#monster dream eater riku
trarainbowsnake · 9 months
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Also some other horror pieces with Sora and Riku as well :3
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tharkflark1 · 6 months
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Different monster AUs :P
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mythicalartistx · 8 months
Riku is a Disney Princess and here's why...
Riku displays Princess features
He's just so Princess. And I've been thinking why is he so princess what is it that makes him like this
So I turned to the official Disney princesses and the comparison is something else.
Kingdom Hearts itself does this all the time with how Riku or Sora acts and gives phenomenal parallels through the categories
Animal Sidekick
Royal Bloodline
Central Character
Disney Princess Parallels
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Animal Sidekick
One of the mainly criterias are animal Sidekicks, but wait Riku doesn't have one does he?
Guess again.
He in fact does, and so does Sora.
Let's take a look at Dream Drop Distance— a game where Riku displays affection and is accompanied by these silly little guys known as Dream Eaters and his main one is Komory Bat.
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The novels add some great details and scenes where they show affection to Riku. They help him fight as well as rub against him.
How could you not find them so adorable and want one?
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Royal Bloodline
The next thing is royalty and just note I'm using only knowledge we definitely know or implied, sorry no bloodline theories. In the criteria most princesses are princesses from having a royal bloodline or displaying some act of heroism.
And throughout the series we see these qualities of heroism.
Starting out in darkness, he redeems himself by displaying heroic qualities as any 15 yo in fiction.
In the second game, Riku helps defeat Xemnas, the ultimate bad of the group they were trying to defeat.
After KH1, he deeply regrets his actions and sacrifices himself multiple times, such as pushing Sora out of the way during the final Xemnas battle. Instead of Sora getting hit, he does himself. In DDD, he then displays skills to accept himself and who he is while also rescuing Sora from darkness.
He even states, "...Are you what's trapping him in that nightmare? Cause if you are... I'm what nightmares fear!"
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P.S. the JPN translation of the scene is: If you're a nightmare, I'll eat/devore you
And in KH3 not only does he comfort Sora when he feels down, but he sacrifices his own life for Sora's in the keyblade graveyard
Central Character
Riku is one of the main characters, he is the second important character— the first being Sora. Riku actually is in more games than Sora. In 358/2 Days, Sora is not in the game. He is only shown through flashbacks, but Riku he is there. He interacts with Xion and Roxas. Then in DDD the game centers around him more than it really does Sora.
But even in the other games he is still important. Without him, all of the games would be different. No character could take his place.
If Riku simply didn't exist, there would be no one trying to bring destiny islands to darkness. Terra and Aqua wouldn't have gone to Destiny Islands since they came there following Riku's light.
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Kairi also would never have gone there because there is no keyblade wielder there. Sora would probably make friends with the other Islanders and he wouldn't have gone on an adventure and there would be no one bringing the princesses to Maleficent.
Not every princess has a prince, but he certainly does. And Sora is certainly his.
Riku even called him a prince before
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They would have a mutual relationship of both saving and comforting the other.
They both have a care and understanding. Sora always thinking of his princess and Riku does all he cans for his prince. They rescue the other multiple times, they sacrifice for the other, and the two even fight together
Not every princess goes on an adventure, but Riku certainly does. He goes from using darkness to feeling at his lowest point where he has to accept himself and his darkness (and even possible romantic feelings for Sora his prince).
He then spends a year trying to defend his prince and sacrifices his form to help him awaken. Then he becomes a version of himself that is almost like a monster and refuses to let anyone see him like that.
But when Sora does he doesn't care Riku is still his friend, his princess. It doesn't change a thing and Riku is still Riku. And Sora loves who he is
This gives so much fairytale prince and princess vibes.
They both work together and save the day and after being stuck in darkness they're okay cause the two are together. Then a light appears and the adventure seems to be over..
But no, they both take an exam for becoming keyblade masters. Riku goes through it trying to understand himself and how he feels about Sora and his darkness. He becomes a dream eater for his prince,
Who says princesses can't do rescuing too?
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In Recoded, Riku gets kidnapped by Maleficent and Pete and Sora his prince goes in search to save him.
His next journey arrives when he goes through the realm of darkness to search for a missing keyblade wielder. And when Riku is against her he calls out Sora's name and Sora, his prince comes to the rescue. Together they help free her from the darkness. Then after Riku sacrifices himself for Sora, Sora saves him by putting his heart back to his body.
And Riku is on his way to find his prince once again at the end of KH3... His adventure is still ongoing...
Fairytale Parallels
There are so many fairytale Parallels in Kingdom Hearts. Riku sacrificing himself with every little things reflecting a Disney princess.
In the beginning Riku wishes to explore other worlds and leave his island. Many of the Disney princesses also expressed this desire.
Ariel—who is basically a scholar, wants to know more as well as go to the human world.
Belle wants to go on an adventure that's more than her simple everyday life.
Rapunzel wants to go outside to see the world but also see floating lanterns.
Anna— who has barely any social interaction, is tired of being shut away from the world and wants to also experience it.
Riku also gets tricked/manipulated by darkness. While the other princess don't become an antagonist for the first game like he does, they do get tricked or manipulated.
Ursula tricks Ariel into signing a contract to make her into a human where Ursula hopes to eventually become the ruler of Atlantica when Triton trades places with her.
The evil queen manipulates Snow White into taking a bite of her apple after feeling bad for her.
Maleficent tricks Aurora into touching the spindle of the spinning wheel, causing her to die.
Mother Gothel manipulates and gaslights Rapunzel through her entire upbringing.
Raya gets tricked by Namaari into showing her the chamber with the magical gem
Anna gets tricked by Hans into thinking he's the one so he could rule her kingdom.
Riku makes sacrifices throughout the series like when he does it for Sora in kh3 or even sacrificing his form when fighting Roxas to wake Sora up. In general he sacrifices himself for Sora, as well does Sora sacrifice himself too and there are also many princesses who also make sacrifices
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Mulan, wanting to protect her father, she sacrifices herself when she takes his place in the war.
While he's not technically a Disney prince, Hercules sacrifices himself to make the dive and save Meg. Hercules also gave up his strength for her but she pushed him out of the way of a pillar to then save him as well. This relates how Sora and Riku both constantly sacrifice for the other.
Anna sacrifices herself for Elsa by freezing to death.
Belle sacrifices her freedom to save her father.
Rapunzel was willing to sacrifice her freedom to save Flynn's life.
And there we have it, I'm sure there are many more examples then what I said but Riku is a Disney princess and should definitely be added to the line up.
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freckledhylian · 2 years
I’m not okay. Just realized Sora was the one to grant Riku’s wish.
Riku’s wish was to travel outside of his world and go on aventure, but when that happened, in KH1, it was just all horrible things. From horrible people forcing him to doing horrible things he would’ve never done by himself.
Remember that his wish was specifically to go with Sora. And yet, in Kh1 he is separated from Sora and turned against him. In the end he just ended up with regrets and remorse, especially towards his most precious person.
But his wish did come true, and that’s where I’m ugly crying. Because it’s through Sora that it came true, this wish is literally dream drop distance:
-He goes from world to world
-Fights “monsters”
-Meet new people that ends up being new friends
-And most importantly all of this is done with Sora being at his side,
-They took the raft together
-Helped Sora
-Saved Sora
-Became something important to Sora (dream eater)
- And Sora was finally thinking about him as he was. He heard him call his name.
Because, yes they might not see each other, but it is implied and said multiple time that they feel each other, knew they were together and had each other’s back. And he had fun, so much fun. We can see Riku smiling a lot in DDD.
Sora’s dreams gave him what their reality couldn’t. Sora did. I- I’m fine. I’m totally normal about this.
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kingarmorking · 7 months
"(simba voice) moooom! mom you're messing up my mane!"
i dont know where this takes place in that au but the image Would Not leave my mind so here we are @tharkflark1
There were many things that Yozora expected when he woke up that morning. Training with his dads, maybe going off world with either of them or Aegis and Magia or maybe it would’ve been a quiet day! Just a day for himself to wander around Quadratum. That was thrown out the window when he saw a news broadcast of a monster, looking eerily similar to the heartless his dads talked about fighting, and then the headline stated, “Young man with a giant key fights off the monster that appears in downtown Quadratum!”
So… yeah he was with a younger version of his dad now. Sora was staying with Strelitzia and they were working on a way to get him back to his own world. That he could do. Sure a wrench or two were consistently being thrown into that plan when the younger version of Riku then showed up followed by his actual dads coming back from where they were off world! But that he could handle! Kind of! He was handling it just fine. What he could not handle… was the younger version of Riku in his spirit form.
Now… his pa (Sora) had told him that dad (Riku) had some trouble controlling the form when they were younger. He wasn’t sure when his dad had gotten a better grasp on it so the few times he’d seen the form growing up, he was in control of his actions for the most part, there were few things that he’d do that pa would embarrass him about later (though he would still find a way to without a doubt)
He’d woken up like normal, after that mess had been settled, terrible bedhead and all that caused it to spike up in random directions. Noise from outside had caught his attention and upon exiting he saw the younger Riku in his spirit form. Again not a big deal but the second Riku’s star-shaped eyes locked with him, Yozora felt the deep rooted instinct of fight-or-flight flare up and he turned to run back inside because where was Sora, why was Riku in his spirit form- he was bowled over none too gently by the giant komory bat dream eater.
He felt the rumbling in Riku’s throat as he nuzzled his back and let out a pained huff, “Okay, Riku I get it, you’re happy to see me, which… better than the alternative… but can you please get off me you’re so much heavier than Meow Mori!” he groaned.
Riku, to absolutely no one’s surprise, did not listen to him. Because why would he like this, Sora was the only one who he’d listen to and Sora was still no where to be seen! A chuff of air further mussed his hair and he rolled his eyes, twisting his body to say something else when a tongue dragged across his forehead up to his hair. Wha… oh hell no, don’t tell him…!
“Riku! I don’t need a bath!” his petulant protests went unnoticed as Riku continued grooming his future child.
The only saving grace was that Aegis and Magia weren’t present because they’d never hear the end of it and then he’d be minus two friends. He continued trying to get out of Riku’s grip, only freezing when he heard muffled giggles from behind him. He craned his head backwards and was greeted with the sight of the older Sora, pa, trying and failing to contain the snickers escaping from his mouth.
“Not… a word.”
“But Zozo!”
“But nothing pa!”
Pa covered his mouth, more muffled giggles coming out at the sight of the predicament Yozora was in as Riku’s tongue made his hair, arguably worse honestly, “Riku! You’re messing up my hair!” he groaned. Pa’s laughs were finally too much and he doubled over, holding his stomach. His dad laughing was fine, this was still better than-
“Aww baby dream eater’s bath time by daddy dream eater~!”
Two sets of laughter joined pa’s and Magia’s voice rang out clear, Yozora briefly wondering if he could suffocate himself in Riku’s mane. Finally he got one arm free and he frantically pat at Riku’s arm, “Okay, okay I’m clean! I’m clean!” he wriggled the rest of his body free and made to smooth his hair out. Once that was done he took a quick calming breath, spun on his heels and materialized his sword and crossbow, aiming them at his two, soon to be, ex-friends. Aegis and Magia both froze, wide grins still on their faces.
“Run.” all three said simultaneously, Aegis and Magia to each other and Yozora’s only warning before he ran after them. Pa could handle Riku’s spirit form for the time being, he had two friends to kill.
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Fandom parallels.
But this comparison works so well, because monsters would be afraid of the Slayer!
And in Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance, there are these creatures called Dream Eaters (that are dreams made flesh, really). And they're separated into two categories: Nightmares and Spirits (the Spirits being like good dreams, pretty much). Somehow during Dream Drop Distance, Riku became Sora's Dream Eater (a Spirit/good dream), and it makes sense that the Nightmares would be afraid of him, really. Also because he's an amazing Keyblade wielder. (Though it should be mentioned that Riku doesn't know he's a Dream Eater here, he's just delivering a Badass Boast. But this is the first moment that it's hinted at to the player.)
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daylighteclipsed · 2 years
1/ 'my immediate thought was late-KH1 Riku being like ‘I hate you. Die.’ and his daemon rubbing up against Sora’s and being really affectionate with it, betraying the love in his heart' LMAO my thoughts exactly. also Riku's daemon being the chillest entity out there while he's having teenage angst.... poetic cinema. honestly, while dream eaters being daemons would be cool I kinda have a hard time imagining them talk? too much of the "not from our reality" vibes ig.
2/ A dog for Riku would be nice, considering the lengths of his loyalty to Sora. I was also thinking big cats? like snow leopard. my brain kinda malfunctions when I try to come up with something for Sora, but bunny!Sora concept that Canary has really grown on me (also one of the characters from HDM who had a rabbit daemon kinda left a hole in my soul). Sora really makes it a point to help ppl he meets so figures his daemon would be friend-shaped.
3/ More of an afterthought, but I also like the idea of Namine having a bird daemon 'cause she's a "witch", and witches in HDM always have bird daemons to fly along with them. And Sora and Roxas having extremely different daemons just to make it a point that they're different people. And while I'm not certain about Riku, Terra DEFINITELY has a dog daemon.
Ig since Nomura constantly associates Sora w felines (initial concept lionboy Sora, lion cub Sora in the Pride Lands, his Meow Wow dream eater, catboy Sora in Monsters Inc, tbh even anti-form is reminiscent of a feral cat) my brain goes to cats for him, even though he doesn’t really have the personality of a cat… Well, maybe that’s not entirely true. Some cats are cuddly and social… They’re really funny when they get wound up… Sora’s curious and does like to nap a lot in the sun lmao
Sora also wants to be like big and imposing, but he’s so small and cute instead, which reminds me of a cat. That doesn’t mean he should be underestimated, though! All cats have claws…
I asked my bf and he said Sora reminds him of a monkey, which makes me think of those later-concept sketches of Sora like walking on his hands and having a convo w Kairi while he’s hanging upside down from a tree branch dhhfhdhs Later-concept Sora was very acrobatic. He’d fit in at a circus.
A bunny’s cute… Something aquatic might be interesting, too, since Sora loves sailing. Maybe a seal or sea lion or something. They are very friend-shaped, can be trained to do fun tricks, and also like to nap in the sun. And even though they look cute and are usually friendly, they’re still predators. (They’re also bouncy like Meow Wows!)
Yeah, something loyal and hard-working for Riku, like a canine. I already said wolf, but it’s true! haha Wolves especially are fiercely loyal and protective. They’re big and sometimes scary, but they’re quite playful and caring w their pack. Sometimes a wolf wanders on its own, which is where we get the phrase “lone wolf” from, but it never wants to be alone, which also reminds me of Riku.
A swan also comes to mind for Riku. They’re big, graceful, beautiful birds, but they’re not timid. They’re fiercely protective, and they mate for life. Google says they can pair bond v young, which makes me think of how Riku’s been dedicated to Sora since he was like 5. Swans are also a symbol of light and sacred to Apollo, which is why his chariot’s often pulled by swans or composed of swans in art. (Wolves are also sacred to Apollo, apparently! Haha)
Also, the phrase “swan song” comes from the belief that swans sing beautifully upon death, which reminds me of Riku’s light singing or ringing when Sora calls out to him in the tunnel... Idk 🤷‍♀️
I can totally see a bird for Namine! Idk what kind… but maybe a songbird? She’s always kind of reminded me of a caged bird singing… And yeah, I can see a dog for Terra, too. What kind of dog were you thinking of?
Oh! And I figured you’d want to see this reply from @lah-reina
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Someone else has thought of this concept, too! It’d be great if we got their name
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hallowed-nebulae · 1 year
Echo in the Mirror
[ @beastenraged got this up, finally! sorry it took so long, ahaha. hope you don't mind that it's short, spoons are low lately]
It's kinda odd going back to fighting like nothing happened. But hey, I'm not complaining. More fights means more blood pumping and more energy vented and all that stuff that Riku says is supposed to help, right? Yeah, totally.
It is kinda weird seeing the other me fight, though. It's like watching a mirror of me, only for her to suddenly do something that I wouldn't, and it's so weird. Like watching a video of yourself but then it suddenly warps and makes you feel like you're in the Twilight Zone or something. So weird. I can't watch all her fights -- I'm doing my own fights, still -- but it's weird, what fights of hers I can see.
Anyways. Moving on!
It's easy to get lost in that sorta rhythm that the Mirage Arena has, when I fight. Open up my ears and my Heart, letting the notes dictate how I move and twist and turn. I'm not the only one -- there's plenty of other Dream Eaters -- but I'm usually the only one who can hear the music who fights. Most Dream Eaters would rather not fight for fun, who knew? (It's the Spirits who fight the most -- surprised me a fair bit when I first showed up here.)
Lunge and scratch and claw and bite and twist and turn -- fighting is both an art and a sport. And a way of making new friends! You'd be surprised how often that happens. (Now that I think about it, maybe that's why so many people fight?)
Soon enough, I end up on the battlefield. Against her. The other me -- the Ruse from that other worldline.
"The Radiant Nightmare against the Daymare's Fluorescence!"
I grin, crack my knuckles as Dead End finds its way into them. Fangs on display. This is gonna be fun.
It's easy to get swept up in the energy of the fight. The song. The thrumming in my chest and head and heart.
I fight the other Ruse, and the other Ruse fights me. We sing. We dance. Then we snarl and claw at each other like the monsters we are. (Not as bad as what me and my Vanitas do -- but that's 'cause we're friends and if you rip someone's leg off you're either mortal enemies or best friends.)
She wins, of course. The other Ruse. She's older than me. Stronger. A bit more vicious in all the ways that count.
. . . our weapons are different now. Not Dead End anymore. Mirrored Fragments, huh? Probably means something.
Oh well.
"Good fight." I tell her, that Ruse, as I hold out a hand to help her back on her feet. "If you were from this section of reality you'd be the new top fighter -- but Rinoa's never heard of you, so you're probably from somewhere else, right?" It's not a question she needs to answer, but it's polite to ask. I think.
I stretch out my arms and then legs, making sure my claws aren't too bloody. Riku would yell at me about proper hygiene and stuff then. "Maybe we'll fight each other again some day. Could be fun."
Start walking to the rest of the Mirage Arena. Fighting was fun, but now I wanna see what Rook and that Xehanort and Vanitas and them are all up to. There's something interesting going on, and I wanna know!
The other Ruse follows me. A few steps behind, but still there. Heh. Always curious, aren't we? Both of us are Ruse, after all.
(Wonder how long they'll all stay. What kind of things we'll see. I can't wait to find out.)
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alexthegamingboy · 2 years
Toonami Weekly Recap 11/05/2022
Made in Abyss: The Golden City of the Scorching Sun EP#01 (14) - The Compass Pointed to the Darkness: In the apparent distant past, a young girl named Vueko escapes her abusive guardian and joins an expedition of pilgrims called the Ganja led by Wazukyan and Belaf to search for the mythical Golden City at the bottom of the Abyss. Using a special compass Vueko possesses, the Ganja are able to find the island the Abyss is located on despite all but one of their ships being lost in a storm. After negotiating with a native tribe where Vueko reluctantly trades her compass for information, the Ganja continue on their journey, though they encounter a native girl exiled from the tribe for being infertile. Vueko takes pity on the girl and Wazukyan agrees to allow her to accompany them as their guide. The Ganja delve deeper into the Abyss, learning about the Curse and fighting their way past many monsters until they reach a transport pod at the Ido Front in the fifth layer, which allows them to proceed onwards to the sixth layer. In the present[d], Riko, Reg, and Nanachi activate the transport pod with Riko's newly acquired White Whistle and it transports them down through the Sea of Corpses, an underground ocean filled with the bones and corpses of deceased wildlife. Due to the length of the trip and the uncertainty of the sixth layer, Reg recommends that Riko relieve herself inside the relative safety of the pod. Afterwards, the pod reaches its destination, and the trio exit and take their first steps into the sixth layer, the Capital of the Unreturned.
Yashahime: The Second Act EP#37 (13) - Zero's Wish: Towa has been tapped into the depths of her deepest fury and hatred, and had her demonic self to fully awaken, she is set on putting an end to Zero once and for all. Things escalate further as Zero has regained even greater demonic abilities from absorbing all of her seven Rainbow Pearls into her eyes and is set on personally sending Towa to Hell. Meanwhile, Kirinmaru hears the pinwheel (but cannot see Akuru) and gives chase to make use of the pinwheel's extraordinary time-based abilities. As Moroha and Jaken arrive right outside the Sacred Tree of Ages and Bone-Eater's Well, Moroha receives the Black Pearl from Sessh?maru. Before Towa is about to kill Zero, Setsuna arrives to stop Towa and tells her that if she kills Zero, their mother will also die. Towa says that she doesn't care about that and swears to get Zero back for everything she had done and then after Setsuna slaps her, Towa rages at Setsuna believing that she had a happy life and saying that she's forgotten about her. Setsuna then shows Towa a Dream Butterfly she received from Rin. Towa and Setsuna see the truth of what had happened in the forest one decade ago. It turns out Towa inadvertently left Setsuna behind, and Setsuna was left inconsolable before Rin and Jaken attached a Dream Butterfly to Setsuna to remove her memory of grievance. Towa, coming to her senses, and Setsuna tearfully embrace as they fully rekindle their bond. Towa thanks Zero for helping her realize the love she still has in her life, but Zero, knowing Towa has no reason to kill her, prepares to take her own life to take Rin with her to Hell. Setsuna quickly sees a second thread of fate connecting Zero to the spirit of the Great Dog-Demon, her grandfather, and cuts it. The deep regrets Zero held are revealed to be that she felt responsible for T?ga's death, and with the Rainbow Pearls gone, Zero sheds tears once more. However, T?ga's spirit consoles her and expresses his gratitude for her remaining who she is. Now at peace and ready to pass on, Zero severs the thread of fate connecting her and Rin before Riku kills her. Zero tells Setsuna and Towa that Kirinmaru's hatred of humans, as the samurai by the orders of Emperor Daigo who tried to kill him were no match for him, and half-demons comes from the fact that one such being, by the name Sakasa, had taken Rion's life in retribution for his master's own life. She dies afterwards, hoping to see her younger brother in Nirvana someday. The silver-scale curse is lifted, and Rin exits the Sacred Tree of Ages to reunite with Sesshomaru and a bawling Jaken. Back at the Bone-Eater's Well, Moroha is determined and hopeful at finally getting to meet her parents ever since she first saw their incarceration in the Border of the Afterlife. Kirinmaru steals the Black Pearl, and forces Moroha to choose between saving her parents or stealing the pinwheel.
Slightly Damned Page 1075: https://www.sdamned.com/comic/1075
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maguro13-2 · 5 days
The Dark Beginnings ~ Origins of the Ink Demon Chapter 0 Final Prologue (True Ending 2/7)
"Earlier in 2003..."
[S.E.E.D. - Kenichi Tokoi]
Yohei : DIE YOU CREATIIIIIIN!!! *gets knocked out* Augh! (moans)
Shotaro the Dokeshi : Yohei, Mana! No! Why!? You told me that I was going to become a God of Death. Where did It went wrong? Why...Would you...?
Mana Hinoki : Shotaro, we we're wrong.
Neoshadow : Poor loser. You're not all talk. Can't even think about you fretting yourself to save this measly planet of yours. Who says that this world is possibly the biggest of all? After all, you are part of the Time Eater's victims of wiping out every influencer of the devil who created the world of souls and human-turning weapons that absorbs the energies of Soul.
Mana Hinoki : We...We were only trying to uncover the truth and you bastards want to keep this out of the public eye? You monsters, I can't believe that you all set Emine up to think we humans are bad the ones, but those monsters were the humans their selves and taken his diginity from others like Shotaro when they're kids!
Shotaro the Dokeshi : You son of a b*tch! I'm gonna beat the living sh*t out of you when I get my hands on you! You'll be sorry for that!
Neoshadow : Listen up, wise guy! I don't mean to sound too cynical, but you loose in this game, there's no way that you'll become Darkside Death's slave for a year, won't you? You will be the last in the Ohkuboverse's chronological order as the God of Death himself, how about we should call you Shinigami?
Shotaro the Dokeshi : Shinigami? But that's someone else's title, I can't acclaim that! It's illegal to take one's title as Shinigami, I won't become a slave to your will!
Neoshadow : Or else what, you twit? Can't catch a break from the mighty Shinra Kusakabe? you are the ones responisble for creating the weapons that were hidden within a research facility, you brought this on yourself, just to make witchkind as your only enemies. That is the true purpose of the hatred between humans and witches trying to make love very sour.
Darkside Death : Enough fooling around, ya dumbsh*t. Either you become a God of Death and ruler of the Cosmos, or I'll make you become a God of Death that is my very own slave.
Edward Elric : Hey! You let him go!
Alphonse Elric : Brother! Wh-What is this thing! This thing isn't a reaper, it's a heartless just like what Riku said about them!
Edward Elric : That thing's a heartless? So does this mean...(gasps) Are these all of Shotaro's comrades! Yohei, Mana! What have these heartless has ever done to you, guys!? THOSE PIGS OF DARKNESS!!
Shotaro the Dokeshi : The Elric Brothers, you have arrived! Listen, Edward. Shinra, the boy who truly created Soul Eater, set us up. Demon Vibe was using Emine all along! His foolishness would want others to meet their end, making heartless the enemies of our own! It turns out my old friend Emine who is the enemy was only a puppet to Demon Vibe, this was cleverly a set up trying to take over not the planet itself, but as well as the Galaxy we live in!!!
Edward Elric : So...the entire Ohkuboverse thing was just a front, an illusion, a hoax, all nothing but a fantasy, a dream that worlds like yours don't exist! I thought the Ohkuboverse was something. Truth was right and I was wrong all this time, I felt like an idiot for having friends from the Ohkbuverse that isn't the Ohkuboverse at all.
Yohei : P-Please...!
Mana : H...Help...Help us.
Shotaro the Dokeshi : You gotta believe me! I want you stop this madness right here, right now!
*Energy Warbling*
Alphonse Elric : Edward! What was that? I can feel a strange power coming from somewhere!
Edward Elric : But where is it coming from?
(Sora, Cloud, and the others arrives)
Sora : Elric brothers! What's going on? Hey, that strange sense of heartless energy, I can definitely feel it somewhere before!
Cloud : Are you sure it's not Emine, the Dokeshi who tried to destroy the world?
Sora : No, Emine's heart was consumed by the powers of darkness itself, but he was a puppet controlled by the entity called Demon Vibe.
[Anubis (Impossible) - Maki Kirioka]
Alphonse : Worse. I think you wanna meet this person to ask his permission for it!
Edward : Huh? What the--!?
*DBZ SFX : Surprise*
Sora : Hey, that Darkside! Guys, I don't remember him wielding a scythe in his hand, and it's got a skull on it's body. Riku's powers didn't catch that. The heartless and the evil forces were being connected by that mysterious heartless that I first encountered a year ago. It's got something to do with some kind of Ohkuboverse, don't it? Who or what is that and where did it come from?
Donald : That's Darkside Death, Sora!
Goofy : He's a heartless created by the boy named Shinra Kusakabe 1000 years ago in the Ohkuboverse!
Edward : Darkside Death you say? You guys know it? Shotaro and his comrades were being attacked by that thing?
Alphonse : The entire Ohkuboverse was connected by that heartless all along? I bet this Maka Albarn girl wouldn't suspect that the three heroes of Soul World would be working for a heartless that steal Hearts and Souls from humans and heartless.
Cloud : Didn't feel like we had a nasty surprise from this guy.
Darkside Death : I knew others and this boy would be too much for to be heroes and villains of the Ohkuboverse. Like my creator Shinra, I never thought that you humans would understand the truth and was directly capable of stopping all of Shinra Kusakabe's lies to think that every being in the Ohkuboverse would be working for me! Maka, Black Star, and my son Death the Kid, would be my slaves for all eternity, just to make the Kusakabe Family a fool from the Ohkuboverse.
Sora : So that's why the Evil Forces are wreaking havoc in the Real World. Wait a minute. Soul Eater's world, the evil forces, the Ohkuboverse, It was you! You're controlling the evil forces as a diversion to lure Shinra and the witches out from seeking the truth! You were ordering all this to take over the planet!
Cloud : I should've known, no one should trust a monster like that!
Edward : You lied to all of us, you...HEARTLESS FREAK!
Darkside Death : (snickers) No. Not me, I'm just a...Well, perhaps Demon Vibe took a little advantage on manipulating Shinra while I took position of being ruling Soul Eater's universe, that is why I was controlling these heartless to take over the Earth of Real World AU. In any case of Soul Eater being in my control, you heroes of Sqaure Enix will die, a farewell gift to his only friend Emine, this is the beginning of a new conquest, making humans and witches the enemies to unleashed the hatred itself!
Sora : Hope you're willingly to get wreaked, you backstabber!
(battle begins)
Darkside Death : Now I truly understand what Emine said about destroying the world. That boy was such a fool to think that humanity has committed a sin, and those sins are responsible to make humans the worst of their kind, Emine was contracted by the powers of Darkness and Shotaro is the only one who holds the power of light that sweeps Darkness out of it's reaches! Since my Creator Shinra Kusakabe has found Hope that is the gift of light from Angel Vibe, I have truly discovered that the Ohkuboverse was destroyed by the same entity that scolded Shinra before.
Cloud : All these conflicts in the Ohkuboverse were a bunch of set ups by you, and it's probably because of the Influence from your creator. Isn't Shinra Kusakabe your creator that made Soul Eater into existence! You just wanna smuggle some hearts do ya?
Edward Elric : I thought you were some kind of nice guy, but you're nothing but a jerk that forces this kid to become a Grim Reaper, but no! You were using him as a slave just to gather all the souls of evil people that aren't, they're heartless, the creatures that are manifested from Darkness and they eat people's hearts! You're doing this to Maka Albarn so that you could reign supreme over the planet!
Darkside Death : True which is why I was so desperate that I wanted anyone defeat these peasants that gained the essence of the three-eyed being Demon Vibe! I can almost reach it's power to end all including the witches their selves.
Sora : You're crazy! It could costs an entire galaxy to be swallowed! What you're doing is wrong, you calling yourself a reaper? You're a monster!
Darkside Death : I am no monster. I am a God of Death
Edward Elric : A God of Death you really are...MY ASS!!!
Darkside Death : This will be your lessons to show you the true powers of a God. I will make everyone and this planet suffer, the hatred, the conflicts, the darkness gathering the energy of a million heartless to absorb, Hearts and Souls are the balance between light and darkness, the two forces that make up the universal forces between Angel Vibe the giver of Hope's light and Demon Vibe the source that giver of the powers Darkness, Wickedness, and despair. I wanted all magical forces to be disposed so that I will destroy the Kasugatani Family Tree.
Edward Elric : The Kasugatani? That's what you're after? You're not going to destroy one's legacy are you!?
Cloud : That's going too far! Only Maba the queen of the witches can protect it from you and not Shotaro!
Sora : You'll ever be sorry that you ever with mess with us!
Darkside Death : You pests! I'll crush with my own hands!
Cloud : We'll see you try!
*DBZ SFX : Shock*
??? : Hey! You there! Please, you have get to outta here, now!
Sora : Huh? Who's voice this?
??? : You'll be in danger if you don't get away from him! There's not enough power to defeat that monstrosity! Please, I'm begging you!
Sora : What?
Cloud : Hey, Sora! Snap out of it!
Edward Elric : He's gonna crush us to death!
Darkside Death : (chuckles) This will be the last of your lives. The games are over, time for me to take away your hearts and souls. DIE!
Duo (piloting Deathscythe) : You think you have a scythe like Deathscythe? Sorry, but you're no match for my robot's skills!
Darkside Death : What the-? Who is the controller here!
Sora : Hey, isn't that...?
[Advent of Stray Idola by Kenichi Tokoi]
*DBZ SFX : Surprise*
Duo : Next time if you wanna pick a fight, then pick me instead!
Heero : Don't even think about who you are!
Quatre : You won't be so lucky if you ever think about making this world a better place! You should definitely know your place!
Trowa : Don't ever get so too superstitious with the boys! You're going down!
Wufei : I'll make you play by the rules nice and easy!
Sora : Hey, thanks for the help guys! We definitely owe you one!
Cloud : So close for us to win, it looks like that we don't have enough power to defeat that thing!
Edward Elric : Al, we gotta get these guys back to the company!
Alphonse : Okay! You take Shotaro, I'll take Yohei.
Cloud : And let me guess, I have to carry the girl.
Sora : No duh! That's why we're saving their lives! Donald, Goofy! We're gonna make a run for it!
(the group leaves)
Duo : Now, let's see what happens you when you mess with the wrong guy! Charge!
"I still have my proclaimed victory of Deathscythe. Even though I do have someone to protect, my friends, my loved ones, and my livelyhood!"
"Now that's the hero I wanted to be! A real slashing reaper piloting a giant machine!"
"Can't turn back now can I?"
"So it's best that we may try our best and win the most."
"I'll keeping on winnning to save our planet earth!
~ Continues to the next part ~
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squishybons · 5 years
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Some Dreameater!Riku concepts based off a fic i read ;w;
Bonus anti!sora:
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lermisv4 · 2 years
Some things that I would like to see in KH4
1. A sidequest where you gather different plants from different worlds for Strelitzia’s apartment. Make the damn place look like the urban garden to end all urban gardens
2. Literally everyone recognizes Yozora and he has no idea why up until someone shows him that Kingstagram post Sora made in KH3 that shows the poster of Verum Rex from Toy Box. Better yet, give him the physical copy of said game.
3. Luxord mission control
4. Star Wars characters thinking that Sora’s magic is an “anomalous use of the Force”
5. Sora looking for Neku once he hears that Shibuya is a thing
6. Riku and the unregistered Keyblade motorcycle that never fails to get him in trouble with the cops
7. Speaking of the cops: After the trailer they bombard Sora with questions and the poor guy is like “um, look, I really should lie to you about all this but I’m a really bad liar and I’m not sure what lies I can even tell you so can I just not talk about this?” and he has those puppy dog eyes that scream “I really miss my friends” and the police leave him alone because poor thing. Except for That One Cop He’ll hound poor Sora until the end of time
8. Heartless plushies for sale in a week flat after they appear
9. Strelitzia party member
10. Speaking of which, her Keyblade formchanging into a scythe that looks too similar to Marluxia’s for Sora’s sanity
11. Sora will jump on the local social media the first chance he gets and we all know it. ALL sorts of content - cooking, the pant collection, fighting, “look at this cool bird”, “wow this building is so weird gotta show it to Riku” and other weird stuff. He basically becomes a lifestyle influencer with a side of monster slaying and he has absolutely no clue what he’s doing, so just posts cool things as far as he’s concerned
12. Luxord running the casino mini-game
13. Yozora giving Luxord crap whenever he loses said minigames
14. Ava vs Luxu, except that it involves a screaming match on top of the fighting that DOES get posted online
15. Imagine the Master of Masters treating Luxu/Xigbar like he’s still that awkward teenager... In front of everyone who knew him as Xigbar. Top tier blackmail material right there
16. Sora vaguelly referencing a “fighting tournament” and NEVER giving specifics
17. Dream Eaters in the real world. Cue even more plushies. So many dream eater plushies. Except that then the Dream Eaters will get jealous of the plushies and will start giving cuddles to EVERYONE so there’s no point in the plushies anymore
18. Have you seen that post (don’t know from which website, I found it on Pinterest) where Ventus introduces his friend groups to each other... and from one hand it’s Lauriam and Elrena and one the other is Lea, Isa and Skuld and they all look extremely awkward? That needs to happen.
19. Foretellers looking up cosplay because they’re tired of everyone questioning who they’re cosplaying as
20. Luxu being #tired of everything
That’s all I got for now!
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minijenn · 3 years
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Hhhhhh ok so
The Discord got be back on my bullshit for Keys to the Kingdom AUs, and this is one of them! We call it the Trifecta AU, and the basic gist is what if both Kairi and Riku were also being slowly ‘norted throughout Keys just like Sora is? The answer? A fuckton of Destiny Trio Angst. More specifically, one of the biggest tenants of this AU is that each of the kids has their own monstrous “form” they go into based on negative emotions they can’t control, and have to deal with the traits of those forms become apparent more and more even when they’re outside of those forms. So let me explain each of them because I thought way too hard and way too long about how to design each of these so just let me fucking ramble for a hot minute, ok?
So to start we have familiar territory with Sora and Rage Form. I decided to draw a “fully progressed” version of Rage Form for him, since it already gets more and more “monstrous” in Keys itself (so the above design is basically what it would look like if allowed to progress all the way). I modeled his design off of a Darkside Heartless of course, and yes he is a very angery, violent boi who whats nothing more than to basically destroy everything in his path. Another piece of lore for this AU is that each of the kids is “given” a sigil scar, so the Org. can keep a close eye on each of them. Much like it is in Keys itself, for Sora, that scar is on his chest. 
Up next, Kairi, who was a bit tricky, but very fun to design! She goes into Grief Form, brought on by immeasurable sadness with the ability to spread that same sadness to others by way of the mournful aura surrounding her. I decided to model her design off of several types of Nobodies, giving her an almost alien type of elegance befitting a fallen Princess of Heart. Some of those features slip through when she’s still human, such as the paled skin, black sclera, and long necc. Her scar is torn up across her face, so its always front and center, poor girl. 
And finally Riku! His form is based around feelings of immense terror and dread, so hence we have Fear Form, which, despite being a sad, scared, gentle giant, kind of inspires fear in the hearts and minds of everyone who comes across him. Seeing as how he’s technically Sora’s Dream Eater, I wanted to twist that up by turning him into a Nightmare instead. Even outside of that form, he’s gotta deal with being a pretty Spikey Boi what with all those tusks and horn and spike. Not to mention the giant X shaped scar across his back....
So not only did I draw all three of this kids in their monster forms, but also drew them while they’re all inevitably on the run from the other lights and from each other because Xehanort got all three of them fucked up emotionally, thanks ya old asshole. And of course, doodles of all three of them suffering when they’re finally fully forced into the Org, omfg someone please take these poor children away from me or better yet, take them away from my Discord server cause they started this shit :| 
Also Obligatory Monster Size Comparison: 
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amyhayanora · 3 years
@khoc-week​ Day 6 - What are some special connections your character has?
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A very special connection the twins have is Merlin. and they don’t even know it. I’ve expanded The Sword in The Stone’s world, which is their original world, with some Arthurian cycle’s lore inspirations and so they were basically raised by Ambrosius (one of the old names of Merlin) and Nimue (Viviana/Lady of the Lake and in some versions mixed with Morgan). Ambrosius and Nimue taugh them writing, reading and magic on the island of Avalon, and according to both legends and disney movie, he has prophetic powers and is a time traveler: that’s how, even if his powers were not so accurate yet, he predicted the betrayal of Nimue and settled a plan B to save their kids, sending them to Daybreak Town and applying on them a spell to help reversing their transformation in Dream Eaters after khux. The twins have no idea Merlin is ambrosius, they can’t imagine he’s still alive after all that time, and even if Merlin recognized them immediately, he doesn’t want to tell them the truth about Nimue and the end of Avalon, and ruin the memories of the woman who basically was their only mother figure. I’d say Merlin has his share of fun playing dumb with the twins, noticing they still keep their hair pink after a funny accident happened during a potions lesson as children, an still using the names he and Nimue gave them...
Chirithy: once in Daybreak Town, they were alone, the two of them. living alone in a small apartment, sharing the same room and paying the rent with money gained killing monsters. Chirithys are always the ones who give them wise advice, and kinda acting like life coach. Tia’s chirithy kicks her out of the bed when she’s late, and scold her when Touma isn’t there. they are friends, but they are mostly a family.
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speaking of friendship, out of the circle of their friends/party in union X, someone who they both can address as friend is Kairi. They train and live together with her and Lea for most of their KH3 storyline. Tia is just happy to have a girl so close to share love torments, treats and jokes. she shows her all the pictures Sora sends them from different worlds. with Touma wasn’t so easy, but they are the firsts to wake up and Touma usually cooks for everyone in the morning, so they started to share time in the kitchen. Sometimes they sleep together if Tia isn’t around, because the twins suffer insomnia and nightmares when alone.
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Touma has also a strong particular friendship with Ienzo, so particular that if riku didn't make up his mind in time, it could have defeloped in a romantic relationship. Ienzo anctually has a crush on Touma, and when I have Tou interacting in Friends’ AUs where their ocs are already paired with Riku, Touma is usually dating Ienzo. Riku is with Hinata in the picture below, lovely @hinataoc​ ‘s OC.
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Otherwise, they are usually paired with Riku and Axel. tia and Axel are partners in crime for pranks, betting and challenging each other for every stupid thing. She calls him ‘her sidekick’ . They aren’t a couple yet, Tia just thinks isn’t fair confess her feelings now that Axel isn’t still used to human emotions.
Touma developed his crush for Riku during DDD, confessed at he start of KH3 and rejected. Riku simply never had so much time to focus on his own sexual preferences, or if he can date a boy or not. in that moment sounded weird and anyway he saw Touma only as friend, so no, except for slowly changing his mind later. They are both the ‘big brothers’, the responsible ones, so it’s easy showing weakness to someone who understands the same burden.
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beastenraged · 2 years
What are the favorite Dream Eaters of the Keyblade Wielders?
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Hmmm, I don't know about favorites...but I have paired the Keyblade Wielders with Dream Eaters that I think they would like and fit the playstyles I've imagined/pieced together for them.
Riku and Sora, of course, start with Komory Bat and Meow Wow. I'm not touching that perfection.
Here are the others, with some explanation (I have excluded the Foretellers on purpose, I don't know enough about them in canon to guess):
Kairi- Tama Sheep. They’re also a beginning Spirit, like Komory Bat and Meow Wow to match that theme. Also, use Light and Physical like Kairi. Strong Sleep powers that seriously steal your time away (like a year of one girl’s life, maybe?)
Ventus- Pegaslick. Light focused Spirits. Also has wings that remind me of Ventus’ Wingblades. Airborne buddies!
Aqua- Iceguin Ace. These babies freeze me up like no other, perfect assholes. Fits well with Aqua’s Blizzard magic and dance-like fighting style. Plus, Happy Feet. Penguins dance. 
Terra- Drill Sye. Hate these bastards, they hit hard and dig holes to get away from you. Terra also hits hard and uses Earth magic. Both Strong and Beef. 
Eraqus- Cera Terror. Reminds me of Terra, much like Cera Terror reminds me of Drill Sye. Strong Light and Physical focus, like Eraqus’ fight. 
Lauriam- Woeflower. Flowers like Marluxia. Also, works by debuffing and poisoning to match up with Marluxia’s style of using Doom magic debuffs in canon. 
Strelitzia- Wheeflower. Flowers again. Buffs and heals, a perfect match to help with Lauriam’s Woeflower. Meant for a future team-up that never got to happen. 
Elrena- Electricorn. I keep getting run over by these things like how Larxene kept running me over in Chain of Memories. Electric and spikey, like Larxene’s knives. 
Skuld- Staggerceps. See, I don’t actually have a lot of thoughts on how Skuld would fight (outside of my Starpoints AU which is inherently VERY different from canon anyway, on purpose). So I thought I would give her a bug, a sturdy bug that can back her up as all her friends leave her. I considered giving her a Ghostablocky, to symbolize how she’s seemingly vanished from the narrative but that might be too mean. 
Ephemer- Cyber Yog. Is a goat, like how Ephemer is The Goat. Comes from a Noble Fantasy much like how Ephemer is a NOBLE in of himself for founding Scala. Shoots lasers from its horns. Much like how Ephemer shot a laser through Player’s heart. 
Brain- Halbird. Brain just has strong BIRD vibes to me, okay? Light focused like the Keyblade Brain wields, big enough to ride to see what the world looks like from above (to see what lies ahead, like in a certain book). 
Roxas- Ryu Dragon. Roxas has always has strong dragon connections in my mind, due to fighting Xion’s monster form which looks like a knight. Also, uses Fire magic, my boy Roxas loves fire magic (like his friend Axel). 
Axel/Lea- Tatsu Blaze. Color like Lea’s hair and uses FIRE. Yes, perfect. 
Xion- Fishbone. This Dream Eater constantly falls apart...like a certain person. Strong Water powers like XIon’s connection w/ sea shells and the ocean. Balances out her buddies’ Fire focused Spirits (also easily vanished away due to that. Who would believe that a Water Powerhouse would be friends with two Fire Powerhouses? :( )
Xehanort- Skelterwild. Focuses on Blizzard magic much like we’ve see Xehanort himself do in his cutscenes. Also, has the form of a T-Rex which could prey on a a certain triceratops shaped Spirit...like Eraqus’ Cera Terror. 
Vanitas- as himself, but if I haaad to....Toximander. Let him poison everyone, have a Spirit so completely different from Ventus’. 
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Oh I have a fic idea! Riku being sora’s dreameater means he needs to feed of sora’s dreams/energy or he becomes more monster like. Like if he doesn’t “feed” off Sora he’ll become feral and lose his humanity. Sora feels guilty that riku saving him turn him into this and riku feels guilty that he’s preying on Sora. And feels worse that he likes the feeling feeding off Sora gives him.
OOOH THATS SO GOOD!!! I CAN SEE IT!! Riku totally would be so guilty that he likes the way Sora makes him feel. Time for some comforting Riku time :).
He hated it.
He didn’t hate that he was Sora’s dream eater. He loved being it because it meant he could protect him. However, the way he could be stronger to protect him more made him hate it just a little. 
He wanted to be near Sora. All the time. He usually would like that since he loves Sora and wanted to protect him, but...he realized he wanted to be around him too much. He knows its too much because he couldn’t fight without Sora there, if he wasn’t with him, then he felt a little sick. He didn’t like that and was confused. However, when he was with him in his dreams, he felt fine and he felt awesome. It was because Sora was giving him his own ‘power’ of a sort. And when he realized it, he hated it. He never wanted to take things away from Sora when he doesn’t realize it. Because of that, he went to Sora’s dreams one night, and told him everything on his mind.
“Sora,” he started. He was resting his head in Sora’s lap as he ran his hands through his hair. “Yeah?” Riku picked Sora’s hand out of his hair and held it on his chest where his heart was. “I wanted to tell you something that you don’t know.” Sora was worried because of how Riku was talking. His voice was low, and sounded hesitant. “Whenever you touch me or give me affection, you’re giving me some of your own energy. It’s not a permanent drain, but I’m still draining from you. And...I like the feeling you give me, but I shouldn’t!”
He seemed really affected by this and Sora felt guilty himself. “Riku, it’s okay! I know you’re taking from me.” Riku sat up in a hurry and looked at him with confusion. “You do?” Sora nodded. “Yeah! I can feel it when you do, and it’s okay. It’s not taken forcefully. I let it be taken, Riku. And I’m glad you like it because that’s the point,” he said, smiling the whole time. Riku paused for a second, taking in what he said. “So, you’ve been known?”
Sora nodded and Riku sighed in relief. “Thank, God. I’ve been feeling bad ever since I realized.” Sora pulled him back to him and laid his head on his lap. “It’s okay, Riku, I promise! I love you and I’d give you whatever you need.” Sora leaned down and gave him a kiss on the head and Riku purred. 
“I love you, Sora,” he said with a smile and affection clear in his voice, and not just because Sora was running his fingers through his hair. “I love you, too, Riku.”
HMMM! I hope you liked this and I’ve finished everything in my ask box I believe so guys,,gimme some more >:))). Love you and thank you for coming to my ask box! I liked this idea. 
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