#monster no.9
qweaenr · 3 months
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KAIJU #8 - ex
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chipper-smol · 1 month
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pink-onyx-au · 2 months
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Episode 11: One Bad Day
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[don’t] [take it]
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judgedarts · 1 year
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when in doubt... draw kaibabros
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fuckitupconnie · 1 year
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blud down bad fr
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kideternity · 2 months
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Happy (Early, depending on where in the world you are) Odaiba Day! To celebrate, I decided to partake in the “Favourites from Digimon” meme I've seen floating around to share a smattering of some of my absolute favourite digimon and characters. I hope everyone is able to have a good time celebrating Odaiba day too! Despite its flaws Digimon is something that has changed my life for the better, and I'm glad everyday I made the choice to revisit it and invest myself in the franchise again.
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ghostpunk79 · 8 months
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<3 their bond is so wholesome.
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weirdmarioenemies · 8 months
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Name: Sacksquatch
Debut: Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies
Look! It's a burlap sack! I don't know what it is about burlap, but I love when a creature is made of it. It just feels right. I think scarecrows establish that burlap is destined to become a creature, and we all know that scarecrows walk around at night and when no one is looking, stealing crops from rival farms to use for bartering with birds.
So why shouldn't non-scarecrow burlap be able to come to life, too? It just makes sense! The one improvement I have in mind for Sacksquatch is that it does not contain potatoes, my preferred thing for a burlap sack to contain.
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Instead, it contains sand, because it is a Sandbag! The kind you use to batten down the hatches (I am not using that phrase correctly), or to lighten your hot air balloon, or a whole bunch of things. I'm sure it can be nice to hug one if there's no one else around, or even if there are people around who you like less than a sack of sand. Sacksquatch in particular is said in one game to be from a factory, and in another to be from a construction site. The implied branching timeline of Sack Of Sand!
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Here is the funny sack in its debut on the DS! It debuted as a bonafide Monster, an enemy to get in your way and be fought, and this rough-textured ruffian just loves to blow sand in heroes' eyes to temporarily blind them. That is VERY rude, but I can't be mad at it. What else is a leaking sack of sand to do? Drop a grand piano on you? This is just what they do!
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As with most Dragon Quest monsters, Sacksquatch would appear in Dragon Quest Monsters games, where it can be YOUR friend! Will you welcome it? It will probably sprinkle sand in your undergarments for a giggle, but that's probably how it shows affection! And in the recent DQM3, if you fuse it with a killer hymenopteran...
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You get the all-new Saccharine Sacksquatch! I know this looks like cheese, but it is honey! Unlike gray sand, honey is a substance which I am actively a fan of. Saccharine Sacksquatch is a strange concept! I would not think to fill a burlap sack with honey (and I would not eat honey from a sack), but it is certainly more striking than if it was full of oats or dirt or something. These sacks love to eat honey and try to raid the nests of killer bees, but I think a perfect solution would be for it to allow some regular bees to nest within its body. A sack full of bees! Don't squeeze it! I like to think it would be able to taste any honey it contains.
Sacksquatch makes a small cameo in Dragon Quest Builders 2, where it is the icon for Faerie Fertilizer. Though made of bones, petals, and dirt, the description calls it "manure", so I will not be including the image. Just in case. Perhaps an unwholesome appearance, but I appreciate it. Compost Is Cool!
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rebelrayne · 3 months
Grace says Hamish told the boys that MC is so gorgeous and he’s nervous to talk around her 😭
And this if you kiss him for hottest islander???
Hamish girlies, we can do it. It’s gonna hurt, but we can do it.
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But tbh I think they may have him locked because there have been a few times that we can give an opinion on him. It’s either nice or mean.
Like Kelly today? You can say he’s untrustworthy or defend him. I bet you you need enough choices (wishful thinking. Would be cool and nice and whatever but).
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backpackingspace · 3 months
Okay so I've been thinking about @nonbinarylocalcryptid Astyanax lived/daddy odysseus au. Which is some good shit in general. Yall should check it out. But specifically I'm think about what it would be like for this child to grow up on calypso's island. He would have been what ? 3-10 there??
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qweaenr · 5 months
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KAIJU #8 - Kaiju & Weapons
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5ecardaday · 11 months
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Monsters of Magic - The Eldrazi
And now for something a little different. In addition to doing Yokaitober this year, I'm also doing all of my normally scheduled weekly releases. While it can be a little difficult to balance both, it's going well so far, and I'm excited to finally be able to show off some more eldrazi. It's been quite some time since the last eldrazi I converted, and I think at this point I've got a better handle on how to make them a balanced challenge.
If you'd like to help support me and get early access to my content, as well as the ability to vote in polls and see additional patron-exclusive content, you can sign up on my Patreon for as little as $2/month. I often release several new monsters, magic items, spells, and more each week, so don't miss out on an opportunity to keep up with it all!
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koschei-the-ginger · 6 months
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leyla harrison would have thrived on tumblr.com
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doctorsiren · 1 year
I love your style and your art, I don't know, it's very unique! 😸
And since I'm embarrassed to say this without asking something, well,how Larry and Miles reacted the first time when they saw Phoenix being a werewolf? I don't know jaja salu2
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:D thank youuuu!!
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themundanedumpling · 10 days
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