files-loathing · 1 year
For the furries and monsterfxckers , I see you
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makerofmadness · 2 years
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Why am I getting monsterfxcker ads on my own blog
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bihsnixr · 3 years
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lazyflan · 3 years
I was thinking, what if movies and series where tagged like fanfiction?
And I saw Squid Game lately, would it be tagged with "Dead dove: Do not eat"? Or would it just have the major character death tag?
Or Venom! I totally see it tagged with the monsterfxcker tag, and according to the reviews of the new movie, it could be tagged with the "tentacle corn" tag asdfghjk
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summonerswarcollect · 5 years
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Shape of Water: Summoners War Edition 
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amoonnamedmargaret · 3 years
Listen, aight, I know that subtlety was not Bram Stoker's style. He was very clear about how he felt about sex, but damn I think even poor Bram was hit over the head by the 2x4 that was 1992's Dracula. Coppola took one look at Lucy and said "oh she a monsterfxcker" and I'm crying. I didn't even finish it for fear of the concussions I would inevitably gain from being beat senseless by men with cages on their damn heads.
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sparrowfellow · 3 years
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Domestication: robot seizes the opportunity to wear their catboyfriend’s clothes while he takes his afternoon bath.
(Boyfriend is appropriately amused and turned on)
My Instagram is monsterfxckers
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monstrousomega · 6 years
0 7 8 9 10 -monsterfxcker
Why thank you my dear!
0. Height
I am a grand total of 5′2 of pure fury 
7. Have tattoos? 
I do! I have two tattoos; a couple little hearts on my wrist, and then a big floral/berry piece on my hip/thigh. 
8. Want any tattoos? 
YES I always want tattoos and there is always the risk of blowing all my money on a whim but I’m very good at not doing that. Currently I really want either another floral piece or a super intricate carousel horse BUT I can’t because I can’t afford it rn
10. Want any piercings? 
Whoops, I just answered that in 9, but yes! I want to get my nipples pierced (but I’m scared to) and honestly I’m still considering getting a vertical labret as well
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zzapzzaptasers-a · 5 years
So! I’m home.  I’m dicking around in drafts and asks, but feel free to chat at me in the IMs or via d!scord Ben||MonsterFxCker#2041
you can tell it’s me because my prof pic is the fluffy cat in the cowboy hat screaming “JOLEEEEEEENE”
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peterrparrkerr · 2 years
Next up is Coercion. I always wished you added another chapter or two to this.
The first time Tony takes Peter, Peter doesn't know why he's saying yes, trapped in his mind as his body gives in. He feels Tony take him apart, feels the pain and pleasure. Can do nothing but obey even still. When he wakes up alone the next day, at first everything is fuzzy and he doesn't know what to do. Then control returns and he can't help but fall apart. He thinks he's broken free of Superior's hold, so he does what any captured Spidey would. Tries to leave.
Only he gets no further than the balcony before Tony calls to him, commanding him to come back. Tony is very sensual yet deadly as he chides Peter. "Oh my little spider, I didn't give you permission to leave. Come back in where you belong."
And Peter tries to fight it but it's like he becomes a passenger in his own body again, even faster than what happened last time. Tony decides Peter should be punished for fighting, because he can tell the boy is railing against his mental control. So he calls Venom and has Venom prep the boy with his tongue while Tony uses his throat. After fucking him hard to the point Peter is raw and hurting, Tony whispers that if he wants control of his body, he should stop fighting and do what Tony wants.
Peter ends up working alongside Tony in the SI labs, creating all the things Tony commented that his people couldn't. It was the only way to stay in control. The same was true of Tony's penthouse. Peter submitted begrudgingly, because it was better to have his body then be trapped inside it at the whims of the Superior.
This fic. Tagging @snowstark!
Listen i love monster fucker Peter, and I wrote this with the thought of Eddie and Tony both fucking Peter 😭😂
With Tony's ability, I kind of based it off of vampires, and also from this book called Inkheart, so there's a little mix between the two!
Tony can turn it on and off as he pleases, and he doesn't have to look at people in the eye for it to be effective, though its more potent.
He kind of encourages compliance. Like, he doesn't full out demand Peter obey him, he just kind of suggests he should and he's so powerful that the thought of not obeying doesn't even register.
But definitely at some point Peter's will breaks through the suggestion just enough for Peter to think yeah this isn't good I should go. But poor thing doesn't even stand a chance when he's under 24/7 surveillance.
And plz I can just see Venom tongue fucking Peter as he chokes on Tony's cock until the boy is sobbing and desperate. And Tony just, suggestive says "its so much better here with us, isn't it? You don't really want to leave, do you?" And Peter just cries and shakes his head. Of course its better here with Tony and Eddie. He doesnt know why he'd wanted to leave anyway.
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sparrowfellow · 4 years
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Started making monsterfucker art.
This one is Cupid, cause.... 😳
Follow me on insta: monsterfxckers.
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zzapzzaptasers-a · 5 years
OILNDSKAS I wanna write but nothing is particularly striking my muse so I’m gonna head back to my sister’s internetless apartment and make some dinner and read a little bit and if you wanna chat, my messenger is open 
and maybe I can do small rp stuff on disco/rd but honestly the reception on my cell in her apartment SUUUUUCKS so we’ll see?
disco drop
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zzapzzaptasers-a · 6 years
hey also if u ever wanna just do a shorter thing and not have me send one reply with 500 words and the next with 200 and the one after with 800
we can always do shit on Disc.ord 
I am literally always shown as offline but I am ALWAYS on, even if it’s just mobile.
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zzapzzaptasers-a · 6 years
you can find me here, sometimes I’m on my shitty boy @thefacsimile, sometimes I’m on my personal blog @onetaseryboi
you can also find me on di/scord at Ben||MonsterFxCker#2041
I’m always listed as offline but I promise I’m probably there.
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zzapzzaptasers-a · 6 years
Also I kinda wanna pay more attention to my other blogs this week so uh
@thefacsimile / OC Villain. Hella problematic garbage man. 
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@dauthra / Shitty fandomless necromancer, with optional Marvel/Norse Mythology background. Mean as fuck.
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@onetaseryboi / Personal.
D!scord: Ben||MonsterFxCker#2041
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