aeide-thea · 1 year
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Devin Leonardi American, 1981–2014
Two Friends on the Shore of Long Island, 2009 Acrylic on paper
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cyggiestardust · 10 months
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moveoverbeaches · 1 year
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Moody Image Dump
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stargazing15 · 2 years
I might drop less stuff going on in my head here, jumped on the sideblog wagon too
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rogueroll · 2 years
hi!! hope you’re well!! i love your moodblogs and was wondering if you could please do the name Lea? thank you so much for your time!! <3
posted! thank you dear!🥰
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rimmerslustmonster · 6 years
also not to go on, but it is kind of hilarious to me that my increased usage of tumblr is an indication that my depression is IMPROVING
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vastderp · 7 years
i have a superpower
i take this little pill, 36mg concerta, and wait 20 to 30 minutes. at that point, spoons fall from the sky in a barrage of silver ability. they pile up at my feet, begging to be stuffed into my pockets,and for three hours i am invincible. i can run errands. i can clean my apartment. i can even sleep or play video games if those are the doors i choose to open and wedge in place with a few spoons. i can draw and draw and draw.
i can even--are you ready for this?
i can even make phone calls. i’m immune to PHONE CALLS.
after the three or so hours are over, the rain of spoons cuts out, but i still have some left in my pockets, and i can use them up throughout the day. helplessly gazing at a pile of laundry becomes “hey, we should wash that” without any transformative “poof” noise whatsoever. 
and lo, the shit was washed! 
then the spoony magic fades, and i’m mortal again, but happily glowing with accomplishment as i with great ceremony toss my final magic spoon into the air. it never comes down. 
well, that’s not true. i’ll take another pill tomorrow and then i’ll see it again, and it’ll have brought friends.
this is a fucking superpower. if you don’t believe me, i cordially invite you to become me, unmedicated, for a couple decades, and share my fairly modest life goals. have fun staring at the brick wall with the small dent from my head ramming into it again and again while i draw a door right next to you and slip right through.
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ishgard · 4 years
5— What aesthetic-y things do you associate with your muse that you would put on a moodboard for them?
@twelveswood who also asked! <3<3<3
Pink, the sky in all it’s myriad colors, airships, cute skirts - skirts and stockings, a flower blooming through the pavement cracks, pastries! mochi! fluffy pancakes! - really food in general but she loves sweet colorful treats, the ocean under the summer sun, honey-sweet smiles, quiet backwater villages, foxes, red strings, weapons: esp swords & scythes, wild flowers - bountiful in fields or pressed between pages, dancing, singing and making music, messily made beds in the morning sunlight -
- black feathers, snakes, apples.
Red, snow-swept fields and forests, bloody knuckles, wolves, an old cabin in the woods, bows & arrows, a bedroll, leather boots, circles under eyes, a crackling fire, old books, light & shadows, a hearty stew, trailing wisps of incense, a bed of furs and quilts, candles dripping wax onto the desk, cloves & cinnamon.
Muse Inspiration Asks
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Hello anyone and everyone to Creatively Disordered! Here we discuss, chronicle, and accept the disordered journey. I am a young writer with bipolar disorder (and a few couple others) who wants to normalize and de-shame the dialogue around being mentally ill.
Considering how shameless about it I can be, and the fact I’m a writer, I figured why not me?
Anywho, here I want to share memes, blog posts, videos, pics, and more about being disordered. Sometimes my content will stray, after all my life doesn’t always circulate around the disordered stuff, but our brains will always be important in everything I create. 
I just want disordered people of all shapes, colors, sizes, and health statuses to feel safe talking about their daily lives. I know too many people hide themselves away because stigma’s a bitch, but we all deserve better. 
If panic naps are normal for me, they should be normalized for all parts of my life, right? I shouldn’t have to be scared that my norm scares other people. I should just be able to be me, as different and disordered that may look.
Hope y’all enjoy your time here with me!
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aeide-thea · 11 months
originally this post was going to be like 'do you ever just get swamped by an enormous wave of prickly misery out of nowhere' but of course the reality is that it isn't in fact out of nowhere
like fundamentally i'm living existing with enormous ambient levels of depression and disempowerment that i'm just, like, too disconnected from myself to actively register most of the time, and the straw that broke the camel's back tonight was having wanted to get out of the house and run an errand and having instead had my late-afternoon-into-early-evening inexorably devolve into getting roped in as an accessory to my dad's early dinner/tv watching and knowing my tomorrow was already equally locked up in similar being-an-accessory plans of a different flavor—on one level not an especially big deal but on another i have! no! autonomy! in either the big things or the little ones! and it's no wonder that getting my face rubbed in it feels Bad and triggered a rapid descent into sullen irritable misery!
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cyggiestardust · 2 years
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marcomardon · 8 years
today has not been a good day
first nslsc emails me like “important information about your student loan, call us asap” like they can’t read the DEAF thing on my file
then i try ip relay and they hang up on me like thanks? way to up my anxiety about this?
then my mom tries calling for me and they won’t allow that even though i’m sitting right beside her
then i try ip relay again and it was all just “btw this is your loan amount” like couldn’t have sent that to my email jefck.
then i need to go to the doctors but can’t get out of my driveway
try to shovel but i can’t because i’m weak from the fasting required to go to the doctors
and two neighbours are watching and chatting and judging me from across the street
i just ??? can today end
lmao self care today is going to be laying in the snow and hibernating until spring 
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heavendisemboweled · 6 years
Since my ADHD diagnosis, I’ve gotten to put a lot of names to behaviors I’ve always had, such as hyperfocus. What I didn’t really realize today though is that hyperfocus isn’t JUST the ability to spend twelve nonstop hours tending a garden or writing a manual. Hyperfocus can apply to thoughts. That is SO IMPORTANT to understand! I’d been trying to figure out what exactly my fixation on an idea taking over my thoughts for hours or days was, but it didn’t occur to me that it was also a notch in the hyperfocus belt. Like when I wake up six times in one night and IMMEDIETELY am thinking of technical details for my next chicken coop without rhyme or reason, as if I never was asleep. Or when I’m looking for a piece of hardware for a project and have a picture in my head, but don’t actually know WHAT it is so I spend three hours obsessively looking at every item at home depot trying to find that one thing in my mind.
It applies to feeling too. This is also important to me. And it helps explain why taking stimulants have done some odd things to my mental state. They have made my hyperfocus in general more frequent and more severe. It’s also made my obsessive negative thoughts so much more stubborn. Before, I’d occasionally get ‘stuck’ in a feeling, but now it’s happening more. When I feel self loathing in an obsessive way, it’s ALL I think about and nothing can distract. Or when I’m feeling like I need to make changes, I’m obsessed with introspection on improving myself and can’t pull myself away.
A lot of people affectionately refer to hyperfocus as a super power. I get it, but it’s not been my experience.
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amorremanet · 7 years
I don’t need a significant other, I need a talking familiar who can boop my nose and bat at my forehead and patiently tell me I’m not a bad writer when I’m being consumed by perfectionism and sadness
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killingmoon · 3 years
i don’t have much there yet but follow @cemeteryglow for a creepy autumn / winter moodblog :-)
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rimmerslustmonster · 7 years
dudes I’m on this new medication and I want to like. do stuff.  like.... actual things.
have you guys heard about this?  it’s bonkers
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