#monthly horoscope taurus december
suchananewsblog · 2 years
Taurus Horoscope for December 2022: Being thankful does not imply that everything in life is always good - Times of India
Taurus Horoscope for December 2022: Being thankful does not imply that everything in life is always good – Times of India
A person’s personality is determined by the traits and characteristics given in his horoscope. This Taurus Horoscope for December month is determined by the position of the moon and sun. How would you feel if you come to know what’s going to happen throughout the month for Taurus? Horoscopes give us a hint about all the things that we are going to face for the entire month. Read your Taurus…
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symbolicliving · 6 months
December 2023 Monthly Astrology Calendar Key Dates and Times
I create these Key Dates and Times listings as a quick and easy reference to help me stay organized with what’s happening with some of the main events in astrology each month.
In chronological order and by planets in the signs, I’ve organized the listings in a few different ways to make it easier for reference.
Most notably this month we have Mercury Retrograde starting in Capricorn December 13th, and ending in Sagittarius on January 2nd, taking us into the new year.
See original Post December 2023
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December 2023 Astrology Horoscope Calendar Key Dates and Times
December 1, 2023 10:26 am ET Mercury enters Capricorn
December 4, 2023 1:51 pm ET Venus enters Scorpio
December 6, 2023 8:22 am ET *Neptune in Pisces stations Direct
December 12, 2023 6:31 pm ET New Moon in Sagittarius (20°)
December 13, 2023 2:09 am ET *Mercury in Capricorn stations Retrograde
December 21, 2023 10:28 pm ET Sun enters Capricorn – Winter Solstice
December 23, 2023 1:18 am ET. *Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn re-enters Sagittarius
December 26, 2023 7:32 pm ET Full Moon in Cancer (4°)
December 26, 2023 8:10 pm ET *Chiron in Aries stations Direct
December 29, 2023 3:24 pm ET Venus enters Sagittarius
December 30, 2023 9:40 pm ET *Jupiter in Taurus stations Direct
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Planets in the Signs – Astrological Monthly Calendar Dates December 2023
Here is a list of where the planets are in the signs this December.
*Sun in Sagittarius, Capricorn Winter Solstice November 22, 2023 9:03 am ET ~ entered Sagittarius December 21, 2023 10:28 pm ET~ entering Capricorn
*Mercury in Capricorn, Retrograde December 1, 2023 9:32 am ET ~ entered Capricorn December 23, 2023 1:18 am ET ~ re-entering Sagittarius
*Mercury Retrograde Capricorn-Sagittarius December 13, 2023 2:09 am ET~ Mercury stations Rx in Capricorn December 23, 2023 1:18 am ET ~ Mercury Rx enters Sagittarius January 1, 2024 10:07 pm ET~ Mercury stations Direct in Sagittarius January 13, 2024 9:50 pm ET ~ Mercury Direct enters Capricorn February 5, 2024 12:10 am ET ~ Mercury enters Aquarius
*Venus in Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius November 8, 2023 4:31 am ET ~ entered Libra December 4, 2023 1:51 pm ET ~ entering Scorpio December 29, 2023 3:24 pm ET ~ entering Sagittarius
*Mars in Sagittarius, Capricorn November 24, 2023 5:15 am ET~ entered Sagittarius January 4, 2024 9:58 am ET ~ enters Capricorn
*Jupiter in Taurus, Retrograde-Direct September 4, 2023 10:11 am ET ~ stationed Retrograde December 30, 2023 9:40 pm ET ~ stations Direct May 25, 2024 7:15 pm ET ~ enters Gemini
*Saturn in Pisces November 4, 2023 3:03 am ET ~ stationed Direct June 29, 2024 3:06 pm ET~ stations Retrograde
Uranus in Taurus, Retrograde August 28, 2023 10:39 pm ET ~ stationed Retrograde January 27, 2024 2:35 am ET ~ stations Direct
*Neptune in Pisces, Retrograde June 30th, 2023 5:07 pm ET ~ stationed Retrograde December 6, 2023 8:22 am ET ~ stations Direct
Pluto in Capricorn October 10, 2023 9:09 pm ET ~ stationed Direct January 20, 2024 7:51 pm ET ~ enters Aquarius
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I also have more December 2023 Dates here with New Moon, Full Moon, Transits and the Moon's conjunctions with the planets...
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astrosolutions · 6 months
Taurus Monthly Horoscope – December Horoscope Prediction 2023
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Taurus Monthly Horoscope: The month of December can be auspicious for Taurus natives. These people can get success in every field. You may get a promotion or a new job in your career. There may be financial gain in business. You will get money suddenly and may get some good news.
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inkindofmagic · 9 months
September Monthly Forecast
September 2023; Astrology and Horoscope
– Astro News
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🍂 Venus Retrograde in Leo (Ongoing): During this ongoing retrograde season, Venus retrograde in Leo urges us to engage in introspection and reconsider our personal relationships, creative pursuits, and values. It may unearth unresolved issues from the past that require our attention for us to move forward confidently.
🍂 Venus Turns Direct on September 3rd: As Venus finally turns direct on September 3rd, a shift occurs from this period of introspection to outward expression. This transition is an opportune moment to implement the changes and insights gained during the introspective phase. Take a moment to reflect: Have your relationships undergone profound transformations during this introspective journey?
🍂 Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus (September 4th - December 30th): From September 4th through December 30th, we embark on a four-month journey of Jupiter retrograde in Taurus. This unique period invites us to slow down and take stock of our lives. It's an ideal time to evaluate our growth, explore material opportunities, and indulge in life's sensory pleasures. Jupiter's amplifying influence is at play here, magnifying our experiences, especially in Taurus, a sign deeply connected to the physical world.
🍂 New Moon in Virgo on September 14th: The New Moon in Virgo on September 14th holds a special significance. Supported by the alignment of three powerful planets – Uranus, Jupiter, and Pluto – this New Moon empowers any intentions we set and seeds we plant. It's akin to having the wind at our back and the universe aligning with our goals. When we align our intentions with the qualities of Virgo, such as practicality and attention to detail, we set the stage for proactive, positive, and productive outcomes.
🍂 Mercury Goes Direct in Virgo on September 15th: On September 15th, Mercury, the planet of communication, ends its retrograde journey in Virgo. This transition marks a favorable time for implementing practical changes, organizing our lives, and enhancing daily routines. It's also an ideal period for refining communication in both personal and professional relationships, ensuring clarity and understanding.
🍂 Libra Season Starts on September 23rd: With the commencement of Libra season on September 23rd, we are encouraged to embrace adaptability, balance, refinement, and an appreciation for harmony in our lives. During this period, we may find ourselves drawn to seeking the finer things in life and placing significance on friendships and partnerships. Our desire to connect and maintain harmony with those around us becomes more pronounced.
🍂 Full Moon in Aries on September 29th: The Full Moon in Aries on September 29th marks the culmination of events and intentions that were set during the New Moon on March 21st, which was positioned right at the beginning of a new season. Aries, known for its pioneering and risk-taking nature, encourages us to reflect on bold moves and significant changes made in areas such as relationships, career, or other major life aspects. This is also an opportunity to acknowledge our successes and learn from any setbacks or mistakes, allowing us to emerge wiser and more experienced. In the backdrop of the Sun's presence in Libra and Mars ruling the Full Moon, finding equilibrium in our relationships becomes essential. It's a time to release connections that no longer serve our personal growth or to seek a middle ground for mutual benefit. Balancing our individual needs with the dynamics of our relationships is a key theme during this period of reflection and adjustment.
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via @inkindofmagic
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joshiastrology · 1 year
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blinzotech · 1 year
[caption id="attachment_8722" align="alignnone" width="700"] Monthly Horoscope December 2022[/caption] Monthly Horoscope December 2022: In the month of December, there is a change in the zodiac sign of many planets. At the beginning of this month many planets including Sun, Venus and Mercury will change their signs. With the position of these planets changing, with the position of the stars, what will be the fate of the twelve signs this month? Here is the monthly result information of which zodiac sign has lucky yoga in financial, professional life, family and love life, who will have little luck and who will suffer loss. Aries : [caption id="attachment_8668" align="alignnone" width="700"] Monthly Horoscope December 2022[/caption] The beginning of the month is accompanied by many unexpected pleasant results and ups and downs. But from the third week there is progress due to change in the movement of planets. Decisions taken and work done are also appreciated. Matters related to landed property will be settled. If you want to sign any kind of new agreement, transit of planets will be favorable for it. You will enjoy traveling abroad. Be careful on 21-22 of this month. Taurus : [caption id="attachment_8669" align="alignnone" width="700"] Monthly Horoscope December 2022[/caption] The month of December brings great success. If there is progress in work business, there is hope of getting back the money given for many days. Negotiations related to marriage will be successful. There will be cooperation from mother-in-law. Avoid joint trading during this period. If you keep your stubbornness and passion under control, you will be more successful. Avoid fights and disputes. It is wise to settle court cases themselves. On 4-5th of the month a small child will be born.  Also Read - Daily horoscope  Gemini : [caption id="attachment_8670" align="alignnone" width="700"] Monthly Horoscope December 2022[/caption] This month gives mixed results. Only by signing a new contract will there be progress in the work business. There will be full cooperation of the government. Students and students participating in the competition have to put in more efforts to get good marks in the exam. Be careful about health. Avoid falling prey to workplace conspiracy. Better to come straight home after work. Possibility of cooperation from senior family members and senior siblings. You stay awake on the 25th-26th of the month. Cancer  [caption id="attachment_8671" align="alignnone" width="700"] Monthly Horoscope December 2022[/caption] Despite the ups and downs, the entire month brings great success. This time is no less than a boon especially for the students coming to the competition. There is intensity in love matters. If you also want to get married, the transit of planets will be favorable from that point of view. If the student is trying to go abroad for studies, transit of planets will be favorable from that point of view also. There may be some delay in marriage related negotiations. vigil on 27-28.  Also Read - Weekly Horoscope Leo : [caption id="attachment_8672" align="alignnone" width="700"] Monthly Horoscope December 2022[/caption] The month will make you face many unexpected ups and downs. Despite receiving benefits from friends and relatives, there are chances of receiving unpleasant news. Efforts made for service or citizenship in foreign companies will be successful. Matters related to landed property will be settled. If you want to buy a vehicle, transit of the planets will be favorable. Be aware of parents' health. Travel with caution. Protect goods from theft. Be careful on the 21st-22nd of the month. Virgo : [caption id="attachment_8673" align="alignnone" width="700"] Monthly Horoscope December 2022[/caption] With the strength of your courage, you easily overcome even odd situations. Those who were trying to bring you down will come forward to help you. If you work on your plans confidentially, you will be more successful.
 Do not allow differences to develop with elder family members and younger siblings. Marriage negotiations will be successful. There is a possibility of getting cooperation from sister-in-law as well. Works pending in central or state government departments will be completed. Stay awake on 5-6. Also Read - Yearly Horoscope Libra : The whole month will make you face many ups and downs. Many times you will face obstacles in your work. It is wise to settle court cases themselves. Financial side will be strong. The money given is expected to be returned. This month will be favorable for the students participating in the competition. Children's worries will go away. There is also a possibility of fertility and child birth for the newly married couple. Be calm on the 29th-30th of the month. Scorpio : The whole month will bring great success. You can achieve whatever success you desire. If you are looking to start any big project or sign a new contract, don't let this opportunity pass you by. Social status and prestige will increase. If you want to take any decision related to elections, the month will be favorable from that point of view as well. Do not allow differences to develop with younger siblings. Time is convenient for the students participating in the competition. Be careful on 27-28 of the month. Sagittarius : The whole month will not only make you go through ups and downs, but you may also face a financial crisis due to excessive running around. Matters related to landed property will be settled. You will buy luxury items. Chance of receiving good news from friends and relatives. There is indifference in matters related to love, so reflect on your work. Students need to put in more efforts to get good marks in the exam. Signs of getting a decision in your favor in court cases too. Be a small child on the 7th-8th of the month. Capricorn : The month will be good with sweet and sour experiences. However, due to one reason or the other, one has to face family discord and mental turmoil. By virtue of your gentle nature, you are able to control even odd situations with ease. There are chances of receiving unpleasant news from friends and relatives. There will be full cooperation of the government. If you want to apply for any kind of government tender, transit of planets will be favorable from that point of view too. Be alert on the 4th-5th of the month. Aquarius : The streak of success will continue till the end of the month. On the strength of your courage and bravery, you will be able to control difficult situations easily. Power increases. Decisions taken and work done are also appreciated. Take care that your mind does not deviate from religion and spirituality. Differences with older family members and younger siblings may deepen. Avoid isolation. Matters related to landed property will be settled. Social prestige will increase. Be careful on 19-20 of the month. Pisces : The whole month will bring great success in all ways. If you want to sign a new contract, transit of planets will be favorable in that regard too. There will also be full cooperation of the government. Control your speech and do not make any work public until it is completed. Association with prominent people of the society will increase. Matters related to landed property will be settled. You can also buy a house or a vehicle. Wake up on 7-8 of the month. Click on Twitter, Facebook, Youtube links to subscribe to our social media pages.
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helloastro24 · 2 years
Monthly Horoscope November 2022 – Read Horoscope for all zodiac signs\
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Aries The November Horoscope
Aries Monthly Horoscope NovemberYou should remain vigilant about your actions throughout the month since your sign's is ruled by Lord Mars is in retrograde motion within the third house that is associated with determination and courage which is being affected by Ketu. However, the aspect of Saturn in conjunction with the debilitated Sun and the combust Mercury and retrograde Jupiter and the combust of Venus and Ketu does not suggest an easy path for you.
However, the placing Saturn in your 10th house of career this month will bring about positive changes within and around, which will bring you opportunities to help you keep going.
Change in retrograde sign Mars to enter your financial house on the 13th November. This will bring you cash-flow gains that will be a source of satisfaction.
The combination of weak Sun, Mercury, Venus and Ketu can be a source of game changer , as Venus in the Libra sign will reverse any debilitation caused by the Sun and will create the 'NeechBhang Rakh Yog' which will work in your favor.
The entry of Mercury into the Scorpio sign, on the 13th of November, can provide you with unexpected benefits, since it can create the 'Vipreet Raaj Yog'. Review the strengths as well as weaknesses to ensure you are playing in the right way.
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It is believed that the Sun will change its sign on the 16th November at 19.15 pm. It will then move the eighth house, which is in the Scorpio, a watery sign. Scorpio and will break free of debilitation, and give you the upper hand in nearly all things.
The 25th of the month, your financial house Lord Venus will rise to the west to grow robust, to bring relief.
Taurus December Horoscope
Taurus Monthly Horoscope NovemberYour ruling planet Venus is associated with the debilitated Sun Combust Mercury as well as Ketu within the Libra sign, through 11th of November, to make a 'TeenGrahee which will benefit you. A powerful 'Raaj Yog' is created by Saturn which is located in the Capricorn sign, which can bring the best help and support from Lady Luck for you.
Jupiter is retrograde in your house of income to bring about "Dhan Yog" and grant you an advantage in financial issues.
Be vigilant about your finances, specifically the week of the 13th as retrograde Mars is set to return to your sign to put stress on your nerves in the area of financial issues are concerned.
Transits in the direction of Mercury into your 7th house on the 13th of November will reveal the more positive aspect of the coin, so you can take action in line with the needs of the moment, and to do effectively in your endeavours.
On the 16th of November, The Sun through your seven houses, which is in Scorpio sign and joins Mercury and Venus and Venus, which is expected to be very beneficial to help you shine.
Direct movement from Jupiter within the Pisces sign, on the 24th of November, is more favorable for you because Jupiter will bring his divine blessings on your house 3 of strength and determination and fifth house of talent and the seventh house of fame and social standing. It will bring you the most effective results from your efforts.
The rising of Venus in the west on the 25th of November will serve as a game changer to your benefit.
Gemini November Horoscope:
Gemini Monthly Horoscope November
A combust state of your sign Lord, Mercury, during this entire month may decrease your comfort so we advise you to be cautious when you move. The association of a debilitated Sun or the combust Mercury and the combust of Venus and Ketu which are in the Libra the sign of Libra, are thought to boost your skills, knowledge, and standing.
The formation of 'TeenGrahee Yog", inside an 'Trikona' home is another sure-fire way to keep you blessed until the 11th day of the month.
The transit in the direction of Mercury through Scorpio sign on the 13th November, is beneficial because the Sun is expected to become one with Mercury as well as Venus on the 16th of November which will benefit you This is expected to lessen your struggle.
Jupiter the professional house-owner, is scheduled to take over direct motion on the 24th day of this month in Pisces sign, helping you solve the issues on your workplace. In social settings you must be careful when sharing your opinions to avoid confusion with any person.
The rising of your fifth house Lord, Venus on the 25th of November will provide a strong influence for you which will allow you to advantages from contests, and give you an advantage and delight you.
Cancer Horoscope November:
Cancer Monthly Horoscope November
Mars is your house of talents Lord and is currently in retrograde motions in Gemini sign, through 13th of November. obtain foreign links and transform the scene. You might think about purchasing an landed property at this time after negotiating a few possible business deals.
Mercury is set to enter the Scorpio sign at the exact same time, and is favourable to grow your business. Also, the Sun along with Venus can also be present following the 16th November to form 'TeenGrahee to give you a head start in financial matters.
Retrograde Mars will enter Taurus sign on the 13th of the month to shower you with a powerful speech, which will increase your influence on the family scene.
The rising of Venus located within your 5th house on the 25th of this month , is expected to increase your emotional connections with your loved ones and close friends and increase your peace of mind.
Your lucky house god, Jupiter, is going to alter his course, within his own sign of Pisces on the 24th of this month. It will bring about a positive vibes within and around your luckiest 9th house.
However, the presence in Rahu in your workplace throughout the month, suggests that you remain alert to people who have dual personalities, so that you can avoid unanticipated situations in the workplace.
Leo Horoscope for November:
Leo Monthly Horoscope NovemberYour sign god is the Sun is moving through a weak state through your 3rd house of effort, and will give you concrete outcomes of your efforts until the 16th day of the month. Association of Mercury and Venus with the Sun in Scorpio sign, in the second part of the month will result in "TeenGrahee Yog" to bring you professional growth and aid you in your journey in achieving your dreams.
Venus Your professional house lord in the fourth house of your chart, is going to produce a an opulent 'Yog' beginning on the 11th November to reveal the brighter side of the coin for your professional affairs.
You might be thinking about expanding your network for future growth, given that Jupiter moves in direct motion in the Pisces sign from the on the 24th day of March. The need for further qualifications could be in your path to keep up with the changing demands of time.
Be aware of your resources' limits before making any major decision regarding property-related matters, on or after the 16th of November, when the Sun will be in the fourth house of properties.
Mercury as well as Venus are in place to tell you to be cautious when taking major steps during the last half of November. The rise of Venus on the 25th of November, will assist you make opportunities in the right time to gain more wealth.
Virgo November Horoscope:
The house lord of your luck, Venus, is occupying Libra sign, bringing an extremely auspicious "Yog", since the beginning of the month to encourage you to benefit from this favorable time to stay blessed. The entry of Mercury is a watery sign Scorpio on the 13th day of November, joins Venus in a positive vibe and a sign of assertive changes in your family's front.
It is a good time to give you a fair reward for the hard work you've put in during the past few months. The 16th of November marks the changing the sign of the Sun is a sign of major changes that could transform your perspective on life.
Connecting with powerful people could boost your motivation and give you a moral boost. On the 24th of November Jupiter will shift its into a more positive motion and will provide you with fresh concepts and help you take innovative avenues.
Venus is expected to emerge from her weak state of combustion on the 25th day of this month. This will make your image stronger and strong.
The placement of Saturn there in your talent house and in the sign of His own Capricorn will assist in establish a suitable platforms for you and offer the necessary support for displaying your talents precisely, to your advantage and to show visible progress on your professional career.
Libra November Horoscope:
Your sign's is ruled by the goddess, Venus, is combust in her 'MoolTrikona' sign Libra until 11th November to force you to work hard and achieve a good score. The presence of weak Sun and the combust Mercury as well as Venus within your particular sign is causing a phenomenon known as 'TeenGraheeYog to enhance your financial calculations and benefit from until 11th November.
A state of combustion for Mercury since the beginning of the month can be beneficial to change the circumstances to your advantage, since Mercury governs your twelfth house of expenses.
Try to alter your life style as it's becoming more and more necessary for you to enhance your image within your own circle.
The 16th of November marks the beginning of November. changing the sign of the Sun signifies a major transformation that will alter your perception of your life. A favourable planet Jupiter will begin direct motion on the 24th November to trigger a sudden stream of proposals and projects which will be a relief to you.
But, the presence of Saturn within the fourth of your houses properties throughout the month, indicates profits from the sale of land-based properties, to your satisfaction. Rising of Venus on the 25th of November will signal a more assertive development in your family affairs which will reduce your stress degree.
Scorpio November Horoscope:
Your sign-lord, Mars, is moving through retrograde motion in Gemini sign until the 13th November. He will warn you against overconfidence, and to be secure. The condition of combust Mercury during this month, could cause you to have a difficult time with financial matters, requiring you to be cautious when moving.
Your planets of prosperity have been bringing assertive energy, making you feel secure. The Sun is set to change its sign, to enter your sign on the 16th of the month in order to merge with Mercury along with Venus and increase your potential and career opportunities.
The Sun governs your tenth house of work, and will show you the better aspect of the coin. The presence of Ketu located in your 12th house of expenditures , gives you an opportunity to increase your abilities to shine and polish.
On the 24th day of this month, the shift in the motion of Jupiter which will be a sign of good fortune once more in Pisces sign , which is the fifth place of your talents. It can help polish your overall image.
The presence of Saturn in your third house of effort can help you to transform your efforts into tangible outcomes. Venus will emerge from the fire, which is in your sign on the 25th November to tell you the tale of success , and also to reduce the possibility of health problems and complications.
Sagittarius November Horoscope:
The 13th of November is the day that retrograde Mars will enter in Taurus sign, the sixth house of struggle to affect your sign, causing "Vipreet Raj Yog" and reducing stress on your nerves without failure. However, Saturn is already present in the Capricorn sign, it is in the 2nd house, the one of finance to simplify your finances and decrease the chance of harm.
The 16th of the month will be your last day after the 16th of this month, this month, the Sun will be in your 12th house of spending, and will join the combust Mercury and Venus. Venus creating a the rare 'TeenGrahee' Yog and will put you under financial pressure, which will raise your stress levels.
Your Lord of Signs, Jupiter, is going change direction on your house 4 of Comforts on November 24, to provide you with help all around, providing you with a favorable location in the most efficient way.
Be aware of your connections with other individuals as the your presence Rahu located in your 5th house, which is the emotional connections could cause you to experience unwanted problems, even from the most unwelcome corners.
Combust Venus will be rising in the west on the November 25th, which can boost the flow of money for you, giving you an edge in this area.
Capricorn November Horoscope:
The most favorable planet for your sign Venus is located in your 10th house of your professional career through the 11th of the month to make you more successful through your relationships. The difficult circumstances are likely to go away on your path to success since Jupiter is expected to move directly through your house 3 of work on the 24th of this month. It will simplify things for you.
You're expected to be a star in your field of work, as Jupiter will bring his divine rays to Your ninth House of Luck to help you make progression, without doubt.
The Sun will alter His sign to break from debilitation, on the 16th day of this month. It will also join Combust Mercury and Venus, combust Venus in your home of income to give you new ways to earn money using your individual talents.
Combust Mercury and the combust of Venus together with the Sun in your eleventh house creating the 'TeenGrahee' Yog' to write the tale of financial success, and to give the opportunity to play at a higher stage.
The time is coming to sharpen your creativity and develop the creative aspect of your mind. The planet Venus is expected to emerge from the fire on the 25th of November, and will offer you financial rewards as Venus is the ruler of your tenth house of work. This is a suitable time to be focused on your relationships.
Aquarius November Horoscope:
The presence of retrograde Jupiter located in the second place of your finances, and Saturn in your twelfth place of expenses, up to the 24th of this month forecasts pressure on spending and the scarcity of liquid cash, which will create mental stress. However, the arrival of Mercury into the fluid sign of Scorpio 13th November certain to reveal the positive aspect of the coin so in financial matters.
The lord of your income house, Jupiter, is going to move into direct motion on the 24th day of the month in order to produce an eerie 'Yog' that will give relief. The Sun will become a part of Mercury and Venus in your career house on the 16th of this month. It will make a 'TeenGrahee' Yog' and improve your hand and your social standing.
The Rising of Venus which is occupying your house of earnings, on the 25th of November will bless you with the support of Lady Luck, to set your maths in order.
The presence of Sun, Mercury and Venus in your career house are giving you a boost with shrewd results, and with the full support of your luck and a positive attitude.
Health check-ups are recommended for you since the influences that are retrograde Jupiter and Saturn in your sixth house could cause health issues, until the the 24th day of this month.
Pisces The November Horoscope
Your sign-lord, Jupiter, is coming out of retrogression within the Pisces sign on the November 24, to bring fortune to your pleasure. Don't be too confident after the 13th of November, in Retrograde Mars will be at your home in the third place of confidence.
Mars governs in the family's second home, and finances in your horoscope , and the combust state of Venus until the 25th of this month. It is telling the same thing to you.
If you are within your 3rd house Mars can throw influences to your luck ninth house and tenth place of careerto enhance the performance of those houses. Mercury will change its sign on the 13th day of November. This will help to ease your problems to an extent.
The 16th day of this month this month, the entrance of the Sun into the Scorpio sign, joining Mercury and Venus and create a 'TeenGrahee Yog the luck house of yours and also indicating the possibility of gaining from people of authority.
The release of his weak sign makes the Sun powerful enough to give you results that are dependable. The presence in Saturn in your house of income can give you the opportunity to earn wealth through dedication and honesty.
The spiritual realm may be calling you to take a plunge into it and feel the depths of it.
Get your free online Janam Kundali from our best online astrologer at HelloAstro24. It helps you predict the future for yourself by reading the birth chart. https://helloastro24.com/freekundali/
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TAURUS ♉ LOVE READING 💕 DECEMBER 2020 💕 Monthly Readings for Earth Signs are now ready 🌱
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astrologyways · 3 years
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April 2021 - Monthly Horoscopes
 ARIES (March 20 – April 19)
Sense of well-being will be setting the tone for the month. Optimism connected to changes has been occurring in your area of shared resources. Your feelings of personal responsibilities do not seem to be clear enough to comprehend what other people need from you, calling for clarification from them. The desire to obtain a luxury item on impulse for entertainment reasons could backfire unless you give this some thought, which you do not plan on doing.
TAURUS (April 19 – May 20)
Your privacy seems to be extremely important for you this month, but you also want to put your best front forward. Sudden changes connected to your work and job could be present, and these changes could possibly not be happy ones. Adaptation will be the key to this situation as changes are difficult for you to take. You must be prepared mentally to receive a learning experience this month. Worries in your partnership and marriage area could be bothersome to you. Still, a friendly interchange of thoughts with a friend could help ease your mind.
GEMINI (May 20 – June 21)
April may find some of you getting involved with charitable activities with friends. These could be connected to your business or work, but uncertainty could be causing you some worries. Some news could be reaching you connected to your status or position in the community, bringing info that could be very useful. Impulsive action to find enjoyment on a trip could cause a disagreement; cooperation and refrain should be considered. An illusory sense of well-being could be developing concerning money. You will not be happy when searching for clarification in this situation.
CANCER (June 21 – July 22)
The community and social status seem to be very much at the forefront for you this month. Social activities and entertainment are also plentiful. Activities at home have been increasing. Moving may be a possibility, but this could cause you many unexpected expenses you aren’t quite prepared for. Informing yourself before you sign anything or get involved would be the smart thing to do. A well-intentioned friend could be misinformed about something important. Trusting yourself before you dive into any decisions will be for the best.
LEO (July 22 – August 22)
This April, some of you Leos will be getting a more philosophical outlook on your life. As the month goes on, you will be looking at a broader meaning into where you are going. Dispute with your partner or mate could be rocking the boat; mediation with feelings toward each party will pave the way. Asserting yourself during these challenging conditions will be very helpful for all. A work-related subject can show a very promising prospect but remember that everything that glitters is not gold. You will not be given complete information in details that could be very valuable.
VIRGO (August 22 – September 22)
The limelight this month is on your area of outside sources of income. Communication concerning this in connection to a partnership could be on the schedule for you. Preoccupation could be generated by this situation. Inspiration and a sense of responsibility will be coming into play. There should be loads of activities connected to your individual sources. Inclination to act irresponsibly should be halted, and care is called for.
LIBRA (September 22 – October 23)
For a few of you, wedding bells could be sounding right now, and some of you may also be beginning new business partnerships. Small differences in views with a loved one could become blown out of proportion. Talking about whatever you do not agree upon before anything is sealed and signed will be vital. New opportunities for career advancement, together with a late financial reward, could be in the stars for you. Imaginary duties could cause stress, so try to look at other points of view and be realistic.
SCORPIO (October 23 – November 22)
April’s spotlight is on work. Duties require clarification if lack of communication is reducing your understanding of them. Problems should be faced and talked about. Changes at your home seem to be happening, giving you a sense of having your hands tied behind your back. Remembering past experiences could be necessary. Frustration and tension could be worked out respectfully with a partner. Changes in the minds of loved ones seem to be called for, and the lesson will be learned.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)
Social activities and entertainment with good friends will come your way. Plenty of communication between you and friends will bring unexpected news. Your area of work is bringing you pleasant circumstances. Some of you might be promised rewards financially, but remember that promises are only promises, so follow up. Many of you Sagittarians could be contemplating a change of residence as you start feeling restless in your surroundings. An amazing opportunity of doing so might be headed your way.
CAPRICORN (December 21 – January 21)
April’s spotlight this month is at your home base. Slow changes will start momentum, and moving could be one thing you could see shortly. Preoccupation about this change could pester you, but they will pass. Insecurities about your abilities and role at home could be troubling you, so communication with a loved one could interpret and define the situation for you. A close relative could show you a thing or two about your finances. Emotions might get in the way. Channels of communication with a partner or mate will be harmoniously revealed in the second half of the month, so you will achieve many things regarding future plans.
AQUARIUS (January 21 – February 18)
Exchange of ideas with a close relative will lead you to a learning experience and a different viewpoint on your life. Avoid disputes as emotions may get in the way; an agreement will be necessary. Your area of work will be calling for changes as differences will abound. Acting too fast could be harmful, so a friendly approach could be the most dependable way. Concerns about your future goals will be worrying you, but listening to your inner awareness will guide you. Rewards could be right around the corner.
PISCES (February 19 – March 20)
April’s spotlight is on your area of personal values and resources. You will be learning a few things regarding your joint finances, and your partner or mate will be giving a lot of their input in this field. The exchange of ideas at your workplace will be important as inner conflicts seem to be confusing you. Negotiations in a friendly environment should take place. Keep an open mind to suggestions that could be very advantageous to you. The emotional demand for some social and recreational activities could be needed this month, and thoughts about traveling will be at the forefront of your mind.
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adapembroke · 4 years
Write Your Own Horoscope
Newspaper horoscopes are notoriously bad. The need to predict the future for everyone born during a certain month makes it almost impossible for horoscopes to be specific and accurate. 
One of the benefits of being your own astrologer, though, is that you can write horoscopes for yourself. Even if you are just starting out with astrology, your horoscopes will be more accurate because they’re tailored especially to you. You can focus your readings on the areas of life you care about, and you can write in a style that suits your beliefs. 
Interested in predicting the future? Make some educated guesses and see how they turn out. With persistence, experience, and practice, your predictions will get better over time.
More interested in getting good advice? You can skip the prediction entirely and focus on writing horoscopes that give advice on how to set good intentions and make good decisions.
In this post, I share techniques you can use to write basic monthly and weekly horoscopes. If you are new to astrology, you can use the techniques I outline here to write horoscopes that are still likely to be better than anything you’ll find in print. Those who are more advanced can use these techniques as a foundation and add more complicated elements. 
In order to use these techniques, you need your rising sign/ascendant. If you don't know what your rising sign is, you can find it here. 
Monthly Horoscope
The sun shines a light on one side of the zodiac every month. You may know the zodiac signs as sun signs that describe an aspect of your personality. The signs in astrology also represent lessons we are trying to learn, virtues we are trying to develop.
January: Capricorn: Order
February: Aquarius: Innovation
March: Pisces: Transcendence
April: Aries: Courage
May: Taurus: Security
June: Gemini: Curiosity
July: Cancer: Nurturing
August: Leo: Self-expression
September: Virgo: Craftsmanship
October: Libra: Harmony
November: Scorpio: Depth
December: Sagittarius: Faith
At the same time as the sun is highlighting a zodiac sign, it is also highlighting an astrological house. Astrological houses represent topics and areas of life. 
1st house: Personality
2nd house: Money
3rd house: Communication
4th house: Home
5th house: Pleasure
6th house: Daily routine
7th house: Relationships
8th house: Occult
9th house: Religion
10th house: Career
11th house: Friends
12th house: Solitude 
When the sun is in a sign, it is in the same sign for everyone. When the sun is in Aries, we are all learning courage. When the sun is in Capricorn, we are all learning about order and discipline. However, the sun is not in the same house for everyone at the same time. This is one of the ways our experiences are unique. Some of us are learning to create order in our homes. Some of us are learning how to create order in our daily routines. Some of us are learning how to create order in our finances, or at work.
When you bring together the sun's position and house and sign, it is very easy to create a simple horoscope for yourself for the month. You use the sign to tell you what lesson you need to learn, and you use the house to tell yourself where you need to learn that lesson. Writing the horoscope once you know these two things is as simple as giving yourself good advice, talking to yourself the way you would talk to a friend.
How to bring houses and signs together: Find your rising sign in the list of signs. Your rising sign is the first house for you. Once you have your first house, each sign that follows will correspond to the next house in numerical order.
How to use this horoscope: The sun is the planet of ego and leadership. Monthly horoscopes are great for helping you figure out what to do. Monthly horoscopes are good for helping you set conscious intentions, direct your will, and get into action. The sun is the brightest light in the sky. It illuminates issues that you need to work on.
Example horoscope: August: Aries Rising (Sun in Leo and the 5th house): In August, your focus should be on expressing yourself through your pleasures. How do you spend your leisure time? Do you do things that feel “you?” Or have you fallen into old habits that no longer really make you happy? This month, focus on wringing as much pleasure out of your free time as you possibly can. If you’re not really having fun, do something else.
Make your horoscope your own:
The sun goes into a new sign on around the 20th, so the calendar month and the sun’s month don’t exactly align. You can choose to write your horoscope for the month the sun is in each sign, or you can write your horoscope for the calendar month, even though the sun will be in a different sign during the last 10 days or so.
If you know how to read your birth chart, you can incorporate the planets into your horoscope. When the sun is in the sign where your Venus is, for example, you can add relationships into the picture. When the sun is in the same sign as your moon, you know it’s a month to focus on nurturing yourself and caring for yourself emotionally. 
My technique uses the whole sign house system because it is the easiest to learn. If you prefer another house system (such as Placidus), you can write your horoscope so that the topic changes when the sun changes houses and the virtue changes when the sun changes signs. 
Weekly Horoscope
The sun spends a month in each sign, but the moon spends roughly 2.5 days. By following the moon’s journey through the zodiac, you can create a horoscope for yourself that includes 3-4 pieces of advice for yourself per week. 
To make a weekly horoscope, follow the same process as the monthly horoscope, but instead of looking at the sun’s sign to determine the sign, look at the signs the moon travels through in a week. You can look up where the moon is in an astro planner, moon phase calendar, or app.  
How to use this horoscope: The moon illuminates the night, the time of day when we’re more interested in being than doing. Weekly horoscopes are great for helping you predict how you’re going to feel and plan for what you’re likely to be in the mood for. 
Example Horoscope: On Monday, the moon will be in Cancer in the house of solitude. This is a time for stepping away from social engagements and focusing on taking care of yourself alone. Spend some quality time with your journal and be sure to drink plenty of water. On Tuesday and Wednesday, the moon is in Leo and the house of personality. Make some time to hang out with friends and make sure that your outfit really matches how you’re feeling. You’ll feel off if you just throw on the first thing you find in the laundry basket. On Thursday and Friday, the moon is in Virgo and the house of money. This is a time for thinking about your finances and making sure your budget is up-to-date and matches your priorities. On Saturday and Sunday, the moon is in Libra and the house of communication. The monthly family Zoom call is on Saturday: Be ready to be a peace maker and help your father and brother see each other’s point of view.
Make your horoscope your own:
Incorporate the moon phases into your horoscopes. When the moon is waxing, it’s a good time to focus on manifesting. When the moon is waning, it’s a good time to focus on cleaning out and purging. 
Make note of the times when the moon is void of course, and plan to take a rest (or be more patient) during those times. 
Incorporate the planets into your horoscopes by noting the days when the moon shares a sign with each of your planets. 
This post first appeared on adapembroke.com.
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easternloto265 · 2 years
Lucky Days
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Scorpio Lucky Days Horoscope. People born in the days from about October 24th through November 22nd were born when the Sun was in Scorpio. Your birthday is always lucky, but there are also many other days each year that are lucky for a Scorpio due the numerology of the month, day.
2021 Astrology Calendar is the best free daily horoscope calendar available online. Monthly calendars are provided for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces horoscope. Specific horoscopes like love, health, career, travel, money and lucky day horoscope are included into.
Lucky Days For Pisces 2020
Lucky Days Capricorn
Lucky Days Horoscope
Lucky Days For Taurus
Lucky Days Calendar
In Numerology, your birth date is a lucky day for you. So, you should add your birth date your list of lucky days. As an example, actor Brad Pitt was born on December 18th, 1963, so he will add December 18th to the December list below. Days on which the Universal day number equals your Life Path number are also lucky for you.
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Simply looking back on the astrology of 2020 is an exhausting task. Thankfully, 2021's cosmic forecast looks less rocky — and a new year also means we have a whole new batch of lucky days in astrology to look forward to. While some planetary aspects have the power to sprinkle magic over everyone's day, there are always going to be especially auspicious moments that affect certain people more than others. So when you find out the luckiest day of 2021 for your zodiac sign, you'll want to mark your calendar.
While there are still some tough ongoing planetary battles going down through 2021, there's some luck on our side. We can look forward to fewer retrogrades in 2021, as well as a fortunate conjunction between love planet Venus and passion planet Mars that only happens every two years.
When thinking about luck in astrology in general, it's important to look to the two planets known as the benefic planets in astrology, which are Venus and Jupiter. The term 'benefic' refers to the planets' reputations as being generally positive and bringing a beneficial influence to a horoscope. Venus, known as the 'lesser benefic,' is the planet of love, luxury, and pleasure — so positive Venus aspects often indicate highly enjoyable, sensual, or fortunate experiences. Jupiter is known as the 'greater benefic,' because this is the planet of good luck itself. Jupiter rules over good fortune, big opportunities, high aspirations, and bountiful abundance — and it brings a positive outlook and sense of optimism to almost everything it touches.
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What will you do on the luckiest day of 2021 for your zodiac sign? Read on to see what kind of magic the planets have in store for you next year and start planning your lucky-day party.
Luckiest day: March 26, 2021
When love planet Venus and the creative sun form an alignment in the zodiac (an aspect known as the 'Venus Star Point'), it brings magic, romance, and the thrill of a new and pleasurable beginning — and it shines a warm spotlight on our dreamiest desires. In 2021, this auspicious conjunction is taking place in your sign, Aries, which is bestowing you with the luck of love and making your birthday season extra special. 'Love is a splendid thing as the Venus Star Point aligns with your sun, starting a whole new romantic journey in matters of the heart,' astrologer Lisa Stardust tells Bustle. Expect to feel butterflies in your stomach, in a good way.
Luckiest day: January 17, 2021
Uranus, planet of change, will be journeying through your sign all through 2021, continuing a theme of awakening and inspiration in your life. In January, a square aspect between Uranus and lucky planet Jupiter could kick-start something new and exciting in your professional life. 'The direction of your career may take a wild turn for the better when Jupiter and Uranus square off on January 17,' Stardust says. While these sudden shake-ups could be overwhelming for some, your patient nature ensures you're able to take advantage of all its blessings. What's more is that an energizing square between Mars and Jupiter that same week boosts your motivation and ambition even further.
Luckiest day: May 31, 2021
In astrology, the North Node represents fate, destiny, and the direction of our future — and it's spending 2021 in your sign, Gemini, which helps to align you with your true path. On May 31, in the middle of Gemini season, the North Node with form a conjunction aspect with your sun sign, bringing loads of luck and magic. 'The North Node aligns with your sun, pushing you toward the limelight,' Stardust says. Be ready to embrace your star qualities and take steps toward your destiny, because good fortune will be on your side today.
Luckiest day: June 23, 2021
Just after Cancer season begins, we'll experience a gorgeous trine aspect between the sun and abundant planet Jupiter in Pisces on June 23, bringing a special boost of good luck to Cancers especially. Trines are the most harmonious astrological aspects of them all, and lucky Jupiter is super comfortable in Pisces (as it rules over this dreamy water sign in traditional astrology). This alignment will bring you optimism, generosity, and good fortune. A second trine on the same day between dreamy Neptune and lovely Venus (who is also in your sign on this date, lighting up your sign with romance) will sprinkle fairy dust over your life and help to activate your most pleasurable fantasies.
Luckiest day: July 13, 2021
Love planet Venus and power planet Mars are aligning for a once-every-two-years tryst in your zodiac sign on July 13, Leo — so get ready to feel a climax of magic when it comes to both romance and creativity. This rare and lucky aspect launches you into a new relationship cycle that can bring much-welcome fresh energy to your love life and re-invigorate your creativity when it comes to passion projects. You'll be bursting with inspiratio and romance, making life feel super exciting and ensuring that pleasure and romance are waiting for you around every corner. Take advantage of this creative boost as you usher in a new cycle.
Luckiest day: July 12, 2021
Lucky planet Jupiter will dip into Pisces twice this year, lighting up your house of partnerships and bringing loads of new opportunities in love — which can help you smooth out any issues in relationships and deepen your romantic bonds. 'When Jupiter enters Pisces on May 13 to July 28 and then from December 28 into 2022, love will take you to new heights and emotions,' Stardust says. This energy will peak on July 12 when your ruling planet Mercury will form a harmonious trine aspect with Jupiter in Pisces, bringing clarity, open-mindedness, and depth to your communication within partnerships.
Luckiest day: September 6, 2021
Having your ruling planet Venus in your sign brings out your artistic sensibilities, romantic feels, and your taste for luxury, Libra — so when Venus forms a magical trine aspect with Jupiter on September 6, those feelings will go into overdrive. The two benefic planets are aligning in your favor today, boosting your pleasure to new heights and bringing you a love-story-esque romance of epic proportions. And with lucky Jupiter in your house of dating and creativity, you'll be capable of succeeding at anything that brings you joy today.
Lucky Days For Pisces 2020
Luckiest day: November 17, 2021
Lucky Days Capricorn
Your ruling planet Pluto is known for its intensity, but when it aligns with your sun sign on November 17 in a positive sextile aspect, you're going to feel like you've fully stepped into your power, Scorpio. This potent alignment during your birthday season helps you mesh your shadow side with your external self, making it possible to turn your pain into rich inspiration that can transform you. An added boost of energy comes from fiery Mars in your sign, which is forming another harmonious sextile with love planet Venus. This flirty aspect will bring an added dose of both passion and pleasure to your endeavors today, making it a perfect day to chase after any and all of your personal goals.
Luckiest day: May 21, 2021
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Lucky Days Horoscope
During the spring, your ruling planet Jupiter (planet of good luck himself) will move into dreamy Pisces, lighting up your emotional life and bringing comfort and good fortune to your living situation. On May 21, just a week after Jupiter's lucky move in your chart, you'll have a boost of energy to your love life, as the creative sun, romantic Venus, and communication-focused Mercury will cluster together in your house of partnerships. A powerful trine aspect between Venus and Saturn on the same day will give your relationships lasting power, while the moon in your house of public recognition will show off your best qualities to others. If you want to make a move in love, today's the day to shoot your shot and build something long lasting.
Luckiest day: August 23, 2021
While your ruling planet Saturn isn't necessarily known for bringing good luck, it'll be aligning with romantic Venus in a harmonious trine aspect on August 23. This will activate your house of career and public recognition and practically guaranteeing success in everything you touch at work. You're feeling deeply connected to your professional endeavors right now and deriving great value from your contributions, and this fortunate alignment will solidify your standing, boost your creativity, and help you forge a career path for yourself that's built to last. Today is full of opportunities for recognition, so make some power moves, Capricorn!
Luckiest day: February 11, 2021
This is an extremely high-powered day full of opportunities for you, Aquarius, as there's a powerful new moon in your sign that's offering you a chance to shed your old skins and totally reinvent yourself. Additionally, lucky planets Venus and Jupiter are forming an exact conjunction in your sign on the same day as the new moon, which explodes your luck and brings romance, pleasure, abundance, and luxury. This all leads up to the first of several Saturn/Uranus squares that'll rock your world, which occur three days later. The energy of the day is brimming with possibilities, and you'll find joyful opportunities around every corner.
Lucky Days For Taurus
Luckiest day: June 21, 2021
Lucky Days Calendar
With expansive Jupiter dipping into your sign on two separate occasions this year, you can practically guarantee that luck and abundance are headed your way, Pisces. But on June 21, you'll feel the gorgeous effects of a powerful grand water trine, during which the emotional moon, romantic Venus, and dreamy Neptune will align in the most harmonious connection possible. With your ruling planet Neptune in your sign (and the moon and Venus lighting up your houses of pleasure and knowledge), this is a day for flirting, fun, creative endeavors, and expanding your horizons. No fantasy is too far out of reach, so allow your feelings to flow and reach for the stars.
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the-witchs-book · 3 years
Horoscope Tarot of the Month
These will not be daily. It takes too much energy in these old witch bones of mine to conjure up a daily reading for ALL of the horoscopes, so I'm doing a monthly one.... if I remember. Again, am old witch.
Aries (March 21 - April 19) Sign: The Ram Element: Fire Card: Minor Arcana - Four of Swords, Reversed Meaning: You are being forced to seclude yourself by other means than yourself. You're either imprisoned in the literal sense or in the metaphoric sense of a relationship, either platonic, romantic, or familial. This could also mean you've been excluded from a social group you were once a part of. It's time to accept that this phase of your life is over and to start searching for new opportunities in the future.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20) Sign: The Bull Element: Earth Card: Minor Arcana - Page of Cups, Reversed Meaning: There is a negative person in your life that harbors a grudge for selfish reasons. They are bitter and reacts to small (or imagined) things with furious hatred and even revenge. This person can even be yourself. The Page of Cups reversed may indicate that it's time to let go of grudges or bitterness before they can poison you and make you deeply depressed or even physically ill.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20) Sign: The Twins Element: Air Card: Major Arcana No. IX - The Shaman Meaning: It's time to be prudent and removed yourself from current situations. Become an onlooker rather than a participant. This will allow you have a clearer evaluation before making decisions. When the Shaman appears, it means it is time for careful planning rather than action. This could also mean it's time for a necessary self-isolation in order to draw inward on yourself and reflect on present situation and future plans. Look forward to future illumination from within.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22) Sign: The Crab Element: Water Card: Minor Arcana - King of Swords Meaning: The King of Swords calls upon you to develop within you the element of air, especially your mental powers, the intellectual capacity of developing strategies to make the changes you want. When this card appears, it may indicate that a mature individual is about to be influential in your life. They have very high moral ideals, is an intellectual, and a charismatic leader with great personal strength and dynamism. This person will help instigate great changes in your life.
Leo (July 23 - August 22) Sign: The Lion Element: Fire Card: Major Arcana No. VII - The Chariot, Reversed Meaning: You are collapsing under pressure and losing your self-control. Your aggression is being channeled in the wrong direction - wildly at other people, at fate, at circumstances. This is a complete waster of your energy and resources. Redefine your aggression as determination and willpower, stop clinging weakly to unrewarding ideas, habits, people, and objects - and move forward.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22) Sign: The Maiden Element: Earth Card: Minor Arcana - Four of Wands Meaning: The Four of Wands indicates that you have put a lot of hard work into a project and are now starting to reap the rewards. You have earned a rest but will soon have to start work again. However, you should be wary of rushing things, pay attention to detail, and make sure you have enough support and financial backing to see things through to completion. On a personal level, this card indicates that the demands of a relationship will ease off and will become more happy and harmonious. For the unattached... romance is in the air.
Libra (September 23 - October 22) Sign: The Scales Element: Air Card: Minor Arcana - Three of Wands Meaning: The Three of Wands indicates that you are entitle to celebrate the initial success of a project. Things have gone well so far, and you were lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time. However, though the foundations have been well laid, you will need to put in a lot of hard work and creative energy. Be flexible, as it may become necessary to modify or improve the original idea. This can be an exciting period when you will be stretched and challenged and will achieve more than you ever thought possible.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) Sign: The Scorpion Element: Water Card: Major Arcana No. XII - The Sacrifice, Reversed Meaning: If the Sacrifice card appears reversed, it indicates that you have become obsessed with control. You are letting many opportunities pass you by for fear of losing those things you already have, whether they are useful to you or not. You may be storing a lot of useless junk, in all senses, because you are loath to let anything go. You may be trying to control the lives of you family, children, or friends to suit yourself, rather than in a true desire for the best for them. This card is warning you that you are in danger of becoming obsessed with small details, with cataloging things and putting them in order, and missing out on the bigger picture. Though details may be fascinating, you also need to step back and look at the whole picture.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) Sign: The Archer Element: Fire Card: Minor Arcana - Queen of Wands Meaning: The influence of the Queen of Wands may make itself felt in your life in the form of an actual woman. She is friendly and warm, but forthright and even a bit bossy. The Queen of Wands may even be a successful career woman, as she is imaginative and creative, or she may focus on many talents on her home and children. This card calls on you to sustain you vision and nurture your spirit. It is time to develop the qualities of independence, creativity, and warmth.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) Sign: The Sea Goat Element: Earth Card: Major Arcana No. XXI - The World Tree Meaning: The World Tree represents not only the whole cosmos, but is the central axis that links all three realms. This axis does not exist in any physical place, but can be created anywhere by the conscious will of the magician. By aligning oneself with the axis mundi, they are aligned with the center of the universe and through it have access to all realms. At the deepest levels, you will travel to various realms of consciousness in order to gain knowledge and personal teaching from Otherworldly beings. On the mundane level, the World Tree marks the successful completion of some venture, achieving something that you worked hard for: the successful end of a cycle of events. You will be rewarded for your efforts - it's time to celebrate. On a higher level, the World Tree demonstrates the Oneness and interconnection of all things, their equal importance and their myriad possibilities. This is an ideal, rather than something we can attain on a day-to-day basis - we're only human, after all. However, it is something we can glimpse at certain special moments and sense its harmony, its reconciliation of opposites.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) Sign: The Water Bearer Element: Air Card: Minor Arcana - Five of Cups Meaning: When the Five of Cups appears, it indicates that you are wallowing in regret for something you have lost and ignoring what you still have left, which may be more valuable in the long run. This card often indicates a marriage or a love affair gone wrong, leading to unhappiness and perhaps separations, but in this card the situation is not terminal; there is something that can be retrieved. You seem to be trying to avoid making decisions, hoping that by ignoring a situation, it will go away. But inaction may prove fatal in the sense that you will only deepen your regret and making the situation more absolute.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20) Sign: The Koi Fish Element: Water Card: Minor Arcana - Three of Swords Meaning: The Three of Swords indicates that things have reached rock bottom. Your life is taken up with quarrels and upheavals. You feel great sorrow at the dissolution of cherished friendships and relationships; partnerships are breaking up, and separations and divorce are possible. You may feel that you have reached the limits of your endurance. Do not despair, this situation has arisen because things could not go on forever as they were. Things are out in the open now and you can only get better from this point. If you work magically, or spiritually, with other people, this card indicates the endings of such groups and partnerships. But this is a necessary step you must take to reach a new chapter of your life.
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alohaastro · 4 years
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Moon in Virgo, Tuesday, December 17, brings success through conscientious service as the moon creates a prodcutive Grand Trine in earth signs, involving the moon in Virgo, Jupiter in Capricorn, and Uranus in Taurus. In the business world, satisfying a need or fixing a problem for customers results in sales growth. On a more personal level, this an excellent day for any holiday preparation, whether it is hands on cleaning and decorating, or the planning of meals or events. Any surprises or changes that happen today are probably for the better, while Jupiter - planet of growth and abundance - and Uranus - planet of changes and the unexpected - are participating in the Grand Trine. Virgo is a mutable (flexible, adaptable) earth sign, ruled by the planet Mercury, which bestows discernment and good facilitator/networker/problem solver energy to you whenever the moon makes its monthly pass through the sign. Later this evening, as the moon moves ahead, the Grand Trine fades, to be replaced by a worrisome T-square involving the moon, Mercury in Scorpio, and Neptune in Pisces. Doubt, or the hypercritical, nitpicking, shadow side of Virgo replaces the constructive flow of the day. Know when to stop working today. When fatigue sets in or you think you should correct your work, it's time for a nap, wine,a cup of tea, a tub of hot water and essential oils, or whatever restores your body and mind when you've pushed too hard. #horoscope #dailyhoroscope #moon #moontransit #Virgo # mooninvirgo #astrology #astrologer https://www.instagram.com/p/B6KZFTtHge3/?igshid=v7iymu00kskb
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phynxrizng · 6 years
Astrology Cafe
Daily Astrology
You are here: Home / Daily Astrology / Astrology of Today – Monday, November 19, 2018
Astrology of Today – Monday, November 19, 2018
Nov 17, 2018 by Annie Leave a Comment
 November 19, 2018
Today’s Moon:
The Moon is in Aries.
The Moon is waxing and in its First Quarter phase until 10:06 AM, after which it’s in its Waxing Gibbous phase.
We are in between the First Quarter Moon, which occurred on the 15th, and the Full Moon, which will happen on November 23rd.
Mercury is retrograde (Mercury is retrograde from November 16th to December 6th).
Venus is direct and in its post-retrograde shadow phase until December 17th.
Current retrogrades: Mercury Rx, Uranus Rx, Neptune Rx, and Chiron Rx.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
 Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
The Moon in your sign expands your emotions today, dear Aries, and a Mars-Jupiter square stirs your desires! There can be great enthusiasm and big, beautiful feelings and passions stimulated today, but there is also a real tendency to overlook the beauty of the moment in search of even greener pastures! Knowing this, you may be able to capture and enjoy an excellent opportunity and avoid going too far with it. Romantic energy is strong but could also be excessive. Plans made now may not work out later if you’re overshooting. Promises may be well-intentioned but could be given in the heat of the moment or based on magnified feelings. Underlying tension and discomfort with the status quo can lead to impractical thinking, unnecessary arguments, and rash decisions. Take a deep breath, and wait until a better day to commit yourself to something big. Applying excess energy to something you love doing can be a winning strategy now. You’ll find that the conviction behind your desires and ideas rather than dogmatism attracts excellent support from others.
The Moon spends the day in the sign behind yours, dear Taurus, and you’re in need of a retreat or escape of sorts so that you can refresh yourself. There can be wonderfully passionate moments and feelings in love and friendship today, however, but perhaps some tension if you are trying to push a matter that is better left alone for the time being. Your focus can be on how you think things should be, and you can be impatient for this ideal to materialize quickly! Decisions involving or made with friends can be too hasty. Do your best to tame a tendency to want too much today as Mars and Jupiter form a square aspect to one another, but if dissatisfaction leads to new developments and improvements, or the courage to resolve a problem, then ride on this energy.
There can be big feelings today, dear Gemini, but also some impatience. Freedom is everything to you or to someone close to you today as Mars and Jupiter form a square aspect, and some restlessness can lead to agitations. Alternatively, you can be very sensitive to feeling confined or limited regarding a relationship, career, or reputation matter. Enthusiasm for reaching your goals skyrockets, and you can be thinking up big plans that excite you. While you might want to jump to a decision, more research may be necessary, so try to pace yourself. Don’t be quick to judge today since there can be extenuating circumstances that will reveal themselves later. Use the energies of the day to dream up new ideas and possibilities, but avoid pushing a matter just because you want instant results. A truly good plan will still look good the next day!
The Moon spends the day at the top of your solar chart, dear Cancer, and you’re inclined to want to take care of business! Your mind is open to big ideas and possibilities today, too. You can feel as if the sky’s the limit, in fact, but if the need to make a change is a very sudden and urgent feeling, watch what you’re doing. Tone things down a notch and recognize that patience will help prevent sloppiness. A decision to take up studies, travel, or to do something entirely different can come on urgently as Mars and Jupiter form a square today. Energy runs high with this aspect, but it’s a little unstable. Impatience with routine matters can be a problem since your sights are set very high, so you might want to make small changes to dull and lifeless areas of your life. Tame the tendency to go over the top.
The Moon spends the day in your spirit sector, dear Leo, and you’re curious, adventurous, and optimistic. A Mars-Jupiter square occurring today can exaggerate all of this, and tensions now tend to stem from a desire to take on too much, too fast. Excess can be a problem in many areas of life right now, but especially romance and entertainment. The desire to grow and improve is valid, but you can’t afford to take on everything at once. Avoid making big promises today until you’ve thought things through since your optimism may lead to overcommitting. You may very well misjudge how much you will be able, and want, to do at a later date. However, you can be very spirited and dream up possibilities that you might overlook on a regular day. Creative ideas can be fantastic. Watch for unhealthy risk-taking. If you win at something, try to accept it and avoid pushing your luck further. Helping you with this is a Sun-Chiron trine coming into play later today. A shot of humble confidence can be your saving grace now.
A Mars-Jupiter square generates a feeling of being lucky today, dear Virgo, but also a tendency to push your luck! Instead of finding happiness and satisfaction in a happy development today, we might seek out more. This attitude can encourage us to grow and improve, but if overdone, we might pass over the good things and forget to appreciate them. Promises made to you today can be difficult for people to keep down the road. Watch for hasty behavior especially with family, a partner, and those closest to you. There could be a lot of unnecessary pressure on you to make a decision. Positively, however, you can feel a rush of new energy and courage to handle a long-standing problem. If you can tap into this influence’s enthusiasm and resist going over the top with it, you’re in a good place!
You may be excited about making improvements and taking on new interests or projects today, dear Libra, but it’s vital to avoid impulsive or over-the-top actions with Mars and Jupiter forming a square aspect. You might thoroughly enjoy throwing yourself into work or health matters as the motivation is there to do so, and while you can feel lucky, there is a real tendency to overshoot! You may very well get the courage to push a matter that you previously let slide, so don’t discount all impulses now. Sometimes we need to nudge ourselves into a situation that has a few unknowns to bring necessary changes to our lives. However, it’s better to do so carefully and considerately, keeping in mind that Mars-Jupiter can be excessive. You may feel that you can do more than is possible, so watch that you don’t overload with tasks or obligations that will feel heavier at a later date when energy levels are not as high as they are now!
With Mars in your solar fifth house, you can be excited about pursuing or taking action related to fifth house areas, dear Scorpio, such as romance, hobbies, or recreation – those things that feel good and bring you joy. Today, Mars forms a challenging aspect to Jupiter, and while this can excite and enthuse you, you may want to watch that you don’t try to push something too fast or take on so much that you burn out before you really get going. Doing your best to tame impulses to overshoot, promise too much, or defend something too vigorously can be the key to success today. You can be in a bit of a gambling mood, or you could be tempted to make a big or unnecessary purchase. Money and love don’t mix well today. However, don’t discount new ideas for expressing yourself or creating something beautiful, as you are in an especially creative mood.
With Mars in your solar fourth house, dear Sagittarius, you can be excited or feel compelled to make changes and improvements on the domestic front. Today, though, Mars forms a clashing aspect with Jupiter in your sign, and you might try to avoid putting too much pressure on yourself to do everything at once. Consider whether your impulses stem from real need and not just boredom, or that you may be expecting far too much of yourself in a short frame of time. Try not to be impatient with the people around you in the process. Plans that have been well thought out can push forward, but gambles are unlikely to fare well under these conditions, only because current conditions might convince us that we can do far more than is possible. If the stakes are high, wait for a clearer day. Dream big, but keep your feet on the ground today.
With Mars and Jupiter at odds today, dear Capricorn, it can be a time of great enthusiasm, strong drives, and passionate feelings, but also of excess. You can experience a real surge of motivation to resume or take on new projects. Your interests are plenty, but your time is limited! Watch for putting so much pressure on yourself to get something done that you end up impatient and frustrated. Expecting instant results can bring you down and take energy away from what you’re doing. Enjoy the day’s blast of power for moving forward, but tame expectations, or look for ways to appreciate the positive things happening now instead of seeking to double your winnings. It’s a fine time for coming up with new plans and schemes, but implementing them may require some refinements and more time. Today’s energies are strong, however, for personal appeal and love relationships.
With Mars now in your solar second house, dear Aquarius, you can be excited to get your money straight, to earn more, or to take on an ambitious project. While the courage and confidence to get things going are great, you should watch for decisions that stem from restlessness rather than need. A Mars-Jupiter square happening now can seem to encourage excess. You might also want to tame impulses to spend too much, too soon, or frivolously. There is a bit of a gambler in you today! For some of you, this energy is about defending yourself if others are not showing their respect for you. Make boundaries clear in friendships, but do so thoughtfully. There can be some exaggeration experienced with friends right now. Impulsive and over-the-top energy aside, this can be a fine time for interactions on a professional level or for discovering new ideas that you may not have considered on another day.
As Mars and Jupiter form a square today, dear Pisces, a lot of energy is generated, particularly of the courageous variety! However, there is also a tendency to blow this luck by pushing too far with it. The tendency to go over the top is strong and can be an agitating factor, potentially even ruining a good thing. If you feel unsatisfied, ask yourself if you truly need to push further. Impatience can lead to getting yourself in over your head. Something can be exaggerated today, particularly with your reputation or career. Any activity that ties you to a desk, that seems stifling or limiting, or that feels lifeless and dull will have you itching to escape, so plan accordingly. Friction with others is possible, but it may not be worth pursuing in the end, so do what you can to keep things moderate now.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Above are astrological event highlights for the day. Full Horoscopes are at Cafe Astrology. If Your Birthday is November 19th, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
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