#monster fucker Martin Blackwood rights
therealdistortion · 2 months
PLEASE let Martin Blackwood be a monster fucker
Just let him have his silly eldritch boyfriend
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Look I promise you this is earned
We are 102,000 words in?
Yeah, this is earned.
Jon has finally snapped, and weren't we all just ready to see it?
Hastur appears without fanfare. He’s just there, no smoke, no noise, and only the displacement of air to announce him.
Martin inhales and holds it. This, he thinks, is fight or flight instinct kicking in, and what he wants to do is hurl himself on this fucker and tear him apart.
Yeah, that wouldn’t go well.
“You didn’t wait long,” Martin snaps into the silence, one hand on Jon’s arm to keep him still.
“I am aware when I am wanted,” says the King in his horrible, piercing rumble, sounding so damned pleased.
Arthur doesn’t know what to do. He clearly doesn’t know what to do. He’s shifting, panting, half-standing, then sitting again, gripping the table as though he plans to either throw it or hide underneath.
Which makes sense, if he knows this is John Doe, and Martin can’t even imagine.
(What if he went somewhere that Jon went full monster? What if he landed in a place where Jon carried out his scary threat, and became… something else?)
Martin swallows and tries to keep it all calm.  “Let’s not fool around, all right? You’ve done enough to Jon.”
“If you wish,” says Hastur, so gracious it makes Martin’s teeth hurt.
“Body for other-Arthur,” says Martin.
“In the works. For now, I shall take him into myself,” he says.
“Well, that isn’t sexy as all, is it?” says Kayne, and cackles like a hurricane.
Something in Martin’s soul tugs.
Terror rips through him. 
He didn’t want to feel that.
Didn’t want to know Kayne could do that.
Didn’t want - 
“You leave him alone!” Jon bellows, Jon roars, and everything turns to static.
It’s hard to verbalize what just happened.
John sort of knows. The part of him that is, used to be, will always be a god, knows.
The part of him that lives in  Arthur and restrains himself and will never hurt this fragile human flesh is fucking confused.
Jon just… blew up? No. Expanded? No.
Opened the door? Came damn close.
Whatever it was, no one but Hastur saw it coming.
Power of some revealing, fear-building kind splashed through the room like someone dumped a bucket.
Kayne stopped whatever he was doing to Martin, which was a visible change; Arthur cried out. Martin gasped, and turned to Jon.
Jon, who was staring directly at Kayne, and whatever he did was lifting his hair like electricity and sparking in his eyes like fire and leeching the color from everything but himself.
John is stunned.
“There’s no need for that,” says Hastur, calmly, too calmly, disturbing in the middle of all of this. “He will not take your lover, Jon. I guarantee it.”
“Fuck you, I wont!” Kayne says.
But Jon… believes Hastur, and that, perhaps, is where all of this was going, all along.
The power fades. The invasion retreats; Jon’s hair settles down, and his eyes stop glowing, and his cells stop vibrating with unreleased horror.
John is still trembling, though. The power of fear, wielded like a spear, is beyond violational. It is cruel, and personal, and deep.
John is panting.
Arthur is panting.
Martin makes one, small noise.
Hastur sounds fucking pleased, and his rumble is too big to ever be called a purr. “I believe you are ready.”
“Was that the whole point, Hastur?” says Jon, low and threatening. “All of this, to get your person back?”
“Can you not relate?” says Hastur, who speaks without shame, and John can see the appeal. 
“I can,” says Jon. “But you’d better tell your fucking dog, because if he takes Martin from me, I will never stop. I will rip through any reality he takes him to, and he thinks he’ll like that, but he won’t. He will not. By the time I’m done, the only thing Nyarlathotep will be able to foment is his own damned screams.”
There is a moment of silence on the edge of the world.
A moment of understanding just what that action would cost, and the knowledge that  Jon, who once cared, no longer does.
A moment of reverence for Martin Blackwood, who inspired such love that the one who chose him would destroy everything to keep him safe.
Then Kayne laughs like knives, and the moment shreds apart.
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crunchy--milk · 4 years
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all these men had romantic feelings for someone who is or was somehow affiliated with the supernatural if not an outright monster. Want to add, all four of them appear to deeply drink the respecting their monster spouse juice. ID under the cut.
[ID: a four way Venn diagram titles Spooky Romance. In the main circles there is jack barnabus, Eric Delano, Robert Montauk, and Martin Blackwood. Between jack and eric there is Serious Injury from S/O and Horny. Between Eric and montauk there is Married & had a kid that outlived them and who became an avatar and is dead. Between Robert and Martin there is Ok with murdering avatars. Between jack and Martin, there is crush. jack, Eric, and Robert are all labeled as straight. Eric, Robert, and Martin are all labeled as having a serious relationship and also being entity aligned at some point. robert, Martin, and jack are all labeled as their S/O died first. Martin, jack, and Eric are all labeled as never shutting up about their S/O. End ID]
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localswordlesbian · 4 years
Something There That Wasn’t There Before: Chapter 2
Read Chapter 2 on AO3
Read Chapter 1 on Tumblr
In which Martin realizes what his mother's actions mean for his future, and he finally meets this reclusive "boss" he's been hearing so much about.
Martin blinked at where the door had bin, his brain coming to a complete halt as he stared. What had just happened?
A whistle behind him shook him out of his stupor. He turned to see the two strange people looking at him. Helen looked amused while Michael looked troubled.
“Well, that was the most fun I’ve had since Mary dropped little Gerry off months ago!” Helen crooned, dropping to balance on the balls of her feet to be level with Martin – he hadn’t noticed he’d sank down against the wall, sitting on the damp ground.
“I have to say,” Michael mused. “She seemed nasty, but I didn’t expect that. Are you okay?”
Martin couldn’t answer. His mother wanted him to stay. She wanted him to stay in this terrifying castle with these weird people rather than going home with her. She no longer wanted him to care for her – he’d braved the woods, and for what? The bitterness rose in his throat again and threatened to choke him, and his eyes stung. He blinked, refusing to cry in front of these two. Whoever they were.
When he managed to look up, there was another door, this one purple, shimmering in the wall. Michael was looking at him, his expression soft. Helen had a gleam in her eye that made Martin shiver with apprehension.
At his doubtful look, Michael shrugged. “This will go to the dining room. You look like you’ve had a long night.”
Martin debated arguing, saying he didn’t trust Michael as far as he could throw him, but exhaustion weighed down his bones, and even holding his head up and eyes open was taking all his energy. So he took a step forward, opening the door and stepping through. As the door closed, he felt a pressure at the back of his head that had him groaning in pain before he stepped out onto solid ground, vertigo causing him to lean to the side before collapsing with a heavy thump.
He vaguely heard voices shouting as he drifted out of consciousness, and the last thing he heard was someone asking “Is he alright?” before the darkness took over his vision and he fell into blessed sleep.
Martin came to slowly, grogginess keeping his eyes closed. He heard several voices around him.
“He came through one of Helen’s doors. I wonder what happened.”
“I saw him when he walked in, freezing his poor arse off. Said he was looking for his mum.”
“D’you think he found her?”
“Do you happen to see an old lady anywhere around here, Tim?”
“Maybe Helen sent her through a different door!”
“Well, he’s here now, wherever his mum is.”
There was a pause in the conversation, then: “He’s pretty cute, though.”
“Oh for god’s sake, Tim–“
“What? I’m not wrong.”
Martin fought to open his eyes, bright light assaulting his senses as he took a deep breath. He vaguely saw three figures hovering over him. “Where am I?”
“Oh, good, you’re awake!” one of the figures exclaimed. Martin squinted, trying to make out any features, to  no avail. Someone must have taken off his glasses.
As if on cue, a hand held them out to him. “Here,” came the kind feminine voice. Martin put on his glasses and saw a dark skinned girl sitting on the couch near his legs, with glasses of her own and her dark, curly hair pulled back into a high ponytail. She had a kind smile on her face. “How are you feeling?”
Martin sat up, attempting a smile back. “I– I’m alright. Confused, but alright.”
The girl smiled sympathetically, fidgeting with the hem of her dark T-shirt. “That’s understandable. My name’s Sasha. Sasha James.” She stuck out her hand to him, and he shook it.
“Martin. Martin Blackwood.”
Sasha smiled at him again. “It’s nice to meet you, Martin. Welcome to our weird little family.”
Martin took another look around the room. Standing next to Sasha was the man he’d encountered yesterday, dressed in a black studded leather jacket and ripped jeans. He nodded at Martin, and Martin nodded back. “Gerard Keay, but you can call me Gerry.”
“Nice to meet you,” Martin said meekly.
Lastly, next to Gerry, there was a man dressed in a Hawaiian shirt so bright and colourful that Martin wondered whether this man was Helen and Michael’s missing third. He was broad, with tanned skin and black hair that looked like it was purposely styled to be messy. He was grinning, leaning down and bracing his hands next to Martin and leaning close to his face as Martin leaned away. “Yeah, I was right, he is cute,” the man said conclusively, and Martin could feel his face heating. “I’m Tim Stoker. Guess you’re one of us now.”
Martin chuckled nervously. “And, uh, who exactly would that be?”
Tim leaned back, crossing his muscular arms over his chest. “Archival Assistants, which basically means we laze around and sometimes fetch a file for Jon.”
“Jonathan Sims,” Sasha explained. “Our boss.”
That must have been the boss Michael and Helen mentioned. “Ah. Helen and Michael mentioned him. Wondered if I was, uh, his type? Anyone know what that’s about?”
The three assistants exchanged a look, seeming to have a silent conversation that Martin wasn’t privy to.
“That’s a long story,” Gerry finally said. “If you want to stay, you can. If not, you’re free to go. You don’t have any responsibility to anyone here.”
Martin considered Gerry’s words. He could leave, try and find his way back to town, figure out what to do. What would he do? His mother didn’t want him, she’d made that perfectly clear. It wasn’t like he had friends he could stay with, and though he could live in the library he didn’t particularly want to burden Phil. He remembered his promise to Jack with a pang, wondering whether the boy was waiting at the well for him to return and read to him. “I–I don’t really have anywhere to go,” he said finally, cringing at how self-pitying he sounded. Good job, Martin.
Sasha gave him another kind smile, placing a hand on his knee. “It’s okay, Martin. You can stay here. It might even help, having another assistant.”
Martin nodded, returning Sasha’s smile shyly. “Do you guys live here? Is there anyone else?”
Tim pursed his lips. “Yeah, we live here, though not by choice.” Sasha smacked his arm. “What? Might as well tell him the truth.” At Martin’s concerned look, Tim’s face softened. “Basically, the boss pissed off a very powerful witch of a man, and we all happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. That place being here, and the time being when that bastard–
“Fine, absolute piece of shit fucker–“
“Oh, come off it, Sasha! You know it’s true. That asshole decided that the best punishment was to trap Jon here, turning him into an avatar of the Beholding until someone falls in love with him. So, of course, Jon being Jon just locked himself upstairs in the West Wing half the time because he thinks no one could love a monster.”
“Give Jon a break, Tim. It can’t be easy for him.”
“I know it’s not.” Tim sighed, meeting Sasha’s eyes for a moment before looking back to Martin. Gerry stood quietly off to the side. “Look, I love Jon as much as any of you guys, but this is getting ridiculous. The longer he stays locked away, the longer we’re stuck here.”
Gerry met Martin’s eyes. “Don’t take this the wrong way. We’re not asking you to seduce our boss or anything. We’re just explaining the situation.”
Sasha jumped. “Oh, of course we’re not suggesting anything, Martin!” she said hurriedly. “No one expects you to. Like Gerry said, just explaining.” Tim said nothing.
“What’s the Beholding?” Martin asked. “And who was this witch man?”
Tim sighed. “The Beholding is one of fourteen fear entities that sort of–watches over our world. Every fear is a result of these fourteen. The Beholding is the fear of being watched, your secrets being known. Jonah Magnus, the motherfucker, was an avatar of the Beholding a couple hundred years ago, and has kept himself alive by transferring his eyeballs into a host.”
Martin cringed. “Ew.”
Tim nodded gravely. “Ew indeed. Anyway, that host is who cursed Jon, because he refused to become an avatar willingly. So now we’re all fucked.”
Martin sat back, mind reeling. “Huh,” was all he managed to say.
Sasha nodded before patting his knee again. “I know, it’s a lot. Don’t worry yourself too much – again, it really doesn’t need to involve you.” She sounded genuine as she gave him a smile and stood. “Come on, I’m going to make tea. Maybe you can meet the others, too.”
Martin smiled gratefully at her as he stood, Gerry following while Tim threw his arm over Martin’s shoulder, his mischievous grin back. “Welcome to the family.”
Martin did end up meeting everyone. Daisy, with her muscular, scarred arms, freckled skin, shorn blonde hair, and clipped Welsh accent. Basira, with her soft smile, olive skin, and pale blue hijab matching her mug of tea. Georgie, with her friendly demeanour, skin just a shade lighter than Sasha’s, and kinked hair pulled back with a headband. Melanie, Georgie’s girlfriend, with her brown bob of wavy hair, pale skin, perpetual scowl, and sightless glass eyes. He even met the cat, The Admiral, a fat orange thing that purred like an earthquake in a blender when scratched behind the ear just right.
Over the next few days, Martin helped where he could, retrieving files for Sasha that were too high for her to reach, helping Basira sort through old papers and journals in the castle’s library, giving Georgie a hand with cooking. He even had some lively discussions with Gerry about books they’d both read.
Martin also learned everyone’s tea preferences, and would occasionally bring people piping hot mugs while they worked or relaxed. If he was going to be staying here, he was determined to be helpful.
That left one person he hadn’t met yet – the reclusive Archivist. Jonathan Sims. The cursed man, the man someone had to fall in love with in order to free everyone in the castle.
Everyone except Martin.
He nearly scoffed at the whole situation. It sounded right out of a fairy tale. He wondered what being an avatar entailed. Could Jonathan Sims see everything? Hear everything?
“Essentially, yes.”
The unfamiliar voice behind him – posh, deep, and smooth – made Martin jump, spilling piping hot tea over the rim of his mug and splashing his hand, causing him to hiss in pain. He whipped around, clutching his hand, to see who had spoken, and he nearly crashed into the counter.
Standing in the doorway to the kitchen was a frail man, with brown skin covered in circular scars. The man was short, the top of his head perhaps reaching up to Martin’s nose. He had a mottled burn scar covering one hand, and a line at his throat as though he’d been held at knifepoint. He had long, wavy black hair that was streaked through with gray, which he’d put in a bun on top of his head. He was dressed in a collared shirt and jumper, and a pair of glasses perched at the end of his nose.
For a moment, Martin simply stared, speechless. “I–what?”
The man walked over to him, eyes never leaving Martin’s face. Martin’s neck prickled, like he was being watched. “You were wondering if I, Jonathan Sims, can see everything, hear everything. Because I’ve been turned into an avatar of the Beholding. And the answer, essentially, is yes.”
It took Martin half a minute of gawking at this man before he could answer. “You can read my mind?”
“For the most part. I tend to stay out of people’s heads – it’s a bit of a privacy issue. But you’re new, and I was curious. Martin Blackwood, was it?”
Martin blinked. “Yeah, I– could you not do that? Look in my head? Privacy issue and all.”
Jonathan nodded. “Of course. I apologize, I should have mentioned it before. Also, you can just call me Jon.”
Martin nodded slowly. “Okay, Jon,” he said. Jon looked up at him, an amused smile quirking his lips upward. Martin realized with horror that he’d said Jon’s name just for the sake of saying it. He fumbled for something to say. “Would you like some tea?”
Jon looked up at him for a moment before nodding. “That would be nice.”
Of course, Martin thought. Of course the reclusive guy that needs someone to fall in love with him is exactly my type. Of course he’s adorable and good looking. God has cursed my hubris.
Martin tried to chase the thoughts out of his head as he got to making Jon a cup of tea, but it was no use. He was in so much trouble.
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by Anecdoche (psychosomatic86)
Jon's vanquishing of Not!Sasha may have had some... unintended side-effects on Martin.
Words: 3983, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Magnus Archives (Podcast)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Jonathan Sims, Martin Blackwood
Relationships: Martin Blackwood/Jonathan Sims
Additional Tags: oh my god don't look at me idek, Outdoor Sex, Trans Male Character, Martin said monster fucker RIGHTS, Oral Sex, and I for one stan kings only, Fluff and Smut, spoilers for ep 165
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/23949442
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by tangereen
The world ends. And then the end ends. But fear cannot be undone like the apocalypse and, as much as they try to resist it, the avatars still need to eat. They’ve worked out a routine now: once a month, the avatar of The Eye finds the fear, the evil and cruelty still being spread in the world, another avatar still trying to bring back their master; the avatar of The Hunt tracks them down, carrying her companions with her; and, once they arrive, the avatar of The Desolation destroys them. It’s that avatar’s fear and pain that Jon, Daisy, and Tim feast on; after months of struggling between their humanity and their cravings, they’d found this a suitable compromise. It also meant that, once a month, the humans got a few days to themselves. “Humans’ Night,” Georgie called it, after Martin had made it very clear that it was not going to be called “Girls’ Night.”
Words: 2330, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of The End Ends
Fandoms: The Magnus Archives (Podcast)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Martin Blackwood, Sasha James, Tim Stoker (The Magnus Archives), Georgie Barker, Melanie King, Basira Hussain, Alice "Daisy" Tonner
Relationships: Martin Blackwood/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Sasha James/Tim Stoker, Georgie Barker/Melanie King, Basira Hussain/Alice "Daisy" Tonner, Basira Hussain & Alice "Daisy" Tonner
Additional Tags: you can read basira and daisy's relationship as romantic or not, rated t for swearing?, that's a tag i see other people put so i guess that's what I'm doing, in case y'all don't want swears in your g fics, small jon rights, how did tim and sasha come back? don't worry about, how did they stop the apocalypse? don't worry about it, what did martin do that now has everyone in awe of and intimidated by him? don't worry about it, tim is a desolation avatar and sasha is perfectly fine, Canon Asexual Character, pretty vague on everyone's avatar descriptions because my own headcanons aren't very well-defined
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/24117208
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