#monster high show bible
localcoffeeshop · 11 months
monster high show bible: random character facts (non-major spoilers)
my source: i have personally downloaded and read the entire file and chose the facts that i thought were fun
clawdeen has social anxiety; she lies awake at night worried about whether or not she said the wrong thing, or about not being well-received or liked by others.
draculaura needs SPF 8000 sunscreen to go out into the sun
cleo's scarabs are usually total assholes and sometimes they will sneak into her organ jars and snack on her organs, which has consequences for cleo (?)
frankie is not the only nonbinary student at the school, and the gender binary kind of just isn't a thing for monsters - nonbinary monsters are actually common and unquestioned
cleo literally physically puts on her face in the morning and "secures it with mummy wrap glue"
lagoona is so energetic and often can't stop moving. she fidgets a lot and struggles with focus.
toralei likes to push things off of tables for fun
manny taur was raised by his midwestern grandparents, who love to treat him like their sweet little baby boy... <3
nefera was/is homecoming queen, and now she volunteers as a teacher's assistant
clawd loves to paint abstract art to express his feelings for what words can't convey (we also just recently learned about his love for art in his music video)
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lulughoul · 11 months
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headfullofdolls · 11 months
Friendly reminder (or intro explainer) that show bibles are reference documents that evolve with a series and get updated as the writers make changes. Despite what the name might make it sound like, nothing in them is set in stone. They're guidelines for focus and consistency, and getting writers on the same page.
Actually writing the script leads to an evolving understanding of the story, plot, characters, etc., often in unexpected directions. So the writers update the show bible to compile new insights and account for changes, again to keep everyone on the same page.
Nothing is confirmed until the finalized show.
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dreamyzworldlove · 11 months
where are people finding the full monster high show bible
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bluelocksource · 10 months
Karasu Tabito’s trivia (source: twt & Egoist Bible).
☆ Character's colour: Dark blue.
☆ Weapons: Keep (keep the ball from opponent), feint technique, and handwork (using hand or arm to block the opponent / to keep the distance from the opponent / to secure the play area).
☆ Nicknames: ‘Assassin’ and ‘Analyst’.
☆ Birthday: 15th August. (Obon festival)
☆ Current age: 18 (3rd year of high school)
☆ Zodiac: Leo.
☆ Birthplace: Osaka Prefecture.
☆ Family: Grandmother. Mother. Father. Older sister. Himself.
☆ Current height: 183 cm.
☆ Dominant foot: Right foot.
☆ Blood type: A.
☆ Starts playing football: At age 4.
☆ Team before joining BLUE LOCK: Bambi Osaka Youth (same team as Hiori) .
☆ Motto: "Never lose your intelligence and your curiosity!"
☆ Favorite food/drink: Kelp tea (kombucha). “It calms me.”
☆ Disliked food: Salmon roe. “The texture and fishy smell are unusual. It’s like eating a monster cells.”
☆ Favorite animal: Hawks. “I heard it has good sense in hunting." “Those sharp eyes and claws are marvelous.”
☆ Favorite season: Autumn. "I like the feeling of solitude."
☆ Favorite football player: Ruud van Nistelrooy
☆ Favorite song: “FLY” by GRAPEVINE.
☆ Favorite manga: GANTZ “The Osaka version. It’s just too awesome.”
☆ Favorite movie: “It’s a foreign movie, ‘Westworld’.”
☆ Favorite TV show: Documental (a comedy documentary program)
☆ Ideal type: Smart and strong woman.
☆ Hobby: Observing, analysing, and assessing people.
☆ Fixation: Voice/way of speaking. "I feel unusually aroused whenever I sense intelligence from the way a person speaks."
☆ Mushroom shoots vs Bamboo shoots: “Bamboo shoots. It’s pretty common but honestly, bamboo shoots.”
☆ What goes best with rice : Kimchi. “It’s good no matter how many times you eat it.”
☆ What makes him happy: To be left alone. “I want to live as I please, die as I please.”
☆ What makes him upset: Surprise presents. “It’s impossible to be happy in a forced atmosphere. I kind of feel bad.”
☆ What he thinks his strength is: Rational, calm, and determined.
☆ What he thinks his weakness is: He can't be kind to ordinary people. “I need to fix that.”
☆ Favorite/Best subject: Modern literature, Chemistry, and World History.
☆ Dislike/weak subject: Swimming. “I’m scared of water.”
☆ What made him cry recently: “Not gonna tell ya, idiot.”
☆ Usual sleeping time: 6.5 hours.
☆ Place he washes first when taking a bath: Hair. “My hair's too stiff from all the hair wax.”
☆ Number of chocolates received from previous Valentine: 6. “They’re definitely messing with me. I keep receiving bonbon whiskey.” (bonbon whiskey: chocolate confectionary that contains whiskey.)
☆ At what age he experiences first love: At age 8. “Marisa was the cutest girl in class. And then there’s ordinary me...”
☆ The first time he got confessed to: “Marisa confessed to me on elementary school graduation day ceremony. But since I’ll be playing soccer at a faraway middle school, I turned her down. Something like that. Nothing out of ordinary."
☆ What will he do if received 100 million yen: Invest in index funds.
☆ At what age he stops receiving presents from Santa: "Around 10 years old. I stopped because I want to be considerate of my parents."
☆ What was his last wish from Santa: PS4 & Winning Eleven.
☆ What will he do during his last day on Earth: “To be with someone important to me. If such a day comes, it’s good enough for me.”
* The crossed words are the changes made from twitter’s answer to the answer from Egoist Bible.
note: i want to apologize in advance for any mistake made in the translation!
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rinbowaman · 1 year
S E 7 E N : L U C I F E R
P A R T 1 N E
WARNINGS: Monsters battling, demons and angels, religious elements, accurate and inaccurate references, fantasy, dark lore, thriller vibes, not proofread (i know i'm terrible) and scary images......
Okay, so you all remember that post i made recently where i apologized in advance for some images i was altering to display the face Heelel makes in a particular scene? well.....thats in this chapter and ngl....it's going to give you creepy pasta vibes. so please, read at your own risk, it is a good read but if you get scared easily, just dont scroll all the way through at the bottom of this page (it's at the very end) just know, i had to alter a pic to show you guys just how i imagined his face was like in that partcular scene. and yes....it IS in fact a picture of Heeseung....i just altered the contrast and brightness of it. so please, dont be afraid of Heelel...I promise it gets better....just...dont judge him quite yet. lol.
Also, in case the song is still going by the time you read the caption that says "End song here" just cut it off because its a rather long song....but also....its going to kill the mood of the remaining chapter if you keep playing it. its only supposed to play during a special moment.
last but not least....
You know who you are and you know what that means ;) I hope this will make your day. Stay positive and happy! <3
Air crowded by the souls of the lifeless metallic forms that lay in gruesome peace on paved grounds. 
It was a pathetic sight for the people to behold of their homeland, such a shame that a scenic nation had to be remembered as such during this turbulent time where humans, angels and demons were all engulfed in war, battling over the survival of man, the pride of angels, and the love of demons. 
The battle had been ferocious, each Hellish Prince displayed their thunderous roar into the open atmosphere, yet despite slaying many, there were much more that descended, to replenish those that lay as bits of shrapnel. 
They plundered down, and lined themselves to guard their enormous leader, the guide of angels, who rises above all things man made, the archangel Jol. Glaring with a hatred persona in his eye, his attention is distracted by the fearsome contender that matches….maybe even outweighs his ferocity. 
The blue sky that beheld what could only be described as an illuminating palace for the Heavens, was now stained fierce red, in mourning for the lives lost of those who had been selected without reason…dying in the name of one man’s corruption. 
The scent of death ascending and piercing the blissful appearance of the clear sky, it reeked of metal and city air. In smothered bits and pieces, the angels that sought out your tortured screams and torn flesh, have lost a great deal at the hands of the princely brethren from Hell. Yet you feared that the end was nowhere near at the sight of the opposing end, the angels, increasing by high numbers as they migrate down from the sky. 
Alas, such was the deceitful decree of men with corrupt hearts and lustful eyes. The very thesis of evil and sin in the form of mortal flesh, claiming to be of holy virtue and a civil servant of Gods name. 
Pointing and issuing the blasphemous words to the skull headed princes before you, one man, Senator Forras, condemns them to forever reside in Hell and to never return to Gods holy land.
Little does he know, that the land we humans had set our mark on, the very grounded paths we trailed and the oceans we sailed, all blessed with the kiss of the Suns rays, was created by the one he displays hostility towards. The one whose name is forever shamed in the scriptures of the Holy Bible, and tainted with persona of cruel evil and fearful sin….Lucifer.
“He created the Sun…right after God created the moon, along with this world. It was his gift to God…”
Nikis retelling echoes in your head. He told you of the wondrous creations that took place years beyond the human mind could ever measure, it remained just as shocking as it had been when you first learned of it….that the vital sources of human life were created by both, God…and the Devil. 
Watching from afar, your eyes fully adjust into the wide-open stratosphere, where the Devil’s colossal form reaches past the clouds, glowering a beaming red stare at his opponent who stood nearly of equal stature. Both giants readied themselves. 
Perhaps you were thinking too much into it, yet you wondered if Heeseung made the first move in order to propel the towering archangel backwards and away from your location as you remained chained on stage at the city’s center. 
Colliding back into the open waters of the sea, the massive limbs, wings, and almighty roars of the two beasts can be seen and heard as their staggering forms wrestle in the saltwater, completely away from all human forms that hid themselves on land. 
Witnessing the greatness of their power, the beastly entities unleash a spectacular display of combat, though it lacked the decency of sportsmanship as the archangel, reacting to the upper hand the Devil gained, Jol calls out to his posse of followers, hence turning the tables. 
They respond to his cry and suspend their bodies into the air, spearing through the clouds as their lustrous bodies glistened by the last bit of sunlight that remained as dawn approaches. 
They format an air-raid as they aim their direction of flight to Heeseung. Harpooning through the air with high velocity, you watched at how each Angel morphs into that of a sharpened spear. Taking aim, they dive into him, penetrating through regions of flesh as they pierce through him one by one. 
Despite gaining the attacks from the thousands of metallic forms that targets him, he stands fearless and makes his power be known through his roar. The vibration and terrifying power of his clamor shakes the life out of the metallic angels that had reached close proximity. 
Yet the almighty howl of the Devil was not enough, as the angels relentlessly come in, swooping by in a recycling effect as they take turn in diving in. 
The moment you heard the stinging screech of the angels from above, you knew that they had ascended to aid their dark ruler. 
The six princes, all gather around their elder brother and master, raging fury and destruction to the offensive line as they kept coming in, only to fly directly to their deaths as Sunoo destroyed their hearts from within, or when Jays insects multiplied and took out an entire formation. 
Between their individual powers, along with the enhanced capabilities of their demonic forms, each brother became invincible as they successfully defended their King from further damage. Compared to the angels, whose numbers have reached up to thousands, there were only 6 brothers to fend off the tackling creatures as Heeseung remains squared to Jol. 
Regardless of the ratio, the fight remained unfair as each Prince took on multiple heads at a time, sealing the fate of angels by rows, groups, or any measure of high numbers as they all seemed to have diminished within minutes, leaving only the two behemoths standing, ready to establish the victor. 
Narrowing his red eyes, Heeseung’s form, which displayed a great humanoid structure that adorned the head of the Cervidae species, crowned with the magnificent flaunt of tall antler-horns. His wings reflect the colors of his tainted soul, dreaded in black with a tinge of purple and dark blood hues of red. A total difference from the ash-gray scheme that the others had, but not just the angels. The faithful younger brothers had also adorned the same colored wings that issued them the gift of flight. 
You watched as Jol takes in a panicked stance, preparing to lunge towards his opponent, against the waves of the ocean bottom they stood on. 
With a loud screech as he formulated saws with his own hands, he equips himself with a series of  weapons, bearing his arms with anything and everything the human mind could think of. 
‘I told you before….to leave them be…yet you ignored my warning…disregarded my decree. Furthermore…...you took it too far….you crossed the line…you came down from his kingdom, behind his back….to kill her….all for the sake of your stupid pride….you should have heeded my demand…and not mettle with humans…she may be mortal…but I promise you…she is nothing like the rest of them….she’s mine.’
Without a roar or an inch of movement, the Devil stands glorified in his demonic form as he waits, welcoming the fellow archangel to present his best shot.
‘Come on…go ahead. I’m waiting….you’re not going to get out if this….because of what you came for…because of what you had intended to do….because……of what you imagined on doing….to her…’
With a fearsome leap, Jol, in his mighty form plunges forward, presenting every blade, aiming it at Heeseung.
"One chance...you've got one shot...so make it count. Equip yourself and bear your arms with whatever you need...if you want to live.....then you better make it count...otherwise.....I WILL BURN YOU."
Wings spread, mouth open, screeching out a fierce cry as he aims to bring down the master of Hell, for a moment in time, it had appeared that Jol was on his way to victory as Heeseung merely stood, bearing his teeth as he narrowed his gleaming eyes.
Inches away from colliding, Heeseung shoots a hand and catches Jol by his neck in mid flight.
'One chance.....that's all you get....and you just lost it.'
With his free hand, Heeseung extends his fingers. Bringing Jol down into a kneel, cowering his stance before him, everyone, to include the cult regulators and Forras, all watched as Heeseung's extended fingers shoots inside Jol's mouth. With a firm grasp, he takes his other hand, and commences the same movement, prying the archangel's mouth wide open.
The corners of his mouth rip, the tearing of skin exposes bright red flesh as Jol screeches out in agony and struggles to escape the Devil's grip. Once Heeseung had the archangel right here he wanted, he heaves in a deep breath.
His snout extends upwards as he opens his mouth. A loud and fearsome growl emerges as a ball of light could be seen deep within his oral cavity. Shifting his head to the side, he roars. HIs eyes glare down at the pitied angel before him, and with swift motion, Heeseung leans in and expels an exhale of ravaging flames from his mouth, and directly into Jol's.
Swaying his face faintly from left to right, he unleashes the fire's of Hell, coating Jol's innards entirely as the archangel's body begins to burn from the inside.
His skin burns with embers as the flames makes it's way outwards, his limbs and torso, burnt and melting from the lava induced flames, falls apart, drifting away in pieces within the wide open sea.
All you could hear were the panic screams of the crowds as they all ran outward, desperately trying to leave leave and reach outside city limits to escape the almighty demon that had just disintegrated the arch angel before their own eyes.
The cult regulators and Forras rage in panic as they all followed suit of the general public and began to fight each other for the sake of freedom, every man for himself.
Despite the frenzy they committed to in escaping, no one took notice as the seven brothers all merely stood, fully composed and lacked any displayed notion of offending the population.
While still kneeling and chained, you watched from afar as Heeseung's colossal form remains standing...fully composed and quiet. He shifts his head to gaze over his shoulder, right in your direction. His eyes look directly into your own, once locked on, they narrow down as he maintains eye contact. You froze at the sight of his demonic form sinking into your sight. Your breathing stopped at the ungodly sight of his mystical structure.
After a moment or two of shared visual contact, he breaks it by turning his head and releasing one last roar into the night sky, an almighty and fierce tone, you were convinced that every star in the sky shifted from its horrendous velocity.
With his fearsome cry, his body morphs back into the swarm of bats that fly outward and trail the sky towards the great unknown as they disappear off into the horizon.
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One week before man was created by God.....
Breaching the alter, the three Muses arrive as beckoned.
"Master Elder, you have arrived." The voice of an elder woman gently greets the three visitors.
Bowing in respect, the Master Elder pays his tribute as acknowledges the greeting.
"Calliope, please forgive us for our delay. We came as swiftly as we could."
"Raise your head Master Elder, there is nothing to forgive." the woman, Calliope, a former muse who retired her duties long ago, in order to serve God fully, by aiding his quest to create people. Passing her will to the current Master Elder, Calliope taught the current leader of the group the specialty of expelling embodied knowledge, truth, and invention.
"Pray tell me, Calliope, why is it that we were summoned to the alter? I thought it was forbidden to breach near it." the Master Elder inquires as he gazes upon the magnificent height of the stone pillars surrounding the alter.
"Our Lord has bestowed a unique request. We are to travel through the advancement of time and bear witness to the birth."
"Birth?....the birth of whom?"
"Of a mortal child."
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"It's time.....y/n...."
Shifting your gaze over to the side, you saw Jungwon standing before you, back in the human form that you were familiar with.
Kneeling down beside you, he effortlessly does away with your restraints. Heeseung was nowhere in sight after his victory in defeating Jol, yet your heartbeat felt as if it was in a standstill.
"I will take you to him." Jungwon's voice remained calm and tranquil as ever.
Trembling, you began to sob faintly.
Lifting your head back up, he presents you his hand to help you stand.
"......will...will there be pain?" you asked nervously. For reasons unknown, you felt more frightened than you had when you were facing death at the hands of the angels. It didn't make sense, yet you couldn't ignore the contrasts in your emotions as you compared the moments together.
His eyes faintly drop to your chest, right where your heart was located, before they shift back up to meet yours directly. Without issuing a verbal response, he simply nods in a faint notion.
Your breath hitches. Facing the direction of where the swarm of bats flew to, you turn back to look at him. With glossy eyes and the tears breaching breakage from your ducts, you trembled out a small request.
"Is....is it too late to pray?....." you asked in a stuttered pitch.
With a soft expression on his face, he shakes his head.
"It's never too late to do that...." a faint smile graces his face as he gently moves a piece of your hair away from your face.
Seeing you display a saddened smile, you shift your posture as you struggled to contain your tears and remain composed.
"Would you like for me to pray with you?" he asks.
You nod in earnest as you chuck back the tears that breached their release.
Taking both your hands, he presses his forehead against yours. With your eyes closed, his calm and gentle voice admits a prayer for the sovereignty of the nation, the peace of the people, and mercy on your soul.
"Oh thee faithful Lord of thy soul....I beseech you to bestow your desired mercy onto your creation...."
Your heart beats slowly. Taking a deep breath, you steadily release it as you relish the feeling of Jungwon's skin touching yours.
"Hail to Sun and Moon, bless the people with the prosperity of love and tenderness, as you intended for them."
Taking in another deep breath, you felt the drop of a single tear trailing down your cheek.
"Have mercy on thy soul...have mercy on the sacrifice this child is destined to accept. Have mercy on her willingness to serve the people...the world.....the goodliest of creations that your holy spirit.....and the great Devil...Lucifer.....have gifted. In your name...."
Gulping down a breath deep into your throat, you braced yourself at the final word of his prayer.
Opening your eyes, your vision was met with the vast openness of unfamiliar land...Jungwon was nowhere to be found.
Standing alone in a field of soft baby's breath, you gazed into the blackened horizon, where a full display of stars and planetary moons paint the night sky.
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"Calliope....forgive me...but if what you're saying is....." the Master Elder's voice trails off as he looks with disbelief at his former mentor.
'She couldn't have possibly just said.....that's....what would happen if.....'
With a faint smile of reassurance, Calliope nods.
"Cal, I do not question the Lord's will....however, this seems unethical. Lucifer wants nothing more than to destroy our master....he yearns to darken his light and forever break his spirit....how...how can we possibly stand by and let this happen? Lucifer will only kill the mortal child off and will still yearn for more bloodshed...he has vowed to kill off humanity and wages a grudging war against God with ever intent in causing his demise...I dont see how....how...."
"You need not worry about that now Master Elder....come with me, bring your disciples. I will show you his ultimate will...." Calliope softly issues as she extends a hand to the Master Elder.
Breaching the alter, the submit prayer as the orb of light captures their forms and transfer their bodies through time, nearly seven thousand years into the future.
"Master Elder....open your eyes, we are here." Calliope gently coaxes the elder as his eyes remained winced shut.
"Where are we exactly?"
"We have arrived in what was once the Ancient lands of Euterpe, it has since inherited a different name, and has been expanded by its inhabitants....'people'."
Studying their surroundings, the Master Elder and his disciples witness at first hand in the future, what people are.
"They look similar to us.....yet they are mortal?"
Calliope nods. "Come with me."
Leading the three muses afar to an old abandon building. Making way up the steel ladder wells, the small group fix themselves on the rooftop, overlooking the vast majority of manmade features and the nearby sea. The night sky coats over the city with a cozy shadow of sleeping comfort as it lays to rest.
"How strange...they look so much like us and yet...they require special necessities in order to thrive." The Master Elder notes.
"They do...and yet they are far greater than any of us...." Calliope issues back as she takes out from the hidden pockets of her robe, a small vial and a locket.
"Is that....?" the Master Elder gasps.
"It is...."
Hearing her response, the Master Elder winces his eyes shut in bewilderment as he absorbs the gravity of what was about to transpire.
'.....my God.......'
With closed eyes, Calliope submits a small smile as she regains her sight and turns to look at the Master Elder and the two younger muses.
"Its time...."
"Calliope.....is he sure about this? We are talking about creating a mortal for the mere purpose of......"
He pauses as his breath loses momentum, '.........sacrificing to the Devil...."
With a faint nod, Calliope displays an expression of trust and fidelity.
"We must trust in his will.....do you accept and will you bear witness to the birth?" She asks, presenting an ultimatum towards her peer.
Hesitant, the Master Elder succumbs to the trust of his master, and nods.
"Very well.....then we are ready...." Calliope softly speaks as she gazes up at the dark sky, taking aim at every star as they glisten.
"The Holy Grail 'neath ancient Roslin waits.....
The blade and chalice guarding o'er Her gates.
Adorned by masters' loving art, She lies,
She rests at last beneath the starry skies." - Robert Langdon, The Da Vinci Code.
'".....Half my heart....half my light...my spirit...my flesh and my colors to make you whole....let the pieces of thy essence create something extraordinary....oh child of mine....made out of thy own soul.....become something unruly.....save thy people....save thy soul eternally....'
Descending from the Heavens above, a single orb of light streams downward, making its way before the faithful servants of his authority.
It gracefully takes its station. Centered between the four figures, a tender voice is faintly heard emerging from its body, nearly a whisper....it was both mature and childlike, coming in incoherent and unreadable. Staring in awe at the sight before them, their hearts flutter as they witness something....incredible.
"Calliope......is.....is that?....."
"It is......."
"Take the mold of my holy divinity.....become my mortal descendent."
As their eyes adjust the illuminating orb, they witness in near disbelief.
"Behold....the flesh, the holy light, the essence of our master himself.....just a piece, yet ever as divine as the rest of him." Calliope calmly issues as she gracefully smiles.
'This........this is God's own flesh.......the first to have ever been exposed....or shared....'
Removing the cork from the vial, and opening the small locket, Calliope finalizes the process of creativity as she takes the dark strands that remained threaded together, and gently submerges it inside the light, along with the contents of the vial.
"Yes....when the first archangel was born, we saved the remaining essence that of which he was created from....a small thatch of his hair for safekeeping for our beloved master...who loved his favorite entirely too much. With his own essence, it does not taint our master's light, instead, it becomes one with it. Thus.....it is everything that Lucifer yearns for....it is a part of him....everything that he is.....yet it is also everything he lacks....everything he desires.
Incorporating the souvenired mememtos, the hue of the light's tint changes. The innocent voice remains faint, yet develops a playful nature as it levitates once more.
Witnessing the divinity of his holy form, even if it was just a small piece of him, the muses gasp out in great respect. Tears emerge from their eyes at the glory of their master.
Gripping on to their chests, bewildered by the miracle of witnessing God's flesh, they bow, issuing tears at it's magnificence. Calliope, joining in unison as she bows, whispers to the light before it takes travel.
"Mortal daughter of God....take heed...grow steady....grow strong....you have a task...and though it pains us so...you must commit to your duties to save the rest of his creation. Where each mortal is created in God's image....you....are the only one created out of his own entity. Mortal child of his divine holiness.....your flesh and essence will be key for humanity to thrive....but also.....to teach him forgiveness....to teach him.....love. Bear us, and your father no ill will.....for even though the one who you are gifted to, holds a tainted heart....rest assured, I see it with thy own eyes.....you shall forever be loved and protected."
At the final issue of his decree, the light expands into an exploding force, issuing a massive traveling current that flared throughout the city, disappearing in an instant.
"Master Elder..."
"Yes, Calliope."
"There is one more task....he beckons you and your disciples to commit."
"Pray tell me, for I am his humble servant and will be at his bidding."
"You are to go to Hell.....bring your disciples.....and take Lucifer to the alter. Take him to the destined period of time when the mortal child is at their prime. You are to present our master's gift to him....do you think you can succeed?"
"What do you want to name her?"
Rocking the delicate newborn against her bosom, a young mother softly sings to her baby....a daughter.
"Honey, lets name her....y/n. I've always liked that name."
"Y/n?.....how perfect.....I love it."
-End song here-
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Gazing off into the horizon of the starry sky, your white skirt blows delicately against the gentle current of the wind that guides your hair over your shoulder. The skin of your breasts remain exposed, your lips stained red, and your skin glows under the moonlight. The perfect image of all things ethereal.
'.......There you are....'
With gentle steps, he walks in your direction. Adorning his black attire, with the lace mask hovering over his eyes, he breathes deeply at the sight of the floral spread that surrounds you.
'...How beautiful.......so pretty.....'
Breaching nearer, you hear the delicate crush of the flowers under the soles of his steps.
Shifting your gaze over your shoulder, you watch as he closes in....standing right in front of you.
Noticing the glistening shine in your eyes, he softly smiles. "Why are you crying?"
Faintly shaking your head, you couldn't develop a response....you didn't know what to say, how to feel, or what to think.
"Shhh.....you don't have to cry...." leaning in, he gently embraces your body against his chest. Gently removing the Azalea crown that adorned your head, he tosses it and nuzzles his face into the strands of your hair....taking in a deep inhale as he softly moans....savoring the moment.
'Finally......I've waited for so long.....'
You tremble at the feeling of his embrace trapping you in.
"Scared?...." he asks.
You didn't issue a response.....instead, you remained with your head low as your forehead is softly pressed against his chest.
"Come here..." he whispers. Raising both your hands, he guides them towards the back of his head, your fingers delicately grazing against the black strands as he intertwines them with the loose ends of the lace fabric that is tied over his face.
"You can take it off....it's okay." he gently whispers. Leaning in, he kisses you passionately, as his hands roam you entire body, ruffling the chiffon fabric of your skirt in the process.
"You....don't know how......dreadful the wait was......" He softly speaks in between each kiss as his tongue coats the inside of your mouth. Your hands remained gently gripping on the ties of his mask. For some reason, you found it hard to pull them apart.
Reaching back up to take hold of your hands, he guides them as he gently, in unison with your own, pulls the fabric in opposite direction, causing it to come undone.
You stared as his face remained calmly aloof....his eyes shut.
Gently opening them, he displays a handsome face...it was devilishly handsome....and much more enticing than any of his brothers. His profile resembled that of the Greek God Apollo, yet his strong and lithe frame was much more lethal and appealing than any sculpture you've witnessed in your life.
Softly smiling at you, his eyes slightly widen as he takes your hands, raising them to his lips, he kisses them with the most tender pecks.
"Seven thousand years....is too long....even for an immortal.....did they tell you I slept for majority of it?"
".....yes....they did....." you assumed he was referring to his brothers as he continued to speak, expressing his agony over the lengthy period of waiting.
"I couldn't stand being awake....I needed to dream...I needed to see you.....you have no idea just how much I've wanted this....this moment....to touch you like this....to kiss you....to hold you.....it's all I ever wanted...." lowering your hands, he regains his grip around your waist once more and pulls you into him as he kisses you deeply.
His moans were stealthy with added depth as he expels the tone into your mouth, you felt the vibration of his groans as he shifts his face to merge deeper into the kiss.
Gently breaking it, his eyes shift down at the ground.
The moment you saw a smirk forming on his lips, you shy'd your face away. You felt entirely too nervous and scared, yet you didn't know why.........until.
'......did....did he just chuckle?.....why did it sound so...'
Raising your head, your eyes widened and your mouth released a shuttered gasp. Wanting to scream, you found yourself frozen with fear as your body couldn't comprehend the view....
"I"m sorry......am I scaring you?.......believe me I'm not trying to....I'm just so happy.....I finally have you...you're finally mine."
Perhaps it was the pitch black sky......it's dark aura stained the environment....creating an eerie atmosphere.
Perhaps it was the glare of the moon above....creating shadows that dispelled a sense of unearthly lore.
Perhaps it was none of those things....perhaps it had nothing to do with the lack of lighting.....or the darkness that surrounds you.....instead....
Maybe...just maybe it was....the way he stared at you....the way he looked hungry.....no...famished.......the way his insidious expression greeted you with a dangerous desire......the way his hands gripped you tightly.....the way he raised his brows and gazed at you with a twisted and sinister love in his eyes.....the way his lips became blood red upon receiving his bite.....out of excitement......
Perhaps......it was his..........smile.
‘Please God….someone…..anyone……why is he looking at me like that…..what is he going to do to me?'
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Authors note:
Part 2 coming tomorrow! So more to come.....again...i'm so sorry about that picture.....yikes.
Taglist: @deobitifull; @solstramaii; @vampiregirl215; @nshmrarki; @enhypen14; @iamliacamila; @lisaaannna; @nikstrange; @jaehaki; @luv-enhy-skz33; @silcry@honeysjae; @crackedcameraa; @stinkmonkey ; @baekxo07@raishaii @@yangjungwon33@lhspeachie ; @differentchildwombat ; @prettykia ; @kimsseonu ; @stvrryhee ; @en-thralled ; @hoonzdzbl ; @yuppppp ; @jinniespuppy ; @browsehnnie ; @they2luv1naia ; @aetherl0l ; @stvrryhee @yohanabanana @graythecoffeebean @beanglespewpew @jwnghyuns @gogorkkeeieosos @clairecottenheart
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leahnardo-da-veggie · 2 months
My OCs Majour Historical Figures
Part 3 of my world building posts! I'm gonna arrange these guys in order of their importance to the Plot™, and how much I dote on them.
So, without further ado,
The Godhuntress, Ina
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She's literally my PFP :)
Lived: 2000-4050AC
Height: 3.5m (11'6 for Americans)
Pronouns: She/Her
Race: Angel of Nature (her halo is just flowers)
Was completely loyal to the Gods until her husband got killed for abandoning his post to pluck some flowers for her
Then she went completely apeshit and genocided the gods
Possessed a secret Voidic ritual to drain magic from others, which gave her the power to defeat the Gods
Killed her daughter, Isobel, in a fit of rage after Iz tried to stop her from killing the last goddess, the Goddess of Dreams, who was just a child
Massacred the Fae, elves, and forest spirits
Jumped into the Void out of grief when she realised she had become a monster like the gods (see it here)
Speaks like she came out of the bible
Basically the biggest deity in modern Triworld
Been living rent free in my head since I was 6
2. The Spirit Emperor, Hans-el
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Obsessive midgeted psycho
Lived: 3595- AC
Height: 130cm/4'3 (145/4'9 in his high shoes)
Pronouns: He/Him (caps included)
Race: Forest Spirit
Has an everlasting grudge against Ina for killing his best friend, the Goddess of Dreams, in front of him
Knows her power ritual because he saw her do it, and used it to gain enough power to become Emperor for vengeance
After she died, he set all the souls of the gods free for the heck of it
Like Ina, is power-corrupt and evil. Unlike her, he doesn't give a shit about it
Bastard has his little fingers in every bit of the Plot™
No seriously, if the story's set after Ina, it's events are probably his fault
You'll find him cameoing as either Hans or just 'the spirit'
Will murder you if you call him short (he is, even by spirit standards)
Inexplicably in love with Hash
3. Hash Brown
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Nobody knows her real name
Lived: 1998- AC
Height: ? (145/4'9 in his favourite form)
Pronouns: she/he (and never it)
Race: Shapeshifter
Possibly the oldest being alive in Modern Triworld, not that she'd let anyone know it
Wears an elf body because that's what she pretended to be during the Runic Wars
Goes by Hash Brown because the Lich-Queen said it would be cool, and he's possibly forgotten his own name by this point
Actually pretty smart but pretends to be a ditz
Pathological trickster who feels bad getting people in trouble
Moved into Hans' castle one day, became his partner in crime (and everything else) and never left
Feels bad for deserting his people during the Ruinic War (cos he couldn't accept genociding humanity) and as such looks after the remaining shapeshifters
Drinking buddies with the Luxatian Exorcists, who all actually believe she's an elf
Fakes an incredibly strong Paliodaen accent
Secretly, deep within his heart, a good person
4. The Lich-Queen, Iraela Foundling
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Cracker of bad quips
Lived: 2800-4003
Height: 165cm/5'5
Race: Human turned Lich
Found in the End of the World along with her sister, Ramaeria, and brought into Ceredellian Royal society
She showed no powers so she stayed hidden away while her sister, an Oracle, danced with nobles
Met and fell in love with a minor duke
When she discovered she was a necromancer of epic proportions, she tore Ceredell apart and remade it into the Deadlands
Has a god-awful inferiority complex and deep rooted jealousy
Still somehow trying to live up to her dead sister's image
Cannot stop cracking jokes at the worst possible timing
Thought it was funny to tell a young shifter to name himself Hashbrown
Main proponent of the Ruinic War, because she hates humanity (she doesn't want to be reminded that she was one)
Bonus: Luna Iverius Delacroix, Mind-mage
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Absolute tech boomer
Age: 6012-
Height: 150cm
Race: Human
Actually pretty important to the Plot™
Main character syndrome in every meaning of the word
Make-up fiend
Ran away from home at age 11 and made herself a cult of personality
Cannot drive, cook, use a phone or take care of herself
Insanely lazy, but skilled enough at magic to make up for it
Does not know the meaning of playing fair
Neither booksmart nor streetsmart, but a secret third option (not smart)
By the way, all the images were made on picrew.me ! Go check it out, it's super fun to play with!
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Many fans have pondered the same question: What if Raggedy Ann had a modern cartoon series? Something similar in tone to My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Littlest Pet Shop (2012), or Monster High? Sadly, the Raggedy Ann franchise has been pretty inactive in recent years, with only a few doll and merchandise releases and a small group of loyal fans sticking around.
But what if we could change that?
Most of Raggedy Ann’s copyright is in the public domain, and the Gruelles are pretty chill when it comes to people using the character, so copyright won’t be much of an issue. The only obstacle would be finding a team to brainstorm ideas, write scripts, create concept art, and assemble a pitch bible to present to potential platforms.
That’s where we come in!
We’re currently developing a brand new cartoon centering on Raggedy Ann, her little brother Raggedy Andy, and all their friends as they embark on both fantastical and wholesome adventures in the Deep Deep Woods, all while learning about the power of love, tolerance, and acceptance along the way. The current plan is to set up a Discord server for people to brainstorm potential characters, locations, and episode concepts for the show, while artists can create concept art based on our overall vision for the show. We aim for this project to be self-paced, all set in an encouraging environment that prioritizes mental health and doing what makes us happy.
We don’t have any plans for voice acting or animation at the moment, and we’re definitely not aiming for a big network at this time. Our only hope is that this show will be able to give Raggedy Ann some spotlight and expand her reach to new audiences that would’ve otherwise never heard of her.
If you’re interested in being a part of this project, please email us at: [email protected]
Hope to see you there! ❤️
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omg not u believing a quiz in a website made by a third party company solely for the purpose of a failed giveaway in australia that mixes up the movie and cartoon/doll continuities over an actual leaked bible from a huge 4chan (not reddit!) nickelodeon leak that matches up with stuff released after it that's firmly believed by all the trusted doll leak sources...
and what was that about twyla and venus?
Why is it y’all only have the guts to air your greviences to me on anon? I wont block you for disagreeing with me, I’m not sensitive or a wuss and I’m much more inclined to be polite to someone with a name and not a faceless nobody. Just an FYI.
An international branch of Mattel is a way more reliable source than Reddit & if you think it’s a flex telling me the “leaked show Bible” came from 4chan & NOT Reddit, BOY have I got some news for you about the legitimacy of 4chan.
Yes, the Live Action Movie & The Show have different canons… is there a point to that statement or are we just saying the obvious? Not everything is going to be quadruple confirmed in canon like Draculaura being Asian or Frankie being nonbinary (movie character, actor, TV character, voice actor) all things won’t be hammered in that hard so we gotta take what we can get and international monster high is fair game because Mattel has to approve everything they do.
That leaked show “Bible” is sketchy as hell & no Monster High enthusiast worth their salt has taken it seriously. If you know anything about children’s media there is a lot of language used in it that is not Nickelodeon appropriate and I’m not the only one who thinks so. We don’t know where it came from, who wrote it or who posted it. Y’all saw something that looks slightly official and ran with it and that my darlings is a fool’s errand.
Y’all need to be more critical of the information you consume and perpetuate. “You should believe in nothing that you hear and only half of what you see- Edgar Allen Poe.”
And we need to stop screaming theories as if they are canon. I PERSONALLY head canon Twyla & Venus as lesbians (not together, Twyla is obviously in love with Howleen) because UNLIKE Clawdeen who has shown an interest in boys in previous generations they have never shown an interest in actual boys as far as I know. (I also made a chart of Clawdeen being attracted to girls for equal measure) that is how I see them, I don’t go shooting off that, that is canon information.
I know a lot of you desperately want Clawdeen to be a lesbian, I am very, painfully aware of this head canon but it is just that! A head canon! Yes it’s a very popular & persistent head canon but it’s a head canon nonetheless. G3 Clawdeen appears to have a crush on Deuce, now we don’t have time to unpack that weird ass ship but it does rule out Clawdeen as a lesbian. It does NOT however mean she is straight! Clawdeen could very well be Bi or Pan or any other sapphic inclusive sexuality. I PERSONALLY see her as Bi (for the reasons stated above) but you don’t see me claiming it’s canon.
“But Jess! What about compulsory heterosexuality!” - Clawdeen was created by a gay man. Do y’all really think a member of the LGBTQA+ community would put her through something that was hell for so many of us!? I highly doubt it.
I do not make the canon, I just study and report the canon, if had my way everyone would be fatter, browner and gayer.
Please, for the love of your deity of choice: stop believing everything you read, always ask for a source and stop being so cool with people making fake leaks it’s not some fun new fad it’s intentionally misleading & a little cruel to those of us who aren’t so great at social cues.
Mattel makes the canon & if it’s not from Mattel it’s probably not real.
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farfromstrange · 2 years
Total Eclipse Of The Heart | Matt Murdock
Pairing: Matt Murdock x fem!vampire Reader
Series summary: The suspicion of a new drug epidemic follows a series of suspicious murders and bloodbaths on the streets of Hell’s Kitchen, and the police can’t seem to find the answers. On the search for the truth, the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen makes a shocking discovery – vampires are real, there are entire covens of them hiding in plain sight, and they’re not all heartless monsters; they actually have feelings.
Series Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, for Dark Themes, Canon Typical Violence, Blood & Gore, Vampires, Language, Angst, Smut, Dub-Con, BDSM, Dom/Sub Dynamic, sub!Matt, dom!Reader, Blood Play, Choking, Biting, not canon compliant™️
a/n: Here it is! What turned out as a silly little thought is now an ongoing fic. It probably won’t be as long as Foreigner’s God since it doesn’t follow the storyline of the show at all, but it’s still something. The title is inspired by the Bonnie Tyler song, not because of the song itself but because we have a musical in Germany called “Dance Of The Vampires” and they reimagined that song in the musical. It’s my favorite musical of all time (and I’ve seen many) and this work is heavily inspired by the songs. Additional warnings will be added before every chapter!
PART ONE — Matt meets a strange woman at a work gala. From the start, he can tell that she means trouble.
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“There are those who curse their fathers and do not bless their mothers. There are those who are clean in their own eyes but are not washed of their filth. There are those—how lofty are their eyes, how high their eyelids lift! There are those whose teeth are swords, whose fangs are knives, to devour the poor from off the earth, the needy from among mankind. The leech has two daughters: Give and Give. Three things are never satisfied; four never say: “Enough”.” - Proverbs 30:11-18
Growing up in a catholic orphanage, Matt Murdock learned how to wear his religion on his sleeve. He believed in God; he was taught this undying version of faith that was supposed to sustain his body, and he was told to live by it even long after he was old enough to make his own decisions.
He never questioned it. He went to school, read the Bible up and down and when he was finished, he would start anew. He prayed until his knees were bloody and even then he only got up momentarily to relight the candle, and then he went back to dig his knees into the hard wood of the benches in Clinton Church, and he would pray again. He wasn’t sure what he prayed for if it was guidance or forgiveness, but the nuns at the orphanage told him that praying always served a purpose and that he was to do it as often as he possibly could. 
He spent every breathing hour of his life devoted to God, not expecting anything in return. As a boy, he craved answers, he craved the comfort of someone, anyone, even if it was just a faceless deity in the sky, though as he got older, he realized that some voices just won’t be heard. God can only do so much. There are limits even to his power. To some, he comes, to others, he doesn’t. Some prayers meet deaf ears and no matter how much you pray, it’s never enough. 
Still, he returned to the church he grew up in and he gave his heart to the cause. He prayed, he confessed and every time the world beat him down, he would light a candle at the altar to offer God his sacrifice. 
Matt didn’t fear much. He jumped head-first into danger and returned with his fists bloody. He had seen the bottom of humanity, stared down the endless pit of despair, yet he always came back. There wasn’t much he feared, at least not the things a normal human being should cower from. 
He wasn’t sure what exactly irked him about her though.
About the woman standing at the bar with a glass of Scotch in her hand - the expensive kind, he could smell the stench from miles away. The liquor rested on her lips, overshadowing even her sweet perfume and the scent of the dry cleaner’s sandalwood and rain laundry detergent left in the fibers of her equally as expensive dress. 
What color was it? He wanted to ask. Not that he cared, but the curiosity drew him closer to the stranger. It was a curiosity that came with a heavy feeling in his stomach as if mountains of stones kept him from moving. He was paralyzed. The tiny hairs on his neck stood up, his hand clenched around his cane and he couldn’t help but lick his lips one too many times. 
Cold sweat pooled in his palms. His senses reeled; as they always did at huge gatherings, too overwhelmed with all the new sensations and unable to focus on anything in particular which made him feel even more out of control than he usually did, but the second he caught onto the woman at the bar just standing there in all her confident glory, radiating so many red flags, he lost count, his blood pressure spiked and he went pale.
He had never met her before, but he instantly knew that there was something inherently wrong about her presence. She didn’t fit in.
The invisible hammer hit him suddenly. She was looking at him, he could tell. Her head tilted ever so slightly, eyes narrowing at his sight. If she could tell he was analyzing her or if she merely found him attractive, he couldn’t tell. 
Judging by the way her body language shifted from the elegant, confident woman to an almost dangerously cocky predator, he suspected it was the former. How could she have possibly caught onto that? Were his stiff posture, the position of his head, and his right grip around his cane that obvious? He usually made a habit of hiding his abilities, and he considered himself good at it. She seemed to look right through him though, and it felt humiliating to have her eyes bore right through his soul as if he were an open textbook. 
A hand found its way onto his shoulder. “Matt?” he heard his friend call out for him, but the cotton in his usually so sensitive ears kept the voice distant. 
He was hypnotized by the stranger on the other end of the room. It didn’t seem healthy to be so caught up on someone he had never met and couldn’t even see. Who knew who she was? She smelled of danger and despair, but at the same time, his body jolted with excitement at the prospect of her coming over after realizing he was trying to subtly check her out in his own special way. The rational part of him told him to run while the other urged him forward. He needed to get to know her, he needed to satisfy his curiosity and heal his suspicions. 
Matt wouldn’t give in, no. Dangerous people had their tricks to get people like him to fall for their charms, and she reeked of danger. Even without knowing her, he could tell that she was nowhere near the well-put-together woman she pretended to be around the men yearning for her, trying to buy her drinks and gain her attention by talking smart. She used them, she didn’t care. She thrived off of the attention, which was exactly why she turned to him when she felt his metaphorical eyes on her. 
“Matt!” Foggy’s voice grew louder. He tore the cotton from his ears, redirecting his attention. 
She slipped from his grasp as he turned to his friend, cheeks red and shocked at his inability to control his thoughts for only just a moment. 
His tongue darted out to wet his quivering bottom lip. “Yeah,” he said. “Sorry, I got distracted. What were you saying?”
Distracted was an understatement.
“Henry’s here,” he told him.
“From college. Henry Verlice.”
He raised his eyebrows behind the red glasses that adorned his face. The light of the chandelier fell on him just right, tinting his pale skin a soft yellow and underlining the dark color of his glasses. He adjusted them on his nose and said, “Henry ‘the Hunk’ Verlice?” 
Foggy clapped. “Exactly!”
“Wow,” he pretended to sound as if he hadn’t heard their old classmate enter the gala about twenty-five minutes ago. “Didn’t he drop out of college in the fourth semester because he knocked up Sarah McKinley, our civil rights professor’s wife?” 
“So they say.” He sipped his drink, a mixture of vodka and cranberry juice, with just a little more of the latter to make up for the bitter alcohol. 
Foggy was an avid beer drinker. He didn’t like Scotch, he preferred Whiskey, but the choices they offered at this particular gala made even Matt’s stomach churn, and he drank cheap German beer for a living. 
He ordered a Macallan, neat. He always did. 
Matt toyed with the ice cubes in his drink. “Why do we care about Henry all of a sudden?” he asked.
“Haven’t you heard? He joined this huge law firm,” said Foggy. “Even bigger than Landman & Zach. They make a shit-ton of money. Now, remember what he said to us? That we were never going to make it?”
“Ah,” he chuckled knowingly, “you’re afraid he might remember us and when he finds out our law firm doesn’t make any money…”
“Imagine the talk, Matt! We just proved everyone who didn’t believe in us back then, right.” 
Matt pointed at his glass. “How much of that have you had?”
“Too much.”
“Okay,” he huffed. “We should be proud of what we do, Foggy. These people…” he motioned to the crowd of lawyers and judges around them, “they are only in it for the money. People like Henry do this job solely because they want to profit from the misery of their clients, possibly make them even more miserable. We don’t do that. We’re better than them. We take care of the little guy, no matter the cost. Why should we feel guilty for making this dream – our dream a reality?” 
Foggy looked at him as if he had just told him he didn’t know what cows were. “Because we’re broke, Matt!” he said. “We don’t have any money to flaunt around as they do.” He hit his drink back. “We don’t belong here.”
“I don’t disagree with anything you’re saying, but may I remind you that this was your idea?” he challenged.
“I didn’t expect us to run into so many of our old acquaintances.”
“What did you expect, a room full of strangers?”
“Would have been nice for a change,” he said. 
“Look, Foggy,” he grabbed his sleeve, “maybe you’re right. Maybe we should just leave.”
Much to his dismay, he shook his head. “We can’t pull out now, Matt. That would be even worse. For our reputation and my ego. Besides,” he said, and his giddy grin returned steadily with each passing second, “Where else would we get an open bar?”
In the distance, Matt heard the doors open again. Heels clacked against the floor. 
“Oh, finally! Marci’s here.” Foggy straightened his bow tie. “How do I look?”
“I don’t know, I can’t see,” he deadpanned back at him.
“Right, my bad,” he said. 
“I’m sure you look great.”
“Thanks, buddy! Appreciate the effort. If you need anything, just call, okay?”
Matt sighed deeply into his Macallan. “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine,” he said. “Go and have sex with your very obnoxious girlfriend in some random bathroom like two randy teenagers.”
“You sure?” 
“Yeah, ‘cause that’s what I’d do. We’ve all been there. Now go, before Marci changes her mind and leaves you who earns the amount you have in college debt in just a month.”
Foggy pulled the loose strands of his unruly blond hair behind his ear. “I’m sure you’ll find an eligible partner here somewhere,” he said right before he left. “You always do, blind act and all. Stay strong, buddy. Marry a rich woman. You can do it.”
It was as good of a pep talk that he could come up with in his crush-induced haze. 
It wasn’t often his friend who stepped out early with a girl. Usually, Matt was the one with a woman or a man on his arm and back on the way to his apartment where he would indulge in several hours of great sex — he knew how to pick them and how to please them. Sex became his favorite coping mechanism, his senses finally being able to shut down and allowing him to breathe as he gave himself fully to someone else. His endeavors were entirely physical and they didn’t end in breakfast. 
What Foggy always told him he wanted, he hated most about himself. He enjoyed the meaningless encounters and the benefits that came from them, but it didn’t help with curing the deep loneliness in his chest, as if something or someone was missing.
Once his friend was gone, he became painfully aware of the same Scotch-scented lips he had lingered on only moments before. He couldn’t hear her heartbeat, he only made out the faint scent of her perfume. 
“So you didn’t come here alone,” her voice sounded like what he imagined the sirens of the sea in the several lore books he had read growing up to sound like whenever they sang. His toes curled, a chill ran up and down his spine, and somehow the sweet tone shot straight to his very touch-deprived cock. 
He flinched, turning around on the heel of his shiny dress shoes. 
“I’m sorry, did I startle you?” she asked. “That wasn’t my intention.” The curl of her tongue at the top of her mouth told him that she was lying. 
He started to doubt his hearing abilities. Her heartbeat was so faint, he almost missed it. It was slow, almost like the dying flame on a candle. She breathed in intervals, something he couldn’t possibly consider healthy. The closer she got, the colder her skin felt, and he wasn’t even touching her. His heart rate picked up, his brain secreted cortisol into his bloodstream. Any second now, his fight or flight instinct would kick in. He had a choice, but he couldn’t move. She had him under some kind of spell.
He clenched harder around his cane. “I- I’m sorry,” he breathed. 
She tilted her head. “Sorry for what, exactly? Stalking me or not coming up to talk to me when I caught you?”
Matt chuckled. Not even his mouth was under his control anymore. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You don’t?” she said, eyelashes batting innocently. 
Her finger touched the sleeve of his tux, purposely avoiding his skin. He could feel the low temperature radiating off of her, but somehow he was hotter than ever in the gigantic room. His bow tie seemed to suffocate him, and the buttons of his shirt wound too tightly around his torso. 
“And here I was, thinking you’d be interested in me.”
He swallowed.
“Am I wrong?” The woman stepped closer to him. Nothing else mattered but her scent and the intoxicating feel of her hands touching the fabric of his clothes. He lost control of himself, feeling his grip on reality loosen and slip into the abyss. 
He sucked in a sharp breath when her hand wandered to his neckline. She popped the button on the top. Matt sucked in the welcomed air instantly. He could taste her on his tongue now, sweet and salty and full of liquor. 
“You don’t even know my name,” he said. 
She shrugged, her red-painted lip curled into a smirk. “You don’t know mine either,” she said.
His eyes fluttered shut as her breath fanned over his face. “I believe that could be considered unethical, not knowing someone’s name before making advances.”
She chuckled, one of the softest tunes he had ever heard before. 
“I mean, that’s what you’re doing, isn’t it? You came here to see if you could get me into bed?”
She eyed him up close and personal, her head twitching to the side to take in the sight of his bare neck. His Adam's apple popped as he swallowed the lump threatening to choke him once more. His aorta bulged out of his skin. She watched as his pulse hammered against it even faster at her proximity. 
She licked over her lips. “More or less,” she rasped. 
He leaned back into her. The magnetic pull threatened to snap his neck and send him straight to hell. 
“Why, is that something that you’d want?”
“Is it something that you want?” he retorted. 
The glint in her eyes grew. She shoved the empty glass of Macallan aside, placing hers in his hand. “Have you ever tried Scotch that’s a century old?” 
His eyebrows shot up. The different aspects of her very unique scent were starting to cause a headache. He couldn’t differentiate between who he wanted her to be and who she truly was. 
Realizing he wasn’t quite present, she guided his hand to his mouth. His lips wrapped around the brim of her glass, tasting the slight cherry tint of her lipstick and her saliva mixed with the third portion of the same liquid. 
The Scotch burned down his throat. It was strong, sharp, and tasted musky. He wondered how expensive a bottle of this was, let alone a glass. Her eyes stayed on him the entire time, stronger when he licked his lips and subconsciously inched closer to her. As cold as she was, her body screamed for him to take her. He must have blacked out. This had to be a dream bordering on a nightmare. The mask he put on every time he went out as Matt Murdock was starting to slip into the one he put on at night. The darkness in his mind wasn’t his, it was the devil’s, and the snake that she was, she was compelling him to bite into the apple and give in. 
“Taste good?” she asked. 
Matt swallowed again. “It’s Scotch,” he answered. 
“Aren’t century-old things just beautiful? And they taste and smell absolutely…” she sniffed at the brown liquor, “ah, divine.”
“You have experience with that sort of thing?”
“I have experience with a lot of things.”
She placed the glass back down on the tabletop. Her heel nudged at his calf. He couldn’t move, not sure if it was her or himself this time that had him trapped close to her. He wasn’t lucid, couldn’t be, though at the same time he had never felt more aware of someone.
The world didn’t matter, his senses focused entirely on her, and even then they were lulled by everything that she had and had not. Trying to understand her had his mind in a painful twist, but his nerves didn’t respond to the stimuli. He felt nothing but a strange pull in her direction that made the blood run from his cheeks between his legs, the last place he wanted it to be. 
He buried his teeth in his bottom lip, glad that his glasses hid the inability to keep his eyes open or rolled forward in her presence. He didn’t want to give the stranger the power she wanted. He smelled the danger before, and it became even clearer now, only this time, the fear was replaced with an inappropriate, down-right filthy, and animalistic feeling. 
It had to be her fault he was feeling this way. She was cold, yet his body was on fire. Her heartbeat was faint, almost silent, yet it screamed in his ears. With anyone else, he would have already run, put on his Daredevil suit, and solved this the right way. But no, Matt Murdock couldn’t move a muscle that he wanted, only those he couldn’t control. 
“How much harder do you plan to try to get me to fuck you?” he heard himself breathe out.
He swallowed the grunt in the back of his throat. Her leg was completely between his now. The fabric of her dress shifted, sliding further up her thigh. 
She laughed quietly at his choice of words. “I think you got it all wrong, darling,” she said. “I don’t need anyone to fuck me.”
He huffed, “What do you take me for?”
She shrugged. Her finger switched from his arm to his chest, using her whole hand to feel the abs that were undoubtedly hiding underneath the tight dress shirt. His muscles hardened under her touch, the low temperature even clearer through the thin fabric. The hairs on his body stood up. He shivered, the heat in his veins multiplying with her wandering hands. One grabbed at his bicep, the other continued to explore his torso. 
Her lips tickled at his ear when she whispered to him, “Tell me if you want me to stop.”
The worst part was, he didn’t want her to. The gala was crowded, but he couldn’t have cared less. If people wanted to pry, they should. 
She ghosted over his belt. The fog that surrounded him thinned a little, the prospect shooting the first thrill of fear through him ever since she stepped into his personal space. 
Matt almost broke the glass in his hand, a groan passing his lips, as two of her fingers shamelessly stroked over his hardening cock. His hips bucked into her touch before he flinched away, realizing how wrong this was. She was a stranger in the middle of an overcrowded room; she had no business touching him like that. 
He set his mind on telling her to stop, though instead, what came out was, “I’d like to get a name first,” he said. 
That still left the prospect of them going further open, if only he knew who she was. 
Her hand came back up, nail extended to scratch over the scruff on his jawline, following the poorly shaved hairs down to the distracting vein that kept pumping the blood through his body. Not once did her skin touch his, only her nail dug into his throat. He stopped breathing. 
“A lady doesn’t kiss and tell. Besides,” she purred, “when I am done with you, you won’t even be able to scream my name. So why bother with theatrics when sounds are already such powerful communicators?”
She looked down between them, his hot crotch close to hers. The blood on her fingertip trickles down into her palm. She considered wiping it on his pants, but that would have been quite a waste. 
“If the next time we see each other I get the same reaction, we are going to have so much fun together.” 
Matt slowly returned to his body. He tasted the copper in the air, his hand reaching up to trace the scratch right over his aorta. He felt the pulsating of his cock, the missing attention leaving him with nothing but blue balls. His heart punched against the inside of his ribcage. The sharp pain in his neck burned through his skin. He hissed, playing with the blood in between his fingers. It was hot and sticky, and the consistency was thin enough to let it travel down with gravity down his heated skin.
He was more focused on the clarity that came back to him than on the sound of the stranger’s heels distancing herself from the table. When he realized she had gone, it was already too late for him to act. Back in control of himself, the shame was greater than the arousal had been. 
The voice in his head chided him for being so foolish, for letting that happen to him. He was no smarter than before. The darkness she brought with her infected him and he had realized too late what it was doing to him and the other side of him, too, that had been sleeping soundly while waiting to be unleashed when it was time. 
He pushed down on the cut again, partly because he felt as if he deserved the torture, but also because that woman left her mark in more ways than one and that was something his mind still couldn’t wrap itself around. 
She sucked her index finger into her mouth, tongue swirling over the small drop of blood she had drawn. Her eyes rolled back into her head. 
Soon enough, she was no longer alone. “Everything okay, boss?” the man to her left asked.
She halted, pointing her finger at the distraught figure at the opposite end of the ballroom. “I want to know who he is,” she said. 
“Know as in-“ he didn’t voice his thoughts, though he made a grabbing motion at his neck. 
“No,” she shook her head, “I just want his name and… well, what else I want from him is none of your business.”
Her bright eyes turned a shade darker. 
“Nevertheless, I’m starving. I think we should abandon this establishment to go somewhere that best fits our needs, don’t you think so, Talon?”
He smirked knowingly. “The others have been asking the same thing,” he said.
“Then you better get them together. We only have a small window of time before what we’re doing arouses the suspicion of certain law enforcement agencies. Or, Lucifer forbid, the Avengers.” She scoffed, “Now that would just be embarrassing.”
Talon held the door open for her. However, she couldn’t possibly leave without throwing another longing glance in the direction of the object of her attraction. 
She licked over the sharp teeth that poked out of her mouth, tasting the remains of his blood all over them. The sensation was stronger, and much more detailed. It wasn’t just copper, it was sweet and heavy, almost like the whipped cream, sauce, and sprinkles on an ice cream sundae. It was the cherry on top, a dream to taste, an orgasm to her tastebuds, and fuel for her never-ending hunger. 
Watching his more-than-human form, she willed the fangs to shrink back to their usual size. There was no time for that, at least not yet, maybe not ever. She wasn’t sure what to do with him just yet. Until she knew how to proceed, he was nothing more than a handsome stranger she met at the bar. 
Matt had folded his cane and bent over the table slightly, trying to catch his breath and figure out what happened. The tissue he held against his throat displayed a small drop of blood that had seeped into it.
She stared at the crimson remains on her fingertip, her smirk only deepening and the darkness in her eyes taking over.
Talon crossed his arms. “Everything okay?” he questioned.
She was tired of being asked the same question over and over again.
“I’m splendid,” she said. “I just realized that I’m not quite ready to leave New York just yet, nor am I satisfied.”
She could have sworn he turned back to her when the big, golden doors started to close around her. He tilted his head, she joined him. 
“Not until I get what I want, at least.”
And what she wanted would no longer be there in a century or two – he would be gone and she would return to a changed city with nothing to go back on. 
That was her curse, after all. The people she cared about slipped through her fingers the same way that the sand slipped through her lifetime's hourglass. But in her case, there was no top or bottom, the clock just kept on ticking and the sand kept on falling. 
Even when everyone else was long gone, she would remain as a stranger on a reformed planet and be forced to look upon the ashes of the life she once led. 
The lives she had lived were somewhere in the hundreds, but only a handful of those had been filled with people she adored, and every time it happened, she had to watch them pass as the sand of passing time swallowed them whole.
Humanity’s hourglass was limited to a minimum and maximum lifespan. She was stranded in a never-ending quicksand. Humans knew that once their clock ran out, their time was over and they could finally rest.
She wished she could do that too. She wished she could stare into the hourglass and watch her time run out, to know she could rest after an eternity of running from everything and everyone. Instead, though, she had to watch as life took everyone she ever cared about, and with every new decade or century or millennia, the cycle would repeat itself the same way it had from the beginning. 
She must have been an awful person in her past life because if God were as merciful as every believer on the planet claimed he was, he wouldn’t have sent her down the spiral in the first place. 
There was a reason people worshipped the devil; he would have thought of many ways to torture a sinner, but cursing them with eternal life he wouldn’t have as he had been condemned too, a long time ago, to be someone he never wanted to be. 
She became something she never wanted to be and never asked to become, and there was no one to blame but the almighty, all-merciful God in heaven and his hopelessly false righteousness, that steals more lives than it saves.
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Long Haired Boy Bracket All Contestants
The polls will start this tuesday the 2nd
Bracket A
1 - Ling Yao Fullmetal Alchemist vs Will Turner Pirates of the Caribbean
2 - Chigiri Hyoma Blue Lock vs Kasanoda Ritsu OHSHC
3 - Squidward Tentacles Sponge Bob Square Pants vs Link Legend of Zelda
4 - Heimdall Mcu vs Enoch Drebber Ace Attorney
5 - Izuru Kamukura Danganronpa vs Silver Pokémon
6 - Wei Wuxian Mo Dao Zu Shi vs Hua Cheng Heaven's Official Blessing
7 - Wataru Hibiki Ensemble Stars vs Akoya Gero Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-Bu Love
8 - Su Honkai Impact 3rd vs Reyson Fire Emblem
9 - Vanitas Vanitas no Carte vs Athos 3 musketeers
10 - Destruction The Sandman vs Eliot Stardew Valley
11 - Neightan Rot Monster High vs Haruka Hashida Blue Period
12 - Kian Stone Just Roll With It, Show vs Aion Show By Rock
13 - Shulk Xenoblade vs Antonio Identity V
14 - Beelzebub Granblue Fantasy vs Kiun Noragami
15 - Alex Harvey-Iniguez Magical Warrior Diamond Heart vs Fabian Blush Blush
16 - Lord Cedric W.I.T.C.H vs Eithan Aurelius Cradle Series
Bracket B
1 - Korekiyo Shinguji Danganronpa vs Hong Lu Limbus Company
2 - Alucard Castlevania vs Finn The Human Adventure Time
3 - Sakurayashiki Kaoru "Cherry" Sk8 Infinity vs Rosado Fire Emblem
4 - Geralt Of Rivia The Witcher vs Elrond Lord Of The Rings
5 - Inigo Montoya The Princess Bride vs Fire Lord Zuko Avatar The Last Airbender/Avatar The Legend Of Korra
6 - Natural Harmonia Gropius "N" Pokémon vs Loki Mcu
7 - Samsom The Old Testament vs Aramis 3 musketeers
8 - Interdimensional Prince Monster Prom vs Furanui Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-Bu Happy Kiss
9 - Ichirota Kazemaru Inazuma Eleven vs Lucas Rune Factory 5
10 - Helia Winx Club vs Gunpowder Tim The Mechanisms
11 - Shinjiro Nozomi Entropic Float vs Dia Akedia Court of Darkness
12 - Jareth The Goblin King Labyrinth vs Br'aad Vengolor Just Roll With It
13 - Little Creek Spirit vs Bigby Wolf Fables
14 - Terry Bogard Fatal Fury vs Prince Phobos W.I.T.C.H
15 - Dyuradyura Show By Rock vs Noah Kawaii Mansion
16 - Howell Wizard Bee and Puppycat vs Zero Megaman
Bracket C
1 - Inuyasha Inuyasha vs Lucius Fire Emblem
2 - Legolas Lord of the Rings vs Greg Universe Steven Universe
3 - Melli Pokémon vs Shatterstar Marvel
4 - Klavier Gavin Ace Attorney vs Lan Wangji Mo Dao Zu Shi
5 - Chewbacca Star Wars vs Cousin it The Addams Family
6 - Captain Hook Peter Pan vs Edward Elric Fullmetal Alchemist
7 - Tarzan Tarzan vs Razor Genshin Impact
8 - Gerard Keay The Magnus Archives vs Deidara Naruto
9 - Yan Qing Fate Grand Order vs Porthos 3 musketeers
10 - Yue Cardcaptor Sakura vs Headmaster Precure
11 - Kurama Yu Yu Hakusho vs Gillion Tidestrider Just Roll With It
12 - Sitka Brother Bear vs Lord Cob Tales Of Earthsea
13 - Kidou Yuuto Inazuma Eleven Go vs Takumi Ichinose Nana
14 - Peter Cook W.I.T.C.H vs Alec Swordspoint
15 - Peking Duck Food Fantasy vs Karurusu Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-Bu Happy Kiss
16 - Blue Knight Tokyo Mew Mew vs Yakari Yakari
Bracket D
1 - Asakura Hao Shaman King vs Soren Fire Emblem
2 - Sesshomaru Inuyasha vs Christopher Yugioh Zexal
3 - Lord Farquaad Shrek vs Katsura Kotaro Gintama
4 - Jesus The Bible vs Sephiroth Final Fantasy VII
5 - Aoba Seragaki Dramatical Murder vs Basil Hawkins One Piece
6 - Kamui Gakupo Vocaloid vs Nahyuta Sahdmadhi Ace Attorney
7 - Jon Snow Game of Thrones vs Grusha Pokémon
8 - Terumi Furo "Aphorodi" Inazuma Eleven vs Joseph Identity V
9 - Nahobino Shin Megami Tensei vs Kite Hunter x Hunter
10 - Ogron Winx Club vs Niklaus Just Roll With It
11 - D'artagnian 3 musketeers vs Monmon Show by Rock
12 - Xie Lian Heaven's Official Blessing vs Olivier Vanitas no Carte
13 - Xiao Yin Dislyte vs Thane Bauer Watashi no Oshi Wa Akuyaku Reijou
14 - Toki Wartooth Metalocalypse vs Madmartigan Willow
15 - DJ Grooves A Hat In Time vs Jae-ha Akatsuki no Yona
16 - Nezumi No.6 vs Ashe Bradley Witch's Heart
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caracoloco · 5 months
i was gonna do like a long thing with all of my thoughts and favorite interactions of labru but im back in school and also doing social service and barely have any time for myself so this is not getting finished lol. anyways here are some my labru thoughts which honestly is not anything that anyone hasnt said already lol
shit my mom just showed me a video of boneless wings im sooo hungry.
there's something about narrative foils that just makes my head explode sometimes bc it's like two characters whose fundamental flaws perfectly complement each other and therefore you can see how they both develop after interacting with each other and imo that very easily leads into them developing deep respect and affection (at least in the labru case, bc in other cases it can lead to vicious hatred which is also great for me).
so what i mean by this is that kabru is the opposite of laios in several aspects:
-laios is obsessed with monsters/ hates humans despite what he may think, on the contrary kabru is obsessed with people/ hates monsters. and the noticable thing is that they both have the same intensity but due to kabru's charisma it is not seen as repulsive unlike with laios. that leads to the next point.
-kabru has like op levels of charisma and the skills to manipulate people to always get what he wants, on the contrary laios does not understand others and constantly makes mistakes bc he assumes goodwill out of others or is just unable to read the room which in turn makes him public enemy #1.
-another thing which is not as pointed imo is that kabru has as much skill in human combat as laios has with monsters. in the story this is the very reason why kabru finds it necessary (despite his annoyance) to support him as he realizes he is the most capable of defeating the mad sorcerer. then on the sidelines kabru did a lot of work in preventing him from getting killed by other people who saw him as insane which allowed him to get that far in the first place.
-laios is a very honest person, being a terrible liar and always saying what he thinks even if it makes the situation worse (like when he was trying to comfort senshi in the griffin chapter). again, opposite to that kabru constantly lies and carefully chooses his words to best fit the situation (and the person he is talking to) even if it is not a high-stakes situation. the one person who i'd say he is the most honest to is rin but even then i don't think he is the most vulnerable even with her.
-other not as relevant point which i noticed is that laios is actually really tidy compared to kabru. when you look at their rooms in the adventurer's bible laios has a lot more organization than kabru whose room looks like my room on bad week. that combined with the fact that the bar owner cleans the room for him makes me think that kabru is a lot less self sufficient than he appears, unlike laios that was living pretty alright since the return of his sister.
So i think those are their main parallels that stem from their central character trait of being obsessed with humans/monsters. which is interesting bc when kabru was first introduced he looked like the idealized version of a party leader with all of the traits laios lacked, but as the manga develops you realize that they really are two sides of the same coin and their interests are what makes them grow into very different people. (well their interests and their traumas/upbringing)
moving on to the story. the most interesting part in my opinion is the way that kabru's relationship and feelings towards laios go from interest to hatred to respect to friendship.
<not finished>
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imadhatt3r · 11 months
Everyone is so wrapped up in talking about straight Lagoona (L) that nobody noticed that LESBIAN CLAWDEEN IS FINALLY CANON?!?!?!
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There was this scene in one episode where the eye recorder thing students have threatened to show who she likes, I wonder who that will be?
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domes · 4 months
part, 17
Prompt: "His grief he will not forget; but it will not darken his heart, it will teach him wisdom."
All it took was a few attempts to attack the monster to tell it was impossible. Bullets, punches, slices all whiffed through it like a haze, or as Seth managed to say out loud through a fear tightend throat, "It's just a thick fart." Everyone stays mostly still, frozen in the realization that they can't even touch this thing. Derek stands with the tip of his katana resting on the rock contemplating this revelation of uselessness. The monster takes a swing at Rilke. Derek flinches and in doing so seems to have put a thought together. "It makes them real. The little guy makes them!" He runs over to Seth and guides him into holding the naked rat up like an offering in a bible painting, in doing so Seth loses control of the bag of prairie dogs, they spill out and circle around the fray, each perching on their own bit of rock, each watching the beast take up the baby.
At the monster's touch, the baby lets out squeak that from any bigger creature would be a scream.
At that sound everyone snaps out of their frozen fear. The sludge of inaction and thought burns off in an instant. Nermal bites Odie and John to get them moving and the three rush the beast. Derek raises his katana and goes into a full anime sword bearing sprint. Rilke unloads a clip at center mass. Seth tries biting the god damned thing. K dives full body at a monster that he know can stop his heart with a single touch.
Everyone just straight goes fucking feral.
With flesh in his teeth rather than thin air, Seth seems to have figured something out, the beast is denser, real , made solid and getting more filled in, starting from where it touched the baby. He lets out a scream halfway between a hype up yell and pure pants shitting terror before he lunges again and latches on to the beast's face with his teeth. He bites, locks in, and shakes back and forth like a dog, and the beast's flesh gives, a real fetid hung of decaying ancient meat tears loose into Seth’s mouth. The unimaginably horrid taste and smell only pushes him and everyone else further.
Rilke pistol whips like a raging Joe Pesci character while Derek shows surprising control of his decorative katana. For a man so epically zooted running off high elevation oxygen levels he is almost impressive. John, Odie, and Nermal climb the mountain of a beast taking hunks of flesh at every gain in elevation. The rodent teeth click in unison, snapping like a pack of rabid staple removers. K is calmly screaming while attempting to pull the baby from the monsters grasps. He tries to pull the sooty claws apart, as the sound of rapid evaporation fills the air. The flesh on his hand starts to char. He grabs with his other hand as well, this time with the momentary hesitation of from the foreknowledge of what pain awaits.
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peppapigvevo · 11 months
there was am alleged monster high story Bible leak and I say alleged because I have doubts it's real
why does the Bible say Cleo and Deuce are exes when they barely interact in the show? they're exes in the live action but thsts an entirely different continuity.
Cleo literally glues her face on every morning but that hasn't been the subject of a gag yet?
Clawdeens' section mentions her dad, some backstory on her mom, as well as interactions with the other werewolves, but no mention of Clawd?
idk man it may very well be real but it feels a little too much like an ambiguous set of headcanons for me to take it 100% seriously at this point in time
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bylerschmyler · 2 years
Threats in Stranger Things
This is going to be an analysis on the threats in Stranger Things. 
Although we have different antagonists in every season, the basic threats stay the same. What do I mean exactly: 
Going through the seasons you can see three different kinds of threats in every season:
We have the Bullies:
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(Troy/James, Billy, Bruce/Tom, Jason)
The Government:
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(Brenner's Agents, Owens Agents, Russians, Sullivan)
And the Supernatural (Upside Down): 
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(Demogorgon, Mind Flayer, Mind Flayer Flesh Version, Vecna)
While you can add multiple creatures/persons to each kind every season I will mainly focus on those shown above because these are the main threats in each season. 
The Bullies: 
It is very interesting how they altered the bullies in each season. 
In Season 1 the main bullies are Troy and James who target the party and especially Mike. Their Bullying is focused on HOMOPHOBIA. We see and hear them talking and making fun of Will assuming his homosexuality. 
While Troy and James also make comments to Lucas (racism) and Dustin (anti-disabled) their focus is on Will’s assumed homosexuality and projecting that on to Mike too. 
Other bullies we see throughout the show also focus primarily on homophobia. 
Lonnie called Will a F**.
Steve said to Johnathan that he thought he was a queer. 
I want to mention too that Troy and James are Middle School bullies. This will become more important later.
Important to notice: Troy “forced” Mike to jump off a cliff, which without eleven would have resulted in his death. 
Season 2 has Billy as the main bully. Billy like Troy was influenced by his father (“He was killed by another queer. At Least that's what my dad says”). Difference to note here Billy was in a cycle of abuse. Homophobia is still a topic in Season 2 (Neil’s F** comment) but it shifts to RACISM. And while Mike was a main target of bullying in Season 1 the main target of season 2 is Lucas. Billy’s comments to Max about him are very obviously motivated by racism. When Billy comes to the Byers house he focuses his rage on Lucas. When Lucas fights back, Steve intertwines resulting in shifting Billy’s rage to him. Without Max’s intervention Billy would probably have killed Steve. Most likely in shifting to Lucas right afterwards. 
Billy is a High School Jock fighting with Steve about the “King of Hawkins High” Title. 
Season 3 is a lot different to the former seasons. The focus of the bullying shifts from the party to Nancy. Nancy’s coworkers and boss (Bruce Lowe and Tom Holloway) are 
MISOGYNISTIC. They are making fun of her and not taking her seriously. In difference to S1 and S2 to where the bullies themself tried to kill the bullied in S3 Bruce and Tom are influenced by the Mind Flayer to threaten and eventually kill Nancy and Jonathan. While still in human form Jonathan is taking the hits from Tom, while Nancy gets hurt after they morph into the monster. “The protector” taking the hit is massively paralleling S2 where Steve protects Lucas. 
Tom and Bruce are Work Bullies.
Season 4 is the most complex Situation so far (imo). Obviously El is bullied by Angela and her friends in Lenora. But that is not the main bully threat of S4. Season 4 has Jason as the main bully. While he is also a High School Jock this is not his implied role for the bullying. He is shown as the initiator of a manhunt for Eddie and the Hellfire Club. He quotes the bible and the quote is later used on a banner outside the church. So this is most likely a confrontation with bullying about RELIGOUS BELIEVES. While Satanism in context of Dungeons and Dragons is not comparable to other religious hatred like antisemitism or antiislamism it is shown as such in S4. Jason works as a religious leader motivating his followers to fight against the Satanic Cult (Hellfire).
He tries to kill Lucas in the attic of the creel house with a gun. Other targets during the season were obviously the members of Hellfire Club. Eddie, Dustin, Gareth and Mike are focused on during the Season beside Lucas. 
In every Season there is a different kind of Bully, with a different role and different reason to bully. Lucas is the only one so far being targeted directly twice. One thing all bullies have in common over the season is that they end up trying to kill one of the characters. In Season 1 and Season 3 it is less with the intention to murderer rather then irgnoring the consequenses (S1 Troy not thinking about the danger of the jump, only wanting to make Mike “wet himself”) or being forced by a third Party (Bruce and Tom under the influence of the Mind Flayer). In Season 2 and 4 the bully deliberately decided that he wanted to kill the character they targeted (in both cases Lucas, only that Billy’s violence is redirected to Steve).  
Stranger Things showed us the main reasons for hate against other human being (besides personal reasons)
Comparing the Hellfire Club situation to a religious hate trope is a little reach I know, but it is basically exactly that. I mean why else would the show Jason citing the bible and show as the exact same quote in front of a church if it’s not meant to be bound to religion.  
The Government
The threat generated by the government is pretty much always the same with differences in some characteristics. 
In Season 1 the governmental threat was caused by Dr. Brenners hunt for Eleven. So obviously El was Brenners main target but he - or better his agents - didn’t shy away from targeting people around El too. They killed Benny Hammond because he was a witness El existed. 
They later targeted the Party because they suspected their involvement with El after the AV-Club incident. 
While Lucas and Dustin were obviously targeted too, the focus as target is drawn to Mike because they find out that El is “living” with the Wheelers. We are shown his parents and their reaction in contrast to Dustin’s and Lucas' parents who are not really involved in S1 at all. 
Beside their main target (EL) Brenner and his goons have another objective: Keeping the whole situation under the radar. 
This is why they create the scenario with Wil’s fake body and drug Hopper after he broke into the lab. 
The S1 governmental threat is ruthless and trying to cover up their mistakes.
The Latter also accounts to Season 2 governmental threat. Owens said himself, while talking to Nancy and Jonathan in the Lab that they had to hide “one hell of a mistake”. The threat from owens isn’t really tangible but it looms around everything we see. The NDAs everybody involved in Season 1 had to sign are brought up by multiple groups. Lucas with Max, Joyce with Bob and Nancy and Steve with the Hollands. Additionally Hopper fears Owens will take El into captivity again so he hides her in his cabin. 
Important to notice: Owens agents are not ruthless. When Nancy staged the Holland information transfer, Owens agents did not use force/violence but tricked them into a situation where Nancy and Jonthan didn’t seem to have much of a choice than to follow them to the Lab. The threat, as I said already, is more or less only theoretical and on the characters mind but otherwise barely shown. 
In Season 3 we swap governments because the governmental threat is held by the Russians that infiltrated Hawkins. Again the government agents are ruthless and don't shy away from killing. Especially the russian Schwarzenegger is shown as a killing machine. They aim for control of the upside down. Besides the manhunt on Hopper, Joyce and Alexei it is also shown how they treat captives. We see Steve and Robin in the underground base and Steve being tortured by the Russian. The Russians think he is an agent from the CIA or FBI. Later they succeed in taking Hopper hostage and bringing him to Russia.
Season 4 has practically two governmental threats. Sullivan and Russia. But in my opinion the Russian governmental threat is not really governmental but local prison policy. So I will concentrate on Sullivan. 
Sullivan is a high ranked military official, who is portrayed as a man of action rather than a man of science. He thinks that El is on the loose and killing people in Hawkins. He dehumanizes her as “Brenner’s little pet” and later in the season is ready to kill her. He also commands his agents to not hold back. They are literally ready to kill 2 14/15 year olds and a 18 year old in order to achieve their goal in stopping El. Agent Wallace is tortured by Sullivan and they also killed everybody coming out of the NINA project bunker. They are portrayed as massively ruthless and heartless and not negotiable with. Owens tried and failed. 
Important to note here: Sullivan knows about the Byers hiding El and Mike being important to El because of her letter. 
The governmental threat is mostly portrayed as ruthless and ready to kill everybody in their way. The only exception being Owens' agents in Season 2. Excluding the season 2 threat every governmental threat is trying to kill the people involved in disrupting their mission. 
All agents operate from secrecy but are partially keen to start a shootout when it seems necessary. The governmental threat while different in some characteristics is mostly heavily comparable (excluding Season 2). 
The Supernatural (Upside Down)
The Supernatural threat is always the main focus of the show (obviously). There are a lot of similarities which can be easily explained with the threats being part of Hive Mind, but there are also some differences we need to talk about. Through the seasons the main UD threat is altered with being physical and psychic.
In Season 1 the Demogorgon is a physical threat. While it seems that some weird psychic stuff is happening (#will byers vanishing) the Demogorgon itself is shown as a massive physical threat. It is shown as being tall, strong, fast, heaving dangerous claws and an even more dangerous denture. It also seems unstoppable without fire because we see it getting shot multiple times (Nancy and the agents in the school) but it doesn’t die. 
The Demogorgon targets many characters throughout the season. 
Starting with the Lab guy in the very beginning. Then Will (I count him as a Demogorgon victim because we haven’t yet seen an explanation for the weird stuff that happened during his vanishing), Barb, Shepard, Henry and Dale who are taken by it to the UD and killed (excluding Will). It also targets Joyce, Nancy, Jonathan and Steve in the Byers house as well as everybody at the school. 
I need to specifically add that the Party (Lucas, Dustin, Mike, El)  is targeted explicitly at the school before EL saves them.  
The Mind Flayer (Shadow Monster) in Season 2 is a psychic threat. While it is supported by the Demodogs (who are physical threats) the main threat explained to us and targeted by the characters is the Mind Flayer. The Mind Flayer possesses Will and uses him as a spy while involuntarily sharing knowledge with him (Will seeing Hopper getting into the tunnels). His main target is to infiltrate Hawkins, growing the gate and spreading his tunnels in order to break free. He wants to control and to kill. The Hive Mind connected to him is what makes him so dangerous because a military tactic of separating the targets to take them one by one is pretty useless. 
In Season 3 the Mind Flayer is reused but it manifests itself in a different form, a physical form. While arguably the main threat could be determined as psychic because you can get flayed, the main characters aren’t in “getting flayed” danger, but endangered by the Flayed itself. 
Billy after the Sauna Test
Tom and Bruce in the hospital
They are also threatened by the physical manifestation of the Mind flayer after the flayed melted together. 
The Flayed are seemingly stronger than normal human being (Billy lifting El up with one arm) who share the pain of the Hive Mind but can take a hit or two. The melted Flayed Mind Flayer is seemingly unstoppable without fire. We see it getting split in half by El and reforging itself soon after. Fire (as always) can hold it back and hurt it but we see it recovering pretty fast. 
It kills Billy with his vine-like claws and also searches Mike, El, and Max with them.
Vecna in Season 4 is a psychic threat. While he is heavily supported by physical threats (Demobats, Demodogs, Demogorgons) like the Mind Flayer in Season 2, he is the main threat. He uses a psychic connection to merge the Upside Down and the Real World through 4 portals which he creates by brutally killing people with his remote killing abilities. We are told (by Brenner and Vecna himself) that he consumes the people he kills this way. So he can enhance himself with their abilities and knowledge. 
In Season 3 Vecna, in the form of the Starcourt Monster, was able to “steal” Els power to open gates. He also saw Mike and Max staying behind with El through Billy's Eyes.
He also controls the Hive Mind (as far as we know). 
What we see in the mind fight with El is that he seems to be way more powerful than El. 
He explicitly targets Chrissy, Fred, Patrick, Max, Nancy and El. 
Going into Season 5 
With the knowledge we gathered we can assume a few things for season 5:
First of all I am pretty sure that we see an enhanced Version of the Hellfire manhunt. Because the Duffers told us that they try not to create new characters I think it would be plausible if Andy takes Jason's place and leads the vigilanties. 
Also we most likely will see a different version of the Military buddies of Sullivan in S5. The arc with his vendetta is not yet closed. 
Last but not least we will see what happened to Vecna. But also we most likely (alternating threats) will see a main UD threat of physical nature (Giant creature with a gaping mouth).
I want to point out that Mike is targeted by all of these (potential) threats. He is part of Hellfire, he is known to be in close contact with El by the military and he is heavily foreshadowed to be a target of Vecna in Season 4. So every Mike stan: buckle up for a bumpy ride in S5. 
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