. You bent so that your lips were right next to his ear.
“Kill the lights, John. It’s nearly midnight,” you murmured, moving to his other ear. “Hardly seems proper for a priest to be up so late. Wouldn’t you say?”
He suppressed a shudder at your nearness, closing his bible and setting it aside. He reached up to take one of your hands and kissed the inside of your wrist. He noticed your grip tightening a little on his shoulder, as if urging him on. In response, he lingered there, stroking his cheek gently against your palm.
Of course, he knew this was only stoking that flame within you, but he was curious to see how far he could get before it fully consumed you. Teaching you patience had been an arduous affair, but for you, he would always endure it.
“I can even help you, if you want, ” you offered as he kissed the tips of your fingers.
He let go of your hand as you leaned away, pulling the chain of the lamp standing beside the couch.
“Feeling restless, aren’t you?” He said as he stood up, an amused twinkle in his dark eyes. “What’s got you so worked up?”
You shrugged with a cryptic smile, only partially giving into his game. At least now you knew he was in a playful mood, and perhaps that could be used to your advantage. Luckily, not that many lights were on anyway.
Slowly, he started walking around the room and shutting off the lights one by one. You moved counterclockwise across the room, as if the two of you were at a standoff, inching closer to the front door.
You shut the porch lights off and opened the door, the chirruping of crickets greeting your ears. You took a step backward as if daring him to stop you, and he halted in his steps. You held each other’s gazes, an electric tension stretching between you. Your eyes flashed silver in the partial dark as you slipped your hand behind your back. 
John scented the familiar metallic tang that made his head swim. He felt his senses sharpening and his muscles tensing, readying for something that seemed inevitable. It wasn’t until your arm was raised that he saw what you were holding, and only a moment later crimson cascaded down your neck and chest.
Unable to hold back, you messily poured some into your mouth, excess dripping down your chin. So much like a lioness right after a successful hunt.
“I guess you’ll just have to catch up to me,” you said, and took off down the porch steps and towards the forest. 
He immediately ran after you, spurred on by his prey drive, his thunderous footsteps right on your trail. You laughed, giddy and strangely alive, like your heart could start beating again at any moment. 
You were surprised at your newfound agility, swiftly avoiding obstacles on your path, but you purposely tried not to run too fast. You could hear John’s panting breaths and almost felt them at the nape of your neck.
In a small clear patch nestled by the trees, you felt his arms envelop your midsection. Both of you tumbled to the ground with you on your back, John's legs pinning your sides.
He had a wild look in his eyes, fixating on the blood covering you, his mouth twisted in a slight snarl. You were smiling triumphantly, but then you gasped as his hands took hold of your shirt and promptly tore it apart.
Immediately, he dove towards your bare chest, intent on licking you clean. His tongue traced patterns that made you shudder and arch your back. You clung to his hair, tilting your head back to give him more access to your neck. 
It was a natural instinct at that point, and you wondered how his bite might affect you now. He gripped your chin with one hand as he licked up the column of your throat, but he did not use his teeth. Perhaps this was his way of teasing you, a little revenge for the outrageous stunt you had pulled.
“John,” you sighed, but it sounded like a plea. 
“M’not done yet…” he murmured against your skin, licking that spot near your ear that made you whimper.
With his free hand, he trailed his fingers up your ribcage and cupped one of your breasts. He squeezed it lightly, thumb teasing your nipple until it became a hardened peak. Your back arched further, but his thighs kept you from moving too much.
He continued his delicious torture unhurriedly, like the night was eternal. The arousal and blood frenzy had you near feral, but when you tried to get some on your fingers to bring to your mouth, he pinned your wrist down.
“Ah, ah,” he chided lightly. “You’ll take what I give you when I give it to you. I don’t reward brats just like that.”
“So you’re going to punish me?” You asked with a sly grin.
Instead of responding, he stuck two fingers in your mouth to silence you. You sucked on them greedily, moaning. He chuckled at your wantonness, fingers retreating to clutch your jaw again, turning your head to the other side. 
You writhed under him and he adjusted his position, sliding one of his legs between yours, his knee at the apex of your thighs. Your hips bucked, but your frustration grew at the lack of proper friction. You bared your teeth and he kissed the corner of your lips, grinning smugly when you tried to kiss him properly.
“You must be pretty desperate,” he said. “Have I ever told you how lovely you are like this?”
“John, I swear…”
“You swear, huh? To what? To whom?”
You swallowed hard. “Just, please… Can’t you touch me?”
“I am touching you.”
You growled in frustration but he cut you off by licking your upper lip. Unfortunately for him, his plan backfired, for at the first taste of your lips he caved in. He kissed you, his tongue invading your mouth. 
You moaned at the taste, the blood smearing between you driving you wilder. You raked your nails down his back, partly ripping his shirt. You were too consumed by him for surprise to really register, but it still didn’t escape your notice.
Well, you were certainly not going to complain about your new vampiric strength if you could do things like this.
“Let’s get these off now, shall we?” He said,  already tugging at the waistband of your jeans.
You wriggled out of them, and he pulled away to discard his own pants. While he was distracted, you tackled him onto his back. He blinked in surprise but you smiled like the cat that got the cream.
“Allow me,” you said, undoing it the rest of the way. 
He shifted his hips to let you pull them down, His cock was straining against his briefs, twitching when you bent down to lick it over the fabric. 
“You’re on thin ice,” he said, but his voice was ragged with desire. 
With a mischievous chuckle, you took them off, his erection resting against his lower abdomen. Slotting your legs next to his hips, you kept eye contact as you spat on your hand and reached down to stroke his cock. 
He groaned low in his throat, bucking into your hand. The head was slick with precum, and you teased more out by running it up and down through your folds.
“Who’s all worked up now, hmm?” You teased as he gripped your hips tightly, trying and failing to keep his composure.
But before he could voice any complaints, you lined it up with your cunt’s entrance and sank down on it. The two of you breathed out fuck at the same time when he bottomed out.
You placed your hands on his chest for leverage as you began to rock your hips. His hands seemed to guide you, but he let you set the pace. 
You watched him begin to unravel with pleasure, his crimson stained mouth slack and eyes heavy lidded. 
When you gyrated your hips, you felt your clit brush against his skin, making you go faster. You leaned down to kiss him as he helped you bounce on his cock, both of you chasing your climaxes.
His moans became louder, more inhibited, and you knew that he was getting close. You pulled back so you could see him get there, already close yourself. 
One of your hands slid up his chest and came to rest on his throat, fingers squeezing the sides just tight enough to make him gasp.
And it was then that his hips bucked up and his brow furrowed, a stuttering groan leaving his lips. You felt warmth in spurts inside of you as he came, and you ground your hips all the while.
As soon as he recovered a little from his ecstatic daze, he grabbed your wrist and sank his teeth into it. With a cry, your body spasmed violently as your orgasm hit you with the intensity of a free fall.  Only he tethered you to the earth, but just barely, and it was then you understood why the French called it la petit mort.
You collapsed next to him, both of your chests heaving as you stared up at the tree canopy and the barest hint of the stars above.
“Can you go again?” You asked between pants.
He laughed in disbelief. “Can you?”
“I sure can.”
“Insatiable,” he mumbled towards the sky, then turned his head to look at you. “I have to admit… that was fun.”
“Good,” you smiled, taking his hand. “‘Cus we’re only just getting started.”
With an amused shake of his head, he kissed the tip of your nose. If eternity was filled with this — with you — then he could never complain.
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proverbsss · 1 year
eating you right (father paul hill/john pruitt x reader) -nsfw
(pt. 2 of "reading you right" linked here)
Father Paul Hill, Midnight Mass
reader(s): I am not responsible for how you see your own headboard following the consumption of this fic <3
notifs: paul hill wants to worship you!! ; reader turns the tables for a subby paul; reader's still down HORRENDOUS ; cunnilingus, hierophilia
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Your legs are unsteady as John leads you to his bedroom by your hand.
"Haha, look at Wobbles try and make their way down my hall," Paul teases.
"You edged me on your boot," you complain sharply, though this of course is tinged with pleasure and the hope that his treatment will continue. The muscles in your pelvic floor are on fire and your hips burn.
"Mmm, technically you edged you on my boot," he quibbles, pleased with himself, "Can you make it to the bed yourself?"
Rather than answer verbally, you turn back to look at him. It's a tart, cursing look that John meets with yet another grin. Even so, it's now you begin to notice the usual signs of how wrecked he is. You were so caught up in your own delicious torment that you failed to clock Paul mirroring it. You might some of your get your own back yet.
He's comfortable with your routine of the last few days, starting to strip out of his jeans when you say, "Wait." His doe eyes flick over to you, questioning.
"I don't know…" you pick your words carefully, the neediness of earlier converting itself into a sadistic little impulse to tease. "I don't know if we want your pants off yet, right?"
Paul stops a minute. Makes his positively adorable thinking face. There's a reset somewhere in his eyes as he works out why you might have said what you said.
"We don't..?" he repeats, uncertain.
"Nah," you throw out, dragging the tips of your fingers along the foot of the bed. If this duvet could talk, it would already have plenty dirty to say. "I think we probably want you to keep them on and sit first."
Paul clears his throat. His chin dips to his chest a little. Gears recalibrated toward submitting and taking orders fire fast behind those pretty eyes. "Okay, yes." He sits, trembling a bit, on the edge of the bed.
"I'm gonna sit next to you, Father, and you don't move for a little bit. Okay?"
He nods. Good enough for now. Your underwear clings wetly to you under the sleepshirt you were just hiking up for him in the living room. You pull the hem of the shirt down, a bit demurely over your thighs. Paul watches every move.
"Still don't move, baby." You purr at him. He preens silently at the pet name. "Close your eyes." When his eyes are closed, you take his face into both your hands, fingers grazing his ears, the peach fuzz of his tapered sideburns. In a decisive, hushed moment you bring Paul's face to yours and kiss him. Deeply. First-time tier kisses, slow and curious and just beginning to use your tongue.
Paul half-laughs, shyly against your mouth. "Still no moving," you remind into his lips, and he nods "good boy. Good Father." Oh, he likes that very much.
You lick his bottom lip and enthusiastically he opens his mouth to invite you closer, hands scrunching at his sides in desperation to follow your instruction and not not not touch you.
You withdraw from the kiss after another moment, riled yourself and needing to catch your breath. Still you have enough command of yourself to make this all about him, about how pathetic and needy and perfect he is. You bat your eyes at Paul and smile.
"You probably want to make it up to me. How badly you made me need you before,"
Paul tilts his head uncertainly from side to side. A smirk flickers at the corner of his mouth.
"You wanna know how to make me feel good after that, Paul? You wanna know what I need from you?"
He nods again, thoughts boyishly absent from his eyes, his demeanor relaxed and yet so, so ready to do what he's told.
"Can we make that a yes?" you prompt gently.
"Yes." The huskiness in his voice is like a refresher to your thirst for him. You tingle all over with anticipation.
"Good. I'm going to lay back, and I want you on top of me." As you lay down on the soft bedcovers, you realize all the tension your muscles held kneeling on the ground and fucking yourself onto him, even now some melts away and you sigh contentedly. Paul crawls over you, tenderness and want in his eyes and it calls up a smile to your lips.
"What are you smiling at?"
"My little pet priest. Bet he'd do anything I'd ask him."
Paul lays his head down on your belly, happiness going a little fuzzy because of the attention you show him. His curls call out to your hands and you play with his hair. He's radiant. And for now he's yours. He's kissing your neck now, giggling in the crook of your shoulder, lips tickling your chin, your cheek, your ears. You luxuriate in all this for a moment, then tell him, "Give me your ear please, I'm gonna whisper what I want."
His back muscles ripple like a cat's under his shirt as he makes the necessary adjustment to put his ear up to your mouth. But he's too close, too fucking perfect, so you have to bite his earlobe with such exquisite access.
He groans, tenses in his upper body, and rolls his hips over yours. "That's. Not whispering," he complains.
"Shh, shh." you tell him, "You wanna know? Really?" He cocks his head enough for you to see him nod, his length getting easier to feel against your thigh. You reach a hand up in his and gently bring his ear to your lips, "I need you to eat me out like your life depends on it."
He moans, low in his throat, at just the thought of that.
"You want to do that for me?" That serious attention is in his expression again as he nods at you, starting to kiss his way down your chest. "Can you tell me using your words that's something you want?"
In addition to teasing the everloving fuck out of him, getting his consent turns you on more than anything. The thought of Crockett Island's well-mannered, mildly twitchy new priest so eager to touch you, taste you, have you that he'd kept you in his quarters for the last two days reminds you in a heady rush.
"I…" he lifts his head from your chest and blinks, not reluctant, but so fucking needy, "I want to eat you out." He nods quickly, lashes dropping over his eyelids. "Like my life depends on it."
"Good boy. Do it then, please."
His beautiful, hot mouth begins an eager assault of kisses across your chest, migrating down your belly. You arch your back. Usually you two take a little more time here, but there isn't any to spare. So quickly, so deliberately, Paul finds your clothed sex. He wants to touch you, and he wants you telling him that he can.
"Can I take these off you? Please."
You have nothing smart to say. You're no less eager to feel his tongue, his kisses, the vibrations of his voice where you're most sensitive. You nod, and he holds his gaze to your eyes for a beat before pulling your useless underwear off your legs, discarding them on the floor.
You think without meaning to of the word 'devotion,' used in religious terms to describe a supplication, an adoring, faithful, upturned look. It applies equally to the naked need written on Paul's face with his hands carefully spreading your thighs apart.
"Please let m--" he swallows, begins again, "Please may I worship you?"
"Fuck, Paul, yes, please."
And he may have dedicated years to seminary study, he may have pored with his hands wrapped around old books of his faith and volunteered his body in the service of a Christian God, but that tongue of his was made for sinning.
He starts by kissing gently around your cunt, soft, spellbinding little pecks that make your body jerk to close your legs. You still open up for him, gasping and squeezing your eyes shut with how good, how good, how earth-shatteringly good he feels. His tongue starts to lap at your clit and you do feel yourself drip a bit as he deepens the kiss of his mouth on you. Your mind pleasantly lets go of so much residual tension, of today, of every day before this moment with Paul kitten-licking between your wet lips.
Your hips buck as he sucks a little more intently at your clit and your hands lift up and knot themselves up in his hair. He lives for it as you start to fuck his face.
"Yes, yes, salvation is your fucking cunt, thank you--" he sputters out, certainly only half aware of what he's saying but so, so pleased to look up at you and find your face entirely lost in what he's making you feel.
"Here, here," he takes one hand that's left a few fingernail marks in your thigh and hurriedly covers the knuckles of your hand that's controlling his head, "Put me where you want me. Use me, please."
His mouth and your cunt make an obscene symphony together as you moan and arch toward him, trying to win back enough self-control to direct him the way he needs. He's doing pretty goddamn well on his own, you think and laugh to yourself, your calves shaking and heels digging into the bed. His nose bumps an especially sensitive square inch toward the hood over your clit, and his tongue grazes the inside of you. You see stars, the way the old expression goes, you literally see stars. You have to fight to keep your eyes open to how beautifully looks, you'll need this memory of your pleasure, his pleasure, you and he together, for all time.
Your hips are bouncing off his face rather quick and desperately and Paul is drunk with chasing your cum. He sees you biting your fist and between kisses and sucks he has to ask, "You need more? What do you need? Tell me. I worship you. I deify you. I need this," And like a madman he shakes his head to deepen the stimulation of his tongue hitting, soothing, exciting your clit.
"Oh, Paul!" you cry out and reach for his bedframe. "Oh fuck," you're curling into him and keening and he's humping his mattress outright. "Finger me. Fuck please, give me something to-"
Something to cum around, of course. You feel slicker and sluttier than you've ever felt as Paul obediently probes a finger inside your cunt. You fuck his hand, unabashed, so far gone, so trembly. And even the trembling is helping you get more contact out of his tongue, and he's not tired, his thirst is unmatched, the hand not fingering you finds that little arch where his nose bumped up against you before and spreads you the littlest bit open to lap at your clit.
You make a sound that's kind of a shriek and kind of a delighted giggle, and words something like "Ha-fuck, I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum on you--" fall out of your mouth. Paul moans, the pitch of his voice increasing in a way that sort of matches yours, nearly as desperate for your orgasm as you are. Nobody could be as desperate for this as you, however. No one in the history of fucking cumming has ever felt like this.
"Please," he sucks attentively at your clit and shakes his head again, a black curl plastered across his forehead, his gorgeous brown-green eyes searching you and seeing all of you, then closing again, a holy sight. "Please cum. That's it, please I want to drink you in, please--"
And your upper body accomodates for how powerfully you need to let go, the need for release screams out of your body and you almost hit the headboard, but Paul stops you, adjusts the hand that kept you exposed to him to grip your hip and pull you down to his mouth. Your body thrusts and bucks and arches of its own volition, you're just here, in this tear-you-apart pleasure of cumming on his tongue like no one's ever made you cum before. You're panting, your heart is racing, your blood is on fire.
"Enough-enough-enough fuck please---" you shake and beg and tug a little at his hair as he licks hungrily at you, but he's going to let you go when he's fully satisfied. Your voice continues to climb in whispers and shuddering gasps.
"Like my life," he makes a disgusting, gorgeous slurping noise over your wet needy hole, "depends on it." Like a man starved. Like a man crazed. How will you ever function again. You cry out as he drags his tongue up and down your slit, one last long articulation, before his hand finally relaxes on your hip.
Your eyes flutter as you remember suddenly to breathe, and Paul's hands glide up your leg as you sink them down back onto the bed.
"What did you just do to me?" You utter, mystifed, not fully with the thought as it escapes.
"You have no idea how intoxicating you are." He says, dead serious, if breathless and soaked in you. He sucks his middle finger clean. "None at all."
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cxffeereid · 9 months
POV: You bit your lip too hard and Paul kissed you to make it better.
AN: This is just a quick little blurb of something I thought about and wondered what would happen? I hope you all like this!! Full fic is in the works!
No warnings needed, only slight suggestive tones.
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Paul was sitting on the sofa, reading his book as you looked around at the walls, the dishes that still needed to be cleaned. You would get round to them soon (not likely) as you took your bottom lip into your mouth and bit down. To your surprise, it was a lot harder than you intended.
“Fuck! What the..” You exclaimed, walking to the bathroom to look in the mirror.
Paul’s head lifted up from his book, as he got up and walked to the bathroom. He leaned onto the door frame as your lip was slightly bloody from the bite.
“What’s wrong? Did you hurt yourself?”
He waited for your response as he didn’t want to push you into answering him. You turned around and looked at him, his eyes went straight to your lips as his stomach started to turn.
“Yeah, just accidentally bit my lip too hard”
You walked past him, as he followed you. Even tho, it was only a very small amount of blood, he could smell it. Your blood had a different scent from others, it was probably due to the fact it was mixed with lust.
Paul sat next to you on the sofa as you played with your lip. The small amount of blood already dried onto your lips. He thought the tang could still be on your tongue and that made him move closer to you.
He placed his hand onto your chin, his thumb gently touching your lip. You leaned into his touch as he looked into your eyes, closing the gap between you. His lips attached to your bottom lip first then kissed you properly.
The kiss was so deep yet so soft like he was nervous. Maybe he was, as his bloodlust was craving your sweet taste in more ways than one.
“I was right.. the tang was still on your tongue. You taste.. I can’t describe but I know that I want more”
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grugruel · 11 months
Lust for Vampyr
Pairings: Paul Hill x f!reader
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Summary: A new handsome priest arrives at Crockett Island and youre desperate for his attention, but when he seems to be avoiding you, you do the only logical thing. Show up at his door
Word count: 3.8K
Warnings: Blasphemy, age-gap (reader over 20), oral sex (f! receving), pinv sex, rough sex, praise kink, slight thigh kink? Little bit of edging and cock-warming, tasting of blood (vampire shenanigans), PRIEST KINK.
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Id never really found any interest in attending mass, despite my parents insistent attempts to drag me along. I had been watching the old monsignor preach for years now until he left for his pilgrimage, leaving a blank spot for a new priest to take his place.
Paul Hill had he called himself, and it was like lightning struck. All of a sudden I had a new fevor for the faith and although I had moved out long ago, my parents were thrilled to say the least. Little did they know though, that a fire had stirred within me. I started with innocent glances, admiring him from a far, telling myself it was just because of his enthusiastic way of preaching. But then getting a thing for his tall stature, big hands and stark black hair. He had me cleching my thighs together as I sat next to my parents in the church pews.
He made me want to confess my every sin to him and eventually I did, when I grew desperate enough. Just for the chance to hear him breath in that quiet intimate way I had begun to crave.
We had met briefly, just to introduce ourselves, but thats it. I wanted to talk to him more though, learn more about him. So I started lingering after mass, telling my parents to go on ahead without me just so I could get a word with the new father. But he usually dissapered into thin air before I got the chance, seemingly avoiding me like the black death.
Which Is how I ended up in my current situation. It was after the usual mass, I had dressed extra nicely tonight. I was standing in the cold on the fathers poarch, knocking on the rectory door in my fancy dress, black tights and mary janes.
I felt out of place, I know I shouldnt be here for this reason, I know I shouldnt have dressed nice in an effort to seduce a man of the church. Shame crept up my cheeks, coloring them a bright red. But I heard shuffling behind the door, then footsteps coming toward me and immedietly regretted my decision.
What was I doing? This is so stupid, hes going to send me away, direct me back to my parents like a lost child. My thoughts came to a sudden halt when the door finally opened, and there he stood. Father Paul.
He was in his regular black shirt and white collar, wearing his tight jeans. His eyebrows rose when he saw me, 'Ah' he sighed, as if expecting me but surprised none the less.
'Father.' I greeted, smiling faintly, 'Youre a busy man, you always disappear after mass, its hard to find time to talk with you.' I told him, he smiled apologetically 'Unfortunately yes, Ive had some urgent business to atend to lately, its taken up all my past time.' He explained as his gaze trailed down my body, eyes lingering on my thighs, 'I- uhm. . .' he shook his head, completley lost in thought when a particularly chilly breeze blew by. He shuddered, apparently noticing the cold for the first time, which managed to break him out of his trance and making him pay attention to my own shivers. Noting the goosebumps lining my arms and collarbones. He met my gaze again, hestitating slightly before moving out of the way 'Its freezing, please do come in.' He said, smiling cheapishly. 'Thank you.' I whispered as I passed him, intentionally brushing against his arm and hoping that he would catch a whiff of my perfume.
He closed the door behind us and made his way to the kitchen, 'Tea?' He asked.
'Yes please.' I answered and he smiled to himself, pleased with my manners. He gestured to the armchair in the middle of the room, 'Please, sit.' He urged me, then put a kettle of water on. I nodded and sat down, crossing my legs.
We waited on our opposite ends of the room, an akward silence settling over us. Finally though, the wistle of the kettle rang through the rectory and he made us two cups and sat down on the sofa opposite me. He handed me my cup and our fingers brushed as I took it, our eyes met, lingering on eachother. But he cleared his throat and looked away, 'So what brings you here?' He questioned.
I rested the cup in my lap as I tried to come up with an appropriate answer. 'We havent peoperly met, I suppose. . I simply wished to get to know you a bit better.' I said shyly.
He smiled, 'Well ofcourse, thats reasonable enough. Did you have any specific questions in mind?' He asked, sipping his tea.
I blanked completley, what was my plan here? 'I- No, not really. Uhm.' I stumbled ahead blindley.
He chuckled, 'Youre never this nervous in confessional are you.'
My face lit up in shame, averting my faze from him 'Well father, I suppose it gets easier in the dark.' I said, sipping my tea nervously.
He chuckled, 'I suppouse it would yes.'
I nodded gravely, looking back at him and found that his eyes had drifted to my body. It took me by surpise, but pleased me grately, 'Father?' I asked, trying to get his attention.
'Mmhm?' He hummed distantly, not taking his eyes off of me. Perhaps I wasnt so far off in coming here after all, my tights and skirt seemed to be working. Gaining some confidence, I uncrossed my legs and his gaze followed them intently. God, all he needed to was look at me and I was his, completley and utterly. In a sudden surge of brazenness, I let the cup rest in my lap again, clutched in my hands. Then spread my legs wider and slid the cup between my thighs, still in my grip, so that the view of my panties was blocked by that alone.
His bresthing stuttered, a made a sound that was barely a gasp. He rubbed his hands over his face and combed them through his hair in an effort to collect himself. But it did not work, he felt himself being affect by you, in the same way he was everytime he saw you. Which Is why he had to run off, why he had to keep his distance from you.
He sank further into the sofa, liftning his lap to adjust his position and then sat back down. I practically drooled at the sight, a tingling sensation pulsing through my core. I had to close my eyes for a few seconds, making an effort to think straight, at least until the feeling had calmed down and I could talk freely again. I moved my gaze back onto him and our eyes met, communicating with eachother, exchaning desires we could never say aloud.
Both a bit distracted by eachother, I decided to take the bull by its horns, 'Listen, father. I-' I began, but he shut me down instantly.
'Dont-' he said, holding his hand out to stop me, 'I know. . . I know.'
My mouth fell open in shock and I scrambled for an excuse, but I could not find the words. Shame tainting my tounge. 'Ive tried to stay away, but youre persistent. And I told myself that you must be a trial from god, tempting me, testing my faith.' he said, sitting up straighter and looking into my eyes.
'A trial that I will undoubtedly fail.' he confessed. Relief surged through me, he did want me. I reached out to lay a hand on his knee, but he jumped up, walking backward until he hit the kitchen counter. He leaned against it and crossed his arms, ensuring that they could not reach for me. He was fighting his urges, his own body was betraying him. I stood up, walking around to sofa to meet him, but he shook his head 'No, NO!' he shouted, making flinch in response to his sudden outburst.
'Im sorry, but this- this cannot happen.' He gestured between us, 'Whatever this is.' he sighed desperately and I stopped in my tracks, because I knew he was right. But he was just meters away from me, he was in my vecinity. Free to do with me however he pleased, if he pleased.
I whined at the thought, beacuse it could never happen. I grabbed the back of the sofa and bent down to rest my forehead against it, in a desperate attempt to collect my thoughts. A quiet complain reverberated through my body, "Why did it have to be a priest?" I bashed myself, a whine escaping me as I shook my head slowly. I slid forward, resting my elbows on the sofa so that my hands were free to hide my face. If only I could turn invisible, just disappear. But I was too painfully aware of his looming prescence to escape the moment, he kept a safe distance, occupied with battling his own thoughts.
I burned hot, terribly hot, my face ablaze from the shame of my indecent thoughts and actions, in stark contrast to my body which was only lubricated by them. Every single nerve-ending was tingling in reaction of what I craved.
I was trying, but failing very badly to calm myself, when there was movement in my peripheral, it happened so quickly that I was sure I had imagined it. But it was too late either way, because he had appeared behind me. All I noticed was a small gush of air and then he was pushed up against me, hips to ass and I involuntairily froze.
A shuddering gasp came form behind me as he lrt go of his restrictipns and his hands made contact with my skin, one hand moved to hold my hip while the other explored the dip of my lower back, testing its limits. He rubbed a few slow cicles with his thumb onto my skin, seamingly mesmerized by the goosebumps that rose. He stopped, for only a moment and then flattened his hand against the small of my back. He pushed downward with his palm and as if he'd found a hidden button, my back arched, and my breathing faltered. It was as if god himself had touched me and I had to bite my cheek to stop from moaning.
A low intake of breath could be heard from behind me, as if astonished by what he could accomplish. And as he kept the hand on my lower back pushed against me, he strengthened his grip on my hip and pulled me closer to him. When completley flush, I felt him again. But this time, there was an evident hardness in his jeans and I moaned reflexively, I couldnt help myself. How could I be excpected to? The priest of Crockett Island himself was hard, for me. How I did not scream and beg for him to tear me apart right there is beyond me.
He hissed in response to the friction that the thin fabric of my dress created against the rough fabric of his tight jeans. I tried griding against him with what little movement his hold allowed me, which earned me a displeased grunt and smack on the ass in punishment. I had to cover my mouth as another moan threatened to escape me.
Visions of everything I've dreamed of him to do to me flashed through my mind, things I've only ever imagined while touching myself. My entire skin was on fire as I tried to collect myself, scarcly succeding. I could only manage a single word.
'Father?' whispering it quietly, I turned my head a sliver, as far as I dared. It was enough to make out his disheveld state, chest heaving from supressing his heavy breathing, his usually perfect hair fallen in stressed strands over his forehead, his shirtsleeves carelessly folded and rolled up, showing his forearms. Such simple things drove me absolutley feral, I had to restrain myself from shaking in anticipation of his next move, barely daring to move in fear of him retracting from me.
But he never moved and everything was quiet apart from his shuddering breaths, a result of him fighting his most carnal desires. I wanted to touch him, to caress his beautiful face, to feel his skin under my fingers, and although I loved the shallow feeling my impact had on him, I wanted it deeper. So despite my better judgement, I straigthened my arms and moved to stand up and turn to him. But he quickly stopped me, grabbing a fistful of my hair and thrust my body forward into the sofa, my hips colliding with the back of it as he shoved my face into the pillows, cushioning the force of it.
He hadnt wanted me to see him like that, as if I saw him it would all become real. His desires, his unholy thoughts, his betrayal of god. But I did not care, I had crossed that point a long time ago.
'Father, please.' I begged, voice muffled by the pillows. And there was a slow realisation in his movements as he loosened his grip on me and stepped back. Confusion crowded my already full mind, as he began rubbing the back of his head in distress, turmoil brewed inside of him.
'Im so sorry' he whispered. Oh. . . Poor father, he mustve thought I was begging him to stop. 'Please forgive me, I dont know what came over me. I would never want to hurt you, please know that.' he rambeled, meeting my eyes, begging for for my forgiveness.
I stood up, shaking my head in dissmissal as I made my way to the light switch, turning it off, darkness enveloping us. I searched for soothing words to reassure him, 'You could never hurt me father, im yours.' I said and made my way through the darkness to him, trying to locate him from memory, I reached out blindley in an effort to avoid colliding with something but he met me half way, seeing my struggle.
I did not question it as he laced his fingers with mine and led them to his chest, making my heart skip a beat. I slowly traced my hands upward until I felt his face, enjoying everything my working senses had to offer me. His scent and the feeling of his soft shirt and skin. I placed my hands on either side of his face, cradeling him 'Take me now, in the dark.' I said carefully and stod on my tiptoes.
I leaning into him and as he did not retreat, I kissed him once, tenderly. 'Nobody but us will know' I whispered against his lips, then moved to kiss his jaw, feeling him relax under my touch.
'We will repent in the morning' I assured him and then quated myself, '"It gets easier in the dark"' I found his hands, and moved them to my breasts 'Take me now.'
This time, father Paul did not hesitate. He squeezed my breasts as he met my lips forcefully, kissing and biting me like a starved man. One of his hans dove behind my back, while the other found purchase under my ass. He hoisted me up into his arms in one quick motion, I gasped, surpised by his strength.
He walked me to the armchair, setting me down in it and kneeling in fornt of me. He spread my legs with his strong hands, and laid them on each thigh, squeezing hard. His hands slid up my thighs until they met the hem of my dress. He met my eyes, asking for reassurance and I nodded enthusiatically, giving it to him. He continued moving his hands upward, the dress catching on his wrists and follows his movements. He leaned closer, kissing a trail along the inside of my thigh until he came to my core. He ripped my thights open and moved my pantied to the side, and as he already had me go-ahead, he dove right in. I gasped as he made contact with my core, his tounge thrusting inside of me. Tasting my very being, he moved one of his hands to my clit, attacking it feverishly as the other stayed squeezing the soft flesh of my thigh. He was feral, and I loved it. He hummed as he ate me out, absolutley loving every second of it. My moans became needy and high pitched as I grabbed his hair to shove closer, he did not protest. I came hard and fast, closing my eyes as white light blinded my vision, making me dizzy. As I opened my eyes again the room was spinning, and the father sat proud infront of me grinning. 'Youre doing so good, my girl.' He said and rose up to kiss me, I could only manage a smile. To lost in pleasure to do anything else.
He picked me up and walked me to the sofa, laying me down on top of it and puttin almost all of his weight on me. He rested his forearm close to my head, letting it support his weight and tangling his hand in my hair, grabbing it and gently pulling my head to the side. While the other hand traced down my shoulder and lowered the strap of my dress, to gain easier access to my breast, then kneading it greadily. His lips moved from my mouth and kissed their way down to my neck, sucking and licking at that tender spot above my collarbone. I moaned reflexively, which only spurred him on further. His hips were moving against mine, enthusiastically and rythmically with the rest of his body. Our closeness made his clothed erection rubb against my core perfectly. I moved my legs to stradle him, tightening the grip and bringing him even closer to me, then rutting my hips against him. The friction was delicious and that paired with the fathers delerious assault on my neck, his breath hot against my skin and his moans vibrating through me, had me close to coming undone right then and there.
My hands had found their way to his back, scratching and pulling at the fabric, but it wasnt enough. I moved my hands to unbutton his shirt, but struggled due to our position. I grew tired and greedy from not succeeding, so I removed his colar and tore his shirt open, yanking it down his shoulders, but did not manage to get it further. Displeased about ruining his shirt, he bit me, once, hard enough to draw blood. I gasped and he stopped, removing his hand from my breast and slid it to my neck, coating his fingers in my blood. Stunned silence had settled over us, apart form our unanimous labored breathing. He brought his fingers to his lips, tasting my blood and it was like he became a whole other person. If lust had not driven him before, it did now. I found it strange, but was to mesmerized by the moment to question it. He stood up, resting one knee on the sofa between my legs and began unbuckling his belt. I bit my lip from anticipation, the sight driving me mad, he looked positively devine. 'Have you done this before?' He asked me, I nodded my head in response, 'Have you, father?' He did not answer, his eyes were just drinking me in.
'Touch yourself.' He ordered, and I wasted no time. I moved my hands down my body, lifting the skirt of my dress with one hand and shoving the other down my panties, sliding it inside me to wet it then circling my clit in slow deliberate motions.
'Oh. . . ' he shook his head, 'Good girl' he praised in a shallow whisper, he looked at me like I was no longer a test from god, but a gift. He moaned as I touched myself, surely I was a sight in itself, my breast out, the skirt shoved up over my thighs and hips and my chest heaving from breathing heavily as he was towering over me. His tussled hair and shirt pulled down beneath his shoulders, exposing his chest and collarbones, his veiny hands working his belt. I closed my eyes as I felt myself coming close, and the sound of him drove me further. The belt buckle clanging, a zipper opening and the rustling fabric of clothes falling to the floor was erotic in a way I never could have suspected. White dots were specking the darkness of my eyelids, and a spring was tightening deep in my stomache. My breathing became frantic as I envisioned the father inside of me. I was a second away, when he snatched my hand out of my panties and I whined in frustration, the specks darkened and I felt moving around me.
I opened my eyes and he was below me, stark naked, holding my hand to his face and licking my slickness from my fingers much like he had done with my blood. 'Beautiful angel, you taste divine.' He sighed.
I moved the hand he was holding the caress his face 'Please father, I cannot wait any longer'. And he odded, sliding his hands under me and lifting my hips to pull my dress upward, once he'd done that I sat up to help him pull the dress over my head. He then lowered himself on top of me, pushing me back into the sofa and resuming his previous position.
'Im yours, only yours father.' I whispered and he kissed me tenderly as his hand traced down my body, feeling every curve on the waw down and pulled my panties to the side. He lined himself up with my entrance, teasing my opening by sliding himself through my folds. My breath caught, 'Please, please, please.' I whined desperstley, begging seemed to be the only thing I was capable of around him.
He suddenly slid inside and we gasped in unisome, our eyes met and we stayed like that for a while. No one moved, no one talked, we just admired eachother silently while he let me adjust to his size. He raised his eyebrows, as if asking for consent and I nodded eagerly, pecking him on the lips. He slid out of me completley, confusing me terribly and I desperatly clung my arms around his shoulders, burrying my hands in his hair to make him stay. But he only chuckled in response and kissed my arm lovingly, then slammed back into me. Setting a brutal pace, almost knocking the air out of my lungs.
I could not tell whos moans belonged to who, but amidst the frenzy he gave me a few short kisses on the lips in reassurance, then nuzzled his nose against my cheek and moved his forehead to the crook of my neck, whispering against my skin 'Youre doing so good, sweet girl.' His sweet words were a stark contrast to his hard, fast thrusts.
A few hours ago I was nervously getting ready for mass, dressing nicely in hope of the new priests approval, and now hes ballsdeep inside me.
He moved his hand to my clit, rubbing it in fast circles. I covered my mouth with one hand as a scream threatened to escape me, while the other tore into his back, leaving long red scratch marks and he hissed into my neck. Enjoying every part of the pain and pleasure mixing with eachother.
He straigthened his arm to sit back anf change position, but never relenting his pace. He raised my hips onto his thighs, placing one hand on my waist in a grip that will be leaving bruises on my skin, and pushing the other hand down on my abdomen while still circling my clit with his thumb. His thrusts hit that spot inside me that made my toes curl and it all became quite overwhelming, about to push me over the edge.
'Im- Im close' I managed inbetween breaths and he hummed, nodding as his own movements became irregular. I grabbed onto the cushions for dear life as I was tipping over the edge, electricity sparked between us, and all of a sudden I felt thunder tearing through me and he collappsed on top of me. His thrusts slowed down, allowing me to ride through my high.
'Good girl' he sighed and kissed my forehead as his ruts came to a stop and pride surged thorugh me.nHe stayed inside me, laying comfortably with me as oour breaths calmed together. I could feel his seamen sippering out of me, and I loved it. Because it was him.
'Will you stay with me tonight?' He asked.
'If you'll have me.' I answered, smiling as he kissed my lips.
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roguelov · 2 years
Laughter and Ruin
Summary: After a ravaging storm, the poor church of Crockett Island had gained a few leaks. So being one of the few construction workers still on the island, Beverly Keane asked if you could repair it. You agreed. It was better than nothing, and to be honest it got you a closer look at the newest member of the island: Father Paul Hill. So, what will happen after spending some time together? What will happen with this unusual tension building between the two of you?
Word Count: ~7.7k
Reader: Fem/afab
Warnings: Smut (oral (female!receiving), fingering, priest kink, praise kink, light exhibition kink, minor dirty talk, unprotected sex, riding, switch!reader), mutual pining
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A constant, grating, banging pounded violently somewhere off in the distance.
You groaned from the warmth and safety of your bed. You initially chalked up the banging to a loose piece of wood rapping against your home due to the fierce storm last night, however it was too consistent. It was rhythmic, a simple tune.
After a few more grueling minutes of banging, you had finally come to the unfortunate conclusion someone was at your front door. It was all but shortly confirmed when your name was shouted from the other side.
You rolled out of bed, and shuffled down the hall to the front door. The storm raged nearly all night and you - what felt like minutes ago - had just fallen asleep, only to now be awoken by a demanding stranger. Whoever they were, they were not your favorite person in the world at this moment.
More irritating knocking.
“I’m coming!” You shouted, and grumbled a string of curses under the next breath.
I swear -
You flung open the door.
To your surprise, Beverly Keane stood on the other side with her fist raised about to cause more commotion. Beverly was never your favorite person to begin with, so this irksome early morning encounter didn’t change much. The two of you were cordial at best, but never friends or even neighbors for this matter. So, to see her on your doorstep was a miracle in itself.
You leaned on your doorframe in your baggy, stained, clothes compared to her neatly pressed blouse, hand knit cardigan, and ankle length skirt. You crossed your arms, eyeing her curiously. “Morning, Beverly, what can I do for you?”
She lowered her fist and cleared her throat. “I’ve come to possibly ask for your assistance for a certain task.”
You cocked an eyebrow. “Meaning?”
Her lips thinned. “The church has some possible leaks. Early this morning, Father Paul had noticed some puddles and suspected it to be from holes in the roof. We were hoping you could give your professional opinion on them and fix them however you see fit.”
“And what about Sturge?”
Sturge was more of Beverly’s choice in these types of matters. Although he was a construction worker much like yourself, he also dealt - and you believed preferred - with managing all the boats of Crockett Island. While, you preferred the land.
“Yes, well, Sturge is a busy man dealing with the Bell and the Breeze. So, you are the next best logical solution to our problem.”
You hummed a faint ‘Ah’.
“So?” Beverly paused. Disdain flickered behind her beady eyes then asked, “Will you help?”
You weren’t a churchgoer, or very religious in general. You had an inclination that Beverly would rather swallow rusty nails, then deal with your apparent skepticism and the sin which trailed along behind you. Yet, here she was. She had swallowed those nails, put on a strained smile hoping you could help, while secretly praying you wouldn’t.
So, why would you say no, giving her that satisfaction?
“Yeah,” you answered swiftly, pushing yourself off the doorframe. “Give me like an hour to get dressed, get something to eat, get my things together, and I’ll be over.”
She smiled, that awfully pained one. “Great, the Father will be happy to hear it.”
“I’m sure he will. Later, Beverly.”
She simply hummed, spinning on her heel and walking off in a slight puff.
Shutting the door, you rubbed your temples and reluctantly began your day.
After your typical morning routine, you headed outside to your garage - or refurbished shed. It was no bigger than your bedroom, and somewhat cramped. But, it was enough for you, your work, and your hobbies. Opening up the double doors, you strolled in and yanked on the pull cord. A single bright light flickered on it the center of the room, and was quickly followed by a stream of soft orange glow. The top corners were strung with hanging lights, similar to fairy lights.
A smile tugged on your lips.
Your workshop.
You truly spent more time out here than in your own house; which was shown by the stack of dirty cups and plates left behind on your workbench. Wood chips and dust covered them as unfinished projects leaned up against the tower of dishes.
You turned your attention to the far corner of the shed to a bulky blue tarp. Walking the few short paces, you yanked it off revealing a golf cart underneath - one with a few modifications. Perfect for any weather: rain, wind, or sun. It was one of, if not the only, vehicle on this island. Most people walked to where they needed to go: to the general store, to the ferries, or to the church, that was it.
Not much to do, or explore, on Crockett Island.
Your cart had become a staple on the small island, from time to time it served as fun rides during community get-togethers or the go-to for helping lug around stuff. The backend had a trunk bed perfect for all activities but now was filled with tools, all of which was from your last job - helping redo the sign of the general store. Items you were honestly too lazy to put back in their proper places. But, not all the items.
You quickly scoured through your shed and piled other possible tools you may need as well as securing the ladder in place. You pushed open the double doors as far back as they could go, picked the keys off the nearby hook, and started it up. The cart rumbled to life. You backed out carefully, hopped off to shut the doors, then sped off down the dirt path.
You arrived at the church in what felt like seconds.
Tires kicked up mud as you parked out front. You looked around hoping to find the Father - or the newest one: Father Paul Hill, the temporary replacement for Monsignor Pruitt until his health returns. But, unfortunately, you doubted it. Pruitt had withered, and stories swirled about his deteriorating state of mind.
You sighed, and turned off the cart.
Better to start then wait around.
You grabbed your tool belt, and the ladder, then strolled over to the side of the church. You unfolded the ladder and extended it out, leaning it against the green tinted, once freshly painted white, wooden boards. You slowly climbed up and -
It slipped.
Your heart sank.
Luckily, it only slipped a few inches.
The rubber ends of the ladder slid across the still dewy grass; a quick settling.
Shaking your head, you let out a shaky breath. You cursed under your breath, and climbed - scrambled - up the ladder faster than before. However, up top, you paused. Inhaling the smell of the wet earth, you sighed loudly. A smile stretched over your lips. Spinning around, you were king of your own world. Nothing could touch you. Nothing mattered. Up high, the after storm breeze kissed your cheeks. It blew through your clothes and hair uplifting you. You closed your eyes, tilting your head back. The sunlight, through the moving clouds, warmed your chilly skin.
This was one of the few perks of working in construction.
Opening your eyes, you lowered them to the roof, one that had seen better days. Time to work. You carefully treaded over the shingles to the back corner. You decided to work your way up, inspecting every inch and spot these leaks Beverly spoke of.
One there.
And there.
And -
A minor sinking feeling weighed in the pit of your stomach. Maybe, you should have told Beverly no. It wasn’t much work, but it would be busy, tedious work. Then again, you supposed being busy was better than no work at all.
After marking all the leaks and the areas for new shingles, you finally reached the front of the church roof. You carefully walked up to the edge, your fingers found purchase in the grooves of the tower for the church bell. A bell which hardly ever rang these days. You could recall on your hands alone the amount of times the brass bell rang, most of which were for funerals and the occasional rare wedding.
You casted your gaze up to the cloudy sky, watching as the grey clouds skated across it and taking the muggy cool air with it. Treetops, still bare and preparing for spring, swayed and bent. You cautiously leaned closer into the tower, trying to enjoy your world in the clouds.
Footsteps clapped.
Your eyes instantly dropped.
Father Paul climbed down the steps of the church, heading for the path.
“Hello, Father.”
Father Paul jumped and spun around. He looked left and right until he finally turned his gaze upward to you. You smiled down at him. He quickly matched your smiling, chuckling to himself. “I was wondering why I was hearing thudding earlier. I had forgotten Ms. Keane informed me you would be inspecting the roof today.”
Seeing how I didn’t know until this morning, it’s not a surprise.
“Yeah, just me up here. Not Santa or God knocking.”
He laughed, shaking his head.
In that brief moment, you had unknowingly decided you always wanted to hear his laugh.
Father Paul Hill was handsome with a kind, charming face. A face of a good hearted person, a face perfect for a priest. You only caught glimpses of him, but you knew the second your eye laid on him your heart was stolen.
Stolen by a saint.
A true tragedy.
“So,” he placed his hands on his hips, “what’s the damage?”
You hissed through your teeth. “Ooo, it’s going to be expensive. New roof, new everything, and it will cost you a lot of money.”
His shoulders dropped along with his smile. “Oh, well, I guess that should have been a given. It has been around for -“
“I’m joking!” You cut him off. His sullen face was a stab in your heart. You had hoped he caught into your sarcasm, and teasing tone, but he hadn’t. “I’m sorry, I was just messing with you, Father. It’s just a few small holes which is a pretty easy fix. I could get started tomorrow.”
His eyes lit up. “Oh, oh! That’s great to hear. Sorry, humor is not so prevalent in the church.” His lips twitched upward. Humor may be zapped from the church, but not from him, not entirely.
You snorted. “Right.”
“Ah, Father, have you made all the arrangements for the service?”
Both you and Father Paul turned your attention to Beverly approaching.
She glanced up at you, her smile tight. “(Y/N), how lovely it is to see you again. I bet the view from up there is one of a kind, especially on a church roof. Higher to God than anyone else here.” She clapped her hands in front of her. “So, what can you tell us about the roof?”
You opened your mouth, however, Father Paul answered for you instead. “Expensive, far, far more than either of us could have anticipated.”
He threw you a sly smirk. You had to bite back your smile. But, Beverly simply sighed with her usual frown. “Of course, it’s an old church, not a spring chicken like any of us here. I suppose we could funnel some founds -“
“Bev, I’m joking.” Father Paul interrupted. “(Y/N) said it is an easy fix and can start tomorrow.”
Beverly blinked. “Oh!” She then smiled widely with far too many teeth. “You are a trickster, Father Paul.”
She chuckled.
Father Paul rubbed the back of his neck, sheepishly.
Beverly turned her beady gaze back onto you. “A quick repair, I hope?”
You best complete it quickly.
You smiled, almost sneering at her. “Yes, I can get it all done tomorrow, it’ll just be a couple of hours. I can make a call to Sturge to pick up a few things on the mainland for me and bring it back on the Breeze. The rest I can pick up at the general store or I already have it back at my house.”
“Perfect.” She looked back to the Father. “Well, if everything is good then I’ll be off. I will see you later, Father. And have a pleasant day to you, (Y/N).”
“See you around, Beverly.”
She nodded then walked off down the rocky path.
Back to her cave.
“Well, is there anything you need?”
Your eyes wandered back to Father Paul. His eager - always ready to assist - eyes bore up at you. Eyes of a priest devoted to the community. You smiled. Warm, and welcoming, so unlike the short one you gave Beverly. “Actually, yes.”
He perked up.
“Can you just hold the ladder for me? It slid a few inches earlier from last night’s rain and it’s probably okay now, but I don’t want to risk it.”
“Of course.” He rounded the church and you followed him from up on the roof. He latched onto the end of the ladder, peering up at you. “Okay, I got you,” he smiled up at you.
I got you.
Three simple words never made you feel so safe, so seen. Your heart flipped in your chest at its little innocent crush. You, however, quickly brushed aside those thoughts and feelings. Gripping the ladder, you made your slow, careful descent.
Father Paul watched for a moment, almost unsure where else to look. His heart skipped - a flutter, an ache. He quickly glanced away, finding interest in the damp grass, in the tiny water droplets, not in your body, not in -
“Alright, Father, you can back up now. I’m good from here.” He was jolted out of his thoughts and stepped back - two large steps. You hopped down the last steps and twisted around smiling at him. “Thanks for the help.”
“No problem.” His heart hammered, lodging into his throat. It pushed, and constricted his airways, similar to the sensation forming in his pants. A sensation he had long since forgotten.
Or tried to.
“Well, I guess I will be back tomorrow morning. Until then, Father.”
“… until then, (Y/N).” He mumbled.
He slowly retreated to his rectory, however he kept glancing back. He watched as you effortlessly folded your ladder, lifted it up, and hooked it to your cart. You were fluid like a dancer: spinning to pick up the tool bin, swaying your hips to scoot around edges, hopping to the tips of your toes to secure everything down.
It was hypnotic to watch.
He swallowed, pushing down old feelings.
You jumped into your cart ready to go. Yet, you couldn’t help it. You peered over your shoulder. Father Paul awkwardly stood on the porch, he gave a lopsided smile and waved. A warmth spread over your chest. You returned the smile - brighter and fuller than his - and waved goodbye before driving off.
Leaving you both excited for tomorrow to come.
The next morning, Father Paul leaned on one of the posts on his porch overlooking the scenery: low fog skirted over the ground; the sunlight streamed through the trees, not yet quite high in the pale clear sky. He clutched a hot cup of coffee, hugging it for warmth. He inhaled the steamy bitterness, and sighed deeply.
This was one of his favorite pastimes. To pause, to breathe, and to watch.
But, there was another reason. One he didn’t dare speak out loud.
He was waiting for you.
He wanted to see you before he truly started his day. He wanted to see your smile, and how it reached your eyes making them crinkle. He wanted to hear your voice, and how it sang above all the other bland white noises. He wanted to be near you, to feel your presence, and how it warmed his body and soul.
He wanted to see his walking desires.
The one person who haunted his waking and sleeping mind. The one person who distracted him from his purpose, his path.
He itched.
He itched - like an addict - to get a glimpse of you.
He sipped his coffee, hoping it could soothe the itch - the need.
It didn’t.
It didn’t even compare.
He eyed his watch. He sighed, as his shoulders drooped. There were things to do, and he shouldn’t waste any more time. He spun on his heel, taking two steps towards the door.
Rocks and pebbles kicked up, bouncing and rolling across the path. The crunching grew louder and louder. Tires screeched to a grinding halt.
Father Paul whipped around. His fingers immediately retracted from the doorknob.
Your cart pulled up to the church, parking crookedly. You hopped out and stared up at the old church. A determined smile crossed your lips.
The Father’s heart skipped.
You, however, had yet to see him. So, you started to set up a workstation with a table and an assortment of tools and supplies. You grabbed the ladder and propped it against the church, giving it a good shake ensuring it would hopefully not slip this time.
You twisted back around.
A figure was caught in your peripheral vision. You glanced over. It was Father Paul. He stood on his porch, watching you. He was still in what you assumed to be pajamas: grey sweatpants, plain white shirt, and a muted blue cardigan pulled over his shoulders.
So domestic. So ordinary. Right then, he was a face that would get lost in a crowd. A man who woke up for work at a boring office job. Not a man who dedicated his life to faith.
Your heart fluttered at the rare sight. You waved at him, smiling.
He smiled, waving back.
Your eyes soaked in his appearance, one last time, before turning and getting to work.
Father Paul hungrily scanned you up and down, one last hit, and walked indoors.
You walked over to your cart, grabbed a pair of headphones then pressed play on your phone. Fast pace music, a heavy bass, flooded your ears shaking off the rest of your morning exhaustion. You bobbed your head along to the beat, smiling to yourself. You laid out a tarp at the side of the church for any debris. You clipped on your tool belt, hoisted a pile of shingles over your shoulders, and climbed up the ladder. Stepping onto the roof, you moved around setting yourself up.
The music uplifted you, it energized you.
It also trapped you within your own secluded world. You failed to notice a bump, or hear a bang.
Unaware of anything, you strolled over to the first leak and got to work. You removed and tossed the old shingles over the side into the blue tarp. You patched and fixed the roof underneath, then started laying out and nailing in the new shingles. A mindless task. One shingle, a few nails, another shingle, more nails - it was an easy pattern, an easy rhythm which matched your music. But, when you reached over you found nothing, you were one shingle short.
You sighed heavily, groaning internally.
You stood up and walked towards the ladder and -
You froze.
Where’s the ladder?
Carefully, you peered over the edge. The ladder in question was sprawled out in the grass like a drunken fool passed out after a rough night. You pinched the bridge of your nose.
Of course. Of fucking course.
You looked back down. You were way too high up. Even if you managed to dangle yourself over the edge - without damaging the roof more - you would still seriously hurt yourself. Fuck me. You crouched down, trying to peer into the Father's cabin. Maybe he is still home. You didn’t see him leave, but then again you didn’t notice knocking over the ladder.
You grumbled.
You couldn’t see anything from this high angle. All you saw was the bottom of the door and the porch.
You sighed, and pulled off your headphones. “Father?” You called out.
Your lips thinned. “Father Paul?” You shouted louder this time.
Seconds ticked.
Your nerves rose.
“Father Paul -“
The front door burst open. Father Paul, poor Father Paul, stumbled out wide eyed.
And halfway through his morning routine.
His raven hair was damp and slicked back. His typical attire - black button up and jeans - was half done. His sleeves were rolled up and the top few buttons were undone, exposing his chest speckled in water droplets, and a used face cloth was tossed over his shoulder. His face was hastily wiped clean, missing spots of shaving cream under his chin. Yet, his chin still sported a five o’clock shadow.
He was fresh out of the shower, and about to shave.
You almost felt bad.
An intense heat spread over your chest to the tips of your ears.
Domestic just like before, but far from ordinary. It was scandalous - sinful. Like a behind the scenes picture no one should see, or it would shatter the illusion.
Your thoughts swirled widely out of control. Thoughts of watching him shave as you leaned on the bathroom door and him catching your loving gaze in the mirror, maybe you even offer to help when he missed a spot; thoughts of him in the shower then stepping out wrapping a towel around his waist and running his fingers through his wet hair as water drips down his back and chest; thoughts of you hopping into the shower with him and helping wash away the dirt and day away; thoughts of -
“- the problem?”
You snapped out of your thoughts. You peered down. He stood at the side of the church, glancing up at you. His eyebrows knitted together, and his eyes - those warm brown chocolate eyes - filled with concern. You cleared your throat, “I’m sorry, Father, I didn’t mean to …”
To what? Frighten him? Break him out of his routine? Have these lewd thoughts? You felt there was a lot to apologize for.
“Nonsense, don’t apologize, you called for me. So, what seems to be the problem?”
“It’s honestly not that big of a deal.” You sighed and joked, “It seems the ladder and I are fighting again. It doesn’t want to cooperate today.”
Father Paul looked around to see yes it was knocked over buried within the grass. He snorted. “So it seems.”
“Could you please just lean it back up against the church for me?”
He placed his hands on his hips, smiling up at you. “I will, but you should invest in a standalone ladder, one that can support itself.”
“I should, but good old reliable never steered me wrong before.”
“And yet here we are.”
You chuckled, “Yeah, I guess you got me there.”
He smiled, shaking his head. He walked over and picked up the dysfunctional ladder. He carefully placed it against the church, but he didn’t let go.
You smiled down at him. “You can let go. It shouldn’t fall this time.”
“And I’m not taking any chances.”
“Suit yourself.”
He did.
In the guise of being the generous helping hand, he stayed put. His fists tightened, the metal edges burying into his palms, as he watched you. His heart skipped - flew. It leapt out of its rusty cage and fluttered happily around. It was dizzying, more so than yesterday. And it was also wrong, he almost felt like a peeping Tom. But, disgust had no room in his heart.
Before you could speak, Father Paul gingerly stepped back giving you the space. You landed firmly on the ground, and spun around smiling at him. “Thanks … again.”
He smiled, tilting his head. “Anytime.”
The two of you shared a moment.
A moment of rising tension. It buzzed in your chest and over your skin. It crackled in the air, the beginning of an explosion - a ticking time bomb.
You, however, quickly stepped in, snipping the wires to defuse it.
Hopefully, the correct ones.
You tore your gaze away. “Right, well, I guess I’ll get back to work. I’ll holler again if I need anything.”
“Please do.”
You tried not to stare, tried to keep those sinful thoughts at bay. So, you simply smiled and nodded, afraid of your own voice at this moment.
Father Paul smiled back then turned around heading back inside.
You greedily drank him in with his back turned. His jeans were far too tight for a priest. He ducked inside, shutting the door behind him.
The thud of the door broke you out of your trance. You sighed, banging your fist against your head. As if to try and knock out these thoughts, these persisting thoughts. So, you instead put your focus back into your work.
Something the Father should also be doing. His to-do list only seemed to grow. Yet, when Father Paul finished his morning routine, he stood by his window watching you.
He watched as you glided around - floating with a hum in your throat; watched as you swayed your hips to your music; watched as you patted your forehead dry with the edge of your shirt granting him a glimpse of your body; watched as you stood on the roof staring off into the woods or up at the sky; watched as you drank your water and splashed yourself a bit to cool yourself off; watched as -
Watched as desire planted its intoxicating roots deeper within his heart.
Everything - everything - you did was captivating. He simply couldn't tear his eyes away. It was his own personal play, show, or movie he wouldn’t dare blink or glance away fearing to miss a single important detail.
You stood on the new patched roof with your hands on your hips. A proud smile wormed its way onto your lips. Your work was finally completed and flawless. Satisfied, you stepped down the ladder, tossing your headphones on your makeshift workbench. You grabbed your water, taking a long needed swig.
“Is it safe to say you completed your repairs?”
You turned, looking at Father Paul. You swallowed the last of your water, and placed it on the bench. “Yeah,” you breathed out.
“Impressive,” he glanced over to the church, “you accomplished it far quicker than I thought you would. But, I should have expected this from one of the best.”
Your cheeks warmed a little under his praise. “Yes, well, it was a simple fix.”
He smiled, softly. “One that I couldn’t fix. I would probably have made a bigger hole if I was up there.”
You laughed, shaking your head. “Well, I don’t think I could talk for hours in front of a crowd every week. We all have our own strengths.”
He blinked, surprised by your comment, then chuckled. “Yes, I suppose you are right.”
You truly loved his laugh. The deep rumble, like the sound of angels blowing their trumpets.
“Actually, I have something to ask of you before you go.” He shuffled side to side. “I think there is a draft coming through the bedroom window, do … do you think you could take a look at it?”
You had nowhere else to be, so you nodded. “Sure.”
You followed the Father into the small cabin and into the back to the bedroom. Your mind tried to wander with distracting thoughts, but you focused on what the Father asked of you.
And not on where he slept.
You ran your fingers over the window, examining it while Father Paul hovered in the doorway.
A breeze blew from the lower left corner.
“Yeah, I can feel a breeze right here but nothing a little caulk can’t fix. And lucky for you Father I have some with me.”
“A true miracle.” He joked.
You snorted.
You shot up and brushed by him - ignoring how your skin flared being so close - to go back to your cart to grab a tube of caulk. Walking back in, you showed him the tube with a triumphant smile. He laughed a little to himself.
Back in his bedroom, you crouched down to your knees in front of the window. Your fingers trailed along the edges, finding the correct spot. Here. Air whistled. A chill blew on the pads of your fingers. Lifting up the tube of caulk, you sealed off the corner.
“This should do the trick,” you said out loud. “And looking at this, I would keep an eye out for any more drafts. Maybe in a year or two someone should replace the frames, it looks like the salty air and weather in general has worn them down a bit.”
You temporarily set the caulk on the floor to inspect your work. Perfect. You turned to ask the Father if he needed anything else when you were met with darkness.
Well, darkness of jeans.
Your eyes trailed up.
Father Paul loomed over you. He bent slightly looking at your handiwork. His eyes dropped, connecting with yours. He smiled, “Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind for Monsignor.”
Your breath hitched.
He was so close.
With you on your knees, in front of him, it sent a whirlwind of emotions rushing through you. Your mouth dried. Those thoughts from earlier happily returned.
Swallowing nervously, you slowly rose to your feet, all the while unable to break eye contact with Father Paul. He never stepped back. He only straightened his back giving you the thin room to stand.
A shared bated breath passed.
The tension returned; the explosion now imminent.
Your feverish heartbeat rang in your ears.
Say something.
Yet, all your reasonable thoughts vanished at the mere possibility of what could happen.
Then Father Paul’s eyes flickered. A quick jump, a flash to your parted lips. He was enthralled, fascinated by the plump curves.
The detonator stopped ticking, and was shortly followed by sweet destruction.
Like a coiled viper, Father Paul leapt. His hands cupped your face, fiercely pulled you in.
His lips meddled against yours.
You hummed, fluttering your eyes closed.
Your feet stumbled backwards and your back hit the wall. Like horny teenagers, both of your hands touched every part of each other’s body.
Father Paul broke the kiss - and you almost whined - but his lips quickly moved to your jaw and down your neck. Sighing, you craned your neck and bunched up the front of his shirt. His surprisingly nimble fingers unclipped your tool belt, sending it crashing to the ground with a thunderous bang.
That should have been the warning. That should have snapped each of you out of your haze.
Yet, it only fueled you both.
Like a dinner bell.
Father Paul nipped at your neck, enjoying your shallow breathy sighs. Your hands caressed his chest. You, however, were craving more. Lust was injected into your veins; all by a certain someone sucking and marking at your neck. But, his shirt and those pesky buttons were in the way. You tried to undo - tried, and tired, fumbling them with your shaky hand. Frustrated, you ripped open his shirt, sending buttons pinging onto the floor. Your cool hands ran over his hot skin. He hummed, nuzzling his face into your neck. Taking a low steady breath, his fingers greedily unbuttoned your pants. You pushed off the wall, forcing him back.
Clothes started to fly off.
You shimmied out of your pants and removed your shirt. Father Paul tossed aside his ruined shirt. He ripped off his belt and awkwardly kicked off his pants. It left you both only in your undergarments, but you could only be apart for so long.
You grabbed Father Paul’s face, bringing him in for another kiss. Far messier, more needy. He groaned. His hands splayed on your lower back, flushing you against his body. He was desperate to have you as close as possible. His hand inched up, following the curve of your back. His fingers easily unhooked your bra, and easily tossed it aside.
He soon guided you over to his bed. The back of your knees hit the edge and sent you tumbling backwards. You flopped onto the springy mattress, staring up breathless at Paul.
And he looked down at you like you were his meal.
He crawled over top of you, stealing another kiss. Painfully short, but still so sweet. He then followed a downward path. His lips down your neck, down your collarbone, and down the valley of your breast. Smirking, he moved and wrapped his lips on one of your nipples, swirling his tongue around it.
You moaned, threading your fingers through his hair.
He smiled, eager to hear such noises.
His lips ghosted over your skin to the other breast so it may receive the same treatment. You hummed, tightening your grip into his hair. And ever so slightly, you nudged him downward.
He chuckled.
His eyes flickered up.
You bit your lip, unable to hide your excited smile.
Maintaining eye contact, he continued to kiss down your body, down your stomach, over your hips, and where you wanted him most. His hot breath blew over your clothed core, sending shivers down your spine. “Fuck,” you whispered.
He smirked.
One of his fingers hooked around your underwear and slowly slipped them off, throwing them into the pile. He peppered delicate kisses up your inner thigh, and jumped to the other side missing where you needed him.
You whined.
He nipped at your thigh, marking a place only he was allowed to be. Your fingers tangled into his hair, yanking on those dark locks. He groaned. His eyes peered up at you. You squirmed, and wriggled. You whispered a plea - a prayer.
Paul couldn’t deny you - or himself - any longer.
His mouth dove in.
You moaned out his name.
His tongue slipped between your wet folds, instantly addicted to your taste. He devoured you, devoured you as if it was his last supper.
You bucked your hips.
His hands latched onto your hips, holding you down as he ate you out. He hummed, and moaned, sending toe curling vibrations throughout your body. He threw one of your legs over his shoulder, burying himself further. His nose rubbed against your clit, bringing about such dizzying pleasure.
You tugged on his hair, chanting his name.
He moaned. He could and will get drunk on this, drunk on your taste. Worst of all, he will always want to hear how his name tumbled off your lips. He loved how it rolled off your tongue, loved how you whimpered, loved how every sound you made was a fuel to a growing fire. Even now, the tent in his boxers was painful. Every moment, the smallest twitch against the rough fabric, sent pleasure through him.
And oh, how he wanted you.
But, he also wanted to savor this.
He pulled away from you.
You whined. You were so close. You cracked open your eyes, peeking down at him. His lips and chin glistened. His wonderfully pink lips curled into a giddy smile, his eyes twinkled like a child given an early Christmas.
His finger slipped inside of you.
You moaned, arching your back as your hands now clenched the bedsheets.
His smile widened.
However, a light knocking cut through all the pleasure.
Tap, tap, tap.
Your heart dropped into your stomach. Your head snapped over to thankfully - and surprisingly - find the bedroom door pulled almost all the way closed, just the tiniest sliver left opened. You could only see the corner of the desk, and the adjacent windowsill but nothing more.
When was it shut?
The front door creaked open followed by footsteps.
The Father, however, was undeterred. His movements were a constant rhythm, a slow unwavering beat.
You threw your forearm over your mouth, muffling any noises from slipping out.
Footsteps crept closer to the bedroom door. A shadow passed over the crack. “Father? Father Paul, are you in here?”
Beverly Keane.
Paul stared directly at you as he spoke. “I’m sorry, Beverly, but I’m a bit indecent at the moment.”
“Oh!” Her footsteps retreated back to the front door. “Apologies, Father. I didn’t mean to intrude.”
“That’s okay, Beverly.” His thumb swiped over your swollen clit. Your body reacted, grinding down on his thick fingers. Yet, you viciously bit down on your forearm preventing any moans from escaping.
The front door creaked again. But, it did not shut nor did you hear her footsteps fade away. Beverly hovered in the doorway, clearly still in need of something. “I’m so sorry for barging in, but I was hoping you may have any insight about the repairs and (Y/N), has she finished yet?”
Paul’s once sweet, charming smile shifted into a devilish smirk. His eyes locked onto your shaking frame, desperately trying to hold it together, while his fingers were buried deep inside of you. He curled his fingers. You dropped your hands, twisting them into the sheets as you bit down on your lip about to draw blood.
“No, she hasn’t.” His eyes sparkled with such mischief.
“Of course.” Beverly replied, with a knowing - I had expected this - tone.
“It will get done,” Paul answered quickly. His voice was so soothing, and so calming. Oh, how lies easily spilled off his silver tongue. Especially for one devoted to faith. “She ran to the general store for one thing she had unfortunately forgotten, and will be returning shortly.”
“Right.” She only sounded convinced because of the Father’s words. “Again, I wish to apologize for intruding, I will be on my way now. I will see you later, Father.”
“Good day, Beverly.”
The door softly clicked closed.
You squeezed your eyes shut, still biting your lips as you tried to listen to Beverly’s fading footsteps and not the wet sounds or encouraging hums from Paul. His fingers curled and -
Your mouth fell open, unleashing a wanton moan. “Fuck.”
“I’m impressed,” Paul hummed, stroking your walls and feeling as they clenched nearing your release. “Not a single peep out of you when we had a guest.”
You wanted to curse at him.
You wanted to scream.
But, you couldn’t muster anything with his fingers still inside of you. Not when he moved faster, not when he whispered praise, not when he watched you hungrily. You were at his mercy.
“I’m curious,” he said nonchalantly, watching as his fingers continuously disappeared inside of you, “what would you have done if Miss Keane saw us? Hide? Run? Deny it … let her watch?”
You whimpered. You didn’t like Beverly, but the idea of her finding you in bed with the Father sent a course of excitement through your veins.
You were the temptation for Father Paul’s demise.
It empowered you, it thrilled you.
Paul smirked. He knew it turned you on, watching as you shivered and squirmed. He licked his lips, “Personally, I believe she would combust, it would be utter blasphemy in her eyes. And yet -“
You moaned, bucking your hips.
“- how could such sweet sounds be blasphemy? This is divine, this is heaven sent, this is a culmination of God’s intervention and work.” He let out a shaky breath. “And you, my dear, are God’s finest work … so beautiful … so lovely.”
You whined at his praises, at his buttery words.
“My dear, will you please come for me?” His thick fingers pumped in and out, curling and caressing you - edging you. “I want to see it.”
You wanted to - god you wanted to, just for him. You grinded down on his fingers as pleasure filled you.
“Yes, just like that,” Paul cooed. “God, so beautiful, so elegant.”
His thumb curled around your clit in a constant rhythm. You gasped, burying your face into the sheets. You cursed and moaned. “Paul,” you whined.
“I’m here, oh please, be good for me.”
His words, his touch.
It pushed you over the edge.
Squeezing your eyes shut, you arched your back and fired out his name as you gushed over his fingers. Stars. Brilliant bright stars erupted behind your eyelids. Bliss, heavenly bliss, coursed through you.
Paul beamed, gently working you through your orgasm. Your chest heaved as you gulped for air. All of this was his doing, all of this was because of him.
He removed his fingers.
You whimpered at the loss of sensation. Your mind swam, still foggy in the hazy bliss. Faint movement rustled; the bed creaked and dipped. Cracking open your eyes, Paul crawled back on top of you. Your heart jumped into your throat.
You had it wrong earlier.
You were not the temptation for Father Paul.
He was the temptation. He was the devil in disguise, he was the serpent whispering in your ear.
He smiled down at you. He bent down, kissing you softly. You humming lovingly. Your hands cupped his face, your thumb gently stroked his cheek.
He then, without warning, teased your entrance with the tip of his cock.
You gasped.
He chuckled, his eyes lit with sin.
He did it again.
You bit your lip, suppressing the lewd moans from escaping.
“Please,” he dropped his head, whispering into your ear, “I want to hear you.”
Your heart skipped.
But, you also wanted to hear him, to hear his moans. You wanted to see him fall apart, you wanted to see bliss washing over his features. Most of all, you wanted to pleasure him, to give back what he gave to you.
Thrilled by the idea, you hooked your leg over his waist and flipped him - quite easily - over. Paul flopped onto his back, his arms thrown out to the sides with his usual combed back hair dangling in front of his face. His eyebrows shot up.
You smirked.
In this new position, you took control and lowered yourself onto him, watching as his surprise melted away to pleasure. His eyes fluttered close, and his mouth hung open. His hands latched onto your waist as his fingers dug into your hips to find grounding in this high.
You moved languidly. Enjoying how he craned his neck back, seeing his veins pop in his neck, and how his lips - perfect and eloquent - fall open into a blubbering incoherent mess.
Your hands rested on his chest, and you rose and slammed down.
He moaned, followed by a string of curses.
Not very Fatherly.
You smirked to yourself, and continued to move up and down. He whispered your name, strained on his lips. You closed your eyes, letting your own pleasure take control. You tossed your head back as you bounced on his cock. He lazily opened his eyes, a tired smile stretched over his lips. Your back arched, your head tilted up to heaven. It was like a renaissance painting, the perfect depiction of lust. “Divine.” He mumbled.
You opened your eyes, looking down at him.
He was still smiling.
A warmth bloomed over your chest.
You leaned down and kissed him. You slowly pulled away, leaving a thin space between the two of you. “You are the one that is divine,” your thumb ran over his bottom lip, “divine and ravishing, and the best kind of temptation there is.”
You sat back, smirking at his dumbfounded face.
You rolled your hips.
Paul stuttered out a moan.
You knew you loved his laughter, but you might love his sweet moans more. Paul’s nail dug into your hips. “Good god, please don’t stop.”
You wouldn’t.
You moved with new vigor. Every one of his moans and pleas stoked the fire burning inside of you. He soon met your pace and thrusted up. You leaned your hands on his chest, moaning. Your nails scraped down his chest, leaving faint red lines carved into his perfect skin.
He shivered.
You bounced on his cock faster listening to the wet noises and skin smacking together. It was all nearly drowned out by your racing heart, by the intense hum of soon to be all-consuming pleasure, by the high pitched creaking of the old bed springs.
Paul thrusted up again.
“Fuck,” you moaned.
You moved faster, wishing to reach your end and his. Your legs began to shake, yet Paul’s steady hands guided you along, kept you moving. He groaned, his cock twitched inside of you. He whispered hastily, “Please, don’t stop, god you’re doing so good. I’m -“
Paul moaned as you rocked your hips.
“God, please do that again,” he begged.
You did.
He whimpered. “Fuck.”
You did it again, and again, and again.
Paul gasped. He couldn’t hold it back much longer. He was nearing his end. “I … I can’t last much longer.”
You reached a hand and cupped his face gingerly. You smiled softly, “Good.”
You bit your lip and used the last of your energy. You pounded yourself against him. He moaned, and easily matched your pace. You wanted to collapse into him. To let his body, his flesh, his mind, his soul consume you.
“God, you are beautiful,” he muttered, “please I want to hear you one last time.”
You shivered.
Your walls fluttered around him, a final warning.
He whispered your name over and over like it was his only prayer. You moved once, then twice, and then he finally fell. He cried out your name, forcing your hips down and bruising them in the process. Your walls clamped down around him. You moaned loudly, as more heavenly bliss filled you. Fuck. Your movements now slow, and weak, as you ride out your combined highs. Until finally, you stopped exhausted, yet with his cock still buried deep inside you.
Heavy breathing filled the now quiet space.
Paul stared up at you. Your head was still bowed forward as you catched your breath. He licked his lips. His thumbs rubbed soothing circles on your hips, guiding you back down to earth.
He wanted to see you like this indefinitely.
To hear such sweet melodies.
To see you every day and every night.
To always touch you and hold you knowing you were his and his alone.
He licked his lips, a little nervous, as this seed of hope and want began to bloom. He cleared his throat, “You know, I think the sink is also broken if you wish to come by tomorrow. It drips constantly.”
You lifted your head. You stared at him, stared into his pleading eyes. And you simply couldn’t help it. You laughed. You laughed wholeheartedly, shaking your head. “I see the church still hasn’t taken your humor yet.” You bent down, hovering over him. Your lips skimmed over his, “I’ll be here.”
“Good.” He smiled and pulled you down for another kiss.
Yeah, he was temptation.
The best kind.
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𝖘𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖘 𝖙𝖎𝖙𝖑𝖊 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖄𝖔𝖚 𝕾𝖕𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖎𝖓 𝕸𝖞 𝕲𝖆𝖗𝖉𝖊𝖓
𝔖𝔞𝔫𝔠𝔱𝔲𝔰 𝔖𝔞𝔫𝔤𝔲𝔦𝔰
𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌 Dark! Father Paul x Fem! Reader (OFC)
𝖘𝖎𝖓𝖔𝖕𝖊 When Erin leaves Crockett to have her baby, the teaching position becomes vacant in the dominical school, so the Town Council decides to call in someone from the mainland to fill in the vacancy left behind.
Lydia Hatcher accepts the proposal without thinking twice, when she catches the Breeze she meets a mischievously handsome man to which she feels immediate attraction. The same happens to him, but what she doesn't realise is that he has way more planned for her than she might conceive.
𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊𝖘 AU — Canon Divergence; Dark fic; Dead Dove: Do Not Eat.
𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 Rape/Non-con Elements, Gaslighting, Angst, Religious Imagery & Symbolism, Catholic Guilt, Canon-Typical Violence, Mild Gore, Non-canon Character Death, Use of Biblical passages as a way of gaslighting, Attempted Murder, Poisoning, Extremely Dubious Consent, Suicidal Thoughts, Stalking, Dom/sub Undertones, Smut, Distorted Ideals of Romance, Obsessive Behaviour, Horror, Non-Consensual Blood Drinking, Blood Kink, Religious Fanaticism.
𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖙𝖚𝖘 WIP
𝔈𝔵𝔦𝔩𝔦𝔲𝔪 ℭ𝔞𝔯𝔪𝔢𝔫
𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌 Dark! Father Paul x Fem! Reader (OFC)
𝖘𝖎𝖓𝖔𝖕𝖊 Nothing here yet :)
𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊𝖘 AU — Canon Divergence; Dark fic; Dead Dove: Do Not Eat.
𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 Rape/Non-con Elements, Past Rape/Non-con, Distorted Ideals of Romance, Non-Canonical Character Death, Mild Gore, Animal Death, Blood Drinking, Murder, Coercion, Stockholm Syndrome, Catholic Guilt, Religious Imagery & Symbolism, Canon-Typical Violence, Gaslighting, Dubious Consent, Dom/sub Undertones, Horror, Pregnancy Kink, Smut, Angst.
𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖙𝖚𝖘 TBA
𝔑𝔬𝔩𝔦 𝔗𝔦𝔪𝔢𝔯𝔢
𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌 Dark! Father Paul x Fem! Reader (OFC)
𝖘𝖎𝖓𝖔𝖕𝖊 Nothing here yet :)
𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊𝖘 AU — Canon Divergence; Dark fic; Dead Dove: Do Not Eat.
𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 Rape/Non-con Elements, Past Rape/Non-con, Distorted Ideals of Justice, Non-Canonical Character Death, Mild Gore, Blood Drinking, Murder, Coercion, Stockholm Syndrome, Religious Fanaticism, Cult, Religious Imagery & Symbolism, Canon-Typical Violence, Gaslighting, Dubious Consent, Dom/sub Undertones, Horror, Attempted Murder, Smut, Angst, Major Character Death.
𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖙𝖚𝖘 TBA
More notices to be added if needed. Let me know when something requires to be added to the warnings/tags, I’ll probably forget something.
𝕬𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗'𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊
First of all, I feel that I require to warn you that English isn’t my first language, so might happen you find some writing mistakes, I also don’t have a beta reader, again I’m sorry for any errors. If you feel comfortable, you can tell me about them, so I can fix it.
Initially, this story was planned to be a 2nd person reader fic, but I turned into a 'character x OFC'. However, don’t worry, dear grasshopper, as everything has been handled as vague as possible so that everything can be read as a reader fic.
If you desire to be tagged use this Google form to inform me, please, so I can keep it organized =)
This series has a playlist on Spotify, you can find it here, or just by searching for ‘the blood you spill in my garden’ in the search bar.
THIS IS A DARK FANFICTION! Be aware that you will find descriptions at least unpleasant for the more sensitive, if these obscure topics are not your thing man, don’t read, seriously DON’T READ!
If you, dear reader, have decided to ignore all warnings about this story, you are on your own, I am not responsible for anything you find. By the way, minors, this is obviously not for you!
@stardustandgunpowder, @liesandghosts, @pruitts-tight-fucking-jeans, @girlwiththenegantattoo, @dreams-madeof-strawberrylemonade, @sterwild, @thegardenarcher, @snapessecretdiary, @judarspeach, @hungrhay, @midnight-mess, @ledzeppelindeanmon, @novywhere @un-kiss-de-breakfast @vivi-venus
If your name is striped, it’s because Tumblr don’t let me tag you for some reason. =(
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littleredwritingcat · 2 years
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Happy Holidays beautiful HamFam!
I wanted to leave you all with a new chapter before I sail off to the tundras of (I kid you not) Kansas-land.
And I hope you're ready for the communion wine to hit the fan! Quick reminder, this fic is strictly 18+ so please be aware of that.
At any rate - enjoy, you stone-cold weirdos and delicious sinners!
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“Paul…you’re a priest.”
“I noticed. Yeah.”
He makes a show of looking down at himself as if seeing it all for the first time.
“So, I don’t want to be the – the Whore of Babylon, or whatever. Coming in here and destroying everything. You know - your church, your career. You’d never live through Bev’s absolute rage.”
His sigh shifts the entire piece of furniture you’re sharing.
“And unless you’re thinking of becoming an Episcopalian, I can’t just, um, be your girlfriend.”
Paul mutters something about “half-baked bastardized Papistry,” and you crack a faint smile.
“That’s a ‘no’ on conversion, then.”
@everythingbutresolved @agirlinherhead @honey-tree-evil-eye @labyrinthphanlivingafacade @plainlo-inthemorning @thenookienostradamus @fatherpaulsimp @rothko-mirror @meownsignor @thecorgimademedoit @mareyshelley @vintageglassheart02 @thegentlestmaenad @jyngerpeach @ebiemidnightlibrarian @choosekindly @girlwiththenegantattoo @aherdofbees @i-was-ok-then-i-saw-hamish @midwestmisfit @madsmilfelsen @yepthatsacowalright @supplanther
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yeonjuns-beanie · 3 months
Blaphemous Rumours Preview
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HEYYY!!!!! i’ve crawled out of my hole. not quite sure how active i’ll be on here but ive got a pretty solid story with this one. i’m almost finished, but i wanted to draft a preview to kind of bring some life to my account again!
You rested your head on his forehead, gripping onto his shoulders for some type of leverage. You bit the corner of your lip in an effort to silence yourself, but your ragged breathing was near that of an incensed bull.
“If you did a better job of controlling yourself yesterday, I may have been fooled by your sheepish nature, but you just couldn’t quell this desire on your own, could you? You went home to seek some satisfaction but you found none, so you came here to plague me instead. Praying that I’d fix this ache within you. Am I right y/n?”
You went to respond but Father Paul’s finger slipped past the barrier of your underwear, leaving you to feel your arousal be spread across your puffy petals. A moan escaped your throat and the way it echoed off the confessional walls into the church made you shrink into his body. A pathetic attempt to hide from your lechery. Father Paul hummed, urging you to speak as he sank two fingers into your honeyed garden. Catching your breath, you found your words.
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, Father~”
You brought your head up to look at him again, too dazed to even feel like this was real. As his fingers continued to roll themselves against your sweet spot, your breath quickened as your mouth stayed ajar looking for the courage somewhere in yourself to slot your lips against his. As he rolled his finger over your swollen bud, your body decided for you. Your lips danced in a sweat and lust-filled hysteria leaving your brain foggy with desire. You rolled your hips into his hand needing more of him and your sounds slowly increased in volume as you felt a bead of the rosary slide across your center.
the rest is cumming soon :D
here it is!
© yeonjuns-beanie 2024
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ihavemanyhusbands · 8 months
Hellooo! I absolutely adore your writing. It hits me in the chest 😮‍💨. It’s beautifully descriptive and sensual, and it’s unique. It’s not like majority of fanfic out there. Very refreshing for me im glad i found your page :)) anyway I was wondering if you would do a Monsignor Pruitt x Reader smut where Bev Keane walks in on them bc she uses her key to Monsignor’s cabin. 🤭 Then reader and Pruitt kill her when she starts lecturing them or something. It’s up to you :).
Hiiii!!! Omg thank you soooo much im sobbing 😭😭😭 this means the entire world to me!!!❤️ ❤️❤️
I'm gonna have to make this one extra saucccyyyyyy.
John hadn't noticed her at first. He was deep in the throes of desire, absorbed by the sight of your form draped across his lap. One hand on the swell of your ass, the other cupping your aching, desperately needy cunt.
You noticed, though.
It should have been more mortifying to have her catch you like this, holding his rosary in your teeth. One strike, one bead. You better keep count, or else I’ll have to start over.
“M-Monsignor!” She gasped, but her voice was like a harpy’s shriek in your ears — a terribly unwelcome intrusion. “What in Heaven’s name is going on!?”
John finally looked at her, but he was beyond shyness or modesty. His eyes didn’t even seem like his own. He curled his lip in annoyance, the flash of his teeth a silent warning for her to stay back.
“We’re busy, as you well see,” he said. “Leave your keys and go. We’ll discuss your continuous intrusions of my privacy later.”
“B-but this is— and what about he—”
“Now, Beverly. I’ve got no patience for this impertinence.”
She hesitated but stood her ground, lips pursing. “Monsignor, I’m afraid I must insist that—”
“If you don’t leave right now, I’m gonna let him rip your throat out,” you said, frustration turning to rage. “God knows how much we’d both like that.”
Blanching, completely aghast, she tossed the keys on the ground and slammed the door in her haste. You could barely relax before tensing once more, feeling John’s hands return to you.
“Don’t worry, I’ll still deal with it later,” he murmured, his voice raspy and low and not entirely human. “As for you, well… it seems I’ve lost my count.”
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proverbsss · 1 year
reading you right (father paul hill/john pruitt x reader) -nsfw
Father Paul Hill, Midnight Mass
prompt(s): "Me. You. Bed. Now." [from this post]
[Pt. 2 Out Now!! Linked Here :)]
anon: I had a normal amount of fun writing this, hope you enjoy :) i wanna do a pt. 2 because ofc i do,, honestly I got a lil hot n bothered lmao
notifs: paul hill is a tease!! ; shoe-grinding ; fluffy smut ; hierophilia ; you're father paul's dirty little secret ; denial ; reader begging ; reader's down HORRENDOUS ; terms used: good girl, slutty thing, pet
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"You've been lying there moaning for ten minutes." Father Paul chuckles, trying to focus on his reading.
You feel your leg twitch as you lay on your stomach, looking a bit dazed across the room. A giggle escapes you. In your mind's eye a constant stream of images plays- every dirty thing you’ve done with Father Paul in the last 48 hours, a rare weekend’s reprieve from prying Beverly Keane, sitting bedside with her sister or aunt or who-the-hell cares on the mainland. It was too easy to sneak into the house behind St. Patrick’s, and too goddamn pleasurable to leave after the first night. A delightful ease of domesticity has settled over the two of you. And you’re even more whipped for the Father than you were when this whole messy arrangement began.
"I can't help it-"
"It's understandable to whine like a whore while I'm still inside you, but cooing like that when I'm not even touching you is a little ridiculous." Smug, he licks his finger and turns a page. "A man's ego can only grow so big."
“What are you reading?” you ask, completely uninterested, and your voice betrays it. You might enjoy a good book now and again, but something worlds more tempting is sitting before you. In his jeans and tee shirt, only his glossy ankle boots remaining, Paul is a rare sight out of uniform, like something sent from heaven. Or Hell. Both, somehow.
“You asked me that fifteen minutes ago. Or did you forget already?” He shoots you a disapproving, but playful look. He can hardly resist you more than you can him. Hardly. There is that last smidgeon of reserve that Paul prides himself on. He can’t be bothered to think of you as a sin, because life’s become far, far more complicated in the last few months than any one man can hold in his head, and because it feels like paradise to touch you.
Caught in your inattention, you abandon the ruse of asking about his book. "You fucked me too good...." You whine.
"You're going to complain about it?" He laughs at you.
"You're laughing at me." 
"Of course I'm laughing at you," he admonishes. Not to be taken in by your wiles, Paul's eyes trace the paragraph he's started unsuccessfully three times.
"You whine before I fuck you, you whine while I fuck you, and you whine after I've fucked you. You're silly."
The vision renews itself in your mind of last night creeping around in here, your excitement waiting in the antechamber of St. Patrick’s late at night, Paul sneaking up on you in the dark and taking you in that muggy little den where they keep the wine and spare things. You want him to grunt against your ear like that again, to fuck you like he needs you in order to breathe.
"I'm not silly!" You gasp out. He hears the difference in your voice and scans your body with his eyes. Grinning. He licks his bottom lip and pretends the fool. “I want it, please, I want it, I don’t caaaare…” Your caterwauling would be annoying if it wasn’t so bone-deep genuine. Paul could probably keep you here forever as a pet, a secret from innocuous parishioners, visitors from all walks of life, and you’d be satisfied as long as he used you from time to time. Fed you.
“Oh, that’s undignified.” He smiles, turns the page and hopes he can pick up without the aid of the passage his mind simply refused to retain.
You get on all fours and start to crawl over to him. You tug on the leg of his jeans, utterly debased.
“You’re insatiable, you know that?” his tongue flicks and flutters around the word in a musical way that you know you could find better uses for. You nod. His voice. He could guide you anywhere with it. To make things worse, he imitates you. The facsimile of your lust in his voice is enough to make you jump him. “‘Father, I can't focus on my book....Father, please fuck me with your fingers, I can't without it, I need it...I told you pack things to stay because I imagined I’d be enjoying some downtime other than between my sheets.'"
You bite your lip, the adoring way you look up at him unfairly reminiscent of Biblical portraiture, the Madonna (too ineffably ironic), Saint Lucia, devout, suppliant little succubi. Paul’s heart breaks a little, and his cock twitches with interest, which he endeavors to suppress. 
“What’s that look for, child?” He plays up the religious bent of your dynamic, something that presses inexpressibly sinful and delicious buttons in your dirty mind. 
"I do need you."
You pout. Your words with Paul repeating them was enough to rev your proverbial engine. You shift just the littlest bit, yet the friction of the floor underneath you is enough to tease out a whimper. Not totally on purpose, but not totally by accident. John chuckles again. 
“Present tense?” He pretends to turn a page, but he’s not reading a damn thing now.
"I need you all the time you're not in me.” It’s filthy, but it feels true in these moments when all the thoughts are leaving your head empty. 
He smiles one of his private smiles. His eyelids crinkle as he reaches up to scratch his cheek. "Let's not be pornographic, huh?"
"I wanna fuck again..."
"What else is new?"
"You've ruined me." He looks at you then like you’re something to eat. The book is shut and put down. You have your beloved hot priest’s attention. His eyes ask, smoldering, what will you do now you have it?
“You have my boot. Or aren’t you smart enough to get yourself off.” His tone shifts and a shadowy, serious dominance settles in his countenance. Every behavior, every quirk of his expression, curve of his smile, owns and owns you. He may plead and beg to bury his head between your thighs from time to time, on one occasion he may have shown up at your door, his satchel a deceptive front for rope and ribbon, which you were to restrain and blindfold him with. Life’s too short for dynamics that don’t shift and change like the tides. But in this moment, this energy, you are his. And he intends to impress that upon you.
You gape at him just a moment, heady lust clouding your already addled brain. Then slowly, carefully, you adjust your position, grab the upper part of Paul’s calf, and hoist your lower body up onto his shoe, your pelvic bone bumping his shin. Any hesitations or embarrassment that linger in you drown in the deeper, sweeter excitement of feeling some real friction as you roll your hips. Oh. God.
This might be the senseless, reckless need talking, but fuck. Just the sensation of the toe of his shoe right between your thighs, exactly where you need it, makes you feel a little bit crazy. You look up at him in awe, and thank God he’s not picked up his book again but instead is sitting comfortably, his gaze dropped low to watch you, his groin thrusting the tiniest bit forward at nothing, too much nothing. He groans, and you chase your pleasure like a thing possessed.
Words slip out of your mouth without a shred of logic behind them, and Paul tells you to repeat yourself. He bites his bottom lip as he watches you. “Hello? Still a brain in there?"
“I said you make me so sensitive,” you mumble, finding a new groove in the contour of his shoe, where it meets his ankle, and leaning on his knee, shaking, groping for his thighs, all involuntarily. Your dripping, dripping on his shoe, and the thought of how uncivilized that is makes Paul bite his fist.
"Uh huh, so it's all my fault, then."
"Yes, 'what'?"
"Yes it's all your fault, Father."
“It’s my fault you’re going to cum on my shoe?”
You whine again. Your soul’s leaving your body, want spreads through every inch of your body, intense and blinding, high, so high.
“C’n I cum, please, can I cum?” You pant, feeling his hands wrap around yours, warm and loving. 
“Look at me, pet.” He orders. You obey. His irises envelop you. You steady yours on them, trying to get a grip, breath filling your belly and leaving your parted lips in rapid gasps. “No.”
Your brows shoot up in surprise. Disappointment isn’t the word for it, desire lets itself out as a sound. You slow down, somewhere in a high place you hear him say:
“Stop grinding, slutty thing. Your Father told you ‘no.’”
You sink against him, laying your head on one of his thighs. He kisses the top of your head, and murmurs, “Good girl. Good girl, good.”
Fireworks are setting off under your skin, your thighs are trembling, every bit of you is sticky. “That wasn’t easy, I bet.” He says, voice condescending and sweet, but every bit as needy as you are. You make another noise in response. 
“I’m not done with you, you know,” he takes your chin into one of his hands, lifts your head. He kisses you again, with a fierceness that just sharpens your feeling. “I’m not even close to done with you.” He rests his in your neck, kisses you once, twice, up your jaw, on your cheeks, the ear he can reach. He bites your earlobe and almost hisses, “Me. You. Bed. Now.”
[Pt. 2 Out Now!! Linked Here :)]
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theelfmaid · 1 year
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Midnight Mass (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Father Paul Hill | Monsignor John Pruitt/Original Female Character(s), Father Paul Hill | Monsignor John Pruitt/Reader, Father Paul Hill | Monsignor John Pruitt/You, Mildred Gunning/Father Paul Hill | Monsignor John Pruitt, Sheriff Hassan (Midnight Mass)/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Father Paul Hill | Monsignor John Pruitt, Sheriff Hassan (Midnight Mass), Riley Flynn, Leeza Scarborough, Beverly Keane, Erin Greene (Midnight Mass), Mildred Gunning Additional Tags: POV Father Paul Hill | Monsignor John Pruitt, Witch - Freeform, Witch and Priest, Goth - Freeform, Horror, Drama & Romance, Breaking Celibacy Vows, Death, Sensuality, Sex, Bottom Father Paul Hill | Monsignor John Pruitt, hot priest, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Smut, Human/Vampire Relationship, Magic, Falling In Love Summary:
In a peaceful and secluded town, Father Paul Hill arrives as the new priest. He meets Jane, the owner of the café "Mystic Brews." Despite their differences, a special connection forms, unleashing an unexpected romance filled with challenges and mysteries.
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blackberries45 · 2 years
So, uh, is anyone else now getting recommended a Catholic prayer app on TikTok? I don't know if it's because it's tracking me but, it's picking up the wrong signs on what I'm reading 😂😂😂
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roguelov · 2 years
Hand of God
Summary: It’s late, and your thoughts are spiraling out of control. So, you decide to take a walk. A walk which leads you to the rec center where an AA meeting is taking place. But, will the thoughts be silenced for long? And what will happen if Father Paul reaches out to help, will you accept it?
Word Count: ~5.7k
Reader: Afab
Warnings: Smut (priest kink, praise kink, fingering), mentions of alcoholism and overwhelming thoughts (nothing specific)
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Damn it.
They were back again tonight.
Fear. Depression. Anxiety. Rage. Self-Loathing.
They have barged in as they do almost every night, right at the exact moment when the last bit of sun vanished behind the horizon, to tease and torment. To scream in your ears and drown out every other thoughts or feelings that remotely brought you an ounce of comfort or joy. To gleefully drag you down into unknown depths of yourself you had yet to explore.
For a long time, you had a simple trick to silence them, one that instantly worked: alcohol. But, it wasn’t a solution. No, it was a mere bandage on the gaping wound. So, you learned to cope. AA meetings, therapy, exercising, yoga and meditation, hobbies, you’ve done it all. And it worked, you started to live again - not survive.
The problem - the biggest one that no one cared to mention - was they never truly went away. Those volatile emotions lingered in the deepest, darkest recesses of your mind. You thought it was over. But, it never was or will be. They only became dormant, giving you a false sense of security.
That was all you could do.
But, tonight they were back.
And they were loud, they were demanding.
Laying in bed, you squeezed your eyes shut and plugged your ears.
Silence. Please, I just need silence.
But, they didn’t relent.
You huffed, and ripped off your sheets. In your light grey sweatpants splattered with old paint stains - another hobby you tried and failed at - and the oversized black shirt - that had faded to an off dark navy from its countless washes - you grabbed a jacket, shoved on worn down boots and darted out your front door.
Away. You just needed to get away.
You stumbled down your porch steps, and sped off into the night. You didn’t care where. You didn’t even mind the chilly air - the clawing remnants of winter fighting to stay. You just simply couldn’t get away from your house’s confining walls fast enough.
Zipping up your jacket, you flicked up the collar bracing yourself against the cold. You shoved your hands into your pockets and followed the rocky path. Even in the moonless night, you easily kept on the path. You walked it thousands and thousands of times, you knew every pebble, and every bend. Sighing, your spiraling thoughts tried to settle. It tried to shift more outwardly, than inward, to the biting cold worming its way under your clothes, to the late frost nipping at your fingertips and the tip of your nose. Your thoughts called out for your need for heat and survival.
But, those voices still lingered, still whispered against the night breeze.
You marched, following the winding path past houses and their sleeping hosts, skating around the surrounding ocean, and soon towards the church and the rec center. An inviting light from the rec center bled out into the darkness. Of course, a few candles were lit in the church, but you were never the religious type.
You paused, staring at the light. Curious, and with nothing else to occupy your mind, you changed course. Your footsteps softly padded against the sidewalk, silenced by the constant sound of waves crashing and nocturnal animals sprinting in the nearby thickets.
The front door was cracked open, almost as if beckoning you to come in.
Or as if fate, or God for that matter, was guiding you here.
You peered through the slim crack.
Two men, Riley Flynn and Father Paul Hill, sat somewhat uncomfortably across from each other in metal collapsible chairs. Just the two of them in this vast space made to serve the community. It was jarring, and a bit unsettling.
Why just them? Why those two?
Then it clicked: the new AA chapter of Crockett Island.
Your face scrunched up. This was not how you wanted your night to go. Taking a step back, you turned away. But, the voices purred, pleased by this cowardice act. You clenched your fists, gritting your teeth. AA meetings were not new to you. You had your fair share of staring at unfamiliar faces and spilling secrets not even your family knew of.
The voices were right. You were a coward.
But, not for tonight.
For however long it may be, they will be silenced, and for a short-lived moment you will be you again and not this shell - not this husk.
Knocking, you pushed open the door all the way. You poked your head in. Both men snapped their attention over to you. “(Y/N)?” Riley perked up, practically relieved to see another face.
You stepped into the warm building gently shutting the door behind you. Swallowing down your nerves, you said, “I’m sorry, but, uh, is there room for one more?”
Father Paul smiled, somehow overjoyed by all of this. “Of course, please, grab a chair and join us.”
You shuffled over and took a chair off the rack. Under the men’s watchful gaze, you awkwardly walked over, placing the chair between them creating a triangle rather than the typical circle in these meetings. You plopped down, desperately avoiding their eyes. It felt as if they were staring through you, tearing you apart for your secrets.
Riley cleared his throat. “I, uh, I didn’t know you had a uh -“
“Drinking problem? That I too was an alcoholic?” You cut him off with a bit more venom than intended.
Riley dropped his head, muttering, “Yeah.”
Your shoulders drooped down. “I’m sorry that was … yeah I’m sorry. But, yeah I did, well I guess I still do. Everyday is a battle as you probably know, and I still struggle to keep the demons at bay. Some days are easy and some like tonight … not so much.”
“Well, it’s good that you’re here with us,” Father Paul said with a chirper smile.
You wished you could conjure up a smile for him, but you couldn’t. Not now. You sighed, removing your jacket, then leaned back on the uncomfortably hard chair. “Thanks.”
“How long?” Riley asked, now looking at you.
You crossed your arms. “Almost five years sober, or I will be, come early summer.”
Riley nodded.
Father Paul smiled at you, “That’s good, you should be proud.”
“I am.”
He cocked his head. “You don’t really sound like it.”
“I’m sorry, I … I’m just not in the best headspace right now, but I am … I really am.” A smile twitched on your lips. It was a journey, still is, and you intended to see it through till the end.
Not wanting to sit in the pressing silence, you spilled into a story - a random more cheerful story of your youth - quickly feeding into this temporary distraction. Riley smiled, thankful for your presence, and added his own chaotic childhood stories. It all soon devolved from there.
Story after pointless story.
All the while, Father Paul watched you both, a silent third party. His hands were clasped together in prayer, fiddling with his rosary. Pride and joy buzzed in his chest. Two souls have been connected and now aided each other in their troubling times - a miracle, if he said so himself especially given your both utter lack in faith.
But, there was another reason. Another reason for why his chest hummed, another reason for why he smiled so brightly.
And as he watched the two of you, his thoughts drifted and so did his eyes.
They drifted down your face, over your cheekbones, to your parted lips, and then to your jaw, studying how the harsh overhead lights reflected off your angles.
His eyes drifted down further to your exposed neck, and the way you tilted your head listening to Riley’s tale. The Father was completely fascinated by your soft neck, and the surge of temptation which followed to mark and bruise, and draw out such beautifully sinful noises from you.
Then his greedy eyes drifted even lower to your baggy off black t-shirt. With your arms crossed, it accentuated your chest - your breast. He swallowed, shifting in his seat. No bra. You, however, paid no mind to it. And, given your clothing - shirt and sweatpants - you clearly had no intention of coming here beforehand; so Father Paul would chalk it up to either you were unbothered or forgetful. And, oh dear lord, when you moved, arching your back trying to find comfort in these hard rigged chairs, he could see your nipples slightly poking through the cotton fabric.
And still his eyes drifted lower, because there was more room to fall. Your legs were crossed with your mud caked boots pointed out, sometimes bouncing nervously or to a tune trapped in your head. You constantly fidgeted, crossing, uncrossing, and spreading your legs. Oh, Heavenly Father, the priest thought, if he could he would drop to his knees in a heartbeat just to bury his face between your thighs.
His eyes wandered back up.
You laughed lightly, shaking your head. A smile, small and almost unsure to be there, tugged across your lips. Riley chuckled along with you as he finished his story.
Father Paul clutched his beads.
Father Paul hardly spoke, and if he did he only pushed the conversation a little forward. You and Riley mostly carried it, Riley more than you. You suspected he was relieved to be talking about anything other than religious verse Father Paul might spout.
Yet, it was all winding down.
The only tell of passage of time, in this dark hour, was the faint ticking of the wall clock. You swore hours upon hours had passed, but it turned out to be less than one whole hour.
Riley yawned, stretching his legs out.
Father Paul chuckled. “I suppose it is late, it’s best we end this meeting for today.”
“Yeah, I guess, you’re right.” Riley huffed, getting to his feet. He picked up his chair, then looked at you waiting for you to follow.
You threw him a tight lipped smile, but stayed put.
Riley shrugged to himself and said his goodbyes, taking his chair to hang back on the rack.
Father Paul eyed you curiously for a second before standing up and walking Riley out. Their low mumbling bounced in the empty space, yet you couldn’t decipher a single word.
Sighing, you closed your eyes and tipped your head back.
It was starting again. Those damn voices.
“Are you okay?”
You cracked open your eyes. Father Paul stood at your side with a concern etched into his face. “Yeah,” you muttered.
“You don’t sound so sure of yourself.”
You laughed once, and leaned forward bracing yourself against your knees. Your eyes directed onto the recently mopped floors, and not on the Father’s insightful gaze. “I just need a minute. You can go, I promise I’ll lock the door behind me.”
It’s not like much stealing or breaking in happens in this tiny isolated community anyway.
You expected him to leave. Hoped, in a way, he would. Instead, a chair scraped across the floor. You quickly glanced up to see Father Paul back in his chair, now turned facing you head on. He leaned forward, mimicking your slouched posture. His rosary still entangled in his hands.
“Would you like to talk about whatever is afflicting you? You know I am here for you.”
Your eyes couldn’t tear away from the dangling cross. When you spoke it was quiet and dejected. “I don’t really want to hear any bible verses, I’ve heard plenty, and to be honest, I don’t think anything you say Father would help.”
Father Paul dropped his gaze to his hands. He absentmindedly rolled a bead between his thumb and forefinger, an old anxious habit. He huffed through his nose, smiling more to himself. He pocketed the beads into his cardigan. “Okay then,” he leaned back in his chair, “right now I’m not a priest. I’m just a concerned friend.”
You lazily dragged your eyes up, secretly taking him in, and locked with those hypnotically kind chocolate brown eyes. Eyes you dreamt about nearly every night since his surprising arrival.
He tilted his head, smiling softly at you. “So? What’s bothering you?”
The voices were not silenced, an unruly crowd shouting for your attention. However, a new one - a sinfully familiar one - started to take center stage. The new voice purred, absolutely elated in this changing development, and pointed out how close he was, how alone you were with him, how beautiful he looked, how -
Goddamn it.
The Father, as one would suspect, could not help you, not in this changing situation. Not with your demons. Not when this new voice was in the forefront of your mind.
You shook your head, standing up - jumping to your feet. “I’m sorry, I should just go.”
Get out. Get out before you do something stupid.
Grabbing your jacket, you darted off. However, you only got halfway to the exit when he spoke again.
“Please, let me help.”
You froze.
His sweet velvet voice, one that usually commands and guides, was a whisper in such an empty hollow space. And he pleaded - begged to be of service to you.
Peering over your shoulder, he sat on the edge of his seat staring unwaveringly at you. You gripped your jacket, and sighed, “Father -“
“Paul,” he interjected. “I told you I was a friend now, not a priest.”
You bit the inside of your cheek. “Paul. I don’t think you can help me.”
“Just let me try. What do you want? What do you need right now?”
You almost scoffed. Twisting around, you faced him with a sad smile. “What I want is fairly simple, but very hard to obtain.”
“Which is?”
“To forget.”
“Forget what?” His eyebrows knitted together.
“Everything,” you breathed out. “I don’t want to think about anything, for just one moment I want to forget it all.”
The pains, the sorrows, the anger, the desperation, the guilt - all of it. You didn’t want to dwell on any of it.
How could he help?
How could this man make you forget?
He couldn’t. It was your only logical conclusion.
Yet, the priest had a thought, a thought which always stirred when he saw you, a thought which flared since you stumbled in tonight. “Come. Sit.” He licked his lips, sitting back in his chair. “Please.”
You tightened your grip on your jacket.
Go home.
You obeyed his simple command. You were too morbidly curious and hopeful about his possible solution. Your feet carried you over to him, pulled in by his captivating presence. You draped your jacket back across your chair. You moved ready to sit down -
“Not there.”
You blinked, furrowing your brows.
Paul leaned back in his chair with his legs spread apart, gazing up at you. He patted his thigh. “Here.”
Your body tensed up. Your heart, however, leapt into your throat. It fluttered, danced, flipped, sang, etc. Dizzy with a tidal wave of emotions, you whispered, “What?”
Father Paul wasn’t oblivious to it, to your attraction, oh no far from it.
He will admit, more to himself, that in the beginning he assumed your nerves were due to his profession. Most people walked on eggshells around him as if he held their damnation in the palm of his hand, or viewed his absolute devotion as nonsensical. But, those thoughts were swiftly put to rest when he caught you staring.
Always staring.
At a town event, the one of many, eyes burned into the back of his skull. Confused, he spun around and instantly locked eyes with you. You casually played it off, smiling at him then glanced away. Yet, you were undeterred. You continued to eye him hungrily, believing he was completely unaware of it.
Oh, how wrong you were.
And you simply didn’t comprehend the full scope of it. You failed to see how he returned the gesture. With your back turned, or when talking to friends, he drank you in - much like tonight - drank in the obvious temptation that you were.
So, no, he wasn’t oblivious. He knew of your attraction since the beginning.
And he reciprocated it.
“Sit,” he repeated, snapping you out of your daze. “You want to forget? Then sit.”
You didn’t move. Couldn’t. No matter how desperately you craved this. “You really want my dirty sweatpants on you?” You joked, trying to hide your nerves and steadily climbing heartbeat.
He chuckled. “I can assure you it’s perfectly fine. And if anything I fear that I am the one that might smell. I was on my feet all day; and I know I reek of incense.”
You laughed through your nose.
He was right. Your pants may be covered in old, determined to stay, paint stains, but you were also curled up in a scalding hot shower a few hours prior wanting, and hoping, to wash and burn away those voices and thoughts.
It didn’t work. Obviously.
He cocked his head. His eyes dragged up and down your body, then reconnected with yours. “Well?”
Your heart flipped in your chest.
Yes. God, yes.
But, you quickly shook your head. “I’m sorry, I can’t you -“
“Have already made you forget about all your worries,” he pointed out. “Have I not?”
You closed your mouth.
He had.
But, how could you think of anything else? How could you process anything with him sitting in front of you asking you to do things you’ve only dreamt of?
“You are thinking only of here and now and not of anything else, so if it is that simple then please sit.”
You almost hated how he was right.
You closed your eyes, inhaling and exhaling loudly. Opening your eyes, you met his calm, inviting ones. Yet, something flickered behind those sweet brown eyes. Worry? Mischief? Concern? Lust? It was indecipherable.
“Okay,” you whispered.
You straddled his legs, his knees more accurately, sitting as far away as you could even with this close proximity. Your hands dangled loosely at your side, unsure where they should go. Your heart pounded in your chest. A fire bloomed over your chest and to the tips of your ears.
This is ridiculous. Why am I doing this? And - and -
He tilted his head back a little to gaze into your eyes as you nearly loomed over him. A smile, so kind yet so dangerous, danced over his lips. His eyes held the key to both your salvation and damnation. “See? Not so bad.” He smiled up at you. “But, if I may …”
He bounced his legs.
Inhaling sharply, you toppled forward. Your bodies collided. Your hands flew up, bracing yourself on his shoulders. His sturdy hands latched onto your hips, keeping you in place, keeping you on his thighs and over his -
Don’t think about that - fuck don’t -
“I got you,” he hummed. He laughed at your wide eyes, and completely shocked expression. Smiling, he reached up, brushing his fingers over your cheek. “Better.”
You shivered.
Paul truly couldn’t bite back his smile and amusement. Sin or not, oh how he dreamt of moments like this. His thumbs rubbed hypnotic circles on your hips, putting his spell over you.
Your nails dug into his shoulders, trying to ground yourself in this new reality.
“Now, if at any point you want me to stop, just say so.”
Swallowing, you let out a low shaky breath and nodded. Reason had finally left. You wanted this, wanted to stay like this for an eternity, wanted to fall into depravity with him as your guide.
“Good,” he purred.
His hands snuck under your shirt, and started wandering up your back.
You immediately sighed, dropping your head forward and letting yourself get lost in his touch.
His calloused, slightly cold, fingertips sent waves of goosebumps over your skin. He slowly began to map out your curves, feeling how your body molded into his firm hands. He was trying to learn and understand what your body needed, to know where to touch to silence your thoughts and focus solely on him.
His blunt nails scraped down your back.
A soft groan rumbled in the back of your throat.
He slipped out one hand, leaving a chill across your hot skin. Using his index finger and thumb, he tipped your head up so you looked directly into his soothing eyes. He smiled. Your eyes were already glassy as lust poured into your veins. His thumb gently ran over your bottom lip.
Your tongue nearly chased over it.
“Please,” he muttered, his eyes dropped to your lips. “Do not be afraid to touch me, use me as you wish.”
Your hands unfurled and carefully, hesitant and unsure, glided down his chest inch by inch. The perfectly ironed dress shirt bunched and crumbled under your wandering hands. His eyes fluttered closed. A blissful sigh escaped his lips. Your hands moved back up his chest, stopping near his neck. You locked onto his starch white celery collar.
“I told you I was a friend now, not a priest.”
Your eyes slowly peered up at him. Opening his eyes, he met your questioning gaze and nodded. You swiftly tugged on it, on his symbol of faith, letting it fall to the floor. Reinvigorated, you undid the top of his buttons. Your hands eagerly ran over his chest, over his warm skin. With a single finger, you followed the curvature of his body and muscles. He shivered. Your hand paused, landing over his heart. It pounded, hammering excitedly against your palm. You smiled, a small one. Your hands trailed back up and curled behind his neck. Your fingers buried and weaved into the ends of his neatly combed back raven hair. Your nails gently scratched against him.
He hummed, craning his neck. Licking his lips, and losing part of his patience, his hand cupped your cheek and finally drew you in. It was soft, sweet even, as you both tested the water. Just a simple kiss. With one hand still trapped under your shirt, he ran a finger down your spine. You arched your back to the delicate touch.
You exhaled deeply.
More. You needed more.
Your fingers curled, then forcibly yanked on his hair. He gasped. His lips parted. The opportunity you needed. Your tongue slipped in, exploring his mouth, tasting your own personal forbidden fruit.
Paul moaned.
Oh, how wonderfully sinful it was.
He tilted his head, deepening the kiss. His tongue soon fought back desperate to have a turn. He begged to have a taste of temptation.
So, you willingly gave yourself over.
His hand fell from your face, and down your neck. Two fingers rested over your pulse. He smiled against your lips. Your heart rate matched his own chaotic one. His hand moved farther and farther, then snaked back under your shirt. His hands roamed all over your body, while his mouth - his oh so surprisingly expert mouth - left you in a mind numbing haze.
Your skin ignited - burned. His touch was fire against your needy skin, a fire far hotter than the nine circles of Hell itself. Your nerves screamed - sang an enticing new melody with Paul as your composer. Your heart hammered erratically, the resounding drumbeat, in your ears. So much so, you couldn’t hear the faint whimper humming in the back of your throat.
Paul pulled away, painstakingly slow, still savoring your lips.
His heavy panting was a lovely accompaniment.
Desperate, wanting, craving for more.
You took this moment to study him.
His head slightly bowed forward, chin tucked to his chest. A low muttering passed over his swollen lips. A prayer, if you had to guess. His eyes flickered up. Oh, how they sparkled with awe. Yet, when his eyes fell back to your lips, they instantly darkened, fueled by lust and sin.
Fueled by you.
He leaned in, hovering his lips over yours. “Divine,” he whispered, “absolutely divine.”
His hands reached up, cupping your bare breasts.
“Fuck,” you mumbled, dropping your forehead onto his shoulder.
He chuckled. It echoed directly in your ear, sending a pleasant shiver down your spine. His lips skimmed past your ear, and to your neck. He peppered gentle butterfly kisses up and down your neck. His hands, however, were more wicked in comparison. They cupped and kneaded your breasts, playing with them as he pleased. You bit your lip, moaning. You squeezed your eyes shut, falling apart to his touch. His thumb and finger pinched your perked nipples.
You moaned, loudly and unabashedly. And without thinking, acting only on your needs, you bucked your lips.
He groaned.
His lips curled into a devious smile across your skin. He opened his mouth, placing a kiss in the crook of your neck. You hummed, craning your neck. His teeth barely grazed over your skin. You muttered a string of curses under your breath. He nipped, blemishing your unmarked skin. Only to quickly soothe any pain with the flat of his tongue. He repeated the process, all over. All the while, he still teased your breasts.
You squirmed, moaning and whining - turning into a complete mess by a hand of God.
“Good, you’re doing so good for me,” he mumbled.
“Paul,” you whined, as pleasure coursed through you at his subtle praises.
“It’s okay, it’s okay, I got you. Just keep focusing on me.”
What the hell was he talking about? How could you not? What other possible things could you be thinking of when he was here giving you your heart’s deepest desires?
One of his hands slid down your body, and began to fiddle with your elastic waistband. He picked at it. Picked once, then twice. He waited for any signs to tell him to stop, to tell him no.
But, none came.
Instead, he was encouraged.
“Please,” you begged, lifting your hips.
He smiled, “Okay, I hear you.”
His hand easily slipped into your pants. His knuckles grazed, tantalizingly slow, over your damp clothed core. You buried your face into his neck, and tightened your grip in his dark locks. Instantly, you tried to grind your hips into his hand, but he moved away before you could experience just an ounce of pleasure - of relief.
You whined.
Embarrassment, or shame, should have flooded your senses. Yet, it didn’t. All your thoughts were on your wants and needs.
On him.
You need Paul, desperately.
“Shhh,” he cooed, “I’m here.”
His fingers pushed aside your underwear. A single finger swiped through your wet folds - a quick fleeting touch leaving you a wanting mess.
“Fuck,” you hissed.
He did it again, this time slower and more deliberate.
You wanted to beg and plead. You wanted to say his name. Hell, you almost wanted to pray. But, any and all words were lodged in your throat.
He, thankfully and finally, slid his finger in.
Just one.
He started slow. Easy, gentle pumps as he learned your body.
You clung to him.
“You’re okay, you’re okay, I got you. Oh, you’re doing so good for me,” Paul breathed out.
Oh, he was losing his mind.
Your breathy moans was the sweetest, most beautiful, hymn he ever heard. Your body, sculpted perfectly by God, ached for him. Your walls fluttered around him - around his one finger pleading for more. And he wished, prayed to be the best utmost service to you. His movement - each tame pump - became faster and more demanding.
Oh, he wanted more from you.
For Heaven to hear your beautiful songs.
So, he added another finger.
You arched your back, craning your head back as your mouth fell open. The fluorescent lights haloed around you. Your ragged breathing mixed with the sloppy wet noises of his fingers sliding inside of you. Your body acted on its own, grinding down on his deliciously full fingers.
Paul beamed.
That was exactly what he wanted to see.
His lovely angel.
You dropped your head, staring at him.
His eyes shined - twinkled with glee - watching as you drowned yourself in pleasure. Your hands, still entangled in his hair, yanked him forth. You kissed him feverishly, devouring him. He hummed against your lips.
His thumb rubbed your clit.
You broke the kiss, pressing your forehead into his as a moan escaped your swollen lips. Opening your eyes, his dark brown ones - the color of the welcoming immovable earth - were now a black void filled with desire and blasphemy.
He sucked you in, wanting you to fall from grace.
As if you truly cared.
He circled your clit again.
Squeezing your eyes shut, you whimpered, bucking into his hand.
He let out a shaky breath. “God, you’re doing so great.”
Your heart skipped. At every praise, every encouragement, it was dizzying. The way his voice wrapped around you. It was the only voice you could focus on. The only voice to guide you through the dark.
It was spellbinding, enchanting and soothing.
A calming, sweet deliverance from evil.
Yet, it was cut with the sinfully wet noises of his fingers buried deep inside of you.
He moved faster, ferociously working you to your release. He wanted to see it. He wanted to see how you would fall.
“Paul,” you grinded down on his fingers, “fuck - I’m close.”
“Good, good,” he hummed as his fingers slid in and out of you relentlessly. “Eyes on me.”
You opened your eyes, staring back into the void.
His fingers pounded into you.
You had to force yourself, using all your strength, to stay upright. You just wanted to collapse into him. To fall apart, to let your senses be overwhelmed by him. His free hand cupped your face, helping you to keep your eyes on him. He leaned in, kissing you softly. You melted.
His thumb flicked over your swollen clit.
You gasped.
He curled his fingers, beckoning you, calling you to fall.
Your walls clenched around his fingers. “Paul,” you moaned.
His fingers curled again, loving the sweet delectable noises you made. His thumb constantly rubbed your clit, bringing you closer and closer to the edge. Your forehead fell onto his. You hungrily chased your high and started to ride his fingers.
“Good, you’re so good - god you are truly divine.” He mumbled, straining to keep his composure. “I’m here, I got you.”
His words sent you tumbling over the edge.
You finally fell.
Your walls clamped around his fingers. Your lips fell apart with a silent moan. Bliss. Heavenly bliss coursed through you. Paul continued to whisper encouraging words. His fingers slowly worked you through your orgasm. You cursed under your breath, as it started to become too much.
Too much pleasure.
Too much sin.
He smiled, and finally stopped. Yet, his fingers were still buried deep inside of you.
Your heavy breathing filled the silence. You desperately tried to catch your breath. However, Paul slowly removed his fingers. Your breath hitched. A whine sounded in your throat - weak and tired.
He eyed his soaked fingers. He licked his lips. He looked up at you, while you lazily - with half closed eyelids - tilted your head in confusion. Your mind was cloudy, still in utter bliss. Maintaining eye contact, he raised his two fingers up and into his mouth. Your eyes widened. Your heart lurched into your throat. Oh dear lord. He hummed in delight. His tongue swirled around savoring your taste.
Your eyes locked onto his mouth. His spit and your juices covered his fingers and mouth. “Fuck, I thought you were a priest.” You muttered in disbelief.
He smirked. Saying nothing, he only cleaned himself and popped out his fingers. “So,” he adjusted himself in the chair, his hand resting back on your hips, “better?”
You blinked. Then it dawned on you - the reason for this once in a lifetime opportunity. The voices, and thoughts, had been silenced. You laughed once, smiling somewhat sorrowfully to yourself. “Yeah, I’m good.”
Your eyes dropped down to the obvious tent in his pants. It rubbed against you. You had to suppress a moan. “Don’t worry about me,” he said, gaining your attention. “This was about helping you.”
You wanted it.
Your body ached for how it would feel, how he could fill and stretch you. But, you didn’t want to push it. If he said not to worry, then you will take his word for it. You reluctantly moved off of his lap - Paul had to stifle a groan - and turned to grab your jacket.
Best to make a quick exit now.
Paul watched you intensely. Just like you, he wanted more. But, he was a patient man. He still had self-control, despite every fiber of his being screaming at him. To pin you against the wall, to fall to his knees and worship your body, to feel your bare body against his, to always hear your beautiful breathy moans.
He shivered, trying to reel himself back.
You looked at him as you tugged on your jacket. His hair usually slicked back, now pointed in odd directions. His top buttons were undone and exposed the top of his chest, and the tent strained against his tight jeans wishing to break free. He wasn’t the epitome of faith and celibacy.
No, right now he was just a man.
Like he said, for tonight, and probably for tonight alone, he wasn’t a priest.
Your eyes fell to the celery collar discarded on the floor. You shook your head, “Well, goodnight, I suppose.”
In and out. And forget this ever happened.
You spun around to leave.
“You know if you ever need my help again, you know where to find me.” His soothing voice called out. “My door is always open.”
As are the gates, he thought in a knee jerk reaction.
You peered over your shoulder. His eyes connected with yours. He was serious. A warmth, a giddy buzzing, spread over your chest. Maybe tonight was not a crazy chance, but the start of something forbidden. A smile spread over your lips. “Right, of course.”
He licked his lips. Your taste still lingered on his tongue, and he craved more - his new little addiction. “Maybe I’ll even see you in church.”
You laughed, shaking your head. “One miracle at a time.”
He smiled. “Right. Well, I wish you goodnight and I hope to see you soon.”
“Oh, you will.”
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always-andromeda · 1 year
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·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ 𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐀𝐋𝐋, 𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐃
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 ✯ Father Paul Hill x Fem!Reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 ✯ 2925
𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 ✯ taboo au + "Everything I've done...every atrocity, it's been for you."
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 ✯ okay, I haven't exactly finished a piece in a good while. so this one is sort of serving as a warm-up and if it's terrible (which I have a good feeling it is lmao), I'm gonna have to ask y'all to be gentle on me. I've loved this man for a while now and this is sort of experimental. tl;dr: I am a sensitive little baby right now so treat me as such.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 ✯ smut (minors, do not interact), obviously a pretty massive gap in both age and power, depictions of blood and death, could be read as dub con at first (if you squint really hard) but firmly lands on the side of full con, a lot of religious mumbo jumbo (lmao let's ignore the fact that I know almost nothing about Catholicism <3), so much blasphemy, oral (female receiving), a twinge of sub!Paul, and that's all I can think of!! let me know if more is needed!!
(mdni banner template credit goes to @cafekitsune!!)
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Behind closed eyelids, all you saw was darkness. And through that darkness came white hot agony. It was practically blinding as it shot up your spine before detonating in your brain. Those little fragments of pain speckled across the inside of your skull.
You wanted to scream, hurl, cry, something. Anything to physically release the intense pain assaulted your nerves. But you wouldn't be granted that mercy. No.
For now, your suffering was confined to this unending darkness. For now, you waited in the void of your own being for the tragedy to subside.
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For weeks you anxiously waited for the return of Monsignor Pruitt from his mission trip. Though spending your afternoons looking after the dementia ridden clergyman wasn't exactly your idea of a good time, it was far better than slumming it with Beverly Keane. After all, you were 99% sure that whatever Bev heard managed to make its way all around the island.
Crockett Island was a melting pot of rumors. By now you'd heard the stories; the mythology of the island's residents had woven together to form a complex tapestry. And the longer you stayed, the more you realized how little you desired to be a part of it all.
But you didn't have a choice. Whether you liked it or not, Crockett's citizens had already spun your narrative.
Everyone knew how your mother had taken you away from the island at the ripe age of five years old; saving you the heartache of being raised by an alcoholic father. Part of you had always been grateful for it despite how tough it had been being raised by a single mother who hardly had anything to her name. Yet you couldn't help the guilt that poured into your lungs like cement whenever someone mentioned how much your father had suffered before he died.
Because that was the only way you would've gone back to the island that lived in the shadows of your memory: death. And upon meeting Monsignor Pruitt, it became clear that death would also be the only way you'd want to leave.
The relationship that had bloomed between you and him was a humble one. He'd offered to talk you through your grief which you'd promptly denied. Though you attended services, you weren't much for religion and you weren't about to embrace it fresh off of the death of a father who was practically a stranger. It felt disingenuous.
Finding God is reserved for real tragedies, right?
You'd asked the question like it was a joke.
Monsignor Pruitt had merely tilted his head before replying in that lilting, raspy voice of his: Depends on what you think qualifies as a tragedy.
With a quick eye roll, you'd written the answer off as one of those unbalanced moments of his. Over the course of a few months, you'd become well acquainted with them. Going to services and keeping him company was something to do. Something other than rifling through decades of your father's clutter and further entangling yourself with the community. Something other than being reminded of your own wasted potential.
Strangely, the monsignor felt less like an all seeing eye and more like...a friend. And now, faced with his "temporary" replacement, you were finally certain of what qualified as a tragedy to you.
From the moment Father Paul had addressed the church, you were unsettled. He may have been perfectly kind and personable enough, but his mannerisms edged on the uncanny valley. It was the way he spoke during sermons and how that tone rarely changed during one-on-one conversations. Though he couldn't have been older than thirty, he often held himself as if he'd been around the block more times than anyone could fathom. It was easy to chalk it up to his nature. Of course the man of God had an eerie way of making you feel like a puny mortal.
But Monsignor Pruitt had never made you feel like that. You couldn't brush the thought of the old man out of your mind.
Every time Father Paul attempted to placate your worries, it only pushed you deeper into the depths of distrust. Somehow you just knew he was lying.
And for all of Father Paul's wisdom and mystique, he wasn't a good liar. His tone would shift as he glossed over your concerns with a quick reassurance that Monsignor Pruitt was recovering just fine on the mainland. When you felt brave enough to press him for more, he'd wring his hands or squeeze them into fists. Almost as if he had to physically stop himself from reprimanding you. After all, who were you to question him?
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When your eyes finally opened, your vision was overwhelmed by the light. Softly, slowly, the light haloed around the head of a figure that carefully came into view. As your sight sharpened, you quickly realized who stood over you. 
The man you held the most wariness for was kneeling over you. His long face wrought with concern, the alarm bells were already blaring in your muddled mind. But as much as you tried to force the air from your lungs to scream, you could only let out a pathetic, strangled squeak.
That was when he spoke. His voice shook with what sounded like uncertainty, "You mustn't overexert yourself. You're still coming back. But don't worry, you'll be yourself again soon. All in due time."
No matter how much you tried to speak, to move, neither of the actions came to you. All you could do is watch as Father Paul pulled your paralyzed body into his arms and cradled you. And as the potency of your helplessness settled in, you vaguely felt tears prick at your waterline. 
Normally, you would've rather died than allowing yourself to cry in front of someone, especially in front of the father. This time you couldn't control the few tears that slid freely down your cheeks, landing on the father's hand where he gripped your still aching shoulder.
He noticed them immediately and let you out of his grasp long enough to stare into your glossy eyes.
You couldn't quite decipher the intent behind the softness of his gaze. But somehow it was enough to allow the nausea that had slowly been rising in your chest to subside.
Father Paul raised a hand to cup your face. His thumb carefully stroked your cheek, sweeping away the wet trails left by your despair. And whether it was from your sensitivity or the intimacy of the act, you didn't know. But your skin shivered. 
As you gradually regained the feeling in your body, you realized that the first thing you felt after the pain was him. The inherent warmth of his embrace. And in some fucked up way, it was comforting. Feeling like prey, you blinked back the rest of your tears and allowed yourself to soak up as much of him as you could; anything to get rid of the dull pain that plagued your nerves.
You noticed there were tears brimming his own eyes as he smiled softly. "There, you mustn't cry. You've been so brave and in return you've been blessed."
It was then that you began to regain enough cognizance to question what was happening.
Flashes of memory played each time you blinked.
That damned question had been on the tip of your tongue again.
So you found him in the recreational center. There he’d been, on his knees, praying fervently.
Hopefully you're praying for the monsignor's return.
You regretted the words almost as soon as you'd said them. Because as soon as Paul turned, he gave you that dark look that rarely graced his features. This time he hadn't even tried to hide it with his usual discretion.
He merely stared right past you with his eyes wide and pleading. 
You hadn't had the chance to see the thing that attacked you fully. But you felt its teeth at your neck. You felt your own blood dripping from your neck in such a thick stream that the dizziness came almost as soon as you hit the ground. You felt the rough, pale skin of the creature as it smothered you, greedily devouring every ounce of your life.
Of course you were surprised to find yourself lying on the sheets of Paul's bed in his modest home, but that shock was the least of your worries. How were you still alive?
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He told his tale as your body mended itself. You didn't know how much time passed. All you knew is that you were enraptured with the sticky sense of dread that was growing in your stomach as he spoke.
You were acutely aware of just how much it sounded like a sermon. How, whether he was aware of it or not, he was pulling out every stop in the preacher's handbook to try and convince you. And if he didn’t sound so convinced himself, you would swear this was deliberate manipulation. But nothing else could possibly explain his youthful appearance and all that he knew. He could recite your history right back to you despite the fact that you’d never once trusted him nearly enough to give it. Only the monsignor knew your deepest fears and your darkest secrets. But this wasn’t your monsignor.
Father Paul was some new beast; an amalgamation of the sweet old man you’d once known, the deceptive preacher who took his place, and some other supernatural force that you couldn’t quite name.
Though you’d only caught half a glimpse of the creature, you attempted to express your terror. That only spurred him on further as he contended that when an angel of the Lord appeared to the shepherds upon the birth of Jesus, it deliberately told them to not be afraid.
But none of that explained himself. None of it allowed you to comprehend how Monsignor Pruitt could've shed decades of life; how the old man could now stand there, blood drying on the bottom half of his face, and look at you as if you were something he could have.
You didn't have to ask. You knew by then that when the creature had had its fill of your blood, Father Paul had pulled the scraps of you away for himself. The thought hit you dangerously and made something deep inside you rumble. Like a natural disaster, this had unearthed a litany of complications that you never could’ve anticipated.
“We are at a crossroads," Father Paul said gently before letting his conviction surge again, “Now, you once said that finding God was reserved for those experiencing tragedy, correct?”
You nodded sagely. 
Father Paul grasped your trembling hands in his own, “Have you not experienced one of life’s greatest tragedies? The ending of it? You fell right over the edge of life and before the waters of death could claim you, He brought you back. Hebrought us together.”
You shook your head in defiance.
“This was meant to happen. This was part of His plan, for our faiths — our lives — to be renewed.”
With your throat still stiff and dry, you croaked angrily, “There was nothing wrong with my life! There was nothing that needed to supposedly be renewed!” 
He raised his voice suddenly, “Why did you come to this island?”
“Because my father died.”
“A father who was no better than a stranger to you,” he recalled your own words quickly. If the monsignor had been wise, Father Paul was as sharp as a knife, taking his jabs at you with complete accuracy. “You didn’t have to come here. You didn't have to make friends with a crazy old man. By the grace of God, you were led here. You were led here so you could be shown this truth; this gift. And you are denying this gift."
You had to admit that your draw to Crockett had been strange. At first you'd attested it to some childhood curiosity. But you'd deliberately put off taking care of your father's run down property, instead opting to spend time walking in the light of Pruitt. In truth, his companionship had been a breath of fresh air. 
Though the people of Crockett adored him, it was always tinged with pity. You'd never pitied him; only admired him for his wisdom and his resilience. 
Paul's expression softened as he held your face in his hands. "Everything I've done...every atrocity, it's been for you." That was when you saw the edges of his wisdom begin to lift and fall away like a second skin he'd crafted over his own vulnerability.
Underneath it...he was simply a man. A man who wanted to save you. 
“Let me give you more. Let me show you how you can trust me," he whispered.
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The first kiss inspired an odd mix of emotions in your chest. There was the coppery tang of dried blood on your tongue, strong enough that it took everything in you not to flinch away from his hold on you. But you remembered his reference to the angel and the shepherds.
Do not be afraid.
So you continued, deepening the kiss with a turn of your head. And for all of the worldly experiences Paul had, you became acutely aware that this sort of connection was not among them.
Whether there'd been any true romantic feelings for the aging monsignor, you couldn't quite say. But your fondness of him had transferred to the man before you. Granted, the transfer wasn't smooth, but it was there nonetheless. Somehow it was stronger than ever as he took your hand and brought it to his lips. The kiss he pressed against your palm was slightly tacky with your own half dried blood still lingering.
You brushed a lock of his wavy, dark hair back so you could properly meet his gaze. With the shroud of time having fallen away from his features you could see just how handsome the man was. It was a hesitant sort of attractiveness; as if the banner of God had prevented him from seeing his full potential.
He'd fed on your life and made himself new. And the thought of your monsignor living on in that small way...all because of you? The electric twinges that sparked in your chest were almost too much to bear.
Without fear you devoured him in another kiss. Quickly the mood turned from reverent to ravenous as Paul attempted to keep up with your fervency.
He couldn't remember the last time sin had overpowered his sense of morality. Because he knew in the traditional sense, this was pure sin. No matter how wrong he believed it might have been to let his hands roam your figure, in his bones it was a temptation that finally felt correct. There was none of that hesitance or shame or fear that he'd felt before. The pendulum had shifted on morality and he knew exactly what he needed to do.
Hardly a moment was spared as he tore into the long skirt and the underwear that had kept you modest for far too long. Perfect beauty like this had to be cherished.
So that is what he did. Planted firmly between your legs, he stared up at you with eyes that gently pleaded for permission; for salvation. With your own half lidded eyes, you nodded before spreading yourself open for him.
Like a flower, you bloomed beautifully and Paul groaned at the sight. He could practically feel the thrumming pulse before him as it waited to indulge him. His hot breath teased you and made sparks dance right beneath the surface of your skin. Still you stayed in place, patiently allowing him time to drink in the sight of your folds already puffing and glistening with slick.
Quietly, you heard him mumble something that you only caught the tail end of.
“–forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.”
It wasn't too long after that when his tongue found a home in that tight, warm crevice. Your hand knitted itself into his dark hair as you searched for something to ground yourself from the overpowering sensation. Something about this new condition of yours heightened every aspect of pleasure.
If you were in your right mind, it would make sense logically considering you'd felt the unbearable pain of your spine shattering and being put back together again. But this was overwhelming in the entirely opposite direction.
You experienced the pleasure on a cellular level as your climax rushed through your limbs. You seemed to feel the vibrancy of every emotion and atom that comprised your being. Nothing was spared from the glory of this blessing. Not your spasming cunt as it contracted around Paul's blessed tongue. Not your heart that was firmly on the track of restoration. And not your mind as it all at once fell apart in time with your quivering thighs. Blood pulsing, every single one of your pores felt more alive than ever as you finally embraced the higher power that had been waiting for you in the shadows all along.
At that moment, you believed it all. From the Angel to Father Paul's divine transformation to the euphoric paradise that enveloped your entire being...it was all real. And most of all, it was all yours. Thanks to the father's grace and generosity, you would create paradise with him. And that seemed possible. After all, with his head between your thighs, you’d both already created one.
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ihavemanyhusbands · 2 months
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Also on AO3
Pairing: Father Paul/Monsignor Pruitt x Fem!Reader
Summary: absolution usually follows a confession, doesn’t it? But repentance has to come first.
WC: 1.4k words
Warnings: SMUT!!! MINORS DNI this fic is 18+, dead dove (do not eat!), hierophilia, vampirism, consensual blood drinking, oral (m receiving), orgasm denial/edging, corruption, dom/sub dynamics kinda, umm blasphemy?, some religious imagery, oh he’s kinda mean in this one (and i love it), ummm i think thats it but lmk if anything else hehe
“Bless me Father, for I have sinned…”
Your voice was soft and honey sweet, a mockery of piousness. Your hands clasped in front of you in supplication, but it was not for absolution. And no, he also did not buy the demureness of your lowered lashes, nor the downward tilt of your chin.
But he could not lie and say he did not enjoy the sight of you on your knees in front of him. He would take the time to kiss them — rubbed raw from the hardwood floor of his bedroom — later, after he’d heard your confession and cleansed you of all sin.
“It has been… a rather long time since my last confession.” A pink tongue moistening your lips. “Or at least it feels that way.”
He clicked his tongue, not hiding his disapproval. You merely glanced up from under your lashes, still the picture of humble obedience. He let out a sound that almost sounded like a scoff.
“Go on,” he said.
You shifted a little, feeling the familiar ache in your legs begin to form. His dark eyes trailed lower, to the golden cross that hung from your neck — the one he had given you.
“I have been impure in mind and body, tormented by unbecoming thoughts…”
“What sort of unbecoming thoughts?” He cut in. 
“Oh, I wouldn’t dare say them out loud, Father.”
Again, a derisive snort. “But you would act on them instead?”
“I have, yes.” You nodded. “And I fear I will again.”
“You fear, hmm?” He hummed in thought, tapping his fingers against the chair’s armrest. “Go on, what else?”
You swallowed hard, exhaling a shuddery breath. “I have been lustful a-and gluttonous. I-I have corrupted myself and another…”
“Yes, you certainly have,” he said, leaning forward. “You’ve been quite the naughty girl.”
“But I am very, very sorry for these and all my sins,” you said, tilting your face up to look at him, pouting slightly to show remorse. 
But he could clearly see the truth in your eyes, which burned like the flames of eternal damnation. He couldn’t help a chuckle, smiling with teeth that were all too sharp. Teeth that you desperately wanted to sink into your soft, pliant flesh, so he may have his fill of you.
“I don’t believe you,” he said, grasping your chin and pushing down your bottom lip with his thumb. “Lying is a sin too, but you already knew that, didn’t you, little lamb?”
You nodded, opening your mouth for him. The pad of his thumb pressed against your tongue as he studied you, head tilting slightly to one side. 
“Lying tongues must be put to better use, I think,” he said, his eyes reflecting the dancing candlelight. “After all, actions speak louder than words. Maybe you can show me how sorry you truly are.”
At that, your lips wrapped around his thumb as you held his gaze. He could hear the loud thunder of your heartbeat, like a rabbit’s being chased through the underbrush. His hunger yawned open, lashing his insides.
You tilted your head back further, your bared throat a clear message for him. He would heed that call in time, but sometimes he allowed himself to play with his food a little first.
In response, he withdrew his hand, but not before smearing your saliva over your lips first with his thumb. He shifted his hips forward, your eyes flicking down to follow the movement.
He nodded for you to proceed and with shaking fingers, you did quick work of his belt, subsequently undoing the button and zipper of his pants. You felt him straining against the fabric, stirred at the prospect of your warm, wet mouth on it.
You bent down and softly kissed him through the thin fabric, feeling it respond to your touch. There was a sound in his throat — a warning, telling you that you knew better than to tease him.
He ran a hand through his raven locks, pushing back a strand that had fallen over his forehead. His handsome, regal features were shadowed in the low light, giving him a more severe look. 
He watched closely as you eased him out of his briefs, holding back a hiss at the first touch of your bare hand. A sweet smile that was solely reserved for him, and then your lips touched the flushed pink tip. 
“Like this, Father?” You asked, to which he nodded.
“Slowly, now,” he instructed, placing a hand atop your head. “You want to convince me, don’t you?”
You did as told, going slow and soft, tongue circling the tip. Tracing the thick vein running up the side, nearly making him shudder. He let out a harsh breath, his eyes fluttering shut for a mere moment as he lost himself in that heavenly feeling.
“That’s better,” he said, gathering up your hair in his hand. “Always good to be obedient.”
You let out a pleased hum at his praise. He slid over your tongue with ease as you took more of him in your mouth. Your head bobbed up and down still at a slow pace, prolonging every sensation. 
And the way your eyes so sweetly looked up at him, searching for his approval, filled him with a deep satisfaction. Your ears were finely tuned to the sounds he made, understanding what he liked best.
So diligent, so very eager to please. How could he not forgive you everything? 
Soon he found that hunger warred and even threatened to overcome his pleasure. You were so willing to give yourself to him already — he could smell your arousal gathering between your thighs, another siren call to his senses — and all he had to do was take. 
And so, when you came up for air, lips still glossy with the mess you were making, he could not hold himself back any longer. You let him wrangle you onto your back on the floor, his weight pinning you down. A thin trickle of saliva gathered at the corner of his lips as he parted your legs as far as they would go.
You whimpered under his gaze, feeling like you might go up in flames if he didn’t have you soon. He slid downwards, ravenous gaze fixed on his target. Then you felt his hot breath as he buried his head at the apex of your thighs, nose and mouth pressed against your cunt.
He moaned like a man in agony. The tip of his tongue teased your core over the soaked fabric. But, much to your chagrin, he made no attempts to take your underwear off. He was punishing you, after all.
But in instances like this one, you were allowed to use his name. 
“John,” you gasped, head tilted back as if your plea was for the heavens.
He let out a sound that was similar to a growl, one hand splaying over your lower abdomen to hold you in place. His mouth filled with saliva, readying for the bite, appetite clouding his senses.
And then, adjusting his face to one side, his teeth sank into the soft meat of your inner thigh. A cry escaped your lips before you covered your mouth with one hand. The initial agony was always like a lightning bolt, but then it melted away into a morphine-like languor. 
Your body slackened as he drank, fingers digging into his dark curls. He whimpered and groaned at the magnificent taste of your life’s essence, any sin of yours completely erased in his mind.
Then suddenly, he shuddered, his body tensing. You felt his mouth pull away only so he could seal the wound with his tongue. When he looked up, his eyes were glazed over, bright in that way they always were when he’d just finished feeding. 
You lifted your head to get a better look at him as he licked his lips, savoring you to the last drop. You felt a pulse deep in your core at the sight, but you knew that your penance would be to leave you unattended. 
Oh, how awfully torturous! You loved every moment of it. Deep down, he knew that, too, and he used it against you whenever he could.
He left a bloody kiss right on your panties, right over your clit, making your hips jerk. You frowned, half-heartedly glaring at him, and he smiled up at you with pink stained teeth. 
“Good girl, how selfless of you,” he said, practically purring. “You’re on the right path, but I’ll just have to make sure you don’t stray from it.”
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