#month of goin crazy at the gym to get back to where i was. so idk maybe bein a little ugly will force me to try harder with that lmao. doin
juicemitio · 5 months
Shaving the rest of my head tomorrow I'll probably be ugly but idrc
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flyingwargle · 2 months
the aijinomoto national training center is curtained in darkness, with only neon green emergency lights illuminating the corridors. as midnight nears, the only audible sounds are shuffling blankets from the high school athletes participating in the weeklong training camp, the central heating system working to stave off the winter's chill, and a hushed voice in the corner of the sitting room, irritated face lit up by his phone.
"-seriously," atsumu grumbles, "ya'd think that there wouldn't be scrubs at this camp, but then there's someone like him here, an' that makes ya wonder how he was invited."
"mmhmm." osamu's noncommittal hum is soft on the other end.
"ya woulda beat his socks off, 'samu. he ain't got a candle ta ya."
"maybe he's just crazy, like ya. the way ya described the others, they all have their own brand of crazy."
atsumu snorts. "as if yer not crazy yerself."
"i am," osamu concedes. "just not 'bout volleyball."
"yeah, i know." his voice lowers to a whisper. "i know."
they're silent, listening to each other breathe. the seconds pass on the digital clock on the wall, scarlet red in the darkness. a minute passes, closer to midnight. "is everythin' okay at home?"
"it's only been a day, 'tsumu. stop makin' it sound like ya've been gone for a month."
"it feels like it," atsumu mumbles. "haven't been this far from home before." that's not true, and osamu knows it, but he doesn't call him out. "ya still have practice tomorrow, right?"
"obviously. we gotta prepare for the spring tournament." there's shuffling, and atsumu can envision his brother on his bunk, half-buried under his blankets, stomach on the mattress, elbows propped up, phone pressed to his ear. "what 'bout ya? don't ya hafta start early tomorrow?"
"eh, breakfast is at nine. lotsa time 'till then."
"not if ya stay up longer when yer 'sposed ta be asleep by now," osamu scoffs. "well, ya better have fun playin' volleyball fer a whole week. i'd die, if that were me."
"well, ya better have fun at school. glad i ain't there."
"guess i don't hafta get class notes fer ya."
"gin already said he'd grab 'em fer me."
the clock reads 12:01 am. the line falls silent. "i'm gonna go ta sleep," osamu says, "unless ya need me fer anythin' else?"
atsumu blinks. "did i ask?"
"well, ya called first, so i just assumed yer homesick."
"i ain't homesick! it's just a routine call. ya can expect one again tomorrow."
"ya won't die if ya don't call, 'tsumu. ya'll be fine on yer own."
"i know."
"okay, then i'm goin’ ta bed. g'night."
"g'night, scrub." the line goes quiet and atsumu lowers his phone. his picture for osamu changes regularly, thanks to suna. the newest one is his twin sleeping with his mouth open while on the bus back from last month’s training camp. before that, it was a selfie they’d taken after winning the top prize for a claw machine. and before that, it was a photo he snuck of osamu making onigiri, smile soft and eyes crinkled in concentration.
he peels himself off the armchair and wanders down the corridor, passing their designated shared rooms, finding the stairs that lead to the ground floor. he eventually finds his way to the gym, shoving the unlocked door open, sliding his slippered feet across the court.
atsumu sits cross-legged, neck craned to stare at the ceiling. he was able to quash the heavy feeling in his stomach earlier with volleyball, doing his best to adjust to the other players, observing their habits and styles. it was only after they were dismissed for the evening that the feeling settled in his bones and permeated his mind.
'samu isn't here with me.
it isn’t like they’d never been separated before. once, they continuously argued where to go for a family trip, so atsumu and their mom went to hiroshima, and osamu and their dad went to kamakura. they stayed over at different friends’ houses before throughout junior high, too. sure, none of those absences were longer than a weekend, and they always came back unscathed.
so what's different this time?
he thinks of osamu’s aloof expression when he learned only atsumu was picked for the camp. he thinks of his detached interest whenever they watched matches for leisure than research. he thinks of that night when he saw osamu engrossed in making onigiri, to the point he didn’t even notice atsumu.
this isn't homesickness. this is the start of an end.
his quiet sobs echo around him, endless stream of tears staining the floor. his shoulders shake, hiccupping breaths caught in his throat. he jolts when something drapes over him, a body pressing against his. it’s a blanket, soft and warm. he clutches it tighter around him. “leave me alone.”
“is sitting a crime?” the voice is muffled behind a mask but still sympathetic.
“go somewhere else.”
“i’m fine here.”
that only makes atsumu cry harder. of course, it’s sakusa who finds him like this, pathetic and vulnerable. although they bicker and glower at each other when there’s a net between them, outside of it, atsumu dares to call him a friend, having been acquainted with him since the first training camp they had together. he was glad to see him again, even if he stuck by his cousin most of the time. a familiar face is better than no one.
“are you homesick?”
“no.” atsumu’s sleeves are wet with tears.
there’s a pause. “you miss osamu.” the twins attended the camp together last year; if one half isn’t here, it’s easy to tell why.
“i don’t.” it isn’t a lie. he wants this camp as the first step to making his own identity as miya atsumu, setter, not miya atsumu, setter who can pull off combos with miya osamu. “it’s just…”
his voice catches in his throat. how can he explain the vague sensation in his mind, when he doesn’t know what it is, himself? how can he admit that he’s afraid that his brother might not play with him in the future, when he knows it might not be true?
but it is. you know it is. atsumu just shakes his head. “it’s complicated.”
he feels sakusa lean against him further, the weight on his back strangely comforting. “you aren’t alone. you have me, even motoya, if you want. if you ever…need someone to talk to, we’re here. the camp is only for a week, anyway. you’ll be back soon.”
you have me. it fills him with warmth, makes the tears slow. that doesn’t just apply to sakusa, but osamu, too. yes, it’ll hurt if what he suspects is true, but that doesn’t mean he’s gone. they’ll separate, they’ll go different ways, but they’ll come back, unscathed. because that’s what brothers do.
“thanks, omi.”
sakusa hums. “ready to go to sleep?”
“i think so.” together, they clamber to their feet, and sakusa leads him out. atsumu glances over his shoulder, where his tears remain on the court. they’ll dry, the evidence of the night erased, but he’ll hold it close to him, just like sakusa’s warmth on his back.
inspiration: this fanart of sakusa and atsumu sitting back to back while atsumu is crying <3 dialogue tweaked to match the drabble!
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atlafan · 4 years
Take it Slow - Part Eighty-Three
a/n: okay this is my first shot at a harry:y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. y/n had a bad experience with an ex over a year ago, and finally accepts her coworker and good friend Niall’s invitation to go on a blind date with his friend Harry.
Warnings: fluff
Masterpost (all previous parts can be found in the masterpost)
You wake up to Harry’s crushing weight on you. You had no idea how you could have possible ended up like this since you thought you fell asleep on him. Your eyes slowly open, and you’re met with the headache you figured you’d have. You look around and see everyone else still fast asleep. Harry rolls over and you feel the air come back to your lungs. You were cozy and didn’t feel like getting up just yet so you decide to spoon Harry for a bit.
Eventually you all sit up and try to come back to life. Harry sits up and smiles at you.
“Happy birthday, angel.” He says into your ear and kisses your cheek.
Before you can say thank you, Rachel and Sarah dog pile on you and scream happy birthday. You giggle and playfully tell them to get off you.
“We’re gonna make pancakes for breakfast.” Rachel says.
“And mimosas. Need new alcohol to flush out the old.”
“Good idea.” You smile.
They go into the kitchen while the rest of you clean up the living room. You go upstairs just to brush your teeth and wash your face. You didn’t feel like getting dressed yet. Harry did the same. You both plop on the couch while you wait for breakfast to be made. He throws his arm around you and you snuggle in close.
“So, that was your ex at the bar last night?” Harry’s face goes pale.
“Surprised you remember.”
“I was fucked up, but I certainly wouldn’t forget threatening someone.”
“That was pretty cool.” Niall says.
“That was the girl you saw before me though?”
“You make it sound like I was with her and then with you right away. It was like three years ago.” He groans. “I have no idea why she got so mad either.”
Sarah comes over with a plate of pancakes, topped with plenty of butter and a little syrup, just how you like it.
“I’m so spoiled, thank you.”
“You’re the baby of the group, you deserve to be a little spoiled.”
She laughs and sits with Niall with their breakfast. Rachel and Mariah sit down as well. Rachel hands Harry the banana he requested for his own breakfast.
“Seems like it must have been a bad break up if she was so aggravated to be running into you.” Mariah says.
“There wasn’t much to break, honestly.”
“Harry.” You look at him. “You were with that girl for seven months, come on.”
“Wasn’t in love, didn’t see it goin’ in that direction, and she thought it was more than it was. Remember, I told you I ended it when she wanted a key to my place? Didn’t want it with her.” He shrugs and bites into his banana. “Clearly she found someone else, good for her.”
“She said you only liked being called by your name.”
“I did, at the time. Pet names would have just led her on more.” Everyone’s looking at him. “I…was not a very nice person back then, okay? Can we drop it?”
You place a hand on his knee and give him a little squeeze.
“I thought she was going to wet herself when you got in her face.” Rachel laughs. “I love when you get feisty.”
“She was disrespecting my man! What could I do?” You shrug and finish up your pancakes. “That was so yummy, thanks guys.”
“What time do we need to be at the ferry?” Harry asks Sarah.
“In like an hour and a half. It won’t take long to get there, but we should all probably get dressed.”
You all go upstairs to get dressed. Harry watches you take a pair of spandex shorts out, along with a pair of shorts to wear over them, ones you would wear to the gym. You pull out a sports bra, and a tank top you would also wear to the gym. You look up at him.
“We’re gonna be doing a lot of walking, might get sweaty.”
Harry nods, and picks out a pair of shorts a graphic t. You flip your hair over and put it up into a messy bun. Your phone goes off after you get dressed and your face lights up.
“Hello?” You put the phone on speaker so he can hear your Nannie sing happy birthday to you. Your eyes fill with happy tears. You take it off speaker once she’s done. “Thank you.” You giggle.
“How are you, baby?”
“I’m great!”
“What are you up to?”
“I’m at the Cape with all my friends, and Harry. We’re going to the Vineyard in a bit.”
“Oh how nice! Good weather?”
“Mhm, it’s been beautiful all weekend so far. We got lucky.”
“Oh, I’m so glad honey. Well, I’ll let you get back to it. Enjoy the rest of your day.”
“Thanks Nannie, I love you.”
“I love you too, precious.”
You hang up and smile.
“That was really cute.” Harry says.
“She’s done it forever.” He kisses you on to top of your head and you both head downstairs.
You all pile into Sarah’s car, and Niall drives to the ferry. You get on and take pictures with your friends. You all find places to sit, and Harry puts his arm around you. When you get off you walk around for a while. There was a neighborhood with all of these brightly colored homes, and later you come to the house with all of the Betty Boop stuff out front. You and your friends all pose like her and Harry takes your pictures. Him and Niall pose too, causing you all to laugh.
None of you wanted to eat too heavily since you’d be going out to eat later, but you had to stop into the ice cream shop that seemed to have a million flavors. Plus, sitting for a bit didn’t sound like a bad idea. You get cookies and cream in a dish with some whip cream. Harry gets a strawberry cone. You all sit down outside the ice cream shop.
“How about a walk on the beach after?” Mariah asks.
“Great idea.” Niall says. “Work off this heavy ice cream.”
It was super hot out, and all the ice cream was melting quickly. That’s why you opted out of getting a cone. You look over to see Harry trying to lick at his ice cream so it doesn’t make a mess, but a little drips onto his hand. You giggle and lean down to lick it off him. He raises both his eyebrows.
“Should have grabbed more napkins.” You say with a smile. “Thought I’d improvise.”
“Like where your head’s at.” He chuckles.
All of your friends had seen you and Harry interact plenty of times, but never for this long of a stretch. This was almost a trial weekend for Sarah and Rachel. Rachel had told Sarah about the deeper conversation her and Harry had when painting. Sarah knew Harry wanted to marry you. Your friends were very over protective, and this was a great way to just really make sure he was right for you.
Your phone blows up with texts from friends and family wishing you a happy birthday. Sarah and Rachel had posted cute things on Instagram earlier in the day. Even Harry made a post, using some pictures you didn’t even know he had. It made you tear up when you first looked at it.
When you’re all done with your ice cream, you all make your way to the beach. You all carry your shoes so you can walk along the water.
“Sarah, what time do we have to check out tomorrow? Will we be able to go to the beach in the morning?” You ask.
“Yeah! We don’t have to be out until like 1PM, so plenty of time.”
“Perfect! I’d like to get a little more sun in before we have to leave.”
You all agree it’s been a great day, but you’re exhausted and wouldn’t mind just chilling out before going out to dinner later, so you make your way back to the ferry. Harry stands off to the side with you as you make your way back to the main land. You have an arm around his waist and he has one around your shoulders.
“Quick get a picture of them.” Rachel says.
Niall takes his phone out and snaps a couple of pictures of you two looking off. Harry tilts your chin up to look at him and he puckers his lips. You smile up at him and kiss him. Niall gets a shot of that too. You all hang out in the living room for a bit, just watching some TV. You were sitting up against the arm rest of the couch with Harry laying at your side, his head in the crook of your neck. Your baby was tired. You stroke your hand through his hair as you hear his soft snores. Sarah takes your picture with him and you giggle quietly.
“So, we’re gonna go to that seafood place you really like, and then we’ll come back here to do cake and gifts and stuff.” Sarah explains to you as she flips through a magazine.
“Sounds good, I hope you guys didn’t go too crazy with gifts, this has been gift enough.”
“No, just some small things like we usually do.” She smiles and looks at Harry. “How can he sleep like that? Niall and I have to sleep butt to butt to be comfortable.” She laughs.
“Hey, you make it sound like we don’t cuddle at all.” He says with a frown, putting a hand on her thigh.
“No! We cuddle all the time, but we never sleep like that.” She points at Harry who is absolutely passed out.
“He’s always been like this.” You look down at him and smile. “Sometimes I wake up and he’s all the way on top of me. If I’m not sleeping next to him, like if he’s napping he sleeps with his arms crossed. I think he likes having something to hold onto.”
“It’s true, if he fell asleep on the couch in school he’d either be cross armed or spooning one of the cushions.” Niall laughs. “When we were campin’-“
“Niall, I swear to god.” Harry groans against your neck.
“Ohhh, I love when there’s something Harry doesn’t wanna share.” Mariah says. “Go on Niall.”
“It was really funny. Harry and Lou had to share a tent because Lou didn’t have one, so-“
“Niall.” Harry turns over onto his back and sits up slightly. “Here I am havin’ a nice nap, and you have to go and bring up campin’?”
“I’m gonna end up embarrassin’ myself just as much.” He laughs.
“Please, I need to hear this.” You say. “What happened?”
“I woke up cuddling Louis both mornings.” Harry says. “And both mornings, Niall came into the tent and joined us, so there.” You and the girls all look at each other with soft faces.
“That is the cutest thing I’ve ever heard.” Sarah says.
“Yeah, we cuddle all the time.” Rachel says. “Nothing to be embarrassed about.”
“You’re such a snugly sleeper Harry, it’s cute.” You poke one of his dimples. “I personally really like it, it makes me feel safe.” He looks up at you and smiles.
Later you all go upstairs and get ready for dinner. You pick out a flowy yellow sundress, and put your hair up into a high pony. You pull some pieces out like always to frame your face, and you put a little makeup on.
“You look so pretty.” Harry practically squeals. You giggle as he kisses your cheek.
You step back to look at him. He has a pair of tan capri-style pants on with a pair of loafers, and a salmon pink silk shirt.
“So do you.” You smile, and grab his hand to go down the stairs.
You all weren’t sure if you’d be drinking a lot, but you’d be drinking nonetheless at dinner, so you uber to the restaurant. You’re seated at a nice size round table when you get there. Harry was off speaking to one of the waiter’s quick, but you didn’t notice. He sits down next to you, and Niall is on your other side.
You all order your drinks and a few apps for the table before deciding on what you actually want.
“What are yeh thinkin’, sweetheart?” Harry asks you.
“I’m dying for a lobster roll to be honest.”
“Then you should have it.” He smiles. “Think I’m gonna get this veggie burger, it’s an avocado aioli, sounds good.”
You pick at the calamari that’s on the table when the waiter comes back over to take your dinner orders. You all talk about how you’re dreading to going back to reality soon.
“This seriously has been the best trip. As much as I miss Buster, it was so nice to get away.”
“You act like you weren’t just in London like three weeks ago.” Rachel laughs.
“Yeah, I suppose that sounded stupid.” You laugh, taking a sip of your drink. “But that wasn’t a beach getaway.”
“Very true.”
“And we only have to go back to reality for like a week and half until we’re off to Ireland.” Niall says, squeezing Sarah’s hand.
“I’m so excited, what a perfect thing to do before school starts back up.”
“God, I’m not looking forward to getting into a hot and stuffy classroom that smells like old paint.” Rachel laughs. “Although, I have missed my students a little.”
“Same, I can’t wait to meet my new kids.”
“My next class starts in September, this’ll be my fourth one. It’s already flying by, thank god.” The waiter brings all the food over and you lick your lips before diving into the lobster. “Mm, oh my god, now I remember why I liked it here so much last time. This is a damn good lobster roll.”
You all enjoy your meals and more drinks. When you think the night couldn’t get better, you start to hear the restaurant’s birthday song, and your mouth falls open. All your friends were filming you and you smile and laugh as you’re sung to by everyone. You had no idea when someone had the time to bring your cake to the restaurant ahead of time, but you didn’t question it. It was beautiful.
“Thank you everyone!”
One of the waiters leaves a knife at the table, and Harry cuts the came for everyone.
“This was all Harry’s idea, but the way.” Sarah says and you smile at him as he takes a bite of cake.
“Thank you sweetie, this was so nice.”
“He had the cake made at this really nice bakery too.” Rachel says.
“It was all the two of you would let me control out of this whole weekend, I had to do something big.”
You all enjoy the cake and pack up the leftovers. You uber back to the house and your friends have you sit on the couch while they all grab their gifts for you.
“You guys really didn’t have to do anything more for me, honestly.”
“Oh stop it.” Rachel hands you a drink and you smile. “Of course we did.”
Sarah hands you her gift first.
“I’ve been working on this for months so I hope you like it.”
You tear open the wrapping paper and gasp when you see the homemade scarf she knitted.
“Oh my god, I love it! This is beautiful! I love the patterns.”
“I know you can’t wear it for a while, obviously, but you wore so many this winter, I thought I could add to your collection.”
“Thank you so much, I can’t wait to…hold on.” You wrap the scarf around your neck. “Well?”
“It’s perfect!” You hug your friend and giggle.
Rachel hands you a big, and you dig into it. You laugh immediately, and pull out the t-shirt she got you.
“You can only wear that for a year.”
It was a white t-shirt with a picture of that episode of Spongebob, and the caption says, “I thought of something better than being 24…25!”
“I got it off Etsy, I just couldn’t resist.”
“I love it! I’m gonna wear it all the time, this is hilarious, Rach.” You slip it on over your dress and scarf. “I’m really feeling this vibe.”
Mariah hands you a card.
“It’s just a gift card…” She blushes.
“Thank you so much!” You open it up and smile at the card. “I’m glad we’ve become such good friends too. Wouldn’t want anyone else as my boyfriend’s work-wife.” You both laugh.
Niall looks at you and hands you his gift. You smile and unwrap it. You had no idea what it could be. You tear open the wrapping paper, the same Sarah used so she must know what he got you. You gasp and look at him in shock.
“You got me a Stranger Things version of monopoly?”
“For the next game night.”
“I love it! Thank you.” You hug him.
“Okay, Harry, your turn.” Sarah says to him and he sits next to you.
“I had a tough time with this. I’ve gotten yeh earrings, a chain, and even that watch.” Your heart starts to race. The only other piece of jewelry he could possibly give you was a ring. Was he going to propose in front of your closest friends? How sweet! “And we already went to the concert, but I still wanted to get you a little something.” He slips a card out from his back pocket and hands it to you. You open it up and see an itinerary for a round trip ticket. You look up at him confused.
“Another trip?”
“Not for you…you were really sad that your Nan couldn’t come up for our house warmin’, even though you had gotten to see her in Aruba…and you always talk about how much you miss havin’ her around for your Jewish holidays, so I’m flyin’ her up for the New Year in September. And she’s goin’ to stay with us so you don’t have to share any of your time with her, cause I know you hate that.”
Tears well up in your eyes, and you start sobbing. You covers your eyes with your hands. Harry isn’t sure what to do, and neither is anyone else.
“That is…” You say in a high pitched voice between your tears. “The sweetest things anyone’s ever done for me.” You lunge on top of him to hug him. He chuckles and rubs your back. “I love you, thank you so much.” You kiss him.
“You’re welcome, happy birthday.”
You look at everyone and wipe your tears away.
“Thank you all so much, this all means so much to me. I’m so lucky to have all of you.” You all share a group hug.
You had thought to use the fire-pit tonight, but it was drizzling outside, so you all opt for getting cozy in pj’s, drinks, and another movie. You went to call your Nannie again to tell her how good she was at being sneaky. You talked with your mom for a few minutes too so she could wish you a happy birthday. Your siblings had all texted you during the day.
You were all hanging out and just being cozy, and you loved it. Sarah had made frozen margaritas, your favorite. You also dove into a much needed second piece of cake.
“So we’ll go to the beach for a bit in the mornin’?” Niall asks.
“Yeah, if it’s not still raining.” Sarah says. “Then we can come back and pack everything up. The kitchen is all cleaned up, and the air bnb people said they would send a service in to clean out the fridge and what not. We don’t even need to make the beds up.”
“Love when they make things so convenient.” Rachel says. “Harry, don’t you use air bnb for your flat in London?”
“Yeah, my sister is the cleanin’ crew though.” He laughs. “We just tell the people to strip the bed and take out all their trash. She’ll do some of the easier things, but will hire a maid if she thinks the mess is too much for her to take care of.”
You all decide to watch I Love You, Man, another one of your favorites, before going to bed. There were a few times you laughed so hard you cried.
“It’s just the way he says Jobin, it kills me.” You wipe some tears away.
“Nice that both of your boyfriends are in this movie together.” Harry jokes.
“I regret ever telling you I liked them.” You shake your head.
“Honestly, as gay as I am, I would fuck Paul Rudd.” Rachel says and you all burst out laughing. “I mean, look at him!”
“That’s what I’m saying! And look at baby Andy, he still had the curls! Oh my god, next movie night we have to watch Hot Rod, please, we have to.”
“Yes! I haven’t watched that in years.” Sarah says.
When the movie ends you all go up to bed. You couldn’t wait to just wrap your arms around Harry. He lays his head on your chest.
“I love you so much, thank you for everything.” You kiss the top of his head.
“I love you too, you’re more than welcome.”
“How did you even pull all that off?”
“Asked your mum for her phone number. It was a bitch gettin’ her to let me buy the plane ticket, she started yellin’ at me, but I yelled back, I stood my ground. She started laughin’ and gave in. She was really excited.”
“It’ll be so great, she and I can make her brisket together. We used to have the New Year at my house growing up, it was so much fun.”
“I’m glad I could do this for you then.”
“My boss is gonna think I don’t like working anymore with how much time off I’ve been taking. I’ll definitely take a few days while Nannie’s here.”
“You won’t need too much, just Friday and Monday.” You hum your response.
Harry had another reason for wanting your grandmother there around that time…but that would be revealed to you later.
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leverage-ot3 · 4 years
notable moments from The Maltese Falcon Job
leverage 2.15
Hardison (checking phone): Guys, they are ripping through Nate and Tara's cover stories. All their financials are blown. So look, until I know what they know, no credit cards, no debit cards, no ATMs, nothing that can be traced back to us. OK? Cash in hand only.
- - - - -
Nevins (on phone): No, not a safe house. Interpol wants Culpepper someplace off our system. We're taking him to the Governor Hotel.
Nate: OK, that's it. That's where we're gonna hole up.
Tara: The Governor Hotel?
Nate: Yeah.
Tara: The hotel crawling with FBI?
Eliot: FBI and Interpol.
Nate: Yeah, you know, it's the one place in Boston they won't be lookin' for us. Come on, we just gotta get there first
- - - - -
Tara: Oh, thank God! I just stepped out to get the paper and then my door closed behind me and I tried to find a house phone, but you guys don't have those anymore. (drops towel) Oops.
Man: Uh...
(Eliot and Parker look down the hall, then at each other, then down the hall)
parker, g i r l, close your mouth
they were both slightly Into It™ and you can’t change my mind
- - - - -
Hardison: In-room checkout. (sits down on bed with keyboard) OK, look, this means that I have access to the hotel's billing computers. It's a big ol' backdoor in every hotel room in America. (hacks system) As of right now, we've been here for a week, and our reservations are good for another week, courtesy of this man's platinum card, Mr. Ogden Shields, who has spent a lot of time in the adult section of pay-per-view. I mean, did he even leave the room?
Parker: In-de-panties Day?
~ a few moments later ~
(Parker takes keyboard from Hardison’s hands)
Eliot: All right, I'm gonna go get some keys made. I'm goin' to the gym. Make sure I can charge stuff on the room.
Hardison: I gotcha.
(women moaning on TV)
Parker: Wow, she really wants that car clean.
Hardison: That’s-that's enough of that
parker is baby and hardison wants to protect her from that nastiness
- - - - -
Nate: Why do we care about him?
Hardison: 'Cause he's big on the surplus weapons market.
Eliot: (laughs) That's just a polite way of saying arms dealer.
Tara: His specialty's buying cheap guns from Third World countries and reselling 'em.
- - - - -
Nate: Don't worry about Sterling.
Eliot: Did you just say, "Don't worry about Sterling?"
Nate: Yeah, don't worry about Sterling. What you don't think I can beat Sterling?
Eliot: I think in the last six months, Nate, I've heard you talk about beating the Triads, beating the Russians. All right? Maggie's boyfriend. Huh? How'd that work out? We all said that meet was a bad idea, right? But you got a taste for taking down this Mayor and you can't resist.
Nate: You wanna walk away? Walk away.
Eliot: I'm not walkin' away. It's not my job. My job is to get your back. And, Nate, I'm gonna do it. All the way down. But I need you to do your job.
Nate: And what's that?
Parker: Be Nathan Ford. Be the person we came back for
PARKER BABY she showed emotion I’m so proud of her
- - - - -
(Eliot holds up the piece of paper taken from Bonanno’s house that reads ‘Maltese Falcon’)
Eliot: That's still bugging me, man.
we love to see eliot confiding/leveling with hardison
- - - - -
Parker: Ooh! But, uh, I have mini-bar.
her in the maid outfit with the french accent
- - - - -
Nate: You help Tara and Parker. I'm gonna stall Sterling.
Hardison: How?
Nate: I'm thinking.
(Sterling gets into an elevator. Nate heads up the stairs, stopping at every floor to push the elevator button. Sterling begins to get irritated when the elevator stops at every floor but never sees Nate, who gets progressively more tired as they go upward)
(Sterling gets off on the 14th floor. Behind him, Eliot pushes his cart into the elevator. Sterling glances at him but the door closes before he can get a good look. Sterling approaches the door the FBI agents are guarding)
petty and fucking ICONIC I wouldn’t have the stamina for that but neither would nate tbh and honestly he was probably running on pure spite to make that happen and I respect him for that
- - - - -
Parker: Housekeeping!
(she goes inside, pulling her cart in behind her. Once in the room, she finds Tara and Hardison in the window. Hardison is tangled in his line, and Tara is trying to help him)
Hardison: Ow. That's... Stop. Hey, I got this. Stop. I don't need help.
Tara: Clearly you do.
Hardison: I got this. I got this. Go.
we love to see the running bit of hardison utterly FAILING at anything rappelling related
- - - - -
Culpepper: Where are the agents? Where are the agents? There should be two FBI agents standing at the door.
(Eliot walks in with Parker thrown over his shoulder)
Nate: Did you have to?
Eliot: She saw our faces.
Nate: OK. Yeah, put her in the tub with the others.
(Eliot takes her into the bathroom)
- - - - -
eliot can always knock a bitch out with one (1) punch
- - - - -
Sterling: So, I'm gonna make you a deal. You find Kadjic, tie him to the guns, I'll give you a free pass. Just this once, you get to walk away with your record wiped clean.
Nate: My team?
Sterling: They go down. Every last one of 'em. They deserve to go down. They're criminals, Nate. Thieves. So that's the deal. You bring me Kadjic and the guns, and I cut you and you alone loose. Because at the end of the day you're always right. You're not a thief. This is your second chance.
(Sterling picks up the flask and walks away)
this was actually really interesting to see. sterling leveled with nate. he knows nate, knows how he works, thinks he knows who nate really is on the inside. they have a Past™
- - - - -
Nate: Yeah. No. I... I, uh... Listen, I need you to come back. Um... I need you. Uh, I need you.
[Interior Helicopter]
Sophie: No, no, no. Speak up. I'm traveling and...
[Leverage Headquarters]
Nate: Not the team. Me. For me. Not for a con. I just... Listen, I... I don't know who I am anymore, Sophie. And, ah... When, when I was chasing you and everything and we were doing cons, I knew who I was, but not anymore. As crazy as this sounds, I need you to tell me, tell me when I'm goin' too far. I mean, it just... It gets out of control and I just don't know who I am and, and you've always been... .y compass. And, you know, I care about you more than yo-you'll ever know, because I lo... I lo...
lmfao when the signal is lost? tragic
- - - - -
eliot is wearing a flannel in the final scenes
- - - - -
the obama portrait very visible in the background of the government building? we love to see it
- - - - -
eliot DING DONG WE’RE HOME spencer owns my whole (whole) heart
- - - - -
Nate: What are you doing?
Eliot: Countin' all the guys with guns.
Nate: How many?
Eliot: A lot
smart and TOTALLY an eliot thing to do
- - - - -
Parker: Don't worry. No one's ever died going in through an air duct.
Tara: Oh, this is comforting.
Parker: I mean, worst case, you slip and fall. Break your legs. Lay there for days, scratching on the metal. It's like a long, metal coffin with wind. (excited) Let's go!
(Parker runs across the roof)
she’s baby and I love her. never, ever change parker
- - - - -
Computer: Match identified.
Hardison (bending over keyboard): Damn, you finally found something, half-pint?
- - - - -
Hardison: Parker, where are you?
Parker: Sorry, had a buzz from the alarm system, I couldn't hear a... thing. What?
(Parker’s face hardens and she heads for Tara, who is putting the rappelling gear back in the oxygen tank)
Tara: Parker, what's wrong?
(Parker grabs Tara by the throat and pushes her back until she is leaning over the edge of the building)
Tara: You're really strong.
Parker: Yeah. I hang from buildings with my fingertips.
Tara: It's not what you think. I was setting up a meeting!
Parker: Actually, that was exactly what I was thinking. Bye now.
Tara: Not for myself
- - - - -
- - - - -
(Eliot, his hands tied, is being led to some stairs by two goons.)
Man: I'll get the hatch.
(one man moves ahead of Eliot while the other stays behind him. When Eliot doesn’t follow the first man up the stairs, the second pushes him)
Man 2: Come on.
Eliot: Thirteen.
(Eliot and the second man struggle, sending gunfire rifling across the ceiling before the second man is knocked down. The first man comes back and kicks Eliot in the face. Eliot kicks him in return)
Eliot: Come here!
(Eliot swings his hands across the first man’s face, knocking him back)
Eliot: Twelve.
(Eliot knocks the first man out)
Eliot: Eleven.
(Eliot starts up the stairs, but hears someone else coming and waits around a corner. After a brief struggle, he knocks this man out as well and breaks the zip ties on his wrist)
Eliot: Ten. (heads up the stairs
also if parker and hardison know what he was doing? they’d be marked down as the same
- - - - -
Tara: All she asked was that I report back to her every now and then. Are we sure this is the fastest way?
Parker: Yeah, look. (looking at car GPS) There's no traffic this way. So, you were spying on us.
Tara: I was not spying. I was an early warning system. Sophie just, she was worried Nate might go off the rails. So, if it ever looked like he was spinning out of control, I was supposed to call and let Sophie lay in a backup plan just in case.
Parker: Yeah. Why not us?
Tara: Because you were too likely to forgive him.
Parker: I suppose gettin’ busted by the FBI and trying to bring down arms dealers while kidnapping a mayor does qualify as out of control.
Tara: So, anyway, I used my contacts to get Sophie set up as a buyer for the guns. You know... You actually had me worried for a second that you were gonna drop me.
Parker (laughs): That is silly
- - - - -
(Hardison is carrying a large monkey wrench and smiling. He hears noises and goes to investigate, seeing Eliot starting up a ladder)
Hardison: Hey. It took you long enough.
Eliot: What?
(Eliot starts toward Hardison, but a man points a gun to his head)
Man: Freeze.
(Eliot grabs the gun and knocks the man out)
Eliot: One.
Hardison: What
hardison if he knew what eliot was doing: hot damn
- - - - -
(the team gathers together. Parker hugs Sophie)
Sophie: Ooh. Parker touching.
Parker: Kinda, yeah.
- - - - -
Eliot: There's not that many ways out of here.
Sophie: Eliot, when I arrange a rescue, I do it properly.
(a helicopter lands on the docks near the ship. The team heads down the stairs, but Nate hesitates, looking down at the blood on his hand from his side. He goes down the ladder to join the team on the lower deck)
- - - - -
Nate: I've destroyed all the evidence the FBI has on Culpepper and Kadjic. You have no photos, no tapes, you don't have anything. You don't have a case on anybody, unless you arrest me. And only me.
Sophie: Nate?
Nate: I agree to turn state's evidence. I testify to what Kadjic told me, how he put the hit on Bonanno. Hell, I'll even give you Bonanno's evidence against the gunrunning.
Eliot: Nate, I can take these guys.
Hardison: It's just ten more yards to the chopper, man.
Nate: Listen, guys. I got you into this mess. This is the only way to get you out.
eliot is still ready to fight for his family no matter what and hardison just wants them to leave because they’re SO CLOSE
- - - - -
Nate: Come here.
(the team moves closer to him)
Nate: You guys are the most honorable people I have ever met in my life. You've become my family. My only family. I won't forget that. (looks at Eliot) Now get 'em on the chopper. Please. Now!
Eliot: Let's go.
(Eliot nudges Parker and she reluctantly heads for the gangplank. Eliot touches Hardison’s arm)
Eliot: Let's go, man.
(Hardison walks away. Eliot hesitates a moment, shaking his head, then follows the others, hesitating at the top of the gangplank near Sterling)
nate trusts eliot, and only eliot, to be the one to be able to get the rest of the team out of there and into the helicopter. he knows eliot and how much he cares for his family and will do anything to make sure they’re safe, and nate is betting on that to get them out of there
eliot has to be the one to make parker and hardison move because they’ll listen to him and also there would be a good chance that they’d try to stay with Nate otherwise
his gentle hands leading them away have my whole (whole) heart
- - - - -
(Sophie and Eliot get on the helicopter, Eliot hesitating one last time before getting in)
this hurts eliot so much because he’s the RETRIEVAL SPECIALIST and he’s supposed to get everyone safe and never leave anyone behind I’m-
- - - - -
Agent: Who the hell is this guy?
Sterling: I don't know.
Nate: My name's Nate Ford, and I am a thief.
(more sirens are heard. Nate begins laughing as the helicopter lifts off and more police cars and agents arrive, surrounding Nate and the dock. Nate watches the helicopter fly away)
MAJOR character development for nate this season (2.01 had him refusing that he was a thief and in multiple other episodes in this season)
oh and also, y’all, just like last season, if I had to watch this go down like that with my own two eyes and have that be the end of leverage (because they close every season like it’d be the last) I would have fucking R E V O L T E D
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Hahah! “I'm determined to appreciate you, you can't stop me” I do appreciate you though! And you can’t stop me! ❤️
The question had been at the back of her mind for the better part of a week.
Misty Waterflower had waited literally years for Ash Ketchum to come around. Truthfully, she had wondered at times if it was better to be more proactive, and thought at others perhaps she should concede because the continuous wedges driven and distance placed between them made an ongoing relationship (platonic, romantic, specifications honestly didn’t matter) rather difficult to bear.
And yet, mysteriously, the day had come to pass when Ash finally grew up enough to recognize the uniqueness of his bond with her and… dared to ask her out.
Things had been completely and utterly perfect since that time almost a week ago; a.k.a., absolutely flawless; a.k.a., boring as heck.
So she couldn’t help wondering to herself about the transition in their relationship… but she didn’t yet dare to broach the subject with him. Don’t fix what isn’t broken, right? Wasn’t that how the saying went…?
But things… were broken, from her perspective at least.
Misty didn’t quite know how to explain the disillusionment she felt after entering into a romantic relationship with her friend, Ash Ketchum. Things were… different? The hefty weight that had been dormant at the back of her mind and bottom of her heart was finally lifted after all that time but… relationship!Ash was weird.
Misty’d always thought she’d like a dedicated, suave man to sweep her off her feet but with Ash, it was entirely unnatural and it freaked her out.
Between the gifts, the showers of praise, the overabundant assistance in managing the gym, the constant attempts at remaining in touch, the conscientious nature…
He was broken and she was discouraged from one of the few things she’d wanted for most of her adolescence… Part of her wondered if it had anything to do with that ‘honeymoon phase’ her sisters had mentioned to her a couple of times. She hoped that, if she gave Ash a couple of weeks or so he’d figure out that she didn’t want whatever this mess was that he was offering her…
However, true to his dense, bullheaded disposition, he remained completely unaware and, admittedly, it wasn’t until he offered to postpone his trip back home (where he’d be learning about the next region and league he’d be participating in) that she knew she was going to have to enforce a change in their current dynamic.
“Mwah! Agh!” Ash yelped as the redhead shoved him into the living room of her family’s loft, then leaped up and brought down all her weight to make him take a seat. “Yikes, Mist, what’s goin’ on?! Somethin’ wrong?” he groaned afterwards, tenderly rubbing his shoulders and upper back after her assault.
“Is somethi–,” Misty sputtered blasphemously in reply to this ignorant question, “Is something wrong?! Are you kidding, Mr. Pokemon Master?! I’m here to ask you that!”
“Wha’d’ya mean?”
“I mean I don’t understand what’s going on with you! You’re acting -- you’ve been acting crazy this whole week and I don’t get it!”
After her initial (not entirely helpful) confession, she was somewhat intimidated by the glint of hurt reflecting in Ash’s eyes before he averted his gaze, falling into the back cushion of her couch and sighing up at the ceiling.
“Ash, c’mon, look at me. Talk to me. I’m sorry, I’m just… trying to understand. Remember… this is new to me too,” she tried again, afraid to inflict more intimate contact on him
Arms spread wide across the back of the couch, still finding more confidence in a conversation with her first floor roof, he clamped his lips tightly shut and blew air forcefully from between them.
“I dunno how to explain it, Mist. I don’t even know why we’re here.”
“You told me you’d put your trip back home on hold! You’ve never held back when it was time to run off to a new league before! This isn’t like you, Ash, you gotta admit that at least!”
Finally he chanced a glance at her, one brow creasing while the other raised suspiciously.
“But don’t you want that? I mean… isn’t that the kinda effort someone has to give? I don’t…”
Misty stared blankly at him as he struggled, finally nodding her head softly as if to urge him further on into his explanation.
“I just thought… Look, I’m not good at this stuff. And I only… I only realized what my feelings for you were or what they meant less than a month ago. I told myself as soon as I got home and saw my mom and stuff that I’d rush to Cerulean and let you know too. And I thought that girls… that you… would expect these kinds of things from me… or from any guy, right? You’d want the whole, y’know, the whole romantic package.”
The question she’d been holding back burned and burdened, finally overpowering her fear with the will of need to know.
“Yeah, that does sound nice…” she lamented softly, then chuckled at Ash’s scandalized retaliatory expression, “… but not coming from you. Not when we’ve known each other long enough for me to see you’re faking it.
“And you know what, Ash? I’ve spent most of this past week asking myself… What do you want from this relationship? O - or do you even… want it at all?” the redheaded trainer finally had the courage to ask, though her voice cracked a couple of times. “Because you’ve changed a lot of yourself to fit some build that you think I want. And that’s not to say that I expect no change at all from you! O - of course I’d like to spend time together, just us… and of course I’d like you to call a little more often and care about what I think, what I have to say…
“And… even the compliments…” she faltered with a mildly embarrassed blush. “It’s nice to think you think highly of me… But, again, if you don’t want... if you’re just faking saying this stuff ‘cause you wanna fit some romantic archetype then…”
“Hey! Wait a sec!” the teenage boy countered emphatically, leaping upright at her latest accusation. “I spent five or so years playing blind! Five years completely dumb to what I felt about you or what you really meant! How much you actually helped when I needed it most! I’m not the kinda sap you want from a guy - a boyfriend… but my feelings are real for sure and I definitely, absolutely wanna be with you! As for our relationship, I just... wanna know that I’m yours and you’re mine!
“And for the record, Mist,” he paused, waiting for her to look him in the face before continuing, “after all that time not knowin’ how much i feel for ya… I’m determined to appreciate you now and you can’t stop me!”
Misty, feeling her face burn so hot she was sure her skin would melt off, quickly covered her flushed cheeks with her hands, sniffling to hold back what felt like a stray tear or two.
“Wai - hey, what’s up with you?” her boyfriend asked her, completely baffled after his own proud declaration of adoration.
“I… that’s just…” And the redhead lightly kicked him in the leg with one of her feet to offset some of the unbridled joy she was feeling, apologizing internally at his hiss of pain, “… that was just the most romantic thing you could ever say to me, you dummy.”
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Icarus Ch3 - Discovery
Hospitals suck. The first few weeks were all right, you know, being in pain in all, but at this point I think anyone would be stir crazy. The nightly trips to the gym and intermittent visits from Alex and co. became too little, far too soon for my liking. To make matters worse, I’m fine. Despite being given a near clean bill of health I’m still stuck here. The unwelcome truth is, the agency doesn’t know what to do with something like me. Can’t let the Angel of Death loose on the town.
My latest visit was one of the most surprising. I looked up from my daily staring into space i saw none other than the Mighty Captain Warshow. How sweet. Here I was thinking I was his least favorite agent.
“Boss!” I exclaim, oozing with excitement, “How’s it goin’?” He looks mildly uncomfortable under my cheerful smile,wringing his hands as he shuffles into the room. I continue, “So, when can I get out of this hell-hole? Nurses cleared me days ago! Even Alex says I’ve made a miraculous recovery, and she’s a mother hen.” He glances at the wings with thinly veiled disgust. How dare he.. “Don’t like what your assignment did to me?” He looks away.
“Agent Valerius, that's why I’m here. HQ has decided to board you in the compound until further arrangements are made. They will be prepared for your arrival by the end of the week.” Of course. Always and easy way out. Keep me on base and keep me secure, out of the public's vengeful eye. Those snakes.
After fulfilling the purpose of his visit, the burly man turns to leave and I let him reach the door before I call out, “When will I be cleared for duty?” He frowns and leaves without another word.
Alex was ecstatic when I told her the following afternoon. Being my primary visiter for duration of my stay in this hell-hole, she had heard enough of my frustrated ramblings to last a lifetime.
“You know what this means right?” She looked practically giddy with excitement. Her trademark tabled gripped tightly in her hands. “You can finally stop bothering me!”
“I take offence to that! I don't ‘bother’ you.” She looked at me disbelievingly before laughing. “Besides,” I roll my eyes, “I’m literally moving two building over.”
“It’s the thought that counts. Your own space and all.”
“Space regulated by B.O.A.”
“Well what do you want them to do? They can’t exactly send you off like you are. And I’m sure you’ll be out in the field before you know it!” Ouch.
I look away. The genius seemed to hit every nerve in one fell swoop. Managing to cover both my inability to ever live a normal life again, and my careers destined closure. My position had always seemed like the one thing I had. As a kid in a military family, always moving across the country, and never fitting in. Learning to blend in and evaluate people, a skill that later made him an asset in intel gathering. So much in fact, that even the higher ups were willing to deal with my recalcitrance. Kind of hard to fade into the crowd if the crown is running away screaming.
Alex, as painfully oblivious as she is realized her mistake swiftly. Torn between reaching out as comfort and not, her hand hovered between us unsure. With both of us reticent tension filled the atmosphere as thick as maple syrup. We looked away, each not meeting the others eyes.
The genius stood sharply and headed to the door. In her final glance back I caught her gaze. Pity. The quiet monster that seemed to follow my every step. A predator tracking its prey. Antagonising me. Look what you are. You will never be like us. You poor, poor thing. Eating me alive.
As Dr. Gray’s figure left the door, disappearing into shadowy confines of my thinly veiled prison cell. What she left unsaid lingered in the still air.
The next day crept by at an agonizingly slow pace like molasses flooding the streets. With no visitors to distract me time seemed to stand still. The need to escape crawled across my skin like a swarm of fire ants. In a last effort to ease the feeling I checked the bindings on the wings, swept on a large coat (okay, a trench coat), and made my way through the hallway to the gym.
The large room was fortunately near empty, it’s only inhabitant a 40ish agent asleep on the bench. I removed my coat and made my way to the punching bag to vent my frustrations. One hit turned to two, then twenty. It seemed so much easier to lose myself in a haze of adrenaline than it was to think. Sweat poured down my back soaking uncomfortably into feathers of the wings. My movement tearing the bandages loose, letting the limbs loose. Despite that I felt more alive since I woke up in a hospital room.
“Kai!?” Standing on the other side of the room was none other than Alex Gray.
The man slumbering in the corner woke at Alex’s yell. Panic fluttered in my chest. The agent’s eyes opened and he seemed to panic at the sight of me. I realized with a cold feeling of dread that my gut. I grabbed my coat and ran, not stopping till I reached my desolate room. Alex was right behind me.
“Kai I’m so sorry!” My response was vitriolic.
“Sorry doesn’t cut it, Alex!” A heavy weight settled on my chest, forcing he breath out of my lungs and leaving me gasping. My hands shook as I held them against my chest. I couldn’t breathe. Chills rushed down my spine.
“I didn’t mean to scare anyone! I just needed to get out of here.” Alex’s hand rested on my shoulder but panic still flooded my senses.
“Kai, it’s gonna be alright.”
“No it’s not. I know i’m an abomination. Do you have any idea what it feels like to know that no matter what you do you can never get better. I’m going to spend the rest of my life either a lab rat or glorified prisoner being transferred from one facility to the next.” I fell to the floor and something warm wrapped around me.
“K-Kai!” Alex watched me, her eyes flooded with astonishment, “Your wings!”
That’s when I noticed. The feathered limbs that always dragged so uselessly behind me were not so now. Dull, dark feathers blocked my vision as the wings held themselves in front of me, almost as if to protect me.
Then, spasms of pain shot down my spine, burning like a wildfire. Black spots cloud my vision as my nerves scream in agony. Through my blurry vision I see Alex rush over to me. Tears streamed down my face as my body fell limp and I finally lost consciousness.
Waking up in a hospital bed in varying amounts of pain, with a certain genius perched at the foot, seems to be becoming a very unwelcome habit. Alex looked up from the device in her hand and smiled as she saw my bleary gaze.
“Valerius, you’re up! You have no idea how big this is!” The brunettes incessant energy was back in full swing. Completely disregarding my empty stare, she continued, “I've never seen anything like it. The sensory output from your wings has increased exponentially! The nerve endings knit together almost over night and your brain has managed to add another set of limbs to its control system. If we can replicate it, the applications to paralytics and amputees would be unparalleled.” Finally, she paused to take a breath. “You must be able to feel the difference?”
She was right, as always. I could feel the feathers bend awkwardly under my weight, and the way their barbs are rubbed the wrong way by the material. It was horrible. Feeling the wings so intimately just serve as another reminder that I’m just someone else’s experiment.
“Yeah it’s great… Who knows, maybe one day i'll fly like some kind of angel man!” Alex smiled and the lie felt worthwhile if it fueled her enthusiasm. It seemed as if my years of fake faces and fronts finally did some good. So, I let Alex babble on with a smile on my face.
The next day my move went on as planned despite the wing incident. I stood in my room taking one last look around the place that has been my home for the last 5 months. The plain space was especially empty with my few belonging laying in a duffel at my feet. I caught a glimpse of myself and I couldn’t look away. A gaunt face with prominent cheekbones and sunken eyes stared back at me, a reflection of my months of disappearance and recovery. I could almost see why people looked at me like i’m glass about to shatter.
I hear an eager knock at the door, quickly followed by Alex barging into my room. Back to her energetic self, she was practically vibrating with anticipation.
“It’s moving day!” she said in a sing-songy voice, grabbing my bag and pulling me away from the mirror. The wings were bound again but I almost regretted it. Aside from yesterday, the wings were still unable to hold themselves. Unfortunately, with the enhanced feeling, the setup was hot, restricting, and uncomfortable, leaving me unable to really focus on anything in particular. I followed the genius like a lost puppy.
As Alex and I walked out of the Med Wing, I couldn’t help but feel a hint of melancholy. I’m leaving behind the place where I healed, and all hopes of being fixed, resigning myself to a life of isolation.
My new building is the sumptuous housing for the higher ups, equipped with apartments more similar to those outside the compound than the cramped rooms we stayed in as trainees and agents. Most of the rooms contained kitchens and lounges, luxuries i've been without for far too long.
The moment we entered the building I could tell it was reserved for those of importance. Although not overly decorated, the plush carpet and gleaming chandeliers were impressive. Alex talked my ear off the duration of our ride in the elevator. Obviously I would be staying on the top floor, like a princess trapped in a tower.
“Agent, are you even listening?” Alex’s irritated voice broke me out of my thoughts. I smirked.
“Why would I need to listen to you?” We reached the door and she mock frowned as she opened the door with her set of keys. I walked in and turned of the lights before stumbling back.
“Surprise!” Inside were various friends and acquaintances I had come to know in my years in the agency. Various greetings were thrown my way and Alex watched my reaction with a smug grin.
“Welcome to the real world!”
“Good to have you back”
Then, someone had to say the word that started it all.
“Everyone give it up for Icarus.”
The world fell into madness.
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teruthecreator · 6 years
Who She Wants to Be
ummmmmm, so this was supposed to be a short lil’ thing based on @tazdelightful‘s blupjeans baby that i’ve had many a thought about because i needed a reason to start writing again
buuuuuuut then i made it 11 pages long and oops! pobody’s nerfect i guess!! (theres a brief mention of drugs/drug use, but its pot and its also like literally two lines but just thought id mention) 
She was born in a ring of fire. Ravens croaked and cawed, perched diligently all around the Raven Queen’s chamber, watching with beady eyes as she was birthed. Blessed by two powerful goddesses upon birth, she opened her eyes to a shadowy room and the teary-eyed faces of her mother and father. Her mother gasped at the sight, while her father could barely contain the tears that were flowing in streams down his face. A dark mass, looming past those faces, seemed to radiate a loving warmth from its being as it addressed the two:
“She is beautiful,” Her parents nodded in response, too overwhelmed to produce a verbal response.
“She’s our beautiful Marlena,” her father whispered hoarsely, and then a strange mass passed over her line of sight as he moved to cup her face.
She was born in a ring of fire, in the presence of two powerful goddesses, in the realm of the Raven Queen.
And all Marlena Bluejeans could do, in that exact moment following her birth, was scream as loud as humanly possible.
At age four and a half (the half was extremely important), Marlena decided she only wanted to wear polka dotted corduroy pants, and only polka dotted corduroy pants.
“Lena, sweetie, please come back!” Her father could be heard shouting down the hall as Marlena races to the steps, giggling all the while. She reaches the stairs and clumsily bounds down them to the first floor, her father’s worried voice echoing through the large home. On the first floor, she makes a mad dash to the kitchen, where her mother was making lunch.
Upon arrival, Marlena immediately ducks behind her mother’s legs, still giggling like a madwoman. Her mother pauses her vicious stirring of something to peer at her runt of a daughter, a mischievous smile tugging on the corners of her lips.
“What’s goin’ on, lil’ stinker?” she asks, just as her husband rounds the corner and skids to halt. Marlena giggles even more as her father takes two steps into the kitchen, then leans over the island counter to desperately catch his breath. Not even her mother can hold in her laughter, as she lets out a snort and asks, “You good, Bear?”
He nods his head into the counter, taking a couple deep breaths before lifting his body off of the counter and presenting the lilac purple t-shirt he’s been clutching in his hands.
“Shirt. Please. Wear.” He pants, which prompts his wife to finally get a proper look at her daughter. And, just as her husband implied, she was most certainly not wearing a shirt. Her favorite pair of purple-and-pink polka dotted corduroy pants, yes, but definitely not a shirt.
Marlena giggles some more as her mother shakes her head.
“We’re not goin’ out anywhere, babe, just let her wear the pants.” She says, taking the few steps to reach her husband and kiss him on the cheek. “Let her be rogue for the short time she can be.”
“B-But, honey, she needs a shirt--”
“And you need a new pair of work pants because, if last I checked, somebody ‘accidentally’ burned a hole in his old pair. But you don’t see me dragging your ass out to the store any time soon, huh?” Her husband considers this, face tinted with an embarrassed blush, before conceding.
“Alright, alright,” he says, causing both mother and daughter to cheer. He smiles and shakes his head, scooping up Marlena and pointing a playfully-strict finger at her. “But when we go to dinner with Uncle Taako and Uncle Kravitz tomorrow, you are wearing a shirt.”
Marlena giggles and nods her head, though she knows well enough that her father will give up again; just like he’s done countless times before.
At age eight, Marlena learns Magic Missile. Which is, admittedly, pretty great; figuring no one taught her Magic Missile. But it’s also pretty bad because that means no one is expecting her to know Magic Missile, which makes them finding out even more of a catastrophe.
“Pshaw, psh psh pew! Take that!” Marlena cries out from the living room of her uncles’ apartment, playing pretend-magic with her Uncle Taako’s Krebstar. She bounds over the plush couch and does a tuck-and-roll as she avoids shots from her invisible assailants.
Nearly ten feet away, in the kitchen, her Uncle Kravitz worries.
“Love, is it really safe for her to be playing with your magical focus?” he says, chopping a head of iceberg lettuce with practiced ease. “What if she gets hurt?”
Taako pushaws at his husband’s remark, cracking some black pepper into the sauce he’s been working on. “The most that kid can do with that thing is let off a few sparks. And if it keeps her busy, then fine by me. I only have so much energy to keep up with a direct spawn of Lup’s energy and cook a baller dinner at the same time.” Kravitz chuckles under his breath, careful to keep his knowledge of Taako’s legitimate love and adoration of his niece to himself. He knows for a fact that that girl could ask for anything in the entire multiverse, and Taako would find a way to give her it and then some.
“As long as you’re certain--” Kravitz’s sentence is cut off by a loud exclamation of “ABRA-KA-FLIP-YOU!” before an even louder boom startles the pair. Taako’s already five feet ahead of Kravitz before he can even turn and notice the charred remains of a few priceless paintings on the wall of their living room, as well as the hole burned clean through the wall itself.
And, standing a couple of steps away from the wreckage, is the culprit; Marlena, looking both triumphant and terrified, clutching the Krebstar in a battle stance.
Both adults gape at the scene before them, unable to parse what exactly happened, when Marlena drops the Krebstar and takes a giant step backward.
“I’msorryI’msorryI’msorryI’msorryI’msorry,” she says as tears begin to build in her eyes. Before they have the chance to fall, though, her uncle lets out a wheeze of laughter.
“Holy shit this is fucking incredible,” Taako wheezes out as he waves a hand over the wreckage, mending the wall and extinguishing the flames in a matter of seconds. “Bubbeleh, you do not need to apologize for some sick-ass casting.��� This seems to both confuse Marlena and alarm Kravitz.
“Taako, she just burned a hole through our wall.” Kravitz says, taking a step toward his husband. “Th-This is an obvious sign of that unkempt magical energy Barry kept saying he was detecting on her as an infant. We need to do something about that.” Taako looks back to his husband and rolls his eyes, walking the short distance to his forgotten focus and hefting it over his shoulder.
“Yeah, what we’re gonna do is invest in some targets and get this girl her own wand.” he says as he ruffles Marlena’s hair. “Ch’girl got some crazy skills already and we haven’t even taught her anything.” He looks down to address his niece with a lazy grin. “But starting tomorrow we’re gonna be holding Magic Day at your momma’s house.”
Marlena’s eyes light up, and she lets out a gleeful noise as she hugs her uncle. Taako instinctively hoists her up into his free arm to hug her properly, and Kravitz sighs fondly at the two. Before Taako can notice, though, Kravitz makes his way back to the kitchen; where a forgotten dinner needs to be finished, and a Stone of Farspeech awaits a call to his coworkers.
At age twelve, Marlena sits her parents down for a talk.
“You want to do what now?” Her mother asks skeptically, setting her morning cup of coffee on the table.
“I want to stay with traditional schooling.” Marlena repeats, her tone serious and unflinching even as both her parents eye her with concern and bafflement.
“But, sweetie, just last week you were complaining about those boys who keep asking you about your mother! Wouldn’t homeschooling fix that?” Her father says, hands folded in the way he does when he’s too nervous to figure out what to do with them.
“Yeah, but it doesn’t bother me enough to make me want to leave all my friends!” Marlena says.
“But it’s not like they’re giving you any new information.” Her mother adds with an accusing jab of her finger. “I’ve seen you sneaking around with Ango’s college textbooks; I know you know more than what you’re letting on! And we’re already teaching you magic, so what’s the big deal about us teaching you everything else?”
“You would learn at your own pace, and at your own leisure,” her father continues. “And just because it’s called ‘homeschooling’ doesn’t mean we’re going to force you to stay here. The rest of the family are all on-board with taking you in for weeks at a time to teach you their own tricks of the trade. Uncle Taako’s already called dibs on you for the next month!”
“You could graduate in, like, a year; just like your cousin! Doesn’t that sound great?” Her mother finishes with an enthusiastic grin, much like the one her father is also sporting. All the joy they seem to have about this idea is cut short when Marlena slams her hand down on the table.
“No!” She exclaims, her half-elf ears twitching slightly in frustration. “Because what you don’t get is that I don’t want to graduate in a year!” This causes her parents to both freeze, glancing nervously back at one another to see what the other might say. But Marlena gives them no time to say anything when she stands up and gestures angrily at nothing.
“Look, I get it. You guys both want what’s best for me, you love me, yadda yadda. But I’m not like my cousin. I don’t have a family I’m desperately trying to avoid because of personal reasons, and I don’t have a career I’m desperately trying to pursue. I’m just a kid who wants to do kid things like play kickball in Gym and write essays on topics I think are boring! You just don’t understand that I hide my knowledge from you guys because I want you to keep me in school!”
“It’s hard being me! Every other week I’m getting kidnapped by necromancers looking to use me; if I sneeze too hard sometimes I let out a bolt of lightning because I still don’t have full control of my magic; and people publish articles about me if I decide to wear the same jacket two days in a row! I just wanna be like every other middle schooler and go to school! And play soccer with friends after class! And eat Cheese Wiz straight from the can on a dare, even though I know it’ll make me puke! I just. Want. A normal life.”
She’s panting by the time she finishes, and there are angry tears building in the corners of her eyes. But she’s said what she had to say, and so she plops back down in her chair and holds her breath for a response.
“We…” Her mother mutters, eyes still wide and mouth slightly agape. “I…”
“Aw, beans,” her father says as he leans over to hug his daughter. “Lena, we didn’t know.”
“Well, we did--we did know all that other stuff--about the kidnapping and the jacket thing--but uh, we didn’t, uh. We didn’t realize how you felt.” Her mother fumbles for the right words, standing to also hug her daughter. “We’re sorry we hurt you, Len-Len…”
“You didn’t--” Marlena sniffles. “You didn’t hurt me. I just...I didn’t tell you. It’s my fault…” Her father shakes his head and reaches around to pet her hair.
“No blame game, missy. If anyone is at fault for this, it’s us,” he says sternly. “We’re your parents, and we should know when our daughter’s upset.” His wife nods as she wedges herself into the hug.
“Yeah, he’s right.” she adds with a reassuring squeeze of Marlena’s hand. “So the next time you feel something this strongly, you come and tell us. Because we’re still, uh, sorta new at this; and we don’t always catch when something’s bothering you.”
“Y-You’re not mad, though?” Marlena asks, squished between her parents in an awkward tangle of bodies and limbs. Her mother guffaws.
“Mad? Bullshit! I would’ve felt worse if we had gone through in pulling you out of school!” She pulls away from the hug to look her daughter in the eye. “Sweetie, we love you. We want what you want.”
“Unless that ‘want’ involves drugs, alcohol, crime, necromancy, et cetra.” Her husband adds.
“Yeah, except that. But if it’s something like school,” she rolls her eyes. “Go buck wild, sweetcheeks. Go play soccer out back. Play pranks on the shitty subs. Eat a bug. We just want you to be happy.” Both of Marlena’s parents lean in to kiss her on the forehead, causing Marlena to gag and push them away with a laugh. The three of them share in this moment for a while before the morning settles into its usual routine.
About an hour after the fact, Marlena clears her throat to catch the attention of her parents.
“Uh, I know we just got done with the whole ‘I wanna stay in school’ thing. But uh, if Uncle Taako still has the offer open…” She trails off, looking nervously around the room. Her mother laughs and pulls out her Stone of Farspeech.
“I’m sure he can re-clear his schedule.”
At sixteen, Marlena gets caught redhanded at the Spring Formal.
“It’s not what you think!” Marlena quickly exclaims, even though it is exactly what it seems. If this was her mother, it would all be over. Guns ablazing; fury absolute; no survivors. If it were her father, then it would be weird. A lot of awkward coughs, little to no eye contact, and a very stiff conversation to follow at home.
But, somehow, Marlena got the worst out of any of these options; her Uncle Merle.
“Uh-huh, suuuuure,” he says, surveying the scene before him. “It sure doesn’t look like ya were just mackin’ on this young lady, riiight.” He turns his attention to the nervous girl standing beside Marlena. “And what’s yer name, hun?”
“U-Uhhhh,” she stutters, cheeks a fiery red. “Isabelle.” Merle nods his head and runs a hand through his crunchy beard.
“Well, Isabelle, why dontcha just run on back inside the cafeteria so me and my niece can have a chat, alright?” Isabelle cannot nod fast enough, and she gives Marlena one final glance before racing down the darkened hallway and back to the dance.
The silence left behind by Isabelle’s exit is deafening, and Marlena looks far too wired to try and explain what Merle just waddled into. Merle, on his end, looks like he has all the time in the world to address the fact that he just caught his niece kissing someone at a high school dance.
“Sooooo, I’m guessin’ I don’t need to give you a talk ‘bout the birds and bees.” Merle starts off, causing Marlena to immediately shake her head. “Figured. But, uh, that girl. She, uhhhhhh, you two dating?” Marlena looks around for a couple of seconds, before looking at her heel-clad feet and nodding her head. “Figured that, too. How long?”
There’s a shift in the air around them before Marlena mutters, “Four months,” and then promptly slaps a hand over her mouth. Merle chuckles and shakes his head.
“You been around me for how long, kid, and you didn’t think I’d try an’ Zone of Truth ya?”
“I’m not exactly thinking right now, okay!?” Marlena blurts out. “I’m kind of experiencing my Worst Case Scenario at the moment, so if you could excuse my lack of oversight on you casting the same damn spell for the millionth time that would be great!” She slaps a hand over her mouth again, then drops it when Merle laughs some more.
“Geez, somebody’s feisty tonight…” Merle looks around, then shakes his head. “Come on, this is no place for a talk this.”
And then, just like that; they’re in a simple office with a long table, surrounded by cushy office chairs, overlooking a sunset-filled sky.
Marlena rolls her eyes.
“Parley. Really?” She looks at him with an uninterested stare. Merle huffs at her.
“What? I’ll have you know I’ve had some great conversations in here!”
“Yeah, and most of them ended in you dying…” Marlena points out as she walks to the table and plops down in one of the chairs. Merle laughs again and sits across from her, a chess board suddenly appearing between them.
“Hopefully this one won’t,” he gestures to the board, a silent offer that is met with a silent confirmation. He moves his first piece and leans back in his chair.
“So. Four months is a long time to go without introducing her to the family.” Merle says, watching Marlena tense before she moves a pawn. “You had any plans on having her meet us orrrr….”
“I did.” she mutters, moving another piece. “That all kind of just got ruined, though, and she’s probably never going to talk to me again, so that’s something.”
“Why do you think that?” Merle moves a bishop.
“Because people have this ill-conceived notion that you’re all these big, intimidating people; and she’s gonna get scared that you’re all going to come after her, or somethin’...” she moves another pawn.
“That’s kind of a stupid thought,”
“Why do you think that?”
“Because she’s your girlfriend!” Merle says as he captures one of Marlena’s pawns. “Listen, I may be no ‘romance expert’, but four months is a long time for relationships, at your age. If she wasn’t scared off by the thought of your family being the Seven Birds before, then I don’t think that’s suddenly going to change because one of them caught you two swappin’ spit in the Music hallway.”
“Gross,” Marlena mutters as she captures Merle’s knight.
“Listen, love is love. Once you love somebody, it takes a lot to change your mind about that.” Merle continues as he moves his rook. “Look, if Dav still hasn’t left me after alla my baggage, then I think there’s plenty of hope for you and your girl.” He captures Marlena’s king in one fell swoop and sits back again. “Now, I’m not saying you two are necessarily ‘in love’; but by the way she was lookin’ at you before she split, I think it’s pretty damn close. She wouldn’t let that go because of something dumb like this.”
Marlena stares at the board, a little dumbfounded, before letting out a little chuckle of her own.
“I guess you’re right…” She says, fiddling with her queen. “It’s just…”
“Just what?” Merle asks with a quirked brow. Marlena’s ears turn a little pink.
“It’s just I’m...afraid. Of what Mom and Dad will think.” At that, Merle snorts.
“Honey, you got several uncles and aunts who are in the LGBT community; and so are your own damn parents. No one’s gonna freak out at you liking girls.” Marlena huffs and shakes her head.
“Not about that!” She replies, her voice cracking. “About...the time…”
“About the fact that you waited four months to tell them you have a girlfriend?��� Merle says, to which she nods. Merle pauses for a minute, running his soulwood hand through his beard a few times, before having an idea. “Well, how about I don’t tell anybody about this little fiasco, as long as you promise me that you’ll bring Isabelle to the next family dinner?” Marlena looks up at Merle in shock. “That way it gives you a coupla weeks to figure out how you wanna go about it. That sound good?”
“Y-Yes!” She blurts, this time without any magical prompting. “You got a deal!” She reaches over the table to seal the deal with a handshake, to which Merle complies. “And, uh, thanks. I guess. For being cool about this.”
Merle hops off the chair and shrugs.
“Eh, that’s what makes me the ‘Chill Uncle”. Now let’s get you back to the dance, so your principal doesn’t think I snuck off the property to smoke some pot.”
And in another blink of an eye, they were back in that dark hallway. Marlena smiles at Merle one last time before running off to meet up with her girlfriend, leaving Merle to linger in the hallway.
“Ah, young love.” He sighs wistfully, watching Marlena’s figure disappear around a corner. He stands there for about another two minutes before shrugging and reaching into his pocket.
“Well, guess no one’ll miss Ol’ Merle tonight.” He says, waddling towards the back entrance, joint in hand.
At age eighteen, Marlena graduated second in her class. She claimed it was because of a class she struggled with her Junior year, but her closest circle of friends know it’s primarily because she didn’t want to seem like she was handed the title of valedictorian. And if that left her girlfriend of two years at the very top, then that was only a bonus.
At graduation, Marlena doesn’t look for her family in the seats, because she can hear them several miles away.
“THAT’S MY GIRL!!!” Her mother screams from her seat, much to the dismay of the security guard standing a mere two feet away. “HI BABY!!!! WE LOVE YOU!!!” Not even her father, who is the more reserved of the two, is holding back his enthusiasm; screaming his fair share of positive words and firing off a few harmless sparks of magic.
Marlena rolls her eyes with a fond grin as she takes her seat in her row. Isabelle is beside her, reaching out to take her hand and give it a good squeeze. Marlena looks at her and gestures with her head back toward the crowd.
“If anybody asks, they aren’t my family.” She says, earning a small chuckle from her girlfriend.
“Then whose dinner did I crash last weekend?” Isabelle asks, earning herself her own giggle. The ceremony cuts their banter short as their principal addresses the crowd. After a performance from the Senior Choir, Marlena gets up to deliver her speech to the crowd. Isabelle shoots her a thumbs up as she reaches the stage, and Marlena smiles as she makes it to the podium. She’s never been one for public speaking, but this speech has been rehearsed enough times to where she could recite it without the paper in front of her.
“I was born in a ring of fire.” She begins, her voice echoing down the rows of families. “Ravens stood attentive around the room when I was born, and I was blessed by the powers of both the Raven Queen and Istus. When I was born, it has been said that both life and death stood at a perfect balance. And then, I screamed.”
“I screamed and screamed, and even when my mother tried to comfort me, I still screamed. My father told me that I screamed for an entire day, and it took being place in my crib to get me to stop. Now, I don’t know what this means entirely, but I can assume it means what I’ve always thought of myself: that I’m not special. I’m not special because, at the end of the day, I screamed like every other baby that’s ever been born does. I’m not special because I still slept in a crib, and I still wore diapers, and I still crapped my pants.”
“So when the world started telling me I was special, I was confused. Who decided I was special? It certainly wasn’t me; nor was it my parents. I was a kid, like every other kid on the planet. And I grew up, just like everyone else does. Now I’m graduating, just like every other kid sitting in these seats in front of me. I’m no different than your child, or anyone else’s child.”
“So I guess what I’m trying to say is: make yourself who you want to be. Set your own goals; follow your own path. Don’t let what others try and tell you be what you are if that’s not how you feel. Be the person you want to be. And if that person goes off to college, then that’s great. If not, then that’s great too. Because society doesn’t have the right to decide who you get to be. The only person who gets to decide that is you.”
“I was born in a ring of fire, in the deepest part of the Astral Plane, surrounded by goddesses with immeasurable amounts of power. But I still screamed, just like every other baby did when they were born.”
Her speech was met with thunderous applause, and a lot of erratic cheering from her family members. And, as she went back to her seat and watched the first solo performance of the ceremony, she smiled to herself.
Her name is Marlena Bluejeans, and she is exactly who she wants to be.
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sc87confessions · 7 years
Christmas in California
As the holidays approached you made sure to finish as much Christmas shoppin as you could. Every year it seemed like you had to buy an additional present as your family was growin with more nieces and nephews, all your siblings were married except you, so you were the “cool aunt”. You weren’t sure whether to get Sid a present as you guys had only been datin for a few months however you preferred to be safe than sorry so you ended up gettin him a few small gifts. You felt like everythin was goin well between Sid and you, you guys haven’t argued much since the bar incident, just minor disagreements but you guys communicated well on it. For the first time in a while you felt as if Sid was the one for you, it terrified you due to the fact that the first and last time you felt that way about someone, they ended up cheatin on you. You were headin back home from the mall when you saw that Sid was callin you “Hey Sidney, what’s up?” “Not much baby, just got home from practice, you?” “Ughhh shoppin, thankfully done though” “Haha, it still surprises me that you’re not a big fan of shoppin” “I mean I like it but for like less than an hour ahahah” “Hey, anyway you can stop by, I would like to talk to you about something” he said more seriously Shhiitt what now? “Uhmm, yeah sure, everythin okay?” “Yeah, everything’s fine, it’s just something I prefer to talk to you in person” “Alright, well I’ll be there in a bit then” “Drive safe….bye” You were on your way to Sid’s when you called Jake a little panicked “DUDE, Sid wants me to go to his house to talk about somethin” “So?” “What in the world does he need to talk about that has to be in person, he’s probably gonna break up with me” “(Y/N) you’re crazy, I mean I don’t know what he wants to talk about but I’m sure it’s not that darlin” “I hope not, I’m tryin to remember if I did somethin wrong hahaha” “WOW haha well everythin is your fault, let me know how it goes, I’m here at Leila’s place” “I told you, you’d thank me about givin her your number one day Jake” “Uh huhhh” “Where’s my thank you?” “I’ll thank you when I know she doesn’t want me for what I do” “Jake, I love you but you’re crazy darlin haha, talk to you later bye, love you” “Love you too, good luck” You arrived at Sid’s and gave yourself two minutes to relax before you headed towards the door. You rang the doorbell as you heard the door open, Sid must’ve heard your truck. “Hey, come on in” he said as he gave you a kiss You were pretty exhausted from shoppin so you headed to his couch and got relaxed but you cut straight to it “So what did you wanna talk about in person?” you said as you tilted you head back on the pillow. “UHumm well, I noticed that I’ll actually be in LA for Christmas time, we play the Kings and Ducks too actually, so I know you’re spending it there too right?” “Yep, Thanksgivin with my sis and Christmas in SoCal” “Is your sister going there for Christmas too?” ​​​“Yeah she is actually, why?” “Well I wanted to see if you’d like to bring your family to the games?” “Like the entire family?” “Yes” “Sidney, there’s like four of us siblings, each one of my siblings are married, there’s a total of 5 kids, so it’s about 12 people we’re talkin about here” “So?” “You can get that many tickets?” “Of course, now here’s the more serious question, is it okay to spend Christmas with you guys?” Fuck that means he has to meet my family “If you’d like yeah you’re more than welcome to” “I want to meet your family, see where you come from, where you grew up” he said as he sat down next to you. “Are you sure you’re ready to meet them Sidney” “Of course, if I wasn’t I wouldn’t be telling you” “Jeez, Sid I thought I did somethin wrong” you said chucklin a bit “Really?” “Yeah when people say I wanna talk it’s usually not good haha” “Well, this time it is, plus I wanted to see if you wanted to come with me to get some dinner, I’m starving aha” he gave you a kiss and got up to get the keys. You guys had a nice quiet dinner at Panera and headed back home to watch a movie, you felt yourself fallin asleep when you knew it was best for you to go back home. You kissed Sid goodbye. On your way home, you kept thinkin about how your family would receive Sid, you knew they will like him but you still felt nervous about them meetin each other. What made you nervous was that Sid was gettin more serious in your relationship, which scared you a bit as you felt yourself fallin in love with him. The next day you got up and headed towards the gym with your buddies, you talked to them about it to get a feel on their perspective. All of them agreed that Sid was serious about your guy’s relationship. They were very happy that you had found someone to finally complement you in your life. As you head towards Dunkin Donuts you called your sis to let her know first about Sid wantin to spend Christmas with them, your family knew that you were datin someone, but they you hadn’t let them know if it was serious or not. Your sis was shocked at first and so was your mom when you told her that Sid wanted to meet them, they were mostly surprised that you yourself was okay with it. It was finally the day before Thanksgivin when you were on your way to the airport, Sid had left the day before for a two week long road trip in Canada. You guys had told each other to be safe and to have a great Thanksgivin. You were excited to see your sis and glad that you had a small distance flight as you weren’t a big fan of flying. Your sister and her family picked you up from the airport, your sis was the most excited to have you there for a holiday, even though you guys were about 15 years apart you were as close as ever. You helped cooked dinner, bakin your famous apple pie that your brother-in-law loved, as you two watched all the lovely football that was on. You were watchin the tv as you were mixin the dough for your pie. You could tell your sis wanted to talk about Sid when you got a text from him askin how you were doin. “So what did mom say when you told her about Sidney?” your sis asked curiously “She sounded excited, that she couldn’t wait to meet him and see how he is” “I’m excited to meet him too, he sounds like an amazin guy, I told you you’d find your prince charming” she said as you rolled your eyes but smiled. “He’s not my prince charmin, he’s my hockey prince with a big butt, like huge hahhaa” “Have you guys had sex?” she asked “Uhmm no, frankly I’m kind of scared too, you know it’s been a while plus I don’t know if I’m ready for that yet, like don’t get me wrong every time I see him I want to jump his bones hahaha but like I want to save that aspect for when we’re serious” you said honestly “That’s good, take your time, he seems like he’s respectin you in that and in what you do too” “Yeah his schedule’s always busy that’s why he understands mine” You spent another few days at your sister’s as you guys went hikin and fishin, you loved comin here to visit her because you always felt relaxed bein surrouned by nature. You enjoyed the country lifestyle but liked how she lived closer to a city as well. It was the best of both worlds but when you visited your sis, you enjoyed the countryside. When your plane landed you were lookin forward to seein two people, Sidney and your dog. You were goin to take her with you to SoCal so she can see your family again and you felt bad leavin her for more than three days. You were excited to see Sidney as you couldn’t wait to see what the plan’s were for Christmas but he wouldn’t be home for another week. You picked up overtime at work which was goin to help you financially, even though you didn’t need it but you also because you loved what you do. Jake was still in Texas visitin his family so it was you and your other coworker Casey patrollin around Pittsburgh. Casey had actually met a girl at one of the games, they had been datin for awhile as well, so it was nice to see him happy. “I think its funny how when the three of us met we were all single and now look at us” Casey said laughin “What was it that we said, none of us were goin to date because our life was too damn good haha” “And now we’re whipped” “uhM, speak for yourself on that one” “Bullshit” “Whatever” you said as you called Sid durin your lunch time When Sid answered, Casey made a whippin sound to make fun of you even more. You guys had a good convo with Sid tellin you about how he’d have to fly with the team and stay with them in California, which you were okay with as it was baby steps in Sid meetin your family. ​​​That week flew by with all the work that you had been doin, you knew that you weren’t goin to be home for Christmas but you were still in the mood to decorate the place as Jake was stayin here to meet Leila’s family. Sid had arrived from Canada and looked pretty chipper to be home and especially to be with you. You were both excited for Christmas in California.​​
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softcorehippos · 8 years
Cat and Mouse
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(gif not mine)
Pairing: Sam x Reader (with a little bit of everybody)
Summary: This is sort of a continuation of the request by @cupcakequeen1999 titled Savior, but you could totally read this on its own. 
A/N: I know I’m a terrible person and writer, this took so long to do because I had a massive writer’s block and I know this isn’t exactly what you asked for, but this is the closest thing I could do to your original ask, I really hope you like it! 
Sam scrunched his nose in disgust as he saw you and T’Challa curled up to each other on the couch opposite him. T’Challa was whispering sweet nothings in your ear and the words, plus the close proximity caused you to giggle every time he talked.
“You look constipated.” Bucky said to Sam as he sat down next to him.
Sam didn’t respond, he just kept staring at you with his fingers in his palm. Bucky soon took the hint and chuckled. “Just let them be, they look good together.”
That caught Sam’s attention and he shot a death glare at the former soldier.
“She’s my baby sister, it’s just wrong.”
“Then stop staring, you creep.” Bucky rolled his eyes and stood up, leaving Sam alone with you and T’Challa.
You knew that Sam was glaring at you and T’Challa but you couldn’t find it in you to care. Ever since T’Challa took you out a month ago, things have never been better. He treats you like a queen, spoiling you with affection and lavish gifts, and it doesn’t hurt that the sex was mind-blowing.
Seriously, it’s that good.
There were numerous occasions where you were so sore afterwards you were unable to walk straight for days.
“Will you two knock it off?” Sam said through gritted teeth.
You turned to look at him, face feigning innocence. “What ever do you mean, brother?”
“Screw you.” He mumbled as he stood up.
You couldn’t help but to retort, “Don’t worry, T’Challa’s got that covered.”
Sam stopped dead in his tracks, his face flushed and hot, before continued to make his way to the gym. He needed to blow off steam.
“You do realize they’re just doing this to taunt you, right? To get this exact reaction?” Bucky asked as he kept the sand sack that was taking Sam’s beating steady.
“Shut up.”
Bucky chuckled. “What’s got your panties in a twist, anyway?”
Sam stopped throwing punches and sighed. “She’s my baby sister, it’s just wrong, how do you expect me to just sit there and watch him violate my sister?”
“Whoa, whoa, violate? You’re making something wonderful sound like something completely vile.”
“Because it is.” He mumbled before getting back to his target.
“Well if isn’t two of my favorite Avenger!” A man’s voice bellowed into the somewhat quiet gym, causing Sam and Bucky turned their attention towards the door, where two of the most unlikely guests walked in.
Sam’s face broke into a grin. “What up antlers?” He greeted the God of mischief and Thor, who were trailing closely behind him.
“Says the man who talks to his toy bird. How are you, my friends?” Loki greeted cheerfully, which Sam thought was suspicious.
“Fine. What are you up to? What are you doing here?”
“Can’t a man visit his fellow Avengers?”
“You, brother, are not an Avenger.” Thor shook his head before turning his attention to Bucky. “Barnes, I’m in need of a favor, if you are not otherwise occupied?”
“Sure man.” He grabbed his towel and went to follow Thor out the gym, but not before he turned around to give his brother a warning.
“Do not cause trouble, brother, or I will take us back to Asgard immediately.”
Loki gave Thor a salute before Thor disappeared out the door and once he was gone, Loki turned his attention to Sam, who was watching the exchange between the two brothers in amusement.
“Hm.” Loki suddenly said, eyeing Sam with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“I’m sensing a lot of hostility from you, Sam. Is my presence bothering you?”
Sam snorted a response as he took off the bands from his hand. “Surprisingly, for once, it’s not you.”
“Ah, is someone after my title of being the most insufferable individual in this building?”
“Man, you have no idea.”
Sam ended up ranting his problems away to Loki, who was listening intently, he would occasionally give a smart-ass response, which caused Sam to further his ranting. That is, until you walked into the gym, wearing nothing but compression shorts and a black sports bra.
“Jesus, Y/N. Put some fucking clothes on!” Sam cried out in exasperation.
You gave him a look. “Huh? This is what I normally wear to work out. You’re so fucking weird.” You muttered the last part under your breath.
You set up your yoga mat on the far end of the gym floor and went straight to stretching, your attention was yanked away, however, when you saw T’Challa walking towards you, dressed in his workout attire.
“Do you mind?” He asked with a smile.
“Of course not.” You waved him closer. “Come help me stretch.”
You lay down on the mat, with your legs set apart as if you were doing a split. You had T’Challa put his hands on your inner thighs, pushing them to the floor as close as possible. A grunt escaped your lips and that caught Sam and Loki’s attention.
“You fucking kidding me?” Sam muttered under his breath and averted his gaze before he exploded.
“Is that cat man you speak of?” Loki asked Sam, who was staring at you and T’Challa with fumes coming out of his ears. He couldn’t answer Loki so he just nodded in response.
“Well, now I see perfectly why would be angry, my friend.” Loki patted Sam’s shoulder with a chuckle.
“She’s doing this on purpose, she’s playing with that fucking cat just to piss me off. He thinks he’s all that because he’s royalty, when in reality he’s just a grown ass man playing fucking dress up as the Black Panther.” Sam said the last two words in a mocking tone.
“He’s royalty?”
“Yeah, I bet that’s the only redeeming quality that he’s got. I miss the days when a fucking black panther was just a black panther.”
You woke up the next day to a high-pitched screaming that could only be done by the one and only Tony Stark. You thought about ignoring whatever that was going on but when the screams got louder and the sound of people running and things breaking, you jolted up from bed and rushed outside.
The hallways were empty when you stepped out of your room, but the silence was soon greeted with another scream, this time coming from Captain America himself. You head to the living room and saw the entire floor was trashed. Paintings were yanked from the wall, pillows were scattered and ripped apart, and a large claw mark on the back of the couch.
“What the fuck is going on?” You yelled out, earning Steve’s attention, who was standing on the top of the kitchen counter with his shield covering his upper body.
“What? Why? Where’s everybody?”
Steve’s eyes widened in fear the same time you heard a low growl coming from behind you. Slowly, you turned your body around, only to find a giant black cat crouching with it’s ears perked up, eyes slightly squinted and its claws out.
You felt your blood rushing down and you instantly felt lightheaded. You were mortified, glued to the floor, unable to neither move nor speak.
“S-Steve.” You managed to whisper.
“Y/N, don’t move. I’m going to get help, please don’t move.” Steve said from behind you before you heard the pitter-patter of his bare feet as he ran away to get help.
You stood there, making sure that you didn’t move an inch of your body while maintaining eye contact with the panther. A million things were running through your mind, two of them being a solid what the fuck is going on and how the fuck is this happening?
You flinched backwards when the Panther let out a low growl, and one of its paws stepped forward.
“Shit.” You glanced around to see the room still empty, where the hell is Steve with backup?
Another growl was heard and it was now inching closer and closer to you. You stumbled on your feet as you slowly walked backwards and landed on your ass. It was now staring you down and for some reason; you couldn’t bring yourself to move.
“STEVE! FUCK, STEVE HURRY UP!” You screamed at the top of your lungs, only to hear nothing back.
You were shaking, and as the Panther closing in on you, you kept thinking, this is how I die. This is how I’m going to go, mauled by a giant black cat.
You followed its eye line as it walked around you, thinking that it was going to attack you from behind, you closed your eyes and braced yourself for whatever was going to happen.
You heard the low purr of the panther on your right and nearly jumped out of your skin when you felt the underside of its muzzle on your shoulder. You waited and waited, for it to finally tear you to pieces but it never came. The panther just sat behind you, resting its head on your shoulder and purring, occasionally pushing its muzzle into the crook of your neck. The panther brought one of its paws and patted your head three times before bringing it down your back and eventually settling back up on your shoulder.
The gesture caused a thought to pop up in your mind and in an instant; you jumped to your feet, causing the panther to jump back in surprise.
“What the fuck? T’Challa?” You shrieked.
A low growl was heard and you were sure that the panther was talking to you.
“Wh… What the fuck? How did this happen?!” You yelled out loud and you thought of the one person who was crazy enough to do this. “SAM FUCKING WILSON! COME HERE THIS INSTANT!” You shouted into the open space, hands rested on your hips.
A minute later, you heard the sound of people running towards you. “Y/N! Hold on, we’re going to get you outta here.” Steve panted, his shield at the ready.
“Chill the fuck out, Rogers.” You snapped. “Where’s Wilson?”
“I’m not coming near that thing, sorry sis, I love you but I ain’t goin’ down that way.” He stayed put behind Steve.
“This thing is your fucking fault!” You yelled.
Sam stepped out of Steve’s frame with a confused look. “How the hell is it my fault? That thing just came outta nowhere, we thought it was one of Stark’s exotic pets gone loose.”
“I swear to what ever that is Holy, Sam, if you don’t turn him back to normal I will fucking murder you with a plastic fork.” You were fuming; you couldn’t stand the innocent look he was sporting.
“Hey, as much as I would love to take credit for this, I didn’t do any of it. Wait, what do you mean turn back?”
“Drop the act, bro, or I’ll fucking jump you.”
Sam shot Steve a confused look and you lost it, you lunged at Sam with your fist at the ready, wanting nothing more than to gauge his eyes out, but unfortunately, Steve’s impeccable reflex caught you before you could lay a hand on Sam.
“Whoa, whoa, Y/N, calm down!” Steve restrained your arms at your side and pulled you away, while Bucky and Tony pushed Sam away. “What’s the matter with you?”
“That asshole turned my boyfriend into an actual black panther!” You screamed, furiously pointing at Sam who was seeking safety behind Bucky and Tony.
“What?!” Sam yelped. “How the fuck would I do that?”
“I don’t know! But you were the only person who didn’t approve of my relationship so you turned my boyfriend into a cat for payback!”
Just as soon as you finished your sentence, Sam burst into laughter. He held his stomach as he crouched down to the floor; eyes were tearing up from laughing too much. Just like that, the elephant in the room (or the black panther in the room) was the least of everybody’s problem.
“Oh, Y/N, that’s it, you’ve completely lost it. Why would I turn your boyfriend into a fucking cat? And how the hell do you know it’s even him!”
“Because of this,” you turned around to face the panther that was lying down on the floor and called out, “T’Challa!”
The panther immediately perked up, with both ears standing proudly and sauntered to your side, before placing one paw on the small of your back. You went to show the others what he did before that got you to realize that the panther was indeed T’Challa.
You sat down on the floor and, as silly as it sounds, nodded to the panther to repeat what it did.
“That’s what T’Challa did when he wanted my attention. Three pats on the head and back up my shoulder.” You stated as-a-matter-of-fact-ly.
“Holy shit, Wilson, you’ve really out done yourself this time.” Tony muttered from behind Sam and gave him a pat on the back.
“What?  I swear to God this wasn’t me!”
“Well then who the fuck did it?” You yelled in frustration.
A few beats of silence later, the sound of footsteps approaching caused everybody to turn their attention to the entryway of the living room. A certain longhaired God with his cane sauntered into the living room, sporting his ever-present mischievous smirk.
“Well, it’s safe to say that I’m still the most insufferable person in this building, correct?”
Tags: @brittanymcsharry @avengerofyourheart @totheendofthelinepal @cassiopeiassky @beccaanne814-blog @buckyywiththegoodhair @thenightmarebeforebucky @bovaria @isaxhorror @marvelatmytrash @hellomissmabel @imsecretlyromanburki  @omalleysgirl22 @dracsgirl @pixierox101 @stovehairington @tardistrash 
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justtryingtwolive · 5 years
TW: self harm, ED
I know this is really long but it’s all worth it to understand me. I’m not great at talking about myself but here it goes... My name is Marina, I was recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia. This means that I am in a lot of pain most of the time, the issue with fibromyalgia is that there is no cause for the pain it just exists. To understand me and the causes you need to understand my life so...
As a young kid growing up I played outside a lot, spen the summers swimming in lakes and the winters figure skating. When I was 9 I started to train for competitive figure skating. At 10 took a year off to focus on dance and how to be more fluid with my movements. This year was amazing, I met so many new people, learned ballet, jazz, lyrical and tried hip hop. This was also the year I goined Girl Guides I had done Brownies a couple years before but that was my parrents choice. I had always wanted to move up to Guides but it conflicted with skating so I couldn’t. After the year was up I went back to skating. I had done a bit of training in my off year but not too much so I was a little rusty at first. It took me a couple weeks but I got back into it and was better than ever, but everyone else seemed to get skinnier and i got bigger. None of my old dresses fit nicely I needed all new skates, pants and tops. This was so embarrassing I had just taken a year off to get in better shape and I just ended up ballooning (or so I thought). This is when I started cutting back and selectively eating. I wouldn’t eat junk food, or eat after practice. I stopped having oatmeal and cereal for breakfast I instead had a frozen fruit smoothie. Lunch was easy because I just “forgot” my lunch at home, making sure I brought it once in a while to not seem suspicious. Dinner was hard to avoid, we had family dinner almost every night, if I had practice at 7 we ate at 6, I got off at 6 we ate at 7. The rink was walking distance from my house so I was often there on my own and just walked home. (This was in a small village where everyone knew each other). It started getting worse and worse but I started to lose weight and that meant I could jump higher and spin faster because I didn’t have as much gravity pulling me down. I felt like I was floating on air. I spent 15-20 hours a week on the ice and it only increased as I got older.
The worst part about going back was I couldn’t do Guides. When I started middle school I was able to join pathfinders and it set me on my new life journey, although I didn’t know it yet.
As a skater I got injured a lot, mostly just strains and sprains but the occasional break. It got to the point I would just wrap my anke, wrist, knee or whatever body part was hurting that day and ice it.
By the time I was 16 in Grade 10 I was competing at a youth provincal level. I was so excited, I had just qualified for my first national competition I was so excited it’s what I had dreamed of since I was 5. Getting ready for nationals was the hardest grind of my life, training went from 20 to 50 hours a week, I would spend entire days on the ice. I did school work in between ice times when they had to clean the ice. It was hard but I was loving it. My diet consisted of protein bars and coffee. (I blame this for my ice coffee obsession) at this point I was no more than 100 lbs and 5’4. I felt on top of the world.
But a week before nationals my ankles started getting really bad, then it was my knees, then other parts like my wrists and shoulders. I didn’t think anything of it at first I till I woke up one day and could barely walk, still I brushed it off as just muscle strain from working too hard, I would be able to rest in a week. Typically my joints would feel better throughout the day as I warmed them up. By the time I got to nationals I was so hyped, I had never competed on a scale like this, there were cameras, people bought real tickets and I suddenly got overtly nervous. I was walking through the dressing room areas and everyone else had the expensive rolly skate bag with the tailored dresses made custom by a professional and I had a ratty old suitcase we found in the basement and a handmade dress sewn by my mother. As a kid I was embarrassed, everyone else looked so much better than me. But I was just happy to be there and able to compete. The competition took place over a couple days. I was close to the beginning because I was new and didn’t have a real chance at placing. I spent the first couple days grinding on the ice, or practicing in the hotel or in the pool or wherever I was. The day that I was finally going to compete in my short program I was up at 6 in the gym and on the ice by 8. The competition started at 1 and I was in the first group. We all got kicked off the ice about 11:30 so they could clean the ice and get ready. Looking back I don’t think I had eaten anything that day, I was so stressed and the thought of food made me sick. The first group of 10 skaters including me were let into the ice for a final 15 min warm up. This was it, after this I was officially and national level skater. And that’s where everything went wrong. I was practicing a double jump (I can’t remember which one anymore) and when I landed my foot slipped and I heard a crack. At first I didn’t thing anything of it and tried to get up but my right leg wouldn’t move properly. Then my tail bone started hurting and I started crying, I somehow managed to get myself up and over to my coach. I had a choice suck it up and compete or go see a doctor. I went to the comp medic to see what they thought and they rushed me to the hospital. (A lot of this is a blur that has been filled in with stories from my parents and friends) I was in the ER and the doctor told me I had a broken tail bone, not a big deal I’ve done that before, but also I had fractured part of my hip and needed surgery right away. After this I remember very little, only the roof of the surgical suite and waking up unable to move most of my body. I was devistated, of all times why did this have to happen now! I was on my way up I was living my dreams.
I was in the hospital for months. I couldn’t get out of bed because they casted my hip area and leg, it sounds really weird but I can’t explain it any better. This was the worst time in my life even 7 years later I can’t thing of anything worse. I went from being an athletic, skinny, girl always on the go. To lying in bed, eating chips and watching Netflix 24/7. During this time I went from under 100 to about 175 lbs in the span of months. I was so embarrassed and made my dysmorphia even worse. I went back to high school in May 2013. I hated every minute. Everyone looked at me and talked about me. I was the joke of the school. During this time I got really depressed my parents tried to get me to talk to someone but they made me very uncomfortable and I was very closed off eventually they gave up and told me to suck it up. I felt like the world hated me and that no one wanted me here anyway. I started self harming to numb the pain but also feel something. I felt like If I hurt me them maybe I won’t hurt any one else. My parents only recently found out about this recently.
I made it to the summer but nothing fit me, my bathing suits were like strings compared to what I now needed and I didn’t have any money to get new ones. That summer I spent doing a lot of lounging reading books, swimming and exploring nature around my house. Honestly looking back this was one of the best summers ever. I was home alone most of the time because my dad worked and my mum took my siblings to her cottage. This was more freedom than I had ever had I was able to do what I wanted I didn’t have a training schedule for the first time in 6 years. I wanted to go back to skating the next September, but everyone was whispering and looking at me just like in school but this time is was the adults, I don’t think I even made it onto the ice that day. I had just stared a new school, leaving all of my friends (not that I had many) behind and starting over where I knew no one. When registering for classes I picked the typical grade 11 English, math, bio,physics, chemistry. But I was left with some extra electives for the first time. At my new school they offered a dance program, but to get into the grade 11 class I needed grade 9 or 10 so first semester I took grade 9 and seccond I took grade 11. The dance teacher was very understanding about what was going on and allowed me to adapt to what I couldn’t physically so while still recovering. Even now she is my favourite teacher ever! I made it through my other classes and the rest of high school was pretty un eventful, except I started to get hurt again. I could just be walking on flat ground and my ankle would give out or my knee would lock up or my wrist hurt so bad I couldn’t take notes. I went to the ER at the start but each time they said they couldn’t find anything and they thought I was making it up. After a few months I stopped going because they seemed annoyed with me even though I was in crazy body pain. I couldn’t move some mornings, others I was fine, some days I needed crutches but others I could run and dance. It was crazy and everyone thought I was making it up so I started to belive them. I ended up taking an extra semester of high school to finish off some classes that I wanted for university. I also stayed behind because I needed to have jaw surgery. This was due to a craniofacial difference I was born with, a cleft lip and palate. While this surgery is not necessary in all cases, my jaw was small and slightly mis alligned. This was fine I had no issues with this I spent a week in the hospital, watched Netflix and hung out with friends. This stay wasn’t as hard because I could move around, I wasn’t confined to my bed.
In September 2016 I started University at Dalhousie I. Halifax , Nova Scotia. This was amazing because no one knew me there I didn’t have people holding me to old standards. I met some of my best friends (and former roommates) in my residence building. We would have movie parties in my room and study parties in another, it was a blast. I became vegetarian very quickly, partly due to the gross meat options in the meal hall but also because I didn’t like the taste of meat I had cut it out almost completely when I was young and didn’t like it after that. Another reason was the ethical portion of it, why should they die to feed me when I can survive without it.
First year ended and we all moved out and into other apartments, we were still close but not as close as we were. When I moved I started working at a Sobeys grocery store close to the school. It was great I was shy and quiet for the first little bit but I came out of my shell and now they want me back in it lol. During seccond year I was trained as a supervisor so I made sure that all the casheirs were looked after(I often describe it as adult babysitting). One day I was standing arround checking out how the night was and I notice this woman come in and she askes me where to find tape, she is wearing a Girl Guide shirt!! I had been trying to reach out to a unit here for a year!! I told her where to find it and quickly wrote my name number and email on a piece of paper and watched as she was trying to check out. I made sure to find her and open a register for her to go through. I also gave her my number and asked her to contact me and that I had been trying for a while to join a unit she seemed confused until she remembered she was wearing a guide shirt.
I get an email a few days later explaining what their unit was doing and they were exited to have me. So the next Thursday I show up to this meeting and the other leaders and I immediately clicked. One of them had just graduated from my program and most of the others were all young students just like me. That first meeting I ended up skipping a physics exam to go to, but I don’t regret it one bit. At the end of the year we were moving locations, this meant that the craft tote bins had to be removed and stored in someone’s house.
The only people returning was me and one other girl Natasha, she wasn’t there very often but she was super cute and seemed really nice. Since I had moved into a house I offered to store them in my place rather than her apartment. We spoke mostly over email for the first bit. I ended up running in to her at her work place and we finally exchanged numbers and facebooks. We talked a bunch over the summer to figure out what we wanted to do.
During this time I was trying to focus on me, I spent so much of my youth worring about how everyone else perceived me and not as much on how I did. I stoped self harming on my own but like anything else it’s addicting, I started talking to a therapist at the university and she recognized that yes I was depressed. she was also impressed that I was able to have the will power to stop on my own, but really I had just thrown out the jar and didn’t want to dig through the garbage. I started on some anti-depressants and it took a while but we found a good concoction.
When we started meeting to plan we were still kind of awkward, she was super sweet and I wanted to get to know her but I come off as overbearing sometimes and I didn’t want to scare her off. It worked out that we had the same time off classes. Whe had another class and I had work, so after class I would go to her school meet with her for ~3 hours then walk to work. The best part about Halifax is that the university’s are downtown and super close to everything, so even when busses are slow or not running it’s not too far a walk. During this time we became really close we spent a lot of time together planning, organizing and getting to the meeting location. For the first few months we bussed there each week with the craft totes, we then started to bring only what we needed but it was typically 4-6 reusable bags worth. Eventually we were able to leave them at the location, this made it much easier. Only having 2-3 bags worth each week. The next obstacle was cookies, we had 30 cases of cookes and neither of us had a car. Luckily our Commissioner was able to drop us off with the cookies. But we still hauled some to and from my house each week. With each week Natasha and I grew closer, she was the first person I came out to as bisexual. We also got a new leader Jordan, she is super nice and a real adult (not a student) I was worried at first that she would throw off our dynamic but she just made it better. In the winter I ended up buying a car, this was the smartest thing I’ve ever done. It made getting to work and guides easier, I could just keep stuff in my car I didn’t need to haul everything around with me. Unlike most units in our area, we stayed going until the end of June, many units close early due to students going home for the summer.
In May i had moved once again into a bigger house and Natasha was a huge help in that, she helped me set up my room and unpack. During this time I also went mostly vegan, there was some things that had milk or eggs in it but I did buy any more. We were rarely spending a day apart, we became best friends. We often went camping with her parter. The three of us would pack into my car and go, often booking a site on our way there. We stayed at 5 different provincal parks and visited about 10 others. We spent so much time together and it was some of the best times we would often get home and just sit in the car and have life chats or was really nice to be able to talk to someone who actually cared about how I was doing. My life seemed great for a bit, my one roommate stared to get toxic, she ended up kicking out my really good friend. I only stayed because I had nowhere else to go, I ended up getting a cat because she was so lonely and sad at the SPCA. She is abosolutly amazing and I love her to death! I don’t know what is it about petting cats that seems to make the rest of the world invisible. The toxicity got to the point of me wanting to sleep in my car rather than potentially run into her. This caused my anxiety to sky rocket and throw off the balance I had going.
Natasha started to talk to me about this pain she was having but having no idea why it was occurring. This reminded me of when I was younger and I would constantaly have weird pains I thought it was normal because there was no physical symptoms so I thought it happened to everyone. I talked to my doctor about it and he ordered a bunch of tests to try and determine what it was. All my tests came back clean and I seemed in perfect health. The stress of my living situation, as well as school and my grandfather passing away sent me into a spiral. There were days that I wouldn’t come out of my room. I often only left for work or the bathroom, I fell back into the not eating food habits, I stared self harming again. I was so low I went weeks without showering simply because I didn’t have the energy or will power to do so. My toxic roommate told me that my depression wasn’t valid and that my anxiety is fake, I got so mad that I slammed and locked my door, I left out my window and went for a drive. I ended up calling Natasha and she calmed me down, I don’t know where I’d be if she hasn’t picked up that phone call. By mid October I couldn’t stand it any longer. And I knew I need to make a change. At the same time I got my fibromyalgia diagnosis, which is a rule out everything else diagnosis. This also threw me through a loop realizing I don’t have to just internalize this and suck it up, this caused me to end up not going to classes in the fall because I simply couldn’t mentally or physically do it.
Natasha had been talking about moving out of her place and I thought this is my chance. We are already best friends we spend so much time together this will be great. In November we signed a lease and moved in later that month. It was a journey and a half, we tried to move as much as we could using my small car and managed most of it but beds and bigger stuff didn’t fit. We ended up sleeping on our camp matresses for the first little bit until we got our beds. All four of our cats are getting along for the most part. They are the cutest little demons, as I type this the 2 youngest are play fighting over top of me... ok no longer playing.
It has been a crazy couple moths with my diagnosis and trying to get meds to help it. Luckily my pain base line is really low, but it flares up a lot, often at work or when I’m not moving around a lot and it’s even worse on my period, I can’t walk some days it gets so bad. Luckily I have a team of amazing people working with me to get myself back on track. I’m back in school now and it’s going much better, I still haven’t found the perfect drugs but we are getting there. I have my down days but am having more and more up days. And I know that if ever I need something that I can always holler and/or pet cats. I have the best support team in the world and wouldn’t change a thing.
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"alto 800 insurance price
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Raising money for individuals with health condition?
I'm just curious about why people ask for donation and fund raising for people with health condition here in Canada. Health care is free that will cover most of the medical ...show more
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Cheap, reasonable, and the best.""
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When will a vandalism( to my vehicle) go off my record for insurance purposes???
About 2.5 years ago some kids used nylons and a hamburger wrapper in my gas tank to set my truck on fire. It was a brand new tahoe with dealer plates and it had to be deemed totaled due to damages. Now I am trying to change insurance and get quotes and even though I was not at fault and didn't even know these children it increases my premiums by about 600 every 6 months. Does anybody know when this will go off my record? I cant understand why I'm being held financially accountable for some delinquents behavior.
Does anyone have any idea which insurance company is the cheapest for learner drivers?
Does anyone have any idea which insurance company is the cheapest for learner drivers?
How much would it cost to own a porsche 911 per year? pleeeeeeeeeeeease answer. i beg to you.?
i am thinking of buying a 2001, 4 litre, porsche 911. how much would it cost to run the car every year if i do 15000 miles a year. include insurance, maintenance, repairs, tax, and all sorts of thing. just dont include the prize of buying the car thnk you by the way. i live in the UK. just thought that would be important""
What happens if a 16 year old in NC is caught driving without being on the insurance policy?
The owner of the car has insurance on the car but his daughter is not listed as a driver on the policy.
Car insurance for 18 yr old male RIDICULOUS?
I'm 18 and male, so turns out car insurance companies think its okay to rape my wallet. I've been looking at a few quotes on different sites and they come up in the $300-$400 range. I tweak a few things, telling the generator that I'm a 30 year old married woman and then it magically drops to $70 per month. This is crazy, I'm an extremely careful driver, I never drive over the speed limit and I constantly check my mirrors. How the hell do young males afford it?""
Can YOU explain Why we have to pay for Car Insurance EVERY YEAR even when we HAVE NOT CLAIMED on it ?
I have been driving for 40+years The Insurance company that I am with has given me a 73% Protected Policy but I still have to pay over 250 a year so since I passed my driving test my policy has been based on me not my car I have paid out in excess of 10,000 just for car insurance for myself , the cars that I buy are less than 2,000 each I think it's a rip off they are making a massive profit out of us""
Health Insurance Options?
If I move out of my parents house can I remain on their health insurance (In Massachusetts)? I am currently on my parents health insurance and I plan to move out but I work part time and the health insurance my work offers is around 500 dollars a month.. which I simply cannot afford. If I can not remain on their health insurance does anyone know of any other alternatives?
How much is insurance for an 18 year old?
i just turned 18 and am getting off my parents plan and getting my own insurance, i have 2 points on my license at the moment for an improper passing ticket. Thats the only ticket ive gotten. My car is a 2013 Volkswagen Jetta SEL I know i can get insurance quotes, just looking for a ballpark estimate right now....thanks!""
Questions about car insurance(Personal Injury Protection)?
http://lh5.ggpht.com/_4cB1MyCtlwM/TN8WP-b6ciI/AAAAAAAAA70/PKN_oape-9s/PIP.jpg http://lh3.ggpht.com/_4cB1MyCtlwM/TN8WQEQb-UI/AAAAAAAAA74/K7-lBKERzf8/GEICO_%E9%A1%B5%E9%9D%A2_1.jpg It is my first time buying an used car, the car does not worth too much money, so the insurance is more about people, not car. Can someone help explain the choices in Personal Injury Protection ? Especially for the word waived , what does the word mean here? Is my car insurance(amount) reasonable? How is the geico price? I did not compare with other insurance companies. Thanks.""
What insurance plan should I go with?
I'm a full-time college student and I work part-time. I have no insurance but need to get some soon. What health insurance do you think I should go with that is affordable?
Auto insurance for a new driver and a new car?
I got my licenses on March 30th, 5 days after my sixteenth birthday. I was so excited to start driving to school and what not but when i got home, my mom told me she would not buy me insurance because it's to expensive. I asked her how much it would be monthly but she wouldn't tell me. My first question is about how much would insurance be for me, as a new driver, and i have a new car. My second question is if i don't have insurance, can i still drive with my mom or dad or guardian in the passenger seat? (they have insurance for themselves) If i can't drive with them, i don't get how insurance will get cheaper for me overtime if i haven't driven and can't drive since my licenses test.""
How does arbitration work between 2 car insurance companies?
I was in a car accident about a month ago. My car insurance agreed that the accident was 100% not my fault. The other car insurance company is trying to say that it was 50% my fault( which is totally ridiculous because the other driver was cited by police for failure to yield). Today i got a phone call from my car insurance company saying that my claim is now going to arbitration. What can i expect to happen next? What can I do to prepare my self? I am very frustrated with this whole thing. I know this car accident was 100% not my fault. I dont want to be blaimed at all. I forgot to mention that i live in NY state. Thank you, Zack""
Who/ What are insurance companies backed/insured by?
Do insurance companies have an program similar to banks FDIC, or are there insurance companies that solely insure other insurance companies. I ask for the question of what happens in a natural disaster situation when an insurance company cannot afford to repay/replace the damaged/lost property of its customers, or when an insurance company fails - Gov't bailout, FEMA?""
Does car insurance insure the driver or the actual car?
I know that its CAR insurance but I have heard two different things - car insurance covers the car and it covers the driver. I'd just like to know which one it actually covers. Thanks!!
Cheap insurance?
cheap insurance
I drive my moms car a lot should she put me on her insurance ?
well I talked to a police officer and he said that as long as my mom has insurance and as long as i have my license I can legally drive her car anytime but should she put me on her insurance policy what would be the point of this ? how much more money would she have to spend im 18 and she only has to pay like 400 bucks a year for insurance plus full coverage because she has a good driving record also the only reason i think she should put my on her insurance is if i hit a car or get in an accident her insurance will pay for it if im on the policy correct what about if someone hits me while im driving and im not on my moms insurance policy it wouldnt matter correct ?
Can you get an insurance quote if you don't have car yet?
My dad is helping me buy a new car. And he is up my a s s trying to get me to figure out how much insurance will cost. How am I supposed to get an insurance quote without a vin though?
How much would it cost to add me on my dads insurance to drive his car? UK?
The car is a 2001 peugeot 206, 1.4 engine Personal information: I'm 17. Work stacking shelves in a super-market. No previous criminal offenses/anything bad related to vehicles. I need the car to commute to college every day, work and the gym. (Need anything else? .. If so, Ill add details)""
How do I get my health insurance company to cover hiv testing?
HIV testing is now covered under the affordable care act. I went to my ob/gyn for my pregnancy and he ordered hiv testing but I got a bill from the lab for the full cost of the test. ...show more
Does anyone know where i can get cheap and affordable health insurance from in wisconsin?
Im looking for cheap or affordable health insurance ,, sure cant seem to find any .. does anyone have an answer""
Business Insurance??
What kind of insurance will i need to carry for duct cleaning peoples homes and how much monthly would it cost
Im starting my own roofing company how much would insurance cost me?
im starting my own roofing company , after working for someone els i want to do my own thing and start my own company so i want to know how much would the insurance cost me to get?""
alto 800 insurance price
alto 800 insurance price
How much does the car insurance cost every month for a 17 y/o teenager here in US in texas?
with a 2005 neon dodge car? help coz my cousin is goin to get a car this summer. thankx guys
Cheapest Car Insurance And Best car to get at 17?
Hello Guys, ive just passed my dirveing Test :D I Got a Pass Plus Witch aprently makes Insurance Alot cheaper. Anways, ive been on all the big sites such as Confused, moneysupermarket ect. And they are offering me around 8Grand for a 0.9l Fiat Cinnequento I dont want that car i just tested to see how much. I really need somewhere cheaper. so could you guys give me best car to try get insured on and where?""
""How can forcing us to buy health insurance, be the same as mandatory car insurance?""
I don't own a car, so I don't pay car insurance. Nobody is forcing me to buy it. But under the Obama individual mandate, we will all have to buy insurance or get fined. This is based on the assumption that you will get sick and not be able to afford your own care, and so will choose to be a burden. Those are a lot of assumptions. Can we force somebody to buy something that they don't want, based on assumptions that may or may not be true??""
How to Insure a used car dealership?
I just opened up my own little used car dealership and I was wondering what kind of insurance I would need. I'm not doing any repairs of any sort so garage keepers insurance is unnecessary. I currently don't have any employees so I also won't be needing workers compensation. But just for the lot and for the sake of my business what kind of coverage do I need. Thank you soo much.
Is a scraped car door handle worth the rise in insurance rates?
If someone scraped against your car door and the only thing damaged was the handle on the passenger side door, would you file an insurance claim and risk a rise in insurance? The scrape is only about 1-2 inches long.""
Child support and health insurance???
If someone is going to provide health insurance (and dental,vision) for a child does that lower child support even a little??""
Am i covered with auto insurance when i drive off of the used car lot?
Am i covered with auto insurance when i drive off of the used car lot?
Can someone who smokes marijuana get affordable life insurance?
Can someone who smokes marijuana get affordable life insurance?
How do i sue someone who doesnt have car insurance?
Last year I had a car wreck. The other diver ran a red light and my SUV done a roll and a half we were upside down after it happend. My teo kids were in the car. he totaled my 2005 ford explore, and then he said he had no insurance i have never been in a wreck so i dont know what to do. Now my doctor bills and the want the payout of the car. What do i do?""
Temporary car auto insurance in California?
Hi guys, I thought of using my friend's car for a month and half since he will be out of station. I was wondering what would it take or rather how to address the insurance issue. Is it possible to get a temporary insurance for a month or is it possible to add my name on to his insurance for a short term? Either ways, how much would it cost ! Also would be great if you guys can enlighten me on some of the providers here.""
I live in adams wisconsin just got my licence and just got a car wondering what insurance i should get?
I would like to know the cheapest insurance........otherwise i will just go on my dad's insurance
Cheap auto insurance for students in louisana?
Cheap auto insurance for students in louisana?
How much is insurance for jeeps?
I want to get a jeep cj7 or wrangler, but i have to make sure i can afford the insurance first. Im a 17year old guy in highschool. Are 4by4s more expensive for insurance?""
What kind of car for cheapest insurance?
I'm 23
Health insurance provided by the state of Florida?
My brother is getting married at the end of february but he said they may have to cancel the wedding because his fiancs health insurance will kick her off if she gets married. Can an insurance company actually do that?
Can I buy a car without car insurance?
Hi, I am trying to purchase myself a Mazda, but after I checked the car insurance quote offered by RBC and other companies, things get ridiculous-the quote calculated my insurance to be more than 5000 per year-that's much more than my car! I am 19 years old and this is my first car. I just got my 5N license in Halifax. I didnt take the drivers course, so can I get my car without insurance? Or can you guys recommend a low-price insurance company? Thanks for helping!""
What is the absolute cheapest auto insurance out there?
Where can i get it the cheapest!? online or not. i dont care of all these extra benefits just basic full coverage insurance. I havent picked a car out yet but want to find cheapest first. im 19, male with a few traffic violations. also i am in the military if there are any good sites that have a discount. i have been researching and researching and no luck, please help!""
What kind of insurance questions are on the written driving test?
im going to take my written test today in california im not good at studying so ive been using practice test to study and im doing really good but how accurate are the practice tests? and what kind of insurance questions do they ask?
How much might mototcycle insurance cost a 20 yr old male?
I am getting a SV650, and i neeed motorcycle insurance. but i need to know how much it can cost me at an -Average- for me age. the bike itself cost around 7,000$ and it is a sports bike. any thoughts?""
Can anyone recommends a good and cheap car insurance in CA? Thanks
Can anyone recommends a good and cheap car insurance in CA? Thanks
Can anyone recomend some cheap insurance companies for drives who have completed pass plus?
I'm 18, soon to be 19, and have been trying to get a quote on a 1998 vauxhall corsa, and the only 1 i got before was ridiculously high. I know it being an older model is going to make a difference, but does anyone know from personal experience or whatever which insurance companies offer decent insurance prices to young drives, who have completed the pass plus scheme? Thanks, much appreciated!""
Did you agree over a decade ago when California made police asking for auto insurance illegal?
For a few years, police were not allowed to ask for auto insurance from motorists. Much of the argument in favor of that law was that it discriminated against poor Mexicans. It was overturned eventually as auto insurance violations/irresponsibility became epidemic. How does this relate to the current law in Arizona? How does it relate to the mandatory health insurance law?""
How old should my vehicle be before I drop collision insurance?
How old should my vehicle be before I drop collision insurance?
How is 18yr old meant to get car insurance?
I live in London and passed my test in February. I own Renault Clio 1.2 And the cheapest quote i got so far is 305 pounds per month, which is way too much for me. What companies are cheap? What can i do to start driving legally, searching for insurance is frustrating Dont say price comparison websites they suck cheapest quote there was 8k per year""
I am 20. I am a student. I have no health insurance? And no money..?
What can I do??? Please help I need 2 go 2 tha doc i am sick.
alto 800 insurance price
alto 800 insurance price
Full coverage quote $650!?!?
I got a quote online from esurance for a 2007 g6. I'm 18 and live in Michigan. I want to finance the car and was just looking at insurance quotes but this seems a little outrageous. Does it sound right to you?
Can anyone tell me how good this insurance is?
I recently got Reliance Standard insurance..can anyone help me figure out the copay? I went to the website and can't figure it out..
How much is the average vet visit? and Is it worth it to get pet insurance?
I have inherited a Saint Bernard Puppy (7 months old). We got him 2 days ago and have a vet visit on friday just to get him caught up on shots and the regular wellness exam. I have no idea what to expect as far the cost of the visit will be i'm planning for the $200 range? Am I way off is it going to be more? Also does anyone have pet insurance and if so is it worth looking into? Which one would you recommend? I know alot of questions in one but I just need a little guidance. Thanks for your help.
Why did my car insurance get higher?
My car insurance is going up over $100 per 6 months *shocked face* I am curious. Is car insurance in general getting much higher? Or would this increase be due to a wreck I had in January? (It was totally not my fault, but the guy who hit me wasn't insured.) p.s. If it makes a difference, I use progressive insurance. I spent over a month calling around - they had the best offer for me last year. But now I guess it's time to see what else is out there.""
How will this affect my CAR INSURANCE?
Hi, I recently drove my dad's 2005 Infiniti G35 into a ditch. It was a rainy day and I lost control. There was no apparnt cosmetic damage but around 3500 dollars damage from hitting one of the wheels on a hard object as well as a torn gas tank underneath. There were no other vehicles involved. Im 18 and have no previous records or offences. Im going back to University residence soon so I'll be taken off the insurance. I was wondering if my parent's insurance rate would increase even though im not listed?""
Medical insurance for my next road rash?
Right now I have minimum legal liability coverage for California through Progressive. Their website is being a bizo atch, so I can't find out there; here's the question: ...show more""
Motorcycle insurance average cost in ohio?
Motorcycle insurance average cost in ohio?
How to get a hold of the drunk drivers insurance?
my car and 2 other cars were damaged by a drunk driver. his car flipped and crashed on the ground. they ran away as soon as they got helped out. the police came and all we got was a police report number. my question is my car is scratched and has broken windows/mirror. i am not going to pay for it to get it fix , why should i it wasn't my fault. how can i get a hold off the drunk drivers insurance and policy information. will the police contact me after they get all the information or do i have to contact them? sorry i have never had to deal with the insurance company or the police for any of this so i have no idea. if this matter i live in san diego california""
Can I get Classic Car insurance?
I'm 16 and have been looking at a lot of classic cars (specifically a 1971-1973 Mustang Mach 1) and ran into a bit of a dilemma... My dad is a car dealer, owning his own used dealership, so he has insurance that covers all the cars, rather than just one. But, you have to be 18 to be under that policy, so I can't be on it, and I've heard that unless you're under you parents policy, you can't have classic car insurance until you're 25. But, I heard that you can get liability only (Which is my state's minimum coverage), so I was wondering if that was true. Would I be able to get just liability on a classic car? Or should I just cut out all the complicated stuff and get a modern car?""
What is multi trip insurance?
going back packing for a year, what is multi trip insurance?""
Whats the best auto insurance for me?
i want a insurance company that gives gives checks to me for claims and lets me fix my car not shops. geico? AAA?
Do insurance companies have insurance?
Do insurance companies have insurance from a higher up company or resources? eg Government
Cheapest Car Insurance..?
Hi I am 20 years old, male not got full UK license yet, but as soon as i do have i will buy a car, insurance ect. Whats the cheapest car to insure, any tips on car insurance? How would i get someone else to insure me? (eg family member)""
Why are some insurance companys rates so much higher then others?
Isn't there a risk guide insurance company's use? shouldn't that be the same or similar for all Insurance company's? I ask because I switched insurance company's and saved $300 for a 6 month policy. That seems to be a bit excessive to be off by that much.
""3 penalty points on licence, as a named driver, how will this affect insurance?""
My daughter was learning to drive and bought herself a little clio, but, it was cheaper on insurance, if I went on as a named driver, I've had a clean license for over 30 years. But, I got a speeding ticket in November and three points on my license. My daughter went on to pass her test, and informed the insurance company, pushing her premium up really high. Anyway, I forgot all about my points. This week she was involved in a crash, will my non disclosure mean they won't pay out?""
Wont be able to pay rent and car insurance this week?
i mismanaged my money and now im in a dilemma.i get paid on the 6th. but wont have enough money to pay rent and car insurance. i have three choices. 1)pay my car insurance and be late with rent just pay it on the 20th.. late fee is $75. 2. pay rent and let car insurance cancel for a week. which i really don't wanna do since i don't know the consequences. i am financing a car. 3) pay rent and pay car insurance with savings account. but the funds wont be available until the next week. but the banks will try to process this over and over again.
Car Insurance too high.. HELP?
My Boyfriend (21) has very high car insurance (ONTARIO) due to speeding tickets and failure to stop at stop sign and one for being over the limit with a g2. I called my insurance to add him onto my car and they refuse to. We've found 1 company that would insure him for almost $1000/Month, We do not have that kind of money, One of the ways to have your insurance lowered is to have insurance and not get anymore tickets, BUT are they're any other ways?""
""Someone hit my car, do I have to report to my insurance company risking the rate increase?""
Few months ago somebody hit my rental car in their rental car during vacation. Other party's fault, he admitted, police report confirms this is his fault. Both me and the other party were insured. The other party seems to be reasonable. Now I have a repair bill, few thousands. I am reluctant to report this to my insurance company, since I heard over and over again that even though it's not my fault my rate can and probably will still go up (read here if you don't believe http://www.carinsurancecomparison.com/does-your-auto-insurance-go-up-if-someone-hits-your-car). I think this is ridiculous, but that's the way how things are. So is it possible, and is it a good idea that I contact the other party insurance myself without involving my insurance since my case is a clear cut case? Are there any pitfalls that I should be aware of?""
Where can I get the lowest priced auto insurance in orange county California ?
I'm a single dad choking on Title IV-D child support enforcement and I want to get my car registered so I can get a job, pay the support be a good dad and jump through all these government circus hoops. I need the lowest priced auto insurance I can get. Perfect driving record and I just want the minimum coverage because I drive a cheap car. Thank You!""
What are the top 5-10 cheapest car insurance?
And which one is the cheapest?
How do you switch insurance on your car if you get another one?
1) How much paperwork is involved. I drive a 92 Lebaron that is not too far from dying. I would like to buy a car within the next year and make monthly payments. 2) Is it really just a phonecall with my agent? 3) Do I get to keep my license plate? 4) What happens to my excise tax?--Do I have to inform my town hall of my new vehicle? Do I still get billed for my old car?
How can I help my girlfriend get cheaper insurance? She is 20 years old.?
My girlfriend just got a new Cobalt lt. The insurance is in her fathers name, and she is listed as a driver. The car is in her name. Her father has a good driving record, yet the insurance is around $250 a month! Please help, is there anything I can do to get her insurance cheaper?""
Maturnity Insurance? BCBS of Florida?
We are about to begin the process of making a baby and have private insurance threw Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida. The thing is we didnt sign up for Maturnity care at the begining. We can add it, but will it cover the pregnancy if I didnt get it from the beginning of the policy? I cant seem to find that qustion on thier site so thats why I am asking here. Thanks for all who can be of some help.""
Totaled car... Will insurance pay off loan?
I am pretty sure that I totaled my car yesterday. I hadnt even had it for a month yet, but I had got an auto loan from my bank to purchase the car. Since I only had it for such a short time, I hadn't even begun to pay on the loan for the car. If it is definitely declared totaled by the claims adjuster from my insurance company, is it likely that my insurance will pay off the whole loan? I have full coverage insurance, and had made no major changes to the car from When I got it to yesterday when I wrecked it so the value should be about the same.""
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old in canada/alberta?
plz tell the name of the company plz and ty
alto 800 insurance price
alto 800 insurance price
How much does your teen's (19 y.o.) car insurance cost?
My dad's been footing the bill for my car insurance the past few years. Now that I've been driving for a while and got an internship, he wants me to pay. I'm not complaining, but I'm just want to compare how much you pay for your insurance (if you're a teen) or how much you pay for your teen. Also, I've not been involved in any accidents at all.. and no tickets as well, including parking tickets. For three vehicles and a travel trailer, my portion of the insurance is about 55% of the entire bill with a brand new car on the list.""
Is it illegal to drive car if you personally don't have car insurance?
Let's say a teenager doesn't have car insurance and he has his license. His car is registered in his parents name and the teenager isn't under the family car insurance. The teen drives his car and gets wrecked in a accident. Now will he be protected because the car is under his parent's insurance and they let him use the vehicle?
I've been taken off my parent's car insurance policy. What do I do now?
I am 17 and I recently got into a serious car accident where my car was totaled. I got kicked out of my parent's car insurance policy because of this. My parents said that no insurance company is going to sell to me because I was in a serious accident while I was a minor. What should I do if I want to drive again? I can't drive a car without insurance.
Can my wife and I have a joint car insurance when we are in two states?
Hi, I am at MI and my wife is at DC (I think DC will have a high insurance rate. I'll move to DC after a year). We have two cars. Could we have a joint car insurance if one car is registered at MD and one car is registered at MI? Thanks for your attention
Is car insurance any cheaper for a pensioner if he do'snt work?
I am 67 and just finished working, when I renew my car insurance in a month's time, should I expect it to make a difference to the premium.""
Do anybody know of any cheap health insurance?
I haven't had any insurance since 2007.
Can a 19 year old get cheap car insurance?
I just turned 19 and got my first car. I've been looking around for auto quotes and the lowest I've seen is $300 a month which is still too much for me. My parents won't let me be on their insurance policy for some reason and now I have to look all on my own. The vehicle is a 2000 ford focus. What I would like to know is is there any body out there around the age of 18 or 19 that has cheap auto insurance without being on their parents policy? And if so how did you get it? Thanks
Do health insurance companies report paid claims ?
I had a year of therapy and was on anti depressant for about 3 years (ended 2004). Does the insurance company report to a database or something saying they paid out for services I received? Do insurance claims like this come up on a HIPAA mental health check? Please only answer with facts, not opinions.""
Can I buy motorcycle inssurance and not have parents know about it?
I'm 22 I live in my own apartment but my parents pay car insurance can I get a seperate insurance for a motorcycle and not have my parents know about it, also my friend who rides said bike insurance can be very cheap I just want minimum coverage how much would it be, thx!""
Car insurance -- should they cover these expenses?
I had an accident a month or two ago. It was in a rental car. I found out today that the insurance company had disallowed some of the charges that the rental company tried to pass to them. Now the rental company is trying to pass those charges to me. They ammount to about $500, plus my deductible, of course. The charges are $100 for an administrative fee $200.89 loss of use fee $139.38 diminished value fee. Who should pay these charges? Should I fork this money over to the car rental company? Should the insurance company pay them? What strategy should I use in my conversations with them? My feeling is that I have insurance, it should pay everything which is an actual cost above and beyond the deductible. ie if I have to pay it, the insurance company should have to pay it. On the other hand, if they are somehow bogus charges, then the rental company can eat it, and that's fine. Thought?""
How to get insurance in your name?
If my son obtains a loan for a truck that is for me how can I get the insurance in my name and under my own insurance.My son insurance would be too high with his age and I will be the only driver.
Insurance and std testing?
A friend told me my previous partner was shady and shared needles, etc... so, now I want to get tested for everything as soon as possible. I was going to go to planned parenthood. But im also considering just going to my doctor since I need a physical anyways or even my gynecologist.. Aetna is my insurance. Which way would be more affordable? Would it be roughly the same for all 3? Would they cover more as part of a physical? Seperate? At all?""
Will my insurance premium increase with no fault accidents?
I met with two accidents in the last 3 mths. Both were ones where the cars hits me at the rear end of my car so it wasnt my fault at all. Both accidents were reported to my insurance company (geico). I have never had any accidents before not have i had any tickets or violations before. I have been with geico for almost four years now. Will my premium go up on renewal? I have also heard that even if my premium may not increase, it will not even decrease upon renewal as it would have otherwise. Is this true? If yes, Is there anything I can do to prevent this?""
Driving w/ no insurance?
i was driving my dad's car to the movies one night and got into a car accident. I don't have insurance on the car because its my dads, but i do have insurance on my car is it possible to get my insurance to cover the accident?""
Are we still to be free enough to decide we don't want health insurance?
http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory?id=4235304 Scary, no? And it was, believe it or not, worse to watch the absolute calmness in which she declared willingness to decide this type of thing for us. If I don't want health insurance, or if I have enough $$$ to pay cash up front for all my bills, I don't want someone telling me I have to spend my money on their program. It's bad enough they spend my tax money stupidly, now this? What say you all?""
I wanted to know how comes my insurance is so cheap now but when i did it 7 moths ago it was 2800?
so 7 months ago i got my insurance third party fire and theft with 2 additional drivers me as first driver and i am 20 for 2800,, and now i checked with the same details i did last time i didnt put down any experience or anything did it same exactly as last time and its about 1950 now ??? wth did i get ripped off? car is a vuaxhall corsa 2000 model""
Why is my car insurance so high?
Im 17. Have a Peugeot 306 and im paying 533 on a provisional license.. however i have my test in 4 days and expect to pass.. my insurance will increase to over 2500.. My car is 1.4L on a P reg (1997) and im currently with Quinn Direct, my friends of the same age with similar cars are being quoted 900 to 1500.. why is mine so high!?!""
Rough estimate of Health/Dental Insurance Cost of family of four?
I am considering taking a position with a firm that currently does not offer health insurance. I will ofcoarse seek professional help to get a better number, I just wanted to see what sort of range I will be looking at. I live in Texas and both my wife and I are in our late 20s and have two one year olds. Thanks""
Help with motorcycle insurance please. (Full coverage or Liability?)?
Hello all I am new to motorcycle insurance! I decided I am going to go with Dairyland insurance because it seems they have the best deals. On my quote I have like 20 dollars a month for liability and about 100 with collision and everything. Anyway my bike is a 2002 model and only bought it for $1800. I dont know if its worth getting full insurance on it. My question also is if I only have liability and a guy rear ended me, will my insurance company pay for the damages of my bike? or will the insurance of the guy who hit me pay for the damages?....Also I live in CA and the nearest Dairyland insurance is so far away! is it safe to buy online or through the phone?""
Car Insurance quotes madness--------?
I am 26 and looking to buy a car. I am a new driver who has only just passed my test. Can I get a reasonable insurance quote? and if so where? I personally hate the idea of handing over 1000+ to a company who in all honesty will sell on my details to a multitude of companies, and not pay-out anyway. i am getting really annoyed by qoutes of 1000, 2000 and in one case 4000 for an 800 1.2L hatchback. I know it is wrong to be thinking this, but is looks cheaper to be an uninsured driver. as I will only have to pay a 300 fine if caught.""
Insurance??? serious question?
Why is insurance higher for males if females are the worse drivers
Which auto insurance companies only go back three months for accidents and violations?
Which auto insurance companies only go back three months for accidents and violations?
How many years no claims bonus does it take for your car insurance quote to be at its minimum?
For example, If I were to insure an Audi RS4 which costs around 48,000 - which group would this be in?? etc...""
For those 16-18 with a car in your name?
since ill be getting a car soon my parents wants to know how much insurance would cost me for ive been looking around on internet but i think it would be better if it comes from some one around my age what type of car, make you drive what insurance company age, gender, how long u been driving with insurance how much it cost for you each month THANK YOUU""
What is the average Car insurance cost a year in Canada?
What is the average Car insurance cost a year in Canada?
alto 800 insurance price
alto 800 insurance price
0 notes
sc87confessions · 7 years
Learn to say I like you
   It had been a few weeks since the Halloween party, you had been crazy busy at work even pickin up overtime, you knew your paycheck was going to be beautiful though. The team had been on the road and would arrive in a few days, Sid however would text you every now and then to see how you were and he'd tell you about his day. As you were textin Sid you got a phone call from Tyler "Hey whats up Ty" you answered. "(Y/N)!" "Hey soo if you haven't checked the schedule, we're comin to town this week so make sure you have the day off or an early ass shift please" "Ty I've been crazy busy but I do have an early shift" you said as you checked your schedule "Sweet!! Well I already got you tickets haha" "How?" "I know someone, anyway theres like 8 so bring your girls or should I say boys since you’re a badass haha" "You’re such a dork Ty, yeah I'll see who's free that night, maybe they can bring date's for once" you said as you texted your buddies "anyways I'm headin to the gym so I'll let you go and thanks for the tickets Ty" "So for in exchange of theee tickets, make sure to wear our gear that day" "Tyyyy I don't know" "Cmon it would help plus you’ve known us for longer" his tone turned more serious, knowin damn well he was scrunchin his eyebrows "Fine Tyler, but only because you gave me tickets and I love y'all too much" "Atta girl! And please don't call me Tyler" "Okay Ty Ty haha" "Shut the fuck up haah alright go kill it at the gym love ya" As you guys were workin out, you were workin on legs when you decided to tell the guys more details about the game. They all however were a bit worried about you wearin Dallas gear, except of course Jake because he was from Dallas "Why are y'all worried, I can hold my own at a visitin game guys" you said gettin a bit annoyed "Its not that its just what about when you hang out after the game with them, you don’t think Sidney will get hurt" "Oh jeez are you freaking serious, Sidney can’t tell me a damn thing because we're nothin, plus I'm plannin on hangin out with Ty because I haven’t seen them in a few months and I don’t know when I will again" 
"You have a point but still"
"Look how about we ALL hangout, they did it in Dallas too so there should be no harm" you stated You however let Sid know that you'd be at the game against Dallas. He asked you how you got the tickets and when you told him it was Ty, he got more short in his texts. On the day of he game wore a Dallas Stars tank top with blue jeans and of course your cowboy boots. Some of the boys brought their gf's as for the rest, well they were just 3rd wheelin haha. When you got the tickets you noticed that Ty got your seats on the visitors section. Of course he would put me on the visitin side you laughed to yourself. You guys got there a little bit earlier to visit the guys in the locker room before the game. When Ty saw you he gave you a big hug callin the boys out of the locker room for them to say hi. You guys were chattin it up when Jake told you to look at you 6 o'clock. When you turned, you saw Sid starin but not in a happy way. You excused yourself to go say hi to him.
"Hey Sidney" "Hmm you’re actually down here for once" he said in a serious tone "Ughh yeah I wanted to see Ty and the boys before the game, hey we're all plannin on hangin out after the game like we did in Dallas" "Yeah we'll see, gotta go" You didn’t fully know why he was actin like that but then remembered what the boys had told you at the gym. "Whats his problem?" asked Ty as he motioned towards Sid "I don’t know" "Well he was kinda rude" "Oh well, see you later have a great game Ty" You guys headed up to get food, this time a bit more healthy and headed down to a different side of the arena. You felt a bit weird but you were excited to see your old friends again. Once the Stars came out from warm ups, Tyler must've told them where you'd be because they all would skate by to wave. Your buddies got a bit jealous as their girls were gawkin at the players. The game was goin pretty well, Dallas was however losin 3-1 in the 3rd with about ten mins left when all of a sudden a fight broke out, the only fight. You couldn't believe your eyes when you saw that it was Tyler and Sidney goin at it. Sid was just punchin his way through as Ty himself pulled his own too. The guys and even their gf's looked at you. "What the fuck?" was all you could say. When they replayed the fight, it was obvious that Sid had started it. You were filled with anger especially because he hit one of your best friends. Once the game ended you headed straight downstairs to make sure Ty was okay. Of course he was, the kid was a trooper. You asked him about the fight and he hesitated but said that it was just hockey players bein hockey players, you didn't buy it. You guys still decided to all hangout however you noticed that the entire team was a bit quiet as Sidney and Geno were nowhere to be found. You guys headed out to Phil's place. You were all sittin in the patio chit chattin when the two finally showed up, Geno more serious than usual and Sid had a few cuts. Dang Ty swung in a few good ones You knew it wasn't the time or place to confront Sid but you knew if you didn't it would bug the hell outta you. "Sidney can I talk to you" you said in a serious tone "in the kitchen".              Sid didn't say a word but followed you. Ty gave you a look but you gave him a dirty one so he gave up. “                           
What the hell was that?" you asked Sid in a low but angry voice
"What are you talki--"--"You damn well know what I'm talkin about Sidney so cut to it" "Nothing it was just hockey players bein hockey players" "Bullshit" you said causin Sid to look at you in shock as you never really cursed "Why are you putting this on me, why don’t you go ask TTYYY what happened?" "I did, and he said the same damn thing you just did" "So he said hockey playe----"--"Yes, plus last time I checked, YOU’RE the one that started it Sidney" "What are you my mom, askin me why I started a fight!?!" "If I have to be then ya, especially when you try to knock the out one of my best friends" "Best friend?!" "Damn well best friend" "Cmon (Y/N) we all know there's somethin between you two" "There was, Sidney, a long time ago there was" "you know what that doesn't matter, tell my why you did it dude?!" You two stared at each other angrily. "Fine you don't want to talk then I'm leavin but don't think I'll ever talk to you Sidney" you said as you started headin out towards the patio to get your stuff. You could hear Sid's footsteps behind you but he stopped right before everyone. "(Y/N)" he said You ignored him as you grabbed your purse and headed back towards the kitchen when you felt him grab your arm "Let go Sidney" you said but he didn't budge, what he did next surprised you, hell he surprised everyone includin himself. Next thing you knew Sid's lips were on yours and as mad as you were, you felt somethin you never had before. But you knew if you didn't stand your ground now, you'd be the one to get hurt in the end, and that you couldn't bear it again. Once Sid stopped kissin you, everyone kinda cheered a bit until they saw your expression. "If that’s how you’re goin to show someone that you like them well then you have a lot to learn Sidney" you said regrettin it as you saw his expression turn to hurt. He let go of you as you walked away and took off. You headed home to get your dog and took off to a place that overlooked the city. Your mind was runnin with so many emotions and feelings. You didn't realize you were crying until you saw your dog nudging you to pet her. You knew what you told Sid was bad and had to apologize but you were also afraid to confront your own feelings for the man. 
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